NASA Photo ID: S80-35752 File Name: 10061360.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 04/01/84 Title: Coronagraph of Sun recorded by Solar Maximum Mission Satellite Description: This coronagraph of Sun was recorded by the Solar Maximum Mission Satellite in 1980 prior to experiencing problems that restricted its operations. NASA Photo ID: S80-36889 File Name: 10061361.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 07/25/80 Title: MMU development at the Martin Marietta plant in Denver, Colorado Description: Photo of the Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU) simulator at the Martin Marietta plant in Denver, Colorado. View of simulator with test subject strapped in to it. NASA Photo ID: S80-36848 File Name: 10061362.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 07/24/80 Title: MMU development at the Martin Marietta plant in Denver, Colorado Description: Photo of the Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU) simulator at the Martin Marietta plant in Denver, Colorado. View of simulator with test subject strapped in to it. NASA Photo ID: S80-10082B File Name: 10061364.gif Film Type: 4x5 b&w Date Taken: Title: Line drawing of MMU flight support station Description: Line drawing of the Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU) flight support station including donning configuration and egress. NASA Photo ID: S79-27961 File Name: 10061365.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 02/23/79 Title: Artist concept of the Shuttle Payload in-orbit Description: Artist concept of the Shuttle in-orbit flight. Views shows payload bay open and reveals payload. View is from Shuttle Payload series by Rockwell International. NASA Photo ID: S80-27337 File Name: 10061367.gif Film Type: 35mm b&w Date Taken: 02/01/80 Title: Astronauts Don Lind and Ernie Weeks with the Interstellar Gas Experiment Description: Astronauts Don Lind and Ernie Weeks with the Interstellar Gas Experiment before it is readied for shuttle flight (27336); close-up view of the Interstellar Gas Experiment itself (27337). NASA Photo ID: S80-10728 File Name: 10061368.gif Film Type: 4x5 b&w Date Taken: Title: Line drawing of the Manned Maneuvering Unit Description: Line drawing of the Manned Maneuvering Unit with each component labeled. NASA Photo ID: S81-34949 File Name: 10061374.gif Film Type: 35mm cn Date Taken: 08/04/81 Title: Astronaut Terry J. Hart in training session RMS for STS-2 bldg 29 Description: Astronaut Terry J. Hart in training session with the Remote Manipulator System (RMS) for STS-2 bldg 29. Views show Truly working at the command console while watching out the windows. Karen Ehlers, an RMS procedures specialist, can be seen at left side of frame while Astronaut Sally Ride waits on right for her time at the RMS. NASA Photo ID: S84-29326 File Name: 10061375.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 03/13/84 Title: Artist concept of shuttle Challenger deploying the LDEF Description: Artists concept depicting the shuttle Challenger and its remote manipulator system (RMS) arm just after deployment of the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF). The Langley Research Center alternative photo number is L-81-10,616. NASA Photo ID: S81-28189 File Name: 10061376.gif Film Type: 35mm cn Date Taken: 03/06/81 Title: Aft view of MMU during qualification test in vacuum chamber Description: Aft view of a manned maneuvering unit (MMU) during qualification test in vacuum chamber at JSC. NASA Photo ID: S82-28685 File Name: 10061377.gif Film Type: 4x5 b&w Date Taken: 03/22/82 Title: Artist concept of astronaut wearing MMU and with Trunnion Pin Attachment Description: Artist concept of astronaut wearing manned maneuvering unit (MMU) and with the Trunnion Pin Attachment Device, heading toward a capture of the Solar Max Mission (SMM). NASA Photo ID: S82-39444 File Name: 10061379.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 11/12/82 Title: Rockwell International art concept view on proposed Shuttle payloads Description: Rockwell International art concept view on proposed Shuttle payloads. View is of the Solar Max Mission. The shuttle is in orbit with the remote manipulator system (RMS) grappling the satellite into place. NASA Photo ID: S82-39450 File Name: 10061380.