----------------------------------------------------------- Root Directory path: / ----------------------------------------------------------- readme.txt Readme File concerning the Simtel CDROM docs\ Information on Simtel cdroms starter\ Essential info and utilities for beginners disc1\4dos\ 4DOS command processor and utilities disc1\animate\ Animation players and utilities disc1\bbs\ Bulletin board (BBS) programs and utilities disc1\bbsdoor\ Doors for various BBS's disc1\bbslist\ Lists of MS-DOS and MS-Windows BBS's disc1\bible\ On-line versions of the Bible disc1\calculat\ Calculators disc1\catalog\ Utilities for making disk catalogs disc1\cdrom\ CD-ROM utilities disc1\celerity\ Celerity BBS program and utilities disc1\citadel\ Citadel BBS programs disc1\clocks\ On-screen clocks and clock utilities disc1\database\ Database management programs and utilities disc1\deskaccs\ Calendars, appointment schedulers and desktop utilities disc1\deskjet\ Utilities for DeskJet printers disc1\deskpub\ Desktop publishing programs and utilities disc1\educatin\ Educational programs disc1\ega\ Utilities for EGA monitors disc1\entertn\ Entertainment, various disc1\ezycom\ Ezycom BBS program and utilities disc1\falken\ Falken BBS program and utilities disc1\fido\ Fido BBS and Fidonet-related programs disc1\filedocs\ SimTel indexes and utilities to handle them disc1\finance\ Finance and money-management programs and utilities disc1\food\ Food / recipe management programs disc1\formgen\ Custom forms generators disc1\genealgy\ Genealogy / family history programs and utilities disc1\geogrphy\ Geography-related programs disc1\geology\ Geology-related programs disc1\gif\ Programs for viewing and handling GIF and other images disc1\graph\ Scientific graphics utilities disc1\graphics\ Programs for viewing and handling various graphics/images disc1\gtsmusic\ GTS music system files disc1\hamradio\ Ham Radio programs and utilities disc1\handicap\ Utilities to assist the physically challenged disc1\hebrew\ Hebrew language support disc1\hercules\ Hercules video display drivers and utilities disc1\info\ Information files on many different subjects disc1\infonet\ Info.Net Internet Magazine disc1\install\ Utilities for program installation disc1\irit\ IRIT solid modeler disc1\jdrbbs\ JDR_BBS - Juggernaut BBS program and mailer disc1\ka9q\ KA9Q TCP/IP network utilities disc1\keyboard\ Keyboard-related utilities disc1\langtutr\ Foreign language tutorials disc1\laser\ Fonts and utilities for HP laserjet disc1\legal\ Legal forms disc1\linguist\ Linguistic-related programs disc1\litratur\ Literature disc1\mac\ Utilities for handling Macintosh files disc1\menu\ Programs for creating menu systems disc1\mfg\ Manufacturing-related programs disc1\modem\ Modem / communications programs and utilities disc1\mormon\ Scriptures of the LDS Church (Mormons) disc1\music\ Music-related programs and samples disc1\naplps\ NAPLPS drawing programs and utilities disc1\netpage\ Simple Network Paging Protocol (RFC 1568) programs disc1\notabene\ Notabene text-processing program and utilities disc1\opus\ OPUS BBS program and utilities disc1\packet\ Packet Radio programs and utilities disc1\paging\ Programs to send paging announcements to pocket pagers disc1\pcboard\ PCBoard BBS program and utilities disc1\pibterm\ PibTerm communications program disc1\printer\ Printer utilities disc1\procomm\ ProComm communications program and utilities disc1\prodigy\ Prodigy on-line services-related utilities disc1\projmgr\ Project management programs disc1\qmodem\ QModem communications program and utilities disc1\qtrdeck\ Info / utilities / patches of Quarterdeck's products disc1\rbbs_pc\ RBBS-PC BBS program and utilities disc1\recreatn\ Personal recreation programs and information files disc1\rip\ RIP graphics utilities disc1\satelite\ Satellite tracking programs and information disc1\screen\ Screen savers, drivers and other screen utilities disc1\sharpapr\ SharePaper - SVGA disk magazine about ShareWare disc1\simulatn\ Simulation programs disc1\sound\ Audio sample (sound) players / editors disc1\sports\ Sports-related programs disc1\spredsht\ Spreadsheet programs and utilities disc1\statstic\ Statistics-related programs disc1\tagbbs\ TAG BBS program and utilities disc1\taxes\ U.S. federal tax return preparation & related programs disc1\teaching\ Classroom and related aids for school teachers disc1\telegard\ Telegard BBS program and utilities disc1\telix\ Telix communications program and utilities disc1\tiff\ Tiff image utilities disc1\travel\ Programs and information of interest to travelers disc1\vga\ Utilities for VGA monitors disc1\voice\ Utilities generating speech / voice for PC disc1\voicmail\ Voice-mail programs for some modems disc1\waffle\ Waffle BBS program and utilities disc1\wildcat\ Wildcat BBS program and utilities disc1\wordperf\ WordPerfect-related utilities disc1\wwiv\ WWIV BBS program and utilities disc1\x_10\ Utilities for BSR and other X10 controllers disc1\zmodem\ X/Y/Zmodem protocol programs and external drivers disc1\zoo\ Zoo archiver program and related utilities disc2\ada\ Ada programming language-related files disc2\ai\ Artificial intelligence-related utilities disc2\archiver\ Archiving programs (ARC, ARJ, LZH, UC2, etc.) disc2\arcutil\ Utilities for handling archived files disc2\asm_mag\ Assembly Language 'Magazine' disc2\asmutil\ Assembly language source code, libraries & utilities disc2\astrnomy\ Astronomy-related programs and utilities disc2\at\ Utilities for PC AT+ machines disc2\autocad\ AutoCad and AutoLisp utilities disc2\awk\ MS-DOS versions of Unix awk programming language disc2\bakernws\ Baker's PC press releases disc2\basic\ BASIC programming language-related files disc2\batutil\ Batch file utilities disc2\binedit\ Utilities for editing binary files disc2\biology\ Biology-related programs disc2\bootutil\ System boot utilities disc2\borland\ Patches / drivers / utilities for Borland's languages disc2\c\ C programming language-related files disc2\cad\ Computer Assisted Design programs disc2\chemstry\ Chemistry-related programs disc2\clipper\ Utilities / codes / patches for Clipper disc2\cms_tape\ Colorado Memory Systems tape backup programs disc2\compress\ MS-DOS ports of Unix compress, gzip; and compression pgms disc2\cpluspls\ C++ programming language-related files disc2\cron\ Utilities for executing command(s) at specified time(s) disc2\crossasm\ Cross-assemblers (assemblers for other OSs/CPUs) disc2\dbase\ dBASE-related utilities disc2\dbms_mag\ DBMS Magazine disc2\ddjmag\ Dr. Dobbs Journal magazine listings disc2\debug\ Program debugging tools disc2\decode\ UU/XX encoding/decoding and other encode/decode programs disc2\desqview\ Utilities for Quarterdeck's DESQview disc2\dirutil\ Directory maintenance utilities disc2\disasm\ EXE and COM file disassemblers disc2\diskutil\ Floppy / hard disk programs and utilities disc2\djgpp\ GNU software ported to MSDOS disc2\dv_x\ Utilities for Quarterdeck's DESQview/X disc2\editor\ Text editors disc2\eel\ Epsilon text editor-related utilities disc2\eiffel\ Eiffel Software Development disc2\electric\ Electrical and electronic programs disc2\ems_prof\ EMS Professional ShareWare information/database files disc2\emulator\ Programs for emulating different operating environments disc2\engineer\ Engineering-related programs disc2\envutil\ MS-DOS environment handling utilities disc2\execomp\ Executable compressors and related utilities disc2\fileutil\ Utilities for maintaining and handling files disc2\flowchrt\ Flow-charting programs disc2\forth\ Forth programming language-related files disc2\fortran\ Fortran programming language-related files disc2\fossil\ FOSSIL drivers for BBS use disc2\freemacs\ FreEMACS: Fast Emacs-like text editor written in ASM disc2\geos1x\ Utilities for Geoworks version 1.* disc2\geos2x\ Utilities for Geoworks version 2.* disc2\geosnews\ GeoByte newsletters disc2\hypertxt\ Programs for creating/authoring hypertext documents disc2\iconlang\ ICON programming language files disc2\io_util\ I/O port utilities / drivers disc2\lan\ Local Area Network-related utilities disc2\logo\ LOGO programming language files disc2\lotus123\ Lotus 123-related utilities disc2\mapping\ Map / mapping utilities disc2\math\ Mathematics programs and utilities disc2\mathcopr\ Math coprocessor utilities / emulators disc2\memutil\ Memory utilities / managers disc2\microsft\ Updates to Microsoft's MS-DOS disc2\misclang\ Miscellaneous programming languages disc2\modula2\ Modula2 programming language-related files disc2\mouse\ Mouse utilities / drivers disc2\msjournl\ MS Systems Journal program listings disc2\ncsatlnt\ NCSA Telnet programs / utilities / drivers disc2\network\ Network-related programs and utilities disc2\neurlnet\ Neural network-related utilities disc2\nfs\ PC-NFS programs disc2\novell\ Novell Netware-related utilities disc2\oberon\ Oberon programming language files disc2\offline\ Off-line news / mail readers and utilities disc2\pascal\ Pascal programming language-related files disc2\pathutil\ Utilities to add / edit / search DOS's path disc2\pcmag\ Programs and codes featured in PC Magazine disc2\pctech\ Programs and codes featured in PC Tech Journal disc2\pctecniq\ Programs and codes featured in PC Techniques Magazine disc2\pcvrmag\ Programs and codes featured in PCVR Magazine disc2\perl\ MS-DOS port of the Perl programming language disc2\pgmutil\ Programming utilities disc2\pktdrvr\ Crynwr packet drivers and related programs disc2\plot\ Plotting programs and utilities disc2\postscrp\ Utilities for viewing / printing PostScript files disc2\qbasic\ QuickBasic programming language-related files disc2\qedit\ QEdit text editor and related utilities disc2\qemm\ Utilities for, and info about Quarterdeck's QEMM disc2\ramdisk\ EMS / XMS ramdisk programs disc2\science\ Science-related programs disc2\security\ System security / password utilities disc2\sprint\ Utilities for Sprint editor disc2\stunnpc\ StunnPc on-line magazine disc2\surfmodl\ Surface Modeling program disc2\swap\ SWAP utilities disc2\sysinfo\ System information and benchmark utilities disc2\sysutil\ Miscellaneous system utilities disc2\tex\ TeX typesetting programs and utilities disc2\textutil\ Utilities for processing text disc2\tsrutil\ Terminate-Stay-Resident (TSR) utilities disc2\turbo_c\ Turbo C programming language-related files disc2\turbobas\ Turbo Basic programming language-related files disc2\turbopas\ Turbo Pascal programming language-related files disc2\turbovis\ Turbo Vision programming language-related files disc2\ubasic\ UBASIC: High-precision math-oriented Basic interpreter disc2\uemacs\ MicroEMACS - Emacs-like text editor disc2\uucp\ UUCP programs and utilities disc2\ventura\ Ventura Publisher-related utilities disc2\virus\ Anti-virus programs disc2\viscii\ Vietnamese software supporting the VISCII standard disc2\vpssoft\ Programs from the Vietnamese Professionals Society disc2\weather\ Weather / hurricane tracking programs disc2\worldmap\ World map viewing program and maps disc2\wpj_mag\ Windows Programmer's Journal disc2\xlisp\ XLISP programming language files disc2\xwindows\ X Window system for PC disc2\zip\ ZIP archiver (ZIP/UNZIP) and related utilities ----------------------------------------------------------- 4DOS command processor and utilities path: /disc1/4dos/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 1cat.zip 27388 19-02-95 4DOS & NDOS command line disk catalog program 4btmutil.zip 6121 12-06-94 BTM's save/restore 4DOS env. w/Windows & more 4d24h20b.zip 22806 29-05-93 TSR critical error handler (INT 24) for 4DOS 4datef.zip 2372 26-10-92 .BTM functions: Day-of-Week, Number-of-Week 4ddbu500.zip 25795 20-08-92 4DOS and DOS batch utilities v5.00 4decomp.zip 7681 14-02-94 Batcomp decompressor for 4DOS 5.0 BTMs 4dhs10.zip 10057 23-12-93 Hindsite v1.0 command completion for 4DOS v5.0 4dman10b.zip 2915 26-10-92 Unix-like MAN, searches docs for cmds, .BTM 4dos551.zip 532042 07-09-95 4DOS command processor v5.51 08-22-95 revA(44) 4dpatch.zip 46966 07-12-93 4DOS & 4OS2 patch pgm for making minor updates 4dpath.zip 1467 26-10-92 Add/remove path(s) to/from %PATH (.BTM) 4dpsetdj.zip 5739 26-01-93 Printer setup for HP Deskjet series. 4DOS req. 4dtip2.zip 9132 11-07-92 How to pack several 4DOS BTM's into one 4dtnt.zip 30357 14-01-92 4DOS 4.0 Tips 'N Tricks - sample batch files 4edit20.zip 117284 20-05-94 Full-screen 4DOS file description editor 4error.zip 2511 26-10-92 Show description for given DOS error, .BTM 4fc12.zip 25198 31-10-92 4Comment: Extracts file descriptions from 4DOS 4file323.zip 111822 01-09-95 File manager/launcher/annotator for 4DOS/NDOS 4laser.zip 4920 18-01-93 4DOS BTM file for HP-LJII configuration 4log05.zip 68009 31-05-91 Activity tracking/performance monitor for 4DOS 4menu11w.zip 44032 14-03-91 Makes batch file menus using 4DOS functions 4mica26.zip 12453 08-07-92 4DOS-based archive utility for ARJ/LHA/ZIP 4sight13.zip 7314 04-03-93 tcsh-like & windowed 4DOS filename completion 4utils86.zip 155770 30-07-95 4DOS/NDOS description editor and file finder 4whts10b.zip 1952 26-10-92 WHATIS, 'what-this-cmd-stands-for'-cmd, .BTM 4zip201.zip 154952 29-10-93 Includes 4DOS file descriptions in ZIP files ace4d02.zip 45147 03-02-94 4DOS comment editor w/Borland-style interface arconv01.zip 11855 30-06-93 Smart archive handling & converting with 4DOS bkup12.zip 34443 27-05-95 4DOS BTM pgm for updating PC with new files copyall1.zip 2262 29-08-94 4DOS BTM that copies directories. Like xcopy delall10.zip 2047 29-08-94 4DOS BTM to remove directories. Like deltree dfc131.zip 7929 21-11-92 Dave's Floppy Cataloger, with menu & Findall ez_btm11.zip 66611 27-10-94 4DOS BTM files: loaders/regular/libraries/help gl_keys.zip 9356 11-02-94 Keystroke stacking prg. w/ASM src, 4DOS compat hakaut10.zip 27034 05-02-95 Set of 4DOS batch interfaces for DOS programs jambtm02.zip 61819 18-11-92 4DOS batch file collection & related material jp4ref.zip 254848 16-10-94 Manual for 4DOS 5.5/4OS2 2.5/4DOS/NT 2.5 rev A mav120.zip 3763 29-10-92 4DOS BTM file: Mally's Archive Viewer mov_numb.zip 1959 04-06-93 4DOS batch file, moves and remumbers files pkbtm111.zip 10759 12-03-92 4DOS batch file serves as archiver shell rmd200.zip 61078 31-01-94 Safe directory tree remover BTM for 4DOS sb4_4dos.zip 723974 11-03-94 Soundblaster support for 4DOS v5.x unknown_cmd sdflush.zip 2805 10-08-94 Flush SHARTDRV buffer on return to 4DOS prompt svalias.zip 4436 09-01-90 Saves 4DOS aliases in a file for later use tfc22c.zip 42898 14-01-94 Floppy cataloguer for 4DOS/NDOS users (+TPsrc) ucpbtm10.zip 12914 31-01-94 4DOS compressed .BTM batch file decompressor ----------------------------------------------------------- Animation players and utilities path: /disc1/animate/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 3danim.zip 56305 15-06-88 Create high speed 3-D animation 3ddemos.zip 280261 18-11-89 3-d solid-modeling animations for CGA display 3dm.zip 10594 19-03-87 3D animation program by Dale Gass anim13.zip 184416 02-10-90 Animate Tek4010 or C graphics on EGA/Herc disp artform.zip 396814 07-11-92 Artform 3D graphics animation generator draw_3d.zip 35422 20-10-94 Interactive 3D animation of convex bodies dta18g_3.zip 170778 14-07-93 Converts a series of images to a FLI or FLC fgl110c.zip 80520 30-03-92 Ex. pgms. for FAST animation using Fastgraph flicit25.zip 225947 07-04-94 Makes Autodesk Animator FLC files from GIF/TGA fliexe10.zip 39899 29-04-94 Convert FLI(tm) animations to self-showing EXE flimaker.zip 50789 28-04-91 Autodesk Animator FLImaker, converts to FLI glshel20.zip 150300 23-12-94 Intuitive .GL and .EXE animation viewer glshel21.zip 147592 07-02-95 Intuitive .GL and .EXE animation viewer gmovie.zip 165586 16-07-89 Animated Earth rotation, EGA required hcmake11.zip 152660 30-06-93 Make 32,768 HiColor FLI animations. 386 req. hcplay12.zip 37115 30-06-93 Play 32,768 color (HiColor) FLI animations nbird20.zip 88081 16-10-93 3D animation of bird in flight (req. 386/VGA) pdgrasp.zip 209880 18-03-91 PD Grasp: Creates/modifies .GL animation files uc3d.zip 4610 10-05-90 Displays user entered text msg as 3D animation us2_5v12.zip 137756 11-12-94 Microstudio 2.5D animation package v1.2 us2_5v20.zip 138430 25-03-95 Microstudio 2.5D animation package v2.0 vfd_16d.zip 83076 04-02-95 FLC/FLI/AVI <-> BMP/TGA/GIF cross-compiler w7v1.zip 122360 14-02-95 Graphics editor, animator for game makers winter11.zip 91441 04-12-93 3D-interactive winter animation. 386/VGA req. ----------------------------------------------------------- Bulletin board (BBS) programs and utilities path: /disc1/bbs/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 125adev.zip 31282 11-08-93 Powerboard BBS 1.25A Developer's Kit 2am3_1a.zip 73115 18-06-89 Documentation for 2AM-BBS v3.0sw 2am3_2a.zip 123480 18-06-89 Files and utils for 2AM-BBS v3.0sw 2am3_3a.zip 133297 18-06-89 System executables for 2AM-BBS v3.0sw 2dapnt15.zip 81118 20-12-91 FidoNet mail bundler; fully supports points aboot200.zip 17631 08-06-91 Monitor disk/modem, reboot BBS if no activity acf540r0.zip 342379 12-03-92 QBBS/RA/SBBS total file system w/CD-ROM supprt addty100.zip 55791 29-04-95 Adds new file descriptions to BBS file lists alfv10.zip 30158 09-04-92 Header-maker for SpitFire BBS file-lists answer2.zip 12050 29-08-88 Answer modem calls when BBS is down, takes msg apdemo21.zip 583508 12-09-95 WYSIWYG ANSI word processor. BBS add-on. DEMO arca05.zip 16195 22-04-90 Multi-format archive creator for BBS mailers asla_120.zip 51558 25-11-89 QuickBBS advanced system log analyzer, stats aspbbs.zip 19027 14-01-91 How BBS can now be an associate member of ASP auu100.zip 30682 15-08-93 Auto user upgrader for RemoteAccess 2.00 ava.zip 22813 25-11-89 QuickBBS automated verification algorithm bbs10.zip 72107 03-08-88 Allows offline searches of BBS Files bbs_time.zip 31487 31-05-92 Various time utilities for BBS (timechek, etc) bbsamt40.zip 54562 30-04-94 BBS ANSI Music Tutorial 4.0 bbsamt42.zip 50644 17-03-95 BBS ANSI Music Tutorial version 4.2 bbsbase.zip 43663 11-09-88 Compare BBS lists bbscomp2.zip 37369 29-12-90 Compares BBS file lists, displays differences bbsfm120.zip 136286 12-02-95 BBS File Manager: Edit descriptions/move files bbsmail2.zip 273890 25-07-94 PowerBBS - MS Mail Gateway version 2.0 bdoc_250.zip 112685 04-10-91 Binkleyterm mail/term pgm docs v2.30/2.40/2.50 bdoc_256.zip 112733 26-10-92 Binkleyterm mail/term pgm docs v2.56 Beta bdos259b.zip 318914 24-04-94 Binkleyterm 2.59b: Front-end mailer for BBSs bexe_250.zip 180374 04-10-91 Binkleyterm mail/term pgm v2.50 exe/update doc bnkb256.zip 181752 26-10-92 Binkleyterm 2.56 Beta executables & update doc bsml_250.zip 167758 04-10-91 Binkleyterm mail/term pgm v2.50 Borland C src bsrc_250.zip 432485 04-10-91 Binkleyterm mail/term pgm v2.50 source btag130.zip 232688 05-03-94 Displays tagline to callers of BBS, any system cdrom02.zip 10980 08-10-94 CDROM Update: Mount/dismount CDROMs in RA v2.x chk4d100.zip 53547 29-04-95 Checks BBS or DIZ file lists for descriptions cidph101.zip 49080 06-04-94 Validate Remote Access 2.xx BBS users with CID ckit210.zip 199914 10-02-92 Turbo-C/MSC BBS DOOR programming kit clbkv372.zip 116003 11-03-94 MY Callback verifier for RBBS and DOOR.SYS BBS cmpbbs10.zip 42028 08-03-90 Fast compare of two BBS lists, w/QBASIC source cntm092b.zip 37354 04-11-91 BBS: generate summaries of downloadable files compr212.zip 34890 29-03-91 Compare BBS file lists with your directory comss1.zip 6749 03-04-95 Screen saver based on comport RI/DCD conf400.zip 92740 30-10-90 BBS EchoMail processor with REPLYLINK & RENUM d5pro210.zip 553486 08-03-95 Delta-5 v2.10: Highly configurable BBS System dgbg100.zip 15461 30-03-91 Windowed BBS bulletin maker, ASCII/ANSI/AVATAR dlx70bbs.zip 491029 21-04-94 DLX multi-user BBS. Freeware version, w/TP src doorin10.zip 10800 27-05-95 Changes 'activity' field for Powerboard BBS dorsped3.zip 6117 28-02-91 Com port unlocker for QBBS and locked DTE dru_225.zip 24903 26-10-90 Controlled-access drop-to-DOS for BBS co-sysop echoinfo.zip 13036 14-02-94 D'Bridge v1.30 echomail bulletin generator eexit101.zip 9277 27-08-92 EzyExit V1.02, Convert Ezy EXITINFO to RA BBS epshelv2.zip 52700 02-12-94 Safe BBS shell to DOS with file taging-send es_101d.zip 55879 03-08-92 EchoSprint dynamic mailer for BBS front-ends ext_prot.zip 2312 01-08-88 External protocol BAT files f2m_qbbs.zip 14389 09-01-92 File-2-message for QUICKBBS fce10.zip 56843 30-12-91 BBS file list comment extractor v1.0 fdlog120.zip 48436 03-04-91 FrontDoor log analyzer for BBS SysOps fdsec200.zip 43926 12-03-92 Security package for BBS Front Door v2.00 fduser10.zip 146602 21-01-92 Log analyzer for Front Door 2.01/2.02/comcl febbs170.zip 200750 03-04-91 Manage multiple FILES.BBS w/ RA/QBBS/SuperBBS fidoq125.zip 287604 23-10-94 FidoQwk v1.25: QWK <-> FidoNet converter filsl11.zip 17985 11-03-90 Offline Zippy scan, works with most BBS lists finfo16.zip 9943 27-01-89 Updates time/date in dir list of files flash.zip 12717 02-08-90 Instant pop-up screens for BBS & its users flash32.zip 96140 04-04-91 Daily News file generator for any BBS flsort11.zip 12050 07-04-93 Very fast BBS file list sorting utility fmail092.zip 204417 10-09-92 Fast echomail tosser for Hudson messagebase fmqt131u.zip 52695 15-03-93 Quoter for 'FM' BBS FrontDoor message editor fnnr16.zip 239138 22-02-94 FidoNet newsreader for Hudson messagebases fnp101a.zip 186461 30-12-93 FeatherNet BBS Pro! v1.0 ShareWare, part 1of4 fnp101b.zip 337055 30-12-93 FeatherNet BBS Pro! v1.0 ShareWare, part 2of4 fnp101c.zip 239258 30-12-93 FeatherNet BBS Pro! v1.0 ShareWare, part 3of4 fnp101d.zip 304753 30-12-93 FeatherNet BBS Pro! v1.0 ShareWare, part 4of4 frame201.zip 68347 16-12-94 File headers and system bulletins for RA BBS frntd211.zip 625199 22-10-93 FrontDoor FIDONET-compat. BBS mailer/front-end fs_st310.zip 109669 27-01-95 Free Speech BBS v3.10 - uses AI techniques fwkcs117.zip 352866 13-07-92 Automatically process uploaded files on BBS gamest11.zip 42994 09-01-92 Track's BBS online game usage w/color & graphs gapctty.zip 8483 03-10-88 Enhanced replacement for DOS CTTY. No I/O rdir gapdemo1.zip 340883 17-08-93 GAP BBS Version 6.2 DEMO (1 of 3) gapdemo2.zip 330895 17-08-93 GAP BBS Version 6.2 DEMO (2 of 3) gapdemo3.zip 199727 17-08-93 GAP BBS Version 6.2 DEMO (3 of 3) gateway2.zip 6143 26-07-88 Simultaneous use of COMx and CON gchat140.zip 35679 18-03-93 Generic BBS Chat v1.40. DESQview aware, free ghost230.zip 116299 03-04-91 Create msgs, file attchs, for QBBS/RA/SuperBBS gmsg415.zip 51913 15-12-94 GenMsg: FidoNet reader/editor w/PGP Interface gnews203.zip 73313 07-05-93 Generates news bulletins for RA, QBBS and SBBS graf_104.zip 16433 25-11-89 QuickBBS newuser stats door/graph system usage hmbed3.zip 61328 15-04-94 A lowlevel editor for Hudson Messagebases hsrc_117.zip 135418 10-05-91 HeadEdit v1.17 Sysop/Point reader source code idccom12.zip 137170 18-11-90 IDC's COMM/HOST/BBS, uses just over 80k of RAM idcform.zip 6737 18-11-90 IDC's BBS question/survey utility, SDF file idchk33.zip 44274 14-04-94 BBS: Lock out phone #'s. Use w/FD2.12.sw & up imail121.zip 327554 06-06-92 Fidonet echomail processor for Hudson msgbase iscalln1.zip 11609 19-03-94 Is this call #? for DOOR.SYS BBS's jetbbs30.zip 328705 06-12-94 Highly configurable BBS, multi-line capable jvas110.zip 60635 30-07-93 JVArcServ v1.10: 'Archie' server for FidoNet kbbs_40.zip 341292 02-06-94 KISSWARE BBS v4.0 - easy install, operate, run laston12.zip 30735 22-11-93 Creates last BBS user info screens.Tribbs/more loglist.zip 34182 09-01-92 QUICKBBS system.log analyzer logmgr16.zip 27315 19-07-91 Automatic log management for BBS mailer system lstgen15.zip 13550 07-04-93 Generates ALLFILES.LST from BBS file lists mat.zip 16648 29-08-88 Match two RBBS directories max300c.zip 688916 13-08-95 Maximus BBS 3.0: common DOS/OS2 executables max300r.zip 954075 13-08-95 Maximus BBS 3.0: DOS-only executables mbbstd62.zip 2149901 20-05-94 The Major BBS Test Drive with quick start docs mbu_110.zip 50404 03-04-91 MBUtils v1.10: QBBS/RA message base utilities mergs100.zip 178941 29-04-95 MERGESYS: Merge/keep/etc. BBS file descript. mkrd101.zip 208413 27-01-93 MK/RA/QBBS/SuperBbs/Ezycom SysOp's msg reader mlnk_10c.zip 14909 10-12-90 Message linker for BBS conference msg areas mls130.zip 20886 19-08-91 MLS 1.3: Search BBS file listings for keywords mm034.zip 60157 25-11-89 Menu Master v0.34 for QuickBBS mm20b31.zip 139094 17-05-93 MarkMail v2.00B31: QWK mail door for PCBoard mnet210.zip 45629 30-06-94 MNET v2.10: QWK- network conversion util. mnet2app.zip 31549 31-08-94 MorrisNet/2! application & information package mp102_2.zip 6315 22-12-90 Patch #2 for Maximus 1.02; fixes Xtern DOS bug msgscn10.zip 11189 27-05-95 Msg 'Private' flag changer for Powerboard BBS msgtally.zip 19446 26-02-91 Total messages in conferences QBBS/RA/SuperBBS mstrv12.zip 18264 24-01-94 Enhanced AllFiles generator for Maximus BBS mwiz3g2.zip 110282 03-12-94 Enhanced menu editor for RemoteAccess 2.0x newhost.zip 1603 29-08-88 CTTY addition - local echo/typing on console nobog134.zip 54378 27-12-94 Search .PKT files for bogus and dupe messages orashare.zip 312521 30-01-91 Oracomm v5.M.6P multi-user BBS, 1 node version pb125a_1.zip 138700 09-08-93 Powerboard DV-aware BBS, easy config, 1 of 4 pb125a_2.zip 331376 09-08-93 Powerboard DV-aware BBS, easy config, 2 of 4 pb125a_3.zip 234938 09-08-93 Powerboard DV-aware BBS, easy config, 3 of 4 pb125a_4.zip 98547 09-08-93 Powerboard DV-aware BBS, easy config, 4 of 4 pbbsw35a.zip 1357812 25-07-94 PowerBBS v3.5 for Windows . (Disk 1/2) pbbsw35b.zip 1105967 25-07-94 PowerBBS v3.5 for Windows . (Disk 2/2) pbnet185.zip 132696 27-07-95 Fido mail process for Powerboard BBS 1.25/1.45 pbu_113.zip 85710 05-02-95 UUCP<->Fido(*.msg) Easy handler pcc300.zip 250596 27-08-89 PC Connect BBS version 3.0, part 1 of 3 pccark1.zip 10599 26-11-88 PC Connect BBS utility, part 2 of 3 pccedit.zip 74913 26-11-88 PC Connect BBS utility, part 3 of 3 pcon102.zip 47357 16-10-89 Phoenix all-purpose BBS doors converter, v1.02 pcpn41a1.zip 151582 19-11-94 PCPN BBS v4.1a, installation utility, 1of5 pcpn41a2.zip 791945 19-11-94 PCPN BBS v4.1a, distribution file, 2of5 pcpn41a3.zip 953094 19-11-94 PCPN BBS v4.1a, distribution file, 3of5 pcpn41a4.zip 959301 19-11-94 PCPN BBS v4.1a, distribution file, 4of5 pcpn41a5.zip 971936 19-11-94 PCPN BBS v4.1a, distribution file, 5of5 pcredits.zip 15228 25-07-94 CREDITS.DLL add-on for PowerBBS powrnd1.zip 134471 25-07-94 PowrNODE v1.0: PowerBBS Node Status Bar privacy.zip 6271 18-05-88 Articles on computer privacy privacy2.zip 20507 17-07-89 Electronic Communications Privacy Act psdkv35.zip 27518 25-07-94 PowerBBS Software Development Kit v1.00 psort21.zip 17790 09-01-92 Pack, sort, list & purge USERS.BBS, QBBS 2.75+ pstlg300.zip 18430 26-02-91 Generates bulletin for # of messages - QBBS/RA ptime10s.zip 7827 07-09-93 Makes graphs of Powerboard BBS usage patterns pxdos_20.zip 26623 22-04-90 Multi-format archive extractor for BBS mailers q2pcb120.zip 81715 15-01-90 QBBS2PCB: Runs PCBoard v14 doors on QuickBBS qanu20.zip 14324 09-01-92 Purge records in NewUser.Asw not in Users.BBS qbbs276d.zip 168188 05-01-93 QuickBBS v2.76 multi-node BBS, Documentation qbbs276e.zip 360922 05-01-93 QuickBBS v2.76 multi-node BBS, Executables qbbs276o.zip 359097 05-01-93 QuickBBS v2.76 multi-node BBS, Overlay version qbbs276u.zip 275401 05-01-93 QuickBBS v2.76 multi-node BBS, Mail/other util qbfbst10.zip 37430 09-01-92 Generates ascii, ANSI bulletins stats for QBBS qcktop26.zip 79920 09-01-92 WILDCAT!/QuickBBS/PowrBBS Top 40 user utility qlist2.zip 20925 25-11-89 QuickBBS on-line file lister, extra features qmain_22.zip 83166 25-11-89 QuickBBS maintenance system for sysops qne30.zip 71834 25-11-89 Quick News Editor v3.0 for bulletins-QuickBBS qufe122.zip 53504 11-03-91 User editor for use with QBBS/SBBS/RA quicked1.zip 65279 03-04-91 Full-screen editor for QBBS/RA/SuperBBS quiktp31.zip 22742 09-01-92 QuikTop: QuickBBS top users bulletin generator qum_120.zip 112888 26-02-91 QBBS/RA/SuperBBS user editor rab20.zip 34509 10-01-95 Remote Access 2.0 RAFILE/GENFBASE replacement rabir210.zip 42177 15-08-93 Birthday utility for RA 1.11/2.00/PB 1.30 radlc200.zip 16325 28-02-91 Remote Access BBS download counter rahelp13.zip 36106 06-06-93 Full screen help file viewer for RA BBS v1.x ramail20.zip 79780 17-05-93 QWK mail door for Remote Access BBS rfa310.zip 254191 22-01-95 Fidonet-style BBS netmail robot. Executes cmds ringdet2.zip 7494 03-01-88 Telephone line ring detector resets computer rmlast10.zip 9127 25-09-94 Graphic Last Callers List for Renegade 07-17+ rnet107u.zip 177138 17-05-93 RNet 1.07: QWK networking software for PCBoard ros403.zip 325664 14-05-91 ROS multinode DESQview-aware BBS by Steve Fox rts20.zip 4728 18-11-90 RTS and DTR toggling utilities for BBS doors rybbs65.zip 260207 13-07-91 RyBBS mini BBS and mini host program s_ver092.zip 90401 11-03-91 New-caller verification for SBBS/QBBS/RA sa_st409.zip 508820 25-01-95 Sapphire, the Zero-Maintenance BBS sbbs_116.zip 734030 02-12-92 SuperBBS: QBBS-compatible multi-node BBS,v1.16 se401a.zip 341055 10-11-92 Osiris BBS v 4.01. Disk 1 of 5 se401b.zip 305708 10-11-92 Osiris BBS v 4.01. Disk 2 of 5 se401c.zip 326323 10-11-92 Osiris BBS v 4.01. Disk 3 of 5 se401d.zip 326383 10-11-92 Osiris BBS v 4.01. Disk 4 of 5 se401e.zip 372559 10-11-92 Osiris BBS v 4.01. Disk 5 of 5 seckit10.zip 38421 27-05-95 Monitors Powerboard BBS user's security levels sf_31.zip 423613 11-02-92 SpitFire multi-node BBS system, version 3.1 sffam215.zip 94466 19-07-95 Spitfire BBS File Area Manager. Many features sfued108.zip 65453 31-05-92 StormFront User Editor for Opus 1.7x BBS skim102.zip 12400 18-08-89 Skim BBS file list for keywords slbbs131.zip 267014 12-10-89 SearchLight full-screen BBS v1.31, shareware sqsh_100.zip 299753 10-11-91 Squish 1.0-DOS; FidoNet EchoMail processor sqsh_111.zip 669432 05-11-94 Squish EchoMail processor v1.11 (DOS mode) srch132s.zip 45696 03-09-90 Search captured BBS msgs for up to 39 strings swr101.zip 8776 09-01-92 Allow BBS users to switch full screen editors sx405a.zip 138597 24-01-93 Sapphire: Fast-install easy-to-run BBS. 1 of 2 sx405b.zip 307896 24-01-93 Sapphire: Fast-install easy-to-run BBS. 2 of 2 sx503h1.zip 609214 31-07-94 AgX v5.03: maildoor for Hudson-based sx503m1.zip 566746 31-07-94 AgX v5.03: maildoor for Maximus v2.0x sysrec11.zip 8377 09-01-92 Mark BBS echo msgs as received (RA only) tb042.zip 341212 14-07-92 TurBoard BBS - NAPLPS/EGA/VGA/mouse/Fido BBS tb042fdo.zip 151222 14-07-92 TurBoard BBS - FidoNet executables/programs ticfn115.zip 64682 01-08-95 TicToss for FeatherNet Pro v1.15, TIC tosser tick200.zip 98355 11-03-91 Automated handling of BBS .TIC dist. files ticsf115.zip 65023 01-08-95 TicToss v1.15 FDN pgm for Spitfire Pro BBS tictr115.zip 64435 01-08-95 TicToss for TriBBS v1.15, TIC processor tid20.zip 99013 12-06-95 The Infinite Door v2.0: BBS door menu system toped100.zip 79943 09-01-92 ANSI/Avatar fullscreen editor for RA/SBBS/QBBS tops102.zip 12668 25-11-89 Top Ten users for various catagories-QuickBBS uage10.zip 27510 27-05-95 Powerboard BBS User Age bulletin generator uflag20.zip 11468 09-01-92 Change flag settings at DOS prompt, QBBS 2.75+ usa_100.zip 22288 26-02-91 QBBS/RA/SuperBBS statistics generator varea610.zip 104397 30-08-93 VBBS subscriber/unsubscriber for VNET vbbs61a1.zip 609784 10-06-93 Virtual BBS 6.1 multinode/multinetwork BBS 1/2 vbbs61a2.zip 539729 10-06-93 Virtual BBS 6.1 multinode/multinetwork BBS 2/2 vp407.zip 50913 10-12-90 VPurge: Enhanced BBS Conf/EchoMail processor vuucp223.zip 156848 20-03-94 UUCP interface for VBBS; requires Waffle 1.65 wabird.zip 8635 09-12-90 Carrier watchdog and COMx re-direction utility watchcat.zip 4834 02-09-89 Much improved watchdog timer for BBS use watchdog.zip 6618 04-11-88 Monitors carrier loss for Host programs watchkat.zip 16160 11-12-90 Reboot BBS if carrier lost or after 20 rings watchkit.zip 12766 17-01-90 Reboot crashed BBS after four rings, w/ASM src wedit210.zip 175504 18-01-93 FidoNet message editor, Fido or QuickBBS base wmail230.zip 180948 18-01-93 FidoNet Echomail processor, Fido/QuickBBS base zsxd_310.zip 67612 31-01-94 ZSX v3.10: BBS file xfer multi-protocol driver ----------------------------------------------------------- Doors for various BBS's path: /disc1/bbsdoor/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 2amdoor.zip 21306 18-06-89 DOOR converter PCB/RBBS/Wildcat! to 2AM BBS bbsl27.zip 664064 04-06-94 BBS list database door package for BBS's bid200.zip 56806 18-03-93 BBS Information Door v2.00 new user help bquiz36.zip 20994 19-04-90 Bible Quiz: BBS door with 1000 Bible questions bvote.zip 35342 08-12-89 Voting booth door with TP 5.0 source, QuickBBS callbk16.zip 22430 28-04-91 Callback Door: User verification pgm for BBS chald21.zip 33123 12-10-89 Chaldean Door v2.1 for SearchLight BBS, 6 opts dawn100.zip 144380 11-08-93 Dawn: BBS Door with artificial intelligence dm_58.zip 124690 21-08-92 DoorMaster v5.8. Run any door on any BBS doorbase.zip 94193 11-03-90 BBS door to access dBASE data files dorlog16.zip 13683 06-12-89 Searchlight BBS Door log analyzer v1.6 ezrom21f.zip 231261 30-07-95 EZ-ROM v2.10f: CD-ROM door for any DOS BBS fdoor16.zip 19343 12-10-89 External protocol door for SearchLight BBS frog10.zip 168798 01-09-95 BBS multiline chat system incl 'who is online' galery11.zip 32489 16-12-91 ANSI Art gallery door for any BBS idtel17.zip 116916 14-05-94 Outgoing telnet and finger doors for DOS BBS's infoc102.zip 65033 10-10-94 Info Centre: Provides info about your BBS lpost100.zip 188444 17-04-95 Laserpost v1.0: Multi-message AutoPoster door mmenu10f.zip 67672 30-07-95 Multi-Menu v1.00f: Menu door for any DOS BBS mpcg30.zip 99413 18-01-95 City Guides: Restaurant/club database BBS door nbrow150.zip 49379 07-04-93 BBS door that allows users to search nodelists olms201.zip 368237 24-12-94 QWK/QWKE/BlueWave door for Remote Access 2.x pbl_200.zip 349148 05-02-95 PBBSList v2.10: BBS System listing door pbt_120.zip 194275 09-04-95 User Registration/contribution door using TABS pbv_210.zip 164990 05-02-95 PBBSVote v2.10: BBS online voting booth door pdqwk10.zip 103991 03-04-94 QWK standard maildoor for GT-Power v17/v18 BBS phone266.zip 59248 12-03-92 Split screen BBS Chat door. Fossil required pmatch3.zip 475337 30-07-95 ProMatch v3.0 Online MatchMaker Door polpos13.zip 22272 15-01-92 Survey/voting door for BBS's, uses FOSSIL drvr prfl108.zip 37348 07-04-93 BBS door which allows users to enter profiles qlcd12b.zip 319976 01-08-95 QLCD-ROM Door v1.2b: Multi-Node CD-ROM manager redpv10.zip 157119 01-07-95 Real estate listings BBS door program. DEMO remdoor2.zip 74535 19-03-91 Access DOS programs via remote terminal rounds11.zip 118840 06-02-94 Grand Rounds 1.1: BBS Q&A door w/grading, etc. safed120.zip 80424 14-05-95 DOS shell BBS door with 'hacker-catcher' sfrom21f.zip 226141 30-07-95 SF-ROM v2.10f: CD-ROM door for Spitfire BBS tc_mm49.zip 278218 30-07-95 InterBBS: MultiNode Match Maker Doorware tch106c.zip 114404 19-02-95 TommCHAT v1.06c: Multi-user BBS chat door tdoor19.zip 210986 19-03-92 Transfer Door v1.90 for QuickBBS/RA/SuperBBS tdplus19.zip 313799 19-03-92 Transfer Door Plus v1.90 for RA/QBBS/SBBS telprg36.zip 12362 30-03-90 BBS door: Search & display BBS phone numbers tncdr106.zip 32041 09-07-94 TNCDOOR: Run Ham Packet Radio from BBS door triv054.zip 262831 08-10-94 Trivia quiz door for any BBS + home/classroom ttran10.zip 41587 27-05-95 Powerboard BBS user Time Bank transfer door unimsg10.zip 64357 27-11-94 BBS door for user-written display screens uotd203c.zip 19014 03-04-91 'User of the Day' door picks a user each day vd050b.zip 54265 25-11-89 ValiDOOR call back verifier for QuickBBS wctddoor.zip 36999 17-11-93 Door menu for Wildcat! TestDrive BBS wordc_30.zip 127245 22-02-93 Word_Challenge BBSDOOR - Home or Classroom zdoor206.zip 67674 29-10-88 ZDoor v2.06 - BBS door program zipstr25.zip 25564 23-12-90 BBS door to view/read/test/extract ZIP files ----------------------------------------------------------- Lists of MS-DOS and MS-Windows BBS's path: /disc1/bbslist/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 00_read.me 68 08-06-91 Information about files in this directory 313bbs28.zip 22309 08-09-93 Horst Mann's 313 area BBS list. Aug. 27, 1993 313exchg.zip 5683 14-04-91 List of phone exchanges in 313 area code 313prefx.zip 4111 14-04-91 Location of 3 digit prefixes in 313 area code 800num2.zip 2446 18-10-90 Toll-free 800 BBS numbers as of July 1990 96listj3.zip 77780 31-10-93 9600 bps bulletin board systems list, Oct '93 abbl_56.zip 51575 17-05-94 Atlanta BBS List for April 1994 amlst002.zip 50369 12-05-92 AMERIBOARDS: Nationwide BBS listing, Apr. 1992 bbs1192b.zip 96671 14-11-92 'THELIST' national BBS list for November 1992 bbsfind.zip 59571 04-09-92 Search any BBS or FTP site list for keywords bloke53f.zip 24281 01-10-94 BBS Locator, avoids 313BBS.LST zone/toll calls dtpbbs02.zip 14102 07-04-91 List of Desktop Publishing BBSs, Feb. 1991 engr0592.zip 30962 12-05-92 Engineering-oriented U.S. BBS list, May 1992 govt91.zip 1971 12-01-91 Listing of government-run bulletin boards ham9204.zip 10241 12-05-92 List of BBSs w/Amateur Radio interests, Apr 92 hcap0492.zip 24733 31-03-92 List of handicap-related BBS's (April 1992) med0992.zip 14607 11-09-92 Medical/Science/EMS/Fire BBS list (Sept. 1992) ml0792d.zip 88259 08-07-92 MEGAlist BBS list, July 1992, with list viewer nixpub.zip 28981 21-05-92 List of open *NIX systems pnc.zip 151557 15-05-95 Local phone # check + Get local #s in bbslists tabbsjul.zip 15585 16-07-92 Tacoma Washington area BBS list, July 1992 usbbs136.zip 155427 25-08-95 USBBS BBS List for September 1995 usbbsdo1.zip 41734 15-10-94 Search/display USBBS list. Needs USBBSnnn.ZIP usbbsed1.zip 18719 21-03-90 Convert USBBS list to comma-delimited text usbup14a.zip 72621 31-05-95 USBBS list remote updater for BBS SysOps wclist3.zip 49308 26-01-91 List of 2000+ public BBSs world-wide, Jan '91 ----------------------------------------------------------- On-line versions of the Bible path: /disc1/bible/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 1sword20.zip 1527776 16-03-95 Extensive Bible search and read utility bibdayd1.zip 72949 24-11-93 BIBDAY v1.0: Bible verse of the day program bible14.zip 47338 05-12-87 Fast Bible search program biblea10.zip 1331086 20-12-94 Dynamic Concordance to the entire KJV Bible biblepop.zip 16414 04-05-89 RAM-resident pop-up Bible verses bibleq.zip 71227 07-02-87 Bible quiz game - 1000 questions bibud1.zip 748534 01-06-93 Bible, Chinese Union version, dbase v1.0, 1/6 bibud2.zip 399843 01-06-93 Bible, Chinese Union version, dbase v1.0, 2/6 bibud3.zip 932620 01-06-93 Bible, Chinese Union version, dbase v1.0, 3/6 bibud4.zip 564923 01-06-93 Bible, Chinese Union version, dbase v1.0, 4/6 bibud5.zip 236566 01-06-93 Bible, Chinese Union version, dbase v1.0, 5/6 bibud6.zip 1121204 01-06-93 Bible, Chinese Union version, dbase v1.0, 6/6 buprov10.zip 37467 30-07-95 Boot-Up Proverbs v1.0: Displays random proverb bvd411.zip 144729 22-02-94 Displays Bible verse on bootup. Customizable disk766.zip 318009 05-06-88 King James version of Holy Bible - disk 1 of 7 disk767.zip 299729 05-06-88 King James version of Holy Bible - disk 2 of 7 disk768.zip 323899 06-06-88 King James version of Holy Bible - disk 3 of 7 disk769.zip 327617 06-06-88 King James version of Holy Bible - disk 4 of 7 disk770.zip 307840 06-06-88 King James version of Holy Bible - disk 5 of 7 disk771.zip 335750 06-06-88 King James version of Holy Bible - disk 6 of 7 disk772.zip 134751 06-06-88 King James version of Holy Bible - disk 7 of 7 eo26.zip 819251 01-09-95 Executable sermon outlines and Bible studies genaidc.zip 227402 26-05-92 Study aid/reference for KJV version of Genesis godcal70.zip 256172 09-03-95 Calculates Biblical lunisolar calendar gogod.zip 79296 02-07-93 Display Bible reading & indicate holy days hyperev.zip 706435 22-07-93 Hypertext Bible study of Revelation journey.zip 27677 28-07-88 Learn the 10 Commandments - CGA or MONO kbib_31.zip 97763 02-06-94 KBible: KJV Bible read/search/print by topics kbib_kj1.zip 321538 21-08-93 King James Version of the Bible, file 1 of 5 kbib_kj2.zip 327996 21-08-93 King James Version of the Bible, file 2 of 5 kbib_kj3.zip 346476 21-08-93 King James Version of the Bible, file 3 of 5 kbib_kj4.zip 342293 21-08-93 King James Version of the Bible, file 4 of 5 kbib_kj5.zip 104922 21-08-93 King James Version of the Bible, file 5 of 5 kjv2ng10.zip 15826 30-07-94 Converts the King James Version to NG Format kjv_tool.zip 19004 30-11-88 Tools for Bible search & for other literature kjvcount.txt 5898 02-11-89 Words & phrases counts of King James Bible onbibav1.zip 1446394 17-05-93 Online Bible 6.0, AKJV & Darby version. Disk 1 onbibav2.zip 1446394 17-05-93 Online Bible 6.0, AKJV & Darby version. Disk 2 onbibav3.zip 776044 17-05-93 Online Bible 6.0, AKJV & Darby version. Disk 3 onbibins.zip 1026432 17-05-93 Online Bible 6.0 install, cross ref, pgm files onbiblex.zip 1425428 17-05-93 Online Bible 6.0 Revised Greek&Hebrew Lexicon onbibrdm.1st 1468 17-05-93 Instructions for Online Bible v6.0 onbibsco.zip 402975 17-05-93 Online Bible 6.0 Scofield notes onbibtop.zip 1326122 17-05-93 Online Bible 6.0 Topics disk onbibts1.zip 1444805 17-05-93 Online Bible 6.0 Treas of Script. Knowlg. 1of2 onbibts2.zip 1431030 17-05-93 Online Bible 6.0 Treas of Script. Knowlg. 2of2 prov_day.zip 132486 23-12-94 Proverb-A-Day for DOS version 1.0 refrkjv1.zip 226339 27-07-91 Powerful Biblical search/extraction tool. 1of3 refrkjv2.zip 2006853 27-07-91 Powerful Biblical search/extraction tool. 2of3 refrkjv3.zip 1129151 27-07-91 Powerful Biblical search/extraction tool. 3of3 revaidc.zip 310231 26-05-92 Study aid/reference for KJV vers of Revelation schkjv10.zip 30376 03-09-94 Searches Bible for text without lookup table verses20.zip 17647 28-02-95 Displays Verse when computer boots vidbook0.zip 1583579 25-03-93 Graphic GIFs&viewer Bible Study - Romans 1:20 vidbook1.zip 1767551 25-03-93 Graphic GIFs&viewer Bible Study - Isaiah 30:26 ----------------------------------------------------------- Calculators path: /disc1/calculat/ ----------------------------------------------------------- amp30.zip 219729 26-06-89 Algebraic Manipulation Package, v3.0 c_calc20.zip 66952 10-11-94 Complex num rpn calc uses ASCII macro files calc100.zip 29834 22-09-94 Evaluate math expr. interactively or cmd line calc_tsr.zip 26932 10-08-91 TSR calculator, deg/rad for trig, temps in C/F calc_v22.zip 51097 30-01-91 'Infinite' precision calculator calculat.zip 18416 29-06-87 Math calculator cc4_9206.zip 417716 08-06-92 Calculus learning tool & graphing calculator clc177.zip 62862 01-05-95 Command Line Scientific Calculator w/ graphs cnc.zip 43570 28-04-90 Complex number calculator,real/complex expres. compflow.zip 117725 29-07-93 1-D compressible flow funcs/invers calculator converts.zip 37150 25-06-89 Converts inch/ft/yds/acres/miles/area/volume convprog.zip 71393 07-04-91 Units conversion, U.S./Metric/Imperial SI datevr01.zip 79965 17-07-94 Calculator: (date) +/- (days)=(weekday,date) doit.zip 34135 18-11-89 Online calculator with 25 different operations easter12.zip 4902 05-05-93 Calculates the date of Easter in any year eval.zip 18415 01-12-87 Evaluates mathematical expressions eval106.zip 30319 30-05-92 EVAL v1.06: Mathematical expression evaluator expr.zip 12380 22-12-90 Unix-like command line expression evaluator expr_vi2.zip 4497 18-09-94 Tiny Unix 'expr'-like integer expr evaluator ffc48.zip 30118 11-08-88 TSR 4 Func. calc. with paste functions fft128.zip 79075 03-02-91 Fast Fourier Transform/Spectrum calculator ffunc75.zip 16123 11-08-88 Non TSR 4 func. calculator gear10.zip 130541 06-03-91 Calculate charts/graphs of bicycle gear ratios hex_calc.zip 59097 14-01-91 Hex/dec/binary calculator and ASCII/video ref. hexdec.zip 5476 10-06-89 Command line number convert HEX <--> DECIMAL hp48demo.zip 92433 03-07-91 HP's DEMO disk for 48SX calculator hpread13.zip 17284 01-03-90 Transf HP Calc infrared data->PC using $4 part hrs411.zip 23740 12-09-91 Time calculator. Add/subtract hours & minutes keypad10.zip 43025 31-03-92 Memory resident RPN scientific calculator kycal207.zip 39366 15-10-87 Memory resident scientific calculator matcal12.zip 40170 06-09-94 MatCalc v1.2: Matrix calculator mathfc24.zip 26950 08-03-95 DOS prompt calculator with user def. functions mathpad.zip 64600 08-12-87 Powerful scientific calculator mathw101.zip 72237 06-06-95 Enhanced desktop calculator with entry editing meval113.zip 82835 18-10-93 Floating point expression evaluator/ANSI C src monkey.zip 47572 31-03-88 Matrix calculator mortime.zip 45752 20-04-90 Time conversion and calculator nalkati.zip 35230 28-03-91 Hindu Calendar. Date, positions of Moon & Sun numconv.zip 7157 09-03-88 Convert between several numbering systems octo100b.zip 22574 01-07-95 Powerful command-line calculator pchp.zip 28643 22-02-87 HP Calculator pibcal11.zip 35739 12-03-92 Programmable calculator, with Turbo Pascal src ptc25.zip 90990 01-08-95 Calculates Islamic Prayer Time & Qibla raasi101.zip 51922 04-09-91 Charts Hindu Horoscope for date/time/location rpc102.zip 15908 14-11-90 Reverse Polish Calc(v1.02) - Bubble gum colors rpn095.zip 89432 29-11-90 RPN scientific calculator, emulates HP42s rpn30doc.zip 12810 03-07-90 Docs for RPN v3.0, a scientific rpn calc. rpn30exe.zip 47513 03-07-90 HP-29 clone, ~100 functions inc. stats; CGA rpn30src.zip 41387 03-07-90 TCv2.0 source code for rpn v3.0 by bobmon rqm121.zip 124508 06-03-91 Calculates savings necessary for retirement scieqs14.zip 43018 23-11-90 Scientific calculator/equation solver scn.zip 41513 31-10-86 Scientific calculater sm331a.zip 400448 01-06-95 SymbMath: Computer algebra system w/learning sun.zip 30586 13-04-88 Calculate sunrise and sunset times sun101.zip 31964 18-04-90 Quick Almanac, Sun/Moon rising/set times symbol53.zip 132153 02-12-94 Mathomatic v5.3: Symbolic math program symbol56.zip 131915 07-04-95 Mathomatic v5.6: Symbolic math program tbank101.zip 78351 19-04-90 Checkbook and statement reconciliation timecalc.zip 26805 23-07-95 Adds and subtracts timings (hrs, mins, secs) timecard.zip 91036 24-11-93 Calculator for totaling payroll timecards tsfunc13.zip 63386 04-04-89 Calculates, tabulates, & plots your functions tsjog16.zip 32388 24-08-94 Simple calculator/pacer for jogging enthusiast tsmatr11.zip 64879 24-03-90 Standard matrix calculations, T.Salmi ucalc28.zip 99000 20-03-95 Math expr. evaluator with graphing & TSR opt. units_am.zip 35074 22-07-93 Units conversion program, like Unix 'units' vecalc12.zip 41758 24-01-89 Vector calculator - for eng. and graphics volnar31.zip 74488 14-08-95 Metric/Standard conversion & units calculator vpcalc23.zip 109365 29-01-95 Variable Precision floating decimal calculator xact51.zip 212054 31-03-91 Calculators emulate HP-11C, HP-12C & HP-16C zyac12.zip 49107 26-02-87 Scientific calculator ----------------------------------------------------------- Utilities for making disk catalogs path: /disc1/catalog/ ----------------------------------------------------------- acat138.zip 143581 22-01-91 Autocat v1.38 - disk cataloging program archiv21.zip 425372 09-01-95 Disk cataloguer,TV interface,many search opt. arv200d.zip 530282 09-08-95 File/exch.media archival&database sys. GERMAN arv200e.zip 510432 09-08-95 File/exch. media archival & database system bjf_210.zip 36891 07-09-89 BJF v2.10 - diskette and hard disk cataloger catdisk.zip 24809 05-12-87 PC-FILE+ disk catalog template cdska800.zip 453189 05-11-94 Disk Catalog System/CATDISK v8.00 , (1/3) cdskb800.zip 134754 05-11-94 Disk Catalog System/CATDISK v8.00 , (2/3) cdskc800.zip 376568 05-11-94 Disk Catalog System/CATDISK v8.00 , (3/3) cntnts20.zip 28115 20-01-90 CONTENTS v2.0, fast, easy disk cataloger cover.zip 2676 31-12-87 Prints disk directory - fits floppy sleeve cudm334.zip 214883 26-05-92 Colorado Utilities Disk Manager disk cataloger dcat10.zip 47306 19-05-93 Ricki's disk cataloger dcpcov41.zip 38765 30-04-90 Makes floppy disk cover sheets on ANY printer dir405.zip 34594 06-12-87 Diskette cataloging utility disklblr.zip 45597 08-08-95 Print on labels included with 3.5'' disks diskscan.zip 13868 07-09-93 Create catalog of image files on disk diskvr46.zip 47477 11-04-89 Print sleeve inserts for floppy disks dizcat10.zip 236100 02-06-95 Catalogs ZIP/ARJ/RAR/SFX/JPG...LBM/MOD...S3M dls320.zip 126922 14-11-94 Disk labeling system, interfaces w/catalogers doscat.zip 2199 29-08-88 Text: Use DOS for simple, useful file catalog dskkat21.zip 181489 09-02-93 Program to help maintain diskette library info dsklbl22.zip 63045 26-01-91 Disk Label Maker v2.2: Disk label print util. dsklst25.zip 149182 18-05-92 Diskette cover and label producer. 39 formats dsktrk70.zip 99829 28-06-91 DiskTrak 7.0: Diskette cataloger/database dstrkd82.zip 211316 07-02-93 DiskTrak: Diskette collection manager for DOS ezcat101.zip 115783 04-01-89 All purpose software library management system flmas350.zip 113097 29-01-95 Small and fast floppy/hard disk cataloger gpkat123.zip 241230 31-07-93 Gepkat: Comprehensive disk cataloguing system labellex.zip 41121 12-04-90 Print disk labels/inserts from PmCat 5.2 & up lbl420.zip 38302 02-02-90 Disk label print utility lc177.zip 119452 14-06-95 LogiCat v1.77 floppy diskette file cataloger mydisks1.zip 49412 01-08-95 MyDisks v1.22: Disk cataloguer pibcat17.zip 73844 13-05-89 Catalog contents of most cmprs. format files pmcat53.zip 96753 17-03-90 Disk cataloger, reads archive files too pmi12.zip 75356 25-02-93 Personal Media Indexer v2.0 disk catalog/query slipcovr.zip 11423 10-09-88 Makes diskette cover printouts of directories wssi533a.zip 162417 02-10-94 Disk indexer, ARC/ARJ/GIF/JPG/LZH/ZIP/ZOO,1of2 wssi533b.zip 122405 02-10-94 Disk indexer, ARC/ARJ/GIF/JPG/LZH/ZIP/ZOO,2of2 ----------------------------------------------------------- CD-ROM utilities path: /disc1/cdrom/ ----------------------------------------------------------- acdc200.zip 45664 31-03-94 Resident audio CD player for DOS cd_v19.zip 162905 30-03-95 VGA audio-CD player for DOS w/ scope/spectrum cdext221.zip 16988 04-07-92 Microsoft's MSCDEX.EXE v2.21 CD-ROM extensions cdgrab20.zip 42292 11-01-94 Grabs info data from CD-ROM and saves to disk cdindex.zip 136013 06-10-94 Measures performance of CD-ROM drives, fast cdlock.zip 32083 06-01-92 Lock Hitachi CD-ROM drive door against eject cdm32.zip 97542 07-01-95 Full featured DOS-based CD player for CDROMs cdnap.zip 28460 06-01-92 Set 'idle 9min -> nap' mode on Hitachi CD-ROM cdplay.zip 90538 06-01-92 Audio out utilities for Hitachi CD-ROM drives cdpro11.zip 268001 24-01-93 CD-ROM file librarian w/multi-disc player sup. cdqck120.zip 172387 01-08-95 CD-Quick Cache v1.20: CD-ROM disk cache cdr310.zip 12022 18-01-94 Control CD player while in any other program cdr_v1_1.zip 50487 20-02-93 Find,copy,unpack files SimTel CDROM + source cdromcom.zip 15106 25-03-95 Basic CD-ROM commands from prompt, w/BP7.0 src cdutl10e.zip 26687 22-03-95 Collection of 5 CD Utilities (eg. Play, Lock) chkcdr11.zip 28073 30-04-93 Checks and displays CD-ROM information chron112.zip 194351 18-03-94 CHIRON TLG CD-ROM search program for MS-DOS convindx.zip 5545 19-10-92 Cvts CD-ROM INDEX.TXT to FILES.BBS for RA/QBBS da2wav12.zip 156122 23-07-95 Copy audio CD to WAV or CDi movie to MPEG file da2wav1g.zip 124702 27-10-94 Copy CD digital audio to hard disk in WAV file dr0498.zip 223104 16-02-93 MS-DOS CD-ROM extensions v2.2 information pack fakecd10.zip 8007 09-09-95 Simulates CD-drive with hard disk directory fil2s003.zip 12279 07-11-94 Creates SimTel-compatible file databases listcds.zip 10539 24-05-93 List CDs in SoundWork's SoundPlay database mscdex21.zip 45052 04-07-92 Microsoft's doc: Talking to MSCDEX CD-ROM ext. s2rbbs10.zip 15579 21-09-94 Makes RBBS-PC file listings for SimTel CD-ROMs shsucd08.zip 93610 10-02-94 CDROM Client/Server + unloadable MSCDEX sim2pcb.zip 39823 11-06-94 Generate PCBoard DIRn files for SimTel CD-ROMs smrtcd30.zip 45207 11-09-95 TSR programmable-even-while-playing CD player ----------------------------------------------------------- Celerity BBS program and utilities path: /disc1/celerity/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cel202ld.zip 258739 11-11-94 Celerity v2.02 Language Development Kit cel202r.zip 1395083 11-11-94 Celerity multiple node/multitasking BBS v2.02 cel202sp.zip 479830 11-11-94 Celerity v2.02 supplementary utilities set celalien.zip 26182 11-11-94 Alien menu set for Celerity v2.02 celgrgl1.zip 11748 11-11-94 Gargoyle menu set for Celerity v2.02 mdcelmnu.zip 43375 11-11-94 Extra menu set for Celerity v2.0 sewage.zip 251492 11-11-94 Additional menu/language sets for Celerity 2.0 sic0906.zip 212173 11-11-94 Sicko's ANSI package (940906) ----------------------------------------------------------- Citadel BBS programs path: /disc1/citadel/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ctdl338a.zip 211274 28-08-91 Citadel-86 BBS version 3.38, part 1 of 4 ctdl338b.zip 190597 28-08-91 Citadel-86 BBS version 3.38, part 2 of 4 ctdl338c.zip 301676 28-08-91 Citadel-86 BBS version 3.38, part 3 of 4 ctdl338d.zip 76399 28-08-91 Citadel-86 BBS version 3.38, part 4 of 4 k2ne608.txt 270 09-07-94 Citadel:K2NE BBS, brief overview k2ne608a.zip 305669 09-07-94 Citadel:K2NE BBS V6.08, executables (1 of 3) k2ne608b.zip 326933 09-07-94 Citadel:K2NE BBS V6.08, executables (2 of 3) k2ne608c.zip 260452 09-07-94 Citadel:K2NE BBS V6.08, executables (3 of 3) k2ne608s.txt 589 09-07-94 Citadel:K2NE BBS - source-code overview k2ne608s.zip 309265 09-07-94 Citadel:K2NE BBS V6.08, C language source code ----------------------------------------------------------- On-screen clocks and clock utilities path: /disc1/clocks/ ----------------------------------------------------------- aclk12.zip 2155 15-01-94 TSR real time/alarm clock (screen upper right) adclk100.zip 24384 26-07-93 Utility for adjusting inaccurate PC clocks alarm13.zip 16973 30-01-93 TSR pop-up alarm clock at_clock.zip 42053 19-05-89 Corrects for AT CMOS clock time slippage atclok.zip 5989 12-03-92 Use hardwre clock instead of DOS for time/date atnudg2.zip 13731 31-07-89 Nudge AT realtime clock daily to correct time attclock.zip 11304 06-03-88 Set/read AT&T clock with PC-DOS autodate.zip 6967 25-06-87 V.Buerg's v1.0 set time/date without clk/cal bclk.zip 6160 11-01-93 Full-screen digital clock. CGA or better req. bclock.zip 34255 17-09-90 Time program with large clock face binclk10.zip 14712 01-08-95 BINCLK: Binary display of date and time clk231.zip 27990 13-01-94 TSR displays time/date w/international support clk360rs.zip 113330 11-12-93 Clock driver with automatic daylight savings clkdev14.zip 37122 29-07-91 Keep DOS time in synch with battery clock chip clkon240.zip 5937 14-05-94 Resident upper right corner clock and alarm clkprogs.zip 6629 30-03-89 Collection of DOS system clock set/get pgms clock.zip 51750 20-11-88 Put a clock on console display clock10.zip 13176 03-12-90 On-screen clock; TSR or linkable to C programs clockfix.zip 2577 07-06-90 Fixes AT&T6300/Xerox PC/Olivetti M24/M21 clock clockupd.zip 4159 13-06-95 TSR synchronizes date and time w/RTC. Incl src clok131.zip 8492 15-06-95 TSR text mode clock and alarm utility cntdn201.zip 5644 27-05-95 Small countdown timer. User configurable cuckoo.zip 8464 11-02-92 Cuckoo clock time/date display with ASM source datech30.zip 29961 21-06-89 Intelligent date/time set for PC w/no clock datefix.zip 12765 01-12-87 Set DOS Date from realtime clock dosclock.zip 1931 19-01-90 Displays clock only while at DOS command line dt.zip 4515 29-08-88 Send date/time to screen or file dtime.zip 9662 19-05-89 Display time and date, with Turbo C source dtkclk11.zip 26756 17-07-89 Programs to handle DTK clock/calendar board dtsav3.zip 2327 07-01-88 Save system date/time to file edgclk.zip 5974 22-12-87 Read/set Leading Edge Model-M hardware clock fixtim10.zip 8722 10-12-91 Compensate for inaccuracy in on-board clock gettime.zip 21862 23-12-90 Set system clock from US Naval Observatory m24clk11.zip 12009 30-07-95 Clock driver for Olivetti M24, AT&T 6300 mmclk12.zip 23782 03-08-90 Real time clock card driver, MM58167A chip msdtime.zip 10224 29-08-88 Day, hour, and free bytes in English nbscom12.zip 41233 01-02-90 Set PC's time from NBS's telephone time svc pcclk215.zip 75332 13-02-93 Set PC date/time via modem from NIST standard ptime_10.zip 6334 28-04-93 Small TSR clock with TASM source code ritm11.zip 30717 10-12-91 TSR which will correct CMOS clock error settd.c 5399 18-01-88 Set DOS time/date from realtime clock settime.asm 2077 13-06-86 Set time via DOS call settm1_6.zip 6342 21-02-94 Sets computer's clock via modem to 'real' time showdt11.zip 12843 28-05-91 Shows date and time without prompt to change showtd26.zip 14155 30-01-93 Show current time/date with many options stime.zip 40502 28-10-90 Calls Naval Observatory to set AT system time sttime.zip 4461 29-08-88 Very small 'Call the Observatory' pgm set time tad.zip 1611 14-11-89 Set AT real-time-clock from DOS date & time timset60.zip 95617 16-12-90 Sets system clock to Naval Observatory tnd.zip 11906 26-06-92 Cmd line display date/time Mon/Tues/AM/PM/etc. tyme.zip 1900 20-12-88 Displays time/date in readable format udate.zip 20071 03-12-90 Displays the date and/or time in any format update11.zip 1771 11-09-88 DOS system clock date updater usnotime.zip 2173 22-08-87 Set your system clock to US Naval Obsv. time ustime11.zip 51909 26-08-93 Synchronize clock to US Naval Observatory time vidclk.zip 5010 11-09-88 Configurable on-screen clock ----------------------------------------------------------- Database management programs and utilities path: /disc1/database/ ----------------------------------------------------------- abrdr200.zip 499227 31-08-94 Record keeping system for Avian breeders adbook10.zip 21266 06-08-95 Easy to use Address Book manager address.zip 16282 24-02-95 Address Book: Organize by Name/Adr/Phone/EMail aerobix.zip 81246 20-04-91 Fitness Log: Record aerobic exercise/progress aerolog3.zip 67076 06-04-95 AEROLOG v3.0: Tracks aerobic exercise progress albm850.zip 388487 09-05-95 AlbumMaster: Catalog your albums albums.zip 84370 04-10-91 DBMS for CD/record/tape music collections albumtrx.zip 302905 07-12-94 Catalog program for albums and CD's amsf20.zip 280940 07-01-92 Array Management System - Fortran version 2.0 ap11.zip 141230 07-04-90 Bibliographical database for academic papers ap220.zip 276648 10-04-92 Auto Price v2.20: New car pricing program arowdb25.zip 221990 06-07-91 Arrow-DB v2.5: Database program. Limited DEMO arsm106.zip 188749 08-08-95 Business application for auto repair shop ascdbf26.zip 58443 25-08-92 Convert txt report file to delimited data file atnd40s.zip 595394 09-09-95 Employee attendance database auctn101.zip 110756 09-09-95 AUCTION v1.01: Auction manager aunx12.zip 255186 04-02-95 AudioNexus v1.2: Music library records avplan30.zip 228431 21-05-91 Aviation preflight planning utility ba_562.zip 272046 30-07-95 BOWLING ASSISTANT v5.62: League Secretary Mgr bar33.zip 323197 26-04-94 Graphical database guide to cocktails & drinks bb_draft.zip 68305 31-01-92 Rotisserie Baseball Draft/Auction Program DEMO bcast102.zip 269827 30-07-92 Daily Solar Geophys. database manager/analyst bclink16.zip 319367 04-06-95 Bus. Clock Link v1.6: Time clock in/out board biblo302.zip 366127 03-05-94 BIBLOGIC v3.02: Bibliographic database manager bill21.zip 97031 19-03-90 PC-Billing - Easy invoicing system bizwiz5.zip 388698 14-11-94 BIZZ WIZZ: Complete small business package bknx12.zip 263963 12-02-95 BooksNexus v1.2: Book library records bookb21.zip 128221 30-10-94 BookBank II v2.01: Personal library management bowl101o.zip 222692 25-07-93 Bowl101o v12.2: Bowling league management pgm. bowlst32.zip 386433 26-08-95 Bowling Statistics Program v3.2 bsm295.zip 47357 12-03-92 Tracks baseball statistics. Easy to use btran111.zip 129702 06-12-94 Create transit directions for your area cardfile.zip 18563 06-04-90 3x5 card file manager, handles 150 cards cars16.zip 44931 02-01-91 Auto expense tracking and reporting system carusage.zip 77255 17-06-93 Automobile monthly expense/usage database pgms casm910.zip 397457 09-05-95 CassetteMaster v9.10: Catalog your cassettes cdhpx23.zip 1417561 25-07-95 Church Data Helper Plus v2.3: Church software cdlm100.zip 54798 23-07-95 CD Library Manager: Organize CD collections cdm860.zip 394002 09-05-95 CDMaster v8.60: Catalog your CD library cdmstr67.zip 172453 04-11-91 CDMaster v6.70: Catalog and list CD library cds58.zip 107024 30-07-95 Music CD cataloguing system v5.8 cem063.zip 218777 10-03-93 Records cemetery tombstone inscriptions ceqpt40i.zip 174679 31-05-94 Database program to keep equipment histories chex252.zip 102158 11-04-92 Chex 2.52: Easy-to-use checkbook program chexbal3.zip 8825 20-01-90 Use with CHEX, totals balances of all accts. cinvt60e.zip 173770 31-05-94 Inventory pgm for tracking store stock/orders cjpos521.zip 782144 12-09-95 Complete POS system,Invoices,Inventory,Reports ckitot11.zip 303721 24-12-90 Personal double-entry accounting system v.1.1a ckmgr170.zip 114676 15-02-89 Checking account manager v1.70 coins11a.zip 939097 16-03-95 Coin collecting program for U.S. coins, 1of2 coins11b.zip 293277 16-03-95 Coin collecting program for U.S. coins, 2of2 collct21.zip 369801 26-03-93 CollectorMate v2.1: Database for collectors collect.zip 245643 06-11-91 Collect; a configurable DB for collections collect1.zip 93110 01-09-95 Collection Agency: Accounts receivable manager contac01.zip 172480 16-01-92 Contacts management. Phone, fax, E-Mail etc conx12.zip 254422 12-02-95 CoinsNexus v1.2: Numismatic collection records csvideos.zip 8075 30-05-95 Catalog your videotapes/laserdiscs/etc. datacan.zip 232353 18-04-95 Browse/export compressed DBF/ASCII databases dbdes103.zip 91395 06-08-95 Prints Paradox 4 table structure, w/BP/TP src dbperl10.zip 509407 19-11-94 Large database of Internet sites and info dbsoft2.zip 129351 30-07-95 Database for inventorying computer software dbsrc100.zip 91857 06-08-95 Creates BP7 source of PDox 4 table's structure dctdata.zip 128439 06-02-90 Customer Database, prints list/mailing labels ddata_46.zip 110286 05-11-94 Baseball and softball statistics tracking pgm dimprt12.zip 32315 13-04-90 Cvt fixed-length ASCII to comma-delimited file dnd4fe51.zip 14688 23-02-94 Sample File Express databases for D&D dolls26.zip 434480 11-01-94 Collectors database for business and hobbyists dp_mouse.zip 9888 19-02-95 Mouse menus and driver, DataPerfect dream22a.zip 145902 09-07-89 Menu-driven data retrieval/entry/mgmt, 1 of 5 dream22b.zip 137988 09-07-89 Menu-driven data retrieval/entry/mgmt, 2 of 5 dream22c.zip 105950 09-07-89 Menu-driven data retrieval/entry/mgmt, 3 of 5 dream22d.zip 59747 09-07-89 Menu-driven data retrieval/entry/mgmt, 4 of 5 dream22e.zip 40841 09-07-89 Menu-driven data retrieval/entry/mgmt, 5 of 5 easyqt.zip 134613 10-09-89 EASY QUOTE - price quoting program eb98.zip 1270042 02-09-95 Easy Base v9.8: Data Management System echeck50.zip 704487 13-02-95 ExpressCheck v5.0: Checkbook management eclips10.zip 323759 24-01-95 ECLIPSE v1.0: Integrated accounting package edb31.zip 20704 13-12-89 Easy to use menu-driven database program edb_21.zip 37661 16-05-91 Ed's DataBase v2.1: Simple flat file database edit_dta.zip 16273 25-06-87 Edit and print PC-File database empsch10.zip 64769 05-09-90 Employee Scheduler, up to 1 week, 60 employees entry141.zip 62325 31-05-91 Dr. Funkey's fixed-format data entry system estimate.zip 92375 10-09-89 Quick and easy job cost estimator evidda10.zip 207750 11-08-94 Configurable database for lending libraries ezcard13.zip 128455 21-05-91 A simple database based on a 3x5 cardfile ezcatlog.zip 48936 23-11-87 Data file and cataloging program fe51_a.zip 308483 26-10-92 File Express v5.10 database system, 1 of 3 fe51_b.zip 353036 26-10-92 File Express v5.10 database system, 2 of 3 fe51_c.zip 305862 26-10-92 File Express v5.10 database system, 3 of 3 formget1.zip 22368 30-04-93 Versatile form data entry tool in batch files frb133.zip 480631 26-03-95 FundRaiser Basic v1.33: Donor management gardener.zip 173309 30-10-88 Database for gardeners gc11.zip 60464 07-11-92 Graphical employee scheduling program gdox825.zip 204418 08-06-93 Database for checking-in U.S. Gov't documents getit.zip 101100 25-05-88 Free form database & reminder giflg11a.zip 47608 14-01-91 GIF file cataloging program gl_4_131.zip 150981 02-04-90 Bibliographic database program - with manual gobowl40.zip 89285 10-04-95 Gone Bowlin' v4.0: Bowler's record keeper grocery.zip 32693 21-05-89 Makes grocery shopping list, 52 categories handy120.zip 51953 08-07-92 Estimate home repair material costs hbms430.zip 211543 12-05-92 Home Budget financial & record keeping system helpd11.zip 263482 11-05-95 HelpDisque: Help Desk management system helpd12.zip 104967 23-10-91 Help Desk pgm for use in MIS/DP departments hhg106.zip 93587 22-08-92 Household Goods Inventory Management program homecont.zip 1546357 01-09-95 Job/cost tracker for Home contractor/remodeler hooper.zip 182369 14-03-90 Finance Manager II, General Ledger Lite hoops102.zip 169447 21-11-94 PC-Hoops, The Pro Basketball Analyst, 1994 ed. hpb20.zip 63161 11-01-93 The Home Phone Book v2.0: Address database htnet112.zip 281764 20-04-91 Hotnet: Phone support/call track/mgmt system ic31_1.zip 322654 08-02-91 IN-CONTROL Prospect/Client/Customer Tracker1/2 ic31_2.zip 313285 08-02-91 IN-CONTROL Prospect/Client/Customer Tracker2/2 icf186.zip 60201 14-07-88 Indexed card filer iims10.zip 148777 19-01-90 Shareware inventory management system inf_exe.zip 99728 31-12-87 Information system, part 1 of 2 inf_src.zip 48387 31-12-87 Information system, part 2 of 2 inv10.zip 179672 27-10-92 Home inventory and moving management program inv20.zip 194423 04-02-93 Home inventory/moving management system, v2.0 inv31z.zip 441846 16-01-95 The Invoice Store: Invoicing and Point of Sale ip205a.zip 260634 08-06-91 Free-form information storage database jeprs111.zip 126587 07-09-89 Database system for literature references joggr105.zip 59053 12-03-92 Runner's log and analysis database, v1.05 jpro.zip 158998 03-12-90 Journal-Pro: Keep a computerized journal diary kjnvrs20.zip 261521 06-07-93 Vehicle mgmt system for homes and businesses kpds110.zip 217371 05-11-94 Personal name, address, phone number database ledger.zip 170159 30-12-91 V1.165 - WYSIWYG editor for any set of books lgmgr11.zip 102654 14-05-94 Manages schedules & info for leagues of teams liflst11.zip 263042 14-11-93 LifeLister v1.1: Bird watcher's database lisst20.zip 23899 29-08-89 dBase-like relational list maker/database list_mgr.zip 16181 02-10-88 List format/retrieve utility lpcdindx.zip 103020 23-08-91 Music indexing database for records/CDs. DEMO lpinv3_1.zip 173870 01-07-95 Inventory control and analysis lpro101.zip 8704 25-08-92 LabelPro 1.01 address database & label printer mag20.zip 40046 06-12-86 Magazine filing system (Ver. 2.0) manedit1.zip 1195922 16-06-95 Medical Journal Reviewer/Specialty database mcks_d00.zip 275830 13-08-95 MCKS: MultiCentric Knowledge System, 1of4 mcks_d0b.zip 273474 12-09-95 MCKS: MultiCentric Knowledge System, 1of3 mcks_e00.zip 1147770 13-08-95 MCKS: MultiCentric Knowledge System, 2of4 mcks_l0a.zip 156151 13-08-95 MCKS: MultiCentric Knowledge System, 3of4 mcks_l0b.zip 230514 12-09-95 MCKS: MultiCentric Knowledge System, 3of3 mcks_t00.zip 62338 13-08-95 MCKS: MultiCentric Knowledge System, 4of4 mcks_t0b.zip 79710 12-09-95 MCKS: MultiCentric Knowledge System, 2of3 mdb43d.zip 1209076 23-05-95 Music Database System for music collections medlin5.zip 318948 31-07-95 Accounting G/L, A/R, A/P, Payroll and Invoice mlist160.zip 227261 18-01-95 Master*List v1.60: Multipurpose database mgr. modbil74.zip 151601 26-06-92 Billing system for Accountants/Consultants/etc movilg26.zip 185661 18-12-93 Keeps track of video movies you collect mpro.zip 613071 25-03-95 M-PRO programmable database for MS-DOS. EVAL muscdb20.zip 590528 24-02-95 Music database with report generator music100.zip 13766 11-09-94 The Music Tree: CD/tape/record/etc. database mygl116.zip 88752 16-04-87 My General Ledger accounting pkg name32.zip 169203 16-06-93 Namebase v3.2: Name/address/telephone database ndex.zip 105042 07-09-89 N-DEX, an enhanced index-card database oasis3.zip 269871 25-04-95 OASIS 3: OWL Sales and Invoicing System obbk30.zip 225966 07-07-94 OWL Basic Bookkeeping v3.0 ocdemo.zip 170275 08-06-92 Fire department dispatching software. DEMO onbase.zip 42678 03-12-88 TSR database program - 3 Db can be called ossfb04.zip 290194 23-07-95 XBase Card file/Mileage log/Bank account mgr. palu20.zip 54030 31-08-94 Paradox PD/ShareWare addons directory, Aug'94 palv20.zip 20884 31-08-94 Directory of Paradox addon producers, Aug '94 paper202.zip 120677 31-05-91 PAPERS v2.02: Scientific literature database pc_comma.zip 30968 18-02-89 Make comma-delim files from ASCII or data file pcab300.zip 68330 31-05-91 Database of names/addresses/dates pcfpl21d.zip 391915 14-05-94 IFR/VFR flight planer. Fixed wing & helicopter pdx21b.zip 238933 25-01-94 Bibliography reference management package perinv21.zip 123852 22-08-92 Keep track of household items for insurance personal.zip 108742 12-02-90 Shareware phone/address database manager,v1.10 pims12.zip 116588 02-09-89 Personal Information Management System, v1.2 pinmoney.zip 14804 22-06-89 Reminds you about your PINs in a secure way plus50.zip 404019 01-07-95 Sales, inventory, invoicing, POS system ponyex20.zip 232755 12-05-92 Pony Express v2.0 Postal/UPS/FedEx rate util. pos410.zip 310413 02-12-92 ESD Point of Sale with Accounts Receivable probill.zip 148422 06-07-93 Probill S1.0: Billing and accounts receivable pstamp19.zip 117346 01-09-95 Full-featured, easy-to-use stamp collector pt100.zip 121488 14-09-89 Physical Training test scorekeeper database purchase.zip 61202 16-05-87 Purchase Order System (Ver 2.11) pxforms1.zip 45356 12-08-94 Paradox forms documentation aid pxmnu13.zip 25749 29-05-93 Dynamic heirachical menu system for Paradox q_pro4a.zip 187255 18-09-89 Database application generator, exe & examples q_pro4b.zip 109987 18-09-89 Database application generator, docs qad12.zip 47727 12-04-90 Fixed length ASCII to CDF file cvt, w/QB4 src qdrsum.zip 34125 05-12-87 PC-FILE+ quick & dirty report/summary refbas21.zip 34598 13-08-89 Tech reference database template for PC-File+ reflexex.zip 31049 22-04-88 Reflex database program, part 1 of 2 refrecov.zip 21974 22-04-88 Reflex database program, part 2 of 2 rexl211a.zip 284671 26-08-92 dBase file compatible database, exes/help rexl211b.zip 260608 26-08-92 dBase file compatible database, utils/modules rexl211c.zip 279040 26-08-92 dBase file compatible database, docs/examples rl40.zip 855546 03-09-92 Menu-driven mail/phone manager & label maker rm35dp23.zip 328784 27-01-95 RequestMANAGER v3.5, DataPerfect rms32b.zip 603190 21-01-95 Annotated DOS menu biblio/reference system roadmile.zip 55711 01-07-88 Calculate US Highway Mileage Between Points roadw254.zip 195715 26-05-91 Trip planning (routes, mileage), works w/mouse rocv2.zip 671254 06-10-92 Resumes On Computer (ROC), a resume database runco94b.zip 271463 05-07-95 RunCoach v0.94: Running/jogging Expert System runlog.zip 71801 08-03-90 Runner's/bicycler's workout log runner13.zip 240986 03-10-94 WIN3: Runner's log/analyze perf. via Purdy pts runsta11.zip 304829 04-11-91 Journal/statistics package for runners, v1.1 sayv31x.zip 14626 11-06-95 Save and retrieve data quickly from DOS sched215.zip 267363 10-05-95 Automatic employee scheduling system. DEMO schop11.zip 32431 10-04-93 Optimizes schedules based on your preferences scrlz210.zip 268047 09-05-95 ScrollZ: Library management for printed matter seed11.zip 206433 30-03-95 Garden seed database,journal/planting schedule seekeasy.zip 97052 26-10-90 Flexible match information retrieval pgm sftk700e.zip 413209 18-09-94 Database pgm for MOD/MTM/S3M/ULT/FAR/DMF lists sg100b.zip 184452 29-03-95 Sounds Good! CD/tape/record database system siv2b.zip 145829 19-06-92 An expert system for staff scheduling sm35dp23.zip 320743 14-01-95 ServiceMANAGER dispatch syst. Req. DataPerfect sms9233a.zip 269602 24-01-93 Shareware Marketing System for authors, 1 of 2 sms9233b.zip 311859 24-01-93 Shareware Marketing System for authors, 2 of 2 soundz4.zip 448861 09-05-95 SoundZ v4.00: Enhanced audio librarian ssdinf11.zip 16133 27-12-92 Displays information on selected SAS Datasets ssn10.zip 65832 01-04-95 Social Security number validator ssql23.zip 195830 13-05-91 SQL cmd processor - create/update/query tables startr10.zip 174095 12-12-90 Menu-based database of all Star Trek episodes supermem.zip 92156 21-10-91 SuperMemo: Speed learning w/questions-answers svcp30_1.zip 239195 08-02-91 SERVICE PLUS Maint/Service call Tracker 1/2 svcp30_2.zip 248894 08-02-91 SERVICE PLUS Maint/Service call Tracker 2/2 takeoff5.zip 202125 06-07-93 Takeoff: Building material cost estimating tapem16b.zip 67967 29-12-92 Music database & audio cassette label maker tara201.zip 112019 25-05-87 Tara datafile utilities tcard28.zip 268321 01-03-93 Small business employee punch card. Log in/out tcbap10c.zip 218960 19-08-91 Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0c Acc'ts Payable, 1of7 tcbar10c.zip 200552 19-08-91 Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0c Acc'ts Recvable, 2of7 tcbgl10c.zip 186905 19-08-91 Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0c General Ledger, 3of7 tcbin10c.zip 160002 19-08-91 Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0c Inventory, 4of7 tcbma10c.zip 302121 19-08-91 Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0c Main Program, 5of7 tcbpr10c.zip 250310 19-08-91 Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0c Payroll, 6of7 tcbps10c.zip 153600 19-08-91 Takin' Care of Bus. 1.0c POS/Invoicing, 7of7 telwhr12.zip 312935 15-04-95 Telephone number location database timtbl01.zip 186429 25-03-93 Timetable printer saves data to Paradox tables tpmkr20.zip 86764 11-04-94 Music database and audio cassette label maker trackaud.zip 22581 04-11-91 Database for your albums/CDs/cassettes library treklib.zip 144541 29-04-95 Star Trek TV collections database trilogy.zip 57542 12-05-88 A notes retrieval system, with BASIC src & EXE ts20.zip 862941 27-12-92 Travel Search: Hotels, resorts, inns in U.S.A. unfor10.zip 938738 01-09-95 Unforgettable 1.0: Personal Info Manager. EVAL usnofa91.zip 202776 24-03-91 US Naval Observatory floppy almanac for 1991 vcr.zip 6345 30-03-86 Catalog those video cassettes (w/BAS) vdnx12.zip 274386 12-02-95 VideoNexus v1.2: Video collection records vidcat70.zip 127312 04-05-91 Video tape library cataloger videolog.zip 73328 27-09-87 Video tape catalog database vidm900.zip 390688 09-05-95 VideoMaster v9.00: Catalog your videos vndvue.zip 239270 16-10-94 VendView v1.00: VENDINFO.DIZ file viewer wedding3.zip 196809 19-07-94 Wedding Organizer: Invitation mgr/budget/to-do wedplan.zip 174820 04-07-92 Database for planning weddings or parties wjs12f.zip 215047 27-07-93 Job summary tracking for contractors w/reports wlk240.zip 771023 15-11-94 Precinct Walker v2.40, political campaign tool wvh23a.zip 247275 27-07-93 Vehicle service history tracking and reporting xmagic2.zip 282677 03-02-95 CrossMagic v2.03: Cross-stitch database yearplan.zip 105786 16-12-88 Print a yearly calendar. Good for planning yh133.zip 209793 03-04-95 Realistic job interview simulator - Practice zcld10.zip 402279 11-06-95 Zip Code Locator - displays the City and State zipc20_1.zip 134953 20-07-93 ZIP version 2.0, ZIP & area code database, 1/2 zipc20_2.zip 304684 20-07-93 ZIP version 2.0, ZIP & area code database, 2/2 zk0992.zip 119663 20-07-93 ZIPKEY zipcode dir v2.04, data, 9/92, 2 of 2 zk204.zip 87717 20-07-93 ZIPKEY zipcode dir v2.04, prog & doc, 1 of 2 zr22exhl.zip 146044 20-01-90 ZOOMRACKS database, exectuables, help file zr22fubs.zip 72819 20-01-90 ZOOMRACKS database, business templates zr22home.zip 73232 20-01-90 ZOOMRACKS database, misc. templates for home zr22smbs.zip 74041 20-01-90 ZOOMRACKS database, small business templates zr22tutr.zip 37298 20-01-90 ZOOMRACKS database, Tutor ztree20.zip 264306 30-07-95 Contact Database Manager, MLM/Calling Networks ----------------------------------------------------------- Calendars, appointment schedulers and desktop utilities path: /disc1/deskaccs/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ab_v1.zip 35128 01-01-90 Address and birthday reminder program ac405a.zip 123649 28-04-91 Area code finder - National and International adbook10.zip 12925 01-08-95 Easy to use Address Book manager agenda22.zip 143623 01-08-95 Anniversaries/phones/apptmts reminder database an300.zip 192263 07-10-92 Ample notice: Powerful appointments/alarm/PIM an_101.zip 40314 23-05-90 Advance Notice v1.01 - early warning of events apcal320.zip 148014 13-05-93 ApCal v3.20: Easy to use appointment calendar app.zip 11556 16-07-89 Use SIDEKICK+ appointment book w/o loading SK+ appt130.zip 30324 11-01-94 APPT v1.30: Automatic appointment minder areacod5.zip 20268 23-07-95 Area Code Finder, C source for MS-DOS/UNIX/VMS areafon3.zip 24013 02-04-90 AREAFON 3.02/Areacodes/Foreign Dial/Citynames axel10b.zip 251300 28-09-94 Axel: Desktop utilities for DOS and Windows batrem41.zip 520572 05-07-95 BatchReminder 4.1 PIM and Organizer bday.zip 37191 16-01-91 Birthday/event reminder with music & search bsm6.zip 357825 01-07-95 Business StartManager v6.0: DOS Graphical PIM cal.zip 14277 25-01-87 Makes calander for any month & year, w/C src cal33.zip 41337 23-03-95 UNIX cal-compatible appointment calendar w/src cal_gm31.zip 16690 20-06-94 Unix-style cal reminder - put in autoexec.bat calen.zip 12468 30-07-95 Text-based calendar and date reminder calend10.zip 16429 06-04-92 Annual calendar for the XIX, XX, XXI centuries calkpr21.zip 83124 28-04-91 Keep track of important dates and appointments callfor.zip 11585 16-01-89 A TSR to keep phone messages calmt40c.zip 160452 12-05-91 Calender Mate version 4.0c: A calender maker cals15.zip 118286 11-06-95 CALendar EVent Appointment schedule envelope cng200.zip 147928 31-01-92 Click 'n Go! Desktop Navigator for DOS cntrk102.zip 139424 10-10-94 Contrack v1.02: Contact management program consult.zip 24687 23-02-89 Academic consultant note log pkg v1.8 - TSR conv.zip 17562 15-03-89 Programmer's handy multifunct TSR, calc/tables cwise11.zip 270618 14-09-92 Multiple calendar planning and tracking tool databank.zip 205730 15-08-91 Reminder/calendar/notepad/phone book/timetable daym410.zip 310437 09-05-95 DayMaster daily/weekly/monthly/yearly reminder desk130.zip 130105 22-08-87 Shell pgrm. One of the best around dlg11e.zip 285103 19-10-94 DELEGATOR: People, assignments, projects do210.zip 45707 21-12-89 Desk Organizer tickler/reminder/phone system drsc104.zip 256520 24-05-93 Combo desk reference & scientific calculator eazy308.zip 109140 20-06-94 EAZY v3.08: Event reminder and file scheduler eazy341.zip 184157 03-03-95 EAZY v3.41: Event reminder & program scheduler exchng94.zip 545890 17-11-94 Complete 1994 telephone exchange database ezdiary2.zip 67156 17-11-94 Menu-driven editor maintains diaries (VGA req) fac171.zip 120787 07-12-92 Fast fuzzy find US/foreign telephone area code fflyer50.zip 535624 15-05-95 Personal assistant for the frequent traveler flshb260.zip 77076 28-02-91 FlashBack v2.60: An appointment alert utility fonebk22.zip 48030 03-08-88 Organize names, addresses & phones gdesk216.zip 697721 10-09-95 The Gorin Desktop 2.16: VGA GUI Desktop system goldp60.zip 267313 12-02-95 Address/phone book/dialer/appt. calendar (GUI) gov52.zip 413144 27-10-94 Get Organized personal & group scheduler. DEMO hb253_1.zip 83738 09-10-88 HomeBase desktop manager v2.53 1of5 hb253_2.zip 78078 09-10-88 HomeBase desktop manager v2.53 2of5 hb253_3.zip 68582 09-10-88 HomeBase desktop manager v2.53 3of5 hb253_4.zip 87817 09-10-88 HomeBase desktop manager v2.53 4of5 hb253man.zip 24216 09-10-88 MANUAL: HB253-1,2,3,4 DeskTop Mngr. 5of5 icaro101.zip 507102 01-04-95 Point & click desktop and file management tool icartut1.zip 272191 01-04-95 Tutorial/demo of Icaro, the desktop for DOS impro122.zip 508231 03-12-94 VGA/mouse scheduler-can use AUTOEXEC-w/C++ src ir164f.zip 67194 09-06-90 'Instant Recall' TSR free-form database pgm jcal75.zip 73787 06-01-92 Jewish/Gregorian calendar utilities jot_it3.zip 5181 17-09-88 Configurable TSR notepad/capture 6K RAM v3 jotit2.zip 33642 12-03-92 JotIt: Netbios-compatible phone message taker lbb62.zip 103605 30-09-94 Little Black Book Address Book & Autodialer lcalv21.zip 119227 07-07-92 Color calendar/lookup/printout/freeware leavemsg.zip 31143 03-05-90 Others can leave msg on PC when away from desk meter10.zip 35528 22-10-93 'Taxi meter' displays ongoing cost of meetings mjog217.zip 26322 31-10-93 Chris Dunford's command line memory jogger mtslbb61.zip 115734 25-02-90 Address & phone number organizer/phone dialer myadrsbk.zip 42631 07-04-93 AddressBook/Write Letters/MailMerge/PrintLists namdat41.zip 277940 31-01-92 Names and Dates v4.1: Address/phone/date book namepal.zip 56361 09-06-88 Very good address book neubase2.zip 89806 20-02-90 Neubase v2.0, daily appointments/diary/journal notepad4.zip 14401 31-12-87 Mem resident notepad notewr10.zip 31744 22-11-92 NoteWare v1.0: 99 screensize notes TSR notepad oday430.zip 372815 09-05-95 OMNIDay v4.30: Daily diary/journal om101.zip 63488 15-03-92 Memo/time card/clock/phone dir/message manager org212.zip 64495 30-05-91 Personal appointment calendar/reminder/tickler orgds204.zip 342687 10-09-95 gorin's organiser: GUI address book/organiser pbcal100.zip 47584 14-10-94 Easy to use calendar/diary program pc1420.zip 190166 06-03-91 Clock/calendar/notepad/track reminder/tickler pcyear.zip 15396 22-04-88 Annual appointment calendar phonem12.zip 19705 21-03-88 Jot down phone messages with this TSR phonem50.zip 36437 12-03-92 Fast phone number indexer (not a TSR) pinky.zip 27468 16-12-88 Telephone message system pmis20.zip 217257 31-01-92 Checkbook/calendar/appointment/addressbook mgr prgtimr2.zip 169048 29-06-95 Reports on DOS program usage (time and date) probid10.zip 449179 13-06-94 Bid analysis and construction risk assessment pssp134.zip 304413 09-09-95 Save money on long distance phone calls pw22.zip 9521 03-01-90 PC Window v2.2: Small shareware SideKick clone qdial10.zip 17300 06-08-92 QuickDial: Modem dial voice call in DOS prompt qdial20.zip 19762 06-12-93 QuickDial: Modem dials voice call, with redial qmr200.zip 122694 16-09-89 Non-resident reminder/to-do prodder raid12.zip 21835 23-02-89 Resident aid util only 1K RAM rest EMS rem10.zip 49899 14-04-93 Reminds users of important dates and events rem21nov.zip 55694 14-11-93 Reminds users of important dates/events(Nov93) rem23_00.zip 44335 21-02-91 REMIND v2.3.0: Sophisticated reminder service rem_v11.zip 51419 04-06-93 Reminds users of important dates/events(JUN93) remind.asm 9305 13-06-86 Tickle file/reminder remind49.zip 44599 06-03-90 Event remind,time organizer,perpetual calendar reminder.zip 50341 08-12-89 Program set for maintaining a reminders file remindsw.zip 41825 04-06-88 Reminds you of things you may forget remkt301.zip 53317 15-08-94 A Reminder for Important Dates and Events remnder1.zip 12731 02-12-94 System boot up event reminder rhmibm33.zip 62774 16-02-88 Right-Hand Man desk-top utility rlwindow.zip 30485 06-04-92 Post-it notes like program for your DOS PC sans30.zip 646777 15-01-92 Structural analysis and design system, v3.0 sbe205u.zip 496425 28-07-91 Structured building construction estimator sp_st133.zip 259603 24-01-95 Save money on long distance phone calls terra21.zip 47802 05-04-89 COLOR MAP with World with city times - v2.1 ticklx65.zip 336345 22-02-94 TICKLEX/Calendar/ToDoList/Scheduler/Reminder tikler.zip 18256 11-05-89 Easy to use event reminder for autoexec.bat timfly16.zip 234119 07-01-95 Automatic pop-up date reminder - FreeWare v1.6 timflyc6.zip 234327 07-01-95 Canadian version of auto date reminder - Free tlaunch.zip 105148 01-07-95 DOS Desktop (Time&Launch) tmm11.zip 48386 29-10-94 Memo manager and calendar toadwake.zip 5895 01-11-87 Execute a command at specified time todo399a.zip 47901 31-12-90 ToDo v3.99a: To-do list manager, tickler tpa100.zip 21378 13-09-90 Color/ASCII chart & DEC/HEX/OCTAL/BIN convert tsbits17.zip 70270 05-12-89 Base conversions, decimal bit calculations tscdar11.zip 43338 12-07-94 Perpetual calendar in English and Finnish vgacalx1.zip 85934 26-05-94 VGA calendar/pim/multi gui-program launcher whk_cal.zip 17720 13-02-94 A simple FreeWare calendar program wuk31.zip 628688 16-01-95 Organizes and prints names, phones, and dates xasc10.zip 34048 12-03-92 Pop-up extended (256 character) ASCII table yrcal17t.zip 64556 24-03-90 Year calendars/monthly/weekly/daily schedules zodiac63.zip 112964 25-04-95 Hebrew & Moslem clndrs Moon/Sun rise/set/eclps ----------------------------------------------------------- Utilities for DeskJet printers path: /disc1/deskjet/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 8pdj500c.zip 10015 16-05-94 Prints 8 pages of text per page on HP DJ500 dj_reink.zip 1136 22-08-89 One user's experience with re-inking DJ carts djdoc8.zip 13742 12-09-90 HP DJ/DJ+/LJ: Print up to 8 pages on one sheet djfonfmt.zip 1798 22-08-89 How: cnvt LaserJet softfont to DeskJet format djfont.zip 52289 22-08-89 LaserJet font to DeskJet font converter djlist.zip 11872 22-08-89 2-up printing on DeskJet djll.zip 22079 22-08-89 Print Landscape on DeskJet djp4up.zip 27977 28-04-91 Print 4 60-line pages on one page, HP DeskJet p821_v25.zip 41062 27-05-95 Print up to Eight pages To One sheet, HPDJ/LJ4 ----------------------------------------------------------- Desktop publishing programs and utilities path: /disc1/deskpub/ ----------------------------------------------------------- artmart1.zip 69953 23-07-88 Clip Art for Desk Top Publishing, 1 of 4 artmart2.zip 107475 23-07-88 Clip Art for Desk Top Publishing, 2 of 4 artmart3.zip 85283 23-07-88 Clip Art for Desk Top Publishing, 3 of 4 artmart4.zip 93258 23-07-88 Clip Art for Desk Top Publishing, 4 of 4 buspm.zip 35431 12-03-92 Business icons for Printmaster clipeze1.zip 29155 07-02-93 ClipEze Collection #1, original, hand rendered clipit1.zip 357362 03-01-93 High quality PCX Clipart (Shareware) ctdesk73.zip 82275 04-09-89 Citydesk DT Publishing for Dot Matrix v7.3 datapub.zip 81393 22-09-87 Prints booklet/catalog mail manager ecuatif1.zip 562900 19-12-94 Ecuadorian ethnographic images in TIFF format evp200a.zip 332396 22-08-94 EnVision Publisher: DTP GUI,WYSIWYG,mouse,1of2 evp200b.zip 342163 22-08-94 EnVision Publisher: DTP GUI,WYSIWYG,mouse,2of2 gifpub40.zip 114450 17-01-92 Cvt GIF->PCX FirstPub/Ventura,CGA/HERC/EGA/VGA iroc.zip 21500 23-07-88 Scanned image of Chevy in Paintbrush format ocr104.zip 93310 24-04-91 Optical character recognition for scanners ocrshr22.zip 355251 24-04-91 Optical character reader for scanners pageone1.zip 16413 20-09-87 DOC files for PAGEONE2, desktop pub pageone2.zip 93820 20-09-87 Desktop Publishing pt. 2 of 2 paztiff1.zip 293273 18-10-93 Peace clip-art graphics collection, vol. 1 paztiff2.zip 536289 18-10-93 Peace clip-art graphics collection, vol. 2 paztiff3.zip 493919 18-10-93 Peace clip-art graphics collection, vol. 3 paztiff4.zip 475330 18-10-93 Peace clip-art graphics collection, vol. 4 paztiff5.zip 545655 18-10-93 Peace clip-art graphics collection, vol. 5 peanuts2.zip 8690 12-03-92 Peanuts Gang icons for Printmaster pmmed.zip 11189 12-03-92 Medical icons for Printmaster vnturart.zip 19164 23-07-88 Clip art sample for desktop use wstyle.zip 118276 23-07-88 Style sheet manager ----------------------------------------------------------- Educational programs path: /disc1/educatin/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 123tlk22.zip 177314 16-11-91 Talking Teacher: Child learns numbers/counting 1phonics.zip 1104846 22-06-95 Teaches children and adults phonetics reading 2_0_voc.zip 423632 01-08-95 Multilingual vocabulary trainer for DOS aalpha.zip 450893 17-12-94 Animated Alphabet for pre-school to 1st grader abc440.zip 217283 15-10-94 ABC Fun Keys 4.40: Preschool edu-games & music abctlk25.zip 273411 20-08-92 Teaches children to talk, read/alphabet/spell aclockmp.zip 320751 17-12-94 Animated Clock: Teach kids to tell time actstate.zip 16981 01-09-95 U.S. State Capitals educational game addalotm.zip 308684 07-09-93 Educational math game for 6 to 12 year olds afpak10.zip 670576 07-11-94 Anne Frank and the Holocaust; resource package aids.zip 216082 04-06-95 AIDS - The Truth (educational program) aircond.zip 51268 02-08-91 Airconditioning repair knowledge self-test CGA amath1.zip 304567 17-12-94 Animated Math: counting/addition/subtraction amdcm1a.zip 213869 17-12-94 Animated multiplication/division game, 1 of 2 amdcm1b.zip 310092 17-12-94 Animated multiplication/division game, 2 of 2 amem20.zip 237117 17-12-94 Animated Memory Game: aids kids' memory skills amon10_a.zip 339433 17-12-94 Animated Money: Teach coin recogn./math, 1of4 amon10_b.zip 355398 17-12-94 Animated Money: Teach coin recogn./math, 2of4 amon10_c.zip 340964 17-12-94 Animated Money: Teach coin recogn./math, 3of4 amon10_d.zip 338744 17-12-94 Animated Money: Teach coin recogn./math, 4of4 amv10_a.zip 267916 17-12-94 Animated Memory Game: Teach concentration, 1/3 amv10_b.zip 356691 17-12-94 Animated Memory Game: Teach concentration, 2/3 amv10_c.zip 126471 17-12-94 Animated Memory Game: Teach concentration, 3/3 amy23.zip 88306 15-06-93 Educational children's games (age 4-8) amy_v22.zip 67617 15-07-94 LARGE char. typing fun for infants/toddlers analyze1.zip 149736 11-01-94 Multiple-choice-test scanner output analyzer animals.zip 28824 20-01-90 Number games for children animshap.zip 265637 17-12-94 Animated Shapes: shape & color identification awcmp1.zip 358815 17-12-94 Animated Words spelling game for children, 1/2 awcmp2.zip 321375 17-12-94 Animated Words spelling game for children, 2/2 awords40.zip 886561 01-06-95 Animated Words 4.0 children's educational game azmath1.zip 469655 14-09-92 Pre-Calculus/Calculus math review babydraw.zip 179651 03-12-90 Simple drawing program for children behvevol.zip 334236 13-04-95 Behavioral evolution simulations and tutorials bertaa42.zip 313450 11-12-94 Bert's African Animals, 4.2, kids coloring bertca42.zip 352392 11-12-94 Bert's Christmas, 4.2, kids coloring bertda42.zip 331308 11-12-94 Bert's Dinosaurs, 4.2, kids coloring bertpa42.zip 343274 11-12-94 Bert's Prehistoric Animals, 4.2, kids color'n bertwa42.zip 309842 11-12-94 Bert's Whales and Dolphins, 4.2, kids color'n bestc.zip 199278 12-02-95 Graphical multi-choice shell. DEMO boolt17.zip 137879 07-06-94 Boolean logic and circuit tutor. EGA+mouse req bugs10_a.zip 242504 17-12-94 Animated Bugs: Child's bugs in garden game 1/4 bugs10_b.zip 248734 17-12-94 Animated Bugs: Child's bugs in garden game 2/4 bugs10_c.zip 348046 17-12-94 Animated Bugs: Child's bugs in garden game 3/4 bugs10_d.zip 344235 17-12-94 Animated Bugs: Child's bugs in garden game 4/4 calfed30.zip 162391 30-07-95 California/Federal tax preparer CE course capfun.zip 31360 14-03-92 DEMO: prog. teaches sentence capitalization capskil2.zip 170917 30-07-95 13-lesson course on capitalization card24.zip 25474 11-01-93 Math-teaching card game for age 9 and up cbook20.zip 218798 25-07-94 Coloring Book:50 colors,10 pix,sound fx,prints cck13.zip 93019 02-07-93 Crossword Construction Kit puzzlemaker aide cfp303.zip 47531 27-07-93 Toys for kids - draw, play music, space travel cgp20.zip 68288 06-10-91 Children's Graphics Paint program, v2.0 chalng12.zip 146291 08-12-93 Word Challenge 1.2 SAT-quality vocabulary game chem15.zip 81770 03-09-93 Interactive chem game. Symbols, ions, formulas chrnos2.zip 120301 22-06-93 Write custom timelines, track people & events cibox.zip 72616 26-09-87 Good math educ. game for kids GR 3-6, C/G req. clockgam.zip 14718 20-01-90 Teach clock to 3-5 year old children colorbk.zip 121083 27-04-92 EGA Coloring Cook for kids, w/mouse support corwp30.zip 109420 19-11-91 CoreWar Pro: Redcode program vs program battle cp100d.zip 70722 20-02-95 Cybernetic Physician: self-diagnosis program cptcln20.zip 244545 12-06-95 The homeowner's complete carpet care tutorial cwc.zip 217413 15-11-93 Crossword Creator: Creates, prints crosswords danfirst.zip 79290 25-08-92 Teachs children alphabet/music/computer keybd dc101.zip 498830 04-06-95 DC101: Introduction to DC Electronics ddli341.zip 108942 27-07-94 Personality type indicator; mult. choice ques. dean091.zip 17910 08-04-95 Solves replace-letter-with-digit puzzles dolla22.zip 400921 11-12-94 Rachel's Fashion Dolls, 2.2, dressup dolls drill.zip 12443 31-05-87 A school teacher for your kids droids10.zip 127271 29-06-92 Learn to program droids in BASIC. Need CGA/EGA educat13.zip 156040 26-01-95 Multichoice testing system. Inc. sample tests effact23.zip 142624 01-06-95 Effective Action on any issue. Grassroots esp101.zip 334338 15-06-93 Early Spanish: Learn #s in English/Spanish 1/2 esp102.zip 325214 15-06-93 Early Spanish: Learn #s in English/Spanish 2/2 eviqiz24.zip 51226 01-06-95 Evidences v2.4: Educational quiz game w/editor eviqz242.zip 52064 09-09-95 Evidences 2.42: Educational quiz game w/editor family08.zip 176658 18-08-94 August/Sept version of the Familyware catalog fl20.zip 13205 16-02-93 Training game teaches faster typing skills fmaz21.zip 110383 18-04-95 Generate and solve mazes in 3D on VGA display fun23_14.zip 881085 05-09-94 Amy the puppy teaches counting to children 2-5 funnels.zip 43349 18-11-89 FUNNELS & BUCKETS arithmetic game for children fwlaw.zip 100383 19-01-90 Fun w/Letters & Words,educational game,age 2-6 geo_math.zip 129982 03-09-90 Math tutor for grades 1-6. Includes BASIC src grades27.zip 138627 21-10-91 Course grades/scores/GPA calc/grade prediction grand.zip 152288 14-09-92 Tutorial on Unified Field Theory gsh220.zip 391784 01-12-92 Gradebook program for college/university hacktst3.zip 27210 06-04-92 Program to administer the infamous Hacker test hsdir952.zip 141438 30-07-95 Bloomunit Homeschool Directory 95 v1.2 jaws10.zip 17976 08-04-95 Keyboard tutor game for VGA no falling letters johncmp.zip 199989 17-12-94 John's Animated Computer Game for young kids jps36.zip 140459 12-07-94 Simulates juggling patterns in 3D kidsp21.zip 2304776 29-04-95 Kids at Play 2.1: 7 fun games for kids age:2-9 ktriv_08.zip 86629 04-06-94 Educational Trivia game for DOS and BBS doors labir20.zip 14809 23-05-93 Program robot to improve programming skills letrx11.zip 131053 16-01-93 Boggle clone: Find words in letter matrix letterfa.zip 36104 18-11-89 Falling letters game, children's typing tutor mac1_22.zip 34128 10-11-92 Tannenbaum's MAC-1 machine language simulator malbuch.zip 274006 29-04-95 Coloring book for children markv13.zip 57734 25-10-91 Mark V. Shaney, text paraphraser matheasy.zip 218351 08-07-92 Math tutor, add/subtract/multiply/divide. EGA mather.zip 53718 07-01-92 Moraff's math for prizes educational game mathfun.zip 246701 29-10-94 Demo of Nintendo-style elementary math game mathlt13.zip 36006 23-01-93 LILTMATH: A game-like math drill for age 6-12 mathpr21.zip 94665 18-03-95 Math practice (+-*/) for 1st thru 4th graders mathrevw.zip 322937 17-02-94 Math review (with sound) for third graders mathshop.zip 51581 25-06-87 Math/arithmetic drills mathwo.zip 353233 26-05-92 MathWorkout 1.0: Arithmetic drill for all ages maze2a.zip 57225 12-07-89 Generate/solve mazes on your PC, w/TC2.0 src mbldiv10.zip 101376 02-08-91 CGA Long Division Tutor with a new 'twist' mbmult10.zip 136832 02-08-91 Math education: Multiplication trainer mcastle.zip 123211 22-05-91 Math Castle: Math-based adventure game medtutor.zip 76985 14-09-92 Medical terminology tutorial memmastr.zip 141088 13-10-90 Improve your memory with this educational pgm memrz200.zip 42766 30-11-93 Study aid, helps study for quizes and tests minicomp.zip 46193 14-09-92 Elementary