README.TXT README file about the Simtel CDROM VIEW.DOC Documentation for the VIEW program README.FIL Explanation of archived file types README.CPW SimTel archive copyright notice 00_FILES.DOC All about file types in the SimTel archives ARCE41A.COM V.Buerg's fast ARC extraction program ARCE41A.DOC V.Buerg's fast ARC extraction program - docs BIN2AS.MAC Convert binary files to ASCII for modem xfer CONVERT.BAS Ascii - binary (and reverse) file conversion CRC.DOC Documentation for CRC67.EXE CRC67.EXE Produce list of file names and CRC for each DELBR11.EXE Extract files from a LU-type .LBR (limit 64) DELBR11A.C Source for DELBR11A.EXE (see DELBR11A.BUG) LICENSE.GNU The GNU general license, version 1.0 LUDEF5.DOC Official LU (LBR) file definitions LUE220.COM Extract files from .LBR LUE220.DOC Documentation for LUE220.COM NUSQ110.COM File unsqueezer, used with SQPC NUSQ110.DOC Documentation for NUSQ110.COM PK361.EXE Fast ARC file make/extract PKPAK/PKUNPAK v3.61 QUICKREF.LST Quick reference list to SimTel's MSDOS dirs SHAREWRE.TXT Explains how ShareWare works (must read!) SQDATE.DOC Time stamping in SQ, NUSQ, etc. SQPC129.DOC Doc for SQPC12A.COM file squeeze utility SQPC12A.COM File SQueeze utility (compresses files) SQUEEZE.TXT Discription of the Squeeze/Unsqueeze program TARREAD.EXE Read Unix TAR files on a PC TRANSGID.TXT Short guide to networking & file transmission UNZ51X.EXE Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.1, 16-bit MS-DOS exes+docs UUDECODE.BAS Creates small and very fast UUdecode program UUDECODE.C C source for uudecoder UUDECODE.COM Convert ASCII uuencoded files back to binary UUDECODE.DBG DEBUG script to produce UUDECODE.COM UUDECODE.DOC Instructions on how to use UUDECODE.BAS/COM UUDECODE.PAS Convert ASCII uuencoded files back to binary UUDECODE.TP5 Simple uudecode in Turbo Pascal v5.0 UUENCODE.BAS Creates small and very fast UUencode program UUENCODE.C C source for uuencoder UUENCODE.COM Convert binary files to ASCII UUENCODE.PAS Convert binary file to ASCII (Turbo Pascal) UUENCODE.TP5 Simple uuencode in Turbo Pascal v5.0 XXDECODE.BAS Creates small and very fast XXdecode program XXDECODE.COM Convert ASCII xxencoded files back to binary XXDECODE.DOC Instructions on how to use XXDECODE.BAS XXDECODE.TXT Simple DEBUG bootstrap script for XXdecode XXENCODE.BAS Creates small and very fast XXencode program XXINSTAL.BAT BAT file to bootstrap XXENCODE/XXDECODE,w/Csrc ADA_LRM1.ZIP The Ada Language Reference Manual reader (1/4) ADA_LRM2.ZIP The Ada Language Reference Manual reader (2/4) ADA_LRM3.ZIP The Ada Language Reference Manual reader (3/4) ADA_LRM4.ZIP The Ada Language Reference Manual reader (4/4) ADA_MET1.ZIP Ada metric analyzer & software cost estimator ADATU200.ZIP Interactive ADA tutor system, v2.00 ATUTR202.ZIP CAI Course on Ada83 programming for MS-DOS BD3.ZIP Demo and tutorial on Ada tasking for PCs C01LAB1.ZIP Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 1 of 15 C01LAB2.ZIP Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 2 of 15 C01LAB3.ZIP Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 3 of 15 C01LAB4.ZIP Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 4 of 15 C01LAB5.ZIP Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 5 of 15 C01LAB6.ZIP Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 6 of 15 C01OOD.ZIP Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 7 of 15 C01OOP.ZIP Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 8 of 15 C01PLAB.ZIP Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 9 of 15 C01POOD.ZIP Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 10 of 15 C01POOP.ZIP Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 11 of 15 C01PSE1.ZIP Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 12 of 15 C01PSE2.ZIP Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 13 of 15 C01RDME.ZIP Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 14 of 15 C01SE.ZIP Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 15 of 15 EDITADA.ZIP Ada programmer's editor for Windows 3.1 GNAT1791.ZIP GNU NYU Ada9X Translator v1.79 for DOS, 1 of 3 GNAT1792.ZIP GNU NYU Ada9X Translator v1.79 for DOS, 2 of 3 GNAT1793.ZIP GNU NYU Ada9X Translator v1.79 for DOS, 3 of 3 GWUADA_0.ZIP GWU Ada/Ed Readmes and User's Manual GWUADA_1.ZIP GWU Ada/Ed Compiler/Editor/Debugger, 1 of 9 GWUADA_2.ZIP GWU Ada/Ed Compiler/Editor/Debugger, 2 of 9 GWUADA_3.ZIP GWU Ada/Ed Compiler/Editor/Debugger, 3 of 9 GWUADA_4.ZIP GWU Ada/Ed Compiler/Editor/Debugger, 4 of 9 GWUADA_5.ZIP GWU Ada/Ed Compiler/Editor/Debugger, 5 of 9 GWUADA_6.ZIP GWU Ada/Ed Compiler/Editor/Debugger, 6 of 9 GWUADA_7.ZIP GWU Ada/Ed Compiler/Editor/Debugger, 7 of 9 GWUADA_8.ZIP GWU Ada/Ed Compiler/Editor/Debugger, 8 of 9 GWUADA_9.ZIP GWU Ada/Ed Compiler/Editor/Debugger, 9 of 9 NAPP.ZIP NASA Ada source code reformatter PAGER2.ZIP Manipulates paged files for ADA SR descrips. SM_ARCHV.ZIP GWU SmallAda 'Pascal subset' Interpreter SMALLADA.DOC Readme file for GWU SmallAda (SM-ARCHV.ZIP) AI_TUTOR.ZIP Artificial intelligence tutorial EXPBENCH.ZIP Expert System benchmarking FUZ_PEN.ZIP Fuzzy Logic Inverted Pendulum Control. VGA req GAF110B.ZIP Adaptive fuzzy logic using Genetic Algorithm AR002.ZIP Source for Okumura's new pedagogical archiver ARC_FILE.INF Documentation on the structure of ARC files ARCA129.ZIP Create/add ARC files, no update/replace ARCE41A.ZIP Vernon Buerg's fast ARC extraction program ARJ241A.EXE Robert Jung's ARJ archiver, version 2.41 CRUSH1.ZIP CRUSH v1.0 - Super-compressor for DOS DEARC31.ZIP deARC utility in Pascal, w/unSquashing DELBR11.EXE Extract files from a LU-type .LBR (limit 64) DELBR11A.BUG Describes bug in DELBR11/DELBR11A program DETAR11.ZIP Process a TAR file on PC DWC_A501.EXE DWC Archiver v A5.01 - 25% faster than v4.95 EXTAR10.ZIP Simple TAR unpacker; w/Unix to DOS name conv. HPACK78.ZIP High performance archiver from New Zealand HYPER25.ZIP All new file compression program JAM118SW.ZIP JAM 1.18: Real-time data compression utilities LARC333.EXE LARC Compression program from Japan LH_FRAUD.ZIP Information about the LHARC 1.14 (ICE) fraud! LH114WRN.TXT Warning about hacked compression utility LHA211SR.ZIP LHA 2.11 file compression pgm ASM & C src code LHA213.EXE LHA v2.13: LZH archive make/extract program LHARCSRC.ZIP TurboC/OPTASM source code for LHarc & its SFX LTARV3.ZIP DOS's deTAR util with special filename mapping LZHUFE.ZIP LZHUFE encoding file compression w/TPascal src LZHUFTP5.ZIP LZHUF encoding file compression w/TPascal src MDCD10.ZIP Public domain compression/storage system v1.0 MODLHSRC.ZIP Modify LHarc source code for MASM/TASM PAK251.EXE NoGate's ARC,PAK,ZIP create/extract program PAX2EXE.ZIP PAX v2.0 - Unix-like tar and cpio for MS-DOS PDTAR.ZIP Read/write TAR files on PC PK361.EXE Fast ARC file make/extract PKPAK/PKUNPAK v3.61 POLICY.SEA SEA policy re: ARC copyright & trademark 9/13 RAR140DC.EXE English documentation for RAR archiver RAR1_51.EXE RAR: High compression archiver from Russia RCX10.ZIP RCX: ReCursive .arc/.zipfile eXtractor SQSHINFO.DOC Katz PKARC/PKPAK squashed files definition SQUASH.ZIP 'C' source for the PKPAK squashing compression SQZ1083E.EXE SQUEEZE archiver from Sweden. Compresses small TAR315US.ZIP DOS/UNIX tar w/.Z/(g)zip/hardware support TAR4DOS.ZIP Unix-compatible TAR archive create/extract TRADEMRK.INF Re ARC: What it takes to get a trademark UC2INS.EXE UltraCompressor II archiver from AIP-NL UC2R2.EXE UltraCompressor II v2.0 archiver from AIP-NL UNARJ241.ZIP ARJ file extractor for MS-DOS/Unix/VMS/others XEQ160.ZIP Packs small COM files into one to save space AC300.ZIP Converts between compressed archive formats ACZAR100.ZIP Archive shell for ZIP,LZH,ARJ,PAK,ARC,ZOO,SCAN ADDC22.ZIP Inserts comment headers into ZIP and ARJ files AM103.ZIP Front end for ARC, ZIP, ARJ, LZH, UC, etc. AR15.ZIP Run a program from an ARC file ARCCMNT3.ZIP Auto insert BBS' description in ARChived file ARCDMP1.ZIP Split large ARC file to fit on 360K floppies ARCF110.ZIP Find text in ARChives by Vernon Buerg, v1.10 ARCFDAT3.ZIP Set directory date/time to latest ARC member ARCHV335.ZIP Archive manager shell for ARC/LZH/PKA/ZOO/ZIP ARCID105.ZIP Identifies archive types by file signature ARCINDX2.ZIP Create a catalog of archived data ARCRUNER.ZIP Run COM and EXE files in archives ARCSTAMP.ZIP Date/time stamp and rename ARCed files ARCTOOL.ZIP Recover files from damaged archives ARCV122.ZIP V.Buerg's verbose display of ARC directories ARCVRT21.ZIP Convert between any archive formats ARFF.ZIP File find; peeks inside ZOOs and ARCs ARJM101.ZIP Menu shell for ARJ. Supports all commands ARJOP141.ZIP Mini-menu/shell for ARJ, with full source ARJVW161.ZIP ARJ 2.41 viewer for NC 3.0&4.0 & VC 4.0 ASZR201.ZIP Splits and sizes ZIP/ARJ/ARC/LZH files AT780F.ZIP Archive shell for ARC/LZH/PAK/PKA/LBR/ZOO/ZIP AV12.ZIP Ledbetter's dir viewer for ZOO/LZH/ARC/PAK/PKA AV20.ZIP Views files from ZOO, PKPAK, ARC, PAK, LU, SQ AV404.ZIP Archive view: Free ZIP etc directory viewer AVIEW65B.ZIP BBS util: view/extract files from archives CA100.ZIP Verbose list for ARC / ZIP archives CHKPAK.ZIP Check integrity of an archive file COMPR16.ZIP ZIP/LZH/PAK/ARC/ZOO/DWC extract/view/freshen CVT_101.ZIP Convert from one archive type to another FV145.ZIP View dirs of ARC/DWC/LBR/LZH/PAK/ZIP/ZOO/SFXs GEN012.ZIP Builds multivolume backups w/popular archivers GUS_180.ZIP File add/extract shell for 13 archive types IDC40A.ZIP Gary Conway's IDC shell & NARC archiver, v4.0a IFL150.ZIP Displays dirs of ARC/LZH/PAK/ZIP/ZOO archives LARC22.ZIP Chooses best compression method for ARCs/ZIPs LARCH308.ZIP Archive manager for ZIP,ARC,PAK,LZH,ARJ,ZOO LCKR201.ZIP Splits and sizes LZH files LHAVW161.ZIP LHA 2.55 viewer for NC 3.0&4.0 & VC 4.0 LHC15.ZIP BAT file converts other archive formats to LZH LHDIR13.ZIP View directories of LHarc archives LHMENU.ZIP Front end menu for LHARC LHTOOLS.ZIP Check LZHs for trojans, make self-extract LZHs LHX.ZIP Recover files from damaged LHarc archives LSIZE25.ZIP Splits large ZIP/ARJ/LZH archives into smaller LSIZE251.ZIP Resize large ZIP/ARJ/LZH into smaller volumes LU.ZIP Library (LBR) utilities by Vernon Buerg LUD106.ZIP V.Buerg's del & reorg LBR functions LUE220.ZIP V.Buerg's extract & unsqz LBR files LUT193.ZIP V.Buerg's list dir's of LBR files LUU213.ZIP V.Buerg's test LBR w/crc and sqz LUX12.ZIP V.Buerg's execute EXE/COM pgms w/in LBR LVIEW.ZIP Viewer for LHARC'ed files LZ_COMP2.ZIP Discussion of various compression algs. w/src LZHTV12.ZIP LZHTV v1.2, on-line LHarc file viewer MAD100.ZIP Multi-format archive file viewer also does SFX MAKELZH2.ZIP Make LZH files of all files in a directory MVA101.ZIP Front end MultiVolume ARC for PKXARC/ARCE OPENCLOS.ZIP ARC/ZIP subdirectory management utilities PK_CED.ZIP CED synonyms for use with PKWare archiving PSDARC.ZIP Deletes all files extracted from an ARC file PUZV11.ZIP Powerful UnZipper: Extract shell for archivers QAZ_340.ZIP Archive viewer and file finder QC175.ZIP Converts to/from ZIP, ARJ, and LHarc formats REDATE2.ZIP Resets archive filedate to match internal date REPAK2.ZIP Pascal pgm to repack archives w/source RV249.ZIP Archive lister for ZIP/ARJ/LZH/ZOO/PAK/ARC etc RVS110.ZIP RVS-RView: View/extract contents of archives SEE24INT.ZIP Interactive version of SEE24 archive file view SEE260.ZIP View ARC/PAK/ZOO/ZIP/LZH/ARJ/DWC/HYP/LBR v2.60 SHARC24.ZIP View/Extract shell ArcArjZipZooLzhPakDwc, etc. SHEZ101.ZIP Shell for ZIP/LHA/ZOO/ARC/ARJ/SQZ/PAK/UC2 SHEZT.ZIP Online tutorial for first time SHEZ users SHEZVIEW.ZIP Shell to add viewers to SHEZ archive manager STS_410.ZIP Stereo Shell v4.10: Archive/file shell TOLHARC.ZIP Convert other archive types to LHarc TOLZH10.ZIP Convert from ARC/PAK/ZIP/ZOO to LZH archives TUNDO.ZIP Unarchiving shell and basic file associations UNDO_20.ZIP Shell opens ARC/ARJ/ZOO/ZIP/PAK/LZH w/1command UPDATE.ZIP PKPAK/ZOO format conversion program UXARC.ZIP Single interface to ZIP, LZH, PAK archivers XCHG_103.ZIP Convert from one compression sys to another XONE23.ZIP V. Buerg's ARChive split utility v2.3 (w/ASM) 80X0393.ZIP ASM snippet collection from 80XXX FidoNet echo A86CNVRT.ZIP How to convert MASM files to A86 format A86V322.ZIP Isaacson's shareware assembler v3.22 ALIB10.ZIP ASM lang. lib compress/math/mem-mgr/hyper-disp AMISL091.ZIP Src lib to create highloading removable TSRs ASM_0_M.ZIP ASM programs/libs/etc from various sources 1/2 ASM_N_Z.ZIP ASM programs/libs/etc from various sources 2/2 ASMED_1.ZIP Editor making integrated env for TASM/MASM ASMENV19.ZIP ASMEnv v1.9: Borland-style IDE for TASM/MASM ASMHELP.ZIP MASM Assembler help files w/docs & examples ASMLIB37.ZIP Herr's library of ASM language subroutines ASMTUTOR.ZIP A well done ASM tutorial by Joshua Auerbach ASMWIN13.ZIP Assembly language windowing routines for TASM ASMWIZ16.ZIP Assembly Wizard's Lib. 1.6 for ASM programming BIN.ZIP Drop-in replacement for EXE2BIN BLUEBOOK.ZIP Waite Groups ASM language Bluebook source code BXD26.ZIP BrandX full-screen debugger, v2.6 CHASM4.ZIP CHeap ASseMbler (freeware) CKCOMPAQ.ASM Return if system is COMPAQ CONV_A11.ZIP Case conversion util for Assembly language src D86BIOS4.ZIP D86's BIOS interface for unusual machines, v4 D86V322.ZIP Isaacson's shareware debugger v3.22 DBUG2.ZIP Inspect and change bytes in a file DDKIT.ZIP Device driver writing kit DEBUGTUT.ZIP Tutorial on the use of DEBUG DOSEXEC.ZIP Demonstrates how to use MS-DOS EXEC function EMSTULKT.ZIP Multi-language EMS library w/docs from Intel EXECOM14.ZIP Exe2Com v1.04 by Chris Dunford (w/MSC source) EXTND.IQC MASM macros for NEC V20/V30 instructions GOSPEED.ZIP Sample code to detect if TSR is already loaded HRESLINE.AQM Hires graphics routine to draw lines on CGA LOADEMS.ZIP ASM example of load & execute from EMS memory LOOP.ASM Demonstrates block transfers of memory LW286.ZIP TSR: 80286 assembler language quick reference LW86.ZIP Pop-up help for 8086/80186 instruction set MAC8080.ZIP TASM macros to assemble 8080 code MASTRENV.ZIP ASM source - find the DOS master environment MRESLINE.AQM Mediumres graphics routine to draw line on CGA NEWTSR1.ZIP TSR function for assembly language programmers NOR_ASMB.ZIP Norton ASM langauge rtns for disk file patcher OVL301.ZIP Overlay manager, linkable+standalone versions PDVIM.ZIP Virtual machine PC-AT emulator PRENV.ZIP Read a program's parent's environment w/ASM PRIAC1.ZIP Displays IAC area at 40:00F0 w/ASM PRIMER2.ZIP Whitman's ASM language primer for beginners PROBE.ZIP Analyze program performance READOBJ.ZIP Dump Microsoft .OBJ & .LIB files, w/'C' source RTOOLS.ZIP Macro assembler/editor w/high-level structures SALLY.ASM Structured Control Macros for MASM SOUNDEXA.ZIP Assembly language source for soundex routine STDLIB.ZIP Standard Library for 8086 ASM programmers STRUCA86.ZIP Macros for structured programming in A86 SWITCH.ZIP Demonstrates how to read command line switches TBONES07.ZIP Skeletal ASM programs for programming TSRs TEMPLATE.ZIP Douglas Boling's MASM template for a TSR pgm TESTNMI.ASM Fiddle with NonMaskable Interrupts TRACE.ZIP Interrupt tracer w/ASM/com files TSRDEMO.ZIP Sample demo on a safe approach to TSRs (w/ASM) TSRDEMO2.ZIP Sample demo on a safe approach to TSRs (w/ASM) UNLOAD86.ZIP Unload executable to Intel HEX format USOFTPD.ZIP Assembler macros for use with MASM 5*.*0 WASM202.ZIP Wolf's Shareware assembler X2B11.ZIP EXE2BIN replacement (tweaked ASM src) v1.1 XLT86.ZIP 8080 to 8086 ASM translater, w/ASM source XRAY15.ZIP Displays interrupts/calls during pgm execution ZENDISK1.ZIP Listings from 'Zen of Assembly Language', #1 ZENDISK2.ZIP Listings from 'Zen of Assembly Language', #2 AMAG0289.ZIP The Assembly Language 'MAGAZINE', 2/89 issue AMAG0389.ZIP The Assembly Language 'MAGAZINE', 3/89 issue AMAG0589.ZIP The Assembly Language 'MAGAZINE', 5/89 issue AMAG1289.ZIP The Assembly Language 'MAGAZINE', 12/89 issue AA_51.ZIP Astronomical almanac - sun moon planets stars ASTRMT20.ZIP Astrometry for ST-4, ST-6 and TIFF images ASTRO20.ZIP Calculate planetary ATA, rise and set time ASTRO202.ZIP Athabasca University Micro-Planetarium v2.02 B_STAR.ZIP Program to animate motions of a binary star BRUNGSC1.ZIP Astronomy: Drawing a sky map using GSC DANCE13.ZIP Computer model of the solar system. DEMO DE118I.ZIP N-body numerical integration of moon & planets DIFF_DRA.ZIP Displays a binary star system in 3-D DS3D401A.ZIP Planetarium prog especially for observers, 1/2 DS3D401B.ZIP Planetarium prog especially for observers, 2/2 ECU15.ZIP WIN3: Earth Centered Universe planetarium pgm EPHEM421.ZIP Astronomical ephemeris:stars/planets positions EXPWT21.ZIP Find relative weight & info on local planets GALIL.ZIP Animates motions of Jupiter and its satellites GALSAT50.ZIP Displays relative positions of Jupiter's Moons GRAVITY2.ZIP Simulates motions of planetary bodies in space GRVKIT02.ZIP N-body gravitational simulator and player HEAT0_1.ZIP Aurora Spacecraft heat shield design, w/source HUBBLE14.ZIP Astronomy Planetarium simulator for MS-Windows JPSTPHN2.ZIP Animated display of Jupiters' satellites (CGA) JUPCOM02.ZIP How to observe July's Comet-Jupiter collision JUPMAP.ZIP WIN3 .BMPs used in JUPSAT40.ZIP Jovian satellites simulator with animation MOON.ZIP Graphic display of moon's face w/pan/move/find PLANET.ZIP Gives time/azimuth/coords for planet rise/sets PLNWCH20.ZIP Solar system simulator and reference SATVIEW2.ZIP Mathematical model of sunlit planet Saturn/CGA SFS101.ZIP Space Flight Simulator, CGA/HGC/EGA/VGA SFS101S.ZIP Source code for Space Flight Simulator v1.01 SKYGLB36.ZIP SkyGlobe v3.60: Desktop planetarium program SKYIMG1.ZIP Planetary/Lunar GIF images for SkyMap v1.2 SKYMP20A.ZIP SkyMap v2.0 Win3.1 Planetarium, program+docs SKYMP20B.ZIP SkyMap v2.0 Win3.1 Planetarium, data files SKYPLOT.ZIP Star map graphic display SKYVW30.ZIP Planetarium simulator for Win 3.1 386 Enh mode SOLAR.ZIP Solar system simulator STARPL20.ZIP Star chart drawing package & Hubble GSC viewer STARVIEW.ZIP Astronomy at its best - (requires mouse) STARWRK2.ZIP Astronomical Planetarium Simulator (SVGA-HERC) AT_SETUP.INF Information on the AT 'SETUP' utility AT_SLOW.ZIP Slow AT's down to 4.77 for games and such AT_SLOW3.ZIP Use high-res timer to slow down 80286/80386 ATDRTABL.ZIP Displays AT hard disk drive table ATFMT.ASM Disk format program for AT (MASM source) ATIM.ZIP Precision program timing for AT ATPERF.ZIP AT RAM performance tester. PC Tech Journal ATROMUTL.ZIP AT ROM BIOS and hard disk table utilities CMOS14.ZIP CMOS v1.4: Saves/restores CMOS to/from file CMOSER11.ZIP 386/286 enhanced CMOS setup program CMOSKEEP.ZIP Saves and restores multiple CMOS settings CMOSRAM.ZIP Save AT/386/486 CMOS data to file and restore GSETUP31.ZIP AT setup program runs from DOS; supports 3.5'' HTMU.ZIP Read/modify AT ROM drv types to burn new EPROM KBDR.ZIP Swaps control & cap lock keys on IBM AT & PS/2 KBMAP.ASM Remap AT keyboard keys KEYBOARD.ZIP Kbd*.com, utilities to re-map selected keys on ROM2.ZIP Save AT and 386 CMOS data to file and restore SETUP21.ZIP Setup program which modifies CMOS RAM SPEEDKEY.ZIP Resident program to speed Keyboard input SWPKEYAT.ZIP Swap escape and tilde keys on AT keyboard VIEWCMOS.ZIP Display contents of AT CMOS RAM, w/C source XKB.ZIP Set AT keyboard repeat rate & delay, w/C src A7221V1B.ZIP Converts and sends AutoCAD ADI files to HP7221 AABSTRCT.TXT Information about the files in this directory ACADBBS.ZIP List of AutoCAD-oriented BBSs ACADPCB.ZIP Tools and blocks for PC board design w/AutoCAD ADIPLOT.ZIP AutoCAD printer plotting utility ADIPLT.ZIP AutoCAD plots on mainframe printers ALLADI.ZIP General purpose ADI screen drivers for Autocad ALLY21.ZIP Autolisp program analyzer AMATE270.ZIP Auto-Mate v2.7: Front end AutoCAD dwg manager AMDEMO.ZIP AutoMaster:AutoCAD drawing mgr.&front end DEMO ANSIMNU3.ZIP AutoCAD: Color ANSI AutoLISP menu system AUTOCAD.C Faster print AUTOCAD files to PostScript Prntr AUTOGRAF.MSG Message from AUTOGRAF.PAS author, information AUTOGRAF.PAS Autocad .DXF File from Fortran & Turbo-Pascal AXO_10.ZIP Oblique axonometry of DXF files ver. 10,11,12 CHG.ZIP AutoLISP: Low level entity access CHG3.ZIP AutoCAD low lvl entity access w/color graphics DOOR.ZIP AutoLISP: Two pick door program DRAGON.ZIP AutoLISP: Generates recursively defined dwgs DTL.ZIP AutoLISP: Extracts detail section of drawing ECONO3.ZIP Redundant line replacement program for AutoCAD ELEBLKS.ZIP Electrical symbols for AutoCAD GEOTOL.ZIP GD&T made easy for AutoCAD R12 GLAC12.ZIP HP-GL/2 print/plot drivers for AutoCAD R12 HPGL2SCR.ZIP Convert HPGL to AutoCAD script language HPGLPRL.ZIP Perl scripts convert HPGL to AutoCAD DXF/SCR HRSH2ACD.ZIP Hershey fonts for use with AutoCAD KELV.ZIP John Walker's AutoLISP code protection program NUMCMD.ZIP Number-Pad based Interface for AutoCAD R12/386 PARNCH.ZIP AutoLISP parentheses checker/ pretty printer PCXDXB11.ZIP Paintbrush PCX to AutoCAD translation utility PCXSLT18.ZIP Converts Paintbrush PCX to AutoCAD DXF files PDIST.ZIP AutoLISP: Finds dist betwn two pts on pline PKEY12_1.ZIP PowerKey1.02: Menu system for AutoCAD, 1of3 PKEY12_2.ZIP PowerKey1.02: Menu system for AutoCAD, 2of3 PKEY12_3.ZIP PowerKey1.02: Menu system for AutoCAD, 3of3 RECT.ZIP AutoLISP: Rectangle drawing routines SCREWIT.ZIP ACAD drawing library: Socket Head Cap Screws SELDWG_3.ZIP Select drawings from DOS for AutoCAD SFILL.ZIP AutoLISP: Fill between 2 Arcs, Lines, Plines SHARELIB.ZIP 1st shareware AutoCad library SHX2SHP.ZIP Convert ACAD SHX fonts to SHP files for edit SLDM515A.ZIP SlideManager shows and converts SLD->DXF/HPGL STREKDXF.ZIP DXF format of Enterprise drawing for Autocad SV_ENV.ZIP AutoLISP: Saves AutoLISP environment to file VOLARE10.ZIP Volume & area of DTM from DXF file w/3DFACES WBLK.ZIP Write AutoCAD block reference to specified dir WRLDMAPS.ZIP Create maps in AutoCAD using WORLDMAP data AWK320.ZIP AWK text scanning and processing language AWK320SR.ZIP AWK v3.20 source from author's BBS AWK_REV3.ZIP Reviews of AWK for MS-DOS, v3 GAWK215A.ZIP GNU Awk: text scanning and processing language GAWK215S.ZIP Sources for (GNU awk) PHF.ZIP AWK code for handling phone/address database EXPO9306.ZIP Baker's June Expo-93 press releases NEWS9203.ZIP Baker's PC press releases - Mar 1992 NEWS9204.ZIP Baker's PC press releases - Apr 1992 NEWS9205.ZIP Baker's PC press releases - May 1992 NEWS9206.ZIP Baker's PC press releases - Jun 1992 NEWS9207.ZIP Baker's PC press releases - Jul 1992 NEWS9208.ZIP Baker's PC press releases - Aug 1992 NEWS9209.ZIP Baker's PC press releases - Sep 1992 NEWS9210.ZIP Baker's PC press releases - Oct 1992 NEWS9211.ZIP Baker's PC press releases - Nov 1993 NEWS9212.ZIP Baker's PC press releases - Dec 1993 NEWS9301.ZIP Baker's PC press releases - Jan 1993 NEWS9302.ZIP Baker's PC press releases - Feb 1993 NEWS9303.ZIP Baker's PC press releases - Mar 1993 NEWS9304.ZIP Baker's PC press releases - Apr 1993 NEWS9305.ZIP Baker's PC press releases - May 1993 NEWS9306.ZIP Baker's PC press releases - Jun 1993 NEWS9307.ZIP Baker's PC press releases - Jul 1993 NEWS9308.ZIP Baker's PC press releases - Aug 1993 NEWS9309.ZIP Baker's PC press releases - Sep 1993 NEWS9310.ZIP Baker's PC press releases - Oct 1993 NEWS9311.ZIP Baker's PC press releases - Nov 1993 NEWS9312.ZIP Baker's PC press releases - Dec 1993 NEWS9401.ZIP Baker's PC press releases - Jan 1994 NEWS9402.ZIP Baker's PC press releases - Feb 1994 NEWS9403.ZIP Baker's PC press releases - Mar 1994 NEWS9404.ZIP Baker's PC press releases - Apr 1994 NEWS9405.ZIP Baker's PC press releases - May 1994 NSJS9403.ZIP San Jose Dev Conf News - Mar 1994 PCEXPO92.ZIP PC-EXPO June 1992 press release archive WNWS9304.ZIP WIN3 hlp: Baker's PC press releases - Apr 1993 WNWS9305.ZIP WIN3 hlp: Baker's PC press releases - May 1993 WNWS9306.ZIP WIN3 hlp: Baker's PC press releases - Jun 1993 WNWS9307.ZIP WIN3 hlp: Baker's PC press releases - Jul 1993 WNWS9308.ZIP WIN3 hlp: Baker's PC press releases - Aug 1993 WNWS9309.ZIP WIN3 hlp: Baker's PC press releases - Sep 1993 WNWS9310.ZIP WIN3 hlp: Baker's PC press releases - Oct 1993 WNWS9311.ZIP WIN3 hlp: Baker's PC press releases - Nov 1993 WNWS9312.ZIP WIN3 hlp: Baker's PC press releases - Dec 1993 WNWS9401.ZIP WIN3 hlp: Baker's PC press releases - Jan 1994 WNWS9402.ZIP WIN3 Help: Baker's PC press releases, Feb 1994 WNWS9403.ZIP WIN3 hlp: Baker's PC press releases - Mar 1994 WNWS9404.ZIP WIN3 Help: Baker's PC press releases, Apr 1994 WNWS9405.ZIP WIN3 Help: Baker's PC press releases, May 1994 WSJS9403.ZIP WIN3 Help: San Jose Dev Conf News - Mar 1994 WXPO9306.ZIP WIN3 hlp: Baker's June Expo-93 press releases 555.ZIP Simple 555 oscillator designer (.BAS source) AIRMILES.ZIP Airmiles between cities - Basic ANGEL19B.ZIP AngeLIB 1.9b: MS PDS/BASIC 7.1 programming lib ASIC400.ZIP BASIC compiler, over 80 BASICA/QBASIC commands BASIC2SB.ZIP Converts BASICA to structured Basic BASMAN1.ZIP BASIC manual - part 1 of 3 BASMAN2.ZIP BASIC manual - part 2 of 3 BASMAN3.ZIP BASIC manual - part 3 of 3 BASMENU.ZIP Menu subroutine for Basic programs BASTRU21.ZIP Re-structures BASIC source code BASWIZ18.ZIP ASM/BASIC lib routines for QBasic/BASCOM/PDS BLTQ18.ZIP Bullet multi-user DBF/btree toolkit QB/BASIC7 BPP10.ZIP Preprocessor for QBASIC/QuickBasic/BASCOM/PDS BPREP110.ZIP Adds conditionals/includes/defines to BASIC BUFFDEMO.ZIP Demonstration of using buffers in Basic BWB110E.ZIP Bywater BASIC Interpreter 1.10, EXE and doc BWB110S.ZIP Bywater BASIC Interpreter 1.10, C source code ENVIRON.INF Accessing environment variables from BASIC ERROR.ZIP Display BASIC errors in plain language! FC13.ZIP Compare 2 BAS sources, produce MRG update file GA.ZIP Basic function key utility GARBAGE.COL Control string 'garbage collection' in BASIC HURRICAN.BQS Hurricane tracking program IMB9003.ZIP Inside Microsoft Basic - 03/90 IMB9004.ZIP Inside Microsoft Basic - 04/90 IMB9005.ZIP Inside Microsoft Basic - 05/90 IMB9006.ZIP Inside Microsoft Basic - 06/90 IMB9007.ZIP Inside Microsoft Basic - 07/90 IMB9011.ZIP Inside Microsoft Basic - 11/90 LIBWIZ13.ZIP Hanlin's Library Wizard BASIC library manager LRNBASIC.ZIP Several examples and a study tutorial of BASIC NEATLIST.BAS 'Neat lister' for BASIC source code OOPS.ZIP Recover BASIC prog lost by return to system PBC22A.ZIP PBClone: QB/PDS/VB-DOS library (1 of 2) PBC22B.ZIP PBClone: QB/PDS/VB-DOS library (2 of 2) PBVL010.ZIP PB/Vision: Windowing library for PowerBASIC3.0 PRTSC.BAS Simple BASIC program to print the screen RACE2.ZIP Short programs for autoracing fans RB58.ZIP Quickly convert BASIC files to ASCII READBAS.ZIP Reads tokenized BASIC files without BASIC SOFTIP.ZIP Marquis Computing's BASIC Soft Tips magazine SPLLIB.ZIP Structured Programming Language Processor SQUISH33.ZIP V.Buerg's compress & unnumber Basic source SVGAPB21.ZIP SVGA graphics library for SP Power BASIC 3.x SVGAPV21.ZIP SVGA graphics library for MS PDS and MS VBDOS TSRBAS20.ZIP Terminate and stay resident BASIC Interpreter UNPBAS11.ZIP Unprotects GWBASIC/BASICA protected programs ANSMAT10.ZIP Write BAT files to change colors/function keys ASET10.ZIP Ricki's enhanced SET command ASK.ASM Query from within .BAT file ASK.DOC Doc for ASK.ASM ASK11C.ZIP Asks questions in BATch file, w/timeout, w/src ASK3.ZIP Timed Ask from BAT w/config. errorlevels ASK_BAT.ZIP Timed response to Y/N prompts in .BAT files ASKMEP.ZIP Batch file utility to prompt for Y/N question ATSIGN.ZIP Command line batch utility AUTORND3.ZIP Runs 1 of 99,999,999 batch files randomly AUTOSTOP.ZIP Batch file utility. Good for BBS's BAT_TIME.ZIP A batch-time type utility. For system use BAT2EX15.ZIP Converts BAT files to EXE files BATBRNCH.ZIP Add Yes/No branching to .BAT files with errlvl BATCD.ASM Change dir within .BAT file BATCD.DOC Doc for BATCD.ASM BATCH.ZIP Useful BAT files, color prompts prn commands BATCHART.ZIP A well written article on Batch files BATCHSEL.ZIP Do DOS cmd /w file selection from BATCH file BATCMDR7.ZIP Combine small batch files, Ver. 7 BATCSH10.ZIP Bat2csh 1.0 converts DOS bat to UNIX csh w/src BATDEL.ZIP Delete batch file after execution BATHINTS.ZIP Collection of hints on using BATch files BATINPUT.ZIP Gets user input from .BAT file BATKIT50.ZIP Batch utilities - good collection BATMAKR2.ZIP Multi-option .BAT maker, with TPas 3.0 source BATMEN.ZIP Scrollable menus/windows in DOS batch files BATMNU21.ZIP Batch file menus w/point-and-shoot & windows BATQUES.ASM Query within .BAT file BATQUES.DOC Doc for BATQUES.ASM BATSCRN.ZIP Full screen pop-up pause/answer for BAT files BATSEC.ZIP Batch Secrets: Elementary color/key text info BATTIMER.ZIP Batch file delay timer BATTUTOR.ZIP Batch file tutor/teacher BATUTIL1.ZIP Manipulate environment/get input in BAT files BATUTL2.ZIP Lots of .BAT file utilities BATWAIT.ZIP Wait for response in .BAT file BCSRCE2.ZIP Wenham's BATCOM-compiled .BAT source code BED11.ZIP Batch Editor, edit files in batch BEN250.ZIP Batch file enhancer, boxes, colors, EGA/VGA BMENU54.ZIP Pop-up menu system for use in batch files BTCHROOM.ZIP Corrects COMMAND.COM problem w/MARK & RELEASE CALL.ZIP Simulate DOS 3.3 CALL w/earlier DOS vrsns w/C CALLBAT.ZIP CALL command emulator for DOS < version 3.3 CATSIG.ZIP Audible & visual alarm for ending a long batch CDTECT.ZIP Check for modem carrier detect in BAT files CHECK160.ZIP Cmdline util to report on system; errorlevels CHKTD15.ZIP Check current time / date and set errorlevel CHOICE17.ZIP Ask multi-level questions in batch files CLRKEY13.ZIP Clear 'n' keystrokes from keyboard buffer CMPFTIME.ZIP Compare time/date of 2 files, set errorlevel CNTDWN1.ZIP Countdown from n minutes, returning ERRORLEVEL COMPDATE.ZIP Store compilation time & date in TP .OBJ file COUNTFIL.ZIP Execute specified command after 'n' executions DAT13C.ZIP Display date & time for logging, w/ASM source DATECHEK.ZIP Check day of week from batch file DATEINFO.ZIP Date reminder pgm for AUTOEXEC/Win3.1 startup DATES406.ZIP Warns you in advance of birthdays, etc. DOBAT.ZIP Lets batch files CALL batch files DOMENU13.ZIP Adds window menus to any batch file DPV12.ZIP BATutl: Search drive/path/volume return errlvl DREADY.ZIP Check for drive ready in BAT files EBL405.ZIP Extended Batch Language version 4.05 ECHOOFF.PAT Patches to make DOS default echo off in BATs ECHSYS10.ZIP ECHO/SET-like utils,include sundry system info EL.ZIP Set errorlevel to value on cmd line, w/C src ELF11.ZIP Set errorlevel in .BAT files w/ASM ENQR_25.ZIP Allows batch files to be interactive ENVSET10.ZIP Set an environment variable in batch files ENVTIME.ZIP Set DOS envir. variables based on system clock ERRLVL12.ZIP Displays errorlevel of previous program, w/src ERRLVL13.ZIP Set the DOS errorlevel (return code) EVERY15.ZIP BATutil: Execute cmd if given time has passed EXISTDIR.ZIP Check existence of files and subdirectories EXITTIME.ZIP Exit batch file at specified time FDATE84B.ZIP Date manipulation utility for batch files FLY102.ZIP Make batch files 'on the fly' FORTN404.ZIP Fine-tunes DOS FOR command w/options FUNKY.ZIP Batch file ask, input F1-F10 function key ans. GET24.ZIP BATch enhancer inputs from user, DOS, environ. GETDAY10.ZIP Put day of the week into DOS envir. variable GETKEY11.ZIP GetKey v1.01 batch file keypress utility GREET.ZIP Nice greeting for batch files HDWEELVL.ZIP Returns hardware byte in errorlevel (w/ASM) HIT.ZIP Graphic alternative to DOS's PAUSE-Color reqd. HMRHM11B.ZIP Returns to start DIR in batch files HOLDIT10.ZIP Like DOS' PAUSE w/timeout & errorcode w/srcTP IFEXIST.ZIP Powerful additions to any .BAT (w/ASM) IFNULL.ZIP Tests if a batch variable is null INPUT.ZIP .BAT prompt, get string into env var: options INT11.ZIP Execute DOS/BIOS interrupts from command line JUMPEXT.ZIP Extended batch file decision maker KEYCHK11.ZIP Control batch file decision making from keybd KEYPRES2.ZIP Batch file key reader KEYSTF.ZIP BAT util: Stuffs characters into kbd buffer MAKEMENU.ZIP Construct MENU Batch files automatically MAKMNU18.ZIP Self maintaining menu utility MCSDIAG.ZIP Batch file disk space diagnostic MENU0891.ZIP Creates batch files which present nested menus MFWRITE.ZIP Write cmd strings to console w/escape interp. MICROBAT.ZIP MicroMacroBat, extends functionality of BATs MS_ASK.ZIP Ask user for input in a batch file. w/ASM src NECHO10.ZIP .BAT color echo - compact, uses control chars PAWS19.ZIP Batch-file util. Input, display, pause, more PBATCH11.ZIP Batch Enhancer: Menus, Mouse, Hotkeys, Colors PRMPT.ZIP Get user input from batch files PWRBT14J.ZIP PowerBatch: Compiles batch-like files to EXE RAMBAT1.ZIP Use RAM for Batch files, save hard disk space RAP101.ZIP RAP v1.01: Powerful Batch programming language READ131.ZIP Get input from kbd and put into ENV variables REPLY1.ZIP Accepts user reply inputs in batch files RESET23.ZIP Presses the reset button and/or CTRL+ALT+DEL RETURNTO.ZIP .BAT files for auto-return to starting drv/dir RING14D.ZIP Ring console bell, optionally on error, w/src RONSET25.ZIP Multi-function batch enhancer by Ron Bemis RUNAT10.ZIP Run command against each file in a given list SASK135.ZIP Asks question in BAT file, returns errorlevel SAVPTH13.ZIP Save current path setting to a batch file SAVSCR27.ZIP Save/restore current text screen contents SCRTYP13.ZIP Return screen type in use SECBAT.ZIP The Secrets of Batch files: Color and macros SECHO20.ZIP Put color and other attributes in BAT files SELECT01.ZIP Pass a file as a parameter from a BATch menu SEND.ZIP SEND any string in batch file,incl $ metastr SETENV13.ZIP Set environment variables from .BAT file SLEEP25.ZIP Sleep for specified period SPARKL28.ZIP Batch file menus w/point-and-shoot & windows SPRBAT3B.ZIP Winchester Computer Systems SuperBat utilities SPUTILS.ZIP Batch & screen-save utilities w/mouse input STACKEY3.ZIP Place keystrokes in keyboard buffer -- BAT aid STFKEY15.ZIP Stuff keys into the keyboard buffer. Non-TSR STRINGS2.ZIP Adds 70 string handling functions to BAT files SW_42A.ZIP SW v4.2: BATCH file enhancement utility TASK11.ZIP Timed ASK (yes/no/no answer) for BAT files TBT310.ZIP TurboBat: Compiles BATch files to COM binaries TEST.ZIP Unix-like expression test utility, w/C src TESTIF.ZIP Controls batch files through error codes TIMECHEK.ZIP Lets batch files act on time & date TIMESTMP.ZIP Display current date & time on standard output TOADFR12.ZIP Return disk free space as ERRORLEVEL TSBAT45.ZIP Collection of useful batch files by Timo Salmi UNICDA15.ZIP Check if specified drive is ready UNIRDW10.ZIP Branch in .BAT according to day of week VC10.ZIP VolumeChecker: Batch utility checks disk label VIDCHK.ZIP BAT errorlevel 1-4 for Mono, CGA, EGA, VGA VIDTYP14.ZIP Set environment variable to video display type WAIT15.ZIP Wait in BAT files, more features than PAUSE WAIT2.ZIP DOS pause command replacement WAITER.ZIP Batutl: Counts down, allowing user to bail out WHAT150.ZIP Set DOS environment to show system information XECHO11.ZIP For batch files: A smart echo with options XSET402.ZIP Put ANYTHING in a variable of current envir. Y_N_3.ZIP Batch utility to ask ques, get Y/N answer BE.ZIP Binary file editor BEAV140.ZIP Binary file editor, many features and options BEAV140S.ZIP Binary file editor, C source, PC, UNIX, Amiga BPE14.ZIP Examine and patch binary files BVIEW1_0.ZIP BView v1.0: Binary or hex file viewer/editor EDBIN04.ZIP EDLIN-like string editor for binary files v0.4 EDCOM44.ZIP Editor for COM and EXE files, does disassembly EFILE.ZIP Binary file editor with cut/paste FED153.ZIP FileEdit:Binary file editor w/alfa & hex modes FILEZ17.ZIP Binary file editor: hex/ASCII search/translate FIX220.ZIP File Fix; binary file editor, v2.20 FM.ZIP Edit binary files at byte level in ASCII/HEX HEDIT110.ZIP Binary file editor w/color & struct formatting HEX101.ZIP HEX v1.01: HEX/ASCII binary file editor HEXED100.ZIP Binary file hex/ascii editor w/insert & delete HEXMAN10.ZIP Hex and ASCII file editor HEXVW10.ZIP Hexadecimal file viewer and editor LMHEDT23.ZIP Michaels' HEX/ASCII editor for binary files MZAP102.ZIP Easy ASCII/HEX file editor, v1.02 ZAP104.ZIP ZAP v1.04: Full screen file editor for binary ZIPZP715.ZIP ZIPZAP v7.15, hex file and sector editor BBHLP087.ZIP Windows 3.x Help file for molecular biologists BBSEQF12.ZIP Converts sequence file formats in Windows 3.1 BED100.ZIP Molecular Biology input feedback echo w/speakr BIOMRF.ZIP Demos cumulative small chg, Darwin evolution BLDFSH21.ZIP Identify fish and graphically display CURA22.ZIP Autocidal pest control simulation for Windows3 ESEE109E.ZIP DNA/protein multiple sequence editor Ver 1.09e GEP208A.ZIP WIN31: Simulation of biochemical pathways GSRC208A.ZIP Source code of GEP208A.ZIP simulation package HRAP.ZIP Diet+Lifestyle=Longevity: compared w/average PEDHLP13.ZIP Pop-up hypertext help for PEDRAW13 PEDRAW13.ZIP Scientific pedigree-drawing program STAGES14.ZIP Research tool predicts spermatogenesis cells/t TIERRA40.ZIP Create virtual worlds and virtual lifes TOXINS.ZIP Snake and toad toxins, diagnosis, treatment ACTIVATE.ZIP Select hard disk partition while booting ASKSYS.ZIP PcTch Jrnl's multboot w/timeout for DOS & OS/2 AUTOCN2G.ZIP Reboot with up to 50 different AUTOEXEC/CONFIG AUTOCONX.ZIP Manager for AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files AUTOEXEC.ZIP Select different AUTOEXEC boot-up batch files BLACKOUT.ZIP Suppress CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT screen output BOOT142.ZIP Multiple CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT with DOS 5.0 BOOT201.ZIP BOOT.SYS v2.01 - The heavy-duty config manager BOOTANY.ZIP Allows booting from any partition on hard disk BOOTEX10.ZIP System reboot examples, with C & ASM src BOOTMA33.ZIP Multiple boot configuration utility BOOTMENU.ZIP Autoexec/config bootmenu (with C source) BTEASY14.ZIP BootEasy v1.4: Intellegent multi-OS boot CAM262.ZIP Config/Autoexec Manager v2.62 CLOCKCHK.ZIP Execute pgms at boot-up according to time COLDWARM.ZIP Run selected programs on cold/warm boot COMMENT2.ZIP Echo comments from CONFIG.SYS CONED28.ZIP CONfig EDitor, boot multiple configurations CONFIG61.ZIP Automatic AUTOEXEC.BAT/CONFIG.SYS system mgr DBOOT11.ZIP Reboot with different CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT DUALBT43.ZIP Boot multiple operating systems from same disk ECHBLK23.ZIP Displays operative lines in DOS 6 CONFIG.SYS EDCONFIG.ZIP Device driver for point and shoot CONFIG.SYS FASTS101.ZIP Edit/select AUTOEXEC.BAT/CONFIG.SYS on bootup HITAKEY.ZIP Pauses in CONFIG.SYS to catch error messages IACA101.ZIP Pass information from CONFIG.SYS to AUTOEXEC MC.ZIP Multiple choice, (multiple partitions) MCF100.ZIP MCONFIG v1.00: Multiple Configuration Manager MNUBT300.ZIP Select from multi configs w/booting, (VGA req) MORERAM1.ZIP Utility to skip memory test on boot-up MULTC21E.ZIP Choose multiple configuration files on bootup ONBOOT.ZIP Run selected programs on Warm/Cold boot ONCEV13.ZIP Runs a program on boot-up once a day or week OPSYS204.ZIP Boot up to 100 different system configurations PAUSEDEV.ZIP Pause for CONFIG.SYS (w/TP source) D. Murdoch QWKQ200.ZIP Display a random QWK tagline at boot-up REBOOT.ASM Warm boot REBOOT.BAT Part of REBOOT.ASM REBOOT.DOC Doc for REBOOT.ASM REBOOT.SEQ Part of REBOOT.ASM REBOOT.ZIP Forces system reset REBOOT13.ZIP Switch CONFIG.SYS and auto reboot RECFG32.ZIP Select up to 20 AUTOEXEC/CONFIG.SYS on bootup RECON23.ZIP Manage various AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS RECONFIG.ZIP