PHOTO NO.: KSC-81PC-664 8-10-81 Orbiter tow from OPF to VAB. The Space Shuttle Columbia is towed from OPF-1 (Orbiter Processing Facility) to the VAB (Vehicle Assembly Building) for mate to the ET (External Tank) / SRB's (Solid Rocket Boosters) for STS-2. National Aeronautics and Space Administration John F. Kennedy Space Center Kennedy Space Center, Florida 32899 AC 407 867-7819 No copyright protection is asserted for this photography If a recognizable person appears in this photograph, use for commercial purposes may infringe a right of privacy or publicity It may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by NASA or by any NASA employees of a commercial product, process or service, or used in any other manner that might mislead. Accordingly it is requested that if this photograph is used in advertising, and other commercial promotion, layout and copy be submitted to NASA prior to release. NASA Photo ID: S81-32625 File Name: 10060397.gif Film Type: 70mm cn Date Taken: 06/10/81 Title: Views of the Columbia being returned to KCS after STS-1 Description: Views of the Columbia being returned to Kennedy Space Center after STS-1. Views include Columbia atop a Boeing 747 aircraft titled NASA 905 sitting on the runway at Kennedy Space Center, with the center in the background (32624); Columbia arriving at Kennedy mated to the NASA 905 (32625); NASA 905 preparing to liftoff for Kennedy with Columbia sitting atop it. A chase plane can be seen in the background (32626). NASA Photo ID: S81-32626 File Name: 10060398.gif Film Type: 70mm cn Date Taken: 06/10/81 Title: Views of the Columbia being returned to KCS after STS-1 Description: Views of the Columbia being returned to Kennedy Space Center after STS-1. Views include Columbia atop a Boeing 747 aircraft titled NASA 905 sitting on the runway at Kennedy Space Center, with the center in the background (32624); Columbia arriving at Kennedy mated to the NASA 905 (32625); NASA 905 preparing to liftoff for Kennedy with Columbia sitting atop it. A chase plane can be seen in the background (32626). NASA Photo ID: S81-32624 File Name: 10060399.gif Film Type: 70mm cn Date Taken: 06/10/81 Title: Views of the Columbia being returned to KCS after STS-1 Description: Views of the Columbia being returned to Kennedy Space Center after STS-1. Views include Columbia atop a Boeing 747 aircraft titled NASA 905 sitting on the runway at Kennedy Space Center, with the center in the background (32624); Columbia arriving at Kennedy mated to the NASA 905 (32625); NASA 905 preparing to liftoff for Kennedy with Columbia sitting atop it. A chase plane can be seen in the background (32626). NASA Photo ID: S81-37270 File Name: 10060400.gif Film Type: 35mm b&w Date Taken: 09/18/81 Title: Artist concept Shuttle with payload bay open and payload deployed Description: Artist concept of the Shuttle with its payload bay open and OSTA-1 payload and Remote Manipulator System (RMS) deployed. NASA Photo ID: S81-26794 File Name: 10060401.gif Film Type: 35mm CN Date Taken: 02/06/81 Title: JSC Shuttle Mission Simulator (SMS) visual system payload bay video image Description: This video image is of the STS-2 Columbia, Orbiter Vehicle (OV) 102, payload bay (PLB) showing the Office of Space Terrestrial Applications 1 (OSTA-1) pallet (Shuttle Imaging Radar A (SIR-A) antenna (left) and SIR-A recorder, Shuttle Multispectral Infrared Radiometer (SMIRR), Feature Identification Location Experiment (FILE), Measurement of Air Pollution for Satellites (MAPS) (right)). The image is used in JSC's Fixed Based (FB) Shuttle Mission Simulator (SMS). It is projected inside the FB-SMS crew compartment during mission simulation training. The FB-SMS is located in the Mission Simulation and Training Facility Bldg 5. NASA Photo ID: S79-39764 File Name: 10060402.