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 11/12/82 Title: Rockwell International art concept view on proposed Shuttle payloads Description: Rockwell International art concept view on proposed Shuttle payloads. View is of the Solar Max Mission. This is a closer view of the satellite and the shuttle with an astronaut in a manned maneuvering unit (MMU) performing and extravehicular activity (EVA) near it. NASA Photo ID: S82-39446 File Name: 10061381.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 11/12/82 Title: Rockwell International art concept view on proposed Shuttle payloads Description: Rockwell International art concept view on proposed Shuttle payloads. View is of the Solar Max Mission. This is a closer view of the satellite and the shuttle with an astronaut in a manned maneuvering unit (MMU) performing and extravehicular activity (EVA) near it. NASA Photo ID: S82-33419 File Name: 10061382.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 07/12/82 Title: Artist concept of MMU on shuttle Description: Artist's concept depicting an astronaut preparing to "dock" with the Solar Maximus Mission Satellite, using the manned maneuvering unit (MMU) backpack apparatus. NASA Photo ID: S81-38650 File Name: 10061383.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 10/19/81 Title: Artist concept of the Solar Max Payload Description: Artist concept of the Solar Max Payload. NASA Photo ID: S82-28240 File Name: 10061384.gif Film Type: 4x5 b&w Date Taken: 03/15/82 Title: Artist concept of the MMU capture of the Solar Max Payload Description: Artist concept of the Manned Maneuvering units capture of the Solar Max Payload. NASA Photo ID: S83-45574 File Name: 10061385.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 12/08/83 Title: Aerial view of the Vehicle Assembly Building and associated complex Description: Aerial view of the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) and associated complex of buildings. The Kennedy Space Center alternative photo number is 108-KSC-383C-1257/1. NASA Photo ID: S83-45575 File Name: 10061386.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 12/08/83 Title: Aerial view of the Shuttle landing facility runway 11 from Pacific end Description: Aerial view of the Shuttle landing facility, Runway 11 from the Pacific Ocean end. The Kennedy Space Center alternative photo number is 108-KSC-383C-1257/12. NASA Photo ID: S84-30700 File Name: 10061390.gif Film Type: 120 cn Date Taken: 03/29/84 Title: Rollover & rollout of space shuttle mission 41-C Description: Shuttle Challenger, mated to two solid rocket boosters (SRB) and an external fuel tank, stands ready for launch from Pad 39A at the Kennedy Space Center. The crawler transporter which accomplished the move to the pad is partially visible at left (30699); Challenger is backed out of High Bay 2 of the Orbiter Processing Facility (OPF) in preparation for tow to the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB). The SRBs and the external tank have not been attached (30700). NASA Photo ID: S84-33070 File Name: 10061391.gif Film Type: 120 cn Date Taken: 05/03/84 Title: Documentation of JSC test facilities Description: Documentation of JSC test facilities. Photo is of Taft employee Fred B. Payton and other unidentified person examing some television equipment in one of the JSC test facilities. NASA Photo ID: S84-30439 File Name: 10061392.gif Film Type: 4x5/120 cn Date Taken: 03/27/84 Title: LDEF payload and flight service structure Description: This set-up in the Kennedy Space Center's (KSC) operations and checkout (O&C) building pinpoints the location of the 41-C flight support system (FSS) in the shuttle Challenger's aft cargo bay (30438); Final preparations in KSC's operations and checkout building with the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) prior to placement in the Challenger's cargo bay (30439). NASA Photo ID: S84-30438 File Name: 10061393.gif Film Type: 4x5/120 cn Date Taken: 03/27/84 Title: LDEF payload and flight service structure Description: This set-up in the Kennedy Space