Use multiple CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files RESET.ZIP Reboot from different configs/autos RESET11.ZIP Reboot using different AUTO/CONFIGs RESTART3.ZIP Select different autoexec/config's on reboot SELECT.ZIP Select from multiple AUTOEXEC files on boot-up STARTDWM.ZIP System startup util for periodic pgm execution SWAPC202.ZIP Save AUTOEXEC & CONFIG, change, flush & boot SYSCFG30.ZIP Maintains multiple AUTOEXEC.BAT/CONFIG.SYS SYSGN132.ZIP Configuration utility(autoexec.bat/config.sys) TAO.ZIP Shows new verse from Tao Te Ching at bootup TMBOOTV2.ZIP Reboots computer at a specified time TOADBOOT.ZIP Warm boot after n minutes delay, w/ASM source WRAP10.ZIP Load programs and TSR's in CONFIG.SYS BC20P1.ZIP Patch file for BC++ v2.0 (from Borland) BC20P2.ZIP Patch file for BC++ v2.0 (from Borland) BC30P1.ZIP Borland C++ 3.0 patch 1: exec() fix BC30P2.ZIP Bor. C++ 3.0 patch 2: decl-time array init fix BC30P3.ZIP Borland C++ 3.0 patch 3: DPMILOAD fix BC31P1.ZIP Patch for Borland C++ 3.1 - fixes NEW operator BC31P2.ZIP BC++ 3.1 patch: new TLINK w/increased capacity BC31P3.ZIP BC++/TCW 3.1 patch: fixes Obj Browser problems BGIDRIV.ZIP Borland BGI Toolkit driver/docs (UPDATE) BGIFONT.ZIP Update: BGI Font Editor/develop your own fonts BGIFONTS.ZIP Set of BGI fonts, full IBM character set BGIHERC.ZIP Hercules Monochrome and Incolor BGI driver BGITS4_0.ZIP BGI driver for TSENG 4000 chipset BGVGA256.ZIP BGI driver for VGA 320x200 256 color mode BLX11.ZIP Code from Borland Language Express Vol1 No1 DRFRANK.ZIP Windows Postmortem debugging aid ET3BGI11.ZIP BGI driver v1.01 for Tseng ET3000 SVGA cards FASTCLOK.ZIP BC src ms timing by increasing clock interrupt JNFB88.ZIP Borland's Magazine Jan/Feb 88 Sources PRBGI097.ZIP BGI driver for dot matrix & laserjet printers SVGABG52.ZIP SuperVGA/Tweaked VGA BGI drivers, release 5.2 TD1PAT.ZIP Borland patches for Turbo Debugger 1.0 TD386.ZIP Borland Turbo Debugger update for MS-DOS 5.0 TDWIN31.ZIP DLL from Borland to use TDW with Win 3.1 TF386.ZIP Borland Turbo Profiler update for MS-DOS 5.0 TLINK4.ZIP Borland Turbo Linker update for MS-DOS 5.0 TPWN31.ZIP TPW, TDW Windows 3.1 compatibility files 64COLORS.ZIP How to display all 64 EGA colors on VGA,w/Csrc ABMAKE14.ZIP An improved 'make' utility w/source ACTLIB17.ZIP General purpose libs w/source for C/C++ pgmers ADVC11.ZIP Thomas Hanlin's advanced 'C' routines. v.1.1 ANSI_C.ZIP Header file activates ANSI.SYS for C APM.ZIP Arbitrary Precision Math lib MS-C 5.x/TC/Unix ARGTEST.C Tests function, getargs() ASYNCPEC.ZIP Interrupt-driven async comm rtns for MSC 5.x ASYNLIB2.ZIP ASYNC communications library callable from 'C' B2OBJ11B.ZIP ACA BIN2OBJ v1.10b: Binary to .OBJ converter BACKLOG.C Get latest add to BACKUP.LOG from DOS backup/L BESTL231.ZIP Extensive C programmer's library (FreeWare) BITUUDEC.C MSDOS/VMS UUdecode fixes lost trailing spaces BLTC18.ZIP Bullet multi-user DBF/btree toolkit DOS C/C++ BOSS01.ZIP Window Boss 01.07.91, windows for C pgms, 1of4 BOSS02A.ZIP Window Boss 01.07.91, windows for C pgms, 2of4 BOSS02B.ZIP Window Boss 01.07.91, windows for C pgms, 3of4 BOSS03.ZIP Window Boss 01.07.91, windows for C pgms, 4of4 BPLUS11.ZIP B-tree indexed file access in 'C', v1.1 BTOA.ZIP 'C' source for binary-to-ascii convert pgm C_EVAL.ZIP C source to evaluate mathematical expressions C_FLOW.ZIP Display flow of 'C' programs C4WINDOW.ZIP Window routines for 'C' programs C60PROBS.ZIP List of problems found with MS C v6.0 C_CHECK.ZIP C language syntax checker CACOPH10.ZIP PC speaker music library for Turbo C and C++ CBASE102.ZIP C routines for database applications, w/docs CBOOKS.ZIP List of currently available C language books CC01.ZIP 'C' language functions and programs - 1 of 4 CC02.ZIP 'C' language functions and programs - 2 of 4 CC03.ZIP 'C' language functions and programs - 3 of 4 CC04.ZIP 'C' language functions and programs - 4 of 4 CCC1053A.ZIP Complete C: learn/experiment w/OO systems,1of3 CCC1053B.ZIP Complete C: learn/experiment w/OO systems,2of3 CCC1053C.ZIP Complete C: learn/experiment w/OO systems,3of3 CCOMPILE.ZIP Small 'C' compiler CDECL.ZIP Decomposes 'C' language declarations CENVID9.ZIP C interpreter/batch-enhancer/macro-language CEPHES22.ZIP Mathematical function library in C language CGAZV5N3.ZIP Code from the C Gazette - Spring 1991 issue CL_7_BUG.ZIP Bug examples for Microsoft C-Compiler CL-7.00 CLP_V11.ZIP General purpose 'C' command line processor CLT141.ZIP C-Lint v1.41: Check C sources for problems CM100EXE.ZIP MAKE for MSC/WIN SDK (exe and samples), 1of4 CM100HLP.ZIP MAKE for MSC/WIN SDK (QuickHelp), 2of4 CM100TXT.ZIP MAKE for MSC/WIN SDK (Help: text format), 3of4 CMAKE100.ZIP MAKE for MSC/WIN SDK (description), 4of4 CNEWS001.ZIP Issue #1 'C' programmer's newsletter CNEWS002.ZIP Issue #2 'C' programmer's newsletter CNEWS003.ZIP Issue #3 'C' programmer's newsletter CNEWS004.ZIP Issue #4 'C' programmer's newsletter CNEWS005.ZIP Issue #5 'C' programmer's newsletter CNEWS006.ZIP Issue #6 'C' programmer's newsletter CNEWS007.ZIP Issue #7 'C' programmer's newsletter CNEWS008.ZIP Issue #8 'C' programmer's newsletter CNEWS009.ZIP Issue #9 'C' programmer's newsletter CNEWS010.ZIP Issue #10 'C' programmer's newsletter CNEWS011.ZIP Issue #11 'C' programmer's newsletter CNEWS012.ZIP 'C' programming & compiler review #12 CNEWS013.ZIP 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #13 CNEWS014.ZIP 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #14 CNEWS015.ZIP 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #15 CNEWS016.ZIP 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #16 CNEWS017.ZIP 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #17 CNEWS018.ZIP 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #18 CNEWS019.ZIP 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #19 COMMASM.ZIP Info for programming MS-DOS COMM ports CONIO.ZIP Direct console I/O ASM routines for MicrosoftC CP14.ZIP C code outliner (DDJ8808, tweaked for BC++2.0) CRC_C.ZIP CRC routines for C CRNCHR22.ZIP C Libs - FFT,Wavelet,Coherence,Filter,Regr.etc CROBOTS.ZIP Game for 'C' programmers. Make own robots CSOURC.ZIP Turbo-C source file manager CSR30_1.ZIP CSpotRun 'C' func lib., hdrs & examples 1of3 CSR30_2.ZIP CSpotRun 'C' func lib., precompiled libs 2of3 CSR30_3.ZIP CSpotRun 'C' func lib,. documentation 3of3 CSUBRTNS.ZIP C Subroutines #2 CTASK22D.ZIP Multitasking kernel in C w/ASM & C source CTELL.ZIP Translates C declarations into English CTOOLS10.ZIP Generic data structures in C (lists, hashtabs) CTOPAS.ZIP Converts 'C' source to Pascal source (simple) CTRL_C.C Intercept Ctrl C's CTUTORDE.ZIP C language tutorial, style, and quiz program CUG236.ZIP Highly portable utilities from C Users' Group CURPOS.ASM Cursor positioning for C CWD.C Change working directory for C CXL52_1.ZIP Window/menu/mouse C func lib, docs/utils, 1of2 CXL52_2.ZIP Window/menu/mouse C func lib, libraries, 2of2 CXLHDERR.ZIP C source for critical error handler with CXL CXT220.ZIP C Exploration Tools: C/C++ source analysis DBREAK.ZIP Disable CTL-C/CTL-BREAK/CTL-ALT-DEL. C source DEBUGC.ZIP #include level printf() debugging DELETE.C Delete a file DFLAT15.ZIP Dflat: SAA-compatible windowing LIB w/C source DIRLIB.C Unix 'dirlib' package ported to MS-C DLC_TSR.ZIP TSR interface for Datalight C DMAKE38E.ZIP 'make' util for MS-DOS C programmers. EXE/doc DMAKE38S.ZIP C src: 'make' util for MS-DOS & Unix SysV/BSD EMSIF24A.ZIP EMS interface for Borland/Turbo/MS C[++] ENCOM_TD.ZIP Sample terminal pgm using EnCom1.0 C async lib ENCOM100.ZIP EnCom v1.00: C async lib - supports 16550 FE1.ZIP Bitmap editor for Zortech C++'s FlashGraph Lib FFT142.ZIP Fast Fourier transforms, with C source FILTR21S.ZIP Text file searcher, simultan. multi-term check GDIR.C Enhanced DIR w/attributes, hidden/system files GENCSRC.ZIP Coronado's Generic 'C' tutor v2.0, (1 of 2) GENCTXT.ZIP Coronado's Generic 'C' tutor v2.0, (2 of 2) GETARGS.C Get cmd line args GETARGS.DOC Doc for GETARGS.C GETARGS.H Part of GETARGS.C GETF.ZIP Locate 'C' source file w/particular function GIFSAVE.ZIP C source to save GIF images GLOB.ZIP Change wildcard filespec to list of files GNUCTAGS.ZIP Microsoft C 5.1 port of GNU [ce]tags GRAPH.ZIP ASM CGA/EGA graphics routines for MS C (4.0) GYMAKE12.ZIP Make utility for MS-DOS w/C source v1.2 HANDLES2.ZIP Get >20 handles in TC (also DJGPP). Docs & src HGRAPHIC.ZIP Hercules graphics routines for MS Quick C HSORT.C General purpose heapsort for C IBMCOM.ZIP Interrupt-driven comm routines for Turbo C IBMCUR.C C & ASM fast screen write, save, and restore IBMCUR.DOC Short description of functions in IBMCUR.C IMC9101.ZIP Inside Microsoft C Journal source, Jan. 1991 IMC9102.ZIP Inside Microsoft C Journal source, Feb. 1991 IMC9103.ZIP Inside Microsoft C Journal source, March 1991 IMC9104.ZIP Inside Microsoft C Journal source, April 1991 IMC9106.ZIP Inside Microsoft C Journal source, June 1991 INDENTS.ZIP Indent C & C++, (vanilla) C source code INDENTX.ZIP Indent & format C & C++ source. DOS exe & docs INPUT.C Place batch input in environment INPUT.DOC Examples of usage of INPUT.C INT24_C2.ZIP C routine intercepts Abort/Retry/Ignore prompt INTERCEP.ASM Prevent printing ^C with signal() in MS-C JAZDOC.ZIP Documentation for JAZLIB.ZIP JAZLIB.ZIP C utility library with source (w/C) JPL_C.ZIP JPL library of portable C routines JULCAL10.ZIP C language sources for Julian date programs JULIN105.ZIP Source in C for calendar date calculations JZCHKDSK.ZIP Better CHKDSK program KAFSRT20.ZIP Complete file system and sort pkg for C pgmers KBDHANDL.ZIP Multiple keypress INT 9 keyboard handler w/src KERNEL.ZIP Multitasking kernel from DDJournal, w/ASM src LEX.ZIP DeSmet C source for PD version of Unix LEX LINGUA13.ZIP Easy multi-language support for C programs LPC052.ZIP LPC-Parcor-Cepstrum code gen. for C programers LZPIP101.ZIP C library for compressed/deflated file access MAEK.C Public domain MAKE MAEK.DOC DOC file for MAEK.C MAKE_PD.ZIP Public domain MAKE MAKE.C Public domain MAKE MAKE.H Header file for MAKE.C public domain MAKE MATCH110.ZIP Unix sh-style regex parser (wild cards), C src MATH.C Double precision math rtns for Lattice or MS-C MATH.H Header file for MATH.C MATRIXC.ZIP C source for matrix algebra and 3D line shapes MATRX042.ZIP Small Matrix Toolbox v0.42 for C programmers MC302EMB.ZIP MICRO-C Embedded Control kit - Test-drive vers MC302PC1.ZIP MICRO-C PC 'C' compiler v3.02 MC302PC2.ZIP MICRO-C PC Example programs MCOMM557.ZIP Interrupt-driven async LIB for MS-C/Turbo-C/BC MFILE.ASM Allows more than 20 files open at once in MS-C MFILE.C Allows more than 20 files open at once in MS-C MILLISEC.ZIP MSC/asm src for millisecond resolution timing MKDEFS10.ZIP SciTech Software Makefile definitions v1.0 MKUTIL11.ZIP SciTech Software Makefile utilities MOTINTEL.C Convert Motorola S-record hex to Intel hex MS_PROF.ZIP Execution profiling for Microsoft C / Quick C MSC.C Program to pass arguments from a file to CL MSCHRT3.ZIP High resolution timer toolbox for MSC 5.1 MSEC_12.ZIP High-definition millisec timer v1.2 (C,ASM) MV.C UNIX-like, moves and renames files MV.DOC Documentation for MV.C NDMAKE45.ZIP Kneller's Unix-like MAKE for DOS C programmers NJSDK30.ZIP NJSDK: Chinese C lib. software development kit ODOORS41.ZIP C library for creating professional BBS doors PARSER.ZIP Extracts tokens from an input string PC_8250.ZIP Serial port rtns. & VT100 emul. (C src only) PCC12C.ZIP Personal C compiler. Fully functional, C WARE PCL4C34.ZIP Asynchronous communications library for C PCPILOT.ZIP C programmer's TSR utility, with source PCSOUND.ZIP Plays many types of digitized sound files PCW_C.ZIP PC Windows: C menu/window library w/full src PPC.ZIP 'Pretty Printer' for 'C' language sources PRF.ZIP Profiler for Microsoft 'C' programs PROFIL.ZIP C language EXE program profiler (source only) PROTO217.ZIP C and C++ incremental prototypes extractor QSORT.C Quick Sort in C QUIKC21.ZIP Quick screen utilities v2.1 for Turbo C & MS C R250.ZIP Portable C src: Pseudo-random number generator RANDOM_C.ZIP C lang random number generator,one of the best REBOOT.C How to do a warm or cold boot in 'C' language RECIO202.ZIP C library reads/writes files as records/fields REDIRECT.C Feed line to shell w/stdin/stdout/stderr redir RESLB201.ZIP Function library for Turbo-C to make TSRs ROOTPATH.C Convt pathname arg to root-based connical form SCALE.CQ Calc scaling parms for plotting, axes w/labels SCSIDRVR.ZIP 'C' source for SCSI disk drivers SHAR.C Concatenate text files like Unix 'shar' SHAR.DOC Part of SHAR.C SINE.C Sine functions in 'C' SLEEP.ZIP Millisecond-resolution delay function for 'C' SMAKE155.ZIP Make utility for most compilers/linkers SMOOTH11.ZIP 'Lowness' and 'split linear' data smoothers SNIP9404.ZIP 1.1+ Mb of free C source/info, 35% PC-specific SNPD9404.ZIP Updates to (cf.) SPEAKER.C 'C' language routines to output sound to spkr SPLINE29.ZIP Interpolate using splines under tension SPWNO413.ZIP Disk/EMS/EXT/INT15-swapping spawn() replacemnt SVGACC21.ZIP SVGA graphics lib for MS and Borland C/C++ SWAP300.ZIP C routines allow swap of app to disk, XMS, EMS SYSTEM.ZIP C src for system() w/redirection & exit status T2C.ZIP Microsoft's Turbo Pascal to C translator TABX.C Filter that expands TABs to SPACEs TAGS.C TAGS file system for C and Epsilon TEACH_C.ZIP VG C tutor, great display format, w/ quizzes TEGLC.ZIP Graphical windowing toolkit demo (TC/MSC) TESTDIR.ZIP Directory checkout (optional) TGASAVE.ZIP C source to save Truecolor Targa (TGA) images THREAD.ZIP C Reference guide TIMESTMP.C Time & date routines for C86 and Lattice-C TIMESTMP.H Header file for TIMESTMP.C TOOLS4C.ZIP Shareware windowing package for C programmers TSR_ASM.ZIP C-callable assembler routines to go TSR TSRC.ZIP TSRs in C, source code from Computer Language U16PC.ZIP 'C' language source for 'uncompress' for PC UNDOC_CL.SWI Undocumented C compiler switches (MS-C 4.0) UNITS.ZIP Powerful unit conversion program UNIXCLIB.ASM Unix/C functions in MASM for DeSmet C UPDATE.C Copy new/altered files, with confirmation UW210.ZIP UltraWin version 2.10 windowing C library UWDEMOS.ZIP Sample programs, etc., with UltraWin C lib UWFONTED.ZIP Font Editor/samples for UltraWin C library UWSHADOW.ZIP How to: Shadowed windows with UltraWin C lib WEEKDAY.C Computes weekday for date w/Zeller Congruence WILDF113.ZIP Unix sh-style regex parser (wild cards), C src WR_PROT.C Check to see if a drive is write protected XLIB.ZIP Comm & Multitasking library for Datalight C XMSIF15.ZIP XMS interface for Borland/Turbo/MS C[++] XMSLB17.ZIP XMS library for Turbo/Borland C/C++, w/source XRF.ZIP C crossref lister w/Computer Innovations C src ZGLOB10.ZIP *argv[] wildcard file expansion, Zortech C ZTIMER11.ZIP Microsecond accuracy timer for C, C++, ASM BBDSLIB.ZIP Symbols for Booch, Buhr, Data Flow Diagrams BCAD100.ZIP BCAD v1.0 CAD/CAM editor, VGA/286/386/486 CVIEW150.ZIP CAD: CamView: CNC control file viewing utility DANCAD2A.ZIP Wire frame/CAD/animation/drawing pgm v2.0 1of2 DANCAD2B.ZIP Wire frame/CAD/animation/drawing pgm v2.0 2of2 DANMOVIE.ZIP Displays animated sequence of DANCAD drawings DCFONTS.ZIP Simplex,duplex,roman,italic for Draft Choice DECORATE.ZIP Layout furniture in a room, CAD assist DRAFTC20.ZIP Draft choice, Laserjet, dot matrix support EASYTRAX.ZIP Protel's powerful PCB layout, freeware version EDRAW32.ZIP Electronics drawing CAD GCPVU.ZIP Professional quality CAD tool for PCB design HOME25.ZIP Draws, saves & prints house plans (VGA req.) KNWRS120.ZIP KnitWare: Sweater knitting design/pattern prnt LASI431A.ZIP LASI v4.31 IC layout CAD prgm; unzip in \lasi4 LASI431B.ZIP LASI v4.31 IC layout CAD prgm; unzip in \lasi4 LASI431C.ZIP LASI v4.31 IC layout CAD prgm; unzip in \lasi4 LASIDEMO.ZIP LASI v4.22 demo drawing: unzip in \lasi4\demo MICROCAD.ZIP VGA drawing program (with C source) NCAD3D42.ZIP NorthCAD-3D v4.2: Create/view/edit 3-D images PADSLIB.ZIP PADS library for PADSPCB.ZIP and PADSLOG.ZIP PADSLOG.ZIP PADS Logic schematic capture CAD program PADSPCB.ZIP PADS PCB (printed circuit board) layout pgm PCAD3D.ZIP ProtoCAD 3D Ver 1.1 from Trius: CAD/Rendering PCBCA110.ZIP PCBCAD: Printed circuit board design system PCBCATTL.ZIP TTL logic template files for PCBCAD PCDCAD33.ZIP PC-Draft-CAD v3.03: Vector-based CAD program PCROUTE2.ZIP Computer aided design, printed circuit boards PFWDEM10.ZIP Protel PCB for Windows DEMO. Reqs Win 3.0/3.1 PRFECT45.ZIP Perfect Box: Speaker enclosure design program QR15R3US.ZIP Easy to use PCB & schematic design system QRUSA.ZIP QuickRoute: Circuit board / diagram design TADPLC.ZIP Create placement files from PADS ASCII file TANGO130.ZIP Tango Schematic capture evaluation DEMO v1.30 TMC101.ZIP TextModeCad: CAD system in text mode envirnmnt XFILL10.ZIP Fill and reverse laserjet print files CCAL9116.ZIP Chem Calculator for MW,%Composition,Equations CHEMICAL.ZIP Molucular modeling program CGA or EGA CHEMREF.ZIP Chemistry database/reference ELEMENTS.ZIP Study aide: data on the 106 chemical elements JMR1_20.ZIP Raytrace renderer for organic molecules JMR_BS.ZIP Molecule ball n stick demo MOLWIN20.ZIP WIN3: Read Atomic coordinates display molecule MV130.ZIP Displays, prints pictures of atomic structures PERIODIC.ZIP Display the periodic table of elements, (EGA) TEDDEMO2.ZIP ThermoDynamics: Kinetic gas model simulator TORG320.ZIP Simulates qualitative organic analysis VSDEM101.ZIP 3D Molecular Modelling Set for Windows (DEMO) 52DIX.TXT CA-Clipper 5.2d patch International info file 52DIX.ZIP CA-Clipper 5.2d patch International May 5,'94 52DUSX.TXT CA-Clipper 5.2d patch US/Canada info file 52DUSX.ZIP CA-Clipper 5.2d patch US/Canada May 5, '94 ACC86.ZIP Clipper 86 library written in ASM for speed AHELP5.ZIP Help sys/Clipper 5.0 & Summer '87 compiler app CGWRKA10.ZIP Clipper lib for fast & prototyping development CL_CLK10.ZIP Clock for Clipper 5.0, with Clipper source CLIP0189.ZIP Q & A concerning Clipper/FUNCky, from BOSS BBS CLIP0289.ZIP Q&A, Clipper for the month of Feb 89, Boss BBS CLIP0389.ZIP Msgs & Q&A from Clipper Forum on The BOSS BBS CLIP0489.ZIP Msgs & Q&A from Clipper Forum on The BOSS BBS CLIP0588.ZIP Q&A, Clipper for the month of May 88, Boss BBS CLIP_NG.ZIP Norton Guides Database to Clipper Summer '87 CLIPFPCX.ZIP Library to display .PCX files within Clipper CLIPMOUS.ZIP A library for mouse support under CLIPPER CLIPWIND.ZIP Windows for Clipper, no source, but LIB & docs CLIPWNDW.ZIP A small CLIPPER window library with source CLTAB100.ZIP Align your Clipper (Summer/5.0) programs CODE_1.ZIP Sample source (template-like) for Clipper COMM_IO.ZIP Interrupt-driven com port routines for Clipper DATETIME.ZIP Set system date/time from within Clipper w/src DCTUTOR.ZIP Comprehensive tutorial system for Clipper 5.0 FUNCKY.ZIP Demo program written using FUNCky for Clipper GRUMP14.ZIP GrumpFish Lib for Clipper Summer '87 v1.40 HLPSY203.ZIP Easy Help System for Clipper 5 w/help topics INHLP11.ZIP InHelp v1.1 for Clipper Help programming NANNWS12.ZIP Nantucket News v1n2, dBASE/Clipper source code NANNWS13.ZIP Nantucket News v1n3, dBASE/Clipper source code NANNWS14.ZIP Nantucket News v1n4, dBASE/Clipper source code NANNWS22.ZIP Nantucket News v2n2, dBASE/Clipper source code NANNWS23.ZIP Nantucket News v2n2, dBASE/Clipper source code NANNWS24.ZIP Nantucket News v2n4. dBASE/Clipper source code NANNWS31.ZIP Nantucket News v3n1, dBASE/Clipper source code NANNWS33.ZIP Nantucket News v3n3, dBASE/Clipper source code NANNWS34.ZIP Nantucket News v3n4, dBASE/Clipper source code NANNWS35.ZIP Nantucket News v3n5, dBASE/Clipper source code NANNWS36.ZIP Nantucket News v3n6, dBASE/Clipper source code NFLIB21.ZIP Nanforum Toolkit v2.1, docs/library/NG, 1/2 NFPAT1.ZIP Patch#1 to Nantucket Forum Lib 2.1 for Clipper NFPAT2.ZIP Patch#2 to Nantucket Forum Lib 2.1 for Clipper NFPAT3.ZIP Patch#3 to Nantucket Forum Lib 2.1 for Clipper NFPAT4.ZIP Patch#4 to Nantucket Forum Lib 2.1 for Clipper NFPAT5.ZIP Patch#5 to Nantucket Forum Lib 2.1 for Clipper NFPAT6.ZIP Patch#6 to Nantucket Forum Lib 2.1 for Clipper NFPAT7.ZIP Patch#7 to Nantucket Forum Lib 2.1 for Clipper NFSRC21.ZIP Nanforum Toolkit v2.1, src code/Make file, 2/2 NFTROFF.ZIP Nanforum Toolkit v2.0 Norton Guides TROFF src OCLIP.ZIP Free object oriented extension for Clipper 5 RBARLB10.ZIP Clipper library with Progression Bar functions RCMPLB30.ZIP Clipper compression library - files & strings REGXSRCH.ZIP Interface Clipper to GNU regular expr. library RFNTLB10.ZIP Clipper Lib w/ screen font functions & editor RLIB20.ZIP Clipper menus/dialog/record-select lib w/src RPCXLB10.ZIP RPCXLib: EGA/VGA/SVGA graphic Clipper library RSHPCX13.ZIP Clipper lib to show PCX-files on EGA/VGA/SVGA SLSW.ZIP SUPER.LIB Shareware for Clipper S87/Clipper5 SUBNTX2.ZIP Fast index extract/create Clipper filter rtn UDFS.ZIP Useful functions for Clipper (dBASE compiler) VS_905.ZIP Vern Six's Clipper ToolBox v9.05 VSIX302.ZIP Vern Six's Clipper Summer '87 toolbox v3.02 WORKBASE.ZIP Clipper/dBASE development/file access system ALUSQ.COM All purpose file un-Squeezer COMP430D.ZIP Unix-compatible 16bit compress/uncompress/zcat COMP430S.ZIP C src: Unix-compat. 16-bit compress/uncompress DDJCOMPR.ZIP Top 6 programs of DDJ data compression contest DECOMP2.ZIP Unix-compatible 16 bit uncompress, w/C source GZIP124.ZIP GNUzip: Unix compress/uncompress replacement HUFF_SC.ZIP Huffman compress encoder/decoder, C src & EXEs JLPAK10.ZIP Creates compressed diffs for software updates LDIFF12.ZIP Makes ASCII or Binary compressed .DIF files LDIFF12S.ZIP Source code for LDIFF12 compressed .DIF pgm LZ13.ZIP Limpel-Ziv file compress/decompress w/ASM src LZWPC.ZIP Lemple-Zev Compression Routines in C NUSQ110.COM File unsqueezer, used with SQPC NUSQ110.DQC Documentation for NUSQ110.COM PCUSQNEW.BAS Unsqueeze files, GWBASIC/BASICA RLE16_SC.ZIP RLE compression (16-bit header), C src & EXEs RLE8_SC.ZIP RLE compression (8-bit header), C src & EXEs SCRNC102.ZIP Makes self-uncompressing EXE/COM/TXT files SPLINT.ZIP Data compression for 'C' from Japan SQDATE.DOC Time stamping in SQ, NUSQ, etc. SQPC131.ZIP Vernon Buerg's fast file squeezer, like NSQ U16_V12.ZIP Decompress pgm for 16-bit LZW from 'COMPRESS' UNCR233.ZIP Uncrunch CP/M 'Z' files on MSDOS, w/wild cards BFAST11.ZIP FREE Btrieve fully functioning C++ library BSPLINE.ZIP C++ src for simple b-spline curve algorithm CCL110JE.ZIP DOS coroutine class library for Borland C++ CHARTP10.ZIP C++ object-oriented chart parser w/ source CISAM100.ZIP B+Tree/ISAM Database progrmming system for C++ CPTUTS22.ZIP Coronodo C++ Tutorial: Source examples, 1/2 CPTUTT22.ZIP Coronodo C++ Tutorial: Tutorial text files 2/2 DPMIFI.ZIP Borland C++v3.00 DPMILOAD DV-compatibility fix EMIL.ZIP MSC6/TC++ library - access Ext Mem w/HIMEM.SYS EV_201.ZIP EasyVision v2.01: TV look-alike C++ appl. lib. ISC366.ZIP Interrupts in C++, create TSRs + serial, w/src JCOOL01.ZIP Extensive C++ class library (uses templates) MONEY.ZIP C++ class to fake Decimals/BCD's using floats MOUPP400.ZIP Mouse++ 4.0: mouse class for Borland C++ MTL110JE.ZIP DOS multithreading library for Borland C++ NEWMAT07.ZIP C++ classes and functions for Matrices OBJEAS2A.ZIP Object Ease, large library for C++, 1 of 2 OBJEAS2B.ZIP Object Ease, large library for C++, 2 of 2 SERIAL_1.ZIP C++ source code routines for serial ports STRPP310.ZIP String++ v3.10: String class for Borland C++ STRPS310.ZIP String++ v3.10 PostScript format documentation TECH01.ZIP Techniques C++ Class Library, w/src TSR100JE.ZIP TSR class for Borland C++ (with source) VIR_V203.ZIP C++ Virtual Array mgr smashes the 640k barrier WGT4.ZIP Wordup Graphics Toolkit v4.0 for TC++/BC++ XMS200JE.ZIP XMS/UMB/HMA/XMSarray classes for Borland C++ Z31P1_6.ZIP Zortech C++ v3.1 compiler patches 01 thru 06 AUTOMITE.ZIP TSR executes cmds at specified time/date. DEMO CRON16.ZIP Timed command dispatcher; like Unix cron CRON28.ZIP Timed command dispatcher; like Unix cron DAILY280.ZIP Runs an external program once a day or week DOAT.ZIP Execute command at a specified time NIGHT.ZIP Schedule batch files at specified times PDAILY.ZIP Patriquin's execute a program once a day PEP.ZIP Painless Event Processor (program scheduler) REPEATAT.ZIP Periodically repeat DOS commands using AT pgm RTDX090.ZIP DOS shell for timed program execution SCDTS25B.ZIP Task Scheduler; Run multiple programs anytime TIMEBOM2.ZIP TSR executes command/program at specified time TIMERUN3.ZIP TSR executes DOS commands at a specified time 68ASMSIM.ZIP 68000 cross-assembler/simulator with C source AS02_103.ZIP Optimizing assembler for M6800/6801/6802/6803 AS05_103.ZIP Optimizing assembler for M6805 [1.03] AS09_103.ZIP Optimizing assembler for M6809/H6309 [1.03] AS11V103.ZIP Assembler for Motorola 68HC11 MicroController AS31.ZIP Assembler for 8031/8051 CPU, with C source ASREF.ZIP Reference manual for MOTOASMS cross assembers ASSEMBLR.ZIP Generic 6502/6803/8085 assembler CUG292WK.ZIP C source & EXE for ASLINK and ASXXXX CrossASMs EMBEDPC.ZIP Tools & source for embedded PC applications EPASM13.ZIP Assembler for Intel 8749 & other EPROM chips MOTOASMS.ZIP Motorola 6800/01/04/05/09/11 cross assemblers PCMAC.ZIP Two-pass symbolic cross assembler, w/linker PS18A12.ZIP RCA 1802/1804/1805/1806 cross assembler PS48A12.ZIP Intel 8748 cross assembler PS51A123.ZIP Intel 8751 cross assembler PS65A12.ZIP 6502 cross assembler PS685A12.ZIP 6805 cross assembler PS68A12.ZIP 6800-03/08 cross assembler PS69A12.ZIP 6809 cross assembler PS85A12.ZIP 8085 cross assembler PS96A12.ZIP 8096 cross assembler PSZ80A13.ZIP 8086 Z80 Cross Assembler SVASM02.ZIP Cross assembler for 6502 and 65C02 TASM276.ZIP Table-driven cross assembler, for many CPUs UASM.ZIP Cross assembler for 8051/6805/Z8, w/'C' src XASM220.ZIP Twelve cross assemblers (65xx, 68xx, 80xx) AGS210.ZIP Turns dBase III setups into menu driven system ASHTIPS.ZIP Tips using Ashton Tate's dBASE III C2DBASE1.ZIP Collection of 'C' utilities for dBase III+ CONVDB17.ZIP Converts ASCII files to dBASE compatible files DB3GEN3B.ZIP NARDAC dBIII+ appl. gen. req FOXPLUS (runtime) DB3UT10U.ZIP dBaseIII util: Count/pack/print/search records DBASEFIL.INF Chart shows layout of dBASEIII file structure DBB22.ZIP View/browse dBASE III/III Plus database files DBFED120.ZIP dBASE/Foxbase database editor/viewer/printer DBFU13.ZIP Utility for displaying dBASE file structures DBPASS10.ZIP Password routines for dBASE IV applications DBTCHK.ZIP Checks/fixes .DBT memo files for dBase/Clipper DBV123.ZIP DBF database file view/search utility, v1.23 DBX100.ZIP Convert dBase III DBF to comma delimited ASCII DEDIT100.ZIP dBase/Clipper programmer's database editor DFIXUP36.ZIP Indents/checks dBASE .PRG files DLIST110.ZIP Dlist v1.10: Convert .DBF file to a list DMETD4FP.ZIP Communications lib for dBASE 4 and FoxPro DOP.ZIP dBase II & III+ menu system DP392_1.ZIP Data + Plus v3.92: dBase clone, part 1 of 2 DP392_2.ZIP Data + Plus v3.92: dBase clone, part 2 of 2 DPROG131.ZIP dBase system (program) generator & doc system DQ13.ZIP Utility to display, browse, dBASE files DSCAR1.ZIP DBase III+ syntax checker DXT120.ZIP DBASE Exploration Tools: Source code analysis FBASE12.ZIP Freebase: Free form database management prog. FFLD.ZIP Displays field structure of dBASE .DBF files JARGON.ZIP Dbase 3+ manual in database format LASERENV.ZIP Print LaserJet envelopes from dBASE/Foxbase LASSO2.ZIP Converts ASCII text files to dBASE DBF format LIB19.ZIP dBASE IV procedure/UDF library LISTDBF.ZIP View dBASE DBFs using Vernon Buerg's LIST.COM POPDBF40.ZIP TSR: Popup view, edit, print, read dBASE files PRG.ZIP dBase programmer's utility PRINTDB4.ZIP Ashton Tate info about dBASE4 LaserJet drivers QBASE.ZIP Query for dBASE, Clipper and Foxbase DBF files RECAP21.ZIP Adjusts capitalization of text in dBASE DBF's SDF2DBF.ZIP Converts SDF files to dBASE III+ DBF files SHADE2.ZIP Print shaded bars on LaserJet with dBASEIII SNAP501.ZIP Documentation utility for dBASE/Clipper/Fox SOFTC103.ZIP C library of dBase/Clipper-compatible routines SWAPRV12.ZIP Run any program from within dBASE TECHS.ZIP dBASE technical notes WAMPUM42.ZIP Menu-driven dBASE-compatible relational DBMS ZEPHYR2A.ZIP FoxPro-compatible, menu-driven DBMS, 1 of 2 ZEPHYR2B.ZIP FoxPro-compatible, menu-driven DBMS, 2 of 2 ZIPCODES.ZIP USA Zipcode data in DBASE .DBF format DBMS9101.ZIP DBMS Magazine source code - Jan 1991 DBMS9102.ZIP DBMS Magazine source code - Feb 1991 DBMS9103.ZIP DBMS Magazine source code - Mar 1991 DBMS9104.ZIP DBMS Magazine source code - Apr 1991 DBMS9105.ZIP DBMS Magazine source code - May 1991 DBMS9106.ZIP DBMS Magazine source code - Jun 1991 DBMS9107.ZIP DBMS Magazine source code - Jul 1991 DBMS9108.ZIP DBMS Magazine source code - Aug 1991 DDJ8601.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jan. 1986 DDJ8602.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Feb. 1986 DDJ8603.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Mar. 1986 DDJ8604.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Apr. 1986 DDJ8605.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, May. 1986 DDJ8606.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jun. 1986 DDJ8607.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jul. 1986 DDJ8608.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Aug. 1986 DDJ8609.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Sep. 1986 DDJ8610.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Oct. 1986 DDJ8611.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Nov. 1986 DDJ8612.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Dec. 1986 DDJ8702.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Feb. 1987 DDJ8703.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Mar. 1987 DDJ8704.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Apr. 1987 DDJ8705.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, May. 1987 DDJ8706.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jun. 1987 DDJ8707.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jul. 1987 DDJ8708.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Aug. 1987 DDJ8709.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Sep. 1987 DDJ8710.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Oct. 1987 DDJ8711.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Nov. 1987 DDJ8712.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Dec. 1987 DDJ87IDX.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings index, 1987 DDJ8801.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jan. 1988 DDJ8802.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Feb. 1988 DDJ8803.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Mar. 1988 DDJ8804.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Apr. 1988 DDJ8805.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, May. 1988 DDJ8806.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jun. 1988 DDJ8807.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jul. 1988 DDJ8808.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Aug. 1988 DDJ8809.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Sep. 1988 DDJ8810.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Oct. 1988 DDJ8811.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Nov. 1988 DDJ8812.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Dec. 1988 DDJ88IDX.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings index, 1988 DDJ8901.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jan. 1989 DDJ8902.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Feb. 1989 DDJ8903.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Mar. 1989 DDJ8904.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Apr. 1989 DDJ8905.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, May. 1989 DDJ8906.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jun. 1989 DDJ8907.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jul. 1989 DDJ8908.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Aug. 1989 DDJ8909.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Sep. 1989 DDJ8910.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Oct. 1989 DDJ8911.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Nov. 1989 DDJ8912.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Dec. 1989 DDJ89IDX.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings index, 1989 DDJ9001.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jan. 1990 DDJ9002.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Feb. 1990 DDJ9003.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Mar. 1990 DDJ9004.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Apr. 1990 DDJ9005.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, May. 1990 DDJ9006.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jun. 1990 DDJ9007.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jul. 1990 DDJ9008.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Aug. 1990 DDJ9009.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Sep. 1990 DDJ9010.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Oct. 1990 DDJ9011.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Nov. 1990 DDJ9012.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Dec. 1990 DDJ90IDX.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings index, 1990 DDJ9101.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jan. 1991 DDJ9102.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Feb. 1991 DDJ9103.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Mar. 1991 DDJ9104.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Apr. 1991 DDJ9105.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, May. 1991 DDJ9106.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jun. 1991 DDJ9107.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jul. 1991 DDJ9108.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Aug. 1991 DDJ9109.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Sep. 1991 DDJ9110.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Oct. 1991 DDJ9111.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Nov. 1991 DDJ9112.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Dec. 1991 DDJ91IDX.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings index, 1991 DDJ9201.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jan. 1992 DDJ9202.ZIP DrDobbs Feb92: Protected-Mode pgming, DFLAT10 DDJ9203.ZIP DrDobbs Mar92: Assembler pgming special ed. DDJ9204.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Apr. 1992 DDJ9205.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, May 1992 DDJ9206.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jun. 1992 DDJ9207.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Jul. 1992 DDJ9208.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Aug. 1992 DDJ9209.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Sep. 1992 DDJ9210.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Oct. 1992 DDJ9211.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Nov. 1992 DDJ9212.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal mag listings, Dec. 1992 DDJ9301.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9301 issue DDJ9302.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9302 issue DDJ9303.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9303 issue DDJ9304.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9304 issue DDJ9305.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9305 issue DDJ9306.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9306 issue DDJ9307.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9307 issue DDJ9308.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9308 issue DDJ9309.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9309 issue DDJ9310.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9310 issue DDJ9311.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9311 issue DDJ9312.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal source & text for 9312 issue DDJ9401.ZIP Code from Dr. Dobb's January, 1994 DDJ9402.ZIP Code from Dr. Dobb's February, 1994 DDJ9403A.ZIP Code from Dr. Dobb's March, 1994, 1 of 3 DDJ9403B.ZIP Code from Dr. Dobb's March, 1994, 2 of 3 DDJ9403C.ZIP Code from Dr. Dobb's March, 1994, 3 of 3 DDJCSPEC.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal special 'C' issue 1989 XSHARP15.ZIP Michael Abrash's X# v1.5. April 1992 Dr. Dobbs 3_4ENCOD.BAS 3-4 en/decoder, send binary files via email ABE.ZIP ASCII<->binary encoding system w/error check ASCIFY13.ZIP Convert binary files to/from ASCII COMHEX.ZIP Hexify a .COM file COMPHEX.ZIP Compares INTEL-format HEX files EMBEDRAW.ZIP Send VGA 640x480 drawings in ASCII e-mail FILEHEX.ASM Hexify a binary file FIXUUE11.ZIP Fixes translation problems on UUEncoded files FORMAT83.ZIP Convert binary file to Intel hex HC.ZIP COM to HEX - HEX to COM conversion utility HEX_BIN.ZIP Converts Intel HEX files into binary HEXBIN.ZIP Convert Com + Exe files to Hex and back HEXCOM.ZIP Convert hex file to .COM MAKEBAS.ZIP Cvt binary file to BASIC pgm w/data statements MAKEUU11.ZIP Create self-decoding uuencoded files, w/C src MIMEQP.ZIP ASCII encoder/decoder for MIME, with C source MPACK1_4.ZIP Encode/decode MIME messages, smart uudecode MSBOOASM.ZIP Make ASCII files from binary files and back MSBPCT.ZIP Convert a .BOO file back to binary [PAS] NCDC151.ZIP Fast XX/UU de/encoder for DOS/VAX/UNIX w/C src NWSUU125.ZIP NewsUUD v1.25: UUdecoder for news articles POST110.ZIP UUencode/split utl-Post binary files to Usenet QUX01_91.ZIP Quick UUencode/UUdecode and XXencode/XXdecode REBUILD2.ZIP Rebuild split uuencoded files, w/MSC 5.0 src SUUD10.ZIP UUdecoder w/error diagnostics/graphic counter TOADUU20.ZIP Unix-compat. fast UUEncode/UUDecode, w/ASM src TOADXX11.ZIP XXEncode/XXDecode w/overwrite protection v1.1 UNPOS234.ZIP 'Smart' uudecoder to extract USENET binaries UUDO14.ZIP Multi-file/multi-part 'smart' uudecoder UUDOALL.ZIP More flexible uudecode for MS-DOS & Unix UUEXE525.ZIP R.E. Marks' fast multi-section UU/XX EN/DEcode UUSTRIP.ZIP Make uuencoded bin posting ready for uudecode UUXFER20.ZIP Comprehensive UU/XX en/decoder with C source DEM_FAQ.ZIP Frequently Asked Questions for Demacs DEM120E.ZIP Demacs-1.2.0 (Emacs-18.55 port) for 386/486 PC DEM120RM.ZIP Demacs-1.2.0 editor - various README.* files DEM120S.ZIP Demacs-1.2.0 editor - sources (mostly diffs) DETAGS.ZIP Etags for Demacs w/ globbing (etags *.