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 12/10/79 Title: OAST payload - Shuttle Imaging Radar-A Description: OAST payload - Shuttle Imaging Radar-A. NASA Photo ID: S81-33729 File Name: 10060417.gif Film Type: 35mm b&w Date Taken: 07/02/81 Title: Astronaut George D. Nelson in Thermal Vacuum Chamber Testing space mittens Description: Astronaut George D. Nelson in Thermal Vacuum Chamber testing new thermal space mittens. NASA Photo ID: S81-35154 File Name: 10060428.gif Film Type: 120 cn Date Taken: 08/12/81 Title: View of the OSTA-1 payload being lowered into Columbia's Payload bay STS-2 Description: View of the OSTA-1, the pallet of experiments scheduled to be the Space Shuttle Columbia's first scientific payload, is being lowered into Columbia's Payload bay for STS-2 mission. NASA Photo ID: S81-34390 File Name: 10060430.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 07/21/81 Title: Shuttle Imaging Radar-A Antenna mounted on the OSTA-1 Description: Shuttle Imaging Radar-A Antenna mounted on the OSTA-1. Views include the STS-2 crew inspecting the Remote manipulating system (RMS) while the Columbia is in the Orbiter Processing Facility (OPF) at Kennedy Space Center. Astronauts Joe H. Engle, wearing blue flight suit (fourth from right) and Richard H. Truly, right, inspect the RMS as it undergoes installation in the cargo bay of the orbiter Columbia (34389); view of the open payload bay for the Shuttle Imaging Radar-A Antenna mounted on the OSTA-1 pallet (34390). NASA Photo ID: S81-34264 File Name: 10060435.gif Film Type: 35mm b&w Date Taken: 07/17/81 Title: Astronaut Richard Truly at remote manipulator training for STS-2 Description: Astronaut Richard Truly at remote manipulator system (RMS) training for STS-2 in bldg 9A. Photo is of Truly at command console while trainers look on. NASA Photo ID: S81-35998 File Name: 10060446.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 08/24/81 Title: Columbia creeps toward the vehicle assembley building during tow-over Description: Columbia creeps toward the Vehicle Assembley Building (VAB) during its tow-over from the Orbiter Processing Facility (OPF) in preparation for launch of STS-2. NASA Photo ID: S81-35999 File Name: 10060447.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 08/24/81 Title: Columbia rests in transfer aisle of the VAB Description: Columbia rests in the transfer aisle of the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) as preparations are made to hoist it into High Bay 3 for mating with the solid rocket boosters and external tank in preparation for STS-2 mission. NASA Photo ID: S81-36000 File Name: 10060448.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 08/24/81 Title: Columbia rests in transfer aisle of the VAB Description: Columbia rests in the transfer aisle of the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) as preparations are made to hoist it into High Bay 3 for mating with the solid rocket boosters and external tank in preparation for STS-2 mission. NASA Photo ID: S81-36110 File Name: 10060449.gif Film Type: 120 cn Date Taken: 08/28/81 Title: Space shuttle Columbia being lowered down toward the solid rocket boosters Description: Space shuttle Columbia undergoing launch processing is being lowered down toward the Solid Rocket Boosters (SRB) and its external fuel tank prior to mating in the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) at the Kennedy Space Center. It is preparing for STS-2 mission. NASA Photo ID: S81-38295 File Name: 10060450.gif Film Type: 4x5 b&w Date Taken: 10/09/81 Title: Tile repair activities at Pad 39A after Nitrogen Tetroxide Spill Description: The exposed skin of the Shuttle orbiter Columbia is visible next to the forward reaction control system. The missing thermal protection system tiles were removed from the area below the forward oxidizer panel where leakage of hypergolic oxidizer nitrogen tetroxide allowed the chemical to drip and loosen the tiles bond. NASA Photo ID: S81-38297 File Name: 10060451.gif Film Type: 4x5 b&w Date Taken: 10/09/81 Title: Rockwell engineers and technicians prepare Columbia for tile replacement Description: Rockwell engineers and technicians prepare the Space Shuttle orbiter Columbia for replacement of thermal protection system tiles removed after they were loosened by leakage of nitrogen tetroxide. NASA Photo ID: S81-38299 File Name: 10060452.gif Film Type: 4x5 b&w Date Taken: 10/09/81 Title: Tile repair activities at Pad 39A after Nitrogen Tetroxide Spill Description: The