computer math tutor for children modulsh3.zip 595972 18-04-94 ModulesH: Design and animation of robots moms358.zip 121465 21-01-92 Game teaches music/art/spelling/english/math mscop2a1.zip 1211484 17-03-95 Microscope for the PC v2.0, 1 of 2. (bug fix) mscope2b.zip 1270528 17-12-94 Microscope for the PC version 2.0, 2 of 2 newtcmp.zip 207120 17-12-94 Animated New Testament: Learn order of books otd_201.zip 136395 05-11-94 What happened on this day in history? pbp62ne1.zip 501151 05-07-95 Physics Educational Courseware pcftyp41.zip 178782 09-12-91 PC-FASTYPE/CGA v4.1 typing tutorial (ASP) pen2mino.zip 25762 26-12-90 Game:Put 12 shapes of 5 squares into rectangle peter10.zip 285516 16-03-95 Peter's Warbirds v1.0: Kid's coloring program physic11.zip 103355 24-01-93 Z & C Software's Physics Tutor v1.1b. EGA/VGA pldiag11.zip 559278 08-09-92 PD game for teaching plant disease diagnosis plntgro1.zip 511873 21-09-92 Describing and predicting the growth of plants pocus20.zip 844128 14-05-94 Ports of Call 2.0 Maritime business simulation presquiz.bqs 5376 11-10-86 Quiz on U.S. Presidents. Written in BASIC punc10.zip 54208 03-04-95 Punctuation Fundamentals 1.0 Reference pwersqr1.zip 27335 06-06-91 Makes squares, sides multiply to same product pzl300.zip 199944 01-09-95 Create crossword, wordsearch, wordscramble pzl qwiz_win.zip 3268760 25-07-95 Qwiz-Win: MS Windows 3.1 tutorial qwiztest.zip 1408385 25-07-95 Tests your knowledge of MS-Windows radcarbn.zip 75342 17-01-95 Radiocarbon dating from a Biblical viewpoint resrch21.zip 262914 26-10-94 Database/word proc. for writing term papers rockcy06.zip 133216 05-11-94 Rock Cycle Puzzle - FreeWare for schools roo10.zip 89453 07-02-92 Advanced animated LOGO-like environment (EGA) rusen135.zip 246550 26-10-93 Russian-English memory-resident dictionary sam1993.zip 232933 29-01-93 Balance the fiscal year 1993 US federal budget scopeswp.zip 32712 24-09-94 Provides practice in reading oscilloscope skillab2.zip 193604 08-08-95 English Language Skills Development Laboratory slides1.zip 576978 17-12-94 ShareWare slideset 1 - Microscope for the PC slides2.zip 1421080 17-12-94 ShareWare slideset 2 - Microscope for the PC slides3.zip 1003653 17-12-94 ShareWare slideset 3 - Microscope for the PC slides4.zip 1342368 17-12-94 ShareWare slideset 4 - Microscope for the PC slides5.zip 1264829 17-12-94 ShareWare slideset 5 - Microscope for the PC slides6.zip 1450472 17-03-95 ShareWare slideset #6 for Microscope PC sm2.zip 91354 12-03-92 Learning tool; automated repetitave study sm6tools.zip 384191 01-08-95 SuperMemo6 tool kit smvga100.zip 621528 30-01-95 VGA multimedia kit for kids, parents, schools sortdm24.zip 121931 25-03-95 Animation of different sorting methods spell210.zip 311044 24-04-94 SPELLBOUND! - spelling tutor package spelling.zip 39295 25-04-90 Tutorial/exercises for h.s., college learners spreader.zip 9736 27-03-94 Speed Reader: Speed reading program states10.zip 69922 19-10-93 United States and capitals geography quiz/game storyv22.zip 346013 14-02-94 Create talking storybooks w/animation & sound string.zip 41274 22-02-87 Math game w/VENN diagrams & sets student.zip 45176 13-08-95 Helps students with everyday school tasks study13.zip 15251 30-01-93 Study helper. Asks questions randomly sudbury.zip 718539 08-12-92 Learn mining vocabulary and French grammar supermem.zip 402299 23-07-93 SuperMemo: Speed learning w/questions-answers suprmem6.zip 510134 01-08-95 SuperMemo6: Speed learning w/optimized reps. tandback.zip 111872 16-07-92 Increases skills of getting from here to there teach25.zip 763874 22-06-95 Talking Teacher - alphabet/reading/spelling tenkey11.zip 24595 15-03-94 Ten Key Prep v1.1: Ten key pad practice & test thmath12.zip 194333 15-06-93 Elementary math (gr 1-6) in arcade-style game tp_et.zip 115774 09-12-91 Thumb Print Software's Electric Typewriter tracer01.zip 70981 19-07-92 Game: Draw figures in minumum # of pen traces tsgame12.zip 44319 27-07-89 T.Salmi: First package of educational games tsgmeb15.zip 80345 11-08-91 T.Salmi: Second package of educational games tsgmec12.zip 104945 11-03-95 T.Salmi: Third package of educational games tsgmed13.zip 86485 07-05-94 Learn national flags as a game, T.Salmi tsgmee10.zip 71674 16-12-90 T.Salmi: 5th pkg of educational games, EGA req turing10.zip 26375 04-06-92 Turing Machine simulator with C source typdos40.zip 56398 30-05-92 Beginner's type-it quiz to MsDos with 66 tasks typdr11.zip 17906 12-09-90 TypeDrill: Improve typing skills, w/TP src typeen52.zip 88292 14-01-94 Typemate: Menu-oriented touch typing tutor typefast.zip 91532 12-09-90 TypeFast: Game stresses typing speed, w/C src vcdp2_1.zip 692317 01-08-95 Visual Computer Dictionary Plus v2.0 [1 of 4] vcdp2_2.zip 708007 01-08-95 Visual Computer Dictionary Plus v2.0 [2 of 4] vcdp2_3.zip 668819 01-08-95 Visual Computer Dictionary Plus v2.0 [3 of 4] vcdp2_4.zip 465060 01-08-95 Visual Computer Dictionary Plus v2.0 [4 of 4] verbal02.zip 146580 14-06-93 Shows syntax and morphology of Eng verbs (DOS) verbwin1.zip 246974 14-06-93 Shows syntax and morphology of Eng verbs (Win) vocabpls.zip 30316 27-07-95 Vocab+: Foreign language vocabulary program wng.zip 87267 23-05-91 World Name Game: educational - guess capitals wordgen1.zip 98480 30-04-92 Mega Mind Maze 1: Amazing word game for GENIUS worldint.zip 21881 21-01-95 Interactive interface to CIA World Factbook wrdglry.zip 147908 10-01-90 Match words with pictures, children ages 4-7 wrdlk11b.zip 63084 25-05-91 WordLock: Menu-driven crossword puzzle builder wsrch12.zip 11520 16-01-93 Generates scrambled word puzzles zplr410.zip 371954 09-05-95 Zpeller: Spelling and vocabulary tutor ----------------------------------------------------------- Utilities for EGA monitors path: /disc1/ega/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 43line2.zip 6886 04-09-88 Toggle EGA 43 or 25 line mode w/TSR opt, v2.0 ansi_432.zip 14637 20-12-88 43 line ANSI driver for EGA capture.zip 15673 11-06-87 Screen capture to disk file (from PC Magazine) cega.zip 34479 31-12-87 EGA routines for MS C 3.0 ega2eps.zip 10679 14-07-89 TSR stores EGA 640x350 screen to an EPS file egabios.zip 38186 12-03-88 Biorythms on EGA display egablank.zip 1382 11-06-87 Screen blanking for the EGA - time selectable egaclr2.zip 32010 11-06-87 Screen blanking for the EGA egacolrs.zip 11733 24-04-89 Display all 64 colors at once on an EGA (3/89) egacom.zip 1566 11-06-87 Assorted EGA programs egacom2.zip 4203 11-06-87 PC Mag. collection of EGA drivers & utilities egademo.pas 4179 30-11-85 Highres mode EGA 640x350x16 color graphics egademo.zip 55478 11-06-87 Super EGA demo for EGA with 128k+ egaepsn1.zip 6303 29-10-89 Use PrtScr with EGA & Epson printer, w/asm src egafire.zip 14114 04-12-89 Fireworks display for EGA egafont.zip 25767 11-06-87 26 Fonts for EGA video display egakal.zip 10863 11-06-87 EGA Kaleidoscope - brilliant colors/patterns egalines.zip 44564 12-06-87 Draws colored lines on EGA screen egaprtsc.zip 5834 11-06-87 Hardcopies EGA graphics screen (MASM source) egasave.zip 3238 06-04-88 Screen blanker for EGA video displays egasmall.asm 2235 15-06-85 Load EGA 8x8 font for 25 or 43 line screens egasmall.doc 688 15-06-85 Doc file for EGASMALL.ASM egatest.zip 48950 11-06-87 EGA test from PC Magazine epson2.zip 6605 16-12-88 GRAPHICS.COM replacement for EGA fixega43.zip 4874 12-02-89 TSR to fix the cursor in EGA 43 line mode flags604.zip 159484 25-06-89 Flags of the world - for EGA and color fuse.zip 8412 12-06-87 VGA/EGA Kaleidoscope graphics gemcpega.zip 4146 04-09-88 TSR to capture EGA screen & save in GEM format ram4ega2.zip 1784 29-08-88 Put EGA ROM into ram for fast execution setega.zip 5285 05-12-87 Utility to set EGA display mode spectrum.zip 9824 12-06-87 PC Magazine utility to set EGA screen colors speedcrt.zip 6027 11-11-88 Resident video speedup for EGA, w/ASM source stype.zip 2738 12-06-87 Type files with convert, filter, skip, options tpega.zip 61307 08-11-87 EGA routines for Turbo Pascal zapscrn.zip 9306 12-02-89 TSR blanks screen for EGA or VGA ----------------------------------------------------------- Entertainment, various path: /disc1/entertn/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ast50dos.zip 463593 03-09-95 Calculates/displays astrological charts (DOS) cfpicks3.zip 155351 30-07-95 College Football Picks v3.0u: 1995 season clubcon4.zip 268219 11-06-95 Computer dating and matchmaking software magic101.zip 315005 16-03-95 Magic Made Easy Vol #1 2.0: Become a magician numer1_0.zip 64643 02-08-94 Numerology reader/calculator pfpicks7.zip 148663 30-07-95 Pro Footbal Picks v7.0u: 1995 season tv_sh30c.zip 133347 29-08-95 Displays and customizes email TV Listings ----------------------------------------------------------- Ezycom BBS program and utilities path: /disc1/ezycom/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bday102.zip 12527 27-01-93 Birthday Message Poster v1.02 for Ezycom BBS best102.zip 19733 27-01-93 Best 1.02. Best user grapher for Ezycom BBS cprot102.zip 37047 14-11-92 CD-ROM protocol engine V1.02 for Ezycom BBS ebanr102.zip 13450 27-01-93 EzyBanner v1.02: Ezycom file area header maker ecall102.zip 12666 14-11-92 Displays today's callers for Ezycom V1.02 BBS eexit102.zip 9516 14-11-92 Ezycom BBS to RA Exitinfo creator V1.02 eimp102.zip 16877 14-11-92 .MSG importer for Ezycom V1.02 BBS eols102p.zip 24945 14-11-92 Obscene language scanner for Ezycom V1.02 BBS ewait100.zip 8392 14-11-92 Ezycom BBS Time Waiter V1.00 ezmgr111.zip 66541 29-01-93 EzyManager v1.11: Ezycom BBS network manager ezy110_1.zip 767565 20-04-95 EzyCom BBS v1.10 * Full Release *, Part 1/2 ezy110_2.zip 956845 20-04-95 EzyCom BBS v1.10 * Full Release *, Part 2/2 ezyc103a.zip 37113 27-01-93 EzyChext v1.03a: Ezycom BBS archive conversion ezyed102.zip 85096 18-11-92 EzyEdit: Full screen editor for Ezycom BBS ezygif.zip 22475 27-01-93 EzyGif: JPG to GIF converter for Ezycom BBS ezysb102.zip 26350 14-11-92 Ezycom BBS Sound Blaster module v1.02 flist100.zip 22355 27-01-93 Auto adds echos from FIDONET.NA to Ezycom BBS fsdump.zip 6942 27-01-93 Makes 4DOS DESCRIPT.ION from Ezycom files list fsln14.zip 70138 27-01-93 Ezycom BBS utility shows last n callers gfix102.zip 9121 14-11-92 GEdit fix for Ezycom V1.02 BBS inter102.zip 13298 14-11-92 File interchange program for Ezycom V1.02 BBS lbusy101.zip 8090 14-11-92 Line busy detector for Ezycom V1.02 BBS logdl100.zip 9263 27-01-93 Front Door log download counter for Ezycom BBS lscan103.zip 28106 27-01-93 LogScan v1.03: Ezycom log scanner/msg poster upgrd102.zip 15672 14-11-92 Automagic user upgrader for Ezycom V1.02 BBS ----------------------------------------------------------- Falken BBS program and utilities path: /disc1/falken/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 900s1770.zip 40807 27-01-95 900 service module V1.7 for Falken BBS 7.05 900v23.zip 17262 07-11-94 900 and Auto-Credit V2.3 for Falken BBS V7.02 acctinf2.zip 15643 19-11-94 Online account data dump for Falken BBS v7.02 btfalk6.zip 259580 05-01-95 BinkleyTerm v2.50.6 for Falken BBS v7.05 bull23.zip 22033 07-11-94 Bulletin Door for Falken BBS cbv17c.zip 57865 27-01-95 Callback Verifier V1.7c for Falken BBS cert16.zip 70273 27-01-95 Certificate Door V1.6 for Falken BBS chat201.zip 36545 19-11-94 Chat Door v2.01 for Falken BBS confalk.zip 106415 05-01-95 Confmail v4.00.1 for Falken BBS v7.05 cred43b.zip 393729 30-11-94 Credit Card Utility for Falken BBS creds20.zip 37585 19-11-94 Credit Transfer utility v2.0 for Falken BBS ech19f70.zip 296216 27-01-95 EchoReader V1.9f for Falken BBS V7.05 email13.zip 34283 30-11-94 Email Reader for Falken BBS fal702.zip 781911 28-10-94 Falken BBS v7.02: Multi-line BBS faldor17.zip 28133 07-11-94 DOOR.sys generator/loader for Falken BBS falf40.zip 187180 07-11-94 Falken File Utilities for Falken v7.02 falscan.zip 56482 05-01-95 Falken v7.05 Squish Exporter v1.00 (beta) fbday44.zip 21781 27-01-95 Birthday/Chess/Backgammon Logon for Falken BBS fdia300g.zip 108896 27-01-95 Dialout V3.00g for Falken 7.05 fqwk217q.zip 176729 27-01-95 QWK/REP Door V2.17q for Falken BBS fscan11a.zip 9755 07-11-94 Scan Message Bases for msgs for Falken BBS fswtch20.zip 16854 07-11-94 BBSCFG text dump and menu switcher for Falken mnudor22.zip 18818 30-11-94 Menu Door for Falken BBS V2.2 msgp11.zip 58402 07-11-94 Message Purge Utility for Falken BBS proghelp.zip 88441 27-04-94 Falken 6.69B programmers kit prot669b.zip 40440 07-11-94 Falken 6.69b latest protocols sim705a.zip 110376 01-12-94 Falken 7.05 BBS simulation for developers snew18.zip 17457 07-11-94 Snowtext v1.8 replacement for Falken sup25v70.zip 98357 07-11-94 Super CD ROM Door v2.5 for Falken BBS sys_v70.zip 10300 30-11-94 Falken Sysop Chat for Falken BBS v7.02 upgr29.zip 28936 30-11-94 Upgrade Door v2.9 for Falken BBS v7.05 v705api.zip 25481 30-11-94 Falken BBS v7.05 Programmer Interface w4l19.zip 45732 07-11-94 WWiV Door Loader v1.9 for Falken BBS west_dv6.zip 31443 05-01-95 EWestern Tlcf. developers kit - Falken v7.05 wst21bn.zip 183401 27-01-95 Falken 7.05 Western TLCF V2.1b add-on ----------------------------------------------------------- Fido BBS and Fidonet-related programs path: /disc1/fido/ ----------------------------------------------------------- areafix.txt 9992 04-09-90 AreaFix v1.10 user's guide for FidoNET nodes convrt11.zip 76633 28-05-90 Allow UFGate to use Waffle's better UUCICO pgm f12docs.zip 48414 18-12-92 Fido BBS (12U) docs to get started f12u_fsl.zip 88284 16-12-92 Fido BBS (12U) executable, for FOSSIL use f12u_ibm.zip 88839 16-12-92 Fido BBS (12U) executable, for non-FOSSIL use fdsec199.zip 21676 06-01-90 Security package for BBS Front Door v1.99 fido.txt 3985 30-04-92 Text: A very basic explanation of FidoNet fido12u.zip 131524 16-12-92 Fido/FidoNet BBS ver 12.21 (12U) fido_h.zip 11468 22-10-90 Data structures 'include' file for Fido v12 fidoq120.zip 246338 09-03-94 FidoQwk v1.20, QWK <-> FidoNet converter findnode.zip 15928 27-12-94 Finds nodes in Fidonet nodelist ft4a_ibm.zip 44101 21-10-90 Jennings' FidoTerm V4a telecommunications pgm ftsc_all.z43 295469 22-08-90 FidoNet standards specs (analogous to RFC's) gateways.fid 19640 03-12-90 Info: gateways from FidoNet to Internet gendrivr.zip 11142 27-03-88 Generic I/O drivers for FIDO's maildmn.zip 20479 19-03-88 Email daemon for FidoNet mail msged207.zip 68266 02-05-92 MSGED: Stand-alone Fido message editor/reader nu_v211.zip 132385 19-10-94 FidoNet Nodelist Updater v2.11 ome22.zip 131530 10-10-94 FidoNet External Offline Message Editor omx100.zip 285631 01-11-94 Offline Mail Executive: BlueWave point prg point.zip 11255 04-09-90 Instructions for setting up a FidoNet point policy.prn 3233 15-01-90 Policy concerning fees and usage of Fido BBS pup_v2b.zip 127556 04-09-90 Small BBS - like FIDO, C language, with source readit_6.zip 42543 04-09-90 FidoNet nodelist reader/editor remsys20.zip 30586 06-09-88 Utility for maint. of OPUS/FIDO USER.BBS sendmail.ufg 5645 16-03-92 Sendmail rules for MXing for fidonet.org sites software.txt 4697 30-04-92 Detailed list of files in this directory sqfld129.zip 82845 05-06-95 Multi-purpose util. for FidoNet points & nodes sysnl314.zip 85500 28-10-90 Fast FidoNet nodelist compiler and editor trimmer.zip 37280 30-09-92 Allows selective feed of a FidoNet echo ufg_103.zip 515472 04-09-90 Mail & news/echos between FidoNet and UUCP xlax_232.zip 137925 04-09-90 FidoNet nodelist compiler for READIT/Binkley ----------------------------------------------------------- SimTel indexes and utilities to handle them path: /disc1/filedocs/ ----------------------------------------------------------- aareadme.txt 7462 06-07-95 Information about the files in this directory autftp13.zip 20127 22-01-94 Auto download files from SIMDIR using NCSA FTP cdrom.inf 4134 20-06-95 Where to obtain SimTel files on CD-ROM cnvsim10.zip 82801 27-05-93 Convert SimTel .IDX file to Paradox4 format copyrite.txt 4967 27-08-95 SimTel collection compilation copyright info copyrite.why 902 24-06-95 Why the SimTel collection is copyrighted dirlist.txt 11953 31-08-95 Descriptions of all SimTel msdos directories download.inf 7137 19-09-95 List of systems that offer SimTel files by FTP fildif.zip 15998 26-05-89 Compare two copies of SimTel's FILES.IDX get20.zip 5261 18-11-94 Unix script to FTP files from any MS-DOS site grep.sim 1747 04-12-90 Script to view SimTel IDX file on Unix systems idx2dat2.zip 3507 01-11-93 Make AutoFTP/BatchFTP script from SimTel index idx2html.zip 5731 06-04-95 Converts SimTel .IDX file to WWW pages (src) idxinfo.zip 9343 27-05-95 Gives statistics on SimTel .idx files mailserv.inf 2588 24-06-95 List of e-mail servers offering SimTel files mirror.txt 1888 27-08-95 Requirements for becoming a SimTel mirror site msrch10a.zip 11554 20-02-94 Performs Mega fast searches of SimTel index oakftp06.zip 2602 23-05-94 Unix script to auto-ftp MS-DOS files from OAK quickref.lst 9810 28-08-95 Quick reference list to SimTel's MSDOS dirs s2html12.zip 3127 14-07-94 Unix script converts SimTel file index to HTML sgrep13.zip 10204 10-05-92 SimTel index fast lookup utility. w/C src shidx10.zip 24496 22-12-94 Searches SimTel and other indexes for keywords sim9409.idx 39140 02-10-94 Comma-delimited list of September 1994 uploads sim9410.idx 31840 06-11-94 Comma-delimited list of October 1994 uploads sim9411.idx 32164 04-12-94 Comma-delimited list of November 1994 uploads sim9412.idx 28363 17-01-95 Comma-delimited list of December 1994 uploads sim9501.idx 34490 06-02-95 Comma-delimited list of January 1995 uploads sim9502.idx 23857 03-03-95 Comma-delimited list of February 1995 uploads sim9503.idx 26999 23-04-95 Comma-delimited list of March 1995 uploads sim9504.idx 22121 04-06-95 Comma-delimited list of April 1995 uploads sim9505.idx 18235 04-07-95 Comma-delimited list of May 1995 uploads sim9506.idx 18176 27-08-95 Comma-delimited list of June 1995 uploads sim9507.idx 30570 27-08-95 Comma-delimited list of July 1995 uploads sim_pdox.zip 8822 16-05-90 Paradox converter/reader for SimTel index simcvax.bas 7953 23-11-92 VAX/VMS BASIC V3.3 pgm to print SimTel index simcvt.bas 908 02-01-92 BASIC program to print SimTel index simcvt.c 3364 24-06-95 Unix C program to print SimTel index simcvt.exc 3446 02-01-92 VM/CMS REXX program to print SimTel index simcvt.sps 1754 02-01-92 VAX/VMS SPS program to print SimTel index simcvt.zip 28096 29-05-90 Compiled BASIC program to print SimTel index simcvt2.bas 1441 02-01-92 BASIC program to print SimTel index simcvt2.c 7121 02-01-92 Unix C program to search & print SimTel index simcvt2.exc 3862 25-03-91 VM/CMS REXX program to print SimTel index simcvt3.awk 1058 02-01-93 Awk script converts SimTel .IDX to SimTel .LST simcvt3.for 4084 02-01-92 VAX/VMS FORTRAN program to print SimTel index simcvt3.zip 28140 17-05-91 SimTel .IDX conversion util for Turbo C simcvt_c.zip 8952 27-04-90 Compiled C pgm for MSDOS to print SimTel index simdes10.zip 11666 13-01-94 Convert SimTel index-> 4DOS DESCRIPT.ION files simdif.doc 1786 26-04-90 Documentation for SIMDIF.FOR Fortran program simdif.for 20575 02-01-92 Make SimTel additions/changes/deletions rept simdir22.zip 23483 18-10-92 Display the SimTel comma-delimited file lists simdisp.awk 1263 06-12-90 AWK script displays SimTel index, outline form simdisp.doc 292 14-01-90 How to use SIMDISP.AWK simdisp.pl 2111 02-01-92 Perl script to print SimTel indexes simerg10.zip 11295 07-02-94 Alphabetically merges sim????.idx 2 simibm.idx simflt10.zip 15467 03-01-92 Extract dirs from SimTel index, write to file simgrep2.prl 2052 03-11-93 Perl script: search SimTel indexes w/dir/date simgrep2.sh 2143 22-10-93 sh script: search SimTel .LST with nice output simibm.db3 819 15-05-94 How to use SimTel index (IDX files) w/dBASEIII simibm.hdr 824 15-05-94 SimTel index .IDX header file for PC-File+ use simibm.inf 226 15-05-94 Info on record structure of SimTel .IDX files simifl28.zip 18487 09-09-93 Make SimTel .IDX a readable AND grep-able file simindex.zip 366928 12-09-95 Comma-delim list of all MSDOS files w/descrip. simlist.zip 356997 12-09-95 Text format list of all MSDOS files w/descrip. simlst1.zip 132008 03-05-93 Quick and easy SimTel file lookup program simraz13.zip 14448 28-12-89 Shorten/rearrange SimTel indices, w/TP src simsch14.zip 118957 10-11-93 Scan/print SimTel .IDX files from Windows 3.x simsrch2.c 9502 20-04-94 Search SimTel index (IDX), TC2/VMS/ANSI C src simsrt10.zip 12583 14-01-94 Search SimTel index (LST) w/dir/string/date simvw25.zip 75955 07-05-94 Search/browse/view SimTel's comma delim. index simvwdll.zip 462603 07-05-94 SDV modules/libraries for non-upgraders simx13.zip 42512 31-05-94 Perl script:Search SimTel IDX. NFS mount aware sis100.zip 40686 03-04-95 Search for file in SimTel index using keyword upload.inf 3653 08-09-95 How to upload programs to SimTel uploads.apr 24646 04-06-95 List of uploads to SimTel for April 1995 uploads.dec 28757 17-01-95 List of uploads to SimTel for December 1994 uploads.feb 25568 03-03-95 List of uploads to SimTel for February 1995 uploads.jan 33183 06-02-95 List of uploads to SimTel for January 1995 uploads.jul 32577 27-08-95 List of uploads to SimTel for July 1995 uploads.jun 22455 27-08-95 List of uploads to SimTel for June 1995 uploads.mar 28198 23-04-95 List of uploads to SimTel for March 1995 uploads.may 21908 04-07-95 List of uploads to SimTel for May 1995 uploads.nov 30301 04-12-94 List of uploads to SimTel for November 1994 uploads.oct 30078 06-11-94 List of uploads to SimTel for October 1994 uploads.sep 35817 02-10-94 List of uploads to SimTel for September 1994 wasim_a1.zip 30832 11-07-94 Searches '00_index.txt' files. Small & Useful wsim21.zip 79359 28-05-94 WIN3: SimTel, CICA, etc index search program ----------------------------------------------------------- Finance and money-management programs and utilities path: /disc1/finance/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ace103.zip 143313 25-03-95 Annuity Ace: Project savings/investment needs amort11d.zip 219573 11-12-91 AmortizeIt v1.1d: Loan amortization pgm amortz13.zip 103600 16-08-91 Amortz v1.30: Financial loan calculation analyz13.zip 312402 12-09-95 Stock Charts, Moving Averages, Trade Signals bam361.zip 207760 12-05-94 Bank Account Manager v3.61: Family finance mgr bondcalc.zip 141854 24-12-91 BondCalc: Bond value and yield calculator bpln42.zip 147605 26-02-95 B/Plan Developer v4.2: Business plan workbook bpln43.zip 190544 22-04-95 B/Plan Developer v4.3: Business Plan Workbook broker2.zip 846152 08-08-95 SmartBroker v2.0: Stock and Options analysis capgains.zip 42818 08-04-89 Calculate capital gains ccmath11.zip 143579 16-01-95 Teaches credit card financing tricks and traps ccmath12.zip 143113 09-09-95 Credit Card Math - exposes hidden costs of use cfk10t.zip 79491 31-03-94 Cash For Kids: Child's financial plan/track cgz40j.zip 1377291 01-07-95 Capital Gainz 4.0 investment portfolio manager chekfree.zip 152141 26-12-88 Electronic banking by modem is here! chxmst70.zip 258754 04-03-95 Check/Financial/Budget/Small Business System cio11.zip 229119 19-08-91 Cheque-It-Out v1.1: Personal money mgmt system ckmstr31.zip 226251 30-03-92 CheckMaster 3.1, check management program cmtg0100.zip 41562 23-07-95 Spreadsheets for Canadian mortgages consol21.zip 114931 02-04-90 Financial mgt: Mutual funds/stocks/bonds/cash creditfi.zip 468171 24-01-95 Complete credit repair kit animated slide show cshfl351.zip 469115 14-02-94 CashFlow: Controls expenses and monthly income cu1a.zip 336927 18-09-94 Util. for MetaStock & MegaTech stock charting ddmtg.zip 14535 27-04-90 Canadian mortgage amortization month by month debtfr30.zip 194655 26-03-93 Home mortgage mgr, calculate/record payments debtmg13.zip 51208 16-06-93 Debt Manager: Finds best way to pay off loans econ.zip 64840 08-07-93 Econometric stock market/economy forecasting econ2.zip 432669 17-03-94 ECON v2.0: Stock market forecasting/analysis ecs11b.zip 219459 07-04-92 Spreadsheet-style checkbook/budget management endgame.zip 316644 04-06-95 The EndGame: Retirement planning system ezkit20a.zip 155860 29-03-95 E-Z Credit Kit 2.0a counseling for DOS ezloan20.zip 54591 24-09-92 EZ-Loan: Amortization and loan scheduler fads2.zip 184507 16-07-92 Database system for tracking fixed assets fbks507g.zip 342825 21-02-94 Fastbucks Finance Manager, for check/save etc. fin10127.zip 257916 07-08-95 FINANCE 101: Comprehensive Financial Advisor finan10.zip 156126 21-01-92 Ray Zimmerman's 'The Financial Analyzer' v1.00 flap2.zip 166490 15-02-94 Scrolling mortgage manager/loan calculator gktodos1.zip 27458 01-08-95 Plan cash flow, check/sav-acc, calc interest heatloss.zip 39452 04-09-92 Home insulation retrofit/conservation payback holdem.zip 20046 12-07-94 Stock market forecaster worksheet 1-2-3/Excel homebiz1.zip 166604 22-04-95 Home Business Success v1.0 information package infodsk3.zip 367474 01-08-95 InfoDisk v3.0: Menu based marketing tool. DEMO int201.zip 107141 09-12-91 Interest/Amortization/Depreciation analyzer inv31ad.zip 500386 28-04-95 The Invoice Store 3.1, Rev AD invest07.zip 114854 01-02-94 Forecast and display future retirement income ira_v10.zip 98011 27-05-95 Calculates IRA (Individual Retirement Account) loan24c3.zip 84384 24-02-94 Consumer loan/mortgage calculation program loansk20.zip 75520 25-11-94 Loan selection and re-finance decision making lwmd32.zip 189800 03-04-95 Lifetime Wealth Management v3.2 mbnk16.zip 357270 21-01-95 MONEY & BANKS v1.6: Personal Banking Manager mclip316.zip 153891 15-08-95 MONEYCLIP v3.16: Household budget manager mes1.zip 586751 07-12-94 MarketEdge: Stock Market trend/timing analysis mfswap12.zip 56663 07-02-89 Dalton Mutual Fund Model v1.2 mftra36d.zip 396672 08-03-95 The Mutual Fund Tracker 3.6d: Stock analysis mlmmst70.zip 355354 04-03-95 Multi-Level & Check/Financial/Budget/Business modfin91.zip 150101 26-06-92 Mortgage, lease-purchase, W-2, 1099, pgms mortcal2.zip 19554 11-02-92 Computes mortgage rates, payments & schedules mrkmst70.zip 248825 02-03-95 Multi-Level Marketing Management System mrtcst50.zip 96142 04-02-95 Mortgage & loan cost comparison program v5.0 ms2q11.zip 22213 18-06-93 MetaStock to Quicken data conversion program nystx09.zip 45755 15-09-94 NYSE common stocks, symbols, % div., earnings oexbse11.zip 87387 26-08-94 Stock market timing buy/sell expert oppl30.zip 207791 30-12-94 OPPL 3.0 - OWL Portfolio Price Loader oppm60.zip 345221 27-10-94 OPPM 6.0: OWL Stock Charting & Portfolio Mgmt. option10.zip 68886 29-04-95 The Options Analyzer: Stock market calculator pbond10.zip 77156 18-10-94 Predict movement in the Treasury Bond yield pca71.zip 54192 01-02-90 Easy to use personal checking account program pcheck22.zip 31302 16-07-91 Prints personal checks & keeps a database v2.2 pfroi39.zip 318983 21-02-94 PFROI v3.9: Portfolio Manager, stocks/bonds pta47.zip 92383 24-01-94 PTA treasurer's financial database program ptt323.zip 498053 27-05-95 Downloads quotes from CIS, DJNS, Dial Data qtdem305.zip 882357 13-08-95 QTRADER: Chart/analyze stocks/commodities DEMO rsa2d.zip 325221 16-03-95 RSA/2 v1.3: Stock market technical analysis sa251a.zip 35509 21-04-90 Fundamental analysis of stock balance sheets sim201.zip 82030 20-10-92 Investment/Portfolio manager graph value, gain slv42doc.zip 82347 24-12-91 SolveIt v4.2 financial calculator - Docs. 1of3 slv42txt.zip 9129 24-12-91 SolveIt v4.2 financial calc. - Features. 2of3 slvit42.zip 299981 24-12-91 SolveIt v4.2 financial calculator - EXEs. 3of3 sprm24.zip 88355 23-03-90 Stock Portfolio manager,store/manipulate/print st_bgt17.zip 358571 07-12-92 ST-Budget v1.7a: Budget tracking system stckt700.zip 370442 18-03-93 Stock Trader v7.00: Stock history, buy, sell stkan110.zip 148588 26-07-93 Powerful stock analysis/charting program (ASP) sview10.zip 156640 02-06-94 Stock charting/technical analysis;w/train mode tas537.zip 414952 07-11-94 Scans and analyzes stock market data tas605.zip 708254 23-05-95 Scans and analyzes stock market data, 1of2 tas6xx.zip 428894 23-05-95 Scans and analyzes stock market data, 2of2 tracut26.zip 535482 08-03-95 Support utilities for Wall Street/MF tracker video20q.zip 471256 28-04-95 The Video Store 2.0, Rev Q walst71c.zip 336086 08-03-95 Wall Street Tracker: Analysis; buy/sell stocks xchk23.zip 129058 28-04-91 Check writing and checkbook management program zilch119.zip 232709 09-09-95 Rapid debt reduction program ----------------------------------------------------------- Food / recipe management programs path: /disc1/food/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cchef20.zip 186624 19-12-92 CompuChef v2.0: Full-featured recipe database dwcook15.zip 56273 18-03-95 Dave Woodall's Recipe/Cookbook Manager v1.50 fdvw233.zip 64384 21-04-92 FoodView: view/print/index recipes (TROFF fmt) herbp21.zip 891879 16-03-95 Herb Power v2.1: Guide to the power of herbs hph2.zip 795135 11-03-95 Healing Powers of Herbs v2.0 mchef_1a.zip 279829 09-03-93 Recipe, diet & meal management tool. Part 1of2 mchef_1b.zip 307611 09-03-93 Recipe, diet & meal management tool. Part 2of2 mcook191.zip 414506 06-08-95 MicroCook v1.91: Recipe Manager medherb1.zip 226983 22-04-95 Illustrated Medical Herbal Encyclopedia v1.0 mm_802.zip 200941 26-12-94 Meal-Master v8.02: Recipe management system mm_802ru.zip 119712 26-12-94 Meal-Master v8.02 registered user utilities monolayr.zip 4692 17-01-95 Food dehydration Monolayer calculator. (WKS) ndb_sr10.zip 967511 03-03-95 Microsoft Access nutritional database nutri321.zip 114152 07-02-91 Nutritional database helps fine tune your diet prm.zip 27760 29-08-88 Personal Recipe Manager qbook100.zip 333350 14-09-94 Recipe database program, store/search/import rec200_1.zip 502272 21-04-92 Recipe database for use with FoodView ----------------------------------------------------------- Custom forms generators path: /disc1/formgen/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cf171.zip 136114 27-04-93 Edit/print SF171-A federal employment form drform31.zip 360431 04-07-94 Powerful, yet easy to use form designer ezff_10b.zip 137370 15-03-90 EZ-Forms First: Free program to create forms ezfl_e20.zip 236104 11-03-90 EZ-Forms LT: Makes custom forms, easy to use ezfx_v24.zip 265117 11-03-90 EZ-Forms EX: Makes custom forms, easy to use fe_v10.zip 139986 24-03-92 Create/fill forms. Features math & auto-entry fed113.zip 113867 27-05-95 FED v1.13: Form editor, filler, and printer fedex13.zip 32172 25-06-89 Filling out Federal Express forms made easy! fmgen40a.zip 108697 06-02-92 FormGen v4.0a, a form generator/editor form300.zip 63978 24-02-88 Form generator (ver. 3.0) forms4ez.zip 26019 08-06-88 Collection of forms for EZFORMS frmatn25.zip 83382 03-08-88 Formation v2.5: Make/print/fill-in forms lrnfrm.zip 36770 05-09-90 'Teach' printer to fill in forms ttyprt36.zip 189987 25-01-91 Input/format/print TTYs on DD173/2 messageform w_2a.zip 46223 06-12-87 Prints one-wide and two-wide W-2 forms ----------------------------------------------------------- Genealogy / family history programs and utilities path: /disc1/genealgy/ ----------------------------------------------------------- acc50d1.zip 272448 07-11-91 ACCEPT (v5.0) Genealogy research prog. 1/3 acc50d2.zip 279475 22-11-91 ACCEPT (v5.0) Genealogy research prog. 2/3 acc50d3.zip 12077 07-11-91 ACCEPT (v5.0) New family startup prog. 3/3 accnwd4.zip 2343 22-11-91 ACCEPT Genealogy research prog. newsletter #1 artdemo1.zip 611861 11-03-94 Demo: Windows Genealogy db pgm from Everton bk52ad1.zip 977674 05-04-94 My Brother's Keeper Genealogy SW 12Mar94, 1of2 bk52ad2.zip 846632 05-04-94 My Brother's Keeper Genealogy SW 12Mar94, 2of2 bk52word.zip 173964 31-05-94 Language translation pgm for Brother's Keeper census20.zip 177872 07-05-91 Genealogy: EZCensus - 1880/90 census database chart.zip 44094 29-04-91 Creates 11 generation pedigree charts, Ver 1.0 crd301.zip 284874 07-05-91 Cemetery Research Database, Ver 3.01 crdlt11.zip 293543 07-05-91 Cemetery Research Database for Laptops Ver 1.1 ctree32.zip 329436 31-01-92 Cumberland Tree 3.2, easy family tree program desce23c.zip 37788 30-08-94 DESCEND: Enhanced descendent charts for PAF descen21.zip 25344 05-05-91 Genealogy: Expanded descendant chart for PAF ezt230.zip 244605 27-05-95 EZ-Tree: Family tree history and report system fhh130.zip 61840 21-09-92 Family history research tutorial fhs9105a.zip 223906 21-01-92 FHS (Family History System), May 91, part 1of2 fhs9105b.zip 332841 21-01-92 FHS (Family History System), May 91, part 2of2 fmtrw103.zip 318529 10-04-94 WIN3: Family Tree program with picture support fru18.zip 162816 06-09-91 Genealogy: Family Records Utils, for PAF files ft119d.zip 177063 12-05-91 'Family Ties' Genealogy program (ver 1.19d) ftp119a.zip 137894 12-05-91 Genealogy:FamilyTree Print utl for Family Ties gbbs9104.zip 27392 07-05-91 Worldwide Genealogical BBS listing - Apr 1991 ged2ttf1.zip 73630 02-12-93 Genealogy:Create Tiny Tafels from GEDCOM files gedcht16.zip 75808 11-01-94 Make family tree chart from GED file (LJ3/PS) genkit15.zip 61486 18-11-90 A toolkit for Genealogists gim_311.zip 671065 26-08-95 Full-featured genealogical information manager myfmly20.zip 233349 07-05-91 My Family Genealogy program, Ver 2.0 named119.zip 81497 07-05-91 Genealogy: Name Dropper - search message files namev201.zip 109068 07-05-91 Genealogy: Name View v2.01 - used with NAMED pafablty.zip 68736 02-08-91 Genealogy:Make descendancy chart from PAF data pafp21.zip 132096 04-05-91 Genealogy: Family Tree Print utility program rfgene30.zip 99437 06-07-93 RFGene v3.0 Genealogy database program sdiprt94.zip 105281 07-05-91 Read/print/convert SS Death Index GED Files slekt02.zip 127275 28-11-90 Norwegian language Genealogy program ttgen122.zip 25640 23-01-92 Genealogy: Tiny Tafel generator & editor util. ----------------------------------------------------------- Geography-related programs path: /disc1/geogrphy/ ----------------------------------------------------------- eurv22.zip 151462 11-07-95 Europe!: Game teaches European geography getamap.zip 63469 06-02-88 Prepare Government map request ontop10.zip 503713 23-11-93 'On Top of the World' 3D Earth model/info DEMO usa_surv.zip 419328 14-06-91 Survey the USA, graphics, requires mouse usgeo110.zip 139832 05-08-94 USA geography teacher & tester (req. EGA/VGA) vnmyhome.zip 239327 01-06-93 Geography of Vietnam, in English vnqh10.zip 220833 13-04-95 Street maps of Saigon, Hanoi and Hue, Vietnam vnquetoi.zip 214626 01-06-93 Geography of Vietnam, in Vietnamese ----------------------------------------------------------- Geology-related programs path: /disc1/geology/ ----------------------------------------------------------- acpl0021.zip 394634 12-08-94 Package for analysis & ctrl of pollution, 1of7 acpl0022.zip 494656 12-08-94 Package for analysis & ctrl of pollution, 2of7 acpl0023.zip 467350 12-08-94 Package for analysis & ctrl of pollution, 3of7 acpl0024.zip 377770 12-08-94 Package for analysis & ctrl of pollution, 4of7 acpl0025.zip 402301 12-08-94 Package for analysis & ctrl of pollution, 5of7 acpl0026.zip 458649 12-08-94 Package for analysis & ctrl of pollution, 6of7 acpl0027.zip 490510 12-08-94 Package for analysis & ctrl of pollution, 7of7 ancmanps.zip 393784 14-04-94 acpl001 pollution pkg manual-PostScript format np940107.zip 641117 11-01-94 NewPet: A geochemical data plotting system qdg206.zip 79992 21-02-94 Map digitizer: contours, points, outcrops, etc ----------------------------------------------------------- Programs for viewing and handling GIF and other images path: /disc1/gif/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 2show203.zip 258511 27-05-95 CompuShow 2000! v/2 GIF,JPEG,PNG view/convert 6gifutl2.zip 163676 09-06-92 Six utilities for manipulating GIF files blastoff.gif 27776 10-05-88 Space Shuttle roars skyward, use CSHOW bld2gif.zip 76675 20-06-88 Converts Bsaved VGA screen images to GIFs cg89a.gif 26624 09-11-90 GIF89a format pic-illustrates transparency etc clown.gif 51200 15-01-89 GIF picture of a clown cmplg200.zip 159016 05-05-95 CompuLog v/2 graphic catalog/thumb/database crpgif11.zip 33415 21-05-91 GIF sizer, cuts small gifs from large ones cshow903.zip 264980 27-05-95 CompuShow v/9 GIF,JPEG,PNG,etc view/converter cvt2gif.zip 10046 13-07-90 PIC or PCX to GIF conversion utility, v1.5 cvtgif15.zip 10044 10-09-89 PIC or PCX to GIF picture conversion utility egif035.zip 26145 14-12-92 Convert color GIFs to EGA 'grey-scale' GIFs fastgif.zip 28893 06-03-88 View GIF format files. EGA/VGA only gif.zip 39381 26-02-88 Interchange graphics formats gif89a.zip 22805 15-11-90 Specifications of GIF89A standard from CIS gif_csrc.zip 5019 18-12-90 C source code for a GIF decoder gif_doc.zip 35857 18-12-90 Docs re new/old GIF formats & compression gif_pas.zip 59023 18-12-90 Pascal source code for a GIF viewer gifbrt11.zip 12619 27-01-93 Change color byte values of GIFs gifcat20.zip 32904 11-01-94 Maintain catalogs of .GIF picture files gifclp15.zip 34547 30-06-93 Clip/Crop GIFs, add text or GIF logo VGA/Mouse gifcm133.zip 31721 22-11-94 Manipulates text comments in GIF files gifdecod.gif 6912 15-01-89 GIF drawing explains decoding of GIFs gifdoc.zip 66828 01-08-88 Specification of GIF standard from CompuServe gifdot2.zip 100106 20-01-90 Prints GIF. VGA & EGA to EPSON printer gifdsk45.zip 43889 18-05-93 GIF cataloguer. Capture multi-GIF images gifencod.gif 8320 15-01-89 GIF drawing explains encoding of GIFs gifend13.zip 6520 12-10-91 Remove unused characters from GIF files gifexe44.zip 40350 07-04-94 Make GIFs into self-displaying EXE files. SVGA giflex12.zip 477425 09-08-91 Manipulate GIF images. EXEs made from GIFLIB giflib12.zip 245747 09-08-91 Turbo C 2.0 library to manipulate GIF images giflt200.zip 66131 11-01-94 Compress GIF files 20% or more and still view gifprt51.zip 41073 18-10-92 Fast GIF view and print with color dither gifsrc.zip 41066 18-12-90 Pascal and 8086 ASM source for a GIF viewer gifsze15.zip 45522 30-06-93 Interactively resize GIFs. VGA/mouse req'd. gifv412.zip 336100 19-02-93 View/edit/print/catalog GIF/PCX/BMP/PIC gifwrp15.zip 49386 30-06-93 Warp/Bend GIFs for bizarre effects. VGA/Mouse glist113.zip 11420 16-12-91 GIF file listing utility, version 1.13 grabsc11.zip 38235 12-01-91 Save graphics screens to disk, then cvt to GIF grey15.zip 22246 23-05-88 Grey scale GIF viewer v1.5 MCGA/CGA/VGA herv131.zip 33312 27-05-91 View any GIF file on Hercules. Many options ishow10.zip 67256 24-02-95 Ishow: FreeWare GIF viewer and slide show mac2gif.zip 59916 01-08-89 Convert MAC graphics files to GIFs marsface.zip 22857 14-02-90 Viking Orbiter GIF image & explanatory text mouse.gif 31049 08-06-89 320x200 256-color GIF picture of a mouse msgifscn.zip 20700 19-07-91 Displays info on GIF images, checks validity mthood.gif 11904 05-05-88 Color GIF picture of Mt. Hood parrot.gif 58368 29-08-88 Tropical bird - great for VGA pepsi.gif 5120 01-02-90 320x200x32 GIF of a Pepsi can picview.zip 100350 26-01-90 GIF/MAC viewer w/adjustable palette animation pixit.zip 12875 03-02-90 Converts GIFs to COM and EXE files, w/ASM src prtgf106.zip 73030 17-11-93 PRINTGF v1.06: GIF printer for DOS pstgif12.zip 24975 13-06-89 Convert GIF to EPS w/gray scale translation scr2gif2.zip 27520 27-09-90 Capture EGA/VGA screens, then convert to GIF seashore.gif 252928 13-01-90 640x480x256 GIF picture of seashore scene sgif18.zip 30441 30-10-92 Slideshow viewer for Tseng, ATI, Paradise, 24X showgif.zip 7594 03-05-88 Display 'GIF' pictures shwgif51.zip 27954 16-12-90 View .GIFs while downloading, for EGA/VGA snapvs.zip 46287 20-01-90 View GIF files on VGA, print on STAR NX-1000 sqzgif21.zip 103158 25-08-92 Reduce large GIF files to 320x200 for printing stripgif.zip 6073 02-09-88 Strip unneeded characters from .GIF Files texttst.gif 1536 09-11-90 New GIF89a format test picture tgif11.zip 8568 21-05-91 GIF cut/grayscale cvt/sharpen image. (VGA req) timezon3.zip 27020 31-08-94 Color-coded GIF of all the world's time zones titlemak.zip 116689 09-01-92 Converts GIF to EXE for EGA/VGA/CGA/Herc/EGAM vga2cga2.zip 64734 27-09-90 Convert VGA GIF files to CGA vga2ega4.zip 77137 21-04-89 Convert GIFs to 16-color EGA pictures vpic60e.zip 225986 30-04-93 GIF/MAC/PCX/ColorRix pics view/convrt, EGA/VGA vuimg340.zip 118274 26-05-93 GIF/GIF89a/PCX/TIFF view/print, zoom/pan/scale ----------------------------------------------------------- Scientific graphics utilities path: /disc1/graph/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dots151.zip 245830 10-10-90 Interactive 3D vector graphics epdemo.zip 198545 02-05-92 EasyPlot scientific graphing EGA/VGA/Herc DEMO gdraw30.zip 88622 15-12-94 GraphDraw: Very rich function plotting program globe103.zip 251217 10-10-90 Interactive 3D vector graphics with sphere grafit20.zip 64859 14-01-93 Graphs functions; solves sys. of inequalities graph322.zip 312795 28-08-90 Scientific graphics - executables and docs graphsrc.zip 107847 16-07-90 GRAPH v3.21 scientific graphics, Turbo C src grphme10.zip 178587 16-12-92 Simple-to-use 3-D graphing package, vers 1.0 postogrf.zip 136621 20-08-90 Add labels to GRAPHPS or GRAPHLI output world10.zip 71642 10-10-90 World coastline database ----------------------------------------------------------- Programs for viewing and handling various graphics/images path: /disc1/graphics/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 1svga.zip 343150 24-06-94 31 SuperVGA and other programs with TP sources 2l8pe113.zip 52881 10-01-95 TooLate fill-pattern editor 1.13 for C coders 3d_land.zip 88179 11-01-94 Virtual Reality mountain generator 3dbb.zip 44575 30-11-88 3D black board - BASIC CAD with source 3dedb09.zip 132492 21-05-93 Editor for polygon-based 3d-objects, (VGA req) 3dgpl.zip 93919 22-07-95 3D graphics tutorial w/ C source of 3D library 3dkit1.zip 221662 30-06-92 3-D wireframe tools, with C source, 3dv picts 3dpath10.zip 76423 14-03-94 Animation path creator for POV 3dskt10.zip 146191 23-07-95 StereoSketch 1.0 3-D Toolkit 3dv25.zip 73312 29-08-91 3D wireframe graphics display pgm, needs mouse advmak10.zip 48905 10-08-92 Edits screen advertisement/presentation rolls alch177.zip 662468 29-09-94 Image Alchemy v1.77 image format conversion am2332.zip 309018 05-08-94 AutoMessage: Graphical message display system asgv1.zip 169893 18-02-94 Random Dot Stereogram generator ash16.zip 13459 15-01-93 Shell for Image Alchemy 1.6 (req. VGA+mouse) autograf.zip 84549 31-05-89 Graphing & data analysis, makes scatterplots baspcx10.zip 16638 31-07-91 Convert CGA BLOAD image to EGA PCX format bbord110.zip 181023 07-01-92 Graphics drawing pgm with music/pictures/text bcut.zip 92873 16-10-93 VGA protected mode PCX brush cutting utility bmorph30.zip 445694 01-06-94 Morphing program, BMP image input, outputs BEN bmp2bgi1.zip 91238 27-06-91 Converts BMP images to Borland BGI format bmp2txt.zip 29871 14-10-94 Converts .BMP files to a .TXT picture bmpcut10.zip 12185 12-06-95 DOS command-line based BMP file image cutter bzztbzzt.zip 343974 25-09-94 Button reader/slide show viewer for Game Shows canipk01.zip 20629 01-08-95 Pack of 10 color prompts for CaniPrompts caniprom.zip 23458 01-08-95 Makes DOS prompt colorized and animated +more chgle10.zip 951416 29-05-92 Label graph created with GLE in Chinese char. chiaro10.zip 127870 19-03-93 Chiaro Suite of image utilities release 1.0 cinema10.zip 44323 19-07-90 Multi-format graphics slide show pgm w/drivers cloudv09.zip 48338 17-01-94 A simple cloud generator (386/VGA req.) cmdpat14.zip 22299 14-05-95 PCX2CCS v1.3->v1.4 patch for REGISTERED users colorlif.zip 23466 09-01-95 Colorlife: Fractal-type graphics drawing crumb20s.zip 626284 02-12-94 Stereogram maker, runs with 3DStudio imgs too cu.zip 61703 30-06-89 Charts Unlimited, prepare all kinds of charts dbwrendr.zip 263680 03-04-90 Ray tracing graphics pgm. v1.02 (MCGA/VGA req) dcview21.zip 257651 12-01-93 High speed JPEG/GIF/BMP view/convert/edit. ASP disp188a.zip 652422 29-06-95 Display/Convert images/movies w/ many formats disp188b.zip 238102 29-06-95 Video driver sources and Fonts for disp188a disppix.zip 18357 25-07-89 Viewer for Atari-ST Degas files, EGA/VGA req. drun10.zip 83013 04-02-95 Display::Runner 1.0: PCX advertising displays dtp25614.zip 330921 05-02-92 Desk Top Paint 256 v1.4: SVGA/Mouse paint pgm dvpeg30l.zip 166344 14-06-94 Dvpeg 3.0l JPEG/GIF/Targa/PPM viewer, 286+ req eed24lib.zip 39759 19-12-92 Library files for EEDraw v2.4 (EEDRAW24.ZIP) eedlogic.zip 1242 24-03-91 Logic gate lib for electrical eng'g EEDraw pgm eedraw24.zip 298063 04-01-93 Electrical Engineering drawing (with layers) eedsrc24.zip 208715 04-01-93 C sources for EEDRAW24.ZIP program. TC/BC++ exgrap15.zip 150084 02-04-90 ExpressGraph:easy-to-use business graphics pgm ezgraph.zip 258560 30-04-90 Scientific plotting pkg, w/graphical interface f_land13.zip 9325 04-02-93 Fractal landscape generator w/3D viewing (VGA) fdesi313.zip 264505 18-09-92 IFS fractal program w/C src, v3.08 and v3.13 ffff10.zip 4428 17-03-95 Fast FPU Fractal Fun 1.0: Mandelbrot generator fgdemo10.zip 103956 15-10-91 Fastgraph GUI demo. See FGL303*.ZIP fghedge.zip 194036 15-10-93 Fastgraph/Light graphics toolkit demo game src fgl303a.zip 320706 15-10-93 Fastgraph/Light library V3.03, executables fgl303b.zip 242488 15-10-93 Fastgraph/Light library V3.03, docs fgl303c.zip 48587 15-10-93 FG/L C source code for example programs fgl303d.zip 46742 15-10-93 FG/L BASIC source code for example programs fgl303e.zip 48630 15-10-93 FG/L Pascal source code for example programs fgl303f.zip 53602 15-10-93 FG/L FORTRAN source code for example programs fgtext.doc 1624 18-10-93 Fastgraph/Light Release v3.03 description file fingrvga.zip 183012 07-01-92 FingerVGA v1.0: 256 color VGA paint program flilib.zip 106309 28-04-91 FLI graphics image manipulation library/player float1.zip 18512 02-05-94 Interactive Mandelbrot Zooming (FPU required) flxpl101.zip 24811 03-04-93 Shows FLI & FLC (320x200x256) animation files forb01a.zip 92653 25-07-91 Displays orbits of Mandelbrot mapping. C/E/VGA fpunr210.zip 273595 13-11-94 Fast, easy to use Mandelbrot/Julia set plotter fracram.zip 131797 05-02-95 Frac-R.A.M.: MSDOS fractal program fracsvga.zip 111632 01-08-95 SuperVGA Fractal-drawing packet fract30.zip 67928 05-10-89 Mandelbrot/Julia set 2D/3D EGA/VGA Fractal Gen fractfly.zip 7388 26-01-91 Create Fractal flythroughs with FRACTINT fracxtr5.zip 524863 14-07-93 Lots of extras files for Fractint v17+ fracxtr6.zip 1328275 11-04-95 Lots of Extras files for Fractint v19.1+ frain192.zip 570514 19-04-95 Fractint fractal generator version 19.2 frasr192.zip 973991 19-04-95 Fractint version 19.2 C and ASM source frcal040.zip 368478 16-04-93 Fast fractal plotter, lets user edit formulae frcaldmo.zip 351246 10-08-92 800x600x256 demo images for FRCAL032.ZIP g_art_12.zip 155404 23-07-95 Graffiti Artist v1.2: SVGA paint garc_10.zip 85063 06-04-95 Display/convert/archive/compress graphic files gcp915.zip 113502 26-12-92 Great Circle map centered on lat/long gds31f.zip 379871 16-01-95 Graphics file viewer, converter, cataloger gemcap40.zip 13254 07-10-90 Saves graphics/text screens as GEM .IMG files geoclk61.zip 338676 19-04-95 GeoClock: Sunlight clock with 4 maps and moon geoxtr61.zip 193427 19-04-95 3 more maps and data bases for GeoClock gforge11.zip 140791 03-08-95 16-b POV landscapes: heightfield hills craters gif2jpg2.zip 181630 18-01-93 Convert GIF files to JPEG & JPEG files to GIF gle32h_1.zip 1134788 19-03-95 32-bit GLE Scientific Graphs v3.3h, 1of2 gle32h_2.zip 590609 19-03-95 32-bit GLE Scientific Graphs v3.3h, 2of2 gle33b.txt 3675 25-03-92 Installation instructions for GLE graphics pkg gle33b_1.zip 360448 25-03-92 GLE Scientific Graphs, Slides, (Core & Screen) gle33b_2.zip 398848 25-03-92 GLE PostScript Driver & Expanded Memory versns gle33b_3.zip 629760 25-03-92 GLE Epson & Laserjet device drvrs &extra fonts gle33b_4.zip 466432 25-03-92 GLE Utilities, surface plotting, HPGL driver gleread.zip 6766 19-03-95 Installation instructions for 32-bit GLE glformat.zip 10586 15-03-91 Info: Grasp .GL,.PIC,.CLP,.FNT,.SET formats gllry11b.zip 286579 31-01-94 Image Gallery 1.1B: Album for bitmapped images grafct30.zip 253279 31-12-91 Catalog/print GIFs and other graphics grafx430.zip 46124 08-05-95 Screen captures for DOS and Microsoft Windows grafxlib.zip 36253 01-09-87 MSC/TurboC routines CGA/EGA grafix, HALO comp graphgem.zip 309946 27-08-92 C source from all three Graphics Gems books grasp32c.zip 55088 20-02-91 Grasp Art automation GL file viewer 3.2 Beta C grfsy201.zip 334020 04-08-91 Grafsys: Scientific plotting package, v2.01 grfwk70e.zip 539593 05-12-94 View/cvt/print MAC/IMG/GIF/TIFF/EPS graphics hcshow15.zip 44687 30-06-93 Targa image viewer for HiColor VGA graphics hgrpcx10.zip 26955 31-07-91 Convert Apple// HGR image to IBM PCX format hgrph101.zip 89260 17-03-89 Hercules graphics lib for MSC & QuickC hgrpic10.zip 23731 31-07-91 Convert Apple// HGR image to IBM BLOAD format hidimg30.zip 311772 27-09-94 SVGA256 Hidden Image AutoStereogram Generator hilbert.zip 80948 14-11-93 Paper+prog for image dithering w/Hilbert curve hotkey21.zip 219974 25-01-95 HOTKEY v2.1: Editor of PCX images hpglvu10.zip 89457 29-04-91 Viewer for HPGL files, with Turbo Pascal 5 src hv12.zip 294635 23-07-92 Hiview: JPEG/GIF/TGA viewer, req. 386+, VCPI ico2ans1.zip 9131 09-06-95 Converts Win 3.1 icons to ANSI graphic files ifse100.zip 130045 14-12-92 ImgFun 1.0. A powerful GIF viewer, compressor imagepro.zip 341796 26-06-92 Fast image processor for GIF/PCX/PIC/TIF/TARGA imdisp79.zip 340909 31-05-93 Image Processing Software for JPL images imdispd1.zip 864192 31-05-93 Collection of BAT & image files to demo IMDISP imdispd2.zip 562390 31-05-93 Collection of BAT & image files to demo IMDISP improc42.zip 335352 07-06-93 Improces graphics editor. Req VGA/SVGA & mouse int_70h.zip 14026 16-12-88 Fast graphics driver for Hercules (HGC) iterant.zip 40350 12-03-92 Makes bifurcation graphical plots, w/QB4.5 src iterat31.zip 175623 30-12-93 Graphs iterated functions - Julia Sets, etc. iv1_02a.zip 367071 11-01-94 View and convert GIF/BMP/PCX/TIFF/JPEG iw2gif.zip 7599 08-01-90 Convert Imagewise pictures to GIF format jpeg6.zip 190436 02-09-95 Convert JPEG files to/from BMP,GIF,PPM,PGM,TGA jpeg6386.zip 315579 02-09-95 Faster version of jpeg6.zip for 386 or better jpegsrc6.zip 661641 02-09-95 Source code for JPEG compression/decompression jpgidx13.zip 75171 27-05-93 JPEG contact sheet maker, requires CJPEG/DJPEG kd_doc.zip 95962 04-12-87 PC-KEY-DRAW with Hyperdraw, documentation,1of3 kd_draw3.zip 102851 04-12-87 PC-KEY-DRAW v3.31 CAD/Paint/SlideShow/DTP,2of3 kd_lib1.zip 62642 04-12-87 Library of pictures for PC-KEY-DRAW, 3of3 lparser3.zip 398171 31-08-94 3D L-Systems parser/mutator w/3DS file viewer makam122.zip 417418 30-04-93 VGA graphical message maker/presenter. Req 386 mand52a.zip 350358 11-12-94 Mandelbrot/Julia Set Generator, 5.2, Fractals mandelbr.zip 33626 20-04-89 Mandelbrot's Set plotter, requires EGA or VGA mandla17.zip 25095 27-09-90 EGA/VGA VonKoch fractal and Hopalong images mandy21.zip 132740 30-03-94 2D/3D Fractal generator. Requires SVGA w/VESA maps3_5.zip 41905 24-04-91 GEOCLOCK - Maps 3, 4, and 5 mbs.zip 47251 05-07-88 Images from the Mandelbrot Set mgl11.zip 375243 21-03-94 MegaGraph graphics library for SuperVGA's mgld11.zip 238169 21-03-94 MegaGraph graphics library demo mgld3d01.zip 396504 23-03-94 MegaGraph Graphics Library 3D extensions demo mindim20.zip 363386 11-01-93 Random Dot Sterogram viewer. VGA required mm30.zip 106929 07-11-89 Draws Mandelbrots and Julia Sets, CGA/EGA/VGA moe.zip 72833 31-07-93 Mandelbrot Orbital Exploration mpegview.zip 190672 17-09-93 Real-time MPEG video player for Windows & DOS mtl11.zip 202222 21-03-94 MegaToolbox (console, events, mouse, sysinfo) mvgavu51.zip 121061 04-10-91 GIF & BLD/PLT viewer w/GIF slideshow (req VGA) mvis01.zip 152356 21-03-94 MegaVision C++ AF GUI for the MGL w/src neopnt22.zip 641611 23-10-94 NeoPaint 2.2: Graphics bitmap editor/paint pkg neoshow.zip 329303 30-04-93 Slideshow maker for use with Neopaint netpic32.zip 197461 05-07-95 GIF => self-displaying 7-bit ASCII email pgm nview140.zip 469508 11-01-95 Graphics Viewer/Slideshow/Catalog for SuperVGA nview150.zip 466025 07-05-95 Graphics Viewer/Slideshow/Catalog for SuperVGA okf220.zip 251309 21-05-91 Optiks 2.20, graphic viewer, converter, editor orchis11.zip 174277 14-12-94 ORCHIS 1.1: Organizational chart maker for DOS pbmpl91d.zip 488807 09-01-93 386+ port of Jef Poskanzer's graphics tools pcx112.zip 58369 24-01-91 PCX graphics image viewer pcx_c.zip 26890 18-04-91 C source to handle PCX format graphics files pcxccs15.zip 362059 26-08-95 Convert PCXs to Counted Cross Stitch charts pcxdmp93.zip 148133 02-07-95 EGA and (S)VGA screen grabber pcxpic10.zip 17133 31-07-91 Convert CGA PCX image to BASIC BLOAD format pcxshow3.zip 192519 24-07-91 PCX-Show:Presentation/slide show for PCX files pcxut.zip 69410 23-12-90 PCX screen capture & viewing programs pcxut10.zip 16652 09-11-93 PCX transformations from the command-line pendrw17.zip 109636 03-02-90 Menu-driven graphics editor, Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA pep16.zip 345597 14-12-94 PEP:Picture Editing Package 1.6 (drawing prog) perspect.zip 48245 11-01-93 Generate stereoscopic images from designs. EGA pic_tc.zip 87235 02-06-90 TC function lib makes Lotus123-type PIC graphs picem27.zip 64328 30-03-92 PICEM v2.7: GIF/PCX/PIC view & conversion piclb193.zip 180316 19-04-95 Piclab image processor version 1.93 pixb10.zip 181218 02-06-93 Smart GIF/JPEG viewer/cataloger for VESA/SVGA play73.zip 17162 10-12-91 Player for hi-resolution .FLI files (640x480) plsrc193.zip 123267 19-04-95 Piclab 1.92 C/ASM source code protitle.zip 38881 23-07-89 Create professional looking titles on home VCR pshow.zip 199556 14-09-93 Slide Show creator/player with special effects pshow12.zip 90081 27-06-92 Peepshow: SVGA GIF/TIF/PCX/TGA show/view/conv. pv13.zip 153087 28-04-91 PicView 1.3 view GIF, MAC, RIX for VGA pvmpg1_2.zip 345664 23-06-93 DOS port of v1.2 of the PVRG MPEG encoder pvquan16.zip 103956 14-07-93 Convert .TGA to .FLI/.GIF, C source qpv17a.zip 507298 17-08-95 JPG/TGA/GIF/PCX/BMP viewer-FAST! Req 386+ VGA qv102.zip 52135 13-08-95 DOS Multimedia Viewer including AVI with sound rad386.zip 422972 22-08-92 Radiance radiosity program for 386 machines rainbow2.zip 15339 19-02-94 Rainbow animation of 256 color GIF pictures raysh386.zip 919741 20-08-92 Rayshade ray-tracing program ported to the 386 rayz0_90.zip 519493 19-10-94 Ray Tracing package for MS-DOS. Req. SVGA/EMS rcdsplay.zip 166208 15-08-91 Display/analyze/edit X-Y graphical data. w/src rfvdemo.zip 547445 18-01-94 Rotating bitmaps, fractal zooming demo, w/src rmast40.zip 109037 27-05-95 Sprite / Icon editor for C/Basic/Pascal ron9pcx1.zip 206443 14-10-90 Shows 9 pictures on screen in reduced format rtetc800.zip 677143 13-09-92 Docs/utilities/samples for RTRACE800, 3 of 3 rtnews.zip 583553 13-09-92 Complete set of Ray-Tracing newsletters rtrac800.zip 905467 13-09-92 Antonio Costa's Ray Tracer v8.0.0, 1 of 3 rtsrc800.zip 450711 13-09-92 Sources to RTRACE800 and utilities, 2 of 3 scedit10.zip 116043 09-08-91 View/change GIF,TGA,BMP,PCX on VESA VGA/TIGA sea10.zip 612262 06-09-95 Viewer/converter JPG/PNG/GIF/TIFF/PCX/FLI/etc. shade10.zip 40617 24-12-93 Util for viewing 3d shaded models,VGA/copr req show60.zip 456316 29-04-95 DataShow 6.0A: Multimedia presentation showgl19.zip 153423 24-08-92 View HP-GL/2 files on CGA/EGA/VGA, w/MSC src shwpcx10.zip 42732 06-02-92 Free, cmd-line driven PCX viewer (also SVGA) sirdvu11.zip 274996 17-10-93 640x480x256 color PCX to SIRDS utility, Ver1.1 spiro2.zip 37821 19-02-94 VGA spirograph emulator splt252.zip 191918 16-08-95 Advanced HP-GL & DXY-GL pen plotter simulator spmorf19.zip 643251 16-09-94 SPMORF v1.9: Powerful morphing program sprite.zip 83624 13-07-90 Kevin Kwast's EGA sprite maker/paint program stk100.zip 214270 09-01-91 Sprite Graphics Toolkit v1.0 for Turbo C stud100a.zip 137749 17-05-92 Art package for PC with VGA, Microsoft mouse svga112.zip 68233 25-05-93 Fast TrueColor GIF/PCX/BMP/TGA viewer svgacc23.zip 224051 21-01-95 SVGA Grafix lib for MS compat. C/C++ compilers svgakt50.zip 295448 24-08-94 SuperVGA Kit library for VESA SuperVGAs svgapb23.zip 182551 21-01-95 SVGA graphics library for SP Power BASIC 3.x svgapv23.zip 188153 21-01-95 SVGA graphics library for MS PDS & MS VBDOS svgaqb23.zip 187113 21-01-95 SVGA graphics library for MS QuickBASIC 4.x tdl09.zip 560009 16-05-94 3-D stereogram maker and animator techplt1.zip 352397 02-12-92 Technical ploting and data processing, 1 of 2 techplt2.zip 497210 02-12-92 Technical ploting and data processing, 2 of 2 techv201.zip 327417 07-02-93 Put photo in ANY database/spreadsheet/document tga2tif.zip 21636 29-03-91 Convert TARGA images to TIFF format tga3d.zip 105047 04-02-94 Converts 2 TGAs to stereo Red & Blue TGA tgafli.zip 44313 10-12-91 Compile Targa images into .FLI format tgif301.zip 184240 06-06-95 GIF/BMP/PCX/FLI viewer; VOC and WAV player tif25640.zip 142290 06-08-95 TIFF256 Graphics Library Extensions for C tlpr12.zip 96690 29-03-94 Graphical TelePrompter. 5000 lines. Herc-VGA tmkr11.zip 423223 29-11-94 Terrain generator/editor for POVRAY tsdraw16.zip 107764 07-11-93 Graphical pres. of equations and LP problems tx2pcx.zip 10171 24-01-91 Converts text screens to PCX files txgraph1.zip 5522 31-03-95 Converts color textmode memory dump to graphic univbe51.zip 604433 03-04-95 Universal VESA VBE for most SuperVGA cards usdol_11.zip 162943 30-11-93 Plots 3D surfaces on the PC screen. v1.1 vector21.zip 178466 25-01-95 Vector v2.1: Vector graphics editor vesa24_2.zip 39175 09-04-93 VESA graphics tools for Hi-color & 24 bit vesa_tsr.zip 222450 24-01-91 TSR drivers for VESA SuperVGA graphics std. vesadrv2.zip 81185 12-01-93 VESA TSR graphics drivers. For DCVIEW21.ZIP vga_frac.zip 189180 23-06-94 Fractal manager for VGA monitors vgacad25.zip 326530 03-09-91 Edit and colorize digitized images (VGA req) vgae130.zip 91346 09-07-94 VGA graphics editor/animator for programmers vgamagic.zip 41407 14-10-90 VGA graphics Kaleidoscope and line drawing vifs.zip 219943 06-05-90 Fractal editor/generate views from desc. files vort212.zip 531998 27-08-92 VORT image rendering/ray-tracing package vsa25632.zip 178687 06-08-95 VSA256 Graphics Library for C programmers vx38613.zip 157475 05-02-93 32bit DOS GIF/JPEG/TARGA viewer for SS24X weave20.zip 85475 10-09-91 Graphic CAD of patterns for weavers. VGA color whatpic2.zip 14612 24-03-92 Gives specs of graphic files GIF,JPEG,BMP&more willdraw.zip 107120 04-08-93 Drawing program with Animated Icons wmorph10.zip 332681 30-08-93 2D-Morphing program for 320x200 GIF & 386 wpdraw35.zip 45550 11-12-92 View/browse WordPerfect 5.x graphics (*.WPG) xv_pc17.zip 166922 04-08-94 GUI for Pascal/C/GNUC with interface generator yabmp097.zip 244885 02-12-92 Mandelbrot and Julia pgm, requires 386/387/VGA ----------------------------------------------------------- GTS music system files path: /disc1/gtsmusic/ ----------------------------------------------------------- gts_091.txt 4972 03-12-92 GTS music system revision .091 document gts_091.zip 113497 01-12-92 GTS revision to GTSMAIN.ZIP file for v.091 gtsfaq.txt 5056 19-11-92 Common questions concerning problems with GTS gtsfiles.txt 29506 19-11-92 List of files for GTS music software package gtsinst.bat 634 19-11-92 Install batch file for GTS music system gtsread.me 4168 19-11-92 Brief docs for GTS music system gtssam1.zip 184063 19-11-92 File 1 of samples for GTS system (string) gtssam10.zip 196346 19-11-92 File 10 of samples for GTS system (voices) gtssam11.zip 71072 19-11-92 File 11 of samples for GTS system (etc, misc.) gtssam2.zip 212242 19-11-92 File 2 of samples for GTS system (key) gtssam3.zip 183165 19-11-92 File 3 of samples for GTS system (reed) gtssam4.zip 319083 19-11-92 File 4 of samples for GTS system (pick) gtssam5.zip 55049 19-11-92 File 5 of samples for GTS system (brass) gtssam6.zip 96742 19-11-92 File 6 of samples for GTS system (bass) gtssam7.zip 413396 19-11-92 File 7 of samples for GTS system (synth) gtssam8.zip 249794 19-11-92 File 8 of samples for GTS system (percuss) gtssam9.zip 167170 19-11-92 File 9 of samples for GTS system (effects) gtssong1.zip 22399 19-11-92 File 1 of songs for GTS system gtssong2.zip 23137 19-11-92 File 2 of songs for GTS system ----------------------------------------------------------- Ham Radio programs and utilities path: /disc1/hamradio/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ak41.zip 68737 30-07-95 Amazing Kenwood v4.1: Kenwood radio controller autocw.zip 47142 19-03-89 Morse code practice, random/keyboard/file autofax.zip 10214 11-02-88 WEFAX program for Kantronics TNC's EGA/CGA autolog4.zip 109886 25-07-89 HAMS: Control ICOM radio, automate log book beam21.zip 48546 31-03-94 Hams: Beam antenna construction design/analyze bearing1.zip 153646 26-01-94 Hams: Bearing and distance computer/database bestbeam.zip 9471 05-04-86 Beam heading listing program (BASIC source) buck1094.zip 707660 23-12-94 Update for 10/94 Buckmaster HamCall CD-ROM ccats131.zip 89517 29-04-95 Ham Radio county hunting database coil.zip 49497 10-09-95 Electrical inductance calculator comb6.zip 43190 13-07-92 Hams: HF radio propagation prediction program contest.zip 147989 20-07-92 Hams: Real contest logging/ARRL SS simulation cp222c.zip 33086 20-04-93 Hams: Morse code practice util v2.22 by VU2ZAP ct626.zip 178372 26-03-92 CT 6.26 Ham Radio contest logger by K1EA ctmodoki.zip 34462 14-06-93 Hams: CT-like radio contest trainer/simulator cw104.zip 83367 05-10-91 Hams: Send and receive CW via RS-232 port cw_2_40.zip 128755 14-04-95 Morse code training program dxb20dmo.zip 129658 01-05-92 Hams: Scientific Sol'ns DXBASE logging SW DEMO dxcc104.zip 88218 22-02-90 Hams: DXCC Award logger & lister w/statistics dxcom231.zip 387503 01-03-94 Drake R8 receiver control and database program dxlog185.zip 171738 24-12-91 Hams: PAYL DXLog 1.85 Ham Radio logger DEMO elmer100.zip 65425 14-07-92 ELMER, the ham's Expert System or smart server esprop14.zip 145377 01-08-95 Sporadic-E Propagation Analysis ext21.zip 99672 12-06-93 K7OMA Extra class theory exam with graphics f_a101.zip 99485 01-08-95 Field-aligned dependent propagation assessment fax40.zip 208740 10-01-92 DK8JV's FAX software for weather charts/photos fftmorse.zip 27344 15-05-92 Hams: Sound-Blaster FFT Morse code decoder fftscan1.zip 47777 26-03-95 Audio spectrum analysis, scanner management filter11.zip 39752 15-03-87 Electrical filter designs, esp. Butterworth flexpac4.zip 117241 11-01-94 Hams: PacketCluster(tm) Terminal w/ headings fodtrk12.zip 81119 05-04-95 Controls satellite antenna rotator frgcntrl.zip 47090 14-06-95 Control your FRG-100 receiver with your PC frglod10.zip 14327 29-03-93 Hams: Yaesu FRG100 sw-rcvr channel data progmr gc103.zip 19318 27-01-90 Hams: Great circle distances & bearings, w/src gen21.zip 72931 12-06-93 K7OMA General class theory exam with graphics hamcom22.zip 386911 02-08-93 HamComm 2.2: Send/Receive RTTY,CW w/o modem hamhelp.bqs 3072 07-12-86 Ohms law, dipole/quad/beam, paral. resistances handicnt.zip 17179 22-08-94 Optoelectronic 3000A & M1 handicounter reviews icom.c 9449 15-11-87 Hams: control your ICOM radio from PC intmod60.zip 9137 29-08-88 Calculates radio intermodulation interferance kam401.zip 109984 22-01-90 Hams: Kantronics KAM all-mode terminal program kd9jq_95.zip 427292 31-01-95 Preamp & triode amp design, 4 utility pgms kfactor.zip 23056 03-09-93 Calculate amplifier stability from PUFF output ks_cw.zip 43327 22-10-88 Kevin Schmidt's send/receive Morse code, w/src loadpole.zip 7542 30-03-92 Hams: Loaded dipole antenna design program logbook.zip 83422 16-09-87 Amateur radio logbook program (w/BAS) logem20.zip 58410 02-12-94 LOGEM v2.0: Ham Radio Log Book (TSR) machine.zip 9739 04-06-88 Morse Code training program in BASIC micromuf.bas 5055 14-10-86 H.F. radio propagation calculator micromuf.pas 7969 05-10-86 H.F. radio propagation calculator mininec3.inf 6506 25-05-90 Info and hints on how to run MININEC3 pgm mininec3.zip 122499 28-01-87 Radio antenna design aid, w/BAS src and EXEs minprop2.zip 106321 14-10-87 H.F. radio propagation calculator monoband.bqs 6656 05-04-86 Helps design mono-band beam antennas mor21.zip 53013 12-06-93 K7OMA Morse code tutor morse.bas 5802 07-06-88 Learn morse code morse.bqs 3712 05-04-86 Learn morse code morse30b.zip 71113 28-02-91 Hams: Morse code training program by N0IAI mpp110a.zip 59298 11-01-94 Morse Code practice program by W3IMA v1.10a mscode.zip 104115 04-08-95 Morse Code Made Easy v3.0: Tutorial & drills n6tr405.zip 348823 28-02-94 Hams: N6TR contest logging program v4.05 noise.zip 24558 03-09-93 Calculate noise figure for GaAsFets, etc. nov22.zip 80426 12-06-93 K7OMA Novice class theory exam with graphics nts12.zip 93145 23-12-88 Hams: Packet Radio NTS automatic traffic form ohmslaw.zip 14640 13-03-88 Ohms Law calculations ped411i.zip 61200 19-04-94 Hams: CW pileup trainer in virtual reality plus311d.zip 962382 14-04-95 Hams: KD7P LogPlus v3.11. DEMO procw.zip 24227 28-04-91 Hams: Send and receive CW via RS232 qlog311.zip 131701 16-08-95 Log and Terminal integrated - Italian ver. qloge311.zip 127954 16-08-95 Log and Terminal integrated - English ver. rc85pr15.zip 50983 15-11-91 Hams: Programs ACC RC85 parms/speech by modem rfmatch6.zip 84380 16-09-94 Hams: RF match calculator and optimizer rfs.zip 90486 11-10-88 Formulas for broadcast antennas, towers rftools.zip 108726 14-12-87 RF & Microwave engineering calculator robocopy.zip 27346 28-10-90 Copy Morse code from audio output of radio rtty12g.zip 96016 30-06-89 Ham RTTY pgm, Baudot & ASCII, Packet, SELCAL samfb91.zip 95576 26-08-94 Morse Code training. Sends and receives sat03nov.zip 140354 05-11-94 Fast Satellite Tracker by DL3HRT & DL3HZM sd700.zip 234884 13-03-95 Super-Duper by EI5DI. RSGB/ARRL Contest Logger sdi700.zip 202536 13-03-95 Super-Duper for IOTA by EI5DI - Contest Logger selcal13.zip 21268 21-02-94 Hams: Maritime SITOR selcall translator v1.3 simptr21.zip 92426 30-07-94 Generic TNC comm program (packet, rtty, etc) sm410.zip 149363 24-02-94 Super Morse: Morse code tutorial and practice sstvfax2.zip 28323 30-04-92 Hams: Send and Receive SSTV and FAX pictures swfax15.zip 85095 01-09-95 Weather facsimile reception program v1.5 swl114.zip 302908 11-02-92 Database for SW logs & requests QSLs ver. 1.14 swlit123.zip 649525 01-07-95 SWL: Shortwave logger, report writer, + more tdb3.zip 25928 02-12-94 Vaccum tube cross reference database v3.0 tec22.zip 74516 12-06-93 K7OMA Tech. class theory exam with graphics tsd.zip 14383 02-12-94 Transistor substitution database tty37.zip 30719 11-08-88 Hams: TTY v3.7, Half-Duplex RTTY program v2l9331.zip 150640 04-03-94 Hams: Converts raw OSV's to Two-Line Elements vefc24.zip 20932 13-01-90 Hams: VE code test validator/timer, w/C source vuccman.zip 92511 20-04-95 VUCC Confirmation Manager for VHF/UHF grids wefax.zip 31775 06-09-87 Hams: Display weather pix on screen whatson.zip 12798 16-09-87 PC-Ham v2.0, Amateur Radio contest package wheritis.zip 24913 05-12-87 Distance/direction calculator wxfax3_0.zip 175840 11-05-95 Weather facsimile stations database wxrdr22.zip 81936 25-02-88 Hams: Weather Radar receiving program yagimax.zip 352305 21-10-91 Hams: Yagi antenna design program ----------------------------------------------------------- Utilities to assist the physically challenged path: /disc1/handicap/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 123j.zip 5420 17-04-91 Jaws 2 speech pgm macros for Lotus 123 1finger.zip 11617 11-03-91 Helps handicappers with multiple keystrokes 20_20.zip 95701 04-11-91 Large characters text word proc. for laptops abrl11a.zip 53793 10-02-92 DEMO version of 'AutoBraille' TSR program accdos10.zip 138233 05-12-91 AccessDOS: Screen/mouse/sound access utilities accent.zip 63641 13-03-91 DEMO of ACCENT speech synthesizer accset.zip 22444 13-03-91 Changes ACCENT speech synthesizer's settings address2.zip 106950 04-11-91 Speech-friendly name and address database artcprgm.zip 16695 07-04-91 Enable Reader EXEs for Artic synthesizer asap0392.zip 110355 04-05-92 Automatic screen access for voice synth. DEMO asctdd11.zip 16347 22-01-92 Simple free communications pgm for ASCII TDD asl_tran.zip 69584 11-03-91 Translates words into ASL finger spelling bcdemo.zip 54891 13-03-91 BigCalc, which works with large characters bdir2.zip 19494 24-05-90 Large character directory lister bedict20.zip 151293 17-07-91 60,000 word dictionary for BEDIT 2.0 editor bedit20.zip 236868 11-03-91 Large character editor for sight impared users big10.zip 32581 07-04-91 Screen magnifier specifically for Lotus 123 big26.zip 141702 13-03-91 The BIG utils-BIG/BIGMONE/TYPER (typing tutor) big_text.zip 43778 12-03-91 Enlarges text files to printer or screen bigcal.zip 36859 13-03-91 Print large type calendar bigprint.zip 22125 13-03-91 Program to print large letters bigt.zip 3980 15-03-91 Enlarges CGA/MDA text 10 characters at a time bigtimer.zip 15376 23-05-90 A timer with large characters bigwp11.zip 51376 25-01-94 TSR screen text enlarger for WordPerfect blkdir.zip 13243 26-10-91 Speech friendly directory maintenance pgm blook2.zip 24009 24-05-90 Look at ascii files in large characters bpop21.zip 56271 04-11-91 TSR text enlarger: 10-53 chars per line brclean.zip 5667 07-04-91 Program to clean up Braille files btype2.zip 20304 24-05-90 DOS TYPE command in large characters capstate.zip 24943 23-05-90 Turn on/off or test keyboard caps lock cgaclk2.zip 25822 13-03-91 Large letter clock/timer/stop watch (CGA) checks4a.zip 115982 04-11-91 Speech-friendly Checkbook manager cltxprgm.zip 18650 07-04-91 Enable Reader EXEs for Calltext synthesizer dctkprgm.zip 18778 07-04-91 Enable Reader EXEs for Dectalk synthesizer dial4.zip 32744 26-10-91 Speech friendly phone dialer pgm donde20.zip 36847 27-10-91 Speech friendly file finder pgm dots20c.zip 118594 07-04-91 DEMO of 'Hot Dots' Braille translation program dz101.zip 142715 11-03-91 Speech or Braille DOS shell program. DEMO echoprgm.zip 18648 07-04-91 Enable Reader EXEs for Echo synthesizer ecmnu310.zip 18309 02-01-95 Speech-friendly DOS menu program etsmanul.zip 117451 07-04-91 Docs for Enable Reader 4.0 Speech System flip306d.zip 182878 04-11-91 Flipper speech access program. DEMO fstdemo.zip 162241 01-08-95 GUI finger spelling tutor. DEMO futur201.zip 97904 11-02-92 Comm pgm for use w/hearing impared (TDD). DEMO handicap.ftp 7007 13-08-92 Info on handicap-oriented Internet FTP site hoc_calc.zip 26356 04-11-91 Speech-friendly higher-order calculator hotdots3.zip 343429 17-07-91 Hot Dots v3.0 text to Braille translator. DEMO j16echo.zip 177963 04-11-91 DEMO Jaws 1.6 speech program for the Echo j1manual.zip 62095 17-04-91 Documents for Jaws v1.6 speech program j211docs.zip 91962 04-11-91 Documents for Jaws speech program (2.11) jaclt212.zip 200430 17-04-91 DEMO Jaws 2.12 for Accent laptop synthesizers jacpc212.zip 125358 17-04-91 DEMO Jaws 2.12 internal Accent synthesizers jacsa212.zip 125156 17-04-91 DEMO Jaws 2.12 Accent stand alone synthesizers jbns16.zip 116490 17-04-91 DEMO Jaws 1.6 speech pgm for Braille 'n Speak jdtlk208.zip 127741 17-04-91 DEMO Jaws 2.08 for Dectalk synthesizers jprowrit.zip 1992 17-04-91 Jaws 2 speech pgm macros for ProWrite jsb208.zip 123989 17-04-91 DEMO Jaws 2.08 for Soundingboard synthesizers jsonx208.zip 124962 17-04-91 DEMO Jaws 2.08 Sonix (Symphonix) synthesizers jtoshiba.zip 23505 17-04-91 Jaws 2 speech pgm macros for Toshiba laptops keycac01.zip 6059 04-11-91 KeyCache TSR word predictor kguide20.zip 47665 30-07-95 Guide to alternative I/O software large.zip 34050 13-03-91 Another program to enlarge text on screen letenlrg.zip 35818 13-03-91 Put large characters into a file lockbeep.zip 1550 23-05-90 Different beeps for kbd caps lock/unlock lpd_delx.zip 77566 15-03-91 DEMO: LP DOS Deluxe larger print w/graphics lsign25.zip 85813 03-04-92 Teaches ASL finger spelling and signs magcd127.zip 122029 10-02-92 Deluxe vers of MAGIC127 screen magnifier. DEMO magh10.zip 40879 11-03-91 Text enlarger for a Hercules graphics card magic127.zip 44566 10-02-92 Magnifies VGA/XGA/SVGA screen txt/graph. DEMO megan.zip 11904 23-05-90 Megan's Toy, a pop up text enlarger model_t.zip 118419 11-07-91 PD version of HAL-16 speech access program morse100.zip 10320 04-11-91 TSR to convert screen output to Morse code names302.zip 75724 26-10-91 Speech friendly name and address pgm nfbtr740.zip 186735 08-08-95 NFBTRANS v7.40: Grade II Braille translator nokeys12.zip 14309 04-11-91 Input text without a keyboard nwcwdemo.zip 128292 26-10-91 Speech friendly notepad and calculator. DEMO pcbrdemo.zip 165664 07-04-91 DEMO version of 'PC-Braille' program prvx313.zip 91342 04-11-91 DEMO version of the PROVOX speech program qcb_demo.zip 22718 26-10-91 Speech friendly QWERTY checkbook program. DEMO qlp_plus.zip 52823 04-11-91 QWERTY large print reader & QW wordproc. DEMO qwp_demo.zip 108426 26-10-91 Speech friendly QWERTY wp/form generator. DEMO ralph21.zip 35388 07-04-91 File lister for use with speech synthesizers readit28.zip 105010 03-11-92 Text file reader with bookmark, etc for speech relief.zip 64983 15-03-91 DEMO: Eye-relief large char. word processor rock114.zip 61613 26-10-91 Speech friendly basic communications pgm scandemo.zip 45896 07-04-91 DEMO of file reader for Braille terminals sdir31.zip 16448 26-10-91 Speech friendly DIR replacement and more seebeep.zip 1547 23-05-90 For hearing impaired: Beep flashes the screen seeklyne.zip 27223 26-10-91 Screen review pgm for Covox speech synth. DEMO setecho.zip 6295 07-04-91 Quick & dirty program sets up echo synthesizer sftkbd10.zip 29518 02-11-92 Virtual on-screen keyboard that uses the mouse sign40th.zip 143054 24-08-91 Sign language tutor. Special theater version sign51_1.zip 103601 24-08-91 Sign Friends v5.1: Learn sign language, 1 of 3 sign51_2.zip 98830 24-08-91 Sign Friends v5.1: Learn sign language, 2 of 3 sign51_3.zip 105494 24-08-91 Sign Friends v5.1: Learn sign language, 3 of 3 signfont.zip 5715 11-03-91 Your Signature into a Windows TrueType Font signwr43.zip 418578 10-09-95 SignWriter: Sign-language word processor spctl.zip 2280 07-04-91 Put speech synth program to sleep in bat files sqwnt272.zip 64412 07-04-91 Excellent talking file lister by Jeff Salzburg tbrl31.zip 112940 03-11-92 DEMO version of 'Turbo Braille' program ttalk110.zip 314703 05-05-92 Speech synthesizer ctrl pgm for the sightless vedemo20.zip 188946 09-07-91 Screen/kbd access for voice synth., DEMO, 1of2 vedocs20.zip 245205 09-07-91 Screen/kbd access for voice synth., docs, 2of2 verbview.zip 27210 13-03-91 TSR magnifies text in selected areas of screen video096.zip 201518 04-11-91 Video Voice screen access program. DEMO votrxpkg.zip 66208 07-04-91 Enable Votrax synthesizer automation package vtkrprgm.zip 16705 07-04-91 Enable Reader EXEs for Votalker synthesizer vtrxprgm.zip 18690 07-04-91 Enable Reader EXEs for Votrax synthesizer vtxbprgm.zip 18697 07-04-91 Enable Reader EXEs for Votrax B synthesizer vudemo.zip 35838 11-07-91 DEMO of CGA large letter file reader wpj.zip 19416 17-04-91 Jaws 2 speech pgm macros macros for Word Perf. zenword.zip 44969 02-11-92 Speech friendly menu based word processor zoomshar.zip 42566 07-04-91 Mouse controlled screen magnifier ztdemo5.zip 410533 26-08-95 ZoomText Screen Magnifier Demo for DOS/Windows ----------------------------------------------------------- Hebrew language support path: /disc1/hebrew/ ----------------------------------------------------------- heb_trns.zip 12294 23-08-93 Mac to PC text-file translator, w/Hebrew supp. hebquiz.zip 148278 22-08-91 Hebrew Quiz, Biblical Hebrew language tutor ----------------------------------------------------------- Hercules video display drivers and utilities path: /disc1/hercules/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dp310i.zip 916818 28-07-94 Dynamite installation diskette for W32p boards dp310w.zip 372021 28-07-94 Dynamite Win3 display drivers for W32p boards dy200s.zip 914002 22-07-94 Dynamite Supplimental Drivers diskette rel2.00 st200i.zip 337438 24-01-95 Stingray Installation Diskette release 2.00 st200w.zip 525944 24-01-95 Stingray Windows Drivers Diskette release 2.00 tv110i.zip 508989 24-01-95 Graphite Terminator 64 Installation Disk 1.10 tv110w.zip 456649 24-01-95 Graphite Terminator Windows Drivers Disk 1.10 ----------------------------------------------------------- Information files on many different subjects path: /disc1/info/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 401bugs.zip 3620 08-06-91 2 bugs found in MSDOS 4.01, with test programs 640xtmod.zip 2566 18-07-87 Put 640K on an IBM 256K motherboard 896k_mem.txt 9654 12-12-88 Expand IBM PC-XT motherboard memory to 896K addhelp.zip 9149 19-08-91 Change or add to the DOS 5.0 help file aitcw002.zip 101883 09-09-95 Abbreviations used in the computer world alsnutt1.zip 1521 26-01-91 Big Al's Norton util tech tips, vol 1 num 1 altmpx35.zip 5592 13-09-92 Alternate multiplex interrupt spec, v3.5 amirel.zip 22489 23-05-90 Info on AMI BIOS releases, some technical info arctst03.zip 209007 14-07-94 Compares 47 archiver/compressor/storage utils asm9508.zip 36360 26-08-95 Aug 95 x86 Assembly Language FAQ asp9201.zip 455645 23-08-95 Association of ShareWare Professionals catalog author34.zip 39656 18-06-95 List of MS-DOS PD & SW author e-mail addresses bbsapp3d.zip 24612 21-02-94 Application package for ASP BBS membership bbstip12.zip 5971 26-10-92 Effective Shareware distribution via the BBS bestpr42.zip 20453 15-03-95 Timo's choice of 42 best MS-DOS SW and PD pgms bgi20.zip 384216 07-04-95 Computer-based Internet tutorial for beginners biosdos.zip 25318 14-09-87 List of BIOS error codes and what they mean bkache56.zip 191371 24-01-93 Tutorial discusses back pain relief borl_at.zip 2221 19-08-91 Borland buys Ashton Tate: Press Release c64topc.zip 2268 01-04-95 How to connect a Commodore 64 printer to a PC ccworld1.zip 387304 27-04-93 Friendly 1992 World Fact Book reader. 1of2 ccworld2.zip 357553 27-04-93 Friendly 1992 World Fact Book reader. 2of2 chap32.zip 16515 21-10-89 Brief summary of copyright laws cnd7301.zip 73308 21-02-94 ASP ShareWare authors quick-lookup catalog com1234.zip 1813 26-11-91 Mod will allow you to use all four COM ports com3com4.txt 5361 01-02-91 Notes on using COMM ports 3 and 4 conctty.inf 2302 11-06-89 Cable info: using another PC as the console config.zip 13679 13-02-89 How to setup CONFIG.SYS & AUTOEXEC.BAT copro16a.zip 74856 30-09-94 Article on numeric coprocessors for PCs cpucmp14.zip 12976 16-06-93 Perf. comparison 386DX/38600DX/486DLC/RapidCAD cuser26a.zip 150927 31-01-92 Cyclopedia for users, authors/distributors 1/2 cuser26b.zip 245267 31-01-92 Cyclopedia for users, authors/distributors 2/2 dateroll.fix 11062 17-09-88 How to fix the DOS date roll-over problem db25_36c.zip 962 28-06-91 DB-25 to 36 pin Centronics adapter diagram dcc9224.zip 144937 24-01-93 List of over 1,000 computer clubs nationwide ddpat33.zip 589 12-06-88 Patches for DoubleDOS PC-DOS 3.3 devdriv.zip 3947 05-10-91 Tutorial on DOS device drivers dhamp.c 6077 10-05-88 The dhampstone benchmark dhry0217.zip 19718 11-05-90 Dhrystone benchmark as of 17 Feb 86 diagtxt.zip 10269 27-10-88 PC error diagnosis and memory error list disk_art.zip 22811 19-07-90 Articles discussing disks by Steve Gibson disney95.zip 213135 16-03-95 Disney 1995 1.0 electronic information guide dos32v4.zip 4638 25-04-87 Patches to MS-DOS version 3.2 dos33hlp.zip 73648 29-01-88 Help for DOS commands -- Pop up or stand alone dos33pat.zip 1637 04-12-88 Patch for DOS 3.30 - IBM supplied file dos3bugs.zip 4342 25-03-87 Bug reports for DOS 3.0 dos3src.zip 8775 21-09-86 ASMGEN .SEQ files for DOS/BIOS disassembly dos400un.zip 2439 26-10-90 Undocumented commands in PC-DOS 4.00 and 4.01 dos401.zip 9827 23-10-88 More errors/fixes for new version of PC-DOS dos40dsk.zip 2246 12-04-90 DOS 4.0 large file support tech explanation dos41pat.zip 8452 17-01-90 MS/PC-DOS version 4.01 patches through 12/89 dos4note.zip 1413 14-09-88 Tips and tricks for DOS4 dos5bug1.zip 4288 02-07-91 Program demonstates, documents bug in DOS 5.0 dos5pats.doc 3737 12-07-91 Patches for DOS5 COMMAND.COM echo off/envsize dosfv203.zip 50352 16-01-95 comp.os.msdos.programmer FAQ from Usenet doshlp20.zip 535599 29-06-95 DOSHelp v2.0: Basic DOS Commands Tutor dosimp10.zip 281401 31-08-91 New DOS 5.0 tutorial, for new and oldtimers dosmnual.zip 11005 22-02-87 DOS manual for beginners. Printable dosref33.zip 289307 24-04-94 List of interrupts, memory locations, IO ports dostips.zip 12812 24-07-88 Helpful hints on some DOS functions dostips1.zip 67253 25-09-88 DOS tips from various magazines - part 1 of 6 dostips2.zip 59708 27-09-88 DOS tips from various magazines - part 2 of 6 dostips3.zip 46317 25-09-88 DOS tips from various magazines - part 3 of 6 dostips4.zip 60366 25-09-88 DOS tips from various magazines - part 4 of 6 dostips5.zip 62174 25-09-88 DOS tips from various magazines - part 5 of 6 dostips6.zip 44925 25-09-88 DOS tips from various magazines - part 6 of 6 dostrain.zip 155573 06-09-88 MS-DOS class notes, tests dostutor.zip 101833 11-02-88 Learn MS-DOS - an interactive tutorial dpbu.zip 26935 11-12-88 Dalton Porter benchmark utility drdostip.zip 69637 15-01-92 DR DOS 6.0 Tech Tips (1/2/92) from DRI BBS drivparm.fix 864 17-08-89 Trick to make PC-DOS 3.3 recognize DRIVPARM drivparm.zip 2306 14-06-88 Undocumented CONFIG.SYS 'DRIVPARM' parameter dsptch.zip 8193 14-06-89 Patches MS-DOS 4.0 & 4.1 to fix bug dtarev1.zip 18005 05-11-89 Review of SpinRite & Disk Technician Advanced emailadr.zip 21624 07-09-93 Baker's PC Industry E-mail address listing emailgui.zip 7136 08-04-91 How to send E-Mail from one network to another ext_ram.zip 5428 25-02-90 Good discusion of extended vs expanded RAM faqc9504.zip 90648 24-04-95 Frequently Asked Questions of comp.compression fpotest.zip 22913 09-05-92 Tests speed of floating pt. operations devices ftp2uk23.inf 71087 28-04-92 Pulling files from Internet to JANET ftp2uk23.zip 10761 28-04-92 Unix scripts (2) for JANET FT-RELAY ftp_list.zip 383678 07-09-95 List of FTP sites providing Anonymous FTP ftpgrep.zip 1015 19-04-94 Perl script: Search ftp-list w/regular expr. gameport.inf 3330 20-05-90 How to: read game port, schematic, hookup info geozone4.zip 5379 31-08-94 Internet address two-letter country codes list glos2.zip 73552 20-03-90 Glossary of Telecomputing terms glosry51.zip 321455 31-03-93 Microcomputer terminology glossary 5.1. 