You are looking at PD6:000-NEW-ADDITIONS.TXT, updated 22-Apr-92. PD6: LSARCHIVE.TAR-Z Produces a recursive listing of a directory tree, similar to "ls -lR" but with differences. This one shows complete file name (full directory path), mode of file, number of links, and owner. The date is presented in the format yy/mm/dd hh:mm and is at the beginning of each line. Extremely useful for archive (UUCP) sites. Needs ANSI compiler. Contributor: Kent Landfield PD6: CVS.TAR-Z [updated] The Concurrent Version System. Version 1.3 ELVIS.TAR-Z A clone of the "vi" UNIX editor. Version 1.5. EPOCH.TAR-Z[1-7], EPOCHMAN.TAR-Z, EPOCHMAN.PS-Z GNU Emacs for the X windowing system based on GNU Emacs Version 18.58. The following functionality is added: multiple X windows, marked and attributed regions of text, proportional and variably sized fonts, async communications with other X clients, mouse dragging, access to raw X window objects, and undo operations. Version 4.0 (patch level 0). FILEUTILS.TAR-Z [updated] The GNU file utilities: cat, chmod, cmp, cp, dd, dir, du, head, ln, ls, mkdir, mv, rm, rmdir, tail, vdir. They are all supposedly POSIX compatible. Version 3.2. GDB.TAR-Z[1-5] [updated] The GNU symbolic debugger. Version 4.5. TAYLORUUCP.TAR-Z Complete source code for a UNIX UUCP package. Provides everything needed for a UUCP connection including uucico, uux, uustat, uulog, uuname, uuchk, and tstuu. Version 1.03. TERMCAP.TAR-Z GNU version of termcap. Version 1.0. PD6: ET.TAR-Z[1-3], ETMAN.TAR-Z ET++ is a homogeneous object-oriented class library integrating user interface building blocks, basic data structures, and support for object input/output with high level application framework components. Works with AT&T C++, SUN C++ 2.0, and G++. ETMAN.TAR-Z is the documentation for the library. Version 2.2. LEDA.TAR-Z Library of efficient data types and algorithms. Version 2.1.1. PD6: BOOTP.TAR-Z The CMU BOOTP server daemon. RFC1048 compatible. Version 2.1. DIALUPIP.TAR-Z Dialup IP is a driver that sends IP datagrams over SLIP connections. Provides a flexible script language to initiate calls and negotiate the login process on a remote host. Installed on ULTRIX 3.X, 4.3 BSD, and Sun's running binary BSD-derived systems. Version 2.0. Contributor: Rich Salz DNSPARSE.TAR-Z Tools for manipulating DNS master files and host tables. Version 2.0. FINGER.TAR-Z New distribution of finger. Based upon the ITS and TOPS-20 finger implementations. Sorts output by username. Includes a WHOIS and FINGER daemon. Contributor: Phil Budne INETROVER.TAR-Z Internet Rover Network Monitor. A text and motif based set of monitoring tools. Works on RS6000 AIX, PS2 AIX, 3090 AIX, and the SUN SPARCstation. Release 2.0. NFSTRACE.TAR-Z The rpc spy/nfstrace software package described in the paper "NFS Tracing by Passive Network Monitoring" presented at the Jan 92 USENIX conference. NFSWATCH.TAR-Z [updated] A program to monitor NFS traffic to a specific server or the entire network. Displays number of read requests, write requests, etc. as well as decoding the file handles to show which file systems are being hit. Version 3.0 Contributor: Dave Curry PERMYP.TAR-Z Permissions - access control library for the YP/NIS environment. Contributor: Theo Deraadt TCPDUMP.TAR-Z [updated] A program to dump out TCP packets for debugging purposes. Includes Berkeley Packet filter (BPF). Version 2.0 XNETDB.TAR-Z Network database and monitoring tool. Based on X-windows and SNMP with an integral database and statistical viewing capabilities. Can view circuits or routers and ethernets. Version 2.10. PD6: PR2.TAR-Z A simple page formatter similar to "pr". Contributor: Johnson Earls PD6: COPS.TAR-Z [updated] A large package of system security check programs, including checks for world readable/writable devices, world-writable files, "easy" passwords, bad .rhosts files, changes in setuid status, and more. CPUTT.TAR-Z Monitor top 10 (by CPU time) processes on a SUN OS 4.1.1 system. Contributor: Greg Vesper PD6: UUHOST.TAR-Z Read UUCP maps which live in a directory, and build a smallish database, containing just enough data to read the UUCP and USENET from the maps. Contributor: Jan-Piet Mens PD6: NESTOR.TAR-Z NEws STatistics ORganizer. A program to summarize the copious logging information from the NNTP news transport agent. NEWSXD.TAR-Z [updated] A configurable daemon for controlling news transmission. Allows categories of service, transmission times, number of transmissions at a time, etc. Version 2.51. Contributor: Chris Myers NNTP.TAR-Z [updated] The NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol, RFC 997) protocol. Version 1.5.11. PD6: FIDO.TAR-Z Fido scans files created by "rwhod" and reports the commings and goings of other people's machines on the network. Contributor: Phil Budne MBOXBBS.TAR-Z This BBS is a combination of newsreader, mailer, and database. Looks like a PC/DOS BBS, but offers Internet access and NEWS transfer. MBOX requires UUCP, NEWS, and MAIL. It works on MINIX 386 and UNIX SVR3. PERSIM.TAR-Z Single-Layer Perceptron Simulator. (Neural networks stuff.) Contributor: Adam Stein