Imagine Pooh Here

PUI: A Picoscopic User Interface

Programmers Guide.

By Steve Baker


The Picoscopic User Interface (PUI - pronounced 'poohey') is a simple set of C++ classes that allow programs written in GLUT and OpenGL to create buttons, sliders, menus etc.

PUI is now a part of PLIB.

The PUI FAQ list is here.

Like most similar GUI's (MUI, Xforms, FLTK, GLUI, etc), PUI is comprised of a base class (puObject) from which all the interesting widgets are derived. Most of the packages functionality is concentrated in the puObject class.


Mark Danks contributed code for making PUI run without GLUT under Win32,

AbdulWajid Mohamed added the 'PUSTYLE_SHADED' and 'PUSTYLE_SMALL_SHADED' code. He also fixed a number of bug fixes.

A Truly PUI API:

Here are the elements that make up the PUI API:


Non-class functions:

PUI Terminology.

Some terminology:

Hello World in PUI.

Here is a simple example program. It pops up a window with a single button widget that prints 'Hello World.' to stdout when you click it. (This program is in the PUI source directory as 'simple.cxx').

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <GL/glut.h>
#include "pu.h"

void motionfn ( int x, int y )
  puMouse ( x, y ) ;
  glutPostRedisplay () ;

void mousefn ( int button, int updown, int x, int y )
  puMouse ( button, updown, x, y ) ;
  glutPostRedisplay () ;

void displayfn ()
  glClearColor ( 0.1, 0.4, 0.1, 1.0 ) ;
  glClear      ( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT ) ;

  puDisplay () ;

  glutSwapBuffers   () ;
  glutPostRedisplay () ;

void button_cb ( puObject *cb )
  fprintf ( stderr, "Hello World.\n" ) ;

int main ( int argc, char **argv )
  glutInitWindowSize  ( 240, 120 ) ;
  glutInit            ( &argc, argv ) ;
  glutInitDisplayMode ( GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_DEPTH ) ;
  glutCreateWindow    ( "PUI Application"  ) ;
  glutDisplayFunc     ( displayfn ) ;
  glutMouseFunc       ( mousefn   ) ;
  glutMotionFunc      ( motionfn  ) ;

  puInit () ;

  puOneShot *b = new puOneShot ( 50, 50, 200, 80 ) ;

  b -> setLegend   ( "Say Hello" ) ;
  b -> setCallback ( button_cb ) ;

  glutMainLoop () ;

  return 0 ;
Notice that the program uses a pretty conventional GLUT startup sequence, with the usual callbacks for mouse events and redisplay. You can even continue to use GLUT popup menus which will work quite happily in conjunction with PUI menus.

The needs of PUI are small - as a minimum, call the puMouse function whenever the mouse is clicked or dragged, call the puDisplay function frequently enough to maintain smooth interactions.

The creation of the user interface is similarly simple, calling the constructor function for the objects you need (with the dimensions of the active area of each object) - then add labels, legends, callback functions, etc.

Whenever the puMouse function detects that the mouse coordinate lies over an active widget, it calls the user-supplied callback function and takes the necessary actions to update the graphics on the next call to puDisplay.

There is a more complicated example in the PUI release area called 'complex.cxx', it produces a menu and a button that float in front of a tumbling cube that is rendered in OpenGL.

Class Descriptions


A puFont is a simple class which can be constructed in one of two ways:

A GLUT Font.

  puFont::puFont ( void *glut_font ) ;

Where 'glut_font' is GLUT_BITMAP font. Since there are only seven GLUT_BITMAP fonts, these have all been pre-declared within PUI. (Mainly for backwards compatability with PLIB versions before 1.0.7).

  extern puFont PUFONT_8_BY_13 ;        - 8x13 Fixed width
  extern puFont PUFONT_9_BY_15 ;        - 9x15 Fixed width
  extern puFont PUFONT_TIMES_ROMAN_10 ; - 10-point Proportional
  extern puFont PUFONT_TIMES_ROMAN_24 ; - 24-point Proportional
  extern puFont PUFONT_HELVETICA_10 ;   - 10-point Proportional
  extern puFont PUFONT_HELVETICA_12 ;   - 12-point Proportional
  extern puFont PUFONT_HELVETICA_18 ;   - 18-point Proportional

These are light on storage - but slow to render on most hardware-based OpenGL implementations because GLUT uses glBitMap to render it's glyphs. If you wish to use PLIB on a software-only OpenGL implementation (Good Luck!) then you'll want to use these GLUT fonts since glBitMap is usually faster than texture-mapped text.

