Use the ARROW keys to navigate the highlight bar up and down.
Hit ENTER to make a selection. Hit ESC to go back to the last menu.
Recipes and programs for the kitchen
PARENTS\ Programs for parents
ACCTH.ZIP 356049 06-03-94 ACCOUNTING HELPER 3.0 A comprehensive
| accounting help guide with over 300 'how
| to' examples from basic accounting through
| advance accounting. It may be used as a
| stand alone program or as a TSR that will
| pop-up over any text base program. It also
| contains advance management and financial
| information. Business AMERICAN INSTITUTE
ADAM.ZIP 134754 01-25-94 ADAM&EVE Program for Genealogy (Family
| relations) This program lets you enter data
| about persons in your family: names, birth,
| death, occupation, and their relationships.
| Many features are included to make
| data-entry as convenient as possible. The
| program prints family-trees in different
| ways. Available languages: English, Dutch
| System requirements: 80386, mouse and 192K
| System recommendations: color screen, hard
| disk This program is distributed as
| shareware, the registration fee is $39.
| Author: Feico Nater Shareware, Beukweg 24,
| 7556 DE Hengelo Ov, Netherlands.
AGG.ZIP 21688 08-11-92 Greenhouse Gardening Manua.
ALBM802.ZIP 376548 06-19-94 AlbumMaster 8.02 Helping you
| *Master your Album Library. There is no
| substitute for the real thing! Max
| flexibility, 3 user defined fields per
| title, UNLIMITED Tunes per side. Out puts
| to printer/ screen/ file. Labels, 3X5 &
| Rolodex cards. Can Find! on every field
| or combination, even Tune! From Unicorn
| Software Ltd.
ATH201.ZIP 414883 01-19-94 AROUND THE HOUSE v2.01 - Complete
| home and personal information manager.
| Easily keep track of names, addresses, and
| phone numbers; grocery lists; to-do lists;
| vehicle repairs and maintenance; household
| maintenance and repairs. Contains an
| appointment calendar, an income and
| expenses module, a home inventory module,
| an easy-to-use word processor with
| mail-merge. View and print many reports.
| Loaded with extras. Hard drive required.
| $29
ATH201_A.ZIP 415485 01-19-94 AROUND THE HOUSE v2.01 - (AUSTRALIAN
| VERSION) A complete home and personal info
| manager. Easily track names, addresses,
| phone numbers; grocery lists; to-do lists;
| vehicle repairs and maintenance; household
| repairs and maintenance. Contains an
| appointment calendar, income and expenses
| module, home inventory module, easy-to-use
| word processor with mail-merge. View and
| print many reports. Loaded with extras.
| Hard drive required. $29
ATH201_B.ZIP 416349 01-19-94 AROUND THE HOUSE v2.01 - (BRITISH
| VERSION) A complete home and personal info
| manager. Easily track names, addresses,
| phone numbers; grocery lists; to-do lists;
| vehicle repairs and maintenance; household
| repairs and maintenance. Contains an
| appointment calendar, income and expenses
| module, home inventory module, easy-to-use
| word processor with mail-merge. View and
| print many reports. Loaded with extras.
| Hard drive required. $29
ATH202.ZIP 422910 06-29-94 AROUND THE HOUSE v2.02 - Complete
| home and personal information manager.
| Easily keep track of names, addresses, and
| phone numbers; grocery lists; to-do lists;
| vehicle repairs and maintenance; household
| maintenance and repairs. Contains an
| appointment calendar, an income and
| expenses module, a home inventory module,
| an easy-to-use word processor with
| mail-merge. View and print many reports.
| Loaded with extras. Hard drive required.
| $29
AUCTION.ZIP 47692 01-28-94 AUCTION 1.0 You make a list of items to
| auction. Prints a bid list for use during
| the auction. As each item is sold, enter
| the amount bid & the bidder's number.
| Prints a bill for each bidder & total
| sales. Should work on any IBM compatible.
BF20.ZIP 118099 08-22-93 BIBLIOFILE 2.0 BiblioFile is a PLMS -
| Personal Library Management System. BF is
| a database for professionals, companys, and
| book collectors. Tracks value for taxes or
| insurance. Easy look up and reports.
| Simple but powerful. Also tracks wants and
| contacts.
CABLEFIX.ZIP 3681 08-06-91 Tips for improving cable reception.
