ۥ-!@ - *&($($$($($($($(2(.`(`(`(`(`( j(`(z(*(((((((((((((`!)`))4)/)$()) Microsoft Excel Version 3.0 Automated Product Support Service Fax-Script Questions and Answers: Excel 3.0 Chart -------------------------------------------- 1. Q. How can I place a chart directly on a worksheet? Once I place a chart on a worksheet, how can I make changes to the chart? A. There are two methods to place (or "embed") an Excel chart on an Excel worksheet. The first method requires a mouse. The second method uses either the keyboard or a mouse. Placing a chart on a worksheet is not possible in Excel version 2.0. a. This four-step method requires a mouse: 1) Select the data on the worksheet you want to chart. 2) With your mouse, point and click on the Charting tool on the Excel tool bar. The Charting tool is the fourth icon from the right on the tool bar. Once you have selected the Charting tool, your mouse pointer will change into a cross hair. Position the mouse pointer on the worksheet where you to want place the upper-left corner of the chart. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse pointer down and to the left. This will cause a dotted line to be drawn on your worksheet in the shape of a square. Continue dragging until the dotted square is the size you want your chart to be. Release the left mouse button. The embedded chart will be created. 3) To make changes to the chart, double click the chart using the mouse. This will place the chart in its own window. You can now make changes to the chart. When you have completed your changes, choose Close from the File menu. 4) If you do not see the tool bar across the top of the screen, choose Workspace from the Options menu and make sure that the tool bar option has a check mark in the box next to it. If you do not see the tool bar option listed in the Workspace dialog box, you are probably using Excel version 2.0. b. The following three-step procedure can be performed using either the keyboard or a mouse: 1) Select the data on the worksheet you want to chart. Now select the File menu, choose New and choose Chart. Excel will create a chart. You may now make changes to the chart. 2) When you have completed your changes, choose Copy from the Edit menu. Select the Window menu and select your worksheet. Now position the active cell on the worksheet where you want the upper-left corner of the chart. Then choose Paste from the Edit menu. 3) If you do not want to make further changes to the chart, select the Window menu and choose your chart. Now close the chart by choosing Close from the File menu. Save changes to the chart only if you want to make further changes to the chart at a later date. For more information regarding embedded charts, please refer to page 534 of the "Microsoft Excel User's Guide." 2. Q. I want to change the order in which chart data is plotted, the names used in the legend, and the range of worksheet data plotted. How can I easily do this? A. Microsoft Excel allows you to directly modify the order in which charted data is plotted, the range of data plotted from a worksheet, and the name used for the data series in the legend or the chart title. This feature is only available with Excel version 3.0 or later. This feature is outlined in the following three-step operation: a. First activate the chart by selecting the Window menu and choosing the chart. If the chart you want to change is an embedded chart, double-click on the chart by using your mouse. b. Choose Edit Series from the Chart menu. Microsoft Excel will display the Edit Series dialog box. From within this dialog box you can edit chart information. For example, to change the data series name used in a legend, select the series name you want from the Data Series list. c. Select the Name edit box and enter your new name. To execute the change, choose either the Define or OK button. For more information regarding the Edit Series feature of Excel, please refer to pages 442-443 of the "Microsoft Excel User's Guide," or press the F1 key when the Edit Series dialog box is displayed. 3. Q. I have created a chart and now I want to attach the worksheet values to the chart. How can I do this? A. Microsoft Excel comes with two chart types that will automatically attach worksheet values to the chart. To use either of these charts, activate the chart by selecting the Window menu and selecting the chart. Select the Gallery menu and choose either Column or Bar, depending on which type of chart you want to use. Chart number 7 for either a column chart or a bar chart will attach the worksheet values to the end of the column. The following two-step procedure will attach worksheet values to a chart. a. To attach a worksheet value to any type of chart, hold down the CTRL key and click on the data point you want to attach a value to. Then choose Attach Text from the Chart menu. Press ENTER. The value will be attached to the chart data point you selected. b. If you do not have a mouse, choose Attach Text from the Chart menu. From the Attach Text dialog box, select Series and Datapoint. Enter the series number of the datapoint, press the TAB key and enter the datapoint number. You can determine the data series number by selecting the Chart menu and choosing Edit Series. Select the series you want to attach text to. The Plot Order number displayed in the Plot Order box is the data series number. For more information on attaching text to charts, please refer to pages 475-477 of the "Microsoft Excel User's Guide." 4. Q. I want to create a chart that uses pictures to display charted data instead of lines, columns, or bars. How can I create a picture chart in Microsoft Excel, and what types of picture formats can I use? A. To create a picture chart, first copy the picture to the Windows clipboard. Please refer to the documentation for the application that created the picture if you are unsure how to do this. After you have copied the picture to the Windows clipboard, follow this two-step procedure: a. Once the picture has been copied to the Windows clipboard, activate the chart by selecting the Window menu and choosing the chart. With your mouse, click on the chart series that you want to use for the picture. If you do not have a mouse, press the LEFT ARROW key on your keyboard until the series is selected. b. Choose Paste from the Edit menu. Then select the Format menu and choose Patterns. Excel will display the Picture Format dialog box. Select the Stack option if you want your picture to be stacked and automatically scaled. Select Stack and Scale if you want to control the scale. Microsoft Excel for Windows 3.0 supports both bitmap and metafile formats. Other picture formats such as, HPGL, and PCX files will not directly paste into Excel.  .kmoB ;=`C(q!mF k :  i  "kMtvB=&(uB#CE_ j!cjFLZ\<]5eC%79~f=8 !4F  &&L  j * Tms Rmn RSymbol"Helv 1CourierEpson 24 pinLPT2:EPSON24Epson 24 pin 0000Epson 24 pin 0000$$$"heåeå/Laura MartinezLaura Martinez