Using a pre-built FNT font

  puFont::puFont ( fntTexFont *tex_font,
                   float pointsize, float slant = 0 ) ;

Where 'tex_font' is texture-based font created using the FNT library and setting the pointsize and optional italic slant (both measured in pixels).


All PUI widgets are derived from the puObject abstract base class. User programs should never declare objects of this type. puObjects are in turn derived from an internally defined puValue class - but this is never visible to the user and is not documented here.

When you declare most widgets, you must define the size of ABOX for the widget. (This is actually the pixel coordinates of the rectangle around the active area of the widget - with the origin at bottom-left of the window).

   puObject::puObject ( int minx, int miny, int maxx, int maxy ) ;

(Some widgets need greater or fewer arguments to their constructor - but most follow this scheme).

You can always find the type of an object derived from puObject by calling:

  int puObject::getType() ;

This returns a bitmask showing the inheritance of any object derived from the puObject base class:

  #define PUCLASS_TEXT

Hence, if you declare an object of (say) class puOneShot, then calling getType() for that object would return
(since a puOneShot is a kind of puButton which is a kind of puObject which is [although not documented that way here] a kind of puValue).

For the purposes of printing diagnostics, etc there is also:

  char *puObject::getTypeString() ;

...which returns a pointer to a statically allocated string which is the name of the top-level class to which that object belongs.

   struct puBox { int min[2] ; int max[2] ; }

   puBox *puObject::getABox () ;
   puBox *puObject::getBBox () ;

Get the Abox and Bbox of the object.

You can also move or resize the ABOX of a widget after it has been declared using:

  void puObject::setPosition ( int x, int y ) ;
  void puObject::setSize     ( int w, int h ) ;

  void puObject::getPosition ( int *x, int *y ) ;
  void puObject::getSize     ( int *w, int *h ) ;

The following functions allow you to manipulate the value of the widget:

  void puObject::clrValue () ;
  void puObject::setValue ( int   i ) ;
  void puObject::setValue ( float f ) ;
  void puObject::setValue ( char *s ) ;

  void puObject::getValue ( int   *i ) ;
  void puObject::getValue ( float *f ) ;
  void puObject::getValue ( char **s ) ;
  int  puObject::getValue () ;

The clrvalue() function has the special function of setting the string value of the widget to the empty string - and the numeric parts to zero.

Some kinds of widget have a default value that they can easily be reset to.

  void puObject::defaultValue() ;

...allows you to return the widget to some known default value. The default value can also be set and read:

  void puObject::setDefaultValue ( int    i ) ;
  void puObject::setDefaultValue ( float  f ) ;
  void puObject::setDefaultValue ( char  *s ) ;

  void puObject::getDefaultValue ( int   *i ) ;
  void puObject::getDefaultValue ( float *f ) ;
  void puObject::getDefaultValue ( char **s ) ;
  int  puObject::getDefaultValue () ;

There are many occasions when you'd really like to have the PUI widget directly drive and/or reflect the value of some memory location in the application code. These calls let you do that:

  void puObject::setValuator ( int   *i ) ;
  void puObject::setValuator ( float *f ) ;
  void puObject::setValuator ( char  *s ) ;

Once you make one of these calls, PUI will automatically update the memory location indicated with the current value of the widget whenever it changes - and also update the appearance of the widget to reflect the value stored in that memory location whenever the widget is redrawn. This is often a lot more convenient than using a callback function to register changes in the widgets' value.

IMPORTANT NOTE: When you pass a 'char*' to setValuator, it is your responsability to ensure that this pointer is pointing at enough memory to store the longest possible string that this widget can possibly need.

Passing NULL to setValuator causes PUI to revert to using an internal variable to store the widget's state.

Each widget can also retain a pointer to user-supplied data:

  void  puObject::setUserData ( void *data ) ;
  void *puObject::getUserData () ;
When the widget is drawn, the application has control of the drawing style and the colours in which the widget is drawn. Reasonable defaults are provided by PUI if you don't set them:

  void puObject::setStyle ( int style ) ;
  int  puObject::getStyle () ;

  'style' is one of:
      PUSTYLE_SHADED          -- This is the Default.
The various styles are interpreted as follows: In addition, you can use the negation of the style to swap the appearance of the slected and deselected versions of an object. Hence, using a style of -PUSTYLE_BEVELLED will produce a widget that appears to be pressed in when it's value is zero and popped out when it's value is non-zero.