exposed skin of the Shuttle orbiter Columbia is visible next to the forward reaction control system. Extending from the orbiter, at center, are supply lines for helium and nitrogen tetroxide and vent lines. The missing thermal protection system tiles were removed from the area below the forward oxidizer panel where leakage of hypergolic oxidizer nitrogen tetroxide allowed the chemical to drip and loosen the tiles bond. NASA Photo ID: S81-36688 File Name: 10060470.gif Film Type: 35mm cn Date Taken: 09/10/81 Title: OSTA-1 Mission Readiness Description: OSTA-1 Mission Readiness. View is of controllers reviewing procedures before launch of Columbia and begining of OSTA-1 experiments. NASA Photo ID: S81-36670 File Name: 10060471.gif Film Type: 120 cn Date Taken: 09/09/81 Title: Aerial, ground level and night views of the STS-2 Rollout Description: Aerial, ground level and night views of the STS-2 Rollout on Pad 39A. on Aug. 31, 1981. Photos include the Columbia's arrival at Launch Pad 39A after a 6 1/2 hour journey from the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) (36669); high angle view of the Columbia as it nears the completion of its journey from the VAB (36670); Columbia sits atop the giant mobile platform used in moving it and its mated external fuel tank and two solid rocket boosters from its assembly building (36671); view across the water of Columbia as it reaches launch pad 39A. It is still atop its moving platform (36672). NASA Photo ID: S81-36672 File Name: 10060472.gif Film Type: 120 cn Date Taken: 09/09/81 Title: Aerial, ground level and night views of the STS-2 Rollout Description: Aerial, ground level and night views of the STS-2 Rollout on Pad 39A. on Aug. 31, 1981. Photos include the Columbia's arrival at Launch Pad 39A after a 6 1/2 hour journey from the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) (36669); high angle view of the Columbia as it nears the completion of its journey from the VAB (36670); Columbia sits atop the giant mobile platform used in moving it and its mated external fuel tank and two solid rocket boosters from its assembly building (36671); view across the water of Columbia as it reaches launch pad 39A. It is still atop its moving platform (36672). NASA Photo ID: S81-36669 File Name: 10060473.gif Film Type: 120 cn Date Taken: 09/09/81 Title: Aerial, ground level and night views of the STS-2 Rollout Description: Aerial, ground level and night views of the STS-2 Rollout on Pad 39A. on Aug. 31, 1981. Photos include the Columbia's arrival at Launch Pad 39A after a 6 1/2 hour journey from the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) (36669); high angle view of the Columbia as it nears the completion of its journey from the VAB (36670); Columbia sits atop the giant mobile platform used in moving it and its mated external fuel tank and two solid rocket boosters from its assembly building (36671); view across the water of Columbia as it reaches launch pad 39A. It is still atop its moving platform (36672). NASA Photo ID: S81-36664 File Name: 10060474.gif Film Type: 120 cn Date Taken: 09/09/81 Title: Aerial, ground level and night views of the STS-2 Rollout Description: Aerial, ground level and night views of the STS-2 Rollout on Pad 39A. on Aug. 31, 1981. Photos include a high angle view of Launch Complex 39A in preparations for STS-2 launch of Columbia (36664); A night view of the Columbia. The highly illuminated reusable orbiter is being readied for STS-2 launch (36665); daylight, ground view of Launch Complex 39A in preparation for STS-2 launch of Columbia (36666). NASA Photo ID: S81-36665 File Name: 10060475.gif Film Type: 120 cn Date Taken: 09/09/81 Title: Aerial, ground level and night views of the STS-2 Rollout Description: Aerial, ground level and night views of the STS-2 Rollout on Pad 39A. on Aug. 31, 1981. Photos include a high angle view of Launch Complex 39A in preparations for STS-2 launch of Columbia (36664); A night view of the Columbia. The highly illuminated reusable orbiter is being readied for STS-2 launch (36665); daylight, ground view of Launch Complex 39A in preparation for STS-2 launch of Columbia (36666). NASA