CAR132.ZIP 296766 01-08-94 C.A.R. v13.2 - Usage and maintenance
| logger/reminder for
| vehicles,machines,tools. Quick & easy to
| use, has context-sensitive pop-up help and
| a manual. Helps you operate reliably and
| economically, adds value at resale time.
| Supports metric use, foreign currencies.
| The most comprehensive program available!
| Zero-fee ASP Shareware from CAT.
CASM901.ZIP 383531 06-19-94 CassetteMaster 9.01 Helping you
| *Master your Cassette library.The BeZt tape
| cataloger on the market! Max flexibility,3
| user fields & 2 U Boxes per title, up
| to 51 lines of Tunes per side. Out puts to
| printer/ screen/ file. Audio Labels, 3X5 &
| Rolodex cards. Can Find! on every field or
| combination, even Tune! From Unicorn
| Software Ltd.
CDM852.ZIP 380027 05-19-94 CDMaster 8.52 Helping you *Master
| your CD Library.It does what other
| catalogers only dream of! Max flexibility
| (3 user defined fields per title, 2
| per tune, 2 U Boxes). UNLIMITED Tunes per
| title. Outputs to printer/screen/file.
| Labels, 3X5 & Rolodex cards. Can Find
| CD! on every field or combo, even Tune!
| From Unicorn Software Ltd.
COMPOST.ZIP 6886 04-03-92 How to start a composte pile at home
CPN560.ZIP 244607 06-10-93 Organize Your Coupons & Rebate Forms v1.03
| An easy-to-use organizational system for
| coupons, rebate forms, and related
| materials. Allows you to keep track of what
| you have, what you need, and how to save
| the most money by comparison shopping. It
| will even print your grocery list.
| -=SHAREWARE=- by HomeCraft
CREDTFAQ.ZIP 42083 07-14-93 FAQ On Consumer Credit
CSTORY12.ZIP 228817 01-01-94 Cumberland Story v1.2 Write your own
| or your ancestors life story. Pull-down
| menus, on-line help. Word processor with
| cut & paste features. Suggested or
| user-defined chapters and topics. ASCII
| import and export. Multi-entry text search.
| Prompts help outline your story with ideas
| of things to write about. Allows creation
| of multiple books. Cumberland Family
| Software, $20.00 US.
CTREE35.ZIP 323123 01-01-94 CUMBERLAND FAMILY TREE v3.5 -
| User-friendly genealogy program with
| pull-down menus and extensive context
| sensitive help! Enter birth, death,
| marriages, notes. Automatically keeps track
| of relationships. Surname anywhere in name,
| place names entered once then selected from
| pop-up screen. Print pedigrees,
| descendents, family groups, time line,
| statistics, many more. Cumberland Family
| Software, $30.00 US.
DEMAND.ZIP 219886 09-17-93 Residential Electrical Reports. Demand 2.0
| This application produces professional,
| customized reports for the demand
| calculation on new or existing single
| dwellings according to the requirements of
| the 1993 National Electrical Code (NEC)
| NFPA 70. Shareware ($39) from Electrical
| Design Software.
DIVORCE3.ZIP 126083 02-02-92 What you need to know about divorce
DRM33.ZIP 131595 01-09-94 DR. Memory v3.3 - Dr. Memory is one
| of the many "E-Z to use reminder" programs
| written over the past few years that remind
| you of appointments, holidays, etc. It has
| the good features of the others, yet none
| of the complexity and complication, and is
| easy and quick to use. A User's Manual is
| included. Try it, you'll love it, it's
| free! Zero-Fee ASP Shareware by C.A.T.
EDENSFR2.ZIP 82930 03-19-94 EDENS-FOR-TWO v4.3 Two people
| reconcile their dreams about where they
| would want to live if they were free to
| move anywhere.
ENERGY20.ZIP 264227 01-17-94 With Energy Cost 2.0 you can quickly
| identify the cost of changing one lighting
| system to another, determine the savings on
| changing to energy-efficient equipment to
| calculate a pay back period, analyze the
| savings by improving the power factor,
| compare usage at peak and off-peak times,
| etc. Built-in calculator. Ampere averaging
| screen to calculate for rapidly changing
| loads. Shareware ($69) from Electrical
| Design Software.