Whilst most widgets default to a style of PUSTYLE_SHADED, some of the more complex types such as sliders and menu's pick more complex defaults in order to look 'reasonable'. You can still override those defaults - but the results can often be less than desirable.

  void puObject::setColour ( int which, float  r, float  g, float  b, float  a = 1.0f ) ;
  void puObject::getColour ( int which, float *r, float *g, float *b, float *a = NULL ) ;
  'which' is one of:

Picking all of the individual colours for each widget can be tedious, so there is a handy function that sets a 'theme' colour for the widget and then picks suitable colours near to that theme for the other colours of the widget. This function works well enough that you will almost never need to set the colours individually.

  void puObject::setColourScheme ( float r, float g, float b, float a = 1.0f ) ;

When a widget is activated, its user-supplied callback function is called (if it exists):

  typedef void (*puCallback)(puObject *) ;
  void       puObject::setCallback ( puCallback c ) ;
  puCallback puObject::getCallback () ;
  void       puObject::invokeCallback () ;
The callback is invoked (typically) when the user releases the left mouse button when the cursor lies within the widget's active area. The user-supplied function is called with the address of the widget as a parameter so that the same callback can oftem be used with a variety of similar widgets. It is also possible to invoke an object's callback explicitly using invokeCallback - bear in mind that this does not change the value of the object - unless the callback itself does so.

There are occasionaly times when you'd like the widet to be activated when the user PRESSES the mouse button instead of when he RELEASES it (which is the default). PUI lets you make widgets that are activated on both button-down *and* button up. You can even tell PUI to call your callback continually all the time the left button is pushed while the cursor is inside the widget:

  void puObject::setActiveDirn ( int dirn ) ;
  int  puObject::getActiveDirn () ;
    'dirn' is either PU_UP, PU_DOWN, PU_CONTINUAL or PU_UP_AND_DOWN.

Most widgets can have a LEGEND (text inside the active area of the widget), and also a LABEL (text outside the active area). The individual kinds of widget decide where the LEGEND goes - the application gets to choose where the LABEL is placed relative to the active area of the widget:

  void   puObject::setLegend ( char *str ) ;
  void   puObject::setLabel  ( char *str ) ;

  char  *puObject::getLegend () ;
  char  *puObject::getLabel  () ;

  void   puObject::setLegendFont ( puFont font ) ;
  void   puObject::setLabelFont  ( puFont font ) ;

  puFont puObject::getLegendFont () ;
  puFont puObject::getLabelFont  () ;

  void  puObject::setLabelPlace ( int place ) ;
  int   puObject::getLabelPlace () ;

  'place' is one of:
      PUPLACE_RIGHT    -- The default.
Each widget can be hidden (so it isn't drawn - and can't be clicked on), or simply 'greyed out' (so it can't be clicked on even though it's drawn - but in a style that makes it clear that this is the case).

  void puObject::greyOut    () ;
  void puObject::activate   () ;  -- Undo the 'greyout' effect
  int  puObject::isActive   () ;

  void puObject::hide       () ;
  void puObject::reveal     () ;  -- Undo the 'hide' effect
  int  puObject::isVisible  () ;
Finally, an object can be made to react to the 'return' key on the keyboard just as if it had been clicked with the mouse.

   void puObject::makeReturnDefault ( int boolean ) ;
   int  puObject::isReturnDefault   () ;

In general, it is very confusing to the user to have multiple objects set up with ReturnDefault enabled (although PUI allows this). Typically, this option is only used on buttons in simple Yes/No dialog boxes.


The puButton class is derived from puObject. It implements a simple push-button widget. When clicked its value alternates from '0' to '1' and is highlighted graphically when in the '1' state. By default, buttons 'latch' down when clicked. The application could change this to a one-shot behaviour by resetting the value to '0' in the buttons callback. (Although it is a lot more convenient to simply use the puOneShot class for this).

  puButton::puButton ( int minx, int miny, char *legend ) :
  puButton::puButton ( int minx, int miny, int maxx, int maxy ) :

Apart from these convenient short-hand constructor functions, puButtons have no special API - everything they need is in the puObject API.


