1svga.zip 31 SuperVGA and other programs with TP sources 2l8pe113.zip TooLate fill-pattern editor 1.13 for C coders 2show204.zip CompuShow 2000! v/2 GIF,JPEG,PNG view/convert 2svga.zip More SuperVGA/VGA and other programs w/TP srcs 3d_land.zip Virtual Reality mountain generator 3denvmap.zip 3D Real-time renderer with environment mapping 3dexampl.zip 3DExampl: How to animate in 3 dimensions 3dgpl.zip 3D graphics tutorial w/ C source of 3D library 3dpath10.zip Animation path creator for POV 3dskt10.zip StereoSketch 1.0 3-D Toolkit 3dv095.zip 3DView: Object previewer 3dvect39.zip 3D Vector engine with ASM/QBasic source 3dvis10.zip Displays and rotates 3D curves and surfaces a_view3.zip View captured BBS ANSI (multiple) screens alch18.zip Image Alchemy v1.8 image format conversion asgv1.zip Random Dot Stereogram generator bcut.zip VGA protected mode PCX brush cutting utility bmorph30.zip Morphing program, BMP image input, outputs BEN bmp2txt.zip Converts .BMP files to a .TXT picture bmpcut10.zip DOS command-line based BMP file image cutter bvista.zip 3D data view, convert & render/rtaytrace. EVAL bzztbzzt.zip Button reader/slide show viewer for Game Shows canipk01.zip Pack of 10 color prompts for CaniPrompts canipk02.zip Pack of 10 color prompts for CaniPrompts caniprom.zip Makes DOS prompt colorized and animated +more cmplg201.zip CompuLog v/2 graphic catalog/thumb/database cmt20.zip CHUNK Media Tools: Create bizarre slideshows cshow904.zip CompuShow v/9 GIF,JPEG,PNG,etc view/converter cthug53.zip Cthugha v5.3: real-time graphics from sound cthug53s.zip C Source code for Cthugha v5.3 (cthug53.zip) cthug53x.zip Extra goodies to go along with Cthugha v5.3 disp189a.zip Display/Convert images/movies w/many formats disp189b.zip Video driver sources and Fonts for disp189a dl_dj_63.zip Data Plotting Library DISLIN for GCC dl_ef_63.zip Data Plotting Library for ELF90 dl_em_63.zip Data Plotting Library DISLIN for EMX dl_g7_63.zip Data Plotting Library DISLIN for G77 dl_ps_63.zip DISLIN PostScript Manual dvpeg30l.zip Dvpeg 3.0l JPEG/GIF/Targa/PPM viewer, 286+ req fgl402a.zip Fastgraph/Lite Graphics Library 1 of 6 fgl402b.zip Fastgraph/Lite Graphics Library 2 of 6 fgl402c.zip Fastgraph/Lite Graphics Library 3 of 6 fgl402d.zip Fastgraph/Lite Graphics Library 4 of 6 fgl402e.zip Fastgraph/Lite Graphics Library 5 of 6 fgl402f.zip Fastgraph/Lite Graphics Library 6 of 6 fpunr210.zip Fast, easy to use Mandelbrot/Julia set plotter fract3.zip Shows how to produce a fractal image, w/C src fracxtr6.zip Lots of Extras files for Fractint v19.1+ frain195.zip Fractint fractal generator version 19.5 frasr195.zip Source for Fractint 19.5 fractal generator freetyp4.zip TrueType rendering library. Supports hinting gcl_21.zip GCL: Graphics Command and Language Interpreter gcl_21ps.zip Manual of the Graphics Command Language GCL gds31f.zip Graphics file viewer, converter, cataloger geoclk70.zip GeoClock: Sunlight clock with 4 maps and moon geoxtr70.zip 3 more maps and data bases for GeoClock gforge13.zip Fractal landscapes: heightfields for POV-Ray gfview11.zip gFView v1.10: Graphics file viewer for LIST gfxck121.zip GFXCheck v1.21: Graphics file checking utility grfwk70f.zip View/cvt/print MAC/IMG/GIF/TIFF/EPS graphics