POWERSOURCE AMIGA PD LIBRARY DECEMBER 1991 PowerSource Disk Contents ========================= Demo Disk #1 ============ The infamous Anarchy Demo. Great music, sound, and animation that will blow your socks off! This demo is on one disk and is over 26 minutes long! PAL only. Demo Disk #2 ============ Ray Of Hope demo II. More great animation and music for your Amiga. PAL only. Demo Disk #3 ============ Music Dream Demo. Excellent music demo with some of the best music ever created on the Amiga. PAL only. DemoCreator Disk #1 =================== The infamous Red Sector Demo Maker version 2.0. Create and edit your own European-style demos! PAL mode only. Emulators Disks #1 and #2 ========================= PowerSource Emulators Disks #1 and #2 contain the public domain versions of the popular A64 program. These programs, and related documentation, allow users to turn their Amiga into the venerable C-64! Emulators Disk #3 ================= This emulator disk contains the popular IBeM emulator that emulates and IBM PC completely through software. Also included is MessyDos which is needed for the emulator to operate correctly. Games Disk #1 ============= PowerSource Games Disk #1 contains several interesting and fun games designed to make use of the multitasking features of the Amiga. Solitaire: A very nice version of the classic solitaire card game of Klondike. MissileCommand: The classic "destroy everything" finger buster now available on the Amiga. Reversi: An "Othello"-like program with very good graphics. MineClearer: Clear all of the menacing mines in this Amiga improved version of the game known as "MineSweeper". Llamatron: Blow away horde after horde of menacing alien fiends. Hour after hour of pur destructive bliss. GraphicsTools Disk #1 ====================== BarsNTone: A program that will display standard SMPTE color bars and play a 1 KHZ audio tone to calibrate video equipment. Daam: A program which allows the user to convert 24 bit IFF to DCTV format automatically as the files are written to the users hard disk drive. GIFMachine: A program to properly convert GIF files to Amiga Sham file format.. ShowFont: A program to view standard Amiga fonts. No need to load a paint program to find out what a particular font looks like. GraphicsTools Disk #2 ===================== MandelPaug, Mandel-Mountains, Turbo-Mandel, Ly-Gen, MandAnim, and FractalLab are all included on this disk! These programs allow you to explore the world of fractals, even creating fractal animations! Join Arthur C. Clarke as he explores the world of fractals on his Amiga! GraphicsTools Disk #3 ===================== AnimBuild: This program allows users to assemble IFF animations from single IFF pictures. FontMaker: Allows easy creation of Amiga fonts. JPEG: Jpeg image compression routines for the Amiga. Allows easy compression of any 24 bit IFF picture. A must have for users with large numbers of IFF images. PicBase: A program that creates a visual database of Amiga IFF images. Many features and a great way to catalog any number of IFF frames. Jpeg2Dctv: A utility that will automatically convert Amiga Jpeg compressed files to DCTV format. CombineAnim: Assembles two or more animations into 1 single animation. M: Universal IFF picture viewer. Supports new Dynamic-High RES. MakeAnim: Similar to ANIMBUILD but will handle extended palettes. Vtot: Multi-function animation/graphics util. Performs various wipes/fades. Stays resident in RAM until needed. TitleGen: Creates Scrolling credits with "pop on" effects. Great for use in video productions with a limited budget. GraphicsTools Disk #4 ===================== The Mandelbrot Adventure Kit. A terrific program allowing fast and easy exploration of fractals. Creates beautiful pictures tailored to your preferences and will save them as single animation frames. GraphicsTools Disk #5 ===================== Journal: A program that records keyboard input and mouse input and allows real-time playback. Works with the Video Toaster and is a very inexpensive way to create self-playing demonstrations. FreePaint: A full-featured paint program for the Amiga. Offers many of the same features as Deluxe Paint. ShadowMaker: A program for adding various kinds of shadow effects to Amiga bitmap fonts. This is a partially disabled demo version of this useful program. GraphicsTools Disk #6 ===================== Real_things: A Deluxe Paint animbrush of a shark. Looks amazing! SMovie: A very flexible text scroller for desktop video. Many effects and options. Jpeg2Dctv: A program to convert Jpeg compressed files directly to DCTV format. A must for DCTV owners. JpegScripts: A series of AREXX scripts for manipulating Jpeg files. BrainStorm: Great program for assembling animations or still images from a wide variety of animation, graphic, and 3d formats. A must for bringing together a wide variety of graphic material. Wasp: A very full-featured image conversion program that accepts IFF 24 bit files, Gif, Dynamic High-res, IFF, HAM, etc. This program is also VERY fast at image conversion. Graphics Images Disk #1 ======================= Included on this disk are excellent examples of Dynamic High res images that were created on the Amiga. A picture viewer is included for your convenience. Music Modules Disk #1 ===================== PowerSource has not found a way to accurately