The puArrowButton class is derived from puButton. The only difference is that puArrowButton renders as an arrow rather than as a rectangular button.

  puArrowButton::puArrowButton ( int minx, int miny, int maxx, int maxy,
                                 int arrow_type ) :

Where 'arrow_type' is one of:

Single arrows:


Double arrows:


In addition, you can get/set the direction of the arrow in mid-run:

  int  puArrowButton::getArrowType ( void  ) ;
  void puArrowButton::setArrowType ( int i ) ;


The puOneShot class is derived from puButton. It implements a simple push-button widget which automatically pops back out again as soon as the mouse is released. This means that it's value is always '1' inside the callback function and '0' at all other times.

puOneShot's have no special API - everything they need is in the puButton API.


The puSlider class is derived from puObject. It implements a slider widget. When clicked, dragged or unclicked its value changes in proportion to where it is clicked. For the value (as returned by puObject::getValue(float *f) ) ranges from 0.0 to 1.0 from the left to the right (or from the bottom to the top). The application can change the position of the slider using puObject::setValue(float f) with a number in the range 0.0 to 1.0.

  puSlider::puSlider ( int minx, int miny, int maxx ) :
  puSlider::puSlider ( int minx, int miny, int maxy, TRUE ) :

The first version produces a HORIZONTAL slider, the second version produces a VERTICAL slider.

  void  puSlider::setSliderFraction ( float f ) ;
  float puSlider::getSliderFraction () ;

The 'slider fraction' is the proportion of the total width of the slider widget that is taken up with the sliders' "handle". It defaults to 0.1 (ie one tenth of the width of the entire widget).

There are several choices to be made relating to when (or how often) you wish your callback function to be called:

  void  puSlider::setCBMode ( int mode ) ;
  float puSlider::getCBMode () ;
   where 'mode' is one of:
       PUSLIDER_CLICK  - Only invoke the callback when
                         the mouse goes in the active direction.
       PUSLIDER_DELTA  - Invoke the callback only when the value
                         of the slider changes by more than a
                         certain amount.
       PUSLIDER_ALWAYS - Invoke the callback all the time that
                         the mouse is in the widget with the mouse
                         button pushed down. (This is the default).

In the PUSLIDER_DELTA case, the amount of change required before the callback is called is set by:

  void  puSlider::setDelta ( float f ) ;
  float puSlider::getDelta () ;
The parameter is expressed as a fraction of the total slider width (ie 0.0f to 1.0f).

  int  puSlider::isVertical () ;

This returns TRUE for Vertical sliders - FALSE for Horizontal ones.


The puFrame class is derived from puObject. It is designed to provide some aesthetic layout and labelling to your user interface. As such, the user can never do anything to the frame by clicking on it - there is no point in creating a callback for this kind of object since it will never be called. The frame renders as a large PUCOL_FOREGROUND coloured rectangle (with legend and label) in the appropriate style.

puFrames have no special API - everything they need is in the puObject API.


The puText class is derived from puObject. It's function is simply to allow text to be positioned on the user interface. Since puText has no active area (it cannot be clicked), it has no legend text and the text you want it to draw should be in the label string.

The only special API for puText is its constructor function:

  puText::puText ( int x, int y ) ;

By default, this is the bottom-left corner of the label - but you can of course change that with puObject::setLabelPlace().

Everything else that puText widgets need is in the puObject API.


The puInput class is derived from puObject. It's designed for the specific purpose of allowing the user to input a string (or an integer or floating point number).

First, create the puInput object:

   puInput::puInput ( int minx, int miny, int maxx, int maxy ) ;

Note that puInput objects do not display their 'legend' string - the center of the widget being used to draw the value as a string.

A puInput object can be in two states - accepting keystrokes - or ignoring them. Use these functions to toggle between the two states:

  void puInput::acceptInput () ;
  void puInput::rejectInput () ;
  int  puInput::isAcceptingInput () ;

When the user hits the 'Return' key, the puInput is automatically set to reject further input. When the user clicks the mouse onto the puInput, it is automatically set to accept input - and the I-bar cursor is moved next to the character nearest to where the mouse was clicked.