Photo ID: S81-36671 File Name: 10060476.gif Film Type: 120 cn Date Taken: 09/09/81 Title: Aerial, ground level and night views of the STS-2 Rollout Description: Aerial, ground level and night views of the STS-2 Rollout on Pad 39A. on Aug. 31, 1981. Photos include the Columbia's arrival at Launch Pad 39A after a 6 1/2 hour journey from the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) (36669); high angle view of the Columbia as it nears the completion of its journey from the VAB (36670); Columbia sits atop the giant mobile platform used in moving it and its mated external fuel tank and two solid rocket boosters from its assembly building (36671); view across the water of Columbia as it reaches launch pad 39A. It is still atop its moving platform (36672). NASA Photo ID: S81-36666 File Name: 10060477.gif Film Type: 120 cn Date Taken: 09/09/81 Title: Aerial, ground level and night views of the STS-2 Rollout Description: Aerial, ground level and night views of the STS-2 Rollout on Pad 39A. on Aug. 31, 1981. Photos include a high angle view of Launch Complex 39A in preparations for STS-2 launch of Columbia (36664); A night view of the Columbia. The highly illuminated reusable orbiter is being readied for STS-2 launch (36665); daylight, ground view of Launch Complex 39A in preparation for STS-2 launch of Columbia (36666). NASA Photo ID: S81-38286 File Name: 10060478.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn b&w Date Taken: 10/08/81 Title: Space Shuttle Columbia OV (101) in launch configuration on the pad Description: Space Shuttle Columbia OV (101) is in launch configuration on the pad in preparation for STS-2. The rotating service structure has been rolled back to conduct a cryogenic tanking test and and overpressure modification test. NASA Photo ID: S81-38289 File Name: 10060479.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn b&w Date Taken: 10/08/81 Title: The solid rocket booster stack of the STS-2 Columbia Description: Looking down the solid rocket booster (SRB) stack of the STS-2 Columbia, the exhaust hole in mobile launcher platform just prior to a test of the water system can be seen. NASA Photo ID: S81-39554 File Name: 10060480.gif Film Type: 70/35/4x5 cn Date Taken: 11/15/81 Title: Space Shuttle Columbia OV (101) launching from pad 39A begining STS-2 Description: Close-up view of the 122 foot tall Space Shuttle Orbiter Columbia mated to its external fuel container (ET) and two solid rocket boosters (SRB) lifts off from Launch Pad 39A for the begining of STS-2. NASA Photo ID: S81-39548 File Name: 10060481.gif Film Type: 70/35/4x5 cn Date Taken: 11/15/81 Title: Space Shuttle Columbia OV (101) launching from pad 39A begining STS-2 Description: View of the Space Shuttle Orbiter Columbia from across the water lifting off from Launch Pad 39A to begin STS-2 (39548); Framed by Florida vegtation, the Columbia lifts off from its launch pad (39549). NASA Photo ID: S81-39549 File Name: 10060482.gif Film Type: 70/35/4x5 cn Date Taken: 11/15/81 Title: Space Shuttle Columbia OV (101) launching from pad 39A begining STS-2 Description: View of the Space Shuttle Orbiter Columbia from across the water lifting off from Launch Pad 39A to begin STS-2 (39548); Framed by Florida vegtation, the Columbia lifts off from its launch pad (39549). NASA Photo ID: S81-39551 File Name: 10060483.gif Film Type: 70/35/4x5 cn Date Taken: 11/15/81 Title: Space Shuttle Columbia OV (101) launching from pad 39A begining STS-2 Description: The 122 foot tall Space Shuttle Orbiter Columbia mated to its external fuel container (ET) and two solid rocket boosters (SRB) lifts off from Launch Pad 39A for the begining of STS-2. NASA Photo ID: S81-39439 File Name: 10060484.gif Film Type: 70/4x5 cn Date Taken: 11/12/81 Title: Aerial views of the STS-2 launch from Pad 39A at Kennedy Space Center Description: Aerial views of the STS-2 launch from Pad 39A at Kennedy Space Center. Image of the Orbiter Columbia with its two solid rocket boosters and external fuel tank feeding the orbiters engines into orbit was taken by Astronaut John Young aboard NASA's shuttle training aircraft. NASA Photo ID: S81-39438 File Name: 