categorize the many unique and pleasurable modules which the creative users out there have produced. Each of the disks in this series contains a selection of files which have been culled from the nearly 100 megabytes of modules currently in our library. Often the names give a clue to the style. Note that the NoisePlayer program is included on the disk for your convenience. There are six high-quality modules included on this disk. Music Modules Disk #2 ===================== There are six high-quality modules included on this disk. Music Modules Disk #3 ===================== There are five high-quality modules included on this disk. Music Modules Disk #4 ===================== There are five high-quality modules included on this disk. Music Samples Disk #1 ===================== Music Disk #1 contains 107 individual sound samples allowing you to have an orchestra on a disk! Sound samples can be used in most music composition programs available for the Amiga. Sound samples included on this disk include bongos, cabasa, clapping, cowbells, cymbals, deepbodesynth, guitars, bass drum, flute, snare drum, gatedbass, horns, kettle drums, shakers, strings, and many more. Music Samples Disk #2 ===================== Music samples disk #2 contains over 130 samples of a wide variety of percussion instruments. Everything from Indian Tabla drums to modern electronic drums. Music Utilities Disk #1 ======================= SampleScan: Scan and save samples from (any?) disk! DOC included. XtPlay: SoundTracker Module Player. Multitasking with intuition interface. Play590: Play LONG soundsamples from hard disks without the need of using large chunks of your systems memory. Ripp: Ripp SoundTracker modules from European Demo's. IntuiTracker: SoundTracker Module Player. Friendlier than XTPLAY but less stable. Filter: Turn on/off the Amigas Audio filter. NoiseTracker: Hacked version of Soundtracker sequencer with added features. ADC: Full featured soundsample editor. Supports stereo samples and multiple effects. DOCS included but without icon. Music Utilities Disk #2 ======================= NoisePlayer: A module player with many nice features including the ability to play modules created using almost any composition program. ProTracker1.1B+: A program allowing you to create your own modules! This module editor has added support for a wider range of effects. Modules: A sampling of modules for use with the composition program are included on this disk. Sounds: A sampling of sounds which you can use to create your own music using ProTracker included on this disk. These samples are all of percussive instruments. Music Utilities Disk #3 ======================= Midi_Sequences: A collection of professional type-1 MIDI sequences. EdPlayer: A very full-featured Amiga music module player with a CD- style interface. Also has an AREXX port and keeps chip memory fragmentation to a minimum. Med: A very flexible multitasking music module editor. Midi: A schematic of an easily built MIDI interface for the Amiga. Parts list included with full instructions. CDStore: A program for cataloging compact disks. Features search and replace routines as well as an easy to use intuition interface. 2.0 Utilities Disk #1 ===================== AutoActivate: A program to automatically activate any screen under the Amiga mouse pointer. Back&Front: A program to quickly move the back screen to the front or front screen to the back. Format: Replacement for the 2.0 format command. GIFMachine: A program to accurately convert GIF pictures to the Amiga format. Looker: A nice file search program designed specifically for 2.0. Intuition interface. MouseBlanker: A program to blank the mouse pointer. Very nice when word processing. WindowShuffle: This program allows automatic "tiling" of WorkBench windows under 2.0 AmigaDos. SCSI Mounter and SCSI Prefs Two programs designed to deal with mounting problems encountered by those who have removable media scsi hard disk drives. ARQ: A great program that animates system requestors. Impress those poor folks with MAC's and PC's. PBlanker: A combination screen and pointer blanker. WBLink: A program to provide access to several programs easily without leaving out icons on the workbench. 2.0 Utilities Disk #2 ===================== NewShellCX: Allows pop-up Shell via programmable function keys under WorkBench 2.0. A very convenient and useful program! MouseBlanker: This small program will blank the mouse pointer after a specified amount of time. If you do word processing, this is a must. Blankers: A collection of 2.0 screen blankers with various options. Very configurable and run as Commodities under 2.0. NLCalc: Great pop-up calculator for the new WorkBench. This one can be used on ANY screen and then popped to the background when not in use. 2.0 Utilities Disk #2 (CONTINUED) ================================= DcClock: Configurable and unobtrusive clock that will adjust it's screen colors to complement your WorkBench. ToolManager: This program allows users to add any of a number of tools to the menus under the 2.0 menu bar. By simply dragging an icon into the Toolmanager "window" a user can automatically add programs to the menu system that can be executed or edited in any of a number of ways. This program is highly recommended for all users of 2.0 OS. PSX: A utility for creating "public screens". Public screens are a new addition of the 2.0 OS that allow users to open an applications window on another applications current screen. For instance, imagine having your favorite disk utility program open on your terminal screen while you are online on your favorite BBS. 2.0_Gui: A set of screen and icon settings for 2.0 that nearly eliminate interlace flicker when running in high- resolution. Due to the large size of this file, it has been provided in .zip format. These settings are very well done and greatly improve the look and feel of 2.0 in interlace mode. AmiDock: An Amiga version of the NEXT computers Dock system. This version is smaller and much more flexible than the NEXT version. Programs are run from a draggable menu system that uses IFF brushes to execute files. It is highly configurable and looks great under 2.0! SDir: A flexible version of the "dir" command with a more detailed output routine. 2.0 Utilities Disk #3 ===================== Term1.9: A terminal program specifically for the new OS 2.0. Takes full advantage of all 2.0's great features. PicToAnsi and IFF2Ansi: Converts IFF graphics files to ansi code so they can be used on any BBS system using ANSI screen displays. 2.0 Utilities Disk #4 ===================== AC2.0: A very nice checkbook program using 2.0 features AutoCli: A Popcli program for Workbench 2.0! BootChache: Disables processor cache during a reboot. Useful for Amiga 3000 owners who are having difficulty running some programs. HandyHelp: A small easily called directory utility. Iff2Src: A program to convert IFF files to C language source code for use under Workbench 2.0. LeftyMouse: For all you lefties out there, a program to swap the functions of the mouse buttons. PubScreens: A program to make public screens. You can designate a new screen as the public one and any new program opened will appear on that screen instead of the workbench screen. Very useful for some programs that don't handle multiple screens well. SetRamsey: For Amiga 3000 owners to control the function of the Ramsey chip. 2.0 Utilities Disk #4 (CONTINUED) ================================= WBGauge: A nifty program that places a graphic memory usage guage on the left hand side of the screen when a disk is opened. Nicely cleans up that vacant space left in WB 2.0 and carries out the graphic theme of the workbench. WinMan: Allows the user to cycle through the open windows using a menu item created on the Tools pull-down menu. Programming Disk #1 =================== PowerSource Programming Disk #1 contains the freeware version of Matt Dillions "C" compiler. Utility Disk #1 =============== PowerSource Utility Disks provide utility programs which make system operation easier and more convenient. BootX: A utility to check for those pesky, and damaging, viruses on your Amiga system. This virus killer identifies over 250 different viruses and bootblocks! works on both floppies and hard disks. DekSid: A utility that allows you to edit hexidecimal code on disks and in files. DirWork: A directory utility which automates many of the tedious CLI functions such as copying and deleting files, renaming files and creating directories. Also included in this drawer is the VMK program which checks memory locations for signs of virus infection. PAL-NTSC: A utility which allows you to switch screen modes between the American NTSC screen display standard and the European PAL standard. Very handy for games and European demos. NoErrors: A multifunction utility for formatting floppy disks that have a bad disk structure thus enabling the user to use floppy disks that were previously unusable. LabelMaker: A very nice utility to make colorful 3.5" disk labels. The user can also use IFF graphics files in the disk label's design. ScreenMod: A utility to change the opening position of a program on the screen. Especially useful for PAL programs since not all NTSC-PAL screen mode programs change the opening positon of the program screen. Utility Disk #2 =============== PowerSource Utility Disk #4 contains several utility programs for archiving files. These utilities are most useful if you are using a modem. Some of the utilities will allow you to compress executable files thereby saving precious disk space. Dms: A CLI/Shell version of the disk archiver DismMasher. Lz: A freely distributable version of the LZ program archiver. PowerPacker: Compress individual program files. PKaZip: A program to compress individual files using the ZIP protocol. Imploder: A program to compress individual executable program files. Warp: A program to compress entire disks. Arc: A program to compress individual files using the ARC format. Zoo: A program to compress individual files using the ZOO format. Fc2: A program which converts ARC and ZOO files to the LZH format of disk compression. Utility Disk # 3 ================ ATCopy: A program to allow Amiga users to copy files from the AT model of a PC. Like PCCopy except it will read the 720K disks. DMouse: A screenblanker, auto-activate, mouse accelerator, and more. MemGuard: A utility to check for random memory trashing. Especially useful for users who enjoy heavy multitasking. MoveSys: A utility that allows you to re-assign the System: in one neat step. NewLook: Gives a new look to gadgets. For 1.3 users or below. PBar: Gives a new look to