The text area contains an 'I' bar cursor and a highlighted 'select' area. You can get and set the character positions (not pixel coordinates) of those entities:

  void puInput::setCursor ( int pos ) ;
  int  puInput::getCursor () ;

  void puInput::setSelectRegion ( int  start, int  end ) ;
  void puInput::getSelectRegion ( int *start, int *end ) ;

Since a puInput uses the normal value getting and setting functions of puObject, you are limited to PUSTRING_MAX characters (currently 80).

When typing into a puInput box, the Backspace, Delete, Home, End, Left and Right Arrows, Space, Return, Tab, Esc and ^U keys have the expected functions. All printable characters are inserted into the text. Everything else is not accepted by the puInput and is available to other functions.


The puGroup class is derived from puObject. When declaring objects derived from puGroup, it is essential that these objects are delete'ed in the reverse order to their creation (except when your program is about to exit anyway).

The purpose of a puGroup is allow you to group together other puObjects and to operate on them en-masse.

When you want to create a group of puObjects using a puGroup, you construct the puGroup itself, then construct all the widgets that you want to have inside it. When you have finished adding widgets to the puGroup, you call:

  void puGroup::close () ;

puGroup widgets can be placed inside other puGroup widgets to an arbitary depth. When a puGroup is delete'ed, it will automatically delete everything that it contains.

Doing a puObject::hide() on a puGroup will hide all the objects inside the puGroup. Doing a puObject::greyout() on a puGroup prevents anything inside that group from being clicked. Colours, styles, etc are NOT propagated from puGroup to it's children.

The coordinates of puGroup child objects are always specified relative to the bottom-left corner of the puGroup rather than in absolute screen coordinates.


The puInterface class is derived from puGroup. This class is another abstract class - application programs should not declare puInterface objects.

The difference between a simple puGroup and a puInterface is that when an interface is enabled, it takes priority over other widgets so that they cannot be clicked upon. Widgets such as popup menus are typically puInterfaces which group a number of puButtons.

The PUI system itself maintains a private global puInterface which is used to group together all of the puObjects that the application generates that are not grouped into other puInterfaces.


The puButtonBox class is derived from puInterface. It is designed to automatically generate a number of 'radio' buttons with a handful of member function calls and a single callback function. It can optionally manage the problem of ensuring that exactly one of the buttons is depressed at all times, or it can allow multiple buttons to be active at the same time.

  puButtonBox::puButtonBox ( int minx, int miny, int maxx, int maxy,
                             char *labels, int one_button ) ;

The 'labels' parameter is a NULL-terminated array of pointers-to-strings containing the labels for each of the radio-buttons. These are drawn in order from top to bottom of the Button Box.

Like most other puObject's, puButtonBox has a 'value' that can be set using puObject::setValue(int i) and read using puObject::getValue(). If 'one_button' is set TRUE then the puButtonBox will use it's value as the index of the radio-button that is currently pressed. If 'one_button' is FALSE then the puButtonBox will limit the number of buttons to 32 and use it's value as a mask indicating which buttons are set ('1'==button pressed, '0'==button not pressed).

  int puButtonBox::isOneButton () ;

This function returns TRUE for a one_button box, FALSE otherwise.

By default, if one_button==TRUE then the first button is highlighted since the 'value' of the puButtonBox is zero. If one_button==FALSE then none of the buttons are pressed by default since the value is 0x00000000 and that indicates no buttons pushed.

In the one_button==TRUE case, setting the value to something out of range will result in none of the radio buttons being highlighted.


The puPopup class is derived from puInterface. It's function is to pop up a bunch of other widgets on command.

One significant difference between puPopups and other puObjects is that it starts off hidden (puObject::isVisible()==TRUE) - and the application (or some other widget) has to make it visible in order for it to DO something.

It's possible to use a puPopup to create a popup menu, as a part of a drop-down menu and to implement dialog boxes and alert boxes.


The puDialogBox class is derived from puPopup. While there is a puDialogBox in existance (ie Constructed and not yet destroyed) nothing that isn't contained within that puDialogBox will be activated by either keyboard or mouse (Although they will still be re-drawn).

   puDialogBox::puDialogBox ( int x, int y ) ;

Here is a simple example where a callback function want's to tell the user that it's code hasn't been written yet...