10060485.gif Film Type: 70/4x5 cn Date Taken: 11/12/81 Title: Aerial views of the STS-2 launch from Pad 39A at Kennedy Space Center Description: Aerial views of the STS-2 launch from Pad 39A at Kennedy Space Center. Image of the Orbiter Columbia with its two solid rocket boosters and external fuel tank feeding the orbiters engines into orbit was taken by Astronaut John Young aboard NASA's shuttle training aircraft. NASA Photo ID: S81-39440 File Name: 10060487.gif Film Type: 70/4x5 cn Date Taken: 11/12/81 Title: Aerial views of the STS-2 launch from Pad 39A at Kennedy Space Center Description: Aerial views of the STS-2 launch from Pad 39A at Kennedy Space Center. Image of the Orbiter Columbia with its two solid rocket boosters and external fuel tank feeding the orbiters engines into orbit was taken by Astronaut John Young aboard NASA's shuttle training aircraft. NASA Photo ID: S81-39441 File Name: 10060488.gif Film Type: 70/4x5 cn Date Taken: 11/12/81 Title: Aerial views of the STS-2 launch from Pad 39A at Kennedy Space Center Description: Aerial views of the STS-2 launch from Pad 39A at Kennedy Space Center. Image of the Orbiter Columbia with its two solid rocket boosters and external fuel tank feeding the orbiters engines into orbit was taken by Astronaut John Young aboard NASA's shuttle training aircraft. NASA Photo ID: S81-39527 File Name: 10060489.gif Film Type: 70 cn Date Taken: 11/12/81 Title: Aerial views of the STS-2 launch from Pad 39A at Kennedy Space Center Description: Aerial views of the STS-2 launch from Pad 39A at Kennedy Space Center. This photograph of the Columbia soaring toward earth orbit was captured by Mission-Specialist/Astronaut Kathryn D. Sullivan from the rear station of a T-38 jet aircraft. Part of the wing top of her aircraft can be seen in the lower left corner. Another T-38 jet can be seen at lower left corner near the smoke trails from the Shuttle. NASA Photo ID: S81-39568 File Name: 10060490.gif Film Type: 4x5 b&w Date Taken: 11/16/81 Title: Separation of the Shuttle Columbia's external fuel tank Description: Separation of the Shuttle Columbia's external fuel tank (ET), photographed by a camera in the umbilical bay. Camera was able to record the underside of the tank as the orbiter toward its earth-orbital mission and the fuel tank fell toward the earth. NASA Photo ID: STS002-13-226 File Name: 10060513.gif Film Type: 70mm cn Date Taken: 11/13/82 Title: View of the Columbia's remote manipulator system (RMS) Description: View of the Columbia's remote manipulator system (RMS) as it makes its debut. A television camera is mounted near the elbow and another is partially visible near the wrist of the RMS. The open payload bay is partially visible in the lower left corner. NASA Photo ID: S81-40834 File Name: 10060533.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 12/08/81 Title: Color coded data obtained by JPL's Shuttle Multispectral Infrared radiometer Description: Color coded data obtained from Baja California, Mexico to Texas by JPL's Shuttle Multispectral Infrared radiometer is pictured. The map shows where data was obtained on the 19th orbit of the mission. Yellow and green areas represent water. The first brown segment at left is Baja California, and the second begins at the coast of mainland Mexico and extends into Texas. The dark brown strips at the right are clouds. NASA Photo ID: STS002-12-833 File Name: 10060544.gif Film Type: 70mm cn Date Taken: 11/13/81 Title: View of the Columbia's open payload bay and the Canadian RMS Description: Photograph of the Space Shuttle Columbia during STS-2 flight. Clouds over the earth and a black sky form a backdrop for this photograph taken through the aft flight deck windows viewing the payload bay. Part of the Office of Space and Terrestrial Applications (OSTA-1) pallet is visible in the open cargo bay. Above it can be seen the arm of the Canadian built remote manipulator system (RMS). NASA Photo ID: STS002-12-842 File Name: 10060545.gif Film Type: 70mm cn Date Taken: 11/13/81 Title: View of the Columbia's open payload bay and the Canadian RMS Description: Canadian-built remote manipulator system (RMS) arm and end effector (its hand-like device) are seen in this photo of the Columbia's cargo bay during the RMS's debut. About to be grappled by the end effector is the Induced Environment Contamination Monitor (IECM) Location experiment located in the center of the photo. There is a grapple fixture attached to the side of the IECM. Various components of the Office of Space Terrestrial Applications (OSTA-1) payload are seen near the aft section of the cargo bay, such as the Feature Identification and Location Experiment (FILE) (the long cone shaped object on the right back), the Shuttle Multispectral Infrared Radiometer (SMIRR) (on pallet base) and the SIR-A recorder in the right forground. In the left foreground the Shuttle Imaging Radar-A (SIR-A) antenna can be seen. NASA Photo ID: STS002-13-208 File Name: 10060546.gif Film Type: 70mm cn Date Taken: 11/13/81 Title: View of the Columbia's open payload bay Description: This clear view of the aft section of the Earth-orbiting Columbia's cargo bay and some of its cargo was photographed through the flight-deck's aft windows. Visible in the center of the photo are the twin orbital maneuvering system (OMS) pods. The vertical stabilizer or tail splits the top part of the image in half. The Induced Environment Contamination Monitor (IECM) Location experiment is located in the back center of the cargo bay, near the top. There is a grapple fixture attached to the side of the IECM. Various components of the Office of Space Terrestrial Applications (OSTA-1) payload are seen near the aft section of the cargo bay, such as the Feature Identification and Location Experiment (FILE) (the long cone shaped object on the right back), the Shuttle Multispectral Infrared Radiometer (SMIRR) (on pallet base) and the SIR-A recorder in the right forground. In the left foreground the Shuttle Imaging Radar-A (SIR-A) antenna can be seen. NASA Photo ID: S81-39556 File Name: 10060547.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 11/16/81 Title: Onboard view by the STS-2 crew of the payload bay with the OSTA-1 payload Description: Photograph of the Columbia's cargo bay taken by the STS-2 crew. In the foreground is the OSTA-1 payload. The orbital maneuvering system (OMS) pods and vertical stabilizer of the Columbia are in the upper left corner. NASA Photo ID: S81-39564 File Name: 10060548.gif Film Type: 70mm cn Date Taken: 11/16/81 Title: Views of STS-2 Columbia landing at Edwards Air Force Base, California Description: Views of STS-2 Columbia landing at Edwards Air Force Base, California followed by a T-38 jet aircraft. Rear wheels have touched down but front wheels are still in the air (39561); view of orbiter making final approach prior to landing at Edwards (39562); view of the underside of the orbiter as it makes its final approach for landing. This view provides a good study of the high temperature protection material exposed to friction on the atmospheric entry on the return to earth. Also show trails of smoke from wing tips (39563); view of the underside of orbiter as it makes its approach for landing (39564). NASA Photo ID: S81-39563 File Name: 10060549.gif Film Type: 70mm cn Date Taken: 11/16/81 Title: Views of STS-2 Columbia landing at Edwards Air Force Base, California Description: Views of STS-2 Columbia landing at Edwards Air Force Base, California followed by a T-38 jet aircraft. Rear wheels have touched down but front wheels are still in the air (39561); view of orbiter making final approach prior to landing at Edwards (39562); view of the underside of the orbiter as it makes its final approach for landing. This view provides a good study of the high temperature protection material exposed to friction on the atmospheric entry on the return to earth. Also show trails of smoke from wing tips (39563); view of the underside of orbiter as it makes its approach for landing (39564). NASA Photo ID: S81-39562 File Name: 10060550.gif Film Type: 70mm cn Date Taken: 11/16/81 Title: Views of STS-2 Columbia landing at Edwards Air Force Base, California Description: Views of STS-2 Columbia landing at Edwards Air Force Base, California followed by a T-38 jet aircraft. Rear wheels have touched