930101 h9305crc.zip 951 10-05-93 CRCs for The Hack Report for May, 1993 hack92fa.zip 52397 21-02-93 The Hack Report - 1992 Full Archive Edition hack9401.zip 49480 12-02-94 The Hack Report for January, 1994 help201.zip 91730 21-07-88 Pop-up help for MS-DOS helppc21.inf 6121 10-05-91 Description of HELPPC21.ZIP helppc21.zip 283758 10-05-91 Extensive PC Programmer's information database helpsb.zip 294373 20-09-89 VMS-style help pgm for DOS 3.x, 4.x, and OS/2 hhgdinet.zip 21043 19-04-91 Text: HitchHiker's Guide to the Internet hof0692.zip 40246 08-07-92 HOF Freeware Hall of Fame, June, 1992 i_groups.zip 323730 28-01-95 List of Internet Interest Group mailing lists ibm0509.zip 26914 24-05-89 IBM announcements and application notes, May89 ibmerrs.zip 2276 29-06-87 Listing of 'IBM' error codes and their meaning inadbk21.zip 446392 09-04-95 Internet Address Book - Thousands of Sites inter47a.zip 359805 13-08-95 Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls, 1of4 inter47b.zip 360869 13-08-95 Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls, 2of4 inter47c.zip 361207 13-08-95 Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls, 3of4 inter47d.zip 143739 13-08-95 Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls, 4of4 inter47e.zip 343962 13-08-95 Hypertext/utility programs for interrupt list inter47f.zip 165411 13-08-95 WinHelp conversion programs for interrupt list inter47z.zip 13664 14-08-95 HC31/HCP phrases file for Interrupt List 47 inthlp10.zip 55032 15-01-95 Interrupt Helper viewer for interrupt list intshare.zip 7227 15-01-92 Info on software interrupt-sharing protocol intwin47.zip 3546544 14-08-95 WINHELP hypertext transcr. of Interr. List 47 ip_hook.zip 34570 27-03-91 Information on hooking up a PC to the Internet jarg300a.zip 478956 08-03-94 Jargon-File 3.0.0 (Hacker's Dictionary), ASCII jarg300n.zip 534002 08-03-94 Jargon-File 3.0.0 (Hacker's Dictionary), NG jobnet40.zip 129629 01-08-95 Directory of contract service firms laptut58.zip 251964 24-01-93 Laptop Tutorial, tips/tricks for laptop users legal11.zip 121908 22-08-90 Collection of 150+ legal forms, with index limems41.zip 80010 05-08-90 Updated LIM EMS 4.0 documentation maxcat.zip 458506 23-03-94 Catalog of over 600 ShareWare programs mf2.zip 2862 23-12-90 TSR shows program's memory usage while running mkdata.zip 61571 18-09-94 1000 Internet email,telnet,ftp,gopher,WWW,URLs ml950822.zip 67341 26-08-95 Sites to surf on the net-most services covered moder52.zip 25204 18-08-95 List of MS-DOS FTP sites and their moderators modwks20.zip 143515 09-01-95 Modem Workshop v2.0: Modem book on disk mrdos231.zip 160630 19-01-90 DOS tutorial, beginner to hard disk, text/quiz ms_os.zip 2140 28-10-90 Microsoft and other support phone numbers multijoy.zip 152075 26-03-94 Info: Connect 6 digital joysticks to LPT port murphys.zip 3488 21-04-90 Murphy's Law, as applied to Computing! nal004.zip 38613 21-04-93 User Interface for CC May's INet BBS list,4/93 nal006.zip 42142 31-07-93 Not Another (Internet) List interface, 8/93 neatchip.zip 12260 02-04-90 Describes Chips and Technologies' NEAT chipset netw92pr.zip 366769 04-05-92 NetWORLD 1992 Boston press releases (text ref) newlaw.zip 3817 03-12-90 New copyright legislation, shareware problems nglim10.zip 8063 19-07-90 Norton Guides for LIMSIM. Installation guide nulcable.zip 4047 21-01-92 How to make serial/parallel null modem cables online22.zip 401945 26-08-95 The Online World resources handbook v2.2 packftp.zip 460806 10-01-95 Anonymous FTP Sitelist conversion program pc1hrdsk.add 4533 27-03-88 How to add a hard disk to the PC1 computer pccdemo.zip 591661 29-12-93 PC Complete disk magazine, issues 1 and 2 pcfans.zip 30806 22-08-94 Network survey & summaries of keeping PCs cool pchlp201.zip 53837 26-04-92 TSR online help program for MS-DOS pcierrat.zip 10802 31-01-92 Errata/notes for PC Interrupts by Brown & Kyle pcl57.zip 325317 24-01-93 PC-Learn 5.7: Computer/MS-DOS tutorial system pcm105.zip 31534 13-07-91 PostCode Master: Power On Self Test codes pctim002.zip 243911 16-08-95 FAQ/App Note: Timing on the PC under DOS pcxt640k.zip 3726 22-02-87 PC-XT 64/256K to 640K system board upgrade pegdoc.zip 1942 08-06-94 Text intro to Internet guide model pegrtf.zip 240091 08-06-94 Org-specific Internet guide model (RTF) pegtxt.zip 44276 08-06-94 Org-specific Internet guide model (DOS text) pegw2x.zip 192836 08-06-94 Org-specific Internet guide model (MWord 2x) pegw51.zip 175693 08-06-94 Org-specific Internet guide model (WP 5.1) pegw6.zip 135139 08-06-94 Org-specific Internet guide model (MWord 6) pins.zip 2314 21-09-88 Text shows RS232C & parallel pins layout pklite.wrn 2855 07-10-90 Message from PKWare about bogus PKLite popadbug.zip 964 23-11-90 Tests for bug in some 386 processors probdesc.zip 189574 15-07-92 Info about 386/486 external cache flaws proguide.zip 119310 12-05-92 Programmer's Guide: Tips on writing Shareware ps2_ref.zip 17996 01-08-89 Reference manual for IBM PS/2 configurations psychek2.zip 26093 28-05-95 Find out your management/personality style qhcompil.zip 47326 07-05-88 Quick Help compiler - makes help screens qhelp.zip 24395 07-05-88 User definable popup help program qhelp135.zip 8237 05-01-88 User definable popup help program ques40.zip 7402 11-09-88 Questions and answers of new PC-DOS 4.0 quikhelp.zip 100604 20-07-88 Create & compile own help screens ramems.zip 1037 07-09-88 Critique - Expanded Memory Simulator rbhelp31.zip 80466 16-03-91 Online help for MSDOS commands, including 4.01 rbng46.zip 1306933 31-07-95 Ralf Brown's Interrupt List 46 (NG Format) readback.zip 5426 24-12-91 Reads back all its args. Diagnostic. w/C src redirect.zip 9600 29-08-90 Advanced DOS tips on rerouting, piping, edlin relative.zip 2313 29-08-88 Graphs relative speed of CPU res16sw.zip 1037706 07-05-95 Monitor repair procedure database. ShareWare romdates.zip 749 20-01-90 List of IBM BIOS ROM dates rs232exp.zip 16854 24-08-89 Helps solve RS-232 comm interfacing problems rs232gid.zip 8086 21-10-89 A Practical Guide to RS-232 Interfacing rstutor.zip 106103 06-11-88 Tutor for communications, serial interface rwint_41.zip 2217947 11-01-95 Programmer's DOS Interrupt Reference Hypertext sarg03.zip 57783 02-06-95 The ShareWare Authors Resource Guide - 3rd ed. sat13asc.zip 62170 11-04-94 Internet Guide for VAX/VMS systems, ASCII vers sat13ps.zip 153361 08-04-94 Internet Guide for VAX/VMS systems, PostScript sat13wp.zip 89984 08-04-94 Internet Guide for VAX/VMS systems, WP version saucs1.zip 42016 27-02-94 Shareware Author & User Case Study sharebk1.zip 293179 07-01-93 The ShareWare Book - First Edition sp120.zip 239036 24-01-93 SmartPhone: International phone/geography ref. stactec.zip 42602 03-05-92 Stacker Technical Notes #0-30 sut56.zip 48958 24-01-93 Tutorial on how to use and enjoy Shareware swedish.std 1620 25-08-91 Information on Swedish VDU radiation standards theref43.zip 191674 26-01-95 Technical list of HDs,controllers,cables,mfgrs tips0792.zip 8704 15-07-92 TIPS: QEMM, DESQview, LANtastic, RBBS-PC, etc. tsfaqn43.zip 97360 21-05-95 Questions from UseNet and Timo's answers tsfaqp28.zip 90780 07-09-95 Common Turbo Pascal questions & Timo's answers tsqlpc10.zip 11911 02-10-89 Info on home computer <--> PC file transfer tutdos1.zip 140398 21-03-90 Interactive MS-DOS tutorial, 1 of 4 tutdos2.zip 117988 21-03-90 Interactive MS-DOS tutorial, 2 of 4 tutdos3.zip 114862 21-03-90 Interactive MS-DOS tutorial, 3 of 4 tutdos4.zip 86129 21-03-90 Interactive MS-DOS tutorial, 4 of 4 tutor44.zip 236916 23-09-88 Tutor System for DOS tutorii.zip 150530 31-01-92 DOS 5.0 TUTOR ver 2.0 undocdos.zip 18482 24-05-91 Errata for the book UNDOCUMENTED DOS - 910309 unixhelp.zip 51193 19-05-95 Help window with descriptions of UNIX commands upd9201.zip 27477 23-08-95 Association of ShareWare Professionals updates useful35.zip 27346 08-05-94 Useful MS-DOS programs at SimTel and Garbo uspsinfo.zip 160216 23-11-91 USPS explains addressing, rates & automation vendor26.zip 332970 21-02-94 Computer vendors Phone/Fax/BBS/Tech support # vl920803.zip 228919 25-08-92 VendorList 92.08.03: Lists about 3800 vendors warmcold.inf 693 11-02-89 How to do warm or cold boot from software wraplugs.zip 1100 24-02-90 How: Make wrap plugs to diagnose LPT/COM ports ww_stnv4.zip 201037 26-01-95 Who's Who In ShareWare (people and companies) wwis9310.zip 66281 29-09-94 Directory of ShareWare people/companies Oct93 xfdisk.zip 54365 09-09-91 Tutorial and useage of FDISK to best advantage xhlst122.zip 9321 24-09-92 Show XMS handles, HMA space above DOS and more xt_640k.upd 7053 27-03-88 Expand XT's RAM to 640Kb xwindows.inf 30672 20-11-91 Where to get commercial X-Windows for MS-DOS zen10ps.zip 153582 29-09-94 Zen & the Art of the Internet, ed 1, PS file ----------------------------------------------------------- Info.Net Internet Magazine path: /disc1/infonet/ ----------------------------------------------------------- inet0.zip 14256 19-01-95 Info.Net: Internet Magazine, premier issue #0 inet1.zip 17945 07-02-95 Info.Net: Internet Magazine, Issue #1 lrninet2.zip 127081 21-01-95 Internet tutorial: Skills by simulation ----------------------------------------------------------- Utilities for program installation path: /disc1/install/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cpd20.zip 54380 04-06-95 Complete Program Deleter: Program uninstaller czins100.zip 537714 14-06-95 CzarInstall v1.00 : Install Program (DOS) dinstl10.zip 90012 17-10-94 dseINSTALL(tm) Software Install Utility v1.0 gip30.zip 113158 26-04-92 Generic Installation Program, version 3.0 go_st230.zip 203026 25-01-95 DOS install program - good for neophyte users inst101.zip 32485 17-09-94 Small (11K) software installation system inst_aud.zip 38820 09-12-94 INSTALL AUDITOR: Software install audit util. instal14.zip 68398 14-11-92 User-friendly installation utility ipro164.zip 93365 12-05-92 Install Pro 1.64, professional install scripts mdf145.zip 255343 01-09-95 Builds & applies patches (DOS/OS2/Win95/WinNT) nice205.zip 274605 01-08-95 NICE-INSTALL v2.05. Full-Working DEMO pi31u.zip 35068 04-11-91 Configurable program installer pinst143.zip 270677 14-03-94 PowerInstall v1.43: 8 langauge install utility prelu12a.zip 546783 04-11-94 Multi-language install utility (DOS & Windows) put343.zip 229863 12-06-95 PUT & GET v3.43: Compression/archiving/install qinst21.zip 117311 08-05-94 QUIK-INSTALL v2.1: 6.5k fast installation pgm rkinst24.zip 251250 11-08-94 Install program Windows/DOS w/data compression sftmgr4.zip 336330 23-07-95 Software Manager v4.2: Install tracker sinst10.zip 39837 10-06-95 Simple DOS installation program suf303.zip 1001159 23-07-95 Setup Factory v3.03: Make setup programs unstal03.zip 51122 19-11-94 Rosenthal UnInstall - Removes DOS & Win prog. vseg10.zip 101790 12-02-95 Visible::Setup-G vG1.0: Install util., VGA ed. vset12.zip 71915 14-01-95 Visible::Setup v1.2: Installation utility ----------------------------------------------------------- IRIT solid modeler path: /disc1/irit/ ----------------------------------------------------------- drawfn3d.zip 81664 11-05-90 Display 3D parametric surfaces, part of IRIT drawfn3s.zip 72439 11-05-90 Turbo C ver 2.0 sources for DRAWFN3D drawfunc.zip 63048 15-07-89 Display 2D parametric functions, part of IRIT drawfuns.zip 50276 24-09-89 Turbo C ver 2.0 sources for DRAWFUNC intrlib1.zip 104670 12-03-92 IRIT Interaction library 1.0. BC++, DJGPP irit386e.zip 523191 12-03-92 IRIT 3.0 EXEs for 386/486 using DJGPP 1.05 iritsm3e.zip 559207 12-03-92 IRIT 3.0 executables using BC++ 3.0 iritsm3s.zip 697255 12-03-92 IRIT 3.0 solid modeler src for BC++/DJGPP/Unix ----------------------------------------------------------- JDR_BBS - Juggernaut BBS program and mailer path: /disc1/jdrbbs/ ----------------------------------------------------------- commie03.zip 40153 07-01-95 Commie r.03: GIP-able terminal program gip_02.zip 68103 07-01-95 GIP r.02 - Graphics Interchange Protocol specs jdrbbs11.zip 1118564 22-08-95 JDR_BBS: Juggernaut r.11 [BBS Program][1/3] jdrd2_11.zip 1020964 22-08-95 JDR_BBS: Juggernaut r.11 [BBS Program][2/3] jdrd3_11.zip 999782 22-08-95 JDR_BBS: Juggernaut r.11 [BBS Program][3/3] makemsgs.zip 23984 07-01-95 JDR_BBS: Quickly make lots of msg areas ----------------------------------------------------------- KA9Q TCP/IP network utilities path: /disc1/ka9q/ ----------------------------------------------------------- asmobj.msg 624 15-11-90 Message from Phil Karn explaining ASMOBJ.ZIP asmobj.zip 6766 10-05-92 Compiled binary files for linking w/KA9Q NOS bmexe332.zip 30898 22-07-90 Electronic mail program for KA9Q TCP/IP e920603.zip 189423 06-06-92 KA9Q TCP/IP, NOS 920603 version, executable expiry.zip 53196 23-11-90 Expire for use w/NNTP and KA9Q NOS TCP/IP intronos.zip 25100 26-04-92 Intro to TCP/IP on amateur radio by ag9v ka9qbgn.zip 190366 18-05-91 Beginner's guide for KA9Q TCP/IP (NOS version) man_9106.zip 57169 11-06-91 Documentation for NOS version of KA9Q TCP/IP nan24hyc.zip 42635 14-02-91 Enhanced ANSI.SYS replacement for KA9Q TCP/IP nos_slfp.zip 310211 26-10-91 NOS vers. of KA9Q with Merit SLFP/PPP support pcelm321.zip 215109 11-01-94 Mailer for NOS, UUPC, WAFFLE & other systems pktdrvr.inf 170 05-09-95 Pointer to the latest Crynwr packet drivers s920603.zip 656302 06-06-92 KA9Q TCP/IP, NOS 920603 version, source code slfp123.zip 30476 03-05-91 SLFP driver for use w/KA9Q and Merit dial-up umail11i.zip 485656 17-03-94 Offline news reader/mail for DOS/Windows+KA9Q view9302.zip 373399 07-09-93 Electronic mail program for use w/KA9Q TCP/IP ----------------------------------------------------------- Keyboard-related utilities path: /disc1/keyboard/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 256keys.zip 3571 07-12-92 Expands keyboard buffer to 256 chars, w/source ak100a.zip 11751 12-06-91 Reassigns functions keys to DOS command macros alias450.zip 71042 25-06-90 Enhanced cmd line edit/history/completion allkeys.zip 1750 29-08-88 Temporarily disable hotkeys of all TSRs anarkey4.zip 141790 17-05-91 Command-line editor/history retrieval v4.00 atkbrate.zip 1995 06-09-86 Adjust AT's keyboard autorepeat autokey.zip 9366 17-02-89 Feeds keystrokes to keyboard from file buf160_6.zip 7298 16-03-92 Device driver, 160 char keyboard buffer cadel.zip 2534 22-04-90 TSR eliminates CTRL-ALT-DEL/CTRL-C/CTRL-BREAK capsctrl.asm 2005 19-01-88 Swap left shift and control key on keyboard capslock.zip 4800 09-11-88 Keyboard fix: aVOIDS tHIS sHIFT pROBLEM!! cchar.zip 2270 22-04-90 TSR displays keycode at bottom right of screen ced10da.zip 25219 29-06-88 Command editor for DOS commands ced_adds.zip 10133 07-03-87 Some add-ins for CED DOS command editor cedins.zip 898 16-11-86 Modify CED v1.0D to insert mode default cedwars2.zip 61192 05-10-88 Sample configs & tips for CED10D.ZIP char5.zip 11993 16-10-92 TSR pastes special characters to applications click10.zip 2763 10-04-91 Free keyboard click program with asm source cmded2e6.zip 110315 30-06-92 Enhanced cmd line ed/hist/completion/alias/SRC colon12.zip 4075 24-09-88 TSR to switch keyboard colon and semi-colon commando.zip 11888 18-12-88 Command line editor and history utility ctrladel.asm 7438 17-12-89 Provides a means of disabling CTRL+ALT+DEL d5macs.zip 4983 13-07-91 DOS 5.0 Macros for use with DOSKEY dblcap10.zip 6154 14-05-94 Keyboard CapsLock double press setting dce.zip 68526 28-10-90 DOS command editor. Reuse previous commands dkey.zip 16157 27-10-87 Keyboard redefinition dlkey11.zip 35356 26-08-92 Put Keystrokes in keybuffer at arith prog time dosed520.zip 16591 18-09-94 Cmd line editor with completion and emacs-keys dosext.zip 14854 18-10-88 History and Alias + for MS/PC-DOS dvorak86.asm 4826 31-07-83 Remaps PC keyboard to DVORAK layout dvorakxt.asm 4862 13-06-85 Remaps PC-XT keyboard to DVORAK layout encore.zip 8395 30-03-91 Records and plays back the keystroke sequences enh_kbd.inf 3273 17-02-89 Information about enhanced keyboard scan codes enhanced.zip 5543 29-08-88 TSR enables full use of extended keyboard enhkbd.zip 17946 06-06-89 Enhanced keyboard driver/add 31 new keystrokes f11f12.zip 1042 26-07-89 TSR enables BIOS calls for F11 & F12 keys fastbf26.zip 34223 24-09-89 Keyboard speed-up,expand buffer,screen blanker fastty10.zip 12609 03-02-95 Sets keyboard typematic rate to the maximum fix101ky.zip 4338 24-09-88 AT-keyboard key redefiner. w/ASM fixkey.zip 3064 02-03-91 TSRs to remap caps-lock and ctrl keys on XT/AT fixpat12.zip 5643 08-04-94 Removes trailing backslashes from dir. names fkey1_1.zip 6130 31-10-87 Assign DOS commands to Function Key fkeyins.zip 5441 15-10-87 TSR to assign DOS commands to F-keys fkeys105.zip 2833 11-06-94 TSR allows easy programming of function keys fkeyskit.zip 35155 11-04-90 Function key redefinition kit; expandable gold22.zip 11300 17-06-92 TSR to emulate VT100 gold key with MS-Kermit hcpv15.zip 15961 15-06-95 Shell w/filename completion/alias/history/etc. history.zip 13521 21-03-88 Command history mechanism. COM & source histry61.zip 10970 21-04-89 Recall previously typed DOS command lines iceland.zip 3077 19-06-91 Test whether pgm works with European keyboards int9fix3.zip 16333 04-08-92 Docs & utils for fixing 'sticking shift keys' kb84fix.zip 2397 07-03-90 Swap ESC, BS, tilde/grave on 84-key keyboard kbd_dk1.zip 4056 10-10-92 Danish keyboard configuration file for DV/X kbd_pins.lst 708 03-09-89 List of IBM keyboard cable pin assignments kbedit20.asm 77846 11-12-87 Expand kbd buffer, cmd line storage and edit kbfix230.zip 11352 15-02-90 Keyboard speed-up, expand buffer, aVOIDS tHIS kbreset.zip 407 29-11-87 Reset keyboard capslock & numlock to off kbscan.zip 4824 26-02-89 Displays keyboard scan codes kbuf11.zip 4933 12-02-89 TSR extends size of keyboard buffer keeper.zip 10916 07-08-88 Replay last 10 commands (PCMag v4 #15) key_fake.zip 1823 15-02-90 PCMag utl: Sends simulated keystrokes to pgms keybrd10.zip 9183 09-11-93 Keyboard v1.0: Non-resident keyboard manager keybuf21.zip 6287 24-01-94 Expands the keyboard buffer to 128 keystrokes keyclean.zip 4161 29-08-88 Tips for maintenance of keyboards keydef03.zip 13064 10-02-93 DOS key redefinition with ANSI.SYS keydo.zip 2368 29-08-88 TSR allows command recall and edit keyf_12.zip 31249 30-05-92 Play sequence of keystrokes from one keypress keykill.zip 3052 17-12-89 Disable CTRL-ALT-DEL, disable up to 3 keys keymap00.zip 14202 09-11-91 Custom Keymap Driver v0.0 - Up to 10 layouts keyprs30.zip 4101 04-10-91 Non-TSR keyboard buffer stuffer, many options keyremap.how 1473 17-09-88 How to remap your keyboard layout keys.zip 7893 15-07-89 Function key assignment utility keys22.zip 38469 30-04-90 Redefine function keys w/ANSI,menu driven v2.2 keyscan.zip 22207 24-05-89 Displays ASCII values and scan codes of keys keyset13.zip 68694 31-08-88 Keyboard Macros/Function key setter keyswap.zip 977 23-10-88 Swap keys on keyboard keyswp12.zip 43855 06-05-92 KEYSWAP: Configurable keyboard redefinition keytap13.zip 10158 03-02-95 Non-TSR user keystroke simulator keyutils.zip 5293 07-09-88 Sets Fkeys(1-40) and convert scan codes kset15.zip 12898 19-11-93 Assign keyboard function keys from file(s) lock.zip 3229 29-01-90 Lock kbd to protect network connects,w/ASM src lock_off.zip 953 19-04-89 Turn off keyboard NumLock/ScrollLock/CapsLock locks.zip 3748 31-12-90 Pgms to set/change Caps, Num or Scroll locks m2key111.zip 6390 14-06-95 Emulates cursor keys using your mouse mkey120a.zip 85387 19-07-95 MagicKey: Grab/track/autotype URLs & commands nookey.zip 5308 12-09-87 F-Key redifinition for hard disk use num_off.asm 422 10-05-88 Turn numlock off numlock.zip 9479 13-04-87 Enable NUMLOCK key from batch file or DOS otto14.zip 22173 16-02-93 Task automator for text-based applications pan.zip 34170 13-07-90 Automate/animate almost any text-mode prog. pb22.zip 32077 07-12-92 TSR runs keystrokes from self-made .COM file pk191.zip 33991 11-03-89 Many-feature keyboard/cursor/enhancer pkii_112.zip 57931 11-03-89 TSR keyboard utility. Many features pksfan11.zip 1912 06-08-89 Prevent ANSI codes from changing keybd defs prokez17.zip 27967 02-03-95 ProKeys: Advanced cmd line cmpl, edit, recall ptm229n.zip 230931 01-10-94 Keystroke recorder. Playback to programs later ratkey27.zip 10605 16-10-88 Enhanced TSR keyboard macro utility rbkeyswp.zip 4147 27-06-91 Swap Esc/tilde, LCtrl/CapsLk. Auto-hiloads recall12.zip 35057 27-03-94 DOS commandline editor & history utility,w/src regain.zip 44451 12-03-92 Cmd-line editor, history recall, aliases, etc. repeat5.zip 229482 28-04-94 DOS command line processor. Req. 286+ & mouse robokey.zip 3473 02-07-88 Store keystrokes/replay at specified time scanch41.zip 14157 06-01-90 Keyboard scan code check/display for MS-Kermit scancode.zip 9376 05-12-87 Display scancode for any key scncodtp.zip 7107 15-10-90 Display scancode for any key. (TP src & EXE) scode21.zip 10248 13-08-95 Show scan, ASCII, BIOS code for any keystroke set_clik.asm 3781 24-12-84 Set COMPAQ ROM BIOS data area key click count shylock1.zip 4846 01-07-95 Convert 'Caps Lock' key to 'Shift Lock' simkey11.zip 9471 19-03-93 Simulates keystrokes for pgms without macros stfkey41.zip 110685 16-03-95 Keyboard stuffing utility, with asm source stuft310.zip 25488 30-04-92 StuffIt v3.10: Stuff keystrokes into buffer swapctrl.zip 1189 27-12-92 TSR to swap Ctrl and Alt keys on keyboard swapkey.asm 4789 12-09-84 TSR allows swapping keys on keyboard swapky11.zip 2745 13-02-90 Swaps keyboard Caps Lock and Ctrl keys swpkeyat.asm 7140 10-07-85 TSR allows swapping keys on keyboard swpkeyat.doc 2966 15-07-85 Documentation for SWAPKEYAT.ASM takecm31.zip 6140 11-04-89 Command-line macros tl235.zip 55136 10-05-90 Keyboard locking TSR, passive security toddy612.zip 37028 18-01-95 TODDY v6.12: Command line editor for DOS toggle.zip 1809 23-02-88 Turns on/off Caps, Num & Scroll Lock togkey.zip 4666 24-01-88 Turn Ctrl, other keys to toggles trecal12.zip 36829 09-12-91 Commandline editor/history TSR, w/TASM source tsr45.zip 84132 03-01-93 TSR Utilities v4.5: Function key macro assign ttlite11.zip 98342 31-10-92 Automated QA testing system records keystrokes uncle13.zip 7172 31-01-89 DOS command line editor/recall, like CED visitype.zip 4477 19-11-87 Visible 80-char typeahead buffer vrecal21.zip 17752 07-11-89 VMS-like DOS command line editor with recall wced19c.zip 47325 13-01-95 CED with tcsh filename-completion and aliases ----------------------------------------------------------- Foreign language tutorials path: /disc1/langtutr/ ----------------------------------------------------------- aect200.zip 241491 13-02-95 Teaches subtleties of advanced English bh101.zip 254400 31-07-93 Bamboo Helper: Chinese text tools for learners china130.zip 165290 24-02-95 Write Chinese v1.30: Chinese calligraphy tutor fren1_23.zip 58707 27-03-89 Language Teacher series - French 1 - ver 2.3 fren2_23.zip 57199 27-03-89 Language Teacher series - French 2 - ver 2.3 french1.zip 191502 23-11-92 French language DEMO for review of vocabulary frnch102.zip 90714 12-03-92 Ultimate French v1.02: Learn basic French gak111v1.zip 287419 30-12-93 Gakusei v1.1.1 Japanese grammar tutorial, 1of2 gak111v2.zip 276671 30-12-93 Gakusei v1.1.1 Japanese grammar tutorial, 2of2 germ1_23.zip 59546 27-03-89 Language Teacher series - German 1 - ver 2.3 germ2_23.zip 58024 27-03-89 Language Teacher series - German 2 - ver 2.3 gi_adres.zip 1203011 01-01-94 10,000 addresses of German institutions gi_dland.zip 519521 01-01-94 More facts about Deutschland (Germany) gi_lehrw.zip 541612 01-01-94 List of teaching materials of German gi_zerti.zip 277094 01-01-94 Basic vocabulary German (Zertifikat DaF) gplus30.zip 152959 18-05-94 German Language Tutorial v3.00 greekcs.zip 33736 02-01-92 Crosby/Schaeffer vocab for GREEKPRC.ZIP greeklus.zip 12940 02-01-92 Luschnig vocabulary for GREEKPRC.ZIP greekprc.zip 26228 02-01-92 Greek vocabulary drill 'Flash Card' program ital1_23.zip 59268 27-03-89 Language Teacher series - Italian 1 - ver 2.3 italian.zip 193160 18-11-92 Italian language DEMO for review of vocabulary japan14.zip 112655 25-10-89 Tutorial: Japanese for business & travel v1.4 kanji1.zip 351692 28-04-91 Japanese Kanji flash card tutor, 1 of 3 kanji2.zip 353735 28-04-91 Japanese Kanji flash card tutor, 2 of 3 kanji3.zip 349614 28-04-91 Japanese Kanji flash card tutor, 3 of 3 kong1_1a.zip 537456 20-12-92 Chinese characters/phrases quizzing pgm, 1of2 kong1_1b.zip 373947 20-12-92 Chinese characters/phrases quizzing pgm, 2of2 ksensei1.zip 91616 12-07-93 Japanese quiz program with kana & kanji v.2.01 rman.zip 56459 15-02-91 Learn French vocabulary hangman-like game, EGA rustu15.zip 229736 16-04-91 Russian tutorial for beginners - VGA required span1_23.zip 60166 27-03-89 Language Teacher series - Spanish 1 - ver 2.3 span2_23.zip 57495 27-03-89 Language Teacher series - Spanish 2 - ver 2.3 spanh113.zip 307194 30-07-95 Interactive program to learn Spanish spanwd15.zip 164865 08-07-92 Learn how to spell and pronounce Spanish words spnsh102.zip 95757 12-03-92 Ultimate Spanish v1.02: Learn basic Spanish trans10.zip 83295 02-07-94 Phrase translator with Japanese dictionary trnsmail.zip 402466 20-12-94 Letters in French,Span,Engl,Germ,Dutch,Italian turkish1.zip 74320 11-09-91 Turkish language tutorial virgil.zip 55102 20-03-95 Quizzes user on Latin vocabulary and grammer voc_eng1.zip 480524 20-12-94 Multi-lingual vocabulary trainer - ENGLISH voc_fre1.zip 477889 20-12-94 Multi-lingual vocabulary trainer - FRENCH voc_ger1.zip 480169 20-12-94 Multi-lingual vocabulary trainer - GERMAN voc_ita1.zip 486775 20-12-94 Multi-lingual vocabulary trainer - ITALIAN voc_spa1.zip 499031 20-12-94 Multi-lingual vocabulary trainer - SPANISH vocab217.zip 239201 21-09-92 Vocabulary practice, learn 9 foreign languages ----------------------------------------------------------- Fonts and utilities for HP laserjet path: /disc1/laser/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 4prin415.zip 262903 29-09-94 Print 4 pages/sheet, wide sprdsheet, on HP LJ adit181.zip 42927 27-05-91 Generates variations of existing HP softfonts altrft22.zip 48702 09-11-88 Edit/make/rotate/del/ins+ HPLaserJet soft font apple.zip 6656 18-08-89 LaserJet font barnum22.zip 6100 18-08-89 LaserJet font bigcity.zip 14771 18-08-89 LaserJet font candy.zip 12573 18-08-89 LaserJet font cartoon.zip 28013 18-08-89 LaserJet font cen60.zip 32764 31-07-89 'Centrum' font for HP Laserjet printer cornet.zip 10642 22-08-89 LaserJet font ctable.zip 40871 04-11-87 Determine character widths for HP soft fonts deartea.zip 51113 18-08-89 'Dear Teacher' (school kid) LaserJet font dingja1.zip 16317 22-08-89 LaserJet Dingbat font engraved.zip 9661 18-08-89 LaserJet font ep2hp.zip 8783 01-04-89 Epson printer emulation on HP LaserJet II esc_code.zip 1600 18-08-89 Summary of LaserJet escape code sequences fineprnt.zip 42399 21-02-91 Print small 6pt font text on HP LaserJet ptr fntview3.zip 71837 03-03-90 View/clean HPLaserjet Portrait/Landscape fonts fonted57.zip 110388 18-04-90 HP LaserJet font editor fontld15.zip 77031 28-02-91 Scale/mirror/invert/rotate LaserJet soft fonts fontsum.zip 23157 18-08-89 HPLaserJet+/SeriesII soft font summary lister gaspipe.zip 11169 18-08-89 LaserJet font hairpin.zip 13882 22-08-89 36 point Hairpin LaserJet soft font hobo22.zip 12313 22-08-89 LaserJet font hp2pk.zip 44996 19-07-91 Converts HP LaserJet soft fonts to TeX fonts hp4sign2.zip 3998 23-12-93 Displays messages on HP 4 LaserJet LED display hp_prest.zip 14618 22-08-89 Laserjet Prestige fonts hpfntrim.zip 9115 18-04-90 Extract just characters needed from HP fonts hpmaze07.zip 257495 02-03-94 Print mazes in 3D on HP LaserJet printer hpp103.zip 38912 05-08-92 Print text & PCX files: multicolumn,2-sided,HP hpprt_21.zip 17094 20-12-94 Printtool for HPlaserjets to print text files hpps76.zip 6481 22-08-89 LaserJet+/SeriesII CGA/EGA print screen driver hpril.zip 103795 18-08-89 Cyrillic (Russian) font .SFP for HP LaserJet ibm2hpj.zip 15814 26-02-89 PC Paint pics to hp laserjet jet2up.zip 15099 22-08-89 2-5 col printing on LaserJet (also IID) jetcol36.zip 85931 12-03-95 Print 2 columns/both sides on laser/deskjet jetpak11.zip 137561 06-08-91 LaserJet & DeskJet conversion & font utilities jetprt50.zip 38602 30-04-90 File print utility for HP LaserJet printers jpsrc11.zip 68091 06-08-91 Source code for JETPAK11 utilities laslab10.zip 91937 01-09-95 Fast Address Labels for Lasers w/fonts lasrflow.zip 67501 22-08-89 Flowchart maker for HP Laserjet+ compatables lb220.zip 201538 23-08-95 Prints negotiable checks on blank paper lblmk710.zip 265624 03-12-94 Label Maker prints diskette labels on LJ/Epson lj20.zip 5999 11-10-86 Print 2-sides of page w/LaserJet lj4utl13.zip 38898 18-03-94 Quickly changes LaserJet 4 printer settings ljbook35.zip 11229 21-05-91 LaserJet booklet printing util., 4 pages/sheet ljenv732.zip 82227 11-04-90 LaserJet/+/II/IID/IIP envelope printer, v7.32 ljfnt16.zip 278402 25-09-92 ESF's Laserjet fonts, Shareware ljlpt20.zip 15615 23-10-94 Print text in Laserjet 132x66 landscape mode ljprt206.zip 61586 25-05-93 Print 4 txt pages on sheet of paper w/LJII-III ljsetup.zip 17912 11-10-86 Command-line set-up for LaserJet lmm221.zip 201124 23-08-95 Prints MS Money checks on blank paper lmym220.zip 220469 23-08-95 Prints MECA MYM checks on blank paper logic.zip 3373 18-08-89 Math logic symbols LaserJet font lp220.zip 207035 23-08-95 Prints Pacioli checks on blank paper lp_hp.zip 7448 25-06-87 Print files on HP LaserJet printer lq220.zip 222989 23-08-95 Prints Quicken (DOS) checks on blank paper lqw221.zip 210833 23-08-95 Prints Quicken for Win checks on blank paper lstfnt13.zip 17144 12-06-88 Listfont 1.3 list laserjet fonts - great lsu504.zip 51561 14-07-89 Laserjet utility program, prints envelopes oblique.zip 7899 22-08-89 LaserJet font overly11.zip 11651 22-08-89 Create LaserJet ovrly macro from graphic image p4up.zip 18526 23-09-88 Print 4 pages on 1 side of sheet of paper pageant.zip 10726 22-08-89 LaserJet font pcl100.zip 4584 18-08-89 List of Laserjet (PCL) escape sequences pcl_pack.zip 15232 09-11-90 Compress HP PCL graphics data to level III PCL pcx2font.zip 32397 22-08-89 Convert PCX picture to a LaserJet font postprn.zip 12272 28-01-90 DOS 3.x PostScript Laser printer device driver pshop.zip 32145 12-06-88 A very unique set of Laserjet soft fonts pslab100.zip 11044 15-10-94 TSR for printing labels on PostScript printers qfont13.zip 60632 29-08-88 HP Laserjet font editor - EGA, mouse required runes.zip 10312 22-08-89 LaserJet font screen2.zip 5046 22-08-89 Sample Screen layout form on LaserJet (AD) sf2au091.zip 77261 01-05-92 Create AutoFont support files from softfonts sfw11ad1.zip 286373 01-05-92 Sfware documentation archive (shell-interface) sfw11ad2.zip 237807 01-05-92 Sfware documentation archive (cmd-line utils) sfw11aex.zip 55755 01-05-92 Sfware examples (dwnld and print for overview) sfw11ap1.zip 343018 01-05-92 Sfware LaserJet softfont manipulation software sfw11ap2.zip 310434 01-05-92 Sfware program archive 2 of 2 (you need both) show1218.zip 22041 22-08-89 LaserJet font spr10.zip 14266 21-03-93 Prints ASCII files in 2-cols format on HP LJ symbol1.zip 8903 22-08-89 Collection of raster pictures for LaserJet teeny.zip 932 18-08-89 LaserJet font toyland.zip 18739 22-08-89 LaserJet font tsrdl3.zip 56349 28-03-91 TSR: HP laser printer soft font download mgr vhpl26.zip 4632 14-05-94 VHPLOOK: Viewer for HP soft fonts EGA/VGA/SVGA vlj.zip 32998 15-08-91 View LaserJet soft fonts, download to printer wood24.zip 5426 22-08-89 LaserJet font word54lj.zip 49367 04-08-90 Use HP LJ-compatible soft fonts w/MS Word 5.0 xprt60.zip 57912 07-02-95 Formats text for output to laser printer xprt62.zip 58746 04-04-95 Formats text for output to laser printer year_sum.zip 3860 22-08-89 Yearly summary form for LaserJet (AD) zbplt101.zip 97369 26-04-91 Use HP LaserJet II as a pen plotter. DEMO ----------------------------------------------------------- Legal forms path: /disc1/legal/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ca100d.zip 66636 18-12-94 Cybernetic Attorney: legal form generator guide756.zip 319769 08-07-92 Home/office legal guide & forms generator ----------------------------------------------------------- Linguistic-related programs path: /disc1/linguist/ ----------------------------------------------------------- babylon3.zip 1428198 12-10-92 Worldwide language library linking program besth156.zip 217350 28-05-95 3 to 6 million-word pop-up thesaurus cognate.zip 18646 30-12-91 Identifies related words across languages englex10.zip 154150 21-01-92 English lexicon (20,000 entries) for PC-KIMMO entspn13.zip 197003 18-02-95 Two-way English/Spanish interactive translator fonol421.zip 180566 24-12-91 Fonol 4.2.1 Phonological theory/rule simulator gr419386.zip 268800 08-12-93 386 executables for GRAMTSY (see gramt419.zip) gramt411.zip 360576 13-02-92 Interpreter for Transformational Grammars gramt419.zip 277248 08-12-93 Interpreter for Transformational Grammars it11c.zip 322950 12-09-91 Interlinear Text Processor, version 1.1c kgen02.zip 32138 06-05-91 Rule compiler for the PC-KIMMO parser kling31.zip 48874 04-06-95 Klingon language morphological analyzer ktext093.zip 104947 06-05-91 Text processing using the PC-KIMMO parser ktext386.zip 98265 21-01-92 KTEXT Morphological parser for 386 CPU mtran12.zip 1045707 07-01-92 Machine Translation program for fixed texts num2word.zip 42961 22-06-93 Number to words translator in four languages pckim386.zip 82697 21-01-92 Morphological analysis processor for 386 CPU pckimmo.zip 77606 03-11-90 Two-level processor for Morphological analysis rhyme.zip 157235 01-07-95 Rhyme Finder: Finds rhymes/crossword solutions sh12a.zip 296728 16-10-91 SHOEBOX, linguistic data management program tagtamil.zip 424107 25-04-94 Tamil part-of-speech tagger cum spell checker trans.zip 45040 29-07-87 Translate text to another language words1.zip 95306 07-09-91 English word list (ascii), A through D, 1of4 words2.zip 74597 07-09-91 English word list (ascii), E through K, 2of4 words3.zip 99024 07-09-91 English word list (ascii), L through R, 3of4 words4.zip 84500 07-09-91 English word list (ascii), S through Z, 4of4 wrdsrv24.zip 95105 08-05-92 Wordsurv: Analyze language survey word lists ----------------------------------------------------------- Literature path: /disc1/litratur/ ----------------------------------------------------------- afarm.zip 184213 30-06-91 Teach/learn Orwell's Animal Farm (CGA) lcl101.zip 154953 19-11-93 Lost Churchill Library 1.0 illust. history 1/2 lcl102.zip 278226 19-11-93 Lost Churchill Library 1.0 illust. history 2/2 macbeth.zip 194650 30-06-91 Teach/learn Shakespeare's Macbeth (CGA) romeo.zip 207698 30-06-91 Teach/learn Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet (CGA) ----------------------------------------------------------- Utilities for handling Macintosh files path: /disc1/mac/ ----------------------------------------------------------- allmac2.zip 11392 08-03-88 Display, print and edit ReadMAC pictures binhex13.zip 45638 30-05-93 Encode/decode a Macintosh BinHex 4.0 file cvtmac.zip 5590 08-03-88 Convert MacPaint pics to PC Paint Plus d_view.zip 23845 08-03-88 Edit Macintosh MacPaint files with a PC edmac.zip 21281 08-03-88 Edit READMAC/FMAC files. Source included egamac.zip 3604 08-03-88 View MacPaint pictures on EGA/128K fmac12.zip 2878 08-03-88 Reads/Prints/Views MacIntosh PIC files fmac2com.zip 2292 26-12-88 Converts .PIC and .MAC files to .COM files mac20.zip 16964 08-03-88 Enhanced MacPic(MacPaint) Viewer mac2ibm.zip 10864 07-03-88 Aid for Macintosh file conversion macb10.zip 9139 11-09-88 Read/write MacBinary headers macbest1.zip 130241 24-07-88 BEST MACPictures #1 macbest2.zip 107984 24-07-88 BEST MACPictures #2 macdisk.inf 2203 19-11-93 Review of programs which read Macintosh disks picmac11.zip 9532 08-03-88 Convert PCPAINT .PIC to .MAC readmac4.zip 2045 08-03-88 Read MAC pictures on CGA/Herc, with source thegrin2.zip 25219 08-03-88 Utility to view, zoom, print READMACs unhqxpas.zip 5386 03-04-94 TP 7.0 source to decode Mac BinHex 4.0 files unpakit.zip 13114 09-04-88 Unpack Macintosh packed (.PIT) files unsit30.zip 16885 26-03-92 Extract Macintosh STUFFIT .SIT files on MS-DOS unstufit.zip 17157 04-10-91 Extract Macintosh STUFFIT .SIT files on MS-DOS xbin23.zip 34636 21-01-91 Decode a Macintosh BinHex file ----------------------------------------------------------- Programs for creating menu systems path: /disc1/menu/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 3dmenu20.zip 66955 11-03-90 Three dimensional color menu system, v2.0 adm216s.zip 391606 25-08-94 Advanced DOS menu and application launcher amaxx331.zip 128652 12-04-91 DOS shell, file manager & nested menus, v3.31 app34.zip 126328 02-12-92 Application Programable Pilot:menu/shell util. auto47.zip 160587 06-01-91 Magee's AUTOMENU v4.7 deluxe menu system bms_7_21.zip 44455 24-12-87 Flexible and fast menu system cmenuv4.zip 505403 17-10-93 VGA graphical menuing program - uses NO memory cygmnu11.zip 54457 12-04-94 Menu shell w/passwords, logs, low mem. usage directr5.zip 358928 30-04-92 'The Director': Hard disk file/menu manager dlrmenu.zip 52214 07-09-88 Menu system with many utilities dmenu177.zip 58386 03-04-95 Free stand-alone or Netware based menu program dosmenu.zip 12681 22-09-87 DOSMENU version 2 - A menu interface to DOS dskm10a.zip 17942 05-04-93 Disk Menu 1.0a: Compiles and runs menu scripts em65.zip 158549 02-09-95 Easy Menu v6.5: Secure menu system envmnu11.zip 23424 16-11-92 EZ child-proof menus from a batch or text file exemnu22.zip 21129 16-05-91 Simple easy to use menu system, w/TurboPas src ez61g.zip 75963 26-01-91 Easy Access v6.1g professional menuing system ezmenu38.zip 392743 18-01-95 EZ-Menu v3.8: PC Automation/Security/Organizer ezpic320.zip 164970 24-05-90 FREE MS-DOS menu program for DOD use farmnu1b.zip 27192 22-11-92 Farr Menu System v1B, uses only 2.5K of RAM fastm60a.zip 237453 12-03-92 FastMenu 6.0, graphical menu system, 1 of 2 fastm60b.zip 274568 12-03-92 FastMenu 6.0, graphical menu system, 2 of 2 flopboot.zip 11494 08-05-90 Simple menu system for floppy disks fmlite10.zip 608969 12-02-95 Fastmenu LITE 1.0c Desktop/Menu (GUI) fstmnu52.zip 45794 30-04-90 Non-resident menu system, uses F1-F10 keys fxmnu291.zip 72769 31-01-94 Foxmenu: Graphical mouse-controlled menusystem gaze10ur.zip 144760 02-01-95 Graphical menu menu program for DOS gbmenu10.zip 100046 16-10-92 Menu pgm w/on-line help, passwords, mouse sup. genmenu.zip 2972 10-05-87 Menu generator outputs menu to DOS batchfile glance30.zip 75787 02-01-95 Graphical menu menu program for DOS gmenu446.zip 202895 12-03-90 GMENU v4.46 PC menu system. Mouse compatible gold70b.zip 723388 12-02-95 Fastmenu GOLD 7.0b: Desktop/Menu (GUI) gwm_333.zip 36684 15-07-91 Gateway Menus: Hard disk menu w/screen blanker hdacc168.zip 96005 14-01-95 DOS menu w/mouse & cache ctrl; CRT saver +more hdm501.zip 401952 12-06-95 Customizable DOS menu system w/security, mouse hdmenusy.zip 71984 20-01-90 Hard disk menu with security levels hdms35.zip 337454 31-05-95 Elegant & easy to use menu. Fully featured iams28.zip 161844 20-08-91 Instant Access Menu System, v2.8 kgmnu115.zip 67800 02-12-92 Kid Menu easy for small kids to use, EGA/mouse kidsmenu.zip 30776 13-04-94 Program menu for small children kyss37.doc 2561 26-02-91 Overview of KYSS37 menu system & file manager kyss37.zip 278654 26-02-91 High-performance menu system & file manager lan205.zip 169850 12-06-95 LAN Menu network menu/password security system lmenu30.zip 187728 15-06-95 Launch-shortcuts/help/m-user/mouse/security mendes11.zip 74453 23-11-93 Menu Designer v1.1: Batch file menu system menu.zip 48733 10-05-87 DOS .BAT File Menus - Returns ERRORLEVEL menu200.zip 69482 07-04-95 Easy to use&customize menu, NO mem usage,mouse menu51.zip 48016 10-05-87 Hard disk menu system menu_ii.zip 19887 11-02-88 menu program, profile tailors screen menumt21.zip 8226 23-04-94 Auto directory menus. No manual work required mm100a.zip 143555 21-09-88 Magic Menus V1.00 29 Sept 1987 mm3v36.zip 172522 09-11-90 Network-compat. programmable shell menu system mmenu10a.zip 205489 11-06-94 Masterpiece Menu 1.0a: Children's menu program mmstr5.zip 48526 07-02-87 Menu Master 2.11 - custom menu utility mnimnu11.zip 538178 19-09-94 Menu shell w/icons for kids who can't yet read mnsel202.zip 16548 09-08-93 Menu driven selection tool like 4DOS's @select mnuezx10.zip 67757 10-05-90 Simple to use hard disk menu system mrmenu2.zip 28988 08-05-95 MRMENU v2.0: Make menus quickly and easily msel211a.zip 42199 26-08-95 Menu Selector with built-in reminder dates mtm30.zip 134085 10-01-92 Customizable hot-key menu TSR for DOS programs mxmnu241.zip 378699 22-03-93 MarxMenu v2.41: Menu system, uses no RAM otomnu10.zip 67317 04-03-93 Incoming menu creator for DOS (VGA, mouse) paccs28.zip 673067 30-07-95 DOS Front-End PC Access Control Menuing Shell panman15.zip 84064 05-01-91 Panel Manager: Complete menu development syst. pashdm20.zip 184453 23-06-89 Point&Shoot HD Manager shell/menu system pcms130.zip 36418 23-11-90 No file-mgmt/shell, flexible, fast menu system pcnav11.zip 168446 25-02-95 PC-Navigator: Menuing, tools, noRAM, Sun&Moon pick1.zip 41437 02-06-93 Use stdout of pgms to create interactive menu pm600_1.zip 350588 12-03-92 Brown Bag's Power Menu program, v6.00. 1 of 2 pm600_2.zip 313793 12-03-92 Brown Bag's Power Menu program, v6.00. 2 of 2 pmenu100.zip 70344 13-10-90 Easy to use menu access system w/passwords qkmnu107.zip 280890 23-09-92 QuikMenu v1.07 graphical menu program for DOS qm200.zip 124361 18-04-90 Quick Menu v2.0, program menuing system qmenu216.zip 16666 26-03-88 Quick Menu shell to execute other programs qmenu22.zip 21169 02-06-88 The Quick Menu Development System qmenu3.zip 76828 01-08-95 QuickMenu v3.0: Menu development program rnr3d.zip 28584 22-10-88 'Read-N-Run' TSR menu system rtvmnu.zip 358186 26-05-92 Design your own mouse/kbd menu system. VGA req rvms100.zip 70119 29-11-93 RVMS v1.00: FreeWare menu. Automenu look-alike selectn.zip 3843 06-10-88 DOS batch file menu system sgamenu.zip 56705 29-08-88 Super DOS menu maker smosv101.zip 198922 22-10-93 Menu system with VGA screen saver srmenu.zip 73411 18-04-90 Simple menuing system with multi-level menus starmu50.zip 377085 27-03-94 Star Menu 5.0 DOS/Windows menu w/mouse support strmen20.zip 134158 17-05-93 Star Menu: Configurable menu, runs COM/EXE/BAT sysmnu2.zip 55153 14-07-87 SYStem MENU v.2 - 128K Req tlcmenu.zip 156542 07-05-91 Menu system and EZ-DOS shell tms40a.zip 66543 24-04-90 TMS hard disk menu system with mouse support toadmenu.zip 29587 01-11-87 Menu shell with Turbo Pascal source wms304b.zip 98914 29-03-91 Waiter Menu System, configurable colors ymenu20.zip 32758 16-09-94 Your Menu, Sir: Easy & efficient menu program ----------------------------------------------------------- Manufacturing-related programs path: /disc1/mfg/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cams305.zip 290747 09-04-94 CAMS: Generates control data for machine tools cv3d_110.zip 153433 09-08-94 3D Graphical CNC/CAM control file viewer shpcs1cd.zip 79896 02-03-95 Shop Cost v1cd: Computes machine capacity stk10.zip 116705 30-07-95 Database system for machining/manufacturing ----------------------------------------------------------- Modem / communications programs and utilities path: /disc1/modem/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 0151ter1.zip 598581 10-12-94 Terminate 1.51:The Final Datacomms Terminal1/2 0151ter2.zip 525595 10-12-94 Terminate 1.51:The Final Datacomms Terminal2/2 121_v22.zip 66213 27-05-89 CHAT and transfer files at the same time! abmdemo.zip 22342 06-04-92 ABM vers. of HDLC communications protocol demo aced32.zip 545868 09-09-95 AceComm v3.2 Modem Communications Terminal addext40.zip 28177 19-03-90 External protocol manager for comm programs asm_term.zip 4950 29-08-88 Simple interrupt-driven terminal w/src/A86asm atsend18.zip 23676 07-12-92 AtSend 1.8: Sends modem AT commands in Batch autont31.zip 306796 16-01-95 Automates Internet SHELL account usage - Fast backdoor.zip 53534 12-01-91 Automated X/YModem/Kermit file xfer/term emul. backmail.inf 3841 08-01-89 Background mail/file transfer pgm description bbpoweri.zip 119692 03-03-90 Power file transfer shell (Bytebrothers) bbs219.zip 188317 27-05-95 BBS Access v2.19: Easy to use comm program bcom13b.zip 102990 19-09-94 BananaCom v1.3b: Clean communications software bcom15a.zip 100718 08-04-95 BananaCom v1.5a: Simple communications program bcust15a.zip 103101 08-04-95 BananaCom Custom v1.5a customized comm program bgdial11.zip 8000 25-07-93 Background autodialer for MS-DOS bgft300a.zip 296688 07-12-92 Bkground X/YModem file xfer. Uses floppy. 1of2 bgft300b.zip 114478 07-12-92 Bkground X/YModem file xfer. Uses floppy. 2of2 bimod124.zip 181238 31-12-90 Bidirectional file transfer protocol, w/chat bkmail11.zip 117172 16-03-89 BACKMAIL: Background mail/file transfer pgm boyan52a.zip 194410 21-02-94 Boyan 5.2 full-featured communications, 1 of 2 boyan52b.zip 141705 21-02-94 Boyan 5.3 full-featured communications, 2 of 2 byepc300.zip 146273 09-04-89 BYE, remote operation pgm for PC, w/source bytecomm.zip 76109 04-11-91 Background COMM pgm w/TC2.0 source (BYTE Mag.) ca29_1.zip 197571 20-12-92 COM-AND v2.9 comm program, executables, 1of4 ca29_2.zip 188604 20-12-92 COM-AND v2.9 comm program, documentation, 2of4 ca29_3.zip 259722 20-12-92 COM-AND v2.9 comm program, docs/scripts, 3of4 ca29_4.zip 92680 20-12-92 COM-AND v2.9 comm program, drivers, 4of4 ca_st101.zip 23809 25-01-95 Detect carrier, even on non-standard COM-ports ccredir.zip 4297 04-04-92 Redirect Complete Communicator phone calls ccsp080.zip 19907 28-04-91 External file transfer protocol for Speedmodem cdtest.zip 1521 29-08-88 Determine modem carrier detect status in .BATs chkmodem.zip 40331 28-06-90 Finds a modem & checks its status, w/source cilink3d.zip 313226 12-06-93 Cedar Island Link v3.0d BBS-oriented modem pgm ckcd11.zip 7712 15-09-89 Check modem CD status from cmd line, w/TC src clink120.zip 23844 01-08-88 Ver. 1.20 SEAlink file xfer program w/C source cmc501.zip 26029 21-10-91 {COMMO} Master Control, do evertything macro cmodem44.zip 54936 04-11-91 Cmodem v4.40, streaming file transfer protocol cmomac02.zip 18103 28-04-91 Collection of macros for {COMMO} modem program com2com.zip 63744 22-05-91 Operate PC remotely by modem, like PC Anywhere comdog1.zip 32353 07-01-95 Sniffs out modems & shows port numbers - Free commix.zip 33546 06-04-88 Shareware PC networking system commo641.zip 190480 17-12-94 DESQview-aware comm pgm w/macros,ext.protocols commocv4.zip 6544 27-10-90 Convert phone directories to COMMO format commodsz.zip 6168 03-04-90 Zmodem for COMMO communications package commokey.zip 2615 03-04-90 Commo quick reference, PopUp for {COMMO} v4.1 commopns.zip 10814 29-03-91 Tag files from DIR list, write names to file commou5o.zip 23356 12-05-92 COMMO52 SD BBSs, logons, protocol macros comset9.zip 20007 10-04-92 Test/initialize/reset modem and serial port conex70a.zip 73761 09-06-95 VT320/Tek 4105 emulation: COM,LAT,PC/TCP,BAPI cs_mac05.zip 18053 12-05-92 Commo macro for mail fetching, file transfers cs_v100.zip 250162 23-01-95 ComShare: Network modem-sharing utility cscript.zip 13266 29-03-91 COMMO script for running unattended sessions cvt100.zip 47219 21-03-89 VT-100 terminal emulator in TC 2.0 no xfrs cvtfon2a.zip 55647 11-08-88 Convert COMM x.FON to diff x.FON formats ddntac.hlp 4224 13-08-89 Setting TAC parameters for Kermit demon25.zip 36347 10-08-90 Optimize USR V32/HST/DS 14.4 modem throughput depty309.zip 391271 14-01-94 Communication program with MNP5 support dgterm.zip 13227 14-12-88 Background VT102 emulator with X/Ymodem, v1.0 dialeasy.zip 14872 15-08-94 Auto-dials many names/numbers/computers dialer95.zip 8039 12-06-88 Automatic modem dialer - background TSR dialt1.zip 2359 03-12-90 Reads phone numbers from screen and dials them dosmodem.zip 3547 08-08-88 Turn DTR on/off & send AT cmds to modem drwy222.zip 228305 03-11-93 DOORWAY v2.22: Allow remote access to computer easyk110.zip 53931 16-03-89 Kermit made easy. EasyKermit V1.10 ecomm225.zip 308631 17-01-93 Comm pgm w/editor/calculator/X/YModem & mouse edial33a.zip 67591 13-10-90 Easy Dialer - Dial your phone with Modem elsewr22.zip 53696 19-03-90 PC Anywhere clone, operate computer remotely emma22.zip 29453 28-04-91 Communications utility for MCI mail users exprot35.zip 41585 29-12-90 Easy external comm protocol manager shell ezyd21.zip 36735 07-01-95 Command-line dialer for unattended pager calls faxfer11.zip 33553 27-07-95 FAXFERET v1.10: Discover hidden fax abilities fidoterm.zip 41807 27-03-88 T.Jennings/ Fidoterm v.2c w/Zmodem. No docs fix_usr.zip 6030 14-12-94 Repair a failed USR Courier modem SDL load fl_200.zip 113725 03-11-93 FastLink v2.00: Easy-to-use comm terminal pgm fondir52.zip 44674 13-01-90 TeleMate phone directory editor/utility fone2.zip 2152 20-01-90 Describes proper wiring for inside your phone fonecal2.zip 54546 28-04-91 Modem calls pager when you have phone messages foned213.zip 218363 13-08-95 Phone dialer and logger and more fsthst22.zip 15551 04-10-91 Set up US Robotics HST modem for fastest speed ftag30.zip 34207 20-08-91 TSR filename tagging utility for comm programs ftp2kb10.zip 14353 12-10-94 Telemate script to access MS knowledge base ftpbatz.zip 535 29-08-88 Batch files for DSZ & Kermit external protocol getfil17.zip 14512 22-06-91 Includes file descriptions when you download gets15.zip 310982 04-10-91 BBS-controlled terminal pgm w/sound/graphics glassmdm.asm 19022 15-07-86 COMM driver glasstty.asm 4251 11-09-85 Dumb terminal for GLASSMDM comm driver glasstty.pas 2211 05-11-85 Dumb terminal for GLASSMDM comm driver gr1700.zip 196099 07-01-92 GT Power v17. GT Rapid full blown program ver. gro1700.zip 118075 07-01-92 GT Power v17. GT Rapid Terminal only. No host gt1700_1.zip 129547 06-01-92 GT PowerComm v17.00 (1of6), Documentation gt1700_2.zip 184986 06-01-92 GT PowerComm v17.00 (2of6), Terminal&Host mode gt1700_3.zip 70033 06-01-92 GT PowerComm v17.00 (3of6), External protocols gt1700_4.zip 112057 06-01-92 GT PowerComm v17.00 (4of6), Terminal only vers gt1700_5.zip 130354 06-01-92 GT PowerComm v17.00 (5of6), Host Mode docs gt1700_6.zip 123688 06-01-92 GT PowerComm v17.00 (6of6), Ext. Protocol Docs gt1700a.zip 183478 07-01-92 GT Power v17. AT version for 286 and better gt1700v.zip 199860 07-01-92 GT Power v17. Overlay version of normal prg. gt_pcp03.zip 16872 07-01-92 PC Pursuit scripts for GT PowerComm v17.00 gtlog72.zip 67190 20-06-87 Log maintenance utility for GT 12.21 gtpcps4d.zip 8356 21-07-88 Scripts for using PC-Pursuit (for GT1400) gtscr100.zip 59364 15-12-87 Create script files for GT Powercom gtutl117.zip 23138 23-04-89 Remote host Sysop utility for GT PowerComm haystst.zip 1318 21-11-87 Check Hayes compatibility of your modem hcom_108.zip 127354 24-10-93 HydraCom: Bidirectional protocol driver, w/src ho55.zip 660899 09-09-95 Full featured remote control-support-access hqfax31.zip 319176 13-08-95 Computer based facsimile enhancements hs120.zip 146721 21-04-93 Hs/Link external bi-directional protocol drivr hs_inst.zip 58938 21-01-92 HS/Link external protocol installation tips hst32bis.set 856 03-06-91 USR HSTDS V.32bis modem settings for use w/DDC hst_set5.zip 10075 08-06-91 Setup tips for USR HST/DS/14400/v32bis modems hyprp11f.zip 48859 07-04-91 HyperProtocol v1.1f, fast file transfer module ibmxmo.bqs 10368 05-02-85 Xmodem protocol written in IBM BASIC icom201a.zip 339118 26-06-94 Intellicomm v2.01, automated BBS comms 1/3 icom201b.zip 365927 26-06-94 Intellicomm v2.01, automated BBS comms 2/3 icom201c.zip 340069 26-06-94 Intellicomm v2.01, automated BBS comms 3/3 il.zip 18646 28-11-88 Invisible Link, background file transfers jaxhost7.zip 77679 26-10-92 JaxHost v7.0; Office-to-home host comm package jbhost51.zip 13447 02-01-92 Jeff Bishop's host mode macro for {COMMO) v5.1 jmod311.zip 104159 12-03-92 Jmodem file transfer protocol, with C source laptalk.zip 43234 13-04-94 Small telecomm program with good script lgring10.zip 2782 12-10-92 Logs time and date of incoming phone calls line_std.zip 1351 03-12-90 Info on minimum phone line standards logr14.zip 6507 23-08-95 Logs time and date of incoming phone calls lync20.zip 57947 22-06-91 Tiny terminal program with X/Y/Zmodem transfer maxhst3.zip 19077 14-02-92 Maximize U.S. Robotics modem, includes HSLink mc105doc.zip 21693 26-01-88 Multi-Com v1.05 communication pgm, 2of2, docs mc105prg.zip 70873 26-01-88 Multi-Com v1.05 communication pgm, 1of2, exes mdmwz303.zip 35662 31-12-94 Fine tunes modem and resolves COM-IRQ problems mh060191.zip 215435 08-06-91 MaxiHost: Ringback, callback, terminal Host mlink16.zip 20321 01-08-88 MicroLink file transfer protocol driver mnp_10.zip 5624 06-07-91 Description of MNP protocols 1 through 10 mnpc12.zip 48762 03-06-91 MNP protocol - includes Turbo C source mo_st210.zip 61145 24-01-95 Automate modem operations in batch or programs modcmd16.zip 8444 24-08-89 Sends commands to modem from DOS command line modemd60.zip 155187 26-02-95 Modem Doctor: Complete modem/UART diagnostics modemtxt.zip 10264 19-03-90 Tutorial on operation of Hayes type modems modmart1.zip 7781 29-12-90 Informative beginner's article about modems modnoise.zip 15870 16-01-89 Good text files on modem noise fixes mpt110.zip 63540 29-03-91 Matt Thomas' MPT protocol v1.10. Upgraded Puma msicyr.zip 5079 21-05-91 Kermit term init: send/rec Cyrillic characters msiem2.ini 4343 31-07-89 Kermit script maps PC keyboard for GNU Emacs msk_rcv.bas 6627 20-03-91 Easy bootstrap: Rcve-only Kermit pgm in BASIC msulk2.zip 11684 21-05-91 Driver allows use of DEC LK250 kbd w/MS-Kermit mt224eh9.zip 10405 05-07-88 MNP setup for MultiTech modems mterm11.zip 9476 13-08-95 Simple communications program mufus52e.zip 117619 22-03-95 Microfusion MF30 terminal emulator mutex102.zip 55704 09-12-92 PC to UNIX multitasking windowed comm. program mxlit195.zip 116152 14-01-94 MxLight telecommunication program by J.Fielden mycmm230.zip 171891 11-03-95 MyComm v2.30 data communications program nmodm236.zip 135572 03-01-93 NModem protocol driver w/MNP and 16550 support odys200a.zip 289959 21-02-94 Comm prg X/Ymodem/CISB+/Kermit/Zmodem, 1 of 2 odys200b.zip 103582 21-02-94 Comm prg X/Ymodem/CISB+/Kermit/Zmodem, 2 of 2 offhook.zip 15502 06-01-89 Take your modem off-hook with this program omlink.zip 19429 15-02-88 Proprietary file xfer protocol panther2.zip 345636 21-08-93 Panther 2.0: Freeware communications program pbill10.zip 134803 19-09-94 Phonebill v1.0: Comm program log file analyzer pbill11.zip 143698 18-02-95 Log file analyzer for misc. comm programs pc_vt100.zip 156782 20-01-90 VT100 & TEK 4010/4014 terminal emulator, v10.0 pcall1_3.zip 13015 08-10-87 ProtoCall v1.3 - Call DSZ, etc from comm pgms pcbdker.zip 5218 11-03-89 Collection of MS-Kermit scripts pccomm11.zip 6115 09-02-85 PCComm modem program, v1.1 pccp019.zip 173568 16-05-92 Communications package. Terminal emulator pckerm21.zip 32967 01-08-88 External Kermit protocol for COMM programs pcprint.c 5322 04-05-89 Print Unix host text files on PC (req. Kermit) pcprint.nr 3068 04-05-89 Unix man page for PCPRINT.C pctrmcap.iqf 4352 08-12-85 Squeezed info on a PC termcap pd7.zip 131310 21-01-92 Hayes-compatible modem dialer for voice calls peak14k.zip 18211 03-05-90 Set Courier HST modem to optimum NRAM settings phonring.zip 6695 22-03-91 Monitor modem for ring, beep via computer pmopguid.zip 10592 21-05-91 Description of modem initialization codes pns51.zip 24542 05-10-91 Point-N-Shoot uploads. Works with {COMMO}/DSZ ppv17up.zip 1689 16-03-93 Information on Chipset upgrade for PP14400FXSA prep110.zip 47793 05-05-89 ProtoRep, add up to 12 external comm protocols privacc.zip 73293 19-03-90 PC shares phone line with FAX/answer machine prom0406.zip 65116 18-04-90 ProMenu - external protocol shell proport3.zip 10649 25-08-94 Run another pgm from modem editor shellout protocol.zip 3957 14-06-88 Discussion of the various protocols available ptimer13.zip 16086 21-05-91 Timer for external protocols, works with Telix puntr104.zip 19593 21-06-89 Commodore Punter file transf. protocol for PC qcom320.zip 443185 09-06-95 General purpose comm pgm w/ X/Y/Zmodem/B+ prot qt541.zip 72466 26-01-91 Easy to use menu-driven comm pgm w/XModem prot qtalk541.zip 72359 03-06-91 Q-Talk 5.41, Small Communications Program quote523.zip 8735 31-05-91 Message quoting system for COMMO 4.53 qvt374.zip 102545 09-12-89 VT220 terminal emulator with file xfer rbcom346.zip 120809 29-01-95 DESQview-aware comm prog w/ ANSI/AVATAR/etc. rcomm_v2.zip 36248 24-02-88 TSR background communications program remctl58.zip 44271 28-03-92 TSR, remote control computer's answer mode rfax13.zip 465575 25-04-93 RainbowFAX LTD: Color fax without a fax card ringer.zip 13311 20-12-88 Use telephone ring-back call to start computer riptm154.zip 587108 31-07-94 RIPterm v1.54: Comm pgm to view BBS using RIP roboc430.zip 524372 18-02-95 Robocomm 4.3: Automated communications program rtsctl15.zip 9652 08-03-95 RTS ctrl prevents CRC errors during downloads rus_comm.zip 1252568 22-06-93 Cyrillic editor with modem communication sdp101g.zip 123380 20-01-94 External protocol driver for xyzmodem & kermit sdpf101g.zip 120635 21-02-94 External prot. X/Y/Zmodem/Kermit. FOSSIL vers. sercom10.zip 241516 08-08-95 Serial communication between PC & drive units setmodem.zip 11231 24-01-89 Set up modems for BBS use, with Pascal source skhst105.zip 107329 28-04-91 Super8K HST v1.05 FAST transfer protocol slick65m.zip 233745 11-06-95 Com program with many unusual features st200b.zip 117461 24-07-89 Sysop tools maintain GT PowerComm Host mode BB staycom2.zip 26433 23-05-88 Stay resident terminal prog. IBM DOS only req. subway21.zip 8613 22-09-89 Simple TSR Comm Program ver2.1 /Com/Docs suncom.zip 89459 29-03-91 Turbo Pascal v5.5 communications program supcm12.zip 217153 08-03-95 Easy, no manual required, complete comm prog. supk412.zip 70114 09-01-90 X/J/WX/K9X modem and Super8K transfer protocol sysmod22.zip 90667 05-04-93 Money-saver Sysop Modem Discounts Report #22 take.zip 20767 10-11-89 TSR screen line grabber for comm programs tdd56.zip 27093 05-12-87 Terminal for hearing/speech impared users tega.zip 2601 04-04-89 Fast ADM3A/SOROC term emulator up to 19200 bps tekterm.zip 18206 26-09-87 Tektronix 4010 Terminal Emulator term.zip 22435 07-02-88 TSR interrupt-driven H19 terminal emulator thost300.zip 79196 04-05-92 Small, simple host program for modem call-ins tm420_1.zip 165663 15-07-95 Telemate v4.20 multi-threading comm prg, 1of4 tm420_2.zip 230570 15-07-95 Telemate v4.20 multi-threading comm prg, 2of4 tm420_3.zip 170535 15-07-95 Telemate v4.20 multi-threading comm prg, 3of4 tm420_4.zip 228524 15-07-95 Telemate v4.20 multi-threading comm prg, 4of4 tm420up.zip 444693 15-07-95 TeleMate update set, incl. multitasking kernel tmlink.zip 47487 03-05-90 The Missing Link v1.0, communications program tmodm900.zip 52637 26-05-92 TMODEM, fast file transfer protocol module tmpdc20.zip 4657 13-01-90 Converts other phone directories to TeleMate tpc14.zip 100744 25-07-94 Dialer:1000 names, various utils, hangman game tphone.zip 8219 26-02-89 TSR terminal communications program tr4_26.zip 194781 10-06-93 Operate PC from a remote location, or monitor trm20.zip 111031 23-02-93 Technical reference manual for Hayes modems ts3m.zip 364972 21-03-95 TeleShare DOS Remote Support v3.0 tskerm26.zip 52997 05-02-95 Keypads, bats, & logging scripts for MS-Kermit tt105.zip 39206 28-11-88 Tiny Terminal v1.05, communications program tt_104.zip 13350 11-08-88 Tiny Terminal - Fossil front end (w/ASM) tzmod20.zip 91683 27-05-95 X/Y/Zmodem (8K) file transfer protocol driver usrdeal.zip 6678 17-12-94 Sysop discount deal from US Robotics. 930901 usrman.zip 126091 12-01-91 USRobotics user manual, updated for v.32bis usrtrade.zip 1012 01-10-94 US Robotics trade up plan for USR modems Jun94 uwpc201.zip 295632 16-11-91 PC<->Unix multi-window comm pgm, w/server src viscom.zip 124781 26-11-91 Communication program, browse manual wakeup.zip 37107 02-09-89 Make wake up calls with computer and modem washtime.zip 72194 18-11-94 Download accurate time from Naval Atomic Clock whatl275.zip 33834 04-10-91 Use 1 phone for modem, FAX, and voice calls whtln20.zip 36427 10-08-91 Allows you to use multiple comm hardware why073b.zip 12723 01-01-95 Disconnect reason/link stat reporter for ZyXEL wterm107.zip 44037 07-04-91 Tiny powerful terminal program like COMMO wxmd100i.zip 34126 28-10-90 Public domain WXMODEM protocol driver 1.00i wxmdm108.zip 40678 03-01-93 WXModem protocol file transfer module, v1.08 wxmodem.zip 37217 30-07-89 TP source for early version of WXMODEM module wxmodm20.zip 16855 28-07-89 Windowed-XMODEM protocol module w/instructions wxterm.zip 18668 09-11-86 Windowed XMODEM (WXMODEM) terminal program wxtermsr.zip 20325 17-02-88 Source code for WXTERM (WXMODEM) modem program wxtrm310.zip 48763 31-10-93 Terminal program for WXModem file transfers wyse50.zip 13846 18-11-94 WYSE 50 dumb terminal emulator, w/source code xfer57.zip 87327 18-05-92 Shell adds multiple protocols to terminal pgms xlate.zip 7043 26-06-93 ISO<>IBM translation for Telemate/PCPLUS/Telix xmitt.zip 7016 04-04-89 Estimate file transmission time via modem xpc.frm 5635 12-03-92 Order form for getting X.PC files on disk xpc401.zip 475316 12-03-92 X.PC v4.00+ communications driver, with source xsend051.zip 11210 20-03-91 Makes Kermit script files to send entire disk ykh122.zip 183330 30-04-93 Japanese VT320, req. VGA, uses modem & DECNET ymod610.zip 35118 20-08-91 Ymodem v6.10, DSZ Ymodem-Batch/Ymodem-G yogiutil.zip 27954 24-03-91 Chg blue color to underscore w/MS-Kermit v3.0x zmax200.zip 26245 30-03-92 Zmax 2.0: Zmodem replacement external protocol zrion101.zip 42333 03-12-90 ZyRion, windowed file transfer protocol driver ----------------------------------------------------------- Scriptures of the LDS Church (Mormons) path: /disc1/mormon/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bom.zip 509357 25-10-91 Book of Mormon (Mormon Church) d_and_c.zip 258588 25-10-91 Doctrine and Covenants (Mormon Church) pofgp.zip 57239 25-10-91 Pearl of Great Price (Mormon Church) ----------------------------------------------------------- Music-related programs and samples path: /disc1/music/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ac37musd.zip 218904 15-02-94 Create music, print it, transpose it, play it alcomp11.zip 181609 29-12-93 Win 3.1 Probabilistic music composition (MIDI) america1.zip 103189 01-08-94 Show/play/print U.S. National Anthem on IBM PC ansipl20.zip 189340 15-07-91 ANSIPLAY 2.0, play music from ANSI files babylon.zip 11451 01-11-86 Hymn of Babalon in three voices bassv25.zip 40611 30-05-92 Bass/percussion/chord sound generator for MIDI because.zip 1981 17-11-88 Music for the PC - 'Because' bgp11.zip 26346 10-02-92 Play Basic-like music in background mode chaconne.zip 4613 22-02-87 Bach Chaconne music chrstmas.zip 4801 06-05-87 Christmas songs - menu driven classic.zip 31083 28-02-88 Two music classics from Bach and Brahms cminor.zip 1546 22-02-87 Classical music: J.S. Bach Prelude in C Minor crdmgc14.zip 31976 16-05-94 Chord Magic v1.04: Chord assistant for guitars cv2sam31.zip 16503 08-03-93 Convert VOC, raw, or WAV to SAM for MOD Edit cwb135.zip 76288 02-12-92 Composer's Work Bench: MIDI notator/seqencer d10ctl11.zip 104090 16-01-91 Roland D-5/10/20/110 synthesizer MIDI ctl pgm dousound.zip 3361 23-09-89 Demonstrates how to make two channeled sound eartst10.zip 25961 28-12-94 Ear Training (perfect pitch)-MIDI keyboard req gather.zip 11153 01-11-86 Three-part holiday music for the PC getit30.zip 29268 23-02-89 MIDI data xfer & sequencer program v3.0 gtrtl2_3.zip 139279 06-06-95 Guitar Tools v2.3: Changes piano music to Tab int_mus.zip 8034 27-11-88 Interrupt-driven music demo Turbo C 1.5 inventn4.zip 1421 22-02-87 Classical music: J.S. bach's 'Invention No. 4' jingle.zip 90445 24-10-87 Christmas card graphic + carols, animated jsbach.zip 29380 02-11-86 Classical music from J.S. Bach kardp16.zip 374866 03-06-95 Karaoke MIDI player for DOS and Waves cards kards02.zip 379273 14-04-95 Karaoke songs collections 02 for KARDP krecord1.zip 14911 23-05-87 Play Notes - save/play from disk file longp100.zip 563719 17-06-94 LongPlay v1.0: RAW, AU and WAV player for DOS m2m_v12.zip 131455 20-03-93 Converts Amiga MOD files to MIDI files maplleaf.zip 2072 22-02-87 Music: Pianoman version of 'Maple Leaf Rag' mblocks.zip 103195 19-01-90 Musical blocks, graphical music creation pgm mdb42d.zip 841672 28-12-94 Music Database System v4.2d for DOS mdf40.zip 29742 02-10-94 Program to send/receive MIDI sysex data med135.zip 130459 25-01-93 VGA / 286 analogue MOD (music) editor megpl098.zip 65068 22-11-93 MEGAPLAY v0.98 modplayer for SB/SBPRO/LPTx megpl100.zip 67685 30-11-93 MegaPlay v1.0: MODplayer for SB/SBPRO/LPTx melody25.zip 236806 04-12-94 Music writer/editor/player w/programmer tools mgkpla11.zip 21198 27-10-93 MGKPLAY v1.1 modplayer for PC-speaker/SB/LPT? midimod2.zip 85804 29-06-93 Makes MIDI files from MODs automatically moded301.zip 376328 09-11-92 4 track digitized music composer,PC speaker/SB mstar94.zip 111044 20-12-94 Shows and plays Christmas carols. VGA 286-586 mugif100.zip 156803 20-08-92 MusicalGIF v1.00, ROL player & GIF player musicbox.zip 166298 18-03-89 Write & play music, for PC-compatibles only musicdos.zip 50872 22-02-87 A mixed bag of music in COM & EXE form newtab.zip 11467 22-06-94 Changes hypens in *.tab music files to lines njchime.zip 8739 17-12-88 Big Ben, Westminster, etc. chimes nofretv1.zip 666242 31-01-95 Guitar chord instruction notest10.zip 57486 28-12-94 Note flashcards for pianists-MIDI keyboard req nw185a.zip 260911 20-10-94 NoteWorthy WYSIWYG Music publishing system paklbel.zip 4054 22-02-87 Classical music: Pachelbel's 'Canon' pipetune.zip 67969 28-04-94 Play+display program/database of bagpipe tunes play22.zip 16324 30-01-93 Play music and write your own pm_mac.zip 8370 19-03-88 More PIANOMAN Music pm_mus.zip 31100 19-03-88 Assortment of PIANOMAN Music pmmuz.zip 24424 02-06-88 Music for pianoman ver 4.0 pnoman40.zip 94198 02-06-88 Pianoman ver 4.0, use with PMMUZ.ZIP polyph12.zip 86178 08-06-91 Polyphonic Music 1.20: Three voice music on PC polytc.zip 33152 31-05-91 Three-voice music w/sample songs & TC/MASM src ppiano.zip 26492 07-08-88 Player Piano, play/write music ppitch10.zip 82931 23-10-94 Displays pitch of sung/played musical notes ptmid3.zip 149320 20-07-94 Converts MIDI files to MOD/MTM, with C source pythagor.zip 5465 08-11-94 Minimal music, pure harmonic scales, pcspeaker sclub_sw.zip 581025 26-10-94 Music editor for MOD,OKT,STM,669,ROL,CMF,MID sky_sft8.zip 513699 02-03-95 Database pgm for S3M/MTM/etc., games & utility smix12.zip 63691 14-03-94 Superiority MIX v1.2: MOD and STM player song.zip 12056 06-06-88 Make a little PC music st224.zip 131437 28-04-91 4 channel digitized music composing utility synth100.zip 279060 29-10-94 Additive synthesis synthesizer with sequencer tmodpl.zip 43180 27-10-93 Turbo MODplayer: Play modules thru SB/PRO/LPTx tmusic.zip 19487 07-07-87 Menu-driven classical music program tree.bas 6390 10-12-85 Christmas music & graphics, part 1 of 3 tree.doc 1396 10-12-85 Christmas music & graphics, part 3 of 3 tree3.bas 14625 10-12-85 Christmas music & graphics, part 2 of 3 trplay21.zip 33663 01-08-95 Plays digital music in the background tunes300.zip 151257 16-01-94 Play on-screen guitar/piano on PC speaker/MIDI turkish.zip 1141 22-02-87 Classical music: Mozart's 'Turkish March' vm1088.zip 14146 25-10-88 Generates true polyphonic music, Oct88 version wbtmr_15.zip 244099 26-04-94 Preset editor/librarian for CLabs WaveBlaster xmas.zip 4373 14-12-88 Christmas music for VMUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------- NAPLPS drawing programs and utilities path: /disc1/naplps/ ----------------------------------------------------------- mge201a.zip 292974 08-04-93 NAPLPS drawing program with many video drivers nalpanml.zip 36777 08-04-93 Sample NAPLPS drawings of animals napfnta.zip 41475 12-06-93 Several typefaces as NAPLPS clipart napico11.zip 37748 15-04-93 Convert Windows 3 icons to NAPLPS bitmaps naplps.zip 50718 12-04-93 Complete technical specs for NAPLPS protocol napwmf08.zip 217669 12-06-93 Convert CorelDraw clipart and fonts to NAPLPS pp3217a.zip 244372 08-04-93 Terminal program to call NAPLPS BBSes showplp.zip 19530 05-05-93 Add NAPLPS support to any BBS program turshow6.zip 75503 15-04-93 File viewer for NAPLPS images (EGA/VGA) ----------------------------------------------------------- Simple Network Paging Protocol (RFC 1568) programs path: /disc1/netpage/ ----------------------------------------------------------- gate212.zip 195891 02-12-94 SMTP/SNPP Internet Gateway for Paging Terminal rfc1568.txt 29535 09-06-94 Allen Gwinn's Simple Network Paging Protocol wiki1_0.zip 112554 09-06-94 WIN3: SNPP radio paging client (WINSOCK) ----------------------------------------------------------- Notabene text-processing program and utilities path: /disc1/notabene/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ibidg12.zip 17712 30-01-95 Utility for using NB 4.x + Ibid more safely nb30upd.zip 114048 21-03-92 Update files for Notabene 3.0 older than 1989 nb4cst01.zip 14033 31-12-92 Customization in Notabene 4.0/Lingua nb4fnt01.zip 21135 31-12-92 Fonts for Notabene 4.0/Lingua nb4gen01.zip 10435 31-12-92 Discussion of Notabene 4.0/Lingua nb4hlp01.zip 37504 31-12-92 Customizing HELP in Notabene 4.0/Lingua nb4kbd01.zip 25350 31-12-92 Keyboards for Notabene 4.0/Lingua nb4upd1.zip 360119 25-04-93 Notabene v4.0 to v4.1 upgrade, disk 1 of 3 nb4upd2.zip 357842 25-04-93 Notabene v4.0 to v4.1 upgrade, disk 2 of 3 nb4upd3.zip 353635 25-04-93 Notabene v4.0 to v4.1 upgrade, disk 3 of 3 nb4uts03.zip 145450 20-06-94 User-written xpl and DOS utilities for NB 4.x nb4xpl01.zip 16994 31-12-92 XPL materials for Notabene 4.0/Lingua nb_1ut01.zip 129792 23-03-92 Various utilities for Notabene (1) nb_2ut03.zip 112212 19-07-93 Various utilities for Notabene (2) nb_3ut02.zip 36286 31-12-92 Various utilities for Notabene (3) nb_ae01.zip 6528 21-03-92 Notabene: Customizing alternative 'enter' (CR) nb_bib01.zip 6912 21-03-92 Notabene: (Old version) bibliography handling nb_clc01.zip 39040 21-03-92 Notabene: Searching and collecting nb_cpg.zip 130969 03-02-95 NB Customization and Programming Guide (text) nb_dat02.zip 25653 27-05-95 Notabene: Customizing non-English dates nb_exp01.zip 36736 23-03-92 Notabene: Exporting and importing nb_gen02.zip 92799 19-07-93 Notabene: Docs on running and customizing nb_hgc01.zip 87168 21-03-92 Notabene: Customizing HGC+ nb_hlp01.zip 145536 21-03-92 Notabene: Docs on HELP & HELP files & devices nb_hpdj.zip 12645 03-04-93 HP Deskjet cartridge PRN file+ for Notabene 4 nb_hyp01.zip 24832 23-03-92 Notabene: Hypertext operations nb_ibd01.zip 50560 21-03-92 Notabene: Ibid documentation and utilities nb_int02.zip 34767 19-07-93 Introduction to the Notabene file collection nb_lng02.zip 57728 26-10-92 Files for Notabene 4.0/Lingua customization nb_ovl02.zip 52961 31-12-92 Notabene: Storehouse programs ('overlays') nb_prn01.zip 292864 21-03-92 Printer tables ('drivers') for Notabene nb_pw02.zip 17280 26-10-92 Notabene add-on: password for 3.0/3.1 - 4.0 nb_scn01.zip 46080 23-03-92 HELP screens for Notabene nb_ver01.zip 24960 21-03-92 New versions of older utilities for Notabene nb_vrt03.zip 13708 05-07-93 Notabene add-on: virtual TOC numbers 3.0-4.0 nb_xpl02.zip 193041 05-07-93 Notabene: Programming in XPL nbkbd_30.zip 101632 21-03-92 Keyboards for Notabene v3.0 nbkbd_31.zip 71680 21-03-92 Keyboards for Notabene v3.1 nborbis1.zip 30193 30-01-95 Fixes index and maintain bugs in NB 4.2/Orbis nbprint4.zip 15047 20-06-94 Notabene printer driver for HP DeskJet 510 nbshaprt.zip 64896 23-03-92 Documentation on Notabene v3.0 'Shapirit' ----------------------------------------------------------- OPUS BBS program and utilities path: /disc1/opus/ ----------------------------------------------------------- arkalog.zip 12107 24-08-91 Opus util: create name-dated archives of files base_ctl.zip 5478 24-08-91 Example Opus BBS CTL file drlk223a.zip 119959 13-12-89 DoorLink, allows OPUS 1.03b to run all doors fview620.zip 36577 07-06-89 View many compressed files on OPUS BBS's 1of2 fvsrc620.zip 37007 07-06-89 View many compressed files on OPUS BBS's 2of2 glast201.zip 7424 13-12-89 Scans OPUS Echo areas and creates ECHOMAIL.OUT o_ren171.zip 38776 26-08-91 Opus 1.71 BBS message renumbering utility oaswap01.zip 17382 24-08-91 Opus util: swap 1.1x Msg/File areas separately obul_003.zip 49875 24-08-91 Opus 1.1,1.7 bulletin menu generator, per user ocat9107.zip 2173 25-08-91 Opus BBS Catalog of Amazing Things (info only) oexe_171.zip 180153 25-08-91 Opus BBS v1.71 main executables ofam_095.zip 121983 24-08-91 Opus BBS file area manager omake171.zip 338279 25-08-91 Create new or update Opus BBS CBCS files oman_174.zip 254796 12-03-92 BBS manager for OPUS version 1.7x ommm_170.zip 91034 24-08-91 Opus BBS Matrix Mail Masher opars100.zip 90244 24-08-91 Opus BBS util: Version 7 Nodelist Processor opie_171.zip 43048 26-08-91 Opus 1.71 BBS system configuration utility osom_170.zip 140551 24-08-91 Opus BBS Sysop Operations Manual otec_170.zip 109976 24-08-91 Opus BBS technical manual sx503f2.zip 554700 31-07-94 AgX v5.03: maildoor for Opus v1.1x sx503f3.zip 556903 31-07-94 AgX v5.03: maildoor for Opus v1.73 util170.zip 138547 24-08-91 Opus BBS 1.1x to 1.7x conversion utilities wink110.zip 124731 15-01-93 QWK mail door for Opus 1.1x, 1.7x, and up ----------------------------------------------------------- Packet Radio programs and utilities path: /disc1/packet/ ----------------------------------------------------------- aprs62a.zip 1435264 01-12-94 Hams: Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) baycom15.zip 156469 19-05-92 Packet Radio term program for PCs without TNC bis_v20.zip 194288 14-12-88 File view/search door for use with WA7MBL BBS bsq.zip 42696 11-05-87 Binary squeeze/unsqueeze for Packet Radio cbbs60ex.zip 84641 03-03-89 Executables for CBBS Mailbox 6.0 from K3RLI cbbs60ma.zip 42682 03-03-89 Manual for CBBS Mailbox 6.0 from K3RLI cbbs60so.zip 73436 03-03-89 Source code for CBBS Mailbox 6.0 from K3RLI convers.zip 16961 26-01-89 255 virtual channel 'Convers' mode for TheNet dosgt114.doc 1033 20-12-89 Special instructions on unZIPing DOSGT114.ZIP dosgt114.zip 189216 19-12-89 Operate MSDOS remotely via RS-232 serial port ezp140.zip 40976 28-04-91 Easy Packet Radio program for TAPR-style TNCs kmtrm120.zip 203140 14-03-93 Hams: KAMterm host mode pgm for Kantronics TNC kttrm100.zip 115987 09-09-92 NON-HOST packet term. prog. based on KAMterm ll200exe.zip 363065 20-07-92 Hams: LAN-LINK 2.00 packet radio user software logack49.zip 15106 22-04-95 Appends signs and sends AckMsgs for TPK 1.82 mailbox6.zip 64010 29-08-88 Packet radio mailbox program for PK232 mb1107.zip 260405 08-01-90 W0RLI Packet Radio BBS, multi-user PC MailBox mbbios34.zip 27434 15-01-90 Hams: BIOS driver for WA7MBL/W0RLI packet BBS mbl514.zip 200734 01-02-90 Hams: WA7MBL Packet Radio BBS, v5.14 mlhack28.zip 79386 25-07-95 Zenith Minisport docs, hints, hacks & goodies packcom.zip 51096 15-11-87 Packet Radio terminal program packet.zip 8626 26-07-88 Packet radio tutorial (BBS via radio!) pax285.zip 15395 31-03-93 Hams: Resident (TSR) packet radio terminal pgm pk232com.zip 68548 16-09-87 Packet radio TNC controller, very smart pkgol624.zip 323067 02-04-92 Hams: PkGOLD Test Drive v6.24, TNC packet prog pktmon1.zip 62376 30-04-92 Monitor HF/VHF packet radio w/HamComm interf. pmp11.zip 75642 14-09-91 Packet Radio term pgm for PCs without TNC. 1/2 pmpfix10.zip 7082 20-03-95 Fixes timer mode problem with PMP and PKTMON12 pmpsrc11.zip 65407 14-09-91 Packet Radio term pgm for PCs without TNC. 2/2 ptm528_1.zip 131953 16-10-93 Danish Packet Term. and Mailbx. Prg&Eng. Lang. ptm528_2.zip 29474 16-10-93 Scandinavian Language files for PTM 5.28 ptm528_3.zip 70389 16-10-93 European Language files for PTM 5.28 ptm528_4.zip 122431 16-10-93 Scandinavian Doc files for PTM 5.28 ptm528_5.zip 159367 16-10-93 European Doc files for PTM 5.28 ptm528_6.zip 33352 16-10-93 Accessories for PTM 5.28 ptp30.zip 81119 25-06-87 Ham Radio Packet terminal program V3.0 r95_11.zip 20770 18-02-89 Radix 95 binary to data text conversion, v1.1 res2m495.zip 23875 18-05-95 Imports text files for FBB, TPK, TSTHOST rswd1111.zip 65996 08-12-90 Hams: ROSE X.25 packet radio switch for TNC2 rxclu50.zip 69021 22-01-94 Monitor PacketCluster without being in cluster rzsw1111.zip 88424 26-12-90 Hams: ROSE X.25 TNC2 packet radio switch; EXEs tapr_116.zip 16738 13-01-90 TAPR TNC-2 firmware, version 1.1.6 with docs tcm3105.zip 8240 18-06-91 Updated modem construction info for BAYCOM pgm tf21c.zip 45337 26-12-90 Hams: NORD> door.sys reg_rbbs.zip 3622 29-06-92 OFFICIAL registration form for RBBS-PC rfix0312.zip 52253 08-05-93 Merges as of 03/12/93 for RBBS-PC 17.4 bugs rfms20.zip 49302 21-04-90 Displays RBBS-PC FMS directory from DOS rhrh100.zip 9663 09-11-93 RBBS-PC Hack Report Helper v1.00 rmail182.zip 99990 21-10-92 RBBSMail v18.2: FidoNet mail tosser/scanner rudmu20b.zip 42922 13-01-94 RUDMU v2.0: RBBS upload directory maint util s3desq.zip 10865 28-04-91 Example files for running RBBS under DESQview sfmsl_30.zip 65158 19-03-90 RBBS FMS lister makes sorted list of BBS files sortfms3.zip 40094 03-05-90 Sort new uploads to their RBBS-PC directories sx503r1.zip 596954 31-07-94 AgX v5.03: maildoor for RBBS v17.x testdir9.zip 12803 23-05-90 Compares RBBS-PC directory against disk files textdoor.zip 10205 29-10-88 BBS door to read files in an ARC File ticrb115.zip 65936 01-08-95 TicToss for RBBS v1.15, TIC processor tlp_ufe2.zip 21708 20-01-90 RBBS-PC user file editor and batch modifier tutorial.zip 27424 20-02-90 RBBS-PC v17.3 Online Tutorial usr_ed16.zip 74972 19-03-90 USERS file editor for RBBS 17-1A through 17-3 usrchk17.zip 72408 22-01-91 User call back verification util. for RBBS-PC wuw16.zip 34020 10-05-90 Who uploaded what? - Utility for RBBS sysops ----------------------------------------------------------- Personal recreation programs and information files path: /disc1/recreatn/ ----------------------------------------------------------- grow3v.zip 870005 17-05-95 Grow plants from seed, cuttings, etc. nz30.zip 102866 23-02-95 New Zealand immigration calculator v3.0 tls_demo.zip 123066 01-08-95 Train Layout Software for the hobbyist. DEMO ----------------------------------------------------------- RIP graphics utilities path: /disc1/rip/ ----------------------------------------------------------- freevi12.zip 130097 24-12-94 FreeView v1.2: FreeWare RIP screen viewer pgm intermoo.zip 17671 25-03-95 Customizable Moo interface for Ripterm 1.54 jmedia11.zip 396459 15-05-95 RipScrip Editor and authoring system jview52.zip 230257 15-05-95 RipScrip/ICN/Ico viewer with slideshow mode lrip_101.zip 218269 01-07-95 Door library toolkits for local RIP graphics pcxrip11.zip 31138 14-05-95 True PCX/BMP to RipScrip code converter qmtrek.zip 50116 25-03-95 Qmodem 4.3 Hostmode w/Trek theme, for RIPterm qripjr13.zip 174261 05-11-94 QRIP Junior v1.3: FreeWare RIP viewer ripit20.zip 145902 21-02-94 RIPIT! 2.0: Make RIP screen from existing file ripsk101.zip 114784 11-01-94 RIP Sketch v1.01: RIPscrip drawing program rspy_102.zip 118881 15-04-95 RIPspy v1.02: RIPscrip graphics file viewer ----------------------------------------------------------- Satellite tracking programs and information path: /disc1/satelite/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dove3w13.zip 43150 24-04-90 DOVE satellite telemetry decoder,files or HAPN geosat.zip 7206 04-06-88 Find Azimuth and Elevation for sync. satellite geosat20.zip 56405 11-11-90 Find Azimuth and Elevation for sync. satellite gpsrec34.zip 46829 01-08-95 Global Positioning System recording program orbit23.zip 26309 26-03-87 Locate satellites in orbit pctrk311.zip 672761 18-08-95 3D Earth satellite orbit visualization package quicks24.zip 77120 15-08-92 QuickSat v2.4: visual/radio sat predictions satb9508.zip 28972 01-09-95 Basic satellite tracking program satfind2.zip 31675 10-08-94 Satfind v2.0: Locate TVRO satellites sattaim.zip 1571 04-06-88 Aim antenna to desired satellite sbas9503.zip 28962 25-03-95 BASIC satellite tracking uses NASA/NORAD files sssscvue.zip 60677 06-04-95 SSSSCVUE: Free viewer for the SSSSC chart v1.3 ssv4n5.zip 61283 16-08-95 South Scanner Satellite Services Chart v4n5 sunou332.zip 48551 22-03-93 Calculate sun outages for satellite receivers trak300a.zip 214116 11-01-94 TrakSat v3.00: Satellite tracking program 1/2 trak300b.zip 189047 11-01-94 TrakSat v3.00: Satellite tracking program 2/2 tvro14.zip 217568 01-07-95 TVRO satellite dish calculation usat92b2.zip 86782 06-02-93 Satellite tracking program. With QBASIC source wu120exe.zip 222368 20-07-92 Hams: OSCAR tracking, TLM decode and display ----------------------------------------------------------- Screen savers, drivers and other screen utilities path: /disc1/screen/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 221drva.zip 573531 29-03-94 ATI Graphics Ultra Pro VLB drivers. Disk 1of2 221drvb.zip 663375 29-03-94 ATI Graphics Ultra Pro VLB drivers. Disk 2of2 221utla.zip 376624 29-03-94 ATI Graphics Ultra Pro VLB utilities disk 1of2 221utlb.zip 720728 29-03-94 ATI Graphics Ultra Pro VLB utilities disk 2of2 221win.zip 884756 29-03-94 ATI Graphics Ultra Pro Windows drivers v2.21 96col.zip 7787 24-08-89 Allows 96 columns on IBMPC-compatible screens a2e_v_12.zip 14962 30-10-94 Converts ANSI files to EXE's for display a3e_100.zip 114895 03-04-92 JHSoft's ANSI ASCII Avatar Editor a_type12.zip 13329 30-04-94 Display ASCII/ANSI/ANSI MUSIC/AVATAR files advid105.zip 39052 17-07-89 Faster video output with CGA/EGA/VGA alist112.zip 22891 17-03-95 Fast [ANSI/color] text file viewer ansi138.zip 37554 12-02-93 Fast memory-resident ANSI.SYS replacement ansi_esc.doc 4428 05-04-86 Reference for ANSI escape sequences ansidr30.zip 19920 06-12-89 ANSI screen drawing pgm, good for BBS sysops ansiltr2.zip 4586 13-05-89 ANSI Letter templates for The Draw 3.10/3.20 ansims10.zip 35920 28-04-91 ANSI Mouse: Drawing program (requires mouse) ansipain.zip 45497 06-12-89 AnsiPaint, ANSI screen drawing program, v2.1 ansisnd.zip 12490 30-04-94 ANSI sound and graphics driver ansit100.zip 47096 26-05-92 ANSI.SYS replacement driver benchmark utility apeaus20.zip 6176 20-06-94 Persian-English-Arabic-Urdu CGA,EGA,VGA fonts aplus402.zip 385713 19-03-95 ANSIPLUS: Enhanced console driver for SVGA/VGA ascr40.zip 8434 29-04-93 Russian characters on screen in any video mode bbl_v_1.zip 100998 29-08-92 Big Block Letter (billboard) display dev drvr bilbd110.zip 32688 06-12-91 Make computer screen look like a billboard bl.asm 587 26-06-85 Blank the screen to REAL top line. MASM src blank.zip 10137 30-05-89 Screen blanking utility with MASM source blank16b.zip 25687 06-08-89 Screen blanker blank332.zip 49256 19-08-92 Blank v3.32, timed/manual screen blanker blankop.zip 7061 22-09-90 Screen saver for all IBM PC compatibles blink120.zip 1322 29-08-88 TSR simulates non-blinking cursor blnket11.zip 14736 21-06-89 Screen blanker - scrolls message/time blockcur.zip 7302 10-09-89 Control your true (hardware) cursor border.zip 9718 12-01-91 Set screen border color using BIOS rtns, w/src bossky13.zip 53757 19-03-90 Capture screen to disk/display captured screen brtlin15.zip 5780 16-02-93 Highlights entire cursor line in color buffit30.zip 10646 21-05-91 Memory resident screen scrollback utility v3.0 burno231.zip 15484 20-01-90 Screen blanker v2.31 works on diff. video bds capbuf.zip 31442 05-11-89 TSR captures any text screen to disk captur22.zip 31142 29-12-94 VGA screen grabber with timer; saves GIFs cga.zip 4595 20-01-90 CGA simulator for HERC (from New Zealand) cga10.zip 4690 20-05-89 Run CGA programs on Herc Monochrome systems change.zip 5578 31-05-87 Change DOS bkground and fground screen colors chkans10.zip 52191 18-11-94 CHKANSI detects presence of ANSI.SYS in memory clear.asm 899 25-08-83 Fast clear screen function, Assembler code clsh.zip 3358 11-11-88 Screen blanker, saves original screen display coljst20.zip 14114 09-12-91 Adjust VGA text colors. 262,144 possibilities colorize.zip 2128 15-03-89 Adds color to games colornum.bas 775 13-07-90 QBasic demo: setting VGA display bkgnd color colors.zip 10872 19-12-87 Change text colors in DOS and programs colorsrt.zip 7192 26-12-87 Displays screen attributes in HEX/DEC/OCTAL colours.zip 5111 06-12-86 Control screen colors in DOS and programs concpy11.zip 4808 15-11-88 Copy screen output to file & still see it cpast202.zip 22027 22-06-95 Text mode cut and paste TSR utility crt40.zip 11499 22-10-93 Set CRT foreground, background, border colors crtalign.zip 16553 14-12-87 Video test pattern generator to align monitor cs.zip 1985 22-02-87 Use CGA programs with Hercules card cstrs2.zip 13921 23-07-95 DOS starfield screen saver, req. VGA ctype.zip 6313 28-10-90 PC Mag's change cursor size & shape utility curs_on.off 969 19-07-87 Turn cursor on or off cursblok.zip 7861 26-12-87 TSR turns cursor to solid block cursesp.zip 211122 16-12-91 Unix Curses window lib for TurboC++/BorlandC++ cursor.mor 1007 05-04-86 More info on unblinking cursor cursor15.zip 8579 25-06-95 Tiny TSR block cursor program cutpast4.zip 11911 18-08-90 TSR adds text cut and paste to any program cylon4.zip 1503 20-12-88 Set your cursor - 4 different choices cyrilic2.zip 62376 22-06-89 Add Russian characters to PC display dazzl51c.zip 414247 05-05-95 EGA/VGA super-kaleidoscope screen saver dcurses2.zip 180448 22-12-89 Unix Curses window lib for MSDOS (MSC & TC) demos401.zip 375716 20-01-94 Create tutorials, demos, menu systems, etc. dfe104.zip 163304 02-07-92 Create or modify custom EGA/VGA display fonts dhprtscr.zip 3058 05-02-88 Fix for CRLF bug in IBM-PC ROM bios PrtSc rtn dimwit13.zip 11811 05-10-94 Windows aware DOS screen blanker, w/ASM source dmomk200.zip 332030 02-06-95 DemoMaker: Create .EXE from screen captures dosclip.zip 20296 25-08-92 TSR adds cut and paste facilities to MS-DOS dpmsave.zip 17357 06-06-95 Screen Saver, activates DPMS power saving drawbl10.zip 29816 25-03-95 Make & manipulate block & line text graphics drip21.zip 5626 22-09-88 Clear screen in fashion like water dripping dscrnv12.zip 4229 15-10-91 Screen saver with selectable delay dtest.zip 6400 07-12-90 ANSI driver performance test for EGA/VGA disp. einstein.zip 251548 28-04-94 Screen saver w/animated pictures of Einstein evafont.zip 75722 29-12-90 EGA/VGA font designer; handles 8x8, 8x14, 8x16 explos31.zip 211305 28-09-94 DOS/Windows fireworks screen saver w/fractals eyesaver.zip 8694 31-05-94 Eye damage prevention via computer usage timer fcon200.zip 195076 04-05-88 Fansi-Console enhanced kbd/scr driver, 3/28/88 fconsdoc.zip 111561 04-05-88 Documentation for Fansi Console fe10.zip 91368 14-05-94 FontEdit ][ v1.0 for EGA/VGA text modes fe10smpl.zip 174751 14-05-94 Sample fonts for FontEdit ][ v1.0 fflasher.zip 26668 20-01-90 Screen saver with password and message display fhprtsc.zip 18369 12-10-90 Herc-Epson graphics screen printer (w/ASM) flipflop.zip 2294 14-09-88 Flip back and forth between color & mono disp. fntcol16.zip 462375 16-07-94 Collection of over 200 EGA/VGA text mode fonts fnthck20.zip 20043 25-07-94 Screen bitmap font editor for codepages, etc. fork33.zip 3911 03-04-94 Redirect stdout to multiple devices framegrb.zip 54212 24-05-94 Cheap NTSC Frame Grabber - circuit,exe,source frcext31.zip 17575 24-05-94 Force extended textmode 43/50 lines on EGA/VGA gnutcap.zip 22743 06-12-91 GnuTermcap for MSDOS/MSC-src & small model lib grabasc.zip 8030 24-03-92 Memory resident text screen grabber grabb396.zip 174628 21-02-94 Creates .EXE files from console screens grbtxt12.zip 9220 26-08-92 Grab screen text, cut & paste w/mouse to kybd. h43emu10.zip 30542 25-03-91 EGA 43 line mode emulator for Hercules cards help_7n1.zip 17220 16-12-87 Capture and display HELP screens w/ASM herc_eps.pas 8553 18-01-88 Print Hercules screen on Epson printer. TP src hercap10.zip 33766 06-02-92 Capture Hercules graphic screens to disk hercb21.zip 19290 11-03-90 BIOS & CGA emulator for Hercules graphics card hercsv13.zip 6188 09-04-89 Screen blanker for Hercules Graphics card hercsv20.zip 10882 11-08-89 Screen blanker for Hercules Graphics card hercules.zip 33122 06-09-86 Hercules Mono Graphics utilities hergreek.zip 7742 07-06-93 Greek characters for Hercules, no chip needed herkules.zip 34154 21-10-91 HiRes 90x45 text mode driver for Hercules disp hgc_view.zip 8096 29-04-87 Display txt file 180x43 char on Herc mono card hgcib202.zip 82887 27-10-87 Run CGA programs on Hercules card. v2.02 hkdev10.zip 26163 12-02-95 TSR: Screen->files (versatile), DOS commands hprtsc.zip 6465 22-01-88 Herc-Epson graphics screen printer (w/ASM) hzpcsave.asm 10528 12-07-85 Scrn blanker for Zenith PCs im17.zip 43878 05-02-91 C/E/VGA/Herc 3D stars scrn saver w/visual eff. infbar15.zip 5331 21-06-90 TSR ruler displays exact (X,Y) screen position kutsgl10.zip 18817 21-05-91 Cuts and glues text to word processor lamneth.zip 7275 31-10-90 Redirect PrintScreen to print to a disk file lansi1.zip 12231 12-05-92 Menu-driven ANSI screen file (.ANS) viewer lastscrn.zip 12527 11-09-88 TSR: Store scrn for later recall w/color v1.01 ldog114.zip 318174 09-12-92 The Laughing Dog: Professional screen maker letters.zip 46699 06-01-91 Design your own EGA/VGA video display fonts liftim11.zip 62715 19-02-95 Hourglass display of life slipping away (free) logger.zip 6397 17-01-92 Logs output of most programs to file look120.zip 18909 22-02-88 Browse text file up to 120 columns/CGA lrus31.zip 38869 10-08-92 Cyrillic screen/keyboard driver for EGA/VGA martin.zip 42022 11-01-93 Fractal graphics screen saver. Req. EGA mirsupdk.zip 993530 20-06-94 Spea/V7 Mirage SuperDisk 0494.1, drivers/utils mmir100.zip 34658 04-06-93 Magic Mirror bouncing line screen saver. EGA+ mon17.zip 3111 06-05-93 Flips multiple screens and VGA/Mono monitor mowed.asm 751 24-01-84 Set video modes, assembly language source mveit200.zip 40879 01-01-95 MOVEIT v2.00: Non-TSR DOS screen saver mxxdrv10.zip 212536 30-06-92 Custom Font/Video mode control TSR for EGA/VGA nab16.zip 15132 19-03-91 Selective screen capture to file/kbd/printer nabbit20.zip 15445 16-02-93 Grab screen information; print, store, insert nansi.tcp 1040 07-08-88 Unix termcap for NANSI.SYS nansi33.zip 18750 01-05-92 Fast replacement for ANSI.SYS console driver nest09.zip 3173 22-04-93 TSR checks (,),[,],{ and } nests on screen nl100.zip 32390 04-06-93 Northern Lights fading lines screen saver SVGA nnans593.zip 72311 14-06-93 Enhanced/fast ANSI.SYS driver/TSR, with source noansi.zip 29509 22-06-92 View ANSI files without ANSI.SYS installed nocurcur.zip 1022 24-11-87 Simple program info to turn cursor on/off nvltfnts.zip 21218 20-02-94 Screen font loader with 12 novelty fonts pc_bw.zip 2953 14-11-87 Utility for BW monitor on CGA cards pcbao11.zip 24810 08-10-87 PC-Board ANSI optimize removes un-needed code pccurs14.zip 101629 24-01-90 Unix-compatible version of Curses screen mgmt pcmou15a.zip 16221 12-03-95 Cut and Paste w/mouse for DOS text modes pdcurs22.zip 225741 18-02-95 System V Curses library for DOS/OS2 - C source phnscr10.zip 339263 04-07-93 Screen saver w/time/images/animation/password photo.zip 4709 25-01-88 TSR EGA/CGA/TEXT screen capture & replay pipev20.zip 7955 20-06-88 Redirect console output to a disk file promptr1.zip 6200 04-06-91 47 illustrations for DOS prompt (customizable) prtscr1.zip 6684 13-07-90 PrtSc text & graphics (thru EGA), w/C,ASM src psplus.zip 3706 28-04-90 TSR: Shift-PrtSc saves to disk or printer qbevgfx3.zip 345222 25-08-93 EGA/VGA graphics toolkit, incl all ASM src qruler21.zip 14795 11-04-89 Memory resident ruler bar qwikansi.zip 9109 10-02-88 A fast ANSI.SYS replacement rave10.zip 23891 23-07-95 RAVE! VGA/SVGA Kaleidoscope v1.0 for DOS readscrn.zip 4521 28-10-90 Compares string on screen with command line s_letr20.zip 20451 03-03-95 Menu & Mouse driven EGA/VGA text font designer saver10.zip 10403 31-03-92 Screen saver. Rearranges parts of the screen savior.zip 41975 21-01-95 Screen saver w/configurable modules & passwd savscr.asm 36352 11-02-86 Blank screen after no activity savscr.doc 4054 11-02-86 Doc for SAVSCR.ASM scap250.zip 34215 02-01-92 Screen capture utility, all or part of screen scndrw20.zip 65897 25-03-92 Color screen drawing editor w/block operations scr2tc20.zip 10897 03-09-89 Convert TheDraw files to format used by TC2.0 screen.asm 15348 18-12-83 Set screen color text/background/mode screen10.zip 26300 01-08-95 Find VDT or TV dimensions with only diagonal script11.zip 15999 28-07-90 Saves console output to a file scrlit18.zip 42426 20-10-93 SCROLLit v1.8 screen scrollback buffer utility scrncolr.asm 9515 16-07-86 Set screen color text/bkgnd/mode from cmd line scrncolr.doc 1055 02-01-84 Documentation for SCRNCOLR.ASM scrnd121.zip 17833 24-12-91 ScrnDisk 1.21: Copy text screens to file (TSR) scrnsav2.zip 2633 13-02-89 TSR screen saver for PS2 systems scrollk.asm 8135 12-07-83 TSR: Scroll lock key control for video display scsizeit.zip 3470 18-12-89 TSR movable horizontal & vertical screen ruler scthf157.zip 134738 03-10-94 ScreenThief: Screen capture to GIF/PCX/TIF/BMP sd277.zip 72610 02-09-89 Tool for designing screen displays, v2.77 sdes140.zip 222789 06-05-93 Quickly designs and edits ANSI screens sdsgnr.zip 34304 21-08-91 Easily design text screens, port into C code simcga40.zip 11124 04-12-87 Use CGA pgms in monochrome with Hercules board smile25.zip 80116 30-04-94 ANSI display/library utility smileq20.zip 89874 30-04-94 ANSI display utilities snippr26.zip 20881 28-10-92 TSR to save part of screen to disk/print/keybd snow.zip 2743 25-02-95 SNOW v1.0: TSR random bit pattern screen saver sos310.zip 14193 25-02-90 Save/restore text screens to/from mem or disk sp10.zip 2871 31-12-91 Screen-to-keyboard paster, v1.0 sps20.zip 3308 23-04-87 Selective PrintScreen, prints selected block sps21.zip 37228 12-03-92 Make PrtSc print parts of screen, many options ss3.zip 4295 18-08-89 ScreenSave3: TSR screen blanker, MONO/CGA/EGA ssav1291.zip 6661 14-05-92 Screen Saver TSR 12/91 update. Selective statl411.zip 18552 27-03-91 Kbd & disk status on 26th line (CGA/Mono only) sv.zip 9150 26-12-87 Utility to display screen image files swap.a86 737 14-08-82 Swap between B&W and color swap.asm 981 24-10-82 Swap between B&W and color swears10.zip 24468 19-07-91 Beta test version of Unix 'curses' for MS-DOS swpmon.zip 20332 24-03-91 Swap monitor screen when using 2 monitors tanreset.zip 2176 12-03-92 Resets Tandy 640x200x16 video mode to CGA tdraw463.zip 287754 13-11-93 TheDraw v4.63: ANSI/ASCII screen designer teleport.zip 11154 24-07-88 Cut and paste data between programs termcap.zip 9522 19-03-88 Unix-style termcap functions for PC w/C textft24.zip 53163 01-09-95 Alternate text-mode fonts for EGA/VGA displays thefast6.zip 3009 12-04-90 Screen display speed-up utility, v1.06 tsdemo16.zip 111412 13-10-93 Turbo Pascal grahics demos by Timo Salmi twil110.zip 6349 14-06-95 Twilight Sentinel: Tiny screen saver twomon.zip 1903 08-06-87 Two programs for two monitor support txtcap20.zip 19384 06-02-92 Capture text screens to disk txtshw30.zip 92554 18-05-91 Creates customized text screen presentations ucga10.zip 7133 27-03-91 CGA simulator for the Hercules Graphics card unblin20.zip 3482 20-01-90 Unblink, set block/underline cursor (Biologic) unblink2.zip 4355 15-10-88 TSR to turn cursor blink on and off unipwr51.zip 321230 03-04-95 Universal Power Management for for SVGA cards use2crts.zip 8793 09-11-86 Copy contents of color screen to mono screen useansi.zip 5685 29-08-88 Short tutorial on using the ANSI.SYS function vdriver.zip 10467 21-09-86 Create DOS drivers with Lattice C vga_herc.zip 6706 28-01-91 Use VGA & Hercules mono displays at same time vgagreek.zip 83599 07-06-93 Greek characters for VGA/EGA Helot 437 set victory.cqr 3328 30-03-86 How to unblink the cursor (squeezed file) video29.zip 7798 28-10-90 Change number of lines on CGA/EGA/VGA display video_co.zip 1969 03-05-89 TSR-choose forground/background colors + mode vidmode.zip 4412 29-08-90 Pgms to set 25/43/50 line video modes, w/src vidsave.zip 5214 21-01-92 Restores 43 or 50 line video mode on pgm exit vidspd40.zip 22883 31-10-93 Video speed performance tester, ver. 4.0 vidstate.zip 7846 16-05-94 Decodes int 10 func 1B video status info viz423.zip 78522 12-03-92 VIz v4.23 BIOS & DOS video acceleration util. vizmk20.zip 13864 28-04-91 Benchmark of video I/O speed vmoire18.zip 25480 30-05-92 Screensaver works with ET4 an many other VGA's vortring.zip 242259 03-02-94 Vortex ring animation and screen saver for DOS vtest.zip 16466 18-11-89 Critique of THEFAST, ADVID105, ZENO and VIZ warp230.zip 9924 18-01-95 WARP v2.30: Small & fast ANSI.SYS replacement was062.zip 52459 13-07-91 Scroll screen backwards - uses EMM, w/ASM src wbios.asm 22509 17-06-84 TSR, add window functions to BIOS wbios.doc 806 12-06-84 Doc for WBIOS.ASM xflash1.zip 9950 29-08-88 Elim. CGA scroll flash w/o snow, w/ASM source xpcmou10.zip 42834 03-02-95 Mouse Position+Copy+Paste in DOS text modes xps12.zip 7446 16-10-88 Selective screen print utility zansi_12.zip 22963 29-08-88 ANSI.SYS replacement, faster than NANSI, w/ASM zavt11.zip 48003 05-08-91 Enhanced MS-DOS ANSI/AVATAR console driver zeno25.zip 10763 21-06-91 Speeds up some screen writes by 100% or more ----------------------------------------------------------- SharePaper - SVGA disk magazine about ShareWare path: /disc1/sharpapr/ ----------------------------------------------------------- spejul95.zip 698243 30-07-95 SharePaper Issue 3: Diskmag about ShareWare spemar95.zip 441426 27-05-95 SharePaper Issue 1: Diskmag about ShareWare spemay95.zip 675452 27-05-95 SharePaper Issue 2: Diskmag about ShareWare ----------------------------------------------------------- Simulation programs path: /disc1/simulatn/ ----------------------------------------------------------- aaalife.zip 40934 15-07-89 Conway's 'Life' simulation, CGA/VGA/EGA/HGC aalife.zip 3171 25-07-89 Life patterns for AAALIFE program buck100.zip 74681 25-03-94 Graphical simulation of a chaotic water wheel clife.zip 32286 08-07-93 Animated Analysis: Uploading Mind to Computer divecomp.zip 62974 04-02-91 Diver's nitrogen loading computer simulator dr_life.zip 27293 11-04-92 Conway's 'Life' simulation (EGA/VGA/mouse req) genghis.zip 392779 31-05-94 Graphics simulation of a six legged robot guegra.zip 26279 19-02-95 Graphic vers. of 'Life' extended to two lives impact21.zip 73548 28-01-95 2d polygon collision simul, graphics animation life16.zip 66763 30-06-94 Conway's game of Life. Very fast, huge field lifep.zip 165863 30-06-94 140 amazing Life patterns (for life16.zip) lifepw.zip 16275 30-06-94 'Weird' patterns (alt. rules, for life16.zip) phs12.zip 60015 07-04-95 Personal Harmonograph Simulator v1.2 process1.zip 33389 10-06-91 Gravity tank simulation for Process Control rcsim14.zip 51505 27-05-95 RC acft flight simulator v1.4 EXE, docs, 1/2 rcsim14s.zip 41677 27-05-95 RC acft flight simulator v1.4 C src, 2/2 statp101.zip 113167 30-04-91 Statistical Physics simulation, ver. 1.01 tutsim.zip 21978 11-04-89 TUTSIM demo - analog computer simulator ----------------------------------------------------------- Audio sample (sound) players / editors path: /disc1/sound/ ----------------------------------------------------------- adda10.zip 199096 25-09-92 ADC/DAC board for DSP experiments;TP src/exe adl110.zip 7673 12-07-92 Use AdLib/AdlibGold with ModPlay/ScreamTracker ampeg43.zip 282253 11-12-94 Audio MPEG Layer 1 and 2 encoder/decoder ampegsrc.zip 157047 11-12-94 C source code for AMPEG (see ampeg43.zip) blast13.zip 188549 11-07-91 Sound Blaster driver & direct access routines bmstr62.zip 291631 07-01-95 Blaster Master: VOC/WAV/SND sound file editor bunked10.zip 20467 07-03-94 Yamaha-OPL2/FM patch editor v1.0(Adlib/SB/Pro) c2snd201.zip 55171 12-09-94 Converts DeskMate .SND to/from .WAV & others cdbox306.zip 287185 11-01-94 VGA/mouse SB sound player/playback shell cdply10.zip 44797 01-08-95 DOS command line Audio-CD Player with C source cdplyr10.zip 38313 09-05-95 Simple DOS audio CD player cmfved10.zip 54833 24-07-93 CMF voice editor, for Soundblstr/EGA/VGA/mouse compraw.zip 11639 09-11-92 Lossy raw sound [de]compression utility, w/src cthug51.zip 377845 14-11-94 Minimum required to run Cthugha version 5.1 cthug51p.zip 64870 14-11-94 Bug fix patch to Cthugha version 5.1p cthug51s.zip 209352 14-11-94 Cthugha version 5.1 complete C source code cthug51x.zip 752148 14-11-94 Cthugha extra features & info in suppl. files ddplay11.zip 438050 10-08-95 DingDang speaks in standard mandarin Chinese digitize.zip 83301 07-12-92 Cheap digitizer, hardware/software description dmp32289.zip 263421 12-04-94 Protected mode .MOD player for 386+ dmpc195.zip 41430 15-11-93 Front end for DMP and other sound players dmpla289.zip 118536 12-04-94 MOD player supports many soundcards. 386 req. dtmf_d2.zip 41149 29-04-95 Decodes DTMF tones stored in a sound file dtmf_rt2.zip 82865 29-04-95 Real time DTMF decoders using a SB sound card effect10.zip 44964 08-11-93 Real time sound effects for AD1848 based cards fft4wav3.zip 385611 27-12-94 Analyse WAV/VOC/SND/RAW/IFF/SAM/MAT files+more fftscop5.zip 225893 02-08-94 Realtime scope display of Sound Blaster input freq4.zip 131807 03-10-94 Real-time spectrum analyzer for PAS/SB cards iff2voc.zip 7931 07-10-91 Converts Amiga IFF sounds to VOC format intune25.zip 59038 11-12-93 Full screen Adlib ROL sound file player iplay10b.zip 63782 28-12-93 Inertia 1.0b: Multi-format sound file player jmplay11.zip 219269 14-01-91 Play Amiga Sound/NoiseTracker on Sound Blaster karaok25.zip 200551 24-01-95 Karaoke-like module player for SB/PAS; VGA/386 meat301e.zip 33146 09-09-95 Adds text to song-messages of MOD,S3M,MTM etc. mmm10.zip 779624 05-05-95 Multimedia Maker authoring package v3.0 moddis00.zip 210303 19-03-94 MOD file disassembler v0.00 - with sources modman17.zip 59463 11-01-94 Queue MODs to play and choose player for each mp219b.zip 160264 26-05-92 Play Amiga Protracker on D/A, SB, speaker mp5utils.zip 264086 24-01-95 Miscellaneous utilities for SoundBlasters; 386 musique.zip 64981 09-09-91 Intelligent shell for ModPlay sound player mvpshare.zip 58368 14-06-91 Music/Voice/Pictures for Adlib & SoundBlaster nohiss10.zip 97422 30-12-91 Reduces background noise in voice sound files nusnd102.zip 223104 30-09-92 Plays .WAV sound files through PC speaker ots.zip 29459 24-09-94 One-Touch-Sound: Sound player for Theater use pctalk21.zip 139748 12-03-92 Digitized speech/music on PC speaker. DEMO plany15.zip 32258 01-12-94 Play any file (.au,.wav,etc) on SoundBlaster play410.zip 74964 22-04-91 Sound sample player/editor for PC Speaker playbwc.zip 133342 05-08-91 A complete sound editing/playing system playmac2.zip 19927 01-11-90 Point-n-Shoot sound menu system for REMAC pp13.zip 31474 18-02-93 Small, accurate modplayer for Soundblaster promod11.zip 13837 09-06-92 Play Amiga MOD files in stereo on SB-Pro w/VGA qseq_12b.zip 172102 16-06-95 QSEQ: Complete DOS MIDI sequencer for SB card remac.zip 114453 13-09-90 Plays Macintosh sound files through PC speaker repla101.zip 137100 11-03-90 Plays 8bit digital sampled audio files on spkr resplay1.zip 69451 28-02-91 Sound sampling/playback rtns for programmers riffwave.zip 82521 23-07-95 Format of Windows .WAV files rukc110.zip 397053 10-11-94 Ruckus v1.1: Soundcard toolkit for DOS C/C++ rukq110.zip 357036 10-11-94 Ruckus v1.1: Soundcard toolkit for DOS BASIC s2k0105a.zip 1252382 21-01-95 Ensoniq SoundScape drivers v1.20.03, Disk #1 s2k0105b.zip 1325290 21-01-95 Ensoniq SoundScape drivers v1.20.03, Disk #2 sample20.zip 267019 04-12-90 Digital sound playback/record (with TP5.0 src) sb02.zip 12134 06-09-94 SB sound playing/recording under djgpp, C code sb16doc.zip 6452 31-08-95 SB16DOC - Document on programming the SB16 sb16ex00.zip 28465 01-09-95 Sound Blaster 16 programming example sb16snd.zip 49928 31-08-95 SB16SND: Code demonstrating SB16 programming sbf3.zip 87808 25-01-94 C callable library for Soundblaster/Pro, w/src sblast09.zip 502511 07-02-95 SoundBlaster Programming Information v0.90 sbplay21.zip 165811 08-08-95 SBPlay v2.10: Sound file player utility sbprog10.zip 37846 15-09-93 Soundblaster programming routines (C++ src) sbpv310b.zip 24735 29-04-95 SBPVOL v3.01b: TSR to adjust SB Pro volume scoptrax.zip 246814 12-03-92 Super PC sound/sample editor with a scope smix119.zip 138704 31-08-95 SMIX Sound Library v1.19 for Turbo Pascal smixc120.zip 158266 31-08-95 SMIXC Sound Library v1.20 for Borland C smixw123.zip 170151 31-08-95 SMIXW Sound Library v1.23 for Watcom C DOS/4GW sndblst4.zip 98897 11-12-93 EXEs+source for Sound Blaster DSP programming sndst22.zip 62061 01-09-95 V2.2 Gets/Puts/Edits states of some soundcards soundfx4.zip 48291 04-10-91 Sound effects from command line. Many sounds sox7dos.zip 167918 19-02-93 SoundExchange universal sound sample translate specgrm1.zip 154884 03-10-94 Real-time spectrogram program for PAS/SB cards studio10.zip 50070 08-06-91 PC Studio v1.0: Digitized sound player for DOS sun2voc.zip 7691 14-09-91 Converts Sun audio (.au) files to VOC format swmp14.zip 663507 14-06-95 Play and include MODs in your software tspak17.zip 137151 12-09-94 8 programs+info for Tandy DAC on T1000/2500 tumodu36.zip 36576 11-01-94 Three utilities to help organize MOD files unreal.zip 1357524 20-08-92 Excellent (S)VGA/Sound Blaster demo voc2snd.zip 1507 24-03-91 Convert SoundBlaster VOC file to Macintosh SND vocpak20.zip 80133 18-10-93 Lossless 8/16-bit sound file compressor wowii12b.zip 79853 27-12-92 Amiga .MOD player for SoundBlaster/SBPro card x_mod31.zip 179572 02-08-94 Displays fractals and plays sounds x_shell.zip 39029 23-08-94 Universal shell for sound files xmsplay.zip 20406 15-06-93 Play VOC files on SoundBlaster from XMS memory xmstr201.zip 88124 19-02-95 Menu to use MOD/GIF/etc files from ZIP/ARJ/LZH xsb16io1.zip 189810 08-06-95 SBlaster16 library: Concurrent play&record,DMA xtracker.zip 269277 19-01-95 32-Chnl SoundTracker for SB,SB_16,SB_AWE32,GUS ----------------------------------------------------------- Sports-related programs path: /disc1/sports/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bsm2.zip 204103 01-08-95 Manages basketball statistics for a team ffa20.zip 293407 14-08-92 Fantasy football manager statistics database ffc200.zip 86403 26-07-93 Manages an entire Fantasy Football League DEMO fishbyte.zip 217487 12-03-92 Fishbyte: Salt water fishing and Loran log pgm fpmv100.zip 44312 08-08-95 Office Football Pool Manager golftrn4.zip 303491 14-03-95 Golf tournament organizer kmtime21.zip 125176 19-02-95 Accurate timing of athlete performance madness.zip 39353 07-03-94 Example sports pool generator/manager, v1.2 t_n_t36.zip 278245 27-08-94 NFL Tracker: Predicts football game winners win_edge.zip 933117 12-08-93 The Winning Edge Fantasy Football Manager DEMO ----------------------------------------------------------- Spreadsheet programs and utilities path: /disc1/spredsht/ ----------------------------------------------------------- a2zsym10.zip 19782 10-03-93 A2Z Macros to simplify Lotus Symphony Ver. 3.0 asa55c_1.zip 301045 22-03-93 AsEasyAs 5.50c, Lotus123 spreadsheet clone 1/2 asa55c_2.zip 108000 22-03-93 AsEasyAs 5.50c, Lotus123 spreadsheet clone 2/2 brythm.zip 20352 21-04-92 Biorhythm template generator for Excel centu12a.zip 655974 30-12-94 Census data for business users, 1 of 2 centu12b.zip 612785 30-12-94 Census data for business users, 2 of 2 convr505.zip 117774 27-05-95 Convert dBase, ASCII-delim, fixed, 1-2-3 drawman.zip 149763 12-06-88 Generate charts & graphs from spread-sht data excl41_1.zip 153378 23-05-90 ExpressCalc v4.10, spreadsheet pgm, 1 of 2 excl41_2.zip 97221 23-05-90 ExpressCalc v4.10, spreadsheet pgm, 2 of 2 ezs23vlu.zip 124250 15-03-90 EZ-SpreadSheet: Easy to use SpreadSheet instaca3.zip 330444 06-07-91 InstaCalc v3.0 PC Mag editor's choice sprdsht mscor102.zip 468372 28-02-94 Men's Gymnastics scoring templates for Excel40 navlog.zip 118487 18-11-94 Aviation navigation log generation utility pivot101.zip 87201 26-06-89 Print util for AS-EASY-AS spreadsheet files prof2d.zip 122636 05-01-90 2D general purpose measurement data processor profile.zip 140859 04-01-90 1D gen. purpose meas. data processor/optimizer qc104.zip 32077 13-07-90 Change the way 123/Symphony display colors qtview11.zip 33185 16-09-94 Quattro viewer (for .WQS/.WQ1/.WQ2/.WB1 files) qube310.zip 167034 17-01-90 QubeCalc v3.1, three dimensional spreadsheet readw308.zip 171672 20-08-93 Free WKS/WK1 file viewer sc621_3.zip 519750 14-05-94 Spreadsheet Calculator sc v6.21, OS/2 and DOS ssu22.zip 42672 11-12-94 Spreadsheet ShareWare Addon Directory, Dec'94 ssv22.zip 18803 11-12-94 Spreadsheet addon producer directory, Dec'94 tc810.zip 113466 22-08-87 Turbo CALC spreadsheet from P&M software ----------------------------------------------------------- Statistics-related programs path: /disc1/statstic/ ----------------------------------------------------------- basp4dos.zip 1927581 29-01-95 The Bonn Archaeological Statistics Package 4.5 cdas1.zip 164875 18-09-90 Categorical Data Analysis Systems, v3.0a, 1of3 cdas2.zip 202004 18-09-90 Categorical Data Analysis Systems, v3.0a, 2of3 cdas3.zip 234105 18-09-90 Categorical Data Analysis Systems, v3.0a, 3of3 codebk11.zip 21047 08-01-93 Convert fixed formatted data into other format copyfx11.zip 9130 08-01-93 Rearrange data records, change record lengths corr.zip 671732 21-09-92 Tutorial program teaching Simple Stats efa25.zip 54480 10-05-90 Statistics: Princ comp & image factor analysis epi501b1.zip 181606 04-08-91 Epi Info 5.01B: Stats/DMBS/wordpro etc. 1/4 epi501b2.zip 355885 04-08-91 Epi Info 5.01B: Stats/DMBS/wordpro etc. 2/4 epi501b3.zip 253905 04-08-91 Epi Info 5.01B: Stats/DMBS/wordpro etc. 3/4 epi501b4.zip 342096 04-08-91 Epi Info 5.01B: Stats/DMBS/wordpro etc. 4/4 epi501bd.zip 353372 04-08-91 Epi Info 5.01B Stats/MDBS 'on-line manual' epilogt2.zip 142710 03-04-94 Statistics: Logistic regression for Epi Info epistatx.zip 6892 07-12-89 Menu eXtension package for EPISTAT 3.0 estat21.zip 420317 18-01-93 Statistics and graph-drawing programs kstat40.zip 1397718 05-05-95 KWIKSTAT: Statistics/statistical data analysis logistic.zip 154945 19-10-93 Statistics: Logistic regression for Systat lsp4.zip 78822 23-07-94 Level set programming for global optimization mapstat.zip 76235 26-06-89 Multivariate statistical analysis package mcase31a.zip 424795 22-04-95 MicroCase Analysis System working model, 1of4 mcase31b.zip 656588 22-04-95 MicroCase Analysis System working model, 2of4 mcase31c.zip 653444 22-04-95 MicroCase Analysis System working model, 3of4 mcase31d.zip 447110 22-04-95 MicroCase Analysis System working model, 4of4 modstat3.zip 199499 26-06-92 Comprehensive statistical package. 