Center's (KSC) operations and checkout (O&C) building pinpoints the location of the 41-C flight support system (FSS) in the shuttle Challenger's aft cargo bay (30438); Final preparations in KSC's operations and checkout building with the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) prior to placement in the Challenger's cargo bay (30439). NASA Photo ID: S84-30699 File Name: 10061394.gif Film Type: 120 cn Date Taken: 03/29/84 Title: Rollover & rollout of space shuttle mission 41-C Description: Shuttle Challenger, mated to two solid rocket boosters (SRB) and an external fuel tank, stands ready for launch from Pad 39A at the Kennedy Space Center. The crawler transporter which accomplished the move to the pad is partially visible at left (30699); Challenger is backed out of High Bay 2 of the Orbiter Processing Facility (OPF) in preparation for tow to the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB). The SRBs and the external tank have not been attached (30700). NASA Photo ID: S84-26066 File Name: 10061395.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 01/31/84 Title: Astronaut Nelson practices EVA to repair Solar Maximum Satellite Description: Astronaut George D. Nelson, 41-C mission specialist, moves toward the model of the Solar Maximus Satellite with a trunion pin attachment device (TPAD). This practice is being held in the Martin-Marietta manned maneuvering unit (MMU) simulator in Denver, Colorado. NASA Photo ID: S83-42899 File Name: 10061396.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 11/01/83 Title: Underwater EVA training in the WETF with astronauts Nelson and van Hoften Description: Underwater extravehicular activity (EVA) training in the weightless environment training facility (WETF) with astronauts George Nelson and James van Hoften. View of astronaut in full extravehicular mobility unit (EMU) floating inside the space shuttle payload bay mockup with a diver behind him (42898); view of astronaut in foot restraint device floating above payload bay mockup with divers (42899). NASA Photo ID: S83-42898 File Name: 10061397.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 11/01/83 Title: Underwater EVA training in the WETF with astronauts Nelson and van Hoften Description: Underwater extravehicular activity (EVA) training in the weightless environment training facility (WETF) with astronauts George Nelson and James van Hoften. View of astronaut in full extravehicular mobility unit (EMU) floating inside the space shuttle payload bay mockup with a diver behind him (42898); view of astronaut in foot restraint device floating above payload bay mockup with divers (42899). NASA Photo ID: S83-42895 File Name: 10061401.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 11/01/83 Title: Underwater EVA training in the WETF with astronauts Nelson and van Hoften Description: Underwater extravehicular activity (EVA) training in the weightless environment training facility (WETF) with astronauts George Nelson and James van Hoften. They are using tools to assemble material in the facility while surrounded by divers (428895); View of George Nelson in full extravehicular mobility unit (EMU) floating inside the space shuttle payload bay mockup with a diver behind him (42896). NASA Photo ID: S84-29322 File Name: 10061407.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 03/13/84 Title: View of the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) Description: View of the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) before it is loaded into the shuttle Challenger for the 41-C mission. The Langley Research Center alternative photo number is L-84-1448. NASA Photo ID: S84-29324 File Name: 10061408.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 03/13/84 Title: View of the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) Description: View of the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) before it is loaded into the shuttle Challenger for the 41-C mission. The Langley Research Center alternative photo number is L-84-1449. NASA Photo ID: S76-32352 File Name: 10061409.