[ch]) 513233.ZIP Update info for QEMM v5.13 & DESQview v2.33 ACTSK.ZIP Bring up SideKick menu from DESQview window API_EXAM.ZIP Ex programs using DV API library APISHARE.ZIP Ex of shared task memory using DV API library ASCIITBL.ZIP ASCII table for DESQview BACKDRP2.ZIP DESQview background. Displays date, status BALLPT.ZIP Patch DV to operate MS Ballpoint mouse device BOYAN4DV.ZIP DESQview loader for Boyan v.4 comm program BUZY102.ZIP DESQview window exerciser: Tune tick settings CALCDV.ZIP A calculator for DESQview (w/MSC source) CD_CHECK.ZIP Check for carrier before starting new DV task CHKDV.ZIP ASM source to make programs DESQview-aware CLKWATCH.ZIP Fixes system clock time loss under DESQview CLOCKCAL.ZIP Small time-date disp for DV including day/week CLOSE101.ZIP Close files left open in DV by terminated pgms CMD20.ZIP Control DESQview remotely or between windows CMONITOR.ZIP DESQview: monitor carrier-detect & abort task CNTDWN.ZIP Countdown timer with alarm for DESQview COLORTBL.ZIP Popup table for color attributes for DESQview DESQ10.ZIP Turbo Pascal code to interface DesqView DESQ_BG.ZIP Forces DESQview window to background DESQ_RB.ZIP Reboot windows in DESQview (requires DVEXEC) DESQC20.ZIP TC 2.0 bindings for some basic DESQview calls DESQCOMM.ZIP QOS Technote: Communications under DESQview DESQTEST.ZIP Check from .BAT whether DESQview is loaded DGANSI.ZIP DESQview/Ultravision-aware ANSI driver DNANSI.ZIP Replaces Desqview's DVANSI.COM - small, fast DOSWINDO.ZIP Creative use of the DOS window in DESQview DPC.ZIP Control printer setup from DV window DSHELL.ZIP Unix-like COMMAND.COM replacement for DESQview DSLIST.ZIP Use Vernon Buerg's LIST.COM in DESQview window DV_GUARD.ZIP Watchdog-like utility for running RBBS with DV DV_PAT.ZIP Multiple patches for DV/QEMM through June '90 DV286.ZIP Info for using DESQview with 286, 8088 system DV2_DOS3.ZIP Using DESQview 2.0 with DOS 3.x DV2VIEW.ZIP How to run 2 monitors with DESQview DVALARM.ZIP Configurable alarm clock for DESQview DVANSI.ZIP DESQview ANSI.SYS replacement updated 920120 DVAPMN12.ZIP Enhanced application program menu for DESQview DVASCII2.ZIP DESQview 2+ Sidekick-like Ascii Reference DVATTR.ZIP DESQview 2.0+ video attribute display DVAWARE.ZIP DESQview program interface ASM code DVC18.ZIP DV Commander: Command-line control of DESQview DVCAL.ZIP A popup calandar for use with DESQview DVCAST.ZIP Manager for broadcast messages under DESQview DVCLK11B.ZIP Simple clock for DESQview, w/ C & ASM source DVCLK14.ZIP Displays a clock on top line of a DV window DVCLOCK3.ZIP Small DESQview-aware clock DVCPY200.ZIP DESQview-aware copy util, works in Win3.x too DVCRON21.ZIP Unix CRON util (task scheduling) for DV, w/src DVCTIMER.ZIP DV-aware clock triggered by carrier detect DVDAYS3.ZIP Perpetual calendar/calendar calculator for DV DVDEVL12.ZIP Load device drivers in DESQview windows DVDOS.ZIP Notes on MS-DOS environment under DESQview DVDUMP2.ZIP A hex dump utility for use with DesQview DVECT.ZIP Capture and display DESQview interrupt table DVEX0320.ZIP Start another DESQview window from batch file DVEXCPT.ZIP Quarterdeck technical note 'EXCEPTION #13' DVFAQ14.ZIP DESQview/QEMM Frequently Asked Questions DVFR12.ZIP Desqview Frame, colorize DV window frames DVGLU101.ZIP DVGLUE update DESQview API functs in Turbo 'C' DVGLUE10.ZIP TC interface & funcs for DESQview API src/exe DVGLUL10.ZIP Compiled Turbo 'C' functions for DESQview API DVINT40.ZIP DESQview-specific extract of interrupt list DVINTF.PAS TPascal bindings for basic DESQview calls DVINTQB.ZIP Object module to make programs DESQview-aware DVKPOLL.ZIP Inhibit keyboard polling in DESQview windows DVLANTSR.ZIP Notes on running DV on a Lantastic server DVLIB.ZIP Lib routines for DV and Microsoft's C compiler DVLOAD.ZIP Load Desqview apps from command line, w/C src DVMACROS.ZIP MASM macros for Topview/DESQview pgm develop. DVME10.ZIP Makes editing DV scripts easier (needs 4DOS) DVMON13.ZIP Display percentage of unused CPU time in DV DVMU12.ZIP Custom DesqView pop-up menus DVNETBIO.ZIP Update:DESQview driver to handle NETBIOS calls DVNOVELL.ZIP Setting up DESQview for Novell and token ring DVOPEN11.ZIP Command line control of DESQview + scripts DVP101.ZIP Print spooler for use in DESQview DVPALET.ZIP Docs for DESQview 2.2 color pallet program DVPCLA.ZIP Using DV, PCAnywhere, & Lantastic together DVPCW.ZIP How to run PCWrite under DESQview DVPED1_0.ZIP Edit DV DVP w/better interface, undoc'd fields DVPIF10.ZIP PIF editor for DESQview, with C source DVPLIST1.ZIP Transfer DVP setups between DESQview users DVPRTSCR.ZIP DESQview 2.26 patch to fix Print Screen hangs DVPSD307.ZIP DESQview 2.xx protected screen driver, v3.07 DVPSV11.ZIP Full featured print spooler for DESQview DVPTAME.ZIP Controls kbd polling to improve DV performance DVREM17B.ZIP Operate DESQview remotely DVRUN.ZIP Start another DESQview window from batch file DVSCODE.ZIP Quick scan code reference (DESQview 2.0+) DVSCR10.ZIP 4DOS batch file for DESQview's convscr DVSCRIP1.ZIP DESQview scripts simplify CONVSCR use w/editor DVSI2_00.ZIP 15 DV utils: performance,printing,window mgmt DVSLBBS.ZIP How to install DESQview with Searchlight BBS DVSLICE.ZIP Routine to include to give up time slices DVSPAWN.ZIP Spawn DESQview windows from command line DVSPRT.ZIP Epson MX80 printer setup from DESQview window DVTIME.ZIP Set the system time within DESQview DVTMAN13.ZIP Auto event scheduler/task manager for DESQview DVTODO.ZIP DESQview/ToDo: To do list for DESQview DVTREE23.ZIP DESQview disk manager, dual directory display DVUNDOC.ZIP Poorly-documented features of DESQview DVUTIL12.ZIP Enhances DESQview control and reports status DVWINDOW.ZIP DESQview 2.2 and QEMM 4.2 with Windows - notes DVXTEC.ZIP Tec notes on font management for DESQview/X EMMNET.ZIP Help IPX/SPX, NETBIOS calls multitask in DV EZCOLOR.ZIP Makes it easy to set colors within DESQview FILES008.ZIP DESQview utility to display open files FIXNRE.ZIP QOS fix for the 'Drive not ready' problem FMONITOR.ZIP DESQview: monitor/restore Hercules RAMFONT(tm) HOOKINT.ZIP Ensures interrupt availability in a DV window JUST1V12.ZIP Prevents run of simultaneous copy of pgm in DV L4_LOAD.ZIP Lotus v3.1 loader for DESQview LIMITEM.ZIP Limit program's use of EMS under DESQview LTFRMT12.ZIP LtFormat v1.2: DV-aware floppy disk formatter MIXEDBAG.ZIP Several DESQview utilities by author of Tame MSCDVINT.ZIP MSC bindings for basic DESQview calls MY_D119.ZIP DV DIR lister shows locks,fcbs,tasks accessing NINSTL.ZIP Tech note on network installations of DESQview NODV.ZIP Hide DESQview from any program, w/BC++ 2.0 src NOMOUSE.ZIP DESQview SHP disables mouse in any window/task PIF220.ZIP Extended PIF format specs for DESQview 2.2+ PP_PIF.ZIP DV Program Information File for ProComm Plus PPTD11DV.ZIP Improve ProComm+ TestDrive under DESQview PQ12.ZIP PRINT.COM work-alike for DESQview PRINTDV.ZIP Print ASCII files from bkg window in DESQview PROMPTW.ZIP Reset the prompt for better use in DESQview QB45LOAD.ZIP DESQview loader for QB 4.5 and its EXE's QEXT512.ZIP QEXT.SYS v5.12 for DESQview and DOS 5.0 QUPIE11.ZIP Print files from background DESQview window RBMGR101.ZIP Reboot Manager: Carrier detect monitor for DV SPACE.ZIP DESQview-specific disk space monitor SPAWN15.ZIP Run DESQview jobs from DOS prompt STDERR.ZIP Redirect standard error message with DESQview SYSLOG.ZIP DESQview-specific system activity logger TA_PIF.ZIP DESQview Program Information File for TAPCIS TAME320.ZIP Speed up pgm execution in DesqView/VM386/WIN3x TASKMAN.ZIP Main menu replacement/task mgr for DESQview TCTVID11.ZIP Turbo C 1.5 text w/TopView/DESQview/Windows TVGLUETC.ZIP TurboC bindings for TopView/DESQview calls VIRTIZ.ZIP Tec note on virtualizing DESQview windows WINSIZE.ZIP Tec note on maximizing DESQview window sizes XDVEE11.ZIP DESQview: Allow use of AST's REMM4.x with XDV XSTARTDV.ZIP Toggles DESQview startup script on/off 0DEL_V1.ZIP Deletes zero length files, version 1.01 5DOSD3.ZIP Replacement for DOS 5.0 directory utility A_REN301.ZIP Rename dirs; move files across dirs w/o copy ADTUTL10.ZIP 8 utils: CUT,DD,DELDIR,SEARCH,WC,XUPDATE, etc. ANYWHERE.ZIP Find files on any drive ATTACH.ZIP Attach aliases to subdirectories ATTR220.ZIP Interactive file/directory attribute changer ATTRIB.ZIP Utility to alter file attributes ATTRIBCR.ZIP Set file attributes util by Craig Milo Rogers AUDIT.ZIP Lists ALL suspicious and hidden files BM_RM.ZIP Unix-like RM; remove files and/or dir subtrees CA13.ZIP Enhanced change attribute command, subdirs too CADATE.ZIP Allows user to change MS-DOS file dates CCD110.ZIP Quickly change directories (for NT and DOS) CCD20.ZIP CCD v2.0: An enhanced CD (chdir) for DOS CDD.ZIP Change drive and directory with one command CDE10.ZIP Version of MSDOS ChDir that sets errorlevel CDH50.ZIP Change Directory with History utility, v5.0 CDIR130.ZIP Create commented disk directories CDTO.ZIP Ward Christensen: Find file, then CD there CDX.ZIP CD Extended: Search for dir and optionally CD CHAINSAW.ZIP Remove entire directory tree (with C source) CHATT.ZIP Change File Attributes - full screen - easy CHD12.ZIP Enhanced directory changing utility CHGDIR.ZIP Improved CWD, change directory CHMOD2.ZIP Change file attributes, like Unix's 'chmod' CHNGFIL.ASM Change file attribute, read-only/hidden/system CHUNT1.ZIP Find files based on string w/in filename v1.0 CMTD_D19.ZIP Dir w/comments & copy/print/view/ren/etc v1.9 COPS401.ZIP Copies files modified since given date COPYDATE.ZIP COPYDATE v1.2: Copy file date and time stamp CSAP312.ZIP Sorts disk directory, removes deleted entries CUDUP21.ZIP Finds duplicate files, even in archives D_097A.ZIP Fancy color coded directory listing utility DAB140.ZIP Delete All But v1.4: Exclude files to delete DABA10.ZIP Delete all files but ZIP/ARC/LZH/GIF DC11.ZIP Directory Control: Improved ver. PCMag's DR&CO DCPDIR62.ZIP D.Crokett's sorted and double directory pgms DD107.ZIP Sorted directory utility with many options DDEL200.ZIP DIRDEL v2.00 - deletes non-empty directories DDIR0789.ZIP Sorted dir down 2 columns, paginated, 07/89 DEL21.ZIP Prompted file delete DELDIR11.ZIP Safe recursive directory and file removal pgm DELDUP23.ZIP Delete files already in another subdirectory DELUPTO.ZIP Deletes files older than a given date DELX.ZIP Delete all except, the way that people think! DERASE.ZIP Pgm to unerase files DF.ZIP Graphic display of disk free space E.Trujillo DF100.ZIP Display free disk space, even on joined drives DF202.ZIP DF 2.02: Stacker/JOIN-aware disk freespace utl DF460.ZIP Directory Freedom v4.60: Directory Manager DF_JOIN2.ZIP Display free disk space, even on joined drives DF_UZ.ZIP Displays disk free space for all drives, w/src DFL340.ZIP Duplicate File Locator 3.40 scans archives too DFS097.ZIP Delete/find/calc. size of files/directory tree DI11.ZIP Extended directory lister v1.1 w/C source DIR2FILE.ZIP Creates ASCII file of directory DIRCLEAN.ZIP Deletes directory trees containing files DIRCMP10.ZIP Compares files in two directory structures DIRCO403.ZIP Updates files based on source directory DIRE30.ZIP Replaces DOS DIR command. Displays more info DIRED306.ZIP 'DirEdit' v3.06; Edit/sort DOS directories DIRHIDE1.ZIP Hide/unhide directories for security DIRM13.ZIP Faster directory lister than DOS DIR command DIRORD.ZIP Position directory entries to desired order DIRR.ZIP List current directory for any version of DOS DIRS100.ZIP Directory/file manager copy,move,del,etc. VGA DIRSIZ11.ZIP Display total size of files in a directory DIRSTACK.ZIP Batch file push/pop directory stack commands DIRTO406.ZIP Directory lister and totaller DIRUTILS.ZIP Misc directory-related utilities DISKFR55.ZIP Displays total disk space available on PC DISKFREE.ZIP Find true size of files on HD DISP102.ZIP DIS Plus: Configurable directory viewer DJM_SIZE.ZIP DIR filter displays total space used by files DLXDR242.ZIP Sorted DIR, 3 col, hid files, hebrew and more DOSDIR20.ZIP Portable MSDOS/UNIX/VMS directory API w/C src DOSDIR21.ZIP Portable MSDOS/UNIX/VMS directory API w/C src DOWN211.ZIP Enhanced replacement for CHDIR command DP13.ZIP Allows pgms to find their data files in path DR.ZIP PC-Magazine file utility DRIP200.ZIP TSR to store and retrieve current path DS421B.ZIP Directory Scanner 4.21b: DOS disk/file manager DSKPARM.ZIP Find disk parameters - May '86 PC Tech Journal DTA12.ZIP Directory Tree Atributes, DIR/TREE replacement DU.BAS Displays disk usage by directory DU113.ZIP Unix-like du (disk usage), many options, w/src DU_PV.ZIP Displays dir tree and disk usage, w/A86 src DUH13.ZIP Deletes files that exist in ARC, ZIP, PAK, LZH DX_264.ZIP Directory eXtended v2.64 super dir & file util EJCHMD12.ZIP Edward Jajko's change file attributes program ELIM10.ZIP Delete file DOS can't see, like spaces in name ERAQ.COM Delete program with y/n ? EREN.ZIP Extended rename utility EXD110.ZIP Exdel v1.10: Replacement for DOS DEL command FD203.ZIP Locate duplicate files, tag/delete/view/print FDATE12A.ZIP Flexibly rename files to their dates FDATE2.ZIP Set selected file date and/or time FDF_1_01.ZIP Find duplicate files utility FDF.ZIP Check directory trees for duplicate files FESUB100.ZIP Searches for empty subdirectories FF_REVU.ZIP Kay Rigg's review of 17 'find file' programs FF211.ZIP Where-is file finder for multiple/large drives FFF46.ZIP Derr's FileFinder 4.6, performs fuzzy search FFFF360.ZIP Free Fast File Find, supports many archives FFIND133.ZIP Find file on disk, in LZH, ZIP, PAK, ARC files FFIND14E.ZIP Smart file-finder for large HD/network drives FHID22.ZIP Make files 'invisible' (kinda) FICHICI.ZIP Checks for files matching current system date FILEATTR.ZIP Set file attributes, hide, R/O, ARCH FILEL20.ZIP VM/CMS-like FILELIST shell program for MS-DOS FILEMV06.ZIP Fast and safe file move tool FILESIZE.ZIP Like Norton's FS FILMATCH.ZIP Find differences between two lists of files FILUP401.ZIP Copy updated files based on a control list FIND21.ZIP Trisoft's fast file finder v2.1 w/Del & Sort FIND221.ZIP Gavin's fast file finder for DOS 3 and higher FINDFI36.ZIP Find file/s and change to directory if req'd FINDFIL2.ZIP Locate files on disk, w/Unix sh type wildcards FINDIT.ZIP Locates desired file, returns path FINDIT10.ZIP Fast utility to locate various file formats FINDUP39.ZIP List duplicate files on multiple disks FL.ZIP Fast file locator with Turbo C v2 source FLS047.ZIP Unix-ish alternative DIR cmd, requires 386+ FREE16.ZIP Kapustein's free-disk reporter, v1.6 FREE19.ZIP Displays available & total space on all drives FREE2.ZIP Lets you know free space and much more FT100.ZIP Shows each file type & disk space it occupies FW_LS2.ZIP Unix-like ls directory lister for DOS & OS/2 G.ZIP 'CD' replacement. Jump easily between subdirs G280.ZIP Go any directory, any drive, Fast! v2.80 G_21.ZIP Change directories, display mem use, TSRs, etc GCD_100.ZIP Fast graphical change directory, cursor/mouse GD350.ZIP Quickly move to another directory GLOB11.ZIP Make DOS cmds 'global' GO.ZIP Change current directory using mnemonic GO54.ZIP 7-in-1 DOS util. Fast file finder w/options GO_3_0.ZIP Enhanced cd w/name completion & dir utilities GO_V_10.ZIP NCD-like dir. utility with no external files HHD327.ZIP Howard Harvey's directory lister, many options HHFF303.ZIP Harvey's directory file finder, many options HOTDIR73.ZIP HotDIR Plus 7.3-Color sorted directory utility ICD220.ZIP Instant Change Directory (auto-updating) INCDOS11.ZIP Long's set of added DOS-type commands R1.1 JADU13.ZIP Just Another Directory Utility JB_DU13.ZIP Displays disk space usage JCD124.ZIP Enhanced change directory program JDIR11.ZIP 4 across alphabetic directory lister w/attrib. JSDOWN2.ZIP CD substitute K_LOCATE.ZIP File locator for searching drives KDR234.ZIP Killdir: Erase the contents of any directory KILL.ZIP Removes a dir and all its files and subdir's KILL11.ZIP Find filenames system-wide, prompt for delete KILLDIR.ZIP Delete subdirectory and all files within KS_LS.ZIP 4.xBSD Unix-like 'ls' dir for DOS, w/TC1.5 src L.ZIP Directory lister with many options L11.ZIP Ricki's powerful DIR replacement L3_0.ZIP TopView-aware fast directory lister LASTDR23.ZIP Save last drive/directory in environment LC10.ZIP Sorted directory lister similar to Unix 'ls' LCD_40B.ZIP Ledbetter's ''Led's Change Directory'', v4.0B LD.ZIP List directories LD LDIR30.ZIP Directory list w/options - V. Buerg LF34.ZIP Find files on any drive/optionally execute cmd LS_N_DF.ZIP Unix-like ls/df - show dir contents/disk usage LS26.ZIP List file directories with many many options MA_RM14.ZIP Extended delete command, removes subdirs too MA_TOUCH.ZIP Adjust file time and date MASDIR54.ZIP Directory sort program by date/extention/size MASTRD38.ZIP MASTERdIR: Sorted dir lister w/many options MDEL13.ZIP MDEL v1.3: Delete matching files, except some MDIR300.ZIP Change directories/run pgms in DOS with mouse MDS_RM.ZIP Unix-like 'rm' clone with C source MH_DU12.ZIP File and directory utility, GUI interface MH_MV102.ZIP UNIX-like file and directory move utility MOVE11.ZIP Move Command that DOS Forgot! MOVE111.ZIP Move files between directories and/or drives MOVE201.ZIP Moves files around on disk -- small, fast MOVE453.ZIP Move files from one drive/directory to another MV.ZIP UNIX-like, moves and renames files MV200.ZIP Move files from one drive/directory to another MYCD.ZIP Unix-like change directory program NDELV00.ZIP Delete all files in current dir except a list NDIR177.ZIP Configurable Multi-color sorted dir lister NEW17.ZIP Locates files by date NEWCHDIR.ZIP Directory changer, recognizes abbreviations NFD104.ZIP Change date/time on one or multiple DOS files NO.ZIP Exclude some files from wildcard command NUKE111.ZIP Totally delete disk data, no chance to recover OBSLT10.ZIP Recursive delete files older than selected age ODEL12.ZIP Makes room on drive by deleting oldest file(s) OLDER.ASM Return which files are older OZ111.ZIP Multiple-version undelete + HD Protection PATTR15.ZIP Set DOS file attribs with wildcards. Patriquin PC_FLIST.ZIP Full-screen directory. Like VM/CMS PDEL44.ZIP File delete utility, extra features over DOS PIK110.ZIP Pick files from directory for ZIP, COPY, etc. PKFIND11.ZIP Katz's locate file utility, ARCs too. v1.1 PMOVE20.ZIP File move/delete between subdirs and disks PPPD301.ZIP Push-Pop DOS path string & current drive:\dir PRUNE10.ZIP Mefford's DIR tree pruning & grafting utility PS52B.ZIP PSearch 5.2b, find file fast, by name or text PTOUCH2.ZIP Patriquen's change date/time utility PURGTRE1.ZIP Recursive delete of files in subdirectories PUSH.ZIP Save/restore drive/dir/envir. via .BAT file PUSH_POP.ZIP Directory stack manipulation programs, w/src PUSHDIR.ASM Save current drive and subdir PUSHPOP.ZIP Save current drive/dir for later return PUTCWD.ZIP Puts present dir name in environment variable PWD_C.ZIP Displays working dir on all drives, w/MSC src PWD.ZIP Displays working directory on all drives QDEL033.ZIP Kill dir tree FAST! Options, statistics, fun QDUPS15.ZIP Nice utility for cleaning out dupes QF300.ZIP Quick Find v3.00 find files, even in archives RCD22.ZIP 'Do-what-I-mean' change disk and directory REND_11.ZIP Move or rename files and subdirectories, v1.1 RENDIR10.ZIP Freeware utility to RENname DIRectories RETAIN11.ZIP Pure BAT eq. of PUSH/POPDIR, 8 levels, no TSR RETAIN20.ZIP Pure BAT eq. of PUSH/POPDIR, 7 levels, no TSR RFM302.ZIP Rob's mouse driven File Manager, requires VGA RFM304.ZIP Rob's mouse driven File Manager, requires VGA RH_LS.ZIP 4.xBSD Unix-like 'ls' dir, with MSC5.1 source RLBDEL10.ZIP Long's BDEL ('Branch DELete') v1.0 RLBDIR11.ZIP Long's BDIR ('Branch DIRectory') v1.1 RLGD11.ZIP Long's GD ('Go to Directory') v1.1 RLKD12.ZIP Long's KD ('Kill Directory') v1.2 RLXD10.ZIP Long's XD ('eXpand to Directory') v1.0 RM.ZIP Unix-style file/directory deleter RM11_YG.ZIP Like Unix 'rm', delete files, recursive, safe RM_HS.ZIP File/directory deletion program with source RM_OM.ZIP Unix-style file/directory deleter, w/C source RMX.ZIP Unix-like 'rm' file delete program RMYG13.ZIP Joseph Gil's tiny Unix-like file removal util. RN_DR22.ZIP Enhanced PC-Mag utils DR and RN RNDAT20E.ZIP Rename file to unique name based on date/time RTN89NOV.ZIP Return to original directory after CD elswhere RUN102.ZIP Repeat actions for selected files in directory SAMEDAT1.ZIP Copy date/time stamp from one file to another SAMEDATE.ZIP Copy time/date stamp from one file to another SATRIB14.ZIP Modify any attributes SAVDIR25.ZIP Save current directory to a batch file SD62.ZIP Sorted directory - versatile - ZIP/ARC too SDEL210.ZIP Delete any files including in sub-direcories SDIR.ZIP Sorted dir, 2/4 up, across subdirectories SDIR40.ZIP Sorted directory display SDL32.ZIP Sorted Directory Lister with many options SECRET3.ZIP MD,CD,RD hidden directories v1.3 w/ASM src SEEK11.ZIP File find w/lots of options, w/TPascal source SF33.ZIP Search for files by subtree. Like DIR SFA.ZIP Menu-driven file attribute setter SHHRM010.ZIP Unix-like rm-command (delete) with recursion SHWHCH10.ZIP Locates executables in PATH (like Unix which) SINCE_W.ZIP Directory for files created after certain date SINCE.ZIP DIR of files since today or since certain date SLDIR210.ZIP Select directory via a menu SMOVE151.ZIP A very FAST multiple file moving utility SNIF134.ZIP C. Declerck's fast multiple drive file finder SSEARCH4.ZIP Super Search v1.4: Fast file finder SST_53A.ZIP Keith Ledbetter's super file & archive locator STRUZFDA.ZIP Struz's file and directory attribute utility SUBDIR20.ZIP Change subdirectories with a single character SWAPNAME.ZIP Swap two file names SWEEP221.ZIP Menu-driven file handler SZ15.ZIP Number of bytes & space of files/directories TDIR92.ZIP TreeDir jump to directories from a menu, w/ASM TF77.ZIP TurboFind - fast 'whereis' file find utility TFIND215.ZIP ThunderFind: Fast file finding utility TK_LS.ZIP Unix-like ls dir. lister for MS-DOS w/src v1.0 TO40B.ZIP Fast dir switcher, abbreviated subdir names TOADADEL.ZIP Delete files older than specified nr of months TOMAR90.ZIP Improved CD - change directory without \'s TOOLS.ZIP Unix-like utility programs for PC, w/C source TOUCH.ZIP Change the Date/Time shown on any program TPPDR101.ZIP Push/pop dir pgm that uses the DOS environment TPZDR124.ZIP ZapDir: Directory tree killer for MSDOS/DRDOS TREE.ZIP Graphic TREE directory (PD) with masm source TREEDUPL.ZIP Find and display duplicate file names TREESURG.ZIP Dir tree surgeon: find/compare/prune dupes TREESZ02.ZIP Graphic tree display of dir/path/disk sizes TRUNK120.ZIP Recursive directory lister TTFIND3B.ZIP TriSoft Technologies fast FileFind TWOUTILS.ZIP Enhanced DIR (ls) and DELETE, Unix-like UG.ZIP DOS path & subdirectory utility UNERA13.ZIP Recover erased files from disk, improved UP100.ZIP Move towards root in directory tree w/prompt VADCD180.ZIP Vadol Change Directory: Easy CD, quick access VCD10.ZIP Visual Change Directory VOLUME11.ZIP Name/rename disk volume WALKDIR.ZIP Walk through directory structure & print info WHAT24.ZIP Add commentary to directory, ver. 2.4 WHCH20GT.ZIP Theall's scan PATH for executable programs WHCH21GR.ZIP Clone of Unix 'which': locate commands in path WHERE12.ZIP Where is a file in PATH or other env. variable WHEREIS.ASM Locate file on hard drive WHEREIS.DOC Doc for WHEREIS.ASM WHEREIS.ZIP Finds any file on drive and uses wildcards WHEREIS3.ZIP Whereis file locator across multiple disks WHICH_BW.ZIP Weissman's search dirs for specified file WHICH_MC.ZIP Cohen's fast WHEREIS for commands in PATH WHIZ8706.ZIP Behman's fast file finder WILD15.ZIP Improve MS-DOS wildcard handling, v1.5 WIPER.ZIP Remove a whole directory subtree in DOS & OS/2 WITH10.ZIP Executes a command on randomly selected files WIZ29.ZIP Very fast and powerful multi-disk file finder XDIR.ZIP TSR directory program, call up anytime ZAPDIR40.ZIP Remove entire branches of directory tree ZDEL3001.ZIP Selective delete utility ZDIR20.ZIP Fast sorted dir replacement with many options 486DIS_C.ZIP TC source for 486 code stream disassembler 8048DIS.ZIP Disassemble programs for 8048/8049 chip AABSTRCT.TXT Information about the files in this directory ASMGEN3.ZIP Generate assembly code from COM and EXE's ASMGENSQ.ZIP Generates ASMGEN/ASMGEN3 disassembler SEQ file BUBBLE.ZIP Bubble: A disassembler for COM or EXE programs DASM48.ZIP Intel HEX disassembler for 8048 microprocessor DASM80.ZIP 8080 disassembler DASM85.ZIP Disassembler for 8085 binaries DASMZ80.ZIP Z80 Intel HEX file disassembler DEB2ASM.PQS Pascal pgm changes debug 'u' captures to .ASM DIS86221.ZIP Disassembler for 8086, 80286, 80386 programs DMPPRG20.ZIP Disassembles MS-DOS & Windows 3 .EXE files ID12.ZIP Intelligent Disassembler v1.2 MD86.ZIP Masterful Disassembler for Intel 8086 programs OBJ2ASM.ZIP TC Source for intelligent .OBJ disassembler RES86.ZIP Disassembler by Ward Christensen 1PASS21.ZIP One-pass floppy disk copier. Uses RAM/EMS/HDD 1SEAGATE.ZIP Specs for ALL Seagate drives from Seagate BBS 22DSK140.ZIP CP/M<->Diskette xfer, over 100 formats. SYDEX 2FORMAT.ZIP Format 2 floppys without hassles 2M21.ZIP Secure format 3.5:1066/3772K & 5.25:902/1558K 2M21SRC.ZIP Commented source code for 2m21; TASM/Borland C 3DRVS260.ZIP Add 3 hard drives to AT; mix/match types 4DRVU100.ZIP IDE hard disk inquiry utility, up to 4 drives 4SPD100.ZIP Hard drive data transfer rate test 525TD.ZIP Updated Mountain Tape soft (& some Compudynes) 800KS.ZIP Format 360k disk to 800k on AT, w/MASM source ACT204.ZIP ActaeOn v2.04: Graphical hard disk manager ADAMAKER.ZIP Creates 'bootable' Coleco ADAM disk on PC ADAMDISK.ZIP Transfer/edit Coleco ADAM floppy disks on a PC ADCSH122.ZIP ADCache: Dave Rifkind's EMS disk caching pgm ADDRIVE.BAT Program to switch AST SUPERDRIVE on and off AFORMAT.ZIP Format A & B drives without pause ALIGN.ZIP Drive alignment program for technicians AMOS111.ZIP Read/write OS/2 files HPFS<=>FAT under MSDOS AMPROCPM.ZIP Read/write Ampro CP/M disks on MSDOS ANAD207.ZIP ANADISK v2.07, analyze/edit/copy disks, SYDEX ASPIBIN.ZIP Gnu Tar for SCSI tape drives, Adaptec 154xx ASPIPAT.ZIP Patches for ASPIBIN relative to Gnu Tar 1.10 ASPISRC.ZIP Src for Gnu Tar for SCSI tape, Adaptec ctrlr ATFMT100.ZIP Floppy formatter. Gets 1066K on 720K diskette AUTOPARK.ZIP Automatically park hard disk when not in use BBOOT.ZIP Boot from B: drive instead of A: BIGDISK.ZIP Utility to allow use of large drives BIOS_DRV.ZIP Award & Phoenix BIOS drive type tables BOOPS.ZIP Allows booting HD w/diskette in A:, w/ASM src BOOT.ZIP Create your own custom boot records BOOT_B.ZIP Boots machine with A: and B: drives swapped BOOTCODE.ASM Create your own custom boot records BRINF130.ZIP Save/restore disk partition, boot, and track 0 BT108.ZIP Boot from drive C:, even with floppy in A: C33TRAP.ZIP Cvt HD mult track read/write req to single trk CACHE2.ZIP Updated version of disk caching program CACHEART.ZIP Review of disk cache programs CACHEMON.ZIP TSR disk cache monitor: count hits and misses CFORMAT2.ZIP Format A: and B: disks at same time CHAIN217.ZIP Displays disk clusters used by a file CHKPRT.ZIP Determines disk suitability for SMARTDRV.SYS CLEANER1.ZIP Clean floppy diskette drive read/write heads CLNFIL23.ZIP Wipes out sensitive data in unused file space CLUSTRCK.ZIP Find, mark/unmark bad disk clusters CNFMT108.ZIP Background floppy disk formatter by SYDEX COMBI113.ZIP RAM disk & disk cache sharing XMS memory CONRFEAT.ZIP Change interface of Conner HD from CAM to ISA COPYALL.ZIP Copy files to multiple disks with optimization COPYD11.ZIP Wsscopyd, copy/format disks, 1-pass, w/source COPYDSK.ZIP Similar to DOS's XCOPY, only better. w/C src COPYM113.ZIP CopyMaster 1.13 disk and file copy program COPYQ312.ZIP Fast multiple disk format/copy/verify. SYDEX CORE292.ZIP Core International hard disk benchmark, v2.92 COTDOS10.ZIP MS-DOS Driver for the British/Sears Apricot COVERUP1.ZIP Erases unused sectors and tails of files CPARK.ZIP Configurable HD parking utility (w/C source) CPDSK15B.ZIP One pass disk copy. Uses XMS. Freeware CPYDS121.ZIP Fast copy/format/verify multiple diskettes CPYDS125.ZIP Fast copy/format/verify multiple diskettes CROSS10.ZIP Splits large files into diskette sized files CT50A.ZIP Cache Test: Evaluates disk cache performance CUVL1.ZIP Colorado Utilities disk volume labeler ver 1.0 DCACHE.ZIP Hard disk cache program from PC-Magazine DCF47.ZIP Very fast 1-pass diskette copy utility DCOPY332.ZIP Copy whole diskette with subdirs to a file DCU100.ZIP Delete unwanted files & call backup/defrag pgm DDPC250.ZIP Multiple hard disk parker and screen saver DDT150.ZIP Directory/sector editor DDUPE322.ZIP Diskcopy any size floppy disk in only 1 pass DERMON11.ZIP TSR monitors disk errors, keeps log of last 50 DFA13.ZIP Speed up Disk I/O DFACC10A.ZIP DOS file accelerator, speeds up by read ahead DFIX12.ZIP Finds and marks bad disk sectors, w/C source DI103.ZIP DiskInfo 1.03: Displays information about disk DIET145F.ZIP Transparently compress/restore any file or exe DIM14A.ZIP Disk image archiver, copyer w/password prot. DISCEX.ZIP Fixed disk exerciser DISKANL.ZIP Scans diskettes and reports errors DISKBUF.ZIP Utility to optimize BUFFERS= config DISKDUMP.ZIP Read disks by sector in dec/hex/ASCII/EBCDIC DISKEDT.ZIP Disk and binary file editor DISKF1.ASM Corrects AT floppy disk timing problems DISKF10E.ZIP Fills disks up to the last sector. (English) DISKF10I.ZIP Fills disks up to the last sector. (Italian) DISKFLAG.ZIP Warns about decreasing hard disk space DISKID21.ZIP View/change serial on DOS 4/DOS 5 floppies DISKINFO.ZIP Database of 775 different type hard drives DISKOPT.ZIP Set floppy step rate/on-off time/RAM ref rate DISKORAY.ZIP Checks floppy rotational speed DISKREAD.ZIP Version 1.5 of disk exploration program DISKST01.ZIP Displays status of all disk drives assigned DISKTIME.ZIP Checks the speed of your hard drive DISKUSE.ZIP Displays disk use in bytes with bar graphics DIXCPY21.ZIP Easy use single pass disk copyer, ext. formats DKI191.ZIP Display/analyse disk type, used/free/total spc DNAV14.ZIP Disk Navagator: point & shoot HD manager shell DOG316.ZIP Disk OrGanizer: Disk defragmenter DOS5-compat. DOGREVU.ZIP Review of 'DOG' disk organizer/defragmentizer DQWIK110.ZIP Boost IDE perf. by activating block xfer mode DRIVELST.ZIP Large listing of hard disks & their parameters DRIVEPAR.ZIP Parameters for many different hard drives DRS120.ZIP Data Recovery Software: Reads BAD disks DRVDT3.ZIP Information on 208 different hard disks DRVTYPES.ZIP Display drive types your AT recognizes DSKDUP40.ZIP DiskDupe v4.0: Fast disk format/copy/compare DSKRW237.ZIP FAST 1pass disk copy and disk image handling DSKWATCH.ASM Report disk errors in screen window DTST20.ZIP Scan disk weak sectors which may fail, w/C src DU.C Routine to display disk space usage DUGIDE10.ZIP Show the IDE disk info. Includes C source EASYDIAG.ZIP WD diagnostic: Test AT hard disk & controller EDDY7A.ZIP EDitDirectorY v7.a: Directory/file/disk editor EDPART.ZIP Hard disk partition table editor EMMCACHE.ZIP Cache program using extended memory ERRMON.ZIP Memory resident disk error monitor ESS1.ZIP 3 DOS tools: 1Pass dskcopy/FastDskwipe/kbd dvr EZCL_1_7.ZIP EZ-Copy Lite: Copy/verify multiple diskettes EZCP_1_2.ZIP EZ-Copy: Copy/format/verify multiple diskettes EZF32A.ZIP Format disks in 2 drives at once, v3.20, 1of2 EZF32B.ZIP Format disks in 2 drives at once, v3.20, 2of2 FANCYCHK.ZIP Graphic Display of Disk Status FASTCPY2.ZIP Excellent disc copy/duplicate utility FASTFMT.ZIP Formats a blank diskette in 35 seconds FAT.ZIP FAT/Disk allocation info utility FAT109.ZIP FAT v1.09, display a file's chain of clusters FATBAK11.ZIP Back up FAT tables. Great safety measure FATMAN32.ZIP Edit and mark FAT entries as good or bad FBPCHECK.ZIP Fastback+ utility w/7 day warning & file list FBR181.ZIP Buerg's fast backup/restore utility - v1.81 FBTRIAL.ZIP FASTBACK PLUS v2.01 Trial vers. Limited to 2MB FDC_8477.ZIP Nat'l. Semicon. test of the 8477FDC chip FDC_TEST.ZIP Nat'l. Semicon. floppy controller chip test FDFORM18.ZIP Format floppies for greater density/storage FDRPM.ZIP Checks diskette drive speed. SYDEX FFIT162.ZIP Copies files to disks optimally (knapsack) FHARD101.ZIP Creates 5 Meg removable disk using floppies FILL402.ZIP Stuffs as many files as possible on disk FIPS11.ZIP FIPS: Nondestructive partition split utility FIT10.ZIP Intelligent copy - fill each floppy - mass cpy FIX_FAT.ZIP Tools to reconstruct floppy FAT FIX_DISK.ZIP Disk fixers. Include swap FAT1/FAT2 FIXBOOT.ZIP Fix floppy boot sectors FIXDSK.ASM Corrects AT floppy disk timing problems FIXFAT.ZIP How to fix your FAT tables (text) FLEXP300.ZIP Flexibak Plus: Hard disk backup w/compression FLOPCHEK.ZIP Displays AT/386/486 CMOS floppy drive configs FM55.ZIP FormatMaster: Menu-driven floppy disk format FMTFIX11.ZIP Fix for long floppy format delay in MS-DOS 6.2 FORMNU22.ZIP Fast, easy menu to format diskettes FORMQ172.ZIP Multiple format/verify for diskettes FR20.ZIP Shows free space on all drives (v2.0) FRE561.ZIP Multi-drive disk space check info with graph FREE151.ZIP Report of free space on disk, v1.51 FSTCPY.ZIP Fast disk copy program, with options GTAK100.ZIP DOS+OS/2 tar for SCSI tapes on Adaptec cntl's HANDLE20.ZIP Hold open up to 256 files in DOS 3.xx HD_DIAG.ZIP Hard disk diagnostics HD0989R1.ZIP Info on 823 hard drives from 64 manufacturers HDBACKUP.ZIP Hard drive backup utility HDCODES.TXT List of hard drive codes HDINFO10.ZIP Hard drive info in text, dBase, and DIF format HDPARK2.ZIP Fancy hard disk head parking utility HDPREP.ZIP Hard disk format and block bad sector utility HDSENTRY.ZIP Rudimentary hard disk protection (w/ASM) HDSOURCE.ZIP PD ver of IBM's Advanced Diags w/ASM src HDTRAK12.ZIP HardTrack v1.2: Tracks hard drive/LAN changes HDTS535A.ZIP Comprehensive HD test with support for DOS 5.0 HDTST128.ZIP Comprehensive hard disk drive check/intlv adj. HICPY25B.ZIP High density disk copier, using hard disk HP15S210.ZIP Device driver for HP-150 diskettes. SYDEX HSUTIL60.ZIP Hughes-Schoolfield collection of DOS utilities IAU19E.ZIP Nondestructive hard disk interleave adj. IBUV2.ZIP Interactive Backup Utility, Ver 2 INTERLV.ZIP Check hard disk interleave INVIS.ZIP Lets harddisk boot with floppy in drive A: JP_DU11.ZIP Recursive disk usage utility by Jussi Puttonen JUMBO403.ZIP CMS 120MB and 250MB tape drive software v4.03 KG_DF105.ZIP Disk Free: Disk free/used as % of total, w/src KLSPACE.ZIP Keith Ledbetter's graphical disk space display L_RMND17.ZIP Disk back-up reminder/timed event scheduler LAN.ZIP Floppy-based LAN w/ Pascal source LK_DF.ZIP Unix-like DF disk usage command, w/source LLFORMAT.ASM Hard disk low-level format pgm. ASM source LO11.ZIP Hard disk parker/screen saver. Small. v1.1 MAC_ETTE.ZIP Read 1.4meg Mac floppies in a 1.44meg PC drive MACSEE22.ZIP Read/write Macintosh disks on PC. DOS & WIN3.x MACSEE4B.ZIP Read/write Mac disks on PC. DOS & WIN3.x. DEMO MAPDSK30.ZIP Maps all disk extents; DOS & OS/2 versns v3 MASTER20.ZIP Prepare diskettes as masters for duplication MAXI161.ZIP Formats diskettes to allow greater capacity MBACK230.ZIP Patri-Soft's comprehensive disk system backup MFA11.ZIP Allocates files on diskettes space-efficiently MICROPLS.ZIP List of parameters for Micropolis drives MINDOS11.ZIP Read Minix File System (MFS) files from MSDOS MULTVOL1.ZIP Backup files larger than media (auto-split) NEWPARK.ZIP Park all hard disks at last track/improved NEWSPACE.ZIP Save space: driver compresses hard disk files OC210.ZIP Finds optimum packing for file copy to floppy OMTIFIX.ZIP Fix for OMTI 8620 disk controller memory prob. ORG30SW.ZIP Greve/Rifkind's hard disk defragger/optimizer PALERT24.ZIP Patriquin's low disk space warning utility PARK.ZIP This will park your hard disk heads safely PART.ZIP Provides HD partition table & controller info PARTIT10.ZIP The Partitioner: MultiBoot w/HD security &more PARTITN.ZIP Mainpulates partition info on hard disk v2.0 PASTCOPY.ZIP Turbo Copy from PAS Software. Fancy copy pgm PAU_50.ZIP Park one or two hard disks v5.0, w/ASM source PCKWK319.ZIP PC KWIK shareware disk cache program, v3.19 PCOPY93.ZIP Patriquin COPY, file copier with many options PDISK.ZIP Modify hard drive tables in PC match any drive PDRIVE.ZIP Protect against floppy disk change. Reread FAT PDTIMPRK.ZIP Public Domain auto HD park, with source PERS3650.ZIP Text file on PERSTOR HD controller PERSTORE.ZIP Perstore disk controllers & compatible drives PKANYDSK.ZIP Park any hard disk PKBACK2.ZIP Hard disk backup utility, uses PKZIP POLY221S.ZIP Fast bulk disk-copy pgm. 360K/720K/1.2M/1.44M PREBAK13.ZIP Backup preprocessor/automator/reminder PROTECT.ASM Toggle write-protect on hard disk PROTECT.ZIP Toggle write-protect on hard disk PRUNE22.ZIP Clear out unallocated bytes at the end of file PXDDS101.ZIP Simple disk speed tester with source code QC420_1.ZIP QUICKCACHE II v4.20: disk cache pgm, part 1of2 QC420_2.ZIP QUICKCACHE II v4.20: disk cache pgm, part 2of2 QCDOX341.ZIP Docs for qkopy341, HP-Laserjet/Postscript frmt QCOPY.ZIP Another quick disk copying program QCOPY40.ZIP QCOPY v4.0: Disk copying and format utility QDR40C.ZIP V. Buerg's quick floppy disk format/reformat QFA250.ZIP CMS QFA-250 tape software, 01/08/92 release QFORM10.ZIP Diskette formatter for 5-1/4'' & 3-1/2'' QFORMAT.ZIP Memory resident quick disk reformatter (w/ASM) QIC02_11.ZIP Tape device driver for Archive SC402/499 cards QICBAT12.ZIP Tape backup utility for Colorado drives QKOPY341.ZIP Quikcopy v3.41: Quick file/diskette copier RAIND112.ZIP Device driver for DEC Rainbow diskettes. SYDEX RAMIT166.ZIP Speed disk access w/8 bit ctrlr on 16 bit bus READCPM.ZIP Allows reading CPM-86 disks on PC REFORM12.ZIP Disk defragmenter [Turbo Pas src] REFORM15.ZIP Defragment your hard disk REFORM16.ZIP Disk defragmenter with TurboPascal v5.0 source RESTAUR1.ZIP More versatile DOS RESTORE replacement RESTOR55.ZIP Working replacement for MS-DOS restore REWRITE.ZIP Rewrite 360K disks written on 1.2M drive RMDRIV20.ZIP Disable or enable any DOS logical disk drive ROCALC.ZIP Counts floppies needed for backup (SAVELOAD) ROINFO10.ZIP Guide for setup of fixed disk drive RTTFRM.ZIP High/low density drive format,TEXT mode screen RTVFRM.ZIP High/low density drive format, VGA mode screen RWCPM.ZIP Read & Write Epson CP/M diskettes RX50.ZIP Read DEC RX50 Disks on Your IBM PC SAFERA16.ZIP Safe Erase v1.6: Enables UNerasing of files SAFPAK12.ZIP SafePack 1.2: A safe disk defragmenter SAVELOAD.ZIP Disk backup program - (use with ROCALC) SCAV31.ZIP Jennings' find & mark bad sectors on disks SCOPY202.ZIP Copy disk to disk image file with /compression SDC300.ZIP Fast copy/format/verify multiple diskettes SDF21.ZIP Fast floppy disk formatter and speed-up, v2.1 SECCOPY4.ZIP Periodic automatic copy of files to bkup drive SEG_DRVS.ZIP Seagate hard disk install help & config info SET80.ZIP Tells DOS that drive B default is 80 tracks SETDRIVE.ZIP Change physical drive parameters, low/hi dens. SHO24.ZIP SHOWDISK v2.4: checks floppy/HD space usage SHOWF251.ZIP Intuitive display of disk FAT & dir structure SHOWLOG.ZIP Display, search & manipulation of BACKUP.LOG SLIM110A.ZIP Write compressed files to disk; expand on read SLOBACK.ZIP Hard disk backup program SMARCOPY.ZIP Copies files the way DOS copy should work SMART_12.ZIP Smart Utilities v1.2: Modify specs of SMARTDRV SMARTPMT.ZIP Flushes SmartDrive deferred writes on DOS pmt. SPCCHK12.ZIP Graphic display of disk use/space available SPININFO.ZIP SpinriteII Hypertext Infofile, by Steve Gibson SPINTEST.ZIP HD transfer rate and interleave test ver. 1.2 SPKT465S.ZIP HyperDisk disk cache w/HyperKey & HyperScreen SST201.ZIP Hard disk de-fragmentizer. Careful! ST225.ZIP Seagate hard drive info ST2DOS10.ZIP Make Atari ST written floppies DOS-readable STEPRAT1.ZIP Set floppy drive steprate for speed/less noise STOW191.ZIP Patriquin's true disk archival (backup) system STOWDIR1.ZIP StowDir version 1.1. Directory for StowAway STOWGEN2.ZIP Rebuild archive indexes for MegaBack STUF10CS.ZIP Stuff 1.0: Optimize diskette space during copy STUFIT2.ZIP Moves selected files to HD innermost tracks STUFR01.ZIP Backup, archive, disk file copy SY_AT720.ZIP BIOS patch for 720K disks in 1.2M drive, SYDEX TAPE_DIR.ZIP Reads dirs of CMS 120MB and 250MB tape drives TCOPY10.ZIP TCOPY v1.0: Multi-featured copy utility TCPY202.ZIP Fast multi-volume file copy pgm, many options TDCHK110.ZIP TeleDisk image file