ۥ-!@ -_1</:$:$$:$:$:$:$:2:<n:n:n:n:n: x:n::*:::::::::::::`5;`;;4;/;$:;; Microsoft Excel 3.0 Automated Product Support Service Fax-Script Questions and Answers: Excel 3.0 Usage -------------------------------------------- 1. Q. Every time I try to enter data, such as "5 Days Remaining," into a worksheet, Excel displays an alert message telling me that there is an error in the formula. Also, the HOME, END and CTRL keys no longer work as they have before. A. The most likely reason for this behavior is that Excel is in alternate navigation mode. This three-step operation will correct this problem: a. To change back to Excel keyboard functionality, choose Workspace from the Options menu. b. Uncheck the Alternate Navigation Keys check box. To uncheck this option, either click the box using the mouse, or press the K key on your keyboard. c. Click OK or press the ENTER key on your keyboard. For more information on Alternate Navigation Keys, please refer to pages 46-55 of the "Microsoft Excel User's Guide." 2. Q. All of my worksheets use Helvetica 10 for screen display and printed output. I want to use another font as the default for screen display and printing. How do I do this? A. Helvetica 10 point is the default font used for the screen display and printouts for all worksheet cells, row and column headings, and headers and footers. The four-step process outlined below will change the font used by the entire worksheet: a. To change this font for the entire worksheet, choose Style from the Format menu, and then choose Define. This procedure will display the Style dialog box settings. b. The Font button is the second button from the left on the top row of buttons at the bottom of the dialog box; select this button. This will display the Font dialog box. c. Select the font and size you want to use as the default worksheet font. If the font list does not contain the font you are interested in using, click or select the Printer Font check box. This will cause the font and size list to be updated to display the list of fonts directly supported by your printer. Now select the font and size you want to use. d. Once you have made your selection, choose OK and then choose OK again. The worksheet display will now use the selected font as the default font for your worksheet and the row and column headings. 3. Q. I have some text files I would like to bring into Excel for Windows version 3.0. How can I do this? A. If you are importing a text file from any third-party application into Excel, it is usually necessary to convert the file into a usable format. There are three different methods of bring text files into Excel. These methods depend on the type of delimiter used in the text file. a. The following three-step process should be used if the file has a column delimiter that is either a tab or a comma: 1) Choose Open from the File menu. 2) Select your file from the list of files or type in the filename in the File Name edit box. Select the Text button. 3) Excel will display another dialog box with a Column Delimiter group box that lists "Tab" and "Comma." Pick the appropriate delimiter for your file, select OK and OK again. Excel will open the file correctly. b. Another quick way to bring a tab- or comma-delimited file into Excel is to rename the file so that it has a .TXT extension (if tab delimited) or a .CSV extension (if comma delimited). Excel will recognize the format from the file extension and open it correctly. c. If the file has a column delimiter other than a tab or a comma (such as a semicolon), the file can be brought into Excel as a text file (it will open this way if opened normally in Excel) and then parsed using the Excel 3.0 add-in macro FLATFILE.XLA. Use the following six-step processes to open files that use a column delimiter other than a tab or comma: 1) To use FLATFILE.XLA, first open the add-in macro from the Library subdirectory located in your Excel directory by selecting the File menu and choosing Open. 2) Now change the directory to the Library subdirectory by either double-clicking [library] in the directory list, or by pressing the TAB key twice, pressing the DOWN ARROW key on your key pad until [library] is highlighted, and then pressing ENTER. Now select the FLATFILE.XLA file from the list of files or type FLATFILE.XLA in the File Name edit box. 3) Select your file from the list of files or type in the filename in the File Name edit box. Select OK. Excel will now open your text file. 4) Once the text file has been opened, select column A with your mouse by clicking the column heading. If you do not have a mouse, you can select column A by positioning the cursor in cell A1, pressing and holding the CTRL key, and then pressing the SPACEBAR key. 5) Select the Data menu and choose Smart Parse. The Smart Parse option will be available only if FLATFILE.XLA is open. 6) If columns in your text file are delimited by a space or spaces, choose the option Blank Space. If the delimiter is a forward slash, enter a slash character. If the delimiter is some other character, choose Other and type in the character. If the file is a flat file, there may be extra spaces between the fields in the file. If you would like to remove them, check the Remove Extra Blank Spaces box. When you choose OK, each field in each row will be parsed out to its own cell. For more information on opening files from Excel, see pages 338-340 of the "Microsoft Excel User's Guide." For more information on the FLATFILE.XLA add-in macro, see pages 683-684 in Appendix B of the "Microsoft Excel User's Guide." 