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 11/26/76 Title: Artist concept of the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) Description: Artist concept of the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF). NASA Photo ID: STS41C-3056 File Name: 10061427.gif Film Type: 35mm cn Date Taken: 04/06/84 Title: Launch of the Shuttle Challenger during STS 41-C mission Description: View of the launch of the Shuttle Challenger during the STS 41-C mission. The orbiter is just clearing the launch pad with a large cloud of smoke covering most of the left side of the frame. NASA Photo ID: STS41C-3058 File Name: 10061428.gif Film Type: 35mm cn Date Taken: 04/06/84 Title: Launch of the Shuttle Challenger during STS 41-C mission Description: View of the launch of the Shuttle Challenger during the STS 41-C mission. The orbiter has cleared the launch pad. Both the Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS) pods and the external tank are clearly visible. NASA Photo ID: STS41C-3059 File Name: 10061429.gif Film Type: 35mm cn Date Taken: 04/06/84 Title: Launch of the Shuttle Challenger during STS 41-C mission Description: View of the launch of the Shuttle Challenger during the STS 41-C mission. Close-up view of the orbiter as it cleares the launch pad. Only one of the Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS) pods and the external tank are clearly visible. The launch gantry and the SRB nose cap are visible at the bottom of the frame. NASA Photo ID: STS41C-3057 File Name: 10061430.gif Film Type: 35mm cn Date Taken: 04/06/84 Title: Launch of the Shuttle Challenger during STS 41-C mission Description: View of the launch of the Shuttle Challenger during the STS 41-C mission. The orbiter has cleared the launch pad with a large cloud of smoke covering the bottom part of the frame. NASA Photo ID: S84-35963 File Name: 10061431.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 06/19/84 Title: Shot of Challenger gaining altitude after launch of 41-C mission Description: Near vertical tracking shot of Challenger's three main engines gaining altitude after launch of 41-C mission. NASA Photo ID: STS41C-36-1618 File Name: 10061445.gif Film Type: 70mm Date Taken: 04/13/84 Title: Florida Peninsula, LDEF Deploy-RMS Description: This single scene, taken during the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) satellite deploy, captures the entire Florida Peninsula (27.0N, 85.0W) in a single view. The multi-paneled LDEF satellite, suspended by the RMS, is undergoing final checkout procedures immediately prior to release. As a long term materials testing facility, the LDEF contained material samples in the many surface panels to determine the effects of long term exposure to space. multi-paneled LDEF satellite was deployed 27.0N, 85.0W) NASA Photo ID: STS41C-02-067 File Name: 10061446.gif Film Type: 35mm cn Date Taken: 04/15/84 Title: The LDEF is placed in orbit by the shuttle Challenger crew Description: The Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) is placed in orbit by the shuttle Challenger crew in this view. Still attached to the remote manipulator system (RMS) end effector, the LDEF is backdropped against Florida, the Bahama Bank, the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic waters. NASA Photo ID: STS41C-35-1520 File Name: 10061447.gif Film Type: 70mm cn Date Taken: 04/06/84 Title: View of the Long Duration Exposure Facility in orbit above the earth Description: View of the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) in orbit above the earth. It was placed in orbit by the 41-C crew. The background of this view is of the cloudy waters of the Gulf of Mexico. NASA Photo ID: STS41C-38-1869 File Name: 10061448.gif Film Type: 70mm cn Date Taken: 04/11/84 Title: 41-C mission specialist repairs captured Solar Maximum Mission Satellite Description: Close-up view of mission specialist James D. van Hoften participating in an extravehicular activity (EVA) to repair the "captured" Solar Maximum Mission Satellite (SMMS) in the aft end of the Challenger's cargo bay. Astronaut van Hoften uses the mobile foot restraint and the remote manipulator system (RMS) as a device for moving about. The partially visible device on van Hoften's hands is the module service