EZX.ZIP 168719 04-04-94 EXPENSE TRACKING V4 Keep track of
| home or business expenses.- Keep track of
| your home or business expenses. The
| software is free. Use the data for
| budgeting and tax reports. Up to 28
| catagories. Ez to scan or edit data and
| print reports. Menu driven with on board
| help and prompts. Ez to use. Home JOHN W.
FABRC560.ZIP 287231 07-13-93 Organize Your Fabrics v5.60 A specialized
| cataloging system designed specifically for
| cataloging fabrics & notions. Completely
| menu operated with 3-D pull down menus.
| Allows you to keep track of what you have;
| how you intended to use each fabric; the
| fabric color, description, & weight; and
| the yardage you have available. A
| 10,000,000 entry capacity can handle any
| size inventory. -=SHAREWARE=- by HomeCraft
FPLANFP1.ZIP 151324 04-04-91 fPlan Personal Total Financial Analyzer 1/2
FPLANFP2.ZIP 146086 04-04-91 fPlan Personal Total Financial Analyzer 2/2
GARDENER.ZIP 173423 08-02-88 For Gardeners
HOME26.ZIP 134594 12-13-93 HOME PLAN v2.6 - Draw, Save, Edit,
| Print house plans. Fast/Easy; Undo. Auto
| Dimension; NEW for v2.6: MOVE/COPY/RESIZE
| drawing elements REVERSE/MOVE plans; Wide
| Carriage Prnters; Show studs & joists;
| Pre-Drawn furn & Appl; Calc. square ft;
| Print 1/8" per ft; Arc; Door; Wall;
| Customize colors; Full screen Cross Hairs;
| On screen 'odometers'show Horiz & vert
| measure; CLONE Commands; Needs VGA &
| HPLaser or 9/24 pin printer or compatibles.
| Shareware: $20.00.
HOME562.ZIP 316050 01-04-94 Organize Your Home v5.62,specialized
| database designed specifically for
| maintaining a home inventory. Helps you
| track of what you own, where it is located
| and what it costs. Easy-to-use and
| completely menu operated with 3-D pull down
| menus. Handles up to 10,000,000
| entries-Alphabetize, Search & Cross
| Reference Includes reports -Print
| labels/index cards or full page reports.
| -=SHAREWARE=- by HomeCraft
HOME601.ZIP 300926 05-17-94 Organize Your Home -v6.01 You'll know what
| you have, where it is, and what it's worth.
| Provides an easy-to-maintain, simple to use
| home inventory. Just fill in the blanks!
| And it's great for antiques. Fully
| mouse/menu operated. Displays PCX.
| Shareware by: HomeCraft
HPJ_01.ZIP 307580 03-06-93 The Premier Issue Of The HomeCraft Personal
| Journal - a diskzine devoted to personal
| topics of interest to people in their daily
| lives. This issue includes a editorial by
| Stanley Schmidt (the science fiction
| author) an article about a visit to a nude
| bar, a story about overcoming adversity,
| teaching your children to spell and more.
| This is a HomeCraft shareware product.
| Registration: $4.00
HR312.ZIP 182930 12-27-93 Household Register 3.12. It's the only
| program you'll care about the day your home
| or office is robbed or destroyed! Records
| all the right information about your assets
| so that your insurance company pays. This
| unique inventory program unables you to
| quickly find any item by category,
| location, or owner. Reports to screen, disk
| or printer ASP Shareware by TurboSystemsCo.
HWPP102.ZIP 177510 07-16-93 Audio, Video, & Home Inventory programs in
| 1. Personal Possessions v1.02 from RSI.
| Part of the HomeWorks Home Management
| System. Simple simple, easy to use
| organizer. Menu driven with full mouse
| support. Multiple sort and print options.
| Registered version includes the TBuilder
| utility. Build audio tapes from the
| AudioFile database, songs entered while
| building, or a combination of both.
INVNT110.ZIP 93841 10-02-93 Home Inventory v1.10 \ - Home Inventory is
| a simple inventory program which allows you
| to track home or small business inventory
| by assigning inventory to rooms (which you
| create). Items can have properties such as
| serial numbers, cost, replacement cost,
| etc. User can also create insurance and
| value reports for by room or total.
| Requires DOS 3.3 or higher. Mouse optional.
| From Silicon Systems $20.00.
