ۥ-!@ -!(&$&$$&$&$&$&$&2&.`&`&`&`&`& j&`&z&*&&&&&&&&&&&&&`!'`''4'/'$&'' Microsoft Excel Version 3.0 Automated Product Support Service Fax-Script Questions and Answers: Excel 3.0 Installation --------------------------------------------- 1 Q. When I try to install Excel for Windows version 3.0, I get an alert message telling me Windows needs to be in standard or enhanced mode. What am I doing wrong? A. Microsoft Excel 3.0 requires Windows 3.0 to be in either standard or enhanced mode. For Windows to run in standard or enhanced mode, the Windows memory manager, HIMEM.SYS, must be present in the CONFIG.SYS file. The following five-step procedure will help you configure your system for proper Windows 3.0 operation: a. To install HIMEM.SYS, you will first need to know where on your system's hard disk HIMEM.SYS is located. Windows will install this file into the root directory. DOS will install HIMEM.SYS into the DOS directory. Once you have determined where on your hard disk HIMEM.SYS is located, copy it to the root of your hard drive by typing the following: copy himem.sys c:\ If you can't locate HIMEM.SYS on your system, please contact Microsoft Windows technical support at (206) 637-7098. b. Start Microsoft Windows. Once Windows has been started, choose Run from the File menu in the Program Manager. In the Command Line dialog box, type in SYSEDIT. This will start the Microsoft System Configuration Editor. c. Once SYSEDIT has loaded, you will see four windows titled CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT, SYSTEM.INI, and WIN.INI. Choose the CONFIG.SYS window by clicking on the window title with your mouse or by selecting CONFIG.SYS from the Window menu. d. Once the CONFIG.SYS file has been selected, enter the following line at the beginning of the file: DEVICE=C:\HIMEM.SYS e. Save the file by choosing Save from the File menu. Exit the System Configuration Editor. Exit Windows and reboot your computer. Once your computer has rebooted, restart Windows. Confirm that Windows 3.0 is running in standard or enhanced mode by selecting the Help menu and choosing About Program Manager. If Windows is in standard or enhanced mode, you should now be able to install Microsoft Excel 3.0. If Windows is still in real mode, please contact Microsoft Windows technical support at (206) 637-7098. 2. Q. I am trying to install Microsoft Excel for Windows 3.0. When I enter my name and company name and press ENTER, I get an unrecoverable application error (UAE). I choose OK and am returned to Windows. Sometimes my system completely locks up. What is happening? A. This behavior is known to occur if you have installed PC Tools version 7.0 from Central Point Software. To correct this problem, use the following four-step procedure: a. Start Microsoft Windows. Once Windows has been started, select the Program Manager File menu and choose Run. In the Command Line dialog box, type in SYSEDIT. This will start the Microsoft System Configuration Editor. b. Once SYSEDIT has loaded, you will see four windows titled CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT, SYSTEM.INI, and WIN.INI. Choose the WIN.INI window by clicking on the window title by using your mouse, or select WIN.INI from the Window menu. c. The line modified by PC Tools is the LOAD= line. LOAD= is normally the second line in the WIN.INI file. If you do not see the LOAD= line, select the Search menu, choose Find, type in LOAD=, and select Next or press ENTER. d. Once you have found the LOAD= line, comment this line out by placing a semicolon followed by a space before the line. Save the file by choosing Save from the File menu. Exit the System Configuration Editor. Exit Windows and reboot your computer. Once your computer has rebooted, restart Windows. You should now be able to install Microsoft Excel 3.0. For more information regarding PC Tools, please contact Central Point Software, the maker of PC Tools. 3. Q. I am about to install Microsoft Excel for Windows on my company's network. Is there anything special I need to know about installing Excel on a network? A. There is a text file called NETWORK.TXT on the Excel for Windows version 3.0 Setup disk that specifically discusses installing Excel for Windows 3.0 on a network. To view this file, follow this three-step process: a. Put the Setup disk in your computer's A drive. b. Start Windows by typing WIN and pressing ENTER. c. Once Windows has started, select the Program Manager File menu and choose Run. In the Command Line dialog box, type: notepad a:network.txt Press ENTER. This will start the Windows Notepad application and load the network text file. For more information regarding installing Excel on a network server, please refer to page 701 of the "Microsoft Excel User's Guide." 4. Q. During Excel for Windows installation, I am given the opportunity to pick and choose which Excel options I want to install. What are each of these options and why should I install them? A. There are six options you may choose from during Microsoft Excel for Windows setup. The following is an overview of the seven available options: a. Microsoft Excel: This option installs the minimum files set necessary for using Microsoft Excel 3.0. If you are installing Microsoft Excel 3.0 for the first time, you must turn on this option. b. Microsoft Excel Tutorial: Choosing this option installs a series of online lessons that provides an excellent way to interactively learn Microsoft Excel 3.0. c. Dialog Editor: Choosing this option installs an application called the Dialog Editor. You use the Dialog Editor to create custom dialog boxes for Microsoft Excel command macros and custom forms for entering database information. d. Macro Translator: Choosing this option installs the Macro Translation Assistant, a utility that will assist you in translating your Lotus 1-2-3 and Microsoft Multiplan macros into Microsoft Excel 3.0 macros. e. Macro Library files: Selecting this option installs a set of sample worksheets and add-in macros that offer ideas on how to combine Microsoft Excel features to create powerful worksheets, macros, and models. f. Microsoft Excel Solver: Choosing this option installs Microsoft Excel Solver, an easy-to-use companion application that allows you to get more and better answers out of the same worksheet you built to ask "what-if" questions. g. Q+E: Q+E for Microsoft Excel is an easy-to-use and powerful database application that allows you to manipulate and update database files from a variety of database systems, including dBASE and Microsoft SQL Server. For more information on installing Microsoft Excel for Windows, please see page 4 of the "Microsoft Excel User's Guide." 2prt (*vi+s+3S[2{-uH u } 4 6 |  R + s FvxVPj!mEqs3}-R!cRTT46c2BD-/z:@=:BD!@F   mHMR* Tms Rmn RSymbol"Helv 1CourierEpson 24 pinLPT2:EPSON24Epson 24 pin 0000Epson 24 pin 0000  "hcådå/Laura MartinezLaura Martinez