4DDBU500.ZIP B 25795 920820 4DOS and DOS batch utilities v5.00 4DTNT.ZIP B 30357 920114 4DOS 4.0 Tips 'N Tricks -- sample batch files 4MENU11W.ZIP B 44032 910314 Makes batch file menus using 4DOS functions CONFISET.ZIP B 9321 920312 Export DR-DOS config environ to 4DOS (w/src) EZ_BTM06.ZIP B 51200 930427 4DOS BTM files: loaders/regular/libraries/help JAMBTM02.ZIP B 61819 921118 4DOS batch file collection & related material MOV_NUMB.ZIP B 1959 930604 4DOS batch file, moves and remumbers files PKBTM111.ZIP B 10759 920312 4DOS batch file serves as archiver shell