LAWNMWR.ZIP 369889 03-22-94 The Lawn Mower Shop - is a collection of
| text and graphic screens that help you to
| maintain and repair small gasoline engines
| on most equipment. This includes 2 and 4
| cycle engines. A reduced parts catalog with
| the part number, description, and cost is
| provided that can be ordered from DIY
| Software. Requires a hard drive.
LOG21.ZIP 173519 09-01-93 DAILY LOG BOOK v2.1 ASP - Personal diary
| with calendar, search/print options,
| macros, cut/paste editing, optional
| password protection. Subjects may be
| separated in up to 99 log books. Calendar
| views one or six months and shows what days
| have entries. Flexible user options,
| context sensitive help, Windows friendly.
| SHAREWARE from Sequential Software, $18.00
MLRPRI30.ZIP 125731 04-20-94 PRIVATE LIBRARY 3.0 Private Library makes
| it a snap to keep your personal volumes
| online. Enter your books, tapes, cd's,
| videos, whatever. Retrieval is very easy.
| You can sort, search, and print all sorts
| of listings.
MLRPUB20.ZIP 110031 01-20-93 My Little Realm's Public Library v2.0/sa
| Keep track of your library books,
| etc. with this shareware program. Avoid
| paying fines!
MLRPUB26.ZIP 137067 09-01-93 My Little Realm's Public Library v2.5
| - Tired of paying overdue fines? Public
| Lib. lets you see at a glance which books
| are due and when. After you mark the
| outstanding books returned, those records
| are kept in a historical file that you can
| peruse, sort, print, and search. Helps
| high school and college students keep a
| record of their research. Runs from a
| floppy or a hard disk. Req: IBM comp., 512K
| RAM. $20 + $5 (s/h)
MLRPUB30.ZIP 138146 04-20-94 My Little Realm's Public Library v3.0
| - Tired of paying overdue fines? Public
| Lib. lets you see at a glance which books
| are due and when. After you mark the
| outstanding books returned, those records
| are kept in a historical file that you can
| peruse, sort, print, and search. Helps
| high school and college students keep a
| record of their research. Runs from a
| floppy or a hard disk. Req: IBM comp., 640K
| RAM. $20 + $5 (s/h)
MLRROR26.ZIP 134676 09-01-93 My Little Realm's Records of the Realm v2.6
| - remembers when you can't. Can't
| recall where you put the mortgage papers?
| How about the kids' birth certificates?
| Find it all in Records of the Realm.
| Records even helps you when your credit
| cards are lost or stolen. It prints your
| letters, labels, and the phone numbers you
| have to call. Runs from a floppy or hard
| disk. Req. IBM comp. Cost: $20 + $5 (s/h)
| v/3.0 - remembers when you can't.
| Can't recall where you put the mortgage
| papers? How about the kids' birth
| certificates? Find it all in Records of
| the Realm. Records even helps you when
| your credit cards are lost or stolen. It
| prints your lost/stolen letters, and the
| phone numbers you have to call. Runs from
| a floppy or hard disk. Req. IBM comp.
| Cost: $20 + $5 (s/h)
MLRSAV25.ZIP 132804 09-01-93 MY LITTLE REALM'S SAVINGS v2.5 -
| Track investment savings. Enter the worth
| of each investment, as well as pertinent
| information like the location of each of
| the documents, so you won't forget where
| you put your Savings Bonds, Passbook, etc.
| This financial recorder also prints your
| portfolio. Very useful if you're
| refinancing. Runs from a floppy or a hard
| disk. Requires IBM compatible; 640K RAM.
| $20 + $5 (s/h)
MLRSAV30.ZIP 134231 04-20-94 SAVINGS 3.0 Savings helps keep track of all
| of your investments, whatever they are.
| It's easy to use and keep up to date, and
| if you ever need to know what you have in
| any category at any point in time, Savings
| can tell you.