validator. SYDEX TDISK334.ZIP TESTDISK 3.34, disk performance measurement TELED212.ZIP TeleDisk v2.12 - xfer disk into a file. SYDEX TESTDR14.ZIP Comprehensive floppy drive diagnostic utility THRASHER.ZIP With DOS 3.1+ how many BUFFERS do you need? TIMEP37E.ZIP Park hard disk(s) after specified time TP.ZIP Transpose characters in a file TRAKK403.ZIP Trakker 4.03, Trakker tape drive software TRK0BAD.ZIP What to do if track zero is bad on hard disk TSTDISK.ZIP Test hard disk data xfer rate in 'Real Terms' TYPENUM.ZIP List hard disk types in BIOS Drive Table TYPES.ZIP Displays list of hard drives supported by BIOS VACUUM.ZIP Recover data from damaged disks w/ASM VARVDISK.ASM Variable-size RAM drive VDU.ZIP Display directory tree with disk usage info VERDISK.ASM Check for diskette or hard disk for errors VERDISK.DOC Documentation for VERDISK.ASM VGACP50A.ZIP Fast diskcopy/format, HD & ED, SB, EGA/VGA VIDPK106.ZIP Video blanker/hard disk head parker utility VOLUME.COM Change volume label on a disk WATCHDSK.ZIP Show, sort & print current and prev dir sizes WD.ZIP Files from Western Digital's BBS WDCONFIG.ZIP HL/LL format for WD 1002S-WX2 HD WDFMT210.ZIP Format/verify/test w/any WD AT HD controller WDPRODS.ZIP List of complete WD HD controller product line WESTYPE.ZIP Specs for Western Digital hard drives WPHD.ZIP Write protect hard disk WPROT2.ZIP Prevents misuse of INT13 write/format disk XDCPY200.ZIP Copy diskettes without swapping, by S. Huseby YASE.ZIP Yet Another (disk) Sector Editor, CGA required ZERODISK.ZIP Erase unallocated disk blocks - with C source AEASY102.ZIP Async library for djgpp AECUR102.ZIP Curses library for djgpp AETSK102.ZIP Task Switching library for djgpp AEWIN102.ZIP Text Windows library for djgpp BCCGRX12.ZIP BCC to GRX library for djgpp BNU22BN.ZIP djgpp binutils-2.2 binaries (required) BNU22DC.ZIP djgpp binutils-2.2 documentation BNU22SR1.ZIP djgpp binutils-2.2 sources (1/2) BNU22SR2.ZIP djgpp binutils-2.2 sources (2/2) BSN122BN.ZIP bison-1.22 binaries (for djgpp) BSN122DC.ZIP bison-1.22 documentation (for djgpp) BSN122SR.ZIP bison-1.22 sources (for djgpp) CBGRD103.ZIP GRX graphics library docs (for djgpp) CBGRF103.ZIP GRX graphics library extra fonts (for djgpp) CBGRX103.ZIP GRX graphics library libs/headers (for djgpp) DIF115SR.ZIP diff-1.15 sources (for djgpp) DJ111M1.DOC djgpp 1.11.maint1 first bugfix release (doc) DJ111M1.ZIP djgpp 1.11.maint1 first bugfix release DJ111M2.DOC djgpp 1.11.maint2 maintainence update doc DJ111M2.ZIP djgpp 1.11.maint2 maintainence update DJ111M3.DOC djgpp 1.11.maint3 maintainence release docs DJ111M3.ZIP djgpp 1.11.maint3 maintainence release update DJ111M4.DOC djgpp's 1.11.maint4 update, documentation DJ111M4.ZIP djgpp's 1.11.maint4 update, files DJ111M5.DOC djgpp 1.11.maint5 update information DJ111M5.ZIP djgpp 1.11.maint5 update DJDEV111.ZIP djgpp Base development kit (required) DJDOC111.ZIP djgpp Base documentation DJEMU111.ZIP djgpp 80387 emulator sources DJEOE111.ZIP djgpp execution only environment (required) DJGPP.FAQ Frequently asked questions about djgpp DJLGR111.ZIP djgpp simple graphics library DJLSR111.ZIP djgpp base library sources DJSRC111.ZIP djgpp sources to go32 and utils DJTST111.ZIP djgpp test programs FLX238BN.ZIP flex-2.3.8 binaries (for djgpp) FLX238DC.ZIP flex-2.3.8 documentation (for djgpp) FLX238SR.ZIP flex-2.3.8 sources (for djgpp) FSDB091A.ZIP Full Screen Debugger v0.91a for djgpp v1.11 GAS211BN.ZIP gas-2.1.1 binaries (required) (for djgpp) GAS211DC.ZIP gas-2.1.1 documentation (for djgpp) GAS211S1.ZIP gas-2.1.1 sources (1/2) (for djgpp) GAS211S2.ZIP gas-2.1.1 sources (2/2) (for djgpp) GCC257BN.ZIP gcc-2.5.7 binaries (C only) (for djgpp) GCC257DC.ZIP gcc-2.5.7 documentation (for djgpp) GCC257RM.ZIP gcc-2.5.7 real-mode gcc.exe (for djgpp) GCC257S1.ZIP gcc-2.5.7 sources (1/6) (for djgpp) GCC257S2.ZIP gcc-2.5.7 sources (2/6) (for djgpp) GCC257S3.ZIP gcc-2.5.7 sources (3/6) (for djgpp) GCC257S4.ZIP gcc-2.5.7 sources (4/6) (for djgpp) GCC257S5.ZIP gcc-2.5.7 sources (5/6) (for djgpp) GCC257S6.ZIP gcc-2.5.7 sources (6/6) (for djgpp) GPP257.ZIP C++ binaries & libraries (for djgpp) GRX103M1.DOC Installation instructions for GRX103M1.ZIP Maint. release for DJGPP GRX graphics library GZP124BN.ZIP gzip-1.2.4 binaries (for djgpp) GZP124DC.ZIP gzip-1.2.4 documentation (for djgpp) GZP124SR.ZIP gzip-1.2.4 sources (for djgpp) INSTALL.DAT Data file for install.exe INSTALL.EXE Install program for djgpp LGP250S1.ZIP libg++-2.5.0 sources (1/2) (for djgpp) LGP250S2.ZIP libg++-2.5.0 sources (2/2) (for djgpp) MAK369BN.ZIP make-3.69 binaries (for djgpp) MAK369DC.ZIP make-3.69 documentation (for djgpp) MAK369SR.ZIP make-3.69 sources (for djgpp) MERGE.C Merge files that have been split (C source) OBJC257.ZIP Objective-C binaries & libraries (for djgpp) PAT202SR.ZIP patch-2.0.2 sources (for djgpp) QDDVX102.ZIP DESQview/X libraries & utilities (for djgpp) README.1ST djgpp's installation instructions, 1.11.maint4 README.DJ djgpp's setup instructions, 1.11.maint4 SBLASTER.ZIP SoundBlaster sample showing DMA and interrupts SPLIT.C Split large files (C source) SPLIT.EXE Split large files (executable) TXI210BN.ZIP texinfo-2.10 binaries (w/info.exe) (for djgpp) TXI210DC.ZIP texinfo-2.10 documentation (for djgpp) TXI210SR.ZIP texinfo-2.10 sources (for djgpp) UNZIP_DJ.EXE Free unzip program for djgpp files UZP501BN.ZIP InfoZip unzip 5.0p1 binaries (for djgpp) UZP501SR.ZIP InfoZip unzip 5.0p1 sources (for djgpp) WMEMU112.ZIP Improved FPU ('387) emulator for djgpp 1.11 ZIP191BN.ZIP InfoZip zip 1.9p1 binaries (for djgpp) ZIP191SR.ZIP InfoZip zip 1,9p1 sources (for djgpp) CALCTOOL.ZIP Simple calculator does binary, octal, hex, dec DCLOCK.ZIP Simple digital alarm clock for DESQview/X DESKU110.ZIP File, font, mouse and more utilities for DV/X DVIX.ZIP DVI previewer for DESQview/X DVXHLP10.ZIP Help file spec + program to create + source DVXICONS.ZIP Icons for DESQview/X DVXP102.ZIP Patches for 4/27/92 DV/X v1.02 DVXPRS.ZIP Quarterdeck's official announcement for DV/X DVXTIN.ZIP DESQview/X port of TIN Usenet News reader GS261DVX.ZIP Ghostscript v2.6.1, EXE + src diffs for DV/X IMAKEDVX.ZIP Imake for DJGPP porting X applications to DV/X TGIF212.ZIP Xlib-based draw program that runs under DVX XCALC.ZIP Scientific calculator (TI-30 / HP-10C) for DVX XCOLORED.ZIP Graphical tool for mixing colors under DVX XCOLORMA.ZIP Displays current default colormap under DVX XCURSR10.ZIP Customize your X Cursor, for DESQview/X XLFONT.ZIP DV/X: Lists all fonts available to X server XPM2DVX.ZIP Converts .XPM 2 icons to DV/X-compatible XRSCDB.ZIP DV/X:App sets number of defaults for X windows XSROOT.ZIP DV/X: 'X' way to change colors, mouse & cursor XV221EXE.ZIP GIF/TIFF/JPEG/PBM viewer for DESQview/X. EXEs XV221SRC.ZIP GIF/TIFF/JPEG/PBM viewer for DESQview/X. SRCs XWHITE02.ZIP Quarterdeck Tec notes in DV/X helpfile format XWINFO.ZIP DV/X:Show window location in pixels to set DVP 161QUICK.ZIP Quick-reference guide to VDE v1.61 text editor ACE124.ZIP Ver 1.24 of ACE text editor ADAMI94.ZIP Tamil word processer / VGA video titler ADAMIEN1.ZIP Environment for ADAMI Tamil word processor ADEDT301.ZIP AD-EDIT: Small text editor, DESQview-aware AE_14.ZIP Multifile text editor w/cut & paste, w/TP src AHED06.ZIP 'Ad Hoc', a free multi-window text editor ALED153.ZIP Small programmer's text editor ANED21.ZIP Simple ASCII editor, designed for ease of use ANSIPC10.ZIP ANSI graphics editor w/extensive mouse support ASC2WS.ZIP ASCII to WordStar conversion explained ASCII20.ZIP TSR for viewing/entering ANY ASCII characters AUROR120.ZIP Advanced text editor, huge capacity, fast BBSTVI30.ZIP BBS vers. of STevie editor, w/security, FOSSIL BE310.ZIP Bingo Text Editor v3.10, Undo, large files ASP BLKBD746.ZIP BlackBeard programmer's editor v7.46 BM111.ZIP Text editor for creation/mntc of batch files BOXER600.ZIP Boxer 6.0 Editor:mouse,undo,mult files&windows BREEZE50.ZIP BREEZE v5.0 word processor/text editor CADET30A.ZIP CADET 3.0: Menu-driven full screen editor, 1/2 CADET30B.ZIP CADET 3.0: Menu-driven full screen editor, 2/2 CALVIN22.ZIP Calvin v2.2: Text editor; partial vi clone CONT.ZIP TSR adds macros to most text editors CSE310.ZIP Small public domain text editor. Many features CYRIL104.ZIP Russian word processor shows Cyrillic onscreen DNGDNG11.ZIP Chinese Word Processor (previously CEDIT) DOS5ED.ZIP Patch DOS 5 editor default to *.*, not *.TXT DTE5_1.ZIP PD text editor for MSDOS & mainframes. C src E14_EDIT.ZIP Small, fast, powerful editor with ASM source E2_V321.ZIP Unix 'Rand' text editor ported to MS-DOS E34.ZIP Multifile text editor v3.4 E4DV200.ZIP Multi-file Outline editor w/user-defined menus E4V200.ZIP Multi-file Outline editor. Mouse/macros/SVG. EASY452.ZIP Multi-file text editor/spellchk/word processor ED3.ZIP Configurable text editor ED_EL.ZIP Line-oriented editor, like UNIX V7 ed EDIT251.ZIP Very small Wordstar-compatible text editor EDRHR15B.ZIP EDT like editor, DOS/WIN binary distribution EDRHR15S.ZIP EDT like editor, source code distribution EDWIN15C.ZIP Text editor with windows, macros, and more EE1091.ZIP Free ASCII editor for MS-DOS/Unix with source ELV18EXE.ZIP ELVIS v1.8, Unix vi-compatible text editor ELV18SRC.ZIP Sources for ELVIS v1.8 vi-compat. text editor EM15.ZIP Generic editer - may be used remotely ESWP05.DOC Evaluation of Shareware Word Processors EVOLV104.ZIP Source code structure editor in outline form EZDEX_1B.ZIP EZ-Dex: Get addresses from list, paste to WP EZEDIT.ZIP Small ascii editor similar to TED EZQUOTE4.ZIP EZ-Quote v4.0: Text editor for offline readers EZXW30TD.ZIP EZX-WRITE, WordStar-compatible word processor FE11.ZIP Menu-driven memory-based multi-file txt editor FOLDED_U.ZIP Folding/outlining ASCII editor for programmers FRED.ZIP Kid's wordprocessor, large type GAL210A1.ZIP Galahad word processor from Clarkson Univ,1of4 GAL210A2.ZIP Galahad word processor from Clarkson Univ,2of4 GAL210A3.ZIP Galahad word processor from Clarkson Univ,3of4 GAL210A4.ZIP Galahad word processor from Clarkson Univ,4of4 GALAXY30.ZIP Easy to learn word processor with spell check GE16MDM0.ZIP VESA/SVGA color graphics editor; demo, 1/3 GE16MDM1.ZIP Color graphics editor demo, (opt.,recomm.) 2/3 GE16MDM2.ZIP Color graphics editor demo, (optional), 3/3 GG_M103.ZIP Greg Gadbois' M v1.03: Emacs-style text editor HEAVEN.ZIP Customize PC-WRITE v2.6, v2.7 macros ICHI.ZIP Wordstar-like text editor INTEXT12.ZIP Intext v1.2A multi-lingual word processor J414DOC.ZIP Doc for JOVE (Jonathan's Own Version of Emacs) J414EXE.ZIP JOVE, alternative version of Emacs text editor J414SRC.ZIP Source code in C for MSDOS JOVE text editor JED080.ZIP Emacs-like extensible editor with source code JED096_1.ZIP Emacs-like extensible editor with source code JWPEDICT.ZIP JWP: Jim Breen's English-Japanese dictionary JWPFONTS.ZIP JWP: 16x16, 24x24 fonts for display+printing JWPK4848.ZIP JWP: 48x48 font for display+printing JWPKINFO.ZIP JWP: Kanji information files JWPPROG.ZIP JWP 1.10 Japanese word processor for Windows JWPSRC.ZIP JWP 1.10 source code JWPWNN.ZIP JWP: Wnn kanji dictionaries KAMAS25.ZIP Outline/idea/thought processor & organizer KANTKS11.ZIP Kannada Script editor/Transliterator, req. EGA KIDSWP.ZIP Shareware Child's Word Processor MATED90.ZIP MAT Editor: Full-screen editor. Easy to learn MATHTEXT.ZIP Science/Math word processor ME141.ZIP Small but powrful Hex/ASCII full screen editor ME_CD25.ZIP ME2 v2.5: Extendable emacs-like text editor MEDEMO70.ZIP Demo of Multi-Edit 7 - programmers text editor MELITE.ZIP Multi-Edit Lite: Programmer's text editor MG2A_EXE.ZIP MicroGnuEmacs: GNU emacs-compat. editor, EXE MG2A_SRC.ZIP MicroGnuEmacs: GNU emacs-compat. editor, C src MR250.ZIP MindReader intelligent text editor w/spell chk NCU_EDIT.ZIP Small screen editor (13Kbytes) with ASM src NJJ30DIC.ZIP NJSTAR Japanese Word Processor v3.0j, (3/4) NJJ30EXE.ZIP NJSTAR Japanese Word Processor v3.0j, (1/4) NJJ30FON.ZIP NJSTAR Japanese Word Processor v3.0j, (4/4) NJJ30JED.ZIP NJSTAR Japanese Word Processor v3.0j, (2/4) NJS30CED.ZIP NJSTAR Chinese Word Processor v3.0, (2/4) NJS30DIC.ZIP NJSTAR Chinese Word Processor v3.0, (3/4) NJS30EXE.ZIP NJSTAR Chinese Word Processor v3.0, (1/4) NJS30FON.ZIP NJSTAR Chinese Word Processor v3.0, (4/4) NYWORD23.ZIP Marc Adler's New York Word Processor v2.3 OUTPLUS2.ZIP Outline processor with integrated text editor PAINT.ZIP Create custom help pop-ups PCEDIT32.ZIP ASCII editor, 'E' clone, very customizeable PCTAMIL1.ZIP Transliterates Roman text to Tamil script PCTCO260.ZIP PCTECO v2.60: TECO-11 editor clone PCVILE.ZIP Text editor w/vi cmds and many Emacs features PCW_FONT.ZIP PC-Write LaserJet soft font selector PCW415_1.ZIP PC-Write v4.15 word processor, 1/5 PCW415_2.ZIP PC-Write v4.15 word processor, 2/5 PCW415_3.ZIP PC-Write v4.15 word processor, 3/5 PCW415_4.ZIP PC-Write v4.15 word processor, 4/5 PCW415_5.ZIP PC-Write v4.15 word processor, 5/5 PCWPSFIX.ZIP Improved PostScript support for PC Write PED15.ZIP Full screen editor PRO_ED.ZIP Pro-Ed full-featured programmer's text editor PT20MAN.ZIP Manual for Point Editor v2.0 (TeX/PostScript) PT20PC.ZIP Point Editor v2.0 (PD). C src and executables PT20TXT.ZIP Manual for Point Editor v2.0 (text files) QED100.ZIP QED: Small text editor QUIKNOTE.ZIP Simple easy to use editor, uses WordStar cmds RE109.ZIP Ravitz text editor, w/outlining & overviewing RES_SHP2.ZIP Resume Shop v2, creates customized resumes RESQ21.ZIP Save unsaved text from RAM to disk RUSS.ZIP Russian language word processor SCRTHI.ZIP Screenwriting demo version of ScriptThing SEDIT100.ZIP Easy to use text editor with spelling check SEDT40PC.ZIP Text editor styled after VMS EDT SHHED240.ZIP SHH ED: Small, WordStar-inspired text editor SHSUEDT3.ZIP Small DOS text editor SLED11.ZIP 17K text editor for 640K files (also binary) SLKPRO20.ZIP Professional text editor by Slickware, v2.0 STEVI69S.ZIP Source for STEVIE vi clone v3.69X (for TC2.0) STEVI69X.ZIP STEVIE v3.69b, Unix vi compatible text editor SYEDIT11.ZIP EdIt! v1.1 text editor replaces EDIT.COM TDE40.ZIP PD multi-window/file bin & text ed w/ C & asm TE261.ZIP Technical editor handles text file of any size TECO.ZIP The TECO editor TEDIT2.ZIP Fast multi-window file editor for programmers TERSE12.ZIP Full-screen ed. Brief-like commands. Only 4K THEDJG15.ZIP THE v1.5: CMS/XEDIT-like editor. 386-mode exe THEDOS15.ZIP THE v1.5: CMS/XEDIT-like editor. Real-mode exe THESRC15.ZIP THE v1.5: CMS/XEDIT-like editor. C source code TMED160A.ZIP Small TSR memory editor and key macro TRIVED08.ZIP FOSSIL/console vi-like editor for BBS use TVX_EDIT.ZIP TVX editor 'C' source and executables for PC UED19C.ZIP Text editor - small, fast, easy, up to 9 files UNITY331.ZIP Text editor w/unified programming environment VCONVERT.ZIP Convert between VIET 1.x and VISCII formats VDE_BC.ZIP Big characters for VDE text editor VDE_ED2.ZIP Shell adds enhancement features to VDE editor VDE_MC.ZIP Macros for VDE text editor VDE_MC11.ZIP VMC v1.10: Macro compiler for VDE text editor VDE_WP.ZIP WP compatibility hints for VDE text editor VDE164CS.ZIP Screen writers macros for VDE text editor VDE165C.ZIP Meyer's small, fast, WordStar-like text editor VDE171A.ZIP Meyer's small, fast, WordStar-like text editor VDEDB.ZIP Turns VDE editor into Rolodex-like database VDEMACRO.ZIP Collection of macros for VDE word processor VERSEDIT.ZIP Multi-window programmer's text editor VIET1P6.ZIP Vietnamese word processor, VIET ver. 1.6 VIM20BIN.ZIP Vi Improved v2.0: vi-like text editor EXE+docs VIM20SRC.ZIP Vi Improved v2.0: vi-like text editor source VISED35.ZIP Text Editor, multiple windows, mouse support WED411.ZIP Text editor, small fast, multiple windows WPGRAB16.ZIP Start word processor w/soundex filename search WRITEME.ZIP Create full color text files. Editor/viewer WRITSHV.ZIP Writer's Heaven: Incr PC-Write editing speed WS_TRAIN.ZIP Notes, test from WordStar training class WS4MOUSE.ZIP MS mouse menu for Wordstar 4 WS5_INFO.ZIP Info about WordStar 5.0 repairs/patches WS5BUGS.ZIP WordStar 5.0 report and known bugs WS5FILES.ZIP WordStar 5.0 files, what does what WSEN.ZIP WordStar enhancer for v4.0, 5.0, and 5.5 XNOT16.ZIP NotGNU v1.6: Fast Emacs for DOS, Win3, WinNT XTED100.ZIP Norton Cmdr-style editor (Wordstar-compatible) XVIDOC.ZIP Xvi text editor - Documentation, 1 of 3 XVIEXE.ZIP Xvi text editor - MS-DOS executable, 2 of 3 XVISRC.ZIP Xvi text editor - Source code, 3 of 3 XWORD223.ZIP Tranlates word processor files for diff. w.p. YIKES.ZIP ! simple text editor like Turbo Pascal editor ASMTAG04.ZIP Tag Assembly source in MASM/TASM syntax BAKIN.ZIP Epsilon video & process buffer enhancements CALC11.E CALC command for Epsilon COMMENT.ZIP Epsilon editor cmds for manipulating comments CPYRIT01.ZIP Epsilon editor cmd inserts copyright header CTAG05.ZIP Comprehensive Tagging of C\C++ source code CURSPOS.E Continuous display of cursor row/column CXTND.E C-extended mode for Epsilon DECTOCH.ZIP Input characters by ASCII value for Epsilon EDITKEY.ZIP Jump to definition of a keybinding w/Epsilon EP_REMAP.ZIP Remap the keyboard function keys in Epsilon EPGNUC10.ZIP Smarter C indenter for Epsilon EEL editor EPMOUSE.ZIP Mouse support for Epsilon Editor V6.0 FILLPREF.ZIP Fill prefix commands for Lugaru Epsilon editor FORTRAN.E Fortran indentation mode for Epsilon GREP04.ZIP Grep interface for Lugaru Epsilon (grep.e) HELP_SYS.ZIP Build your own help files for Epsilon LENOIL2.ZIP AutoSave,Mouse,Prompt,Revert,Sticky,VisBell LISPMODE.ZIP Useful keybindings for editing Lisp code MARK.ZIP Various region-marking commands for Epsilon NARROW.E Epsilon buffer narrow portion to edit region NEWMOUSE.ZIP Improved mouse support functions for Epsilon NEXTBUF.ZIP Single-key switch between buffers for Epsilon NTAGS05.ZIP Improved tagging system for Epsilon editor PNTSTK04.ZIP Point stack and registers for Lugaru Epsilon PRINTER.ZIP Print to HP LaserJet II or IBM Graphic Printer QH04.ZIP Interface between MS QH help system & Epsilon SAVE_MOD.ZIP Prompt for revision comments on saving file STOREMOD.ZIP Enhanced version of store.e for Epsilon STOREY.ZIP Fortran and Pascal modes for Epsilon TAGMOD.ZIP Enhanced version of tags.e for Epsilon TEX.E TeX mode for Epsilon TRIM.ZIP Trim whitespace from ends of lines WINCONF.E Save/restore window setup in Epsilon editor DAUBWAVE.ZIP Wavelet analysis program, w/C source DEMAND20.ZIP Calculate/report residential electrical demand DLANET.ZIP Polynomial/circuit analysis, w/built-in editor DSPICE0B.ZIP 128Mb Spice 2g6 circuit simulator. Req 386/387 DSPICE0S.ZIP C Sources for Spice 2g6. Req. DJGPP & F2C_LIB0 DWELCALC.ZIP Residential NEC electrical code calculations EE11.ZIP Electrical Engineering design & analysis prog. ELECTRC3.ZIP Performs most common electrical calculations FILTRY10.ZIP Aids in design of active and passive filters LOGISY30.ZIP Logisym v3.0 Digital Logic Simulator, VGA req. PSPIC54A.ZIP PSpice analog/digital ckt sim for Win 3.1. 1/3 PSPIC54B.ZIP PSpice analog/digital ckt sim for Win 3.1. 2/3 PSPIC54C.ZIP PSpice analog/digital ckt sim for Win 3.1. 3/3 SIM120BN.ZIP SIMIC logic and fault simulator. Part 1 of 2 SIM120DC.ZIP SIMIC logic and fault simulator. Part 2 of 2 SIMIC104.ZIP SIMIC logic simulator, student version 1.0.4 SPCTR3E2.ZIP 386/486 vers. of SPICE 3e2 ckt simulation pgm. SSPICE10.ZIP Symbolic SPICE: Ckt analyzer and approximator TIMECRFT.ZIP WIN3: Electronic ckt timing diagram generator 2DFLOW11.ZIP WIN3: 2D potential flow visualization DEMO HC122D_1.ZIP Hydraulic cylinder ind. app. v1.22. Disk 1of2 HC122D_2.ZIP Hydraulic cylinder ind. app. v1.22. Disk 2of2 SCHAEF01.ZIP Schaeffler diagram (for high alloyed steel) AL.ZIP Non-resident alias util uses environment vars APPENV21.ZIP Append text to environment variables, v2.1 ASET13.ZIP Advanced Set: Enhancement of DOS SET command BSET11.ZIP Set parent envir. variables up to 1023 chars. CHGENV.ZIP MS-DOS environment editor, add/delete/change CHGENV20.ZIP DOS master environment sort/full screen edit DCSETENV.ZIP Set environment variables from command line EE.ZIP DOS Master Environment variables editor EE2.ZIP Edit environment while in DOS - F1 for help EED10.ZIP Easy to use full-screen environment editor ENV.ZIP Keep environment full size for child processes ENVED10.ZIP Modify environment & write changes to AUTOEXEC ENVEDIT.ZIP Interactive DOS environment editor ENVRPT.ASM Examine env., give return code for BAT inquiry ENVSERCH.C Search environment for text IED_EED.ZIP Full-screen environment editor for use w/ms_sh PRINTENV.ZIP Prints environment variables, all or named RBSETNV1.ZIP Set/add/insert/delete/change environment vars. SETPGMS.ZIP Environment utilities DOS 3.1 - 3.3 STNVJW23.ZIP Set environment variables, v2.3, w/ASM source CHK4C360.ZIP Identifies compressed EXE and COM files CRUNCH10.ZIP Run compressed COM/EXE files, save disk space DIRC100.ZIP DIRC 1.00: Checks compression of EXE/COM files DIRX110.ZIP Shell for executable pgm (COM/EXE) compressors DISLT115.ZIP DISLITE, expands all PKLITEd files to original EXLITE2.ZIP Decompress PKLITE'd .COM files (w/ASM src) EXPAKFX1.ZIP Fixes 'Packed file is corrupt' EXEPACKed files ISL12.ZIP Lists names of EXE files compressed with LZEXE LOWFIX.ZIP Allows compressed EXE files to run with DOS 5 LZEXE91E.ZIP Compress most EXE files and run them directly PKLTE115.ZIP PKLITE v1.15: Compress EXE/COM files and run SHRINK.ZIP Program shrinks COM files, yet they run normal TINYP36.ZIP Compress COM/EXE files and run them directly UNEXEP10.ZIP Unpacks EXEPACKed files w/MS embedded unpacker UNLZEXE8.ZIP Converts LZEXE compressed EXE to original EXE UNP331.ZIP Unpacks all kinds of compressed executables ANA015.ZIP Binary file analyzer, disp. w/specified format APL2PC.ZIP Converts Apple files to MS-DOS format and back ASH005A.ZIP ASh v0.05a: Advanced DOS file manager ATOB11.ZIP Fast convert of btoa-encoded ASCII to binary BIGTEXT.ZIP Converts ASCII text files to .EXE files BILLUTIL.ZIP Dirspace, filefind, unix2dos text, etc. w/Csrc BIN2ASC.ZIP Convert binary format byte stream data > ASCII BRIK.INF Description of BRIK.ARC CRC-32 program v2.0 BRIK2EXE.ZIP General-purpose CRC-32 program, v2.0 BRIK2SRC.ZIP General-purpose CRC-32 pgm, v2.0, C source BVIEW.ZIP View binary files in several different formats CDPSW51D.ZIP Xtree-like file manager with many features CDUMP142.ZIP Dumps binary files in several useful formats CHKSUM2.ZIP Compute checksum for 1 or more files CHOP1292.ZIP Chop/join large files ASCII/binary, with C src CHOP31.ZIP Flexible ascii/binary file splitter CMFLR534.ZIP Split screen file mgr w/ finder/spooler/editor COM_PACK.ZIP Combine multiple .COM files into one COMP_PV.ZIP Enhanced replacement for MS-DOS COMP.COM COMT010D.ZIP Cnvt .COM's to executable ASCII text for email CONCT305.ZIP Concatenate files incl on multiple floppies COPYEM1.ZIP Copy & delete multiple files from command line CRC113.ZIP Displays 16 and 32-bit CRC's of files CRC67.ZIP Calc. CRC value of files (opt'l. file output) DCOM344.ZIP Interactive DOS shell/util w/password access DECODE10.ZIP View bytes/words/longs/floats of files as text DIRMM301.ZIP DIRMM v3.0, view, copy Multimate documents DIS323.ZIP Disk Manager v3.23: copy/delete/move files DLCPMV23.ZIP BSD Unix-style file copying/moving utilities DM313.ZIP Directory Master 3.13, DOS shell/sweep utility DOCP_1_1.ZIP Directory-oriented file copy program DOSMS122.ZIP Dos Master v1.22 file/dir manager, and editor DUMP11.ZIP Display file contents in HEX to stdout or file EASYRUN.ZIP Compiles and runs sources in comfortable way ELF2A0A.ZIP Elftree: Integrated file/directory manager EXECUT10.ZIP Archive files with common extentions. (w/src) EXEHEX.ZIP Burn EPROMs from EXE files (EXE->Intel HEX) EZFILE20.ZIP Disk management utility, including archives F405.ZIP Neidert's 2-window DOS filer, v4.05 FANTOMAS.ZIP File converter/Editor/Peeker/Search+Replace FCMP200.ZIP File compare, ASCII/hex, auto/manual search FCOMP12.ZIP File comparison,split screen binary/ascii disp FFILE20.ZIP Identifies contents of a given file FILED39A.ZIP Darwin's File: Guesses file-type FILEVIEW.ZIP Light-bar browse/view/execute files/programs FILEX14.ZIP File identification based on extensions (1600) FILEXTRT.ZIP Utility to extract and merge chunks of files FILSCRUB.ZIP Nice search & replace: table, asc/bin, more FILTYP11.ZIP Guess what an unknown file is for/made by FIX402S.ZIP Find/replace any byte string in any MSDOS file FM10.ZIP Menu driven file management program FRAGMENT.ZIP Split large files FT11.ZIP Identify many different file types by headers GD_V11.ZIP Universal data editor w/form entry approach HDDIR400.ZIP Hard Disk Director v4.00, file & dir manager HFM400.ZIP Mouse oriented filemanager and archive shell ICOPY121.ZIP Enhanced copy program with many options JLH.ZIP Jet's Little Helper: utility for Jet program KBFM11.ZIP KB-File Manager v1.1: DOS file copy utility LAST20.ZIP File viewer/finder, disk manager, DOS shell LPUNCH.ZIP Convert ListServ punch files to PC files MDM13.ZIP Directory/file graphic sweep utility MMEISTER.ZIP Mouse-driven desktop environment/shell, 910428 MMSETUP.ZIP Updated Mouse Meister setup prg, works in mono MMV10.ZIP Move/copy/append multiple files with wildcards MOVEWIPE.ZIP Move a file, overwrite deleted original MSI14.ZIP Colorful windowed DOS shell with password NUCPY203.ZIP Automatic file update/report management tool OV221.ZIP OverView V2.21 harddisk/file maintenance util P22V12.ZIP Flexible & fast patching of any file, w/C src. PAR230.ZIP Data/text import/export/parse/convert utility PATCH12.ZIP Port of Unix 'patch' (lvl12) program to MSDOS PATCHEXE.ZIP Global replace strings in files, even EXEs PFM314.ZIP Personal File Manager: File mgr/execution util PGLD1102.ZIP EDI Translator /DOS with E-Mail (DEMO) PRINTP63.ZIP PrintPlus: Tag/print/copy/move/view/del files PUP330.ZIP Shell/file mgr., supports ZIP/ZOO/ARC/LZH/ARJ QCMP114.ZIP Quick file compare pgm with network support QCRC21.ZIP Calculate CRC for MS-DOS files QDIR132.ZIP QuickDir v1.32: Archive/file/directory manager QDISK331.ZIP Memory resident directory/file manager QFILR32B.ZIP QFiler DOS shell/file mgr, handles ARC/ZIP/LZH QUICK10.ZIP Lets you load, cd, and xcopy/move by alias READDX30.ZIP READDX v3.0: File viewer/manager/ZIP shell READEXE.ZIP Read .EXE file headers RECORD11.ZIP Keeps log of nr. of times a file is accessed REDUCER2.ZIP Save space on hard disk by archiving subdirs RFFSRT23.ZIP Ron's Flexible Fast command line Sort program RFILEU10.ZIP Ricki's misc. arbitrary file utils (filters) SAS41.ZIP Swiss Army Shell v4.1: File management utility SCAN21.ZIP Scans binary file and displays printable ascii SCAN221.ZIP Scans binary file and displays printable ascii SCOPY16.ZIP Copy, move, update, break, concatinate files SD_400.ZIP StupenDos v4.0 directory/file management util. SF102.ZIP ShowFile v1.02, file lister/manager SHAR.ZIP Save multiple files in 'shar' format SHAREXE.ZIP Unix-like shar/unshar for DOS SHORTCUT.ZIP Professionally-done hard disk manager SHOW.ZIP Display binary or text files in 1K blocks SPLIT60G.ZIP Split/rejoin files by lines/bytes per file SPLITF.ZIP Patriquin's split large text files into parts SPLITIT.ZIP Menu-driven or command line file splitter STRINGS.ZIP Locate ASCII strings in binary files (w/C src) SUM.ZIP BSD-Unix compatible checksum utility, w/source SUM101.ZIP Unix-like file CRC generation program SUTIL282.ZIP FAST multiple file/COPY/MOVE/REN/DEL utility SYSPACK.ZIP Compression utility for device driver files TAR.ZIP Unix-compatible TAR archive maker/extractor TARGET15.ZIP McAfee's file locator and manipulator TENEX.ZIP 36 to 8 bit conversion prog. Great for ftp TEXTLIFE.ZIP Turns text into self displaying .EXE file TM121.ZIP TreeMaster v1.21: Hard disk directory manager TMOVE2.ZIP Move/copy/delete/break-up/rejoin large files TOADSHR1.ZIP DOS Unix-compatible shar/unshar, w/TP 5.0 src TREEVW11.ZIP Treeview v1.1 (an Overview clone) like XTREE TSF2CM15.ZIP Comparison of 2 binary or text files, T.Salmi UCOPY_11.ZIP Copy/move new & updated files skipping others UCOPY_12.ZIP Copy/move new & updated files skipping others UNIRFS15.ZIP Randomly select a file from a set UNSHAR.ZIP Unpack 'shar' archives, w/C source and EXE VC152.ZIP Visual Compare v1.52: Compare two text files VEXE400.ZIP Powerful DOS & Windows EXE, DLL files analyzer WFILER.ZIP File Manager, shell to ARC and LIST WFU.ZIP Wagner File Utility, like Norton Commander WHAT20.ZIP Locate tag strings in executable files WHTIS101.ZIP Identifies strange and misnamed files WILDPATH.ZIP Execute a program on a wildcard match of files XF.ZIP Find hexadecimal pattern in file tree fast XLAT11.ZIP Fast, configurable byte-to-byte translation XRAY105.ZIP Filter displays text strings in binary files XSUM10.ZIP Computes CRC-32, MD4 & MD5 checksums of files XTRV1.ZIP Reformats ASCII files by graphical marking ZCOPY101.ZIP SHARE-aware copying utility by Peter Stewart ATK18IBM.ZIP Analyst's Tool Kit. DFDs, data dictionary, etc FDRW225A.ZIP FLODRAW v2.25: Flowchart, Org. chart, EXEs FDRW225B.ZIP FLODRAW v2.25: Flowchart, Org. chart, LIBs FDRW225U.ZIP Files to update FLODRAW v2.2 to v2.25 FLOWCHRT.ZIP Create and print a flowchart GANTT.ZIP Good program for making GANTT charts GANTTMAN.ZIP Easy project manager, makes GANTT charts PERTCHT.ZIP Basic program to draw PERT chart PSDLDEMO.ZIP Nassi-Shneiderman diagram editor/compiler DEMO 4THCMP21.ZIP Native code Forth compiler:COM,EXE,SYS,TSR,ROM BBL_A.ZIP Fast 32-bit Forth based on F83,needs work,1of2 BBL_B.ZIP Fast 32-bit Forth based on F83,needs work,2of2 EFORTH.ZIP Ting's PD portable eForth, ROMable, w/asm src F83A.ZIP Orig Laxen & Perry Forth83,block oriented,1of2 F83B.ZIP Orig Laxen & Perry Forth83,block oriented,2of2 F83TUTOR.ZIP Tutorial for original Laxen & Perry Forth83 F83V2_MS.ZIP Version 2.0 of Forth83 language for MSDOS FBBS2.ZIP Bulletin Board System (BBS) written in Forth FIFTH.ZIP New FREEWARE Language FIG86.ZIP Original Fig-86 Forth compiler FORTHED.ZIP Text editor written in Forth FPC355_1.ZIP Forth-PC compiler, w/editor & examples, 1of5 FPC355_2.ZIP Forth-PC compiler, w/editor & examples, 2of5 FPC355_3.ZIP Forth-PC compiler, w/editor & examples, 3of5 FPC355_4.ZIP Forth-PC compiler, w/editor & examples, 4of5 FPC355_5.ZIP Forth-PC compiler, w/editor & examples, 5of5 FPCL1_7.ZIP Lessons 1-7 Jack Brown's FPC3.5 Forth tutorial MIN4TH25.ZIP MiniForth system v2.5, with A86 source PASM386C.ZIP 386/386SX assembler v1.4 for Forth-PC v3.5 PYGMY14.ZIP Full Forth system. Files, blocks, metacompiler UNIFORTH.ZIP Sampler of floating point Forth compiler ZEN1_10.ZIP Zen1.0 Forth w/src to match ANS X3J14 BASIS 10 BCF7713B.ZIP Fortran-77 compiler/linker/debugger ver 1.3b ELMOP10.ZIP Library of MS FORTRAN callable DOS functions EXTENPR.ZIP FORTRAN pgm - Extend the precision of decimals F2C_EXE.ZIP Binaries & Libs for f2c Fortran to C converter F2C_SRC.ZIP Source for f2c, Fortran 77-to-C converter FATDOS.ZIP Library to access DOS from within FORTRAN FCKDEMO1.ZIP Forcheck: Fortran code verifier DEMO (Win3.1) FORT_FMT.ZIP Text to FORTRAN FORMAT statement generator FTNCHK26.ZIP Robert Moniot's Fortran source code checker FTNCHK27.ZIP Robert Moniot's Fortran source code checker FV121S.ZIP FORTRAN library for video-regs/pop-down-menus FXT120.ZIP FORTRAN Exploration Tools: Source analysis LIBRY51.ZIP FORTRAN library - mathematics & thermodynamics LINPKDRV.ZIP Complex math equations for Fortran - 1 of 2 LINPKLIB.ZIP Complex math equations for Fortran - 2 of 2 PCRNG.ZIP Random number generator for use with Fortran RANDOM.ZIP Random number generator - one of the best TIDY642.ZIP Clean up Fortran-77 programs, w/Fortran source TOKEN.FOR Tokenize a string (C 'StrTok') for Fortran 77 WEEKDAY.FOR Calc weekday of date, Zeller Congruence algor. BNU170.ZIP Interrupt-driven serial port 1-8 Fossil driver FOSIL006.ZIP Initialize/deinitialize FOSSILs of ports 1-16 FOSLAUX.ZIP Fossil CTTY driver FOSSILV5.ZIP Fossil release 5 specs HZCOMM31.ZIP Fossil for Zenith Z-100 OCOM_531.ZIP OpusComm v5.31 FOSSIL driver for COM1: & COM2: ODEC_501.ZIP FOSSIL driver for DEC Rainbow computer SYOCOM50.ZIP Sanyo 555 Fossil Driver T2000.ZIP Fossil driver docs for Tandy 2000 T2KCOM52.ZIP Fossil driver for Tandy 2000 VDEC_004.ZIP Video FOSSIL for DEC Rainbow VIBM_110.ZIP FOSSIL which supports color X00V150.ZIP Interrupt-driven FOSSIL driver for BBS use CONTRIB.ZIP Contributed MINT code for FreEMACS 1.6a editor EMAC16AS.ZIP FreEMACS 1.6a text editor - .ASM sources EMAC16DS.ZIP .ASM sources to Freemacs 1.6d editor EMACS100.ZIP FreEMACS 1.6a Zenith Z-100 - requires EMACS16A EMACS16A.ZIP FreEMACS 1.6a text editor - main distribution EMACS16D.ZIP Alpha 1.6d of Freemacs, PC Emacs editor clone EMACSEGA.ZIP FreEMACS 1.6a collection of EGA utilities EMACSPEL.ZIP FreEMACS 1.6a spelling checker ETAGS.ZIP A TAGS package, for FreEMACS 1.6a text editor FAKE101.ZIP An enhanced keyboard emulator for FreEMACS FORTEX.ZIP Fortran, TeX, & BibTeX modes for FreEMACS 1.6a FREEMACS.INF FreEMACS 1.6a text editor information HISTORY.MIN Command history package for FreEMACS v1.6a MANUALS.INF FreEMACS 1.6a text editor manual ordering info PATCH1.MIN Patches for FreEMACS v1.6a ACPL0011.ZIP Package for analysis & ctrl of pollution, 1of7 ACPL0012.ZIP Package for analysis & ctrl of pollution, 2of7 ACPL0013.ZIP Package for analysis & ctrl of pollution, 3of7 ACPL0014.ZIP Package for analysis & ctrl of pollution, 4of7 ACPL0015.ZIP Package for analysis & ctrl of pollution, 5of7 ACPL0016.ZIP Package for analysis & ctrl of pollution, 6of7 ACPL0017.ZIP Package for analysis & ctrl of pollution, 7of7 ANCMANPS.ZIP acpl001 pollution pkg manual-PostScript format NP940107.ZIP NewPet: A geochemical data plotting system QDG206.ZIP Map digitizer: contours, points, outcrops, etc ADDICON.ZIP Allows use of icons for files in GeoWorks ASTRO.ZIP Astronaut background for Geos BCKGRNDS.ZIP Nagel, Aqua, and Fractal backgrounds for Geos BFYFISH1.ZIP Butterfly fish background for Geos CIRCUITS.ZIP Electronic symbols for Geos scrapbook CORNERCL.ZIP How to use Geoplanner as an on-screen clock DND_CHAR.ZIP Dungeons & Dragons player sheets for GeoDraw DOGART.ZIP Clip art of dogs for Geos DOS_ICON.ZIP How to assign GEOS Icons to DOS Files DRAWHELP.ZIP Rulers and a protractor for GeoDraw ENSEMBUL.ZIP Stuff for converting GIFs to Geos backgrounds EPMFOOD1.ZIP Clip art of food for Geos FLYING_C.ZIP Ye Olde Flying Chess Pieces Geos background GCZMODEM.ZIP Enabling Zmodem protocol for GeoComm GEONET.ZIP Joining the GeoNet file distribution system GEORULER.ZIP GeoDraw ruler objects in 16ths and 10ths inch GEOS_FAQ.ZIP PC/Geos Frequently Asked Questions Mod. 06/92 GEOSPORT.ZIP Puts GEOS version 1.2 on 1.44M floppy GEOSTAR7.ZIP GeoStar newsletter, Vol. 1 #7 GEOTIPS2.ZIP GEOS Tips & Tricks number 2 (GeoWrite file) GREEN.ZIP Bridge background for Geos GWEMJTIS.ZIP GW Mahjong tile set (req mahjongg V3.0) HPGL2GEO.ZIP Convert HPGL to GEOS 1.X format ICNEE04B.ZIP Icon Editor v0.4beta for PC/GEOS icons ICONMK10.ZIP Convert .PCX and Win3 .ICO files to GEOS icons KAWAII.ZIP Pretty Japanese girl background for Geos L_MAKR12.ZIP L_Maker v1.2 makes DOS app launchers for GEOS MUSICAL.ZIP Geoworks Scrapbook file with Musical Symbols PAGEGRID.ZIP Page grid with rulers on all sides for Geos REPTILE.ZIP Escher's reptiles background for Geos RULERS.ZIP Scrapbook w/ accurate 8 inch ruler for GeoDraw VPRINT5.ZIP Print Geos documents on computers without Geos WACHCLOK.ZIP Analog clock for GeoWorks (shareware) WIZARDS.ZIP Cover of animated movie 'Wizards' background ZIPDIR.FM How to get ZIP directories from within Geos AGD93_08.ZIP AGD News and Notes, August 1993 (GW Doc) AGDINFO.ZIP Association of GEOS Developers info, v2.0 docs CRUFT1.ZIP Geoworks icons with no specific classification CRUFT2.ZIP Assorted GeoWorks 2.0 icons by Jay Degn CRUFT3.ZIP Assorted GeoWorks 2.0 icons by Jay Degn CRUFT4.ZIP Assorted GeoWorks 2.0 icons by Jay Degn DOCICON1.ZIP Misc. Geoworks icons created by 'Doc Icon' DUMPERF.ZIP Screen dumper and perf for Geoworks 2.0 ERRMSG20.ZIP GeoWorks Ensemble 2.0 error messages FONTMG02.ZIP FontMagick: Shadow effects for GEOS 2.0 text G2TOWERS.ZIP Towers of Hanoi puzzle for Geoworks 2.0 GDIRENGL.ZIP Displays full Geoworks filenames at DOS prompt GEOCDLIB.ZIP A GeoFile layout for databasing CD collections GEODIR15.ZIP Displays GEOS1.x/GEOS2.x filenames under MSDOS GEODUM13.ZIP GW 2.0 vers. Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet GEODUMP4.ZIP GEOS file disassembler/information grabber GEOINSTE.ZIP General installation tool for PC/GEOS GEOS_SYS.ZIP GeoWorks v2.0 systems overview (GW document) GI9307P1.ZIP GeoWorks Info Database part 1 (ASCII) GI9307P2.ZIP GeoWorks Info Database part 2 (ASCII) GIDX9307.ZIP Index of GeoWorks Info Database (GW Doc) GWFONT01.ZIP More fonts for GeoWrite GWFONT02.ZIP More fonts for GeoWrite GWFONT03.ZIP More fonts for GeoWrite GWFONT04.ZIP More fonts for GeoWrite GWFONT05.ZIP More fonts for GeoWrite GWFONT06.ZIP More fonts for GeoWrite GWFONT07.ZIP More fonts for GeoWrite GWFONT08.ZIP More fonts for GeoWrite GWFONT09.ZIP More fonts for GeoWrite ICONMK11.ZIP Convert .PCX and Win3 .ICO files to GEOS icons ICONS_1.ZIP New icons for GeoWorks, plus installation info ICONS_2.ZIP More new icons for Geos ICONS_3.ZIP More exciting icons for Geos JAYDEGN1.ZIP Misc. Geoworks icons created by Jay Degn MAZER106.ZIP Maze Runner v1.0.6: Maze creator for Geos 2.0 NW100A88.ZIP Birding template for Audubon '88 Eastern book NW100G83.ZIP Birding template for use with Golden '83 book NW100H92.ZIP Birding template for use with Hamlyn '92 book NW100N87.ZIP Birding template for use with NatGeo '87 book P1_93_08.ZIP PaGEOne Newsletter (formerly SAGE), Aug. 1993 PC_MEM.ZIP Description of PC memory and use by GEOS PDR93_07.ZIP July print driver updates for GEOS 2.0 SEEFONTS.ZIP PCX images of fonts to print as a reference SG_93_07.ZIP SAGE Geoworks Ensemble newsletter, July 1993 SPL93_07.ZIP July Spooler Library update for GEOS 2.0 SYSTEM1.ZIP Icons for Geoworks functions and applications T1000KBD.ZIP Tandy 1000 keyboard driver for GeoWorks 2.0 TEXTARC.ZIP GEOS2x program to wrap text in an arc UNZIPOPT.ZIP Unzipping utility for use with GW Ensemble 2.0 XGEOS20.ZIP Multiple desktops utility for GeoWorks 2.0 GB_91_09.ZIP GeoBytes Newsletter, September 1991 GB_91_10.ZIP GeoBytes Newsletter, October 1991 GB_91_12.ZIP GeoBytes Newsletter, December 1991 GB_92_04.ZIP GeoBytes Newsletter, April 1992 GB_92_05.ZIP GeoBytes Newsletter, May 1992 GB_92_10.ZIP GeoBytes Newsletter, October 1992 GB_92_11.ZIP GeoBytes Newsletter, November 1992 GB_92_12.ZIP GeoBytes Newsletter, December 1992 GB_93_02.ZIP GeoBytes Newsletter, Febuary 1993 GB_93_04.ZIP GeoBytes Newsletter, April 1993 GB_93_07.ZIP GeoBytes Newsletter, July 1993 (v2.0 format) GB_93_08.ZIP GeoBytes Newsletter, August 1993 GB_93_10.ZIP GeoBytes Newsletter, October 1993 GB_93_11.ZIP GeoBytes Newsletter, November 1993 GB_93_12.ZIP December 1993 issue of GeoBytes newsletter GB_94_02.ZIP February 1994 issue of GeoBytes newsletter GB_YR_MM.TXT Info on the GeoBytes newsletters in this dir 00AMIGA.DOC Where to find GNU software ported to the Amiga 00MSDOS.GNU Explains the MSDOS GNU-ish project 00MSDOS.TEX TeXinfo node explains MSDOS GNU-ish project 00README.GCC Explains how to find the GNU gcc port to msdos 0LICENSE.GNU The GNU copyright permission conditions CPIO11AS.ZIP GNU No-compression archiver/copier, C src CPIO11AX.ZIP GNU No-compression archiver/copier, EXE DIF115AS.ZIP GNU Text file differences finder, v1.15, C src DIF115AX.ZIP GNU Text file differences finder, v1.15, EXE FGRE11AS.ZIP GNU Fast grep using restricted patterns, C src FGRE11AX.ZIP GNU Fast grep using restricted patterns, EXE FIND12AS.ZIP GNU Directory search and execute, C src FIND12AX.ZIP GNU Directory search and execute, EXE FLE236AS.ZIP GNU clone of Unix LEX lexical analyzer, C src FLE236AX.ZIP GNU clone of Unix LEX lexical analyzer, EXE FUTI14AS.ZIP GNU Miscellaneous file utilities, C src FUTI14AX.ZIP GNU Miscellaneous file utilities, EXEs GDBM14AS.ZIP GNU db lib sources ported to MSC 6.0 GINF.ZIP TeXInfo documentation for GNUISH programs GMAKE371.ZIP GNU Make 3.71: Automated recompilation utility GMAN.ZIP Man Page documentation for GNUISH programs GNULIBAS.ZIP GNU MS-DOS supplemental library, C src GREP15AS.ZIP GNU Find patterns in files, C src GREP15AX.ZIP GNU Find patterns in files, EXE GSED_203.ZIP GNU stream editor version 2.03. Src included INDE11AS.ZIP GNU Indent: 'C' pgm reformatter (C src only) INDE11AX.ZIP GNU Indent: 'C' pgm reformatter (EXE & doc) ISPEL40S.ZIP Sources for ispel40x.exe spell checker ISPEL40X.ZIP GNU ispell v4.0 spell checker with TeX support M4V05AS.ZIP Macro preproc. for C/RATFOR/other langs, C src M4V05AX.ZIP Macro preproc. for C/RATFOR/other langs, EXE MANIFEST.O GNU Manifesto (what is GNU?) MAWK11AS.ZIP AWK text scanning & processing language, C src MAWK11AX.ZIP AWK text scanning & processing language, EXE MKINF10.ZIP GNU Info - a stand-alone Info pgm, C src/EXE RCS55AS.ZIP Revision Control System for text files, source RCS55AX.ZIP Revision Control System for text files EXE/doc SORT03AS.ZIP GNU Sorts files according to criterion, C src SORT03AX.ZIP GNU Sorts files according to criterion, EXE SWALIBAS.ZIP GNU Helps port large programs to MS-DOS, C src TEXI10AS.ZIP GMU TeXinfo v1.0: Display TeXinfo files, C src TEXI10AX.ZIP GNU TeXinfo v1.0: Display TeXinfo files, EXE ARJHLP23.ZIP HyperText helpfile for ARJ v2.3. Can be TSR BDEXX200.ZIP Hypertext search engine/text retrieval system CPPTOUR.ZIP Hypertext-based tutorial on using C++ DART1G.ZIP Hypertext file viewer and launcher, w/editor DOORPICS.ZIP PCX graphics for Doorway v1.01, 256 colors DOSEA5.ZIP Hypertext program explaining DOS 5.0. DOSSUM20.ZIP DOS Summary hypertext tutorial and reference DWY101.ZIP Doorway 1.01 - A Hypertext Tool for MS-DOS EBK.ZIP Topic-oriented hypertext viewing program EBKSRC.ZIP Borland C++ src for EBK.ZIP hypertext viewer HDK115A.ZIP HLPDK: Multi-target help compiler, docs. (1/3) HDK115B.ZIP HLPDK: Help engines, examples, docs. (2/3) HDK115L.ZIP HLPDK: System extension library. (3/3) HEALTH.ZIP Hypertext analysis of Canadian health system HPCHDK10.ZIP Converts HelpPC 2.10 database to HelpDK format HS25.ZIP HyperShell hypertext browser, v2.5 HTEX08.ZIP Hypertext authoring system,create/convert/edit HYCLASS.ZIP Hypertexed LC class &computer-related material HYDOS10.ZIP Hypertext browser for all DOS commands, v1.0 HYENVOY1.ZIP Hypertext browser for all ENVOY100 commands HYGLOS.DOC Doc about DEMO for new MaxThink TSR hypertext HYGLOS.ZIP DEMO of 6/92 version of MaxThink TSR hypertext HYPDISS.ZIP Hypertexted dissertation on hypertext design HYPER.ZIP Construct your own hypertext network HYPERH15.ZIP Hypercard-like help util. Make your own stacks HYPERREZ.ZIP Hypertext reader using plain ASCII files HYPLUS.ZIP Stand-alone Hypertext program from Maxthink HYPRVX11.ZIP Hypertext browser for VAX/VMS mail help, v1.1 HYPTRK41.ZIP WIN3: Makes WinHelp files w/tracking/word srch HYTELN67.ZIP HYTELNET v6.7: Internet resource browser IL2HDK35.ZIP Convert Brown's Interrupt List to HLPDK format INFPOP27.ZIP InfoPop/DOS: Hypertext guide to Internet MAGIC15A.ZIP BlackMagic hypertext reader/develop. sys. 1of3 MAGIC15B.ZIP BlackMagic hypertext reader/develop. sys. 2of3 MAGIC15C.ZIP BlackMagic hypertext reader/develop. sys. 3of3 MONTANA0.ZIP Hypertext gopher and ejournal samples 1 of 3 MONTANAB.ZIP Hypertext gopher and ejournal samples 2 of 3 MONTANAC.ZIP Hypertext gopher and ejournal samples 3 of 3 MVIEW10.ZIP Hypertext moder.lst viewer, with DOS/Unix src NEWSDB10.ZIP Usenet News to HLPDK hypertext generator NG2HDK10.ZIP Converts Norton Guides format to HLPDK format NUHLP45.ZIP Norton Utilities 4.5 Hypertext help browser OBSIDIAN.ZIP Obsidian bibliography v1.55 w/hypertext shell RC2HDK30.ZIP Create Help Template from RC definition files SENSES.ZIP Demonstration of HYPLUS hypertext compiler SUREFI_1.ZIP Create Smart Documents, build in dbase, 1 of 2 SUREFI_2.ZIP Docs & demo for award-winning SUREFIRE. 2 0f 2 TP55TOUR.ZIP Hypertext-based tutorial on using OOP in TP5.5 TPFHDK10.ZIP Converts Timo Salmi Pascal FAQ to HLPDK format WH2HDK10.ZIP Converts from WinHelp srcs (RTF+HPJ) to HLPDK ZOOMDOC.ZIP Manuals for using Zoom and writing stacks ZOOMEXE2.ZIP Zoom hypertext executable, help and print file ZOOMEXMP.ZIP Example stack and template for Zoom hypertext ZOOMSCHI.ZIP Zoom application on schistosomiasis control DE88_386.ZIP Icon 8.8 language executables for MS-DOS/386 DE88.ZIP Icon 8.8 language executables for MS-DOS DE88S_1.ZIP Icon 8.8 language source code for MS-DOS, 1of2 DE88S_2.ZIP Icon 8.8 language source code for MS-DOS, 2of2 16550A.ZIP Toggle 16550 UART FIFOs on and off 16550S.ZIP Toggle the NS16550A FIFO buffer, w/TPas source 16550S13.ZIP Toggle the NS16550A FIFO buffer, w/TPas source 16550U.ZIP Scan for serial ports on system, enable 16550 1PR2A.ZIP Swaps LPT1 and LPT2 printer ports 34INSTAL.ZIP Adds DOS support for COMM ports 3 and 4 ADDPORT.ZIP Adds COM3/COM4 ports to DOS equipment list ASYNC_CE.ZIP COMM port driver ASYNC.ZIP Asynchronous communications routines ASYNC1.ZIP COMM driver [.ASM] ASYNC2.ZIP COMM driver [.ASM] AUX2.ZIP Makes the AUX driver talk to the COM2 port AUXIL15.ZIP Device driver redirects AUX output to CON BREAKBOX.ZIP Software-based RS232 breakout box COM3_4.ZIP Device driver adds COM3/4 that MS-DOS forgot! COM_PKG1.ZIP COMM drivers (source only) COM_PKG2.ZIP COMM drivers (source only) COM_PKG3.ZIP COMM drivers (source only) COMCHK18.ZIP Commchk 1.8: Serial port protocol analyzer COMFIX12.ZIP Windows COM port 'bug' fix/DOS COM port setup COMHELP.ZIP Comprehensive comm/tutor and UART tester COMHEX42.ZIP Serial communications display program COMM.C COMM driver [.C] COMM.DOC Doc for COMM.C COMPRT25.ZIP Config COM/LPT ports: Show address, IRQ & UART COMSND14.ZIP Send arbitrary characters to COM port from DOS COMST12.ZIP Comset v1.2: Modem/UART/serial port tester COMTRAP.ZIP TSR to trap unexpected COM port interrupts CTSSPU13.ZIP CTS Port Utils: Test, fix & control comm ports CZCM11B.ZIP Driver allows various mixes of COM ports 1-4 DB9_DB25.ZIP Wiring info: DB9 to DB25 serial connector DCOM20.ZIP Captures COM port input. Requires two ports DLM140.ZIP Data Line Monitor: Turn PC into a datascope FIFO11.ZIP Report type of UART (8250, 16550, etc.) FX16550D.ZIP Corrects problem with AMI BIOS and 16550 UART IBMAUX20.ZIP Dual I/O driver for the AUX: device IOMON2.ZIP IO Monitor 386 control watches COM ports IOVIEW.ZIP Diagnostic - view of PC's I/O ports in action IP122.ZIP Serial interrupt and port verification program KBFAKE10.ZIP Redirects serial input as if from keybd, w/src KOMM.ASM Installable device drivers for COM1 and COM2 KOMM.INF Documentation for KOMM.ASM device driver MESSAGE.ZIP Send msgs thru COM port between PCs, TSR w/src NEW14H.ZIP DOS-extension add functions to comm routines NS_16550.ZIP Test 16450/16550/16550a serial chips w/source NS16550.ZIP Checks to see if NS16550AN serial chip is used OX.ZIP Redirect DOS AUX I/O to keyboard/mono display PARA13.ZIP Parallel port information & diagnostic util. PC_TO_PC.ZIP Assist on PC-PC direct connection PF271.ZIP Port Finder: Display info/swap LPT & COM ports PIPELN10.ZIP TSR connects COM1 and COM2 serial ports PORT11.ZIP I/O port debugging tool, with C source code PORTFIND.ZIP Locate & install serial & par. ports, COM3&4 PORTS13.ZIP Permits reading and writing to hardware ports PORTST11.ZIP Diagnostic program for serial/parallel ports PRINDIR9.ZIP COM/LPT port redir. to any other port or file RS204.ZIP Displays RS-232 serial port status RS232.ZIP Source for COMM drivers (.ASM) RS232101.ZIP RS232 1.01, debug most of RS-232 problems RS232OF2.ZIP Fix port conflicts, turns off all 4 COM ports RTS12.ZIP Toggle RTS for COM1 to COM4 ports SANSINT2.ZIP Port utility - poll ports rather than use IRQs SERIAL.AQM Serial/COMM port driver (squeezed) SERIAL.DOC Doc for SERIAL.AQM SERINT.AQM Interrupt-driven serial port driver SLIKMODE.ZIP New MODE: Set baudrate to any rate w/C src SUPERV22.ZIP Enhanced BIOS interrupt 14 comm support SWAPCOM.ZIP Swap COM1 with COM2 SWAPPORT.ZIP Swap LPT1 with LPT2 TANDY232.ASM Replacement for Tandy 2000 RS232 I/O handler TOADMOD1.ZIP Set COM 1-4 to 19200/38400/57600/115200 bps TSRCOMM.ZIP TSR serial device driver UARTBUG.ZIP UART and COM port debuging tool, TSR UARTTY12.ZIP Displays type of UART chip for all comm ports WHTPRT40.ZIP Displays system serial ports & IRQ assignments XPORT21.ZIP Fast PC-to-PC RS232 serial line file transfer Z404MPSC.ZIP Zenith COM3 port driver fix for gov't Z-248 3COM.ZIP 3COM 503 Ethernet driver for MS X-windows ARCHIE.ZIP Archie DOS client for CUTCP/CUTE/NCSA Telnet AUTOMAN.ZIP AutoMan: Automatic network management program BINDUMP1.ZIP Lists names of objects in Netware bindery CLONE1_1.ZIP PC-PC serial directory branch & files transfer CMAIL27C.ZIP Free electronic mail program for any LAN EASY_NET.ZIP EasyNet RS-232 Mini-LAN (2 user) ETHDP104.ZIP ETHDUMP 1.04: Records LAN frames in ASCII file ETHLD104.ZIP ETHLOAD 1.04: LAN analyzer ODI,NDIS,DEPCA,PKT FAXBAT13.ZIP Fax modem networking software for any LAN FMAV20.ZIP File Maven: File mgr & null modem xfer utility FORUM12.ZIP Discussion/conference/BBS for use on LAN FTPNUZ10.ZIP FTPNuz v1.0: NNTP Usenet Newsreader for PC/TCP IDLEBOOT.ZIP Remove idle work stations from network IPXCTRL1.ZIP LAN node remote control & monitoring with IPX LAN302UP.ZIP Lantastic - Update information - 3.0 LANBENCH.ZIP Benchmarks for LANs LANMENU2.ZIP Lanmenu 2.0: Local Area Network DOS shell menu LANTBLT1.ZIP Lantastic technical notes, 1 of 2 LANTBLT2.ZIP Lantastic technical notes, 2 of 2 LANTL124.ZIP NETBIOS utility/TSR to send/receive messages LANTTECH.ZIP Technical notes on LANtastic for programmers LAP101.ZIP LapView Pc-to-PC linking, shareware, nagware LOCK13.ZIP Simple network single application lock LSALV103.ZIP List all salvagable files on Netware 3.x drive LV100B.ZIP LanView system analysis tool for LAN's/WAN's MAILCALL.ZIP LAN: TSR util provides pop-up access to ccMail NBA102.ZIP NetBIOS Assist - simple remote console utility NBSAMP.ZIP NETBIOS send/rcv/test w/C source NEOS_10.ZIP Full-featured LAN for MSDOS computers, 286+req NET_AD11.ZIP Ethernet; Collects address and protocol info NET_CO41.ZIP Net-Control: Network monitoring and recording NETCALL.ZIP Lantastic NetBIOS interface for TurboPascal4/5 NETCHAT.ZIP Allows 'live' multi-way conversations on a LAN NETCOM11.ZIP FOSSIL server/redir for NetBIOS LANs NETLIS13.ZIP Quick search/scan/stats for NetBIOS networks NETSCAN1.ZIP TSR to detect network terminal disconnection NEWS26.ZIP Event announcements and news for use on LAN PARTNR50.ZIP Simple restricted version RS-232 mini network PCPRL11.ZIP Ethernet/TP/Linda parallel processing system PCTKN_V1.ZIP RS232 serial port token-ring network, w/source PCWATCH.UPD Update information on PCWATCH program QREV1.ZIP LAN remote batch processing SFC33.ZIP Serial File Copy v3.3: PC to PC file transfers SPACECHK.ZIP Tracks network disk usage for users & admins TECH3.ZIP Technical ref manual for Lantastic v3.0 and up TOADNT11.ZIP Set local system time per remote LAN system TRTOOL02.ZIP See all connected adapters on a Token-Ring TSTFIL14.ZIP Test file accessability under many modes UNET11.ZIP Network two PC's together using parallel ports USE125.ZIP Fast net connections for LAN Manager & others USERDEF.ZIP Auto-configure Western Digital ethernet cards USRPR103.ZIP UserPref: Set user preferences on networked PC VOLINFO.ZIP Shows free space on all available LAN volumes WDADF.ZIP ADF File for microchannel version of wd8003e WDPOST.ZIP Drivers for Western Digital LAN boards WIZLINK.ZIP RS-232 file transfer - like Lap-Link WNDIS118.ZIP Version 1.18 of NDIS driver for wd8003e ZIP171.ZIP 115K bps PC-to-PC serial file transfers! DOSLOGO.ZIP LOGO Turtle Graphics for MS-DOS FTLOGO.ZIP Interface for Fischertechnik robots & IBM LOGO LADYBUG.ZIP Graphics/sound lang. like LOGO Turtle Graphics LOGO1.ZIP Simplified version of LOGO language for DOS LOGOPAT1.ZIP Patch IBM LOGO for EGA/VGA/MCGA/386 w/TP55 src MSWEXT36.ZIP Additional files for running MSWLogo w/Win3.0 MSWLGO36.ZIP LOGO programming lang. (Windows 3.1 required) MSWSRC36.ZIP Source code for MSWLogo (Borland C++) 123_COIN.ZIP Coin collection catalog for Lotus 1-2-3 123_SEEK.ZIP Search and replace Lotus add-in 123TRAIN.ZIP 123 training class notes, tests AD36.ZIP Automated documentation of 1-2-3 equations COFFERS.ZIP Figure government retirement with 123 or Symph DEPN1090.ZIP Fixed-asset accounting package for 123 v2.2 GS43.ZIP Goal Seeker v3.4 - 123 retrospective analysis LOTUS89.ZIP Books on Lotus 1-2-3 (autumn, 1989 edition) LOTUSHLP.ZIP Lotus 123 tutorial PICFILE.TXT Lotus 1-2-3 .PIC file format details TERNARY.ZIP Lotus-Quattro Pro ternary graphing templates WKSFFMT.ZIP Description of Lotus .WKS & .WK1 file formats COORDCHG.ZIP Convert map coordinates dd,mm,ss <=> dd.#### EMAP1001.ZIP Epi Map: Install, executables, readme, help EMAP1002.ZIP Epi Map: Utilities EMAP1003.ZIP Epi Map: Examples, tutorials EMAP1004.ZIP Epi Map: Printer/plotter/graphics file drivers EMAP1005.ZIP Epi Map: USA by county: New England states EMAP1006.ZIP Epi Map: USA by county: Mid Atlantic States EMAP1007.ZIP Epi Map: USA by county: E. N. Central States EMAP1008.ZIP Epi Map: USA by county: W. N. Central States EMAP1009.ZIP Epi Map: USA by county: South Atlantic States EMAP1010.ZIP Epi Map: USA by county: E. S. Central States EMAP1011.ZIP Epi Map: USA by county: W. S. Central States EMAP1012.ZIP Epi Map: USA by county: Mountain States EMAP1013.ZIP Epi Map: USA by county: Pacific States EMAP1014.ZIP Epi Map: World and American continents EMAP1015.ZIP Epi Map: African EMAP1016.ZIP Epi Map: South America EMAP1017.ZIP Epi Map: Europe EMAP1018.ZIP Epi Map: Asia EMAP1019.ZIP Epi Map: Mid East EMAP1020.ZIP Epi Map: North America EMAP1021.ZIP Epi Map: Australia & Pacific Islands EMAP1022.ZIP Epi Map: Caribbean EMAP1023.ZIP Epi Map: Ukraine & CIS EMAP1024.ZIP Epi Map: Central America EMAP1025.ZIP Epi Map: Long.-Lat. Files: A - P EMAP1026.ZIP Epi Map: Long.-Lat. Files: R - Y EMAP10DO.ZIP Epi Map: ASCII manual EMAP10IN.ZIP Epi Map: Inst. notes, file list, general info MAPIT14.INF Detailed world-wide mapping w/GPS utils. Info MAPIT14A.ZIP Detailed world-wide mapping w/GPS utils. 1of3 MAPIT14B.ZIP Detailed world-wide mapping w/GPS utils. 2of3 MAPIT14C.ZIP Detailed world-wide mapping w/GPS utils. 3of3 OZD101A.ZIP OzGIS DOS mapping of census/GIS data 1/7 OZD101B.ZIP OzGIS DOS mapping of census/GIS data 2/7 OZD101C.ZIP OzGIS DOS mapping of census/GIS data 3/7 OZD101D.ZIP OzGIS DOS mapping of census/GIS data 4/7 OZD101E.ZIP OzGIS DOS mapping of census/GIS data 5/7 OZD101F.ZIP OzGIS DOS mapping of census/GIS data 6/7 OZD101G.ZIP OzGIS DOS mapping of census/GIS data 7/7 OZW103A.ZIP WIN3: Mapping of census/retail GIS data, 1/13 OZW103B.ZIP WIN3: Mapping of census/retail GIS data, 2/13 OZW103C.ZIP WIN3: Mapping of census/retail GIS data, 3/13 OZW103D.ZIP WIN3: Mapping of census/retail GIS data, 4/13 OZW103E.ZIP WIN3: Mapping of census/retail GIS data, 5/13 OZW103F.ZIP WIN3: Mapping of census/retail GIS data, 6/13 OZW103G.ZIP WIN3: Mapping of census/retail GIS data, 7/13 OZW103H.ZIP WIN3: Mapping of census/retail GIS data, 8/13 OZW103I.ZIP WIN3: Mapping of census/retail GIS data, 9/13 OZW103J.ZIP WIN3: Mapping of census/retail GIS data, 10/13 OZW103K.ZIP WIN3: Mapping of census/retail GIS data, 11/13 OZW103L.ZIP WIN3: Mapping of census/retail GIS data, 12/13 OZW103M.ZIP WIN3: Mapping of census/retail GIS data, 13/13 TOPOV300.ZIP 3-D topographic map plotting program VMAP120.ZIP Draws outline maps on many map projections ALGBR212.ZIP Professor Weissman's Algebra Tutorials ANALYS40.ZIP FFT,Wavelet,Coherence,Filter,Graph,Correlation CF427.ZIP Curvefits: Science/engineering curve fitting CLA20.ZIP Displays info on a matrix (incl. Jordan form) CSA.ZIP Analyzes categorical syllogisms for validity CURVE11.ZIP Linear & nonlinear curve fits to user's eqn. DELP.ZIP Fast non-iterative multi-exponential fitting DELPX02.ZIP Data analysis suite incorporating DELP.PAS FEMIS.ZIP Finite-Element Matrix Interpretive System FIT2_117.ZIP Linear/non-linear modeling, analysis/transform FSULTRA1.ZIP High quality, fast, versatile random numbers FUDG_231.ZIP Extensible data analysis and curve fitting GRAD.ZIP Automatic Differentiation of Fortran programs JKMATH12.ZIP Matrices;graphs/calculus;probability;RPN calc. LGSOLV1.ZIP FORTRAN routines: Solving Large Linear Systems LIE42.ZIP Lie analysis of differential eqns, exact solns LINSYS10.ZIP Solves linear systems (including homogenous) LP100210.ZIP Linear programming, solve optimizing problems LP261.ZIP Linear/mixed/integer programming optimizer MAFIA2B.ZIP Complex math calculation utilities package MAFIA2C.ZIP Complex math calculation utilities package MAPLEV.ZIP Computer algebra/symbolic math DEMO; 386+ req. MATLAB.ZIP Computes matrices developed by LINPAK/EISPACK MERSENNE.ZIP Math: Lists 31 Mersenne Primes & bibliography MFLOAT10.ZIP Fast high precision arithmetic for a 8086 MRCRY209.ZIP Math solver, from Borland's Eureka, Shareware ODE25.ZIP Ordinary differential equation simulate/solve POLY.ZIP Fit polynomial equations to data points POLYRT1.ZIP Finds polynomial roots, w/interactive graphics POLYSIM.ZIP Polynomial simplex optimization, w/C source PRAXIS.ZIP Minimize function values (source in Pascal&C) ROMANCVT.ZIP Convert Roman numbers to/from Arabic, w/C src SGNLS313.ZIP Illustrates signal processing concepts w/plots SHUFFLE.ZIP Number list order randomizer, with C source SHUFFLE2.ZIP Number list order randomizer, w/ASM source SOLVEQ10.ZIP Solves polynomial equations (degree <= 30) SPECTR20.ZIP Spectral analysis of random time series TSFIMA12.ZIP Programs of financial mathematics, T.Salmi TSLIN34.ZIP Linear programming and linear goal programming TSNUM12.ZIP T.Salmi:Various programs in numerical analysis TTM120.ZIP Make/print truth tables from keyboard input XYSEE40.ZIP Algebra/Geometry/Trig Math Visualization pgm 387.ZIP Software emulation of 80387 coprocessor chip 87TEST.ZIP Performs diagnostic check on math coprocessor CHKCOP22.ZIP Math coprocessor test util. from Intel Corp. EM87V1_3.ZIP 8087 math coprocessor emulator for AT or 386 EMUL87.ZIP TSR emulates 8087 math processor (286/386 req) MCPDIAG.ZIP Co-processor diagnostics utility from Intel Q387_365.ZIP Q387 math accelerator & coprocessor emulator 704K.ZIP Increase RAM from 640K to 704K on some PCs A20OFF.ZIP Turn address line 20 on/off with C&T chip set A20TEST.ZIP A20 address line enable/disable/status display ADDMEM25.ZIP Increases available memory on EGA/VGA machines ADDRAM10.ZIP Add DOS RAM using EMS 4.0 CTMAP099.ZIP Mem extender: 286/386/SX using C&T DRAM ctlrs DEMM.ZIP Extended memory stats/diags DUMPEM.ZIP Display/edit expanded, extended, normal memory EATMEM11.ZIP Reduce available memory for testing programs EEMRAM21.ZIP Expand DOS RAM to 736K w/Enh. or LIM 4.0 mem. EMS40V11.ZIP Driver: use extended memory as EMS 4.0 memory EMSAW41S.ZIP Huge Arrays in Expanded Memory 4.1S (updated) EMSUIT11.ZIP Utilities for manipulating EMS RAM FREE402.ZIP Shows free memory, and percent of use HIMOV214.ZIP Upper Memory Manager for 286/386 systems JAMBO10.ZIP Device Driver can increase upper memory LOWMEM.ZIP DOS low memory map, very detailed M_M_KIT.ZIP DOS 5 Utilities to optimise upper memory M.ZIP List memory resident programs MAXIMIZE.ZIP Maximizer memory manager, like QEMM. DEMO MAXMENU.ZIP Front end menu for 386MAX/386MAX Professional MEMSIM32.ZIP Simulates LIM EMS 3.2 expanded memory via disk MEMSIZ.ASM Report free RAM MEMST101.ZIP Change the DOS memory allocation strategy MINLOAD.ZIP Determine amount of mem. needed to load a pgm NMI.ZIP Thorough RAM test utility. Safe PMAP210.ZIP Chris Dunford's memory mapper; handles EMS/XMS PMODE01.ZIP DOS extender indep. Protected Mode progrmg API RAMTEST.ZIP RAM test program, Conventional, EMS, EEMS RAMTST30.ZIP Brown bag's RAM test: mother board/emm/abv bd REMM431.ZIP AST expanded memory driver REMM.SYS v4.31 RT302.ZIP Tests for bad memory chips (extended/expanded) SPRAY.ZIP Copy contents of memory to printer/disk file SWAP.ZIP Swap main and expanded memory when SHELL'ed TESTX33.ZIP Utility to test extended memory, 396, 496, 486 TLB_A241.ZIP The Last Byte Mem Mgr: Advanced utils and docs TLB_T241.ZIP The Last Byte Mem Mgr: Pgm tests compatibility TLB_V241.ZIP The Last Byte Mem Mgr: Basic utils and docs TLB_W241.ZIP The Last Byte Mem Mgr: What's new in ver. 2.41 TMAP110.ZIP Memory control block mapper ver1.10 TRKMEM10.ZIP Memory usage tracker for DOS programs UMAX120.ZIP Umax v1.20: Utility to test upper-memory block UMBDR522.ZIP UMB provider/base memory expander for DOS 5 UMBMEM.ZIP Provides DOS 5 upper memory blocks on 386/486 UMM03.ZIP Upper Memory Manager v0.3 - Provides UMBs VEUM.ZIP Allows use of HD as Expanded Memory VRAM40.ZIP Break 640K RAM limit, simulate expanded memory VU_XM1C.ZIP 286 extended memory peeker using LOADALL XSPAWN34.ZIP X Spawn v1.34 EMS memory swapping program GA0363.ZIP Microsoft diagnostics utility MSD, vers. 2.00 HIMEM278.ZIP Microsoft's MS-DOS XMS driver, v2.78, 11/11/91 PD0445.ZIP Replacement DOSSWAP.EXE for MS-DOS 5.0. 911005 PD0485.ZIP Listing of MS-DOS 5.0 messages w/descriptions PD0646.ZIP Updated CHKDSK.EXE & UNDELETE.EXE for DOS 5.0 PD0805.ZIP Microsoft update: SMARTDRIVE v4.2 for DOS 6.0 WW0530.ZIP MS Appl Note: SMARTDrive & 32-bit disk access ABC10201.ZIP Interactive programming language interpreter AISNOBOL.TXT Description of files in AISNOBOL.ARC AISNOBOL.ZIP SNOBOL language for MSDOS ALGEBRA.ZIP Algebra pgms for use with PD PROLOG v1.9 C_0190A.ZIP SPHINX C-- compiler ver 0.190a with examples CL6BI386.ZIP Caml Light (ML compiler). Binaries for 386 PCs CL6BI86.ZIP Caml Light (ML compiler). Binaries for all PCs CL6DOC.ZIP Caml Light (ML compiler). Documentation (text) CL6DOCDV.ZIP Caml Light (ML compiler). Documentation (DVI) CL6DOCPS.ZIP Caml Light (ML compiler). Doc. (PostScript) CL6SR386.ZIP Caml Light (ML compiler). Sources for 386 PCs CL6SR86.ZIP Caml Light (ML compiler). Sources for all PCs COBOL650.ZIP ANSI Standard 74-85 Cobol v6.50 for PC COMPLEX.ZIP STSC APL fcns for cmplx math, polynomials, & c IAPL111.ZIP ISO/ANSI/BSI-conforming APL interpreter v1.11 JORF21_1.ZIP Jorf OOP application programing language. 1of3 JORF21_2.ZIP Jorf OOP application programing language. 2of3 JORF21_3.ZIP Jorf OOP application programing language. 3of3 LXT120.ZIP LISP Exploration Tools: Source code analysis MAX130.ZIP Lisp-like programming language interpreter PCLISP30.ZIP PC-LISP interpreter v3.0 PCPIL44B.ZIP PC/PILOT v4.4b: CAI authoring language for DOS PILOT.ZIP Pilot interpreter w/C/exe PROLOG19.ZIP PD Prolog 19 - nice AI type program PXSC.ZIP PASCAL--XSC to C compiler for Microsoft C6.0 PXSCDM22.ZIP PASCAL-XSC demo v2.02 for BORLAND C++ 2.0 RATAPL.ZIP Rationalized APL\PC v T1.4, by Andreas Werder RUNPLI1A.ZIP PL/I-like language Interpreter, w/MSC5.0 src SAPLPC_A.ZIP Sharp Assoc. APL interpreter -- 1 of 2 SAPLPC_B.ZIP Sharp Assoc. APL interpreter -- 2 of 2 SC88.ZIP Small-C version 2 updated by BYTE mzine SCBENCH.ZIP New BYTE benchmarks -- compile using SC88 STV3_DOS.ZIP Little Smalltalk interp. v3 compiled for DOS TURGRA.ZIP Turtle graphics interpreter. Req. VGA/DOS 3+ VSNBL220.ZIP Vanilla SNOBOL4, PD vers. 2.20 of the language VSNOBOL4.TXT Description of VSNOBOL4.ARC - Vanilla SNOBOL4 VSNOBOL4.ZIP Vanilla SNOBOL4, PD version of the language WISPLNG3.ZIP WISP v3.0: Text-oriented interpreter w/editor FST_31S.ZIP Fitted Software Tools Modula-2 compiler v3.1 INOUT20.ZIP 6 new commands for inclusion in Modula-2 pgms MOD2SRC.ZIP Coronado's Modula2 tutor v2.0, (1 of 2) MOD2TXT.ZIP Coronado's Modula2 tutor v2.0, (2 of 2) SS_ANSI.ZIP ANSI screen libraries for FST Modula-2 2L8CE112.ZIP TooLate graphic mouse cursor editor v1.12 ALLDEFS.ZIP Collection of mouse DEFs from Logitech BBS ARRMOUSE.ZIP Makes mouse emulate arrow keys for any program CMOUSE2.ZIP Mouse management for MSC 5.1/MASM 5.0 or later CSEDIT10.ZIP VGA graphics mode mouse cursor editor DOSMOUSE.ZIP Use Microsoft mouse at MSDOS command level DRVR624.ZIP Logitech Mouse drivers v6.24, from their BBS GMOUS101.ZIP Genius mouse driver v10.10, DOS 6.0 compatible GMOUS102.ZIP Genius mouse driver v10.2 (DOS 6.0-compatible) IGME.ZIP Interactive graphics mouse cursor editor JOYMOUSE.ZIP Use joystick as mouse, move cursor, enter keys K2ROD.ZIP Simulate series of keyboard strokes with mouse KME_BETA.ZIP Emulate a MicroSoft mouse with your keyboard LOCATE.ZIP Use mouse with any pgm that uses arrow keys MARKIT10.ZIP TSR utility to copy and paste text with mouse MCC201.ZIP Adds mouse control to pgms w/no mouse support MCD104.ZIP Mouse Cursor Designer - req. graphics/mouse MENUMOUS.ZIP Map mouse to arrow keys, TSR, w/ASM source MOU105.ZIP MS-C & Turbo-C mouse routines with TRUE cursor MOUSE01G.ZIP Biased mouse TSR emulates cursor keys /w SRC MOUSE701.ZIP Version 7.01 mouse drivers from Mouse Systems MOUSEB03.ZIP Use a mouse to cut and paste in DOS' textmode MOUSEDRW.ZIP .DEF Mouse drivers for extended-char drawing MSWITCH.ZIP Switch mouse on and off MYKMOUSE.ZIP Enter ASCII keyboard charactors with mouse PP111.ZIP Precise Point text mode graphical mouse driver QMR101.ZIP Quick Mouse Reset - speeds up starting/exiting RODENT.ZIP Interface for Logitech mouse to QuickBASIC SQM120.ZIP Complete mouse control from MS-DOS XMOUSE11.ZIP Use mouse in ModeX (320x240x256) C-callable ZWMOUS1A.ZIP TSR to add mouse to non-mouse applications MSJV21.ZIP Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 2, #1 listings MSJV22.ZIP Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 2, #2 listings MSJV23.ZIP Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 2, #3 listings MSJV24.ZIP Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 2, #4 listings MSJV25.ZIP Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 2, #5 listings MSJV3_1.ZIP Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 3, #1 listings MSJV3_2.ZIP Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 3, #2 listings MSJV3_3.ZIP Microsoft Systems Journal V3, Issue 3; May 88 MSJV3_4.ZIP Microsoft Systems Journal V3, Issue 4; June 88 MSJV3_5.ZIP Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 3, #5 listings MSJV3_6.ZIP Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 3, #6 listings MSJV4_1A.ZIP Microsoft Systems Journal vol. 4 part 1A MSJV4_1B.ZIP Microsoft Systems Journal vol. 4 part 1B MSJV4_2A.ZIP Microsoft Systems Journal vol. 4 part 2A MSJV4_2B.ZIP Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 4, #2 listings MSJV4_3.ZIP Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 4, #3 listings MSJV5_1.ZIP Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 5 No 1, examples MSJV5_2.ZIP Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 5 No 2, examples MSJV5_3.ZIP Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 5 No 3, examples MSJV5_4.ZIP Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 5 No 4, examples MSJV5_5.ZIP Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 5 No 5, examples MSJV5_6.ZIP Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 5 No 6, examples MSJV6_1.ZIP Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 6 No 1, examples MSJV6_2.ZIP Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 6 No 2, examples MSJV6_3.ZIP Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 6 No 3, examples MSJV6_4.ZIP Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 6 No 4, examples MSJV6_5.ZIP Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 6 No 5, examples MSJV7_1.ZIP Microsoft Systems Journal Vol 7 No 1, examples MSJV7_2.ZIP MicroSoft Systems Journal Vol 7 No 2, examples MSJV7_3.ZIP MicroSoft Systems Journal Vol 7 No 3, examples MSJV7_4.ZIP MicroSoft Systems Journal Vol 7 No 4, examples MSJV7_5.ZIP MicroSoft Systems Journal Vol 7 No 5, examples MSJV7_6.ZIP MicroSoft Systems Journal Vol 7 No 6, examples MSJV7_7.ZIP MicroSoft Systems Journal Vol 7 No 7, examples MSJV7_8.ZIP MicroSoft Systems Journal Vol 7 No 8, examples DEV_NOTE.TXT Text file of developer's notes for NCSA Telnet INFO.TEL Description of NCSA Telnet and its utilities PACKETS.INF Guide to installing NCSA Telnet packet drivers PKTDRVR.INF Pointer to the latest Crynwr packet drivers TEL2307B.ZIP NCSA Telnet 2.3.07 binaries & other utilities TEL2307S.ZIP Source for NCSA Telnet 2.3.07 and utilities TEL23DOC.ZIP ASCII documentation for NCSA Telnet 2.3 FIX36.ASM Fix image FTPs from TOPS-20 systems (bit conv) MONITOR.ASM Run another PC console remotely on IBM PCNet NETIO.ASM Device driver for MONITOR.ASM NETIO.DOC Documentation for MONITOR.ASM and NETIO.ASM NETSO401.ZIP Sorts files in Banyan directories PCBRI121.ZIP Use PC as a cheap Ethernet-Ethernet Bridge PCFTP.FOR PC end of FTP with a DEC20 PCFTP.FTN PC end of FTP with a Prime PCRTE224.ZIP Make PC into TCP/IP router for about $450 SCRUB0.ZIP Convert Tenex 36-bit files into 8-bit bytes TCPTUT.ZIP Tutorial on TCP/IP Internet network protocols WEBNT255.ZIP Serial disk/device sharing network. Ver 2.55 ANNCAM.ZIP An example of content-addressable memory BAM.ZIP Bidirectional Associative Memory Simulation BAYES.ZIP Tree-structured Bayesian belief network BPNN132U.ZIP Backprop neural net w/adaptive learning rate BPS100.ZIP (DOS,UNIX,MAC) Back-Propagation Simulation pkg BPS210.ZIP (DOS only) Update to BPS100.ZIP, Back-Prop BRAIN12.ZIP Neural network simulator based on backprop DATAREP.ZIP Representing data in neural nets, AI-Exp. 6/90 ET.ZIP Perceptron simulator GATORDEM.TXT Description and installation info for gatordem GATORDEM.ZIP WIN3: Backprop Neural Network simulator. DEMO GAW110.ZIP Graphic demonstrations of genetic algorithms GENALG.ZIP A simple genetic algorithm demo program w/src HOPFIELD.ZIP Traveling salesman problem, PASCAL NASANETS.ZIP A back prop neural net system W/ C src NERVES.ZIP Nervous System Construction Kit w/ C++ src NETSTUFF.ZIP From 'A Practical Guide to Neural Networks' NEUCLS.ZIP DOS package for classification neural networks NEUMAP.ZIP DOS package for mapping neural networks NEURAL22.ZIP Backprop network for Win3.1 w/TP source & docs NN2.ZIP ANN simulator with 256 neurons NNETDRAW.ZIP A very visual representation of a neural net NNUTL101.ZIP C source library/tutorial for neural networks PERCEPT.ZIP Perceptron ANN TOPMAP.ZIP Kohonen topology preserving maps in Pascal NFS024_M.ZIP MS-DOS NFS client for MS LanMan/HP/3com TCP/IP NFS024_N.ZIP MS-DOS NFS client for Novell LAN WorkPlace NFS024_T.ZIP MS-DOS NFS client for Trumpet ABI 3.x TCP/IP NFS024_W.ZIP MS-DOS NFS client for pktdrvr (WatTCP builtin) NFSML202.ZIP NFS Mail: Unix mail reader for use with PC-NFS PCNEWS.ZIP Read Usenet news on local or PC-NFS filesystem SOCKO20.ZIP Small & fast client/server API for PC_NFS/UNIX SOSS31.ZIP Son of Stan's Own Server: NFS server for MSDOS SOSSREAD.ME Release notes and extract info for SOSS31.ZIP WDNFS204.ZIP Version 2.04 of PC-NFS drivers for wd8003e XFS176.ZIP XFS v1.76: Network File System (NFS) Client AMSPROGS.ZIP Novell MENU compatible network menu system BLOGN12A.ZIP Visual shell for Novell's login.exe CHARN40A.ZIP Novell to SMTP gateway for Pegasus Mail CHAT207.ZIP On-line chat pgm for two Novell LAN users CNETEST.ZIP Novell Certified NetWare Eng. practice tests CU_IP.ZIP Front end to CUTCP to assign IPs on Novell net DMLOGN64.ZIP DMlogin: Login/logout utility for networks DOSMNU65.ZIP Powerful/easy menu system for Novell/other net DOSQUE21.ZIP DOSque v2.1: Powerful/easy network que system ENET10.ZIP Disp/Test Ethernet number v1.0,src&docs,Novell ENVTRIM.ZIP Abbreviate environment vars for Novell Netware FPSERV32.ZIP FPServer: Enhanced Novell PSERVER replacement FSL12A.ZIP Full Screen Login: Enhanced Novell login util. GETOID13.ZIP Return Novell Netware object ID IQS328.ZIP Server to share any printer on NetWare LAN LANLOC13.ZIP Novell software meter/license system LTRUS099.ZIP List all directory trustees on Novell 3.xx MACBRD20.ZIP Novell IN/OUT type of notice board program MAIL56.ZIP Simple mail facility for Novell Netware MAILTO.ZIP Pegasus-compatible command line mailer for LAN MERC112.ZIP Mercury: Novell SMTP NLM for Pegasus Mail MHS1511A.ZIP Convert output from NOVELL MHSUSER 1.5 to 1.1 MIR122.ZIP Replicates Novell NetWare dirs and trustees MNWERASE.ZIP Erase multiple NetWare 2.x/3.x accounts, C src MSG_20.ZIP Novell msg interceptor w/alarm, popup window MUM13A.ZIP Add, delete, modify & list many NetWare users NCAPT12A.ZIP NiceCapt: Capture front end for Novell NW 3.x NETADR13.ZIP Assign queue by station, v1.3, src&docs,Novell NETBDAY6.ZIP Birthday reminder at login for Novell networks NETCB06B.ZIP Novell network IPX chat box (supports routers) NETINFO.ZIP Get Novell NetWare bindery info, user mail+ NETLOC11.ZIP Novell Netware user limit, logging & password NETTLK23.ZIP User talk/chat utility for Novell Netware NICEPH13.ZIP PH client for Packet Driver. Good with PMail NLOGIN16.ZIP NiceLogin: Login front end for Novell Netware NOTICE15.ZIP Noticeboard system for Novell Netware NOVELMON.ZIP Monitor area on a Novell network for files NVCHAT1C.ZIP Chat 1.0c, unlimited users/channels/servers NWL004.ZIP Novell Netware patches for NWLite V1.0 PAUDIT11.ZIP Summerize PAUDIT report v1.1, src&docs, Novell PCMENU30.ZIP Novell-compatible menu program PCNT233.ZIP Page counting print server for Novell NetWare PHONET31.ZIP Phone chat util. for Novell, works in Windows3 PMAIL311.ZIP Pegasus Mail: E-mail system for Novell Netware QLST14.ZIP List ALL print queue jobs v1.4,src&docs,Novell QVIEW15.ZIP Novell multiple print queue monitor program QVIEWP22.ZIP Manage many print queues on Netware with mouse SACCT16.ZIP SetAccnt: View/change user account balances SAPTRAK2.ZIP SAPTrack: Novell network analysis utility SELECT15.ZIP Printer selection by menu v1.5,src&docs,Novell SET_IP.ZIP Assigns NCSA/MS-Kermit IP addrs on Novell net SGPROP13.ZIP Set/GetProperty:View/Change bindery properties SHWUSR10.ZIP Displays logged in Novell user info by SOFTCOP.ZIP Intelligent DOS & WINDOWS software metering STUDENT.ZIP Allow users to request acc'ts on Novell server WOMENU22.ZIP MS-Windows menu system for Novell & other net MSOBERON.ZIP Oberon pgmming language/operating environment OBRONM11.ZIP Oberon-M compiler v1.1, w/sources and docs XC1306.ZIP Portable Oberon-2/Modula-2 compiler (DEMO) XC1312.ZIP Portable Oberon-2/Modula-2 compiler (DEMO) ELISP201.ZIP OEmacs 4.1: On-line Emacs-Lisp pgmer's manual GO32OE2.ZIP OEmacs 4.1: Srcs to special GO32 DOS extender INSTALL.DOS OEmacs 4.1: Installation instructions OE41EL1.ZIP OEmacs 4.1: All Emacs-Lisp sources, part 1/3 OE41EL2.ZIP OEmacs 4.1: All Emacs-Lisp sources, part 2/3 OE41EL3.ZIP OEmacs 4.1: All Emacs-Lisp sources, part 3/3 OE41GBIN.ZIP OEmacs 4.1: DJGPP-compiled binaries OE41INFO.ZIP OEmacs 4.1: On-line User's Manuals, etc. OE41MIN.ZIP OEmacs 4.1: Minimally-req'ed non-binary files OE41READ.ME OEmacs 4.1: Read this first! OE41SRC1.ZIP OEmacs 4.1: C sources, part 1/3 OE41SRC2.ZIP OEmacs 4.1: C sources, part 2/3 OE41SRC3.ZIP OEmacs 4.1: C sources, part 3/3 OE41WBIN.ZIP OEmacs 4.1: WATCOM C/386-compiled binaries OE41XBIN.ZIP OEmacs 4.1: Binaries for DESQview/X ROADMAP.DOS OEmacs 4.1: List of required & optional files MYSTIC.ZIP Interactive Pascal compiler PASCSRC.ZIP Coronado's Pascal tutor v2.0, (1 of 2) PASCTXT.ZIP Coronado's Pascal tutor v2.0, (2 of 2) PNL001.ZIP The Pascal Newsletter: Programming in Pascal PNL002.ZIP The Pascal NewsLetter, issue #2 PNL003.ZIP The Pascal Newsletter: Sorting, OOP in TPascal PNL004.ZIP The Pascal NewsLetter, issue #4 PNL005.ZIP The Pascal NewsLetter, issue #5 PNL006.ZIP The Pascal NewsLetter, issue #6 PNL010.ZIP The Pascal NewsLetter, issue #10, March 1992 PNLUPD1.ZIP Update for PNL004.ZIP Pascal NewsLetter #4 PRETYPAS.ZIP Caps and formats reserved words in Pascal code QP_PAINT.ZIP OOP paint program source in QuickPascal QPARSER.ZIP Parses 'C' or Pascal SURPAS.ZIP Shareware Pascal Compiler, from Australia SVGADC30.ZIP Update for the Digital Crime SVGA driver WHERE.PAS Locate file on hard disk ADDPATH.ZIP Add directory to PATH without SET PATH= ADDPATH1.ZIP Add directory to PATH without SET PATH= APATH23.ZIP Add/delete elements of PATH on the fly BIGPATH.ZIP Expand DOS's PATH CHGPATH.ZIP Change path (add or delete), w/C source CPATH20.ZIP Extend PATH to more than 128 characters DESETP12.ZIP Shows or sets the PATH environment variable DPATH30.ZIP Set a PATH for programs' access to data files EP15.ZIP Edit DOS PATH environment variable EPATH1.ZIP Edit DOS PATH environment variable MP.ZIP ModPath: Modify MS-DOS search path, w/TC src PATHADD.ZIP Add directory to PATH PATHFIND.ZIP Searches for files in DOS's PATH SAVEPATH.ZIP Save/restote current/previous SEARCH11.ZIP Search, like PATH for program data files SETPTH14.ZIP Set PATH to more than 127 characters SPOON1A.ZIP Spoon Path v1a: menued 4.5k TSR path extender USE5.ZIP Add/delete from PATH w/o retyping entire path XPATH39.ZIP Xpath 3.9, DOS Path Extender for DOS 5.0 00_PCMAG.ZIP ZIP dir listings of PC Mag. files in this dir ANSI132.ZIP PC Mag update: Fast TSR ANSI.SYS replacement ASM1.ZIP Source for DOS utilities from PC Magazine ASM2.ZIP Source for DOS utilities from PC Magazine ASM3.ZIP Source for DOS utilities from PC Magazine ASM4.ZIP Source for DOS utilities from PC Magazine ASYNC4.ZIP Interrupt driven serial line terminal routines CARDFL11.ZIP PcMag upd v1.1: 3x5 card file mgr, 150 cards CHAIN_4.ZIP CHAIN function for TP4 COPY.ZIP Copy utility from PC magazine DIRMAG2.ZIP DIRMAGIC v2.0, upgraded DR/RN/CO from PC Mag. DIRMAT31.ZIP PC Mag update: Compare 2 dirs, report matches EXTEND_4.ZIP TP4 routine to open up to 252 files FIFO.ZIP This file was missing from PcMag VOL10N08.ZIP GWLITES.ZIP Corrected LITES.COM, with docs from PC Mag LITES11.ZIP PC Mag update: LITES v1.1, w/docs from PC Mag PCINDX01.ZIP Index of PC Magazine files to January, 1991 PCM8890A.ZIP PC Magazine reviews index, Jan 88 - Jun 90 PCMNG11A.ZIP PcMag update for VOL8N21: PCMANAGE v1.1 update PCMPR89.ZIP PCMag Productivity columns index, Jan-Dec 1989 PP704.ZIP Power Programmer files from VOL7N04.ZIP SLICE13.ZIP PcMag utl fix: split long files to mult. disks V7A_DB.ZIP PC-Mag 1988 articles index in dBASE-III V7P_DB.ZIP PC-Mag 1988 product reviews in dBASE-III VOL10N01.ZIP PC Mag: MAKECLIP,MAKEFOX,INT9,BIOSDATA,PCSPOOL VOL10N02.ZIP PCMag: FOXIDX,HPNOTES,LZSELECT,MOVBYTES,QPRINT VOL10N03.ZIP PcMag: Clrcube,Journal,HelloPMw,PrtGrp,XLWSpec VOL10N04.ZIP PcMag: CHEKCHEK,GRAPHICS,GRAYS,MBOOT,WHATCPU2 VOL10N05.ZIP PcMag:2BOTH,ALTD,CALDEMO,FINDHID,TINYDOS,VGA28 VOL10N06.ZIP PcMag:BOUNCE,IKE,LEAPTEST,POKEWORD,SELECT,XBUF VOL10N07.ZIP PcMag: Encore,Palette,Speedsav,TBook,Unique