50 tests mvsp22.zip 339804 01-08-95 MVSP v2.2: MultiVariate statistical package mystat.zip 147410 25-01-89 Statistical Program from SYSTAT nlreg33.zip 210971 26-02-95 NLREG v3.3: Nonlinear regression/curve fitting normix21.zip 386393 12-01-95 Cluster analysis of multi-normal mixtures pcs23.zip 306123 08-09-91 Reports statistics & histograms of 2 data sets pdswstat.zip 23671 23-11-89 Review of main PD/SW statistical software prfst212.zip 123324 16-01-93 Professor Weissman's Statistics Tutorials prob20.zip 57833 27-12-94 Simple probability calculator, with TP source pvalue10.zip 133589 11-01-94 WIN3: Compute standard hypothesis test pvalues rasch10.zip 46560 19-12-91 Simple dichotomous rasch model application separate.zip 29511 23-11-89 Split a multiple record data file into singles sim2mvsp.zip 125094 01-08-95 SIM2MVSP v1.0: Integrate MVSP into SIMSTAT sims35e.zip 728758 01-08-95 Simstat: Statistics and simulation analysis simst35d.zip 654649 04-04-95 Powerful statistics and simulation program spcex20.zip 476200 27-10-93 SPC EXpert: Statistical Process Control progrm st_size.zip 127072 19-10-93 Statistics: Sample size calculations stats22.zip 272942 31-05-93 Statistics for Windows 3.1 w/built-in graphics statu123.zip 90721 04-11-93 Graphical tutorial for statistics teaching stoddjob.zip 170822 19-10-93 Miscellaneous statistical routines for Systat stpitman.zip 92834 19-10-93 Statistics: Randomization tests for Systat ts1st20.zip 48897 24-09-92 Statistics: Univariate statistical measures ts2st22.zip 74867 03-06-93 Statistics: Multiple (OLS) regression analysis ts3st17.zip 50500 24-09-92 Statistics: Transformations of observations ts4st17.zip 38243 24-09-92 Statistics: Correlation analysis ts5st15.zip 78306 03-06-93 Statistics: Least abs. deviation regression ----------------------------------------------------------- TAG BBS program and utilities path: /disc1/tagbbs/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dvtag.zip 26294 17-01-92 Running TAG BBS under Desqview howtotag.zip 2560 23-10-91 How to use the Tag BBS, information file hstmodem.zip 2048 23-10-91 How to use a USRobotics HST modem with TAG BBS mw_310c.zip 15360 23-10-91 Mailwait, # msgs waiting for TagMail (TAG BBS) tagc26.zip 80388 23-06-95 T.A.G. v2.6 Conversion (2.5g --> 2.6) tagc26b.zip 57815 23-06-95 T.A.G. v2.6b Conversion (2.6 --> 2.6b) tagc26d.zip 9576 23-06-95 T.A.G. v2.6d Conversion (2.6c/2.6c1 --> 2.6d) tagc26f.zip 14886 23-06-95 T.A.G. v2.6f Conversion (2.6d/2.6e --> 2.6f) tagc27.zip 15714 23-06-95 T.A.G. v2.7 Conversion (2.6f/2.6f1 --> 2.7) tagd27.zip 132217 23-06-95 T.A.G. v2.7 Documentation (ASCII) tagid101.zip 4096 23-10-91 TAG BBS Ideas v1.01 tagl0695.zip 34018 23-06-95 T.A.G. International BBS Listing (06/95) tagm27.zip 400863 23-06-95 T.A.G. v2.7 Main Programs w/update docs tagn26d.zip 24763 23-06-95 T.A.G. Nodelist Compiler (For 2.6d - 2.7c) tagr27.zip 29154 23-06-95 T.A.G. v2.7 Pascal and 'C' Record Structures tags27.zip 77918 23-06-95 T.A.G. v2.7 Start-up (Required For New BBSs) tagu27b.zip 126761 23-06-95 T.A.G. v2.7b Update Release (2.7 --> 2.7b) tagu27c.zip 23487 23-06-95 T.A.G. v2.7c Update Release (2.7b --> 2.7c) tagw26.zip 565009 23-06-95 T.A.G. Dictionary Package (for 2.6 - 2.7c) tm_241.zip 194560 23-10-91 TagMail v2.41, including documentation [Fido] ----------------------------------------------------------- U.S. federal tax return preparation & related programs path: /disc1/taxes/ ----------------------------------------------------------- amtax94.zip 277982 17-12-94 AM-TAX: Individual tax preparation for FY '94 mf4v3r.zip 277571 14-01-95 Analyze Joint vs Separate income tax returns ot4v1r.zip 302941 14-01-95 Prepares IRS Form 1040 plus Schedules A, B, D pc95v30.zip 71364 17-03-95 Pay-Calc v3.0: Pay and tax calculation program pcd95u13.zip 73225 01-09-95 Pay-Calc v3.1: Pay and tax computator ----------------------------------------------------------- Classroom and related aids for school teachers path: /disc1/teaching/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cat0301.zip 81996 06-01-92 Teachers: Computer Assisted (Tech) testing critic21.zip 36447 05-10-91 Analyze/compare your writing to famous authors dcchal20.zip 295254 17-05-95 DC Challenge: Electricity/electronics drills digtal20.zip 248009 17-05-95 Digital Challenge: Electronics/computer drills drill20.zip 138680 03-09-93 Classroom student calling for drills, games examba20.zip 123722 30-03-92 Exam Bank v2.0: Teacher's test maker extol30.zip 60001 23-11-87 PC-EXTOL 3.0 computer CAI Language frames.zip 65752 20-12-89 Programmed textbook CAI, fill in missing words grade252.zip 59972 02-04-90 Aeius Gradebook: Maintain teacher's grade book gradebok.zip 31456 21-11-87 Maintain teacher's grade book grader50.zip 145712 01-08-95 GRADER: Enter, modify and curve student grades gsh40b.zip 309444 03-03-95 GRADESHEET: Easy and powerful gradebook lesson.zip 41538 24-10-87 Maintain school lesson plans for teachers lplnz260.zip 257325 09-05-95 LessonPlanZ 2.60: Lesson planning for teachers mathprob.zip 28885 19-02-94 Math problem generator for school teachers mtg32a.zip 347103 25-01-94 User-friendly menu-driven teacher's gradebook mtgp32.zip 342939 08-12-93 Same as mtg32 but for larger classes (41-90) mtgu.zip 152731 09-12-93 'Making the Grade' utilities for programmers newpuzz2.zip 100850 01-02-94 New Puzzle Factory: Wordfind/crossword creator pc_quiz.zip 58267 20-01-90 Teachers aid (test) pccai205.zip 240076 01-06-91 CAI authoring language; write tutorials, tests pccd_48.zip 112112 10-09-93 Graphical Convolution program (teaching aid) powergrf.zip 148569 18-03-94 Math and Science graphics tool for teachers qsd261.zip 878215 01-09-94 Quick-Step marching band drill charting. DEMO quizgen.zip 42454 06-12-87 Quiz generator program roster15.zip 50856 03-09-93 Teacher's class roster lists/attendance sheets schcat02.zip 105016 10-08-94 School timetable management for teachers seats20.zip 117230 03-09-93 Classroom seating chart creator:many features study.zip 14602 26-08-90 Study helper. Asks questions randomly + score swintro.zip 309818 30-07-95 Students training session & view sample prints swkids22.zip 546465 30-07-95 K-12 students marks, reports, attendances, etc ta16.zip 42982 29-10-87 Version 1.6 of TEACHING ASSISTANT testadd1.zip 26994 30-01-95 Gives test totals & percents from page totals testwrt2.zip 67785 27-02-89 Word processor for preparing examinations tpro2_03.zip 54188 09-09-93 Teacher's aid for creating classroom tests twrite2.zip 127603 19-12-93 Test Writer 2.0: Tests mgmt & printing program vargra60.zip 648583 29-06-93 Comprehensive grade entry, analysis, stats vclang11.zip 153240 23-08-91 Teaching tool: Visible compiler & interpreter ----------------------------------------------------------- Telegard BBS program and utilities path: /disc1/telegard/ ----------------------------------------------------------- actvty13.zip 14236 31-03-92 Activity usage graph bulletin created for TG bank100.zip 11921 10-11-94 Adds Telegard users time to timebank & logsoff chckul10.zip 11775 12-06-92 Check Uploader Utility for TG invalid entries desqtlgd.zip 3571 12-06-92 How to setup DESQview with Telegard 2.7 BBS dupcheck.zip 11689 12-06-92 Scan TG USER.LST for duplicate user accounts hangup35.zip 24507 12-06-92 Hangup! v3.5 warns of users who drop carrier hsl_tgb5.zip 33453 12-06-92 HS/Link interface for Telegard, Beta release ifgen.zip 11943 12-06-92 Infoform generator for Telegard BBSs mdate200.zip 22825 12-06-92 Purge old messages from Telegard message bases mfile300.zip 28354 12-06-92 Generate a TG BBS downloadable files list mgsud151.zip 39194 12-06-92 User deletor for old user accounts, TG 2.7 mmail101.zip 15311 12-06-92 Mass Mail utility for Telegard 2.7 BBSs pass27.zip 34725 12-06-92 Force periodical password changes for TG 2.7 q_why.zip 19311 31-03-92 What happened yesterday bulletin for TG quoteit3.zip 64754 31-03-92 Leave a quote to the next caller for TG tcall150.zip 40367 18-12-92 Telegard-specific call back validation door tfm26.zip 72585 12-06-92 Telegard BBS file base manager v2.6 for TG 2.7 tg27.zip 466616 31-03-92 Telegard BBS program version 2.7 tg_27m.zip 4786 25-05-93 Run Telegard 2.7 in multinode with desqview tgatest.zip 7557 12-06-92 Check uploads for viruses, for any BBS program tgdel200.zip 14745 12-06-92 Telegard BBS user deletor v2.00 tgfil271.zip 10593 12-06-92 Generate a TG BBS downloadable files list tghow1a.zip 54628 18-03-93 Telegard BBS tricks, tips, SysOp help v1.0a tgprot6a.zip 122877 31-03-92 Protocol installation package part 1 of 2 tgprot6b.zip 307291 31-03-92 Protocol installation package part 2 of 2 tgrset16.zip 16106 12-06-92 TG data files initializer for nightly events tgsec14.zip 149522 31-03-92 Telegard security package version 1.40 tgu_140.zip 97621 31-03-92 Telegard Utilities package version 1.40 tmail151.zip 69966 12-06-92 Telemail v1.51 network mail interface for TG tuser10n.zip 40231 31-03-92 Create up to 8 Top User Bulletins for TG tusers15.zip 47619 12-06-92 Top users bulletins creator v1.5 for TG 2.7 uinfo100.zip 20194 18-10-93 Information door for Telegard 2.7 BBS yinfo130.zip 16406 18-03-93 Your Info: Displays Telegard BBS user stats ----------------------------------------------------------- Telix communications program and utilities path: /disc1/telix/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 315mouse.zip 2145 07-04-91 Logitech mouse menu for Telix v3.15 ap102.zip 75170 12-05-92 Adds minor enhancements to Telix auto_gen.zip 3305 25-03-89 Generate scripts for Telix 3.0 automaticly auto_run.zip 5699 16-04-90 Execute Telix script at specified time of day autopass.zip 1252 07-08-89 Telix addon for password from phone directory bitlxmnp.zip 8921 13-12-89 Add BiModem to Telix used with MNP modems cpd110.zip 5757 29-03-91 Autoload of CPD protocol for Telix csp101.zip 24746 12-05-92 Uses Microsoft C as Telix SALT preprocessor css11.zip 31592 26-09-92 SIMPLE Language PreProcessor for Telix SALT easym12.zip 5109 21-05-91 EASYMail:Telix3.1x PCBoard offline mail script exhost17.zip 169089 09-09-91 ExecHost: Telix BBS host mode w/doors & areas ezdial10.zip 10034 24-07-88 Telix 3.0 scripts for PC Pursuit hp100b1.zip 109623 07-04-91 Host-Plus: Mini BBS for use with Telix v3.1x hs_telix.zip 2087 11-11-91 Install HS/Link protocol in Telix hslkslt2.zip 3093 17-01-92 Revised Telix script for HS/Link protocol hst42bis.zip 1155 21-05-91 Optimize settings for USR14.4 modem with Telix jmd4tlx.zip 17820 23-05-90 Telix script for enhanced JModem file xfers lib232.zip 251193 23-12-90 The Liberator v2.32: automating Telix/PCBoard logitech.zip 1828 25-03-89 Logitech mouse drivers with menus mbbs212b.zip 15648 29-12-90 Jonathan Rapoport's mini BBS for use w/Telix mdmcfg22.zip 20349 09-12-91 MODEMCFG.EXE program v2.02, for Telix 3.15 nhost.zip 36022 02-09-89 Enhanced Host mode for TELIX v3.11 passit.zip 1190 28-10-88 Telix script - puts password in FK3 pcp2tlx.zip 5450 25-03-89 Changes Procomm-Plus scripts to Telix scripts peptol15.zip 31429 28-03-92 Pep Tools: Gives Telix new features, autolearn qmailtlx.zip 3376 07-09-88 Qmail - Telix 3.0 Script qmm302.zip 55860 08-03-90 Qmail/PCBoard automatic navigator for Telix saltb.zip 22518 12-03-92 Telix SALT-language source code beautifier signit.zip 1695 06-11-90 Telix 3.x script sends pretyped signature file slrn_200.zip 40511 10-01-93 SALT learn utility, script creator for Telix t310sort.zip 16237 25-03-89 Sort TELIX phone directories t31mod1.zip 1457 25-03-89 Removes sign-on screen of Telix 3.1 t3fonfil.zip 1621 18-07-88 Technical info on dialing directory format tasc30.zip 44899 24-01-91 Artificial script creator for Telix comm pgm tdial101.zip 12462 25-03-89 PC Pursuit dialer for Telix telicex.zip 2071 24-09-88 Icex scripts for Telix 3.0 telix322.new 11805 09-02-94 Information on what's new in Telix v3.22 telixana.zip 9534 09-01-91 Gives comprehensive analysis of TELIX.USE file telixbat.zip 766 09-09-91 BAT files and install for GSZ in Telix 3.15 telixdv.zip 1399 04-04-91 Configuration hints: Running Telix in DESQview telixnam.zip 1286 17-03-90 Displays dialed BBS name on TELIX status line tfe_221.zip 73894 08-05-91 Telix v3 dialing directory full-screen editor tfig312e.zip 136666 07-04-91 Interactive Telix tutorial with on-line manual tlx311m3.zip 14089 25-03-89 Add mouse to TELIX tlx315ng.zip 152906 13-07-91 Norton guide for Telix v3.15 comm program tlx31mnu.zip 7391 23-10-88 Telix 3.10 Logimouse menu - two versions tlx322_1.zip 173571 09-02-94 Telix v3.22 communications program, 1 of 4 tlx322_2.zip 65824 09-02-94 Telix v3.22 communications program, 2 of 4 tlx322_3.zip 203591 09-02-94 Telix v3.22 communications program, 3 of 4 tlx322_4.zip 181420 09-02-94 Telix v3.22 communications program, 4 of 4 tlx322_r.zip 534741 09-02-94 Update REGISTERED Telix 3.11 or later to 3.22 tlx3_all.zip 3020 25-03-89 One Telix script operates on five BBS brands! tlx3_wx.zip 18958 29-08-88 Add Windowed Xmodem to Telix 3.0 tlx3auto.zip 3305 29-08-88 Auto script maker for Telix 3 tlx3mnu1.zip 8685 01-08-88 Logimouse menu for Telix 3.00 w/docs tlx3sort.zip 15906 26-07-88 Directory sorter for Telix 3.0 tlx_hst.zip 29033 17-02-89 Host mode support for Telix tlx_hype.zip 69955 25-03-89 Simple hypertext pgm. TELIX, poker database tlx_puma.zip 423 11-03-90 How to use PUMA protocol with Telix tlx_sold.zip 1763 10-10-92 Announcement: TELIX sold to new company tlx_sq15.zip 179158 07-04-91 Automates Telix calls to MBBS, RBBS, PCBoard tlx_sq21.zip 232118 12-05-92 Telix_Square v2.1: Automatic BBSing for Telix tlxdial3.zip 14793 10-05-93 Cmnd line dialer w/DOS shell & delayed dialing tlxdw.zip 1455 11-12-89 Use F-KEYS/Cursor over modem in TELIX tlxfon_c.zip 1535 20-01-90 TLX FON v3.12 - add new features to TELIX tlxhints.zip 4772 21-03-89 Tips for using TELIX tlxhst21.zip 36293 25-09-90 Optimizes Courier HST modem settings for Telix tlxinstl.zip 38324 31-10-92 Telix 3.15 autoinstall program, with source tlxlog31.zip 32258 25-07-89 Logs TELIX connects and file transfers tlxmrg10.zip 9685 29-01-93 Merges two Telix phone directories together tlxpcp15.zip 18077 24-01-89 Telix login scripts for PC Pursuit tlxset03.zip 11671 21-01-90 Set-up hints and tips for Telix version 3.12 tlxstime.zip 3184 21-02-94 Telix script sets PC to NIST atomic clock tlxtime6.zip 51578 31-10-92 Set time and date from Naval Observatory tlxum_d.zip 10250 21-05-91 Communications upload manager script for Telix tlxzmn11.zip 18703 15-07-92 Microsoft .MNU mouse support for TELIX 3.15 tmake3.zip 396 25-03-89 The unknown batch file tmake_2.zip 10725 25-03-89 Batch file & utility for Telix scripts trakit10.zip 30374 09-07-94 High-quality Track learner for Telix tset31.zip 5676 15-11-88 Get time from Navel Observatory with TELIX tstlx11.zip 21878 29-12-92 Timo Salmi's Salt scripts for Telix comm pgm tum100.zip 17408 10-06-91 Telix Upload Manager: Automates batch uploads turb_bbs.zip 23417 21-01-90 MiniBBS package for Telix host mode tx3_pwrd.zip 1228 25-03-89 Simple script to send password to remote txmdm222.zip 26724 21-02-94 TELIX.MDM file for Telix MODEMCFG program txswp121.zip 25549 26-07-91 Telix application swapper xh111s.zip 153100 09-09-94 XHost v1.11 for Telix 3.15. Source code only ----------------------------------------------------------- Tiff image utilities path: /disc1/tiff/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dtiff.zip 210880 02-05-90 Displays TIFF files on screen, uses TACS dvtif1.zip 15932 16-04-90 TIFF reader:PACKBITS compr/uncomp C src, ALDUS pgrabt10.zip 63501 01-06-94 Grabbs a picture from screen into TIFF file tacs40.zip 126480 25-04-90 TIFF Access/Create System - C source, TIFF 4.0 tftool.zip 65975 16-04-90 TIFF toolkit developer package C source, ALDUS tiff_50.zip 50694 09-12-89 Tagged Image File Format specs, v5.0 tiffax.zip 45625 16-04-90 TIFF FAX format definition/example, ALDUS ----------------------------------------------------------- Programs and information of interest to travelers path: /disc1/travel/ ----------------------------------------------------------- nfprk305.zip 85252 13-08-95 Info on 58 prov. parks in Newfoundland, w/map travma33.zip 527312 17-05-95 Software for the Frequent Traveler (v3.3) ----------------------------------------------------------- Utilities for VGA monitors path: /disc1/vga/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 2l8fe111.zip 24334 22-03-95 TooLate EGA/VGA font editor v1.11 atmem10.zip 9903 04-08-92 Identify VGA BIOS and report in environment cheetah.zip 450924 02-11-93 VGA 320x200x256 chained/unchained mode demo cvd30.zip 97993 10-05-91 Interactive Color Vision demos - VGA required fakevga.zip 1810 02-02-89 Helps near-clone VGA cards into 640x480 mode fedit12.zip 43368 20-05-94 Fedit v1.2: VGA Font editor. Req. VGA & mouse fontedit.zip 40222 26-09-92 Edit VGA text fonts interactively with mouse fontpack.zip 37916 18-05-93 A collection of VGA text-mode screen fonts ma_font.zip 2765 24-02-94 Alternative font for VGA mode 3 (80x25 text) pcube1.zip 171722 30-08-93 Puts pictures on a rotating cube, 386/VGA req. pinmap.zip 807 02-04-90 Info: VGA video adapter cable pin connections quixx.zip 9984 06-09-91 VGA screen blanker. Warped grid bounces around scrnsav2.zip 10891 20-09-88 TSR screen saver for PS2 systems svgat350.zip 62558 24-02-95 VGA/SVGA/8514A TV monitor/card test trueview.zip 30924 24-10-92 336x260x256K colors viewer of PCX/GIF/TIFF/BMP tweak16b.zip 183173 30-11-93 Edit VGA video modes, intelligent tests, v1.6b uvesa42.zip 2098 11-03-94 Universal VESA VBE 4.2 placeholder vansi.zip 20445 11-12-89 VGA ver. of NANSI.SYS, replaces ANSI.SYS vballs11.zip 159627 05-08-91 VGA Palette animation (BGI) w/src,exe v1.1 vfnted10.zip 16746 06-12-91 Edit VGA text fonts interactively with mouse vfont436.zip 5907 20-01-90 Alternate fonts for VGA/MCGA vga.c 7109 15-04-89 TC:Make use of 256 color modes of Paradise VGA vga2eps.zip 33963 07-08-92 Capture VGA 640x350/640x480 screen to EPS file vgablk1a.zip 2849 05-11-93 TSR (memory resident) VGA screen saver vgacap81.zip 95484 14-07-93 Capture & Bsave VGA/MCGA/SVGA palettes/screens vgachall.zip 8547 11-09-88 Test VGA cards for compatability vgadoc3.zip 297829 18-01-94 (S)VGA programming info and test utility vgafed30.zip 133038 04-11-94 VGA font editor. Can create .COM & .SYS files vgagrab.zip 63528 27-12-92 Resident VGA screen grabber, with TP6.0 source vgakit52.zip 61447 08-11-92 VGAKIT 5.2b, programmer's toolkit for SVGA/VGA vgamax.zip 95349 04-10-91 Font/Palette utilities, get most from VGA card vgamaze4.zip 193123 02-03-94 Display mazes in 3D on VGA monitor vgameter.zip 49395 17-01-90 VGA color palette viewer (mouse optional) vgap11.zip 82616 15-10-89 VGA Paint v1.1 graphics/drawing program vgaprn.zip 51445 20-01-90 Print 320x200x256 VGA picture in 7 gray shades vgaprtsc.zip 4550 24-02-89 Make hardcopy from VGA/EGA screen via PrtSc vgatest2.zip 40387 16-12-88 PC Tech Journal's VGA test suite vgautils.zip 109289 12-09-91 VGA display adapter/monitor setup/test utils vsave200.zip 34413 22-08-93 VGAsave v2.00: Freeware VGA screen saver xin18tex.zip 128400 03-12-93 VGA Mode X intro paper in PostScript & TeX xintro18.zip 33612 29-11-93 Introduction to VGA's Mode X (v1.8) w/source ----------------------------------------------------------- Utilities generating speech / voice for PC path: /disc1/voice/ ----------------------------------------------------------- autotalk.zip 23154 16-12-88 Digitized speech for the PC cvoice.zip 19809 13-11-89 Tells time via voice response on PC speaker heartype.zip 8107 22-04-88 Hear what you are typing, crude voice synth. helpme2.zip 8001 30-11-87 Voice cries out 'Help Me!' from PC speaker say.zip 18599 30-03-86 Computer Speech - using phonemes speech98.zip 41003 28-06-91 Build speech (voice) on PC using 98 phonemes swtlk171.zip 178814 04-10-91 SW-Talk: Speech library for shareware authors talk.zip 7333 09-11-86 BASIC program to demo talking on a PC speaker tran.zip 34239 15-07-89 Repeats typed text in digital voice vdigit.zip 196284 23-12-90 Toolkit: Add digitized voice to your programs vgreet.zip 36436 17-01-90 Voice says good morning/afternoon/evening vm110.zip 135546 30-01-95 Text-to-speech player and phoneme recorder ----------------------------------------------------------- Voice-mail programs for some modems path: /disc1/voicmail/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ans37f.zip 278821 15-05-94 Voice Mail System for ZyXEL/Zoom voice modems vmail_20.zip 301040 11-08-94 V-Mail & Auto-Attend, Multi-line/Lang, Faxback zom_bin1.zip 302721 17-04-94 Answer Voice Mail System files for Zoom modem zutil_f2.zip 32957 24-02-93 Utility program for voice on a ZyXEL modem zutsr100.zip 43261 24-02-93 Identify voice calls to a BBS with ZyXEL modem zyx_bin1.zip 308809 17-04-94 Voice Mail System files for ZyXEL modem, 1of2 zyx_bin2.zip 110937 17-04-94 Voice Mail System files for ZyXEL modem, 2of2 ----------------------------------------------------------- Waffle BBS program and utilities path: /disc1/waffle/ ----------------------------------------------------------- admst11b.zip 28757 11-01-94 ADMSTAT: Evaluate Waffle's ADMIN files allfil62.zip 41590 06-04-93 Allfiles 6.2: Waffle BBS file listing compiler amanda1j.zip 86392 10-08-94 Gates Fido News into and out of Waffle v1.65 apsig105.zip 13953 10-05-92 Signature control/selection utility for Waffle arbitron.zip 17074 14-08-91 Waffle BBS arbitron program (perl) aser28.zip 64201 31-01-92 Mail-based archive file server for Waffle BBS atmove.zip 7892 12-03-92 Move Waffle BBS files and @files description bat164a.zip 13985 12-03-92 Tom Dell's batcher for Waffle - can feedbymail chkfls12.zip 31495 13-08-92 Waffle BBS file area consistency checker v1.2 clinfo12.zip 25173 31-01-92 Top Ten caller display utility for Waffle BBS cwexp104.zip 24147 04-11-91 Free expire program for Waffle; includes C src diskhog.zip 14418 12-03-92 List the top 10 Waffle BBS users by disk usage expire10.zip 16235 25-03-91 Expire program for Waffle BBS Usenet files explode.zip 13135 11-09-92 Convert Waffle 1.65 BBS mailbox to 1.64 mails faqfil10.zip 33072 06-04-93 FAQ file searcher and archiver for Waffle BBS fde10.zip 7786 01-09-95 FDE v1.0: File Description Editor for Waffle fildr201.zip 42545 05-06-91 External file section door for Waffle's BBS fsedwafl.zip 2560 12-03-92 Examples of how to use fsed with your Waffle fxl142.zip 41854 31-01-92 Text filter/newline conversion for Waffle BBS fxuci1.zip 74785 30-09-94 Enhanced UUCICO compatible with Waffle 1.65 genpass.zip 6568 12-03-92 Generate passwords for Waffle BBS graffiti.zip 46075 12-03-92 Allows Waffle BBS users to generate graffiti hk_set.zip 24441 12-03-92 Hunt & Kill message file delete for Waffle BBS hpv101b.zip 276504 09-07-93 HDPF threaded offline news/mail reader for DOS lines.zip 10575 12-03-92 Add Lines: headers to Waffle BBS postings mailsum.zip 14480 14-08-91 Waffle BBS mail log reporter v1.00 mkdoor11.zip 11264 05-07-91 Creates DORINFO1.DEF door file for Waffle BBS netsum25.zip 32014 04-11-91 Waffle BBS net log file reporter v2.3 newuser.zip 12757 12-03-92 Push files into Waffle BBS user directories nexp20.zip 8745 16-11-92 Perl expire program for Waffle BBS, V2.0 poll100.zip 22279 14-08-91 Multiple tries for UUCP connects in Waffle BBS privlist.zip 10520 12-03-92 List Waffle BBS users with certain priv level purgedir.zip 9214 12-03-92 Delete old user directories on Waffle BBS pwpl165.zip 6016 22-07-92 Perl scripts for Waffle BBS SysOp utilities quota01.zip 19409 12-03-92 Jonathan Herr's Disk quota program for Waffle req.zip 10067 12-03-92 Display requests file entry for a Waffle user req101.zip 10926 17-08-92 Shows user info from the Waffle REQUESTS file retry10.zip 17194 12-03-92 Poll pgm for Waffle, more flexible than PPOLL rfiles23.zip 37440 31-01-92 Rfiles v2.3: File list compiler for Waffle BBS rnf074b.zip 54116 05-02-93 Rnf: Local newsreader/mailer for Waffle 1.65 rnf078.zip 145109 04-05-94 Rnf v0.78: Mail/newsreader for Waffle 1.65+ rnr130.zip 270318 24-06-95 Threaded newsreader+mail agent, with TP src sex100.zip 19326 01-12-92 Waffle BBS utility for news & dir expiration solar094.zip 239044 30-08-94 SOUP Offline Reader Door for DOS Waffle solar93b.zip 177745 09-07-93 HDPF offline reader door for DOS Waffle subn141.zip 90088 05-04-94 Log incoming/outgoing mail per Waffle BBS user tma114.zip 30641 10-09-92 Newsgroup moderator's tool for Waffle BBS tsv111b.zip 27719 28-06-94 TWITSERV: Kill File utility for Waffle v1.65 uhydra67.zip 52463 26-10-93 High speed replacement for Waffle's uucico vac170.zip 16216 11-01-94 Automatic vacation reply for MS-DOS Waffle vote.zip 17419 12-03-92 A voting booth for Waffle BBS votet100.zip 10314 31-03-95 CFV Votetaker for msdos-waffle 1.65 w165peg9.zip 74986 13-11-93 PMail UDG <--> UUCP email via Waffle v1.65 waf165.zip 545609 10-08-92 Waffle BBS v1.65, with UUCP mail & Usenet News wafcol12.zip 10885 08-03-93 Merge unread Waffle news into 1 file for dwnld wafday.zip 21074 12-03-92 Display Waffle BBS daily usage statistics wafdb.zip 9410 12-03-92 Convert the waffle 1.64 password file to ASCII wafdl111.zip 21344 12-03-92 External file section door for Waffle's BBS wafm10.zip 66733 12-03-92 WafMail 1.0: Offline mail door for Waffle BBS wafprot.zip 1421 12-03-92 Waffle BBS external protocols - sample setups wafsrtr2.zip 17014 23-10-91 FILESORT: Waffle BBS @FILES editor program waftrim.zip 6980 12-03-92 Trim Waffle BBS logfiles to N lines wc2waf10.zip 10801 01-08-95 Allows wildcat sysops to run waffle as a door wcnw105c.zip 325591 07-12-93 Port of Unix Cnews for the Waffle 1.65 package wfs332.zip 219976 21-05-95 Mail based archive/mail list server for Waffle winfo100.zip 34344 01-12-92 Infocom game interpreter for Waffle BBS (DOS) wup100.zip 18314 13-03-91 Waffle BBS utility programs, version 1.00 wutl10.zip 39485 12-03-92 A collection of Waffle BBS (mail) utilities wwcp120.zip 111007 10-05-92 Waffle <-> WWIVnet gateway software for Waffle xfax006b.zip 29696 02-07-93 XFax v0.06b: FAX receiving S/W for Waffle 1.65 ----------------------------------------------------------- Wildcat BBS program and utilities path: /disc1/wildcat/ ----------------------------------------------------------- actrim13.zip 12068 01-07-94 Activity log trimmer for Wildcat! BBS bulk_ml.zip 15679 16-03-95 Do 'mail merge' Internet mail on Wildcat! BBS cendo10a.zip 711239 12-03-95 Demographic data BBS door for Wildcat, 1of2 cendo10b.zip 685427 12-03-95 Demographic data BBS door for Wildcat, 2of2 chgclr21.zip 31275 23-12-93 Perform bulk Wildcat 3.x color changes sx503w1.zip 606591 31-07-94 AgX v5.03: maildoor for WildCat! v3.90 upass10.zip 52259 23-12-93 Wildcat! 3.x user upgrade door uucon214.zip 324164 01-08-95 Connect Wildcat! BBS to Demon Internet uulog_20.zip 154942 11-12-94 FREE - Log Analyzer/Trimmer for WILDUUCP! v1.x wcarea10.zip 39874 01-08-94 Analyze Wildcat! BBS downloads from file areas wcat26a.zip 445278 17-03-93 Working demo of Wildcat BBS, part A. 921103 wcat26b.zip 360679 17-03-93 Working demo of Wildcat BBS, part B. 921103 wconvert.zip 24735 21-01-92 Convert Wildcat 3.x BBS WC@-code disp <-> ANSI wctic120.zip 127363 24-02-95 File fwd (TICK/HATCH/RAID) for WildCat! 3/4 wcuulg10.zip 40604 01-08-94 Analyze Wildcat! UUCP log and create bulletin wcwdtd10.zip 42120 01-08-94 Analyze Wildcat! log/create activity bulletin ----------------------------------------------------------- WordPerfect-related utilities path: /disc1/wordperf/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 51grdrvs.zip 63939 03-03-90 Graphics drivers for WordPerfect v5.1 6tools.zip 181236 20-10-93 WP6.0 utilities give info & help fix files a2zwpe12.zip 184563 08-03-93 A2Z Macros to simplify/enhance WordPerfect 5.1 bkbild11.zip 140205 11-06-95 Bookbild Pamphlet Publisher 1.1/DOS for WP51 bklt10u.zip 10530 14-08-92 WP51 macro by A. Laarman, creates booklets cpg1.zip 440861 22-01-92 Computer Peace Graphics in WPG format, Vol. 1 cpg2.zip 488058 22-01-92 Computer Peace Graphics in WPG format, Vol. 2 emailprs.zip 3389 29-03-92 Prep WP doc for email w/many attribs preserved fkat10.zip 45158 03-05-95 Creates font catalogs in WordPerfect/DOS 6.0 gcatwp31.zip 109033 11-06-95 Graphcat ClipArt Catalog 3.1/DOS for WP60,51 gif2wp37.zip 28259 14-09-93 Convert GIF images to WordPerfect WPG format htmwp612.zip 36911 12-08-94 Helps create HTML docs w/WordPerfect 6.0 DOS imgct201.zip 43040 01-08-95 Creates catalogues of images in graphics files ltrkit30.zip 162865 11-06-95 The Letterhead Kit v3.0/DOS for WP60,51,51+ macrai11.zip 186342 17-09-92 WordPerfect macro programming tools, v1.1 mcroade4.zip 122663 17-09-92 Utilities for WordPerfect 5.1 macros morepfct.zip 12587 08-01-92 More Perfick: Macros optimize WP editing speed mpe4wp12.zip 133002 17-08-92 Macro programming environment for Word Perfect mr_wpm10.zip 124552 30-07-95 20+ macros for WordPerfect 6.0 DOS mtwp.zip 178480 25-10-93 More tools for WordPerfect 5.x novellwp.zip 13184 09-03-90 Tips on putting WP 4.2 on Novell network popperf.zip 72434 29-04-88 Pop-up WordPerf 4.2 utilities (Shareware) prowp61a.zip 495584 19-05-95 Productivity Solutions Pack for WP 6.0 for DOS prowp6ug.zip 108161 19-05-95 User's Guide (WP6/DOS format) for prowp61a.zip prt51_05.zip 89192 18-03-90 Word Perfect 5.1 printer disk #5 pswpg100.zip 11897 09-11-93 PS image preview for WP. Req Ghostscript, PBM+ stylst30.zip 52446 05-02-91 Convert WordPerfect 5.0 Style Sheets to text thlm5081.zip 514049 03-10-92 Grammar/style checker for WordPerfect 5.x ttwp51.zip 20292 03-05-90 Typethru to printer for WordPerfect 5.1 uncrypt.zip 8463 29-03-91 How to remove password protection from WP file wclip11.zip 149504 11-06-95 Wood Clips Sampler Set 1: WPG Clip Art v1.1 wordp89.zip 4327 16-11-89 Books on WordPerfect (winter, 1989 edition) wp3fre20.zip 20957 27-05-95 WP 5.1 enhanced EDIT and CALC + multibufers wp50art1.zip 64640 09-03-90 WordPerfect 5.0 Clip Art - Volume 1 wp50art2.zip 33280 09-03-90 WordPerfect 5.0 Clip Art - Volume 2 wp50art3.zip 40576 09-03-90 WordPerfect 5.0 Clip Art - Volume 3 wp50art4.zip 69766 18-03-90 Word Perfect 5.0 Clip Art Vol.4 wp50art5.zip 21188 18-03-90 Word Perfect 5.0 Clip Art Vol.5 wp50art6.zip 88529 18-03-90 Word Perfect 5.0 Clip Art Vol.6 wp50art7.zip 24924 18-03-90 Word Perfect 5.0 Clip Art Vol.7 wp51temp.zip 10715 08-03-90 Pop-up screen templates for WordPerfect 5.1 wpbarcod.zip 18602 14-07-92 WP51 merge files create USPS POSTNET barcode wpbklt25.zip 131608 03-05-95 Booklet System for WordPerfect/DOS 5.1 wpdesign.zip 228363 31-12-91 By Design: Desktop publisher for Wordperfect wpeqn12.zip 31007 07-12-92 Convert LaTeX equations to Word Perfect wpfkeys5.zip 16644 05-08-89 TSR displays bottom line template for WP 5.0 wpfree3.zip 55410 18-03-90 Word Perfect 5.0 Freeware - PD pictures wphp1.zip 115898 03-04-90 WP 5.1 driver for new HP Laser Jet III wphp52.zip 202556 05-02-91 WP 5.1 printer drivers, additional HP LaserJet wplabels.zip 11619 18-03-90 Tutorial: Printing labels w/WordPerfect 5.x wplogos.zip 67072 09-03-90 Company Logos to be used with Word Perfect wpmd3.zip 65823 25-10-93 Fixes damaged WordPerfect 5.x files wpmprt11.zip 52686 12-12-91 Print WordPerfect 5.1 macros to a file wpt51d10.zip 16393 01-07-94 WordPerfect 5.1 macro converts DOS txt to HTML wpt60d10.zip 33679 01-07-94 WordPerfect 6.0 macro converts DOS txt to HTML wptool52.zip 220838 25-10-93 Collection of WP 5.x utilities and macros wptutor1.zip 122575 22-01-91 WordPerfect 5.1 Tutor, (1 of 2) wptutor2.zip 142830 22-01-91 WordPerfect 5.1 Tutor, (2 of 2) wputil36.zip 31994 28-04-91 WordPerfect Utilities v3.6 for WP5.1 wpwstar.zip 10284 29-08-88 WordStar keyboard for Word Perfect 5.0 zwp.zip 2467 18-03-90 Word Perfect 5.* macros ----------------------------------------------------------- WWIV BBS program and utilities path: /disc1/wwiv/ ----------------------------------------------------------- aeam100.zip 12979 09-08-94 AEAM: WWIV BBS automessage enhancement utility afa090.zip 32582 09-08-94 AFA v0.9 - File-area analyzer for WWIV 4.23+ audrey13.zip 43555 01-08-95 Audrey v1.3: Flexible WWIV form generator call1_90.zip 13394 19-03-94 Manager for CallOut.Nets of WWIV-type networks chainl32.zip 24918 22-03-94 WWIV Chain Log v3.2: Externals usage reports dfrag220.zip 67028 22-03-94 WWIV Defrag v2.20: Message base defragmentor dmm100.zip 26366 01-09-95 Mail all users on a WWIV bbs dnum100.zip 26133 01-09-95 Dnum: Newuser mailer for WWIV bbs software exnetv1.zip 19504 20-10-93 External WWIV Network processor (Type 27/xx) icest10.zip 29791 23-11-94 Graphical user status program for WWIV BBS linker34.zip 108624 08-04-94 WWIV Linker v3.4: Multi-network sender ndel_102.zip 39852 15-04-95 NetDel 1.02: WWIV network message/mail deleter nite4_11.zip 24883 01-07-95 Automatically adds CD-ROMs to WWIV 4.22+ pmstr400.zip 59951 18-08-94 Auto message sending for Wildcat! 4.xx stript21.zip 48877 08-04-94 WWIV StripIT v2.1: Message preprocessor wedit25b.zip 256010 22-03-94 WWIV Edit v2.5b: On-line screen editor wmail454.zip 157139 22-03-94 WWIV Mail v4.54: Off-line mail door ww2waf10.zip 9895 17-08-93 Allows use of Waffle as a door on a WWIV BBS wwa1_423.zip 115935 17-03-94 WWIV v4.23 BBS, documentation, 2 of 2 wwcp122.zip 107891 11-06-93 Waffle <-> WWIVnet gateway software for Waffle wwcpinf2.zip 825 11-06-93 WWIV WWCP INFO upload/contact info wwgt109a.zip 121386 11-06-93 WWIVGate: Allows WWIV BBS to work with FIDOnet wwgtinf2.zip 912 11-06-93 WWIV GATE INFO upload/contact info wwiv423.zip 756695 17-03-94 WWIV v4.23 BBS, files, 1 of 2 wwivdraw.zip 35656 03-05-94 ANSI file generator for WWIV BBS systems wwnet33.zip 210523 11-06-93 WWIV BBS NET package ----------------------------------------------------------- Utilities for BSR and other X10 controllers path: /disc1/x_10/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bsrv3_0.zip 10207 21-05-91 Command line control for BSR X10 Powerhouse irdc212.zip 278918 23-04-95 Send commands to a ONE FOR ALL remote control mox10v10.zip 293906 19-07-94 Windows 3.1 interface for CP290 x10 controller smarten.zip 96699 23-02-95 X10/CP290 home automation scheduler x10dc160.zip 254032 31-03-95 Direct commands & diagnostics for X-10 CP290 x10ec120.zip 300013 31-03-95 Event scheduler for the X-10 CP290 x10fx100.zip 24247 19-03-95 FX v1.0: TW-523 X10 command interpreter x10xa300.zip 173292 19-03-95 XA - X10 Command Interpreter for CP-290 - v3.0 x10xt200.zip 60767 19-03-95 XT V2.0: TSR for CP-290 X10 computer interface xctl102.zip 176829 10-08-91 Sunrise/sunset control for X10 Powerhouse xe109.zip 37817 28-05-88 Access to an X-10 Computer Interface ----------------------------------------------------------- X/Y/Zmodem protocol programs and external drivers path: /disc1/zmodem/ ----------------------------------------------------------- astr201.zip 70231 21-05-91 ANSI text view & strip utility for YAM/ZCOMM atz220.zip 42561 13-05-89 Front end for using DSZ in terminal mode avgz20.zip 17133 04-10-91 DSZ log analyzer displays file xfer statistics bbs_tee.zip 21947 12-03-88 YAM-Host micro-BBS & Tee filter for scrn/modem cexyz100.zip 57078 19-08-93 Free FOSSIL or direct XYZmodem protocol module classicz.zip 103888 06-07-95 Classic non-graphic vers. of ZCOMM.EXE. 940426 dialers.zip 43162 06-07-95 Modem dialing scripts for ZCOMM & YAM. 940426 dlscr.zip 2299 14-11-87 Instant download MACROS dsz0607.zip 91908 06-07-95 X/Y/Zmodem protocol file transfer pgm - 950607 dsz0607n.zip 2525 06-07-95 What's new in the 950607 release of DSZ dsz0607x.zip 39305 06-07-95 X/Y/Zmodem file transfer, EXE version - 950607 dsz0919b.zip 39642 06-07-95 Background hints & info for DSZ, GSZ. 940919 dsz_ansi.zip 1833 20-05-90 Adds color to DSZ modem pgm (needs ANSI.SYS) dsz_bats.zip 2123 29-08-88 Collection of DSZ batch files dsz_paz.zip 15706 23-10-88 Zmodem, Jmodem, other protocol manager dsz_read.me 529 15-01-89 Explains what DSZ program is dsz_zap6.zip 15484 07-04-88 Shell interface between DSZ and comm program dszboot.zip 17641 03-03-88 Set up for DSZ Zmodem module dszhowto.zip 2371 05-09-87 Tips on using DSZ for file transfers dszlog10.zip 42986 09-09-91 DSZ log file analyzer dszop3.zip 8563 29-08-88 DSZ options clearly explained w/examples dsztutor.zip 17756 18-04-91 Tutorial on how to use DSZ (Zmodem) dzhost17.zip 16323 24-02-89 Host mode for DSZ - instant BBS for up/downld external.zip 11659 23-02-88 Install external protocols to comm program ezrecv10.zip 83095 20-11-92 Express Zmodem: Background Zmodem receive pgm funclr11.zip 6796 12-09-91 Set random transfer colors in ZCOMM or PRO-YAM gsz0607.zip 111753 06-07-95 X/Y/ZMODEM driver w/graphic file xfer display gt_dsz.zip 978 12-03-88 BAT files for use with DSZ and GT Powercomm hotk_z60.zip 38570 19-04-89 Menu driven front-end for DSZ mobytrbo.zip 3097 12-01-91 Explanation of MOBYTurbo protocol in Zmodem mpmod160.zip 152907 08-07-94 DESQview-aware X/Y/Zmodem file transfer pgm nzmod993.zip 6604 18-05-90 Zmodem interface v.99.36 for DSZ.COM/DSZ.EXE pcz40690.zip 68515 23-12-90 External program for Zmodem, Ymodem, others phomast6.zip 68228 16-01-92 Michael Ash's starter scripts for Zcomm/ProYAM pips05.zip 20240 11-01-89 Zcomm/ProYAM script/support for PC Pursuit ptest.doc 5853 22-02-88 Comparisons of various file transfer protocols runzy.zip 10544 10-12-89 DSZ shell for Smart Communications scripts.zip 114660 06-07-95 ZCOMM/YAM phone/instant dwnload scripts 940426 szmod200.zip 203427 29-06-92 SZModem v2.00: Zmodem file xfer w/2 way chat tagger37.zip 31299 24-06-90 Download interface for Zmodem and Comm pgms txzm241.zip 42734 05-10-94 Texas Zmodem: Fast/free Zmodem protocol driver uft2.zip 124874 23-09-88 Unattended file xfer system (uses DSZ) updown.zip 36224 07-02-89 DSZ upload/download interface to comm programs xfi1.zip 31381 09-08-88 Menu-driven DSZ front-end for comm programs yamdemo.zip 178824 06-07-95 Pro-YAM communications SW demo - 950607 yamhelp.zip 91789 06-07-95 Flash-up help processor+database for YAM yzmodem.zip 59065 21-10-88 YMODEM and ZMODEM specs zbuddy23.zip 47255 23-12-90 DSZ shell to add ZModem to terminal programs zcommbar.zip 25341 27-02-88 Lotus Type Menu for ZCOMM Modem Program zcommdoc.zip 231171 06-07-95 ZCOMM user's manual line printer edition zcommexe.zip 194395 06-07-95 Comm pgm w/Kermit, X,Y,ZModem, SEAlink. 950607 zcommhlp.zip 89091 06-07-95 Flash-up help for ZCOMM communications program zcpbqnow.zip 21062 05-01-89 ZCOMM scripts for PCBoard and Q manager zdoc0814.zip 27607 16-08-91 Easy to understand docs & instructions for DSZ zintro.zip 5896 28-07-88 Graphic intro to ZMODEM protocol zload45.zip 30419 01-11-88 Front end menu for DSZ (Zmodem file transfer) zmenu_v2.zip 39644 22-01-91 Menuing system for use with ZCOMM modem pgm zmod810.zip 38893 20-08-91 Zmodem by author of Tmodem, graphic interface zmod_snp.zip 2176 24-12-89 Automate insertion of serial number for DSZ zmodhost.zip 2835 01-08-88 Menu-driven DSZ interface to ProComm zpack.zip 11620 29-08-88 BAT files & instr. how to use DSZ with comm pg zrun20.zip 5315 09-08-88 Front end menu for DSZ (Zmodem file transfer) zstart13.zip 2112 09-08-88 v1.3 ZSTART - run DSZ Zmodem w/Telix, ProComm zyx.zip 7050 14-07-90 Shell interface between DSZ and comm program ----------------------------------------------------------- Zoo archiver program and related utilities path: /disc1/zoo/ ----------------------------------------------------------- atoz112.zip 16718 09-01-88 ARC to Zoo archive conversion booz20.zip 31098 13-07-91 ZOO file extractor, handles new v2.10, w/C src fiz20.zip 8975 30-08-92 Analyze damaged ZOO archive for data recovery stuff2.zip 37098 22-03-89 Generate filenames & pathnames to feed ZOO uguide.zip 144055 09-06-89 User guide and documentation for ZOO v2.01 zoo210.exe 55721 12-07-91 Dhesi's make/extract/view ZOO archives, 910712 ----------------------------------------------------------- Ada programming language-related files path: /disc2/ada/ ----------------------------------------------------------- adapagr2.zip 48076 17-06-89 Manipulates paged files for Ada SR descrips. adatu200.zip 212532 25-03-91 Interactive Ada tutor system, v2.00 ada_lrm1.zip 149011 05-04-89 The Ada Language Reference Manual reader (1/4) ada_lrm2.zip 201585 08-11-88 The Ada Language Reference Manual reader (2/4) ada_lrm3.zip 43282 05-04-89 The Ada Language Reference Manual reader (3/4) ada_lrm4.zip 7930 08-04-89 The Ada Language Reference Manual reader (4/4) ada_met1.zip 115071 21-06-90 Ada metric analyzer & software cost estimator ada_tut3.zip 222577 24-09-94 ADA-TUTR v3.00: Ada-9X programming lang. tutor atutr202.zip 215505 22-06-94 CAI Course on Ada83 programming for MS-DOS avl191.zip 773994 10-10-94 AVL Ada9X Interpreter/Editor/Debugger bd3.zip 76696 30-04-89 Demo and tutorial on Ada tasking for PCs c01lab1.zip 451827 12-11-92 Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 1 of 15 c01lab2.zip 217176 12-11-92 Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 2 of 15 c01lab3.zip 1310605 24-04-93 Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 3 of 15 c01lab4.zip 780567 12-11-92 Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 4 of 15 c01lab5.zip 230726 12-11-92 Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 5 of 15 c01lab6.zip 20162 04-05-93 Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 6 of 15 c01ood.zip 343764 26-08-92 Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 7 of 15 c01oop.zip 337342 24-04-93 Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 8 of 15 c01plab.zip 217545 03-05-93 Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 9 of 15 c01pood.zip 597410 03-05-93 Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 10 of 15 c01poop.zip 672746 03-05-93 Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 11 of 15 c01pse1.zip 990826 03-05-93 Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 12 of 15 c01pse2.zip 422441 03-05-93 Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 13 of 15 c01rdme.zip 26322 05-05-93 Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 14 of 15 c01se.zip 620309 27-11-92 Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 15 of 15 gnat200a.zip 1450124 07-12-94 GNU NYU Ada9X Translator v2.00 for DOS, 1 of 3 gnat200b.zip 1376211 16-12-94 GNU NYU Ada9X Translator v2.00 for DOS, 2 of 3 gnat200c.zip 1036748 11-12-94 GNU NYU Ada9X Translator v2.00 for DOS, 3 of 3 gwuada_0.zip 25618 21-06-94 GWU Ada/Ed Readmes and User's Manual gwuada_1.zip 1431634 29-12-93 GWU Ada/Ed Compiler/Editor/Debugger, 1 of 9 gwuada_2.zip 34580 09-01-94 GWU Ada/Ed Compiler/Editor/Debugger, 2 of 9 gwuada_3.zip 89610 09-01-94 GWU Ada/Ed Compiler/Editor/Debugger, 3 of 9 gwuada_4.zip 15425 26-07-90 GWU Ada/Ed Compiler/Editor/Debugger, 4 of 9 gwuada_5.zip 371597 10-01-94 GWU Ada/Ed Compiler/Editor/Debugger, 5 of 9 gwuada_6.zip 94340 19-12-93 GWU Ada/Ed Compiler/Editor/Debugger, 6 of 9 gwuada_7.zip 282401 02-12-93 GWU Ada/Ed Compiler/Editor/Debugger, 7 of 9 gwuada_8.zip 54492 29-12-93 GWU Ada/Ed Compiler/Editor/Debugger, 8 of 9 gwuada_9.zip 849310 20-12-93 GWU Ada/Ed Compiler/Editor/Debugger, 9 of 9 napp.zip 224116 29-08-89 NASA Ada source code reformatter pcdp.zip 55810 07-11-94 Programs to accompany Prin. Conc. Dist. Prog. smallada.doc 11992 07-06-93 Readme file for GWU SmallAda (SM-ARCHV.ZIP) sm_archv.zip 120781 12-02-93 GWU SmallAda 'Pascal subset' Interpreter ----------------------------------------------------------- Artificial intelligence-related utilities path: /disc2/ai/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ai_tutor.zip 131028 08-04-91 Artificial intelligence tutorial expbench.zip 66222 28-12-87 Expert System benchmarking flipc11.zip 75723 14-02-95 Fuzzy Logic Inverted Pendulum Control (v1.1) gaf200b.zip 172830 29-10-94 Adaptive fuzzy logic using Genetic Algorithm mstar201.zip 129805 15-05-95 Mind Star chat machine. A turbo Eliza ----------------------------------------------------------- Archiving programs (ARC, ARJ, LZH, UC2, etc.) path: /disc2/archiver/ ----------------------------------------------------------- actest09.zip 14220 12-09-95 Archive Comparison Test - Sept. 1995 edition act_26.zip 45118 08-08-95 Archive Comparision Table, v26 ar002.zip 27877 21-10-90 Source for Okumura's new pedagogical archiver arca129.zip 10254 09-12-87 Create/add ARC files, no update/replace arce41a.zip 9366 12-04-92 Vernon Buerg's fast ARC extraction program arc_file.inf 7770 03-03-88 Documentation on the structure of ARC files arj241a.exe 223856 27-07-93 Robert Jung's ARJ archiver, version 2.41 arj242b.exe 279918 14-02-95 ARJ v2.42 Beta 3: Test release of ARJ archiver crush18.zip 69931 11-03-95 CRUSH v1.8 - Super-compressor for DOS dearc31.zip 22101 26-07-88 deARC utility in Pascal, w/unSquashing detar11.zip 15028 24-01-88 Process a TAR file on PC dwc_a501.exe 90112 29-08-88 DWC Archiver v A5.01 - 25% faster than v4.95 extar10.zip 11026 08-06-91 Simple TAR unpacker; w/Unix to DOS name conv. hap300re.zip 25754 12-02-95 HAP archiver v3.00 hpack78.zip 114115 20-11-92 High performance archiver from New Zealand hyper25.zip 23760 30-09-90 All new file compression program jam125sw.zip 209789 10-03-95 JAM Real-Time Data Compression Utilities jrc110.zip 85607 19-05-95 Royalty-free file compressor and archiver larc333.exe 55936 20-05-89 LARC Compression program from Japan lh114wrn.txt 565 07-08-89 Warning about hacked compression utility lha211sr.zip 59459 05-03-91 LHA 2.11 file compression pgm ASM & C src code lha213.exe 44416 07-08-91 LHA v2.13: LZH archive make/extract program lharcsrc.zip 40348 20-06-89 TurboC/OPTASM source code for LHarc & its SFX lhe101.exe 11522 29-07-95 Fast LHA file extractor for MS-DOS lh_fraud.zip 7306 29-07-89 Information about the LHARC 1.14 (ICE) fraud! ltarv3.zip 48521 28-01-92 DOS's deTAR util with special filename mapping lzhufe.zip 21103 27-04-89 LZHUFE encoding file compression w/TPascal src lzhuftp5.zip 10989 01-05-89 LZHUF encoding file compression w/TPascal src modlhsrc.zip 3839 26-06-89 Modify LHarc source code for MASM/TASM pak251.exe 103338 11-12-90 NoGate's ARC,PAK,ZIP create/extract program pax2exe.zip 57379 26-02-90 PAX v2.0 - Unix-like tar and cpio for MS-DOS pdtar.zip 88613 14-06-88 Read/write TAR files on PC pk361.exe 119598 01-08-88 Fast ARC file make/extract PKPAK/PKUNPAK v3.61 policy.sea 4385 13-09-88 SEA policy re: ARC copyright & trademark 9/13 rar155.exe 269885 11-09-95 The RAR Archiver v1.55/DOS (release) rcx10.zip 49890 01-02-93 RCX: ReCursive .arc/.zipfile eXtractor sqshinfo.doc 4078 07-08-87 Katz PKARC/PKPAK squashed files definition squash.zip 27541 13-11-87 'C' source for the PKPAK squashing compression sqz1083e.exe 119203 10-02-93 SQUEEZE archiver from Sweden. Compresses small tar320c_.zip 175595 17-04-95 DOS/UNIX tar w/.Z/(g)zip/hardware support tar4dos.zip 38129 21-03-90 Unix-compatible TAR archive create/extract trademrk.inf 1665 17-09-88 Re ARC: What it takes to get a trademark unarj241.zip 38545 04-06-93 ARJ file extractor for MS-DOS/Unix/VMS/others xeq160.zip 14700 17-12-93 Packs small COM files into one to save space ----------------------------------------------------------- Utilities for handling archived files path: /disc2/arcutil/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ac300.zip 103250 30-04-93 Converts between compressed archive formats aczar100.zip 332247 10-03-93 Archive shell for ZIP,LZH,ARJ,PAK,ARC,ZOO,SCAN addc22.zip 19683 09-07-92 Inserts comment headers into ZIP and ARJ files am107.zip 231410 17-12-94 Front end for ARC, ZIP, ARJ, LZH, UC, etc. ar15.zip 40903 10-11-88 Run a program from an ARC file arccmnt3.zip 19883 05-08-88 Auto insert BBS' description in ARChived file arcdmp1.zip 12479 01-01-88 Split large ARC file to fit on 360K floppies arcf110.zip 7060 10-03-92 Find text in ARChives by Vernon Buerg, v1.10 arcfdat3.zip 23468 29-11-87 Set directory date/time to latest ARC member archv335.zip 73671 04-12-90 Archive manager shell for ARC/LZH/PKA/ZOO/ZIP arcid105.zip 19906 21-02-94 Identifies archive types by file signature arcindx2.zip 44837 26-06-88 Create a catalog of archived data arcruner.zip 8494 10-05-88 Run COM and EXE files in archives arcstamp.zip 17841 22-06-88 Date/time stamp and rename ARCed files arcv122.zip 13401 13-04-91 V.Buerg's verbose display of ARC directories arcvrt21.zip 56900 12-08-89 Convert between any archive formats arff.zip 21488 07-09-88 File find; peeks inside ZOOs and ARCs arjm101.zip 96038 22-10-91 Menu shell for ARJ. Supports all commands arjop141.zip 52074 20-05-92 Mini-menu/shell for ARJ, with full source arjvw161.zip 186727 07-04-94 ARJ 2.41 viewer for NC 3.0&4.0 & VC 4.0 at780f.zip 103575 12-06-93 Archive shell for ARC/LZH/PAK/PKA/LBR/ZOO/ZIP av20.zip 16857 19-03-89 Views files from ZOO, PKPAK, ARC, PAK, LU, SQ av412.zip 65235 16-12-94 Archive view: Free ZIP etc directory viewer aview65b.zip 72170 09-04-94 BBS util: view/extract files from archives ca100.zip 14288 01-03-89 Verbose list for ARC / ZIP archives cb_av47.zip 143882 11-12-94 Chris Buijs' archive file front-end v4.7 chkpak.zip 11282 07-10-88 Check integrity of an archive file compr16.zip 11250 26-08-89 ZIP/LZH/PAK/ARC/ZOO/DWC extract/view/freshen cvt_101.zip 18478 29-10-89 Convert from one archive type to another fv145.zip 8988 23-06-93 View dirs of ARC/DWC/LBR/LZH/PAK/ZIP/ZOO/SFXs gen012.zip 25190 24-08-91 Builds multivolume backups w/popular archivers gus_180.zip 34564 21-06-94 File add/extract shell for 13 archive types idc40a.zip 135398 09-07-90 Gary Conway's IDC shell & NARC archiver, v4.0a ifl150.zip 21860 26-11-89 Displays dirs of ARC/LZH/PAK/ZIP/ZOO archives jup_160e.zip 137376 09-09-95 Indentifies and uncompresses archived files larc22.zip 48089 09-03-89 Chooses best compression method for ARCs/ZIPs larch308.zip 57859 27-05-94 Archive manager for ZIP,ARC,PAK,LZH,ARJ,ZOO lckr201.zip 55961 10-02-93 Splits and sizes LZH files lhavw161.zip 95173 07-04-94 LHA 2.55 viewer for NC 3.0&4.0 & VC 4.0 lhc15.zip 1447 19-05-90 BAT file converts other archive formats to LZH lhdir13.zip 12056 26-05-89 View directories of LHarc archives lhmenu.zip 11926 05-04-89 Front end menu for LHARC lhtools.zip 26058 19-04-89 Check LZHs for trojans, make self-extract LZHs lhx.zip 29520 16-04-89 Recover files from damaged LHarc archives lsize252.zip 60450 29-09-94 Archive re-sizer with LZH/ARJ/ZIP/RAR support lview.zip 10686 03-04-89 Viewer for LHARC'ed files lzhtv12.zip 33163 22-04-90 LZHTV v1.2, on-line LHarc file viewer lz_comp2.zip 18884 11-04-89 Discussion of various compression algs. w/src mad100.zip 13936 21-05-89 Multi-format archive file viewer also does SFX makelzh2.zip 7917 16-05-89 Make LZH files of all files in a directory modzip12.zip 47255 03-06-95 Prepares for upload MOD/MTM/STM/S3M/669/FAR/XM mup118.zip 30624 11-06-95 Multiple UnPacker. Supports 18 diff. archives mva101.zip 4810 11-03-88 Front end MultiVolume ARC for PKXARC/ARCE openclos.zip 45443 18-10-90 ARC/ZIP subdirectory management utilities pk_ced.zip 2732 16-09-88 CED synonyms for use with PKWare archiving psdarc.zip 9856 01-06-93 Deletes all files extracted from an ARC file puzv11.zip 54974 13-07-94 Powerful UnZipper: Extract shell for archivers qaz_340.zip 74672 23-06-94 Archive viewer and file finder qc175.zip 23185 23-06-91 Converts to/from ZIP, ARJ, and LHarc formats redate2.zip 17086 23-05-91 Resets archive filedate to match internal date repak2.zip 12350 05-10-88 Pascal pgm to repack archives w/source rv251.zip 24325 13-03-94 Archive lister for ARJ/HYP/LZH/ZOO/PAK/ZIP/ZOO rvs113.zip 47909 27-01-95 RView Shell: View/extract contents of archives see24int.zip 12032 26-05-91 Interactive version of SEE24 archive file view see260.zip 9160 16-08-91 View ARC/PAK/ZOO/ZIP/LZH/ARJ/DWC/HYP/LBR v2.60 sharc24.zip 12810 26-05-91 View/Extract shell ArcArjZipZooLzhPakDwc, etc. shez108.zip 391173 08-09-95 Shell for ZIP/LHA/ZOO/ARC/ARJ/SQZ/PAK/UC2 shezt.zip 35928 31-10-92 Online tutorial for first time SHEZ users shezview.zip 6498 15-10-91 Shell to add viewers to SHEZ archive manager sts_410.zip 107958 26-01-94 Stereo Shell v4.10: Archive/file shell tolharc.zip 44008 19-04-89 Convert other archive types to LHarc tolzh10.zip 13994 04-05-89 Convert from ARC/PAK/ZIP/ZOO to LZH archives tundo.zip 12805 07-06-92 Unarchiving shell and basic file associations undo_20.zip 11849 03-01-92 Shell opens ARC/ARJ/ZOO/ZIP/PAK/LZH w/1command update.zip 17286 18-10-88 PKPAK/ZOO format conversion program uxarc.zip 7900 12-07-89 Single interface to ZIP, LZH, PAK archivers xchg_103.zip 13624 20-03-89 Convert from one compression sys to another xone23.zip 8442 12-10-87 V. Buerg's ARChive split utility v2.3 (w/ASM) zcp300.zip 103139 25-08-94 Zip Chunker Pro 3.0: Splits ARC, ARJ, LHZ, ZIP zdif21.zip 85175 05-10-94 Compare 2 dirs/archives or archive & directory ----------------------------------------------------------- Assembly Language 'Magazine' path: /disc2/asm_mag/ ----------------------------------------------------------- amag0289.zip 17168 22-02-89 The Assembly Language 'MAGAZINE', 2/89 issue amag0389.zip 22724 29-03-89 The Assembly Language 'MAGAZINE', 3/89 issue amag0589.zip 15591 22-05-89 The Assembly Language 'MAGAZINE', 5/89 issue amag1289.zip 31046 16-12-89 The Assembly Language 'MAGAZINE', 12/89 issue ----------------------------------------------------------- Assembly language source code, libraries & utilities path: /disc2/asmutil/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 80x0393.zip 172636 30-03-93 ASM snippet collection from 80XXX FidoNet echo 8668_101.zip 34261 30-09-94 80x86 to 68000 source-code converter v1.01 a86v372.zip 170711 23-10-94 Isaacson's ShareWare assembler v3.72 afixv100.zip 22996 18-02-90 Conversions for 61 PC Mag MASM files to A86 alabv10.zip 170207 30-07-95 Assembler Laboratory v1.0; Assembler IDE alib30.zip 803880 20-12-94 Library of assembler functions with source amisl091.zip 65324 17-10-92 Src lib to create highloading removable TSRs asm104.zip 21010 02-09-95 Magic Assembler v1.04 asmed_1.zip 85791 26-10-89 Editor making integrated env for TASM/MASM asmenv19.zip 121013 14-11-93 ASMEnv v1.9: Borland-style IDE for TASM/MASM asmhelp.zip 16130 31-10-87 MASM Assembler help files w/docs & examples asmlib37.zip 181336 03-07-93 Herr's library of ASM language subroutines asmwin13.zip 22783 27-01-89 Assembly language windowing routines for TASM asmwiz16.zip 81416 21-02-94 Assembly Wizard's Lib. 1.6 for ASM programming asm_0_m.zip 702800 19-06-90 ASM programs/libs/etc from various sources 1/2 asm_n_z.zip 686118 12-02-90 ASM programs/libs/etc from various sources 2/2 bin.zip 4801 17-12-87 Drop-in replacement for EXE2BIN bxd26.zip 24734 28-05-89 BrandX full-screen debugger, v2.6 chasm4.zip 106359 17-07-87 CHeap ASseMbler (freeware) conv_a11.zip 26523 07-11-89 Case conversion util for Assembly language src d86bios4.zip 30734 07-07-89 D86's BIOS interface for unusual machines, v4 d86v372.zip 90632 23-10-94 Isaacson's ShareWare debugger v3.72 dbug2.zip 11758 26-08-88 Inspect and change bytes in a file dosexec.zip 5788 08-06-89 Demonstrates how to use MS-DOS EXEC function emstulkt.zip 352913 25-10-91 Multi-language EMS library w/docs from Intel execom14.zip 16665 08-03-88 Exe2Com v1.04 by Chris Dunford (w/MSC source) gospeed.zip 7732 28-05-90 Sample code to detect if TSR is already loaded loadems.zip 3367 26-02-90 ASM example of load & execute from EMS memory loop.asm 2628 15-08-87 Demonstrates block transfers of memory lw286.zip 16612 22-12-87 TSR: 80286 assembler language quick reference mac8080.zip 11600 25-11-91 TASM macros to assemble 8080 code mastrenv.zip 1544 05-06-88 ASM source - find the DOS master environment nor_asmb.zip 94765 14-08-89 Norton ASM langauge rtns for disk file patcher ovl301.zip 92971 05-02-89 Overlay manager, linkable+standalone versions pdvim.zip 34932 08-09-87 Virtual machine PC-AT emulator prenv.zip 2686 25-09-88 Read a program's parent's environment w/ASM priac1.zip 5567 27-09-88 Displays IAC area at 40:00F0 w/ASM readobj.zip 16360 13-03-89 Dump Microsoft .OBJ & .LIB files, w/'C' source rtools.zip 252424 05-12-93 Macro assembler/editor w/high-level structures soundexa.zip 5913 28-03-88 Assembly language source for soundex routine stderrf.zip 28178 03-06-95 Program w/source to redirect stderr to file stdlib.zip 146359 13-03-91 Standard Library for 8086 ASM programmers struca86.zip 3082 30-12-89 Macros for structured programming in A86 switch.zip 3172 25-09-88 Demonstrates how to read command line switches tbones07.zip 37582 20-01-91 Skeletal ASM programs for programming TSRs template.zip 13161 06-02-92 Douglas Boling's MASM template for a TSR pgm unld8616.zip 20969 25-06-95 Converts binary to Intel hex unreal10.zip 5372 17-03-95 Unreal-Mode v1.0: Linear memory in real mode usoftpd.zip 32064 06-11-87 Assembler macros for use with MASM 5*.*0 valarrow.zip 107488 23-04-95 Assembler, linker, editor (old but good) wasm202.zip 93438 17-07-87 Wolf's Shareware assembler x2b11.zip 7376 15-10-89 EXE2BIN replacement (tweaked ASM src) v1.1 xray15.zip 14092 19-02-90 Displays interrupts/calls during pgm execution zendisk1.zip 64965 15-02-90 Listings from 'Zen of Assembly Language', #1 zendisk2.zip 108816 15-02-90 Listings from 'Zen of Assembly Language', #2 ----------------------------------------------------------- Astronomy-related programs and utilities path: /disc2/astrnomy/ ----------------------------------------------------------- aa_51.zip 167716 21-03-93 Astronomical almanac - sun moon planets stars astrmt30.zip 799713 27-05-95 Astrometric data reduction for CCD images astro20.zip 38521 11-09-88 Calculate planetary ATA, rise and set time astro202.zip 96719 21-07-92 Athabasca University Micro-Planetarium v2.02 brungsc1.zip 61006 16-07-92 Astronomy: Drawing a sky map using GSC b_star.zip 42169 10-05-93 Program to animate motions of a binary star cosmoh13.zip 120395 30-01-95 A 3d tour of the nearest 2300 galaxies dance13.zip 148513 16-02-90 Computer model of the solar system. DEMO de118i.zip 185733 21-03-93 N-body numerical integration of moon & planets diff_dra.zip 42042 10-05-93 Displays a binary star system in 3-D dspace51.zip 1379832 11-04-95 Observer oriented star mapping program for DOS ephem421.zip 245585 13-09-90 Astronomical ephemeris:stars/planets positions expwt21.zip 46804 09-06-94 Find relative weight & info on local planets galil.zip 50133 10-05-93 Animates motions of Jupiter and its satellites galsat50.zip 37416 13-08-93 Displays relative positions of Jupiter's Moons gravity2.zip 112662 04-06-91 Simulates motions of planetary bodies in space grvkit02.zip 249228 08-01-94 N-body gravitational simulator and player heat0_1.zip 72853 10-11-93 Aurora Spacecraft heat shield design, w/source jpstphn2.zip 55796 19-06-91 Animated display of Jupiters' satellites (CGA) jupsat40.zip 50113 01-02-94 Jovian satellites simulator with animation koms231.zip 69131 02-09-95 Komsoft v2.31: Program for comet watchers moon.zip 57446 09-04-90 Graphic display of moon's face w/pan/move/find nalm1995.zip 427592 21-05-95 Nautical Almanac Data (hourly) for 1995 nbodyd16.zip 138136 25-01-95 Point and click Nbody gravitational simulation planet.zip 40656 11-01-89 Gives time/azimuth/coords for planet rise/sets plnwch20.zip 320607 26-05-94 Solar system simulator and reference satsat2.zip 78238 30-12-94 Displays relative positions of Saturn's moons satview2.zip 34585 19-06-91 Mathematical model of sunlit planet Saturn/CGA sfs101.zip 277914 21-10-91 Space Flight Simulator, CGA/HGC/EGA/VGA sfs101s.zip 446265 04-11-91 Source code for Space Flight Simulator v1.01 skyglb36.zip 362704 01-11-93 SkyGlobe v3.60: Desktop planetarium program skyplot.zip 156775 12-10-87 Star map graphic display solar.zip 35014 12-10-88 Solar system simulator starpl20.zip 326952 09-12-93 Star chart drawing package & Hubble GSC viewer starview.zip 206085 04-02-88 Astronomy at its best - (requires mouse) starwrk2.zip 194936 14-12-93 Astronomical Planetarium Simulator (SVGA-HERC) sv115.zip 796876 22-06-95 SVGA vector graph. planetary, ephemer. & anim. ----------------------------------------------------------- Utilities for PC AT+ machines path: /disc2/at/ ----------------------------------------------------------- atfmt.asm 4720 24-12-87 Disk format program for AT (MASM source) atperf.zip 31234 15-04-88 AT RAM performance tester. PC Tech Journal atromutl.zip 52499 13-11-87 AT ROM BIOS and hard disk table utilities at_setup.inf 5579 20-09-88 Information on the AT 'SETUP' utility at_slow.zip 2736 12-06-88 Slow AT's down to 4.77 for games and such at_slow3.zip 5048 14-10-89 Use high-res timer to slow down 80286/80386 cmos14.zip 6105 25-07-92 CMOS v1.4: Saves/restores CMOS to/from file cmoser11.zip 28458 29-07-89 386/286 enhanced CMOS setup program cmoskeep.zip 10030 14-07-94 Saves and restores multiple CMOS settings cmosram.zip 76241 25-07-91 Save AT/386/486 CMOS data to file and restore gsetup31.zip 30348 17-03-89 AT setup program runs from DOS; supports 3.5'' htmu.zip 11930 22-03-89 Read/modify AT ROM drv types to burn new EPROM kbdr.zip 1466 18-04-89 Swaps control & cap lock keys on IBM AT & PS/2 kbmap.asm 5083 17-02-89 Remap AT keyboard keys keyboard.zip 3514 16-06-88 Kbd*.com, utilities to re-map selected keys on rom2.zip 15837 18-12-89 Save AT and 386 CMOS data to file and restore setup21.zip 18309 03-06-88 Setup program which modifies CMOS RAM speedkey.zip 814 05-12-87 Resident program to speed Keyboard input swpkeyat.zip 7672 26-02-89 Swap escape and tilde keys on AT keyboard viewcmos.zip 11211 11-02-90 Display contents of AT CMOS RAM, w/C source xkb.zip 7314 10-12-89 Set AT keyboard repeat rate & delay, w/C src ----------------------------------------------------------- AutoCad and AutoLisp utilities path: /disc2/autocad/ ----------------------------------------------------------- a7221v1b.zip 78900 18-03-92 Converts and sends AutoCAD ADI files to HP7221 aabstrct.txt 7329 09-10-89 Information about the files in this directory abkout.zip 6357 21-07-95 Batch compatible lisp to wblock all blocks acadbbs.zip 2290 30-09-87 List of AutoCAD-oriented BBSs acadpcb.zip 71414 21-12-92 Tools and blocks for PC board design w/AutoCAD aconvert.zip 5369 26-08-95 Batch convert AutoCad R13 drawings to R12 adiplot.zip 96620 17-07-87 AutoCAD printer plotting utility adiplt.zip 47396 25-10-90 AutoCAD plots on mainframe printers adxfout.zip 4460 21-07-95 Batch compatible lisp program to dxfout dwgs alladi.zip 98688 31-05-90 General purpose ADI screen drivers for Autocad ally21.zip 187235 13-12-92 Autolisp program analyzer amate270.zip 160994 17-06-92 Auto-Mate v2.7: Front end AutoCAD dwg manager amdemo.zip 81952 13-08-90 AutoMaster:AutoCAD drawing mgr.&front end DEMO ansimnu3.zip 2919 01-02-90 AutoCAD: Color ANSI AutoLISP menu system asaveimg.zip 4835 07-08-95 Batch TIF, GIF or TGA image files of drawings attrstyl.zip 5634 07-08-95 Change block attribute text style & height autobmp2.zip 343388 22-07-95 Create bitmap (BMP) files of multiple drawings autocad.c 4511 20-09-88 Faster print AUTOCAD files to PostScript Prntr autograf.msg 719 30-08-87 Message from AUTOGRAF.PAS author, information autograf.pas 3336 14-08-87 Autocad .DXF File from Fortran & Turbo-Pascal autoplot.zip 4179 21-07-95 Batch compatible lisp to create plot files autopurg.zip 5879 21-07-95 Batch compatible lisp program to purge dwgs autoship.zip 20045 21-07-95 Batch compatible Lisp cleans up drawing setup axo_10.zip 18632 28-04-93 Oblique axonometry of DXF files ver. 10,11,12 chg.zip 3638 10-12-89 AutoLISP: Low level entity access chg3.zip 5220 01-02-90 AutoCAD low lvl entity access w/color graphics dcg100.zip 141059 30-08-94 DCG v1.00: DCL Code Generator for AutoCAD R12 dcg101.zip 141605 10-11-94 DCL Code Generator v1.01 for AutoCAD R12 dlglx122.zip 60801 14-04-95 Converts USGS DLG data to DXF & layers attrib. door.zip 2026 09-12-89 AutoLISP: Two pick door program dragon.zip 1670 25-09-89 AutoLISP: Generates recursively defined dwgs dtl.zip 3111 25-07-88 AutoLISP: Extracts detail section of drawing dwgdocm.zip 9998 01-09-95 Attach text files as an integral part of dwgs dwgtime.zip 5640 21-07-95 Batch compatible lisp writes dwg times to file econo3.zip 5922 13-10-91 Redundant line replacement program for AutoCAD eleblks.zip 50264 02-07-91 Electrical symbols for AutoCAD fontsub.zip 6929 21-07-95 Batch compatible lisp to substitute dwg fonts geotol.zip 31550 08-03-93 GD&T made easy for AutoCAD R12 glac12.zip 330965 23-06-93 HP-GL/2 print/plot drivers for AutoCAD R12 hpgl2scr.zip 31529 20-09-91 Convert HPGL to AutoCAD script language hpglprl.zip 5312 29-04-93 Perl scripts convert HPGL to AutoCAD DXF/SCR hrsh2acd.zip 95122 19-07-88 Hershey fonts for use with AutoCAD isotls10.zip 22821 18-06-95 Isometric tool for AutoCAD r.12 kelv.zip 30485 29-03-91 John Walker's AutoLISP code protection program laymem11.zip 11506 10-11-94 Saves/restores AutoCAD current layer settings morph.zip 4419 24-12-94 AutoLisp: Morphs contour pairs into each other multiplt.zip 9105 06-08-95 Saves plot parameter to drawing using EED numcmd.zip 86744 26-10-92 Number-Pad based Interface for AutoCAD R12/386 pcxdxb11.zip 10731 22-11-90 Paintbrush PCX to AutoCAD translation utility pcxslt18.zip 33802 09-04-91 Converts Paintbrush PCX to AutoCAD DXF files pkey12_1.zip 258297 13-09-92 PowerKey1.02: Menu system for AutoCAD, 1of3 pkey12_2.zip 337130 13-09-92 PowerKey1.02: Menu system for AutoCAD, 2of3 pkey12_3.zip 274069 13-09-92 PowerKey1.02: Menu system for AutoCAD, 3of3 rdsld13.zip 63448 01-12-93 Display AutoCAD slide files, cnvt to GIF files rect.zip 2054 25-09-89 AutoLISP: Rectangle drawing routines runlisp.zip 365615 23-07-95 Batch processing for AutoCad for Windows screwit.zip 160180 10-03-91 ACAD drawing library: Socket Head Cap Screws seldwg_3.zip 17579 23-02-89 Select drawings from DOS for AutoCAD sfill.zip 1624 15-07-88 AutoLISP: Fill between 2 Arcs, Lines, Plines shx2shp.zip 8190 16-10-87 Convert ACAD SHX fonts to SHP files for edit sldm515a.zip 148347 07-05-93 SlideManager shows and converts SLD->DXF/HPGL slib10.zip 17250 26-04-95 Enhanced replacement for AutoCAD's SlideLib strekdxf.zip 297848 15-12-92 DXF format of Enterprise drawing for Autocad sv_env.zip 1990 25-09-89 AutoLISP: Saves AutoLISP environment to file volare10.zip 19123 28-04-93 Volume & area of DTM from DXF file w/3DFACES wblk.zip 2063 05-01-92 Write AutoCAD block reference to specified dir wrldmaps.zip 64442 22-12-89 Create maps in AutoCAD using WORLDMAP data xtrud.zip 7661 21-12-94 Extrudes pline section through arbitrary path ----------------------------------------------------------- MS-DOS versions of Unix awk programming language path: /disc2/awk/ ----------------------------------------------------------- awk320.zip 98335 23-05-91 AWK text scanning and processing language awk320sr.zip 71500 23-05-91 AWK v3.20 source from author's BBS awk_rev3.zip 14239 22-05-90 Reviews of AWK for MS-DOS, v3 phf.zip 1657 08-12-89 AWK code for handling phone/address database ----------------------------------------------------------- Baker's PC press releases path: /disc2/bakernws/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 00readme.txt 4007 29-03-95 Information about files in this directory expo9306.zip 714136 20-07-93 Baker's June Expo-93 press releases expo9406.zip 1266341 04-08-94 PC EXPO NY Press Releases - Jun 1994 expo9506.zip 1468620 02-08-95 Baker's PC press releases - PC EXPO 1995 news9203.zip 253644 04-06-92 Baker's PC press releases - Mar 1992 news9204.zip 325287 04-06-92 Baker's PC press releases - Apr 1992 news9205.zip 333456 02-06-92 Baker's PC press releases - May 1992 news9206.zip 380168 18-07-92 Baker's PC press releases - Jun 1992 news9207.zip 229126 31-07-92 Baker's PC press releases - Jul 1992 news9208.zip 292552 04-09-92 Baker's PC press releases - Aug 1992 news9209.zip 508848 01-10-92 Baker's PC press releases - Sep 1992 news9210.zip 542749 01-11-92 Baker's PC press releases - Oct 1992 news9211.zip 371083 14-02-93 Baker's PC press releases - Nov 1993 news9212.zip 157055 14-02-93 Baker's PC press releases - Dec 1993 news9301.zip 318466 14-02-93 Baker's PC press releases - Jan 1993 news9302.zip 273451 02-03-93 Baker's PC press releases - Feb 1993 news9303.zip 356111 03-04-93 Baker's PC press releases - Mar 1993 news9304.zip 419633 04-05-93 Baker's PC press releases - Apr 1993 news9305.zip 415611 02-06-93 Baker's PC press releases - May 1993 news9306.zip 413729 06-07-93 Baker's PC press releases - Jun 1993 news9307.zip 360774 01-08-93 Baker's PC press releases - Jul 1993 news9308.zip 441693 01-09-93 Baker's PC press releases - Aug 1993 news9309.zip 558997 02-10-93 Baker's PC press releases - Sep 1993 news9310.zip 557276 04-11-93 Baker's PC press releases - Oct 1993 news9311.zip 526837 07-12-93 Baker's PC press releases - Nov 1993 news9312.zip 492896 03-01-94 Baker's PC press releases - Dec 1993 news9401.zip 449505 17-02-94 Baker's PC press releases - Jan 1994 news9402.zip 374428 08-03-94 Baker's PC press releases - Feb 1994 news9403.zip 424468 04-04-94 Baker's PC press releases - Mar 1994 news9404.zip 368488 02-05-94 Baker's PC press releases - Apr 1994 news9405.zip 528310 02-06-94 Baker's PC press releases - May 1994 news9406.zip 416538 06-07-94 Baker's PC press releases - Jun 1994 news9407.zip 424750 03-08-94 Baker's PC press releases - Jul 1994 news9408.zip 501874 01-09-94 Baker's PC press releases - Aug 1994 news9409.zip 657384 16-10-94 Baker's PC press releases - Sep 1994 news9410.zip 773371 02-11-94 Baker's PC press releases - Oct 1994 news9411.zip 851563 01-12-94 Baker's PC press releases - Nov 1994 news9412.zip 569868 02-01-95 Baker's PC press releases - Dec 1994 news9501.zip 656855 05-02-95 Baker's PC press releases - Jan 1995 news9502.zip 653627 03-03-95 Baker's PC press releases - Feb 1995 news9503.zip 841730 18-04-95 Baker's PC press releases - Mar 1995 news9504.zip 865006 05-05-95 Baker's PC press releases - Apr 1995 news9505.zip 990090 06-06-95 Baker's PC press releases - May 1995 news9506.zip 1040287 09-07-95 Baker's PC press releases - June 1995 news9507.zip 830531 06-08-95 Baker's PC press releases - July 1995 nsjs9403.zip 351868 23-04-94 San Jose Dev Conf News - Mar 1994 pcexpo92.zip 675930 19-07-92 PC-EXPO June 1992 press release archive ----------------------------------------------------------- BASIC programming language-related files path: /disc2/basic/ ----------------------------------------------------------- abc0995.zip 387348 01-09-95 ALL BASIC CODE Packets 9/95 used by ABC Reader abcrd001.zip 52015 01-09-95 ALL BASIC CODE Reader/Extractor v0.01 acdkit10.zip 88220 05-11-94 Music CD Toolkit v1.0 for QB/PDS/VBDOS angel19b.zip 239882 27-07-93 AngeLIB 1.9b: MS PDS/BASIC 7.1 programming lib asic400.zip 262357 22-04-93 BASIC compiler, over 80 BASICA/QBASIC commands basic2sb.zip 50636 19-01-88 Converts BASICA to structured Basic basman1.zip 72219 13-12-87 BASIC manual - part 1 of 3 basman2.zip 79060 13-12-87 BASIC manual - part 2 of 3 basman3.zip 25925 12-12-87 BASIC manual - part 3 of 3 basmenu.zip 1951 25-07-88 Menu subroutine for Basic programs bastru21.zip 28727 03-01-94 Re-structures BASIC source code baswiz18.zip 303084 07-11-92 ASM/BASIC lib routines for QBasic/BASCOM/PDS bltp108a.zip 154238 07-01-95 Bullet for PowerBASIC 3 .DBF/b-tree toolkit bltq121.zip 197995 10-01-95 Bullet for QB45/BASIC7/VBDOS DBF/btree toolkit bpp10.zip 52873 09-11-91 Preprocessor for QBASIC/QuickBasic/BASCOM/PDS bprep110.zip 19562 05-11-91 Adds conditionals/includes/defines to BASIC bwb110e.zip 81209 27-10-92 Bywater BASIC Interpreter 1.10, EXE and doc bwb110s.zip 116572 27-10-92 Bywater BASIC Interpreter 1.10, C source code environ.inf 1468 17-06-89 Accessing environment variables from BASIC ga.zip 1951 16-07-88 Basic function key utility hurrican.bqs 5248 21-07-87 Hurricane tracking program imb9003.zip 4957 01-03-90 Inside Microsoft Basic - 03/90 imb9004.zip 6521 01-04-90 Inside Microsoft Basic - 04/90 imb9005.zip 7672 01-05-90 Inside Microsoft Basic - 05/90 imb9006.zip 7467 16-05-90 Inside Microsoft Basic - 06/90 imb9007.zip 4755 28-06-90 Inside Microsoft Basic - 07/90 imb9011.zip 4079 01-11-90 Inside Microsoft Basic - 11/90 libwiz13.zip 82724 27-04-92 Hanlin's Library Wizard BASIC library manager lrnbasic.zip 84602 17-07-87 Several examples and a study tutorial of BASIC pbc22a.zip 173555 30-06-93 PBClone: QB/PDS/VB-DOS library (1 of 2) pbc22b.zip 185402 30-06-93 PBClone: QB/PDS/VB-DOS library (2 of 2) pbcdk10.zip 73937 19-10-94 Audio CD Toolkit v1.0 for PowerBASIC 3.0 pbvl110.zip 157383 14-11-94 PB/VISION LITE 1.10 for PowerBASIC 3.0 pcl4pb43.zip 51908 22-06-95 Communications library for Power Basic pcl4vb43.zip 76469 22-06-95 Communications library for Visual Basic ppl4pb10.zip 79453 22-06-95 Protocol library for Power Basic prtsc.bas 365 17-03-89 Simple BASIC program to print the screen softip.zip 101771 22-10-90 Marquis Computing's BASIC Soft Tips magazine spllib.zip 113195 18-06-88 Structured Programming Language Processor tsrbas22.zip 95913 24-03-93 Terminate and stay resident BASIC Interpreter unpbas11.zip 1763 22-12-90 Unprotects GWBASIC/BASICA protected programs ----------------------------------------------------------- Batch file utilities path: /disc2/batutil/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ansmat10.zip 80729 19-05-91 Write BAT files to change colors/function keys aset10.zip 80283 19-05-93 Ricki's enhanced SET command ask11c.zip 14901 27-03-94 Asks questions in BATch file, w/timeout, w/src askmep.zip 26061 15-07-92 Batch file utility to prompt for Y/N question ask_bat.zip 15194 17-02-89 Timed response to Y/N prompts in .BAT files autornd4.zip 26045 14-08-94 Runs 1 of 99,999,999 batch files randomly autostop.zip 6008 14-11-88 Batch file utility. Good for BBS's a_r10.zip 17516 28-10-94 Batch file mouse + ANSI screen control, v1.0 bat2ex15.zip 37277 11-08-91 Converts BAT files to EXE files batch.zip 8337 12-04-89 Useful BAT files, color prompts prn commands batchart.zip 32449 29-04-88 A well written article on Batch files batchsel.zip 8517 26-05-91 Do DOS cmd /w file selection from BATCH file batcmdr7.zip 36069 19-12-87 Combine small batch files, Ver. 7 batcsh11.zip 33232 24-05-95 Converts DOS batch file to Unix c shell script batdbg14.zip 110262 13-05-95 Debugger/editor for Batch files batdel.zip 1071 17-05-89 Delete batch file after execution bathints.zip 41973 21-05-91 Collection of hints on using BATch files batkit54.zip 78598 09-09-93 BAT utils: kbd input, screen painting, more! batmakr2.zip 20376 01-01-90 Multi-option .BAT maker, with TPas 3.0 source batmen.zip 29479 29-06-89 Scrollable menus/windows in DOS batch files batmnu21.zip 36439 11-07-92 Batch file menus w/point-and-shoot & windows batscrn.zip 22179 09-06-91 Full screen pop-up pause/answer for BAT files batsec.zip 12375 04-03-92 Batch Secrets: Elementary color/key text info battimer.zip 26884 19-06-88 Batch file delay timer batutil1.zip 215983 25-03-90 Manipulate environment/get input in BAT files batutl2.zip 105401 21-04-88 Lots of .BAT file utilities batwait.zip 5036 05-09-88 Wait for response in .BAT file bat_time.zip 10095 12-05-88 A batch-time type utility. For system use bcsrce2.zip 133488 22-02-91 Wenham's BATCOM-compiled .BAT source code ben250.zip 45903 04-01-90 Batch file enhancer, boxes, colors, EGA/VGA bigecho1.zip 18400 06-04-95 Display 10-char msg in 8x8 block characters bmenu54.zip 23552 26-03-90 Pop-up menu system for use in batch files btchroom.zip 4253 28-12-90 Corrects COMMAND.COM problem w/MARK & RELEASE call.zip 5762 09-09-88 Simulate DOS 3.3 CALL w/earlier DOS vrsns w/C callbat.zip 12798 19-01-93 CALL command emulator for DOS < version 3.3 catsig.zip 25776 26-10-91 Audible & visual alarm for ending a long batch cdtect.zip 2861 06-04-88 Check for modem carrier detect in BAT files check160.zip 22729 22-07-92 Cmdline util to report on system; errorlevels chktd15.zip 13361 01-12-92 Check current time / date and set errorlevel choice17.zip 45738 10-03-90 Ask multi-level questions in batch files clrkey13.zip 10755 01-12-92 Clear 'n' keystrokes from keyboard buffer cmpftime.zip 9035 27-09-88 Compare time/date of 2 files, set errorlevel cntdwn1.zip 6170 16-02-93 Countdown from n minutes, returning ERRORLEVEL compdate.zip 11392 24-12-93 Store compilation time & date in TP .OBJ file countfil.zip 6178 13-02-92 Execute specified command after 'n' executions dat13c.zip 12217 27-03-94 Display date & time for logging, w/ASM source datechek.zip 970 25-04-88 Check day of week from batch file dateinfo.zip 17019 12-06-93 Date reminder pgm for AUTOEXEC/Win3.1 startup dates507.zip 67980 01-08-95 Warns you in advance of birthdays etc do21.zip 41975 04-01-95 Powerful interactive batch utility - Freeware dobat.zip 6342 20-03-88 Lets batch files CALL batch files domenu13.zip 6915 12-11-91 Adds window menus to any batch file dpv12.zip 10494 08-12-90 BATutl: Search drive/path/volume return errlvl dready.zip 977 26-07-88 Check for drive ready in BAT files dv_st200.zip 97645 26-01-95 String manipulation functions for batch files ebl405.zip 52235 15-03-91 Extended Batch Language version 4.05 echooff.pat 4564 20-09-88 Patches to make DOS default echo off in BATs echsys10.zip 32641 25-09-89 ECHO/SET-like utils,include sundry system info el.zip 3437 04-10-90 Set errorlevel to value on cmd line, w/C src elf11.zip 6350 28-10-88 Set errorlevel in .BAT files w/ASM enqr_25.zip 6549 19-05-94 Allows batch files to be interactive envset10.zip 7013 25-08-89 Set an environment variable in batch files envtime.zip 12546 01-01-93 Set DOS envir. variables based on system clock errlvl12.zip 19769 27-03-94 Displays errorlevel of previous program, w/src errlvl13.zip 10647 01-12-92 Set the DOS errorlevel (return code) every15.zip 11368 28-01-92 BATutil: Execute cmd if given time has passed existdir.zip 5824 08-01-93 Check existence of files and subdirectories exittime.zip 34548 10-05-89 Exit batch file at specified time fdate84b.zip 66492 13-07-94 Date manipulation utility for batch files fileage.zip 38172 04-05-95 Age of file in mins, hours, days as errorlevel fortn411.zip 66304 25-11-94 Fine-tunes DOS FOR command w/options funky.zip 6742 20-02-93 Batch file ask, input F1-F10 function key ans. get24.zip 73230 04-11-91 BATch enhancer inputs from user, DOS, environ. getday10.zip 9309 09-12-93 Put day of the week into DOS envir. variable getkey11.zip 11644 09-12-93 GetKey v1.01 batch file keypress utility greet.zip 1021 09-12-87 Nice greeting for batch files hdweelvl.zip 1331 18-07-88 Returns hardware byte in errorlevel (w/ASM) hit.zip 16724 28-05-88 Graphic alternative to DOS's PAUSE-Color reqd. hmrhm11b.zip 11294 22-12-90 Returns to start DIR in batch files holdit10.zip 7055 05-05-93 Like DOS' PAUSE w/timeout & errorcode w/srcTP ifexist.zip 8972 06-10-87 Powerful additions to any .BAT (w/ASM) ifnull.zip 5179 04-09-88 Tests if a batch variable is null int11.zip 6871 25-03-92 Execute DOS/BIOS interrupts from command line jumpext.zip 13163 22-06-89 Extended batch file decision maker keychk11.zip 7337 29-06-93 Control batch file decision making from keybd keypres2.zip 2784 15-11-87 Batch file key reader keystf.zip 1084 21-02-89 BAT util: Stuffs characters into kbd buffer makemenu.zip 85946 09-05-89 Construct MENU Batch files automatically makmnu18.zip 26004 01-12-92 Self maintaining menu utility mcsdiag.zip 13303 05-09-87 Batch file disk space diagnostic menu0891.zip 17264 06-08-91 Creates batch files which present nested menus mfwrite.zip 11240 25-10-90 Write cmd strings to console w/escape interp. microbat.zip 14212 21-01-91 MicroMacroBat, extends functionality of BATs mn_st101.zip 29521 26-01-95 Set unique file names for batch processing ms_ask.zip 3573 07-10-92 Ask user for input in a batch file. w/ASM src mtwdo218.zip 146797 04-08-95 MTWIN v2.18: INI - GRP file manager DOS necho10.zip 3910 25-07-88 .BAT color echo - compact, uses control chars nfty50.zip 95646 15-02-93 Nifty Fifty: 50 DOS utilities for batch files paws19.zip 34731 20-12-88 Batch-file util. Input, display, pause, more pbatch12.zip 86008 16-07-94 Batch Enhancer: Menus, Mouse, Hotkeys, Colors prmpt.zip 1696 07-12-87 Get user input from batch files pwrbt14j.zip 147906 27-05-91 PowerBatch: Compiles batch-like files to EXE rambat1.zip 6012 23-03-92 Use RAM for Batch files, save hard disk space rand_100.zip 21168 01-07-95 Randomly selects a file from a wildcard rap101.zip 234148 08-05-92 RAP v1.01: Powerful Batch programming language rbatch13.zip 126932 04-08-95 RUN BATCH RUN: Guide to creating batch files read131.zip 9299 28-03-89 Get input from kbd and put into ENV variables reply1.zip 9888 29-07-88 Accepts user reply inputs in batch files reset23.zip 10445 01-12-92 Presses the reset button and/or CTRL+ALT+DEL returnto.zip 2457 06-04-93 .BAT files for auto-return to starting drv/dir ring14d.zip 13995 27-03-94 Ring console bell, optionally on error, w/src ronset25.zip 65100 19-08-90 Multi-function batch enhancer by Ron Bemis runat10.zip 10156 25-08-91 Run command against each file in a given list sask135.zip 13926 26-04-92 Asks question in BAT file, returns errorlevel savpth13.zip 13101 01-12-92 Save current path setting to a batch file savscr27.zip 14318 01-12-92 Save/restore current text screen contents scrtyp13.zip 13023 01-12-92 Return screen type in use secbat.zip 74619 25-08-92 The Secrets of Batch files: Color and macros secho20.zip 14780 27-09-88 Put color and other attributes in BAT files select01.zip 9630 28-10-93 Pass a file as a parameter from a BATch menu setenv13.zip 21929 28-09-89 Set environment variables from .BAT file sfbudocs.zip 69718 05-08-94 Silicon Frog Batch Utilities v1.0, 1 of 3 sfbupgms.zip 263676 05-08-94 Silicon Frog Batch Utilities v1.0, 2 of 3 sfbushow.zip 203738 05-08-94 Silicon Frog Batch Utilities v1.0, 3 of 3 sleep25.zip 12546 01-12-92 Sleep for specified period sparkl41.zip 120916 01-09-95 19 Batch file options PLUS batch file creator sprbat3b.zip 35152 02-05-90 Winchester Computer Systems SuperBat utilities sputils.zip 102219 27-02-91 Batch & screen-save utilities w/mouse input stackey3.zip 120749 25-03-90 Place keystrokes in keyboard buffer -- BAT aid stfkey15.zip 13037 01-12-92 Stuff keys into the keyboard buffer. Non-TSR strings2.zip 82624 26-11-92 Adds 70 string handling functions to BAT files sw_42a.zip 54126 11-08-93 SW v4.2: BATCH file enhancement utility task11.zip 2773 09-11-87 Timed ASK (yes/no/no answer) for BAT files tbt323.zip 51389 16-08-94 TurboBAT: Compiles DOS batch file to .COM file test.zip 14535 14-04-94 Unix-like expression test utility, w/C src testif.zip 12469 30-10-90 Controls batch files through error codes timechek.zip 9268 03-05-88 Lets batch files act on time & date timestmp.zip 55671 16-01-90 Display current date & time on standard output toadfr12.zip 4346 27-04-91 Return disk free space as ERRORLEVEL tsbat46a.zip 116646 05-02-95 Collection of useful batch files by Timo Salmi unicda15.zip 10373 23-10-93 Check if specified drive is ready unirdw15.zip 11031 27-07-94 Return DOS errorlevel based on day of week vc10.zip 5440 20-05-91 VolumeChecker: Batch utility checks disk label vidchk.zip 543 21-07-88 BAT errorlevel 1-4 for Mono, CGA, EGA, VGA vidtyp14.zip 31648 31-08-90 Set environment variable to video display type wait15.zip 7651 07-07-88 Wait in BAT files, more features than PAUSE wait2.zip 23751 08-12-88 DOS pause command replacement waiter.zip 11605 04-03-93 Batutl: Counts down, allowing user to bail out what150.zip 10623 24-09-90 Set DOS environment to show system information xecho11.zip 9360 02-05-90 For batch files: A smart echo with options y_n_3.zip 4609 18-08-87 Batch utility to ask ques, get Y/N answer ----------------------------------------------------------- Utilities for editing binary files path: /disc2/binedit/ ----------------------------------------------------------- be.zip 30178 14-04-88 Binary file editor beav140.zip 94458 14-04-93 Binary file editor, many features and options beav140s.zip 152778 16-04-93 Binary file editor, C source, PC, UNIX, Amiga bedit25.zip 50651 09-03-93 Bedit v2.5: Binary/hex file viewer/editor bpe14.zip 28083 29-03-89 Examine and patch binary files bview1_0.zip 46621 25-03-93 BView v1.0: Binary or hex file viewer/editor edbin04.zip 30491 09-10-90 EDLIN-like string editor for binary files v0.4 edcom44.zip 8932 02-09-90 Editor for COM and EXE files, does disassembly efile.zip 24728 20-02-89 Binary file editor with cut/paste fed153.zip 49120 09-09-90 FileEdit:Binary file editor w/alfa & hex modes filez17.zip 40170 07-03-92 Binary file editor: hex/ASCII search/translate fix220.zip 25601 13-08-89 File Fix; binary file editor, v2.20 hedit110.zip 107699 06-05-90 Binary file editor w/color & struct formatting hex51.zip 66096 30-03-95 Binary file editor with mouse interface hexed100.zip 23049 24-05-90 Binary file hex/ascii editor w/insert & delete hexman10.zip 39389 03-06-94 Hex and ASCII file editor hexvw10.zip 86527 23-09-92 Hexadecimal file viewer and editor lmhedt23.zip 43087 21-02-94 Michaels' HEX/ASCII editor for binary files mzap102.zip 12306 26-05-91 Easy ASCII/HEX file editor, v1.02 pdt_32.zip 281199 04-08-95 2-gigabyte file editor: binary/ebcdic/dBASE pdt_rev.zip 11082 04-08-95 Review of PDT (2gig editor) by competing authr xed11b.zip 171035 24-08-94 Binary file editor with Ins/Del, S&R. zap104.zip 52347 30-04-91 ZAP v1.04: Full screen file editor for binary zapit302.zip 41448 01-09-95 Hex file editor, also able to edit (hard)disks zipzp715.zip 54126 07-01-92 ZIPZAP v7.15, hex file and sector editor ----------------------------------------------------------- Biology-related programs path: /disc2/biology/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bed100.zip 60861 11-12-92 Molecular Biology input feedback echo w/speakr biomrf.zip 37763 10-11-88 Demos cumulative small chg, Darwin evolution bldfsh21.zip 228801 16-04-91 Identify fish and graphically display esee109e.zip 117754 06-06-92 DNA/protein multiple sequence editor Ver 1.09e gsrc208a.zip 289862 27-08-93 Source code of GEP208A.ZIP simulation package herbage1.zip 205221 22-02-95 Searches a database of 262 useful plants hrap.zip 148417 14-05-88 Diet+Lifestyle=Longevity: compared w/average pchc30.zip 137613 08-03-95 ECG Cardiac monitoring program with tutorial pedhlp13.zip 45997 24-07-91 Pop-up hypertext help for PEDRAW13 pedraw13.zip 207625 24-07-91 Scientific pedigree-drawing program stages14.zip 95526 08-08-92 Research tool predicts spermatogenesis cells/t tierra40.zip 701499 13-09-92 Create virtual worlds and virtual lifes toxins.zip 26828 20-07-90 Snake and toad toxins, diagnosis, treatment ----------------------------------------------------------- System boot utilities path: /disc2/bootutil/ ----------------------------------------------------------- activate.zip 14855 04-12-92 Select hard disk partition while booting asksys.zip 2322 22-01-89 PcTch Jrnl's multboot w/timeout for DOS & OS/2 autoconx.zip 137235 13-07-94 Manager for AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files autoexec.zip 37510 24-04-89 Select different AUTOEXEC boot-up batch files blackout.zip 2401 18-05-93 Suppress CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT screen output boot142.zip 84480 30-07-91 Multiple CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT with DOS 5.0 boot210.zip 223217 11-12-94 BOOT.SYS v2.10 - The heavy-duty config manager bootany.zip 36054 29-10-90 Allows booting from any partition on hard disk bootex10.zip 1999 15-04-92 System reboot examples, with C & ASM src bootlog2.zip 12113 02-12-94 Tells you when you computer was booted last bootma33.zip 147901 01-07-92 Multiple boot configuration utility bootmenu.zip 18927 30-03-94 Autoexec/config bootmenu (with C source) bteasy14.zip 15253 12-09-93 BootEasy v1.4: Intellegent multi-OS boot cam262.zip 113080 13-03-92 Config/Autoexec Manager v2.62 clockchk.zip 10350 15-03-89 Execute pgms at boot-up according to time coldwarm.zip 1623 22-11-91 Run selected programs on cold/warm boot colrboot.zip 42682 30-10-94 Display color messages on non-system diskettes coned28.zip 70616 18-05-92 CONfig EDitor, boot multiple configurations config61.zip 100678 15-10-93 Automatic AUTOEXEC.BAT/CONFIG.SYS system mgr dboot11.zip 33219 27-11-89 Reboot with different CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT dualbt43.zip 19241 06-02-92 Boot multiple operating systems from same disk echblk23.zip 7608 16-10-93 Displays operative lines in DOS 6 CONFIG.SYS echob410.zip 9730 19-08-95 Displays Operative lines in DOS 6 CONFIG.SYS edconfig.zip 13160 29-01-89 Device driver for point and shoot CONFIG.SYS fasts101.zip 73744 26-01-91 Edit/select AUTOEXEC.BAT/CONFIG.SYS on bootup hitakey.zip 2758 08-05-90 Pauses in CONFIG.SYS to catch error messages hr_v1_1.zip 38075 04-06-95 Important date reminder utility iaca101.zip 16089 05-02-92 Pass information from CONFIG.SYS to AUTOEXEC mcf100.zip 70317 02-10-92 MCONFIG v1.00: Multiple Configuration Manager mnubt300.zip 36640 02-03-93 Select from multi configs w/booting, (VGA req) moreram1.zip 4995 28-10-88 Utility to skip memory test on boot-up multc21e.zip 5228 13-08-91 Choose multiple configuration files on bootup nowthn12.zip 19494 01-07-95 Now & Then: Runs programs periodically, no nag onboot.zip 4631 03-08-88 Run selected programs on Warm/Cold boot oncev13.zip 4633 15-07-93 Runs a program on boot-up once a day or week opsys204.zip 65545 26-02-91 Boot up to 100 different system configurations pausedev.zip 6208 24-01-93 Pause for CONFIG.SYS (w/TP source) D. Murdoch qwkq200.zip 215635 12-03-94 Display a random QWK tagline at boot-up reboot.zip 4291 07-02-88 Forces system reset reboot13.zip 9027 09-02-88 Switch CONFIG.SYS and auto reboot rebot100.zip 5211 02-09-94 Reboots PC at up to 10 different times per day recfg32.zip 60627 05-05-90 Select up to 20 AUTOEXEC/CONFIG.SYS on bootup recon23.zip 94047 19-04-90 Manage various AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS reset11.zip 3148 06-09-88 Reboot using different AUTO/CONFIGs restart3.zip 15625 24-09-90 Select different autoexec/config's on reboot select.zip 9298 07-01-91 Select from multiple AUTOEXEC files on boot-up startdwm.zip 10082 05-07-94 System startup util for periodic pgm execution strtdwm2.zip 12575 26-07-94 System startup util for periodic pgm execution swapc202.zip 43342 25-02-94 Save AUTOEXEC & CONFIG, change, flush & boot syscfg30.zip 112774 11-03-91 Maintains multiple AUTOEXEC.BAT/CONFIG.SYS sysgn132.zip 22986 11-12-89 Configuration utility(autoexec.bat/config.sys) tao.zip 30444 07-09-93 Shows new verse from Tao Te Ching at bootup tlmp1_1a.zip 73404 26-01-95 Set up events to run daily,fast,and convenent tmbootv2.zip 6971 10-10-89 Reboots computer at a specified time toadboot.zip 3461 21-05-91 Warm boot after n minutes delay, w/ASM source wrapsy10.zip 18280 16-02-93 Load programs and TSR's in CONFIG.SYS ----------------------------------------------------------- Patches / drivers / utilities for Borland's languages path: /disc2/borland/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bc20p1.zip 11443 13-03-91 Patch file for BC++ v2.0 (from Borland) bc20p2.zip 18609 29-10-91 Patch file for BC++ v2.0 (from Borland) bc30p1.zip 6417 20-01-92 Borland C++ 3.0 patch 1: exec() fix bc30p2.zip 9455 05-02-92 Bor. C++ 3.0 patch 2: decl-time array init fix bc30p3.zip 11941 29-01-92 Borland C++ 3.0 patch 3: DPMILOAD fix bc31p1.zip 11278 30-06-92 Patch for Borland C++ 3.1 - fixes NEW operator bc31p2.zip 52625 27-07-92 BC++ 3.1 patch: new TLINK w/increased capacity bc31p3.zip 8948 19-08-92 BC++/TCW 3.1 patch: fixes Obj Browser problems bgi28fnt.zip 173254 04-06-95 28 small Helvetica-like fonts; use w/ BGI lib. bgidriv.zip 74332 20-06-89 Borland BGI Toolkit driver/docs (UPDATE) bgifont.zip 59239 05-06-89 Update: BGI Font Editor/develop your own fonts bgifonts.zip 63122 31-05-89 Set of BGI fonts, full IBM character set bgiherc.zip 34910 31-05-89 Hercules Monochrome and Incolor BGI driver bgits4_0.zip 4892 23-07-92 BGI driver for TSENG 4000 chipset bgvga256.zip 17133 31-05-89 BGI driver for VGA 320x200 256 color mode blx11.zip 13762 18-02-91 Code from Borland Language Express Vol1 No1 drfrank.zip 106831 16-01-92 Windows Postmortem debugging aid et3bgi11.zip 6602 04-06-91 BGI driver v1.01 for Tseng ET3000 SVGA cards fastclok.zip 2732 07-04-94 BC src ms timing by increasing clock interrupt hgc32_12.zip 29457 30-01-95 Hercules VIDEO.DLL for Borland's TD32.EXE jnfb88.zip 196548 23-11-95 Borland's Magazine Jan/Feb 88 Sources prbgi097.zip 357148 15-12-92 BGI driver for dot matrix & laserjet printers sprgen10.zip 284027 22-09-94 Editor for Borland's Get-/Putimage pictures svgabg55.zip 202838 26-08-94 SuperVGA/Tweaked VGA BGI drivers, release 5.5 td1pat.zip 9973 19-12-88 Borland patches for Turbo Debugger 1.0 td386.zip 16769 21-06-91 Borland Turbo Debugger update for MS-DOS 5.0 tdwin31.zip 6775 07-04-92 DLL from Borland to use TDW with Win 3.1 tf386.zip 14151 24-06-91 Borland Turbo Profiler update for MS-DOS 5.0 tlink4.zip 94122 12-06-91 Borland Turbo Linker update for MS-DOS 5.0 tpwn31.zip 99388 06-04-92 TPW, TDW Windows 3.1 compatibility files ----------------------------------------------------------- C programming language-related files path: /disc2/c/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 64colors.zip 12528 04-06-90 How to display all 64 EGA colors on VGA,w/Csrc abmake14.zip 46980 10-08-89 An improved 'make' utility w/source actlib17.zip 87245 25-10-93 General purpose libs w/source for C/C++ pgmers ansi_c.zip 10123 30-11-87 Header file activates ANSI.SYS for C apm.zip 59212 09-10-88 Arbitrary Precision Math lib MS-C 5.x/TC/Unix asyncpec.zip 4856 03-05-89 Interrupt-driven async comm rtns for MSC 5.x asynlib2.zip 18925 21-03-91 ASYNC communications library callable from 'C' b2obj11b.zip 65760 12-06-94 ACA BIN2OBJ v1.10b: Binary to .OBJ converter backlog.c 3914 15-08-88 Get latest add to BACKUP.LOG from DOS backup/L bestl232.zip 331632 12-09-94 Extensive C programmer's library (FreeWare) bituudec.c 7464 24-12-87 MSDOS/VMS UUdecode fixes lost trailing spaces bltc121.zip 233298 10-01-95 Bullet for DOS C/C++ dBASE .DBF/b-tree toolkit boss01.zip 143455 14-01-91 Window Boss 01.07.91, windows for C pgms, 1of4 boss02a.zip 235248 30-12-90 Window Boss 01.07.91, windows for C pgms, 2of4 boss02b.zip 265350 30-12-90 Window Boss 01.07.91, windows for C pgms, 3of4 boss03.zip 85787 14-01-91 Window Boss 01.07.91, windows for C pgms, 4of4 bplus11.zip 14828 25-01-89 B-tree indexed file access in 'C', v1.1 bstr20.zip 58894 11-04-95 BASIC-style string functions for C and C++ btbwr10b.zip 115735 12-08-95 Number base conversion pgm/library/DLL w/C src btoa.zip 5063 24-01-89 'C' source for binary-to-ascii convert pgm c60probs.zip 6960 18-06-90 List of problems found with MS C v6.0 cacoph10.zip 8113 20-04-94 PC speaker music library for Turbo C and C++ cbase102.zip 304780 23-09-91 C routines for database