========================================================================= Directory aminet/comm/net ================================================== akit29g.lha AmigaNOS networking package Ami_HyTelnet.lha HyTelnet for the Amiga bms_report.rexx stats on BMS 1.16D cslip.lha adds cslip to 2.1/2.03 slip driver dnet2_10_13.lha complete installation set for DNet DNet_snfs_Sun4.lha DNET binary for Sun4 dnet_src.lha Sources for DNET DNetIRC.lha IRC intuition DNet client (dnetlib.o needed) DNetIRCpic.lzh Demo picture of DNet IRC NetPatch_V1_1.lha Patch for ParNet and SerNet netutils.lha Par/Sernet chat and command server NOS_2_9i.lha Amiga networking package NOS_help_V2.lha AmigaNOS help for people setting up parnet21.lha New parnet.device, 20% faster, OS2.x only and 11k smalle plip3714.lzh PLIP 37.14 (SANA2 for parallel port) sernet24.lha Allows 2 Amigas to be linked via serial port