VOL10N08.ZIP PcMag: Ballgame,Cdx,Colorscr,Gammared,Unique VOL10N09.ZIP PcMag:2Dir,Cmd,Navigate,PopCal,PopRpt,WinSaver VOL10N10.ZIP PcMag: ANSIPROM,EDLOOP,MARKDEMO,PROGSET,PRUNE VOL10N11.ZIP PcMag: CHKPATH,DELAY.BAS,DPIMEM,VIDEO,WINMEM VOL10N12.ZIP PcMag: GRAYBIT,LN1012,ISKIND,PUSHDIRS,WINEXT VOL10N13.ZIP PCMag: FILECTRL, GETMAXX.C, LF.BAT, MODEL.C VOL10N14.ZIP PcMag:Calender,FieldSiz,Shuffl,TryVecs,WinColr VOL10N15.ZIP PcMag: Strings,Power,Vectors,Shell,Parse,Capit VOL10N16.ZIP PcMag: Dirany,HC,PcmFat,Readboot,Trypoint VOL10N17.ZIP PcMag: ALTKEY, FFF, OWNERDRW, SAFEMOVE, WINVER VOL10N18.ZIP PcMag: CFGSAVE, NOPRSCR, NOWAIT, POPDEM.PRG VOL10N19.ZIP PcMag: Bigcopy,Capslk,Numfiles,Unique,Winfsr VOL10N20.ZIP PcMag: AllPr,CpuType,NumLock,Recall,UMBFiles VOL10N21.ZIP PcMag: Gethome,IACA,PcToday,Putfile,Reboot VOL10N22.ZIP PcMag:Cdisk,Itrig,NewCMD,Record1,Static,WinNav VOL11N01.ZIP PcMag: ABOUT,INKEY,LN1101,RECOR2,TRACKR,WCTEST VOL11N02.ZIP PcMag: Zcopy,PcRemot2,KeyCode,MapWin,Record3 VOL11N03.ZIP PcMag: 386step,Addit,Altpause,Prready,Qbmenu VOL11N04.ZIP PcMag: ADDSYNTH,SCREEN.CPP,SHOWDUPE,WINDOW.CPP VOL11N05.ZIP PcMag: DD.SC, OPENSPEC.XLA, REBOOT.BAS, WINPTR VOL11N06.ZIP PcMag: CLRPRI, MIDIDE, PCDICT, PCUNZP, TRYALT VOL11N07.ZIP PcMag: BachTo, DOSclip, Demo6, SWrite VOL11N08.ZIP PcMag: DOW, FIELD.BAS, KBMIDI, WPRINT VOL11N09.ZIP PcMag: BackDown,DateTime,Drum,DrumDll,InWin VOL11N10.ZIP PcMag: Binary.bas,SaveMac,Swap,Sprint,Winmode VOL11N11.ZIP PcMag: MC,BINSCH,ENVSIZE.LABNOT,RDUMP,DLGDEMO2 VOL11N12.ZIP PcMag: DLGDemo3,Filespec,Ini,Modechk,WinStart VOL11N13.ZIP PcMag: InCtrl,MidVue,Serial,StrBrk,FileReco VOL11N14.ZIP PcMag: BadApp,ClipStac,FindFile,MidBuf,WinClip VOL11N15.ZIP PcMag: GetClip,PutClip,MidiRec,Redd,SysMon VOL11N16.ZIP PcMag: BadApp3,ClipServ,Soundex,ToTop,WinClip VOL11N17.ZIP PcMag: Bugs,Midpla,Renver,Saveno,Winapp VOL11N18.ZIP PcMag: Altpause,Filedlg,Hexview,Randfi,Wtime VOL11N19.ZIP PcMag:Cddemo,Digit,Hexview,Midfil,Time,Ustring VOL11N20.ZIP PcMag: CDplay,Disket,LN1120,NTS1,UMB_HE,Virt80 VOL11N21.ZIP PcMag: AltPause,Fontli,Incenv,Mlprin,Mono VOL11N22.ZIP PcMag: Dvorak,Hdlock,Nts2,Strings2 VOL12N01.ZIP PcMag: Group,Lcase,Memcle,Setmac,Sysmo2,WinTid VOL12N02.ZIP PcMag: Bitfon,Change,Newobj,Procmo,Seegrf VOL12N03.ZIP PcMag:Bitfont2,Exelook,Getpass,Rclick,Sysicons VOL12N04.ZIP PcMag: Defrag,Enlab,Findfi,N2W,Setver,Split VOL12N05.ZIP PcMag: Daysuf,Justif,Number,Pc-Set,Nxtkey VOL12N06.ZIP PcMag: BootPw,Boot2c,Capfir,Getlen,Ftr,Outfon VOL12N07.ZIP PcMag: Delkey, Fntprn, Fsr, Olf, Winapp, With VOL12N08.ZIP PcMag: RoCopy, Ask, Olfdem, Match, Env, Wincmd VOL12N09.ZIP PcMag:Bropik,Dowgj,Exehlp,Memcom,Olfref,Winfun VOL12N10.ZIP PcMag: Endjoi,Input,Paths,Pikprn,Verbos,Wclib VOL12N11.ZIP PcMag: About,Animator,BcDemo,EatDisk,Olf,QbDos VOL12N12.ZIP PcMag: Eval, PrtScr.PRG, Pecho, PcmCvt VOL12N13.ZIP PcMag: Find,ShutDn,WipeDe,MovChr,ShiftK,ExeLoo VOL12N14.ZIP PcMag: Commen, Commom, DemoAp, FindEx, Beep VOL12N15.ZIP PcMag: BuildM,BuildW,DemoDl,Multi,Trash,BtnGo VOL12N16.ZIP PcMag: PrnEch,Sync,XMS,YesNo.BAT,Pe.BAT,Findir VOL12N17.ZIP PcMag: BigJob,ClosePa,DateMa,Hk,Jkeyde,Slim2 VOL12N18.ZIP PcMag: AltAdd,Echo,Foned1,FoneWo,FonSrc,Meter VOL12N19.ZIP PcMag: Blinde, DrvAsm, Drvload, FilCdr VOL12N20.ZIP PcMag: Aedit,DelayT,Email,EscMen,Menus,Unicha VOL12N21.ZIP PCMag: bootti,montor,pagnum,seqprt,unityp VOL12N22.ZIP PCMag: d2jul,dllacc,fonpix,numprn,qpath,winasm VOL13N01.ZIP PCMag: cdd,intloo,ln,norepe,pcdz,slowit VOL13N02.ZIP PCMag: ck,cosuse,inform,umb,winclip VOL13N03.ZIP PcMag: Brush,Dialog,Form,Ordsuf,Testva,Vulcan VOL13N04.ZIP PcMag: Confix,Dater,NtPath,Vidtes,Winapi VOL13N05.ZIP PcMag:Count,NewMac,PathOp,SevPay,ThinDi,TmtoGg VOL13N06.ZIP PcMag: Update, ExitWin, WinVer VOL13N07.ZIP PcMag: Peruse, DocTrak, TestCm, DialIt, PathRg VOL13N08.ZIP PcMag: DiskPie, Name, FontSrt, MaxWin VOL13N09.ZIP PCMag: IniBak,TsrMem,VM,CdxCod,NtxFor,MovieP VOL13N10.ZIP PcMag: Switcher, Xflt, Vtutor, Rever VOL13N11.ZIP PcMag: WinPrn, AtoTol VOL13N12.ZIP PCMag: WCL2, WPHEAD, EZFONT VOL13N13.ZIP PCMag:WINCRYPT,ENVSIZ,VIGENC,TESTXC,DELDLG,etc VOL3A.ZIP Index to Volume 3 of PC Magazine VOL3N25.ZIP PC Magazine: NPAD VOL4N02.ZIP PC Magazine: PARINT VOL4N03.ZIP PC Magazine: DOORS VOL4N04.ZIP PC Magazine: RED VOL4N05.ZIP PC Magazine: LPTPORT VOL4N06.ZIP PC Magazine: MOVE VOL4N07.ZIP PC Magazine: UNDEL VOL4N08.ZIP PC Magazine: PR VOL4N09.ZIP PC Magazine: ONEKEY VOL4N10.ZIP PC Magazine: LOCATE VOL4N11.ZIP PC Magazine: FRACELDO, FRACTALS VOL4N12.ZIP PC Magazine: DSKWATCH VOL4N13.ZIP PC Magazine: BAR VOL4N14.ZIP PC Magazine: SNAPSHOT VOL4N15.ZIP PC Magazine: KEEPER VOL4N16.ZIP PC Magazine: CACHE VOL4N17.ZIP PC Magazine: BAC, BACOPY VOL4N18.ZIP PC Magazine: LOCK, UNLOCK VOL4N19.ZIP PC Magazine: PRSWAP VOL4N20.ZIP PC Magazine: DDIR VOL4N21.ZIP PC Magazine: DELZ VOL4N22.ZIP PC Magazine: VTREE VOL4N23.ZIP PC Magazine: PSET VOL4N24.ZIP PC Magazine: SWEEP, WAITASEC VOL4N25.ZIP PC Magazine: MONOGRAF VOL4N26.ZIP PC Magazine: KEY-FAKE VOL5N01.ZIP PC Magazine: FREE, SIZE VOL5N02.ZIP PC Magazine: BOOT, DATAMKR VOL5N03.ZIP PC Magazine: DOS-EDIT VOL5N04.ZIP PC Magazine: FDA, KBM VOL5N05.ZIP PC Magazine: QUICKEYS VOL5N06.ZIP PC Magazine: BROWSE VOL5N07.ZIP PC Magazine: RENDIR VOL5N08.ZIP PC Magazine: DISKSCAN VOL5N09.ZIP PC Magazine: NO VOL5N10.ZIP PC Magazine: POPDIR, PUSHDIR VOL5N11.ZIP PC Magazine: ATTR VOL5N12.ZIP PC Magazine: SETUP VOL5N13.ZIP PC Magazine: DCRUNCH, DSTRIP, STATLINE VOL5N14.ZIP PCMag EGAbord/color/coset/mode/page/palet/time VOL5N15.ZIP PCMgEGA12/25/35/43/50/512/8X14/PRTSC/ITAL/DEMO VOL5N16.ZIP PC Magazine: XDEL VOL5N17.ZIP PC Magazine: POP-CAL VOL5N18.ZIP PC Magazine: VISITYPE VOL5N19.ZIP PC Magazine: CHANGE VOL5N20.ZIP PC Magazine: SUGGEST VOL5N21.ZIP PC Magazine: DISKPREP VOL5N22.ZIP PC Magazine: FREEZE VOL6N01.ZIP PC Magazine: DIREX VOL6N02.ZIP PC Magazine: DIRCOMP, PARSE, SCANDIR VOL6N03.ZIP PC Magazine: CHECK, POSARRAY, TIMEKEY VOL6N04.ZIP PC Magazine: SEARCH VOL6N05.ZIP PCMag: ASC, FASTOFF, FFEED, NOREPEAT, THREECOM VOL6N06.ZIP PC Magazine: COPYSAFE VOL6N07.ZIP PC Magazine: ENVCOUNT, READENV, TESTENV, XDIR VOL6N08.ZIP PC Magazine - PLAY and Status program VOL6N09.ZIP Volume 6, Issue #9 of PC Magazine - programs VOL6N10.ZIP Volume 6, Issue #10 of PC Magazine - programs VOL6N11.ZIP PC MAGAZINE Vol 6 # 11 Utilities VOL6N12.ZIP Volume 6, Issue #11 of PC Magazine - programs VOL6N13.ZIP PC-Magazine December 22, 1987 VOL6N14.ZIP Progs from PC-Mag Vol 6 Num 14 (Aug, 87) VOL6N15.ZIP PC Magazine Volume 6 Number 15 VOL6N16.ZIP Volume 6, Issue #16 of PC Magazine - programs VOL6N17.ZIP PC MAG Utilities With Source Code - CARDFILE VOL6N18.ZIP PC magazine utilities volume 6 no. 18 VOL6N19.ZIP PC Mag's utils: SAFARI, CTYPE, etc. VOL6N20.ZIP PC Magazine - Volume 6, No. 20 VOL6N21.ZIP PC Magazine - CO, EGAINFO VOL6N22.ZIP PC Magazine - PRT2FILE VOL7N01.ZIP PC Mag CAPTURE and HELP TSRs VOL7N02.ZIP PC Magazine Utils - PAINT PUTENV TP4 VOL7N03.ZIP PC Magazine - LANDPAGE, PORTPAGE, PP703, RUN VOL7N04.INF Why PC Mag VOL7N04 is not distributed (ASPRN) VOL7N05.ZIP PC Mag: ASPRN version 1.2 (4/88) w/bug fix VOL7N06.ZIP PC Mag: Progrmrs TSR Calc, Program/misc files VOL7N07.ZIP PC Magazine Vol7 no. 7 files inc. TOUCH.COM VOL7N08.ZIP PC Magazine - STAYDOWN, MEM512, WAKEUP, etc. VOL7N09.ZIP PC Magazine - RECORDER, DUMP, TRYTD.C, TD.C VOL7N10.ZIP PC Magazine - TOGGLE, INFO, RHCTRL, TD, TRYTD VOL7N11.ZIP PC Magazine - COMPARE, SCANTD, TRYSTD VOL7N12.ZIP PC Magazine - ALLKEYS, 'C' and Pascal VOL7N13.ZIP PcMag coprces,dwnload,enadr,merge,qfn,SETMODE VOL7N14.ZIP PC Magazine - 8/88 (RAMVIEW) VOL7N15.ZIP PC Magazine - Volume 7, Number 15 VOL7N16.ZIP PC Mag Vol7#16: MAKEBAS, QSORTI, TRYQSI VOL7N17.ZIP PC Mag Vol7#17: Hard disk DCACHE w/ASM etc. VOL7N18.ZIP PC Mag Vol7#18: Adjustable EMS ramdisk, etc. VOL7N19.ZIP PC Mag Vol7#19: TED, PMHELLO, PAGEDEMO VOL7N20.ZIP PC Mag Vol7#20: CONFIG etc. w/sources VOL7N21.ZIP PC Mag Vol7#21: LOG, Write, Ansi etc w/source VOL7N22.ZIP PC Mag Vol7#22: ENVELOPE etc w/sources VOL8N01.ZIP PcMag BCOPY,dirtree,execdemo,exp,import,noise VOL8N02.ZIP PcMag ANSI,default,pp802,touchw,trytd,used VOL8N03.ZIP PcMag doclist,pcprint,rcopy,SMOOTH,timebmb,tso VOL8N04.ZIP PcMag chkuser,getfkey,login,ZCOPY,newexist VOL8N05.ZIP PcMag blkrd,delay,LITES,mve,relog,rline,scrub VOL8N06.ZIP PcMag bsearch,dskinf,netrcv/snd,timeline,MONO VOL8N07.ZIP PcMag align,LASERLST,maxram,srchixf,string1 VOL8N08.ZIP PcMag COLORS,loader,makehash,mousctl,srchhash VOL8N09.ZIP PcMag ansimode,moudemo*,SLICE/SPLIT,substdot VOL8N10.ZIP PcMag de,del,realcomp,SETUP2,unde VOL8N11.ZIP PcMag COLORextmem,shwxmem,voltst,wintst,inishw VOL8N12.ZIP Volume 8 number 12 of the PC Magazine utils VOL8N13.ZIP Volume 8 number 13 of the PC Magazine utils VOL8N14.ZIP PC Magazine volume 8 number 14, CHKFRAG VOL8N15.ZIP PCMag - DCopy, DisPPS, PMASC, WriteVar, PP815 VOL8N16.ZIP PC Magazine utilities, volume 8, number 16 VOL8N17.ZIP PCMag - BrkState,ComSet,Dimmer,Flags,Os2Term VOL8N18.ZIP PcMag ArgC/V,Fax,Menu,ScrnDump,GrafPath,*.WPM VOL8N19.ZIP PcMg 1STCLAS,COURIER,DMUL/DIV386,BEZIR,RSPATH VOL8N20.ZIP PCMgDEBUGSCR,FINDENV,POPMENU,CURSOR,RED,WAIT10 VOL8N21.ZIP PCMag CASE.WKS,CHG,EDITOR.BAS,PCMANAGE,TEXTCOM VOL8N22.ZIP PcMag alias bckup jmp log netadd/num srchdel VOL9N01.ZIP PcMag ATDT.BAT,CHECKCOM.BAT,PCREMOTE,INIT87 VOL9N02.ZIP PC Magazine utilities, BATCHMAN VOL9N03.ZIP PCMag FASTRUN,MIRDIR,NOVIRUS,SCANSYS,XALL VOL9N04.ZIP PCMgCENCEN,GPOKER,PLAYFISH,POKER,TPOKER,VPOKER VOL9N05.ZIP PCMag: ANSIHERE, ANSIX, NEEDANSI, TRYFTRIG VOL9N06.ZIP PC Magazine utilities: PRINTCAL, SCHEDULE VOL9N07.ZIP PCMag PcAccess,Killer,NoPause,HeapBug,Cursor VOL9N08.ZIP PCMgEDITDEMO,PRINTCAL,SHOWEA,KBBUFFER,TYPEFAST VOL9N09.ZIP PCMag GETPUTEA,POP/PUSHPATH,SETEA,WHEREIS,PAN VOL9N10.ZIP PCMag:THREADS1,COMPUTE,NUMBERS,PARAVIEW,PRSTAT VOL9N11.ZIP PCMag: MEMMAP2,SE.BAT,SED.BAT,SWAP.BAT,THREADS VOL9N12.ZIP PC Mag: DIRANY,DBLOOK,SECURITY,THREADS3,PRUNE VOL9N13.ZIP PC Mag: ACTMENU,PMMANDEL,PMVIEW,WHATCPU,YESNO VOL9N14.ZIP PcMag: BAT2EXEC,CLICK,RECONFIG,WC,ZIPNGO VOL9N15.ZIP PcMag: ALTP,CONCEAL,EXECUTE,MEDIAN,ONPATH VOL9N16.ZIP PcMag: CMDEDIT,METAFILE,NWORDS.PRG,SYSLOCK VOL9N17.ZIP PcMag: METACLIP,PCBOOK,SHFTLOCK,TRUE,WHATNDP VOL9N18.ZIP PcMag: DIRDEL,METAFILE,MV.BAS,PMCARD,PREVENT VOL9N19.ZIP PcMag: Altz,Fieldlen,Filebuf,Repl,Sbox,Wsmooth VOL9N20.ZIP PcMag: ALTP2,DRVRDY,PCSORT,RGNAME,TESTDRVA VOL9N21.ZIP PcMag: Bright,Dg,Prism-VGA palette edit/load VOL9N22.ZIP PcMag: Ctrtext,Glass,Highlite,Winsrc,Winwhere APR86.ZIP PC Tech Journal pgms from Apr 1986 issue AUG86.ZIP PC Tech Journal pgms from Aug 1986 issue BESTOF.ZIP Selection of 'Best of PC Tech Journal' progs FEB88.ZIP Program Files from PC-TECH Journal. Feb 1988 HLEXEC.ZIP High Level system performance benchmarks HLSRC.ZIP Source for High Level performance benchmarks MAY86.ZIP CLM May 1986 files PCTECH.ZIP 'Best of PCTJ' utility programs PCTJ1188.ZIP PC Tech Journal CRT utility pgms w/source PCTJ1288.ZIP PC Tech Journal 'C' queue use demo pgm PCTV1N1.ZIP PC Techniques mag listings - April/May 1990 PCTV1N2.ZIP PC Techniques mag listings - June/July 1990 PCTV1N3.ZIP PC Techniques mag listings - Aug/Sept. 1990 PCTV1N4.ZIP PC Techniques mag listings - Oct./Nov. 1990 PCTV1N5.ZIP PC Techniques magazine, volume 1 number 5 PCTV1N6.ZIP PC Techniques mag listings - Feb/March 1991 PCTV2N1.ZIP PC Techniques mag listings - April/May 1991 PCTV2N2.ZIP PC Techniques mag listings - June/July 1991 PCTV2N3.ZIP PC Techniques mag listings - Aug/Sep 1991 PCTV2N4.ZIP PC Techniques mag listings - Oct./Nov. 1991 PCTV2N5.ZIP PC Techniques mag listings - Dec 91/Jan 92 PCTV2N6.ZIP PC Techniques mag listings - Feb/March 1992 PCTV3N1.ZIP PC Techniques mag listings - April/May 1992 PCTV3N2.ZIP PC Techniques mag listings - June/July 1992 PCVR14.ZIP Software listings from PCVR Magazine Issue 14 BPERL3S1.ZIP 32-bit Perl 4.0pl36 w/VM & Win supt. (src 1/3) BPERL3S2.ZIP 32-bit Perl 4.0pl36 w/VM & Win supt. (src 2/3) BPERL3S3.ZIP 32-bit Perl 4.0pl36 w/VM & Win supt. (src 3/3) BPERL3X.ZIP 32-bit Perl 4.0pl36 w/VM & Win 3.1 supt. (exe) DIGEST.PL Perl pgm breaks news digest to individual msgs DOSMAP.DOC Information on how to use dosmap.prl DOSMAP.PRL Perl script:Unix->DOS hierarchy transformation NGPERL10.ZIP Norton Guides database for PERL419X.ZIP PERL4019.ZIP UNIX-based scripting lang. replaces sh/awk/sed PERL419X.ZIP Len Reed's port of Unix Perl v4.19 PTCH19.ZIP Len Reed's patch set to make perl 4.19 BISON111.ZIP Bison v1.11, yacc-compatible parser generator BYACC19.ZIP Berkeley YACC v1.9 for MS-DOS, w/C src & docs CPE41.ZIP Integrated editor/compiler/linker environment CXREF.ZIP C and Pascal cross-referencer DOCZ16.ZIP CZ v1.6: Programmer's code documentation tool DWRK11J.ZIP Demo Workshop 1.1j: Demo and tutorial maker ELAN.ZIP Elan v1.5: A programming environment EXEC23.ZIP EXEC or spawn function with pgm swap to EMS EXEC33B.ZIP Exec function for C and TP w/swap to EMS/XMS EZCASE17.ZIP Computer Aided Software Engineering tool DEMO FLEX237.ZIP Fast Unix-like LEX lexical analyzer for MS-DOS IDTAG.ZIP Cvt text file to OBJ for linking to executable INASM101.ZIP Inline opcode generator for TP/Logitech-Modula JRCPP.ZIP V1.00B ANSI C Macro Preprocessor for OS2/DOS MAKEOBJ.ZIP Cvt data file to OBJ for linking to executable MIDE01.ZIP PIC Microcontroller Integrated Development Env MPREP.ZIP Give C-like preprocessing to any language pgm NGASCII.ZIP ASCII table in Norton Guide .NG format OBJSC101.ZIP Scans MS .OBJ files, reports types of records PC_IPC.ZIP Inter-Process Comm: Pass info between programs PCROB141.ZIP Learn programming by writing robot programs PCTAGS1.ZIP MS-DOS & OS/2 source code retrieval system PEW2_1.ZIP Estelle Protocol Engineering Workbench, v2.1 REGKEY30.ZIP Registration Key system for C/C++/Pascal/BASIC RPGMU10.ZIP Ricki's miscellanous utilities (filters) SMUT100.ZIP Software control system handles multiple users SWITCH22.ZIP Swap to disk or EMS from within ASM, C, Pascal TAGS15.ZIP Comprehensive Tags Generator for C/C++, ASM TSBASE12.ZIP Progrmr's tools base: base, basecalc, scancode VAL_LINK.ZIP Troendle's VAL experimental linker, w/C source 00_PKTDR.ZIP ZIP dir lists of packet drvr files in this dir DIS_PKT9.ZIP Packet driver that runs over an NDIS driver EXP16116.ZIP Crynwr v11.6 Intel EtherExpress 16 packet drvr IPXTCPIP.ZIP Configuration help for Novell IPXPKT users MUDCAL23.ZIP MUD-telnet client. Uses Crynwr packet drivers NOVELL.ZIP BYU's packet driver IPX (tried and true) PCG3.ZIP PC Gopher client, uses Crynwr packet drivers PCIP_PKT.ZIP CMU PCIP TCP/IP for use with Crynwr drivers PDETHER.ZIP Intel's packet driver IPX PDIPX103.ZIP Packet driver shell by Intel for NetWare PDTST217.ZIP Network tester & sets PC clock from LAN t-serv PKTD11.ZIP Crynwr v11.x packet drivers executables & docs PKTD11A.ZIP Crynwr v11.x packet drivers source, part 1of2 PKTD11B.ZIP Crynwr v11.x packet drivers source, part 2of2 PKTD11C.ZIP Crynwr 11.x packet drivers update PKTDRVTP.ZIP Crynwr packet driver interface for TPascal 7.0 PKTMX12H.ZIP PKTMUX: Multiple TCP/IP programs under DV/Win3 POPML322.ZIP POPMail: TCP/IP email, use Crynwr pkt drivers SLIPPR13.ZIP TCP/IP packet drivers for serial SLIP & CSLIP SLIPPR15.ZIP U of Minn SLIP package docs & install info SLIPR15D.ZIP SLIPPER and CSLIPPER v1.5: SLIP packet drivers TALK_13.ZIP Unix-compatible talk pgm, uses Crynwr driver TELNETD.ZIP Remote telnet login to PC console via TCP/IP TRMP106B.ZIP NNTP Usenet news reader. Uses Crynwr drivers UMSLP203.ZIP U of Minnesota SLIP packet driver and dialer 3D_PLOT.FOR Plots a surface using Plot 10 commands 3DBAS03.ZIP BASICA pgm plots z=f(x,y) in three dimensions 3DF.ZIP 3D func. plot displays F(x,y) ortho proj,w/src 3DGRAPH.ZIP 2d/3d plotting program with printer capability 3DPLOT02.ZIP Standalone 3D plot interpreter, w/TurboC src 3DSURFAC.ZIP 3-dimensional surface plotting AIRF2_02.ZIP Manipulate/edit/plot airfoil curves, v2.02 BIKE31.ZIP Bicycle gearing calculator CGPLT.ZIP Plot graphs (CGA) CHART13.ZIP Screen print bar line graph CYCLO.ZIP Cycloid mathematical plotter with GUI DATAPLT1.ZIP Scatter, Spline & Curve Fit plot prog w/GUI ELCT30C1.ZIP ELCUT v3.00c: Quick & easy field analysis, 1/4 ELCT30C2.ZIP ELCUT v3.00c: Quick & easy field analysis, 2/4 ELCT30C3.ZIP ELCUT v3.00c: Quick & easy field analysis, 3/4 ELCT30C4.ZIP ELCUT v3.00c: Quick & easy field analysis, 4/4 FCNPLT41.ZIP Rectangular/polar/data online function plotter GPT35DOC.ZIP PostScript documentation for gnuplot 3.5 GPT35EXE.ZIP gnuplot 3.5: 2D/3D plots of data & fcns GPT35SRC.ZIP Complete source of gnuplot 3.5 GPT35WIN.ZIP MS Windows GUI version of gnuplot 3.5 GRAFDEMO.ZIP Graphics plotting pgm v1.0, functional demo LG_DOC1.ZIP Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 1of10 LG_DOC2.ZIP Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 2of10 LG_DOC3.ZIP Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 3of10 LG_DOC4.ZIP Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 4of10 LG_DOC5.ZIP Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 5of10 LG_DOC6.ZIP Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 6of10 LG_EXE1.ZIP Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 7of10 LG_EXE2.ZIP Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 8of10 LG_EXE3.ZIP Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 9of10 LG_EXE4.ZIP Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 10of10 LG_READ.ME Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector pkg. info MGVGA443.ZIP Master-Graph v4.43: 2D graph plotter (req VGA) MVIS.ZIP Function plot of an elipse from a 2x2 matrix PIPER10.ZIP Plot Piper diagrams using HP-GL/2 commands PLOT3D_A.ZIP 3D surfaces in any coord system, with TC src PLOT61.ZIP CGA/VGA 2d function plotter PLOTD13A.ZIP PlotData v1.3a: A plotter with analyzing data PRTGL140.ZIP Output HPGL files on laser/ink/matrix LPT, CRT RAVUTL10.ZIP Ravitz Utilities v1.03 supports PrintGL RK_PLOT.ZIP Renders z=f(x,y) plot with hidden line removal SFPLOT1B.ZIP BASICA pgm plots f(latitude,longitude) in 3D SPLOT57.ZIP Screen Plot, two & three-dimension via prntr. TRIPLT22.ZIP Plot ternary diagrams using HP-GL/2 commands TRJMKR.ZIP High precision trajectory generator & plotter USAMAP2.ZIP US Map calculates distance - CGA XYGRF01B.ZIP Simple plotting pgm for on-line data viewing 2_UP111.ZIP Prints two 66 line pages on one A4 page 24AVANTG.ZIP Font for GS24: AvantGuarde 24BOOKMN.ZIP Font for GS24: Bookman 24CHARTR.ZIP Font for GS24: Charter 24COURER.ZIP Fonts for GS24: Courier/Bold/Italic/BoldItalic 24COUROB.ZIP Fonts for GS24: Courier Oblique/BoldOblique 24HELVTC.ZIP Font for GS24: Helvetica 24HERSHY.ZIP Font for GS24: Hershey 24PALTNO.ZIP Font for GS24: Palatino 24SCHLBK.ZIP Font for GS24: NewCentrySchlbk 24SYMBLS.ZIP Fonts for GS24: Symbols, ZaphDingbats 24TIMES.ZIP Font for GS24: Times 24UTOPIA.ZIP Font for GS24: Utopia 24ZAPHC.ZIP Zaph chancery fonts for Ghostscript 25CHARTR.ZIP Charter font for GhostScript v2.5 25COURER.ZIP Courier font for GhostScript v2.5 25UTOPIA.ZIP Utopia font for GhostScript v2.5 26URWFNT.ZIP URW Nimbus, Grotesk, Antiqua fonts for GS v2.6 AMAZE10.ZIP PostScript file creates random maze on printer ASCII_PS.ZIP Converts ASCII-to-PostScript, w/QuickBasic src CALENDAR.PS PostScript file to print calendar CHN2PSV3.ZIP Chinese to PostScript (2 pages on 1 sheet) CHPSF301.ZIP Adobe Type 1 Fonts of some Chinese characters DVIPS554.ZIP Convert a TeX DVI file to PostScript, v5.54 DVIPSSRC.ZIP Sources for dvips v5.54 ETSR301.ZIP Epson MX80-to-PostScript printer translator GS261286.ZIP Ghostscript v2.6.1, EXE for 286 machines GS261386.ZIP Ghostscript v2.6.1, 386/486 EXE w/extended mem GS261INI.ZIP Ghostscript v2.6.1, required files + examples GS261SR1.ZIP Ghostscript v2.6.1 source files, 1 of 4 GS261SR2.ZIP Ghostscript v2.6.1 source files, 2 of 4 GS261SR3.ZIP Ghostscript v2.6.1 source files, 3 of 4 GS261SR4.ZIP Ghostscript v2.6.1 source files, 4 of 4 GS261WIN.ZIP Ghostscript v2.6.1, EXE for Windows 3.x GSVIEW10.ZIP Ghostview 1.0 for Windows. Need Ghostscript2.6 HP2PS18.ZIP HPGL to PostScript converter version 1.8 HPGL2PS.ZIP HPGL to PostScript trans, DOS/UNIX, src, EXE's LPRINT22.ZIP LPrint: Formats and prints files for PS [ASP] MMAKER10.ZIP ASCII->PostScript 2 side 5.5x8.5 manual maker PC2PS11.ZIP Cvts IBM char set txt files to PostScript prtr PCPS780.ZIP Print ASCII to Postscript 2up etc DOS/OS2/UNIX PPS213.ZIP ASCII to PostScript conversion, w/TPas source PPST32.ZIP PostScript processing speed test, v3.2 bench PSCROSWD.ZIP Postcript pgm to create crossword puzzle form PSFIX301.ZIP Reformat PostScript to <= 80 character lines PSFX0100.ZIP Sends ASCII file to PostScript fax printer PSPRNT21.ZIP Print text files w/IBM chars to PostScript PSPS30.ZIP PostScript PrintScreen utility SAMPLES.ZIP Additional ps samples not in GS25BASE.ZIP T2PS10.ZIP TSR text to PostScript conversion program TEXT2PS.ZIP Convert text files to PostScript printer input USEPS.ZIP Update to USE.PS for Ghostscript v2.6.1 ALTQB551.ZIP Assembly language toolbox for QuickBasic ASYLIB11.ZIP AsyLIB, communications functions for QB 4.x BAS2QB11.ZIP Converts BASICA/GWBASIC source to QuickBASIC BAS2QBAS.ZIP Converts BASIC programs to Quick BASIC format BASUPD10.ZIP BASIC Update Library for QuickBasic 4.x BASWIND8.ZIP QB4.x window/menu/mouse routines with source BKINPQB.ZIP Edited input function library for QuickBasic BPTB11.ZIP BASIC Programmer's Tool Box for QB45 and QB7 CCIT.ZIP QuickBasic routine to calculate CRC value EASYDOOR.ZIP QuickBBS-compatible door maker lib. for QBASIC EZW1V30A.ZIP Fast pulldown menu system lib for QBASIC/PDS EZWINDO1.ZIP EZ-Windows pulldown/popup lib for QBasic 4.x FDTR45.ZIP DTR patch for QB4.5 - works ok FOSSC004.ZIP FOSSIL driver/BASIC v.0.04 Shareware GETCPU.ZIP QBasic routine to determine CPU type w/ASM src GFACTORY.ZIP Graphics Factory: Quick Basic graphics utility GLIB19.ZIP GLib library for QuickBasic, 290+ routines GRAFWZ15.ZIP Smaller, faster graphics library for QBASIC4.5 IQB9202.ZIP Inside QuickBasic source listing, Feb. 1992 IQB9203.ZIP Inside QuickBasic source listing, March 1992 LIBWIZ14.ZIP Manages and customizes BASIC libraries MAKE472.ZIP Professional MAKE for QuickBASIC MAKEQLB.ZIP Examines QBASIC modules & make new QuickLIB MSQUIRKS.ZIP Bugs & quirks in Microsoft BASIC as of 901019 OBJTOO23.ZIP .OBJ file manipulator and snooper PRO200.ZIP User interface toolbox for QuickBASIC Q4TOOL.ZIP QB4.5 lib w/mouse/window/fast-screen/DOS svcs QB4AUTO.ZIP Automatic compile when using QB4 QB4BAS45.ZIP Assembly language routines for QB 4.5/BASCOM 6 QBARCV3.ZIP QuickBasic ARC/PAK/ZIP file dir util w/src QBBAUD.ZIP Determine COM port baud rate in QuickBASIC QBDRAW17.ZIP QBDRAW: Graphics drawing pgm for QuickBASIC QBEVGFX2.ZIP Fast EGA/VGA graphics routines link library QBMOUSE.ZIP Mouse routines for MS QuickBasic QBNWS101.ZIP QuickBasic Newsletter from FIDONET conference QBNWS102.ZIP QuickBASIC electronic newsletter, Feb. 1990 QBNWS105.ZIP QuickBASIC electronic newsletter, Dec. 1990 QBNWS201.ZIP QBNews-QBASIC Electronic Newsletter v2No1 2/91 QBNWS202.ZIP QBNews-QBASIC Electronic Newsletter v2No2 6/91 QBNWS203.ZIP QuickBasic Electronic Newsletter v2n3 - 910915 QBNWS204.ZIP QuickBASIC Electronic Newsletter, Vol 2, No 4 QBNWS301.ZIP QBNews-QBASIC Electronic Newsletter v3No1 3/92 QBNWS302.ZIP QuickBASIC Electronic Newsletter, Vol 3, No 2 QBSCR15.ZIP QB screen builder and screen routines w/source QBSER320.ZIP QBasic serial communications library v3.20 QBTOOLS.ZIP Toolbox for Qbasic 4-4.5 and Basic 6 QBTREE42.ZIP B-Tree indexed file access for QuickBASIC QBWINFNT.ZIP Display Windows fonts in DOS QBasic/QuickBasic QBWIZ13.ZIP Lib gives access to QBASIC internal variables QBX400G.ZIP Quick BASIC xref by Vern Buerg v4.00g QBZIPDIR.ZIP QuickBASIC routines to work with ZIP dirs QGRAFX.ZIP EGA/VGA graphics library for QB 4.0/4.5; DEMO QINP73.ZIP Input routines for QuickBasic. All styles QSAM300.ZIP QSAM: A B-Tree access method for QuickBASIC QSCAT229.ZIP QuickShare catalog v2.29 - QBasic Shareware QUIRKS.ZIP Bugs, quirks, points of interest for QB 4.5 QWEZ42.ZIP Window management system for QuickBASIC 4.+ REALFUN.ZIP Real and complex math library for QuickBASIC SDOOR100.ZIP SimpleDoor v1.00: QB4.5 BBS door routines SMALLFNT.ZIP Quick Basic source to create 106x33 CGA font SPOKE.BAS Calculates bicycle spoke lengths SQUAWK.ZIP Menu-driven sound effects/bird calls SVGAQB21.ZIP SVGA graphics library for MS QuickBASIC 4.x TIMING2.ZIP QuickBasic background timing routines TOPMENU2.ZIP Quick Basic 4.x source: nice pulldown menu V_QLIB.ZIP List contents of QB Quick Library (.QLB) files VIDBASIC.ZIP MASM text video routines library for QBASIC VSPRTV11.ZIP Sprite support library for QB 4.x or PDS 7.x VUDU31P.ZIP Windowing utilities for MS BASIC PDS 7 VUDU31Q.ZIP Windowing utilities for MS QuickBASIC 4+ AMAC44.ZIP Tom Hogshead's AllMacro extensive QEdit macros DBXLMAC.ZIP dBASE and Foxbase macros for Qedit EMEDIT15.ZIP SemWare's CTTY version of QEDIT for remote use PAGE22.ZIP QEdit macros to paginate text documents Q_EMACS.ZIP Emacs keymapping for qedit, help screen QASCII.ZIP Internal patch & ASCII table for QEdit v2.08+ QCOLOR20.ZIP Quickly set colors in QEDIT 2.07 or higher QCP208.ZIP Use QEDIT208 with your favorite compiler QCUSTOM.ZIP Customized keybindings and help for QEdit 2.1 QDV.ZIP DESQview setup file for QEdit text editor QE_GLOSS.ZIP A QEDIT 2.1x macro to expand abbreviations QED21WP.ZIP WordPerfect 5.0/1 emulation for QEDIT 2.10 QEDATER.ZIP Macro to convert QEDIT date to long version QEDIT215.ZIP QEdit 2.15, powerful programmer's/text editor QEDIT3C.ZIP QEdit v3.0c, powerful programmer's/text editor QEDITQ_A.ZIP Some captured QEdit editor advice QEDT_WP5.ZIP Configure QEDIT-208 like WordPerfect 5.0 QEDWSJHS.ZIP Jim Switz's WordStar configuration for QEdit QEWDPERF.ZIP Word Perfect5.0 key definitions for QEDIT 2.08 QEXTRA.ZIP Collection of macros for Qedit QFIX101.ZIP Restores original screen after running Qedit QHELPNEW.ZIP Enhanced QEDIT help file sorted by function QINTMAC1.ZIP Internal macros for QEDIT v2.06x Kirk Babul QM2.ZIP New mouse driver for Qedit v2.1 text editor QMAC215.ZIP QMAC 2.15: Macro compiler for QEdit 2.15 QNG21.ZIP Norton Guides database for QEdit21 QQHELP11.ZIP Popup help shell for QEdit and other programs TEMPLMAC.ZIP QEdit templates for some programming languages TSQED17.ZIP Timo Salmi's utilities for QEdit v2.15 editor TURBOQED.ZIP Default macro config file for QEdit 2.x QEMMWI.ZIP Database for solving QEMM-Windows problems SSWAP.ZIP Helps QEMM's OPTIMIZE deal with Stacker drives UNSLUSHV.ZIP Solves memory conflicts between Zeniths, QEMM ADJRAM41.ZIP Adjustable RAMdisk changes size without reboot LESDISK2.ZIP An enhanced VDISK (ramdisk) program MEMBRAIN.ZIP Use part of system RAM as a RAM DISK, flexible NJRAMD14.ZIP Nifty James' RAM Disk v1.40: EMS ramdisk RAMDISK2.ZIP A RAMdisk that can be killed without rebooting RAMDSK13.ZIP Tiny and resizable EMS/XMS RAMdisks RAMLT10.ZIP RAMdisk activity indicator TSR RAMSAVE.ZIP Saves ramdisk on reboot, restores after boot RDISK20.ZIP Ramdisk you can install/remove without reboot SRDSK205.ZIP ReSizeable EMS/XMS RAM disk, DISKCOPY compat. TDSK21.ZIP TurboDsk: Conv/EMS/XMS resizeable 0.5K ramdisk TDSK21SR.ZIP TurboDsk ASM source code & KBSEC (speed test) VGADISK.ZIP Use VGA graphics memory for 176K RAM disk VLRDISK.ZIP Vladimir Lanin's RAMdisk version 1.0 XDISK340.ZIP EMS ramdisk resizable on-the-fly, configurable XPANDISK.ZIP Variable size RAM disk uses expanded memory FLSHR151.ZIP Experiment with brainwave stimulation, EGA/VGA NTUMIN10.ZIP Logic minimization pgm from NTU, w/TC2.0 src PFIVE.ZIP Point Five quantitative data analysis/modeling PTCH_230.ZIP Patchit: Scientific data acquisition program SM97_10X.ZIP Philips/Fluke ScopeMeter 97 setup/data utils TACK_321.ZIP Tack: Scientific data analysis program USMETR11.ZIP USMetric v1.1: Metric conversion program CCP11.ZIP System access/boot/configuration control pgm DOS_LOG.ZIP DOS command line logging to file. TSR. w/src EEKLOGIN.ZIP Restricts certain commands for unwanted users EPW.ZIP Password protect executables (?? - no docs) FAKEDOS1.ZIP Restrict PC access w/password at C:>, u config IDLE220.ZIP Basic PC password protection JWPS16.ZIP WIN3: PGP shell, uses clipbrd., can autodetect LKMUP251.ZIP Password protect PC from unauthorized users LOGIN.ZIP Login password program for PCs NAVYPASS.ZIP Password protection system (NARDAC, US Navy) PASSW11.ZIP Password driver for CONFIG.SYS, w/src PASSW13P.ZIP Password device driver for CONFIG.SYS V1.3 PASSWRD1.ZIP Password protect your system PASSWRD5.ZIP 'Password' device driver to lock PC PASSWRD6.ZIP Install password on hard disk, w/ASM source PASSWRD9.ZIP Simple password protection at boot-up PCL200.ZIP Program to protect your PC from other people PCLOCK21.ZIP Protect hard disk even from floppy boot PCSNTRY2.ZIP PC-Sentry v2.00b: Security for PCs & networks PGPSHE32.ZIP PGPShell v3.2 menu/mouse shell for PGP [7/94] PGS099B.ZIP PGS v0.99b: Professional shell for PGP PIGAS102.ZIP Protect PC info against unauthorized access PXLGT100.ZIP Logs time and displays last time pgm was run RISK10.ZIP RISKIT v1.0: Computer security risk analysis SECURE10.ZIP Password protected access to subdirectories SLOCK21.ZIP Temp. locks DOS workstation while user is away TBFENCE1.ZIP TBAVFence: Auto diskette protection/encryption THEGATE.ZIP Limits PC/application access to list of users XLOCK132.ZIP Security system, prevents unauthorized access 486PAT.ZIP Patch for Borland Sprint editor & 486 problem APPENFIL.ZIP Sprint: Add append capability to WriteSelect BALANCE.ZIP Sprint Macro cks VP2.0 text delimiter balance BIGCLO.ZIP Display a 16-line high clock in Sprint BOXFONT.ZIP Sprint macro: Line Draw Font for PostScript CHAR.ZIP Sprint macro prints an ASCII table DPUBTEX.ZIP Support for editing TeX documents in Sprint DRAWLN01.ZIP Cfg Sprint to print IBM line-drwg chars. in PS HIDENT.ZIP Sprint macro converts control characters to ^X HPLJ3J11.ZIP Sprint printer drivers for HP LaserJet III IMP123.ZIP Import Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheets into Sprint INDEPEN.ZIP Make your Sprint .spms machine-independent QR.SPM Display Sprint's Q-registers SP2A10.ZIP Strip Sprint formatting codes from a file SPFONTS.ZIP WYSIWYG Sprint screen fonts, Herc 29/43 line SPFONTS2.ZIP WYSIWYG Sprint screen fonts, CGA 25-line ver SPFONTS3.ZIP WYSIWYG Sprint screen fonts & font editor SPFONTS4.ZIP WYSIWYG Sprint screen fonts, source code SPOUTLIN.ZIP Outliner for Sprint SPRINTTC.ZIP Integrate Turbo C with Sprint editor SPTURBO.ZIP Sprint interface for Turbo languages STATS.SPM Display various stats about Sprint TEXMAC.ZIP Sprint UI (macros) for writing TeX documents TRACEFNT.ZIP Print outline(/hollow/traced) PostScript fonts UPPASCAL.ZIP Sprint macro: cvt Pascal res. wds to uppercase VGAWONDR.ZIP VGAWonder 132 column screen drivers for Sprint STUNNPC1.ZIP STunnPC Magazine for MS-DOS, volume 1, issue 1 STUNNPC2.ZIP STunnPC Magazine for MS-DOS, volume 1, issue 2 SURFDAT3.ZIP 3D surface modelling v3.00c, sample data files SURFDOC3.ZIP 3D surface modelling v3.00c, documentation SURFEMU3.ZIP 3D surface modelling v3.00c, sundry utilities SURFIFF3.ZIP 3D surface modelling v3.00c, IFF version SURFINS3.ZIP 3D surface modelling v3.00c, install program SURFM300.MSG Installation instructions for SurfModl v3.00c SURFMAI3.ZIP 3D surface modelling v3.00c, main files SURFPRN3.ZIP 3D surface modelling v3.00c, color print util. SURFSRC3.ZIP 3D surface modelling v3.00c, sources (TP 6.0) SURFUTI3.ZIP 3D surface modelling v3.00c, util. for VAXMate XYZ21.ZIP Free 3D CAD sys, DKBTrace/PVRay/Surfmodl comp. SWAPDOC.ZIP Documentation for the SWAP utilities SWAPGF11.ZIP Swap Gofer in and out of memory SWPDS100.ZIP SWAPDOS: Use all RAM when shelled out from pgm SWPDT152.ZIP SWAP 1.52 for PC Tools DeskTop SWPMM152.ZIP SWAP 1.52 for MemoryMate SWPMT152.ZIP SWAP 1.52 for Lotus Metro and Express SWPNG152.ZIP SWAP 1.52 for Norton Guides SWPSH152.ZIP SWAP 1.52 for PC Tools Deluxe SHELL SWPSK152.ZIP SWAP 1.52 for SideKick SWPSP152.ZIP SWAP 1.52 for SideKick Plus SWPTN152.ZIP SWAP 1.52 for Toronado ASQ130.ZIP Displays information on system configuration AWARDSST.ZIP System Speed Test from Award Software COMPINT.ZIP Displays interrupts modified by TSR programs COMSTAT.ZIP Displays status of COM ports, diagnostic tool CONF720E.ZIP PC-CONFIG: Sysinfo/Benchmark program CPUID593.ZIP Identify system CPU 8086/8088/286/386/486sx/dx CTEST259.ZIP Comptest: System performance & characteristics DIPSET.ZIP Displays dipswitch settings of computer EXERCI22.ZIP Exercise a file system and show performance FSTAT.ZIP Display complete list of currently open files ICPUID3A.ZIP Intel's CPU/FPU identifier, with ASM source IFP1P158.ZIP InfoPlus v1.58: 21 screens of system info IFP1S158.ZIP TP & MASM source code for InfoPlus v1.58 INTS.ZIP Displays page-zero interrupts w/source MAXITMM.ZIP System memory usage analyzer, like SLEUTH MEG33.ZIP Color graphs %disk free/system info. Pie & 3-D MEM3.ZIP TopView-aware memory display MEMBLK39.ZIP Displays map of resident programs memory use MEMLIST.ZIP Show MS-DOS memory allocation info, w/MASM src MEMMAP2.ZIP Displays alloc. memory blocks & TSRs/environs PCSTAT21.ZIP Displays statistics of your PC/Clone system REVEAL11.ZIP Displays DOS memory information RMAP30.ZIP Displays map of TSRs and their use of memory ROMCI.ZIP Displays info about a machine's hardware SHOEMM10.ZIP Displays status/allocation of expanded memory SHOW314.ZIP Shows info about machine's hardware & software SHOWS174.ZIP BIOS upgrade aide; displays system chip types SI_173.ZIP System info pgm, like PCTools info window SNOOP330.ZIP Snooper: Comprehensive system information util SPACE3.ZIP Shows TOTAL Sys space avail (HD/Ramdsk/etc..) SPEED.ZIP IBM Compatible speed analyzer STAT_COM.ZIP Display and change COM port status registers STATUS21.ZIP List PC hardware and configuration, w/ASM src SYS_44.ZIP 8088/86/286/386 system configuration analyzer SYSCH233.ZIP SysChk v2.33: System checkout utility SYSID602.ZIP Displays 17 pages of system information SYSMON30.ZIP Reports system problems/conflicts/performance SYSTAT.ZIP Display system stats and more TSRMEM.ZIP TSR which displays memory control blocks VCPIMAP.ZIP Display physical memory map under VCPI EMS VECTMAP.ZIP Display interrupt vectors, identify hooked VIDCHKWS.ZIP Display type of video adapter in PC, EGA RAM VISION.ZIP Displays hardware/software running on system WCPU050.ZIP CPU-identifier (386/486/DX/SX/Pentium) & NPU WHAT.ZIP Display of equipment on your PC WHATUHAV.ZIP Graphic display of your system WHETST.ANS Notes on WhetStone benchmark WHETST.FOR WhetStone benchmark [FORTRAN] 387SXBUG.ZIP Check for bad 386sx motherboard 486SLO.ZIP Slows down progs which run too fast. 486 only ABORT.ZIP Memory resident program to abort runaways ADAPT12B.ZIP Administration system with multi-users-project ALARM400.ZIP Alarm - tunes, messages, more ALRMDN10.ZIP Alarm v1.0: TSR popup clock and alarm reminder AMISE260.ZIP External setup for AMI High Flex BIOS ANSI_SYS.ZIP Tutorial on use of ANSI codes ANSISET.ZIP Set colors & do key reassignments via ANSI.SYS ANTIBOOT.ZIP Disable CTRL+ALT+DEL key sequence on a PC ARGUS151.ZIP Logs DOS system activities into a text file AUTOSAVE.ZIP Timed file save in any application B6PACK.ZIP DOS utils FATTR SIZE SPACE TOUCH WC WHEN WORDS BART.ZIP Change DOS prompt to a drawing of Bart Simpson BATPOWER.ZIP Yet another selection of 'standard' utilities BCU100.ZIP Bob's Combined utilities, like Norton's BESTUTIL.ZIP Assortment of the miscellaneous utilities BF_171A.ZIP Back & Forth: Switch between tasks, 1 of 2 BF_171B.ZIP Back & Forth: Switch between tasks, 2 of 2 BIOS_ASM.ZIP Public domain generic PC BIOS (MASM source) BIOSVER.BAS Report your PC's BIOS version BLRUT33.ZIP Backup, list, and reformat utilities BOOST.ZIP Program to turn on/off Turbo mode BOOTSLOW.ZIP Slow down old self-booting programs BREAK.ZIP Inhibit CTRL-C in DOS but not in program BTRSTD15.ZIP Counts the hours your PC is working, nonresid. BUG386.ZIP Check 80386 CPU for early version bugs BURNIN43.ZIP PC system exerciser and diagnostic tool, v4.3 BUSY1.ZIP 'Busy' symbol demo in C and assembler CALCQF.ZIP Calculate and set CPU refresh rate CAN.ZIP Autoappend argument to .COM files (w/source) CBOOT40.ZIP CBOOT Deluxe v4.0 beta: TSR re-booter/program CFGARC14.ZIP Store, retrieve and edit last 5 config files CHECK87.ASM Check for 8087 processor CHIPS.ZIP Identifies CPU and coprocessor chips CLUTL199.ZIP Five handy command line utilities, v1.99 COMP.ZIP Load and unload device drivers after bootup CONVRT12.ZIP Hex/Dec/Oct/Bin/ASCII converter CPCUG.ZIP A powerful collection of utilities CPU24_11.ZIP Extensive burn-in test of major PC components CPUTEST.ZIP Determine processing speed of your CPU CRITERR.ZIP Pop-Up DOS Critical Error handler CRITT130.ZIP TSR: Safely escape Abort/Retry/Ignore error CSH4.ZIP Unix csh -like shell v4.0, w/C source CSHEL131.ZIP C-Shell for MS-DOS, some features of UNIX CSVS.ZIP 'Computer Shopper' clone validation tester CTLENABL.ZIP Enable ^U and ^W in DOS 2.x and 3.x CTRLALT.ZIP Programmer's TSR sidekick w/asm source CUFND1.ZIP Colorado Utilities fast file & text find v1.0 CUSET1.ZIP Colorado Utils set file attributes/date/time CV100.ZIP CoreView v1.0: Search/scan/display PC's memory CYRIX100.ZIP Cyrix 486DLC/486DR/486SLC CPU config. utility DABUTIL2.ZIP Disk and file utilities featuring EVENTMAN DANIX201.ZIP Collection of 25 Unix-like utils for MS-DOS DANTOOLS.ZIP Daniel Norton's Unix-like utility collection DD_HELP.ZIP Multi-level command line help (w/compiler) DDOSAID.ZIP Double DOS utility programs & helps DEVIC104.ZIP Load and unload device drivers after bootup DEVLOD.ZIP Dynamic load of device drivers after boot-up DIAGERR.ZIP Memory res MSDOS error codes w/ASCII source DIAGS.ZIP PC diagnostics and instructions DICE402.ZIP DOS command editor displays commands, has help DIRCMDR1.ZIP Menu config. util. for DOS5 DIRCMD variable DISKWIZ.ZIP Disk file and printer management program DMC35.ZIP Allows loading/unloading of dev. drivers/TSR's DO.ZIP String commands together on the command line DOSAMATC.ZIP DOSamatic: Multitasking utility DOSIX30A.ZIP UNIX-like utils: DF, DU, HEAD, RM, TOUCH, WC DOSMAX21.ZIP Load MS-DOS (3.1 through 6) into UMBs DOSNX22A.ZIP DOSNIX v2.2a: Unix-style utilities for MS-DOS DOSPAN1B.ZIP Window to text apps and run parallel actions DOSPANEL.ZIP Window to text apps and run parallel actions DOSXT142.ZIP Dos Extender: Alias, History, colors, and more DRAMFAST.ZIP Decrease DRAM refresh rate - better CPU speed DRVINS11.ZIP Load and unload device drivers after bootup DSKUTL11.ZIP Unix-like utils chmod/cp/du/find/mv/page/ls/rm EDCNFG10.ZIP EDITCNFG: Use to edit CONFIG/AUTOEXEC files EISAC141.ZIP Generates EISA .CFG files for ISA based cards EPUPTM17.ZIP Tells system uptime without TSR or data file ERR_RET.ZIP Display error code returned by program on exit EU1_00.ZIP Eldar Utilities: Set of system/file/disk utils EXEC.DOC Doc for EXEC 1/2/3.ASM EXEC.ZIP Assembly how-to relocate .EXE files EXEC1.ASM Callable DOS EXEC routines EXEC2.ASM Callable DOS EXEC routines EXEC3.ASM Callable DOS EXEC routines EXECSW13.ZIP Swaps calling program into expanded memory EXECTEST.ASM Test EXEC 1/2/3.ASM EXELINK2.ZIP Symbolic links for EXE/COM to keep path small FASTL150.ZIP Loads