NASA Photo ID: S83-41070 File Name: 10061615.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn/b&w Date Taken: 09/26/83 Title: Intstallation of Spacelab 1 in Columbia Description: Technicians inspect the European made Spacelab installed in the cargo bay of the Space Shuttle orbiter Columbia before Spacelab's first flight. The Kennedy Space Center alternative photo number is 108-KSC-83PC-665 (41070); High angle view into the cargo bay of the Shuttle Columbia features the access tunnel for the dual Spacelab moduels. The tunnel allows the astronaut crewmembers to travel between the orbiter crew compartment and the Spacelab habitable modules in shirt-sleeve conditions. The airlock adapter (right) allows access to space in the event of an unscheduled extravehicular activity (EVA). The Kennedy Space Center alternative photo number is 108-KSC-83PC-666 (41071); This view shows the connection between the access tunnel and the Spacelab 1 module in the cargo bay of the Columbia prior to roll-out to the launch pad. The "Z" in the tunnel matches the elevations of the orbiter and Spacelab hatches, and permits longitudinal movements during luanch and landing without excess stress on the tunnel. The Kennedy Space Center alternative photo number is 108-KSC-83PC-667 (41072).