applications, w/docs cbooks.zip 9480 30-06-89 List of currently available C language books cc02.zip 66830 17-07-87 'C' language functions and programs - 2 of 4 cc03.zip 84041 17-07-87 'C' language functions and programs - 3 of 4 cc04.zip 80335 17-07-87 'C' language functions and programs - 4 of 4 ccc1053a.zip 27763 25-12-89 Complete C: learn/experiment w/OO systems,1of3 ccc1053b.zip 223107 25-12-89 Complete C: learn/experiment w/OO systems,2of3 ccc1053c.zip 299809 25-12-89 Complete C: learn/experiment w/OO systems,3of3 cdecl.zip 11854 21-10-87 Decomposes 'C' language declarations cenvid9.zip 235242 02-12-94 CEnvi C script interpreter and batch enhancer cephes22.zip 309232 19-11-92 Mathematical function library in C language cfgop110.zip 49774 02-08-95 I/O for Windows type INI/CFG files. (C source) cfog102.zip 53507 19-05-95 C source code obfuscator cgazv5n3.zip 50042 08-05-91 Code from the C Gazette - Spring 1991 issue clp_v11.zip 19734 14-10-89 General purpose 'C' command line processor clt167.zip 182572 29-03-94 CLint v1.67: C source checking tool cl_7_bug.zip 20423 10-10-92 Bug examples for Microsoft C-Compiler CL-7.00 cm100exe.zip 58551 17-11-91 MAKE for MSC/WIN SDK (exe and samples), 1of4 cm100hlp.zip 123686 17-11-91 MAKE for MSC/WIN SDK (QuickHelp), 2of4 cm100txt.zip 64439 17-11-91 MAKE for MSC/WIN SDK (Help: text format), 3of4 cmake100.zip 1881 17-11-91 MAKE for MSC/WIN SDK (description), 4of4 cnews001.zip 6582 22-06-88 Issue #1 'C' programmer's newsletter cnews002.zip 5842 22-06-88 Issue #2 'C' programmer's newsletter cnews003.zip 20941 06-02-88 Issue #3 'C' programmer's newsletter cnews004.zip 43388 21-02-88 Issue #4 'C' programmer's newsletter cnews005.zip 72182 08-03-88 Issue #5 'C' programmer's newsletter cnews006.zip 28912 10-04-88 Issue #6 'C' programmer's newsletter cnews007.zip 10221 30-05-88 Issue #7 'C' programmer's newsletter cnews008.zip 58887 14-06-88 Issue #8 'C' programmer's newsletter cnews009.zip 66535 17-07-88 Issue #9 'C' programmer's newsletter cnews010.zip 50471 15-08-88 Issue #10 'C' programmer's newsletter cnews011.zip 31342 09-09-88 Issue #11 'C' programmer's newsletter cnews012.zip 13013 31-10-88 'C' programming & compiler review #12 cnews013.zip 39034 29-12-88 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #13 cnews014.zip 64162 23-02-89 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #14 cnews015.zip 25619 06-07-89 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #15 cnews016.zip 70184 30-07-89 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #16 cnews017.zip 17465 30-11-90 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #17 cnews018.zip 40733 29-12-89 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #18 cnews019.zip 30982 05-08-90 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #19 commasm.zip 7795 14-07-88 Info for programming MS-DOS COMM ports configf.zip 2792 05-05-95 Use Windows-like config files in C (w/src) cp14.zip 27905 20-03-92 C code outliner (DDJ8808, tweaked for BC++2.0) crc_c.zip 5133 29-07-87 CRC routines for C crnchr22.zip 72748 14-04-93 C Libs - FFT,Wavelet,Coherence,Filter,Regr.etc cscop120.zip 48584 19-05-95 C source code analysis utility csr30_1.zip 84508 13-07-88 CSpotRun 'C' func lib, hdrs & examples, 1of3 csr30_2.zip 103867 13-07-88 CSpotRun 'C' func lib, precompiled libs, 2of3 csr30_3.zip 57264 13-07-88 CSpotRun 'C' func lib, documentation, 3of3 ctask22d.zip 323809 04-07-93 Multitasking kernel in C w/ASM & C source ctools10.zip 63224 07-04-92 Generic data structures in C (lists, hashtabs) ctopas.zip 6090 06-12-89 Converts 'C' source to Pascal source (simple) ctrl_c.c 13820 06-09-88 Intercept Ctrl C's ctutorde.zip 914311 26-04-94 C language tutorial, style, and quiz program cug236.zip 86626 17-07-87 Highly portable utilities from C Users' Group cwd.c 4816 15-08-88 Change working directory for C cxl52_1.zip 161790 17-02-90 Window/menu/mouse C func lib, docs/utils, 1of2 cxl52_2.zip 189295 17-02-90 Window/menu/mouse C func lib, libraries, 2of2 cxlhderr.zip 3278 07-11-89 C source for critical error handler with CXL cxt233.zip 350894 01-08-95 C/C++ source code analysis, HTML output c_eval.zip 22172 23-04-93 C source to evaluate mathematical expressions dbreak.zip 4502 13-02-91 Disable CTL-C/CTL-BREAK/CTL-ALT-DEL. C source delete.c 4497 30-07-87 Delete a file dflat15.zip 141160 15-11-92 Dflat: SAA-compatible windowing LIB w/C source dflat386.zip 173937 05-10-94 Update to DFLAT windowing system for 386 & up dirlib.c 13157 02-01-88 Unix 'dirlib' package ported to MS-C dmake38e.zip 155329 25-01-92 'make' util for MS-DOS C programmers. EXE/doc dmake38s.zip 642149 28-01-92 C src: 'make' util for MS-DOS & Unix SysV/BSD dxlib50.zip 250853 18-03-95 DOS Extender Library for Protected Mode DOS ems4c10.zip 41116 22-06-95 Expanded Memory Management for C emsif24a.zip 68181 27-06-93 EMS interface for Borland/Turbo/MS C[++] encom100.zip 128888 09-07-92 EnCom v1.00: C async lib - supports 16550 encom_td.zip 54516 09-07-92 Sample terminal pgm using EnCom1.0 C async lib fe1.zip 69259 07-02-92 Bitmap editor for Zortech C++'s FlashGraph Lib fft142.zip 97916 09-06-91 Fast Fourier transforms, with C source filtr30s.zip 12702 21-04-95 Text file searcher, simultan. multi-term check fortify.zip 23417 05-02-95 C/C++ memory tracker and protector, R1.0 func11.zip 81654 01-08-95 Mathematical function Compilator for C pgms function.zip 81518 24-06-95 Mathematical function Compilator for C pgms gencsrc.zip 93222 21-11-87 Coronado's Generic 'C' tutor v2.0, (1 of 2) genctxt.zip 109291 21-11-87 Coronado's Generic 'C' tutor v2.0, (2 of 2) getf.zip 37019 20-11-88 Locate 'C' source file w/particular function gifsave.zip 14092 26-09-92 C source to save GIF images glob.zip 2923 11-02-88 Change wildcard filespec to list of files gnuctags.zip 12913 21-11-89 Microsoft C 5.1 port of GNU [ce]tags graph.zip 10907 22-07-87 ASM CGA/EGA graphics routines for MS C (4.0) gymake12.zip 38268 19-11-88 Make utility for MS-DOS w/C source v1.2 handles2.zip 22458 08-04-92 Get >20 handles in TC (also DJGPP). Docs & src hgraphic.zip 7873 16-04-88 Hercules graphics routines for MS Quick C ibmcom.zip 9340 30-04-89 Interrupt-driven comm routines for Turbo C imc9101.zip 5158 18-01-91 Inside Microsoft C Journal source, Jan. 1991 imc9102.zip 4786 25-01-91 Inside Microsoft C Journal source, Feb. 1991 imc9103.zip 6571 05-03-91 Inside Microsoft C Journal source, March 1991 imc9104.zip 6947 05-03-91 Inside Microsoft C Journal source, April 1991 imc9106.zip 10007 09-05-91 Inside Microsoft C Journal source, June 1991 indents.zip 59774 02-06-93 Indent C & C++, (vanilla) C source code indentx.zip 41894 02-06-93 Indent & format C & C++ source. DOS exe & docs int24_c2.zip 3449 17-04-90 C routine intercepts Abort/Retry/Ignore prompt jazlib.zip 144437 17-07-87 C utility library with source (w/C) jpl_c.zip 127394 06-08-88 JPL library of portable C routines julcal10.zip 20443 29-04-93 C language sources for Julian date programs julin105.zip 33977 20-08-93 Source in C for calendar date calculations kafsrt20.zip 112245 06-07-93 Complete file system and sort pkg for C pgmers kbdhandl.zip 9026 12-08-93 Multiple keypress INT 9 keyboard handler w/src kh_date.zip 100716 01-08-95 C/C++ library - routines for date calculations lex.zip 92743 17-07-87 DeSmet C source for PD version of Unix LEX lingua13.zip 44231 13-03-94 Easy multi-language support for C programs lpc052.zip 52349 17-04-94 LPC-Parcor-Cepstrum code gen. for C programers lzpip102.zip 67793 21-07-94 Compressed/deflated file access library lzpip104.zip 67943 17-04-95 Compressed/deflated file access library makedep.zip 15924 29-09-94 Dependency generator for MAKE, with C source match110.zip 19272 25-03-91 Unix sh-style regex parser (wild cards), C src matrixc.zip 11269 19-02-94 C source for matrix algebra and 3D line shapes matrx042.zip 40833 16-04-94 Small Matrix Toolbox v0.42 for C programmers mc302emb.zip 215355 19-03-94 MICRO-C Embedded Control kit - Test-drive vers mc302pc1.zip 194954 19-03-94 MICRO-C PC 'C' compiler v3.02 mc302pc2.zip 276838 19-03-94 MICRO-C PC Example programs mcomm600.zip 166249 05-10-94 Interrupt-driven async LIB for MS-C/Turbo-C/BC mfile.asm 3058 29-01-88 Allows more than 20 files open at once in MS-C mfile.c 1148 19-07-91 Allows more than 20 files open at once in MS-C millisec.zip 37879 01-12-91 MSC/asm src for millisecond resolution timing mkutil20.zip 206939 23-08-94 SciTech Software Makefile utilities mot2intl.c 1488 09-06-89 Convert Motorola S-record hex to Intel hex msc.c 3825 15-08-88 Program to pass arguments from a file to CL mschrt3.zip 53849 24-07-90 High resolution timer toolbox for MSC 5.1 msec_12.zip 8484 20-03-92 High-definition millisec timer v1.2 (C,ASM) ms_prof.zip 7548 11-09-89 Execution profiling for Microsoft C / Quick C ndmake45.zip 92311 08-10-93 Kneller's Unix-like MAKE for DOS C programmers netclb30.zip 198254 19-02-95 C library for calling Novell Netware APIs njsdk30.zip 189051 14-02-94 NJSDK: Chinese C lib. software development kit odoors41.zip 424830 26-02-93 C library for creating professional BBS doors pcc12c.zip 176332 21-06-89 Personal C compiler. Fully functional, C WARE pcl4c34.zip 71705 17-01-93 Asynchronous communications library for C pcl4c43.zip 71013 22-06-95 Communications library for C/C++ pcpilot.zip 55049 07-03-90 C programmer's TSR utility, with source pcsound.zip 247256 22-05-91 Plays many types of digitized sound files pctime12.zip 65444 30-01-95 Millisecond resolution timing(GCC/MSC/TC srcs) pcw_c.zip 345526 30-12-91 PC Windows: C menu/window library w/full src pc_8250.zip 43700 07-02-91 Serial port rtns. & VT100 emul. (C src only) pmlite10.zip 57216 23-08-94 DOS Extender indep. Protected Mode pgming API pmw120.zip 123743 13-08-95 DOS/4GW replacement for WATCOM C/C++ ppc.zip 11844 18-09-88 'Pretty Printer' for 'C' language sources ppl4c10.zip 85952 22-06-95 Protocol library for C/C++ prf.zip 35517 24-11-88 Profiler for Microsoft 'C' programs profil.zip 13547 05-09-89 C language EXE program profiler (source only) proto217.zip 119557 16-06-92 C and C++ incremental prototypes extractor quikc21.zip 77162 06-07-89 Quick screen utilities v2.1 for Turbo C & MS C r250.zip 4282 14-10-92 Portable C src: Pseudo-random number generator random_c.zip 4744 29-05-90 C lang random number generator,one of the best reboot.c 995 18-02-90 How to do a warm or cold boot in 'C' language recio212.zip 162982 30-01-95 C library reads/writes files as records/fields recio213.zip 168722 09-09-95 C library reads/writes files as records/fields redirect.c 2790 27-04-89 Feed line to shell w/stdin/stdout/stderr redir reslb201.zip 24874 01-11-87 Function library for Turbo-C to make TSRs scsidrvr.zip 10693 10-02-89 'C' source for SCSI disk drivers sgvlib10.zip 69990 05-09-95 C library supporting for EGA/VGA text/graphics sleep.zip 3104 08-12-87 Millisecond-resolution delay function for 'C' smake155.zip 29956 15-06-93 Make utility for most compilers/linkers smooth11.zip 44293 11-06-91 'Lowness' and 'split linear' data smoothers snip9503.zip 586012 16-03-95 ~1.6 Mb of free C source/info, 35% PC-specific snpd9503.zip 236502 16-03-95 Updates snip9404.zip to snip9503.zip (cf.) spline29.zip 65712 13-11-92 Interpolate using splines under tension spwno413.zip 107412 13-12-92 Disk/EMS/EXT/INT15-swapping spawn() replacemnt steph1d0.zip 275782 05-06-95 C libraries for DOS text mode user interface swap300.zip 89104 05-10-90 C routines allow swap of app to disk, XMS, EMS system.zip 5169 27-05-92 C src for system() w/redirection & exit status t2c.zip 103273 01-12-87 Microsoft's Turbo Pascal to C translator tabx.c 3660 24-02-90 Filter that expands TABs to SPACEs tcio.zip 77207 22-04-95 Input/output functions for C and C++ tdat11.zip 26084 22-04-95 Date and Time functions for C and C++ teach_c.zip 84076 17-07-87 VG C tutor, great display format, w/ quizzes teglc.zip 346130 29-06-90 Graphical windowing toolkit demo (TC/MSC) testdir.zip 2824 10-01-89 Directory checkout (optional) tgasave.zip 11368 29-10-93 C source to save Truecolor Targa (TGA) images tools4c.zip 88445 16-08-87 Shareware windowing package for C programmers tsd050.zip 13438 04-04-95 Finds given C-function in a set of C-files tsrc.zip 9974 05-04-88 TSRs in C, source code from Computer Language tsr_asm.zip 15333 05-08-88 C-callable assembler routines to go TSR txms.zip 16241 22-04-95 C Functions for Extended Memory Access Via XMS u16pc.zip 9349 08-12-88 'C' language source for 'uncompress' for PC units.zip 7926 03-11-87 Powerful unit conversion program update.c 18545 26-08-89 Copy new/altered files, with confirmation uw210.zip 186336 12-02-92 UltraWin version 2.10 windowing C library uwdemos.zip 86603 01-01-93 Sample programs, etc., with UltraWin C lib uwfonted.zip 55110 12-10-91 Font Editor/samples for UltraWin C library uwshadow.zip 14752 06-03-92 How to: Shadowed windows with UltraWin C lib weekday.c 1562 11-05-89 Computes weekday for date w/Zeller Congruence wildf113.zip 25438 08-05-91 Unix sh-style regex parser (wild cards), C src wr_prot.c 1221 15-02-90 Check to see if a drive is write protected xmsif15.zip 63822 19-05-93 XMS interface for Borland/Turbo/MS C[++] xmslb17.zip 19544 02-09-91 XMS library for Turbo/Borland C/C++, w/source zglob10.zip 2744 22-09-92 *argv[] wildcard file expansion, Zortech C ztimer20.zip 65502 23-08-94 Microsecond accuracy timer for C, C++, ASM ----------------------------------------------------------- Computer Assisted Design programs path: /disc2/cad/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bbdslib.zip 23057 16-10-89 Symbols for Booch, Buhr, Data Flow Diagrams bcad100.zip 315514 17-03-93 BCAD v1.0 CAD/CAM editor, VGA/286/386/486 bmdemo10.zip 1288043 23-03-95 PCB & schematic tools: BoardMaker/BoardCapture boat0002.zip 291891 17-04-95 Strip-built canoe/kayak boat design program cad_3d.zip 112291 03-09-94 Simple CAD for designing 3D scene, VGA req. circad20.zip 180039 04-11-94 Easy to use schematic drawing CAD cview150.zip 56267 20-01-94 CAD: CamView: CNC control file viewing utility dancad2a.zip 133551 05-07-89 Wire frame/CAD/animation/drawing pgm v2.0 1of2 dancad2b.zip 137085 05-07-89 Wire frame/CAD/animation/drawing pgm v2.0 2of2 danmovie.zip 110317 31-08-88 Displays animated sequence of DANCAD drawings dcfonts.zip 17258 03-03-91 Simplex,duplex,roman,italic for Draft Choice draftc20.zip 314933 16-06-92 Draft choice, Laserjet, dot matrix support easytrax.zip 496225 10-07-92 Protel's powerful PCB layout, freeware version edraw32.zip 97720 01-10-87 Electronics drawing CAD foils.zip 237749 24-01-95 Display/print patterns for NACA 4-digit foils gcpvu.zip 344176 21-02-91 Professional quality CAD tool for PCB design gridcrft.zip 472416 24-10-94 Design craft patterns on gridded sheets, v1.9 home25.zip 118686 18-06-93 Draws, saves & prints house plans (VGA req.) knwrs120.zip 139541 27-12-92 KnitWare: Sweater knitting design/pattern prnt lasi507a.zip 604347 01-08-95 LASI v5.0.7: IC layout CAD program, 1of2 lasi507b.zip 624344 01-08-95 LASI v5.0.7: IC layout CAD program, 2of2 microcad.zip 55744 23-03-94 VGA drawing program (with C source) ncad3d42.zip 150947 18-04-91 NorthCAD-3D v4.2: Create/view/edit 3-D images padslib.zip 488753 11-07-91 PADS library for PADSPCB.ZIP and PADSLOG.ZIP padslog.zip 1081776 31-01-92 PADS Logic schematic capture CAD program padspcb.zip 1036604 16-01-92 PADS PCB (printed circuit board) layout pgm pcad3d.zip 276429 30-10-92 ProtoCAD 3D Ver 1.1 from Trius: CAD/Rendering pcbca110.zip 199933 28-08-92 PCBCAD: Printed circuit board design system pcbcattl.zip 10794 19-03-91 TTL logic template files for PCBCAD pcdcad33.zip 329675 28-08-90 PC-Draft-CAD v3.03: Vector-based CAD program pcroute2.zip 104644 13-12-89 Computer aided design, printed circuit boards prfect45.zip 198478 21-01-92 Perfect Box: Speaker enclosure design program qr15r3us.zip 239075 19-02-93 Easy to use PCB & schematic design system qrusa.zip 131524 01-05-92 QuickRoute: Circuit board / diagram design tadplc.zip 154238 01-03-94 Create placement files from PADS ASCII file tango130.zip 1048403 08-09-92 Tango Schematic capture evaluation DEMO v1.30 tmc101.zip 138273 24-03-93 TextModeCad: CAD system in text mode envirnmnt xfill10.zip 34566 24-04-92 Fill and reverse laserjet print files ----------------------------------------------------------- Chemistry-related programs path: /disc2/chemstry/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ccal9116.zip 139397 25-05-94 Chem Calculator for MW,%Composition,Equations chemical.zip 156664 14-12-87 Molucular modeling program CGA or EGA chemref.zip 140465 11-11-87 Chemistry database/reference cs_92.zip 70864 31-05-95 Chemical Speciation of Major Ions in Seawater elements.zip 55042 16-08-89 Study aide: data on the 106 chemical elements formula3.zip 681312 19-10-94 Material formula, optimizer and lab database jmr1_20.zip 380101 23-06-94 Raytrace renderer for organic molecules jmr_bs.zip 693733 14-06-94 Molecule ball n stick demo molarmas.zip 132742 20-12-94 Molar mass, % comp., with standard deviations molwt23.zip 45277 04-11-94 Utility for simple chemical calculations mv140.zip 63934 14-10-94 Displays, prints pictures of atomic structures periodic.zip 42686 16-10-88 Display the periodic table of elements, (EGA) polar13a.zip 52800 05-07-95 Simulator of voltammograms teddemo2.zip 134599 23-05-90 ThermoDynamics: Kinetic gas model simulator torg320.zip 169659 21-03-94 Simulates qualitative organic analysis ----------------------------------------------------------- Utilities / codes / patches for Clipper path: /disc2/clipper/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 52dix.txt 26972 14-05-94 CA-Clipper 5.2d patch International info file 52dix.zip 1281258 21-04-94 CA-Clipper 5.2d patch International May 5,'94 52dusx.txt 27367 14-05-94 CA-Clipper 5.2d patch US/Canada info file 52dusx.zip 1177500 21-04-94 CA-Clipper 5.2d patch US/Canada May 5, '94 acc86.zip 26456 24-10-87 Clipper 86 library written in ASM for speed ahp143.zip 127440 27-05-95 AHELP v1.43: Advanced Clipper help library cgwrka10.zip 236649 14-07-94 Clipper lib for fast & prototyping development clip0189.zip 49875 01-02-89 Q & A concerning Clipper/FUNCky, from BOSS BBS clip0289.zip 77858 01-03-89 Q&A, Clipper for the month of Feb 89, Boss BBS clip0389.zip 54148 01-04-89 Msgs & Q&A from Clipper Forum on The BOSS BBS clip0489.zip 54337 01-05-89 Msgs & Q&A from Clipper Forum on The BOSS BBS clip0588.zip 89364 01-06-88 Q&A, Clipper for the month of May 88, Boss BBS clipfpcx.zip 37203 25-05-91 Library to display .PCX files within Clipper clipmous.zip 2776 25-03-92 A library for mouse support under CLIPPER clipwind.zip 73293 10-08-88 Windows for Clipper, no source, but LIB & docs clipwndw.zip 5285 08-05-90 A small CLIPPER window library with source clip_ng.zip 113123 14-07-88 Norton Guides Database to Clipper Summer '87 clmous10.zip 5135 23-06-95 Mouse function library for Clipper cltab100.zip 7171 04-03-93 Align your Clipper (Summer/5.0) programs cl_clk10.zip 6589 24-03-93 Clock for Clipper 5.0, with Clipper source code_1.zip 16052 03-01-89 Sample source (template-like) for Clipper comm_io.zip 9308 17-11-87 Interrupt-driven com port routines for Clipper datetime.zip 5975 30-09-88 Set system date/time from within Clipper w/src dbm112.zip 297521 01-05-95 General (clipper) database manager dbutil10.zip 241262 25-06-95 DataBase converter; dBase, Clipper, Fox, Pdx dctutor.zip 330151 23-04-91 Comprehensive tutorial system for Clipper 5.0 dot231.zip 371867 01-08-95 Dot Command for Clipper (STD Version) facc10.zip 57892 04-02-95 Facade-C 1.0: Clipper splashscreen display funcky.zip 126210 13-11-88 Demo program written using FUNCky for Clipper grump14.zip 73700 04-12-88 GrumpFish Lib for Clipper Summer '87 v1.40 hlpsy204.zip 44324 18-07-94 Easy Help System for Clipper 5 w/help topics inhlp11.zip 20949 26-02-88 InHelp v1.1 for Clipper Help programming lw120.zip 345013 01-06-95 Lazywriter v1.20: Document clipper projects mcb2intl.zip 28581 28-08-95 English docs for mcbar22.zip mcbar22.zip 48438 28-08-95 Barcode Library for Clipper 5.x nannws14.zip 8303 22-07-87 Nantucket News v1n4, dBASE/Clipper source code nannws22.zip 19281 08-12-87 Nantucket News v2n2, dBASE/Clipper source code nannws23.zip 3027 14-03-88 Nantucket News v2n2, dBASE/Clipper source code nannws24.zip 9607 18-05-88 Nantucket News v2n4. dBASE/Clipper source code nannws31.zip 16603 09-08-88 Nantucket News v3n1, dBASE/Clipper source code nannws33.zip 16024 08-12-88 Nantucket News v3n3, dBASE/Clipper source code nannws34.zip 10277 01-01-89 Nantucket News v3n4, dBASE/Clipper source code nannws35.zip 14442 01-03-89 Nantucket News v3n5, dBASE/Clipper source code nannws36.zip 12211 01-05-89 Nantucket News v3n6, dBASE/Clipper source code nflib21.zip 208840 25-03-93 Nanforum Toolkit v2.1, docs/library/NG, 1/2 nfpat1.zip 2650 10-11-92 Patch#1 to Nantucket Forum Lib 2.1 for Clipper nfpat2.zip 4839 27-11-92 Patch#2 to Nantucket Forum Lib 2.1 for Clipper nfpat3.zip 15257 30-11-92 Patch#3 to Nantucket Forum Lib 2.1 for Clipper nfpat4.zip 14625 15-12-92 Patch#4 to Nantucket Forum Lib 2.1 for Clipper nfpat5.zip 2739 07-01-93 Patch#5 to Nantucket Forum Lib 2.1 for Clipper nfpat6.zip 9010 12-01-93 Patch#6 to Nantucket Forum Lib 2.1 for Clipper nfpat7.zip 8746 02-03-93 Patch#7 to Nantucket Forum Lib 2.1 for Clipper nfsrc21.zip 361267 25-03-93 Nanforum Toolkit v2.1, src code/Make file, 2/2 nftroff.zip 122208 25-11-91 Nanforum Toolkit v2.0 Norton Guides TROFF src oclip.zip 16450 08-11-91 Free object oriented extension for Clipper 5 rbarlb12.zip 18850 27-01-95 Clipper Library with Progress Bar functions rbcklb1d.zip 62039 27-01-95 Clipper library w/ Compressed Backup functions rcmplb31.zip 55184 27-01-95 Clipper file & string compression library rdot231.zip 511664 01-08-95 Dot Command for Clipper (RDD Version) regxsrch.zip 3441 28-01-92 Interface Clipper to GNU regular expr. library rfntlb11.zip 229251 11-08-94 Clipper Lib w/screen font functions and editor rlib20.zip 122553 04-01-90 Clipper menus/dialog/record-select lib w/src rpcxlb11.zip 177449 22-04-95 CA-Clipper library with graphic functions rshpcx13.zip 6602 18-06-93 Clipper lib to show PCX-files on EGA/VGA/SVGA slsw.zip 297521 12-10-90 SUPER.LIB Shareware for Clipper S87/Clipper5 subntx2.zip 61122 24-05-90 Fast index extract/create Clipper filter rtn udfs.zip 15392 12-05-89 Useful functions for Clipper (dBASE compiler) vsix302.zip 60926 14-05-90 Vern Six's Clipper Summer '87 toolbox v3.02 vs_905.zip 548137 08-05-93 Vern Six's Clipper ToolBox v9.05 workbase.zip 162879 09-01-91 Clipper/dBASE development/file access system ----------------------------------------------------------- Colorado Memory Systems tape backup programs path: /disc2/cms_tape/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cbwlt201.zip 902064 20-07-94 WIN3: Colorado Backup Lite for Jumbo & Trakker dat405.zip 393664 20-07-94 PowerDat software version 4.01, from CMS jumbo405.zip 405778 26-07-94 CMS 120MB and 250MB tape drive software v4.05 power405.zip 393667 20-07-94 Software for PowerTape drives from Colorado qfa250.zip 197039 08-01-92 CMS QFA-250 tape software, 01/08/92 release qicbat12.zip 257116 03-05-94 Tape backup utility for Colorado drives tape_dir.zip 13624 28-10-91 Reads dirs of CMS 120MB and 250MB tape drives trak405.zip 371629 20-07-94 Trakker v4.05: Trakker tape drive software ----------------------------------------------------------- MS-DOS ports of Unix compress, gzip; and compression pgms path: /disc2/compress/ ----------------------------------------------------------- comp430d.zip 20379 05-03-90 Unix-compatible 16bit compress/uncompress/zcat comp430s.zip 71011 18-01-90 C src: Unix-compat. 16-bit compress/uncompress ddjcompr.zip 87197 13-02-92 Top 6 programs of DDJ data compression contest decomp2.zip 17529 23-03-90 Unix-compatible 16 bit uncompress, w/C source gzip124.zip 117063 19-08-93 GNUzip: Unix compress/uncompress replacement huff_sc.zip 40445 25-04-91 Huffman compress encoder/decoder, C src & EXEs jlpak10.zip 123650 20-08-90 Creates compressed diffs for software updates ldiff12.zip 16862 18-07-89 Makes ASCII or Binary compressed .DIF files ldiff12s.zip 27079 18-07-89 Source code for LDIFF12 compressed .DIF pgm lz13.zip 26239 21-10-88 Limpel-Ziv file compress/decompress w/ASM src rle16_sc.zip 17310 14-07-91 RLE compression (16-bit header), C src & EXEs rle8_sc.zip 16287 14-07-91 RLE compression (8-bit header), C src & EXEs scrnc102.zip 53103 07-06-88 Makes self-uncompressing EXE/COM/TXT files splint.zip 22579 13-04-89 Data compression for 'C' from Japan u16_v12.zip 8771 11-02-89 Decompress pgm for 16-bit LZW from 'COMPRESS' uncr233.zip 19738 09-05-89 Uncrunch CP/M 'Z' files on MSDOS, w/wild cards ----------------------------------------------------------- C++ programming language-related files path: /disc2/cpluspls/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bfast11.zip 88915 10-09-92 FREE Btrieve fully functioning C++ library bspline.zip 2198 11-03-94 C++ src for simple b-spline curve algorithm build100.zip 26095 10-06-95 Time,date,sys,str,mouse,xms,kbd,scr routines ccl110je.zip 33287 19-06-93 DOS coroutine class library for Borland C++ chartp10.zip 32739 01-05-92 C++ object-oriented chart parser w/ source cisam120.zip 237013 04-10-94 B+Tree/ISAM Database progrmming system for C++ cptuts22.zip 85464 20-01-92 Coronodo C++ Tutorial: Source examples, 1/2 cptutt22.zip 114951 20-01-92 Coronodo C++ Tutorial: Tutorial text files 2/2 cslib16b.zip 796206 02-03-95 C++ database system for Borland C++ 3.1 dpmifi.zip 9798 28-12-91 Borland C++v3.00 DPMILOAD DV-compatibility fix eckelt03.zip 337237 16-05-95 Src code for Bruce Eckel's 'Thinking in C++' emil.zip 13432 08-05-91 MSC6/TC++ library - access Ext Mem w/HIMEM.SYS ev_201.zip 651816 12-07-93 EasyVision v2.01: TV look-alike C++ appl. lib. isc366.zip 150046 01-09-93 Interrupts in C++, create TSRs + serial, w/src jcool01.zip 441691 02-12-92 Extensive C++ class library (uses templates) knowhow4.zip 587840 25-01-95 Borland C++ SDK, DOS, source codes. GUI + more memman2c.zip 46509 16-03-95 XMS/EMS/Virtual *Flat* Memory for C++/C money.zip 11127 09-08-93 C++ class to fake Decimals/BCD's using floats moupp400.zip 46905 13-10-92 Mouse++ 4.0: mouse class for Borland C++ mtl110je.zip 148163 20-07-93 DOS multithreading library for Borland C++ newmat08.zip 144379 20-01-95 C++ lib - classes and functions for matrices objeas3a.zip 514796 29-08-94 Graphic/text user interface C++ library, 1of2 objeas3b.zip 243855 29-08-94 Graphic/text user interface C++ library, 2of2 serial_1.zip 5305 14-05-90 C++ source code routines for serial ports strpp310.zip 36008 21-04-94 String++ v3.10: String class for Borland C++ strps310.zip 32635 21-04-94 String++ v3.10 PostScript format documentation tech01.zip 119287 22-03-94 Techniques C++ Class Library, w/src tsr100je.zip 75458 22-03-93 TSR class for Borland C++ (with source) typesc10.zip 347109 06-04-95 Reuseable software components support library vesates2.zip 127597 12-08-94 VESA graphics/sound/mouse library for BC++ 3.1 vir_v203.zip 147561 12-07-92 C++ Virtual Array mgr smashes the 640k barrier wgt4.zip 685866 10-04-94 Wordup Graphics Toolkit v4.0 for TC++/BC++ xms200je.zip 130368 22-11-93 XMS/UMB/HMA/XMSarray classes for Borland C++ z31p1_6.zip 94376 05-04-93 Zortech C++ v3.1 compiler patches 01 thru 06 ----------------------------------------------------------- Utilities for executing command(s) at specified time(s) path: /disc2/cron/ ----------------------------------------------------------- automite.zip 146813 01-03-94 TSR executes cmds at specified time/date. DEMO bywhen10.zip 22080 12-02-95 Executes [.com .bat .exe] files on date/time crnjr255.zip 61779 29-07-94 Run jobs at scheduled times with 0k overhead cron19.zip 73351 11-12-94 Timed command dispatcher; like Unix cron daily280.zip 8526 20-05-93 Runs an external program once a day or week dela2.zip 17236 01-08-95 DELA v2.0: TSR automates executing files doat.zip 3987 28-05-88 Execute command at a specified time night.zip 39893 27-07-88 Schedule batch files at specified times pep.zip 118199 19-03-91 Painless Event Processor (program scheduler) repeatat.zip 4989 19-01-93 Periodically repeat DOS commands using AT pgm rtdx090.zip 32797 01-03-90 DOS shell for timed program execution scdts25b.zip 85901 17-02-94 Task Scheduler; Run multiple programs anytime timerun3.zip 10005 23-09-89 TSR executes DOS commands at a specified time ----------------------------------------------------------- Cross-assemblers (assemblers for other OSs/CPUs) path: /disc2/crossasm/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 6805v108.zip 94318 05-05-95 Assembler/emulator for Motorola 68HC705 micros 68asmsim.zip 161140 22-02-91 68000 cross-assembler/simulator with C source as02_108.zip 40526 01-07-95 Assembler for M6800/6801/6802/6803 microproc. as05_108.zip 40100 01-07-95 Assembler for M6805 microprocessor as09_108.zip 50762 01-07-95 Assembler for M6809/H6309 microprocessor as11v103.zip 34280 05-02-92 Assembler for Motorola 68HC11 MicroController as31.zip 50044 23-01-93 Assembler for 8031/8051 CPU, with C source as48_108.zip 40995 01-07-95 Assembler for i8048/49/50 microprocessor as65_108.zip 39877 01-07-95 Assembler for R6502/65SC02 microprocessor as80_108.zip 49629 01-07-95 Assembler for i8080-Z180 microprocessor asem5111.zip 66968 20-10-94 Cross assembler for the MCS-51/8051 family asrd_108.zip 12134 01-07-95 Sample code to read as??.exe debug info files asref.zip 22733 16-04-89 Reference manual for MOTOASMS cross assembers assemblr.zip 54588 19-12-88 Generic 6502/6803/8085 assembler cug292wk.zip 419275 24-01-93 C source & EXE for ASLINK and ASXXXX CrossASMs embedpc.zip 55710 13-04-94 Tools & source for embedded PC applications epasm13.zip 34269 18-03-92 Assembler for Intel 8749 & other EPROM chips motoasms.zip 92248 25-09-89 Motorola 6800/01/04/05/09/11 cross assemblers pcmac.zip 98574 19-07-91 Two-pass symbolic cross assembler, w/linker svasm02.zip 29978 25-05-88 Cross assembler for 6502 and 65C02 tasm301.zip 144747 16-06-94 Table-driven cross assembler, for many CPUs uasm.zip 68609 17-07-87 Cross assembler for 8051/6805/Z8, w/'C' src xasm220.zip 165160 23-03-94 Twelve cross assemblers (65xx, 68xx, 80xx) ----------------------------------------------------------- dBASE-related utilities path: /disc2/dbase/ ----------------------------------------------------------- acdisp26.zip 16499 06-07-95 ACDISP: FoxPro 2.6 Report viewer ags210.zip 129534 08-05-88 Turns dBase III setups into menu driven system ashtips.zip 41139 10-11-87 Tips using Ashton Tate's dBASE III clklib10.zip 63300 22-08-94 Very useful routines for the dBASE programmer convdb17.zip 58865 05-02-90 Converts ASCII files to dBASE compatible files db3gen3b.zip 203153 20-07-90 NARDAC dBIII+ appl. gen. req FOXPLUS (runtime) db3ut10u.zip 115960 17-10-91 dBaseIII util: Count/pack/print/search records dbasefil.inf 3891 16-08-89 Chart shows layout of dBASEIII file structure dbb22.zip 17666 04-10-89 View/browse dBASE III/III Plus database files dbfed120.zip 141969 15-09-90 dBASE/Foxbase database editor/viewer/printer dbfu13.zip 32470 28-04-90 Utility for displaying dBASE file structures dbpass10.zip 6330 12-03-92 Password routines for dBASE IV applications dbtchk.zip 23568 06-08-90 Checks/fixes .DBT memo files for dBase/Clipper dbv123.zip 44666 06-04-94 DBF database file view/search utility, v1.23 dbx100.zip 8324 30-03-88 Convert dBase III DBF to comma delimited ASCII dedit100.zip 134787 19-11-91 dBase/Clipper programmer's database editor dfixup36.zip 17948 26-05-88 Indents/checks dBASE .PRG files dlist110.zip 46484 30-06-92 Dlist v1.10: Convert .DBF file to a list dmetd4fp.zip 39605 05-06-91 Communications lib for dBASE 4 and FoxPro dp392_1.zip 146924 13-09-90 Data + Plus v3.92: dBase clone, part 1 of 2 dp392_2.zip 90249 13-09-90 Data + Plus v3.92: dBase clone, part 2 of 2 dprog131.zip 150792 23-03-89 dBase system (program) generator & doc system dq13.zip 56962 11-05-89 Utility to display, browse, dBASE files dxt133.zip 190114 01-08-95 DBASE source code analysis, HTML output fbase12.zip 84182 29-03-88 Freebase: Free form database management prog. ffld.zip 15296 06-08-91 Displays field structure of dBASE .DBF files jargon.zip 92214 17-07-87 Dbase 3+ manual in database format laserenv.zip 6887 17-12-88 Print LaserJet envelopes from dBASE/Foxbase lasso2.zip 34946 20-07-93 Converts ASCII text files to dBASE DBF format lib19.zip 211260 14-10-92 dBASE IV procedure/UDF library listdbf.zip 14269 09-03-89 View dBASE DBFs using Vernon Buerg's LIST.COM popdbf40.zip 149617 12-03-92 TSR: Popup view, edit, print, read dBASE files prg.zip 9889 14-12-87 dBase programmer's utility printdb4.zip 1663 22-12-88 Ashton Tate info about dBASE4 LaserJet drivers qbase.zip 104119 18-01-90 Query for dBASE, Clipper and Foxbase DBF files recap21.zip 103619 15-03-91 Adjusts capitalization of text in dBASE DBF's sdf2dbf.zip 14828 15-11-87 Converts SDF files to dBASE III+ DBF files shade2.zip 6399 24-02-89 Print shaded bars on LaserJet with dBASEIII snap502.zip 282528 11-05-92 SNAP! v5.02: dBase Documentation System softc103.zip 82414 11-05-89 C library of dBase/Clipper-compatible routines swaprv12.zip 6151 10-01-89 Run any program from within dBASE techs.zip 43929 21-12-88 dBASE technical notes trnact21.zip 112652 22-03-95 General Ledger using dBASE files wampum42.zip 362496 12-03-92 Menu-driven dBASE-compatible relational DBMS zephyr2a.zip 362643 13-02-92 FoxPro-compatible, menu-driven DBMS, 1 of 2 zephyr2b.zip 362431 13-02-92 FoxPro-compatible, menu-driven DBMS, 2 of 2 zipcodes.zip 305452 28-11-90 USA Zipcode data in DBASE .DBF format ----------------------------------------------------------- DBMS Magazine path: /disc2/dbms_mag/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dbms9101.zip 14320 21-11-90 DBMS Magazine source code - Jan 1991 dbms9102.zip 7166 21-12-90 DBMS Magazine source code - Feb 1991 dbms9103.zip 72928 20-02-91 DBMS Magazine source code - Mar 1991 dbms9104.zip 28886 26-03-91 DBMS Magazine source code - Apr 1991 dbms9105.zip 9804 29-03-91 DBMS Magazine source code - May 1991 dbms9106.zip 17267 14-06-91 DBMS Magazine source code - Jun 1991 dbms9107.zip 89547 14-06-91 DBMS Magazine source code - Jul 1991 dbms9108.zip 63578 26-07-91 DBMS Magazine source code - Aug 1991 ----------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Dobbs Journal magazine listings path: /disc2/ddjmag/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ddj8706.zip 45957 05-08-87 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jun. 1987 ddj8707.zip 25057 28-07-87 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jul. 1987 ddj8708.zip 20376 12-08-87 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Aug. 1987 ddj8709.zip 26377 13-08-87 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Sep. 1987 ddj8710.zip 33327 14-09-87 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Oct. 1987 ddj8711.zip 46528 05-11-87 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Nov. 1987 ddj8712.zip 62663 22-12-87 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Dec. 1987 ddj87idx.zip 7084 01-02-92 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings index, 1987 ddj8801.zip 83101 22-12-87 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jan. 1988 ddj8802.zip 28567 17-08-87 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Feb. 1988 ddj8803.zip 35866 29-12-87 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Mar. 1988 ddj8805.zip 12969 04-04-88 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, May. 1988 ddj8806.zip 16083 01-06-88 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jun. 1988 ddj8807.zip 30031 07-06-88 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jul. 1988 ddj8808.zip 20040 03-08-88 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Aug. 1988 ddj8809.zip 21365 22-08-88 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Sep. 1988 ddj8810.zip 32276 31-10-88 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Oct. 1988 ddj8811.zip 28502 21-10-88 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Nov. 1988 ddj8812.zip 30676 01-01-89 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Dec. 1988 ddj88idx.zip 6726 02-02-92 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings index, 1988 ddj8901.zip 21747 04-01-89 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jan. 1989 ddj8902.zip 43558 04-01-89 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Feb. 1989 ddj8903.zip 39691 10-02-89 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Mar. 1989 ddj8904.zip 40244 27-03-89 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Apr. 1989 ddj8905.zip 49995 13-05-89 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, May. 1989 ddj8906.zip 52475 28-05-89 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jun. 1989 ddj8907.zip 29039 10-06-89 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jul. 1989 ddj8908.zip 42292 06-07-89 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Aug. 1989 ddj8909.zip 50521 27-07-89 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Sep. 1989 ddj8910.zip 91237 07-09-89 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Oct. 1989 ddj8911.zip 38258 05-10-89 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Nov. 1989 ddj8912.zip 27623 30-10-89 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Dec. 1989 ddj89idx.zip 10529 02-02-92 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings index, 1989 ddj9001.zip 133057 11-12-89 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jan. 1990 ddj9002.zip 33079 26-12-89 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Feb. 1990 ddj9003.zip 31499 13-02-90 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Mar. 1990 ddj9004.zip 45696 09-03-90 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Apr. 1990 ddj9005.zip 31660 14-04-90 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, May. 1990 ddj9006.zip 91522 02-05-90 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jun. 1990 ddj9007.zip 32808 30-05-90 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jul. 1990 ddj9008.zip 46374 10-07-90 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Aug. 1990 ddj9009.zip 147704 25-08-90 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Sep. 1990 ddj9010.zip 48380 11-09-90 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Oct. 1990 ddj9011.zip 411506 19-10-90 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Nov. 1990 ddj9012.zip 57057 16-11-90 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Dec. 1990 ddj90idx.zip 14323 02-02-92 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings index, 1990 ddj9101.zip 27956 07-12-90 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jan. 1991 ddj9102.zip 190378 17-01-91 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Feb. 1991 ddj9103.zip 76315 15-02-91 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Mar. 1991 ddj9104.zip 177898 19-03-91 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Apr. 1991 ddj9105.zip 123394 08-04-91 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, May. 1991 ddj9106.zip 123345 29-05-91 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jun. 1991 ddj9107.zip 52408 20-06-91 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jul. 1991 ddj9108.zip 283430 25-08-91 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Aug. 1991 ddj9109.zip 112744 21-08-91 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Sep. 1991 ddj9110.zip 176395 26-09-91 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Oct. 1991 ddj9111.zip 54850 18-10-91 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Nov. 1991 ddj9112.zip 253417 11-11-91 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Dec. 1991 ddj91idx.zip 15736 02-02-92 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings index, 1991 ddj9201.zip 215958 13-12-91 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jan. 1992 ddj9202.zip 301086 31-01-92 DrDobbs Feb92: Protected-Mode pgming, DFLAT10 ddj9204.zip 568556 19-03-92 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Apr. 1992 ddj9205.zip 187753 25-04-92 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, May 1992 ddj9206.zip 257431 19-05-92 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jun. 1992 ddj9207.zip 851139 16-06-92 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jul. 1992 ddj9208.zip 197040 10-07-92 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Aug. 1992 ddj9209.zip 440163 19-08-92 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Sep. 1992 ddj9210.zip 1531279 15-12-92 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Oct. 1992 ddj9211.zip 991810 15-11-92 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Nov. 1992 ddj9212.zip 1445357 15-12-92 Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Dec. 1992 ddj9301.zip 403238 15-12-92 Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9301 issue ddj9302.zip 86614 12-01-93 Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9302 issue ddj9303.zip 281234 18-02-93 Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9303 issue ddj9304.zip 225547 08-03-93 Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9304 issue ddj9305.zip 196764 07-04-93 Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9305 issue ddj9306.zip 88634 13-06-93 Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9306 issue ddj9307.zip 1219372 15-06-93 Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9307 issue ddj9308.zip 105854 13-07-93 Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9308 issue ddj9309.zip 304294 02-08-93 Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9309 issue ddj9310.zip 1774527 06-10-93 Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9310 issue ddj9311.zip 485776 07-10-93 Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9311 issue ddj9312.zip 408453 21-10-93 Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9312 issue ddj9401.zip 301855 30-12-93 Code from Dr. Dobb's January, 1994 ddj9402.zip 265505 22-12-93 Code from Dr. Dobb's February, 1994 ddj9403a.zip 94456 31-01-94 Code from Dr. Dobb's March, 1994, 1 of 3 ddj9403b.zip 312610 31-01-94 Code from Dr. Dobb's March, 1994, 2 of 3 ddj9403c.zip 932889 01-11-93 Code from Dr. Dobb's March, 1994, 3 of 3 ddjcspec.zip 55263 21-11-89 Dr. Dobbs Journal special 'C' issue 1989 xsharp15.zip 104884 20-03-92 Michael Abrash's X# v1.5. April 1992 Dr. Dobbs ----------------------------------------------------------- Program debugging tools path: /disc2/debug/ ----------------------------------------------------------- memory43.zip 23077 04-04-95 TSR RAM explorer: DOS/BIOS adv.trapping/disasm ----------------------------------------------------------- UU/XX encoding/decoding and other encode/decode programs path: /disc2/decode/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 3_4encod.bas 12582 26-01-88 3-4 en/decoder, send binary files via email abe.zip 31512 19-07-89 ASCII<->binary encoding system w/error check ascify13.zip 15929 09-02-89 Convert binary files to/from ASCII clnuue10.zip 9338 08-04-95 Cleans text file so it can be used for UUD comhex.zip 10306 25-07-87 Hexify a .COM file ecd66dos.zip 298105 27-07-95 DOS UUE/MIME/SHIP/BTOA Encoder/Decoder embedraw.zip 60139 30-03-94 Send VGA 640x480 drawings in ASCII e-mail fixuue11.zip 6233 03-09-91 Fixes translation problems on UUEncoded files format83.zip 7697 25-11-87 Convert binary file to Intel hex hexbin.zip 11282 21-02-89 Convert Com + Exe files to Hex and back hexcom.zip 10342 25-07-87 Convert hex file to .COM hex_bin.zip 19784 31-03-94 Converts Intel HEX files into binary makebas.zip 10568 27-09-88 Cvt binary file to BASIC pgm w/data statements makeuu11.zip 15940 25-08-92 Create self-decoding uuencoded files, w/C src mime64b.zip 32065 01-02-95 MIME base64 encoder/decoder (with source) mimeqp.zip 24080 01-02-94 ASCII encoder/decoder for MIME-QP, w/C source mpack15d.asc 247 21-02-95 PGP signature on mpack15d.zip mpack15d.zip 44799 13-02-95 Encode/decode MIME messages, smart uudecode msbooasm.zip 8459 15-03-89 Make ASCII files from binary files and back msbpct.zip 10725 22-08-87 Convert a .BOO file back to binary [PAS] ncdc151.zip 60776 26-10-92 Fast XX/UU de/encoder for DOS/VAX/UNIX w/C src netrun31.zip 7486 05-07-95 Convert COM/EXE pgms to ASCII. No decode req'd netsend1.zip 9569 01-07-95 Binary > executable 7-bit ASCII email program nwsuu125.zip 25415 11-11-93 NewsUUD v1.25: UUdecoder for news articles post110.zip 20953 22-10-93 UUencode/split utl-Post binary files to Usenet qux01_91.zip 11521 15-01-91 Quick UUencode/UUdecode and XXencode/XXdecode rebuild2.zip 14195 08-11-90 Rebuild split uuencoded files, w/MSC 5.0 src suud10.zip 9941 13-11-91 UUdecoder w/error diagnostics/graphic counter toaduu21.zip 24122 05-10-94 Unix-compat. fast UUEncode/UUDecode, w/ASM src toadxx11.zip 28448 29-10-89 XXEncode/XXDecode w/overwrite protection v1.1 ubx100d.zip 39151 25-02-95 Allows sending binary files via Email unpos234.zip 205227 22-03-94 'Smart' uudecoder to extract USENET binaries uu40s.zip 36499 22-06-95 Small, very smart UUdecoder for multiple files uudo15.zip 19574 07-08-94 Multi-file/multi-part 'smart' uudecoder uudoall.zip 13205 15-10-91 More flexible uudecode for MS-DOS & Unix uudvd_04.zip 45927 26-02-95 UUdeview: Smart UUencode/XXencode/MIME decoder uuexe540.zip 42836 01-06-95 R.E. Marks' fast multi-section UU/XX EN/DEcode uustrip.zip 3777 20-03-89 Make uuencoded bin posting ready for uudecode uuxfer20.zip 30140 06-11-90 Comprehensive UU/XX en/decoder with C source ----------------------------------------------------------- Utilities for Quarterdeck's DESQview path: /disc2/desqview/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 513233.zip 1474 24-05-91 Update info for QEMM v5.13 & DESQview v2.33 apishare.zip 16577 20-10-88 Ex of shared task memory using DV API library api_exam.zip 162582 11-10-88 Ex programs using DV API library asciitbl.zip 7057 30-01-88 ASCII table for DESQview backdrp2.zip 5359 28-09-90 DESQview background. Displays date, status ballpt.zip 2239 15-10-91 Patch DV to operate MS Ballpoint mouse device bbsctrl.zip 17723 26-10-93 BBS watchdog for DESQview, DESQview/X boyan4dv.zip 5987 11-02-89 DESQview loader for Boyan v.4 comm program buzy102.zip 1356 28-02-91 DESQview window exerciser: Tune tick settings calcdv.zip 28121 29-01-88 A calculator for DESQview (w/MSC source) cd_check.zip 3082 06-07-91 Check for carrier before starting new DV task chkdv.zip 6255 21-01-88 ASM source to make programs DESQview-aware clkwatch.zip 20657 14-03-90 Fixes system clock time loss under DESQview clockcal.zip 6954 10-07-91 Small time-date disp for DV including day/week close101.zip 2569 09-11-91 Close files left open in DV by terminated pgms cmd20.zip 37173 14-05-90 Control DESQview remotely or between windows cmonitor.zip 16765 09-12-88 DESQview: monitor carrier-detect & abort task cntdwn.zip 2589 07-05-89 Countdown timer with alarm for DESQview colortbl.zip 5084 31-01-88 Popup table for color attributes for DESQview desq10.zip 6378 05-06-88 Turbo Pascal code to interface DesqView desqc20.zip 10199 03-12-88 TC 2.0 bindings for some basic DESQview calls desqcomm.zip 7026 16-03-92 QOS Technote: Communications under DESQview desqtest.zip 2577 22-04-88 Check from .BAT whether DESQview is loaded desq_bg.zip 3426 18-04-89 Forces DESQview window to background desq_rb.zip 1378 26-03-89 Reboot windows in DESQview (requires DVEXEC) dgansi.zip 35311 01-03-92 DESQview/Ultravision-aware ANSI driver dnansi.zip 2868 16-06-89 Replaces Desqview's DVANSI.COM - small, fast doswindo.zip 4251 09-06-88 Creative use of the DOS window in DESQview dpc.zip 12664 01-10-87 Control printer setup from DV window dshell.zip 263671 07-02-92 Unix-like COMMAND.COM replacement for DESQview dslist.zip 3629 19-03-88 Use Vernon Buerg's LIST.COM in DESQview window dv286.zip 6989 21-05-91 Info for using DESQview with 286, 8088 system dv2view.zip 5025 25-06-90 How to run 2 monitors with DESQview dv2_dos3.zip 1017 11-12-87 Using DESQview 2.0 with DOS 3.x dvalarm.zip 14474 22-04-91 Configurable alarm clock for DESQview dvansi.zip 3074 09-03-92 DESQview ANSI.SYS replacement updated 920120 dvapmn12.zip 104785 27-05-89 Enhanced application program menu for DESQview dvascii2.zip 6412 24-10-87 DESQview 2+ Sidekick-like Ascii Reference dvattr.zip 3544 26-12-87 DESQview 2.0+ video attribute display dvaware.zip 2504 16-03-91 DESQview program interface ASM code dvc18.zip 58358 17-02-92 DV Commander: Command-line control of DESQview dvcal.zip 5060 15-11-87 A popup calandar for use with DESQview dvcast.zip 14777 20-01-91 Manager for broadcast messages under DESQview dvclk11b.zip 44306 27-03-94 Simple clock for DESQview, w/ C & ASM source dvclk14.zip 1980 16-09-92 Displays a clock on top line of a DV window dvclock3.zip 10472 14-07-89 Small DESQview-aware clock dvcpy200.zip 113239 26-10-92 DESQview-aware copy util, works in Win3.x too dvcron21.zip 31575 26-01-92 Unix CRON util (task scheduling) for DV, w/src dvctimer.zip 5985 11-03-90 DV-aware clock triggered by carrier detect dvdays3.zip 4948 23-04-91 Perpetual calendar/calendar calculator for DV dvdevl12.zip 11395 04-01-93 Load device drivers in DESQview windows dvdos.zip 2731 13-01-88 Notes on MS-DOS environment under DESQview dvdump2.zip 6303 10-12-87 A hex dump utility for use with DesQview dvex0320.zip 3472 21-03-89 Start another DESQview window from batch file dvexcpt.zip 2129 17-04-90 Quarterdeck technical note 'EXCEPTION #13' dvfaq23.zip 30256 11-12-94 DESQview/QEMM Frequently Asked Questions dvfr12.zip 33240 20-01-93 Desqview Frame, colorize DV window frames dvglu101.zip 61572 14-08-88 DVGLUE update DESQview API functs in Turbo 'C' dvglue10.zip 183923 11-08-88 TC interface & funcs for DESQview API src/exe dvglul10.zip 68229 11-08-88 Compiled Turbo 'C' functions for DESQview API dvint40.zip 99683 04-04-94 DESQview-specific extract of interrupt list dvint43.zip 106361 07-11-94 Quarterdeck-specific extract of interrupt list dvintf.pas 2049 13-03-88 TPascal bindings for basic DESQview calls dvintqb.zip 1891 23-07-90 Object module to make programs DESQview-aware dvkpoll.zip 1635 19-06-88 Inhibit keyboard polling in DESQview windows dvlantsr.zip 2772 28-03-92 Notes on running DV on a Lantastic server dvlib.zip 18261 28-05-90 Lib routines for DV and Microsoft's C compiler dvload.zip 12023 22-04-88 Load Desqview apps from command line, w/C src dvmacros.zip 5848 12-01-88 MASM macros for Topview/DESQview pgm develop. dvme10.zip 2369 08-11-93 Makes editing DV scripts easier (needs 4DOS) dvmon13.zip 9016 21-06-88 Display percentage of unused CPU time in DV dvmu12.zip 104767 27-05-89 Custom DesqView pop-up menus dvnetbio.zip 3842 27-09-91 Update:DESQview driver to handle NETBIOS calls dvnovell.zip 4731 03-01-90 Setting up DESQview for Novell and token ring dvopen11.zip 45940 13-01-92 Command line control of DESQview + scripts dvp101.zip 10943 11-10-89 Print spooler for use in DESQview dvpalet.zip 2731 28-11-88 Docs for DESQview 2.2 color pallet program dvpcla.zip 6531 22-03-90 Using DV, PCAnywhere, & Lantastic together dvpcw.zip 2563 05-08-88 How to run PCWrite under DESQview dvped1_0.zip 88255 20-10-91 Edit DV DVP w/better interface, undoc'd fields dvpif10.zip 14212 01-04-91 PIF editor for DESQview, with C source dvplist1.zip 12925 21-01-90 Transfer DVP setups between DESQview users dvprtscr.zip 1068 11-06-90 DESQview 2.26 patch to fix Print Screen hangs dvpsd307.zip 14110 16-09-92 DESQview 2.xx protected screen driver, v3.07 dvpsv11.zip 13018 24-10-91 Full featured print spooler for DESQview dvptame.zip 3375 04-06-91 Controls kbd polling to improve DV performance dvrem17b.zip 6452 27-08-91 Operate DESQview remotely dvrun.zip 2211 02-03-89 Start another DESQview window from batch file dvscode.zip 5554 08-11-87 Quick scan code reference (DESQview 2.0+) dvscr10.zip 2953 25-03-92 4DOS batch file for DESQview's convscr dvscrip1.zip 12440 16-10-90 DESQview scripts simplify CONVSCR use w/editor dvsi2_00.zip 233588 23-02-92 15 DV utils: performance,printing,window mgmt dvslbbs.zip 4867 01-10-89 How to install DESQview with Searchlight BBS dvspawn.zip 19619 26-01-92 Spawn DESQview windows from command line dvsprt.zip 4771 14-12-87 Epson MX80 printer setup from DESQview window dvtime.zip 797 24-11-87 Set the system time within DESQview dvtman13.zip 35053 10-02-91 Auto event scheduler/task manager for DESQview dvtodo.zip 9448 02-02-93 DESQview/ToDo: To do list for DESQview dvtree23.zip 155524 30-08-91 DESQview disk manager, dual directory display dvutil12.zip 19399 19-02-91 Enhances DESQview control and reports status dvwindow.zip 3072 17-04-90 DESQview 2.2 and QEMM 4.2 with Windows - notes dvxtec.zip 34582 31-03-92 Tec notes on font management for DESQview/X dv_guard.zip 7989 10-04-90 Watchdog-like utility for running RBBS with DV dv_pat.zip 19714 20-12-90 Multiple patches for DV/QEMM through June '90 emmnet.zip 21650 11-04-91 Help IPX/SPX, NETBIOS calls multitask in DV ezcolor.zip 2572 10-01-88 Makes it easy to set colors within DESQview files008.zip 13215 03-10-91 DESQview utility to display open files fixnre.zip 4934 31-03-92 QOS fix for the 'Drive not ready' problem fmonitor.zip 15955 15-12-88 DESQview: monitor/restore Hercules RAMFONT(tm) hookint.zip 3866 16-05-91 Ensures interrupt availability in a DV window just1v12.zip 6218 25-07-91 Prevents run of simultaneous copy of pgm in DV l4_load.zip 2119 19-12-90 Lotus v3.1 loader for DESQview limitem.zip 2627 18-05-88 Limit program's use of EMS under DESQview ltfrmt12.zip 80828 24-03-91 LtFormat v1.2: DV-aware floppy disk formatter mixedbag.zip 100082 15-12-90 Several DESQview utilities by author of Tame mscdvint.zip 1830 05-11-87 MSC bindings for basic DESQview calls my_d119.zip 5140 08-04-92 DV DIR lister shows locks,fcbs,tasks accessing ninstl.zip 3224 24-05-91 Tech note on network installations of DESQview nodv.zip 8330 16-03-92 Hide DESQview from any program, w/BC++ 2.0 src nomouse.zip 2725 24-10-90 DESQview SHP disables mouse in any window/task pif220.zip 2072 11-11-88 Extended PIF format specs for DESQview 2.2+ pptd11dv.zip 602 28-11-88 Improve ProComm+ TestDrive under DESQview pp_pif.zip 376 01-01-88 DV Program Information File for ProComm Plus pq12.zip 15482 21-01-89 PRINT.COM work-alike for DESQview printdv.zip 27278 27-04-88 Print ASCII files from bkg window in DESQview promptw.zip 981 29-03-88 Reset the prompt for better use in DESQview qb45load.zip 3797 01-09-89 DESQview loader for QB 4.5 and its EXE's qext512.zip 4847 07-06-91 QEXT.SYS v5.12 for DESQview and DOS 5.0 qupie11.zip 17806 06-11-88 Print files from background DESQview window rbmgr101.zip 2041 16-02-92 Reboot Manager: Carrier detect monitor for DV space.zip 7659 05-03-90 DESQview-specific disk space monitor spawn15.zip 44000 01-11-90 Run DESQview jobs from DOS prompt stderr.zip 2444 08-12-87 Redirect standard error message with DESQview syslog.zip 17238 26-03-90 DESQview-specific system activity logger tame320.zip 106436 11-01-94 Speed up pgm execution in DesqView/VM386/WIN3x taskman.zip 41826 01-06-89 Main menu replacement/task mgr for DESQview ta_pif.zip 379 19-09-88 DESQview Program Information File for TAPCIS tctvid11.zip 6257 14-04-88 Turbo C 1.5 text w/TopView/DESQview/Windows tvgluetc.zip 6182 02-03-88 TurboC bindings for TopView/DESQview calls virtiz.zip 6375 01-04-92 Tec note on virtualizing DESQview windows winsize.zip 4362 01-04-92 Tec note on maximizing DESQview window sizes xdvee11.zip 20416 06-06-89 DESQview: Allow use of AST's REMM4.x with XDV xstartdv.zip 539 16-04-89 Toggles DESQview startup script on/off ----------------------------------------------------------- Directory maintenance utilities path: /disc2/dirutil/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 0del_v1.zip 10945 18-08-89 Deletes zero length files, version 1.01 1dir0110.zip 56450 08-03-95 OneDIR Pro 1.10 Powerful color DIR w/many opts 5dosd3.zip 42489 23-07-91 Replacement for DOS 5.0 directory utility acd233.zip 53079 26-09-94 ChDir FAST; more features than LCD/NCD & FREE adtutl10.zip 118811 21-09-92 8 utils: CUT,DD,DELDIR,SEARCH,WC,XUPDATE, etc. attach.zip 8823 08-08-88 Attach aliases to subdirectories attr220.zip 4532 06-05-94 Interactive file/directory attribute changer audit.zip 3656 28-02-88 Lists ALL suspicious and hidden files a_ren301.zip 8605 02-10-91 Rename dirs; move files across dirs w/o copy bm_rm.zip 42145 12-11-91 Unix-like RM; remove files and/or dir subtrees bob110.zip 2157 11-12-94 BOB v1.10: Enhanced directory lister ca13.zip 10804 21-10-89 Enhanced change attribute command, subdirs too cadate.zip 10906 27-05-89 Allows user to change MS-DOS file dates ccd110.zip 42253 26-01-93 Quickly change directories (for NT and DOS) ccd20.zip 7387 23-05-92 CCD v2.0: An enhanced CD (chdir) for DOS cdd.zip 5935 12-10-87 Change drive and directory with one command cde10.zip 9524 17-05-91 Version of MSDOS ChDir that sets errorlevel cdh50.zip 14672 24-12-93 Change Directory with History utility, v5.0 cdir100.zip 32487 22-07-95 Displays wasted disk space due to FAT clusters cdir130.zip 15331 11-02-89 Create commented disk directories cdto.zip 1558 08-10-87 Ward Christensen: Find file, then CD there cdx.zip 15641 25-03-91 CD Extended: Search for dir and optionally CD chainsaw.zip 14438 30-03-94 Remove entire directory tree (with C source) chatt.zip 9794 22-07-87 Change File Attributes - full screen - easy chd12.zip 10523 03-04-88 Enhanced directory changing utility chunt1.zip 11617 07-10-88 Find files based on string w/in filename v1.0 clrv311.zip 104460 22-04-95 Color View v3.11: Fast colorful DIR replacemnt cmtd_d19.zip 39598 18-11-88 Dir w/comments & copy/print/view/ren/etc v1.9 cops407.zip 64014 27-07-94 Copies files modified since given date copydate.zip 1518 01-07-94 COPYDATE v1.2: Copy file date and time stamp csap423.zip 35112 21-07-95 Sorts disk directory, removes deleted entries cudup21.zip 87789 15-09-91 Finds duplicate files, even in archives dab140.zip 21662 03-01-94 Delete All But v1.4: Exclude files to delete daba10.zip 6802 17-04-90 Delete all files but ZIP/ARC/LZH/GIF dass20.zip 19834 17-11-91 Lists directories in color, configurable dc11.zip 61463 15-10-91 Directory Control: Improved ver. PCMag's DR&CO dcolor.zip 7359 20-01-95 Color-coded directory lister for DOS dcpdir62.zip 65421 23-02-91 D.Crokett's sorted and double directory pgms dd107.zip 16410 11-08-89 Sorted directory utility with many options ddel200.zip 9750 06-04-99 DIRDEL v2.00 - deletes non-empty directories ddir0789.zip 5903 25-05-89 Sorted dir down 2 columns, paginated, 07/89 ddir100.zip 57104 14-12-94 Scrollable directory display and file manager del21.zip 6085 08-09-88 Prompted file delete deldir11.zip 15520 19-05-92 Safe recursive directory and file removal pgm deldup23.zip 11867 01-03-89 Delete files already in another subdirectory delupto.zip 13721 29-09-92 Deletes files older than a given date delx.zip 8613 15-10-88 Delete all except, the way that people think! derase.zip 13297 01-02-89 Pgm to unerase files df.zip 17878 08-09-88 Graphic display of disk free space E.Trujillo df100.zip 5058 08-08-91 Display free disk space, even on joined drives df202.zip 22510 25-08-91 DF 2.02: Stacker/JOIN-aware disk freespace utl df460.zip 222051 03-01-93 Directory Freedom v4.60: Directory Manager dfl340.zip 215141 14-03-94 Duplicate File Locator 3.40 scans archives too dfs097.zip 16304 06-03-92 Delete/find/calc. size of files/directory tree df_join2.zip 13066 04-05-90 Display free disk space, even on joined drives df_ml.zip 23852 19-10-94 Display free disk space, even on joined drives df_uz.zip 12687 26-07-89 Displays disk free space for all drives, w/src di11.zip 40140 03-04-88 Extended directory lister v1.1 w/C source dir2file.zip 6468 10-01-88 Creates ASCII file of directory dirclean.zip 15153 20-10-92 Deletes directory trees containing files dircmp10.zip 9879 18-10-92 Compares files in two directory structures dirco507.zip 116413 01-08-95 Updates files based on source directory dircp100.zip 26553 18-07-94 Compare two CD-ROM ISO FILES - Free Download -Download gratis classicistranieri.coms, display diffs dire30.zip 11319 16-04-90 Replaces DOS DIR command. Displays more info dired306.zip 75520 29-02-92 'DirEdit' v3.06; Edit/sort DOS directories dirhide1.zip 5019 19-07-91 Hide/unhide directories for security dirm13.zip 21861 02-11-90 Faster directory lister than DOS DIR command dirno120.zip 15606 05-09-90 Create commented dir listings, from PC Mag. dirord.zip 19272 30-05-89 Position directory entries to desired order dirr.zip 65993 17-07-87 List current directory for any version of DOS dirs100.zip 44644 03-04-94 Directory/file manager copy,move,del,etc. VGA dirsiz11.zip 13268 07-04-91 Display total size of files in a directory dirstack.zip 24345 03-03-93 Batch file push/pop directory stack commands dirsts21.zip 90394 24-08-94 Pie-chart display of disk space usage by dir dirto505.zip 129484 27-05-95 Directory lister and totaller dirutils.zip 18907 14-12-87 Misc directory-related utilities diskfr55.zip 6217 05-03-89 Displays total disk space available on PC diskor10.zip 80851 23-09-94 DiskOrganizer v1.0: Directory logger & browser disp102.zip 205626 08-04-92 DIS Plus: Configurable directory viewer djm_size.zip 6806 08-08-89 DIR filter displays total space used by files dlinks10.zip 12005 02-11-94 Provides aliases for DOS directories dlxdr271.zip 46380 01-08-95 DIR w/Sort Ffind Hidden Wasted ZIP Hebrew 3Col dmav12.zip 26522 08-01-95 Directory Maven v1.2: Change dir utility dosdir21.zip 26445 24-06-94 Portable MSDOS/UNIX/VMS directory API w/C src dosmap21.zip 7152 15-11-94 Unix->DOS directory/file name transform [perl] down211.zip 8317 12-11-87 Enhanced replacement for CHDIR command drip200.zip 10455 16-07-92 TSR to store and retrieve current path ds421b.zip 179048 25-04-92 Directory Scanner 4.21b: DOS disk/file manager dskparm.zip 26656 26-12-87 Find disk parameters - May '86 PC Tech Journal dta12.zip 6735 16-10-88 Directory Tree Atributes, DIR/TREE replacement du113.zip 27790 12-04-92 Unix-like du (disk usage), many options, w/src duh13.zip 39674 02-05-89 Deletes files that exist in ARC, ZIP, PAK, LZH du_pv.zip 6490 05-08-89 Displays dir tree and disk usage, w/A86 src dx_264.zip 125270 06-06-91 Directory eXtended v2.64 super dir & file util d_097a.zip 13769 19-04-91 Fancy color coded CD-ROM ISO FILES - Free Download -Download gratis classicistranieri.com utility edir150.zip 38306 01-08-95 Directory lister that recognizes files ejchmd12.zip 7411 21-12-91 Edward Jajko's change file attributes program elim10.zip 4819 25-11-90 Delete file DOS can't see, like spaces in name exd110.zip 20834 02-07-91 Exdel v1.10: Replacement for DOS DEL command fd203.zip 25633 09-03-89 Locate duplicate files, tag/delete/view/print fdate12a.zip 30471 12-01-90 Flexibly rename files to their dates fdate2.zip 6229 22-05-92 Set selected file date and/or time fdf_1_01.zip 91637 30-04-92 Find duplicate files utility fesub100.zip 37825 12-10-92 Searches for empty subdirectories ff211.zip 13689 04-01-90 Where-is file finder for multiple/large drives fff51.zip 242644 08-09-95 Derr's FileFinder 4.6, performs fuzzy search ffff360.zip 52289 12-06-91 Free Fast File Find, supports many archives ffind133.zip 7122 20-04-89 Find file on disk, in LZH, ZIP, PAK, ARC files ffind14e.zip 8480 31-08-90 Smart file-finder for large HD/network drives ff_revu.zip 2239 10-03-90 Kay Rigg's review of 17 'find file' programs fhid22.zip 6663 14-07-88 Make files 'invisible' (kinda) fh_dz32.zip 21688 19-12-94 DZ shows subdirs with sizes in a bar chart fichici.zip 8816 08-07-93 Checks for files matching current system date fileattr.zip 10766 13-02-88 Set file attributes, hide, R/O, ARCH filel20.zip 30487 25-11-91 VM/CMS-like FILELIST shell program for MS-DOS filemv06.zip 6747 06-04-93 Fast and safe file move tool filmatch.zip 14758 04-09-91 Find differences between two lists of files filup503.zip 51244 25-03-95 Copy updated files based on a control list find21.zip 14863 14-08-88 Trisoft's fast file finder v2.1 w/Del & Sort find221.zip 31674 08-08-92 Gavin's fast file finder for DOS 3 and higher finda29.zip 17321 01-01-90 Finds anything. Multiple search methods w/GUI findfi36.zip 17792 01-12-92 Find file/s and change to directory if req'd findfil2.zip 23821 17-12-90 Locate files on disk, w/Unix sh type wildcards findit10.zip 12622 17-06-92 Fast utility to locate various file formats findup39.zip 29115 30-10-88 List duplicate files on multiple disks fl.zip 23358 13-08-89 Fast file locator with Turbo C v2 source fls047.zip 5668 30-01-94 Unix-ish alternative DIR cmd, requires 386+ free16.zip 24202 17-02-89 Kapustein's free-disk reporter, v1.6 free19.zip 8833 03-05-91 Displays available & total space on all drives ft100.zip 8214 08-08-91 Shows each file type & disk space it occupies fw_ls2.zip 28739 08-04-91 Unix-like ls directory lister for DOS & OS/2 g.zip 15981 20-04-89 'CD' replacement. Jump easily between subdirs g280.zip 6332 26-05-91 Go any directory, any drive, Fast! v2.80 gcdv3.zip 12158 27-09-94 Changes drive as well as directory. + more gcd_100.zip 20889 18-12-90 Fast graphical change directory, cursor/mouse gd350.zip 14104 24-05-94 Quickly move to another directory glob11.zip 9108 30-05-88 Make DOS cmds 'global' go.zip 10104 04-11-87 Change current directory using mnemonic go54.zip 47125 07-11-90 7-in-1 DOS util. Fast file finder w/options godirv10.zip 7956 10-06-95 Chdir across drives and uses CDPATH as in csh go_3_0.zip 40248 27-03-91 Enhanced cd w/name completion & dir utilities go_v_10.zip 14785 07-03-94 NCD-like dir. utility with no external files g_21.zip 15299 15-04-94 Change directories, display mem use, TSRs, etc hhd327.zip 8489 06-05-94 Howard Harvey's directory lister, many options hhff303.zip 5277 06-05-94 Harvey's directory file finder, many options honto211.zip 31028 21-01-95 Colored directory lister with much extra info hotdir73.zip 74155 09-06-93 HotDIR Plus 7.3-Color sorted directory utility icd220.zip 4149 11-08-93 Instant Change Directory (auto-updating) incdos20.zip 107462 21-02-95 Virtuosi's set of added DOS-type commands v2.0 jadu13.zip 82870 31-10-89 Just Another Directory Utility jb_du13.zip 8663 10-04-89 Displays disk space usage jcd124.zip 17018 15-06-89 Enhanced change directory program jdir11.zip 7993 17-01-90 4 across alphabetic directory lister w/attrib. jsdown2.zip 11239 04-12-88 CD substitute kdr234.zip 11571 13-02-93 Killdir: Erase the contents of any directory kill.zip 7807 17-11-92 Removes a dir and all its files and subdir's kill11.zip 9927 20-08-90 Find filenames system-wide, prompt for delete kill150.zip 19319 26-08-92 Recursive directory removal with many options kill1_1.zip 2644 11-01-95 Delete a directory, its files & subdirectories killdir.zip 12862 20-08-90 Delete subdirectory and all files within ks_ls.zip 19702 18-10-88 4.xBSD Unix-like 'ls' dir for DOS, w/TC1.5 src k_locate.zip 6992 06-11-89 File locator for searching drives l.zip 15412 13-03-89 Directory lister with many options l11.zip 43516 19-05-93 Ricki's powerful DIR replacement l3_0.zip 18507 28-03-88 TopView-aware fast directory lister lastdr23.zip 1902 22-05-88 Save last drive/directory in environment lc10.zip 10813 24-04-90 Sorted directory lister similar to Unix 'ls' lcd_40b.zip 34278 25-08-91 Ledbetter's ''Led's Change Directory'', v4.0B lf34.zip 23902 09-03-92 Find files on any drive/optionally execute cmd ls26.zip 23747 01-12-92 List file directories with many many options ls_color.zip 21289 19-05-95 Color coded directory lister like UNIX 'ls' ls_n_df.zip 13111 03-11-90 Unix-like ls/df - show dir contents/disk usage masdir54.zip 96663 22-04-91 Directory sort program by date/extention/size mastrd38.zip 14751 09-04-91 MASTERdIR: Sorted dir lister w/many options ma_rm14.zip 12795 21-10-89 Extended delete command, removes subdirs too ma_touch.zip 10037 23-11-88 Adjust file time and date mcd.zip 3802 09-09-94 Make a subdirectory, then CD to it mdel13.zip 11501 14-02-94 MDEL v1.3: Delete matching files, except some mdir400.zip 34097 19-08-94 Change directories/run pgms in DOS with mouse mdir_v10.zip 24048 25-03-95 Mike's Directory Fast: Sorted directory lister mds_rm.zip 15049 09-11-88 Unix-like 'rm' clone with C source mh_du12.zip 29801 24-01-93 File and directory utility, GUI interface mh_mv102.zip 13937 19-06-91 UNIX-like file and directory move utility move11.zip 12668 11-11-87 Move Command that DOS Forgot! move111.zip 37831 11-08-90 Move files between directories and/or drives move201.zip 4009 26-05-88 Moves files around on disk -- small, fast move453.zip 13491 06-07-89 Move files from one drive/directory to another mv200.zip 16505 13-06-89 Move files from one drive/directory to another mycd.zip 5726 16-02-89 Unix-like change directory program namezap.zip 24094 05-09-95 Directory and file renamer ndelv00.zip 12611 13-04-91 Delete all files in current dir except a list ndir177.zip 56885 13-02-92 Configurable Multi-color sorted dir lister new17.zip 21335 19-02-89 Locates files by date newchdir.zip 5347 19-11-88 Directory changer, recognizes abbreviations nfd104.zip 11203 25-11-87 Change date/time on one or multiple DOS files nuke111.zip 11280 10-03-89 Totally delete disk data, no chance to recover obslt10.zip 7807 06-07-92 Recursive delete files older than selected age odel12.zip 26680 11-10-91 Makes room on drive by deleting oldest file(s) oz111.zip 87813 19-09-92 Multiple-version undelete + HD Protection pattr15.zip 24127 07-11-90 Set DOS file attribs with wildcards. Patriquin pdel44.zip 65060 01-05-92 File delete utility, extra features over DOS pik110.zip 38046 18-09-90 Pick files from directory for ZIP, COPY, etc. pmove20.zip 22490 24-09-87 File move/delete between subdirs and disks pppd301.zip 12415 24-05-93 Push-Pop DOS path string & current drive:\dir prune10.zip 33977 23-05-90 Mefford's DIR tree pruning & grafting utility ps52b.zip 103966 06-07-92 PSearch 5.2b, find file fast, by name or text ptouch2.zip 14413 04-05-88 Patriquen's change date/time utility purgtre1.zip 10536 07-10-88 Recursive delete of files in subdirectories push.zip 9180 12-12-91 Save/restore drive/dir/envir. via .BAT file pushpop.zip 19733 25-02-93 Save current drive/dir for later return push_pop.zip 24031 26-07-90 Directory stack manipulation programs, w/src putcwd.zip 5986 28-03-88 Puts present dir name in environment variable pwd.zip 5473 08-07-89 Displays working directory on all drives pwd_c.zip 9215 21-08-90 Displays working dir on all drives, w/MSC src qcd11.zip 13542 03-06-95 Jump around your directory-tree to change path qdel033.zip 14061 11-11-93 Kill dir tree FAST! Options, statistics, fun qdups15.zip 29513 10-01-88 Nice utility for cleaning out dupes qf300.zip 20812 22-05-89 Quick Find v3.00 find files, even in archives qff63.zip 27683 02-03-95 Quick File Find v6.3: Enhanced file finder qff64.zip 28045 04-07-95 Quick File Find v6.4: Enhanced file finder q_20.zip 19341 13-08-95 Quicker alternative to MS-DOS CD command rcd24.zip 37743 05-07-95 Change disk and directory, fast, easy rcdel262.zip 24119 29-08-94 Delete directory trees. Faster than deltree rcdir101.zip 75072 05-11-94 Colorful DIR command, also views ZIP/ARJ/LZH rdir153.zip 72080 23-07-95 Relative DIRectory Size. Disk usage Pie Chart ren2date.zip 2533 09-09-94 Renames last four characters of a file to MMDD rendir10.zip 8181 28-06-94 Freeware utility to RENname DIRectories retain11.zip 10861 10-02-93 Pure BAT eq. of PUSH/POPDIR, 8 levels, no TSR retain20.zip 15490 11-01-94 Pure BAT eq. of PUSH/POPDIR, 7 levels, no TSR retain30.zip 13220 18-11-94 Pure BAT eq. of PUSH/POPDIR, no limits, no TSR rfind10.zip 24561 14-04-95 RFind: Neat little file finder and processor rfm310.zip 114566 18-09-94 Rob's mouse driven File Manager, requires VGA rh_ls.zip 21535 09-01-92 4.xBSD Unix-like 'ls' dir, with MSC5.1 source rm11_yg.zip 5184 11-07-89 Like Unix 'rm', delete files, recursive, safe rmx.zip 7584 05-01-88 Unix-like 'rm' file delete program rmyg13.zip 5565 04-07-92 Joseph Gil's tiny Unix-like file removal util. rm_hs.zip 13315 18-02-89 File/directory deletion program with source rm_om.zip 21778 25-10-91 Unix-style file/directory deleter, w/C source rm_t130.zip 17031 31-05-94 Removes protected files including directories rndat20e.zip 5644 20-12-91 Rename file to unique name based on date/time rn_dr22.zip 17721 19-01-88 Enhanced PC-Mag utils DR and RN rtn89nov.zip 4195 24-11-89 Return to original directory after CD elswhere run102.zip 20505 02-10-89 Repeat actions for selected files in directory samedat1.zip 4563 18-10-92 Copy date/time stamp from one file to another samedate.zip 1896 27-04-92 Copy time/date stamp from one file to another satrib14.zip 12280 01-12-92 Modify any attributes savdir25.zip 12817 01-12-92 Save current directory to a batch file sd62.zip 85470 02-06-89 Sorted directory - versatile - ZIP/ARC too sdel210.zip 18454 01-12-92 Delete any files including in sub-direcories sdir40.zip 9123 15-05-88 Sorted directory display sdl32.zip 12170 16-08-88 Sorted Directory Lister with many options secret3.zip 7982 24-10-92 MD,CD,RD hidden directories v1.3 w/ASM src seek202.zip 17303 05-08-94 Fast file-find w/grep-like string srch option sf33.zip 67142 30-03-89 Search for files by subtree. Like DIR sfcombo.zip 47786 13-03-95 Finds files easily on one or many drives shhrm010.zip 12673 25-05-94 Unix-like rm-command (delete) with recursion shwhch10.zip 10496 25-05-94 Locates executables in PATH (like Unix which) since.zip 8159 24-05-91 DIR of files since today or since certain date sldir210.zip 23357 01-12-92 Select directory via a menu smove151.zip 17757 16-11-92 A very FAST multiple file moving utility snif134.zip 36183 17-03-92 C. Declerck's fast multiple drive file finder ssearch4.zip 57587 26-01-91 Super Search v1.4: Fast file finder st330e.zip 20126 05-11-94 STREE v3.30: Displays the size of directories struzfda.zip 15367 05-12-92 Struz's file and directory attribute utility subdir.zip 8911 30-11-94 Executes a command in all subdirectories subdir20.zip 7890 26-01-89 Change subdirectories with a single character supdir11.zip 45016 01-09-95 DIR lister w/ include/exclude masks, DB output sweep221.zip 9253 02-12-87 Menu-driven file handler sync10.zip 34565 07-06-95 Synchronizes one directory tree with another syncdir.zip 41838 15-07-95 Synchronize files in two directory trees sz15.zip 13530 21-10-89 Number of bytes & space of files/directories tdattr10.zip 16334 23-09-94 Enhanced replacement for DOS ATTRIB command tdir92.zip 41107 06-03-92 TreeDir jump to directories from a menu, w/ASM tf77.zip 13306 18-02-89 TurboFind - fast 'whereis' file find utility tfind215.zip 15203 05-09-91 ThunderFind: Fast file finding utility tk_ls.zip 16293 14-01-89 Unix-like ls dir. lister for MS-DOS w/src v1.0 to40b.zip 33147 14-10-90 Fast dir switcher, abbreviated subdir names toadadel.zip 9545 26-05-91 Delete files older than specified nr of months todir22.zip 29664 08-03-95 Jump directly to any subdirectory on any drive tomar90.zip 3980 24-03-90 Improved CD - change directory without \'s tools.zip 57588 23-09-87 Unix-like utility programs for PC, w/C source touch.zip 12850 27-09-87 Change the Date/Time shown on any program tppdr101.zip 14788 08-09-93 Push/pop dir pgm that uses the DOS environment tpzdr124.zip 16994 15-03-94 ZapDir: Directory tree killer for MSDOS/DRDOS trak10.zip 19579 25-03-95 TrackDir v1.0: Directory navigation tracker treedupl.zip 68907 17-07-87 Find and display duplicate file names treesz02.zip 10956 29-07-93 Graphic tree display of dir/path/disk sizes trunk120.zip 13734 11-09-88 Recursive directory lister ttfind3b.zip 55289 17-01-89 TriSoft Technologies fast FileFind twoutils.zip 30787 16-10-89 Enhanced DIR (ls) and DELETE, Unix-like ua_go320.zip 26068 11-08-95 Fast change directory utility ug.zip 80427 23-10-87 DOS path & subdirectory utility unera13.zip 7181 05-06-89 Recover erased files from disk, improved up100.zip 7471 12-11-87 Move towards root in directory tree w/prompt vadcd180.zip 14685 16-03-93 Vadol Change Directory: Easy CD, quick access vcd10.zip 15767 26-12-88 Visual Change Directory volume11.zip 6527 19-07-88 Name/rename disk volume walkdir.zip 11143 18-12-92 Walk through directory structure & print info what24.zip 35531 21-07-88 Add commentary to directory, ver. 2.4 whch20gt.zip 19452 02-08-90 Theall's scan PATH for executable programs whch21gr.zip 32644 29-07-93 Clone of Unix 'which': locate commands in path where12.zip 11895 24-10-93 Where is a file in PATH or other env. variable whereis.zip 21889 14-05-88 Finds any file on drive and uses wildcards whereis3.zip 7645 08-06-89 Whereis file locator across multiple disks which_bw.zip 10201 24-09-88 Weissman's search dirs for specified file which_mc.zip 7833 28-04-88 Cohen's fast WHEREIS for commands in PATH whiz8706.zip 16782 06-07-88 Behman's fast file finder wild15.zip 4170 25-07-89 Improve MS-DOS wildcard handling, v1.5 wiper.zip 16480 11-10-91 Remove a whole directory subtree in DOS & OS/2 with10.zip 6445 15-08-92 Executes a command on randomly selected files wiz33.zip 77025 05-07-95 Fast, multidisk, many options file finder wpr026.zip 16892 03-06-95 Recursive directory deleter xk420e.zip 14971 05-11-94 XKILL v4.20: Enhanced file deleting ycom10.zip 9565 29-08-94 Run applications using English commands zap101.zip 2758 01-08-95 Delete multiple files from more than one dir zapdir40.zip 23576 05-06-91 Remove entire branches of directory tree zdir20.zip 60196 04-03-92 Fast sorted dir replacement with many options ----------------------------------------------------------- EXE and COM file disassemblers path: /disc2/disasm/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 486dis_c.zip 12038 21-04-93 TC source for 486 code stream disassembler 8048dis.zip 12780 27-09-87 Disassemble programs for 8048/8049 chip aabstrct.txt 5024 21-01-93 Information about the files in this directory asmgen3.zip 75344 12-04-89 Generate assembly code from COM and EXE's asmgsq11.zip 12114 26-11-94 Makes .SEQ file for ASMGEN disassembler bubble.zip 85888 20-09-88 Bubble: A disassembler for COM or EXE programs dasm85.zip 11214 02-08-90 Disassembler for 8085 binaries deb2asm.pqs 21454 22-07-87 Pascal pgm changes debug 'u' captures to .ASM dis86229.zip 71913 25-03-95 Disassembler for 80x86 programs dmpprg21.zip 43495 04-06-94 Disassembler for DOS/Win3 pgms; uses MAP files id12.zip 27169 16-02-90 Intelligent Disassembler v1.2 ida2_05.zip 397218 22-06-95 IDA v2.05: Interactive 80xxx disassembler md86.zip 166387 26-06-90 Masterful Disassembler for Intel 8086 programs obj2asm.zip 76966 21-04-93 TC Source for intelligent .OBJ disassembler ----------------------------------------------------------- Floppy / hard disk programs and utilities path: /disc2/diskutil/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 1pass21.zip 15495 24-05-93 One-pass floppy disk copier. Uses RAM/EMS/HDD 1seagate.zip 469152 24-01-95 Drive specs for Seagate disc drives. Jan, 1995 22dsk142.zip 196538 01-10-94 CP/M<->Diskette xfer, over 100 formats. SYDEX 2format.zip 1730 01-10-88 Format 2 floppys without hassles 2m30.zip 256191 13-03-95 Safely formats 3.5:1176/1972K & 5.25:976/1639K 2m30src.zip 219050 13-03-95 Commented source code for 2m30; TASM/Borland C 2mfshl11.zip 114206 25-02-95 Text shell for easy run of 2mf v3.0 35sec100.zip 12011 01-06-95 Floppy cache - reads, writes in background 3drvs260.zip 74411 20-10-93 Add 3 hard drives to AT; mix/match types 4drvu100.zip 33216 20-10-93 IDE hard disk inquiry utility, up to 4 drives 4spd100.zip 66275 20-10-93 Hard drive data transfer rate test 525td.zip 472545 29-04-92 Updated Mountain Tape soft (& some Compudynes) 800ks.zip 9500 09-07-88 Format 360k disk to 800k on AT, w/MASM source 8sgathtx.zip 271057 11-05-94 Seagate tech support's disk ref (needs HHV20) act204.zip 175772 04-01-92 ActaeOn v2.04: Graphical hard disk manager adamaker.zip 23005 03-07-90 Creates 'bootable' Coleco ADAM disk on PC adamdisk.zip 55799 03-07-90 Transfer/edit Coleco ADAM floppy disks on a PC adcsh122.zip 10254 07-07-90 ADCache: Dave Rifkind's EMS disk caching pgm addrive.bat 1863 26-08-89 Program to switch AST SUPERDRIVE on and off aformat.zip 2159 11-05-88 Format A & B drives without pause amos111.zip 80230 09-02-94 Read/write OS/2 files HPFS<=>FAT under MSDOS amprocpm.zip 7085 12-11-87 Read/write Ampro CP/M disks on MSDOS anad207.zip 135000 03-09-92 ANADISK v2.07, analyze/edit/copy disks, SYDEX aspibin.zip 67984 26-01-92 Gnu Tar for SCSI tape drives, Adaptec 154xx aspiid10.zip 37782 26-01-95 Inquire your SCSI ASPI driver for information aspipat.zip 21350 26-01-92 Patches for ASPIBIN relative to Gnu Tar 1.10 aspisrc.zip 221514 26-01-92 Src for Gnu Tar for SCSI tape, Adaptec ctrlr ataid011.zip 29743 28-10-94 ATA/IDE diagnostic & identification pgm v1.11 atfmt100.zip 36697 13-03-92 Floppy formatter. Gets 1066K on 720K diskette bboot.zip 3314 01-05-93 Boot from B: drive instead of A: bcopy.zip 15394 17-01-89 PC Mag utility: Copy files in the background bigdisk.zip 10301 03-01-89 Utility to allow use of large drives bios_drv.zip 1574 21-12-87 Award & Phoenix BIOS drive type tables boops.zip 3559 01-02-92 Allows booting HD w/diskette in A:, w/ASM src bootfun0.zip 23464 08-03-95 Changes floppy boot program or serial number boot_b.zip 4492 27-12-90 Boots machine with A: and B: drives swapped brinf130.zip 77612 13-11-93 Save/restore disk partition, boot, and track 0 bt108.zip 5888 04-02-94 Boot from drive C:, even with floppy in A: c33trap.zip 9636 31-07-87 Cvt HD mult track read/write req to single trk cacheart.zip 13987 31-12-87 Review of disk cache programs cachemon.zip 21040 14-03-90 TSR disk cache monitor: count hits and misses cformat2.zip 17962 15-04-88 Format A: and B: disks at same time chain217.zip 8749 28-05-89 Displays disk clusters used by a file chkprt.zip 6393 21-12-90 Determines disk suitability for SMARTDRV.SYS cleaner1.zip 29323 21-06-93 Clean floppy diskette drive read/write heads clnfil23.zip 26042 16-02-91 Wipes out sensitive data in unused file space clone210.zip 19471 18-01-95 CLONE 2.10: Single pass floppy disk duplicator cnfmt108.zip 45122 17-07-92 Background floppy disk formatter by SYDEX combi113.zip 48324 03-05-93 RAM disk & disk cache sharing XMS memory conrfeat.zip 34604 22-03-93 Change interface of Conner HD from CAM to ISA copyall.zip 10297 07-04-91 Copy files to multiple disks with optimization copyd11.zip 40218 06-12-92 Wsscopyd, copy/format disks, 1-pass, w/source copydsk.zip 19058 12-03-90 Similar to DOS's XCOPY, only better. w/C src copym113.zip 81538 16-06-89 CopyMaster 1.13 disk and file copy program copyq321.zip 181871 27-07-95 Dup. disks in one pass. Reads new MS DMF fmt. core292.zip 36542 23-04-90 Core International hard disk benchmark, v2.92 cotdos10.zip 14297 08-06-90 MS-DOS Driver for the British/Sears Apricot coverup1.zip 16853 21-07-90 Erases unused sectors and tails of files cpark.zip 14478 30-03-94 Configurable HD parking utility (w/C source) cpdsk15b.zip 21147 09-09-93 One pass disk copy. Uses XMS. Freeware cpyds125.zip 37219 25-10-92 Fast copy/format/verify multiple diskettes cross10.zip 20968 20-08-89 Splits large files into diskette sized files ct50a.zip 60253 19-06-93 Cache Test: Evaluates disk cache performance cuvl1.zip 30744 15-09-91 Colorado Utilities disk volume labeler ver 1.0 dcache.zip 15647 11-10-88 Hard disk cache program from PC-Magazine dcf50.zip 107972 11-06-95 Very fast 1-pass diskette copy utility dcfr004.zip 18110 03-01-95 Extracts files from DCF imagefiles, UNZIP-like dcopy332.zip 22759 17-10-91 Copy whole diskette with subdirs to a file dcp41.zip 85706 26-08-94 Saves and restores floppy disk images dcu100.zip 31227 22-10-90 Delete unwanted files & call backup/defrag pgm ddpc250.zip 17346 08-12-91 Multiple hard disk parker and screen saver ddt150.zip 52462 09-08-88 Directory/sector editor ddupe409.zip 116796 08-09-94 Duplicates and formats floppy disks dermon11.zip 10514 30-04-90 TSR monitors disk errors, keeps log of last 50 dfix12.zip 14081 09-05-91 Finds and marks bad disk sectors, w/C source di103.zip 43756 20-01-91 DiskInfo 1.03: Displays information about disk diet145f.zip 45233 28-02-93 Transparently compress/restore any file or exe dim14a.zip 76501 18-04-93 Disk image archiver, copyer w/password prot. discex.zip 24382 25-10-88 Fixed disk exerciser diskanl.zip 4447 15-12-87 Scans diskettes and reports errors diskdump.zip 9234 07-03-89 Read disks by sector in dec/hex/ASCII/EBCDIC diskedt.zip 19928 15-02-89 Disk and binary file editor diskf1.asm 4541 15-02-90 Corrects AT floppy disk timing problems diskf20e.zip 60883 01-09-94 Fills disks up to the last sector. (English) diskf20i.zip 62294 01-09-94 Fills disks up to the last sector. (Italian) diskflag.zip 27698 11-03-89 Warns about decreasing hard disk space diskid21.zip 3992 22-08-91 View/change serial on DOS 4/DOS 5 floppies diskinfo.zip 202968 28-09-90 Database of 775 different type hard drives diskopt.zip 3272 16-03-89 Set floppy step rate/on-off time/RAM ref rate diskread.zip 67948 04-08-87 Version 1.5 of disk exploration program disksav2.zip 22424 11-06-95 Make backup copies of boot and fat sectors diskst01.zip 28978 30-11-93 Displays status of all disk drives assigned diskuse.zip 52768 14-02-90 Displays disk use in bytes with bar graphics ditu10.zip 14162 01-08-95 Fast disk/image copying utility (w/C src) dixcpy32.zip 19594 27-09-94 Fast & easy use one pass copyer, ext. formats dkcare30.zip 28686 02-03-95 Run DOS's Defrag,Scandisk,Chkdsk via menu dki191.zip 72070 14-04-94 Display/analyse disk type, used/free/total spc dkopie20.zip 106155 29-07-95 DiskCopy DOS, 2M & Fdformat disks (VGA, 286+) dkopis20.zip 382097 29-07-95 Source code for dKopie20 (bronkode.zip) dnav14.zip 63215 29-09-89 Disk Navagator: point & shoot HD manager shell dog316.zip 54699 31-03-92 Disk OrGanizer: Disk defragmenter DOS5-compat. dogrevu.zip 3845 19-03-91 Review of 'DOG' disk organizer/defragmentizer dqwik211.zip 131538 08-09-94 Boost IDE perf. by activating block xfer mode drivelst.zip 10502 22-02-89 Large listing of hard disks & their parameters drivepar.zip 20326 27-02-88 Parameters for many different hard drives drs120.zip 116270 09-02-92 Data Recovery Software: Reads BAD disks drvdt3.zip 3882 09-01-90 Information on 208 different hard disks drvtypes.zip 5202 04-03-88 Display drive types your AT recognizes dskcpy20.zip 35267 14-10-94 Fast and easy-to-use disk copy program dskdupv5.zip 311357 02-06-95 Copies the new Microsoft 1.68Mb DMF disks dtst20.zip 15214 10-08-90 Scan disk weak sectors which may fail, w/C src dugide10.zip 11869 13-01-93 Show the IDE disk info. Includes C source easydiag.zip 46337 20-08-90 WD diagnostic: Test AT hard disk & controller ebak51.zip 218532 02-08-95 Easy Backup V5.1: Compressed Backup System eddy7a.zip 195004 06-02-94 EDitDirectorY v7.a: Directory/file/disk editor edpart.zip 14186 01-05-88 Hard disk partition table editor ei60.zip 257826 02-09-95 Easy Install v6.0: Install disk maker emmcache.zip 9193 03-08-87 Cache program using extended memory ess1.zip 67010 10-11-93 3 DOS tools: 1Pass dskcopy/FastDskwipe/kbd dvr estima11.zip 22544 24-11-94 Estimate storage needs for back-up of files exdel100.zip 22771 19-07-94 Deletes files so UNDELETEs cannot recover them extrac20.zip 31535 21-07-94 EXTRACT v2.0: Extracts files from disk image ezcl_1_7.zip 91869 07-03-90 EZ-Copy Lite: Copy/verify multiple diskettes ezcp_1_2.zip 92870 28-02-90 EZ-Copy: Copy/format/verify multiple diskettes ezf32a.zip 197229 16-05-91 Format disks in 2 drives at once, v3.20, 1of2 ezf32b.zip 109517 16-05-91 Format disks in 2 drives at once, v3.20, 2of2 fat109.zip 13829 16-01-90 FAT v1.09, display a file's chain of clusters fbpcheck.zip 21840 27-01-90 Fastback+ utility w/7 day warning & file list fbr181.zip 17410 01-06-92 Buerg's fast backup/restore utility - v1.81 fbtrial.zip 220589 05-06-89 FASTBACK PLUS v2.01 Trial vers. Limited to 2MB fdc_8477.zip 32539 15-06-91 Nat'l. Semicon. test of the 8477FDC chip fdc_test.zip 21312 15-06-91 Nat'l. Semicon. floppy controller chip test fdform18.zip 109056 21-07-91 Format floppies for greater density/storage fdrpm.zip 4193 19-03-90 Checks diskette drive speed. SYDEX ffit162.zip 42445 07-12-92 Copies files to disks optimally (knapsack) fhard101.zip 34836 23-07-90 Creates 5 Meg removable disk using floppies fill506.zip 81062 15-06-95 Stuffs as many files as possible on disk fips12.zip 105955 10-11-94 FIPS: Nondestructive partition split utility fit10.zip 13067 11-10-90 Intelligent copy - fill each floppy - mass cpy fixboot.zip 3281 15-12-87 Fix floppy boot sectors fixfat.zip 6519 26-10-87 How to fix your FAT tables (text) flexp300.zip 221100 05-08-93 Flexibak Plus: Hard disk backup w/compression flopchek.zip 1447 15-06-90 Displays AT/386/486 CMOS floppy drive configs flpkit11.zip 68036 16-03-95 8 free utilities to speed up and test floppies fm55.zip 100149 31-10-93 FormatMaster: Menu-driven floppy disk format fmtfix11.zip 5536 31-03-94 Fix for long floppy format delay in MS-DOS 6.2 formnu22.zip 81983 30-09-92 Fast, easy menu to format diskettes formq172.zip 36140 09-02-92 Multiple format/verify for diskettes fr20.zip 3920 24-05-91 Shows free space on all drives (v2.0) fre561.zip 20219 11-01-94 Multi-drive disk space check info with graph free151.zip 20577 09-02-89 Report of free space on disk, v1.51 fsave11.zip 118219 17-04-95 Configurable filesave-Make backups fast & easy fstcpy.zip 11223 26-03-89 Fast disk copy program, with options gdfrag.zip 1637 11-04-95 Run unattended defragmentation on all drives gtak100.zip 225935 12-01-92 DOS+OS/2 tar for SCSI tapes on Adaptec cntl's handle20.zip 35106 17-07-87 Hold open up to 256 files in DOS 3.xx hd0989r1.zip 17278 23-09-89 Info on 823 hard drives from 64 manufacturers hdbackup.zip 30001 23-04-88 Hard drive backup utility hdcodes.txt 6527 26-12-87 List of hard drive codes hdinfo10.zip 38586 30-11-87 Hard drive info in text, dBase, and DIF format hdpark2.zip 5082 08-06-89 Fancy hard disk head parking utility hdsource.zip 68203 17-07-87 PD ver of IBM's Advanced Diags w/ASM src hdtrak12.zip 73348 13-08-93 HardTrack v1.2: Tracks hard drive/LAN changes hdts535a.zip 139921 20-10-91 Comprehensive HD test with support for DOS 5.0 hdtst128.zip 67473 06-04-89 Comprehensive hard disk drive check/intlv adj. hd_diag.zip 11740 28-03-88 Hard disk diagnostics hhv20.zip 114259 23-11-90 Hyper Helper viewer for 8SGATHTX.ZIP hicpy25b.zip 60938 28-05-93 High density disk copier, using hard disk hp15s210.zip 15583 03-06-91 Device driver for HP-150 diskettes. SYDEX hsutil60.zip 141700 16-11-92 Hughes-Schoolfield collection of DOS utilities iau19e.zip 96948 25-04-91 Nondestructive hard disk interleave adj. ibuv2.zip 28983 26-03-88 Interactive Backup Utility, Ver 2 ideinf10.zip 30283 07-09-94 Displays info on IDE drives, including ATA-2 img1_21e.zip 75844 27-04-95 Disk image extracter infdsk10.zip 34768 30-06-95 IDE Hard disk auto-detection jp_du11.zip 11068 17-04-90 Recursive disk usage utility by Jussi Puttonen kg_df105.zip 5434 16-03-93 Disk Free: Disk free/used as % of total, w/src klspace.zip 11552 30-01-92 Keith Ledbetter's graphical disk space display lan.zip 58943 30-06-88 Floppy-based LAN w/ Pascal source lk_df.zip 15034 22-03-93 Unix-like DF disk usage command, w/source llformat.asm 2472 15-01-91 Hard disk low-level format pgm. ASM source lo11.zip 11477 15-11-91 Hard disk parker/screen saver. Small. v1.1 l_rmnd17.zip 52846 01-03-90 Disk back-up reminder/timed event scheduler macett30.zip 44208 08-07-94 Read, write, and format Mac disks on a PC macsee22.zip 54847 24-03-93 Read/write Macintosh disks on PC. DOS & WIN3.x macsee4b.zip 256740 01-05-94 Read/write Mac disks on PC. DOS & WIN3.x. DEMO maintain.zip 2295 11-04-95 Run unattended maintenance on all DOS drives mapdsk30.zip 54519 03-10-88 Maps all disk extents; DOS & OS/2 versns v3 master20.zip 56438 30-06-93 Prepare diskettes as masters for duplication maxi18.zip 56807 21-10-94 Formats diskettes to allow greater capacity mback230.zip 231694 31-10-93 Patri-Soft's comprehensive disk system backup mfa11.zip 24999 28-06-93 Allocates files on diskettes space-efficiently micropls.zip 93562 12-10-93 Micropolis disk drive parameters, Oct. 1993 mindos11.zip 63425 05-04-91 Read Minix File System (MFS) files from MSDOS multvol1.zip 15556 14-01-92 Backup files larger than media (auto-split) newspace.zip 148319 26-11-90 Save space: driver compresses hard disk files notready.zip 1646 22-12-87 Dummy disk device driver for never ready drive no_idle.zip 6510 19-12-94 Disables auto-idle on PC system-hard drives oc210.zip 19190 11-05-91 Finds optimum packing for file copy to floppy ocp11eng.zip 16805 08-03-95 Copy command optimizer; optimally fill disk omtifix.zip 1864 04-08-88 Fix for OMTI 8620 disk controller memory prob. org30sw.zip 72787 30-12-91 Greve/Rifkind's hard disk defragger/optimizer palert24.zip 30359 22-10-91 Patriquin's low disk space warning utility part.zip 22963 23-01-94 Provides HD partition table & controller info partit10.zip 54235 28-08-91 The Partitioner: MultiBoot w/HD security &more partitn.zip 17494 09-11-88 Mainpulates partition info on hard disk v2.0 pastcopy.zip 46112 22-11-89 Turbo Copy from PAS Software. Fancy copy pgm pau_50.zip 3402 11-05-89 Park one or two hard disks v5.0, w/ASM source pckwk319.zip 16501 23-11-88 PC KWIK shareware disk cache program, v3.19 pcopy93.zip 112424 17-09-93 Patriquin COPY, file copier with many options pdisk.zip 78081 12-02-89 Modify hard drive tables in PC match any drive pdrive.zip 1637 12-05-91 Protect against floppy disk change. Reread FAT pdtimprk.zip 7406 03-09-87 Public Domain auto HD park, with source pers3650.zip 4792 26-12-87 Text file on PERSTOR HD controller perstore.zip 11145 12-05-88 Perstore disk controllers & compatible drives pkanydsk.zip 6614 10-12-87 Park any hard disk pkback2.zip 103503 02-05-93 Hard disk backup utility, uses PKZIP poly221s.zip 43007 26-01-91 Fast bulk disk-copy pgm. 360K/720K/1.2M/1.44M prebak13.zip 39393 15-04-90 Backup preprocessor/automator/reminder presz112.zip 63448 27-05-95 The Partition Resizer: Safe HD repartitioning protect.asm 6203 26-01-88 Toggle write-protect on hard disk protect.zip 3160 12-05-88 Toggle write-protect on hard disk prune22.zip 9835 01-04-92 Clear out unallocated bytes at the end of file pxdds101.zip 18684 05-12-93 Simple disk speed tester with source code qc420_1.zip 259344 09-01-90 QUICKCACHE II v4.20: disk cache pgm, part 1of2 qc420_2.zip 262166 07-01-90 QUICKCACHE II v4.20: disk cache pgm, part 2of2 qcdox341.zip 239815 17-03-94 Docs for qkopy341, HP-Laserjet/Postscript frmt qcopy.zip 10286 14-01-88 Another quick disk copying program qcopy40.zip 80410 01-08-92 QCOPY v4.0: Disk copying and format utility qdr40c.zip 7610 11-07-91 V. Buerg's quick floppy disk format/reformat qform10.zip 14655 03-12-89 Diskette formatter for 5-1/4'' & 3-1/2'' qformat.zip 6881 26-03-88 Memory resident quick disk reformatter (w/ASM) qic02_11.zip 27789 28-05-93 Tape device driver for Archive SC402/499 cards qkopy341.zip 96504 17-03-94 Quikcopy v3.41: Quick file/diskette copier raind112.zip 14299 31-08-90 Device driver for DEC Rainbow diskettes. SYDEX ramit166.zip 21707 10-05-90 Speed disk access w/8 bit ctrlr on 16 bit bus reform16.zip 46666 03-03-90 Disk defragmenter with TurboPascal v5.0 source restaur1.zip 19679 04-08-91 More versatile DOS RESTORE replacement restor55.zip 17647 17-10-90 Working replacement for MS-DOS restore rewrite.zip 12139 24-10-89 Rewrite 360K disks written on 1.2M drive rmdriv30.zip 10885 17-08-94 Disable or enable any DOS logical disk drive rocalc.zip 14556 18-09-90 Counts floppies needed for backup (SAVELOAD) roinfo10.zip 18131 15-08-88 Guide for setup of fixed disk drive rttfrm.zip 21929 27-04-92 High/low density drive format,TEXT mode screen rtvfrm.zip 21748 27-04-92 High/low density drive format, VGA mode screen safera16.zip 58427 21-06-91 Safe Erase v1.6: Enables UNerasing of files safpak12.zip 55083 01-05-92 SafePack 1.2: A safe disk defragmenter saveload.zip 41820 18-09-90 Disk backup program - (use with ROCALC) scav31.zip 14184 06-10-88 Jennings' find & mark bad sectors on disks scopy202.zip 23167 13-08-91 Copy disk to disk