NEWROOF.ZIP 1344 04-01-92 Helpful tips on installing a new roof
NOACH.ZIP 177427 06-30-93 NOACH v2.6 - Genealogy (Family
| relations). Lets you enter data about
| persons in your family: names, birth,
| death, occupation, and relationships. Many
| features included for convenient
| data-entry. Prints family-trees in
| different ways. Available in English,
| Dutch and German, other languages pending.
| V2.4 requires 8088 and 128K. V2.5 requires
| 80286 and 192K. Recommended: color screen,
| mouse, hard disk. Author: Feico Nater
| Shareware, Beukweg 24, 7556 DE Hengelo Ov,
| Netherlands. Registration $50.00
ODAY401.ZIP 334869 12-09-93 OMNIDay 4.01 Computer diary
| program with many features and toggles.
| Has over 10000 encryption options &
| keys. Can handle up to 10 users at once
| and has a full featured text editor.
| Internally calls up Spell checkers. Can use
| other TSR Spell Checking. All world
| date formats handled. From Unicorn
| Software Limited
ODAY420.ZIP 359663 06-09-94 OMNIDay 4.20 Computer diary
| program with many features and toggles.
| Has over 10000 encryption options &
| keys. Can handle up to 10 users at once
| and has a full featured text editor.
| Internally calls up Spell checkers. Can use
| other TSR Spell Checking. All world
| date formats handled. From Unicorn
| Software Limited
ODAYW200.ZIP 378253 12-10-93 OMNIDay for Windows 2.00 Computer
| diary program with many features and
| toggles. Has over 10000 encryption options
| & keys. Can handle up to 10 users at
| once and has a full featured text editor.
| Internally calls up Spell checkers. Can
| use other TSR Spell Checking. All world
| date formats handled. From Unicorn
| Software Limited
PARTY11.ZIP 152006 11-13-93 Smart -N- Easy Party Planner 1.1! Organize
| your party plans, schedules, guest list,
| seating chart, gifts received,
| contributions & more. It will also
| automatically calculate expenses to help
| keep you within your planned budget. Also
| keeps track of ticket charges paid and owed
| if needed. Great for home, school or
| office parties of virtually any kind.
| Registration $15. Requires 640K RAM and a
| HD By Automated Systems, Little Falls New
| Jersey
PERBASE1.ZIP 10810 10-03-93 PERSONAL DATABASE TRACKER v1.0 Keeps track
| of names, ph.#'s, addresses, EASY to use,
| and fast. Majestic Shareware only $9.95 to
| register.
| Great for both professional stock photo
| libraries and personal use. Each
| photograph can be cataloged and organized
| using multiple criteria. You can
| alphabetize, search, sort, and
| cross-reference your inventory any way you
| want!
PLANT560.ZIP 298539 08-11-93 Organize Your Plants/Garden v5.60 A
| specialized database designed specifically
| for cataloging plants. It allows you to
| keep track of where each plant is located,
| its characteristics, required care, and any
| problems and their solutions. Fully menu
| operated and easy-to-use. Another great
| program by HomeCraft.
PRL140.ZIP 316905 04-25-94 PAPER ROUTE LEDGER v1.40 -
| Computerize your paper route bookkeeping
| with this unique program. Keeps track of
| customers, addresses, delivery order, route
| listing, collections, billings, tips, etc.
| Print reports on your customers,
| collections, route list, etc. Will handle
| multiple Delivery types (i.e. weekly,
| weekdays only, weekends only, etc). Now
| handles both Weekly and Monthly collection
| schedules. Shareware $19.
QUILT.ZIP 62708 03-09-94 QUILT: V 1.33 QUILT lets you design quilts
| in thousands of different colors and
| combinations. It also functions as a
| screen saver.
RECIPE.ZIP 166888 02-22-94 The Modern Chef contains 10 mouth watering
| recipes.
SAM.ZIP 210862 10-18-92 Uncle Sam's Budget Balancer. Can you
| balance the US Budget?
SATTVFAQ.ZIP 24158 08-08-93 FAQ on Satellite TV
SCROLLZ.ZIP 284020 04-22-93 ScrollZ 2.00 A great way to track
| all of your printed matter; be it
| Magazines, Comics, Books, Graphic Novels,
| Newspapers, ANYTHING! Input screens
| designed with specific needs in mind.
| Even a NoteZ section for recording your
| own comments! Prints
| listings,catalogs,3X5 or Rolodex
| cards,custom lists, & even stats on your
| collection!
SCROLLZ2.ZIP 266414 12-31-92 ScrollZ 2.00 A great way to track
| all of your printed matter; be it
| Magazines, Comics, Books, Graphic Novels,
| Newspapers, ANYTHING! Input screens
| designed with specific needs in mind.
| Even a NoteZ section for recording your
| own comments! Prints
| listings,catalogs,3X5 or Rolodex
| cards,custom lists, & even stats on your
| collection!
