home13.zip      2351470  970325  Home & business automation; 10 major systems
irdc250.zip      343733  970710  Send commands to a one for all remote control
smrten21.zip      96417  960425  X10 CP290 home control scheduling program
x10dc165.zip     365825  960614  Direct commands & diagnostics for X-10 CP290
x10ec130.zip     422831  960609  Event scheduler for the X-10 CP290
x10fx100.zip      24299  961009  FX v1.0: TW-523 X10 command interpreter
x10xa320.zip     189348  961009  XA v3.20: X10 Command Interpreter for CP-290
x10xt200.zip      60667  961009  XT v2.0: TSR for CP-290 X10 computer interface