Directory MSDOS/BIBLE/ Filename Type Length Date Description ============================================== BIBLE14.ZIP B 46876 871205 Fast Bible search program BIBLEPOP.ZIP B 16422 890504 RAM-resident pop-up Bible verses BIBLEQ.ZIP B 71004 870207 Bible quiz game - 1000 questions DISK766.ZIP B 317879 880605 King James version of Holy Bible - disk 1 of 7 DISK767.ZIP B 299391 880605 King James version of Holy Bible - disk 2 of 7 DISK768.ZIP B 323480 880606 King James version of Holy Bible - disk 3 of 7 DISK769.ZIP B 326817 880606 King James version of Holy Bible - disk 4 of 7 DISK770.ZIP B 307525 880606 King James version of Holy Bible - disk 5 of 7 DISK771.ZIP B 334562 880606 King James version of Holy Bible - disk 6 of 7 DISK772.ZIP B 134777 880606 King James version of Holy Bible - disk 7 of 7 GENAIDC.ZIP B 213193 920526 Study aid/reference for KJV version of Genesis GWW11A01.ZIP B 310544 921208 Complete Bible search prog. for Windows, 1/12 GWW11A02.ZIP B 354649 921208 Complete Bible search prog. for Windows, 2/12 GWW11A03.ZIP B 356683 921208 Complete Bible search prog. for Windows, 3/12 GWW11A04.ZIP B 352395 921208 Complete Bible search prog. for Windows, 4/12 GWW11A05.ZIP B 322942 921208 Complete Bible search prog. for Windows, 5/12 GWW11A06.ZIP B 355539 921208 Complete Bible search prog. for Windows, 6/12 GWW11A07.ZIP B 356604 921208 Complete Bible search prog. for Windows, 7/12 GWW11A08.ZIP B 356080 921208 Complete Bible search prog. for Windows, 8/12 GWW11A09.ZIP B 356511 921208 Complete Bible search prog. for Windows, 9/12 GWW11A10.ZIP B 356258 921208 Complete Bible search prog. for Windows, 10/12 GWW11A11.ZIP B 270822 921208 Complete Bible search prog. for Windows, 12/12 GWW11A12.ZIP B 96668 921208 Complete Bible search prog. for Windows, 12/12 JOURNEY.ZIP B 27685 880728 Learn the 10 Commandments - CGA or MONO KJV_TOOL.ZIP B 19017 881130 Tools for Bible search & for other literature KJVCOUNT.TXT A 5898 891102 Words & phrases counts of King James Bible REFRKJV1.ZIP B 225869 910727 Powerful Biblical search/extraction tool. 1of3 REFRKJV2.ZIP B 2006420 910727 Powerful Biblical search/extraction tool. 2of3 REFRKJV3.ZIP B 1123488 910727 Powerful Biblical search/extraction tool. 3of3 REVAIDC.ZIP B 288332 920526 Study aid/reference for KJV vers of Revelation VIDBOOK0.ZIP B 1583433 930325 Graphic GIFs&viewer Bible Study - Romans 1:20 VIDBOOK1.ZIP B 1767522 930325 Graphic GIFs&viewer Bible Study - Isaiah 30:26