pgms into EMS/XMS for later fast execute FATAL14.ZIP Trap DOS critical errors & handle them better FCII_2_1.ZIP File Commando v2.1, a PC Tools clone, 1 of 3 FCII_2_2.ZIP File Commando v2.1, a PC Tools clone, 2 of 3 FCII_2_3.ZIP File Commando v2.1, a PC Tools clone, 3 of 3 FDK.ZIP Automatically create DOS filters FFLIP218.ZIP FastFlip 2.18: Fast multiple program swapper FILEC106.ZIP Filename completion at the DOS prompt FILEC15.ZIP TSR to add filename completion for COMMAND.COM FILES102.ZIP Increase DOS max. open files from command line FIXBEEP.ZIP Change the obnoxious IBM beep FRNTND41.ZIP Point and Shoot front end for any program FSERVER.ZIP Point and Shoot front end for any program GETERROR.ZIP TSR tells ending errorlevel of last program GETNAME.ZIP Find program name in memory GO220.ZIP GO!: Install-archive-from-a-diskette program GO51.ZIP Nick Shaw's 7-in-1 utility for IBM-compatibles GRBAG220.ZIP GRABBAG v2.20: 33 DOS utilities in one program GU11.ZIP The Grund Utilities, version 1.1 HBREAK52.ZIP Exit to DOS from some crashed computer progs HLPMST11.ZIP TSR pop-up help for any application HOT_36.ZIP Replace Ctrl-Alt-Del (w/ASM src) HOTDOS.ZIP Allows instant access to DOS HOURS15.ZIP Counts hours your PC is working, nonresident HSHELL10.ZIP Supports Hercules graphics with TST0831.ZIP IDCLOG20.ZIP Memory resident time logging facility IDCUTILS.ZIP Gary Conway's assorted utilities, 07/16/90 IDRV01.ZIP Install/uninstall device drivers after bootup IDT.ZIP Internal DOS table viewer, w/C source INCX110D.ZIP InContext v1.10: Work environment manager, 1/2 INCX110P.ZIP InContext v1.10: Work environment manager, 2/2 INT_UTIL.ZIP How to work with INT vectors INT24.ZIP New Int 24H ('Critical Error') handler INTDSP21.ZIP Interactively call DOS/BIOS interrupts INTERC2.ZIP Traces software interrupts IPCA12A.ZIP Uses last BIOS bytes as a mini-SET utility IRQR.ZIP Report status of IRQ channels,w/TP4 & MS C src IS_CON10.ZIP Report if handle is associated with console JBALARM.ZIP Alarm/reminder w/multiple sounds. Works w/WIN3 JOBS32.ZIP JOBS v3.20 - DOS shell/Disk manager, 1 of 3 JOBS32A1.ZIP JOBS v3.20 - DOS shell/Disk manager, 2 of 3 JOBS32A2.ZIP JOBS v3.20 - DOS shell/Disk manager, 3 of 3 JOYREAD.ZIP Reads & displays Joy Stick buttons/pots status KGB104.ZIP Monitors some DOS funcs, creates history w/src KZAP22C.ZIP Kill-O-Zap 2.2c disk/RAM/file hex editor (TSR) LAST200.ZIP A programmer's Pop-up utility LAUNCH13.ZIP Run a program in the background LOG3.ZIP Another system utilization tracker MASTRDOS.ZIP DOS shell with comm terminal & more MDOSP401.ZIP MultiDos Plus: Real-time multitasking for DOS MIPS.ZIP CPU speed comparison utility with graphics MIRFIX.ZIP Bug fix for DOS 5's MIRROR command MOREHAND.ZIP Allows programs to open more than 20 files MS_SH22B.ZIP Korn Shell (MSDOS, OS/2) Release 2.2 Binaries MS_SH22S.ZIP Korn Shell (MSDOS, OS/2) Release 2.2 Sources MSH21B.ZIP Mi-shell, a programmer's shell, Ver 2.1b MSUTIL13.ZIP Assorted system & batch utils including SWITCH MSUTIL14.ZIP Useful system & batch utils from MicroSource MULTASK.ZIP Two program multitasker NEWBEEP.ZIP Change sound of PC's beep NEWBELL.ASM Replace DOS bell with shorter one NOSHARE.ZIP Small replacement for 'SHARE' for DOS4.0 users NP100.ZIP Indicates when you are shelled to DOS - remind NP3.ZIP Shows when you have shelled to DOS from a pgm OBSKIT15.ZIP Obs Toolkit: Collection of 9 powerful utils OMSWITCH.ZIP Change DOS switch character, with 'C' source PARAPASS.ZIP Pass parameters to programs PARINT.ASM Trap memory parity errors PC2TIME.ZIP PD clone of DoubleDOS multitasker PC_DCL.ZIP Vax/VMS DCL-like command interpreter for DOS PCC.DOC PC-Choices installation (for PCC.ZIP) PCC.ZIP PC-Choices object-oriented 386 operating syst. PECHO11.ZIP ECHO replacement with printf syntax PEEPOK12.ZIP Peek/poke utility with binary and hex display PF_1D.ZIP Advanced Disk Management System (Menu Driven) PGRAP207.ZIP Unix-like tools (grep,tab,untab,print,tolower) PH_UTILS.ZIP Phil Herron's collection of utilities PICNIX31.ZIP Unix-like commands for PC's (1 of 3) PICNIX32.ZIP Unix-like commands for PC's (2 of 3) PICNIX33.ZIP Unix-like commands for PC's (3 of 3) PMK32.ZIP Professional Master Key utilities - v3.2 POCK41.ZIP PocketD+ v4.1: Award-winning DOS army knife POPDOWN.ZIP Pop down to DOS from any running program POPEDIT.ZIP Create/edit/save mem-resident pop-up screens PORTTOOL.ZIP 16 Unix-like tools ported to MS-DOS POWKT173.ZIP Keyboard speedup, screen blank, unhang, more PRMPT5.BAT Top-screen status w/DOS prompt PRODO10.ZIP Stack program commands on DOS command line PROF.ZIP EXE & COM pgm profiler, uses pgm's map file PRTSCR.ZIP Enable/disable Shift-Printscreen PSCHEL35.ZIP PC-Shell: UNIX System V-like csh for MS-DOS PUFF307.ZIP TSR pop-up directory and text file browser PV12.ZIP Pro-View v1.2: Disk and memory browser/editor QDRAM.ZIP Checks and sets best refresh rate QINFO30.ZIP Displays free mem & disk space for all drives RDSTDERR.ZIP Redirect STDERR to a file, with src REDIR.ZIP Combines STDERR with STDOUT for redirection REDVIEW3.ZIP View redirected output on screen, w/ASM source RELE106.ZIP Unloads residents and recover system crash RJMFILEC.ZIP TSR provides filename completion w/hotkey RSTLKIT1.ZIP 28 Unix-like tools for MS-DOS, 1 of 2 RSTLKIT2.ZIP 28 Unix-like tools for MS-DOS, 2 of 2 RTIME.ZIP Time a program's exececution w/c SRC S_TOOL.ZIP Magnuson's wildcard expansion utility SAFARI2.ZIP Explains reason for 'Abort, Retry, etc SCOPE140.ZIP Use PC as comm protocol analyzer/line scope SCOUT55.ZIP Super TSR disk manager, v5.4 - fmt/mv/cpy/etc SCT_EM55.ZIP Memory resident file/disk manager, runs in EMS SENDCOD2.ZIP Send hex values from cmd line to STDOUT SETBEEPL.ZIP Now you can specify the length of PC's beep! SH1_111.ZIP Unix-like DOS shell with novel features SHAREFIX.ZIP Utility to fix problems with MS-DOS SHARE SHELL452.ZIP Convert DOS 4 DOSSHELL menus to DOS 5 SHOWDEVS.ZIP Show all active device drivers, w/'C' source SHROM24B.ZIP ShellRoom v2.4b: Swap program from MEM to disk SIL2.ZIP Silence PC speaker SILENCE.ZIP Turns PC speaker on and off SIREN.ZIP Make siren sounds on PC speaker SLASH2.ZIP Chg switch-char from /. DOS 5 & earlier. w/doc SOSTB.ZIP Solid Oak Software's DOS Tool Box. 76 utils SPKRSYS.ZIP Device driver for speaker SPRST161.ZIP Like MS-DOS's 'set' command, with additions SRS236.ZIP Still River Shell version 2.36 STACK.ZIP Stack DOS commands from the DOS command line STACK26.ZIP Command line recall/edit, with pop-up window STEPDOS.ZIP Step through executing program tracking INT21H STOP20.ZIP Time the execution of other programs STPFCB12.ZIP Replacement for DOS' file locking SHARE.EXE STPPRG20.ZIP Back to primary DOS shell hotkey, w/ASM source SUMACS.ZIP Make your own Sidekick-like programs SUPERV11.ZIP Logs all run programs and deleted files SWAP12.ZIP Swap from one application to another SWAPDS.ZIP SWAPDOS: Swap two programs in memory SWELL100.ZIP Allows full use of RAM when shelling to DOS SWITCHAR.ASM DOS call to find '/' SWITCHAR.DOC Doc for SWITCHAR.ASM SWITCHAR.PAS DOS call to find '/' SWITCHAR.ZIP Using '/' in pathnames SYSPROF3.ZIP BIOS-call profiler (nr of calls & time spent) TEE11.ZIP Redirect output to std out & screen v1.1 8/88 TEE9201.ZIP Tee filter for MS-DOS (w/ASM src) TIMEIT.ZIP Check time it takes to run a program TIMER1.ZIP Program execution elapsed timer TJUTIL14.ZIP Mouse- & ColorPower for BAT. X11 in text mode TOAD8253.ZIP Tweak RAM refresh rate [ASM] TOADEXEC.ZIP EXEC programs [ASM] TONE100.ZIP Makes tone to aid computer audio troubleshoot TOP121.ZIP Top v1.10: DOS command enhancement utility TRYST.ZIP A good tutorial on computer boot up TS5DOS11.ZIP Timo Salmi's programs for MS-DOS 5 (or 4.0+) TSRSL104.ZIP TSR task-switcher for DOS. Swaps to disk/EMS TSS22.ZIP Total system statistics, ver 2.2 TST0831.ZIP Provide hotkey shell to DOS for progs w/o it TSTSR19.ZIP TSR pgms noboot/reslock/timedown/timeup, etc. TSUTIL39.ZIP Timo's utils sysinfo, dirw, dtetimal, timelog TSUTLB20.ZIP Timo's utils touch, chars, dire, setgra TSUTLC20.ZIP Timo's utils dirf,dirinfo,doubles,hidden,split TSUTLD21.ZIP Timo's utils bigcurs, keyrate, caps, switchar TSUTLE22.ZIP Timo's utils lock kbd, mailsplit, tdel, cmos TSUTLF14.ZIP Timo Salmi's 6th utility set (strings,strmemo) U.ASM Remove the TSR program, DOSEDIT, from memory U.DOC Two line description of U.ASM UNDOC2EH.ZIP Demo of undocumented interrupt service 2Eh UNSTAL01.ZIP Rosenthal UnInstall: Removes unwanted software UPTIME.ZIP Time in days/hours/mins/secs since system boot UTILS1.ZIP Misc. utilities by E. Miller UXUTL22A.ZIP Unix Utilities for MSDOS for (P1) UXUTL22B.ZIP Unix Utilities for MSDOS for (P2) UXUTL22C.ZIP Unix Utilities for MSDOS for (P3) UXUTL22D.ZIP Unix Utilities for MSDOS for (P4) UZNIX100.ZIP UZfulnix 1.00: Unix-like utilities for MS-DOS V20TIMER.ZIP Checks speed of NEC V 20 chip VEAL0989.ZIP Craig Veal utility programs VINTRO.ZIP Intro & tutorial to NEC V20/30 - C/G Req'd VMIX285.ZIP Multitasking/multiuser environment for 286-586 VSMS111.ZIP Very Simple Multiuser System v1.11 for XT/AT VTYPE.ZIP Enhanced DOS 'type' command with options WATCH102.ZIP Tracks exec time of a pgm/method of DOS return WHOAPC.ZIP WHOA! slows down PC or AT, v1.0 WILDCARD.ZIP Add wild cards to progs that don't have them WIZARD.ZIP Program Wizard - hard disk menu and file mgr. XANADU20.ZIP Xanadu utils v2.0 HOTDIR/PCSTAT/QUICKCRT/SFIND XLIST232.ZIP Hard disk manager for DOS, ZIP, and ARC files XPACK.ZIP Balena's collection of programmer utilities Z10.ZIP General purpose utilities from Scott Pazur ZAP33.ZIP Multi-purpose file handler/disk utility 00_READ.ME Information about files in this directory BIBDB14D.ZIP BibTeX compatible reference manager, ver. 1.4d BIBTEX99.ZIP BibTeX - a LaTeX bibliography processor CDVI12.ZIP DVI viewers for Herc, CGA, EGA, VGA, etc. CMPAR392.ZIP METAFONT params for TeX Computer Modern fonts CMSRC392.ZIP METAFONT source for TeX Computer Modern fonts DETEX10.ZIP Strips commands from TeX files, plain text out DEVNAG.ZIP Metafont Devanagari font, and printing support DTEX25A.ZIP Trinkle's detex 2.5 removes TeX cmds from file DVI24PIN.ZIP TeX DVI to 24pin dot matrix printer translator DVI2DVI.ZIP Print 2/4 DVI pages/sheet, faster than DVIDVI DVIEPS.ZIP TeX DVI to Epson dot matrix printer translator DVIEW31.ZIP TeX DVI previewer for CGA/EGA/T3100/AT6300/VGA DVIMSW26.ZIP TeX file previewer for Microsoft Windows 3.1 DVIVGA.INF TeX DVI previewer for VGA/EGA/MCGA, info DVIVGA1.ZIP TeX DVI previewer for VGA/EGA/MCGA, EXE & docs DVIVGA2.ZIP TeX DVI previewer fonts DVIVGA3.ZIP TeX DVI previewer fonts DVIVGA4.ZIP TeX DVI previewer fonts DVIVGA5.ZIP TeX DVI previewer fonts DVIVGA6.ZIP TeX DVI previewer fonts DVIVGA7.ZIP TeX DVI previewer fonts DVIVGA8.ZIP TeX DVI previewer fonts DVIVGA9.ZIP TeX DVI previewer source code (MSC) DVIWN281.ZIP TeX DVI previewer and printer for Windows 3.1 DVIXX050.ZIP DVI converter for HP LaserJets and IBM 3812 FR_MAY92.ZIP What fonts does TeX preview really use? /w SRC HP2TEX.ZIP Convert HPLJ Fonts for use with TeX HP2TEX06.ZIP Converts HPGL-plots to emTeX format ITRANS32.ZIP Indian langs: Devanagari/Tamil/Telugu/Bengali ITRANSPS.ZIP PostScript printer ready manuals for ITRANS32 ITRNS211.ZIP Indian Language Printing (Devanagari/Tamil) ITRNSPS.ZIP PostScript printer ready manuals for ITRNS211 JEMTEX2.ZIP Japanese TeX Fonts and Macros - Version 2.00 JRHELP11.ZIP Setup: EmTeX, MF, DVIPS, NFSS2 for PS & HPLJ JSPEL205.ZIP ASCII file spelling checker with TeX-ability LTXCONST.ZIP US Constitution as a LaTeX file LTXINDEP.ZIP Declaration of Independence as a LaTeX file MUTEX.ZIP MuTeX - Music macros for TeX PCWRITEX.ZIP PC-Write driver converts PC-Write to TeX PCWTEX.ZIP Translates PC Write files to TeX files POPIN09B.ZIP Resident input enhancer for TeX on EGA/VGA RAIL.ZIP Rail diagrams for LaTeX ported to Turbo C RUMDJET.ZIP TeX DVI driver for the HP DeskJet printer SAUTER.ZIP CM & LaTeX font resizing package for METAFONT SB39TEX.ZIP TeX 3.1415 typesetting & files for plain.tex SBMF13A.ZIP METAFONT and v2.71: TeX font creation SCRTEX11.ZIP Sally (LaTeX) TeX-format screen dumper v1.10 SF2PK200.ZIP HP SoftFont fonts to PK files (use with TeX) TEXAS10A.ZIP 32-bit 386 protected mode big TeX 3.14 TGRIND.ZIP Formats C or other pgms for printing with TeX UNRETEX.ZIP Prepare TeX files for spelling chk processing WD2LATEX.ZIP Convert MSWord to LaTeX (crude but useful) WEB.ZIP Knuth's WEAVE & TANGLE: WEB->Pascal or TEX WEBTP55.ZIP WEB system of structured doc for TP5.5, w/src WP2LATEX.ZIP Converts text from WordPerfect 5.0 to LaTeX WP2X110.ZIP WordPerfect4.2 to [La]TeX/troff/etc converter 100LETRS.ZIP 100 business form letters for office and home 4TUNE.ZIP Get a fortune cookie or add one to the prompt ADD304.ZIP Add up a column of numbers in a text file ADDCR10.ZIP Converts UNIX to DOS newlines in text files ADULATE.ZIP Let your PC adore you with one-liners ALTRN234.ZIP Mass global and alternate text replace util. AMSPEL20.ZIP Check/correct spelling ASCII & TeX text files ANIMDT11.ZIP Put text & numeric variables into a text file ASC2EBC.ZIP Converts ASCII to EBCDIC, w/ASM source ASC2WORD.ZIP Converts ASCII to MS Word docs, w/C source ASCII2WS.ZIP Converts ASCII text to WordStar doc. mode ASCUTILS.ZIP Collection of utilities used with ASCII files ASPLL095.ZIP On-line spell check for text editor like PE2 ATARICNV.ZIP Convert Atari internal character set to ASCII ATCOMP16.ZIP @COMPARE v1.6: Smart text file comparison AUTRD101.ZIP LIST-like util with indexing/chapters in files AV_SCR41.ZIP Creates 2 column TV scripts from ASCII text BAKZAP.ZIP Backspace zapper for capture files BFIND406.ZIP Boolean FIND command (BFIND BEGIN & END) BFMT139.ZIP Format text various ways (esp. for vi users) BFORT10.ZIP Berkeley fortune cookies w/perl scripts for PC BIGSRT22.ZIP In-memory sort program for large files BIGTXT20.ZIP Translates your text to BIG text, up to 72x144 BIZPLN12.ZIP Makes it easy to write complete business plan BLURB_20.ZIP Fortune prog. Fast & clean even with big files BOXIT_10.ZIP Quickly add boxes & lines to your text files BREAKUP.C Break up large text files into several smaller BREAKUP.DOC Documentation for BREAKUP.C BROWSE2.ZIP Full screen file pager, VGA and SVGA support BSS138.ZIP Versatile & fast string search utility CASER.ZIP Text case changing pgms with TC++ v1.0 source CAWF404.ZIP Unix nroff-like text formatter for DOS w/C src CC21D.ZIP Filter files with carriage control characters CC500.ZIP Copy CON replacement, create/edit BAT files CHANG402.ZIP Change strings in text files CHANGE17.ZIP Change text in one or more files CHKTXT.ZIP Text file control character filter, CRLF fixer CLEANS11.ZIP Clean any text file to make it pure ASCII CMSNT100.ZIP MS-DOS 5 QBASIC program to view CMS NOTEBOOKs COLORIT2.ZIP Add color to DOS text files, needs ANSI.SYS CONCAT10.ZIP Copy multiple text files to file/ptr/console CONVDW12.ZIP Converts IBM Displaywrite 3, 4, or 5 to ASCII COOKIE.ZIP Fortune cookie quotes (tight, small, ASM src) CPYCN310.ZIP Small editor for creating/editing batch files CREAD211.ZIP Fast text file browser with ISO-8859-1 support CRLF.ZIP Convert files between Unix and MS-DOS CRLF15B.ZIP Unix<->Dos text convert (add/remove cr or lf) CSPELLA.ZIP Spelling checker (see CSPELSRC for source) CSPELSRC.ZIP C language source for CSPELLA.ZIP CTOC30.ZIP VP/XyWrite/Penta/MagnaType txt code conversion CTRANS15.ZIP Converts Ascii<->Ebcdic<->Iso<->user defined CURSIVE.ZIP Horizontal cursive banners (w/C) CUT_PAST.ZIP Screen cut/paste utility CUT101.ZIP Cut out spec. fields from each line of file CVRFT102.ZIP Convert IBM DCA/RFT(RevisableFormText)to ASCII DAED.ZIP Fast text editor DDJGREP.ZIP Find strings in files, with source DFUTIL1.ZIP Dr. Funkey's text handling utilities, 1 of 2 DFUTIL2.ZIP Dr. Funkey's text handling utilities, 2 of 2 DGARBAGE.ZIP Removes line noise from captured text files DIFF.ZIP Difference between 2 text files (like Unix) DIFF23.ZIP File compare and changebar inserter V2.3 DIFFRNC2.ZIP Displays differences between 2 files DIGEX104.ZIP Undigest (extract) digests in mail file format DL102.ZIP Displays two files simultaneously on screen DO30.ZIP Text search program 3.0 - powerful DOCMEN02.ZIP Menu-driven utility displays your doc files DOCPREP.ZIP Document preparation for non-major languages DOFILTER.ZIP Comprehensive ASCII text filter DOS2UNIX.ZIP MSDOS<->Unix newline conversion pgm, w/C src DOSCVT24.ZIP Convert text file formats between DOS and UNIX DOWNER.ZIP Lower case text files w/special cases DRC20.ZIP David's Readme Compiler: Make pgm doc into EXE DRLISTJ.ZIP V.Buerg's special version of LIST for CTTY use DTS20DOC.ZIP dtSearch 2.0 documentation & Alphabet utility DTSD20.ZIP dtSearch 2.0: Full-text retrieval for wrd proc DUBLTK16.ZIP Compare two ASCII files side-by-side EBC2ASC.ZIP EBCDIC to ASCII text conversion program EBCDIC.ZIP Convert IBM EBCDIC encoding to ASCII EDCT9401.ZIP EDICT: Japanese<->English dict (lookup w/JDIC) EGREP.ZIP Fast search for text in specified files EHDEMO.ZIP Shareware replacement for NG help engine. DEMO EJDX9401.ZIP EDICT.JDX ready-to-use index for edct9401 ENSOFT11.ZIP Change text to WordStar DOC format EZSPELL.ZIP Spelling checker F_11.ZIP ASCII file filter, to/from WS, CR->CRLF, copy FB211N.ZIP Browse ASCII/Wordstar, find/mark/print text FC20.ZIP Compares two text files line by line, v2.0 FGREP180.ZIP Chris Dunford's fast text search w/wildcards FIG.ZIP FOG Index Generator (in BASIC) FILECMP.ZIP Compare 2 files FILECOMP.ZIP Compare two text files FILTERS.ZIP Collection of ASCII text filters FILTR21.ZIP Text file searcher, simultan. multi-term check FILTX2A.ZIP File filter utility. Clean ASCII files FINDLINE.ZIP Scan file for text string; returns errorlevel FINDS101.ZIP Find strings in any file FIXCH401.ZIP Replace non-printable ASCII codes FIXCR.ZIP File editor, patcher, and filter FIXFORM.ZIP CDF -> Fixed length ascii converter FIXTX401.ZIP Translate text file characters en masse FLIP1EXE.ZIP Convert text files MSDOS<->UNIX format, 1of2 FLIP1SRC.ZIP Convert text files MSDOS<->UNIX format, 2of2 FOLD10.ZIP Insert CR/LF after specified text line length FORTUNE.ZIP Fortune cookie program, add your own GDIFF22A.ZIP GNU Text file differences finder, v2.2, w/src GESTALT.ZIP New string similarity function. ASM,C,TurboPas GETLINES.ZIP Shows lines of a text file given line numbers GETPSTXT.ZIP Convert PostScript to text GGREP.ZIP Find regexp patterns in files GREPFV10.ZIP Text/binary/archive regular expression search HARDSOFT.ZIP Convert WordStar document to/from nondocument HDIFF122.ZIP File 'diff' utility HEAD.ZIP Display beginning of text files HISTRIP.ZIP High order bit stripper for text files HUNTER52.ZIP Search entire disk for a word or phrase HYPHEN.ZIP HyphenAid v1.0S, TSR hyphenation dictionary INDXX802.ZIP Make back-of-book index from page proofs. DEMO INSTADEX.ZIP Compress/index/search text files. Fast & small JB_WC.ZIP Counts words, lines, characters in documents JDIC23.ZIP Japanese<->English dictionary (needs edct9401) JIS16.ZIP JIS Kanji 16x16 font files (used by JDIC) JOBHUNT5.ZIP Write letters/address envelopes to employers JORJ41_A.ZIP Phonetic spell checker/dictionary, 1 of 2 JORJ41_B.ZIP Phonetic spell checker/dictionary, 2 of 2 JQ14.ZIP 4000 jokes and quotes in 25 categories KANJI20.ZIP Display Japanese Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana KINFO23.ZIP Japanese Kanji Info file (used by JDIC) KJDC9308.ZIP KANJIDIC: Japanese Kanji dictionary KTYPE.ZIP Viewer for Japanese text files (CGA/EGA req.) KWS111.ZIP Keyword Search: And/or finds in text files LCOMP110.ZIP Compares contents of two ASCII list files LESS177E.ZIP Better than MORE; file view/page/search; w/src LFCR.ZIP Fixes text files by putting cr/lf LFCRLF11.ZIP Safe & Fast UNIX<->DOS text file translation LFEED.ZIP Add or delete line feeds from text LIST77A.ZIP V. Buerg's classic ascii/binary file viewer LIST90H.ZIP V. Buerg's classic ASCII/binary file viewer LISTCNFG.ZIP Configuration suggestions for Buerg's LIST pgm LISTEDIT.ZIP How: Make Buerg's LIST.COM invoke text editor LOGOS12.ZIP LOGOS - crossword and anagram searches LOOK4_28.ZIP Search text for 'AND' or 'OR' relationships LOOKFR50.ZIP Text file quick search with AND/OR logic LST60ASM.ZIP ASM for early V Buerg LIST file viewer MAN.ZIP Unix-like 'man' utl for online doc display MANPREP.ZIP Prepares doc files for MAN Unix-like 'man' pgm MANPRINT.ZIP Simple Unix man page reformatter for MS-DOS MARGIN3.ZIP MarginText 3.0 - Reformats ASCII text files MARGTEXT.ZIP Reformat based on longest line in text file MAXFND23.ZIP Search files for multiple strings,many options MERGE17.ZIP MAIL-MERGE pgm 1.7, October 1987 release MFRM240.ZIP Convert mainframe numeric data to PC-readable MISCNIX.ZIP Split, head, and tail for MSDOS MKNEWS10.ZIP Turn files into news (sequentially numbered) MORE13.ZIP Scroll forward/backward thru text file, w/src MOREF241.ZIP More-like text file viewer with many options MSIGUIDE.ZIP Shareware Norton Guide clone from MSI MSPANTOC.ZIP MSPANTOC v1.0 document processing utility MULCO403.ZIP Multicolumn text with headers, dBase supported NGCLON11.ZIP Norton Guides clone, w/Turbo Pascal 5.0 src NGDUMP.ZIP Decompiler for Norton Guides database files NGHELP.ZIP Norton Guide clone with TP 7.0 source code NGREP.ZIP Improved GREP, takes wildcards NGRJ160.ZIP Text justifier, ideal for .NG compiling NGS_10.ZIP Norton Guides Sourcer v1.0, decompiles NG file NLWORD10.ZIP Dutch wordlist for spell-checkers e.g. AmSpell NOBIT71.ZIP Strips high-order bit of text files NOCZ12.ZIP Strip Ctrl Z's from files, 3 versions, ASM src NOTE.ZIP Resident file/dir/prtsc utility NROFF1.ZIP Unix V7 nroff clone with source for MS C 5.1 OFF_09.ZIP OFF: A simple text formatter OVRSGR.ZIP Overstrike/backspace etc. to ANSI PAGE.COM Displays ascii files one page at a time PBJST104.ZIP ASCII text justifying filter by Peter Breuer PC_MAN19.ZIP Online document manager (like Unix man) PC_PRO18.ZIP PC-Proof: Grammar checker for word proc. files PC_READ.ZIP Rates complexity of writing to grade level PCB101_1.ZIP TSR Pop-up file scan & hypertext tool, 1of2 PCB101_2.ZIP TSR Pop-up file scan & hypertext tool, 2of2 PCI30.ZIP PC-INDEX: Creates indexes from text files PCO334.ZIP PC-Outline v3.34: Outlining & planning program PCOWP20.ZIP Converts PC-Outline files to WordPerfect 5.0 PCPATCH.ZIP Patch old source to current version PCWRD110.ZIP Viewer for PC-Write files PDSRT212.ZIP PD disk-based external sort program, w/C src PGREP.ZIP fgrep/egrep variation; many options PHRASE24.ZIP Phrase Watcher 2.4, avoid bad, awkward phrases PIL50KIT.ZIP Publishing Interchange Language v5.0 source PSCRIBE.ZIP Professional Scribe, improves your writing PTF12.ZIP Portable Text Formatter with contents & index QL569.ZIP Fortune cookie program (Quantum Leap sayings) QP201.ZIP ASCII text file file viewer and print utility QSORT320.ZIP Ben Baker's Qsort v3.20: Fast sort utility QT202.ZIP Fortune cookie program with 5000+ quotes QUOTE25B.ZIP Random quote generator, 1000+ quotes, w/C src RAP11.ZIP Reformat text files to specified widths. DEMO RCNTX325.ZIP RACONTEX v3.25: Indexing Text Search System READ406.ZIP Free viewer, also make any text self-viewing READYREF.ZIP Pop-up configurable reference utility RECALL25.ZIP Recall 2.5: WordPerfect and ASCII text viewer REFS51.ZIP Finds references in name, date form in manusc. REMBS1.ZIP Removes backspaces in text files REPSTR40.ZIP Remove or modify strings in text files RESIZE.ZIP Resize text file to retain data before Ctrl-Z RLIST10.ZIP Ron's LIST Program - CUA-like text file viewer RMAIL41.ZIP PC ReadMail v4.1: News, email and msgs reader RMHEAD14.ZIP Removes/changes headers of e-mail, news files RPSORT.ZIP Fast sort very large files. Multiple sort keys RRTS00.ZIP Remove redundant trailing spaces in text files RSS30.ZIP Ron's smart existential dictionary search pgm RTEXTU10.ZIP Ricki's misc. text file utilities (filters) RTRIM51.ZIP Remove unwanted spaces/ctl chars from txt file RUM10.ZIP Rapid Unix/MS-DOS text file translator, v1.0 SCRIPTO.ZIP Builds cursive writing from text, w/TPas src SED15.ZIP Unix-compatible streaming editor v1.5 TC src SED15X.ZIP Unix-compatible streaming editor v1.5 EXE/docs SEE11.ZIP Alternative to DOS 'TYPE' command SEE212.ZIP View/print/publish/organize files SERCHV11.ZIP Search text files for 1 or 2 words with and/or SHRLCK20.ZIP Sherlock 2-window interactive textfile compare SIMP465.ZIP Fortune cookie program (Things Simpsons say) SLEEK11.ZIP Sleek v1.1: Text file reformatter w/word-wrap SORT.ZIP Pembertons' numeric sort utility SORTDEMO.ZIP Graphic display of different sorting methods SORTF237.ZIP Vernon Buerg's fast text sort utility SORTX100.ZIP Fast sort of big files, better than DOS' sort SPEL204.ZIP Spell checker SPELLR20.ZIP Spell checker outputs list of misspelled words SPLIT.ZIP File cutter/reassembler - for ANY file SPLITC.ZIP Split file into multiple files SPLTJD13.ZIP Splits large text files into multiple files SS23.ZIP Text file screen-oriented spell checker, v2.3 SS303.ZIP ASCII or HEX string searcher with many options SSPELL14.ZIP TurboC++ or Unix C source for Unix Spell clone SSTRIM11.ZIP Removes trailing spaces from text files STPRT203.ZIP Unformatted ASCII file formatter/printer STRIP21.ZIP Strips high-order bits from WordStar files STRPIT11.ZIP Strip characters from left/right side of text STVIEW.ZIP ST-VIEW, text file viewer with mouse support STYPE27.ZIP Display files contents with many options SWPUTILS.ZIP Does vertical/horizontal text file extractions TAB.ZIP Indent a file one tab or specified # of spaces TABS21.ZIP V.Buerg's replace spaces w/Tabs, & vice-versa TABX10.ZIP Filter that expands TABs to SPACEs, w/TC src TAIL.ZIP Display lines from tail end of text file TAKE1304.ZIP Take1st: Remove duplicates in a text file TCLESS.ZIP TurboC version of Unix LESS, better than MORE TD120.ZIP Create ANSI text TDS_V10.ZIP Transliterate/delete/complement txt characters TEA100.ZIP TEA word search program for crosswords v1.00 TEABD100.ZIP Dictionary database encoder for TEA v1.00 TEADAC11.ZIP TEA dictionary database - Advanced Cryptics TEADLING.ZIP TEA dictionary database - TEADWEB.ZIP TEA dictionary database - Webster's 2nd Ed TEXTC173.ZIP Reformat ASCII files for import to wordprocess TEXTTEST.ZIP File Selector, Spell Checker, Text Viewer TFB.ZIP Small TSR multi-file browser w/search/mark THESAR39.ZIP Extendable menu driven on-line thesaurus v3.9 THESPL22.ZIP Memory resident thesaurus, deluxe version 2.2 TO5_205.ZIP Convert WordPerfect 5.x to ASCII, many options TOADCR11.ZIP Unix <> DOS text file EOL converter w/ASM src TOADEBC.ZIP Collection of ASCII <> EBCDIC conversion utils TOADSO11.ZIP Convert text to WS / WS to text format files TR112.ZIP DOS version of UNIX TR print command w/source TRAN05.ZIP Windows and DOS prog to cnvrt string <-> ascii TRAVESTY.ZIP Text/music style simulator w/C source TSCHEK14.ZIP Unix-like spelling checker by Timo Salmi TSFCOM24.ZIP Progs for manipulating text files, T.Salmi TSFILT21.ZIP Filters for message/log text files, T.Salmi TSFLTB17.ZIP Build your own text & binary filters, T.Salmi TSFLTC16.ZIP dump,col,concat,cut,detab,rep,rot13,undump TSPELL24.ZIP Screen oriented spelling checker by T.Salmi TSRMAKER.ZIP Utility makes TSR menus TXS32.ZIP Fast text search with existential dictionaries TXTCOM.ZIP Text-to-COM translator TXTOUT13.ZIP Converts WordPerfect 5.0 files to ASCII files TYPBCK13.ZIP Type a log file line by line backwards UKACD11.ZIP ASCII wordlist for advanced cryptic crosswords UNBOX.ZIP Cvt graphic box chars to ASCII substitutes UNDIGEST.C Break down newsletter digests to individ. msgs UNEEK101.ZIP Eliminate duplicate records in text files, w/C UNIQ.ZIP Remove or report adjacent duplicate lines UNSOFT11.ZIP Convert WordStar DOC format to text UTTER10.ZIP Fortune cookie-like quote displayer (w/TP src) VF150.ZIP Screen Oriented File Maintenance Util VIEW645.ZIP Fast text file viewer v6.45, Shareware VIEWIT.ZIP Simple easy-to-use file viewer and searcher WC12.ZIP Gives statistics on writing, readability, etc. WISDOM2.ZIP A fortune cookie program with Turbo C source WLIST11.ZIP Fast word frequency and word length counter WP5LOOK.ZIP File browser for WordPerfect5.0 document files WRAPLIN2.ZIP Wraps long lines of text to make file readable WSASCII.ZIP Convert WordStar document files to ASCII WSCONV.BAS Convert WordStar DOC files to text WSCONV.DOC Doc for WSCONV.BAS WSREFMAN.ZIP Reference manual for WordStar 3.xx WSTRIPRG.ZIP Gautier's WordStar file stripper & dot remover WSX21A.ZIP A great WordStar to ASCII convers XCD20.ZIP Command line search for TXS dictionaries XORT110.ZIP Sort huge text files in XMS memory, fast XSORT.ZIP Expanded,faster sort-handles multiline records CTRL_ALT.ZIP Save memory, swap TSRs to disk (Biologic) DMC20.ZIP Load and unload device drivers and TSR's FIX27.ZIP Reclaims wasted environment space from TSRs I_AND_C.ZIP 'Inspect and Change', debugs TSR programs LDRES.ZIP Makes most any .COM file into a TSR MIN_MEM.ZIP Frees up memory by swapping TSRs to disk ONCALL.ZIP Resident Program Manager - Up to 40 TSR's REMTSR.ZIP Remove TSRs from memory RESETTSR.ZIP Removes TSR's from memory RESPRO12.ZIP Memory resident manager disable/reactivate TSR TESS_5.ZIP TesSeRact TSR package for Turbo Pascal 5.0 TESS_A.ZIP TesSeRact TSR package for Assembler (MASM) TESS_C.ZIP TesSeRact TSR package for TC 1.5 or MSC 5.x TESS_D.ZIP Documentation for TesSeRact TSR package TSRCOM35.ZIP TSR memory managmt utils (MARK/RELEASE/MAPMEM) TSRSRC35.ZIP Source code for TSRCOM v3.5 pkg. (TASM, TP6.0) TSRWRK32.ZIP Mark/Release TSR management pgms, with ASM src BASCOMM.ZIP How to use TBasic ON COM interrupt-driven I/O CVT2TB.ZIP Convert BASIC to structured BASIC DRAW.ZIP An object oriented draw program TBSUPLOW.ZIP Turbo Basic source upper/lower case conversion TBWIND30.ZIP Window Routines for TurboBasic TBXM10.ZIP XMODEM sample COMM for Turbo Basic TURBOBAS.ZIP Many Turbo BASIC utility routines 3DLIB30A.ZIP 3D animation lib for TP/BP/TPW/C++, Core, 1of2 3DLIB30B.ZIP 3D animation lib for TP/BP/TPW/C++, Tools,2of2 AMOUSE55.ZIP TurboPas5.5 Microsoft mouse unit (source only) ANIVGA12.ZIP VGA sprite animation unit for TP >=6.0, v1.2 ANSICRT.ZIP Use ANSI calls for screen instead of BIOS ASYNC4.ZIP Interrupt driven serial line terminal routines ATKYBD.ZIP Set AT keyboard delay & typematic (TP4 source) AVDOOR11.ZIP Andrew Pam's door writing toolkit for TP55/60 BBSKT30A.ZIP BBS/door programmer's toolkit v3.0a for TP6+ BLOAD.ZIP Load BASIC BLOAD screen files BMSEARCH.ZIP Fast Boyer-Moore string search - TP4.0 source BONUS507.ZIP Misc. TP 4/5 utilities/pgms from TurboPower BP7BUGS2.ZIP Unofficial Turbo/Borland Pascal 7.0 bug list BP7SB103.ZIP Turbo/Borland Pascal 7.0 source beautifier BPL70N15.ZIP Fast replacement libs for Borland-Pascal 7.0 BTREE4.ZIP Turbo Pascal v4.0 DataBase ToolBox routines BUTONS12.ZIP Help design BWCC 'BORBTN' style bitmap buttons CHRGUI10.ZIP Chrome Interface Library: 3D GUI for TP7. DEMO CLEARMEM.ZIP TP unit to init stack, heap & global variables CO256_05.ZIP Highres 256col modes for BP7.0 on standard VGA COMM_TP5.ZIP Serial port unit for Turbo Pascal 4/5.x COMPDATE.ZIP Store compilation time & date in TP .OBJ file COMSET.ZIP TurboPas routines to enable/access COM1/COM2 COMTTY30.ZIP Serial COM-unit, terminal emulator, w/TP src CONCR4.ZIP Shows concurrent processing in Turbo Pascal 4 CONV_P18.ZIP Pascal reserved word case conversion util v1.8 CONVERTB.ZIP Turbo Pascal, convert CP/M data to DOS CRC.PAS Calculates XMODEM CRCs CRC2.PAS File CRC utility CRCASM.ZIP ASM CRC calculation code w/TurboPas interfaces CRSR42.ZIP Lemay's cursor routines for TP4 (req QWIK42) CTOP12B.ZIP CtoP 1.2b: Convert 'C' src to Turbo Pascal src DATEIT3A.ZIP Turbo Pascal time/date routines DATES.HLP Help file for DATES.PAS DATES.PAS Keeps a list of memos, displays calendar DIRSEL4.ZIP Directory routines for Turbo Pascal 4.0 DSKRD_WR.PAS Low level disk read/write DSUTIL12.ZIP DOS utilities (IDE-ATA,HD-MBOOT,OS-BOOT, etc.) EMSARRAY.ZIP Define arrays in Expanded memory using TP ENV20.ZIP Babulic's ENVUNIT for environment access in TP ERR87_13.ZIP Improved error handling for TP 5.5-7.0 pgms ERR_FUNC.ZIP TPU produces meaningful TP run time error info ERROR87.ZIP Find TP 5.5 or 6.0 error 207 cause ERRTRACE.ZIP TurboPas4 unit to display error traceback info EVAL.HLP Doc for EVAL.PAS EVAL.PAS Evaluate an infix expression typed on cmd line EXEUTIL.ZIP EXE Utils from Turbo Power for TPascal v4.0 EXTEND32.ZIP Open more than 20 files at once in TurboPascal EXTEND5.ZIP Allows more than 20 files open at once in TP6 FASTWR.PAS Quick screen update in Turbo Pascal FILEREAD.ZIP File read & display TP6 unit w/src & examples FIXMOUSE.ZIP TSR fixes bug in TurboPascal 6.0 mouse handing FMANAGE.ZIP Basic file handling routines for Turbo Pascal FULLDB13.ZIP Adds .OBJ line nr. debug info to TP .TPU file G_MOUS2A.ZIP TP Unit to program the mouse/VGA (TP6 & 5.5) GENOVR.ZIP General overlay support unit for Turbo Pascal GETMEM.PAS Get 'size of memory' available to current pgm GRAFDUMP.PAS MGA/CGA/Herc/EGA/VGA graphics screen dump rtn GRAPHTXT.ZIP TP5.5 TPU graphics mode text file device drivr GRAVIS6.ZIP Graphic User Interface for Turbo Pascal 6.0 GRAVIS7B.ZIP Graphic User Interface for Turbo Pascal 7.0 GTMOUS13.ZIP BP 6&7 TPU&TPP Graph mouse in TEXTmode TV, etc HEXCOM.PAS Convert HEX file to binary HLP2TPH.ZIP Converts TurboPower .HLP to Borland .TPH HOTM60.ZIP Reassign the TP 6.0 IDE hot keys, w/TP 6.0 src HPDUMP01.ZIP TP unit to dump graphics screen to HP Laserjet HUGECOLL.ZIP Unit to implement huge collections in TP/W INASM10.ZIP Inline assembler generator for TP, w/src INDX18EU.ZIP Indexed files UNIT (export version) for TP 4-6 INLIN219.ZIP Assembler/disassembler for TP4 inline code INTERUPT.PAS Use TurboPas procedures as interrupt handlers INTRFC62.ZIP Turbo Pascal 6.0 TPU file dumper, with source IO5150.PAS COMM port driver JANUSW.ZIP TPW dialogs, MDI chils windows or reg. Borland JPDOOR32.ZIP TP 5.5 & 6.0 BBS door writing TPU utilites LCOMMTP.ZIP Turbo Pascal Communications Tool Box LISTER50.ZIP Xref/lister/indexer for TP 4.0 LTC55.ZIP LiteComm Communications Toolkit for TP 5.5 LTCOMM50.ZIP LiteComm communications library for TP 5.0 MCUNIT10.ZIP TP 6.0 units supporting work in graphics mode METAWIND.ZIP Meta Window functions demo for Turbo Pascal MISCTI10.ZIP Borland TechFax Turbo Pascal help files 920103 MKERR101.ZIP MkErr: Error device for Turbo Pascal 6.0 MNDLBROT.ZIP Produce MandelBrot graphics [TurboPas] MNGLR114.ZIP Turbo Pascal source files mangler/scrambler MOUSEFIX.ZIP Disappearing mouse cursor fix for TurboPas 6.0 MOUSLIB8.ZIP Mouse Library for TP6/7, BP7 + DPMI support MOUSTOOL.ZIP Add a mouse to Turbo Pascal 5.0 NKTOOLS.ZIP Source to some useful TurboPas 4/5/5.5/6 Units OAS50DOC.ZIP TP4/5/5.5 Source Applications Generator, 1of3 OAS50PRO.ZIP TP4/5/5.5 Source Applications Generator, 2of3 OAS50S45.ZIP TP4/5/5.5 Source Applications Generator, 3of3 OKI390.ZIP Okidata printer setup program OMOUSE.ZIP Object-oriented mouse for Turbo Pascal 5.5 ONE2MANY.ZIP Demo of 1:M database manipulation in Topaz OOAV3.ZIP Object Oriented archive viewer for TP70 OOPTUT34.ZIP OOPTutor: Object Oriented programming tutor OPROSM.ZIP TurboPower Object Professional function list OVERXMS.ZIP Load Turbo Pascal overlays into XMS memory OVRUMB10.ZIP Use upper memory as overlay buffer (w/TP src) PACKOBJ.ZIP Compressing BINOBJ-like utility w/TPas example PARSTP25.ZIP C++/TP math parser w/functions & symbol table PAS_SCI.ZIP Turbo Pascal scientific subroutines/progs PASED11.ZIP Multi-window programmer's editor for TurboPas PASLIB.ZIP T.Pascal Source Library Routines PASMSG.ZIP Allows TPC(v6) or TPCX to run under TC++ IDE PASTOOLS.PAS Return ENV, ARGC, ARGV, routines for TurboPas PASTUT24.ZIP Coronado Enterprises Turbo Pascal tutor, v2.40 PASTUT34.ZIP Turbo Pascal Tutor: TP programming tutor PCDISK.PAS Menu-driven file handler PCKSELFM.ZIP TP source: Allow autoconfig prgs to be LZEXEd PCL4P30.ZIP Asynchronous communications library for TPas. PDIR10.ZIP Palcic's directory routines using TP 5.5 OOP POSBM.ZIP Fast Turbo Pascal POS() replacement PP50.ZIP Pascal pretty printer/reformatter, w/TP5.0 src PPP.ZIP Pascal pretty printer (c't Mag), req. TP5.0 PPTSR10.ZIP Units & demo pgms to write TSRs in TurboPascal PRESKIT2.ZIP Data compression toolkit for Turbo Pascal PRINTDIR.PAS Read current directory PRNDRV.PQS Printer driver to provide clean error handling PROCPARM.ZIP Pass procedures as parameters PRTFIL10.ZIP Generic BP7 printing obj & replacement PrtFltr PSCAL108.ZIP Calendar functions for Borland/Turbo Pascal 7 PSCREEN.ZIP Pascal screen writing routines, performance ck PSDIR101.ZIP Turbo Pascal 6 directory functions (source/NG) PSDSM103.ZIP Get more than 64 kb heap in Turbo Pascal 6 PSGUI130.ZIP Powerful graphics library for Turbo Pascal 6 PSLST102.ZIP List functions Object for Borland Pascal PSPPD100.ZIP Database functions for Turbo Pascal 6 PSSTK101.ZIP Stack functions for Turbo Pascal 6 PSSTR108.ZIP String, variable & keyboard functions for BP7 PSTUI100.ZIP Turbo Pascal (S)VGA Text User Interface PSXMH103.ZIP XMS heap control for Turbo Pascal 6 PTRP10.ZIP Pascal Like Extension Language for BP, DEMO PULL15.ZIP Pulldown screens/menus PULL20.ZIP Pulldown menus for TP4, uses QWIK40, WNDW40 PULL55.ZIP Pulldown menus for TP5.5, uses QWIK55, WNDW55 PULL5X.ZIP Pulldown menus for TP5, uses QWIK5X, WNDW5X PULTP4.ZIP Pull-down menues for Turbo Pascal 4.0 PX141.ZIP (T)Pascal variable/procedure cross referencer PXL214A.ZIP Turbo Pascal cross-referencing lister QNR.ZIP Adds queries (assist and dot) to Topaz progs QRDEMO.ZIP TP6.0 TV CASETool demo. Edit resource files QWIK30.ZIP FAST Turbo Pascal screen writing & more QWIK41A.ZIP Quick screen utilities v4.1a for TPas4 (w/src) QWIK42.ZIP Quick screen utilities v4.2 for TPas4 (w/src) QWIK42B.ZIP Lemay's fast screen write routines for TP4 QWIK55.ZIP Quick screen utilities v5.5 for TP5.5 (w/src) QWIK5X.ZIP Quick screen utilities v5.X for TPas5 (w/src) RAW_LPT.PAS TP routine to process LPT1 output in raw mode RENAME.DOC Doc for RENAME.PAS RENAME.PAS Rename a file RMOUSE11.ZIP TP6.0 mouse TPU (Graphic cursor in TEXT mode) SCANH326.ZIP ScanHelp: Scan TP units to build a help file SELECTOR.PAS TP routines similar to C language iascii, etc. SHOWDATE.PAS Get, display current system date SLLIST.ZIP Singly linked list for Turbo Pascal SORTKIT1.ZIP Sort objects sources for Turbo Pascal 6 SPO110.ZIP TPU Peephole Optimizer for Borland Pascal v7.0 SPOC88.ZIP Borland's Turbo Technix Sept/Oct 1988 all pgms SPRITES.ZIP Fast sprites engine for TP 6.0, w/ASM source SRTKIT11.ZIP Internal/external/combined sort lib for TP6.0 STAY42.ZIP How to write a TSR program in Turbo Pascal STAYRES.PAS Go TSR in Turbo Pas 3.0 STORAGE.ZIP Storage method object for compressed text (TP) STREAM15.ZIP 23 different stream types for TP/BP/TPW STRG57.ZIP Lemay's fast string unit for TP5.5 STRG61A.ZIP Lemay's fast string unit for TP6.0 STRIPPED.ZIP Detects .EXE files damaged by TDebug's TDSTRIP STRLIST.ZIP Compile strings into Turbo Pascal .OBJ files SWAPUNT7.ZIP TPU/QPU to add Swap & Execute to your TP progs SWIN_0_1.ZIP GUI for programming in TP6.0 and above SYS60A.ZIP Lemay's fast system unit replacement for TP6.0 SYST55C.ZIP