4. Q. I have several spreadsheets I wand to consolidate into one, single- summary worksheet. Can Excel do this for me or do I have to do it manually? A. Excel for Windows version 3.0 can create summary worksheets automatically with the Data Consolidation feature. Use the following five-step procedure: a. To use Data Consolidation, first open all of the worksheets you want to summarize. b. Activate the summary worksheet by selecting the Window menu and selecting your summary sheet from the list of open worksheets, or open a new worksheet by selecting the File menu, choosing New, clicking Worksheet, and selecting OK. c. Select the Data menu and then choose Consolidate. Excel will then display the Data Consolidation dialog box. d. Activate the first worksheet you want to consolidate by selecting the Window menu and choosing the worksheet from the list of open worksheets. Now highlight the range of cells to be consolidated. e. When you have highlighted the entire range of cells on the first worksheet to be consolidated, press the ADD button. Repeat this process until all of your worksheets have been added to the list of references in the Data Consolidation dialog box. After all references have been successfully entered, choose OK. For more information, please refer to pages 328-334 of the "Microsoft Excel User's Guide." 5. Q. I have created a worksheet in Excel 3.0 and now need to export this file from Excel. How can I do this? A. There are two different methods of bring text files into Excel. The method used depends on the type of column delimiter you need to use in the text file. a. If your mainframe system can read tab- or comma-delimited files, you can use this two-step process to save the file in text file format: 1) Select the File menu and choose Save As. 2) Click the Options button with your mouse, or hold down the ALT key on your keyboard and then press the O key. Now choose either Text format for a tab-delimited file or CSV for a comma-delimited file from the File Format list box. b. If you want to save the file as a flat file (or a file that uses spaces between the columns to delimit the file), you can use the FLATFILE.XLA add-in macro and the following three-step procedure: 1) Open the add-in macro from the Library subdirectory located in your Excel directory by selecting the File menu and choosing Open. Now change to the Library subdirectory by either double-clicking [library] in the directory list, or by pressing the TAB key twice, pressing the DOWN ARROW key on your key pad until [library] is highlighted, and then pressing ENTER. Now select the FLATFILE.XLA file from the list of files or type FLATFILE.XLA in the File Name edit box. 2) Highlight the area in the worksheet that you want to save to a flat file format. 3) Select the Data menu and choose Export. The Export option will be available only if FLATFILE.XLA is open. The add-in macro will prompt you for a filename. Once you have entered a name and chosen OK, FLATFILE.XLA will create the text file on your hard drive. This file can now be imported into any application that requires an ASCII flat file. For more information on saving files from Excel, see pages 135-143 of the "Microsoft Excel User's Guide." For more information on the FLATFILE.XLA add-in macro, see pages 683-684 in Appendix B of the "Microsoft Excel User's Guide." 6. Q. How do I use the new Autosum feature in Excel 3.0? A. The Autosum feature requires a mouse. If you do not have a mouse, you will not be able to use this feature. To use the Excel Autosum feature, follow this five-step process: a. Select a cell directly below or to the right of a column of numbers. b. Now, using your mouse, click the Autosum icon on the Excel tool bar. The tool bar is positioned directly below the menu bar. The Autosum icon resembles the Greek letter Sigma and is the fifth icon from the left on Excel tool bar. c. Once you have clicked the Autosum icon, Excel will activate the formula bar, insert the SUM() formula, and select the cells that it believes you want to sum. Excel will select all of the cells in a row or column of data until it encounters the first blank cell or the first cell containing non-numeric data, such as a text label. d. Excel makes it easy for you to tell which cells will be summed by placing a dotted, moving box around the selected cells. If Excel has selected cells that you do not want summed, or has not selected all of the cells you want summed, simply adjust the selection by clicking the first cell in the range and dragging to the last cell. e. You may enter the SUM() formula by either clicking the Autosum icon a second time, or by pressing the ENTER key on your keyboard. _1(egiJkm\}13oqCM[$ U W 1 { ? $ K M =EG k7')rT^.y!c Ujl&(qM}^:ge"35x,IK*Z\+v X +!-!z!!!!""["""" #V#h#j####7$$$$%c%%%%D&&&#'l'''((c(((!c(()j))*@*B***+F+H++++,F,H,,,,,8-----H...(/9/;///0^00001[1]1_1!,F  / '/M_1(_1* Tms Rmn RSymbol"Helv 1CourierEpson 24 pinLPT2:EPSON24Epson 24 pin 0000Epson 24 pin 0000////"hiåiå/Laura MartinezLaura Martinez