image file with /compression sdc300.zip 102576 01-12-90 Fast copy/format/verify multiple diskettes sdf21.zip 21814 07-10-90 Fast floppy disk formatter and speed-up, v2.1 seagate.zip 329290 04-01-94 Seagate disk drive parameters, Jan. 1994 seccopy4.zip 138368 06-07-93 Periodic automatic copy of files to bkup drive seg_drvs.zip 70264 10-03-89 Seagate hard disk install help & config info set80.zip 2387 16-08-87 Tells DOS that drive B default is 80 tracks setdrive.zip 10492 19-02-90 Change physical drive parameters, low/hi dens. sho24.zip 11595 11-04-90 SHOWDISK v2.4: checks floppy/HD space usage showf251.zip 31303 25-06-93 Intuitive display of disk FAT & dir structure showlog.zip 21204 30-03-92 Display, search & manipulation of BACKUP.LOG slim110a.zip 34843 05-04-91 Write compressed files to disk; expand on read smarcopy.zip 20237 07-03-90 Copies files the way DOS copy should work smartpmt.zip 3379 19-05-93 Flushes SmartDrive deferred writes on DOS pmt. smart_12.zip 25460 01-10-91 Smart Utilities v1.2: Modify specs of SMARTDRV spcchk12.zip 31633 09-04-90 Graphic display of disk use/space available spindn12.zip 12713 25-08-94 Spin/power down IDE drives after idle period spininfo.zip 48635 01-10-89 SpinriteII Hypertext Infofile, by Steve Gibson spintest.zip 2698 31-08-88 HD transfer rate and interleave test ver. 1.2 spkt470s.zip 321427 24-02-95 HyperDisk disk cache w/HyperKey & HyperScreen st2dos10.zip 16270 18-04-93 Make Atari ST written floppies DOS-readable steprat1.zip 8503 20-08-90 Set floppy drive steprate for speed/less noise stow191.zip 230705 17-08-92 Patriquin's true disk archival (backup) system stowdir1.zip 16464 16-04-92 StowDir version 1.1. Directory for StowAway stowgen2.zip 36106 16-04-92 Rebuild archive indexes for MegaBack stuf10cs.zip 26111 27-01-94 Stuff 1.0: Optimize diskette space during copy stufit2.zip 16256 26-07-89 Moves selected files to HD innermost tracks stufr01.zip 10751 22-07-88 Backup, archive, disk file copy sy_at720.zip 1532 15-04-89 BIOS patch for 720K disks in 1.2M drive, SYDEX tcopy10.zip 7556 01-12-89 TCOPY v1.0: Multi-featured copy utility tcpy202.zip 50024 15-10-93 Fast multi-volume file copy pgm, many options tcpy203c.zip 52073 09-09-95 TurboCopy 2.03C: Fast multi-disk file copy utl tdchk110.zip 14437 13-07-90 TeleDisk image file validator. SYDEX tdisk334.zip 35012 28-12-89 TESTDISK 3.34, disk performance measurement teenfmt2.zip 6903 02-08-94 Teeny Format: Memory resident disk formatter teled212.zip 93950 12-12-90 TeleDisk v2.12 - xfer disk into a file. SYDEX testdr14.zip 36613 07-12-90 Comprehensive floppy drive diagnostic utility timep37e.zip 11139 16-06-90 Park hard disk(s) after specified time tp.zip 2875 19-08-87 Transpose characters in a file trakk403.zip 311717 25-10-93 Trakker 4.03, Trakker tape drive software tstdisk.zip 35014 28-12-89 Test hard disk data xfer rate in 'Real Terms' typenum.zip 7812 08-07-88 List hard disk types in BIOS Drive Table types.zip 29328 29-03-89 Displays list of hard drives supported by BIOS uformt21.zip 129099 27-08-94 Fast VGA disk formatter with GUI interface vdu.zip 8553 27-04-92 Display directory tree with disk usage info vgacp50a.zip 302832 20-01-93 Fast diskcopy/format, HD & ED, SB, EGA/VGA vidpk106.zip 3761 03-06-91 Video blanker/hard disk head parker utility wasted15.zip 24440 29-06-95 Show wasted HD space due to cluster size +src wasted20.zip 30733 01-08-95 Reports disk space WASTED due to cluster size watchdsk.zip 51516 06-11-93 Show, sort & print current and prev dir sizes wd.zip 119807 26-02-89 Files from Western Digital's BBS wdconfig.zip 4609 30-07-87 HL/LL format for WD 1002S-WX2 HD wdfmt210.zip 21691 07-02-88 Format/verify/test w/any WD AT HD controller wdprods.zip 4704 22-02-89 List of complete WD HD controller product line westype.zip 38355 13-04-93 Specs for Western Digital hard drives wprot2.zip 4183 09-08-90 Prevents misuse of INT13 write/format disk xdcpy200.zip 15028 13-10-93 Copy diskettes without swapping, by S. Huseby yase.zip 10889 11-03-89 Yet Another (disk) Sector Editor, CGA required zerodisk.zip 7452 07-03-89 Erase unallocated disk blocks - with C source ----------------------------------------------------------- GNU software ported to MSDOS path: /disc2/djgpp/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 00_djgpp.zip 90759 25-02-95 Directory lists of all ZIP files in this dir aeasy102.zip 63817 05-12-93 Async library for djgpp aecur102.zip 101634 05-12-93 Curses library for djgpp aetsk102.zip 78441 05-12-93 Task Switching library for djgpp aewin102.zip 60816 05-12-93 Text Windows library for djgpp bccgrx12.zip 232118 21-05-94 BCC to GRX library for djgpp bnu252bn.zip 1004218 19-12-94 binutils-2.5.2 binaries (gas, ld, strip, etc) bnu252dc.zip 286304 19-12-94 binutils-2.5.2 sources (gas, ld, strip, etc) bnu252s1.zip 1197881 18-12-94 binutils-2.5.2 sources 1/4 (gas,ld,strip,etc) bnu252s2.zip 1198679 18-12-94 binutils-2.5.2 sources 2/4 (gas,ld,strip,etc) bnu252s3.zip 1199205 18-12-94 binutils-2.5.2 sources 3/4 (gas,ld,strip,etc) bnu252s4.zip 228808 19-12-94 binutils-2.5.2 sources 4/4 (gas,ld,strip,etc) bsn122bn.zip 75291 05-08-94 bison-1.22 binaries (for djgpp) bsn122dc.zip 144107 05-08-94 bison-1.22 documentation (for djgpp) bsn122sr.zip 251240 05-08-94 bison-1.22 sources (for djgpp) cbgrd103.zip 258566 06-12-93 GRX graphics library docs (for djgpp) cbgrf103.zip 772391 06-12-93 GRX graphics library extra fonts (for djgpp) cbgrx103.zip 874528 06-12-93 GRX graphics library libs/headers (for djgpp) dif26bn.zip 92510 05-08-94 diffutils-2.6 binaries (for djgpp) dif26dc.zip 105365 05-08-94 diffutils-2.6 documentation (for djgpp) dif26sr.zip 303736 05-08-94 diffutils-2.6 sources (for djgpp) dj112m1.doc 2996 03-09-94 djgpp's 1.12.maint1 update, documentation dj112m1.zip 805831 04-09-94 djgpp's 1.12.maint1 update, files dj112m2.doc 797 13-09-94 djgpp's 1.12.maint2 update, documentation dj112m2.zip 79691 12-09-94 djgpp's 1.12.maint2 update, files dj112m3.doc 1532 21-01-95 djgpp's 1.12.maint3 update, documentation dj112m3.zip 169041 19-12-94 djgpp's 1.12.maint3 update, files dj112m4.doc 1002 01-02-95 djgpp's 1.12.maint4 update, documentation dj112m4.zip 49840 03-02-95 djgpp's 1.12.maint4 update, files djdev112.zip 462367 05-08-94 djgpp Base development kit djdoc112.zip 224601 05-08-94 djgpp Base documentation djemu112.zip 56994 05-08-94 djgpp 80387 emulator sources djeoe112.zip 120813 05-08-94 djgpp Execution only environment djgpp.faq 14503 07-08-94 Frequently asked questions about djgpp djlgr112.zip 51090 05-08-94 djgpp simple graphics library djlsr112.zip 370075 05-08-94 djgpp base library sources djsrc112.zip 220511 05-08-94 djgpp sources to go32 and utils djtst112.zip 29111 05-08-94 djgpp test programs f2c95201.zip 653362 06-02-95 djgpp port of Fortran to C converter v19950201 faq102.zip 64250 09-06-95 FAQ list for DJGPP port of GCC and utilities flx247bn.zip 78723 05-08-94 flex-2.4.7 binaries (for djgpp) flx247dc.zip 58398 05-08-94 flex-2.4.7 documentation (for djgpp) flx247sr.zip 347239 05-08-94 flex-2.4.7 sources (for djgpp) gas_read.me 112 31-01-95 Where to find the GNU assembler (was bnu*.zip) gcc263bn.zip 629102 01-02-95 gcc-2.6.3 binaries (C only) (incl 1.12.m4 fix) gcc263dc.zip 853363 21-12-94 gcc-2.6.3 documentation for djgpp gcc263rm.zip 116325 19-12-94 gcc-2.6.3 gcc.exe built with tcc, for djgpp gcc263s1.zip 1090477 17-12-94 gcc-2.6.3 sources 1/6 for djgpp gcc263s2.zip 1198749 20-12-94 gcc-2.6.3 sources 2/6 for djgpp gcc263s3.zip 1195062 18-12-94 gcc-2.6.3 sources 3/6 for djgpp gcc263s4.zip 1198601 20-12-94 gcc-2.6.3 sources 4/6 for djgpp gcc263s5.zip 1174221 20-12-94 gcc-2.6.3 sources 5/6 for djgpp gcc263s6.zip 878100 20-12-94 gcc-2.6.3 sources 6/6 for djgpp gdb412bn.zip 656983 05-08-94 gdb-4.12 binaries (for djgpp) gdb412dc.zip 147240 05-08-94 gdb-4.12 documentation (for djgpp) gdb412s1.zip 1185739 27-07-94 gdb-4.12 sources (1/4) (for djgpp) gdb412s2.zip 1198844 27-07-94 gdb-4.12 sources (2/4) (for djgpp) gdb412s3.zip 1200065 27-07-94 gdb-4.12 sources (3/4) (for djgpp) gdb412s4.zip 475810 05-08-94 gdb-4.12 sources (4/4) (for djgpp) gpp263.zip 681778 19-12-94 gcc-2.6.3 cc1plus.exe (C++ compiler) for djgpp grx103m1.doc 1438 31-03-94 Installation instructions for grx103m1.zip grx103m1.zip 80468 31-03-94 Maint. release for DJGPP GRX graphics library gzp124bn.zip 67772 05-08-94 gzip-1.2.4 binaries (for djgpp) gzp124dc.zip 47013 05-08-94 gzip-1.2.4 documentation (for djgpp) gzp124sr.zip 273403 05-08-94 gzip-1.2.4 sources (for djgpp) install.dat 3601 07-08-94 Data file for install.exe install.exe 25782 07-08-94 Install program for djgpp ldbg102.zip 587707 23-03-95 Ladybug v1.02: djgpp full screen debugger ldbg102d.zip 12514 23-03-95 Installation procedure for ldbg102.zip lgp262bn.zip 434473 18-01-95 libg++-2.6.2 binaries (C++ lib/inc) for djgpp lgp262dc.zip 179729 18-01-95 libg++-2.6.2 documentation for djgpp lgp262sr.zip 492605 18-01-95 libg++-2.6.2 sources for djgpp mak371bn.zip 102254 06-08-94 make-3.71 binaries (for djgpp) mak371dc.zip 228692 05-08-94 make-3.71 documentation (for djgpp) mak371sr.zip 511983 05-08-94 make-3.71 sources (for djgpp) merge.c 998 07-08-94 Merge files that have been split (C source) merge.exe 6924 07-08-94 Merge files that have been split (executable) objc263.zip 606003 19-12-94 gcc-2.6.3 Objective-C compiler/lib/inc (djgpp) pat21bn.zip 55382 05-08-94 patch-2.1 binaries (for djgpp) pat21dc.zip 28479 05-08-94 patch-2.1 documentation (for djgpp) pat21sr.zip 108767 05-08-94 patch-2.1 sources (for djgpp) pdc22bn.zip 298919 22-02-95 PDCurses 2.2 System V Curses library for DJGPP qddvx102.zip 903449 31-07-93 DESQview/X libraries & utilities (for djgpp) qdlib200.zip 1236674 06-09-94 DVX X11R5 toolkit libraries and header files qdtkt200.zip 734379 12-08-94 DVX X11R5 toolkit clients demos and doc files readme.1st 9513 23-01-95 djgpp's installation instructions, 1.12 readme.dj 17179 07-08-94 djgpp's setup instructions, 1.12 readme.dvx 1961 09-09-94 DVX X11R5 toolkit readme file, readme first! sblaster.zip 18292 22-11-93 SoundBlaster sample showing DMA and interrupts sed118bn.zip 50380 05-08-94 sed-1.18 binaries (for djgpp) sed118sr.zip 128809 05-08-94 sed-1.18 source (for djgpp) split.c 1489 07-08-94 Split large files (C source) split.exe 8072 07-08-94 Split large files (executable) txi310bn.zip 153847 05-08-94 texinfo-3.10 binaries inc info.exe (for djgpp) txi310dc.zip 378558 05-08-94 texinfo-3.10 documentation (for djgpp) txi310sr.zip 619764 05-08-94 texinfo-3.10 sources (for djgpp) unzip386.exe 193908 07-08-94 Free unzip program for djgpp files (386 ver.) wmemu112.zip 104899 12-07-94 Improved FPU ('387) emulator for djgpp 1.11 ----------------------------------------------------------- Utilities for Quarterdeck's DESQview/X path: /disc2/dv_x/ ----------------------------------------------------------- calctool.zip 149241 13-02-94 Simple calculator does binary, octal, hex, dec dclock.zip 159223 08-12-92 Simple digital alarm clock for DESQview/X desku110.zip 234248 20-03-93 File, font, mouse and more utilities for DV/X dvix.zip 105926 08-12-92 DVI previewer for DESQview/X dvxhlp10.zip 60481 04-06-92 Help file spec + program to create + source dvxicons.zip 31805 16-06-92 Icons for DESQview/X dvxp102.zip 54076 09-07-92 Patches for 4/27/92 DV/X v1.02 dvxprs.zip 2840 01-04-92 Quarterdeck's official announcement for DV/X dvxtin.zip 135739 05-01-93 DESQview/X port of TIN Usenet News reader gs261dvx.zip 295047 19-06-93 Ghostscript v2.6.1, EXE + src diffs for DV/X imakedvx.zip 144997 04-08-93 Imake for DJGPP porting X applications to DV/X tgif212.zip 855865 08-12-92 Xlib-based draw program that runs under DVX xcalc.zip 179682 08-12-92 Scientific calculator (TI-30 / HP-10C) for DVX xcolored.zip 199311 08-12-92 Graphical tool for mixing colors under DVX xcolorma.zip 124833 08-12-92 Displays current default colormap under DVX xcursr10.zip 68580 24-09-92 Customize your X Cursor, for DESQview/X xlfont.zip 47921 27-05-92 DV/X: Lists all fonts available to X server xpm2dvx.zip 7432 16-06-92 Converts .XPM 2 icons to DV/X-compatible xpulse1.zip 41629 20-05-94 XPulse: Shows the CPU overhead in DESQview/X xrscdb.zip 12998 27-05-92 DV/X:App sets number of defaults for X windows xsroot.zip 49615 27-05-92 DV/X: 'X' way to change colors, mouse & cursor xv221exe.zip 316319 31-12-92 GIF/TIFF/JPEG/PBM viewer for DESQview/X. EXEs xv221src.zip 1185308 31-12-92 GIF/TIFF/JPEG/PBM viewer for DESQview/X. SRCs xwhite02.zip 343630 11-09-92 Quarterdeck Tec notes in DV/X helpfile format xwinfo.zip 65179 27-05-92 DV/X:Show window location in pixels to set DVP ----------------------------------------------------------- Text editors path: /disc2/editor/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 161quick.zip 4319 17-04-91 Quick-reference guide to VDE v1.61 text editor aaem95ma.zip 481583 06-03-95 AAEMACS: EMACS-type text editor w/mouse suppt. aaema954.zip 473539 06-04-95 EMACS-type text editor (for DOS or Windows) adami94.zip 180190 30-07-93 Tamil word processer / VGA video titler adamien1.zip 117572 01-08-93 Environment for ADAMI Tamil word processor adedt301.zip 41924 04-03-88 AD-EDIT: Small text editor, DESQview-aware ae24b.zip 28516 25-06-95 Assembly language programmer's editor ae_14.zip 86777 27-04-91 Multifile text editor w/cut & paste, w/TP src aled153.zip 50085 27-04-91 Small programmer's text editor aned21.zip 25435 03-12-93 Simple ASCII editor, designed for ease of use ansipc10.zip 75135 05-03-91 ANSI graphics editor w/extensive mouse support asc2ws.zip 5011 03-08-89 ASCII to WordStar conversion explained ascii20.zip 5518 15-01-93 TSR for viewing/entering ANY ASCII characters auror21a.zip 523787 09-09-95 Powerful, full-featured text editor bbstvi30.zip 56510 17-08-92 BBS vers. of STevie editor, w/security, FOSSIL be400b.zip 346311 13-11-94 Power text editor with undo, virtual mem, more blkbd746.zip 141237 31-05-89 BlackBeard programmer's editor v7.46 bm111.zip 132679 22-08-90 Text editor for creation/mntc of batch files boxer700.zip 357062 27-03-95 BOXER Editor v7.0 - powerful, full-featured breeze50.zip 319100 19-03-93 BREEZE v5.0 word processor/text editor cadet30a.zip 139856 20-04-91 CADET 3.0: Menu-driven full screen editor, 1/2 cadet30b.zip 215804 10-03-91 CADET 3.0: Menu-driven full screen editor, 2/2 calvin22.zip 39771 01-06-93 Calvin v2.2: Text editor; partial vi clone cont.zip 8015 29-05-92 TSR adds macros to most text editors cse310.zip 15528 30-11-90 Small public domain text editor. Many features cyril104.zip 52465 14-02-90 Russian word processor shows Cyrillic onscreen dddos13.zip 279566 19-01-95 DingDang Chinese word processor for DOS dos5ed.zip 23167 25-06-91 Patch DOS 5 editor default to *.*, not *.TXT dp107e.zip 264632 23-02-95 DiskPaper v1.07e: Graphic and text editor dte5_1.zip 118730 06-02-91 PD text editor for MSDOS & mainframes. C src e14_edit.zip 40770 16-12-91 Small, fast, powerful editor with ASM source e2_v321.zip 167116 29-03-91 Unix 'Rand' text editor ported to MS-DOS e34.zip 149396 14-01-89 Multifile text editor v3.4 e4dv204.zip 106904 11-12-94 Multi-file Outline editor w/user-defined menus e4v204.zip 87636 11-12-94 Powerful, efficient programmer's & GP editor easy452.zip 322699 13-08-91 Multi-file text editor/spellchk/word processor ed3.zip 32593 07-09-88 Configurable text editor edit251.zip 31567 07-06-91 Very small Wordstar-compatible text editor editor10.zip 320411 03-03-95 Powerful text/binary editor for DOS & Windows edrhr15b.zip 189829 05-04-94 EDT like editor, DOS/WIN binary distribution edrhr15s.zip 371093 05-04-94 EDT like editor, source code distribution edwin15c.zip 82944 17-07-87 Text editor with windows, macros, and more ed_el.zip 32077 16-02-89 Line-oriented editor, like UNIX V7 ed ee1091.zip 24960 11-10-91 Free ASCII editor for MS-DOS/Unix with source elv18exe.zip 223946 29-01-94 ELVIS v1.8, Unix vi-compatible text editor elv18src.zip 315991 29-01-94 Sources for ELVIS v1.8 vi-compat. text editor em15.zip 64653 25-05-88 Generic editer - may be used remotely eswp05.doc 27932 10-04-88 Evaluation of Shareware Word Processors evolv104.zip 97142 26-04-93 Source code structure editor in outline form ew93.zip 754340 02-09-95 Easy Word v9.3: Word Processor ezdex_1b.zip 18656 06-07-93 EZ-Dex: Get addresses from list, paste to WP ezedit.zip 8306 20-04-89 Small ascii editor similar to TED ezquote4.zip 44579 17-06-94 EZ-Quote v4.0: Text editor for offline readers ezxw30td.zip 216716 17-09-90 EZX-WRITE, WordStar-compatible word processor fae_100.zip 95297 03-06-95 First ADE Edit v1.00: Multilingual text editor fe11.zip 80153 31-05-91 Menu-driven memory-based multi-file txt editor fed_pc.zip 73856 28-10-94 FED v1.0: Folding text editor folded_u.zip 111298 06-03-91 Folding/outlining ASCII editor for programmers fred.zip 66682 18-12-91 Kid's wordprocessor, large type gal210a1.zip 162439 13-06-89 Galahad word processor from Clarkson Univ,1of4 gal210a2.zip 194885 10-02-89 Galahad word processor from Clarkson Univ,2of4 gal210a3.zip 131610 13-04-89 Galahad word processor from Clarkson Univ,3of4 gal210a4.zip 122746 28-02-90 Galahad word processor from Clarkson Univ,4of4 galaxy30.zip 343548 01-06-90 Easy to learn word processor with spell check ge16mdm0.zip 262630 17-02-94 VESA/SVGA color graphics editor; demo, 1/3 ge16mdm1.zip 280563 15-02-94 Color graphics editor demo, (opt.,recomm.) 2/3 ge16mdm2.zip 399770 23-12-93 Color graphics editor demo, (optional), 3/3 gg_m15.zip 283219 01-09-95 M v1.15: Emacs-style text editor for DOS/Win95 hebed15.zip 694056 01-09-95 Hebrew text editor supporting vowels ichi.zip 69119 18-01-89 Wordstar-like text editor intext12.zip 266171 17-07-90 Intext v1.2A multi-lingual word processor j414doc.zip 83799 17-10-89 Doc for JOVE (Jonathan's Own Version of Emacs) j414exe.zip 97450 02-11-89 JOVE, alternative version of Emacs text editor j414src.zip 242216 02-11-89 Source code in C for MSDOS JOVE text editor jed080.zip 222992 20-01-93 Emacs-like extensible editor with source code jed096_1.zip 797131 30-04-94 Emacs-like extensible editor with source code joe2x2.zip 136355 22-06-95 Pwrful editor for programmers, Usenet/mail, GP jwpedict.zip 1157962 02-02-93 JWP: Jim Breen's English-Japanese dictionary jwpfonts.zip 479078 22-10-92 JWP: 16x16, 24x24 fonts for display+printing jwpk4848.zip 818276 01-11-92 JWP: 48x48 font for display+printing jwpkinfo.zip 219581 28-02-93 JWP: Kanji information files jwpprog.zip 337802 02-05-93 JWP 1.10 Japanese word processor for Windows jwpsrc.zip 202246 31-03-93 JWP 1.10 source code jwpwnn.zip 251210 06-07-92 JWP: Wnn kanji dictionaries kamas25.zip 123352 23-02-91 Outline/idea/thought processor & organizer kantks11.zip 104248 12-01-93 Kannada Script editor/Transliterator, req. EGA looksee2.zip 65719 08-08-95 Looksee v2.0: Text file viewer and printer mated90.zip 38188 30-01-92 MAT Editor: Full-screen editor. Easy to learn mathtext.zip 120512 17-07-87 Science/Math word processor me141.zip 41105 03-11-93 Small but powrful Hex/ASCII full screen editor medemo70.zip 659651 30-04-94 Demo of Multi-Edit 7 - programmers text editor melite.zip 224033 30-03-94 Multi-Edit Lite: Programmer's text editor me_cd25.zip 357743 27-11-92 ME2 v2.5: Extendable emacs-like text editor mg2a_exe.zip 51409 11-03-91 MicroGnuEmacs: GNU emacs-compat. editor, EXE mg2a_src.zip 394746 11-03-91 MicroGnuEmacs: GNU emacs-compat. editor, C src mr250.zip 174655 05-02-92 MindReader intelligent text editor w/spell chk ncu_edit.zip 22220 07-12-92 Small screen editor (13Kbytes) with ASM src nedit17x.zip 278048 08-09-94 Powerful Programmers' text editor njj30dic.zip 356985 15-02-94 NJSTAR Japanese Word Processor v3.0j, (3/4) njj30exe.zip 314623 14-02-94 NJSTAR Japanese Word Processor v3.0j, (1/4) njj30fon.zip 352005 15-02-94 NJSTAR Japanese Word Processor v3.0j, (4/4) njj30jed.zip 356019 15-02-94 NJSTAR Japanese Word Processor v3.0j, (2/4) njs30ced.zip 357092 15-02-94 NJSTAR Chinese Word Processor v3.0, (2/4) njs30dic.zip 351200 15-02-94 NJSTAR Chinese Word Processor v3.0, (3/4) njs30exe.zip 319712 14-02-94 NJSTAR Chinese Word Processor v3.0, (1/4) njs30fon.zip 360750 15-02-94 NJSTAR Chinese Word Processor v3.0, (4/4) nyword23.zip 205195 09-12-88 Marc Adler's New York Word Processor v2.3 outplus2.zip 111248 08-02-94 Outline processor with integrated text editor paint.zip 23382 19-11-87 Screen-based editor for creating 'printer art' pcedit32.zip 109972 08-06-93 ASCII editor, 'E' clone, very customizeable pctamil1.zip 109367 31-01-94 Transliterates Roman text to Tamil script pctco260.zip 55540 14-09-93 PCTECO v2.60: TECO-11 editor clone pcvile.zip 111289 26-07-91 Text editor w/vi cmds and many Emacs features pcw415_1.zip 309634 17-05-94 PC-Write v4.15 word processor, 1/5 pcw415_2.zip 355848 17-05-94 PC-Write v4.15 word processor, 2/5 pcw415_3.zip 338029 17-05-94 PC-Write v4.15 word processor, 3/5 pcw415_4.zip 355353 17-05-94 PC-Write v4.15 word processor, 4/5 pcw415_5.zip 340441 17-05-94 PC-Write v4.15 word processor, 5/5 pcwpsfix.zip 19415 17-09-92 Improved PostScript support for PC Write pcw_font.zip 71915 09-08-88 PC-Write LaserJet soft font selector ped15.zip 29528 19-08-88 Full screen editor pro_ed.zip 10523 11-02-89 Pro-Ed full-featured programmer's text editor pt20man.zip 198243 05-02-91 Manual for Point Editor v2.0 (TeX/PostScript) pt20pc.zip 292064 24-02-91 Point Editor v2.0 (PD). C src and executables pt20txt.zip 95171 16-05-91 Manual for Point Editor v2.0 (text files) qed100.zip 9808 21-09-93 QED: Small text editor quiknote.zip 22729 09-06-89 Simple easy to use editor, uses WordStar cmds re109.zip 145926 25-11-90 Ravitz text editor, w/outlining & overviewing res_shp2.zip 82833 31-12-89 Resume Shop v2, creates customized resumes russ.zip 45739 30-10-88 Russian language word processor scrthi.zip 219901 11-03-94 Screenwriting demo version of ScriptThing sedit110.zip 343296 19-07-94 Easy to use text editor with spelling check sedt40pc.zip 192112 28-08-89 Text editor styled after VMS EDT shhed240.zip 22990 12-08-92 SHH ED: Small, WordStar-inspired text editor shsuedt3.zip 35300 10-08-93 Small DOS text editor sled11.zip 34111 17-03-92 17K text editor for 640K files (also binary) slkpro20.zip 20485 14-09-89 Professional text editor by Slickware, v2.0 smed20.zip 142581 02-09-95 Text editor with accelerated smooth scrolling smedit01.zip 174266 01-11-94 Small editor w/many features & life simulator stevi69s.zip 156384 03-05-90 Source for STEVIE vi clone v3.69X (for TC2.0) stevi69x.zip 76738 24-04-90 STEVIE v3.69b, Unix vi compatible text editor sv32g.zip 47242 19-05-95 Powerful programming editor, new w/ undo/redo syedit11.zip 93410 21-02-94 EdIt! v1.1 text editor replaces EDIT.COM tde40.zip 430249 05-06-94 PD multi-window/file bin & text ed w/ C & asm te261.zip 72022 04-09-91 Technical editor handles text file of any size ted2.zip 34896 10-10-89 Fast editor for small text files, w/MASM src ted3.zip 17606 03-03-91 12K text editor for 64K files tedit2.zip 57903 09-12-89 Fast multi-window file editor for programmers tedplus.zip 18542 12-11-88 PC Mag 'Tiny Editor' with find function terse12.zip 20879 12-03-92 Full-screen ed. Brief-like commands. Only 4K thedjg21.zip 313638 23-07-95 THE v2.1: CMS/XEDIT-like editor. 386-mode exe thedos21.zip 189281 23-07-95 THE v2.1: CMS/XEDIT-like editor. real-mode exe thesrc21.zip 384141 23-07-95 THE v2.1: CMS/XEDIT-like editor. C source code tmed160a.zip 9809 31-03-93 Small TSR memory editor and key macro trived09.zip 25368 23-04-95 FOSSIL/console vi-subset, secure for BBS w/src tsetd2.zip 404009 20-12-94 The SemWare Editor (TSE) v2.0 Demo/Test-Drive tsetdd.zip 441038 07-01-95 SemWare Editor v2.0 Demo/Test-Drive (German) tstse15.zip 43452 30-07-95 SAL macro sources to extend The SemWare Editor tvx_edit.zip 134241 17-07-87 TVX editor 'C' source and executables for PC ued19c.zip 50265 08-09-91 Text editor - small, fast, easy, up to 9 files unity331.zip 287348 27-09-91 Text editor w/unified programming environment vconvert.zip 16022 15-06-93 Convert between VIET 1.x and VISCII formats vde164cs.zip 17571 03-10-92 Screen writers macros for VDE text editor vde165c.zip 141193 01-06-93 Meyer's small, fast, WordStar-like text editor vde173.zip 146995 17-08-94 Meyer's small, fast, WordStar-like text editor vde17sp.zip 47399 12-07-94 Screen writer's macros for VDE text editor vdedb.zip 40284 23-10-91 Turns VDE editor into Rolodex-like database vdemacro.zip 2979 14-06-92 Collection of macros for VDE word processor vde_bc.zip 7705 25-11-90 Big characters for VDE text editor vde_ed2.zip 11289 18-04-91 Shell adds enhancement features to VDE editor vde_mc.zip 18393 09-12-90 Macros for VDE text editor vde_mc11.zip 18596 03-04-91 VMC v1.10: Macro compiler for VDE text editor vde_wp.zip 10298 14-12-90 WP compatibility hints for VDE text editor versedit.zip 126144 31-03-90 Multi-window programmer's text editor viet1p6.zip 223974 03-10-91 Vietnamese word processor, VIET ver. 1.6 vim30bin.zip 271008 15-08-94 Vi IMproved v3.0: vi-like text editor EXE+docs vim30src.zip 387330 15-08-94 Vi IMproved v3.0: vi-like text editor source vised35.zip 408830 07-04-93 Text Editor, multiple windows, mouse support wed411.zip 117372 11-05-91 Text editor, small fast, multiple windows wpgrab16.zip 21468 29-02-88 Start word processor w/soundex filename search writeme.zip 91586 21-11-91 Create full color text files. Editor/viewer writshv.zip 13874 29-04-90 Writer's Heaven: Incr PC-Write editing speed ws4mouse.zip 1996 23-08-87 MS mouse menu for Wordstar 4 ws5bugs.zip 9866 13-09-88 WordStar 5.0 report and known bugs ws5files.zip 1808 21-09-88 WordStar 5.0 files, what does what ws5_info.zip 6719 09-02-89 Info about WordStar 5.0 repairs/patches wsen.zip 12559 23-09-89 WordStar enhancer for v4.0, 5.0, and 5.5 ws_train.zip 50973 07-09-88 Notes, test from WordStar training class xted100.zip 28949 26-01-93 Norton Cmdr-style editor (Wordstar-compatible) xvidoc.zip 73801 29-07-92 Xvi text editor - Documentation, 1 of 3 xviexe.zip 66978 29-07-92 Xvi text editor - MS-DOS executable, 2 of 3 xvisrc.zip 261365 29-07-92 Xvi text editor - Source code, 3 of 3 yikes.zip 41546 24-11-88 ! simple text editor like Turbo Pascal editor ----------------------------------------------------------- Epsilon text editor-related utilities path: /disc2/eel/ ----------------------------------------------------------- asmtag04.zip 10477 05-10-91 Tag Assembly source in MASM/TASM syntax bakin.zip 10827 07-07-90 Epsilon video & process buffer enhancements calc11.e 11302 10-02-89 CALC command for Epsilon comment.zip 5758 07-08-91 Epsilon editor cmds for manipulating comments cpyrit01.zip 3786 08-08-91 Epsilon editor cmd inserts copyright header ctag05.zip 22641 07-10-91 Comprehensive Tagging of C\C++ source code curspos.e 6647 12-03-91 Continuous display of cursor row/column cxtnd.e 25618 10-02-89 C-extended mode for Epsilon dectoch.zip 1192 13-03-91 Input characters by ASCII value for Epsilon editkey.zip 858 19-09-90 Jump to definition of a keybinding w/Epsilon epgnuc10.zip 21169 13-08-91 Smarter C indenter for Epsilon EEL editor epmouse.zip 5371 31-07-92 Mouse support for Epsilon Editor V6.0 ep_remap.zip 39885 18-09-88 Remap the keyboard function keys in Epsilon fillpref.zip 4543 08-08-91 Fill prefix commands for Lugaru Epsilon editor fortran.e 19569 03-10-88 Fortran indentation mode for Epsilon grep04.zip 42566 12-08-91 Grep interface for Lugaru Epsilon (grep.e) help_sys.zip 11509 19-11-90 Build your own help files for Epsilon lenoil2.zip 13317 29-08-92 AutoSave,Mouse,Prompt,Revert,Sticky,VisBell lispmode.zip 5747 28-07-90 Useful keybindings for editing Lisp code mark.zip 6743 08-10-90 Various region-marking commands for Epsilon narrow.e 4218 30-09-88 Epsilon buffer narrow portion to edit region newmouse.zip 4983 23-10-90 Improved mouse support functions for Epsilon nextbuf.zip 2801 25-10-90 Single-key switch between buffers for Epsilon ntags05.zip 11615 31-07-91 Improved tagging system for Epsilon editor pntstk04.zip 7274 12-08-91 Point stack and registers for Lugaru Epsilon printer.zip 2723 07-12-90 Print to HP LaserJet II or IBM Graphic Printer qh04.zip 2878 20-08-91 Interface between MS QH help system & Epsilon save_mod.zip 5117 05-11-90 Prompt for revision comments on saving file storemod.zip 2749 19-09-90 Enhanced version of store.e for Epsilon storey.zip 15739 01-10-88 Fortran and Pascal modes for Epsilon tagmod.zip 5569 29-10-90 Enhanced version of tags.e for Epsilon tex.e 5035 30-09-88 TeX mode for Epsilon trim.zip 2563 25-10-90 Trim whitespace from ends of lines winconf.e 3880 12-03-91 Save/restore window setup in Epsilon editor ----------------------------------------------------------- Eiffel Software Development path: /disc2/eiffel/ ----------------------------------------------------------- e13acdoc.zip 106182 30-08-95 Documentation for Eiffel/S v1.3 e13acdos.zip 272860 16-08-95 Eiffel/S compiler for DOS e13acgcc.zip 1423433 30-08-95 Gnu C 2.6.3 DJ backend for Eiffel/S e13acwin.zip 324198 16-08-95 Eiffel/S compiler for WIN95 e13aexli.zip 204826 30-08-95 Eiffel/S library & examples e13aintr.zip 74093 30-08-95 Eiffel short introduction, all readme files e13arbc3.zip 143216 09-11-93 Eiffel/S runtime for Borland C 3.0 e13arbc4.zip 151085 30-08-95 Eiffel/S runtime for Borland C 4.5 32 Bit e13aread.me 2923 01-09-95 Read Me File for the e13 - Eiffel's 13a System e13argcc.zip 148343 30-08-95 Eiffel/S runtime for GCC DJ 2.6.3 e13arms7.zip 145104 10-11-93 Eiffel/S runtime for MS/C 7.0 16 Bit e13armsc.zip 193828 12-07-95 Eiffel/S runtime for MS/C 2.x 32 Bit e13arsc6.zip 129496 29-11-93 Eiffel/S runtime for Symantec C 6.x e13arw10.zip 146871 29-08-95 Eiffel/S runtime for Watcom C 10.0A e13arw1n.zip 144649 29-08-95 Eiffel/S runtime for Watcom C 10.0A e13arzt3.zip 133334 09-11-93 Eiffel/S runtime for Zortech C 3.0 e13autil.zip 172708 07-11-93 Additional utilities for Eiffel/S ----------------------------------------------------------- Electrical and electronic programs path: /disc2/electric/ ----------------------------------------------------------- astater.zip 35495 01-09-94 ASTATER v1.0: AHDL State Machine generator carms11d.zip 341996 22-12-94 Reliability analysis based on Markov modeling daubwave.zip 45746 15-01-93 Wavelet analysis program, w/C source demand20.zip 220012 06-10-93 Calculate/report residential electrical demand dlanet.zip 58030 21-05-90 Polynomial/circuit analysis, w/built-in editor dspice0b.zip 182183 25-11-92 128Mb Spice 2g6 circuit simulator. Req 386/387 dspice0s.zip 437050 18-01-93 C Sources for Spice 2g6. Req. DJGPP & F2C_LIB0 dwelcalc.zip 179807 26-06-92 Residential NEC electrical code calculations ee11.zip 322023 29-04-92 Electrical Engineering design & analysis prog. electrc3.zip 47201 16-03-88 Performs most common electrical calculations faisyn20.zip 60102 13-08-94 Electronic filter synthesis program filtry10.zip 59791 01-10-92 Aids in design of active and passive filters gmdlx13.zip 101723 18-07-95 Sample VHDL file for gmvhdl13 gmvhdl13.zip 570064 29-07-95 VHDL compiler and simulator v1.3. DEMO logisy30.zip 49905 31-01-93 Logisym v3.0 Digital Logic Simulator, VGA req. pspic54a.zip 1040962 10-09-93 PSpice analog/digital ckt sim for Win 3.1. 1/3 pspic54b.zip 1188104 10-09-93 PSpice analog/digital ckt sim for Win 3.1. 2/3 pspic54c.zip 931005 10-09-93 PSpice analog/digital ckt sim for Win 3.1. 3/3 qfld32_1.zip 203294 19-03-95 QuickField: Quick and easy field analysis, 1/4 qfld32_2.zip 456201 01-03-95 QuickField: Quick and easy field analysis, 2/4 qfld32_3.zip 390225 01-03-95 QuickField: Quick and easy field analysis, 3/4 qfld32_4.zip 351175 01-03-95 QuickField: Quick and easy field analysis, 4/4 rascal21.zip 523833 22-07-95 Single/Dual-reflector antenna designs w/source scrl50.zip 628814 14-12-94 Semiconductor Cross Reference Library v5.0 sim120bn.zip 441977 12-11-93 SIMIC logic and fault simulator. Part 1 of 2 sim120dc.zip 556148 11-11-93 SIMIC logic and fault simulator. Part 2 of 2 simic104.zip 1042672 29-01-93 SIMIC logic simulator, student version 1.0.4 spctr3e2.zip 364462 27-12-92 386/486 vers. of SPICE 3e2 ckt simulation pgm. sspice10.zip 91804 01-02-91 Symbolic SPICE: Ckt analyzer and approximator timecrft.zip 32352 24-02-94 WIN3: Electronic ckt timing diagram generator ----------------------------------------------------------- EMS Professional ShareWare information/database files path: /disc2/ems_prof/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 800_9508.zip 98416 08-08-95 Database of PC HW/SW Producer 800 Numbers accu17.zip 52872 08-08-95 MS-Access PD/ShareWare addon directory accv17.zip 17674 09-08-95 Directory of MS-Access addon producers asmu17.zip 52111 08-08-95 PC ASM PD/ShareWare tools directory asmv17.zip 19666 09-08-95 Directory of assembler addon producers bbs_9508.zip 25206 09-08-95 Directory of PC HW/SW Producer BBS Numbers cadu17.zip 68148 09-08-95 AutoCAD PD/ShareWare addons directory cadv17.zip 36455 09-08-95 AutoCAD addon producers directory clau17.zip 13514 15-08-95 Clarion PD/ShareWare tools directory clav17.zip 5716 15-08-95 Clarion Tool Producer Directory clpu17.zip 195173 15-08-95 Clipper PD/ShareWare addons directory clpv17.zip 87521 15-08-95 Directory of Clipper addon producers cppu17.zip 9728 15-08-95 C++ PD/ShareWare tools directory cppv16.zip 26071 12-06-95 Directory of PC C++ Tool Producers, Jun'95 cu16.zip 126363 10-06-95 C/C++ PD/ShareWare tools directory, May'95 cv16.zip 57125 10-06-95 Directory of PC C/C++ Tool Producers, May'95 delu17.zip 20107 09-08-95 Delphi PD/ShareWare tools directory delv17.zip 8082 11-08-95 Delphi Tool Producer Directory em_9508.zip 66856 11-08-95 Directory of PC HW/SW Producer EMail Addresses foxu16.zip 137916 25-06-95 FoxPro PD/ShareWare addons directory, May'95 foxv16.zip 68004 25-06-95 Directory of FoxPro addon producers, May'95 ntu16.zip 11849 18-06-95 Windows NT PD/ShareWare addon directory ntv16.zip 4763 18-06-95 Windows NT Utility ShareWare Producers nwu16.zip 141825 30-06-95 NetWare PD/ShareWare addon directory nwv16.zip 42014 30-06-95 Directory of NetWare Utility Producers pasu16.zip 11130 10-06-95 Pascal PD/ShareWare tools directory, May'95 pasv16.zip 34153 10-06-95 Pascal Tool Producer Directory, May'95 pdxu16.zip 70263 07-06-95 Paradox PD/ShareWare addon directory, Jun'95 pdxv16.zip 24794 07-06-95 Paradox addon producers directory, Jun'95 qbu16.zip 21111 12-06-95 QB/VBDOS/PDS/ShareWare tools directory, Jun'95 qbv16.zip 12557 12-06-95 VBDOS/QB/PDS Tool Producer Directory, Jun'95 scie16.zip 46990 12-06-95 Science ShareWare Addon Directory, Jun'95 sciv16.zip 22042 12-06-95 Science ShareWare producer directory, Jun'95 ssu16.zip 44820 02-07-95 Spreadsheet ShareWare Addon Directory ssv16.zip 19713 02-07-95 Spreadsheet addon producer directory vbu17.zip 102986 11-08-95 Visual Basic ShareWare Directory vbv17.zip 48153 11-08-95 Visual Basic Addon Producers ----------------------------------------------------------- Programs for emulating different operating environments path: /disc2/emulator/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 22nce142.zip 52152 01-10-94 Z80 CP/M emulator for MS-DOS systems. SYDEX 68em10.zip 63389 07-05-91 6800 emulator for DOS, includes a realtime O/S coco2_14.zip 66591 24-11-94 TRS-80 Colour Computer 2 emulator, v1.40 cpcemu13.zip 405224 22-04-95 Amstrad CPC Emulator v1.3 w/ROM, req. 386, VGA emily52.zip 50585 23-03-94 8051/52 simulator/emulator/debugger eoric06d.zip 356249 28-06-95 Oric 1/ Oric Atmos emulator exec199k.zip 2331623 19-03-95 Macintosh Emulator done totally in software exkdisk1.zip 1370385 18-03-95 Mac Emulator packaged for floppy install, 1of2 exkdisk2.zip 1145045 18-03-95 Mac Emulator packaged for floppy install, 2of2 exo199o1.zip 1414880 17-07-95 Mac Emulator packaged for floppy install, 1of2 exo199o2.zip 1196644 17-07-95 Mac Emulator packaged for floppy install, 2of2 jpp.zip 270043 16-12-92 Emulates a ZX Spectrum 48K RAM Z80-based micro mcx11v15.zip 74018 05-02-92 MC68HC11 MicroController multitask eXecutive model1_d.zip 81284 06-10-94 TRS-80 Model I emulator & support progs. v3.01 myz80111.zip 93173 16-05-93 Simeon Cran's Z80 CP/M Z-System emulator pc370v42.zip 305700 19-01-91 PC/370 v4.2 IBM 370 assembler and emulator pcdgn201.zip 359250 02-12-94 Dragon/CoCo Emulator & Debugger v2.1 EGA 40Mhz s48v11.zip 23714 11-02-95 Full screen simulator for 8048/49/50 micros sim6822c.zip 214040 01-11-92 Motorola 68HC11 uController simulater, v2.21 ts1000_c.zip 18980 24-10-94 Emulates a Timex/Sinclair 1000 w/printer, v2.1 v2080j88.zip 19766 09-01-88 Run CP/M-80 programs on system with V20 CPU v20boot.zip 81476 01-05-90 Turbo Pascal source code for V20 CP/M emulator xtndr093.zip 139592 01-02-93 Timex/Sinclair ZX81 (TS1000) emulator, v0.93 z80mu52b.zip 87255 10-11-89 CP/M (Z80 processor) emulator for MS-DOS z80_303.zip 225851 29-12-94 Virtually complete ZX Spectrum 48/128 emulator zrun321.zip 26892 03-04-88 Z80 CP/M emulator for MS-DOS zsim241.zip 356257 16-01-95 Z80 emulator + CP/M-80 BIOS to run CP/M ----------------------------------------------------------- Engineering-related programs path: /disc2/engineer/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 2dflow11.zip 259990 19-04-94 WIN3: 2D potential flow visualization DEMO 71pro.zip 154885 24-10-94 For land surveyors using HP-71B/SuperSurveyor ddplt053.zip 180325 08-03-95 DeedPlot: Plots map of your deed, finds errors deburr.zip 177255 23-08-95 Process model for robotic grinding dizzy.zip 246296 24-10-94 Land surveyor's cogo & field computer support hc124d_1.zip 616448 05-02-95 Hydraulic cylinder ind. app. v1.24. Disk 1of2 hc124d_2.zip 450224 02-02-95 Hydraulic cylinder ind. app. v1.24. Disk 2of2 pumpv10.zip 48529 25-06-95 Centrifugal well pump sizer schaef01.zip 73035 03-05-93 Schaeffler diagram (for high alloyed steel) sly253a.zip 129922 17-03-95 Survey land yourself quick/easy/inexpens, 1of2 sly253b.zip 186420 17-03-95 Survey land yourself quick/easy/inexpens, 2of2 ----------------------------------------------------------- MS-DOS environment handling utilities path: /disc2/envutil/ ----------------------------------------------------------- advset14.zip 12240 15-03-95 Advanced Set: Enhancement of DOS SET command al.zip 3710 21-07-89 Non-resident alias util uses environment vars apath24a.zip 16896 09-09-94 Advanced PATH modification utility v2.4a appenv21.zip 6165 21-10-89 Append text to environment variables, v2.1 bset11.zip 10142 29-11-89 Set parent envir. variables up to 1023 chars. chgenv.zip 19344 12-03-90 MS-DOS environment editor, add/delete/change chgenv20.zip 21696 22-08-90 DOS master environment sort/full screen edit dcsetenv.zip 9693 02-03-89 Set environment variables from command line ee.zip 10391 19-03-91 DOS Master Environment variables editor eed10.zip 7557 28-12-91 Easy to use full-screen environment editor env.zip 6036 14-06-88 Keep environment full size for child processes enved10.zip 15752 01-07-94 Modify environment & write changes to AUTOEXEC envedit.zip 19655 19-03-90 Interactive DOS environment editor ied_eed.zip 16230 01-10-90 Full-screen environment editor for use w/ms_sh printenv.zip 4525 08-05-89 Prints environment variables, all or named rbsetnv1.zip 74103 08-01-91 Set/add/insert/delete/change environment vars. sset11.zip 45346 04-02-95 SuperSet v1.1: DOS environment extender tool stnvjw23.zip 34306 11-09-93 Set environment variables, v2.3, w/ASM source xset410.zip 152819 09-09-94 Put ANYTHING in a variable of current envir. ----------------------------------------------------------- Executable compressors and related utilities path: /disc2/execomp/ ----------------------------------------------------------- chk4c360.zip 18266 05-01-92 Identifies compressed EXE and COM files crunch10.zip 6472 09-08-89 Run compressed COM/EXE files, save disk space dirc100.zip 44008 26-08-91 DIRC 1.00: Checks compression of EXE/COM files dirx110.zip 34534 29-06-93 Shell for executable pgm (COM/EXE) compressors dislt115.zip 28059 02-04-93 DISLITE, expands all PKLITEd files to original exlite2.zip 6341 08-04-92 Decompress PKLITE'd .COM files (w/ASM src) expakfx1.zip 9600 22-11-91 Fixes 'Packed file is corrupt' EXEPACKed files isl12.zip 15235 06-05-90 Lists names of EXE files compressed with LZEXE lowfix.zip 8185 20-06-91 Allows compressed EXE files to run with DOS 5 lzexe91e.zip 86409 15-10-90 Compress most EXE files and run them directly pklte115.zip 41521 30-07-92 PKLITE v1.15: Compress EXE/COM files and run shrink.zip 3251 02-06-88 Program shrinks COM files, yet they run normal tinyp3_9.zip 84793 11-03-94 Makes smaller, self-checking .EXE/.COM files unexep10.zip 4195 23-12-91 Unpacks EXEPACKed files w/MS embedded unpacker unlzexe8.zip 15163 30-08-92 Converts LZEXE compressed EXE to original EXE unp411.zip 35504 02-06-95 Unpacks all kinds of compressed executables wwp303.zip 75266 04-06-95 Compresses EXE files to executable format wws091.zip 36677 01-09-95 Shell for WWPACK executable file compressor ----------------------------------------------------------- Utilities for maintaining and handling files path: /disc2/fileutil/ ----------------------------------------------------------- altvw15.zip 39860 12-02-95 _Any_ viewer under NC4/arc.viewers (no limits) ana015.zip 33680 17-09-90 Binary file analyzer, disp. w/specified format ash005a.zip 346096 07-02-94 ASh v0.05a: Advanced DOS file manager atob11.zip 8625 07-09-90 Fast convert of btoa-encoded ASCII to binary bigtext.zip 123416 02-12-92 Converts ASCII text files to .EXE files billutil.zip 84831 14-11-93 Dirspace, filefind, unix2dos text, etc. w/Csrc bin2asc.zip 36425 03-09-89 Convert binary format byte stream data > ASCII brik.inf 2617 31-07-89 Description of BRIK.ARC CRC-32 program v2.0 brik2exe.zip 20490 12-07-89 General-purpose CRC-32 program, v2.0 brik2src.zip 48109 06-08-89 General-purpose CRC-32 pgm, v2.0, C source buload01.zip 16096 24-06-95 Unload btrieve files using keys bview.zip 45899 25-09-92 View binary files in several different formats carve20a.zip 25065 22-04-95 Splits and joins files to specified size cc106dos.zip 66660 27-03-95 Advanced, fast and flexible file copier cc_st201.zip 97985 24-01-95 Change comma-delimited data to column format cdpsw51d.zip 158795 05-03-91 Xtree-like file manager with many features cdump142.zip 31413 18-12-90 Dumps binary files in several useful formats cf537c.zip 193112 05-05-95 CMFiler 5.37c: Multifunction disk/file manager chksum2.zip 19446 13-03-89 Compute checksum for 1 or more files chop0595.zip 41258 17-05-95 Chop/join large files ASCII/binary, with C src chop31.zip 27235 09-03-88 Flexible ascii/binary file splitter cmflr534.zip 149989 07-04-93 Split screen file mgr w/ finder/spooler/editor cnp090.zip 68174 01-08-95 CUT&PASTE file cutting utility comp_pv2.zip 6233 30-11-94 Enhanced replacement for MS-DOS COMP.COM comt010d.zip 37157 04-08-92 Cnvt .COM's to executable ASCII text for email com_pack.zip 6667 31-03-89 Combine multiple .COM files into one conct305.zip 57338 20-05-93 Concatenate files incl on multiple floppies copyem1.zip 9465 15-02-89 Copy & delete multiple files from command line cq9571.zip 7961 29-06-95 Converts WWW form text to regular text crc113.zip 12822 04-01-90 Displays 16 and 32-bit CRC's of files csdif130.zip 53653 05-07-95 File/directory/ZIP difference utility cs_251.zip 15948 10-08-94 CHK-SAFE checks file integrity w/MD5 algorithm cutter25.zip 17134 22-04-95 Splits file into any number/size smaller files dcom401.zip 161452 13-12-91 Interactive DOS shell/util w/passwd access 1/3 dcomdoc1.zip 96300 13-12-91 Interactive DOS shell/util w/passwd access 2/3 dcomdoc2.zip 88997 13-12-91 Interactive DOS shell/util w/passwd access 3/3 decode10.zip 146340 07-12-92 View bytes/words/longs/floats of files as text dirmm301.zip 19389 30-10-90 DIRMM v3.0, view, copy Multimate documents dis323.zip 145796 01-11-90 Disk Manager v3.23: copy/delete/move files dlcpmv23.zip 26210 05-04-92 BSD Unix-style file copying/moving utilities dm313.zip 146438 12-05-91 Directory Master 3.13, DOS shell/sweep utility docp_1_1.zip 63964 04-05-92 Directory-oriented file copy program dosms122.zip 126950 16-09-91 Dos Master v1.22 file/dir manager, and editor dosvue_4.zip 266064 04-03-95 Powerful & Easy DOS Shell for PCs, LANs, WANs easyrun.zip 17327 13-07-94 Compiles and runs sources in comfortable way egress2c.zip 109285 04-01-95 DOS file manager with Graphic User Interface elf2a0a.zip 174419 19-02-92 Elftree: Integrated file/directory manager epspltv1.zip 9678 02-12-94 Splits/combines large file into smaller files execut10.zip 8285 25-03-93 Archive files with common extentions. (w/src) exehex20.zip 19198 10-10-94 Burn EPROMS from MSDOS compiled & linked code ezfile20.zip 110884 20-04-91 Disk management utility, including archives f405.zip 29525 14-11-89 Neidert's 2-window DOS filer, v4.05 fantomas.zip 97161 04-10-88 File converter/Editor/Peeker/Search+Replace fb315.zip 248189 07-02-95 FileBUDDY: Text/dBASE/archive/image viewer fcmp200.zip 15199 13-10-93 File compare, ASCII/hex, auto/manual search fcomp12.zip 18984 09-05-88 File comparison,split screen binary/ascii disp ffile20.zip 47734 20-06-94 Identifies contents of a given file fhd102.zip 209321 01-06-95 FILE_HANDLE v1.02: File/program manager filed39a.zip 77063 07-08-93 Darwin's File: Guesses file-type fileview.zip 49988 18-10-93 Light-bar browse/view/execute files/programs filex15.zip 50313 22-06-95 File identification based on extensions; 1700+ filextrt.zip 12469 22-10-91 Utility to extract and merge chunks of files filtyp11.zip 21394 06-02-92 Guess what an unknown file is for/made by fix403s.zip 34419 10-10-94 Find/replace any byte string in any MSDOS file fm10.zip 36322 16-04-90 Menu driven file management program fmav30.zip 166226 16-03-95 File Maven v3.0 - File manager/xfer utility fragment.zip 25452 21-01-88 Split large files ft11.zip 13316 14-12-90 Identify many different file types by headers gd_v11.zip 125315 29-12-92 Universal data editor w/form entry approach h2h23.zip 25699 24-07-95 Background Copy, Change Win's Startup Picture hddir400.zip 191803 09-04-90 Hard Disk Director v4.00, file & dir manager hfm404.zip 390634 20-02-95 Mouse oriented filemanager and archive shell icopy121.zip 15577 19-06-91 Enhanced copy program with many options infoma21.zip 207052 02-06-95 INFOMANIA: Text file and disk indexer last20.zip 91264 22-11-92 File viewer/finder, disk manager, DOS shell lpunch.zip 10528 08-12-91 Convert ListServ punch files to PC files mdm13.zip 23607 11-09-88 Directory/file graphic sweep utility mknews20.zip 20545 25-01-95 Turn files into news (sequentially numbered) mmeister.zip 133058 28-04-91 Mouse-driven desktop environment/shell, 910428 mmsetup.zip 24488 28-04-91 Updated Mouse Meister setup prg, works in mono mmv10.zip 59283 23-11-89 Move/copy/append multiple files with wildcards msi14.zip 69386 15-05-91 Colorful windowed DOS shell with password msort112.zip 47721 29-01-95 MSORT v1.12: Powerful text file sorting pkg. nucpy203.zip 27928 31-03-94 Automatic file update/report management tool ov221.zip 133531 21-09-88 OverView V2.21 harddisk/file maintenance util p22v12.zip 30100 08-08-91 Flexible & fast patching of any file, w/C src. par230.zip 116841 07-01-93 Data/text import/export/parse/convert utility patch12.zip 93184 12-07-90 Port of Unix 'patch' (lvl12) program to MSDOS patchexe.zip 10201 15-07-90 Global replace strings in files, even EXEs pfm314.zip 51550 10-03-93 Personal File Manager: File mgr/execution util pgld1102.zip 358472 23-02-94 EDI Translator /DOS with E-Mail (DEMO) printp63.zip 76111 06-04-92 PrintPlus: Tag/print/copy/move/view/del files pspa330.zip 222080 09-09-95 Programmable file parser (text, DBF, etc.) pup330.zip 28626 04-05-92 Shell/file mgr., supports ZIP/ZOO/ARC/LZH/ARJ qcmp114.zip 12384 23-01-91 Quick file compare pgm with network support qcrc21.zip 17303 20-11-87 Calculate CRC for MS-DOS files qdir132.zip 133977 24-11-93 QuickDir v1.32: Archive/file/directory manager qdisk331.zip 13172 12-01-88 Memory resident directory/file manager qfilr32b.zip 132967 01-02-93 QFiler DOS shell/file mgr, handles ARC/ZIP/LZH quick10.zip 33499 15-06-94 Lets you load, cd, and xcopy/move by alias rccopy30.zip 33229 29-08-94 Copy/Move files to fill multiple floppies readdx30.zip 76497 25-04-94 READDX v3.0: File viewer/manager/ZIP shell record11.zip 17006 31-07-88 Keeps log of nr. of times a file is accessed reducer2.zip 84894 19-01-89 Save space on hard disk by archiving subdirs resolv13.zip 27044 16-06-95 Duplicate file handler for multiple disks rffsrt23.zip 15285 06-03-92 Ron's Flexible Fast command line Sort program rfileu10.zip 115099 19-05-93 Ricki's misc. arbitrary file utils (filters) safgrd13.zip 227167 04-06-95 Click&Drag backup & file management for DOS sas41.zip 126392 10-01-92 Swiss Army Shell v4.1: File management utility scan21.zip 13933 29-07-88 Scans binary file and displays printable ascii scan221.zip 34430 21-04-90 Scans binary file and displays printable ascii scopy16.zip 23553 01-12-92 Copy, move, update, break, concatinate files sd_400.zip 158541 30-03-93 StupenDos v4.0 directory/file management util. seprate1.zip 2510 17-03-95 Separates ZIP files into two smaller parts sf102.zip 15132 25-01-90 ShowFile v1.02, file lister/manager shar.zip 16075 19-08-91 Save multiple files in 'shar' format sharexe.zip 115655 21-02-88 Unix-like shar/unshar for DOS sheval11.zip 164726 08-08-95 Simplifies evaluating software programs split60g.zip 31408 07-03-94 Split/rejoin files by lines/bytes per file splitf.zip 10200 15-04-90 Patriquin's split large text files into parts splitit.zip 36136 21-03-92 Menu-driven or command line file splitter splt11.zip 28046 04-07-95 Splits large files to fit on floppies strings.zip 8534 13-02-88 Locate ASCII strings in binary files (w/C src) sum.zip 4409 12-04-89 BSD-Unix compatible checksum utility, w/source sum101.zip 8017 27-03-89 Unix-like file CRC generation program sutil282.zip 34526 16-11-92 FAST multiple file/COPY/MOVE/REN/DEL utility syspack.zip 13056 11-03-92 Compression utility for device driver files tar.zip 29496 23-08-90 Unix-compatible TAR archive maker/extractor target15.zip 74077 22-07-92 McAfee's file locator and manipulator tenex.zip 10377 07-09-88 36 to 8 bit conversion prog. Great for ftp textlife.zip 61933 24-08-92 Turns text into self displaying .EXE file tm121.zip 86758 17-05-90 TreeMaster v1.21: Hard disk directory manager tmove2.zip 38479 16-11-89 Move/copy/delete/break-up/rejoin large files toadshr1.zip 25394 15-06-89 DOS Unix-compatible shar/unshar, w/TP 5.0 src treevw11.zip 116870 21-08-89 Treeview v1.1 (an Overview clone) like XTREE trish53.zip 32768 21-03-95 Triple Shell v5.3: Power user's DOS shell tsf2cm15.zip 37080 02-04-89 Comparison of 2 binary or text files, T.Salmi tuteng11.zip 188098 24-07-95 Graphic text shell/file utility (V.English) tutit11.zip 188157 25-07-95 Graphic text shell/file utility (V.Italian) tw11.zip 65628 17-07-87 Text Watch v1.1: INI file change logging ucopy_12.zip 17180 20-04-94 Copy/move new & updated files skipping others udh11.zip 152414 12-09-94 Universal Directory Handler - file management ungam11a.zip 89693 01-09-95 No Games at Work: Finds and removes games unirfs15.zip 13363 21-10-93 Randomly select a file from a set unshar.zip 18639 21-08-91 Unpack 'shar' archives, w/C source and EXE user300.zip 11361 05-06-92 Protects EXE and COM files with a password v1v200.zip 62983 18-08-95 fficient File Manager. SVGA/4DOS/Zips/Colour vc152.zip 44466 16-06-92 Visual Compare v1.52: Compare two text files vexe400.zip 56832 17-12-91 Powerful DOS & Windows EXE, DLL files analyzer view97a.zip 71019 14-12-94 File viewer for popular word processors vshell20.zip 99911 01-07-95 Object oriented, programmable shell with GUI wfiler.zip 40634 22-10-87 File Manager, shell to ARC and LIST what20.zip 10212 11-09-88 Locate tag strings in executable files whtis101.zip 70992 18-06-92 Identifies strange and misnamed files wildpath.zip 6025 29-04-92 Execute a program on a wildcard match of files xf.zip 8169 08-10-89 Find hexadecimal pattern in file tree fast xlat11.zip 62330 07-02-92 Fast, configurable byte-to-byte translation xray105.zip 8165 12-04-90 Filter displays text strings in binary files xsum11.zip 34501 19-02-95 Computes CRC-32, MD4 & MD5 checksums of files xtrv1.zip 151588 06-01-93 Reformats ASCII files by graphical marking zcopy101.zip 14297 12-03-92 SHARE-aware copying utility by Peter Stewart ----------------------------------------------------------- Flow-charting programs path: /disc2/flowchrt/ ----------------------------------------------------------- atk19ibm.zip 612732 30-11-94 Data Flow Diagrams, Data Dictionary, etc. fdrw225a.zip 121290 14-08-92 FLODRAW v2.25: Flowchart, Org. chart, EXEs fdrw225b.zip 142193 18-04-92 FLODRAW v2.25: Flowchart, Org. chart, LIBs fdrw225u.zip 151648 14-08-92 Files to update FLODRAW v2.2 to v2.25 ganttman.zip 68629 21-11-87 Easy project manager, makes GANTT charts psdldemo.zip 161650 31-07-92 Nassi-Shneiderman diagram editor/compiler DEMO ----------------------------------------------------------- Forth programming language-related files path: /disc2/forth/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 4cmp22o.zip 96293 12-11-94 Native Code Forth Compiler:COM,EXE,SYS,TSR,ROM 4cmp22s.zip 102600 12-11-94 Native Code Forth Compiler, ANS Forth subset bbl_b.zip 121461 17-07-87 Fast 32-bit Forth based on F83,needs work,2of2 eforth.zip 54562 29-07-90 Ting's PD portable eForth, ROMable, w/asm src f386v10.zip 110822 21-07-95 ANSI forth, MSDOS-386+, docs & utils; FreeWare f83v2_ms.zip 128934 17-07-87 Version 2.0 of Forth83 language for MSDOS fifth.zip 82334 17-07-87 New FREEWARE Language forthed.zip 132788 17-09-87 Text editor written in Forth fpc355_1.zip 335617 26-04-91 Forth-PC compiler, w/editor & examples, 1of5 fpc355_2.zip 321904 26-04-91 Forth-PC compiler, w/editor & examples, 2of5 fpc355_3.zip 341967 23-04-91 Forth-PC compiler, w/editor & examples, 3of5 fpc355_4.zip 340713 26-04-91 Forth-PC compiler, w/editor & examples, 4of5 fpc355_5.zip 303299 26-04-91 Forth-PC compiler, w/editor & examples, 5of5 fpcl1_7.zip 347780 19-07-90 Lessons 1-7 Jack Brown's FPC3.5 Forth tutorial min4th25.zip 14111 14-09-88 MiniForth system v2.5, with A86 source pasm386c.zip 66407 02-12-89 386/386SX assembler v1.4 for Forth-PC v3.5 pygmy14.zip 84170 06-06-93 Full Forth system. Files, blocks, metacompiler uniforth.zip 77100 17-07-87 Sampler of floating point Forth compiler until251.zip 236505 10-07-95 Forth written in very portable C zen1_10.zip 68707 25-01-90 Zen1.0 Forth w/src to match ANS X3J14 BASIS 10 ----------------------------------------------------------- Fortran programming language-related files path: /disc2/fortran/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bcf7713b.zip 215978 01-12-92 Fortran-77 compiler/linker/debugger ver 1.3b elmop10.zip 21540 08-04-93 Library of MS FORTRAN callable DOS functions extenpr.zip 8480 29-04-91 FORTRAN pgm - Extend the precision of decimals f2c_exe.zip 286218 15-06-91 Binaries & Libs for f2c Fortran to C converter f2c_src.zip 341585 15-06-91 Source for f2c, Fortran 77-to-C converter fatdos.zip 23040 29-04-91 Library to access DOS from within FORTRAN fckdemo1.zip 154612 12-04-94 Forcheck: Fortran code verifier DEMO (Win3.1) fort_fmt.zip 29232 04-10-93 Text to FORTRAN FORMAT statement generator ftnchk26.zip 330547 03-02-93 Robert Moniot's Fortran source code checker ftnchk27.zip 83336 17-10-93 Robert Moniot's Fortran source code checker fv121s.zip 157040 29-04-91 FORTRAN library for video-regs/pop-down-menus fxt133.zip 200019 01-08-95 FORTRAN source code analysis, HTML output isf102.zip 57093 27-05-95 Fortran 90 isam/vsam/btree and pos-key modules libry51.zip 217360 29-04-91 FORTRAN library - mathematics & thermodynamics linpklib.zip 79595 17-07-87 Complex math equations for Fortran - 2 of 2 lsq101.zip 15933 05-06-95 Linear least-squares module (F90 source) pcrng.zip 10768 29-06-90 Random number generator for use with Fortran random.zip 3638 13-03-89 Random number generator - one of the best setgui1.zip 6800 15-01-95 Graphical User Interface (GUI) library for DOS tidy642.zip 116611 23-05-94 Clean up Fortran-77 programs, w/Fortran source token.for 2226 12-03-92 Tokenize a string (C 'StrTok') for Fortran 77 weekday.for 1107 11-05-89 Calc weekday of date, Zeller Congruence algor. ----------------------------------------------------------- FOSSIL drivers for BBS use path: /disc2/fossil/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bnu170.zip 74544 26-10-89 Interrupt-driven serial port 1-8 Fossil driver fosil006.zip 8395 06-11-89 Initialize/deinitialize FOSSILs of ports 1-16 fossilv5.zip 18002 11-02-88 Fossil release 5 specs hzcomm31.zip 12012 29-08-87 Fossil for Zenith Z-100 ocom_531.zip 36394 06-09-88 OpusComm v5.31 FOSSIL driver for COM1: & COM2: odec_501.zip 7128 22-08-88 FOSSIL driver for DEC Rainbow computer syocom50.zip 3776 31-01-88 Sanyo 555 Fossil Driver t2kcom52.zip 34384 17-03-88 Fossil driver for Tandy 2000 vdec_004.zip 2657 23-08-88 Video FOSSIL for DEC Rainbow vibm_110.zip 3999 24-08-88 FOSSIL which supports color x00v150.zip 105129 12-07-93 Interrupt-driven FOSSIL driver for BBS use ----------------------------------------------------------- FreEMACS: Fast Emacs-like text editor written in ASM path: /disc2/freemacs/ ----------------------------------------------------------- contrib.zip 15333 10-03-90 Contributed MINT code for FreEMACS 1.6a editor emac16as.zip 103088 29-03-90 FreEMACS 1.6a text editor - .ASM sources emac16ds.zip 106466 02-08-92 .ASM sources to Freemacs 1.6d editor emacs100.zip 18159 29-03-90 FreEMACS 1.6a Zenith Z-100 - requires EMACS16A emacs16a.zip 194218 29-03-90 FreEMACS 1.6a text editor - main distribution emacs16d.zip 121386 02-08-92 Alpha 1.6d of Freemacs, PC Emacs editor clone emacsega.zip 5786 02-06-89 FreEMACS 1.6a collection of EGA utilities emacspel.zip 57638 09-03-90 FreEMACS 1.6a spelling checker etags.zip 28249 09-03-90 A TAGS package, for FreEMACS 1.6a text editor fake101.zip 3070 06-10-89 An enhanced keyboard emulator for FreEMACS fortex.zip 15215 02-04-90 Fortran, TeX, & BibTeX modes for FreEMACS 1.6a freemacs.inf 778 28-03-90 FreEMACS 1.6a text editor information history.min 3572 09-04-90 Command history package for FreEMACS v1.6a manuals.inf 1473 17-01-89 FreEMACS 1.6a text editor manual ordering info patch1.min 2056 09-04-90 Patches for FreEMACS v1.6a ----------------------------------------------------------- Utilities for Geoworks version 1.* path: /disc2/geos1x/ ----------------------------------------------------------- addicon.zip 12909 19-05-92 Allows use of icons for files in GeoWorks astro.zip 56795 22-06-91 Astronaut background for Geos bckgrnds.zip 150306 24-04-92 Nagel, Aqua, and Fractal backgrounds for Geos bfyfish1.zip 53344 07-01-92 Butterfly fish background for Geos circuits.zip 51147 27-12-91 Electronic symbols for Geos scrapbook cornercl.zip 2411 14-01-92 How to use Geoplanner as an on-screen clock dnd_char.zip 21159 01-01-92 Dungeons & Dragons player sheets for GeoDraw dogart.zip 317836 05-04-92 Clip art of dogs for Geos dos_icon.zip 2496 17-04-92 How to assign GEOS Icons to DOS Files drawhelp.zip 22951 25-04-92 Rulers and a protractor for GeoDraw ensembul.zip 2480 25-08-91 Stuff for converting GIFs to Geos backgrounds epmfood1.zip 31577 02-01-92 Clip art of food for Geos flying_c.zip 18080 17-04-92 Ye Olde Flying Chess Pieces Geos background gczmodem.zip 11581 24-07-91 Enabling Zmodem protocol for GeoComm geonet.zip 3373 04-01-92 Joining the GeoNet file distribution system georuler.zip 11147 05-04-93 GeoDraw ruler objects in 16ths and 10ths inch geosport.zip 37034 12-07-93 Puts GEOS version 1.2 on 1.44M floppy geostar7.zip 118825 21-12-91 GeoStar newsletter, Vol. 1 #7 geos_faq.zip 8009 26-06-92 PC/Geos Frequently Asked Questions Mod. 06/92 geotips2.zip 73164 11-08-91 GEOS Tips & Tricks number 2 (GeoWrite file) green.zip 76212 04-12-91 Bridge background for Geos gwemjtis.zip 10422 12-01-92 GW Mahjong tile set (req mahjongg V3.0) hpgl2geo.zip 42606 17-07-93 Convert HPGL to GEOS 1.X format icnee04b.zip 23837 20-05-92 Icon Editor v0.4beta for PC/GEOS icons iconmk10.zip 21456 16-05-92 Convert .PCX and Win3 .ICO files to GEOS icons kawaii.zip 29864 25-04-92 Pretty Japanese girl background for Geos l_makr12.zip 44278 01-08-92 L_Maker v1.2 makes DOS app launchers for GEOS musical.zip 4130 01-05-93 Geoworks Scrapbook file with Musical Symbols pagegrid.zip 16998 30-12-91 Page grid with rulers on all sides for Geos rulers.zip 25053 30-12-91 Scrapbook w/ accurate 8 inch ruler for GeoDraw vprint5.zip 17005 25-04-92 Print Geos documents on computers without Geos wachclok.zip 6761 07-09-92 Analog clock for GeoWorks (shareware) wizards.zip 10231 25-04-92 Cover of animated movie 'Wizards' background zipdir.fm 812 16-07-92 How to get ZIP directories from within Geos ----------------------------------------------------------- Utilities for Geoworks version 2.* path: /disc2/geos2x/ ----------------------------------------------------------- agd93_08.zip 14042 29-07-93 AGD News and Notes, August 1993 (GW Doc) agdinfo.zip 99419 22-07-93 Association of GEOS Developers info, v2.0 docs arc_deco.zip 17954 23-12-94 Decompress ARJ/ZOO archives on GEOS 2.x cruft1.zip 21587 21-04-93 Geoworks icons with no specific classification cruft2.zip 22095 21-07-93 Assorted GeoWorks 2.0 icons by Jay Degn cruft3.zip 21160 21-07-93 Assorted GeoWorks 2.0 icons by Jay Degn cruft4.zip 16068 21-07-93 Assorted GeoWorks 2.0 icons by Jay Degn docicon1.zip 26442 08-06-93 Misc. Geoworks icons created by 'Doc Icon' dumperf.zip 21408 05-10-93 Screen dumper and perf for Geoworks 2.0 errmsg20.zip 9349 07-06-93 GeoWorks Ensemble 2.0 error messages fontmg02.zip 13757 02-01-94 FontMagick: Shadow effects for GEOS 2.0 text g2towers.zip 3770 18-10-93 Towers of Hanoi puzzle for Geoworks 2.0 gdirengl.zip 38600 27-10-93 Displays full Geoworks filenames at DOS prompt geocdlib.zip 10456 11-10-93 A GeoFile layout for databasing CD collections geodir15.zip 23783 12-11-93 Displays GEOS1.x/GEOS2.x filenames under MSDOS geodum13.zip 195387 01-12-93 GW 2.0 vers. Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet geodump4.zip 62785 30-03-94 GEOS file disassembler/information grabber geoinste.zip 36894 20-06-94 General installation tool for PC/GEOS geos_sys.zip 16750 12-07-93 GeoWorks v2.0 systems overview (GW document) gi9307p1.zip 122006 11-07-93 GeoWorks Info Database part 1 (ASCII) gi9307p2.zip 109532 11-07-93 GeoWorks Info Database part 2 (ASCII) gidx9307.zip 14188 16-07-93 Index of GeoWorks Info Database (GW Doc) gwfont01.zip 310171 06-02-92 More fonts for GeoWrite gwfont02.zip 293783 06-02-92 More fonts for GeoWrite gwfont03.zip 300409 10-03-92 More fonts for GeoWrite gwfont04.zip 300981 11-03-92 More fonts for GeoWrite gwfont05.zip 300713 12-03-92 More fonts for GeoWrite gwfont06.zip 295690 12-03-92 More fonts for GeoWrite gwfont07.zip 295604 08-02-92 More fonts for GeoWrite gwfont08.zip 275452 12-03-92 More fonts for GeoWrite gwfont09.zip 185023 08-02-92 More fonts for GeoWrite iconmk11.zip 27426 13-06-93 Convert .PCX and Win3 .ICO files to GEOS icons icons_1.zip 19156 27-04-92 New icons for GeoWorks, plus installation info icons_2.zip 19634 28-04-92 More new icons for Geos icons_3.zip 18146 29-04-92 More exciting icons for Geos jaydegn1.zip 21088 19-04-93 Misc. Geoworks icons created by Jay Degn mazer106.zip 33401 20-11-93 Maze Runner v1.0.6: Maze creator for Geos 2.0 nw100a88.zip 28122 18-01-94 Birding template for Audubon '88 Eastern book nw100g83.zip 37543 14-01-94 Birding template for use with Golden '83 book nw100h92.zip 30739 14-01-94 Birding template for use with Hamlyn '92 book nw100n87.zip 39133 14-01-94 Birding template for use with NatGeo '87 book p1_93_08.zip 84046 10-08-93 PaGEOne Newsletter (formerly SAGE), Aug. 1993 pc_mem.zip 68385 21-07-93 Description of PC memory and use by GEOS pdr93_07.zip 141129 29-07-93 July print driver updates for GEOS 2.0 seefonts.zip 24630 08-02-92 PCX images of fonts to print as a reference sg_93_07.zip 77562 21-07-93 SAGE Geoworks Ensemble newsletter, July 1993 spl93_07.zip 34437 29-07-93 July Spooler Library update for GEOS 2.0 system1.zip 19776 19-04-93 Icons for Geoworks functions and applications t1000kbd.zip 4596 14-07-93 Tandy 1000 keyboard driver for GeoWorks 2.0 textarc.zip 17576 05-02-94 GEOS2x program to wrap text in an arc unzipopt.zip 7932 22-07-93 Unzipping utility for use with GW Ensemble 2.0 uucoder.zip 6292 04-11-94 uuencode/uudecode for Geoworks Ensemble 2.xx xgeos20.zip 23800 21-07-93 Multiple desktops utility for GeoWorks 2.0 ----------------------------------------------------------- GeoByte newsletters path: /disc2/geosnews/ ----------------------------------------------------------- gb_91_09.zip 73036 19-02-92 GeoBytes Newsletter, September 1991 gb_91_10.zip 99052 19-02-92 GeoBytes Newsletter, October 1991 gb_91_12.zip 161323 19-02-92 GeoBytes Newsletter, December 1991 gb_92_04.zip 204888 19-02-92 GeoBytes Newsletter, April 1992 gb_92_05.zip 74025 19-02-92 GeoBytes Newsletter, May 1992 gb_92_10.zip 221211 02-10-92 GeoBytes Newsletter, October 1992 gb_92_11.zip 86103 19-02-92 GeoBytes Newsletter, November 1992 gb_92_12.zip 135776 19-02-92 GeoBytes Newsletter, December 1992 gb_93_02.zip 126077 07-02-93 GeoBytes Newsletter, Febuary 1993 gb_93_04.zip 77591 15-04-93 GeoBytes Newsletter, April 1993 gb_93_07.zip 74466 14-07-93 GeoBytes Newsletter, July 1993 (v2.0 format) gb_93_08.zip 177092 10-08-93 GeoBytes Newsletter, August 1993 gb_93_10.zip 69840 09-11-93 GeoBytes Newsletter, October 1993 gb_93_11.zip 86500 13-11-93 GeoBytes Newsletter, November 1993 gb_93_12.zip 110142 29-12-93 December 1993 issue of GeoBytes newsletter gb_94_02.zip 103577 06-02-94 February 1994 issue of GeoBytes newsletter gb_yr_mm.txt 461 19-02-93 Info on the GeoBytes newsletters in this dir ----------------------------------------------------------- Programs for creating/authoring hypertext documents path: /disc2/hypertxt/ ----------------------------------------------------------- arjhlp23.zip 327315 11-02-92 HyperText helpfile for ARJ v2.3. Can be TSR asc_hyp.zip 173637 04-06-95 ASCII to Hypertext publishing/authoring tool bdexx200.zip 325622 21-07-92 Hypertext search engine/text retrieval system cpptour.zip 53775 23-06-89 Hypertext-based tutorial on using C++ dart1g.zip 230694 29-08-92 Hypertext file viewer and launcher, w/editor doorpics.zip 688700 04-05-91 PCX graphics for Doorway v1.01, 256 colors dosea5.zip 129042 06-07-91 Hypertext program explaining DOS 5.0 dossum20.zip 149896 15-02-92 DOS Summary hypertext tutorial and reference ds152g_1.zip 243815 12-01-95 DriveSafe GUI learner driver handbook (1 of 2) ds152g_2.zip 716810 12-01-95 DriveSafe GUI learner driver handbook (2 of 2) ds152t_1.zip 159376 12-01-95 DriveSafe TXT learner driver handbook (1 of 2) ds152t_2.zip 691763 12-01-95 DriveSafe TXT learner driver handbook (2 of 2) dwy101.zip 677675 22-07-92 Doorway 1.01 - A Hypertext Tool for MS-DOS ebk.zip 48685 11-08-91 Topic-oriented hypertext viewing program ebksrc.zip 56157 11-08-91 Borland C++ src for EBK.ZIP hypertext viewer hdk115a.zip 304271 12-04-94 HLPDK: Multi-target help compiler, docs. (1/3) hdk115b.zip 304249 12-04-94 HLPDK: Help engines, examples, docs. (2/3) hdk115l.zip 329509 12-04-94 HLPDK: System extension library. (3/3) heal31.zip 989131 25-04-95 700pg. hypertext on health, learning & toxins health.zip 180301 09-05-92 Hypertext analysis of Canadian health system hpchdk10.zip 13546 02-06-93 Converts HelpPC 2.10 database to HelpDK format hrg56.zip 103855 01-08-95 HyperRead Generator v5.6: Hypertext system hs25.zip 296421 13-05-89 HyperShell hypertext browser, v2.5 htex08.zip 219128 30-05-93 Hypertext authoring system,create/convert/edit hyclass.zip 69120 14-04-91 Hypertexed LC class &computer-related material hydos10.zip 87121 05-05-91 Hypertext browser for all DOS commands, v1.0 hyenvoy1.zip 64779 22-06-91 Hypertext browser for all ENVOY100 commands hyglos.doc 6548 01-07-92 Doc about DEMO for new MaxThink TSR hypertext hyglos.zip 113750 28-05-92 DEMO of 6/92 version of MaxThink TSR hypertext hypdiss.zip 275290 27-05-92 Hypertexted dissertation on hypertext design hyper.zip 136123 19-04-88 Construct your own hypertext network hyperh15.zip 63997 22-06-89 Hypercard-like help util. Make your own stacks hyperrez.zip 94108 08-03-89 Hypertext reader using plain ASCII files hyprvx11.zip 75776 11-12-90 Hypertext browser for VAX/VMS mail help, v1.1 hypv3.zip 58192 03-09-94 VGA Hypertext editing and display package hyteln69.zip 722303 11-06-95 HYTELNET v6.9: Internet resource browser il2hdk35.zip 124669 08-06-94 Convert Brown's Interrupt List to HLPDK format infpop27.zip 292934 23-03-93 InfoPop/DOS: Hypertext guide to Internet magic15a.zip 134069 02-11-89 BlackMagic hypertext reader/develop. sys. 1of3 magic15b.zip 160793 02-11-89 BlackMagic hypertext reader/develop. sys. 2of3 magic15c.zip 182321 02-11-89 BlackMagic hypertext reader/develop. sys. 3of3 montana0.zip 580702 20-05-93 Hypertext gopher and ejournal samples 1 of 3 montanab.zip 497611 15-04-93 Hypertext gopher and ejournal samples 2 of 3 montanac.zip 344807 15-04-93 Hypertext gopher and ejournal samples 3 of 3 mview10.zip 47676 13-09-93 Hypertext moder.lst viewer, with DOS/Unix src newsdb10.zip 217382 10-10-93 Usenet News to HLPDK hypertext generator ng2hdk10.zip 9860 17-08-93 Converts Norton Guides format to HLPDK format nuhlp45.zip 90785 07-08-90 Norton Utilities 4.5 Hypertext help browser obsidian.zip 327570 23-10-93 Obsidian bibliography v1.55 w/hypertext shell senses.zip 108544 14-04-91 Demonstration of HYPLUS hypertext compiler surefi_1.zip 211135 12-11-91 Create Smart Documents, build in dbase, 1 of 2 surefi_2.zip 258501 12-11-91 Docs & demo for award-winning SUREFIRE. 2 0f 2 tailor17.zip 459581 17-01-95 Makes existing files into knowledge bases tp55tour.zip 46469 05-08-89 Hypertext-based tutorial on using OOP in TP5.5 tpfhdk10.zip 15837 03-01-94 Converts Timo Salmi Pascal FAQ to HLPDK format wh2hdk10.zip 48560 27-04-94 Converts from WinHelp srcs (RTF+HPJ) to HLPDK zoomdoc.zip 29451 15-11-92 Manuals for using Zoom and writing stacks zoomexe2.zip 184836 13-11-92 Zoom hypertext executable, help and print file zoomexmp.zip 66354 12-07-92 Example stack and template for Zoom hypertext zoomschi.zip 549384 05-10-92 Zoom application on schistosomiasis control ----------------------------------------------------------- ICON programming language files path: /disc2/iconlang/ ----------------------------------------------------------- de88.zip 333343 21-04-93 Icon 8.8 language executables for MS-DOS de88s_1.zip 626483 21-04-93 Icon 8.8 language source code for MS-DOS, 1of2 de88s_2.zip 583906 21-04-93 Icon 8.8 language source code for MS-DOS, 2of2 de88_386.zip 294520 21-04-93 Icon 8.8 language executables for MS-DOS/386 ----------------------------------------------------------- I/O port utilities / drivers path: /disc2/io_util/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 16550a.zip 22058 23-10-88 Toggle 16550 UART FIFOs on and off 16550s.zip 6089 14-04-88 Toggle the NS16550A FIFO buffer, w/TPas source 16550s13.zip 10166 29-03-91 Toggle the NS16550A FIFO buffer, w/TPas source 16550u.zip 28586 11-03-93 Scan for serial ports on system, enable 16550 1pr2a.zip 2239 18-03-88 Swaps LPT1 and LPT2 printer ports 34instal.zip 3834 03-01-90 Adds DOS support for COMM ports 3 and 4 addport.zip 8802 02-03-89 Adds COM3/COM4 ports to DOS equipment list async2.zip 16451 24-07-88 COMM driver [.ASM] async_ce.zip 21372 01-09-87 COMM port driver auxil15.zip 2213 09-01-92 Device driver redirects AUX output to CON com3_4.zip 4952 09-12-88 Device driver adds COM3/4 that MS-DOS forgot! comchk18.zip 31199 18-02-93 Commchk 1.8: Serial port protocol analyzer comfix12.zip 15869 08-07-94 Windows COM port 'bug' fix/DOS COM port setup comhelp.zip 61748 01-11-87 Comprehensive comm/tutor and UART tester comhex42.zip 31443 22-04-88 Serial communications display program comprt25.zip 30012 27-09-93 Config COM/LPT ports: Show address, IRQ & UART comsnd14.zip 25107 05-01-89 Send arbitrary characters to COM port from DOS comst12.zip 24200 01-01-93 Comset v1.2: Modem/UART/serial port tester comtrap.zip 2732 09-01-92 TSR to trap unexpected COM port interrupts ctsspu30.zip 209973 01-08-95 COM port & modem setup & diagnostic utilities czcm11b.zip 11222 12-12-90 Driver allows various mixes of COM ports 1-4 dcom20.zip 38626 25-08-91 Captures COM port input. Requires two ports dlm140.zip 25599 23-03-94 Data Line Monitor: Turn PC into a datascope fifo11.zip 8816 24-04-91 Report type of UART (8250, 16550, etc.) fx16550d.zip 3915 31-01-94 Corrects problem with AMI BIOS and 16550 UART iomon2.zip 35644 26-04-92 IO Monitor 386 control watches COM ports ioview.zip 6270 26-06-90 Diagnostic - view of PC's I/O ports in action ip122.zip 10053 19-11-91 Serial interrupt and port verification program kbfake10.zip 9652 07-04-94 Redirects serial input as if from keybd, w/src message.zip 53001 11-11-92 Send msgs thru COM port between PCs, TSR w/src ns16550.zip 3391 17-06-89 Checks to see if NS16550AN serial chip is used ns_16550.zip 39928 20-07-91 Test 16450/16550/16550a serial chips w/source para13.zip 73615 26-12-93 Parallel port information & diagnostic util. pc_to_pc.zip 1118 27-03-88 Assist on PC-PC direct connection pf271.zip 40377 22-06-92 Port Finder: Display info/swap LPT & COM ports pipeln10.zip 19104 15-08-90 TSR connects COM1 and COM2 serial ports port11.zip 29141 14-03-91 I/O port debugging tool, with C source code portfind.zip 6642 08-09-88 Locate & install serial & par. ports, COM3&4 ports13.zip 19631 10-10-91 Permits reading and writing to hardware ports portst11.zip 44577 11-02-91 Diagnostic program for serial/parallel ports prindir9.zip 29938 12-10-93 COM/LPT port redir. to any other port or file prlink20.zip 26722 02-12-94 File transfer prog. via printer/parallel port qic02a10.zip 122719 15-02-95 Wangtek QIC-02 tape driver & Unix TAR I/O rs204.zip 16582 04-10-91 Displays RS-232 serial port status rs232101.zip 44854 02-07-93 RS232 1.01, debug most of RS-232 problems rs232of2.zip 1842 11-02-89 Fix port conflicts, turns off all 4 COM ports rts12.zip 9204 27-04-90 Toggle RTS for COM1 to COM4 ports sansint2.zip 33818 24-11-90 Port utility - poll ports rather than use IRQs slikmode.zip 8973 16-04-91 New MODE: Set baudrate to any rate w/C src swapcom.zip 1156 19-03-89 Swap COM1 with COM2 swapport.zip 1829 18-03-89 Swap LPT1 with LPT2 timio3_0.zip 73076 02-12-91 Timed record and playback COM port data toadmod1.zip 4497 18-04-89 Set COM 1-4 to 19200/38400/57600/115200 bps tsrcomm.zip 16713 09-09-87 TSR serial device driver uartty12.zip 9981 30-05-92 Displays type of UART chip for all comm ports whtprt40.zip 13303 12-10-91 Displays system serial ports & IRQ assignments xport21.zip 30205 21-01-92 Fast PC-to-PC RS232 serial line file transfer z404mpsc.zip 5919 24-06-91 Zenith COM3 port driver fix for gov't Z-248 ----------------------------------------------------------- Local Area Network-related utilities path: /disc2/lan/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 3com.zip 7322 05-10-89 3COM 503 Ethernet driver for MS X-windows 4asrv261.zip 545370 08-09-95 MS-DOS PPP server that supports TCP/IP & IPX archie.zip 73356 27-01-92 Archie DOS client for CUTCP/CUTE/NCSA Telnet automan.zip 330917 01-03-92 AutoMan: Automatic network management program bindump1.zip 10315 13-04-92 Lists names of objects in Netware bindery clone1_1.zip 76213 08-01-93 PC-PC serial directory branch & files transfer cmail27c.zip 174620 31-05-94 Free electronic mail program for any LAN dosrifs2.zip 90846 15-07-95 Remote disk sharing over a serial line easy_net.zip 117230 07-06-88 EasyNet RS-232 Mini-LAN (2 user) ethdp104.zip 40406 18-01-94 ETHDUMP 1.04: Records LAN frames in ASCII file ethld104.zip 167428 18-01-94 ETHLOAD 1.04: LAN analyzer ODI,NDIS,DEPCA,PKT faxbat20.zip 54126 17-03-95 Fax server for Novell and other LANs forum12.zip 62530 18-02-93 Discussion/conference/BBS for use on LAN frgsrc2.zip 794612 25-08-93 Programs (inc src) to monitor network packets ftpnuz10.zip 83458 15-03-93 FTPNuz v1.0: NNTP Usenet Newsreader for PC/TCP idleboot.zip 16378 10-07-91 Remove idle work stations from network ipxctrl1.zip 31756 20-05-94 LAN node remote control & monitoring with IPX jeeves10.zip 63379 27-01-95 Independent LAN print server for networked PCs lan302up.zip 4476 24-10-90 Lantastic - Update information - 3.0 lanbench.zip 20422 28-12-87 Benchmarks for LANs lanmenu2.zip 70094 18-01-92 Lanmenu 2.0: Local Area Network DOS shell menu lantblt1.zip 94867 29-03-91 Lantastic technical notes, 1 of 2 lantblt2.zip 58350 29-03-91 Lantastic technical notes, 2 of 2 lantl124.zip 85347 21-05-90 NETBIOS utility/TSR to send/receive messages lanttech.zip 12016 13-12-89 Technical notes on LANtastic for programmers lap101.zip 109082 18-02-92 LapView Pc-to-PC linking, shareware, nagware lock13.zip 13891 01-12-92 Simple network single application lock lockap22.zip 253875 02-12-94 License Control for DOS/Win/any network v2.02 lsalv103.zip 39386 05-11-92 List all salvagable files on Netware 3.x drive lv100b.zip 147352 20-08-93 LanView system analysis tool for LAN's/WAN's mailcall.zip 25799 16-01-92 LAN: TSR util provides pop-up access to ccMail mlog_210.zip 82865 30-05-95 LAN logging - for a closer look into your net nba102.zip 39180 24-10-92 NetBIOS Assist - simple remote console utility nbsamp.zip 27964 26-09-88 NETBIOS send/rcv/test w/C source neos_10.zip 206645 04-06-94 Full-featured LAN for MSDOS computers, 286+req netadr12.zip 277994 25-08-95 Ethernet; Collect Address and Protocol info netcall.zip 8185 08-10-89 Lantastic NetBIOS interface for TurboPascal4/5 netchat.zip 6818 01-05-94 Allows 'live' multi-way conversations on a LAN netcom11.zip 24051 17-02-94 FOSSIL server/redir for NetBIOS LANs netlis13.zip 45860 12-06-90 Quick search/scan/stats for NetBIOS networks netscan1.zip 13939 04-11-93 TSR to detect network terminal disconnection net_co51.zip 758737 15-02-95 NET-CONTROL: LAN monitoring and recording news26.zip 68474 07-03-93 Event announcements and news for use on LAN partnr50.zip 44042 04-07-89 Simple restricted version RS-232 mini network pcprl11.zip 197916 06-02-92 Ethernet/TP/Linda parallel processing system pctkn_v1.zip 16976 12-07-94 RS232 serial port token-ring network, w/source pprd100.zip 182526 16-07-95 Turns PC into network printer server qrev1.zip 6322 19-08-87 LAN remote batch processing sfc33.zip 66893 09-02-92 Serial File Copy v3.3: PC to PC file transfers snmpms.zip 152481 10-05-95 SNMP client, LAN Manager-compliant DOS version snmpwat.zip 312929 10-05-95 SNMP client, Crynwyr packet driver DOS version spacechk.zip 11756 02-09-92 Tracks network disk usage for users & admins stp233.zip 156604 01-07-95 Stomper v2.33: Share modems on a network tech3.zip 15530 13-06-90 Technical ref manual for Lantastic v3.0 and up toadnt11.zip 4481 30-04-92 Set local system time per remote LAN system trtool02.zip 28478 21-06-90 See all connected adapters on a Token-Ring tstfil14.zip 15023 01-12-92 Test file accessability under many modes unet11.zip 22976 31-12-90 Network two PC's together using parallel ports updat11.zip 6969 30-07-95 Intelligent file updating program use125.zip 6946 22-05-92 Fast net connections for LAN Manager & others userdef.zip 15909 11-07-91 Auto-configure Western Digital ethernet cards usrpr103.zip 24921 29-06-92 UserPref: Set user preferences on networked PC volinfo.zip 21532 09-05-91 Shows free space on all available LAN volumes wdadf.zip 7786 25-10-91 ADF File for microchannel version of wd8003e wdpost.zip 156294 29-06-88 Drivers for Western Digital LAN boards wndis118.zip 53051 25-10-91 Version 1.18 of NDIS driver for wd8003e zip172.zip 41301 16-06-94 115K bps PC-to-PC serial file transfers! ----------------------------------------------------------- LOGO programming language files path: /disc2/logo/ ----------------------------------------------------------- doslogo.zip 208574 03-08-92 LOGO Turtle Graphics for MS-DOS ftlogo.zip 6793 25-09-89 Interface for Fischertechnik robots & IBM LOGO ladybug.zip 131127 31-12-89 Graphics/sound lang. like LOGO Turtle Graphics logo1.zip 27588 01-03-94 Simplified version of LOGO language for DOS logopat1.zip 9758 27-01-91 Patch IBM LOGO for EGA/VGA/MCGA/386 w/TP55 src mswext36.zip 282336 09-02-94 Additional files for running MSWLogo w/Win3.0 mswlgo36.zip 810506 09-02-94 LOGO programming lang. (Windows 3.1 required) mswsrc36.zip 354126 09-02-94 Source code for MSWLogo (Borland C++) ----------------------------------------------------------- Lotus 123-related utilities path: /disc2/lotus123/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 123train.zip 80536 07-09-88 123 training class notes, tests 123_coin.zip 40182 29-04-90 Coin collection catalog for Lotus 1-2-3 123_seek.zip 67844 10-08-88 Search and replace Lotus add-in ad36.zip 44930 02-09-88 Automated documentation of 1-2-3 equations depn1090.zip 90157 09-10-90 Fixed-asset accounting package for 123 v2.2 lotus89.zip 7995 17-11-89 Books on Lotus 1-2-3 (autumn, 1989 edition) picfile.txt 4117 20-01-89 Lotus 1-2-3 .PIC file format details ternary.zip 31219 22-10-93 Lotus-Quattro Pro ternary graphing templates wksffmt.zip 25627 27-06-90 Description of Lotus .WKS & .WK1 file formats ----------------------------------------------------------- Map / mapping utilities path: /disc2/mapping/ ----------------------------------------------------------- coordchg.zip 25290 27-05-93 Convert map coordinates dd,mm,ss <=> dd.#### emap1001.zip 343781 14-04-93 Epi Map: Install, executables, readme, help emap1002.zip 301664 14-04-93 Epi Map: Utilities emap1003.zip 100071 14-04-93 Epi Map: Examples, tutorials emap1004.zip 323370 14-04-93 Epi Map: Printer/plotter/graphics file drivers emap1005.zip 56774 14-04-93 Epi Map: USA by county: New England states emap1006.zip 48270 14-04-93 Epi Map: USA by county: Mid Atlantic States emap1007.zip 93062 14-04-93 Epi Map: USA by county: E. N. Central States emap1008.zip 89435 14-04-93 Epi Map: USA by county: W. N. Central States emap1009.zip 120062 14-04-93 Epi Map: USA by county: South Atlantic States emap1010.zip 70573 14-04-93 Epi Map: USA by county: E. S. Central States emap1011.zip 94457 14-04-93 Epi Map: USA by county: W. S. Central States emap1012.zip 70529 14-04-93 Epi Map: USA by county: Mountain States emap1013.zip 69993 14-04-93 Epi Map: USA by county: Pacific States emap1014.zip 47606 14-04-93 Epi Map: World and American continents emap1015.zip 165305 14-04-93 Epi Map: African emap1016.zip 112126 14-04-93 Epi Map: South America emap1017.zip 212579 14-04-93 Epi Map: Europe emap1018.zip 142344 14-04-93 Epi Map: Asia emap1019.zip 59301 14-04-93 Epi Map: Mid East emap1020.zip 43675 14-04-93 Epi Map: North America emap1021.zip 35516 14-04-93 Epi Map: Australia & Pacific Islands emap1022.zip 41711 14-04-93 Epi Map: Caribbean emap1023.zip 158804 14-04-93 Epi Map: Ukraine & CIS emap1024.zip 28423 14-04-93 Epi Map: Central America emap1025.zip 330569 14-04-93 Epi Map: Long.-Lat. Files: A - P emap1026.zip 124535 14-04-93 Epi Map: Long.-Lat. Files: R - Y emap10do.zip 47628 13-05-93 Epi Map: ASCII manual emap10in.zip 5154 14-05-93 Epi Map: Inst. notes, file list, general info mapit14.inf 5784 08-05-94 Detailed world-wide mapping w/GPS utils. Info mapit14a.zip 303441 08-05-94 Detailed world-wide mapping w/GPS utils. 1of3 mapit14b.zip 317614 08-05-94 Detailed world-wide mapping w/GPS utils. 2of3 mapit14c.zip 321227 08-05-94 Detailed world-wide mapping w/GPS utils. 3of3 oilmap01.zip 336929 22-02-95 Digital oilfield basemap demo (Texas, AutoCAD) ozd101a.zip 348164 01-10-93 OzGIS DOS mapping of census/GIS data 1/7 ozd101b.zip 70154 11-09-93 OzGIS DOS mapping of census/GIS data 2/7 ozd101c.zip 397883 12-09-93 OzGIS DOS mapping of census/GIS data 3/7 ozd101d.zip 212746 11-09-93 OzGIS DOS mapping of census/GIS data 4/7 ozd101e.zip 224262 12-09-93 OzGIS DOS mapping of census/GIS data 5/7 ozd101f.zip 601605 28-08-93 OzGIS DOS mapping of census/GIS data 6/7 ozd101g.zip 262699 12-09-93 OzGIS DOS mapping of census/GIS data 7/7 topov300.zip 125459 07-03-93 3-D topographic map plotting program vmap140.zip 320547 14-08-94 Draws outline maps on 13 map projections ----------------------------------------------------------- Mathematics programs and utilities path: /disc2/math/ ----------------------------------------------------------- algbr212.zip 132530 16-01-93 Professor Weissman's Algebra Tutorials alged30.zip 144628 03-08-95 Edit/solve symbolic math,3D graphs,C src,free analys40.zip 62946 01-04-93 FFT,Wavelet,Coherence,Filter,Graph,Correlation cf515.zip 167298 30-07-95 Science/Engineering curve fitting program cla20.zip 290217 08-02-91 Displays info on a matrix (incl. Jordan form) curve11.zip 23704 08-09-93 Linear & nonlinear curve fits to user's eqn. delpx04.zip 394783 09-06-95 Multi-exponential fitting, FFTs, filtering ... femis.zip 241694 16-01-94 Finite-Element Matrix Interpretive System fit2_117.zip 83833 21-05-91 Linear/non-linear modeling, analysis/transform formu220.zip 24838 18-05-95 Fast interpreter of math functions (in C) fsultra1.zip 111950 18-06-92 High quality, fast, versatile random numbers fudg_231.zip 524699 01-08-93 Extensible data analysis and curve fitting grad.zip 117320 07-01-93 Automatic Differentiation of Fortran programs jkmath14.zip 489551 01-11-94 Matrices;graphs/calculus;probability;RPN calc. leap_b09.zip 221774 29-07-95 LEAP: Extendable Relational Algebra Processor lgsolv1.zip 59005 03-10-93 FORTRAN routines: Solving Large Linear Systems lie44.zip 98236 02-06-95 Lie analysis of differential eqns, exact solns linsys10.zip 37394 06-04-92 Solves linear systems (including homogenous) lp100210.zip 210749 07-12-89 Linear programming, solve optimizing problems lp261.zip 246978 22-07-93 Linear/mixed/integer programming optimizer mafia2b.zip 383113 15-12-93 Complex math calculation utilities package mafia2c.zip 417803 02-03-94 Complex math calculation utilities package maplev.zip 478350 07-01-92 Computer algebra/symbolic math DEMO; 386+ req. matcom08.zip 1079091 01-09-95 Matlab compiler matlab.zip 200815 23-09-90 Computes matrices developed by LINPAK/EISPACK mersenne.zip 121486 02-01-90 Math: Lists 31 Mersenne Primes & bibliography mfloat20.zip 130088 19-08-94 Fast high precision arithmetic: C++, C, Pascal mrcry209.zip 296713 17-12-92 Math solver, from Borland's Eureka, Shareware ode25.zip 132032 23-10-90 Ordinary differential equation simulate/solve poly.zip 69665 17-07-87 Fit polynomial equations to data points polyrt1.zip 77128 19-12-91 Finds polynomial roots, w/interactive graphics polysim.zip 26655 23-05-89 Polynomial simplex optimization, w/C source praxis.zip 21819 22-07-87 Minimize function values (source in Pascal&C) rlab117d.zip 1078123 31-01-95 RLaB: High level matrix programming language romancvt.zip 16716 14-04-93 Convert Roman numbers to/from Arabic, w/C src sgnls400.zip 127576 10-09-94 Illustrates signal processing concepts w/plots shuffle.zip 8477 12-01-91 Number list order randomizer, with C source shuffle2.zip 6633 03-12-92 Number list order randomizer, w/ASM source solveq10.zip 36894 06-04-92 Solves polynomial equations (degree <= 30) spectr21.zip 668179 14-09-94 Spectral analysis of random time series tsfima12.zip 74049 01-06-89 Programs of financial mathematics, T.Salmi tslin34.zip 114570 20-11-93 Linear programming and linear goal programming tsnum12.zip 73214 01-06-89 T.Salmi:Various programs in numerical analysis ttm120.zip 21510 27-08-89 Make/print truth tables from keyboard input xysee40.zip 128800 02-12-93 Algebra/Geometry/Trig Math Visualization pgm ----------------------------------------------------------- Math coprocessor utilities / emulators path: /disc2/mathcopr/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 387.zip 24291 29-04-90 Software emulation of 80387 coprocessor chip chkcop22.zip 10901 12-10-90 Math coprocessor test util. from Intel Corp. em87v1_3.zip 13135 10-02-90 8087 math coprocessor emulator for AT or 386 emul87.zip 12485 04-01-88 TSR emulates 8087 math processor (286/386 req) mcpdiag.zip 11815 12-04-91 Co-processor diagnostics utility from Intel q87_371.zip 114035 07-01-95 Math Accelerator and Emulator, from QuickWare ----------------------------------------------------------- Memory utilities / managers path: /disc2/memutil/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 704k.zip 1425 25-04-91 Increase RAM from 640K to 704K on some PCs a20off.zip 4020 20-11-90 Turn address line 20 on/off with C&T chip set a20test.zip 4871 11-12-90 A20 address line enable/disable/status display addmem25.zip 24807 08-01-92 Increases available memory on EGA/VGA machines addram10.zip 23241 14-02-89 Add DOS RAM using EMS 4.0 ctmap099.zip 54110 02-07-91 Mem extender: 286/386/SX using C&T DRAM ctlrs dumpem.zip 18797 22-04-88 Display/edit expanded, extended, normal memory eatmem11.zip 26093 27-03-94 Reduce available memory for testing programs eemram21.zip 19561 11-04-89 Expand DOS RAM to 736K w/Enh. or LIM 4.0 mem. ems40v11.zip 25495 19-07-89 Driver: use extended memory as EMS 4.0 memory emsaw41s.zip 26888 26-06-94 Huge Arrays in Expanded Memory 4.1S (updated) emsuit11.zip 71805 22-02-90 Utilities for manipulating EMS RAM exc_dx02.zip 78733 27-10-94 Exception handler kit for PharLap 386|DosX himov214.zip 118207 18-02-91 Upper Memory Manager for 286/386 systems jambo10.zip 11498 17-12-91 Device Driver can increase upper memory lowmem.zip 4738 18-06-88 DOS low memory map, very detailed m.zip 4300 19-02-90 List memory resident programs map20.zip 20498 27-10-94 DOS Memory map (UMB, XMS, EMS, DD), w/C src maximize.zip 44121 15-03-91 Maximizer memory manager, like QEMM. DEMO maxmenu.zip 10297 03-07-89 Front end menu for 386MAX/386MAX Professional memsim32.zip 30844 19-08-89 Simulates LIM EMS 3.2 expanded memory via disk memst101.zip 9148 13-02-93 Change the DOS memory allocation strategy minload.zip 3252 12-09-88 Determine amount of mem. needed to load a pgm m_m_kit.zip 130518 12-09-91 DOS 5 Utilities to optimise upper memory pmap210.zip 33293 03-07-91 Chris Dunford's memory mapper; handles EMS/XMS pmode01.zip 26640 11-03-94 DOS extender indep. Protected Mode progrmg API ramtst30.zip 53699 05-04-88 Brown bag's RAM test: mother board/emm/abv bd remm431.zip 11795 12-09-89 AST expanded memory driver REMM.SYS v4.31 rt302.zip 56922 15-12-88 Tests for bad memory chips (extended/expanded) spray.zip 2694 27-07-89 Copy contents of memory to printer/disk file swap.zip 12882 25-03-89 Swap main and expanded memory when SHELL'ed testx33.zip 6885 10-12-90 Utility to test extended memory, 396, 496, 486 tmap110.zip 5792 11-02-88 Memory control block mapper ver1.10 trkmem10.zip 11141 06-09-92 Memory usage tracker for DOS programs umax120.zip 11930 13-11-91 Umax v1.20: Utility to test upper-memory block umbdr522.zip 37166 20-02-92 UMB provider/base memory expander for DOS 5 umbgwj10.zip 17458 29-11-94 UMB mgr for HT-320 chipset, with source code umbmem.zip 18827 10-10-91 Provides DOS 5 upper memory blocks on 386/486 umm03.zip 15099 16-12-91 Upper Memory Manager v0.3 - Provides UMBs use_umbs.zip 21115 03-11-94 Driver to use upper memory blocks on XT/ATs vram40.zip 22146 10-06-89 Break 640K RAM limit, simulate expanded memory vu_xm1c.zip 36342 31-05-90 286 extended memory peeker using LOADALL xspawn34.zip 41520 04-05-91 X Spawn v1.34 EMS memory swapping program ----------------------------------------------------------- Updates to Microsoft's MS-DOS path: /disc2/microsft/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ga0363.zip 168998 11-06-94 Microsoft diagnostics utility MSD, vers. 2.11 himem278.zip 6952 11-11-91 Microsoft's MS-DOS XMS driver, v2.78, 11/11/91 pd0445.zip 15377 31-10-91 Replacement DOSSWAP.EXE for MS-DOS 5.0. 911005 pd0485.zip 59682 25-10-91 Listing of MS-DOS 5.0 messages w/descriptions pd0646.zip 21931 10-12-92 Updated CHKDSK.EXE & UNDELETE.EXE for DOS 5.0 pd0805.zip 14243 18-06-93 Microsoft update: SMARTDRIVE v4.2 for DOS 6.0 ww0530.zip 13542 07-04-92 MS Appl Note: SMARTDrive & 32-bit disk access ----------------------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous programming languages path: /disc2/misclang/ ----------------------------------------------------------- abc10201.zip 197335 07-08-90 Interactive programming language interpreter aisnobol.txt 5750 17-12-87 Description of files in AISNOBOL.ARC aisnobol.zip 185592 16-11-87 SNOBOL language for MSDOS cl6bi386.zip 593700 28-09-93 Caml Light (ML compiler). Binaries for 386 PCs cl6bi86.zip 396794 28-09-93 Caml Light (ML compiler). Binaries for all PCs cl6doc.zip 142088 20-11-93 Caml Light (ML compiler). Documentation (text) cl6docdv.zip 228424 20-11-93 Caml Light (ML compiler). Documentation (DVI) cl6docps.zip 360398 20-11-93 Caml Light (ML compiler). Doc. (PostScript) cl6sr386.zip 351354 26-09-93 Caml Light (ML compiler). Sources for 386 PCs cl6sr86.zip 192265 28-09-93 Caml Light (ML compiler). Sources for all PCs cobol650.zip 185184 12-10-90 ANSI Standard 74-85 Cobol v6.50 for PC complex.zip 43779 31-07-91 STSC APL fcns for cmplx math, polynomials, & c c__0190a.zip 452634 07-03-94 SPHINX C-- compiler ver 0.190a with examples euphor13.zip 446025 22-06-95 Euphoria programming language v1.3 iapl111.zip 149838 03-04-89 ISO/ANSI/BSI-conforming APL interpreter v1.11 jorf21_1.zip 342730 18-10-93 Jorf OOP application programing language. 1of3 jorf21_2.zip 307130 05-07-93 Jorf OOP application programing language. 2of3 jorf21_3.zip 360117 02-10-93 Jorf OOP application programing language. 