down but front wheels are still in the air (39561); view of orbiter making final approach prior to landing at Edwards (39562); view of the underside of the orbiter as it makes its final approach for landing. This view provides a good study of the high temperature protection material exposed to friction on the atmospheric entry on the return to earth. Also show trails of smoke from wing tips (39563); view of the underside of orbiter as it makes its approach for landing (39564). NASA Photo ID: S81-39561 File Name: 10060551.gif Film Type: 70mm cn Date Taken: 11/16/81 Title: Views of STS-2 Columbia landing at Edwards Air Force Base, California Description: Views of STS-2 Columbia landing at Edwards Air Force Base, California followed by a T-38 jet aircraft. Rear wheels have touched down but front wheels are still in the air (39561); view of orbiter making final approach prior to landing at Edwards (39562); view of the underside of the orbiter as it makes its final approach for landing. This view provides a good study of the high temperature protection material exposed to friction on the atmospheric entry on the return to earth. Also show trails of smoke from wing tips (39563); view of the underside of orbiter as it makes its approach for landing (39564). NASA Photo ID: S79-36838 File Name: 10060395.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 10/03/79 Title: Offical portrait of Astronaut Joe Engle Description: Offical portrait of Astronaut Joe Engle posing in ejection escape suit (EES) holding helmet. NASA Photo ID: S79-36527 File Name: 10060396.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 09/18/79 Title: Offical portrait of Astronaut Richard Truly Description: Offical portrait of Astronaut Richard Truly posing in ejection escape suit (EES) holding helmet. NASA Photo ID: S81-33479 File Name: 10060416.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 06/29/81 Title: View of astronaut Joe Engle in the Shuttle spacesuits (EMU) at bldg 29 Description: Portrait view of astronaut Joe Engle in the Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) at bldg 29 Weightless Environment Training Facility (WETF). He is wearing the full extravehicular mobility unit and is standing on platform about to be lowered into the water. NASA Photo ID: S81-34467 File Name: 10060418.gif Film Type: 120 cn Date Taken: 07/22/81 Title: Astronaut Joe H. Engle, commander of STS-2, in suit donning/doffing exercise Description: Astronaut Joe H. Engle, STS-2 commander, practices donning and doffing his extravehicular mobility unit (EMU) in the weightless environment afforded aboard a KC-135 "zero-gravity" aircraft. NASA Photo ID: S81-34389 File Name: 10060429.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 07/21/81 Title: Shuttle Imaging Radar-A Antenna mounted on the OSTA-1 Description: Shuttle Imaging Radar-A Antenna mounted on the OSTA-1. Views include the STS-2 crew inspecting the Remote manipulating system (RMS) while the Columbia is in the Orbiter Processing Facility (OPF) at Kennedy Space Center. Astronauts Joe H. Engle, wearing blue flight suit (fourth from right) and Richard H. Truly, right, inspect the RMS as it undergoes installation in the cargo bay of the orbiter Columbia (34389); view of the open payload bay for the Shuttle Imaging Radar-A Antenna mounted on the OSTA-1 pallet (34390). NASA Photo ID: S81-34314 File Name: 10060436.gif Film Type: 35mm 4x5 cn Date Taken: 07/17/81 Title: Astronaut Richard H. Truly in training session RMS for STS-2 bldg 9A Description: Astronaut Richard H. Truly in training session with the Remote Manipulator System (RMS) for STS-2 bldg 9A. Views show Truly working at the command console while watching out the windows. Karen Ehlers, an RMS procedures specialist, can be seen at left side of frame (34314); view from behind Truly as he trains at the RMS console (34315). NASA Photo ID: STS002-20-865 File Name: 10060512.gif Film Type: 35mm CN Date Taken: 11/14/81 Title: Pilot Truly reviews TAGS teleprinter printout of instructions on middeck Description: Pilot Truly, wearing the communication kit assembly (assy) mini headset, reviews Text and Graphics System (TAGS) teleprinter printout of instructions while floating in front of the forward middeck lockers. Development Flight Instrument (DFI) unit and control panels on starboard wall appear in the background. NASA Photo ID: S81-39573 File Name: 10060540.gif Film Type: 4x5/35mm cn Date Taken: 11/16/81 Title: Astronauts Truly and Engle engaged in on-board activity Description: Astronaut Joe H. Engle, STS-2 Commander, enjoying in-space exercise session on a treadmill specially designed for astronauts in zero gravity. He is in the middeck area of the orbiter (39570); Engle prepares a beverage by using a space squirt-gun to fill a plastic, accordion-like receptacle while another one, already filled, floats around his left knee. He is wearing the onboard constant wear garment (39571); Astronaut Richard H. Truly, STS-2 Pilot, shaves in zero gravity atmosphere (39572); Engle shaves in zero gravity atmosphere. Behind him is a fire extinguisher and a picture of George Abbey (39573). NASA Photo ID: S81-39571 File Name: 10060542.gif Film Type: 4x5/35mm cn Date Taken: 11/16/81 Title: Astronauts Truly and Engle engaged in on-board activity Description: Astronaut Joe H. Engle, STS-2 Commander, enjoying in-space exercise session on a treadmill specially designed for astronauts in zero gravity. He is in the middeck area of the orbiter (39570); Engle prepares a beverage by using a space squirt-gun to fill a plastic, accordion-like receptacle while another one, already filled, floats around his left knee. He is wearing the onboard constant wear garment (39571); Astronaut Richard H. Truly, STS-2 Pilot, shaves in zero gravity atmosphere (39572); Engle shaves in zero gravity atmosphere. Behind him is a fire extinguisher and a picture of George Abbey (39573). NASA Photo ID: S81-39570 File Name: 10060543.gif Film Type: 4x5/35mm cn Date Taken: 11/16/81 Title: Astronauts Truly and Engle engaged in on-board activity Description: Astronaut Joe H. Engle, STS-2 Commander, enjoying in-space exercise session on a treadmill specially designed for astronauts in zero gravity. He is in the middeck area of the orbiter (39570); Engle prepares a beverage by using a space squirt-gun to fill a plastic, accordion-like receptacle while another one, already filled, floats around his left knee. He is wearing the onboard constant wear garment (39571); Astronaut Richard H. Truly, STS-2 Pilot, shaves in zero gravity atmosphere (39572); Engle shaves in zero gravity atmosphere. Behind him is a fire extinguisher and a picture of George Abbey (39573). NASA Photo ID: S81-39494 File Name: 10060491.gif Film Type: 4x5/35 cn b&W Date Taken: 11/13/81 Title: Mission Operations Control Room Activities during STS-2 mission Description: Mission Operations Control Room (MOCR) activities during STS-2 mission. An overall view of activity in the MOCR at Johnson Space Center as viewed from the propulsion (PROP) console. The shuttle orbiter marker on the tracking map indicates the location of Columbia over the Pacific Ocean's Hawaiian Islands area (39493); This is an overall view of the MOCR from the second from the front row of consoles. Shuttle orbiter marker on tracking map at left indicates the vehicle's location over the Hawaiian Islands (39494). NASA Photo ID: S81-36331 File Name: 10060453.gif Film Type: 4x5 cn Date Taken: 09/01/81 Title: STS-2 prime crew, Engle and Truly in the Vehicle assembly building Description: STS-2 prime crew Joe H. Engle, left, and Richard H. Truly in the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) to participate in the orbiter/external fuel tank Integrated Tests at Kennedy Space Center. NASA Photo ID: S81-39579 File Name: 10060556.gif Film Type: 35mm cn Date Taken: 11/17/81 Title: Views of the Columbia sitting on Lakebed runway during crew egress of STS-2 Description: Greeted by their medical doctor, Astronauts Joe H. Engle and Richard H. Truly egress the capbin of the shuttle Columbia at Edwards Air Force Base at the end of the STS-2 mission. Dr. Charles LaPinta of JSC's Medical Sciences Division is at right (39578); Engle, left, and Truly, still wearing their ejection/escape suits step out on to the runway at Edwards AFB (39579).