tool. NASA Photo ID: STS41C-38-1852 File Name: 10061449.gif Film Type: 70mm cn Date Taken: 04/11/84 Title: 41-C mission specialists repair captured Solar Maximum Mission Satellite Description: Close-up view of two mission specialists participating in an extravehicular activity (EVA) to repair the "captured" Solar Maximum Mission Satellite (SMMS) in the aft end of the Challenger's cargo bay. Astronauts George D. Nelson, left, and James D. van Hoften work to change a faulty attitude control module on the SMMS. They use the mobile foot restraint and the remote manipulator system (RMS) as a device for moving about. The partially visible device on van Hoften's hands is the module service tool. NASA Photo ID: STS41C-34-1380 File Name: 10061450.gif Film Type: 70mm cn Date Taken: 04/08/84 Title: View of the damaged Solar Maximum Mission Satellite from the 41-C Challenger Description: View of the damaged Solar Maximum Mission Satellite from the 41-C space shuttle orbiter Challenger. The satellite's solar panels are fully extended. Astronaut George D. Nelson, using the manned maneuvering unit (MMU), approaches the satellite to attempt to "lock-on" to it. NASA Photo ID: STS41C-52-2646 File Name: 10061451.gif Film Type: 70mm cn Date Taken: 04/11/84 Title: 41-C mission specialist repairs captured Solar Maximum Mission Satellite Description: Wide angle view of mission specialist James D. van Hoften participating in an extravehicular activity (EVA) to repair the "captured" Solar Maximum Mission Satellite (SMMS) in the aft end of the Challenger's cargo bay. Astronaut van Hoften is standing in the payload bay facing the camera. The Solar SMMS is behind him. To the right of the photo is the remote manipulator system (RMS) arm used to capture the satellite. Behind the orbiter is a view of the cloudy earth. NASA Photo ID: STS41C-37-1715 File Name: 10061452.gif Film Type: 70mm cn Date Taken: 04/11/84 Title: 41-C mission specialists reapir captured Solar Maximum Mission Satellite Description: Panoramic view of the space shuttle Challenger. Two mission specialists participate in an extravehicular activity (EVA) to repair the "captured" Solar Maximum Mission Satellite (SMMS) in the aft end of the Challenger's cargo bay. Astronauts George D. Nelson, right, and James D. van Hoften use the mobile foot restraint and the remote manipulator system (RMS) as a device for moving about. Note the gibbous moon to the right of center and the horizon of the blue and white earth in the lower right quadrant. NASA Photo ID: STS41C-22-885 File Name: 10061454.gif Film Type: 35mm cn Date Taken: 04/08/84 Title: View of Astronaut Nelson using MMU to examine Solar Maximum Mission Satellite Description: Long range view of Astronaut George D. Nelson using the manned maneuvering unit (MMU) to examine the Solar Maximum Mission Satellite (SMMS). NASA Photo ID: STS41C-37-1729 File Name: 10061455.gif Film Type: 70mm cn Date Taken: 04/11/84 Title: View of the capture of the Solar Maximum Mission Satellite by the RMS Description: View of the capture of the Solar Maximum Mission Satellite by the Challenger's remote manipulator system (RMS). The end effector on the hand of the RMS attaches to the satellite to pull it back in the the shuttle's payload bay. Note the earth's horizon in the background. NASA Photo ID: STS41C-13-483 File Name: 10061456.gif Film Type: 35mm cn Date Taken: 04/15/84 Title: View of the Solar Maximum Mission Satellite prior to relase by RMS Description: View of the Solar Maximum Mission Satellite prior to relase by the remote manipulator system (RMS). The transition from darkness to daylight on the earth adds color to the background. NASA Photo ID: STS41C-37-1711 File Name: 10061457.gif Film Type: 70mm cn Date Taken: 04/11/84 Title: 41-C mission specialists reapir captured Solar Maximum Mission Satellite Description: Two mission specialists participate in an extravehicular activity (EVA) to repair the "captured" Solar Maximum Mission Satellite (SMMS) in the aft end of the Challenger's cargo bay. Astronauts George D. Nelson, right, and James D. van Hoften use the mobile foot restraint and the remote manipulator system (RMS) as a device for moving about. NASA