puDialogBox *dialog_box = NULL ;

void go_away_callback ( puObject *ob )
  delete dialog_box ;
  dialog_box = NULL ;

void make_dialog ( char *txt )
  if ( dialog_box != NULL )
    return ;

  dialog_box = new puDialogBox ( 50, 50 ) ;
    new puFrame ( 0, 0, 400, 100 ) ;
    new puText  ( 10, 70 ) -> setLabel ( txt ) ;

    puOneShot *ok = new puOneShot ( 180, 10, "OK" ) ;
    ok -> makeReturnDefault ( TRUE ) ;
    ok -> setCallback       ( go_away_callback ) ;
  dialog_box -> close  () ;
  dialog_box -> reveal () ;

void not_implemented_yet_callback ( puObject *ob )
  make_dialog ( "Sorry, that function isn't implemented yet" ) ;

When 'not_implemented_yet_callback' is called (presumably from another puObject), it calls 'make_dialog' to construct and activate a suitable dialog box object.

This causes the dialog box to pop up onto the screen. When the 'OK' button is pressed (or the RETURN key is hit - since the button has makeReturnDefault(TRUE) set), the 'go_away_callback' is called - which deletes the dialog box (which in turn causes the destruction of all the contents of that box).


The puPopupMenu class is derived from puPopup. It's designed for the specific purpose of building a simple popup menu - which is actualy implemented as a stack of buttons (puOneShot's actually) with callbacks.

To create the puPopupMenu object:

   puPopupMenu::puPopupMenu ( int x, int y, char *legends[], puCallback cb[] ) ;

The individual items in the menu are set up in a pair of NULL-terminated arrays. The 'legends' array lists the strings that will appear in the menu and the 'cb' array is the corresponding callback that will be made if that menu item is clicked. (Both arrays should be NULL terminated but the puCallback array can have other NULL pointers indicating items that have no action when clicked upon).

Each item that you add will be translated into an appropriately sized, styled and coloured puOneShot (which is only visible to the application when passed to the callback function).


The puMenuBar class is derived from puInterface. It's designed for the specific purpose of building a horizontal strip menu (typically at the top of the screen). Each entry in that menu turns into a puPopupMenu when clicked upon.

First, create the puMenuBar object:

   puMenuBar::puMenuBar () ;
   puMenuBar::puMenuBar ( int y ) ;

(If you omit 'y', the menu bar will attempt to remain at the top of the screen, even if the screen is resized).

Next, set up the colours for the menu - just as with any other puObject, then add the individual items:

  void *puMenuBar::add_submenu ( char *name, char *legends[], puCallback cb[] );

'name' is the name that appears on the menu bar, 'legends' is the NULL-terminated list of strings that appear inside the popup menu and 'cb' is the list of corresponding callback functions. (Both arrays should be NULL terminated but the puCallback array can have other NULL pointers indicating PopupMenu items that have no action when clicked upon).

Each item that you add will be translated into an appropriately sized, styled and coloured puPopupMenu which is hidden and revealed appropriately as each name is clicked upon.

Don't forget (since this is a kind of puInterface) that you need to call:

  puMenuBar::close() ;

...when you have finished creating the menu items.


  char      *file_submenu    [] = { "Exit" , "Close", "--------", "Save" , NULL};
  puCallback file_submenu_cb [] = { exit_cb, cull_cb,       NULL, save_cb, NULL};
  char      *help_submenu    [] = { "About...", "Help" , NULL } ;
  puCallback help_submenu_cb [] = { about_cb  , help_cb, NULL } ;

  puMenuBar *menu = new puMenuBar ( -1 ) ;
  menu->add_submenu ( "File", file_submenu, file_submenu_cb ) ;
  menu->add_submenu ( "Help", help_submenu, help_submenu_cb ) ;
  menu->close () ;

Non-Class Functions.

The following functions are not a part of any classes:

Setting Defaults.

It can be pretty tedious coding in the colours, fonts and style for every puObject. There are a number of routines that alter the defaults that will be assumed for all subsequently constructed puObjects...

  void puSetDefaultStyle ( int style ) ;
  int  puGetDefaultStyle () ;

  void puSetDefaultFonts ( puFont  legendFont, puFont  labelFont ) ;
  void puGetDefaultFonts ( puFont *legendFont, puFont *labelFont ) ;

  void puSetDefaultColourScheme ( float  r, float  g, float  b, float  a = 1.0 );
  void puGetDefaultColourScheme ( float *r, float *g, float *b, float *a = NULL);
These take the same arguments as the corresponding puObject class members.


