NASA Photo ID: S92-26581          File Name: 10065123.gif 
Film Type: 35mm CN                Date Taken: 01/24/92 
Title: STS-49, OV-105, INTELSAT capture scene illustrated with PLAID graphics 
STS-49 Endeavour, OV-105, International Telecommunications Satellite 
Organization (INTELSAT) onorbit repair and redeployment activity is 
illustrated with PLAID computer graphics. This view of pre-capture 
procedures  shows extravehicular mobility unit (EMU) suited astronauts in 
OV-105's  payload bay (PLB) removing the capture bar from its stowed 
position on the  port side longeron.  The crewmember positioned in the 
manipulator foot  restraint (MFR) mounted on the remote manipulator system 
(RMS) end effector  grips the capture bar steering wheel assembly.  In the 
aft PLB (at left) is a  perigee kick motor (PKM) which will be attached to 
the INTELSAT VI satellite  once it is captured.  In the forward PLB (at 
right) is the multipurpose  experiment support structure (MPESS) with 
stowed assembly of space station by  extravehicular activity methods (ASEM) 