Photo ID: STS41C-37-1738 File Name: 10061458.gif Film Type: 70mm cn Date Taken: 04/11/84 Title: Deployment of the repaired Solar Maximum Mission Satellite Description: Deployment of the repaired Solar Maximum Mission Satellite from the payload bay of the shuttle orbiter Challenger. NASA Photo ID: STS41C-3233 File Name: 10061463.gif Film Type: 35mm cn Date Taken: 04/13/84 Title: Landing of the Orbiter Challenger at end of 41-C mission Description: The Challenger's main gear touches down in this view of the landing of the Orbiter Challenger at end of 41-C mission. NASA Photo ID: STS41C-3234 File Name: 10061464.gif Film Type: 35mm cn Date Taken: 04/13/84 Title: Landing of the Orbiter Challenger at end of 41-C mission Description: Side view of the Challenger's main gear touching down in this photo of the landing of the Orbiter Challenger at end of 41-C mission. NASA Photo ID: S84-33083 File Name: 10061467.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 05/04/84 Title: Shuttle Challenger atop NASA 905 approaches KSC runway Description: The Shuttle Challenger, atop the Boeing 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft NASA 905, approaches the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) runway after a flight from Edwards Air Force Base in southern California. NASA Photo ID: STS41C-3029 File Name: 10061468.gif Film Type: 35mm cn Date Taken: 04/06/84 Title: Launch of space shuttle Challenger on the 41-C mission Description: Wide angle view of the launch of the space shuttle Challenger on the 41-C mission from the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) launch pad. This view was taken from the Shuttle training aircraft by Astronaut John Young. NASA Photo ID: S83-46072 File Name: 10061354.gif Film Type: 120 cn Date Taken: 12/20/83 Title: Space Shuttle Mission 41-C official crew photo Description: Space Shuttle Mission 41-C official crew photo. From left to right: Robert Crippen, crew commander; Terry Hart, mission specialist; James van Hoften, mission specialist; George Nelson, mission specialist; and Francis (Dick) Scobee, pilot. NASA Photo ID: S79-31777 File Name: 10061355.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 05/07/79 Title: Offical portrait of STS-1 crew member Robert L. Crippen Description: Offical portrait of STS-1 crew member Robert L. Crippen posing in ejection escape suit (EES) holding helmet. NASA Photo ID: S78-35293 File Name: 10061356.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 09/20/78 Title: Portrait of Astronaut candidate Francis R. Scobee in blue flight suit. Description: Portrait of Astronaut candidate Francis R. Scobee in blue flight suit. NASA Photo ID: S78-35288 File Name: 10061357.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 09/20/78 Title: Portrait of Astronaut candidate George D. Nelson in blue flight suit. Description: Portrait of Astronaut candidate George D. Nelson in blue flight suit. NASA Photo ID: S78-35301 File Name: 10061358.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 09/21/78 Title: Portrait of Astronaut candidate Terry J. Hart in blue flight suit. Description: Portrait of Astronaut candidate Terry J. Hart in blue flight suit. NASA Photo ID: S78-35311 File Name: 10061359.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 09/21/78 Title: Portrait of Astronaut candidate James D. Van Hoften in blue flight suit. Description: Portrait of Astronaut candidate James D. Van Hoften in blue flight suit. NASA Photo ID: S83-42680 File Name: 10061398.gif Film Type: 35mm cn Date Taken: 10/25/83 Title: View of Astronaut George Nelson during preparation for WETF training Description: View of Astronaut George Nelson during preparation for underwater training in the weightless environment training facility (WETF). He is shown wearing an extravehicular mobility unit (EMU) and the communication carrier assembly. He is not wearing a helmet. NASA Photo ID: S82-30860 File Name: 10061370.gif Film Type: 120 cn Date Taken: 05/11/82 Title: EMU TV system test Description: A miniature television camera lens is seen through the space suit helmet housing (upper right) worn by subject before testing. The hand-sized camera is solid state