3of3 lxt133.zip 189746 01-08-95 LISP source code analysis, HTML output max130.zip 118988 12-12-88 Lisp-like programming language interpreter pclisp30.zip 145012 02-02-90 PC-LISP interpreter v3.0 pcpil44b.zip 365271 01-03-94 PC/PILOT v4.4b: CAI authoring language for DOS prolog19.zip 133545 17-07-87 PD Prolog 19 - nice AI type program pxsc.zip 704627 19-03-91 PASCAL--XSC to C compiler for Microsoft C6.0 pxscdm22.zip 729354 01-09-92 PASCAL-XSC demo v2.02 for BORLAND C++ 2.0 ratapl.zip 172641 07-10-89 Rationalized APL\PC v T1.4, by Andreas Werder runpli1a.zip 105083 26-04-89 PL/I-like language Interpreter, w/MSC5.0 src saplpc_a.zip 159700 21-03-88 Sharp Assoc. APL interpreter -- 1 of 2 saplpc_b.zip 177703 02-04-88 Sharp Assoc. APL interpreter -- 2 of 2 sc88.zip 84946 13-05-88 Small-C version 2 updated by BYTE mzine scbench.zip 28253 05-04-88 New BYTE benchmarks -- compile using SC88 shwtxt18.zip 205050 26-08-95 SHOWTEXT Prog.Lang.v1.8-games,demos etc. stv3_dos.zip 223517 12-10-91 Little Smalltalk interp. v3 compiled for DOS tipi2a.zip 113747 01-12-94 Structured, extensible BASIC/Forth hybrid lang turgra.zip 66915 11-02-90 Turtle graphics interpreter. Req. VGA/DOS 3+ vsnbl220.zip 251117 01-11-91 Vanilla SNOBOL4, PD vers. 2.20 of the language vsnobol4.txt 5837 17-12-87 Description of VSNOBOL4.ARC - Vanilla SNOBOL4 vsnobol4.zip 231430 04-12-87 Vanilla SNOBOL4, PD version of the language wisplng3.zip 84310 19-01-91 WISP v3.0: Text-oriented interpreter w/editor ----------------------------------------------------------- Modula2 programming language-related files path: /disc2/modula2/ ----------------------------------------------------------- fst_31s.zip 304006 27-10-92 Fitted Software Tools Modula-2 compiler v3.1 inout22.zip 29883 18-04-95 Additional 6 functions to include in Modula-2 mod2src.zip 75015 17-07-87 Coronado's Modula2 tutor v2.0, (1 of 2) mod2txt.zip 110333 17-07-87 Coronado's Modula2 tutor v2.0, (2 of 2) ss_ansi.zip 4684 29-12-93 ANSI screen libraries for FST Modula-2 ----------------------------------------------------------- Mouse utilities / drivers path: /disc2/mouse/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 2l8ce112.zip 17951 21-06-94 TooLate graphic mouse cursor editor v1.12 alldefs.zip 66120 03-04-90 Collection of mouse DEFs from Logitech BBS arrmouse.zip 7226 11-03-90 Makes mouse emulate arrow keys for any program cmouse2.zip 26346 21-11-90 Mouse management for MSC 5.1/MASM 5.0 or later csedit10.zip 119834 18-12-93 VGA graphics mode mouse cursor editor dosmouse.zip 3492 28-07-89 Use Microsoft mouse at MSDOS command level drvr624.zip 44057 15-03-93 Logitech Mouse drivers v6.24, from their BBS gmous101.zip 111690 11-08-92 Genius mouse driver v10.10, DOS 6.0 compatible gmous102.zip 179065 24-08-93 Genius mouse driver v10.2 (DOS 6.0-compatible) hgxmou10.zip 42498 26-08-94 HGXMOUSE: Multi-mode (text/SVGA) mouse driver igme.zip 39081 17-04-91 Interactive graphics mouse cursor editor k2rod.zip 23184 16-03-91 Simulate series of keyboard strokes with mouse kme_beta.zip 3573 21-05-91 Emulate a MicroSoft mouse with your keyboard locate.zip 8666 18-12-87 Use mouse with any pgm that uses arrow keys markit10.zip 5182 01-11-92 TSR utility to copy and paste text with mouse mcc201.zip 14381 08-04-92 Adds mouse control to pgms w/no mouse support mcd104.zip 50155 12-10-88 Mouse Cursor Designer - req. graphics/mouse menumous.zip 2751 25-01-89 Map mouse to arrow keys, TSR, w/ASM source mou105.zip 51827 26-09-91 MS-C & Turbo-C mouse routines with TRUE cursor mouse01g.zip 20215 24-05-92 Biased mouse TSR emulates cursor keys /w SRC mouse701.zip 24001 01-10-90 Version 7.01 mouse drivers from Mouse Systems mouseb03.zip 7491 24-05-94 Use a mouse to cut and paste in DOS' textmode mousedrw.zip 5817 09-09-90 .DEF Mouse drivers for extended-char drawing mswap10.zip 1875 14-02-95 Swap L-R mouse buttons for any DOS application mswitch.zip 6407 23-03-89 Switch mouse on and off mykmouse.zip 17178 29-05-92 Enter ASCII keyboard charactors with mouse pp111.zip 86976 07-03-93 Precise Point text mode graphical mouse driver qmr101.zip 3620 25-03-92 Quick Mouse Reset - speeds up starting/exiting rodent.zip 18756 14-12-87 Interface for Logitech mouse to QuickBASIC sqm120.zip 14323 08-12-91 Complete mouse control from MS-DOS xmouse11.zip 33664 07-05-92 Use mouse in ModeX (320x240x256) C-callable zwmous1a.zip 4390 30-09-91 TSR to add mouse to non-mouse applications ----------------------------------------------------------- MS Systems Journal program listings path: /disc2/msjournl/ ----------------------------------------------------------- msjv21.zip 7811 30-10-87 Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 2, #1 listings msjv22.zip 5849 30-10-87 Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 2, #2 listings msjv23.zip 21003 30-10-87 Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 2, #3 listings msjv24.zip 11101 30-10-87 Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 2, #4 listings msjv25.zip 43538 28-12-87 Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 2, #5 listings msjv3_1.zip 21267 08-03-88 Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 3, #1 listings msjv3_2.zip 4171 11-03-88 Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 3, #2 listings msjv3_3.zip 20822 28-04-88 Microsoft Systems Journal V3, Issue 3; May 88 msjv3_4.zip 74750 31-08-88 Microsoft Systems Journal V3, Issue 4; June 88 msjv3_5.zip 63185 02-03-89 Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 3, #5 listings msjv3_6.zip 34338 02-03-89 Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 3, #6 listings msjv4_1a.zip 97541 23-03-89 Microsoft Systems Journal vol. 4 part 1A msjv4_1b.zip 146063 23-03-89 Microsoft Systems Journal vol. 4 part 1B msjv4_2a.zip 93971 25-03-89 Microsoft Systems Journal vol. 4 part 2A msjv4_2b.zip 305575 01-12-88 Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 4, #2 listings msjv4_3.zip 77473 29-04-89 Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 4, #3 listings msjv5_1.zip 164960 14-12-89 Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 5 No 1, examples msjv5_2.zip 122976 28-04-90 Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 5 No 2, examples msjv5_3.zip 142601 30-05-90 Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 5 No 3, examples msjv5_4.zip 127921 01-07-90 Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 5 No 4, examples msjv5_5.zip 248362 01-09-90 Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 5 No 5, examples msjv5_6.zip 157430 01-11-90 Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 5 No 6, examples msjv6_1.zip 214849 01-01-91 Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 6 No 1, examples msjv6_2.zip 110924 01-03-91 Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 6 No 2, examples msjv6_3.zip 152062 01-05-91 Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 6 No 3, examples msjv6_4.zip 291085 07-07-91 Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 6 No 4, examples msjv6_5.zip 122658 01-09-91 Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 6 No 5, examples msjv7_1.zip 240614 01-01-92 Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 7 No 1, examples msjv7_2.zip 450533 01-03-92 MicroSoft Systems Journal Vol 7 No 2, examples msjv7_3.zip 100246 01-05-92 MicroSoft Systems Journal Vol 7 No 3, examples msjv7_4.zip 124065 01-07-92 MicroSoft Systems Journal Vol 7 No 4, examples msjv7_5.zip 146552 01-09-92 MicroSoft Systems Journal Vol 7 No 5, examples msjv7_6.zip 281502 25-08-92 MicroSoft Systems Journal Vol 7 No 6, examples msjv7_7.zip 155675 01-11-92 MicroSoft Systems Journal Vol 7 No 7, examples msjv7_8.zip 503930 01-12-92 MicroSoft Systems Journal Vol 7 No 8, examples ----------------------------------------------------------- NCSA Telnet programs / utilities / drivers path: /disc2/ncsatlnt/ ----------------------------------------------------------- dev_note.txt 48575 16-11-94 Text file of developer's notes for NCSA Telnet packets.inf 2160 01-07-91 Guide to installing NCSA Telnet packet drivers pktdrvr.inf 170 05-09-95 Pointer to the latest Crynwr packet drivers tel2308b.zip 795654 06-11-94 NCSA Telnet 2.3.08 binaries & other utilities tel2308s.zip 695867 06-11-94 Source for NCSA Telnet 2.3.08 and utilities tel23doc.zip 72389 01-07-91 ASCII documentation for NCSA Telnet 2.3 tel_faq.txt 19964 16-11-94 Frequently Asked Questions about NCSA Telnet tel_info.txt 1250 16-11-94 Description of NCSA Telnet and its utilities ----------------------------------------------------------- Network-related programs and utilities path: /disc2/network/ ----------------------------------------------------------- emcee10.zip 196390 08-11-94 GUI-based FTP client for dialup shell accounts fix36.asm 4412 28-02-88 Fix image FTPs from TOPS-20 systems (bit conv) lu62.zip 445822 03-07-95 An implementation of the IBM SNA LU type 6.2 mbox_s11.zip 12274 08-08-95 Mailbox Skimmer: Selects messages of interest mdxdos23.zip 106398 16-06-95 InterProcess Communication development toolkit netso401.zip 53566 20-01-94 Sorts files in Banyan directories patchat.zip 60633 03-09-95 Chat with others over your network pcbri121.zip 76050 23-01-92 Use PC as a cheap Ethernet-Ethernet Bridge pcrte224.zip 234838 26-08-92 Make PC into TCP/IP router for about $450 scrub0.zip 3153 26-03-89 Convert Tenex 36-bit files into 8-bit bytes tcptut.zip 33360 30-09-90 Tutorial on TCP/IP Internet network protocols webnt255.zip 205320 03-04-92 Serial disk/device sharing network. Ver 2.55 ----------------------------------------------------------- Neural network-related utilities path: /disc2/neurlnet/ ----------------------------------------------------------- anncam.zip 3876 03-01-91 An example of content-addressable memory bam.zip 30021 14-05-90 Bidirectional Associative Memory Simulation bayes.zip 3857 12-03-91 Tree-structured Bayesian belief network bpnn132u.zip 73350 29-04-92 Backprop neural net w/adaptive learning rate bps100.zip 212391 15-06-90 (DOS,UNIX,MAC) Back-Propagation Simulation pkg bps210.zip 52115 25-07-91 (DOS only) Update to BPS100.ZIP, Back-Prop brain12.zip 77485 07-03-94 Neural network simulator based on backprop datarep.zip 86856 07-03-91 Representing data in neural nets, AI-Exp. 6/90 et.zip 55141 31-08-89 Perceptron simulator gaw110.zip 180660 29-06-92 Graphic demonstrations of genetic algorithms genalg.zip 34839 09-04-91 A simple genetic algorithm demo program w/src hopf310.zip 120535 27-05-95 Binary ANN simulation and simple OCR with GUI hopfield.zip 22257 07-03-91 Traveling salesman problem, PASCAL nasanets.zip 159543 07-03-91 A back prop neural net system W/ C src neocog10.zip 196905 16-07-94 Neocognitron ANN for OCR & Pattern Maker w/GUI nerves.zip 273473 09-04-91 Nervous System Construction Kit w/ C++ src netstuff.zip 105502 26-04-91 From 'A Practical Guide to Neural Networks' neuc4.zip 543672 02-03-95 Additional modules for neucl4.zip package neucl4.zip 730819 29-03-95 Classification neural networks for DOS/Windows neucls3.zip 604995 06-09-94 DOS/Windows pkg for classification neural nets neum4.zip 589192 02-03-95 Additional modules for neump4.zip package neumap3.zip 598223 06-09-94 DOS/Windows package for mapping neural nets neump4.zip 708447 29-03-95 DOS/Windows package for mapping neural nets nn2.zip 30696 29-05-89 ANN simulator with 256 neurons nnetdraw.zip 54706 14-03-91 A very visual representation of a neural net nnutl101.zip 249902 03-08-93 C source library/tutorial for neural networks nrlibe32.zip 202793 15-12-94 Shell for multiple neural networks mgmt. w/src percept.zip 3769 06-11-90 Perceptron ANN topmap.zip 5917 23-09-87 Kohonen topology preserving maps in Pascal ----------------------------------------------------------- PC-NFS programs path: /disc2/nfs/ ----------------------------------------------------------- nfs101ps.zip 178001 05-03-95 nfs101-?.zip/nutil02.zip Postscript manuals nfs101_m.zip 173574 08-03-95 MS-DOS NFS client for MS LanMan/HP/3com TCP/IP nfs101_n.zip 181801 08-03-95 MS-DOS NFS client for Novell LAN WorkPlace nfs101_t.zip 173835 08-03-95 MS-DOS NFS client for Trumpet ABI 3.x TCP/IP nfs101_w.zip 200416 08-03-95 MS-DOS NFS client for pktdrvr (WatTCP builtin) nfsml202.zip 21521 08-12-91 NFS Mail: Unix mail reader for use with PC-NFS nutil02.zip 72726 05-03-95 Companion Utils to nfs*.zip (ls,unix2dos,etc) pcnews.zip 29916 06-07-90 Read Usenet news on local or PC-NFS filesystem socko20.zip 67655 22-02-93 Small & fast client/server API for PC_NFS/UNIX soss31.zip 348241 13-05-91 Son of Stan's Own Server: NFS server for MSDOS sossread.me 2247 18-01-92 Release notes and extract info for SOSS31.ZIP wdnfs204.zip 6751 07-02-91 Version 2.04 of PC-NFS drivers for wd8003e xfs186.zip 163522 22-09-94 XFS v1.86: NFS Client for MS-DOS xfs32_11.zip 101617 22-09-94 XFS32: NFS Client for WfW + MS TCP/IP-32 ----------------------------------------------------------- Novell Netware-related utilities path: /disc2/novell/ ----------------------------------------------------------- addgl100.zip 98247 22-09-94 Adds Novell users to groups via list files alogin20.zip 253857 16-02-95 Awesome Login: Graphical (BMP) Novell login amsprogs.zip 341232 01-05-92 Novell MENU compatible network menu system auditn11.zip 11342 18-11-94 Analyses Novell audit trail under Netware 3.1x blogin2.zip 454624 30-12-94 Visual shell for Novell's login.exe charn40a.zip 492797 11-12-92 Novell to SMTP gateway for Pegasus Mail chat207.zip 22720 19-09-90 On-line chat pgm for two Novell LAN users cluser10.zip 96669 30-07-94 NetWare tool clones user's groups/login script cnetest.zip 381840 15-09-93 Novell Certified NetWare Eng. practice tests comrt100.zip 63194 11-04-95 Modem sharing program for Novell Netware cu_ip.zip 22846 13-07-92 Front end to CUTCP to assign IPs on Novell net dmlogn70.zip 46930 23-01-95 DMlogin Utility v7.0d: Net order/security dosmnu71.zip 414975 04-03-95 Menu system for Novell, other nets, standalone dosque31.zip 44475 04-01-95 DOSque v3.1, Powerful/Easy Network Job Queuing dspbin10.zip 8538 25-04-95 Displays logged in user bindery info enet10.zip 2061 18-08-92 Disp/Test Ethernet number v1.0,src&docs,Novell envtrim.zip 11295 01-09-92 Abbreviate environment vars for Novell Netware ethrhost.zip 18317 12-04-95 Unix-style host and ethers parser for Novell filescn1.zip 24527 15-02-95 Scans for open files on one or more servers fpserv32.zip 105454 25-08-93 FPServer: Enhanced Novell PSERVER replacement fsl12a.zip 111256 24-06-93 Full Screen Login: Enhanced Novell login util. getoid13.zip 11164 01-12-92 Return Novell Netware object ID grpin100.zip 103939 04-01-95 GrpInfo v1.00: Novell group/user info utility ipxstart.zip 57919 09-01-95 Basic IPX programming information and examples iqs328.zip 85457 19-03-93 Server to share any printer on NetWare LAN lanlk133.zip 298179 02-01-95 Software meter system for Novell networks loginchk.zip 37908 01-08-95 Login Checker 2.60 Novell network login verif. look10.zip 1910 12-04-95 Fast user lookup utility for Novell NetWare ltrus099.zip 41627 01-06-92 List all directory trustees on Novell 3.xx macbrd20.zip 45311 11-03-94 Novell IN/OUT type of notice board program mail56.zip 27160 01-12-92 Simple mail facility for Novell Netware mailto.zip 8866 01-02-94 Pegasus-compatible command line mailer for LAN merc121.zip 161147 05-03-95 Mercury: Novell SMTP NLM for Pegasus Mail mhs1511a.zip 4575 09-04-92 Convert output from NOVELL MHSUSER 1.5 to 1.1 mir122.zip 34382 07-12-93 Replicates Novell NetWare dirs and trustees mnwerase.zip 2118 30-03-94 Erase multiple NetWare 2.x/3.x accounts, C src msg_20.zip 3523 11-03-93 Novell msg interceptor w/alarm, popup window mum13a.zip 580983 06-06-94 Add, delete, modify & list many NetWare users ncapt12a.zip 77973 03-05-94 NiceCapt: Capture front end for Novell NW 3.x netadr13.zip 4307 01-02-93 Assign queue by station, v1.3, src&docs,Novell netale22.zip 438723 04-07-95 Monitors Novell servers & calls pager if down netalk15.zip 27729 26-01-95 Unix-like Talk command for Novell netbday6.zip 20930 14-12-92 Birthday reminder at login for Novell networks netcb06b.zip 43348 17-05-93 Novell network IPX chat box (supports routers) netinfo.zip 11437 29-09-92 Get Novell NetWare bindery info, user mail+ netloc11.zip 51250 29-07-91 Novell Netware user limit, logging & password nettalk.zip 121437 13-08-95 Novell system admin menu and chat system nettlk23.zip 19494 01-12-92 User talk/chat utility for Novell Netware niceph13.zip 89630 23-06-94 PH client for Packet Driver. Good with PMail nlogin18.zip 113229 29-10-94 NiceLogin: Login front end for Netware 3.x notice15.zip 59734 28-07-91 Noticeboard system for Novell Netware novelmon.zip 39358 04-04-89 Monitor area on a Novell network for files nvchat1c.zip 126029 12-07-94 Chat 1.0c, unlimited users/channels/servers nwl004.zip 46042 06-02-92 Novell Netware patches for NWLite V1.0 once13.zip 22670 20-01-95 Run program once in 'n' days; unique log files paudit11.zip 8506 17-03-92 Summerize PAUDIT report v1.1, src&docs, Novell pcmenu30.zip 166771 06-09-93 Novell-compatible menu program pcnt312.zip 352816 01-09-95 Print accounting for Novell Netware phonet31.zip 62367 27-07-93 Phone chat util. for Novell, works in Windows3 pmail322.zip 831095 05-03-95 Pegasus Mail: E-mail system for Novell Netware qlst14.zip 10057 30-10-92 List ALL print queue jobs v1.4,src&docs,Novell qview224.zip 335927 03-01-96 Netware Queue manager views multiple queues sacct16.zip 21115 02-06-94 SetAccnt: View/change user account balances saptrak2.zip 92936 13-04-94 SAPTrack: Novell network analysis utility sdlp112.zip 71682 03-08-95 LPR/LPD print software NLM for NetWare Servers select15.zip 20930 07-12-92 Printer selection by menu v1.5,src&docs,Novell set_ip.zip 15763 22-10-92 Assigns NCSA/MS-Kermit IP addrs on Novell net sgprop14.zip 44137 27-10-94 Set/GetProperty:View/Change bindery properties shwusr10.zip 8559 20-07-93 Displays logged in Novell user info by conn.id shwusr20.zip 11408 25-04-95 Displays logged in user info by connection id softcop.zip 374181 28-09-93 Intelligent DOS & WINDOWS software metering student.zip 35847 03-06-92 Helps students with everyday school tasks ulist51.zip 98570 27-05-95 Ulist utility & other misc. utils. for Novell userinf1.zip 20816 16-02-95 Returns group and last login info on a user usrlogv1.zip 17100 12-11-94 Tracks Novell users as they login vphone11.zip 21982 01-03-95 Realtime VoicePhone on Netware/SBlaster wafpegtp.zip 54680 07-02-95 TP source for WAFPEG10 Pmail<-->Waffle UDG waidb.zip 430906 07-10-94 Workstation inventory program for Novell LANs ----------------------------------------------------------- Oberon programming language files path: /disc2/oberon/ ----------------------------------------------------------- msoberon.zip 346046 16-07-92 Oberon pgmming language/operating environment obronm11.zip 165227 25-02-91 Oberon-M compiler v1.1, w/sources and docs xc1306.zip 148691 19-08-93 Portable Oberon-2/Modula-2 compiler (DEMO) xc1312.zip 177280 20-10-93 Portable Oberon-2/Modula-2 compiler (DEMO) ----------------------------------------------------------- Off-line news / mail readers and utilities path: /disc2/offline/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 1st_200a.zip 860577 13-08-95 1stReader: QWK offline mail reader, 1 of 6 1st_200b.zip 798864 13-08-95 1stReader: QWK offline mail reader, 2 of 6 1st_200c.zip 495702 13-08-95 1stReader: 1STEDIT & spelling checker, 3 of 6 1st_200d.zip 956209 13-08-95 1stReader: Sound card files, 4 of 6 1st_200e.zip 243911 13-08-95 1stReader: Third party programmers kit, 5 of 6 1st_200f.zip 376863 13-08-95 1stReader: 1ST.EXE for 80386+ systems, 6 of 6 1st_bbs.zip 110583 13-08-95 1stReader: Sysop's 'pre-install' setup kit addqwk10.zip 40350 19-10-93 Utility to merge QWK mail packets addrep10.zip 27556 19-10-93 Utility to merge REP reply packets apgp212.zip 142422 28-07-94 AutoPGP: Offline email encryption with PGP bbqwk30.zip 111417 01-01-91 QuickScan 3.0, scan MarkMail & Qmail packets blueq155.zip 43306 11-12-94 BlueQwk v1.55: BW <-> QWK converter bquote12.zip 72858 01-10-92 Quoting utility for SLMR/OLX BBS mail readers bus_010.zip 88164 01-09-95 Bob's UQWK sumfile selector bw2qwk21.zip 34660 01-08-91 Convert mail packets between BlueWave<==>.QWK bwave212.zip 348786 17-12-92 Blue Wave, offline mail reader, QWK & others bwdev201.zip 40511 22-01-94 BlueWave packet file specifications bws_12.zip 16905 04-03-93 Blue Wave Save v1.2 combine saved BBS messages catqwk22.zip 19414 17-05-93 CatQWK v2.2: Merge multiple QWK mail packets chips10s.zip 185776 17-05-93 QWK off-line mail reader with mouse support clqwk100.zip 32248 19-05-94 Removes unwanted information in QWK mail pkts cp200.zip 89061 15-01-94 Cherry Picker: Offline reader tagline manager cvtq110.zip 32392 10-10-90 ConvertQ: Util to enhance offline mail quotes d2_125.zip 259860 17-05-93 DeLuxe2 1.25: Demo of Sparky's QWK mail reader ddig_005.zip 43511 27-04-95 Extract articles from digest mailing lists ddig_006.zip 54933 05-06-95 Extract articles from digest mailing lists dthv361.zip 152729 01-07-95 Dr.'s Tagline Handler v3.61: Tagline mgr dtqwk14.zip 262163 18-03-95 QWK reader w/msgbase and bilingual SAA UI ez138.zip 190613 10-04-92 EZ-Reader for Qmail, v1.38 (PC Board/ProDoor) f2spd100.zip 14787 16-09-94 1st2SPD 1.00: 1stRdr to SPEED folder converter jh3b1of4.zip 180351 07-07-94 John Hancock tagline mgr for offline rdr, 1of4 jh3b2of4.zip 90024 07-07-94 John Hancock tagline mgr for offline rdr, 2of4 jh3b3of4.zip 154752 07-07-94 John Hancock tagline mgr for offline rdr, 3of4 jh3b4of4.zip 23538 07-07-94 John Hancock tagline mgr for offline rdr, 4of4 kqwk105.zip 236786 05-04-93 KingQWK v1.05: Offline QWK BBS mail reader megar210.zip 201111 06-06-91 Megamail 2.10: QWK mail reader mm10.zip 170897 05-07-93 MikeMayl v1.0: Free QWK format offline reader msngr12a.zip 335768 20-02-95 Messenger v1.2a, tagline mgr 4 offline rdrs mynr11.zip 43019 20-03-94 Newsreader for files made by Unix nn. VGA req. nfx120.zip 69828 17-05-93 NFX v1.20: Graphics QWK off-line mail reader nnrnews2.zip 17869 11-07-94 Converts files saved by NN to rnews-batches nwrth182.zip 244660 01-08-95 Offline mail reader for the SOUP format o2spd102.zip 15889 16-09-94 OLX2SPD: Convert OLX folders to SPEED's format offli156.zip 185821 16-08-93 QWK format mail reader with NetMail support olmnu113.zip 11103 03-07-95 Menu-based interface for uqwk olx21_td.zip 200431 10-01-92 Off-Line Xpress Test Drive: QWK mail reader pcb_play.zip 20098 13-08-95 1stReader: PCBoard 15.2 'sound card' language pgpblu30.zip 37191 25-11-94 PGPBLUE: PGP encrypt/decrypt for BW reader pgpw108a.zip 36119 13-04-95 PGP/offline mail reader editor interface pmd17a.zip 298984 17-05-93 PMDBM v1.7: Database QWK mail reader, 1 of 2 pmd17b.zip 331502 17-05-93 PMDBM v1.7: Database QWK mail reader, 2 of 2 pq214.zip 268454 12-08-91 Power-QWK 2.14: Database QWK mail reader qelm102.zip 47334 09-09-95 Elm-like offline Internet mailer; No SLIP req. qprn112.zip 142289 14-05-94 Removes unwanted messages from QWK packets qrep20.zip 30672 14-06-95 QRep v2.0: QWK automated message generator qwkfo02.zip 16073 27-07-94 Display info about QWK files,date created, etc qwkidx11.zip 9734 28-02-94 Generate missing .NDX files for QWK & REP mail qwkit10b.zip 60258 15-01-94 Qwkit: Tagline mgr. for offline mail readers qwklay16.zip 18820 06-01-93 QWK off-line mail format specification qwkndt1a.zip 109139 07-11-92 QWK'n'Dirty: QWK reader with terminal prog. qwkp9506.zip 57416 15-06-95 QWK Products Listing for June 1995 qwksl103.zip 12477 04-07-94 QWKSLICE: Cut QWK packets into managable sizes qwktalk4.zip 572921 24-01-95 Talking offline reader READS you mail to you qwktxt46.zip 26140 27-12-93 Converts QWK mail packets to ASCII text qwk_idx.zip 7052 24-08-92 Regenerates .NDX file missing from QWK packets rm13real.zip 454907 14-04-95 RoboMail 1.3 real-mode offline mail reader robom13a.zip 474843 19-02-94 RoboMail 1.3: Database QWK off-line reader 1/2 robom13b.zip 365713 19-02-94 RoboMail 1.3: Database QWK off-line reader 2/2 robom13u.zip 521899 19-02-94 RoboMail 1.3: Upgrade kit from 1.0, 1.1 & 1.2 rr250all.zip 608638 25-03-94 RoseReader v2.50: QWK offline reader slip_itj.zip 525689 09-06-95 SLIP-based mail and news transport program slmr21a.zip 176783 04-01-92 Silly Little Mail Reader v2.1a offline QWK rdr sm106_n.zip 222922 23-01-91 Session Manager v1.06: Non-overlay version sm106_o.zip 228996 23-01-91 Session Manager v1.06: Overlay version smqi106.zip 140460 23-01-91 Session Manager BBS mail reader install prog. smx330.zip 48424 06-04-94 Multi-line signatures for offline news/mail sn_300.zip 63197 07-06-95 Read and manage Usenet groups and articles sn_310.zip 67556 14-07-95 Read and manage Usenet groups and articles sn_311.zip 64331 29-08-95 Read and manage Usenet groups and articles sonr100.zip 2587 15-06-95 Simple menu-based interface for uqwk soup12.zip 13604 17-08-93 Simple Offline USENET Packet (SOUP) format 1.2 spbqwk13.zip 52178 04-03-95 Converts UUPC/extended's mailbox format to QWK speed200.zip 294436 25-06-95 SPEED v2.00: QWK-compatible database reader sxr401.zip 405944 07-06-94 Silver Express v4.01, QWK/OPX offline reader sxr401p.zip 456047 07-06-94 Silver Express v4.01, protected mode version taglines.zip 13464 20-08-94 Over 500 Taglines for Tagline Managers taglx410.zip 256667 29-10-94 Tag Line Xpress: Enhanced QWK tagline manager tagx090.zip 254261 31-12-94 Tag-X Pro v0.90 Beta: Enhanced tagline manager tagx095.zip 69870 07-01-95 Tag-X Pro v0.95 Wide Beta patch upgrade tgp_158.zip 206473 02-01-95 Taggie-Punch v1.58: Tagline manager tmnice23.zip 143601 01-03-95 Tagline Manager for offline mail readers tx2rep11.zip 21811 17-05-93 Converts text file to QWK REP mail packet uqwks04.zip 50081 05-09-95 Processes uqwk sumfiles for selected download viper200.zip 701908 18-09-94 Viper 2.0: QWK offline mail system vlite200.zip 165341 18-09-94 Viper/LITE offline mail Real Mode executables wsomr100.zip 221267 16-03-95 wsOMR v1.00: BW/QWK/SOUP offline reader yarn_084.zip 799538 25-06-95 Store/read USENET news and mail (SOUP format) yes_020.zip 349889 09-08-95 Yarn Editor Shell: Signature selection + more yutil02.zip 168722 28-07-95 Utilities for Yarn folders znews97g.zip 55363 06-07-94 ZipNews Usenet DOOR; Waffle,PCBrd,Wildcat BBSs znr093b.zip 172986 22-07-94 ZipNews Internet/Usenet reader; DOS/Unix hosts ----------------------------------------------------------- Pascal programming language-related files path: /disc2/pascal/ ----------------------------------------------------------- mystic.zip 83747 09-08-87 Interactive Pascal compiler pascsrc.zip 70047 15-01-88 Coronado's Pascal tutor v2.0, (1 of 2) pasctxt.zip 92837 15-01-88 Coronado's Pascal tutor v2.0, (2 of 2) pnl001.zip 7629 22-04-90 The Pascal Newsletter: Programming in Pascal pnl002.zip 20325 17-05-90 The Pascal NewsLetter, issue #2 pnl003.zip 43846 06-07-90 The Pascal Newsletter: Sorting, OOP in TPascal pnl004.zip 32027 04-10-90 The Pascal NewsLetter, issue #4 pnl005.zip 31826 20-12-90 The Pascal NewsLetter, issue #5 pnl006.zip 62781 18-03-91 The Pascal NewsLetter, issue #6 pnl010.zip 123648 01-03-92 The Pascal NewsLetter, issue #10, March 1992 pnlupd1.zip 965 12-01-91 Update for PNL004.ZIP Pascal NewsLetter #4 pretypas.zip 11262 08-05-93 Caps and formats reserved words in Pascal code qparser.zip 137650 17-07-87 Parses 'C' or Pascal qp_paint.zip 19057 22-05-89 OOP paint program source in QuickPascal surpas.zip 116174 21-10-87 Shareware Pascal Compiler, from Australia svgadc30.zip 32253 03-03-93 Update for the Digital Crime SVGA driver ----------------------------------------------------------- Utilities to add / edit / search DOS's path path: /disc2/pathutil/ ----------------------------------------------------------- addpath.zip 1958 06-12-87 Add directory to PATH without SET PATH= addpath1.zip 14186 14-02-89 Add directory to PATH without SET PATH= adpath23.zip 8224 15-04-92 Add/delete elements of PATH on the fly bigpath.zip 11220 15-01-88 Expand DOS's PATH chgpath.zip 5893 27-06-88 Change path (add or delete), w/C source chpath11.zip 17598 03-10-94 Extend PATH and manipulate PATH entries cpath20.zip 12496 13-04-90 Extend PATH to more than 128 characters desetp12.zip 26753 07-09-91 Shows or sets the PATH environment variable ep15.zip 16436 31-12-87 Edit DOS PATH environment variable epath1.zip 2990 13-10-88 Edit DOS PATH environment variable mp.zip 10158 30-08-92 ModPath: Modify MS-DOS search path, w/TC src pathadd.zip 8850 09-02-89 Add directory to PATH pathfind.zip 5993 02-01-90 Searches for files in DOS's PATH pathtl21.zip 49341 29-09-94 Batch edit DOS PATH environment variable savepath.zip 12473 15-08-90 Save/restote current/previous search11.zip 6076 10-10-88 Search, like PATH for program data files setpth14.zip 13461 29-03-90 Set PATH to more than 127 characters spoon1a.zip 48232 09-10-88 Spoon Path v1a: menued 4.5k TSR path extender use5.zip 8357 27-06-91 Add/delete from PATH w/o retyping entire path xpath39.zip 20525 20-10-91 Xpath 3.9, DOS Path Extender for DOS 5.0 ----------------------------------------------------------- Programs and codes featured in PC Magazine path: /disc2/pcmag/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 00_pcmag.zip 44526 01-08-95 ZIP dir listings of PC Mag. files in this dir ansi132.zip 21652 23-03-90 PC Mag update: Fast TSR ANSI.SYS replacement async4.zip 4904 29-11-87 Interrupt driven serial line terminal routines cardfl11.zip 5367 08-03-89 PcMag upd v1.1: 3x5 card file mgr, 150 cards chain_4.zip 8210 17-11-87 CHAIN function for TP4 copy.zip 12104 22-12-87 Copy utility from PC magazine dirmag2.zip 26212 01-09-88 DIRMAGIC v2.0, upgraded DR/RN/CO from PC Mag. dirmat31.zip 18093 29-09-92 PC Mag update: Compare 2 dirs, report matches extend_4.zip 12002 27-10-87 TP4 routine to open up to 252 files fifo.zip 3501 19-03-91 This file was missing from PcMag VOL10N08.ZIP gwlites.zip 6690 08-10-89 Corrected LITES.COM, with docs from PC Mag lites11.zip 4150 10-02-90 PC Mag update: LITES v1.1, w/docs from PC Mag pcdzip20.zip 48541 07-12-93 Fast free UNZIP program, with ASM source pcindx01.zip 26020 23-12-90 Index of PC Magazine files to January, 1991 pcm8890a.zip 755336 23-02-91 PC Magazine reviews index, Jan 88 - Jun 90 pcmng11a.zip 51546 21-01-90 PcMag update for VOL8N21: PCMANAGE v1.1 update pcmpr89.zip 24728 10-12-89 PCMag Productivity columns index, Jan-Dec 1989 pp704.zip 5708 26-01-88 Power Programmer files from VOL7N04.ZIP slice13.zip 10583 31-10-89 PcMag utl fix: split long files to mult. disks v7a_db.zip 45045 25-08-88 PC-Mag 1988 articles index in dBASE-III v7p_db.zip 71295 08-09-88 PC-Mag 1988 product reviews in dBASE-III vol10n01.zip 120523 28-12-90 PC Mag: MAKECLIP,MAKEFOX,INT9,BIOSDATA,PCSPOOL vol10n02.zip 123970 21-12-90 PCMag: FOXIDX,HPNOTES,LZSELECT,MOVBYTES,QPRINT vol10n03.zip 98182 19-01-91 PcMag: Clrcube,Journal,HelloPMw,PrtGrp,XLWSpec vol10n04.zip 61989 29-01-91 PcMag: CHEKCHEK,GRAPHICS,GRAYS,MBOOT,WHATCPU2 vol10n05.zip 126645 07-02-91 PcMag:2BOTH,ALTD,CALDEMO,FINDHID,TINYDOS,VGA28 vol10n06.zip 88642 22-02-91 PcMag:BOUNCE,IKE,LEAPTEST,POKEWORD,SELECT,XBUF vol10n07.zip 45811 30-03-91 PcMag: Encore,Palette,Speedsav,TBook,Unique vol10n08.zip 79459 25-03-91 PcMag: Ballgame,Cdx,Colorscr,Gammared,Unique vol10n09.zip 58595 16-04-91 PcMag:2Dir,Cmd,Navigate,PopCal,PopRpt,WinSaver vol10n10.zip 48446 29-04-91 PcMag: ANSIPROM,EDLOOP,MARKDEMO,PROGSET,PRUNE vol10n11.zip 103509 10-05-91 PcMag: CHKPATH,DELAY.BAS,DPIMEM,VIDEO,WINMEM vol10n12.zip 80654 30-05-91 PcMag: GRAYBIT,LN1012,ISKIND,PUSHDIRS,WINEXT vol10n13.zip 36632 20-06-91 PCMag: FILECTRL, GETMAXX.C, LF.BAT, MODEL.C vol10n14.zip 82780 11-07-91 PcMag:Calender,FieldSiz,Shuffl,TryVecs,WinColr vol10n15.zip 39332 09-08-91 PcMag: Strings,Power,Vectors,Shell,Parse,Capit vol10n16.zip 67037 27-08-91 PcMag: Dirany,HC,PcmFat,Readboot,Trypoint vol10n17.zip 90570 12-09-91 PcMag: ALTKEY, FFF, OWNERDRW, SAFEMOVE, WINVER vol10n18.zip 26410 01-10-91 PcMag: CFGSAVE, NOPRSCR, NOWAIT, POPDEM.PRG vol10n19.zip 67585 15-10-91 PcMag: Bigcopy,Capslk,Numfiles,Unique,Winfsr vol10n20.zip 44283 28-10-91 PcMag: AllPr,CpuType,NumLock,Recall,UMBFiles vol10n21.zip 46397 10-11-91 PcMag: Gethome,IACA,PcToday,Putfile,Reboot vol10n22.zip 97865 26-11-91 PcMag:Cdisk,Itrig,NewCMD,Record1,Static,WinNav vol11n01.zip 77516 16-12-91 PcMag: ABOUT,INKEY,LN1101,RECOR2,TRACKR,WCTEST vol11n02.zip 171189 02-01-92 PcMag: Zcopy,PcRemot2,KeyCode,MapWin,Record3 vol11n03.zip 31029 14-01-92 PcMag: 386step,Addit,Altpause,Prready,Qbmenu vol11n04.zip 143403 06-02-92 PcMag: ADDSYNTH,SCREEN.CPP,SHOWDUPE,WINDOW.CPP vol11n05.zip 43280 13-02-92 PcMag: DD.SC, OPENSPEC.XLA, REBOOT.BAS, WINPTR vol11n06.zip 49564 25-02-92 PcMag: CLRPRI, MIDIDE, PCDICT, PCUNZP, TRYALT vol11n07.zip 47613 18-03-92 PcMag: BachTo, DOSclip, Demo6, SWrite vol11n08.zip 85600 03-04-92 PcMag: DOW, FIELD.BAS, KBMIDI, WPRINT vol11n09.zip 224131 23-04-92 PcMag: BackDown,DateTime,Drum,DrumDll,InWin vol11n10.zip 36488 04-05-92 PcMag: Binary.bas,SaveMac,Swap,Sprint,Winmode vol11n11.zip 322434 20-05-92 PcMag: MC,BINSCH,ENVSIZE.LABNOT,RDUMP,DLGDEMO2 vol11n12.zip 72277 08-06-92 PcMag: DLGDemo3,Filespec,Ini,Modechk,WinStart vol11n13.zip 96151 23-06-92 PcMag: InCtrl,MidVue,Serial,StrBrk,FileReco vol11n14.zip 140906 15-07-92 PcMag: BadApp,ClipStac,FindFile,MidBuf,WinClip vol11n15.zip 73308 05-08-92 PcMag: GetClip,PutClip,MidiRec,Redd,SysMon vol11n16.zip 54080 29-09-92 PcMag: BadApp3,ClipServ,Soundex,ToTop,WinClip vol11n17.zip 76541 24-09-92 PcMag: Bugs,Midpla,Renver,Saveno,Winapp vol11n18.zip 106266 27-10-92 PcMag: Altpause,Filedlg,Hexview,Randfi,Wtime vol11n19.zip 227610 15-10-92 PcMag:Cddemo,Digit,Hexview,Midfil,Time,Ustring vol11n20.zip 182767 04-11-92 PcMag: CDplay,Disket,LN1120,NTS1,UMB_HE,Virt80 vol11n21.zip 73910 12-11-92 PcMag: AltPause,Fontli,Incenv,Mlprin,Mono vol11n22.zip 110199 30-11-92 PcMag: Dvorak,Hdlock,Nts2,Strings2 vol12n01.zip 114870 17-12-92 PcMag: Group,Lcase,Memcle,Setmac,Sysmo2,WinTid vol12n02.zip 84092 02-01-93 PcMag: Bitfon,Change,Newobj,Procmo,Seegrf vol12n03.zip 95272 15-01-93 PcMag:Bitfont2,Exelook,Getpass,Rclick,Sysicons vol12n04.zip 73094 26-01-93 PcMag: Defrag,Enlab,Findfi,N2W,Setver,Split vol12n05.zip 50751 11-02-93 PcMag: Daysuf,Justif,Number,Pc-Set,Nxtkey vol12n06.zip 67378 02-03-93 PcMag: BootPw,Boot2c,Capfir,Getlen,Ftr,Outfon vol12n07.zip 81304 13-04-93 PcMag: Delkey, Fntprn, Fsr, Olf, Winapp, With vol12n08.zip 159575 09-04-93 PcMag: RoCopy, Ask, Olfdem, Match, Env, Wincmd vol12n09.zip 103478 25-04-93 PcMag:Bropik,Dowgj,Exehlp,Memcom,Olfref,Winfun vol12n10.zip 67505 07-05-93 PcMag: Endjoi,Input,Paths,Pikprn,Verbos,Wclib vol12n11.zip 204341 13-05-93 PcMag: About,Animator,BcDemo,EatDisk,Olf,QbDos vol12n12.zip 58447 12-06-93 PcMag: Eval, PrtScr.PRG, Pecho, PcmCvt vol12n13.zip 93798 24-06-93 PcMag: Find,ShutDn,WipeDe,MovChr,ShiftK,ExeLoo vol12n14.zip 134834 17-07-93 PcMag: Commen, Commom, DemoAp, FindEx, Beep vol12n15.zip 214506 28-09-93 PcMag: BuildM,BuildW,DemoDl,Multi,Trash,BtnGo vol12n16.zip 89068 25-08-93 PcMag: PrnEch,Sync,XMS,YesNo.BAT,Pe.BAT,Findir vol12n17.zip 72376 11-09-93 PcMag: BigJob,ClosePa,DateMa,Hk,Jkeyde,Slim2 vol12n18.zip 1196430 29-09-93 PcMag: AltAdd,Echo,Foned1,FoneWo,FonSrc,Meter vol12n19.zip 87704 12-10-93 PcMag: Blinde, DrvAsm, Drvload, FilCdr vol12n20.zip 87766 27-10-93 PcMag: Aedit,DelayT,Email,EscMen,Menus,Unicha vol12n21.zip 70936 24-11-93 PCMag: bootti,montor,pagnum,seqprt,unityp vol12n22.zip 72608 30-11-93 PCMag: d2jul,dllacc,fonpix,numprn,qpath,winasm vol13n01.zip 70223 09-12-93 PCMag: cdd,intloo,ln,norepe,pcdz,slowit vol13n02.zip 55320 28-12-93 PCMag: ck,cosuse,inform,umb,winclip vol13n03.zip 207621 08-02-94 PcMag: Brush,Dialog,Form,Ordsuf,Testva,Vulcan vol13n04.zip 148694 13-01-94 PcMag: Confix,Dater,NtPath,Vidtes,Winapi vol13n05.zip 122220 14-02-94 PcMag:Count,NewMac,PathOp,SevPay,ThinDi,TmtoGg vol13n06.zip 116630 05-03-94 PcMag: Update, ExitWin, WinVer vol13n07.zip 132420 31-03-94 PcMag: Peruse, DocTrak, TestCm, DialIt, PathRg vol13n08.zip 302698 13-04-94 PcMag: DiskPie, Name, FontSrt, MaxWin vol13n09.zip 123849 13-04-94 PCMag: IniBak,TsrMem,VM,CdxCod,NtxFor,MovieP vol13n10.zip 65487 01-05-94 PcMag: Switcher, Xflt, Vtutor, Rever vol13n11.zip 42719 24-05-94 PcMag: WinPrn, AtoTol vol13n12.zip 130525 08-06-94 PCMag: WCL2, WPHEAD, EZFONT vol13n13.zip 137474 23-06-94 PCMag:WINCRYPT,ENVSIZ,VIGENC,TESTXC,DELDLG,etc vol13n14.zip 70884 19-07-94 PcMag: LAPNAP, STACKM, QUIKCO, NETMES, EMF1 vol13n15.zip 58935 22-08-94 PcMag: EMF2, KTODAY, CAPITA, ALLPAP, CMOSPC vol13n16.zip 76212 24-08-94 PcMag: AUTOPA.BAT,MYGRPS.ZIP,P.ZIP,TOOLTP.XLS vol13n17.zip 45306 19-09-94 PcMag: CDXCOD,EMF3,FILTER,PRFORM,WIPEZ,WPNTR vol13n18.zip 50164 08-10-94 PcMag: ALTPMO, AUDIO, EMF567, PASTE, SNDPAS vol13n19.zip 67364 25-10-94 PcMag: DELDLG,EMF9,HOOKAP,SERIAL,WDPERM.XLS vol13n20.zip 47587 03-11-94 PcMag: CONTAI, FIXPAR.BAT, PCMKEY, STACKC vol13n21.zip 111419 14-11-94 PcMag: AVHELP, BLT, EDITHE.PRG, EMF12, FDDLLS vol13n22.zip 45682 30-11-94 PcMag: GENCRT, SCHED, SEHDUMP, VPRTSC, WORDSC vol14n01.zip 13351 12-12-94 PcMag: COLORS,SHRED,CDD,TRYCOLOR,1PROG,TILE vol14n02.zip 35038 05-01-95 PcMag: DATETI, ONCEAD, WHATCP, PLICON vol14n03.zip 176097 09-01-95 PcMag: TAPECS,TAPECA,TAPEC2,RTF,FILLEN,CLEARE vol14n04.zip 98525 21-01-95 PcMag: AUTOPA,TESTCO,CP,DKDLL,DKICK,BUTTON vol14n05.zip 78395 13-02-95 PcMag: PKDOZI,VP,ULCASE,TABLE1,PPV14N,DEFEDI vol14n06.zip 104919 28-03-95 PcMag:1MBF,ALACARTE,DCOUNT,MSGPUM,SOLTR,WPROMP vol14n07.zip 103407 06-04-95 PcMag: BLNKWP,EXCONV,EXEPRO,SPAD vol14n08.zip 31676 31-03-95 PcMag: AGE,EXEPRO,MMDD,NOBAT,SYSCAP vol14n09.zip 29763 12-04-95 PcMag: DIALER,GUITN,GUITN,GUITSC,PECHO vol14n10.zip 49937 15-05-95 PcMag: PS, SaveIt, TicTac vol14n11.zip 274276 22-05-95 PcMag: COA, HTML vol14n12.zip 227446 27-06-95 PcMag: ChkDrv, IconJa, NSF vol14n13.zip 308839 23-06-95 PcMag: FHUNT, HACC, SAVE1, SAVE2, CMPDAT.BAT vol14n14.zip 217912 13-07-95 PcMag: 2new,DiskSp,Invoi,TryMet,Wcomp,WebDb vol3n25.zip 7268 13-12-87 PC Magazine: NPAD vol4n22.zip 6164 13-12-87 PC Magazine: VTREE vol4n23.zip 1904 13-12-87 PC Magazine: PSET vol4n24.zip 16217 13-12-87 PC Magazine: SWEEP, WAITASEC vol5n03.zip 7406 13-12-87 PC Magazine: DOS-EDIT vol5n04.zip 6921 13-12-87 PC Magazine: FDA, KBM vol5n12.zip 14159 13-12-87 PC Magazine: SETUP vol5n13.zip 10032 13-12-87 PC Magazine: DCRUNCH, DSTRIP, STATLINE vol5n16.zip 7710 13-12-87 PC Magazine: XDEL vol5n17.zip 11030 30-07-87 PC Magazine: POP-CAL vol5n18.zip 7916 13-12-87 PC Magazine: VISITYPE vol5n19.zip 6475 13-12-87 PC Magazine: CHANGE vol5n20.zip 5884 13-12-87 PC Magazine: SUGGEST vol5n21.zip 12356 13-12-87 PC Magazine: DISKPREP vol5n22.zip 7810 13-12-87 PC Magazine: FREEZE vol6n01.zip 14223 13-12-87 PC Magazine: DIREX vol6n02.zip 24634 13-12-87 PC Magazine: DIRCOMP, PARSE, SCANDIR vol6n03.zip 18299 13-12-87 PC Magazine: CHECK, POSARRAY, TIMEKEY vol6n04.zip 12104 13-12-87 PC Magazine: SEARCH vol6n05.zip 16211 13-12-87 PCMag: ASC, FASTOFF, FFEED, NOREPEAT, THREECOM vol6n06.zip 11966 13-12-87 PC Magazine: COPYSAFE vol6n07.zip 23234 13-12-87 PC Magazine: ENVCOUNT, READENV, TESTENV, XDIR vol6n15.zip 27176 29-07-87 PC Magazine Volume 6 Number 15 vol6n16.zip 40006 11-08-87 Volume 6, Issue #16 of PC Magazine - programs vol6n17.zip 30749 08-09-87 PC MAG Utilities With Source Code - CARDFILE vol6n18.zip 13446 17-09-87 PC magazine utilities volume 6 no. 18 vol6n19.zip 12684 23-09-87 PC Mag's utils: SAFARI, CTYPE, etc. vol6n20.zip 102162 16-10-87 PC Magazine - Volume 6, No. 20 vol6n21.zip 33370 26-10-87 PC Magazine - CO, EGAINFO vol6n22.zip 13294 16-11-87 PC Magazine - PRN2FILE vol7n01.zip 23810 16-11-87 PC Mag CAPTURE and HELP TSRs vol7n02.zip 33900 14-12-87 PC Magazine Utils - PAINT PUTENV TP4 vol7n03.zip 16917 16-02-88 PC Magazine - LANDPAGE, PORTPAGE, PP703, RUN vol7n04.inf 188 16-06-91 Why PC Mag VOL7N04 is not distributed (ASPRN) vol7n05.zip 23661 08-04-88 PC Mag: ASPRN version 1.2 (4/88) w/bug fix vol7n06.zip 28395 29-03-88 PC Mag: Progrmrs TSR Calc, Program/misc files vol7n07.zip 19227 12-04-88 PC Magazine Vol7 no. 7 files inc. TOUCH.COM vol7n08.zip 19050 26-04-88 PC Magazine - STAYDOWN, MEM512, WAKEUP, etc. vol7n09.zip 22135 17-05-88 PC Magazine - RECORDER, DUMP, TRYTD.C, TD.C vol7n10.zip 16904 31-05-88 PC Magazine - TOGGLE, INFO, RHCTRL, TD, TRYTD vol7n11.zip 19872 14-06-88 PC Magazine - COMPARE, SCANTD, TRYSTD vol7n12.zip 30863 28-06-88 PC Magazine - ALLKEYS, 'C' and Pascal vol7n13.zip 25758 01-07-88 PcMag coprces,dwnload,enadr,merge,qfn,SETMODE vol7n14.zip 33337 01-08-88 PC Magazine - 8/88 (RAMVIEW) vol7n15.zip 79499 13-09-88 PC Magazine - Volume 7, Number 15 vol7n16.zip 32089 27-09-88 PC Mag Vol7#16: MAKEBAS, QSORTI, TRYQSI vol7n17.zip 53092 11-10-88 PC Mag Vol7#17: Hard disk DCACHE w/ASM etc. vol7n18.zip 42141 31-10-88 PC Mag Vol7#18: Adjustable EMS ramdisk, etc. vol7n19.zip 35631 15-11-88 PC Mag Vol7#19: TED, PMHELLO, PAGEDEMO vol7n20.zip 27705 29-11-88 PC Mag Vol7#20: CONFIG etc. w/sources vol7n21.zip 89542 08-11-88 PC Mag Vol7#21: LOG, Write, Ansi etc w/source vol7n22.zip 43041 22-11-88 PC Mag Vol7#22: ENVELOPE etc w/sources vol8n01.zip 26281 17-01-89 PcMag BCOPY,dirtree,execdemo,exp,import,noise vol8n02.zip 44617 21-12-88 PcMag ANSI,default,pp802,touchw,trytd,used vol8n03.zip 25886 14-02-89 PcMag doclist,pcprint,rcopy,SMOOTH,timebmb,tso vol8n04.zip 35305 29-01-89 PcMag chkuser,getfkey,login,ZCOPY,newexist vol8n05.zip 19974 07-02-89 PcMag blkrd,delay,LITES,mve,relog,rline,scrub vol8n06.zip 32705 16-02-89 PcMag bsearch,dskinf,netrcv/snd,timeline,MONO vol8n07.zip 30560 06-03-89 PcMag align,LASERLST,maxram,srchixf,string1 vol8n08.zip 18337 20-03-89 PcMag COLORS,loader,makehash,mousctl,srchhash vol8n09.zip 47707 03-04-89 PcMag ansimode,moudemo*,SLICE/SPLIT,substdot vol8n10.zip 21237 24-04-89 PcMag de,del,realcomp,SETUP2,unde vol8n11.zip 20053 05-05-89 PcMag COLORextmem,shwxmem,voltst,wintst,inishw vol8n12.zip 46792 05-04-89 Volume 8 number 12 of the PC Magazine utils vol8n13.zip 15353 05-06-89 Volume 8 number 13 of the PC Magazine utils vol8n14.zip 28957 29-06-89 PC Magazine volume 8 number 14, CHKFRAG vol8n15.zip 26855 10-09-89 PCMag - DCopy, DisPPS, PMASC, WriteVar, PP815 vol8n16.zip 41885 21-08-89 PC Magazine utilities, volume 8, number 16 vol8n17.zip 30275 10-09-89 PCMag - BrkState,ComSet,Dimmer,Flags,Os2Term vol8n18.zip 58784 20-09-89 PcMag ArgC/V,Fax,Menu,ScrnDump,GrafPath,*.WPM vol8n19.zip 45767 05-10-89 PcMg 1STCLAS,COURIER,DMUL/DIV386,BEZIR,RSPATH vol8n20.zip 26398 20-10-89 PCMgDEBUGSCR,FINDENV,POPMENU,CURSOR,RED,WAIT10 vol8n21.zip 44792 01-11-89 PCMag CASE.WKS,CHG,EDITOR.BAS,PCMANAGE,TEXTCOM vol8n22.zip 40888 13-11-89 PcMag alias bckup jmp log netadd/num srchdel vol9n01.zip 30619 28-11-89 PcMag ATDT.BAT,CHECKCOM.BAT,PCREMOTE,INIT87 vol9n02.zip 53825 18-12-89 PC Magazine utilities, BATCHMAN vol9n03.zip 136408 05-01-90 PCMag FASTRUN,MIRDIR,NOVIRUS,SCANSYS,XALL vol9n04.zip 170801 22-01-90 PCMgCENCEN,GPOKER,PLAYFISH,POKER,TPOKER,VPOKER vol9n05.zip 23848 07-02-90 PCMag: ANSIHERE, ANSIX, NEEDANSI, TRYFTRIG vol9n06.zip 65783 22-02-90 PC Magazine utilities: PRINTCAL, SCHEDULE vol9n07.zip 64311 09-03-90 PCMag PcAccess,Killer,NoPause,HeapBug,Cursor vol9n08.zip 36377 26-03-90 PCMgEDITDEMO,PRINTCAL,SHOWEA,KBBUFFER,TYPEFAST vol9n09.zip 53871 04-04-90 PCMag GETPUTEA,POP/PUSHPATH,SETEA,WHEREIS,PAN vol9n10.zip 89633 28-04-90 PCMag:THREADS1,COMPUTE,NUMBERS,PARAVIEW,PRSTAT vol9n11.zip 27186 09-05-90 PCMag: MEMMAP2,SE.BAT,SED.BAT,SWAP.BAT,THREADS vol9n12.zip 66260 23-05-90 PC Mag: DIRANY,DBLOOK,SECURITY,THREADS3,PRUNE vol9n13.zip 58194 07-06-90 PC Mag: ACTMENU,PMMANDEL,PMVIEW,WHATCPU,YESNO vol9n14.zip 57532 28-07-90 PcMag: BAT2EXEC,CLICK,RECONFIG,WC,ZIPNGO vol9n15.zip 32587 12-08-90 PcMag: ALTP,CONCEAL,EXECUTE,MEDIAN,ONPATH vol9n16.zip 100185 15-08-90 PcMag: CMDEDIT,METAFILE,NWORDS.PRG,SYSLOCK vol9n17.zip 49157 29-08-90 PcMag: METACLIP,PCBOOK,SHFTLOCK,TRUE,WHATNDP vol9n18.zip 60542 24-09-90 PcMag: DIRDEL,METAFILE,MV.BAS,PMCARD,PREVENT vol9n19.zip 40589 28-10-90 PcMag: Altz,Fieldlen,Filebuf,Repl,Sbox,Wsmooth vol9n20.zip 61875 19-10-90 PcMag: ALTP2,DRVRDY,PCSORT,RGNAME,TESTDRVA vol9n21.zip 238611 25-11-90 PcMag: Bright,Dg,Prism-VGA palette edit/load vol9n22.zip 44018 03-12-90 PcMag: Ctrtext,Glass,Highlite,Winsrc,Winwhere ----------------------------------------------------------- Programs and codes featured in PC Tech Journal path: /disc2/pctech/ ----------------------------------------------------------- aug86.zip 105119 17-07-87 PC Tech Journal pgms from Aug 1986 issue bestof.zip 108637 06-04-88 Selection of 'Best of PC Tech Journal' progs feb88.zip 35024 17-12-87 Program Files from PC-TECH Journal. Feb 1988 hlexec.zip 245772 10-09-88 High Level system performance benchmarks hlsrc.zip 45465 10-09-88 Source for High Level performance benchmarks pctech.zip 75259 02-12-87 'Best of PCTJ' utility programs pctj1188.zip 32022 12-12-88 PC Tech Journal CRT utility pgms w/source pctj1288.zip 3903 17-10-88 PC Tech Journal 'C' queue use demo pgm ----------------------------------------------------------- Programs and codes featured in PC Techniques Magazine path: /disc2/pctecniq/ ----------------------------------------------------------- pctv1n1.zip 79366 04-05-90 PC Techniques magazine listings, Apr 90/May 90 pctv1n2.zip 28802 15-06-90 PC Techniques magazine listings, Jun 90/Jul 90 pctv1n3.zip 27242 01-08-90 PC Techniques magazine listings, Aug 90/Sep 90 pctv1n4.zip 26953 13-09-90 PC Techniques magazine listings, Oct 90/Nov 90 pctv1n5.zip 34190 06-11-90 PC Techniques magazine listings, Dec 90/Jan 91 pctv1n6.zip 38738 21-01-91 PC Techniques magazine listings, Feb 91/Mar 91 pctv2n1.zip 33349 26-03-91 PC Techniques magazine listings, Apr 91/May 91 pctv2n2.zip 32005 03-06-91 PC Techniques magazine listings, Jun 91/Jul 91 pctv2n3.zip 25406 16-07-91 PC Techniques magazine listings, Aug 91/Sep 91 pctv2n4.zip 23330 12-09-91 PC Techniques magazine listings, Oct 91/Nov 91 pctv2n5.zip 175891 22-11-91 PC Techniques magazine listings, Dec 91/Jan 92 pctv2n6.zip 32965 20-01-92 PC Techniques magazine listings, Feb 92/Mar 92 pctv3n1.zip 58505 23-03-92 PC Techniques magazine listings, Apr 92/May 92 pctv3n2.zip 48092 02-06-92 PC Techniques magazine listings, Jun 92/Jul 92 pctv3n3.zip 92040 20-07-92 PC Techniques magazine listings, Aug 92/Sep 92 pctv3n4.zip 94274 19-10-92 PC Techniques magazine listings, Oct 92/Nov 92 pctv3n5.zip 156418 30-11-92 PC Techniques magazine listings, Dec 92/Jan 93 pctv3n6.zip 326466 20-01-93 PC Techniques magazine listings, Feb 93/Mar 93 pctv4n1.zip 165949 16-03-93 PC Techniques magazine listings, Apr 93/May 93 pctv4n2.zip 52761 05-05-93 PC Techniques magazine listings, Jun 93/Jul 93 pctv4n3.zip 44817 12-07-93 PC Techniques magazine listings, Aug 93/Sep 93 pctv4n4.zip 65874 22-09-93 PC Techniques magazine listings, Oct 93/Nov 93 pctv4n5.zip 682560 29-11-93 PC Techniques magazine listings, Dec 93/Jan 94 pctv4n6.zip 176494 10-01-94 PC Techniques magazine listings, Feb 94/Mar 94 pctv5n1.zip 78324 20-03-94 PC Techniques magazine listings, Apr 94/May 94 pctv5n2.zip 80438 10-05-94 PC Techniques magazine listings, Jun 94/Jul 94 pctv5n3.zip 93157 12-07-94 PC Techniques magazine listings, Aug 94/Sep 94 pctv5n4.zip 338003 12-10-94 PC Techniques magazine listings, Oct 94/Nov 94 pctv5n5.zip 145476 22-11-94 PC Techniques magazine listings, Dec 94/Jan 95 pctv5n6.zip 134474 18-01-95 PC Techniques magazine listings, Feb 95/Mar 95 pctv6n1.zip 361186 24-03-95 PC Techniques magazine listings, Apr 95/May 95 pctv6n2.zip 714111 19-05-95 PC Techniques magazine listings, Jun 95/Jul 95 pctv6n3.zip 416477 24-07-95 PC Techniques magazine listings, Aug 95/Sep 95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Programs and codes featured in PCVR Magazine path: /disc2/pcvrmag/ ----------------------------------------------------------- pcvr14.zip 437819 24-03-94 Software listings from PCVR Magazine Issue 14 pcvr15.zip 629723 10-04-94 Software listings from PCVR Magazine Issue 15 pcvr16.zip 694217 11-06-94 Software listings from PCVR Magazine Issue 16 ----------------------------------------------------------- MS-DOS port of the Perl programming language path: /disc2/perl/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bperl4s1.zip 438862 26-10-94 32-bit Perl 4.0pl36 w/VM & Win supt. (src 1/3) bperl4s2.zip 460563 26-10-94 32-bit Perl 4.0pl36 w/VM & Win supt. (src 2/3) bperl4s3.zip 435143 26-10-94 32-bit Perl 4.0pl36 w/VM & Win supt. (src 3/3) bperl4x.zip 487401 26-10-94 32-bit Perl 4.0pl36 w/VM & Win 3.1 supt. (exe) digest.pl 2962 02-12-92 Perl pgm breaks news digest to individual msgs ngperl10.zip 187939 28-02-93 Norton Guides database for PERL419X.ZIP perl4019.zip 196592 05-03-92 UNIX-based scripting lang. replaces sh/awk/sed perl419x.zip 435725 23-02-92 Len Reed's port of Unix Perl v4.19 ptch19.zip 116582 23-02-92 Len Reed's patch set to make perl 4.19 ----------------------------------------------------------- Programming utilities path: /disc2/pgmutil/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 2obj110.zip 53152 19-09-94 Converts binary files directly to OBJ files 6811ev30.zip 96861 28-04-95 68HC11 eval. & debugging tool. Req. 68HC11 bison111.zip 244323 16-11-90 Bison v1.11, yacc-compatible parser generator byacc19.zip 97329 23-12-93 Berkeley YACC v1.9 for MS-DOS, w/C src & docs colorgen.zip 33541 17-11-94 Programmer's tool to generate colors on VGA cpe41.zip 61336 17-10-89 Integrated editor/compiler/linker environment cxref.zip 14189 23-08-87 C and Pascal cross-referencer docz16.zip 722751 21-04-94 CZ v1.6: Programmer's code documentation tool dwrk11j.zip 162574 02-04-94 Demo Workshop 1.1j: Demo and tutorial maker elan.zip 155978 17-03-89 Elan v1.5: A programming environment exec23.zip 25977 12-10-90 EXEC or spawn function with pgm swap to EMS exec33b.zip 96731 29-11-93 Exec function for C and TP w/swap to EMS/XMS ezcase17.zip 247545 02-03-90 Computer Aided Software Engineering tool DEMO facd12.zip 69514 14-01-95 Facade v1.2: PCX splashscreen display idtag.zip 14290 16-01-90 Cvt text file to OBJ for linking to executable inasm101.zip 28029 04-04-92 Inline opcode generator for TP/Logitech-Modula irun12.zip 95119 19-03-95 Image::Runner v1.2: PCX display util. for apps jrcpp.zip 204552 28-03-90 V1.00B ANSI C Macro Preprocessor for OS2/DOS makedep2.zip 18392 26-05-95 Makefile dependency generator for NMAKE makeobj.zip 9059 21-06-88 Cvt data file to OBJ for linking to executable mide28.zip 160459 16-06-95 Microcontroller Integrated Dev. Environment mmd100.zip 68114 19-09-94 MegaDebugger: Small, fast & powerful debugger ngascii.zip 3766 08-01-93 ASCII table in Norton Guide .NG format objer90.zip 21365 22-08-91 Convert any file to linkable .OBJ file format pcrob141.zip 111329 07-01-93 Learn programming by writing robot programs pctags1.zip 176615 02-10-89 MS-DOS & OS/2 source code retrieval system pc_ipc.zip 51432 23-11-89 Inter-Process Comm: Pass info between programs pew2_1.zip 490781 19-09-92 Estelle Protocol Engineering Workbench, v2.1 rcs567s.zip 759263 01-05-95 Revision Control System for text files, source rcs567x.zip 1499445 01-05-95 Revision Control System for text files EXE/doc regkey30.zip 327614 20-03-94 Registration Key system for C/C++/Pascal/BASIC rpgmu10.zip 158530 19-05-93 Ricki's miscellanous utilities (filters) sl101a.zip 90000 29-06-95 SLINK: Link-editor for high-level languages smut100.zip 50391 14-03-91 Software control system handles multiple users switch22.zip 38952 04-02-89 Swap to disk or EMS from within ASM, C, Pascal tags15.zip 195742 17-10-91 Comprehensive Tags Generator for C/C++, ASM trace27.zip 78726 01-10-94 Trace MS-DOS system calls tsbase12.zip 28740 13-03-93 Progrmr's tools base: base, basecalc, scancode tshw12.zip 148738 04-02-95 Trade::Show v1.2a: PCX sequencer for demos val_link.zip 132966 19-02-89 Troendle's VAL experimental linker, w/C source vser11.zip 45344 02-03-95 Visible::Serialization v1.1: serialize .exe's ----------------------------------------------------------- Crynwr packet drivers and related programs path: /disc2/pktdrvr/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 00_pktdr.zip 3632 05-02-95 ZIP dir lists of packet drvr files in this dir dis_pkt9.zip 32401 03-11-91 Packet driver that runs over an NDIS driver exp16116.zip 86274 20-05-94 Crynwr v11.6 Intel EtherExpress 16 packet drvr ipxtcpip.zip 26845 13-07-91 Configuration help for Novell IPXPKT users mudcal23.zip 78359 19-10-93 MUD-telnet client. Uses Crynwr packet drivers novell.zip 26313 29-04-89 BYU's packet driver IPX (tried and true) pcg3.zip 197326 24-05-93 PC Gopher client, uses Crynwr packet drivers pcip_pkt.zip 381526 08-01-90 CMU PCIP TCP/IP for use with Crynwr drivers pdether.zip 29144 01-11-91 ODI driver that runs over ethernet packet drvr pdipx103.zip 15463 28-09-92 Packet driver shell by Intel for NetWare pdtst217.zip 118800 08-04-94 Network tester & sets PC clock from LAN t-serv pktd11.zip 435566 22-11-93 Crynwr v11.x packet drivers executables & docs pktd11a.zip 326297 22-11-93 Crynwr v11.x packet drivers source, part 1of2 pktd11b.zip 344992 22-11-93 Crynwr v11.x packet drivers source, part 2of2 pktd11c.zip 81968 14-12-93 Crynwr v11.x packet drivers update pktdrvtp.zip 64577 08-10-93 Crynwr packet driver interface for TPascal 7.0 pktmx12h.zip 71101 16-02-94 PKTMUX: Multiple TCP/IP programs under DV/Win3 popml322.zip 270088 28-05-93 POPMail: TCP/IP email, use Crynwr pkt drivers ppppkt06.zip 22265 21-03-95 Novell ODI SLIP_PPP to packet driver shim slippr15.zip 14718 15-01-94 TCP/IP packet drivers for serial SLIP & CSLIP slipr15d.zip 17354 08-02-94 U of Minn SLIP package docs and install info slx10.zip 56615 28-08-94 SLX_RZK: Serial line class 1 packet driver stati10.zip 22537 11-09-94 PKT-STAT v1.0: Statistical network monitoring stlnt100.zip 62386 21-12-94 STelnet 1.00:Telnet client for the serial port talk_13.zip 56953 06-04-94 Unix-compatible talk pgm, uses Crynwr driver telnetd.zip 29509 03-12-91 Remote telnet login to PC console via TCP/IP trmp106b.zip 440432 08-09-93 NNTP Usenet news reader. Uses Crynwr drivers umslip24.zip 96101 02-05-94 U of Minnesota SLIP packet driver and dialer ----------------------------------------------------------- Plotting programs and utilities path: /disc2/plot/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 3dbas03.zip 5121 01-08-89 BASICA pgm plots z=f(x,y) in three dimensions 3df.zip 26242 21-04-91 3D func. plot displays F(x,y) ortho proj,w/src 3dgraph.zip 86755 03-05-91 2d/3d plotting program with printer capability 3dplot02.zip 105985 03-08-89 Standalone 3D plot interpreter, w/TurboC src 3d_plot.for 8729 18-01-88 Plots a surface using Plot 10 commands airf2_02.zip 95348 12-12-92 Manipulate/edit/plot airfoil curves, v2.02 bike31.zip 13962 21-02-88 Bicycle gearing calculator cgplt.zip 67780 17-07-87 Plot graphs (CGA) chart13.zip 54941 06-12-87 Screen print bar line graph cyclo.zip 50747 11-08-92 Cycloid mathematical plotter with GUI dataplt1.zip 96647 26-05-94 Scatter, Spline & Curve Fit plot prog w/GUI fcnplt41.zip 100935 06-11-90 Rectangular/polar/data online function plotter gpt35doc.zip 600211 24-09-93 PostScript documentation for gnuplot 3.5 gpt35exe.zip 552855 27-09-93 gnuplot 3.5: 2D/3D plots of data & fcns gpt35src.zip 741018 24-09-93 Complete source of gnuplot 3.5 gpt35win.zip 420070 27-09-93 MS Windows GUI version of gnuplot 3.5 grafdemo.zip 89651 29-03-89 Graphics plotting pgm v1.0, functional demo grphca27.zip 295734 16-07-94 Graphica: System for drawing scientific graphs lg_doc1.zip 69792 10-11-90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 1of10 lg_doc2.zip 217640 10-11-90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 2of10 lg_doc3.zip 137738 10-11-90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 3of10 lg_doc4.zip 159732 10-11-90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 4of10 lg_doc5.zip 70570 10-11-90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 5of10 lg_doc6.zip 147149 10-11-90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 6of10 lg_exe1.zip 172492 10-11-90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 7of10 lg_exe2.zip 194230 10-11-90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 8of10 lg_exe3.zip 152742 10-11-90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 9of10 lg_exe4.zip 247343 10-11-90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 10of10 lg_read.me 6582 12-11-90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector pkg. info mathpl36.zip 122071 26-02-95 Mathplot v3.6: Math function plotting mgvga443.zip 127601 19-03-93 Master-Graph v4.43: 2D graph plotter (req VGA) mvis.zip 54707 01-07-91 Function plot of an elipse from a 2x2 matrix piper10.zip 58047 19-01-93 Plot Piper diagrams using HP-GL/2 commands plot3d_a.zip 71416 18-06-91 3D surfaces in any coord system, with TC src plot61.zip 62650 07-09-90 CGA/VGA 2d function plotter plotd13a.zip 67438 23-04-93 PlotData v1.3a: A plotter with analyzing data prtgl152.zip 274558 22-12-94 Output HPGL files on laser/ink/matrix LPT, CRT ravutl10.zip 28594 17-11-93 Ravitz Utilities v1.03 supports PrintGL rk_plot.zip 61000 13-05-91 Renders z=f(x,y) plot with hidden line removal sfplot1b.zip 3927 23-05-91 BASICA pgm plots f(latitude,longitude) in 3D splot57.zip 131016 26-01-90 Screen Plot, two & three-dimension via prntr. triplt22.zip 64008 26-01-93 Plot ternary diagrams using HP-GL/2 commands trjmkr.zip 248079 09-09-92 High precision trajectory generator & plotter usamap2.zip 59868 25-09-87 US Map calculates distance - CGA wlplt259.zip 287778 02-03-95 WL-Plot 2.59 mathematical function plotter wplot.zip 148161 30-07-94 Windows plotting and curve fitting software xygrf01b.zip 65210 21-11-93 Simple plotting pgm for on-line data viewing ----------------------------------------------------------- Utilities for viewing / printing PostScript files path: /disc2/postscrp/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 24avantg.zip 94078 25-11-91 Font for GS24: AvantGuarde 24bookmn.zip 84350 25-11-91 Font for GS24: Bookman 24chartr.zip 177811 25-11-91 Font for GS24: Charter 24courer.zip 334417 05-10-91 Fonts for GS24: Courier/Bold/Italic/BoldItalic 24courob.zip 104315 25-11-91 Fonts for GS24: Courier Oblique/BoldOblique 24helvtc.zip 213418 25-11-91 Font for GS24: Helvetica 24hershy.zip 68636 03-02-92 Font for GS24: Hershey 24paltno.zip 97788 25-11-91 Font for GS24: Palatino 24schlbk.zip 208904 25-11-91 Font for GS24: NewCentrySchlbk 24symbls.zip 91220 29-12-91 Fonts for GS24: Symbols, ZaphDingbats 24times.zip 206954 25-11-91 Font for GS24: Times 24utopia.zip 197775 03-10-91 Font for GS24: Utopia 24zaphc.zip 193716 09-04-92 Zaph chancery fonts for Ghostscript 25chartr.zip 161401 26-05-92 Charter font for GhostScript v2.5 25courer.zip 217149 26-05-92 Courier font for GhostScript v2.5 25utopia.zip 141396 26-05-92 Utopia font for GhostScript v2.5 26urwfnt.zip 184909 16-05-93 URW Nimbus, Grotesk, Antiqua fonts for GS v2.6 2_up111.zip 28525 13-03-93 Prints two 66 line pages on one A4 page amaze10.zip 3196 08-03-93 PostScript file creates random maze on printer ascii_ps.zip 47962 10-05-90 Converts ASCII-to-PostScript, w/QuickBasic src calendar.ps 9161 20-07-92 PostScript file to print calendar chn2psv3.zip 907607 21-01-93 Chinese to PostScript (2 pages on 1 sheet) chpsf301.zip 91087 25-03-92 Adobe Type 1 Fonts of some Chinese characters cvarg101.zip 21018 13-12-94 Convert old style PCPS arguments to new style dvips554.zip 593036 07-03-94 Convert a TeX DVI file to PostScript, v5.54 dvipssrc.zip 630337 07-03-94 Sources for dvips v5.54 etsr301.zip 179382 21-10-92 Epson MX80-to-PostScript printer translator gs261286.zip 212321 12-06-93 Ghostscript v2.6.1, EXE for 286 machines gs261386.zip 404426 12-06-93 Ghostscript v2.6.1, 386/486 EXE w/extended mem gs261ini.zip 336096 29-07-93 Ghostscript v2.6.1, required files + examples gs261sr1.zip 355184 29-05-93 Ghostscript v2.6.1 source files, 1 of 4 gs261sr2.zip 354246 28-05-93 Ghostscript v2.6.1 source files, 2 of 4 gs261sr3.zip 355871 29-05-93 Ghostscript v2.6.1 source files, 3 of 4 gs261sr4.zip 240717 29-05-93 Ghostscript v2.6.1 source files, 4 of 4 gs261win.zip 294599 12-06-93 Ghostscript v2.6.1, EXE for Windows 3.x hp2ps18.zip 49009 09-04-93 HPGL to PostScript converter version 1.8 hpgl2ps.zip 84215 10-08-89 HPGL to PostScript trans, DOS/UNIX, src, EXE's lprint22.zip 79318 13-05-94 LPrint: Formats and prints files for PS [ASP] mmaker10.zip 45397 02-06-94 ASCII->PostScript 2 side 5.5x8.5 manual maker pc2ps11.zip 37915 17-05-91 Cvts IBM char set txt files to PostScript prtr pcps810.zip 151650 03-08-95 Print ASCII to PostScript 2up etc DOS/OS2/UNIX pps213.zip 31631 10-02-92 ASCII to PostScript conversion, w/TPas source ppst32.zip 14855 30-05-94 PostScript processing speed test, v3.2 bench pscroswd.zip 2898 18-12-91 Postcript pgm to create crossword puzzle form psfix301.zip 23851 08-06-92 Reformat PostScript to <= 80 character lines psfx0100.zip 24025 17-11-93 Sends ASCII file to PostScript fax printer psprn221.zip 166323 01-08-95 PSPrint v2.21: Text-to-PostScript converter psps30.zip 19309 26-04-94 PostScript PrintScreen utility restest.zip 3531 13-10-94 Resolution test pattern in PostScript samples.zip 120407 21-08-92 Additional ps samples not in GS25BASE.ZIP t2ps10.zip 7553 24-04-93 TSR text to PostScript conversion program text2ps.zip 20383 20-02-89 Convert text files to PostScript printer input useps.zip 19406 02-08-93 Update to USE.PS for Ghostscript v2.6.1 ----------------------------------------------------------- QuickBasic programming language-related files path: /disc2/qbasic/ ----------------------------------------------------------- altqb551.zip 358656 20-11-92 Assembly language toolbox for QuickBasic asylib11.zip 85189 08-11-89 AsyLIB, communications functions for QB 4.x bas2qb11.zip 53339 15-01-91 Converts BASICA/GWBASIC source to QuickBASIC bas2qbas.zip 59187 16-01-88 Converts BASIC programs to Quick BASIC format basupd10.zip 31614 07-11-92 BASIC Update Library for QuickBasic 4.x baswind8.zip 189053 14-09-90 QB4.x window/menu/mouse routines with source bkinpqb.zip 25947 11-08-90 Edited input function library for QuickBasic bptb11.zip 110521 07-09-92 BASIC Programmer's Tool Box for QB45 and QB7 draba_17.zip 237043 25-08-95 Draw, enter text, generates basic code easydoor.zip 32434 08-09-90 QuickBBS-compatible door maker lib. for QBASIC ezw1v30a.zip 160019 06-06-91 Fast pulldown menu system lib for QBASIC/PDS ezwindo1.zip 144657 20-01-91 EZ-Windows pulldown/popup lib for QBasic 4.x fdtr45.zip 1599 29-01-89 DTR patch for QB4.5 - works ok fossc004.zip 21748 02-12-88 FOSSIL driver/BASIC v.0.04 Shareware fossil45.zip 29305 17-11-94 Access FOSSIL serial routines from QuickBASIC getcpu.zip 2481 30-08-90 QBasic routine to determine CPU type w/ASM src gfactory.zip 119489 05-10-92 Graphics Factory: Quick Basic graphics utility glib19.zip 189389 25-07-91 GLib library for QuickBasic, 290+ routines grafwz15.zip 92989 12-02-91 Smaller, faster graphics library for QBASIC4.5 idemo41.zip 266056 12-02-95 Icon ToolBOX: QuickBASIC graphics tools. DEMO iqb9202.zip 7253 12-03-92 Inside QuickBasic source listing, Feb. 1992 iqb9203.zip 10068 12-03-92 Inside QuickBasic source listing, March 1992 libwiz14.zip 114774 30-06-93 Manages and customizes BASIC libraries make472.zip 24897 16-11-92 Professional MAKE for QuickBASIC makeqlb.zip 29277 08-06-90 Examines QBASIC modules & make new QuickLIB msquirks.zip 28440 19-10-90 Bugs & quirks in Microsoft BASIC as of 901019 objtoo23.zip 46118 30-06-93 .OBJ file manipulator and snooper pro200.zip 21715 22-05-91 User interface toolbox for QuickBASIC q4tool.zip 72748 19-08-90 QB4.5 lib w/mouse/window/fast-screen/DOS svcs qb4auto.zip 2502 20-11-88 Automatic compile when using QB4 qb4bas45.zip 115194 30-09-89 Assembly language routines for QB 4.5/BASCOM 6 qbarcv3.zip 16357 21-03-89 QuickBasic ARC/PAK/ZIP file dir util w/src qbbaud.zip 653 01-11-87 Determine COM port baud rate in QuickBASIC qbdraw17.zip 75186 08-05-94 QBDRAW: Graphics drawing pgm for QuickBASIC qbevgfx2.zip 91375 21-03-92 Fast EGA/VGA graphics routines link library qbgps253.zip 120961 03-07-95 General purpose subroutines (250+) (.LIB/.QLB) qbindent.zip 47746 17-11-94 Properly indents QuickBASIC/BASIC source code qbmouse.zip 96001 11-10-93 Mouse routines for MS QuickBasic qbnws101.zip 13107 01-11-89 QuickBasic Newsletter from FIDONET conference qbnws102.zip 45952 24-04-90 QuickBASIC electronic newsletter, Feb. 1990 qbnws105.zip 63862 01-12-90 QuickBASIC electronic newsletter, Dec. 1990 qbnws201.zip 58929 17-03-91 QBNews-QBASIC Electronic Newsletter v2No1 2/91 qbnws202.zip 92025 01-06-91 QBNews-QBASIC Electronic Newsletter v2No2 6/91 qbnws203.zip 112130 16-09-91 QuickBasic Electronic Newsletter v2n3 - 910915 qbnws204.zip 65733 22-12-91 QuickBASIC Electronic Newsletter, Vol 2, No 4 qbnws301.zip 87260 29-03-92 QBNews-QBASIC Electronic Newsletter v3No1 3/92 qbnws302.zip 37625 30-06-92 QuickBASIC Electronic Newsletter, Vol 3, No 2 qbscr15.zip 306746 05-09-89 QB screen builder and screen routines w/source qbser320.zip 32012 11-01-94 QBasic serial communications library v3.20 qbtools.zip 216879 12-02-90 Toolbox for Qbasic 4-4.5 and Basic 6 qbtree42.zip 136589 20-10-89 B-Tree indexed file access for QuickBASIC qbwinfnt.zip 55046 04-03-94 Display Windows fonts in DOS QBasic/QuickBasic qbwiz13.zip 33777 07-11-92 Lib gives access to QBASIC internal variables qbx400g.zip 44783 09-10-88 Quick BASIC xref by Vern Buerg v4.00g qbzipdir.zip 14444 28-10-89 QuickBASIC routines to work with ZIP dirs qgrafx.zip 74366 07-06-90 EGA/VGA graphics library for QB 4.0/4.5; DEMO qinp73.zip 51028 03-06-90 Input routines for QuickBasic. All styles qsam300.zip 22893 17-10-89 QSAM: A B-Tree access method for QuickBASIC qscat229.zip 109229 20-02-91 QuickShare catalog v2.29 - QBasic Shareware quirks.zip 21459 24-04-89 Bugs, quirks, points of interest for QB 4.5 qwez42.zip 206186 02-04-91 Window management system for QuickBASIC 4.+ realfun.zip 208630 02-06-91 Real and complex math library for QuickBASIC sdoor100.zip 88603 26-03-92 SimpleDoor v1.00: QB4.5 BBS door routines smallfnt.zip 5485 15-02-90 Quick Basic source to create 106x33 CGA font spoke.bas 10893 17-06-89 Calculates bicycle spoke lengths timing2.zip 13451 10-04-90 QuickBasic background timing routines topmenu2.zip 62830 09-09-89 Quick Basic 4.x source: nice pulldown menu vidbasic.zip 120101 03-12-90 MASM text video routines library for QBASIC vsprtv11.zip 78460 27-01-94 Sprite support library for QB 4.x or PDS 7.x vudu31p.zip 92004 08-06-92 Windowing utilities for MS BASIC PDS 7 vudu31q.zip 90968 08-06-92 Windowing utilities for MS QuickBASIC 4+ v_qlib.zip 61335 12-04-91 List contents of QB Quick Library (.QLB) files zv25.zip 49712 29-09-92 QuickBasic source code of archive viewer ----------------------------------------------------------- QEdit text editor and related utilities path: /disc2/qedit/ ----------------------------------------------------------- amac44.zip 417018 30-06-92 Tom Hogshead's AllMacro extensive QEdit macros dbxlmac.zip 3276 02-01-89 dBASE and Foxbase macros for Qedit emedit15.zip 64904 25-05-88 SemWare's CTTY version of QEDIT for remote use page22.zip 5441 25-07-90 QEdit macros to paginate text documents qascii.zip 8334 01-11-89 Internal patch & ASCII table for QEdit v2.08+ qcolor20.zip 38691 07-04-89 Quickly set colors in QEDIT 2.07 or higher qcp208.zip 53038 17-11-89 Use QEDIT208 with your favorite compiler qcustom.zip 6322 17-12-90 Customized keybindings and help for QEdit 2.1 qdv.zip 3079 17-11-89 DESQview setup file for QEdit text editor qed21wp.zip 6308 12-03-90 WordPerfect 5.0/1 emulation for QEDIT 2.10 qedater.zip 1772 12-11-91 Macro to convert QEDIT date to long version qedit215.zip 135587 04-09-91 QEdit 2.15, powerful programmer's/text editor qedit3c.zip 211934 30-04-95 QEdit v3.0c, powerful programmer's/text editor qeditq_a.zip 5721 04-11-91 Some captured QEdit editor advice qedt_wp5.zip 2984 11-08-89 Configure QEDIT-208 like WordPerfect 5.0 qedwsjhs.zip 6198 21-01-89 Jim Switz's WordStar configuration for QEdit qewdperf.zip 2990 11-08-89 Word Perfect5.0 key definitions for QEDIT 2.08 qextra.zip 60722 10-09-88 Collection of macros for Qedit qe_gloss.zip 3567 26-11-91 A QEDIT 2.1x macro to expand abbreviations qfix101.zip 13172 06-06-91 Restores original screen after running Qedit qhelpnew.zip 990 15-07-88 Enhanced QEDIT help file sorted by function qintmac1.zip 3910 29-09-88 Internal macros for QEDIT v2.06x Kirk Babul qm2.zip 8406 17-11-89 New mouse driver for Qedit v2.1 text editor qmac215.zip 40925 04-09-91 QMAC 2.15: Macro compiler for QEdit 2.15 qng21.zip 44432 28-02-90 Norton Guides database for QEdit21 qqhelp11.zip 30470 02-03-91 Popup help shell for QEdit and other programs q_emacs.zip 3707 15-06-91 Emacs keymapping for qedit, help screen templmac.zip 7037 27-03-91 QEdit templates for some programming languages tsqed17.zip 30990 09-01-93 Timo Salmi's utilities for QEdit v2.15 editor turboqed.zip 2437 15-09-88 Default macro config file for QEdit 2.x ----------------------------------------------------------- Utilities for, and info about Quarterdeck's QEMM path: /disc2/qemm/ ----------------------------------------------------------- qemmwi.zip 263000 05-06-92 Database for solving QEMM-Windows problems sswap.zip 15051 24-03-92 Helps QEMM's OPTIMIZE deal with Stacker drives unslushv.zip 5585 29-06-92 Solves memory conflicts between Zeniths, QEMM ----------------------------------------------------------- EMS / XMS ramdisk programs path: /disc2/ramdisk/ ----------------------------------------------------------- adjram41.zip 56952 16-05-88 Adjustable RAMdisk changes size without reboot lesdisk2.zip 4871 30-04-89 An enhanced VDISK (ramdisk) program njramd14.zip 44547 23-06-91 Nifty James' RAM Disk v1.40: EMS ramdisk ramdsk13.zip 28812 25-05-94 Tiny and resizable EMS/XMS RAMdisks ramlt10.zip 14723 11-04-93 RAMdisk activity indicator TSR ramsave.zip 9612 22-02-92 Saves ramdisk on reboot, restores after boot srdsk206.zip 72649 13-08-95 ReSizeable EMS/XMS RAM disk, DISKCOPY compat. tdsk21.zip 14255 02-04-93 TurboDsk: Conv/EMS/XMS resizeable 0.5K ramdisk tdsk21sr.zip 55919 02-04-93 TurboDsk ASM source code & KBSEC (speed test) tdsk22.zip 26592 27-07-95 TURBODSK Conv/EMS/XMS resizeable 0.25K Ramdisk tdsk22sr.zip 54182 27-07-95 TURBODSK Asm source code & KBSEC (speed test) vgadisk.zip 8015 28-04-91 Use VGA graphics memory for 176K RAM disk vlrdisk.zip 18618 17-09-88 Vladimir Lanin's RAMdisk version 1.0 xdisk340.zip 75013 10-04-93 EMS ramdisk resizable on-the-fly, configurable xpandisk.zip 19641 31-10-88 Variable size RAM disk uses expanded memory ----------------------------------------------------------- Science-related programs path: /disc2/science/ ----------------------------------------------------------- adq1_1.zip 475170 03-09-94 Data Acquisition and Control DEMO flshr151.zip 51397 14-11-92 Experiment with brainwave stimulation, EGA/VGA h_prog12.zip 277824 09-03-95 Controls Hitachi F-2000 spectrophotometer v1.2 les40.zip 102465 23-08-95 Geometrical raytrace pgm evals optical systems navlogik.zip 38993 05-09-95 Navigation data (NMEA 0183) logger TSR ntumin10.zip 299045 12-03-92 Logic minimization pgm from NTU, w/TC2.0 src pfive.zip 167414 05-03-92 Point Five quantitative data analysis/modeling ptch_253.zip 254511 28-07-95 Patchit scientific data acquisition program rocket20.zip 25748 30-01-95 Model rocket altitude calculator. Version 2.0 sm97_10x.zip 85159 14-05-92 Philips/Fluke ScopeMeter 97 setup/data utils tack_351.zip 354295 03-08-95 Tack v3.51: Scientific data analysis program usmetr11.zip 25818 14-03-94 USMetric v1.1: Metric conversion program vpan100.zip 158246 25-01-95 C++ library to create lab.instrumentation GUI ----------------------------------------------------------- System security / password utilities path: /disc2/security/ ----------------------------------------------------------- acsademo.zip 223370 12-01-95 UNIX security for PC copynot2.zip 12800 11-06-95 Stop unauthorized users from copying a disk dlock1.zip 5142 31-03-95 Captures/denies access to cylinders on disk dos_log.zip 4463 14-04-94 DOS command line logging to file. TSR. w/src eeklogin.zip 4945 25-06-93 Restricts certain commands for unwanted users fakedos1.zip 127266 26-03-92 Restrict PC access w/password at C:>, u config ho_st120.zip 82407 27-01-95 Burglar alarm that requires no extra hardware idle220.zip 36998 26-07-93 Basic PC password protection lkmup251.zip 50497 24-05-89 Password protect PC from unauthorized users login.zip 71388 26-05-92 Login password program for PCs mrsafe.zip 26120 02-04-95 Screen saver/computer protector navypass.zip 61696 28-08-90 Password protection system (NARDAC, US Navy) passw11.zip 10677 14-11-92 Password driver for CONFIG.SYS, w/src passw13p.zip 8749 22-01-93 Password device driver for CONFIG.SYS V1.3 passwrd1.zip 13296 25-10-87 Password protect your system passwrd5.zip 10471 20-09-88 'Password' device driver to lock PC passwrd9.zip 15057 18-03-89 Simple password protection at boot-up pcl200.zip 6958 31-08-93 Program to protect your PC from other people pclockv2.zip 12575 11-06-95 Lock's PC keyboard while you step away pcsntry2.zip 65056 20-03-92 PC-Sentry v2.00b: Security for PCs & networks pgpshe33.zip 114574 06-04-95 PGPShell 3.3 front-end for MIT PGP v2.6.1+ pgs099h.zip 71382 09-06-95 Pretty Good PGP Shell: Profess. shell for PGP pigas200.zip 221892 27-05-95 Protect PC data against unauthorized access protdrx.zip 24556 09-01-95 PC boot password protection pxlgt100.zip 12319 05-12-93 Logs time and displays last time pgm was run risk10.zip 178936 30-04-94 RISKIT v1.0: Computer security risk analysis secure10.zip 13226 22-02-91 Password protected access to subdirectories sentry22.zip 54442 09-09-95 Restrict and monitor access to DOS/Windows slock21.zip 10496 19-08-93 Temp. locks DOS workstation while user is away tbfence1.zip 26971 06-09-93 TBAVFence: Auto diskette protection/encryption thegate.zip 41241 07-05-94 Limits PC/application access to list of users xlock132.zip 61178 01-11-90 Security system, prevents unauthorized access zutils01.zip 43726 24-05-95 Locks the PC/ reads&writes the partition table ----------------------------------------------------------- Utilities for Sprint editor path: /disc2/sprint/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 486pat.zip 11810 28-07-90 Patch for Borland Sprint editor & 486 problem appenfil.zip 1871 31-08-93 Sprint: Add append capability to WriteSelect balance.zip 1247 03-07-89 Sprint Macro cks VP2.0 text delimiter balance bigclo.zip 2740 12-12-88 Display a 16-line high clock in Sprint boxfont.zip 5823 03-07-89 Sprint macro: Line Draw Font for PostScript char.zip 1521 03-07-89 Sprint macro prints an ASCII table dpubtex.zip 2397 01-04-89 Support for editing TeX documents in Sprint drawln01.zip 12598 12-03-93 Cfg Sprint to print IBM line-drwg chars. in PS hident.zip 774 03-07-89 Sprint macro converts control characters to ^X hplj3j11.zip 38477 03-09-91 Sprint printer drivers for HP LaserJet III imp123.zip 39475 04-03-89 Import Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheets into Sprint indepen.zip 2556 31-08-93 Make your Sprint .spms machine-independent qr.spm 5366 04-07-89 Display Sprint's Q-registers sp2a10.zip 6719 06-08-88 Strip Sprint formatting codes from a file spfonts.zip 22796 27-06-89 WYSIWYG Sprint screen fonts, Herc 29/43 line spfonts2.zip 13247 27-06-89 WYSIWYG Sprint screen fonts, CGA 25-line ver spfonts3.zip 26974 27-06-89 WYSIWYG Sprint screen fonts & font editor spfonts4.zip 14886 27-06-89 WYSIWYG Sprint screen fonts, source code spoutlin.zip 3020 03-07-89 Outliner for Sprint sprinttc.zip 4942 17-12-88 Integrate Turbo C with Sprint editor spturbo.zip 10436 03-08-89 Sprint interface for Turbo languages stats.spm 2984 04-07-89 Display various stats about Sprint texmac.zip 73549 28-11-91 Sprint UI (macros) for writing TeX documents tracefnt.zip 2797 15-05-92 Print outline(/hollow/traced) PostScript fonts uppascal.zip 2227 03-07-89 Sprint macro: cvt Pascal res. wds to uppercase vgawondr.zip 1172 03-07-89 VGAWonder 132 column screen drivers for Sprint ya_lj4.zip 20899 09-09-95 Printer driver for HP LJ4x 600dpi printers ----------------------------------------------------------- StunnPc on-line magazine path: /disc2/stunnpc/ ----------------------------------------------------------- stunnpc1.zip 446563 09-07-92 STunnPC Magazine for MS-DOS, volume 1, issue 1 stunnpc2.zip 530964 26-12-92 STunnPC Magazine for MS-DOS, volume 1, issue 2 ----------------------------------------------------------- Surface Modeling program path: /disc2/surfmodl/ ----------------------------------------------------------- surfdat3.zip 118511 20-11-91 3D surface modelling v3.00c, sample data files surfdoc3.zip 61102 29-11-91 3D surface modelling v3.00c, documentation surfemu3.zip 10904 07-02-88 3D surface modelling v3.00c, sundry utilities surfiff3.zip 54460 24-11-91 3D surface modelling v3.00c, IFF version surfins3.zip 31068 14-02-92 3D surface modelling v3.00c, install program surfm300.msg 1851 06-02-92 Installation instructions for SurfModl v3.00c surfmai3.zip 280801 29-11-91 3D surface modelling v3.00c, main files surfprn3.zip 26700 14-03-91 3D surface modelling v3.00c, color print util. surfsrc3.zip 89676 24-11-91 3D surface modelling v3.00c, sources (TP 6.0) surfuti3.zip 82111 29-11-91 3D surface modelling v3.00c, util. for VAXMate xyz21.zip 233950 08-05-92 Free 3D CAD sys, DKBTrace/PVRay/Surfmodl comp. ----------------------------------------------------------- SWAP utilities path: /disc2/swap/ ----------------------------------------------------------- swapdoc.zip 24434 06-09-89 Documentation for the SWAP utilities swapgf11.zip 29320 06-04-89 Swap Gofer in and out of memory swpds100.zip 35180 01-02-90 SWAPDOS: Use all RAM when shelled out from pgm swpdt152.zip 21431 16-09-89 SWAP 1.52 for PC Tools DeskTop swpmm152.zip 20946 16-09-89 SWAP 1.52 for MemoryMate swpmt152.zip 31169 16-09-89 SWAP 1.52 for Lotus Metro and Express swpng152.zip 21006 16-09-89 SWAP 1.52 for Norton Guides swpsh152.zip 19146 16-09-89 SWAP 1.52 for PC Tools Deluxe SHELL swpsk152.zip 19478 16-09-89 SWAP 1.52 for SideKick swpsp152.zip 21954 16-09-89 SWAP 1.52 for SideKick Plus swptn152.zip 19096 16-09-89 SWAP 1.52 for Toronado ----------------------------------------------------------- System information and benchmark utilities path: /disc2/sysinfo/ ----------------------------------------------------------- agsi111d.zip 421768 22-07-95 agSI 1.1.1: System Info tool (German version) agsi111e.zip 407883 22-07-95 agSI 1.1.1: System Info tool (English version) asq130.zip 178011 01-04-91 Displays information on system configuration awardsst.zip 32029 19-10-87 System Speed Test from Award Software biosr1.zip 15415 13-08-95 Actively reports contents of BIOS data area cnfig218.zip 21113 28-10-92 CONFIG reports system cfg using env variables conf733e.zip 123608 27-05-95 PC-CONFIG: Sysinfo/Benchmark program cpuid593.zip 13640 02-07-91 Identify system CPU 8086/8088/286/386/486sx/dx cputyp12.zip 5340 29-03-95 Detect CPU types, also 80586 Pentium, 80686 P6 ctest259.zip 144334 09-06-93 Comptest: System performance & characteristics dipset.zip 34015 31-08-88 Displays dipswitch settings of computer exerci22.zip 14465 01-12-92 Exercise a file system and show performance fsperf10.zip 42198 24-06-95 File system performance benchmarking program fstat.zip 11178 12-12-89 Display complete list of currently open files icpuid3a.zip 6545 04-01-94 Intel's CPU/FPU identifier, with ASM source ifp1p158.zip 114149 06-10-93 InfoPlus v1.58: 21 screens of system info ifp1s158.zip 118260 18-09-93 TP & MASM source code for InfoPlus v1.58 ints.zip 3135 21-02-88 Displays page-zero interrupts w/source maxitmm.zip 56574 29-03-90 System memory usage analyzer, like SLEUTH meg36.zip 128951 10-01-95 Color graphs %disk free/system info. Pie & 3-D mem3.zip 15343 20-04-88 TopView-aware memory display memblk39.zip 32089 28-12-89 Displays map of resident programs memory use memlist.zip 7027 24-09-88 Show MS-DOS memory allocation info, w/MASM src memmap2.zip 8740 08-05-90 Displays alloc. memory blocks & TSRs/environs pcben60a.zip 176846 20-10-91 PC Magazine benchmark program 6.0, 1 of 3 pcben60b.zip 182870 20-10-91 PC Magazine benchmark program 6.0, 2 of 3 pcben60c.zip 146583 20-10-91 PC Magazine benchmark program 6.0, 3 of 3 pcdr15.zip 283422 09-09-95 Eval version of PC-Doctor Pro diagnostics pcstat21.zip 15031 28-03-90 Displays statistics of your PC/Clone system reveal11.zip 34646 06-05-91 Displays DOS memory information rmap30.zip 3939 29-07-88 Displays map of TSRs and their use of memory show314.zip 23276 10-08-89 Shows info about machine's hardware & software shows174.zip 15173 02-12-91 BIOS upgrade aide; displays system chip types si_173.zip 10395 09-07-89 System info pgm, like PCTools info window snoop330.zip 160684 19-04-94 Snooper: Comprehensive system information util speed300.zip 97143 08-08-95 Memory interface and video card speed test stat_com.zip 10854 10-11-90 Display and change COM port status registers sysch233.zip 70732 24-03-92 SysChk v2.33: System checkout utility sysid602.zip 33501 02-09-91 Displays 17 pages of system information sysmon30.zip 46765 28-05-93 Reports system problems/conflicts/performance sys_44.zip 34563 20-08-89 8088/86/286/386 system configuration analyzer tsrmem.zip 10300 24-04-91 TSR which displays memory control blocks vcpimap.zip 13366 22-10-90 Display physical memory map under VCPI EMS vidchkws.zip 4634 17-02-89 Display type of video adapter in PC, EGA RAM vision.zip 25819 23-05-89 Displays hardware/software running on system wcpu050.zip 16305 13-03-93 CPU-identifier (386/486/DX/SX/Pentium) & NPU what.zip 10098 17-10-87 Display of equipment on your PC whatuhav.zip 31807 11-08-87 Graphic display of your system xmtp11.zip 8294 29-03-95 Time extended memory and cache memory/size ----------------------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous system utilities path: /disc2/sysutil/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 387sxbug.zip 5567 22-02-91 Check for bad 386sx motherboard 486slo.zip 1415 06-10-91 Disable and enable the 80486 internal cache 586test3.zip 25455 26-03-95 NAiS Pentium flaw detector v3.50 586test4.zip 10636 18-04-95 NAiS Pentium Flaw Detector v4.00 adapt12b.zip 360563 24-11-93 Administration system with multi-users-project alarm400.zip 38787 12-10-87 Alarm - tunes, messages, more almdn200.zip 58560 21-07-95 Alarm v2.00: TSR popup alarms and clock amise270.zip 314351 30-07-94 External setup for AMI High Flex BIOS ansiset.zip 13020 09-11-87 Set colors & do key reassignments via ANSI.SYS antiboot.zip 897 19-03-91 Disable CTRL+ALT+DEL key sequence on a PC apmnge10.zip 13499 14-04-95 Control APM functions from DOS argus161.zip 43754 03-04-95 Logs DOS system activities into a text file autocmos.zip 3056 22-09-94 CMOS memory read/write/auto repair utility autohb.zip 31286 16-10-94 Birthday Greeting - Musical/Automatic/FREE bart.zip 375 10-04-91 Change DOS prompt to a drawing of Bart Simpson batpower.zip 38550 26-10-87 Yet another selection of 'standard' utilities bcu100.zip 212987 01-01-92 Bob's Combined utilities, like Norton's bf_171a.zip 198805 08-01-91 Back & Forth: Switch between tasks, 1 of 2 bf_171b.zip 347376 08-01-91 Back & Forth: Switch between tasks, 2 of 2 bios_asm.zip 39481 19-01-88 Public domain generic PC BIOS (MASM source) blrut33.zip 133378 08-05-90 Backup, list, and reformat utilities bootslow.zip 15902 13-09-91 Slow down old self-booting programs break.zip 3733 16-01-92 Inhibit CTRL-C in DOS but not in program btrstd15.zip 29920 07-11-91 Counts the hours your PC is working, nonresid. burnin43.zip 98794 23-10-90 PC system exerciser and diagnostic tool, v4.3 busy1.zip 7545 08-11-89 'Busy' symbol demo in C and assembler calcqf.zip 34323 10-08-88 Calculate and set CPU refresh rate calltime.zip 166627 10-05-95 Set time/date to U.S.N. Observatory. Req. VGA can.zip 14307 30-03-94 Autoappend argument to .COM files (w/source) cboot40.zip 14571 21-03-90 CBOOT Deluxe v4.0 beta: TSR re-booter/program cfgarc14.zip 158754 18-12-93 Store, retrieve and edit last 5 config files chips.zip 10108 01-01-88 Identifies CPU and coprocessor chips clutl199.zip 16183 12-04-92 Five handy command line utilities, v1.99 convrt12.zip 12929 29-11-89 Hex/Dec/Oct/Bin/ASCII converter cpcug.zip 155083 17-07-87 A powerful collection of utilities cpu24_11.zip 36570 22-06-91 Extensive burn-in test of major PC components cpuinf11.zip 16314 02-01-95 Displays information about CPU (incl. bugs) cputest.zip 8136 22-06-89 Determine processing speed of your CPU critt130.zip 14080 09-04-92 TSR: Safely escape Abort/Retry/Ignore error csh4.zip 48319 09-01-89 Unix csh -like shell v4.0, w/C source cshel131.zip 36227 26-03-89 C-Shell for MS-DOS, some features of UNIX csutil13.zip 204048 30-03-95 CsUtility: Powerful collection of 26 utilities cufnd1.zip 41664 15-09-91 Colorado Utilities fast file & text find v1.0 cuset1.zip 25875 15-09-91 Colorado Utils set file attributes/date/time cv100.zip 15221 26-01-91 CoreView v1.0: Search/scan/display PC's memory cyrix100.zip 122571 06-04-94 Cyrix 486DLC/486DR/486SLC CPU config. utility dabutil2.zip 205361 31-01-91 Disk and file utilities featuring EVENTMAN danix201.zip 297993 04-02-94 Collection of 25 Unix-like utils for MS-DOS dantools.zip 117287 17-07-87 Daniel Norton's Unix-like utility collection dd_help.zip 39074 13-04-94 Multi-level command line help (w/compiler) devic104.zip 7393 31-05-91 Load and unload device drivers after bootup devlod.zip 18384 06-12-90 Dynamic load of device drivers after boot-up diagdemo.zip 312566 28-10-94 ShareWare version of AMIDiag 4.5 PC diagnostic diagerr.zip 16072 02-01-88 Memory res MSDOS error codes w/ASCII source dice402.zip 45353 17-05-90 DOS command editor displays commands, has help dircmdr1.zip 17838 01-07-91 Menu config. util. for DOS5 DIRCMD variable diskwiz.zip 63478 29-07-88 Disk file and printer management program dmc35.zip 74856 29-11-93 Allows loading/unloading of dev. drivers/TSR's do.zip 6844 04-10-87 String commands together on the command line dosc090.zip 82489 10-04-95 DOS-C: MS-DOS compatible operating system dosix30a.zip 43541 05-07-90 UNIX-like utils: DF, DU, HEAD, RM, TOUCH, WC dosmax21.zip 84235 31-10-93 Load MS-DOS (3.1 through 6) into UMBs dosnx22a.zip 247578 22-10-93 DOSNIX v2.2a: Unix-style utilities for MS-DOS dospan1b.zip 25993 23-06-94 Window to text apps and run parallel actions dospanel.zip 25874 30-05-94 Window to text apps and run parallel actions dosxt142.zip 15174 22-07-88 Dos Extender: Alias, History, colors, and more dramfast.zip 24244 19-09-88 Decrease DRAM refresh rate - better CPU speed drvins11.zip 12441 04-12-90 Load and unload device drivers after bootup dskutl11.zip 76122 30-06-91 Unix-like utils chmod/cp/du/find/mv/page/ls/rm dtool300.zip 123171 13-08-95 Misc. utilities for MS-DOS (incl. S3VBE20) edcnf102.zip 108654 03-12-94 EDITCNFG: Use to edit AUTOEXEC/CONFIG files eisac141.zip 48341 22-09-92 Generates EISA .CFG files for ISA based cards epu95.zip 209332 08-04-95 EaglePlus Utils III, 34+ useful DOS utilities epuptm21.zip 37767 16-08-94 Shows system uptime. No data files or TSR err_ret.zip 10173 22-09-89 Display error code returned by program on exit eu1_00.zip 76102 12-08-92 Eldar Utilities: Set of system/file/disk utils exec.zip 4231 12-09-88 Assembly how-to relocate .EXE files execsw13.zip 26110 07-04-90 Swaps calling program into expanded memory exelink2.zip 7769 17-06-93 Symbolic links for EXE/COM to keep path small extpt100.zip 14471 22-08-95 Extends path length and modifies environment fakelh.zip 8919 24-10-94 Fake LOADHIGH for use in network batch files fastl150.zip 42375 17-08-93 Loads pgms into EMS/XMS for later fast execute fatal14.zip 16799 25-12-89 Trap DOS critical errors & handle them better fcii_2_1.zip 90873 17-12-89 File Commando v2.1, a PC Tools clone, 1 of 3 fcii_2_2.zip 99373 17-12-89 File Commando v2.1, a PC Tools clone, 2 of 3 fcii_2_3.zip 84841 11-12-89 File Commando v2.1, a PC Tools clone, 3 of 3 fdk.zip 30072 24-05-88 Automatically create DOS filters fflip218.zip 101920 27-01-93 FastFlip 2.18: Fast multiple program swapper filec106.zip 13501 07-03-91 Filename completion at the DOS prompt filec15.zip 19710 21-04-92 TSR to add filename completion for COMMAND.COM files102.zip 2500 04-01-90 Increase DOS max. open files from command line fo_st200.zip 51280 25-01-95 Process/backup files based on age (new/oldest) frntnd41.zip 23902 24-08-90 Point and Shoot front end for any program fserver.zip 30281 09-08-90 Point and Shoot front end for any program fsplit10.zip 16098 24-01-95 Puts given path components into envir'mt vars. geterr.zip 11007 03-04-95 Records and reports DOS errorlevels geterror.zip 2985 02-08-87 TSR tells ending errorlevel of last program giveli10.zip 106257 24-01-95 Gives lists of filenames to any program go220.zip 193973 18-10-92 GO!: Install-archive-from-a-diskette program go51.zip 43685 24-04-90 Nick Shaw's 7-in-1 utility for IBM-compatibles grbag220.zip 79765 05-05-90 GRABBAG v2.20: 33 DOS utilities in one program grtool12.zip 328590 01-08-95 15 great tools that make DOS life much easier gu11.zip 134120 06-01-90 The Grund Utilities, version 1.1 gx_st101.zip 43078 26-01-95 Macro alternative to DOS CD command hbreak52.zip 7031 25-05-93 Exit to DOS from some crashed computer progs hlpmst11.zip 26328 01-11-89 TSR pop-up help for any application hot_36.zip 3978 27-12-88 Replace Ctrl-Alt-Del (w/ASM src) hours15.zip 31942 01-10-90 Counts hours your PC is working, nonresident hshell10.zip 10602 17-03-93 Supports Hercules graphics with TST0831.ZIP idclog20.zip 8260 09-05-88 Memory resident time logging facility idcutils.zip 77283 11-06-90 Gary Conway's assorted utilities, 07/16/90 idrv01.zip 16514 27-11-91 Install/uninstall device drivers after bootup idt.zip 43518 13-06-88 Internal DOS table viewer, w/C source incx110d.zip 216251 08-02-93 InContext v1.10: Work environment manager, 1/2 incx110p.zip 272192 08-02-93 InContext v1.10: Work environment manager, 2/2 inkut102.zip 193952 23-07-95 Inkutils v1.02: Essential DOS utilities intdsp21.zip 30603 17-08-91 Interactively call DOS/BIOS interrupts interc2.zip 36729 10-10-91 Traces software interrupts ipca12a.zip 13094 11-10-91 Uses last BIOS bytes as a mini-SET utility irqr.zip 5367 23-04-88 Report status of IRQ channels,w/TP4 & MS C src is_con10.zip 4267 24-12-91 Report if handle is associated with console jbalarm.zip 24091 19-06-91 Alarm/reminder w/multiple sounds. Works w/WIN3 jobs32.zip 8096 16-04-89 JOBS v3.20 - DOS shell/Disk manager, 1 of 3 jobs32a1.zip 128500 16-04-89 JOBS v3.20 - DOS shell/Disk manager, 2 of 3 jobs32a2.zip 130948 16-04-89 JOBS v3.20 - DOS shell/Disk manager, 3 of 3 joyread.zip 5063 13-03-92 Reads & displays Joy Stick buttons/pots status kgb104.zip 6717 21-04-92 Monitors some DOS funcs, creates history w/src kwikhelp.zip 61585 01-12-94 Pgms to make TSRs, save screens; w/A86 asm src kzap22c.zip 31059 04-11-91 Kill-O-Zap 2.2c disk/RAM/file hex editor (TSR) last200.zip 10086 06-03-88 A programmer's Pop-up utility launch13.zip 12320 21-03-89 Run a program in the background linkln10.zip 22873 13-09-94 Creates links to EXE and COM files mdosp401.zip 118069 27-10-91 MultiDos Plus: Real-time multitasking for DOS mirfix.zip 3681 16-09-91 Bug fix for DOS 5's MIRROR command morehand.zip 9840 21-04-91 Allows programs to open more than 20 files mr_zappa.zip 67857 11-08-95 Mr.BIOS v3.14 for Intel Zappa motherboards msh21b.zip 506766 04-03-93 Mi-shell, a programmer's shell, Ver 2.1b msutil14.zip 55627 09-02-94 Useful system & batch utils from MicroSource ms_sh23b.zip 829214 28-08-94 Korn Shell (MS Shell). Release 2.3. Binary ms_sh23s.zip 507708 28-08-94 Korn Shell (MS Shell). Release 2.3. Source newbeep.zip 17840 26-09-87 Change sound of PC's beep noshare.zip 1443 23-03-90 Small replacement for 'SHARE' for DOS4.0 users np100.zip 6582 01-02-89 Indicates when you are shelled to DOS - remind np3.zip 3895 03-08-93 Shows when you have shelled to DOS from a pgm obskit15.zip 224621 11-01-92 Obs Toolkit: Collection of 9 powerful utils omswitch.zip 5609 24-12-88 Change DOS switch character, with 'C' source p5bug10.zip 17128 15-12-94 Simple test for Pentium FPU 'flaw' (C,COM,TXT) parapass.zip 7913 01-06-88 Pass parameters to programs pcc.doc 1491 12-03-92 PC-Choices installation (for PCC.ZIP) pcc.zip 689124 12-03-92 PC-Choices object-oriented 386 operating syst. pchist11.zip 72440 10-05-95 Creates/maintains detailed PC config history pclogon6.zip 9991 20-04-95 User tracking program for home computers pcmv13x.zip 40979 11-06-95 Monitors PC activity for later audit pc_dcl.zip 165458 24-07-93 Vax/VMS DCL-like command interpreter for DOS pecho11.zip 13374 22-12-91 ECHO replacement with printf syntax peepok12.zip 10805 11-10-91 Peek/poke utility with binary and hex display pentchk.zip 19137 08-12-94 Test for floating point math bugs in Pentium pf_11s.zip 71948 06-09-94 Advanced Disk Management System (menu driven) pgrap207.zip 112241 20-09-91 Unix-like tools (grep,tab,untab,print,tolower) ph_utils.zip 274808 28-07-89 Phil Herron's collection of utilities picnix31.zip 120054 26-05-88 Unix-like commands for PC's (1 of 3) picnix32.zip 137006 26-05-88 Unix-like commands for PC's (2 of 3) picnix33.zip 97706 26-05-88 Unix-like commands for PC's (3 of 3) pmk32.zip 205716 15-02-91 Professional Master Key utilities - v3.2 pock44.zip 174170 11-03-95 PocketD+ v4.4: Award-winning DOS army knife popdown.zip 4486 08-06-88 Pop down to DOS from any running program porttool.zip 183972 14-01-93 16 Unix-like tools ported to MS-DOS power10.zip 10492 04-06-95 Simple CPU monitor for multitaskers / DOS powkt173.zip 27483 03-02-88 Keyboard speedup, screen blank, unhang, more prctst1d.zip 3014 07-12-94 Detects CPU-type and Pentium FDIV BUG prmpt5.bat 111 14-09-87 Top-screen status w/DOS prompt prodo10.zip 5723 01-08-89 Stack program commands on DOS command line prof.zip 15988 24-08-91 EXE & COM pgm profiler, uses pgm's map file ptest103.zip 25813 22-07-95 Simple pgm that tests Pentium CPU for FDIV Bug puff307.zip 36206 19-05-89 TSR pop-up directory and text file browser pv12.zip 145030 06-03-93 Pro-View v1.2: Disk and memory browser/editor qdram.zip 47206 17-06-88 Checks and sets best refresh rate qinfo30.zip 44935 15-08-91 Displays free mem & disk space for all drives rdstderr.zip 5529 24-02-88 Redirect STDERR to a file, with src redir.zip 8094 18-03-90 Combines STDERR with STDOUT for redirection redview3.zip 6865 24-08-92 View redirected output on screen, w/ASM source rele106.zip 4095 19-01-94 Unloads residents and recover system crash rjmfilec.zip 12530 15-12-90 TSR provides filename completion w/hotkey rstlkit1.zip 51991 23-05-91 28 Unix-like tools for MS-DOS, 1 of 2 rstlkit2.zip 209792 23-05-91 28 Unix-like tools for MS-DOS, 2 of 2 runtim10.zip 24322 09-09-94 Measures execution time of pgms, cmds & bats safari2.zip 19612 23-09-87 Explains reason for 'Abort, Retry, etc safesend.zip 10419 31-03-95 Talk to devices w/o Abort-Retry-Fail errors scope140.zip 109280 15-08-91 Use PC as comm protocol analyzer/line scope scout55.zip 138010 16-07-92 Super TSR disk manager, v5.4 - fmt/mv/cpy/etc sct_em55.zip 141724 16-07-92 Memory resident file/disk manager, runs in EMS sendcod2.zip 5450 12-10-92 Send hex values from cmd line to STDOUT setbeepl.zip 730 09-03-88 Now you can specify the length of PC's beep! setvrm10.zip 9683 02-01-95 Setverm solves DOS version problems for MS-DOS se_st310.zip 132954 27-01-95 SEE v3.10: Macro-capable file viewer/printer sh1_111.zip 80652 27-10-87 Unix-like DOS shell with novel features sharefix.zip 9739 27-12-93 Utility to fix problems with MS-DOS SHARE showdevs.zip 9146 15-03-89 Show all active device drivers, w/'C' source shrom24b.zip 18145 11-01-94 ShellRoom v2.4b: Swap program from MEM to disk siren.zip 8435 07-12-89 Make siren sounds on PC speaker skey40.zip 333293 02-03-95 Keystroke emulation and batch file utilities slash2.zip 8568 22-04-92 Chg switch-char from /. DOS 5 & earlier. w/doc sl_cut11.zip 14048 24-01-95 Deletes characters from standard-input sostb.zip 214641 29-05-93 Solid Oak Software's DOS Tool Box. 76 utils sprst161.zip 23690 06-07-91 Like MS-DOS's 'set' command, with additions srs236.zip 77809 20-10-87 Still River Shell version 2.36 stack.zip 40846 27-03-88 Stack DOS commands from the DOS command line stack26.zip 49860 10-08-90 Command line recall/edit, with pop-up window stepdos.zip 20447 08-11-87 Step through executing program tracking INT21H stop20.zip 10852 18-06-90 Time the execution of other programs stpfcb12.zip 8766 28-05-91 Replacement for DOS' file locking SHARE.EXE stpprg20.zip 9857 06-03-93 Back to primary DOS shell hotkey, w/ASM source suniq96.zip 244542 06-04-95 Stewart's essential Unique DOS Utilities, v9.6 superv11.zip 8253 10-04-94 Logs all run programs and deleted files swap12.zip 5745 09-04-89 Swap from one application to another swapds.zip 38564 09-11-90 SWAPDOS: Swap two programs in memory swell100.zip 37104 06-07-89 Allows full use of RAM when shelling to DOS switchar.zip 4198 10-07-88 Using '/' in pathnames sysprof3.zip 70223 21-06-89 BIOS-call profiler (nr of calls & time spent) s_tool.zip 4521 15-12-88 Magnuson's wildcard expansion utility t320.zip 22170 16-10-94 DOS prompt timestamp for any date(s) or today tee11.zip 2785 21-09-88 Redirect output to std out & screen v1.1 8/88 tee9201.zip 2750 20-03-92 Tee filter for MS-DOS (w/ASM src) timeit.zip 12089 02-08-88 Check time it takes to run a program timer1.zip 10260 04-12-87 Program execution elapsed timer timera01.zip 13273 11-08-94 Times command/program execution tjutil14.zip 114149 15-03-93 Mouse- & ColorPower for BAT. X11 in text mode toad8253.zip 6908 01-09-88 Tweak RAM refresh rate [ASM] toadexec.zip 4583 30-06-88 EXEC programs [ASM] toadtime.zip 2622 05-05-95 Time execution of DOS programs (w/ASM src) tone100.zip 4890 21-01-90 Makes tone to aid computer audio troubleshoot top121.zip 345688 30-10-92 Top v1.10: DOS command enhancement utility tryst.zip 23848 01-04-88 A good tutorial on computer boot up ts5dos11.zip 17244 04-02-93 Timo Salmi's programs for MS-DOS 5 (or 4.0+) tsrsl104.zip 212057 17-10-91 TSR task-switcher for DOS. Swaps to disk/EMS tss22.zip 45824 28-03-88 Total system statistics, ver 2.2 tst0831.zip 20832 31-08-90 Provide hotkey shell to DOS for progs w/o it tstsr20.zip 86262 09-08-94 TSR pgms noboot/reslock/timedown/timeup, etc. tsutil41.zip 133501 06-10-94 Timo's utils sysinfo, dirw, dtetimal, timelog tsutlb20.zip 87204 22-03-92 Timo's utils touch, chars, dire, setgra tsutlc21.zip 101379 15-01-95 Timo's utils dirf,dirinfo,doubles,hidden,split tsutld22.zip 86777 06-10-94 Timo's utils bigcurs, keyrate, caps, switchar tsutle22.zip 73268 12-04-93 Timo's utils lock kbd, mailsplit, tdel, cmos tsutlf15.zip 62140 28-07-95 Timo Salmi's 6th utility set (strings,strmemo) tvdsh171.zip 20438 20-02-95 Unix-like shell, DOSKEY/recall/mouse/cut-paste u.asm 17768 03-01-89 Remove the TSR program, DOSEDIT, from memory u.doc 406 04-01-89 Two line description of U.ASM undoc2eh.zip 2369 09-01-89 Demo of undocumented interrupt service 2Eh uptime.zip 2942 20-01-91 Time in days/hours/mins/secs since system boot utils1.zip 2781 27-07-89 Misc. utilities by E. Miller utl114.zip 181201 12-06-95 MicroFox Utilities: Printers/screens/batch uxutl23a.zip 244107 27-08-94 Unix utilities for DOS. Rel 2.3. 