the title-bar gadgets. For 1.3 users. RunBack: A modified and updated version of the popular runback command for executing programs as background tasks. ScreenMod: Information on all open screens and easy access to any of them. Scrub: A utility which allows you to easily use a diskcleaner without re-typing commands to access the drive. Selector: Creates a self-booting menu system on the boot blocks of disks. The user then can easily select any one of a number the desired menu items to run program files contained on that disk. SysInfo: Latest version of the popular program which gives you in- depth information about your Amiga system. Various tests include, CPU type and speed, system hardware configurations, and information disk drives and Bridgeboards. TrackDOS: Allows easy transmission of data between the Amiga's file system, memory, and the trackdisk.device. WhatIs: Provides detailed information about various Amiga file types. Desktop Publishing Disk #1 ========================== Claz: A utility to allow users to print IFF files directly to a post-script printer. ConMan: An enhanced console handler for AmigaDos. Supports line editing, command history, function keys and other features to enhance shell operations from within AmigaDos. This program is required to use the "Post" program included on this disk. GS: Postscript interpreter for the Amiga. Allows the printing of postscript files to any preferences printer. Post: A very full-featured postscript interpreter for the Amiga. Requires the ConMan console handler which is included on this disk. Video Disk #1 ============= On the video disk series are IFF backgrounds for use in video production. All images are in full overscan and can easily be imported into programs such as Deluxe Paint. Also, all palette's have been mapped so that colorfonts can be easily used with these high-quality backgrounds. Video disk one contains eight high resolution marble textures in shades of blue and brown. Video Disk #2 ============= Video disk two contains eight high resolution textures. Marble, hand made paper and leather textures are included. NOTICE TO ALL USERS OF POWERSOURCE PUBLIC DOMAIN SOFTWARE To the best of our knowledge, materials contained on these disks are freely redistributable. This means that, at the time we reviewed them, they met one or more of the following criteria: (1) The materials contains specific copyright notices permitting redistribution. (2) The materials were posted to a publically accessabe electronic bulletin board and did not contain any copyright notice. (3) The materials were posted to a widely disseminated electronic network (such as usenet), thus implying that their author intended them to be freely distributed. This applies only if they contain no notice limiting distribution. (4) The materials contain an explicit notice placing them in the public domain. This is not the same as condition 1. (5) The materials are specifically identified as shareware and are distributable so long as the author's shareware notice and request for fee from permanent users is not deleted. (6) The product is a "demo" of a commercial product and the "demo" has been placed in the public domain. PowerSource will remove from our master library any program from which copyright notices have been removed and which was not intended for the public domain. We try to bring to our subscribers the best in what the Amiga public domain has to offer, but we can not accept liability for the programs included on these disks. This specifically includes refusal to accept liability for any damage which might occur to the users system, and any components of the system including, but not limited to hard drives, diskettes, chips, monitors, and other asundry items used in the operation of the computer system. ALL PowerSource disks are sold as is without warrenty of performance of any program contained on any disk. If you believe a program contained on this disk is not in the public domain, or if you have a question or concern, please write or contact PowerSource at the address below. PowerSource does not guarntee the compatibility of programs provided on PowerSource disks with all Amiga system configurations. While we have attempted to separate those designed specificically for WorkBench 2.0 versus WorkBench 1.3 and earlier, we are aware that individual systems vary greatly. Generally, if the programmer followed Commodore's rules the program should work. Also, note that many of the programs not listed specifically as WorkBench 2.0 programs may work under the 2.0 operating system. To Order Your Disks: Circle the item desired, for example Video Disk #1. Send a check or money order along with the catalog to the address listed below. Please note that checks must clear your bank before we can ship your disks. Items paid for with money orders can be shipped immediately. A new updated catalog will be included with your shippment. PowerSource P.O. Box 12532 Fort Wayne, IN. 46863 Or call our BBS at (219) 456-5823 24-Hours 1200-14,400 baud ------> UserName: PowerSource Password: Guest <-------- (Or create your own account) Yearly subscriptions available. DCTV is a trademark of DigitaL Creations, Inc. IBM is a trademark of the International Business Maching Corporation Amiga is a trademark of Commodore, Inc. NeXT is a trademark of NeXT, Inc.