GETTING STARTED For a real quick start just type VIEW from the root of the CD. This will run our VIEW program which will allow you to view the lists of files on the CD, copy them to your hard disk and UNZIP them to your hard disk. Mostly this will be every thing you need. The following notes give more information on shareware and how to use it. This is a general guide and some items mentioned may not apply to this particular CD. PLEASE READ THIS SECTION Knowing the design philosophy of this CD and how the material is organised will certainly make it easier for you to use it. Please read the next few pages. In particular, this CD relies heavily on compressed archive files. These allow related files to be kept together in one package and also allows much more software to be fitted into the same disk space. Any time you spend in learning to how handle these effectively will be amply repaid. BACKGROUND Currently, and for many years, we have been distributing PD and Shareware disks in the UK, Europe and other countries. During this time we have collected thousands of programs from authors worldwide. Each program or collection is given a unique volume number when it is added to the library. If a program has an update the changes since last version are marked in the legend for that volume in italics. The design of our cataloguing system is obviously oriented towards disk distribution. We believe it allows you to quickly find the program you are looking for and is more friendly for new users. We believe the public domain and Shareware system of software distribution is one of the best things to happen in personal computing, and something well worth supporting. We do this by collecting, testing, cataloguing and making available as much of the huge wealth of PD and Shareware as we can. What you are getting with this CD is basically a complete disk library; thousands of individual floppies with the contents of each compressed into corresponding archive files. We hope you will think we have done a good job and that you, in turn, will support the system by registering programs you find useful with their authors. ASSOCIATION OF SHAREWARE PROFESSIONALS (ASP) Many of the programs on this CD are from authors who are ASP members. These programs are indicated by (ASP) next to the disk volume number. The ASP is dedicated to raising levels of quality and service for Shareware programs. The following is a summary of what you can expect from programs provided by ASP authors. Programs will not be crippled; they will be fully functional programs. However, registration may be encouraged by providing the user with extra facilities, printed manuals or other bonuses. Programs will have been fully tested by the author and should not be harmful to other files or hardware if used properly. The program author will respond to people who send registration payments, as promised in the program's documentation. All ASP members' Shareware products include a minimum of 3 months support from the date of registration. Program documentation will include information on hardware requirements, about any known incompatibility with other software or hardware, how to register, what goods and/or services will be received for registering, registration fees and all the program's features. The ASP wants to make sure that the Shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a Shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442-9427 or send a Compuserve message via easyplex to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536 HOW THE CD IS ORGANISED Disks are listed in this catalogue with the main category headings in alphabetical order. Many categories also have subcategories where applicable. For example, under BUSINESS you will find subcategories Accounting, Forms-Chart Generators and so forth. The subdirectories on the CD are organised to correspond with these categories and subcategories. Because of the limitations of filenames imposed by DOS, we have had to truncate these to the first eight letters and, in some cases to remove name conflicts, have had to make minor changes to them. However, these changes are small enough so that it should be obvious what the directory contains. The table on page 2 shows the main category BUSINESS and how this translates to directory names on the CD. Some programs could fit into more than one category so you might need to use a bit of lateral thinking to figure out where to look. Check the Table of Contents on page 1 for help. To assist in finding particular titles we have also provided a synopsis of programs in the root directory of the CD. This file is called INDEX.TXT and contains a list of each disk and a single line description for it. Note, however, that some disks, particularly WINDOWS and UTILITIES, contain many separate programs. These won't all show up in the single line description so you will have to look at the printed descriptions to see them all. Most of the source disks are standard 360k 5.25" floppies, but a few are high density 1.2mb types. The contents of each disk are stored on the CD in the form of a ZIP file. (ZIP file compression is a method of compressing more data into less disk space, and also serves as a way of keeping related files together. Often compression of 60% or more is obtained.) The name of the ZIP file corresponds to the disk number in the catalogue. For example, looking at the first section in the library catalogue - AGRICULTURE & GARDENING, you will see the first item - 2372ABC(3) ROOT DIRECTORY followed by the description for this volume. 