This must be the first PUI function that you call. It must be called after GLUT window setup but before glutMainLoop().

   void puInit () ;


Causes PUI to redraw all of the currently created widgets.

   void puDisplay () ;

It sets up the GL transforms as follows:

  int w = puGetWindowWidth  () ;
  int h = puGetWindowHeight () ;


  glDisable      ( GL_LIGHTING   ) ;
  glDisable      ( GL_FOG        ) ;
  glDisable      ( GL_TEXTURE_2D ) ;
  glDisable      ( GL_DEPTH_TEST ) ;

  glViewport     ( 0, 0, w, h ) ;
  glMatrixMode   ( GL_PROJECTION ) ;
  glPushMatrix   () ;
  glLoadIdentity () ;
  gluOrtho2D     ( 0, w, 0, h ) ;
  glMatrixMode   ( GL_MODELVIEW ) ;
  glPushMatrix   () ;
  glLoadIdentity () ;
...and after it finishes rendering the GUI and the puCursor (see below), it restores state like this:

  glMatrixMode   ( GL_PROJECTION ) ;
  glPopMatrix    () ;
  glMatrixMode   ( GL_MODELVIEW ) ;
  glPopMatrix    () ;
  glPopAttrib    () ;

All drawing code is done with whatever glMaterial/glTexture/glEnabled facilities are curently set. All PUI rendering is done with simple colours and 2D drawing functions such as glRect and glDrawPixels.

This function is typically called from the glutDisplayFunc callback.


  void my_display_func ()
    glClearColor ( 0.1, 0.4, 0.1, 1.0 ) ;
    glClear      ( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT ) ; your own OpenGL rendering...
    puDisplay () ;
    glutSwapBuffers   () ;
    glutPostRedisplay () ;
  puInit () ;
  glutDisplayFunc ( my_display_func ) ;
  glutMainLoop() ;


This routine takes keystroke events (presumably generated by GLUT) and uses them to decide which (if any) widgets changed state as a result. puKeyboard doesn't do any actual graphics - so you have to call puDisplay if you want the display to be upated.

   int puKeyboard ( int key, int state ) ;

   'key' is either an ASCII character, or one of the
       PU_KEY_xxx symbols. These are named similarly
       to the GLUT_KEY_xxx symbols but are numerically
       set such that:
   'state' is one of
       PU_DOWN           (which is the same as GLUT_DOWN)
       PU_UP             (which is the same as GLUT_UP)
       (At present, GLUT can only generate PU_DOWN events for the
       keyboard - and PUI won't do anything with PU_UP events. 
Notice that this function will accept either an ASCII character or a special keycode.

The return result is TRUE if one of the widgets actually used the keystroke. This can be used to determine if the keyboard event was 'consumed' by the user interface - or whether it should be used in some other application-specific way. It is also true to say that in a single-buffered application, the puDisplay function doesn't need to be called until puKeyboard() returns TRUE (unless of course the application chooses to change a colour or a label or something).


   void my_keyboard_func ( unsigned char key, int x, int y )
     puKeyboard ( key, PU_DOWN ) ;
     glutPostRedisplay () ;
   void my_special_func ( int special_key, int x, int y )
     puKeyboard ( special_key + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET, PU_DOWN ) ;
     glutPostRedisplay () ;
   puInit () ;
   glutKeyboardFunc ( my_keyboard_func ) ;
   glutSpecialFunc  ( my_special_func  ) ;
   glutMainLoop() ;

Note: PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET is required since the definitions of the GLUT_KEY_xxx symbols overlap the ASCII character range but the PU_KEY_xxx symbols don't. Hence PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET is currently defined to be 256.

These are the code symbols for the special keys:

    PU_KEY_F1       PU_KEY_F2         PU_KEY_F3     PU_KEY_F4
    PU_KEY_F5       PU_KEY_F6         PU_KEY_F7     PU_KEY_F8
    PU_KEY_F9       PU_KEY_F10        PU_KEY_F11    PU_KEY_F12



This routine take mouse events (presumably generated by GLUT) and uses them to decide which (if any) widgets changed state as a result. puMouse doesn't do any actual graphics - so you have to call puDisplay if you want the display to be upated.

   int puMouse ( int buttons, int state, int x, int y ) ;
   int puMouse ( int x, int y ) ;

   'buttons' is one of
       PU_LEFT_BUTTON    (which is the same as GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON)
       PU_MIDDLE_BUTTON  (which is the same as GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON)
       PU_RIGHT_BUTTON   (which is the same as GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON)
   'state' is one of
       PU_DOWN           (which is the same as GLUT_DOWN)
       PU_UP             (which is the same as GLUT_UP)
Notice that this function will accept exactly the arguments that GLUT passes to the glutMouseFunc, glutMotionFunc and glutPassiveMotionFunc callbacks. This means that the 'y' coordinate is reversed compared to those used in OpenGL. The coordinate is flipped back inside the function before comparing it to the active areas of all the widgets.

