The Readme File
Directory : /
Welcome to the Simtel MSDOS CDROM!
This CDROM contains over 6000 of the latest files from the popular Simtel Archive of freeware, shareware, and public domain programs.
The first CDROM contains "standard" programs in categories such as animation, business, chemistry, databases, file management, graphics, internet, math, science, teaching, weather, and more.
The second CDROM contains "technical" programs in categories such as ada programming, c and c++ programming, djgpp development system, engineering, ham radio, installation programs, perl scripting, security, system utilities, and more.
Visit the Simtel Archive online: http://www.simtel.net
Contact Keith Petersen, Simtel maintainer: w8sdz@simtel.net
Here is a list of important files and directories:
readme.txt The file you are currently reading 00global.txt Global index for this cdrom 00_index.txt Top level index for this cdrom 00_index.htm HTML interface for this cdrom setup.exe Windows 3.1/95/98/NT installation program
view.exe CDROM browser for DOS utils\w16view.exe CDROM browser for Windows 3.1 utils\w32view.exe CDROM browser for Windows 95 / 98 / NT docs\view.txt CDROM browser documentation
docs\catalog.txt Walnut Creek CDROM product catalog
Quick Start Instructions:
Windows 95 / 98 / NT: Right-click on the "Start" button and choose "Explore". In the left window, scroll until you find your CDROM drive. Right-click on the CDROM drive and choose "Setup".
Alternatively, select the "Start" menu and choose "Run". At the Run box, type: "D:\setup", assuming 'D' is your cdrom drive.
Windows 3.1: Go to "File" menu under program manager and choose Run. At the Command Line box, type: "D:\setup", assuming 'D' is your cdrom drive. This will install a group folder with icons for this cdrom.
MSDOS Quick Start: Change to your CDROM drive and type "view". Example: C:\> D: D:\> view
Using the HTML interface:
We have included 00_index.htm files so the user may use a Web browser to view our disc.
In order to view this disc using these 00_index.htm files, point your Web browser to the root level 00_index.htm file.
For example, in Netscape:
1. Click on "File" 2. Click on "Open File" 3. Choose your CDROM drive 4. Select the 00_index.htm file
In Internet Explorer:
1. Click on "File" 2. Click on "Open" 3. Click on "Browse" 4. Choose your CDROM drive 5. Select the 00_index.htm file
WinView and View
To make browsing the disc easier, we have included the program "WinView" for Windows, and the program "View" for MSDOS on the CDROM. These programs allow you to page through index files, browse through directories on the CD, view documentation and install the programs you want on your hard disk.
This disk contains many shareware programs. Shareware can be considered to be a sort of try before you buy system where you are expected to pay the program author a registration fee if you find the program or image useful. You will find details of registration included in the document/text files provided with each program.
Walnut Creek CDROM makes no warranty about any file on this CDROM, including any written by Walnut Creek. You, not Walnut Creek CDROM, assume all risk of using any of the files on this CDROM. We reserve the right to limit any effort on our part to rectify problems with any file on this CDROM.
We cannot accept any responsibility or liability in the event that using the software on this disc causes you grief, malfunction, data loss or thinning of the hair. As with any new software, make sure that you back up your system regularly so that you can recover from unforeseen crashes.
Although we have made every attempt to examine every program on this disc, some non-shareware or public domain programs may have slipped by. If you find such a program on this disc, please notify us immediately so we can rectify the situation. Thanks.
This CDROM comes with a full money back guarantee. If you are dissatisfied for any reason, you can return it for a full refund.
Walnut Creek CDROM is an approved vendor and associate member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442 or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
All trademarks belong to their respective trademark holders. Third-Party applications/software/information are copyrighted by their respective owners.
This CDROM copyright (c) 1998 Walnut Creek CDROM. All rights reserved.
This CDROM is unconditionally guaranteed. If you are dissatisfied for any reason, simply return it with a short note and your contact information for a full refund.
Walnut Creek CDROM Suite 260 1547 Palos Verdes Mall Walnut Creek CA 94596 USA
1 800 786-9907 (Sales) +1 925 674-0783 (Sales) +1 925 603-1234 (Tech Support) [9 AM - 5 PM, Mon-Fri, PST] +1 925 674-0821 FAX [24 hours] Email: orders@cdrom.com (Orders) Email: info@cdrom.com (Information) Email: support@cdrom.com (Tech Support) WWW: http://www.cdrom.com/ (info, tech support, sales) FTP: ftp.cdrom.com