SMITH3.ZIP 307706 11-12-93 MONEY SMITH V3.0A Windows Financial
| System- A complete Windows financial system
| for homes and small businesses. A double
| entry accounting system, financial
| calculator and investment tracking system.
| Great interactive graphs, reports, and a
| unique graphical interface. Enhanced
| version! Windows - Business MONEY SMITH
SND202.ZIP 187735 11-10-93 SOUNDMASTER V2.02 Top rated audio librarian
| program. Handles all audio formats (CDs,
| Cassettes, Albums, etc) through an advanced
| relational database design. Prints reports
| to screen, printer or disk. On-line help,
| On-Line Manual, screen saver pop-up browse
| window
STUFF17.ZIP 63625 08-09-88 Organize your List of Things to Do!
| driven and extremely easy to use. Keep
| notes about your daily schedule and
| appointments with the calendar and notes.
| Dial phone numbers directly from the phone
| book. Context sensitive help is available
| by pressing F1. Print mail lists, etc.
TURNOFF.ZIP 86856 04-22-94 ALL THAT IS IN THE WORLD - T.V. OFF Exerpt:
| "About 17 years ago, after recognizing my
| own weakness with regard to television, we
| decided to remove it from our household and
| we have never really regretted that
| decision. Sure, there's the occasional
| missed movie or TV special, but the gains
| so far outweigh the losses, that we can
| only count it as gain."
VIDEO562.ZIP 311523 01-03-94 Organize Your Video Tapes v5.62 A
| specialized database designed specifically
| for cataloging video tapes including family
| videos, TV shows & movies. It helps you
| keep track of what videos you have, what
| tape they are on & where on the tape they
| are located. Easy-to-use and completely
| menu operated with 3-D pull down menus.
| Handles up to 10,000,000 entries;
| Alphabetize,Search & Cross Reference any
| information. -=SHAREWARE=- by HomeCraft
VINO30A.ZIP 354550 04-01-93 VINO:FILE CELLAR MASTER v3.0 - Wine
| Cellar Database System - Program Files.
| Manages your wine cellar and tasting notes.
| Analyze your cellar - by variety, year,
| origin, peak drinking period, location -
| identify future purchases, print reports.
| Maintain inventory and enter tasting notes
| using windows and menus. Shareware. (You
| must also download the Data and
| Documentation Files in VINO30B)
VINO30B.ZIP 76292 04-01-93 VINO:FILE CELLAR MASTER v3.0 - Wine
| Cellar Database System - Data/Doco Files.
| Manages your wine cellar and tasting notes.
| Analyze your cellar - by variety, year,
| origin, peak drinking period, location -
| identify future purchases, print reports.
| Maintain inventory and enter tasting notes
| using windows and menus. Shareware. (You
| must also download the Program Files in
| VINO30A)
VLB402.ZIP 273172 12-31-93 Video Librarian 4.02 Easy-to-use menu
| driven program that quickly organizes and
| maintains any size video library. Context
| sensitive help, pop-up pick list for data
| entry. Holds all the right info about your
| movies. Prints numerous reports to the
| screen, printer or disk. Prints labels for
| Shareware by TurboSystemsCo.
VLB410.ZIP 275177 05-22-94 VIDEO LIBRARIAN V4.10 A powerful but
| easy-to-use menu driven program that
| quickly organizes and maintains your video
| library. Includes on-line help, easy data
| entry, find/browse windows. Holds all the
| right data about your movies. Prints many
| reports and labels.
WILLS.ZIP 105237 11-11-94 Lawyer's Wills 1.05 contains 15 complete
| wills and related materials. Tips and
| examples enable the creation of thousands
| of wills, depending on your situation. Will
| save you hundreds of dollars in legal fees!
WINE560.ZIP 309014 08-11-93 Organize Your Wine v5.60 - This is software
| designed for both people who just enjoy
| wine but who may not have a collection of
| wines, and for serious wine collectors. It
| is easy-to-use with 3-D pull down menus and
| the ability to alphabetize, search & cross
| reference any of the information you've
| entered about wine. -=SHAREWARE=- by
| HomeCraft