and housed above the visor. NASA Photo ID: STS41C-3060 File Name: 10061425.gif Film Type: 35mm cn Date Taken: 04/06/84 Title: STS 41-C crew breakfast Description: The STS 41-C astronaut crew awaiting their breakfast prior to launch. Crewmen include, from left to right: Astronauts George D. Nelson, James D. van Hoften, Robert L. Crippen, Francis R. (Dick) Scobee and Terry J. Hart. Crippen is crew commander, Scobee is pilot and the others are mission specialists. Notice the cake on the table in front of them is decorated with the mission patch and the names of the crew. NASA Photo ID: STS41C-3061 File Name: 10061426.gif Film Type: 35mm cn Date Taken: 04/06/84 Title: STS 41-C crew move to transfer van for trip to Launch Pad 39B Description: STS 41-C crew move to the transfer van for the trip to Launch Pad 39B. Astronaut Robert L. Crippen, commander, leads the way. Behind Crippen is Astronaut Francis R. (Dick) Scobee, pilot. The three mission specialists are (left to right) Astronauts Terry J. Hart, George D. Neldon and James D. van Hoften. NASA Photo ID: STS41C-05-180 File Name: 10061443.gif Film Type: 35mm cn Date Taken: 04/15/84 Title: Astronaut Terry Hart prepares to use IMAX camera Description: Astronaut Terry J. Hart prepares to use the IMAX camera in the middeck of the shuttle Challenger during the 41-C mission. NASA Photo ID: STS41C-22-902 File Name: 10061453.gif Film Type: 35mm cn Date Taken: 04/11/84 Title: Astronaut van Hoften using tool to work on capture Solar Maximum satellite Description: Astronaut James D. van Hoften, 41-C mission specialist, uses a special tool to work on a faulty attitude control module on the capture Solar Maximum Mission Satellite (SMMS). The SMMS is in the aft section of the payload bay of the Challenger. Dr. van Hoften is anchored to a "cherry picker" device which involves a foot restraint/work station connected to the remote manipulator system (RMS). NASA Photo ID: STS41C-07-262 File Name: 10061459.gif Film Type: 35mm cn Date Taken: 04/06/84 Title: Photo of 41-C crew taken in aft flight deck on orbit Description: Photo of 41-C crew taken in aft flight deck of the Challenger while in orbit. Astronauts Robert L. Crippen, right, crew commander; and Francis R. (Dick) Scobee, left, pilot, flank the mission specialists -- (l-r) George D. Nelson, James D. van Hoften and Terry J. Hart. NASA Photo ID: STS41C-12-423 File Name: 10061460.gif Film Type: 35mm cn Date Taken: 04/15/84 Title: Astronaut Nelson wipes off helmet visor in the middeck of Shuttle Challenger Description: Astronaut George D. Nelson, 41-C mission specialist, wipes off his helmet visor in the middeck of Shuttle Challenger. Astronaut James D. van. Hoften, is seen in the background. Both crew members are wearing the liquid cooled undergarments for the extravehicular mobility unit (EMU). NASA Photo ID: STS41C-02-054 File Name: 10061461.gif Film Type: 35mm cn Date Taken: 04/15/84 Title: Astronauts van Hoften and Nelson conduct pre-breathing exercise Description: Astronauts James D. van Hoften and George D. Nelson, wearing Shuttle launch and entry helmets, conduct a pre-breathing exercise on the forward flight deck of the shuttle Challenger during the STS 41-C mission. NASA Photo ID: STS41C-05-188 File Name: 10061462.gif Film Type: 35mm cn Date Taken: 04/15/84 Title: Astronaut James D. van Hoften examines student experiment on Challenger Description: Astronaut James D. van Hoften, 41-C mission specialist, holds an aluminum box full of honeybees. The experiment in earth orbit is duplicated with another colony of the bees on earth. This is an experiment submitted by student researchers. NASA Photo ID: STS41C-3232 File Name: 10061466.gif Film Type: 35mm cn Date Taken: 04/13/84 Title: STS 41-C Challenger crew congratulates each other at landing site Description: The STS 41-C Challenger crew engages in a group congratulations after the landing of their mission. They are standing in front of the orbiter in a circle. They are (left to right around circle) Astronauts James D. van Hoften, mission specialist; Francis R. (Dick) scobee, pilot; Terry J. Hart and George D. Nelson, mission specialists; and Robert L. Crippen, crew commander.