gview25s.zip Gview v2.5s: Graphics viewer/manager hcshow15.zip Targa image viewer for HiColor VGA graphics hidimg30.zip SVGA256 Hidden Image AutoStereogram Generator hotkey21.zip HOTKEY v2.1: Editor of PCX images ico2gif.zip Convert ICO images to GIF format icoview2.zip IconView: Mini program which shows simple .ICO j3d284.zip Advanced 3d Model Viewer with texture mapping jaluit11.zip BSP tree compiler: hidden-surface removal etc. jpeg6a.zip Convert JPEG files to/from BMP,GIF,PPM,PGM,TGA jpeg6a32.zip Faster version of jpeg6a.zip for 386 or better jpegsr6a.zip Source code for JPEG compression/decompression ldraw10b.zip Friendly paint editor: Developers tool+source magps410.zip Convert image file to PostScript-2 file format mand13.zip Draws and navigates Mandelbrot fractal set mand56a.zip Mandelbrot/Julia set generator v5.6, fractals mandec75.zip MandelbrotEyeCandy v.75: Free Mandelbrot prog maze11.zip Generates and prints 86 million unique mazes morphm10.zip Morphing Magic v1.0: A 2D morphing program mp123.zip Non-complicated sprite editor by Maktos neopt32a.zip NeoPaint v3.2a: Graphics bitmap editor/paint ns26.zip NeoShow 2.6 Slideshow maker for PCX/GIX images nsp26f.zip NeoShow Pro: Slideshow presentation/graphics nview150.zip Graphics Viewer/Slideshow/Catalog for SuperVGA ombra717.zip Image viewer, color/pan/zoom with mouse pcx2txt.zip PCX image to text file conversion utility pcx98fix.zip Fixed 98 byte long PCX viewer (320x200x256) pcxans15.zip Convert PCX images to ANSI pcxdmp93.zip EGA and (S)VGA screen grabber pep17.zip PEP: Picture Editing Package v1.7 pic14.zip PIC Editor: Sprite libraries manager pv250.zip PictureViewer v2.50, for EGA, VGA SVGA qpv17e.zip JPG/TGA/GIF/PCX/BMP viewer-FAST! Req 386+ VGA qv103a.zip DOS Multimedia Viewer including AVI with sound s3spd310.zip Speeds up S3 graphics cards (req. S3 VBE 2.0) s3vbe311.zip Installs a VESA VBE 2.0 for S3 graphics cards scthf158.zip ScreenThief: Screen capture to GIF/PCX/TIF/BMP sea12c.zip Viewer/Converter: JPG/PNG/GIF/TIF/PCX/FLI etc. showpcx.zip Command-line PCX image file display util. v1.2 spmorf19.zip SPMORF v1.9: Powerful morphing program sse10.zip 70 FPS Sprites & Scrolling Lib-Watcom 10 C/C++ svgacc25.zip SVGA Gfx lib for MS compatible C/C++ compilers svgakt52.zip Developer's SVGA kit for DOS/Windows svgapb25.zip SVGA Graphics lib for PowerBASIC 3.00c & later svgapv25.zip SVGA Graphics lib for MS PDS & MS VBDOS svgaqb25.zip SVGA Graphics lib for MS QuickBASIC 4.5 t2p16.zip Convert plain text to B/W PCX image tlpr12.zip Graphical TelePrompter. 5000 lines. Herc-VGA topos.zip TOPOS: 3D map scanner and viewer tpcx113.zip Smallest PCX viewer in 134 Bytes tpcx2.zip PCXView: Mini program shows simple .PCX tsdraw16.zip Graphical pres. of equations and LP problems tsgifs16.zip Timo's collection of GIF labels for the Web txpnt18.zip Text-based paint program uf10.zip Mandelbrot & Julia fractals, fast, true-color univbe51.zip Universal VESA VBE for most SuperVGA cards vesadrv2.zip VESA TSR graphics drivers. For DCVIEW21.ZIP vpic61e.zip GIF/MAC/PCX/ColorRix pics view/convrt, EGA/VGA xaos22b.zip Portable interactive realtime fractal zoomer xaos22s.zip XaoS source (compiles under djgpp) zuk104.zip Mandelbrot viewer: SVGA smooth dynamic zooming