1of4 uxutl23b.zip 233119 27-08-94 Unix utilities for DOS. Rel 2.3. 2of4 uxutl23c.zip 226562 27-08-94 Unix utilities for DOS. Rel 2.3. 3of4 uxutl23d.zip 164501 27-08-94 Unix utilities for DOS. Rel 2.3. 4of4 uznix120.zip 340087 30-10-94 UZfulnix v1.20: Unix-like utilities for MS-DOS veal0989.zip 63974 26-08-89 Craig Veal utility programs vmix285.zip 243935 07-09-93 Multitasking/multiuser environment for 286-586 vsms111.zip 51801 14-12-92 Very Simple Multiuser System v1.11 for XT/AT watch102.zip 11141 12-11-90 Tracks exec time of a pgm/method of DOS return whoapc.zip 12027 26-08-88 WHOA! slows down PC or AT, v1.0 wildcard.zip 8896 01-08-88 Add wild cards to progs that don't have them wizard.zip 76211 17-07-87 Program Wizard - hard disk menu and file mgr. xlist232.zip 75573 01-01-90 Hard disk manager for DOS, ZIP, and ARC files xpack.zip 140989 05-03-90 Balena's collection of programmer utilities z10.zip 142744 18-01-89 General purpose utilities from Scott Pazur zap33.zip 34605 21-08-90 Multi-purpose file handler/disk utility ----------------------------------------------------------- TeX typesetting programs and utilities path: /disc2/tex/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 00_read.me 381 22-07-95 Information about files in this directory bibdb14e.zip 240573 12-08-94 BibTeX compatible reference manager, v1.4e bibtex99.zip 54321 13-03-89 BibTeX - a LaTeX bibliography processor cdvi12.zip 201363 13-12-88 DVI viewers for Herc, CGA, EGA, VGA, etc. cmpar392.zip 126407 15-06-92 METAFONT params for TeX Computer Modern fonts cmsrc392.zip 133833 15-06-92 METAFONT source for TeX Computer Modern fonts detex10.zip 10833 10-09-92 Strips commands from TeX files, plain text out devnag.zip 330016 26-05-91 Metafont Devanagari font, and printing support dtex25a.zip 52573 24-07-93 Trinkle's detex 2.5 removes TeX cmds from file dvi24pin.zip 54127 29-01-90 TeX DVI to 24pin dot matrix printer translator dvi2dvi.zip 49319 21-02-89 Print 2/4 DVI pages/sheet, faster than DVIDVI dvieps.zip 43917 20-09-88 TeX DVI to Epson dot matrix printer translator dview31.zip 62259 09-01-90 TeX DVI previewer for CGA/EGA/T3100/AT6300/VGA dvivga.inf 1988 11-01-89 TeX DVI previewer for VGA/EGA/MCGA, info dvivga1.zip 51313 22-10-88 TeX DVI previewer for VGA/EGA/MCGA, EXE & docs dvivga2.zip 129031 20-10-88 TeX DVI previewer fonts dvivga3.zip 128106 06-10-88 TeX DVI previewer fonts dvivga4.zip 123929 20-10-88 TeX DVI previewer fonts dvivga5.zip 160777 15-08-88 TeX DVI previewer fonts dvivga6.zip 95149 28-08-88 TeX DVI previewer fonts dvivga7.zip 187252 06-10-88 TeX DVI previewer fonts dvivga8.zip 186859 15-08-88 TeX DVI previewer fonts dvivga9.zip 99567 22-10-88 TeX DVI previewer source code (MSC) dvixx050.zip 259793 06-05-91 DVI converter for HP LaserJets and IBM 3812 fr_may92.zip 12660 04-05-92 What fonts does TeX preview really use? /w SRC hp2tex.zip 35737 02-03-88 Convert HPLJ Fonts for use with TeX hp2tex06.zip 132397 27-05-93 Converts HPGL-plots to emTeX format itrans40.zip 403954 12-03-95 Indian script: Devanagari/Tamil/Telugu/Bengali itransps.zip 377351 12-03-95 PostScript printer ready manuals for ITRANS40 jemtex2.zip 440579 14-04-91 Japanese TeX Fonts and Macros - Version 2.00 jrhelp11.zip 10334 29-10-93 Setup: EmTeX, MF, DVIPS, NFSS2 for PS & HPLJ jrtex12a.zip 11708 20-01-95 Install info: new EMTEX, HPLJ, & PstScpt on PC jspel205.zip 220037 16-06-94 ASCII file spelling checker with TeX-ability ltxconst.zip 26566 04-05-91 US Constitution as a LaTeX file ltxindep.zip 5741 04-05-91 Declaration of Independence as a LaTeX file mutex.zip 241594 08-03-90 MuTeX - Music macros for TeX pcwritex.zip 24789 03-01-89 PC-Write driver converts PC-Write to TeX pcwtex.zip 14853 20-09-90 Translates PC Write files to TeX files popin09b.zip 55306 22-07-91 Resident input enhancer for TeX on EGA/VGA rail.zip 67939 15-01-92 Rail diagrams for LaTeX ported to Turbo C rumdjet.zip 75144 18-04-90 TeX DVI driver for the HP DeskJet printer sauter.zip 54549 02-12-90 CM & LaTeX font resizing package for METAFONT sb39tex.zip 262865 12-11-93 TeX 3.1415 typesetting & files for plain.tex sbmf13a.zip 249019 12-11-93 METAFONT and plain.mf v2.71: TeX font creation scrtex11.zip 26471 17-04-93 Sally (LaTeX) TeX-format screen dumper v1.10 sf2pk200.zip 148367 15-04-92 HP SoftFont fonts to PK files (use with TeX) texas10a.zip 408660 25-03-92 32-bit 386 protected mode big TeX 3.14 tgrind.zip 52699 18-09-90 Formats C or other pgms for printing with TeX unretex.zip 7119 12-05-89 Prepare TeX files for spelling chk processing wd2latex.zip 13549 19-02-91 Convert MSWord to LaTeX (crude but useful) web.zip 62872 07-07-88 Knuth's WEAVE & TANGLE: WEB->Pascal or TEX webtp55.zip 268281 06-12-89 WEB system of structured doc for TP5.5, w/src wp2latex.zip 47889 11-04-90 Converts text from WordPerfect 5.0 to LaTeX wp2x110.zip 70776 01-09-91 WordPerfect4.2 to [La]TeX/troff/etc converter ----------------------------------------------------------- Utilities for processing text path: /disc2/textutil/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 100letrs.zip 53766 24-08-88 100 business form letters for office and home 4tune.zip 72169 10-08-90 Get a fortune cookie or add one to the prompt add304.zip 97043 02-04-93 Add up a column of numbers in a text file addcr10.zip 20447 15-03-94 Converts UNIX to DOS newlines in text files adulate.zip 13466 08-08-91 Let your PC adore you with one-liners altrn234.zip 39842 23-06-90 Mass global and alternate text replace util. amspel20.zip 179638 01-08-92 Check/correct spelling ASCII & TeX text files animdt11.zip 21793 17-11-92 Put text & numeric variables into a text file ascii2ws.zip 25287 28-07-88 Converts ASCII text to WordStar doc. mode ascutils.zip 25648 25-05-88 Collection of utilities used with ASCII files aspll095.zip 57784 14-08-91 On-line spell check for text editor like PE2 ataricnv.zip 17449 17-09-88 Convert Atari internal character set to ASCII atcomp16.zip 22900 27-01-94 @COMPARE v1.6: Smart text file comparison autotxt1.zip 118561 12-01-95 Creates stand-alone EXEs from text/ASCII files autrd101.zip 44577 10-08-90 LIST-like util with indexing/chapters in files av_scr41.zip 86446 05-02-92 Creates 2 column TV scripts from ASCII text bakzap.zip 9638 08-12-88 Backspace zapper for capture files baudasc1.zip 11408 28-07-92 Converts ASCII <--> Baudot bfind501.zip 62422 13-01-95 Boolean FIND command (BFIND BEGIN & END) bfmt139.zip 27171 28-04-93 Format text various ways (esp. for vi users) bfort10.zip 296686 14-03-93 Berkeley fortune cookies w/perl scripts for PC bigsrt22.zip 9186 21-04-90 In-memory sort program for large files bigtxt21.zip 17802 04-02-95 Translates your text to BIG text, up to 72x144 bizpln12.zip 153945 24-03-92 Makes it easy to write complete business plan blurb_20.zip 52909 28-04-92 Fortune prog. Fast & clean even with big files boxit_10.zip 30679 01-01-93 Quickly add boxes & lines to your text files brows11.zip 13617 09-09-95 Long text file reader; saves place on exit browse2.zip 8579 24-02-91 Full screen file pager, VGA and SVGA support bss148.zip 35324 12-02-95 Versatile VAX/VMS-style string search utility case31.zip 3260 25-09-94 Text file case converter caser.zip 35187 16-10-90 Text case changing pgms with TC++ v1.0 source cawf404.zip 133733 07-12-93 Unix nroff-like text formatter for DOS w/C src cc21d.zip 19168 27-03-94 Filter files with carriage control characters cc500.zip 66895 22-02-91 Copy CON replacement, create/edit BAT files chang501.zip 75902 13-01-95 Change strings in text files change17.zip 17124 01-12-92 Change text in one or more files chktxt.zip 9081 13-02-92 Text file control character filter, CRLF fixer cleans11.zip 4245 24-06-88 Clean any text file to make it pure ASCII cmsnt100.zip 6783 23-07-92 MS-DOS 5 QBASIC program to view CMS NOTEBOOKs colorit2.zip 12158 16-07-88 Add color to DOS text files, needs ANSI.SYS concat10.zip 6680 02-05-89 Copy multiple text files to file/ptr/console convdw12.zip 19695 21-02-94 Converts IBM Displaywrite 3, 4, or 5 to ASCII cookie.zip 7308 12-12-91 Fortune cookie quotes (tight, small, ASM src) cpycn310.zip 29459 15-05-89 Small editor for creating/editing batch files cread211.zip 42350 14-01-94 Fast text file browser with ISO-8859-1 support crlf.zip 7700 12-05-88 Convert files between Unix and MS-DOS crlf15b.zip 38802 13-04-92 Unix<->Dos text convert (add/remove cr or lf) cspella.zip 82321 15-12-87 Spelling checker (see CSPELSRC for source) cspelsrc.zip 80231 10-12-87 C language source for CSPELLA.ZIP ctoc30.zip 106733 17-05-90 VP/XyWrite/Penta/MagnaType txt code conversion ctrans15.zip 30185 13-04-92 Converts Ascii<->Ebcdic<->Iso<->user defined cursive.zip 17264 26-11-87 Horizontal cursive banners (w/C) cut101.zip 9280 21-07-87 Cut out spec. fields from each line of file cvrft102.zip 18142 21-02-94 Convert IBM DCA/RFT(RevisableFormText)to ASCII ddjgrep.zip 20850 27-02-93 Find strings in files, with source dfutil1.zip 117194 18-01-91 Dr. Funkey's text handling utilities, 1 of 2 dfutil2.zip 190188 10-11-90 Dr. Funkey's text handling utilities, 2 of 2 dgarbage.zip 14367 10-05-88 Removes line noise from captured text files diff23.zip 23043 03-08-88 File compare and changebar inserter V2.3 digex104.zip 16990 09-12-91 Undigest (extract) digests in mail file format dl102.zip 15127 28-06-88 Displays two files simultaneously on screen do30.zip 30615 08-10-87 Text search program 3.0 - powerful docmen02.zip 16075 23-11-87 Menu-driven utility displays your doc files docprep.zip 122662 18-05-92 Document preparation for non-major languages dos2unix.zip 22664 05-10-89 MSDOS<->Unix newline conversion pgm, w/C src doscvt24.zip 15572 06-03-93 Convert text file formats between DOS and UNIX downer.zip 51331 16-10-87 Lower case text files w/special cases drc21.zip 265921 24-08-94 David's Readme Compiler: Make pgm doc into EXE drlistj.zip 12474 07-09-89 V.Buerg's special version of LIST for CTTY use dts20doc.zip 196867 28-05-93 dtSearch 2.0 documentation & Alphabet utility dtsd20.zip 341642 28-05-93 dtSearch 2.0: Full-text retrieval for wrd proc dubltk16.zip 85698 15-05-91 Compare two ASCII files side-by-side ebc2asc.zip 6211 07-02-90 EBCDIC to ASCII text conversion program edct9401.zip 1061048 27-01-94 EDICT: Japanese<->English dict (lookup w/JDIC) egrep.zip 68746 31-03-88 Fast search for text in specified files ehdemo.zip 83098 11-09-91 Shareware replacement for NG help engine. DEMO ejdx9401.zip 1049453 27-01-94 EDICT.JDX ready-to-use index for edct9401 faq12.zip 34492 09-09-94 Frequently Asked Questions utility v1.2 fb211n.zip 71904 14-09-90 Browse ASCII/Wordstar, find/mark/print text fc20.zip 33591 21-03-90 Compares two text files line by line, v2.0 fgrep180.zip 26352 03-12-93 Chris Dunford's fast text search w/wildcards fig.zip 4901 29-04-88 FOG Index Generator (in BASIC) filecmp.zip 13714 04-03-88 Compare 2 files filtr30.zip 23789 21-04-95 Text file searcher, simultan. multi-term check findline.zip 10215 24-12-93 Scan file for text string; returns errorlevel fixch401.zip 54878 20-01-94 Replace non-printable ASCII codes fixcr.zip 11200 09-08-88 File editor, patcher, and filter fixform.zip 6551 27-05-92 CDF -> Fixed length ascii converter fixtx407.zip 70065 27-07-94 Translate text file characters en masse flip1exe.zip 14610 28-07-89 Convert text files MSDOS<->UNIX format, 1of2 flip1src.zip 21721 10-07-89 Convert text files MSDOS<->UNIX format, 2of2 fold10.zip 5850 21-04-91 Insert CR/LF after specified text line length fortune.zip 33350 17-08-89 Fortune cookie program, add your own gdiff22a.zip 373795 15-05-93 GNU Text file differences finder, v2.2, w/src gestalt.zip 21829 06-12-88 New string similarity function. ASM,C,TurboPas getlines.zip 11838 21-05-94 Shows lines of a text file given line numbers getpstxt.zip 1173 23-05-89 Convert PostScript to text ggrep.zip 14545 26-08-87 Find regexp patterns in files gmbk150.zip 125399 10-09-95 Gorin's Microbook 1.50: Text presentation tool grepfv10.zip 20908 17-03-94 Text/binary/archive regular expression search hardsoft.zip 8372 12-08-88 Convert WordStar document to/from nondocument hdiff122.zip 30323 08-01-88 File 'diff' utility head.zip 7772 02-03-88 Display beginning of text files hfnd10.zip 17910 22-03-95 Text finder - highights target within results histrip.zip 35393 03-09-87 High order bit stripper for text files htmlco20.zip 29760 22-05-95 HTML to ASCII text file translator (NagWare) htmlref.zip 11529 18-02-95 HTML reference generator for DOS/WIN hunter52.zip 83560 08-04-91 Search entire disk for a word or phrase hyphen.zip 33257 01-01-90 HyphenAid v1.0S, TSR hyphenation dictionary iavs400e.zip 265291 29-07-95 Creates electronic magazines indxx802.zip 244418 14-11-91 Make back-of-book index from page proofs. DEMO instdx11.zip 48869 28-06-94 Compress/index/search text files. Fast & small isamf507.zip 289647 01-08-95 Full-text searching help desk documents jb_wc.zip 11887 10-04-89 Counts words, lines, characters in documents jdic23.zip 137587 05-08-93 Japanese<->English dictionary (needs edct9401) jis16.zip 138233 05-03-90 JIS Kanji 16x16 font files (used by JDIC) jobhunt5.zip 325267 14-05-94 Write letters/address envelopes to employers jorj9508.zip 693674 22-08-95 Pop-up English dictionary jq14.zip 336758 28-04-94 4000 jokes and quotes in 25 categories kanji20.zip 189506 24-09-90 Display Japanese Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana kinfo23.zip 422409 16-09-93 Japanese Kanji Info file (used by JDIC) kjdc9308.zip 330908 26-08-93 KANJIDIC: Japanese Kanji dictionary ktype.zip 174919 31-05-88 Viewer for Japanese text files (CGA/EGA req.) kws144.zip 29150 04-09-94 Keyword search program (grep replacement) lbl2tab.zip 5418 07-02-95 Convert raw text files to tab separated format lcomp110.zip 96121 25-03-94 Compares contents of two ASCII list files less291s.zip 223918 05-04-95 File viewer/pager 'better than more'; sources less291x.zip 83081 05-04-95 File viewer/pager 'better than more'; exe/doc lfcrlf11.zip 16475 08-01-92 Safe & Fast UNIX<->DOS text file translation lfeed.zip 2953 02-10-88 Add or delete line feeds from text list77a.zip 88068 07-10-92 V. Buerg's classic ASCII/binary file viewer list91k.zip 112099 01-07-95 V. Buerg's classic ASCII/binary file viewer listcnfg.zip 20152 23-09-90 Configuration suggestions for Buerg's LIST pgm listedit.zip 1069 11-03-90 How: Make Buerg's LIST.COM invoke text editor logos12.zip 384098 01-01-94 LOGOS - crossword and anagram searches look4_28.zip 8416 27-09-88 Search text for 'AND' or 'OR' relationships lookfr50.zip 16937 03-10-90 Text file quick search with AND/OR logic lower11.zip 13253 24-01-95 Converts characters from stdin to lowercase manprep.zip 10611 14-12-87 Prepares doc files for MAN Unix-like 'man' pgm manprint.zip 6232 27-01-93 Simple Unix man page reformatter for MS-DOS margin3.zip 32009 10-07-89 MarginText 3.0 - Reformats ASCII text files margtext.zip 10578 10-04-91 Reformat based on longest line in text file maxfnd33.zip 33237 01-07-95 Fast search engine for text, Email, FAQs ... merge17.zip 45409 15-10-87 MAIL-MERGE pgm 1.7, October 1987 release mergf220.zip 60954 29-04-95 MergeFile v2.20: Merge ANY size text file mergp100.zip 178765 29-04-95 MERGEPRO v1.00: Merge/keep/replace/remove mfrm240.zip 46116 02-05-91 Convert mainframe numeric data to PC-readable miscnix.zip 15822 31-05-88 Split, head, and tail for MSDOS mknews10.zip 5101 26-02-94 Turn files into news (sequentially numbered) more13.zip 45423 27-06-90 Scroll forward/backward thru text file, w/src moref241.zip 33675 28-03-90 More-like text file viewer with many options msiguide.zip 155110 29-09-90 Shareware Norton Guide clone from MSI msub13.zip 205467 09-09-95 Regular expression search-replace utility mulco410.zip 89374 25-10-94 Multicolumn text with headers, dBase supported mulco501.zip 90895 13-01-95 Multicolumn text with headers, dBase supported ngclon11.zip 33313 22-02-90 Norton Guides clone, w/Turbo Pascal 5.0 src ngdump.zip 5988 21-06-90 Decompiler for Norton Guides database files nghelp.zip 84907 28-02-94 Norton Guide clone with TP 7.0 source code ngrep.zip 10303 08-11-87 Improved GREP, takes wildcards ngrj160.zip 23165 08-01-93 Text justifier, ideal for .NG compiling ngs_11.zip 28578 20-08-94 Norton Guides Sourcer v1.1: Decompiles NG file nlword10.zip 707194 02-11-92 Dutch wordlist for spell-checkers e.g. AmSpell nobit71.zip 9549 01-12-88 Strips high-order bit of text files nocz12.zip 9076 13-10-89 Strip Ctrl Z's from files, 3 versions, ASM src note.zip 9951 09-10-88 Resident file/dir/prtsc utility nroff1.zip 34515 08-12-90 Unix V7 nroff clone with source for MS C 5.1 off_09.zip 37869 12-01-93 OFF: A simple text formatter ovrsgr.zip 14051 06-11-87 Overstrike/backspace etc. to ANSI page1_4.zip 13527 18-02-95 Quick text file viewer useful for large files pagin507.zip 146278 01-08-95 Paginates text (headers, indexes, sorting...) pbjst104.zip 33844 20-05-93 ASCII text justifying filter by Peter Breuer pcb101_1.zip 134878 16-02-90 TSR Pop-up file scan & hypertext tool, 1of2 pcb101_2.zip 73967 30-09-89 TSR Pop-up file scan & hypertext tool, 2of2 pci30.zip 145502 06-08-90 PC-INDEX: Creates indexes from text files pco334.zip 116928 11-05-91 PC-Outline v3.34: Outlining & planning program pcowp20.zip 28591 14-09-88 Converts PC-Outline files to WordPerfect 5.0 pcpatch.zip 55914 06-02-88 Patch old source to current version pcwrd110.zip 108045 02-03-90 Viewer for PC-Write files pc_man19.zip 86580 23-01-94 Online document manager (like Unix man) pc_pro18.zip 340865 14-04-93 PC-Proof: Grammar checker for word proc. files pdsrt212.zip 23893 19-06-90 PD disk-based external sort program, w/C src phrase24.zip 33082 16-02-89 Phrase Watcher 2.4, avoid bad, awkward phrases pil50kit.zip 91980 21-04-92 Publishing Interchange Language v5.0 source ppd.zip 19428 27-01-95 Create WWW pages without knowledge of HTML pscribe.zip 135208 13-10-88 Professional Scribe, improves your writing ptf12.zip 178738 14-05-90 Portable Text Formatter with contents & index ql569.zip 51528 01-08-91 Fortune cookie program (Quantum Leap sayings) qp201.zip 30846 30-12-90 ASCII text file file viewer and print utility qsort320.zip 37552 11-07-88 Ben Baker's Qsort v3.20: Fast sort utility qt202.zip 306782 10-11-92 Fortune cookie program with 5000+ quotes quote25b.zip 87295 27-03-94 Random quote generator, 1000+ quotes, w/C src rap11.zip 19835 20-07-93 Reformat text files to specified widths. DEMO rcntx325.zip 259333 23-04-94 RACONTEX v3.25: Indexing Text Search System rdansi10.zip 4923 20-07-94 ANSI and ASCII file viewer rdansi11.zip 5857 17-01-95 ANSI and ASCII file viewer read201s.zip 388185 21-08-95 Writing style analyzer & readability checker read507.zip 288689 01-08-95 Free viewer, also make any text self-viewing readyref.zip 103711 09-08-90 Pop-up configurable reference utility recall25.zip 71543 10-04-91 Recall 2.5: WordPerfect and ASCII text viewer refs51.zip 14836 07-11-89 Finds references in name, date form in manusc. rembs1.zip 40996 21-11-88 Removes backspaces in text files repstr40.zip 94558 26-04-93 Remove or modify strings in text files resize.zip 9012 15-05-91 Resize text file to retain data before Ctrl-Z rlist10.zip 38834 04-08-91 Ron's LIST Program - CUA-like text file viewer rmail41.zip 78075 18-08-93 PC ReadMail v4.1: News, email and msgs reader rmhead14.zip 15927 14-03-94 Removes/changes headers of e-mail, news files rpsrt102.zip 89210 15-12-92 Fast sort very large files. Multiple sort keys rrts00.zip 42094 12-02-93 Remove redundant trailing spaces in text files rss30.zip 26539 22-04-93 Ron's smart existential dictionary search pgm rtextu10.zip 286573 19-05-93 Ricki's misc. text file utilities (filters) rtrim51.zip 55050 06-12-91 Remove unwanted spaces/ctl chars from txt file rum10.zip 10104 15-11-93 Rapid Unix/MS-DOS text file translator, v1.0 scripto.zip 5442 23-05-91 Builds cursive writing from text, w/TPas src sed15.zip 67052 15-10-91 Unix-compatible streaming editor v1.5 TC src sed15x.zip 21163 15-10-91 Unix-compatible streaming editor v1.5 EXE/docs see11.zip 17203 21-12-88 Alternative to DOS 'TYPE' command see212.zip 97840 24-01-93 View/print/publish/organize files see510.zip 127515 12-06-95 SEE 5.10: File view, scroll, and print utility sendit.zip 12541 02-12-94 Enhanced replacement for DOS' TYPE command serchv11.zip 8131 20-07-88 Search text files for 1 or 2 words with and/or showv20x.zip 25670 11-06-95 Convert text to self-displaying COM files shrlck20.zip 97541 08-09-90 Sherlock 2-window interactive textfile compare simdoc30.zip 197682 27-11-94 ASCII file to EXE converter - many features simp465.zip 70205 01-08-91 Fortune cookie program (Things Simpsons say) sleek11.zip 5341 14-05-91 Sleek v1.1: Text file reformatter w/word-wrap sortf237.zip 10339 20-09-91 Vernon Buerg's fast text sort utility sortx100.zip 13321 11-03-94 Fast sort of big files, better than DOS' sort spellr20.zip 75863 11-09-88 Spell checker outputs list of misspelled words split.zip 3761 16-12-87 File cutter/reassembler - for ANY file splitc.zip 8515 26-04-88 Split file into multiple files spltjd13.zip 12997 11-01-94 Splits large text files into multiple files ss30.zip 237090 27-08-94 ShareSpell v3.0: Text file spelling checker ss303.zip 6894 06-05-94 ASCII or HEX string searcher with many options sspell14.zip 108675 18-07-92 TurboC++ or Unix C source for Unix Spell clone sstrim12.zip 2387 09-10-94 Remove trailing spaces from text files stprt203.zip 23984 02-03-94 Unformatted ASCII file formatter/printer strpit11.zip 35652 01-12-90 Strip characters from left/right side of text stview.zip 42821 30-10-90 ST-VIEW, text file viewer with mouse support stype27.zip 16658 01-12-92 Display files contents with many options swputils.zip 122118 14-03-91 Does vertical/horizontal text file extractions tab.zip 13919 16-08-89 Indent a file one tab or specified # of spaces tabs21.zip 16391 07-01-88 V.Buerg's replace spaces w/Tabs, & vice-versa tabx10.zip 11450 03-03-90 Filter that expands TABs to SPACEs, w/TC src tail.zip 7816 09-04-88 Display lines from tail end of text file take1304.zip 97388 02-04-93 Take1st: Remove duplicates in a text file tamilvu1.zip 40699 02-11-94 TAMILVU 1.0 Romanized Tamil text viewer MSDOS tcless.zip 28392 25-04-88 TurboC version of Unix LESS, better than MORE tds_v10.zip 17181 26-12-90 Transliterate/delete/complement txt characters tea100.zip 185127 12-04-92 TEA word search program for crosswords v1.00 teabd100.zip 10402 12-04-92 Dictionary database encoder for TEA v1.00 teadac12.zip 978545 03-09-94 TEA dictionary database - Advanced Cryptics teadac13.zip 1076846 08-03-95 TEA dictionary database - Advanced Cryptics textc173.zip 38513 21-02-94 Reformat ASCII files for import to wordprocess texttest.zip 124584 22-06-94 File Selector, Spell Checker, Text Viewer tfb.zip 17363 13-04-94 Small TSR multi-file browser w/search/mark thesar39.zip 141480 30-03-89 Extendable menu driven on-line thesaurus v3.9 thespl22.zip 229684 11-04-90 Memory resident thesaurus, deluxe version 2.2 thiru10.zip 41544 08-11-94 THIRU 1.0 WYSWYG DOS editor in Romanized Tamil to5_205.zip 34718 21-02-94 Convert WordPerfect 5.x to ASCII, many options toadcr11.zip 7573 04-08-89 Unix <> DOS text file EOL converter w/ASM src toadebc.zip 8054 13-08-90 Collection of ASCII <> EBCDIC conversion utils tr112.zip 17424 11-01-94 DOS version of UNIX TR print command w/source tran05.zip 21633 21-01-93 Windows and DOS prog to cnvrt string <-> ascii travesty.zip 18687 18-12-88 Text/music style simulator w/C source tschek14.zip 72655 04-10-91 Unix-like spelling checker by Timo Salmi tsfcom24.zip 174588 29-05-93 Progs for manipulating text files, T.Salmi tsfilt21.zip 116165 13-02-94 Filters for message/log text files, T.Salmi tsfltb18.zip 68532 24-02-95 Build your own text & binary filters, T.Salmi tsfltc17.zip 80595 05-07-95 dump,col,concat,cut,detab,rep,rot13,undump tspell24.zip 130893 30-03-91 Screen oriented spelling checker by T.Salmi tsrmaker.zip 19747 18-09-87 Utility makes TSR menus tsv1_0.zip 8128 05-12-94 TextScroller 1.0: Interactive text file viewer txpro102.zip 76895 19-05-95 TextPro: Batch-oriented text formatter txs32.zip 113868 24-05-93 Fast text search with existential dictionaries txtcom.zip 7763 23-08-87 Text-to-COM translator txtout13.zip 26836 18-01-90 Converts WordPerfect 5.0 files to ASCII files typbck13.zip 13096 01-12-92 Type a log file line by line backwards ukacd12.zip 596076 02-09-94 ASCII wordlist for advanced cryptic crosswords ukacd13.zip 649768 08-03-95 ASCII wordlist for advanced cryptic crosswords unansi10.zip 5745 11-07-95 Strips ANSI codes from files (1.5K ASM util) unbox.zip 2949 13-07-90 Cvt graphic box chars to ASCII substitutes undigest.c 8292 21-06-94 Break down newsletter digests to individ. msgs uneek101.zip 15046 18-06-90 Eliminate duplicate records in text files, w/C uniq12.zip 10835 14-01-95 Remove or report adjacent duplicate text lines utter202.zip 32031 11-08-94 Fortune-like quote displayer w/lots of options view645.zip 18436 05-09-88 Fast text file viewer v6.45, Shareware viewit.zip 20020 26-02-93 Simple easy-to-use file viewer and searcher wc14.zip 12641 08-08-94 Statistics, word freqs, and readability index wisdom2.zip 111229 29-05-91 A fortune cookie program with Turbo C source wlist11.zip 29357 20-10-93 Fast word frequency and word length counter wp5look.zip 24873 05-03-89 File browser for WordPerfect5.0 document files wraplin2.zip 9614 30-12-88 Wraps long lines of text to make file readable wstriprg.zip 8247 19-11-91 Gautier's WordStar file stripper & dot remover wsx21a.zip 44301 20-10-87 A great WordStar to ASCII convers xcd20.zip 13887 27-07-91 Command line search for TXS dictionaries xort110.zip 17281 08-09-93 Sort huge text files in XMS memory, fast xsort.zip 12889 27-11-87 Expanded,faster sort-handles multiline records ----------------------------------------------------------- Terminate-Stay-Resident (TSR) utilities path: /disc2/tsrutil/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ctrl_alt.zip 14509 18-11-89 Save memory, swap TSRs to disk (Biologic) dmc20.zip 40248 02-03-91 Load and unload device drivers and TSR's ej_tsr.zip 3408 27-11-94 Removes TSRs. Tiny program with source fix27.zip 1227 22-04-88 Reclaims wasted environment space from TSRs i_and_c.zip 17784 16-10-89 'Inspect and Change', debugs TSR programs min_mem.zip 15992 08-07-90 Frees up memory by swapping TSRs to disk oncall.zip 91233 11-12-87 Resident Program Manager - Up to 40 TSR's remtsr.zip 2116 06-01-88 Remove TSRs from memory tess_5.zip 29893 02-10-88 TesSeRact TSR package for Turbo Pascal 5.0 tess_a.zip 18426 03-07-88 TesSeRact TSR package for Assembler (MASM) tess_c.zip 34026 03-07-88 TesSeRact TSR package for TC 1.5 or MSC 5.x tess_d.zip 47001 03-07-88 Documentation for TesSeRact TSR package theta1st.zip 61804 11-02-95 THETA TSRs: Several DOS TSRs for programmers tsrcom35.zip 75897 21-10-93 TSR memory managmt utils (MARK/RELEASE/MAPMEM) tsrsrc35.zip 73038 21-10-93 Source code for TSRCOM v3.5 pkg. (TASM, TP6.0) tsrwrk32.zip 79415 09-08-90 Mark/Release TSR management pgms, with ASM src ----------------------------------------------------------- Turbo C programming language-related files path: /disc2/turbo_c/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 3dlib.zip 45428 28-02-88 TC1.5 lib, create/manipulate/display 3D images allocaap.zip 5825 29-08-90 alloca() for TC2.0 and TC++1.0 by Alex Pruss anumr5.zip 242506 26-11-91 Numerical Analysis library for TC++1.0 & TC2.0 asycnch.zip 9633 02-07-91 Interrupt-driven comm driver for Borland TC/BC bchelp10.zip 139984 19-11-91 Borland TechFax help files for C/C++. 920103 blit.zip 14945 23-03-88 PC Sprite graphics support 'C' source bmp2imc.zip 88237 21-02-94 Displays BMP as putimage() everywhere in TC comlib12.zip 20439 25-02-94 Communications lib for Turbo C, w/sample prog. com_int.zip 10560 05-09-87 Comm interrupt routines for COM 1 & 2 cube_v1.zip 112249 12-07-94 3D Magic Cube game with Turbo C source ems_subs.msg 7765 24-04-89 EMS routines for Turbo-C expr11.zip 15610 26-02-92 Expression parsing, differentiating lib for TC fft.zip 4426 07-08-88 Fast Fourier Transform pgm w/C source fftsing.zip 40113 23-04-92 FFT of very long series (70000 data points) glob.zip 8621 23-04-88 Change wildcard filespec to list of files gpse114.zip 272685 07-04-94 GPSE v1.14: WGS84 co-ords from pseudoranges hcsvga12.zip 34963 06-07-93 Tseng/VESA HiColor graphics lib for Borl.C/C++ ibmcom_c.zip 6852 27-01-90 Interrupt-driven comm routines for Turbo C idd.zip 12851 13-02-89 Installable Device Drivers in Turbo-C joy.c 4609 27-03-88 'C' language routines to deal with joy stick kslib.zip 33580 01-08-91 Windowing/database/toolkit libs for Turbo-C kslib11.zip 64679 13-11-91 Kevin Spencer's programming library for TurboC link2msg.zip 9126 14-05-94 TLink output filter for Borland C++ 3.1 IDE lp_tc.zip 26084 09-04-91 PC printer port bi-directional driver - TC src mapper17.c 14611 06-12-88 TCv1.5 src: Draws 3 types of map projections mapper17.doc 4623 06-12-88 Documentation for MAPPER17.C map drawing pgm mcdt101.zip 52055 28-01-92 EGA/VGA GUI mouse cusor design tool. Writes C! mcwint20.zip 94363 12-01-88 Michael Mlachak's Turbo C window package mgabra.zip 53093 06-09-90 TSR's made easy for Turbo C mouclib5.zip 13649 15-09-91 Turbo C/C++/Borland C++ mouse support library moush101.zip 49591 05-12-92 Mouse routines (.OBJ) for Turbo C/C++, 920727 move.c 6766 26-05-89 Fast file mover; uses rename funct. TC src popen.zip 3885 09-03-88 Functions to open and close Unix style pipes popups.zip 27016 20-01-89 Pop-up menus for Microsoft 'C' programs pport.zip 28398 27-07-94 TC routines for parallel port data transfers prowintc.zip 30702 04-10-88 ProWindows *LITE* v2.00TC window system for TC romize.zip 15882 13-04-91 Convert compiled Turbo C code for use in ROM serus221.zip 14065 01-09-90 DOS installable interrupt-driven serial driver setargv.c 5156 09-03-88 Expand wildcard arguments tbug.zip 35978 27-01-88 Turbo-C debugger - from Micro Cornucopia mag. tc130.zip 131514 23-08-87 Extensive Library of Turbo C routines v1.3 tc2pat2.zip 24894 31-03-89 Turbo C v2.0 patches from Borland (4/89) tcasync.zip 6302 16-11-87 Turbo-C async communications routines tcdebug.zip 58706 08-05-88 Debugger for use with Turbo C tchk21.zip 205600 20-07-89 Turbo C function lib, v2.1, lib/doc, 1of3 tchk21ex.zip 148868 20-07-89 Turbo C function lib, v2.1, examples, 2of3 tchk21ng.zip 95056 20-07-89 TC func lib, Norton Guides help file, 3of3 tchrt3.zip 53581 24-07-90 High resolution timer toolbox for Turbo C 2.0 tcomm50.zip 125056 02-08-90 LiteComm communications library for Turbo C tcppt1.zip 40466 29-08-90 First bug fixes for Turbo C++, from Borland tcppt2.zip 7067 09-03-91 Patch file for TC++ v1.01 (from Borland) tcprof.zip 28848 04-10-88 Turbo C profiler, details program time tcrnd11.zip 12493 10-03-89 Updated doc and batch file to use TASM 1.0 tctimer.zip 15753 13-09-89 High-resolution timing of events for Turbo C tctut24.zip 330808 07-07-93 Turbo C Tutor: TC programming tutor tcu32_db.zip 303200 12-09-91 TCU Database option for use with TCU_3.2A.ZIP tcu_32a.zip 409412 30-03-91 Turbo-C flexible menus, windows & forms entry tcwind16.zip 74358 25-07-87 Turbo C window & screen routines tcxl551.zip 534220 24-10-90 Window/menu/mouse C language function library tc_tsr10.zip 23122 18-06-91 Turbo C source code examples of TSR programs tgcbor20.zip 334738 30-08-91 TEGL graphical windowing lib for TC/C++/BC++ tick.zip 6163 09-03-88 Installs a TC function called every clock tick ticktock.c 1884 14-10-89 Demo of IBM PC's high resolution clock, TCv2.0 timertst.c 4219 25-04-89 8253 timer test program for Turbo C 1.5/2.0 trbocsrc.zip 88428 01-02-88 Coronado's Turbo C tutor v2.0, (1 of 2) trboctxt.zip 108834 01-02-88 Coronado's Turbo C tutor v2.0, (2 of 2) tsrfil10.zip 19611 09-12-94 Borland C 3.1 src to write TSRs w/file access turbbook.zip 34290 04-07-88 Code from Turbo C Windows & Mem Res Book wgraf102.zip 36234 13-04-91 Turbo C++ graphics library with binary drivers windowtc.zip 75788 17-07-87 Windowing Library for Turbo C ----------------------------------------------------------- Turbo Basic programming language-related files path: /disc2/turbobas/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bascomm.zip 3232 31-10-87 How to use TBasic ON COM interrupt-driven I/O cvt2tb.zip 45782 22-01-89 Convert BASIC to structured BASIC draw.zip 2216 23-11-87 An object oriented draw program tbsuplow.zip 32453 18-12-88 Turbo Basic source upper/lower case conversion tbwind30.zip 16027 06-08-87 Window Routines for TurboBasic tbxm10.zip 5373 13-10-87 XMODEM sample COMM for Turbo Basic turbobas.zip 4867 26-01-89 Many Turbo BASIC utility routines ----------------------------------------------------------- Turbo Pascal programming language-related files path: /disc2/turbopas/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 3dlib30a.zip 179740 10-03-94 3D animation lib for TP/BP/TPW/C++, Core, 1of2 3dlib30b.zip 224705 10-03-94 3D animation lib for TP/BP/TPW/C++, Tools,2of2 3dterp10.zip 180424 08-12-94 PASTERP-based 3D animation program amouse55.zip 7830 17-02-88 TurboPas5.5 Microsoft mouse unit (source only) anivga12.zip 694674 12-07-93 VGA sprite animation unit for TP >=6.0, v1.2 ansicrt.zip 12623 29-05-88 Use ANSI calls for screen instead of BIOS async4.zip 15490 14-11-87 Interrupt driven serial line terminal routines atkybd.zip 2079 04-06-88 Set AT keyboard delay & typematic (TP4 source) avdoor11.zip 49557 10-12-91 Andrew Pam's door writing toolkit for TP55/60 bbskt30a.zip 282441 10-11-93 BBS/door programmer's toolkit v3.0a for TP6+ bgires.zip 8406 04-06-94 TP 6/7 unit to store BGI drivers as resources bitmap.zip 34426 01-07-95 Converts Windows Bitmaps to BGI images in TP bitwise.zip 6375 26-02-95 Unit to compress boolean data by factor of 8 bmsearch.zip 5725 27-10-87 Fast Boyer-Moore string search - TP4.0 source bonus507.zip 111520 10-07-89 Misc. TP 4/5 utilities/pgms from TurboPower bp7bugs2.zip 16397 21-05-93 Unofficial Turbo/Borland Pascal 7.0 bug list bp7sb104.zip 37899 05-11-94 Turbo/Borland Pascal Source Beautifier. EVAL bpl70n16.zip 272467 29-08-94 Fast replacement libs for Borland-Pascal 7.0 btree4.zip 15857 17-01-88 Turbo Pascal v4.0 DataBase ToolBox routines butons12.zip 119248 06-04-93 Help design BWCC 'BORBTN' style bitmap buttons chrgui10.zip 51141 01-11-93 Chrome Interface Library: 3D GUI for TP7. DEMO clearmem.zip 1859 07-06-91 TP unit to init stack, heap & global variables clipbrd.zip 22774 01-07-95 Accessing Windows' Clipboard from DOS progs co256_05.zip 64596 01-01-94 Highres 256col modes for BP7.0 on standard VGA comm_tp5.zip 33834 15-11-89 Serial port unit for Turbo Pascal 4/5.x compdate.zip 7502 15-09-92 Store compilation time & date in TP .OBJ file comset.zip 2258 10-06-88 TurboPas routines to enable/access COM1/COM2 comtty30.zip 19563 30-05-94 Serial COM-unit, terminal emulator, w/TP src concr4.zip 19184 29-06-88 Shows concurrent processing in Turbo Pascal 4 convertb.zip 13652 10-08-87 Turbo Pascal, convert CP/M data to DOS conv_p18.zip 48780 21-11-89 Pascal reserved word case conversion util v1.8 crcasm.zip 13740 30-10-89 ASM CRC calculation code w/TurboPas interfaces crsr42.zip 6019 01-10-88 Lemay's cursor routines for TP4 (req QWIK42) ctop12b.zip 110610 26-04-89 CtoP 1.2b: Convert 'C' src to Turbo Pascal src dateit3a.zip 33694 22-07-88 Turbo Pascal time/date routines dirsel4.zip 9453 09-11-87 Directory routines for Turbo Pascal 4.0 dskrd_wr.pas 4167 24-12-87 Low level disk read/write dsutil12.zip 324505 19-01-94 DOS utilities (IDE-ATA,HD-MBOOT,OS-BOOT, etc.) emsarray.zip 11945 01-11-92 Define arrays in Expanded memory using TP env20.zip 6070 20-09-88 Babulic's ENVUNIT for environment access in TP err87_13.zip 13840 24-01-93 Improved error handling for TP 5.5-7.0 pgms error87.zip 12655 16-08-90 Find TP 5.5 or 6.0 error 207 cause errtrace.zip 7305 07-10-88 TurboPas4 unit to display error traceback info err_func.zip 41268 12-09-90 TPU produces meaningful TP run time error info exeutil.zip 8568 17-11-87 EXE Utils from Turbo Power for TPascal v4.0 extend32.zip 15236 05-10-89 Open more than 20 files at once in TurboPascal extend5.zip 12960 20-11-90 Allows more than 20 files open at once in TP6 fileread.zip 25405 17-04-92 File read & display TP6 unit w/src & examples fixmouse.zip 2176 09-05-91 TSR fixes bug in TurboPascal 6.0 mouse handing fmanage.zip 2468 11-10-92 Basic file handling routines for Turbo Pascal fsmouse.zip 8589 13-08-95 Turbo Pascal mouse unit for text mode fulldb13.zip 14555 16-10-91 Adds .OBJ line nr. debug info to TP .TPU file genovr.zip 2640 19-08-91 General overlay support unit for Turbo Pascal grafdump.pas 7355 10-09-90 MGA/CGA/Herc/EGA/VGA graphics screen dump rtn grafik10.zip 14664 22-08-95 Units for scientific graphics in TP/BP graphtxt.zip 8595 17-02-90 TP5.5 TPU graphics mode text file device drivr gravis6.zip 230845 14-04-94 Graphic User Interface for Turbo Pascal 6.0 gtmous13.zip 85494 07-07-93 BP 6&7 TPU&TPP Graph mouse in TEXTmode TV, etc gvis201.zip 423593 24-03-95 Graphical User Interface library for BP7/TP7 g_mous2a.zip 18162 04-03-93 TP Unit to program the mouse/VGA (TP6 & 5.5) hexcom.pas 2212 21-07-87 Convert HEX file to binary hlp2tph.zip 31920 28-10-93 Converts TurboPower .HLP to Borland .TPH hotm60.zip 5944 19-03-91 Reassign the TP 6.0 IDE hot keys, w/TP 6.0 src hpdump01.zip 2375 10-06-92 TP unit to dump graphics screen to HP Laserjet hugecoll.zip 5217 25-07-92 Unit to implement huge collections in TP/W inasm10.zip 24200 10-03-91 Inline assembler generator for TP, w/src indx18eu.zip 20829 20-03-91 Indexed files UNIT (export version) for TP 4-6 inlin219.zip 35525 26-04-88 Assembler/disassembler for TP4 inline code intrfc63.zip 51447 04-06-94 TP 6.0/TPW 1.x TPU file dumper, with source intrfc70.zip 65979 22-03-94 TP/BP 7 TPU/TPW/TPX file dumper, with source janusw.zip 27450 26-07-92 TPW dialogs, MDI chils windows or reg. Borland jpdoor32.zip 177944 26-02-92 TP 5.5 & 6.0 BBS door writing TPU utilites lastl113.zip 30589 01-08-95 Last minute Pascal/Delphi program checks lcommtp.zip 41030 24-01-88 Turbo Pascal Communications Tool Box lister50.zip 49979 15-12-87 Xref/lister/indexer for TP 4.0 ltc55.zip 90511 18-09-89 LiteComm Communications Toolkit for TP 5.5 ltcomm50.zip 89736 20-05-89 LiteComm communications library for TP 5.0 math3871.zip 76822 15-05-95 Fast inline SIN/COS/TAN/X^Y for 387 or 486DX mcunit10.zip 23594 17-02-93 TP 6.0 units supporting work in graphics mode metawind.zip 146407 13-08-89 Meta Window functions demo for Turbo Pascal miscti10.zip 175082 20-12-89 Borland TechFax Turbo Pascal help files 920103 mkerr101.zip 12358 04-08-91 MkErr: Error device for Turbo Pascal 6.0 mndlbrot.zip 17323 05-07-88 Produce MandelBrot graphics [TurboPas] mnglr114.zip 35713 22-10-93 Turbo Pascal source files mangler/scrambler mos16.zip 1380599 19-04-95 Graphical interface for Turbo Pascal 7.0 progs mousefix.zip 8650 29-04-91 Disappearing mouse cursor fix for TurboPas 6.0 mouslib8.zip 191409 25-02-93 Mouse Library for TP6/7, BP7 + DPMI support moustool.zip 99320 10-05-89 Add a mouse to Turbo Pascal 5.0 myfonts.zip 173134 01-07-95 Using Windows' and other fonts in DOS TP progs nktools.zip 50222 25-02-91 Source to some useful TurboPas 4/5/5.5/6 Units oas50doc.zip 146212 06-12-89 TP4/5/5.5 Source Applications Generator, 1of3 oas50pro.zip 185104 06-12-89 TP4/5/5.5 Source Applications Generator, 2of3 oas50s45.zip 56857 25-01-89 TP4/5/5.5 Source Applications Generator, 3of3 oki390.zip 28554 16-09-88 Okidata printer setup program omouse.zip 22476 12-03-92 Object-oriented mouse for Turbo Pascal 5.5 one2many.zip 4234 08-08-91 Demo of 1:M database manipulation in Topaz ooav3.zip 11965 17-06-94 Object Oriented archive viewer for TP70 ooptut34.zip 265987 07-07-93 OOPTutor: Object Oriented programming tutor openfil5.zip 5928 30-08-94 TP/BP 5/6/7 unit: Print list of open files oprosm.zip 52287 06-01-90 TurboPower Object Professional function list overxms.zip 5387 05-05-92 Load Turbo Pascal overlays into XMS memory ovrumb12.zip 7116 20-09-94 TPU uses upper memory as overlay buffer, w/src packobj.zip 34077 07-05-92 Compressing BINOBJ-like utility w/TPas example parstp30.zip 67543 22-09-94 Math Parser for TP, BPW, C++, VB and others pased11.zip 116700 25-10-89 Multi-window programmer's editor for TurboPas pasmsg.zip 3778 12-11-90 Allows TPC(v6) or TPCX to run under TC++ IDE pastut24.zip 206925 01-12-89 Coronado Enterprises Turbo Pascal tutor, v2.40 pastut34.zip 288008 08-07-93 Turbo Pascal Tutor: TP programming tutor pckselfm.zip 2347 19-01-91 TP source: Allow autoconfig prgs to be LZEXEd pcl4p30.zip 48982 28-01-92 Asynchronous communications library for TPas. pcl4p43.zip 55776 22-06-95 Communications library for Turbo Pascal pdir10.zip 12581 12-03-92 Palcic's directory routines using TP 5.5 OOP pmdkt110.zip 201188 07-01-95 Borland Pascal Debug Kit v1.10b by NederWare posbm.zip 6607 14-06-89 Fast Turbo Pascal POS() replacement pp50.zip 16709 28-11-89 Pascal pretty printer/reformatter, w/TP5.0 src ppl4p10.zip 80467 22-06-95 Protocol library for Turbo Pascal ppp.zip 9892 29-03-91 Pascal pretty printer (c't Mag), req. TP5.0 pptsr10.zip 23048 12-02-93 Units & demo pgms to write TSRs in TurboPascal preskit2.zip 41418 20-05-93 Data compression toolkit for Turbo Pascal prtfil10.zip 47650 07-06-94 Generic BP7 printing obj & replacement PrtFltr pscal108.zip 11834 24-05-94 Calendar functions for Borland/Turbo Pascal 7 pscreen.zip 15191 02-11-89 Pascal screen writing routines, performance ck psdir101.zip 6305 08-01-93 Turbo Pascal 6 directory functions (source/NG) psdsm103.zip 4727 28-01-93 Get more than 64 kb heap in Turbo Pascal 6 psgui130.zip 52036 01-01-93 Powerful graphics library for Turbo Pascal 6 pslst102.zip 8763 10-01-94 List functions Object for Borland Pascal psppd100.zip 28446 08-01-93 Database functions for Turbo Pascal 6 psstk101.zip 5833 08-01-93 Stack functions for Turbo Pascal 6 psstr108.zip 16924 11-01-94 String, variable & keyboard functions for BP7 pstui100.zip 56912 01-05-93 Turbo Pascal (S)VGA Text User Interface psvsr100.zip 4068 10-01-94 TP: Restores user's screen when app terminates psxmh103.zip 9187 28-01-93 XMS heap control for Turbo Pascal 6 ptrp10.zip 86249 17-05-94 Pascal Like Extension Language for BP, DEMO pull15.zip 41540 31-08-87 Pulldown screens/menus pull20.zip 63899 12-01-88 Pulldown menus for TP4, uses QWIK40, WNDW40 pull55.zip 145297 24-08-89 Pulldown menus for TP5.5, uses QWIK55, WNDW55 pull5x.zip 142260 11-01-89 Pulldown menus for TP5, uses QWIK5X, WNDW5X pultp4.zip 19984 22-11-87 Pull-down menues for Turbo Pascal 4.0 px141.zip 18285 26-05-91 (T)Pascal variable/procedure cross referencer pxl214a.zip 103876 15-02-93 Turbo Pascal cross-referencing lister qnr.zip 10496 15-08-91 Adds queries (assist and dot) to Topaz progs qrdemo.zip 203290 13-03-92 TP6.0 TV CASETool demo. Edit resource files qwik30.zip 42271 31-08-87 FAST Turbo Pascal screen writing & more qwik41a.zip 40405 02-05-88 Quick screen utilities v4.1a for TPas4 (w/src) qwik42.zip 65639 01-10-88 Quick screen utilities v4.2 for TPas4 (w/src) qwik42b.zip 66266 15-10-88 Lemay's fast screen write routines for TP4 qwik55.zip 72212 24-08-89 Quick screen utilities v5.5 for TP5.5 (w/src) qwik5x.zip 70837 20-12-88 Quick screen utilities v5.X for TPas5 (w/src) raw_lpt.pas 2309 19-12-89 TP routine to process LPT1 output in raw mode rmouse11.zip 21727 09-10-92 TP6.0 mouse TPU (Graphic cursor in TEXT mode) scanh326.zip 101754 23-01-94 ScanHelp: Scan TP units to build a help file selector.pas 4551 16-05-91 TP routines similar to C language iascii, etc. sllist.zip 5998 11-03-89 Singly linked list for Turbo Pascal sortkit1.zip 12188 16-09-91 Sort objects sources for Turbo Pascal 6 spo110.zip 112055 17-04-93 TPU Peephole Optimizer for Borland Pascal v7.0 spoc88.zip 49051 13-07-88 Borland's Turbo Technix Sept/Oct 1988 all pgms sprites.zip 43154 29-04-91 Fast sprites engine for TP 6.0, w/ASM source srtkit11.zip 12225 08-03-92 Internal/external/combined sort lib for TP6.0 stay42.zip 71028 17-07-87 How to write a TSR program in Turbo Pascal storage.zip 11212 17-06-91 Storage method object for compressed text (TP) stream16.zip 70397 08-12-94 23 different stream types for TP/BP/TPW strg57.zip 48475 23-01-91 Lemay's fast string unit for TP5.5 strg61a.zip 48498 23-01-91 Lemay's fast string unit for TP6.0 stripped.zip 8801 30-05-92 Detects .EXE files damaged by TDebug's TDSTRIP strlist.zip 19414 11-03-92 Compile strings into Turbo Pascal .OBJ files swag.zip 238805 30-05-95 SWAG Reader and Information Files swag9505.zip 1088456 30-05-95 SWAG Update package for May 1995 swaga_c.zip 484706 30-05-95 SWAG Turbo Pascal source code, files A thru C swagd_f.zip 1395093 30-05-95 SWAG Turbo Pascal source code, files D thru F swagg_m.zip 1378819 30-05-95 SWAG Turbo Pascal source code, files G thru M swagn_r.zip 437143 30-05-95 SWAG Turbo Pascal source code, files N thru R swags_z.zip 1038078 30-05-95 SWAG Turbo Pascal source code, files S thru Z swapunt7.zip 29030 18-06-93 TPU/QPU to add Swap & Execute to your TP progs swin_0_1.zip 32042 30-03-93 GUI for programming in TP6.0 and above sys60a.zip 40004 26-03-91 Lemay's fast system unit replacement for TP6.0 syst55c.zip 36454 26-04-91 Lemay's fast system unit replacement for TP5.5 t301as.zip 11128 05-01-89 Asynch comm routes for Turbo Pascal tasker4.zip 4146 08-01-88 Turbo Pascal non-premptive multitasking module tavid12.zip 38891 22-12-88 Fast screen writes for Turbo Pascal tbase551.zip 43399 21-12-92 TP5.5 OOP unit for accessing DBF files, v1.1 tbase601.zip 43594 20-12-92 TP6.0 OOP unit for accessing DBF files, v1.1 tdhide.zip 14287 02-02-92 TLINK 3.01 TP5.5/6.0 EXE debug info shrinker tdinfo.zip 30864 23-09-93 Information about the Borland Debug format tef11.zip 8039 10-07-92 Run programs at a specified time. w/TP5.5 src tegl6a.zip 269730 20-08-91 TEGL Windows Toolkit II Rel. 2.0 for TP, 1of2 tegl6b.zip 150342 20-08-91 TEGL Windows Toolkit II Rel. 2.0 for TP, 2of2 threed.zip 20148 17-02-88 3D plot of f(x,y) (FORTRAN for Tele 921) ti01.zip 77297 13-01-93 HyperSource utility for Turbo Pascal 6 ticktock.pas 3050 14-10-89 Demo of IBM PC's high resolution clock, TPv5.0 tjoop11.zip 11826 20-05-91 Stack, Queue & double list OBJECTS for TPascal tlist23.zip 21529 20-12-87 Turbo-Pascal Source Code lister w/source toadln5.zip 19086 24-08-88 255-char READLN with editing, for Turbo Pascal toadlong.zip 43760 24-05-88 Long integers for Turbo Pascal 3.0 toad_iac.doc 376 17-12-88 Documentation for TOAD_IAC.PAS toad_iac.pas 5819 17-12-88 Demo using InterApplication Comm area (TP src) totdem11.zip 108502 26-06-93 TechnoJock's Object Toolkit v1.10 (TP/BP), 1/3 totdoc11.zip 191119 26-06-93 TechnoJock's Object Toolkit v1.10 (TP/BP), 2/3 totsrc11.zip 148926 26-06-93 TechnoJock's Object Toolkit v1.10 (TP/BP), 3/3 tp4menu1.zip 68777 15-12-88 Turbo Pascal 4.0 window interface v1.0 tp4_3d.zip 20145 17-02-88 Do 3D graphics using Turbo Pascal 4.0 tp55tsr.zip 33217 12-03-92 TSR unit for Turbo Pascal 5.5 applications tp5menu1.zip 74315 22-01-89 Program shell for TP 4.0/5.0 developers tp5patch.zip 11043 30-10-89 Borland's official patches for TPascal 5.0 tp6bugs7.zip 30797 10-01-93 Unofficial Turbo Pascal 6.0 bug list tp6map.zip 10462 24-02-91 Map of 500 procedure entry points in TP6 IDE tp6sb111.zip 9057 31-03-91 Full source to use SoundBlaster DAC functions tp6util.zip 16008 20-11-90 The utils dropped from TP6.0,TPCONFIG & others tp6xms.zip 9944 04-03-91 Extended Memory Specification unit for TP 6.0 tpa22.zip 92982 03-12-89 Integrated compile time assembler for TP55 tpbeau32.zip 16544 01-12-92 Prepare Turbo Pascal 5.5 code for output tpcfg121.zip 11332 25-07-94 TPU 6.0/7.0 for saving default config in EXE tpdb314.zip 68947 31-01-91 TurboPas routines for dBase files processing tpdoors.zip 24895 03-02-88 How to make doors for PCBoard tpe34.zip 182133 06-04-92 Free programmer's editor from Turbopower tpenhkbd.zip 8177 16-11-90 TP unit enabling extended keys for std/enh kbd tpfast30.zip 65768 26-09-90 Fast ASM sources for Turbo Pascal functions tpflex.zip 25807 12-03-92 Turbo Pascal 5.5 linked lists, generic tpfort12.zip 16751 28-11-89 Call MS Fortran from Turbo Pascal 5.5 tpfort18.zip 28469 08-03-92 Link MS Fortran 5.0 routines to TP 6.0 pgms tphelp.zip 25781 13-09-90 Kim Kokkonen's Turbo Pascal 4.0 help facility tphers01.zip 139447 08-09-91 TPHersh: TurboPas Unit to handle Hershey fonts tphrt3.zip 60853 24-07-90 High resolution timer toolbox for TP 5.0 & 5.5 tpjoystk.zip 4896 26-03-91 Turbo Pascal v4.x/5.x joystick TPU source tpkbd10.zip 21287 09-07-91 Easier special character input for TurboPascal tpl60n19.zip 170726 16-02-93 Turbo Pascal TPL run-time library replacement tplus.zip 74419 13-08-89 TPas programmer's toolkit demo by Nostradamus tply30a1.zip 120636 13-05-92 TP Lex & Yacc compiler compiler, exe/doc, 1of2 tply30a2.zip 85936 30-08-92 TP Lex & Yacc compiler compiler, sources, 2of2 tpmath.zip 10045 12-12-89 Turbo Pascal 4/5/5.5 standard math functions tpmul221.zip 7372 03-03-92 Make your TP 6.0 programs DV/Win/TV/DDOS aware tpmusic.zip 6515 03-05-91 TurboPas Unit to play music in the background tpp112.zip 49702 18-04-92 C-like pre-processor for Turbo Pascal tppcx.zip 45055 30-01-91 Turbo Pascal routines for PCX processing tppop16.zip 33628 06-10-88 TPUs and ASM for popup and TSR programs tppopups.zip 16149 25-08-88 Popup windows - TP source code and .EXE files tprat5.zip 13917 17-10-88 Mouse menu for TP 5.0 editor (req. Microsoft) tprcdr10.zip 59548 12-03-94 TPU 6.0/7.0 for recursive directory access tpreal2.zip 10467 26-03-92 Improved 'real' routines for Turbo Pascal tpreboot.zip 1621 17-01-95 Turbo Pascal unit for rebooting computer tprint.zip 24761 21-05-91 TPW printing unit using ObjectWindows tpr_book.zip 320652 20-10-92 Turbo Pascal Reference freeware book (400+ pg) tps.zip 9684 06-09-92 Tiles TPW 1.5 windows horizontally tpserio2.zip 5746 08-05-94 TurboPascal serial I/O routines (FOSSIL) src tpspool.zip 4861 11-10-88 Put printer output to a file (TP source only) tpstr121.zip 23172 18-12-89 Fast string functions for TurboPas 4.0/5.0/5.5 tptc17.zip 52451 27-03-88 Turbo Pascal to C translator, 1of4 tptc17sc.zip 48877 27-03-88 Turbo Pascal to C - src for translator, 2of4 tptc17tc.zip 27731 26-03-88 Turbo Pascal to C - test cases, 3of4 tptcinfo.zip 6181 16-08-88 Info on Turbo Pascal to C translator, 4of4 tpu2asm.zip 39043 29-10-90 Disassembler for Turbo Pascal 5 units tpu2tps.zip 8095 24-07-91 Allow recompilation of TP6.0/TPW1.0 SYSTEM.TPU tpucat10.zip 17562 02-02-93 TPUCat: Turbo Pascal TPU cataloger. DEMO tpuobj.zip 12505 11-05-88 Borland's Turbo Pascal TPU to OBJ conversion tpv24.zip 4883 23-11-90 Fast interrupt-driven serial comm rtns for TP tpw60.zip 14984 20-03-88 Windows for Turbo Pascal tpwhuge.zip 2042 05-08-91 Unit to handle huge memory block in TP/W tpxms.zip 15182 07-10-89 XMS access for Turbo Pascal tpznewg.zip 33306 19-05-90 German language TP source for Zmodem protocol tpzsfz.zip 22534 18-09-88 Rudamentary ZMODEM send/rec, TurboPas source tp_rat.zip 1903 13-03-93 Mouse macro toolkit for Turbo Pascal 6.0 tp_tools.zip 28833 11-05-94 TP 5.0 toolkit (clocks, mouse, dir lister) tp_tsr.zip 27675 11-02-89 Sample TSR pgm in TurboPas 4/5, with src/exe tridv308.zip 142131 30-11-93 TriDoor: Turbo Pascal BBS door pgmr's toolkit truetype.zip 207650 01-08-95 TrueType (& other) Fonts for DOS 1.60 (Pascal) tspa3440.zip 106153 18-08-94 TurboPascal 4.0 units for programmers, T.Salmi tspa3450.zip 108757 18-08-94 TurboPascal 5.0 units for programmers, T.Salmi tspa3455.zip 111589 18-08-94 TurboPascal 5.5 units for programmers, T.Salmi tspa3460.zip 111763 18-08-94 TurboPascal 6.0 units for programmers, T.Salmi tspa3470.zip 112309 18-08-94 TP7.0 real mode units for programmers, T.Salmi tsrhelp.zip 15840 23-08-92 Examples of TSRs in TP6.0 & Assembly language tsrun110.zip 14187 05-08-95 TPU for creating TSRs in Turbo Pascal 6.0/7.0 tstrings.zip 9436 21-12-91 Null terminated strings handling unit for TP6 tty.zip 5482 12-06-88 Small communications utility in TurboPascal 4 turbogen.zip 119041 28-01-88 Generates TP code to handle IO and error chkg. turtle10.zip 30295 16-12-92 Allow old TP3 Turtle graphics in any BGI mode tutorpas.zip 160006 06-06-89 Jack Crenshaw's compiler tutorial w/Pascal src twu1.zip 151226 06-06-91 Dumper/disassembler for TP6.0 or TPW 1.0 TPUs t_ref.zip 102959 17-07-87 Cross-Reference Lister for Turbo Pascal uistrip.zip 29813 08-08-91 Convert dBase code for UI into Topaz code unitre12.zip 12580 09-02-93 Display tree of TP/BP unit dependencies upconv14.zip 16993 27-11-90 Convert Pascal reserved word case w/TP5.0 src upconv22.zip 76214 11-09-91 TP3.0-5.5/TPW convert reserved word case util. vesatp10.zip 208415 23-03-94 Enhanced graphics library for Turbo Pascal vesatp11.zip 329201 24-05-94 Enhanced graphics library for Turbo Pascal views10.zip 246784 05-05-93 Graphic windows (GUI) library for Turbo Pascal vmath10.zip 5200 22-05-91 Vector math unit for TP6.0 and 387 coprocessor vmouse.zip 62486 01-07-95 The VESA SuperVGA mouse package for Pascal vsafe5_6.zip 20475 25-04-91 Units to guard a TP program against tampering wctunit3.zip 29640 25-05-92 Collection of Turbo Pascal units with sources wctunits.zip 23020 07-08-91 Collection of Turbo Pascal units with sources window.zip 21733 18-07-87 Windowing utilities window34.zip 21576 31-08-87 Turbo window routines - needs QWIK30.ZIP winres.zip 58559 22-06-95 Using Windows' resources from DOS/DPMI TP pgms wndw40.zip 40855 12-12-87 Fast windows for TP 4.0, needs QWIK40.ZIP wndw42.zip 86488 22-10-88 LeMay's fast windowing package v4.2 for TP4 wndw55.zip 94151 29-08-89 Popup windows for TP5.5, needs QWIK55.ZIP wndw_msj.zip 5209 19-11-88 TurboPascal multiple windows from Micro/System xlibp201.zip 353416 05-10-94 X-Mode library for TP7/BP7 + VGA xlibp202.zip 353176 26-01-95 BP/TP unit for tweaked VGA modes/DPMI/386 xmm12.zip 129796 05-07-92 Extended memory manager for Turbo Pascal 6.0 xmslibr1.zip 19946 11-08-91 XMS 2.0 API implementation for TurboPascal 6.0 ymodem.zip 2722 21-10-87 YMODEM protocol Turbo Pascal source zip2obj.zip 40410 13-11-91 Imploded .ZIP -> .OBJ -> Turbo Pascal explode ----------------------------------------------------------- Turbo Vision programming language-related files path: /disc2/turbovis/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ansiview.zip 11130 17-06-91 CRT drop-in replacement in TVision Environment dlgdsn22.zip 98510 03-01-93 Turbo Vision dialog design pgm v2.2, for TP6 dlgdsn46.zip 266740 01-11-94 Turbo Vision Dialog Design v4.6, for TP7,BC++ extshr12.zip 97651 12-07-93 Turbo Vision Unit to support all screen modes fsserial.zip 13946 17-06-91 Serial object for TVision (needs a FOSSIL dvr) gfx300.zip 154200 23-06-95 Graphic extension to TurboVision gvision.zip 723090 01-07-95 Graphics Vision 2.01: TV 2.0 in true graphics hsys12.zip 294035 31-01-94 Turbo Vision help development environment ned103.zip 102165 28-08-92 Enhanced TEditor object for TP6/TurboVision 1 ned3.zip 100784 11-12-92 Enhanced TEditor object for TP7/TurboVision 2 numinp2.zip 3078 25-05-93 Numeric input routines for TurboVision (TP/BP) ogrid110.zip 286203 01-06-95 Spreadsheet library for TV (TP6/TP7/BP7) w/src oodb.zip 84995 14-07-92 Object-oriented database for TP6.0/TurboVision ptg120b8.zip 222718 04-11-93 TurboVis 2.0 screen generator, 1of3, prot mode ptg120co.zip 75161 16-11-93 TurboVis 2.0 screen gen., 3of3, common files ptg120re.zip 206932 16-11-93 TurboVis 2.0 screen generator, 2of3, real mode scrsav5.zip 15390 17-09-94 Screensaver routines for TurboVision ][ tvbugs20.zip 14902 29-03-94 Pascal specific TurboVision buglist, w/patches tvdmx25.zip 170372 21-06-94 TV/BP7 data forms, tables, and spreadsheets tvg121c.zip 33460 28-05-94 TurboVision Graphics mode for C++ tvg121p.zip 67938 28-05-94 TurboVision Graphics mode for Pascal tvhc11a.zip 12852 27-12-93 TVHC2MSG+improved TVHC 1.1a for TurboVis tvinp101.zip 10504 13-05-92 Numerical input routines for Turbo Vision tvmagic1.zip 27994 10-06-93 Create TurboVision dialog boxes w/hidden msgs tvtool17.zip 177391 25-10-93 General TurboVision Tools Library, with source tvtoyc01.zip 35713 14-03-94 Better TurboVis helpfile/video modes, w/BC src tvtoys04.zip 86304 19-12-93 Better TurboVis helpfile/video modes, w/BP src tvutil01.zip 961415 13-04-94 Alex Levitas' BP/TP7/TVision 2.0 utilities kit ----------------------------------------------------------- UBASIC: High-precision math-oriented Basic interpreter path: /disc2/ubasic/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 00readme.txt 1294 31-05-94 Information about files in this directory ub874.zip 361092 09-05-94 High precision math-oriented BASIC interpreter ub874gr.zip 83048 10-05-94 Standard VGA graphics applications for UBASIC ubmalm.zip 34448 09-05-92 UBasic number theory pgms by Donald E.G. Malm ubppmpqs.zip 58759 09-05-94 UBASIC prime factorization pgm for 386/486 ----------------------------------------------------------- MicroEMACS - Emacs-like text editor path: /disc2/uemacs/ ----------------------------------------------------------- ue31216m.zip 111117 27-04-93 MicroEMACS v3.12 EXE - MS-DOS DPMI executable ue312ans.zip 71043 27-04-93 MicroEMACS v3.12 EXE - MSDOS w/ANSI graphics ue312cmd.zip 50151 23-04-93 MicroEMACS v3.12 command and startup files ue312doc.zip 72998 23-04-93 MicroEMACS v3.12 docs in MSS format ue312h.zip 84629 22-04-93 MicroEMACS v3.12 Header and assembly files ue312ibm.zip 74094 27-04-93 MicroEMACS v3.12 EXE - IBMPC MONO/CGA/EGA/VGA ue312src.zip 429003 23-04-93 MicroEMACS v3.12 C language source us20doc.zip 137180 05-07-92 MicroSPELL spelling checker, docs & dictionary us20exe.zip 43848 27-06-92 MicroSPELL spelling checker, executables us20src.zip 26516 05-07-92 MicroSPELL spelling checker, C language source ----------------------------------------------------------- UUCP programs and utilities path: /disc2/uucp/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cppnws18.zip 130570 23-09-92 Usenet News/Mail reader replaces Snews/PC-Elm fs132_e1.zip 330204 30-04-93 FSUUCP: UUCP Mail & Usenet News w/utils, 1of6 fs132_e2.zip 307009 30-04-93 FSUUCP: UUCP Mail & Usenet News w/utils, 2of6 fs132_e3.zip 179234 30-04-93 FSUUCP: UUCP Mail & Usenet News w/utils, 3of6 fs132_in.zip 96291 05-05-93 FSUUCP: UUCP Mail & Usenet News w/utils, 4of6 fs132_li.zip 5247 20-12-92 FSUUCP: UUCP Mail & Usenet News w/utils, 5of6 fs132_ma.zip 32322 05-05-93 FSUUCP: UUCP Mail & Usenet News w/utils, 6of6 fs132_re.ad 209 22-06-93 FSUUCP v1.32 UUCP Mail & Usenet News info file makenov2.zip 26552 11-04-95 Make News OVerview (NOV) databases mush71.zip 126577 25-09-90 MUSH v7.1, MSDOS<->Unix uucp email mush7doc.zip 98395 02-10-90 Docs for MUSH v7.1, MSDOS<->Unix uucp email ramnet14.zip 694445 27-06-95 MS-DOS<==>UNIX background Email/News/File Xfer smailbin.zip 115223 26-05-90 smail/PC - smart uucp mailer for MS-DOS, 1of2 smailsrc.zip 124880 26-05-90 smail/PC - smart uucp mailer for MS-DOS, 2of2 snews191.zip 141538 17-09-93 SNEWS 1.91: Threaded newsreader for UUPC snuupm26.zip 114662 06-03-95 Easy installation of SNews/UUpc/PMail snuupm27.zip 88657 23-07-95 Easy installation of SNews/UUpc/PMail snws191s.zip 74351 17-09-93 Source code for SNEWS 1.91 newsreader for UUPC tmail116.zip 147956 06-01-93 Threaded Mail/News shell for UUPC & Waffle uucpfaq.zip 11719 26-02-92 uucp frequently asked questions by Ian Taylor uucproto.des 13823 07-12-88 Description of UUCP protocol uupost10.zip 8241 25-04-94 News posting module for UUPC/Extended vms220.zip 355966 14-08-93 V-MailServer 2.20 automated list/file server ----------------------------------------------------------- Ventura Publisher-related utilities path: /disc2/ventura/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 12labels.zip 30339 12-05-88 Template for printing diskette labels with VP 1msgs.zip 182899 30-01-89 Message threads about Ventura artline.doc 3535 31-01-89 GEM Artline press release bitsfun.zip 11773 22-09-88 Ventura Newsletter on Bitstreams Fontware border1.zip 43251 08-11-87 Designer templates for Ventura Publisher 1.1 clean4vp.zip 3089 21-08-88 Ready ASCII files for Ventura Publisher import dropcap1.zip 63948 27-08-88 Fonts for Ventura Publisher feb89_ps.zip 227444 20-01-89 'WYSIWYG' magazine (PostScript version) fixvp.zip 9148 16-03-88 Strips tags and attributes from VP text files fixwp50.zip 11979 07-01-89 Convert WordPerf 5.0 files for input to VP 2.0 int_syse.zip 1441 15-12-88 Meaning of VenturaP internal system error msgs jan89_ps.zip 188443 23-12-88 'WYSIWYG' magazine (PostScript version) mac2vent.zip 12758 10-12-87 Produce a Ventura picture from a .MAC mar89_hp.zip 79142 21-02-89 WYSIWYG magazine for Ventura 2.0 (HPLJ) mar89_ps.zip 219784 22-02-89 WYSIWYG magazine for Ventura 2.0 (PostScript) master.zip 23806 07-05-89 VP Professional! BBS master file list 05/11/89 mickey.txt 1753 08-01-89 Use right mouse button in Ventura Publisher newpost.zip 37578 08-03-89 Alphabetized PostScript width table from VS newsdesi.zip 117657 10-11-87 Designer Newsletter for Ventura Publisher nov88fix.zip 7597 03-11-88 Fix file for NOV88-PS.ZIP nov88_ps.zip 185241 24-10-88 'WYSIWYG' magazine, PostScript version npenw_13.zip 180503 27-01-89 National Publisher's newsletter - January '89 perform2.zip 21043 08-12-88 Ventura Software's Performance Guide. VP 2.0 publet.zip 14203 14-09-88 VP business letter template for LJet series II qareadme.doc 3295 08-01-89 Readme file for printing Xerox Q&A Database qa_1.zip 22035 23-08-88 Xerox Customer Service Q&A Database Disk 1/4 qa_2.zip 20049 23-08-88 Xerox Customer Service Q&A Database Disk 2/4 qa_3.zip 19431 23-08-88 Xerox Customer Service Q&A Database Disk 3/4 qa_4.zip 21396 23-08-88 Xerox Customer Service Q&A Database Disk 4/4 setvpi17.zip 13351 01-12-92 Change default directory in VP.INF stylist.txt 1016 08-01-89 Stylist 1.0 -- Description of program in stylist.zip 56637 01-12-88 Stylist 1.0 -- Stylesheet Editor for VP 1.1 styname.zip 12292 31-01-88 Prints out a style sheet listing in Ventura tdoc693c.zip 45167 19-09-88 6x9 3/1 Column Technical Manual Template Set tdoc794c.zip 45982 19-09-88 7x9 4/3/1 Column Tech. Manual Template Set tdoc853c.zip 38802 19-09-88 8.5x11 3-column Tech. Manual Template Set truescan.doc 3771 08-01-89 Palantir's TrueScan System vindex11.zip 21900 10-09-90 Automatic Ventura index code generator, v1.1 vpapp_1.zip 11388 24-04-89 VS App Note 1 Making Endnotes by John Meyer vpapp_2.zip 5222 21-12-88 VS App Note 2 Memory reqmts for HIMEM.SYS vpapp_3.zip 13974 24-04-89 VS App Note 3 Mem mgmt. Sample AUTOEXEC/CONFIG vpapp_4.zip 29994 05-04-89 VS App Note 4 VP under Operating Environments vpapp_5.zip 7488 01-05-89 Benefits of accelerator card on XTs with VP vpapp_6.zip 26847 24-05-89 Using SK+ with VP, DOS file ops, search & rep. vpapp_7.zip 37877 16-11-89 Ventura: Database application notes for XVP vpapp_7s.zip 66163 17-10-89 Ventura: Sample for VPAPP_7 vpapp_8.zip 18252 18-11-89 Screen problems in Ventura Publisher's WYSIWYG vpbooks.zip 4238 14-07-88 Listing of Ventura Publisher books vpscreen.zip 15667 18-06-88 Ventura Publisher font editor vpwinfix.zip 78667 16-11-90 Ventura Publisher/Windows 3.0 patches, 11/90 vp_prfm.zip 25235 25-10-88 Ventura Publisher 2.0 performance guide wdperf5.zip 6912 20-01-90 Ventura: Replacement WDPERF5.LOD for XVP 2.0 ----------------------------------------------------------- Anti-virus programs path: /disc2/virus/ ----------------------------------------------------------- aavirus.zip 15094 10-03-92 Check/save/restore disk boot record/MBR adinf931.zip 172447 03-01-95 Anti-virus for MS-DOS working on a BIOS level aidsout.zip 37165 17-12-89 AIDS Trojan remover, use after SCANV aidstech.zip 31845 23-12-89 Technical info on PC Cyborg AIDS disk Trojan alert222.zip 84325 17-03-90 Government virus checker (well done) ansichk9.zip 58407 10-08-94 ANSI bomb and bad batch file detector autosn32.zip 40161 11-06-91 Checks ZIP/other archives for virus infections avp21.zip 487402 31-12-94 Antiviral Toolkit Pro (AVP) v2.1 Basic avp9509.zip 368520 03-09-95 Antiviral Toolkit Pro cumulative update 09/95 a_virus1.zip 6857 16-12-89 Information on AIDs Trojan bootchek.zip 19160 21-02-93 Verifies disk boot sector against secure copy bootcomp.zip 30862 01-10-89 Use BIOS-ints to compare bootsector with saved brt22.zip 89312 10-07-91 The Bridge Terminus v2.2a, shell for VirusScan catchm18.zip 28594 26-11-92 Algorithmic MtE virus scanner and MtE report caware.zip 16164 01-08-88 Make your 'C' language programs virus-immune check15.zip 42812 06-06-95 Check v1.5: File/system integrity checker checkmem.c 530 09-06-89 Check computer memory for presence of viruses check_os.zip 11743 13-03-88 Checks DOS for viruses chk4fe.zip 33968 17-02-91 Front-end driver for CHK4COMP.ZIP, needs mouse chklharc.zip 9977 07-04-89 Check for trojans in self-extracting LHARCs chksum.zip 15842 07-04-88 Compute checksum for 1 or more files chkup39.zip 127779 29-04-90 Check system files for changes, virus checker chkvir21.zip 88718 16-08-91 Force McAfee SCAN check for viruses on bootup ckot20.zip 60689 19-03-93 Checks archived files for viruses (req. SCANV) clctr960.zip 583081 01-09-95 Virus Database Auto-Import Scanner reports cm8105d3.zip 135750 24-06-95 ChekMate 1.05d: Detects known/unknown viruses cm8106a.zip 206314 04-08-95 ChekMate v1.06a: Detects known/unknown viruses columbus.zip 12315 12-09-89 Save & restore track zero of hard drive condom.zip 16424 28-02-88 Virus/Trojan protection program crcheck.zip 28502 29-04-95 Generates and validates 32 bit checksums crcset13.zip 35512 13-07-91 Self-scanning executable w/TP & MSC/TC source cvirprot.zip 9659 04-06-90 Virus resistance for C language programs datacure.zip 8691 11-10-89 Detect and disable the DataCrime II virus dat_9508.zip 234000 28-08-95 McAfee's virus signature data file, Aug. 1995 dc89scan.zip 15713 30-09-89 Detect the two strains of DataCrime I virus deform.zip 11453 16-05-91 Program to remove FORM virus from floppies delouse1.zip 18354 04-03-88 Checks files for Trojan activity detect31.zip 34358 11-03-90 Network-compatible file tracking/virus detect dirtyd9c.zip 78796 17-12-89 The Dirty Dozen List #9C (Trojan/Virus/Pirate) diskse24.zip 29766 29-12-93 DiskSecure: Protects hard disk partition table dlchk12.zip 9175 18-03-91 Auto scan downloaded archive files for viruses dprot102.zip 4491 13-05-88 TSR to protect drives against TROJANS dprotect.zip 6966 02-07-88 SW write-protect disks against TROJANS dsii242.zip 32653 20-03-94 BIOS-level anti-virus with access control dvir1701.exe 23680 06-07-89 Detects removes 1701 virus from .COM files esdscn20.zip 33523 20-07-92 ESD Virus and Trojan ecanning engine expel11.zip 73034 21-02-90 Virus control device with sample/track options filecrc.zip 40832 18-07-88 Detect if files have been corrupted filetest.zip 48206 13-03-88 Check for corrupted files. w/Pascal source file_crc.zip 55063 19-11-88 Calculates CRCs for all files on a disk find1701.zip 19256 21-05-89 Find and fix files infected with 1701 virus fixcrime.zip 23228 29-09-89 Removes infections of DataCrime virus fixutil6.zip 29557 11-10-93 BIOS detection & recovery from BSI viruses flsf106.zip 63539 23-07-95 FileSafe: Computer virus detection system fp_219.zip 584153 13-08-95 Version 2.19 of the F-PROT anti-virus package fshld15.zip 34030 08-10-90 Shields executable files from virus infections fsp_184.zip 51669 08-08-92 FLU_SHOT+ active monitor virus prevention pgm f_def482.zip 7132 15-01-95 File Defender Plus: File protection driver hcopy15.zip 66928 20-02-92 COPY with virus protection, from Hilgraeve hs_beta.zip 6829 26-07-94 Bootvirus detection/repair program (3.59 Beta) hs_v358.zip 17447 03-03-94 HS v3.58: Boot virus detection and repair pgm htscan20.zip 95941 22-04-93 Programmable virus scanner by Harry Thijssen ibmpaper.zip 26430 09-06-89 IBM: 'Computer viruses and related problems' ibmprot.doc 11245 16-06-88 Review of a few anti-viral programs, June 1988 identify.txt 20608 09-06-89 How to identify computer viruses immunity.txt 4517 27-03-88 Viral immunity for MS-DOS systems innoc.zip 2773 07-02-91 Boot sector virus immunizer for diskettes inoculat.zip 5690 28-12-87 Very simple protection against Lehigh virus iv_610.zip 431941 08-09-95 InVircible anti-virus and disaster recovery i_m251c.zip 371840 23-08-95 IntegrityMaster 2.51c antivirus/data integrity killmnk3.zip 14441 01-11-93 KillMonk v3.0: Monkey and INT_10 virus remover langv106.zip 186640 24-06-93 Foreign language modules for SCAN and CLEAN md.zip 11668 02-08-89 MDISK boot virus removers mteavr22.zip 3681 15-07-92 MTE virus signatures for TBSCAN(X) & HTSCAN mythsv10.zip 35477 04-10-93 Computer Virus Myths by Greenberg/Rosenberger myths_v8.zip 11158 03-03-92 Computer Virus Myths, by Rosenberger&Greenberg m_disk.zip 12454 31-03-90 Remove boot sector or partition table viruses navm.zip 200001 16-02-92 Norton's AntiVirus, free Michelangelo edition nby127.zip 217899 25-06-91 Virus scanner plus system information utility netzutil.zip 48336 26-08-95 NetZ's anti-virus utilities nobrain.c 19343 09-06-89 Source code: rid computer of 'Brain' virus nobrains.zip 59432 29-11-89 Docs and progs for dealing with Brain virus nocrm11.zip 12479 20-09-89 Prevents infection by the DATACRIME virus novirus.zip 8457 25-01-88 Virus protection utility & documentation pass_av.zip 3190 23-05-94 [PASS:] Anti-virus software authentication pcv4dbf.zip 231964 06-06-91 PC-Virus 4.0 database and program, 1of2 pcv4rpt.zip 242081 29-05-91 PC-Virus 4.0 virus reports in text form, 2of2 power.txt 2319 08-08-89 Note regarding book and possible virus provecrc.zip 10511 28-07-88 Demo of CRC checking for file validity pvalidat.zip 5030 05-01-91 Portable VALIDATE using McAfee algorithms pzip160.zip 67910 10-09-91 Virus-check multiple archives, repack to ZIPs qwxyc01.zip 7648 19-03-95 Removes WXYC virus from HDs and diskettes scantl17.zip 174790 13-08-91 Front end for the McAfee Scan anti-virus util. scnday10.zip 9466 19-04-93 Scan HD for viruses once a day on Mon/Wed/Fri scn_225e.zip 424368 28-08-95 McAfee's VirusScan 2.2.5: Scans/cleans viruses secur235.zip 21882 20-02-92 Virus/trojan security, prevents unauth. writes sentry02.zip 25412 10-12-92 Sentry: Non-resident checksum security program snr9501.zip 24865 29-12-94 The Scanner anti-virus newsletter, Jan95 issue snr9503.zip 25734 02-03-95 The Scanner anti-virus newsletter, Mar95 issue snr9504.zip 34904 17-04-95 The Scanner anti-virus newsletter, Apr95 issue solomon.lst 32047 04-12-89 List & description of less common viruses stealth.zip 56364 10-02-92 C & TurboPas routines for self-checking code swvsaf11.zip 93245 11-12-90 DOS extention does file integrity verification syschk1.zip 9538 02-02-88 Another anti-virus program tbav635.zip 285811 25-05-95 Thunderbyte anti-virus pgm (complete) v6.35 tbavn635.zip 1957428 25-05-95 TBAV anti-virus for Networks v6.35 tbavw635.zip 473170 25-05-95 TBAV anti-virus for Windows v6.35 tbavx635.zip 90197 25-05-95 TBAV anti-virus - processor optimized versions thd_11_0.zip 273321 11-06-95 THD ProScan: File/upload processor/convertor ttrap132.zip 9587 08-04-95 Trojan activity detector/protector unvir902.zip 32601 02-05-90 UNVIRUS/IMMUNE removes/protects against virus upav201.zip 92258 30-06-92 Update/install Viruscan for local/network disk vaccine.rev 6310 16-06-88 Review of commercial progm from WorldWide Data vaccine.zip 25989 23-12-87 Protects against computer virus vaccinea.zip 10211 04-02-88 Computer Virus detecter vaci13.zip 14171 04-03-88 Checksums OS files for validity valid100.zip 18860 21-08-94 Replacement for McAfee VALIDATE 2.00 w/source validat3.zip 3231 31-10-89 Validate shareware programs for authenticity validate.zip 9323 02-03-93 Validating information for Virus checkers 9303 vbait12.zip 4304 11-05-94 Simple virus bait, detects COM infecting virus vb_110.zip 26229 01-12-89 Virus Buster v1.10, virus detection/removal vc300ega.zip 113700 20-07-91 Virus Central, frontend to virus programs, EGA vc300lte.zip 96179 20-07-91 Virus Central Lite:Shell for VirusScan/Cleanup vcheck11.zip 13325 01-02-89 Pgm to detect unusual file changes v1.1 vck30.zip 165017 01-08-93 VirusCheck: Security shell for McAfee ViruScan vdetect.zip 16681 22-08-88 Virus detecter tracks all files on disk vds30u.zip 334727 03-07-95 Antivirus /w scanner, integrity checker veldman.pgp 4096 18-10-93 TBAV - author's PGP key for authenticity-check virlst12.zip 45321 12-05-94 Generates report from McAfee's virlist.txt virsh14e.zip 82899 01-07-92 ViruShell: Shell for McAfee's anti-viral pgms virsimul.zip 15186 16-09-89 Simulates non-destructive behavior of viruses virus101.001 13965 08-03-89 Part 1 of four part article on Viruses virus101.002 17756 08-03-89 Part 2 of four part article on Viruses virus101.003 18575 14-03-89 Part 3 of four part article on Viruses virus101.004 4984 25-03-89 Part 4 of four part article on Viruses virusck.zip 14030 22-02-88 Virus detecter viruspro.inf 2912 25-03-89 Steps you can take to protect against Viruses virus_l.faq 86420 10-05-94 Virus-L Mar. 19 Frequently Asked Question list virx293.zip 199021 28-02-94 Virex-PC: Anti-virus utility with small TSR virzip13.zip 15742 26-03-91 Scans ZIP files for virus infections vkill13.zip 15536 21-10-90 Find and remove Jerusalem virus, with C source vlist01d.zip 15265 06-07-89 Listing of computer virus information vschek10.zip 5527 21-01-94 Checks if McAfee VShield anti-virus TSR loaded vshl205.zip 112139 11-12-92 VShell 2.05: Front-end for Viruscan/CleanUP vsh_225e.zip 602352 28-08-95 McAfee's VShield v2.2.5: Antivirus TSR vsig9305.zip 26793 03-05-93 Signatures for HTSCAN virus scanner vste204.zip 23763 25-03-95 FreeWare Novell virus scanning and reporting vstop54.zip 29809 06-01-90 Virstop 1.05, TSR to prevent virus infection vsumx507.zip 961989 31-07-95 Pat Hoffman's virus information summary list vtac50.zip 42372 29-09-91 Protects disk against alteration or formatting vtec46c.zip 107078 03-01-93 Virus Terminus 4.6c, McAfee scan front-end vxrf0691.zip 10139 01-06-91 Cross-referenced list of viruses by size v_detect.zip 19922 10-11-89 Virus Detector v1.0 from Varteck International watchman.zip 16355 08-08-91 Virus detector checks for altered executables wsc_225e.zip 601646 28-08-95 McAfee's VirusScan v2.2.5 for MS-Windows zipvchkb.zip 43393 30-06-91 ZIP file virus checker ----------------------------------------------------------- Vietnamese software supporting the VISCII standard path: /disc2/viscii/ ----------------------------------------------------------- bkts5.zip 25578 03-08-94 WIN3: Karaoke song and pictures for PC-Karaoke btviet03.zip 69628 31-10-92 Vietnamese editor--most graphics cards + mouse cadao11.zip 17135 01-09-93 Displays random Vietnamese proverbs, Win3.1 cn303.zip 60373 26-07-94 Convert files between different VN formats dcn.zip 288976 18-07-94 WIN3: Karaoke song and pictures for PC-Karaoke diction1.zip 874255 20-05-94 WIN3: English-Vietnamese dictionary, 1 of 2 diction2.zip 850836 22-04-94 WIN3: English-Vietnamese dictionary, 2 of 2 dmh.zip 102337 01-05-94 WIN3: Karaoke song and pictures for PC-Karaoke giobui1a.zip 545896 04-10-94 VN Hist.'43-49 by T.T.Kim (for TRIVIEW) part 1 giobui1b.zip 1354950 04-10-94 VN Hist.'43-49 by T.T.Kim (for TRIVIEW) part 2 hnwin10.zip 67037 15-11-93 Vietnamese Hoi?/Nga~ look up table for Win3.1 hodzenh.zip 75635 07-02-95 Poems by Ho Dzenh, hypertext, Windows 3.1 hxhwin10.zip 295040 20-08-93 Poems by Ho Xuan Huong, Win3.1 hypertext+MIDI lambai.zip 31996 23-08-92 Teaching/testing tool in Vietnamese, w/source lichta11.zip 15872 09-05-94 Gregorian/Lunar calendar converter (1990-2000) matbiec.zip 161831 17-05-94 WIN3: Karaoke song and pictures for PC-Karaoke may.zip 378831 14-03-94 WIN3: Karaoke song and pictures for PC-Karaoke msgmhn.zip 795058 23-05-94 WIN3: Karaoke song and pictures for PC-Karaoke nhac1_a3.zip 60933 19-09-92 Vietnamese Songs, hypertext style, Vol1-VerA3 nhac2_a3.zip 60149 19-09-92 Vietnamese Songs, hypertext style, Vol2-VerA3 nhac3_a3.zip 60741 19-09-92 Vietnamese Songs, hypertext style, Vol3-VerA3 nhac4_a3.zip 59601 19-09-92 Vietnamese Songs, hypertext style, Vol4-VerA3 nhacta1a.zip 1483484 21-09-93 Vietnamese Win 3.1 Multimedia MIDI collection pckao10.zip 219187 22-03-94 WIN3 PC-Karaoke: Record and play Karaoke songs pdfo3tt1.zip 293188 22-07-93 5 VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from VN-Fonts pdfo4tt1.zip 336210 22-10-93 6 VISCII Windows3 TrueType fonts from VN-Fonts pdfo5tt1.zip 391886 26-01-94 6 VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from VN-Fonts pdfo6tt1.zip 365431 26-01-94 7 VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from VN-Fonts pdfo7tt1.zip 521498 26-01-94 9 VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from VN-Fonts pdfo8tt1.zip 437517 16-03-94 9 VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from VN-Fonts pdfon1tt.zip 384509 27-05-93 6 VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from VN-FONTS pdfon2tt.zip 399966 27-05-93 9 VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from VN-FONTS scrvn12.zip 6073 28-02-94 Memory-resident Vietnamese text viewer for DOS thitap1.zip 22157 15-09-92 Poems by Quang Dung, hypertext, Windows 3.1 thitap2.zip 62600 30-10-92 Poems by Nguyen Binh, Win3.1 hypertext+clipart thitap4.zip 595317 05-08-93 Chinh Phu Ngam poem, Win3.1 hypertext+art+MIDI tho1_a3.zip 66741 19-09-92 Poems by Xuan Dieu, hypertext style trimed1a.zip 428005 10-01-94 WIN3: TriChlor Multimedia Player (Vietnamese) triview1.zip 519131 19-09-94 WIN3: TriChlor Multimedia book viewer tuoingoc.zip 27974 04-05-94 WIN3: Karaoke song and pictures for PC-Karaoke tvdt102.zip 184882 26-08-94 Vietnamese electronic library, main program tvdtd001.zip 32726 02-08-94 3 classic books of poetry for TVDT tvdtd002.zip 29562 02-08-94 3 classic books of poetry for TVDT tvdtd003.zip 43900 02-08-94 3 classic books of poetry for TVDT tvdtd004.zip 36025 02-08-94 3 classic books of poetry and prose for TVDT tvdtd005.zip 73251 26-08-94 3 classic books of poetry for TVDT tvdtd006.zip 53631 30-08-94 150 Vietnamese songs (lyrics only) for TVDT tvdtd007.zip 54854 30-08-94 150 Vietnamese songs (lyrics only) for TVDT tvdtd008.zip 53478 20-09-94 3 classic books of poetry for TVDT tvdtd009.zip 69084 26-08-94 1 book of poetry plus 100 VN songs for TVDT tvdtd010.zip 43575 26-08-94 3 classic books of poetry for TVDT vdos421.zip 84223 03-09-92 VIETDOS: Vietnamese keyboard & screen filters viet78.zip 31754 01-09-92 Convert between SCV/Viet-Net and VISCII, w/src vietdm11.zip 62166 26-11-94 Multi-font dot-matrix formatting & printing vietvu30.zip 345978 04-04-95 WIN3: Advanced Vietnamese kbd/clipboard filter visc11ps.zip 374782 12-01-93 VISCII and VIQR 1.1 standards, in PostScript viscii11.zip 81648 21-01-93 VISCII and VIQR 1.1 standards, in VISCII vlaser3.zip 74174 08-06-93 Multi-font LaserJet formatting & printing vnelvis.zip 109401 09-03-94 VISCII-compliant VI/EX-clone text editor vnfo3tt1.zip 198782 03-08-93 VISCII TienGiang TT fonts, donated by GIGISOFT vnfon1tt.zip 191732 22-11-120 4 VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from TriChlor vnfon2tt.zip 159663 19-05-93 3 VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from TriChlor vnhacw1a.zip 336153 03-08-93 Vietnamese song lyrics (with cliparts), Win3.1 vnview10.zip 39582 22-11-93 WIN3: View Vietnamese text of various formats vprint12.zip 26093 31-10-92 Printing utility for Vietnamese VISCII files vputmk10.zip 16691 10-01-94 Add diacritic marks to plain Vietnamese text vsort10.zip 24821 10-11-93 Sorts VISCII text alphabetically, customizable vta1.zip 686818 19-12-94 Songs w/o names by Vu Thanh An, for PC-Karaoke winvnk12.zip 845288 24-11-93 Vietnamese keyboard and fonts for Windows 3.1 ----------------------------------------------------------- Programs from the Vietnamese Professionals Society path: /disc2/vpssoft/ ----------------------------------------------------------- cdaoss20.zip 152856 15-08-94 WIN31: Screen Saver with Vietnamese proverbs dovui10.zip 734379 05-08-94 WIN31: Fun-Quizz-for-Learning VN culture hoingd11.zip 33902 29-08-94 Ho?i/Nga~: Vietnamese word lookup table (DOS) hoingw11.zip 55576 29-08-94 WIN31: Ho?i/Nga~: Vietnamese word lookup table quetoi10.zip 215957 03-05-94 WIN3: Que Toi Screen Saver vcnvrt16.zip 43278 08-10-94 Convert Vietnamese text formats vnvw10.zip 23957 14-04-94 Viewer for various Vietnamese text formats vpsabc10.zip 1244562 02-05-94 WIN31: Teaching Vietnamese to children vpscom15.zip 517906 03-12-94 WIN3: Communication software in Vietnamese vpsed13.zip 126306 14-04-94 Vietnamese text editor w/spell check, printing vpsfnt11.zip 572587 02-05-94 Win31: Vietnamese TrueType fonts, set 1 vpsfnt21.zip 508754 02-05-94 Win31: Vietnamese TrueType fonts, set 2 vpsfnt31.zip 528750 02-05-94 WIN31: Vietnamese TrueType fonts, set 3 vpsfnt41.zip 547563 02-05-94 WIN31: Vietnamese TrueType fonts, set 4 vpsfnt51.zip 504301 02-05-94 Win31: Vietnamese TrueType fonts, set 5 vpsfnt61.zip 532817 02-05-94 WIN31: Vietnamese TrueType fonts, set 6 vpshow11.zip 56550 27-04-94 Teleprompter for Vietnamese text vpstim10.zip 553376 29-08-94 WIN31: Learn to tell time in Vietnamese vpswin21.zip 971993 27-04-94 Vietnamese keyboard & fonts for Windows 3.1 wcnvrt10.zip 40266 15-06-94 WIN31: Convert Vietnamese text formats ----------------------------------------------------------- Weather / hurricane tracking programs path: /disc2/weather/ ----------------------------------------------------------- hurrtr50.zip 667451 23-08-94 HURRTRAK v5.0: Hurricane tracking/analysis s/w storm61.zip 228182 19-06-92 Hurricane tracking pgm. USA E. & Gulf coasts wxgfx41a.zip 635774 03-04-95 Weather plotting/analysis program, mouse/menu ----------------------------------------------------------- World map viewing program and maps path: /disc2/worldmap/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 00readme.1st 1063 23-05-95 Information about files in this directory africa.zip 52918 06-05-88 World Maps for Africa - 1 of 7 antarcti.zip 18836 06-05-88 World Maps for Antarctica - 2 of 7 asia.zip 110336 06-05-88 World Maps for Asia - 3 of 7 australi.zip 23348 06-05-88 World Maps for Australia - 4 of 7 europe.zip 95577 06-05-88 Map of Europe - part of WORLDMAP package mapvu20.zip 182581 13-01-89 MapView 2.0, world map files viewing program northame.zip 203432 06-05-88 World Maps for North America (EGA) 6 of 7 southame.zip 61644 06-05-88 World Maps for South America (EGA) 7 of 7 swivel.zip 37413 12-05-88 Display program for World Maps (EGA) world.zip 29045 12-05-88 World map graphics database ----------------------------------------------------------- Windows Programmer's Journal path: /disc2/wpj_mag/ ----------------------------------------------------------- wpjrqst.txt 1574 08-04-93 Request for assistance from WPJ readers wpjv1n1.zip 35059 03-01-93 Windows Programmer's Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 wpjv1n2.zip 47845 02-02-93 Windows Programmer's Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 wpjv1n3.zip 129996 03-03-93 Windows Programmer's Journal Vol. 1 No. 3 wpjv1n4.zip 95458 04-04-93 Windows Programmer's Journal Vol. 1 No. 4 wpjv1n5.zip 87056 09-05-93 Windows Programmer's Journal Vol. 1 No. 5 wpjv1n6.zip 132877 12-06-93 Windows programmer's Journal Vol. 1 No. 6 wpjv1n7.zip 252170 02-08-93 Windows Programmer's Journal Vol. 1 No. 7 wpjv1n8.zip 421148 05-09-93 Windows Programmer's Journal Vol. 1 No. 8 wpj_mag.inf 2584 10-12-92 Free electronic magazine for Windows progrmers ----------------------------------------------------------- XLISP programming language files path: /disc2/xlisp/ ----------------------------------------------------------- xl21g386.zip 152258 10-11-94 XLISP-PLUS 2.1g 3/486 prot mode executable xl21gdoc.zip 64446 28-05-94 XLISP-PLUS 2.1g documentation (ASCII format) xl21gexe.zip 108483 10-11-94 XLISP-PLUS 2.1g 80x86 executable xl21gpsd.zip 112992 28-05-94 XLISP-PLUS 2.1g documentation (PostScript) xl21greq.zip 140801 05-10-94 XLISP-PLUS 2.1g required files xl21gsrc.zip 240567 10-11-94 XLISP-PLUS 2.1g source code (in C) xl21gwin.zip 109566 10-11-94 XLISP-PLUS 2.1g Windows 3.1 executable xlisp21w.zip 461504 10-04-93 Windows server version of XLISP2.1 (w/source) xlispdoc.zip 17853 11-02-88 XLISP v2.0 docs & note on XLISP-PC extentions xlisplsp.zip 16631 12-02-88 Examples of LISP code for XLISP 2.0 xlispref.zip 93898 12-12-89 Mikkelsen's complete XLISP2.0 reference manual xlsp21ex.zip 64971 15-04-91 XLISP v2.1, EXE for PC-DOS and generic MS-DOS xlsp21tc.zip 152321 14-04-91 XLISP v2.1, TC++ 2.0 source & some net chatter xmath.zip 3311 30-06-88 X-Lisp math functions to accompany X-Lisp ----------------------------------------------------------- X Window system for PC path: /disc2/xwindows/ ----------------------------------------------------------- xap143d1.zip 1185755 21-03-94 X Appeal X Server trial v1.43 (386 req.), 1/4 xap14d2.zip 1208224 15-11-93 X Appeal X Server trial v1.4 (386 req.), 2/4 xap14d3.zip 1155946 12-11-93 X Appeal X Server trial v1.4 (386 req.), 3/4 xap14d4.zip 1202575 12-11-93 X Appeal X Server trial v1.4 (386 req.), 4/4 xappeal.txt 10824 23-03-94 X Appeal X Server trial v1.41. Read this first ----------------------------------------------------------- ZIP archiver (ZIP/UNZIP) and related utilities path: /disc2/zip/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 2zip25.zip 19570 08-12-89 Convert most any archived file to ZIP format a2z16d.zip 36698 15-10-89 Convert ARC/PAK to ZIP 1.01 (TP 5 src) v1.6D ansikl10.zip 10573 05-06-89 Remove ANSI codes from comments in ZIP files anti100.zip 32309 05-04-93 Anti-Ad, detect/remove BBS ads from ZIPs any2zip4.zip 4808 07-07-89 Batch files to convert ARC/LZH/ARC/ZOO to ZIP appnote.zip 12307 25-01-93 PKZIP 2.0+ data structures for util developers arctozip.zip 7556 04-04-90 Conversion & comments! Auto-del largest; V1.3 auto_11.zip 198072 08-03-95 Menu driven shell for PKZIP, MS-DOS and more azp5010.zip 29422 19-01-90 Front-end utility for use with PKZIP & PKUNZIP bbzippii.zip 54474 11-08-89 Byte Brothers ARC to ZIP conversion program bldzip10.zip 32155 15-01-93 Program builds a ZIP file to any wanted size catoz.zip 5076 19-06-89 Batch file converts from ARC to ZIP archives chkav22.zip 76996 05-05-91 ChkAv 2.2, check ZIP files for -AV stamps dedicate.doc 719 27-08-89 ZIP archive format public domain statement delzip.zip 8253 18-03-89 Delete files in subdirectory already in ZIP dxzip.zip 12793 30-09-89 Del file(s) in current dir found in ZIP file dzip111.zip 4163 22-03-89 Remove files from disk that exist in .ZIPs exzip192.zip 69511 16-04-89 Converts all archives from ARCs to ZIPs nzip202.zip 45090 23-06-90 NZIP v2.02, front end menu for PKZIP pakpal10.zip 49566 13-11-90 Easy to use interface for PKZIP and PKUNZIP palrun20.zip 285207 20-08-90 Run or edit files from within ZIP files pcdzip20.zip 48541 07-12-93 Fast free UNZIP program, with ASM source pk2bugs.zip 1590 09-01-93 List of bugs in PKZIP 2.04c. Beware! pkbanner.zip 22454 05-05-89 Add fancy coments to ZIP files pkcnvt11.zip 46080 16-03-90 Convert Amiga arc/zoo/lzh files to ZIP on IBMs pkinsv64.zip 81759 22-09-91 Pkinsert: Utility for inserting ZIP comments pkv100.zip 14125 14-10-90 ZIP file viewer with TASM source pkz204g.exe 202574 18-01-93 PKWare ZIP archive create/extract pgm, v2.04g pkzdate.zip 21960 17-08-90 Sets date of ZIP file to latest contained file pkzf11.zip 10685 20-10-89 PKWare's file find pgm, searchs ZIPs too pkzm104.exe 130222 02-03-91 Menu-driven ZIP file extract pgm from PKWare pkz_ced.zip 2813 23-02-89 CED editor synonyms for use with PKZIP psdzip.zip 10085 01-06-93 Deletes all files extracted from a ZIP file qzview1.zip 54970 17-12-89 Small point-and-shoot shell for ZIP programs rezip5.zip 16031 27-08-89 Rezipper utility stripz13.zip 13101 16-10-89 Strip comments out of .ZIP file/reset attribs subzip21.zip 63899 04-05-91 Compress and uncompress subdirectory with ZIP suzv10.zip 10860 01-03-90 Selective ZIP extractor (uses PKZIP/PKUNZIP) szv102f.zip 49863 07-06-95 FreeWare, easy to use zip viewer tozip51.zip 19063 17-09-89 Cvt ZOO/PAK/DWC/LHARC/PKUNPAK/PKXARC to ZIP unz512x.exe 148162 10-09-94 Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.12: Free zipfile extractor unz512x3.exe 236134 10-09-94 Info-ZIP's free UnZipper with fast 386 version unzip512.zip 406100 31-08-94 Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.12 extractor, C source code unzipit.zip 9313 02-10-90 Quickly unzip and scan for virus for ZIP files vz10.zip 7986 11-03-89 Zip file contents viewer supports ANSI color xtgz20.zip 43448 14-05-93 Zip 2.0 overlay for XTreeGold v2.5 x_v30.zip 16988 23-02-91 Run compressed prg or batch files out of a ZIP zarc_22.zip 47499 30-05-92 ZARC ZIP Manager: Zip select files by tagging zc300.zip 93387 25-08-94 Zip Chunker v3.00: Fast ZIP and file splitter zcm12.zip 152809 27-03-92 ZIP CommentMaster v1.2: ZIP comment editor zdate10.zip 8691 05-03-92 Time/date utility that returns PKZIP format zdir18.zip 29420 27-01-93 ZIP dir (multicol,wildcard,-v verbose) zfv111.zip 30362 08-08-92 ZIP format view - technical ZIP file info zfv12.zip 68523 11-05-91 ZFV v.1.2, stand alone archive viewer zip201.zip 245702 06-10-93 Info-ZIP's portable ZIP v2.01, C source code zip20x.zip 176302 15-09-93 Info-ZIP's portable ZIP v2.0, MS-DOS EXEs zipbr111.zip 43905 03-04-94 ZIP Brand FAST!: Comment ZIP archives quickly zipcom.zip 8969 30-11-94 Add/remove ZIP comments to multiple files zipcvt29.zip 12576 14-01-95 Converts ZIPS to 2.04 maximum compression zipdate.zip 31491 22-04-89 Changes ZIP archive date to latest member file zipds10.zip 7908 18-02-89 Update ZIP file date to last member date zipgun.zip 13182 19-02-89 Front end utility for PKZIP/PKUNZIP zipoff.zip 29054 04-07-91 A ZIP-split program that creates useable ZIPs! zipot11.zip 11389 26-02-89 Change timestamps of .ZIPs to contents' date zipper13.zip 13299 18-09-90 Build ZIPs of limited size from multiple files zippr100.zip 61091 07-03-89 Front-end for PKZIP/PKUNZIP zipquik4.zip 11638 17-02-89 Convert ARC/PAK files to ZIP zipsee.zip 5602 17-02-89 See dir and contents of .ZIP file zipspl12.zip 21124 07-09-92 Split a ZIP file to any size or onto diskettes ziptv21.zip 39027 22-04-90 ZIP viewer/reader driver program for BBS doors zipup1_1.zip 16391 16-10-89 Strip out or add comments to ZIPs zipv107.zip 10824 16-03-89 V.Buerg's ZIP dir lister ver. 1.07, w/ASM src zipv120.zip 17641 12-12-90 Read text files inside ZIPs using Buerg's LIST zipvew13.zip 14663 06-05-90 BBS door: Browse through contents of ZIP files zipview.zip 14655 06-05-90 IDC's utility to view ZIP's on any BBS zipvinc.zip 12032 15-02-89 List dirs of .ZIP files, MS Share compatible zipvu124.zip 37336 09-01-93 View text/graphics & execute files inside ZIPs zipvw161.zip 98286 07-04-94 ZIP 2.04 viewer for NC 3.0&4.0 & VC 4.0 zlab_19c.zip 274505 12-03-92 Ziplab v1.9C; a ZIP file tester for PCBoard zm29.zip 143059 18-06-92 ZipMaster 2.9, ZIP file compression manager zq_706.zip 32003 27-03-89 ZIP Quick converts ARCs to ZIP zray125.zip 19937 01-05-91 Zip X-Ray 1.25: View files in ZIPs using LIST zrunr30.zip 78429 03-05-94 ZIP Runner: Zip file program mgr / file viewer zsize122.zip 41803 14-08-91 Breaks large ZIPs into smaller specified size zt281.zip 126542 11-01-94 ZipTool: Copy/delete/merge/split ZIP files zv101.zip 18000 30-08-89 ZIP View - ZIP directory lister v1.01 zvtest11.zip 119703 31-12-89 Test ZIPs for damage & viruses (uses SCANV) zzap66a.zip 108254 10-01-93 Convert archive types, test integrity/virus ----------------------------------------------------------- Information on Simtel cdroms path: /docs/ ----------------------------------------------------------- pv.doc 15441 04-22-95 Powerview Image Viewer documentation qpeg386.doc 14434 01-15-95 QPEG Image Viewer documentation acrobat.txt 25981 08-27-95 Adobe Acrobat documentation catalog.txt 45732 07-17-95 Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - | English catalog.fre 40520 03-25-95 Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - French catalog.ger 44521 07-24-95 Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - German catalog.ita 38525 06-15-95 Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - | Italian catalog.spa 40882 06-10-95 Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - | Spanish catalog.jpn 29684 09-07-95 Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - | Japanese catalog.pdf 3374815 04-05-95 Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - Adobe | Acrobat format view.doc 6832 03-24-95 Documentation about the VIEW.EXE program on | this CDROM ----------------------------------------------------------- Essential info and utilities for beginners path: /starter/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 00_files.doc 9484 24-06-95 All about file types in the SimTel archives arce41a.com 6798 07-12-92 V.Buerg's fast ARC extraction program arce41a.doc 12164 07-12-92 V.Buerg's fast ARC extraction program - docs bin2as.mac 2428 13-08-83 Convert binary files to ASCII for modem xfer convert.bas 9657 03-03-83 Ascii - binary (and reverse) file conversion crc.doc 3683 05-07-86 Documentation for CRC67.EXE crc67.exe 3328 05-07-86 Produce list of file names and CRC for each delbr11.exe 11776 10-09-86 Extract files from a LU-type .LBR (limit 64) delbr11a.c 7291 10-09-86 Source for DELBR11A.EXE (see DELBR11A.BUG) license.gnu 12737 20-11-90 The GNU general license, version 1.0 ludef5.doc 16599 09-11-86 Official LU (LBR) file definitions lue220.com 2988 28-04-86 Extract files from .LBR lue220.doc 4812 25-06-87 Documentation for LUE220.COM nusq110.com 2176 01-02-86 File unsqueezer, used with SQPC nusq110.doc 19627 01-09-86 Documentation for NUSQ110.COM pk361.exe 119598 01-08-88 Fast ARC file make/extract PKPAK/PKUNPAK v3.61 quickref.lst 9810 28-08-95 Quick reference list to SimTel's MSDOS dirs sharewre.txt 1654 23-05-89 Explains how ShareWare works (must read!) sqdate.doc 10351 15-02-86 Time stamping in SQ, NUSQ, etc. sqpc129.doc 4074 01-09-86 Doc for SQPC12A.COM file squeeze utility sqpc12a.com 2944 01-02-86 File SQueeze utility (compresses files) squeeze.txt 12292 24-08-85 Discription of the Squeeze/Unsqueeze program tarread.exe 14928 20-08-87 Read Unix TAR files on a PC transgid.txt 27694 23-04-90 Short guide to networking & file transmission unz512x.exe 148162 10-09-94 Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.12: Free zipfile extractor uudecode.bas 5660 20-08-94 Creates small and very fast UUdecode program uudecode.c 5575 18-04-91 C source for uudecoder uudecode.com 1158 12-03-91 Convert ASCII uuencoded files back to binary uudecode.dbg 4222 12-03-91 DEBUG script to produce UUDECODE.COM uudecode.doc 2018 06-08-92 Instructions on how to use UUDECODE.BAS/COM uudecode.pas 5940 13-12-86 Convert ASCII uuencoded files back to binary uudecode.tp5 5602 09-05-90 Simple uudecode in Turbo Pascal v5.0 uuencode.bas 4978 05-10-94 Creates small and very fast UUencode program uuencode.c 4376 06-03-91 C source for uuencoder uuencode.com 997 05-10-94 Convert binary files to ASCII uuencode.pas 5158 13-12-86 Convert binary file to ASCII (Turbo Pascal) uuencode.tp5 5521 09-05-90 Simple uuencode in Turbo Pascal v5.0 xxdecode.bas 4437 20-08-94 Creates small and very fast XXdecode program xxdecode.com 851 12-06-93 Convert ASCII xxencoded files back to binary xxdecode.doc 2018 22-10-92 Instructions on how to use XXDECODE.BAS xxdecode.txt 18166 28-11-89 Simple DEBUG bootstrap script for XXdecode xxencode.bas 4846 20-08-94 Creates small and very fast XXencode program xxinstal.bat 88916 16-03-90 BAT file to bootstrap XXENCODE/XXDECODE,w/Csrc