----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use ARROW keys to move bar to required file/dir, hit ENTER to select. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- assemble\ Assemblers/cross Assemblers basic\ Basic cc_c\ C/c++ Compilers/source/tools c_libs\ C/c++ Libraries cobol\ Cobol db_clipp\ Dbase/clipper Support delphi\ Delphi forth\ Forth fortran\ Fortran installa\ Installation Systems logo\ Logo modula_2\ Modula-2 other_la\ Other Languages pascal\ Pascal progedit\ Programmers Text Editors progtool\ Programmers Tools progref\ Reference sharewar\ Shareware Authors' Support tutorial\ Tutorials visual_b\ Visual Basic h000126.zip 517108 10-22-92 THOUGHTWORKS GRAPHICS LIBRARY kernel | for T Pascal/C/BASIC h000280.zip 458470 07-12-95 SPELMATE UK spelling checker DLL for Windows h004570.zip 127867 02-02-95 SSEBUT2 dynamic link library with | 80 custom buttons h004770.zip 1250087 07-18-95 VISUAL DLL create true DLL's without C | compiler or SDK h004772.zip 490696 07-18-95 WINFOXL.DLL complete information/control API h004849.zip 411696 07-18-95 MEDIA CONTROL LIBRARY DLL for video control n002126.zip 274756 07-18-95 DIGITIZED VOICE PROGRAMMER'S TOOLKIT n002336a.zip 323615 12-13-90 TURBO SCREDIT screen generator for Turbo C | & Turbo Pascal n002336b.zip 304791 12-13-90 TURBO SCREDIT screen generator for Turbo C | & Turbo Pascal n002499.zip 311870 03-05-91 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT UTILITIES plus Pascal | for Windows 3 n002716a.zip 261435 06-12-91 PROGRAMMER'S SUPER-MAINT | development maintenance utility n002716b.zip 267305 06-12-91 PROGRAMMER'S SUPER-MAINT | development maintenance utility n003563.zip 318151 09-18-92 MOUSE CURSOR DESIGNER & RIMROCK ICON EDITOR n003908.zip 110973 08-13-93 DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING NETWORK | functions for Pascal/C++ n004171.zip 281399 07-18-95 MGSPELL spell check DLL for VBASIC, Turbo C, | C++ & Pascal n004248.zip 305255 07-18-95 GNU FLEX source & executables + DeSmet | C LEX source n004768.zip 317595 02-28-95 DIAMONDWARE'S SOUND TOOLKIT sound | card support library n004771.zip 114045 02-25-95 WINDOWS ENCRYPTION TOOLKIT | royalty-free encryption DLLs n004839.zip 178931 07-18-95 DAMEWARE DEVELOPMENT CALENDAR routine | for Access,VBasic etc n004924.zip 122636 07-18-95 PSA SOUND CARD TOOLKIT for | programming DSP cards n004949.zip 187476 04-27-95 JPANI include JPEGs and LHA animations | in HLP files n004950.zip 113365 07-18-95 MDEP automatically generate | MAKEFILE dependency lists