Lemay's fast system unit replacement for TP5.5 T_REF.ZIP Cross-Reference Lister for Turbo Pascal T301AS.ZIP Asynch comm routes for Turbo Pascal TASKER4.ZIP Turbo Pascal non-premptive multitasking module TAVID12.ZIP Fast screen writes for Turbo Pascal TBASE551.ZIP TP5.5 OOP unit for accessing DBF files, v1.1 TBASE601.ZIP TP6.0 OOP unit for accessing DBF files, v1.1 TDEBUG.ZIP A symbolic debugger for Turbo Pascal TDHIDE.ZIP TLINK 3.01 TP5.5/6.0 EXE debug info shrinker TDINFO.ZIP Information about the Borland Debug format TEF11.ZIP Run programs at a specified time. w/TP5.5 src TEGL6A.ZIP TEGL Windows Toolkit II Rel. 2.0 for TP, 1of2 TEGL6B.ZIP TEGL Windows Toolkit II Rel. 2.0 for TP, 2of2 THELP.MAN Doc for THELP.PAS THELP.PAS Online help THREED.ZIP 3D plot of f(x,y) (FORTRAN for Tele 921) TI01.ZIP HyperSource utility for Turbo Pascal 6 TICKTOCK.PAS Demo of IBM PC's high resolution clock, TPv5.0 TJOOP11.ZIP Stack, Queue & double list OBJECTS for TPascal TLIST23.ZIP Turbo-Pascal Source Code lister w/source TOAD_IAC.DOC Documentation for TOAD_IAC.PAS TOAD_IAC.PAS Demo using InterApplication Comm area (TP src) TOADADD.PAS Add numeric or integer strings to numeric str. TOADLN5.ZIP 255-char READLN with editing, for Turbo Pascal TOADLONG.ZIP Long integers for Turbo Pascal 3.0 TOTDEM11.ZIP TechnoJock's Object Toolkit v1.10 (TP/BP), 1/3 TOTDOC11.ZIP TechnoJock's Object Toolkit v1.10 (TP/BP), 2/3 TOTSRC11.ZIP TechnoJock's Object Toolkit v1.10 (TP/BP), 3/3 TP_RAT.ZIP Mouse macro toolkit for Turbo Pascal 6.0 TP_TOOLS.ZIP TP 5.0 toolkit (clocks, mouse, dir lister) TP_TSR.ZIP Sample TSR pgm in TurboPas 4/5, with src/exe TP4_3D.ZIP Do 3D graphics using Turbo Pascal 4.0 TP4MENU1.ZIP Turbo Pascal 4.0 window interface v1.0 TP55TSR.ZIP TSR unit for Turbo Pascal 5.5 applications TP5MENU1.ZIP Program shell for TP 4.0/5.0 developers TP5PATCH.ZIP Borland's official patches for TPascal 5.0 TP6BUGS7.ZIP Unofficial Turbo Pascal 6.0 bug list TP6MAP.ZIP Map of 500 procedure entry points in TP6 IDE TP6UTIL.ZIP The utils dropped from TP6.0,TPCONFIG & others TP6XMS.ZIP Extended Memory Specification unit for TP 6.0 TPA22.ZIP Integrated compile time assembler for TP55 TPBEAU32.ZIP Prepare Turbo Pascal 5.5 code for output TPDB314.ZIP TurboPas routines for dBase files processing TPDOORS.ZIP How to make doors for PCBoard TPE34.ZIP Free programmer's editor from Turbopower TPENHKBD.ZIP TP unit enabling extended keys for std/enh kbd TPFAST30.ZIP Fast ASM sources for Turbo Pascal functions TPFLEX.ZIP Turbo Pascal 5.5 linked lists, generic TPFORT12.ZIP Call MS Fortran from Turbo Pascal 5.5 TPFORT18.ZIP Link MS Fortran 5.0 routines to TP 6.0 pgms TPHELP.ZIP Kim Kokkonen's Turbo Pascal 4.0 help facility TPHERS01.ZIP TPHersh: TurboPas Unit to handle Hershey fonts TPHRT3.ZIP High resolution timer toolbox for TP 5.0 & 5.5 TPIO22.ZIP T Pascal user interface code from CL Mag 10/87 TPJOYSTK.ZIP Turbo Pascal v4.x/5.x joystick TPU source TPKBD10.ZIP Easier special character input for TurboPascal TPL60N19.ZIP Turbo Pascal TPL run-time library replacement TPLUS.ZIP TPas programmer's toolkit demo by Nostradamus TPLY30A1.ZIP TP Lex & Yacc compiler compiler, exe/doc, 1of2 TPLY30A2.ZIP TP Lex & Yacc compiler compiler, sources, 2of2 TPMATH.ZIP Turbo Pascal 4/5/5.5 standard math functions TPMUL221.ZIP Make your TP 6.0 programs DV/Win/TV/DDOS aware TPMUSIC.ZIP TurboPas Unit to play music in the background TPP112.ZIP C-like pre-processor for Turbo Pascal TPPCX.ZIP Turbo Pascal routines for PCX processing TPPOP16.ZIP TPUs and ASM for popup and TSR programs TPPOPUPS.ZIP Popup windows - TP source code and .EXE files TPR_BOOK.ZIP Turbo Pascal Reference freeware book (400+ pg) TPRAT5.ZIP Mouse menu for TP 5.0 editor (req. Microsoft) TPRCDR10.ZIP TPU 6.0/7.0 for recursive directory access TPREAL2.ZIP Improved 'real' routines for Turbo Pascal TPRINT.ZIP TPW printing unit using ObjectWindows TPS.ZIP Tiles TPW 1.5 windows horizontally TPSERIO2.ZIP TurboPascal serial I/O routines (FOSSIL) src TPSPOOL.ZIP Put printer output to a file (TP source only) TPSTR121.ZIP Fast string functions for TurboPas 4.0/5.0/5.5 TPTC17.ZIP Turbo Pascal to C translator, 1of4 TPTC17SC.ZIP Turbo Pascal to C - src for translator, 2of4 TPTC17TC.ZIP Turbo Pascal to C - test cases, 3of4 TPTCINFO.ZIP Info on Turbo Pascal to C translator, 4of4 TPU2ASM.ZIP Disassembler for Turbo Pascal 5 units TPU2TPS.ZIP Allow recompilation of TP6.0/TPW1.0 SYSTEM.TPU TPUCAT10.ZIP TPUCat: Turbo Pascal TPU cataloger. DEMO TPUOBJ.ZIP Borland's Turbo Pascal TPU to OBJ conversion TPV24.ZIP Fast interrupt-driven serial comm rtns for TP TPW60.ZIP Windows for Turbo Pascal TPWHUGE.ZIP Unit to handle huge memory block in TP/W TPXMS.ZIP XMS access for Turbo Pascal TPZNEWG.ZIP German language TP source for Zmodem protocol TPZSFZ.ZIP Rudamentary ZMODEM send/rec, TurboPas source TRIDV308.ZIP TriDoor: Turbo Pascal BBS door pgmr's toolkit TSHELL12.ZIP Turbo Pascal development environment TSPA3340.ZIP TurboPascal 4.0 units for programmers, T.Salmi TSPA3350.ZIP TurboPascal 5.0 units for programmers, T.Salmi TSPA3355.ZIP TurboPascal 5.5 units for programmers, T.Salmi TSPA3360.ZIP TurboPascal 6.0 units for programmers, T.Salmi TSPA3370.ZIP TP7.0 real mode units for programmers, T.Salmi TSPEECH.ZIP Turbo Pascal sources for PC voice routines TSRHELP.ZIP Examples of TSRs in TP6.0 & Assembly language TSTRINGS.ZIP Null terminated strings handling unit for TP6 TSW.ZIP Turbo Screen Works, to create Pascal screens TTY.ZIP Small communications utility in TurboPascal 4 TURBOGEN.ZIP Generates TP code to handle IO and error chkg. TURTLE10.ZIP Allow old TP3 Turtle graphics in any BGI mode TUTORPAS.ZIP Jack Crenshaw's compiler tutorial w/Pascal src TWOSCRN.DOC Documentation for TWOSCRN.PAS TWOSCRN.PAS Both Mono and color screen output from TPascal TWU1.ZIP Dumper/disassembler for TP6.0 or TPW 1.0 TPUs UISTRIP.ZIP Convert dBase code for UI into Topaz code UNITRE12.ZIP Display tree of TP/BP unit dependencies UPCONV14.ZIP Convert Pascal reserved word case w/TP5.0 src UPCONV22.ZIP TP3.0-5.5/TPW convert reserved word case util. VESATP10.ZIP Enhanced graphics library for Turbo Pascal VESATP11.ZIP Enhanced graphics library for Turbo Pascal VIEWS10.ZIP Graphic windows (GUI) library for Turbo Pascal VMATH10.ZIP Vector math unit for TP6.0 and 387 coprocessor VSAFE5_6.ZIP Units to guard a TP program against tampering WCTUNIT3.ZIP Collection of Turbo Pascal units with sources WCTUNITS.ZIP Collection of Turbo Pascal units with sources WINDOW.ZIP Windowing utilities WINDOW34.ZIP Turbo window routines - needs QWIK30.ZIP WNDW40.ZIP Fast windows for TP 4.0, needs QWIK40.ZIP WNDW42.ZIP LeMay's fast windowing package v4.2 for TP4 WNDW55.ZIP Popup windows for TP5.5, needs QWIK55.ZIP WNDW_MSJ.ZIP TurboPascal multiple windows from Micro/System XLIBPAS2.ZIP A library to use VGA unchained mode in BP7 XMM12.ZIP Extended memory manager for Turbo Pascal 6.0 XMSLIBR1.ZIP XMS 2.0 API implementation for TurboPascal 6.0 YMODEM.ZIP YMODEM protocol Turbo Pascal source ZINDENT7.ZIP Pascal pgm to format dBASE/Pascal ZIP2OBJ.ZIP Imploded .ZIP -> .OBJ -> Turbo Pascal explode ANSIVIEW.ZIP CRT drop-in replacement in TVision Environment DLGDS411.ZIP Turbo Vision Dialog Design v4.11, for TP7,BC++ DLGDSN22.ZIP Turbo Vision dialog design pgm v2.2, for TP6 EXTSHR12.ZIP Turbo Vision Unit to support all screen modes FSSERIAL.ZIP Serial object for TVision (needs a FOSSIL dvr) HSYS12.ZIP Turbo Vision help development environment NED103.ZIP Enhanced TEditor object for TP6/TurboVision 1 NED3.ZIP Enhanced TEditor object for TP7/TurboVision 2 NUMINP2.ZIP Numeric input routines for TurboVision (TP/BP) OODB.ZIP Object-oriented database for TP6.0/TurboVision PTG120B8.ZIP TurboVis 2.0 screen generator, 1of3, prot mode PTG120CO.ZIP TurboVis 2.0 screen gen., 3of3, common files PTG120RE.ZIP TurboVis 2.0 screen generator, 2of3, real mode SCRSAV4.ZIP ScreenSave routines for TurboVision ][ TVBUGS20.ZIP Pascal specific TurboVision buglist, w/patches TVG103.ZIP TVGRAPH: TURBO VISION In EGA/VGA graphics demo TVG103_S.ZIP TVGRAPH: TURBO VISION In EGA/VGA graphics srcs TVG110A.ZIP TVGraph for TP6/BP7/TP7 including prot'ed mode TVHC11A.ZIP TVHC2MSG+improved TVHC 1.1a for TurboVis TVINP101.ZIP Numerical input routines for Turbo Vision TVMAGIC1.ZIP Create TurboVision dialog boxes w/hidden msgs TVTOOL17.ZIP General TurboVision Tools Library, with source TVTOYC01.ZIP Better TurboVis helpfile/video modes, w/BC src TVTOYS04.ZIP Better TurboVis helpfile/video modes, w/BP src TVUTIL01.ZIP Alex Levitas' BP/TP7/TVision 2.0 utilities kit 3DLIB.ZIP TC1.5 lib, create/manipulate/display 3D images ALLOCAAP.ZIP alloca() for TC2.0 and TC++1.0 by Alex Pruss ANUMR5.ZIP Numerical Analysis library for TC++1.0 & TC2.0 ASYCNCH.ZIP Interrupt-driven comm driver for Borland TC/BC BCHELP10.ZIP Borland TechFax help files for C/C++. 920103 BLIT.ZIP PC Sprite graphics support 'C' source BMP2IMC.ZIP Displays BMP as putimage() everywhere in TC BUGS.ZIP Bug fixes for Turbo C version 1.0 CHAOS.ZIP Turbo C routines to create several sounds COM_INT.ZIP Comm interrupt routines for COM 1 & 2 COMLIB12.ZIP Communications lib for Turbo C, w/sample prog. CUBE_V1.ZIP 3D Magic Cube game with Turbo C source EMS_SUBS.MSG EMS routines for Turbo-C EXPR11.ZIP Expression parsing, differentiating lib for TC FFT.ZIP Fast Fourier Transform pgm w/C source FFTSING.ZIP FFT of very long series (70000 data points) GLOB.ZIP Change wildcard filespec to list of files GPSE114.ZIP GPSE v1.14: WGS84 co-ords from pseudoranges HCSVGA12.ZIP Tseng/VESA HiColor graphics lib for Borl.C/C++ IBMCOM_C.ZIP Interrupt-driven comm routines for Turbo C IDD.ZIP Installable Device Drivers in Turbo-C JOY.C 'C' language routines to deal with joy stick KSLIB.ZIP Windowing/database/toolkit libs for Turbo-C KSLIB11.ZIP Kevin Spencer's programming library for TurboC LINK2MSG.ZIP TLink output filter for Borland C++ 3.1 IDE LP_TC.ZIP PC printer port bi-directional driver - TC src MAPPER17.C TCv1.5 src: Draws 3 types of map projections MAPPER17.DOC Documentation for MAPPER17.C map drawing pgm MCDT101.ZIP EGA/VGA GUI mouse cusor design tool. Writes C! MCWINT20.ZIP Michael Mlachak's Turbo C window package MGABRA.ZIP TSR's made easy for Turbo C MOUCLIB5.ZIP Turbo C/C++/Borland C++ mouse support library MOUSH101.ZIP Mouse routines (.OBJ) for Turbo C/C++, 920727 MOVE.C Fast file mover; uses rename funct. TC src PATCH.ZIP Like NORTON. Patch disk sectors or files PATCHTC.ZIP Patches for Borland Turbo C PLOTC.ZIP Use inline assembly to set mode, plot pixel POPEN.ZIP Functions to open and close Unix style pipes POPUPS.ZIP Pop-up menus for Microsoft 'C' programs PROWINTC.ZIP ProWindows *LITE* v2.00TC window system for TC QLIBGV.ZIP A Turbo-C Graphics, and I/O library RDIR.ZIP Memory resident directory utility ROMIZE.ZIP Convert compiled Turbo C code for use in ROM SERUS221.ZIP DOS installable interrupt-driven serial driver SETARGV.C Expand wildcard arguments STRSTR.ZIP Borland Patch for Turbo-C Key String Match TBUG.ZIP Turbo-C debugger - from Micro Cornucopia mag. TC_TSR10.ZIP Turbo C source code examples of TSR programs TC130.ZIP Extensive Library of Turbo C routines v1.3 TC2PAT2.ZIP Turbo C v2.0 patches from Borland (4/89) TCASYNC.ZIP Turbo-C async communications routines TCC_MISC.ZIP Resident clock and directory util in Turbo C TCDEBUG.ZIP Debugger for use with Turbo C TCDEV.ZIP Write device driver in Turbo-C TCEGA.ZIP EGA function library for Turbo C TCHELP.ZIP Online help for Turbo C libraries TCHK21.ZIP Turbo C function lib, v2.1, lib/doc, 1of3 TCHK21EX.ZIP Turbo C function lib, v2.1, examples, 2of3 TCHK21NG.ZIP TC func lib, Norton Guides help file, 3of3 TCHRT3.ZIP High resolution timer toolbox for Turbo C 2.0 TCLIB1.ZIP Turbo C object library manager (like MS LIB) TCMUSIC.ZIP Turbo C Music Routines TCOMM50.ZIP LiteComm communications library for Turbo C TCPATCH.ZIP Official Borland Turbo C v1.0 patch TCPATCH2.ZIP Patches for Turbo C version 1.0, w/PATCH.COM TCPATS.ZIP Patches for Turbo C version 1.0 TCPPT1.ZIP First bug fixes for Turbo C++, from Borland TCPPT2.ZIP Patch file for TC++ v1.01 (from Borland) TCPROF.ZIP Turbo C profiler, details program time TCRND11.ZIP Updated doc and batch file to use TASM 1.0 TCTIMER.ZIP High-resolution timing of events for Turbo C TCTUT24.ZIP Turbo C Tutor: TC programming tutor TCU32_DB.ZIP TCU Database option for use with TCU_3.2A.ZIP TCU_32A.ZIP Turbo-C flexible menus, windows & forms entry TCWIND16.ZIP Turbo C window & screen routines TCXL551.ZIP Window/menu/mouse C language function library TGCBOR20.ZIP TEGL graphical windowing lib for TC/C++/BC++ TICK.ZIP Installs a TC function called every clock tick TICKTOCK.C Demo of IBM PC's high resolution clock, TCv2.0 TIMERTST.C 8253 timer test program for Turbo C 1.5/2.0 TRBOCSRC.ZIP Coronado's Turbo C tutor v2.0, (1 of 2) TRBOCTXT.ZIP Coronado's Turbo C tutor v2.0, (2 of 2) TURBBOOK.ZIP Code from Turbo C Windows & Mem Res Book TURBOFIX.ZIP Patches/fixes for Borland's Turbo-C v1.0 WGRAF102.ZIP Turbo C++ graphics library with binary drivers WINDOWTC.ZIP Windowing Library for Turbo C 00README.TXT Information about files in this directory UB874.ZIP High precision math-oriented BASIC interpreter UB874GR.ZIP Standard VGA graphics applications for UBASIC UBMALM.ZIP UBasic number theory pgms by Donald E.G. Malm UBPPMPQS.ZIP UBASIC prime factorization pgm for 386/486 MAKE.EXE Public domain MAKE MAKE.INI Init file for use with MAKE UE31216M.ZIP MicroEMACS v3.12 EXE - MS-DOS DPMI executable UE312ANS.ZIP MicroEMACS v3.12 EXE - MSDOS w/ANSI graphics UE312CMD.ZIP MicroEMACS v3.12 command and startup files UE312DOC.ZIP MicroEMACS v3.12 docs in MSS format UE312H.ZIP MicroEMACS v3.12 Header and assembly files UE312IBM.ZIP MicroEMACS v3.12 EXE - IBMPC MONO/CGA/EGA/VGA UE312SRC.ZIP MicroEMACS v3.12 C language source UE312WIN.ZIP MicroEMACS v3.12 for Windows 3.1 (EXE package) US20DOC.ZIP MicroSPELL spelling checker, docs & dictionary US20EXE.ZIP MicroSPELL spelling checker, executables US20SRC.ZIP MicroSPELL spelling checker, C language source CPPNWS18.ZIP Usenet News/Mail reader replaces Snews/PC-Elm FS132_E1.ZIP FSUUCP: UUCP Mail & Usenet News w/utils, 1of6 FS132_E2.ZIP FSUUCP: UUCP Mail & Usenet News w/utils, 2of6 FS132_E3.ZIP FSUUCP: UUCP Mail & Usenet News w/utils, 3of6 FS132_IN.ZIP FSUUCP: UUCP Mail & Usenet News w/utils, 4of6 FS132_LI.ZIP FSUUCP: UUCP Mail & Usenet News w/utils, 5of6 FS132_MA.ZIP FSUUCP: UUCP Mail & Usenet News w/utils, 6of6 FS132_RE.AD FSUUCP v1.32 UUCP Mail & Usenet News info file MUSH71.ZIP MUSH v7.1, MSDOS<->Unix uucp email MUSH7DOC.ZIP Docs for MUSH v7.1, MSDOS<->Unix uucp email RSNU106A.ZIP Rusnews 1.06/UUPC; nn-like newsreader for UUPC SMAILBIN.ZIP smail/PC - smart uucp mailer for MS-DOS, 1of2 SMAILSRC.ZIP smail/PC - smart uucp mailer for MS-DOS, 2of2 SNEWS191.ZIP SNEWS 1.91: Threaded newsreader for UUPC SNUUPM23.ZIP Easy installation of SNews/UUpc/PMail SNWS191S.ZIP Source code for SNEWS 1.91 newsreader for UUPC TMAIL116.ZIP Threaded Mail/News shell for UUPC & Waffle UUCPFAQ.ZIP uucp frequently asked questions by Ian Taylor UUCPROTO.DES Description of UUCP protocol UUPOST10.ZIP News posting module for UUPC/Extended VMS220.ZIP V-MailServer 2.20 automated list/file server 12LABELS.ZIP Template for printing diskette labels with VP 1MSGS.ZIP Message threads about Ventura ARTLINE.DOC GEM Artline press release BITSFUN.ZIP Ventura Newsletter on Bitstreams Fontware BORDER1.ZIP Designer templates for Ventura Publisher 1.1 CLEAN4VP.ZIP Ready ASCII files for Ventura Publisher import DROPCAP1.ZIP Fonts for Ventura Publisher FEB89_PS.ZIP 'WYSIWYG' magazine (PostScript version) FIXVP.ZIP Strips tags and attributes from VP text files FIXWP50.ZIP Convert WordPerf 5.0 files for input to VP 2.0 GEMBRDRS.ZIP Page borders in .GEM format INT_SYSE.ZIP Meaning of VenturaP internal system error msgs JAN89_PS.ZIP 'WYSIWYG' magazine (PostScript version) LEGAL6.ZIP Several legal letters in form format MAC2VENT.ZIP Produce a Ventura picture from a .MAC MAR89_HP.ZIP WYSIWYG magazine for Ventura 2.0 (HPLJ) MAR89_PS.ZIP WYSIWYG magazine for Ventura 2.0 (PostScript) MASTER.ZIP VP Professional! BBS master file list 05/11/89 MICKEY.TXT Use right mouse button in Ventura Publisher NEWPOST.ZIP Alphabetized PostScript width table from VS NEWSDESI.ZIP Designer Newsletter for Ventura Publisher NOV88_PS.ZIP 'WYSIWYG' magazine, PostScript version NOV88FIX.ZIP Fix file for NOV88-PS.ZIP NPENW_13.ZIP National Publisher's newsletter - January '89 PERFORM2.ZIP Ventura Software's Performance Guide. VP 2.0 PSUTILS.ZIP Useful collection of PostScript utilities PUBLET.ZIP VP business letter template for LJet series II QA_1.ZIP Xerox Customer Service Q&A Database Disk 1/4 QA_2.ZIP Xerox Customer Service Q&A Database Disk 2/4 QA_3.ZIP Xerox Customer Service Q&A Database Disk 3/4 QA_4.ZIP Xerox Customer Service Q&A Database Disk 4/4 QAREADME.DOC Readme file for printing Xerox Q&A Database SETVPI17.ZIP Change default directory in VP.INF STYLIST.TXT Stylist 1.0 -- Description of program in STYLIST.ZIP Stylist 1.0 -- Stylesheet Editor for VP 1.1 STYNAME.ZIP Prints out a style sheet listing in Ventura TDOC693C.ZIP 6x9 3/1 Column Technical Manual Template Set TDOC794C.ZIP 7x9 4/3/1 Column Tech. Manual Template Set TDOC853C.ZIP 8.5x11 3-column Tech. Manual Template Set TRUESCAN.DOC Palantir's TrueScan System VINDEX11.ZIP Automatic Ventura index code generator, v1.1 VP_ART1.ZIP 51 Ventura PCC art files VP_PRFM.ZIP Ventura Publisher 2.0 performance guide VPAPP_1.ZIP VS App Note 1 Making Endnotes by John Meyer VPAPP_2.ZIP VS App Note 2 Memory reqmts for HIMEM.SYS VPAPP_3.ZIP VS App Note 3 Mem mgmt. Sample AUTOEXEC/CONFIG VPAPP_4.ZIP VS App Note 4 VP under Operating Environments VPAPP_5.ZIP Benefits of accelerator card on XTs with VP VPAPP_6.ZIP Using SK+ with VP, DOS file ops, search & rep. VPAPP_7.ZIP Ventura: Database application notes for XVP VPAPP_7S.ZIP Ventura: Sample for VPAPP_7 VPAPP_8.ZIP Screen problems in Ventura Publisher's WYSIWYG VPBOOKS.ZIP Listing of Ventura Publisher books VPSCREEN.ZIP Ventura Publisher font editor VPWINFIX.ZIP Ventura Publisher/Windows 3.0 patches, 11/90 WDPERF5.ZIP Ventura: Replacement WDPERF5.LOD for XVP 2.0 3NSH160.ZIP NETShield v1.60 antivirus NLM for NetWare 3.x 4NSH160.ZIP NETShield v1.60 antivirus NLM for NetWare 4.x A_VIRUS1.ZIP Information on AIDs Trojan AAVIRUS.ZIP Check/save/restore disk boot record/MBR AIDSOUT.ZIP AIDS Trojan remover, use after SCANV AIDSTECH.ZIP Technical info on PC Cyborg AIDS disk Trojan ALERT222.ZIP Government virus checker (well done) AUTOSN32.ZIP Checks ZIP/other archives for virus infections AVS224E.ZIP AVSEARCHv2.24e:Scans for more than 158 viruses BOMBSQAD.ZIP Check for Trojan Horses BOOTCHEK.ZIP Verifies disk boot sector against secure copy BOOTCOMP.ZIP Use BIOS-ints to compare bootsector with saved BRT22.ZIP The Bridge Terminus v2.2a, shell for VirusScan BULL_212.ZIP ASCII-version of F-PROT 2.12 Update Bulletin CATCHM18.ZIP Algorithmic MtE virus scanner and MtE report CAWARE.ZIP Make your 'C' language programs virus-immune CHECK_OS.ZIP Checks DOS for viruses CHECKMEM.C Check computer memory for presence of viruses CHK4BOMB.ZIP Examine files for possible Trojan activity CHK4FE.ZIP Front-end driver for CHK4COMP.ZIP, needs mouse CHKLHARC.ZIP Check for trojans in self-extracting LHARCs CHKSUM.ZIP Compute checksum for 1 or more files CHKUP39.ZIP Check system files for changes, virus checker CHKVIR21.ZIP Force McAfee SCAN check for viruses on bootup CKOT20.ZIP Checks archived files for viruses (req. SCANV) CLEAN116.ZIP CLEAN-UP V116 virus remover for PC's/LAN's COLUMBUS.ZIP Save & restore track zero of hard drive CONDOM.ZIP Virus/Trojan protection program CPAVSE.ZIP Central Point Anti-Virus special free edition CRCSET13.ZIP Self-scanning executable w/TP & MSC/TC source CVIRPROT.ZIP Virus resistance for C language programs DATACURE.ZIP Detect and disable the DataCrime II virus DC89SCAN.ZIP Detect the two strains of DataCrime I virus DEFORM.ZIP Program to remove FORM virus from floppies DELOUSE1.ZIP Checks files for Trojan activity DETECT31.ZIP Network-compatible file tracking/virus detect DIRTYD9C.ZIP The Dirty Dozen List #9C (Trojan/Virus/Pirate) DISKSE24.ZIP DiskSecure: Protects hard disk partition table DLCHK12.ZIP Auto scan downloaded archive files for viruses DPROT102.ZIP TSR to protect drives against TROJANS DPROTECT.ZIP SW write-protect disks against TROJANS DSII242.ZIP BIOS-level anti-virus with access control DVIR1701.EXE Detects removes 1701 virus from .COM files EARLY.ZIP Early-Bird - searches pgms for Trojan Horse ESDSCN20.ZIP ESD Virus and Trojan ecanning engine EXPEL11.ZIP Virus control device with sample/track options FILE_CRC.ZIP Calculates CRCs for all files on a disk FILECRC.ZIP Detect if files have been corrupted FILETEST.ZIP Check for corrupted files. w/Pascal source FIND1701.ZIP Find and fix files infected with 1701 virus FIXCRIME.ZIP Removes infections of DataCrime virus FIXUTIL6.ZIP BIOS detection & recovery from BSI viruses FP_212C.ZIP Version 2.12c of the F-PROT anti-virus package FSHLD15.ZIP Shields executable files from virus infections FSP_184.ZIP FLU_SHOT+ active monitor virus prevention pgm GORETSKY.ZIP Primer on Virus scanners from McAfee staff HCOPY15.ZIP COPY with virus protection, from Hilgraeve HS_V358.ZIP HS v3.58: Boot virus detection and repair pgm HTSCAN20.ZIP Programmable virus scanner by Harry Thijssen I_M221.ZIP Integrity Master data integrity/anti-virus sys IBMPAPER.ZIP IBM: 'Computer viruses and related problems' IBMPROT.DOC Review of a few anti-viral programs, June 1988 IDENTIFY.TXT How to identify computer viruses IMMUNITY.TXT Viral immunity for MS-DOS systems INNOC.ZIP Boot sector virus immunizer for diskettes INOCULAT.ZIP Very simple protection against Lehigh virus KILLMNK3.ZIP KillMonk v3.0: Monkey and INT_10 virus remover LANGV106.ZIP Foreign language modules for SCAN and CLEAN M_DISK.ZIP Remove boot sector or partition table viruses MD.ZIP MDISK boot virus removers MTEAVR22.ZIP MTE virus signatures for TBSCAN(X) & HTSCAN MYTHS_V8.ZIP Computer Virus Myths, by Rosenberger&Greenberg MYTHSV10.ZIP Computer Virus Myths by Greenberg/Rosenberger NAVM.ZIP Norton's AntiVirus, free Michelangelo edition NBY127.ZIP Virus scanner plus system information utility NOBRAIN.C Source code: rid computer of 'Brain' virus NOBRAINS.ZIP Docs and progs for dealing with Brain virus NOCRM11.ZIP Prevents infection by the DATACRIME virus NOVIRUS.ZIP Virus protection utility & documentation PASS_AV.ZIP [PASS:] Anti-virus software authentication PCV4DBF.ZIP PC-Virus 4.0 database and program, 1of2 PCV4RPT.ZIP PC-Virus 4.0 virus reports in text form, 2of2 POWER.TXT Note regarding book and possible virus PROVECRC.ZIP Demo of CRC checking for file validity PVALIDAT.ZIP Portable VALIDATE using McAfee algorithms PZIP160.ZIP Virus-check multiple archives, repack to ZIPs SCANTL17.ZIP Front end for the McAfee Scan anti-virus util. SCANV116.ZIP McAfee SCAN v116: Detects virus on PC's/LAN's SCN_202.ZIP VirusScan V2.0.2 scans/cleans for viruses SCN_NAT2.ZIP VirusScan V2 special NATAS detector/remover SCNDAY10.ZIP Scan HD for viruses once a day on Mon/Wed/Fri SECUR235.ZIP Virus/trojan security, prevents unauth. writes SENTRY02.ZIP Sentry: Non-resident checksum security program SOLOMON.LST List & description of less common viruses STEALTH.ZIP C & TurboPas routines for self-checking code SWVSAF11.ZIP DOS extention does file integrity verification SYSCHK1.ZIP Another anti-virus program TBAV622.ZIP Thunderbyte anti-virus pgm (complete) v6.22 TBAVW622.ZIP Thunderbyte anti-virus pgm (windows) v6.22 TBAVX622.ZIP TBAV anti-virus - processor optimized versions TRAPDISK.ZIP Modified/improved version of BOMBSQAD UNVIR902.ZIP UNVIRUS/IMMUNE removes/protects against virus UPAV201.ZIP Update/install Viruscan for local/network disk USING91.ZIP Info on new features of McAfee's VirusScan 91 V_DETECT.ZIP Virus Detector v1.0 from Varteck International VACCINE.REV Review of commercial progm from WorldWide Data VACCINE.ZIP Protects against computer virus VACCINEA.ZIP Computer Virus detecter VACI13.ZIP Checksums OS files for validity VALIDAT3.ZIP Validate shareware programs for authenticity VALIDATE.ZIP Validating information for Virus checkers 9303 VB_110.ZIP Virus Buster v1.10, virus detection/removal VBAIT12.ZIP Simple virus bait, detects COM infecting virus VC300EGA.ZIP Virus Central, frontend to virus programs, EGA VC300LTE.ZIP Virus Central Lite:Shell for VirusScan/Cleanup VCHECK11.ZIP Pgm to detect unusual file changes v1.1 VCK30.ZIP VirusCheck: Security shell for McAfee ViruScan VDETECT.ZIP Virus detecter tracks all files on disk VDS30M.ZIP Anti-virus w/integrity checker, scanner & more VELDMAN.PGP TBAV - author's PGP key for authenticity-check VIRDT116.ZIP NETSHIELD VIR.DAT v116 virus signature update VIRLST12.ZIP Generates report from McAfee's virlist.txt VIRSH14E.ZIP ViruShell: Shell for McAfee's anti-viral pgms VIRSIMUL.ZIP Simulates non-destructive behavior of viruses VIRUS_L.FAQ Virus-L Mar. 19 Frequently Asked Question list VIRUS101.001 Part 1 of four part article on Viruses VIRUS101.002 Part 2 of four part article on Viruses VIRUS101.003 Part 3 of four part article on Viruses VIRUS101.004 Part 4 of four part article on Viruses VIRUSCK.ZIP Virus detecter VIRUSPRO.INF Steps you can take to protect against Viruses VIRX293.ZIP Virex-PC: Anti-virus utility with small TSR VIRZIP13.ZIP Scans ZIP files for virus infections VKILL13.ZIP Find and remove Jerusalem virus, with C source VLIST01D.ZIP Listing of computer virus information VSCHEK10.ZIP Checks if McAfee VShield anti-virus TSR loaded VSH_202.ZIP VShield V2.0.2 virus prevention TSR VSHL205.ZIP VShell 2.05: Front-end for Viruscan/CleanUP VSHLD116.ZIP VSHIELD v116 virus prevention TSR for PC's VSIG9305.ZIP Signatures for HTSCAN virus scanner VSTOP54.ZIP Virstop 1.05, TSR to prevent virus infection VSUMX403.ZIP Hypertext format virus summary listing. 940323 VTAC50.ZIP Protects disk against alteration or formatting VTEC46C.ZIP Virus Terminus 4.6c, McAfee scan front-end VXRF0691.ZIP Cross-referenced list of viruses by size WATCHMAN.ZIP Virus detector checks for altered executables WSCAN116.ZIP WSCAN v116: Windows 3.x version of VIRUSCAN ZIPVCHKB.ZIP ZIP file virus checker BASCDE12.ZIP WIN3: Basic source code librarian for VisBasic BSTRCW12.ZIP WIN3: Re-structure (Visual) Basic source code CODEKP11.ZIP WIN3: Code Keeper 1.1: Stores segments of code DDSRV.ZIP Add drag and drop functions to Visual BASIC ENUMFONT.ZIP Make Visual BASIC call WIN API fn EnumFonts MLISTBOX.ZIP Multi-select custom control for Visual Basic SDOC210.ZIP WIN3: VisualBasic Source documenter & X-ref STSBAR.ZIP VB: Visual status bar for Visual BASIC VBBLD11.ZIP Design VisBasic programs, for better structure VBBOOK13.ZIP VB Book v1.3, print booklets to LJ, src & exe VBCOMM20.ZIP Communications Control for Visual Basic VBFINDID.ZIP Get/set control IDs in Visual BASIC forms VBHELP10.ZIP Visual Basic Tips & Tricks v1.0 help file VBPTU10.ZIP VisBasic program testing Unit. Logs test info VBRC10.ZIP Creates RC Dialog Scripts from VisBasic Forms VBRUN100.ZIP WIN3: Microsoft's Visual BASIC runtime library VBRUN200.ZIP WIN3: MicroSoft's Visual BASIC runtime library VBRUN300.ZIP WIN3: MicroSoft's Visual BASIC runtime library VBTIPS13.ZIP Visual Basic Tips & Tricks help file v1.3 W31API.ZIP Windows 3.1 API declarations for Visual Basic BTVIET03.ZIP Vietnamese editor--most graphics cards + mouse CADAO11.ZIP Displays random Vietnamese proverbs, Win3.1 DICTION1.ZIP WIN3: English-Vietnamese dictionary, 1 of 2 DICTION2.ZIP WIN3: English-Vietnamese dictionary, 2 of 2 DMH.ZIP WIN3: Karaoke song and pictures for PC-Karaoke HNWIN10.ZIP Vietnamese Hoi?/Nga~ look up table for Win3.1 HXHWIN10.ZIP Poems by Ho Xuan Huong, Win3.1 hypertext+MIDI LAMBAI.ZIP Teaching/testing tool in Vietnamese, w/source LICHTA11.ZIP Gregorian/Lunar calendar converter (1990-2000) MATBIEC.ZIP WIN3: Karaoke song and pictures for PC-Karaoke MAY.ZIP WIN3: Karaoke song and pictures for PC-Karaoke MSGMHN.ZIP WIN3: Karaoke song and pictures for PC-Karaoke NHAC1_A3.ZIP Vietnamese Songs, hypertext style, Vol1-VerA3 NHAC2_A3.ZIP Vietnamese Songs, hypertext style, Vol2-VerA3 NHAC3_A3.ZIP Vietnamese Songs, hypertext style, Vol3-VerA3 NHAC4_A3.ZIP Vietnamese Songs, hypertext style, Vol4-VerA3 NHACTA1A.ZIP Vietnamese Win 3.1 Multimedia MIDI collection PCKAO10.ZIP WIN3 PC-Karaoke: Record and play Karaoke songs PDFO3TT1.ZIP 5 VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from VN-Fonts PDFO4TT1.ZIP 6 VISCII Windows3 TrueType fonts from VN-Fonts PDFO5TT1.ZIP 6 VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from VN-Fonts PDFO6TT1.ZIP 7 VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from VN-Fonts PDFO7TT1.ZIP 9 VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from VN-Fonts PDFO8TT1.ZIP 9 VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from VN-Fonts PDFON1TT.ZIP 6 VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from VN-FONTS PDFON2TT.ZIP 9 VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from VN-FONTS SCRVN12.ZIP Memory-resident Vietnamese text viewer for DOS THITAP1.ZIP Poems by Quang Dung, hypertext, Windows 3.1 THITAP2.ZIP Poems by Nguyen Binh, Win3.1 hypertext+clipart THITAP4.ZIP Chinh Phu Ngam poem, Win3.1 hypertext+art+MIDI THO1_A3.ZIP Poems by Xuan Dieu, hypertext style TRIMED1A.ZIP WIN3: TriChlor Multimedia Player (Vietnamese) TUOINGOC.ZIP WIN3: Karaoke song and pictures for PC-Karaoke VDOS421.ZIP VIETDOS: Vietnamese keyboard & screen filters VIET78.ZIP Convert between SCV/Viet-Net and VISCII, w/src VIETDM10.ZIP Multi-font dot-matrix formatting & printing VIETVU20.ZIP Vietnamese kbd/clipboard filter for Windows3.1 VISC11PS.ZIP VISCII and VIQR 1.1 standards, in PostScript VISCII11.ZIP VISCII and VIQR 1.1 standards, in VISCII VLASER3.ZIP Multi-font LaserJet formatting & printing VNELVIS.ZIP VISCII-compliant VI/EX-clone text editor VNFO3TT1.ZIP VISCII TienGiang TT fonts, donated by GIGISOFT VNFON1TT.ZIP 4 VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from TriChlor VNFON2TT.ZIP 3 VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from TriChlor VNHACW1A.ZIP Vietnamese song lyrics (with cliparts), Win3.1 VNVIEW10.ZIP WIN3: View Vietnamese text of various formats VPRINT12.ZIP Printing utility for Vietnamese VISCII files VPUTMK10.ZIP Add diacritic marks to plain Vietnamese text VSORT10.ZIP Sorts VISCII text alphabetically, customizable WINVNK12.ZIP Vietnamese keyboard and fonts for Windows 3.1 VNVW10.ZIP Viewer for various Vietnamese text formats VPSABC10.ZIP WIN31: Teaching Vietnamese to children VPSCOM11.ZIP WIN3: Communication software in Vietnamese VPSED13.ZIP Vietnamese text editor w/spell check, printing VPSFNT11.ZIP Win31: Vietnamese TrueType fonts, set 1 VPSFNT21.ZIP Win31: Vietnamese TrueType fonts, set 2 VPSFNT31.ZIP WIN31: Vietnamese TrueType fonts, set 3 VPSFNT41.ZIP WIN31: Vietnamese TrueType fonts, set 4 VPSFNT51.ZIP Win31: Vietnamese TrueType fonts, set 5 VPSFNT61.ZIP WIN31: Vietnamese TrueType fonts, set 6 VPSHOW11.ZIP Teleprompter for Vietnamese text VPSWIN21.ZIP Vietnamese keyboard & fonts for Windows 3.1 WCNVRT10.ZIP WIN31: Convert Vietnamese text formats HURRTR40.ZIP HURRTRAK v4.0: Hurricane tracking / analysis STORM61.ZIP Hurricane tracking pgm. USA E. & Gulf coasts 00README.1ST Information about files in this directory AFRICA.ZIP World Maps for Africa - 1 of 7 ANTARCTI.ZIP World Maps for Antarctica - 2 of 7 ASIA.ZIP World Maps for Asia - 3 of 7 AUSTRALI.ZIP World Maps for Australia - 4 of 7 EUROPE.ZIP Map of Europe - part of WORLDMAP package MAPVU20.ZIP MapView 2.0, world map files viewing program NORTHAME.ZIP World Maps for North America (EGA) 6 of 7 SOUTHAME.ZIP World Maps for South America (EGA) 7 of 7 SWIVEL.ZIP Display program for World Maps (EGA) WORLD.ZIP World map graphics database WPJ_MAG.INF Free electronic magazine for Windows progrmers WPJRQST.TXT Request for assistance from WPJ readers WPJV1N1.ZIP Windows Programmer's Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 WPJV1N2.ZIP Windows Programmer's Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 WPJV1N3.ZIP Windows Programmer's Journal Vol. 1 No. 3 WPJV1N4.ZIP Windows Programmer's Journal. Vol. 1 No. 4 WPJV1N5.ZIP Windows Programmer's Journal Vol. 1 No. 5 WPJV1N6.ZIP Windows programmer's Journal. Vol 1. No. 6 WPJV1N7.ZIP Issue #7 of the Windows Programmer's Journal WPJV1N8.ZIP Windows Programmer's Journal Vol. 1 No. 8 UFG.ZIP Universal game playing functions for XLISP XL21F386.ZIP XLISP-PLUS 2.1f 3/486 prot mode executable XL21FDOC.ZIP XLISP-PLUS 2.1f documentation (ASCII format) XL21FEXE.ZIP XLISP-PLUS 2.1f 80x86 executable XL21FPSD.ZIP XLISP-PLUS 2.1f documentation (PostScript) XL21FREQ.ZIP XLISP-PLUS 2.1f required files XL21FSRC.ZIP XLISP-PLUS 2.1f source code (in C) XL21FWIN.ZIP XLISP-PLUS 2.1f Windows 3.1 executable XL21G386.ZIP XLISP-PLUS 2.1g 3/486 prot mode executable XL21GDOC.ZIP XLISP-PLUS 2.1g documentation (ASCII format) XL21GEXE.ZIP XLISP-PLUS 2.1g 80x86 executable XL21GPSD.ZIP XLISP-PLUS 2.1g documentation (PostScript) XL21GREQ.ZIP XLISP-PLUS 2.1g required files XL21GSRC.ZIP XLISP-PLUS 2.1g source code (in C) XL21GWIN.ZIP XLISP-PLUS 2.1g Windows 3.1 executable XLISP21W.ZIP Windows server version of XLISP2.1 (w/source) XLISPDOC.ZIP XLISP v2.0 docs & note on XLISP-PC extentions XLISPLSP.ZIP Examples of LISP code for XLISP 2.0 XLISPREF.ZIP Mikkelsen's complete XLISP2.0 reference manual XLSP21EX.ZIP XLISP v2.1, EXE for PC-DOS and generic MS-DOS XLSP21TC.ZIP XLISP v2.1, TC++ 2.0 source & some net chatter XMATH.ZIP X-Lisp math functions to accompany X-Lisp XAP143D1.ZIP X Appeal X Server trial v1.43 (386 req.), 1/4 XAP14D2.ZIP X Appeal X Server trial v1.4 (386 req.), 2/4 XAP14D3.ZIP X Appeal X Server trial v1.4 (386 req.), 3/4 XAP14D4.ZIP X Appeal X Server trial v1.4 (386 req.), 4/4 XAPPEAL.TXT X Appeal X Server trial v1.41. Read this first 2ZIP25.ZIP Convert most any archived file to ZIP format A2Z16D.ZIP Convert ARC/PAK to ZIP 1.01 (TP 5 src) v1.6D ANSIKL10.ZIP Remove ANSI codes from comments in ZIP files ANTI100.ZIP Anti-Ad, detect/remove BBS ads from ZIPs ANY2ZIP4.ZIP Batch files to convert ARC/LZH/ARC/ZOO to ZIP APPNOTE.ZIP PKZIP 2.0+ data structures for util developers ARCTOZIP.ZIP Conversion & comments! Auto-del largest; V1.3 AUTO_10.ZIP Menu driven shell for modems, PKZIP & PKUNZIP AZP5010.ZIP Front-end utility for use with PKZIP & PKUNZIP BBZIPPII.ZIP Byte Brothers ARC to ZIP conversion program BLDZIP10.ZIP Program builds a ZIP file to any wanted size CATOZ.ZIP Batch file converts from ARC to ZIP archives CHKAV22.ZIP ChkAv 2.2, check ZIP files for -AV stamps CUTTER22.ZIP Splits ZIP Files into any size you wish DEDICATE.DOC ZIP archive format public domain statement DELZIP.ZIP Delete files in subdirectory already in ZIP DXZIP.ZIP Del file(s) in current dir found in ZIP file DZIP111.ZIP Remove files from disk that exist in .ZIPs EXZIP192.ZIP Converts all archives from ARCs to ZIPs NZIP202.ZIP NZIP v2.02, front end menu for PKZIP PAKPAL10.ZIP Easy to use interface for PKZIP and PKUNZIP PALRUN20.ZIP Run or edit files from within ZIP files PCUNZIP.ZIP Fast free UNZIP program, with ASM source PK_WARN.ZIP Warning about a hacked version of PKZIP (1.2) PK2BUGS.ZIP List of bugs in PKZIP 2.04c. Beware! PKBANNER.ZIP Add fancy coments to ZIP files PKCNVT11.ZIP Convert Amiga arc/zoo/lzh files to ZIP on IBMs PKINSV64.ZIP Pkinsert: Utility for inserting ZIP comments PKV100.ZIP ZIP file viewer with TASM source PKZ_CED.ZIP CED editor synonyms for use with PKZIP PKZ204G.EXE PKWare ZIP archive create/extract pgm, v2.04g PKZDATE.ZIP Sets date of ZIP file to latest contained file PKZF10.EXE PKWare's file find pgm, searchs ZIPs too PKZM104.EXE Menu-driven ZIP file extract pgm from PKWare PSDZIP.ZIP Deletes all files extracted from a ZIP file QZVIEW1.ZIP Small point-and-shoot shell for ZIP programs REZIP5.ZIP Rezipper utility STRIPZ13.ZIP Strip comments out of .ZIP file/reset attribs SUBZIP21.ZIP Compress and uncompress subdirectory with ZIP SUZV10.ZIP Selective ZIP extractor (uses PKZIP/PKUNZIP) TOZIP51.ZIP Cvt ZOO/PAK/DWC/LHARC/PKUNPAK/PKXARC to ZIP UNZ51X.EXE Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.1, 16-bit MS-DOS exes+docs UNZ51X3.EXE Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.1, 16/32-bit DOS exes+docs UNZIP51.ZIP C src code for free Unix/VMS/MS-DOS/etc. UNZIP UNZIPIT.ZIP Quickly unzip and scan for virus for ZIP files VZ10.ZIP Zip file contents viewer supports ANSI color WARN201.ZIP Warning re bogus PKZIP201.ZIP or .EXE file X_V30.ZIP Run compressed prg or batch files out of a ZIP XTGZ20.ZIP Zip 2.0 overlay for XTreeGold v2.5 XTWZ20.ZIP Zip 2.0 overlay for XTree (v1.5) for Windows ZARC_22.ZIP ZARC ZIP Manager: Zip select files by tagging ZC102.ZIP Break up ZIP file into files of specified size ZCKR201.ZIP Splits and sizes ZIP files ZCM12.ZIP ZIP CommentMaster v1.2: ZIP comment editor ZDATE10.ZIP Time/date utility that returns PKZIP format ZDIR18.ZIP ZIP dir (multicol,wildcard,-v verbose) ZFV111.ZIP ZIP format view - technical ZIP file info ZFV12.ZIP ZFV v.1.2, stand alone archive viewer ZGREP30.ZIP Search/extract ZIP files w/regular expressions ZIP201.ZIP Info-ZIP's portable ZIP v2.01, C source code ZIP20X.ZIP Info-ZIP's portable ZIP v2.0, MS-DOS EXEs ZIPBR111.ZIP ZIP Brand FAST!: Comment ZIP archives quickly ZIPCOM.ZIP Add 255+ byte comment to .ZIP files ZIPCVT28.ZIP Converts ZIPs to 2.04 maximum compression ZIPDATE.ZIP Changes ZIP archive date to latest member file ZIPDS10.ZIP Update ZIP file date to last member date ZIPGUN.ZIP Front end utility for PKZIP/PKUNZIP ZIPOFF.ZIP A ZIP-split program that creates useable ZIPs! ZIPOT11.ZIP Change timestamps of .ZIPs to contents' date ZIPPER13.ZIP Build ZIPs of limited size from multiple files ZIPPR100.ZIP Front-end for PKZIP/PKUNZIP ZIPQUIK4.ZIP Convert ARC/PAK files to ZIP ZIPSEE.ZIP See dir and contents of .ZIP file ZIPSPL12.ZIP Split a ZIP file to any size or onto diskettes ZIPTV21.ZIP ZIP viewer/reader driver program for BBS doors ZIPUP1_1.ZIP Strip out or add comments to ZIPs ZIPV107.ZIP V.Buerg's ZIP dir lister ver. 1.07, w/ASM src ZIPV120.ZIP Read text files inside ZIPs using Buerg's LIST ZIPVEW13.ZIP BBS door: Browse through contents of ZIP files ZIPVIEW.ZIP IDC's utility to view ZIP's on any BBS ZIPVINC.ZIP List dirs of .ZIP files, MS Share compatible ZIPVU124.ZIP View text/graphics & execute files inside ZIPs ZIPVW161.ZIP ZIP 2.04 viewer for NC 3.0&4.0 & VC 4.0 ZLAB_19C.ZIP Ziplab v1.9C; a ZIP file tester for PCBoard ZM29.ZIP ZipMaster 2.9, ZIP file compression manager ZQ_706.ZIP ZIP Quick converts ARCs to ZIP ZRAY125.ZIP Zip X-Ray 1.25: View files in ZIPs using LIST ZRUNR30.ZIP ZIP Runner: Zip file program mgr / file viewer ZSIZE122.ZIP Breaks large ZIPs into smaller specified size ZT281.ZIP ZipTool: Copy/delete/merge/split ZIP files ZV101.ZIP ZIP View - ZIP directory lister v1.01 ZVTEST11.ZIP Test ZIPs for damage & viruses (uses SCANV) ZZAP66A.ZIP Convert archive types, test integrity/virus ATOZ112.ZIP ARC to Zoo archive conversion BOOZ20.ZIP ZOO file extractor, handles new v2.10, w/C src FIZ20.ZIP Analyze damaged ZOO archive for data recovery STUFF2.ZIP Generate filenames & pathnames to feed ZOO UGUIDE.ZIP User guide and documentation for ZOO v2.01 ZOO210.EXE Dhesi's make/extract/view ZOO archives, 910712