Since GLUT doesn't tell you which mouse buttons are held while the mouse is being 'dragged', the second form of the 'puMouse' function (which is usually called from the glutMotionFunc and glutPassiveMotionFunc callbacks), assumes that the mouse buttons are the same as for the last call to the first form of the puMouse() call (which does have button information).

The return result is TRUE if one of the widgets was actually hit by the mouse event. This can be used to determine if the mouse event was 'consumed' by the user interface - or whether it should be used in some other application-specific way. It is also true to say that in a single-buffered application, the puDisplay function doesn't need to be called until puMouse() returns TRUE (unless of course the application chooses to change a colour or a label or something).

The PUI 'soft' Cursor

PUI can take motion events (presumably generated by GLUT - and passed on to puMouse) and use them to draw a mouse cursor. Typically, the underlying window manager will draw a perfectly good cursor for you - but there are a few (rare) cases where such facilities are not available and a cursor drawn using OpenGL is needed.

It is also possible to show and hide the PUI cursor (note that it is hidden by default):

   void puShowCursor     () ;
   void puHideCursor     () ;
   int  puCursorIsHidden () ;
The cursor is always drawn in black, with a white border - it is about 18 pixels wide and 18 pixels high and is drawn as an arrow pointing north-west. At present, there is no way to change the cursor shape or colour.

If you enable this function on a machine that does have a hardware (or at least operating-system generated) cursor, then you will probably notice that the PUI cursor lags behind the 'real' cursor. This is because the PUI cursor can only be drawn at the end of the frame, after all the other OpenGL drawing functions are complete. Also, if you are using a double-buffered rendering context, the cursor won't appear in it's new position until the buffers are swapped at the end of the frame.

Still, for all it's faults, if there is no other cursor provided for you - PUI's cursor is a lot better than nothing.

Example of puMouse and puShowCursor usage:


   void my_mouse_func ( int button, int updown, int x, int y )
     puMouse ( button, updown, x, y ) ;
     glutPostRedisplay () ;
   void my_motion_func ( int x, int y )
     puMouse ( x, y ) ;
     glutPostRedisplay () ;
  puInit () ;

  glutMouseFunc         ( my_mouse_func  ) ;
  glutMotionFunc        ( my_motion_func ) ;
  glutPassiveMotionFunc ( my_motion_func ) ;

  if ( my_hardware_doesnt_have_a_cursor )
    puShowCursor () ;
  glutMainLoop () ;

Transparent GUI's

One very trendy idea is to use translucent GUI widgets. This is handy because the GUI doesn't intrude quite so badly into the available screen area. Translucent menu's have always been possible in PUI - it's just that nobody ever actually wanted to do it. Here's what you do:


Mark Danks has succeeded in getting PUI to function in a WIN32 environment without using GLUT. This is certainly not the intended way to use PUI - even under WIN32 - but it's interesting to know that it is possible.

In fact, this neatly demolishes my hope that people would write their WIN32 programs in GLUT/OpenGL/PUI and thus be able to port them over to Linux at near zero effort.

Mark's changes are now in mainstream PUI, all you have to do is to compile the PUI sources with:


Since there is no longer any way for PUI to glutGet() the screen dimensions, your application must now tell PUI every time it changes the screen dimensions.

    puSetWindowSize ( int width, int height ) ;

There are two portability functions:

   int puGetWindowWidth  () ;
   int puGetWindowHeight () ;

These return the most recent puSetWindowSize parameters under Marks raw WIN32 environment - and do a nice portable glutGet() on all other setups.

The GLUT-less PUI cannot switch fonts - it always uses the system font. It also requires the 'wgl' functions to be present in whichever OpenGL is being used.

There is a demo of this PUI setup in the puiAlone directory. Notice that this code is provided under somewhat different terms from the remainder of PUI - nothing too onerous though.

Steve J. Baker. <>