ctrl_alt.zip 11-17-1989 Save memory, swap TSRs to disk (Biologic) dmc35.zip 05-04-1996 Allows loading/unloading of dev. drivers/TSR's fix27.zip 04-21-1988 Reclaims wasted environment space from TSRs min_mem.zip 07-07-1990 Frees up memory by swapping TSRs to disk resinfo2.zip 06-16-1997 Resinfo v2.0: Resident info for VC/NC/DN/etc. rnonoff.zip 07-27-1997 Onoff: Sample TSR code to support unloading scenv100.zip 10-01-1991 Removes wasted environment space for TSRs tess_5.zip 10-01-1988 TesSeRact TSR package for Turbo Pascal 5.0 tess_a.zip 07-02-1988 TesSeRact TSR package for Assembler (MASM) tess_c.zip 07-02-1988 TesSeRact TSR package for TC 1.5 or MSC 5.x tess_d.zip 07-02-1988 Documentation for TesSeRact TSR package tsr-rem1.zip 08-02-1998 Removes TSR programs and restores all vectors tsrcom35.zip 06-21-1996 TSR memory managmt utils (MARK/RELEASE/MAPMEM) tsrsrc35.zip 06-21-1996 Source code for TSRCOM v3.5 pkg. (TASM, TP7.0) tsrwrk32.zip 06-05-1990 Mark/Release TSR management pgms, with ASM src