2372 is the disk volume number, the ABC after it indicates that it is a three disk set. This would be stored on the CD as three separate files: 2372A.ZIP, 2372B.ZIP and 2372C.ZIP, to reconstitute these to their original form you simply have to unpack each ZIP file to a separate disk. Look now to the next item, 2348(1) LANDSCAPE PLANT MANAGER. This time the program is a just a single disk. Occasionally you will see disk numbers beginning with H. This indicates a volume on a high density disk. For example, if you look under ELECTRONICS, towards the end of the section, you will find H027 LAYO1 PCB Design System. You know from this that if you want to unzip this program back onto a floppy you are going to need a 1.2mb or 1.4mb disk. As you would expect the file on the CD will be H027.ZIP. As mentioned earlier, some disks contain several different programs. Usually with these disk compilations each separate program will be contained in an archive within the main disk archive. With these you will have a little more work to do before you can run the program. Some authors insist on providing their programs on disks with subdirectories. For this reason you will find a few volumes with archives containing directory information. These have to be unzipped so as to retain the directory structure when the program is unpacked. This is done using the -d option with PKUNZIP; more on this later. OTHER ARCHIVE TYPES THAN ZIP In general, when we add a program to the library, we tend to retain the type of archiving used by the program author. This means that within the disk archives (which are all ZIP type), you will sometimes find other archive types (LZH, ARC, ZOO etc.). You will also run into SELF EXTRACTING archives. These look like regular executable programs with an EXE file name type, but when you run them they start unpacking themselves. We have provided a complete range of unpackers in the utilitie\archive directory which should handle any kind of archive you run into. CAUTIONS It takes only a very short time to wipe out hundreds or thousands of hours of work on your hard disk, even if you are one of those people who seems to lead a charmed life and nothing bad ever happened to you. While you may be such an unlikely person, if you in any way rely on a computer, you should have everything of value backed up. What's more, you should occasionally check your backups. I recently heard of a major company who had been religiously backing up their system onto tape after each day's work. One day, the system went down. Never having had a system failure before, there had never been a need to restore from a backup and no one had ever checked the tapes. Attempts to restore from them failed; the tapes were full of garbage due to undetected errors in the tape system. Incidentally, some so-called backup systems are useless. They can only restore to the same hard disk from which they were saved. If your hard disk expires in smoke this is not a lot of help. The test of a backup system is if you can take a backup disk or tape and restore it to another system. Also, you want to be able to restore just selected files if required. If your backup system can't do this, dump it and get one that can and actually test that it can. If you are testing unfamiliar software, and particularly if you are not an expert, then having good backups is vital. Disk sector editors, hard disk optimisers, hard disk space savers and password protection systems have the most potential for trouble if misused or if something goes wrong. If you have spent many hours setting up and optimising your system, to have your work wiped out by some dumb install program overwriting your CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT or WIN.INI files can be highly annoying. It's a good idea to have backup copies of these files on a floppy so you can do a quick restoration if things go wrong. THE PROCEDURE (BEGINNERS) Probably the simplest way to get programs off the CD is to turn them back into disk volumes. This way you will end up with disks just like you would get from your favourite Shareware disk vendor. Before you can do this you will need to have the program PKUNZIP somewhere your computer can find it. Lets say your CD is drive D: and your hard disk is drive C:. Type: COPY D:\PKUNZIP.EXE C:\ (enter) there is another program you will need as well so type: COPY D:\T.COM C:\ (enter) The next step is to check your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to make sure it includes C:\ in the path definition. If from the DOS prompt you type: PATH (return) The computer will respond with a line showing something like: PATH C:\;C:\DOS;D:\ etc etc If C:\ or wherever you put PKUNZIP.EXE and T.COM is not in the line then edit your AUTOEXEC.BAT file and add it to the end of the PATH line ie add. ;C:\ Now reboot your computer. From now on, whenever you ask to run PKUNZIP the computer will know where to look for it. Now let's try extracting some programs from the CD. As before, we will assume your CD drive is set up as D:, and that your A: drive is a floppy. If your drive letters are different, just make the appropriate letter substitutions. Let's say we want to extract volume 2348 (LANDSCAPE PLANT MANAGER). We are going to unpack it from the CD and put the unpacked program on a floppy in drive A: First, put a formatted blank disk in drive A: (It is IMPORTANT that the blank disk should NOT have a system on it or there may not be enough room for the programs). Now type: PKUNZIP -d D:\AGRICULT\2348.ZIP A:\ (return) NOTE: In the above command line argument, the -d switch tells PKUNZIP to create any subdirectories it may find in the source archive. Not many volumes have these, but using this switch each time you unpack a program will ensure you don't miss unpacking some data if there are subdirectories. Remember that some programs consist of more than one disk; for example 2372ABC (ROOT DIRECTORY) is three, so you will find three archive files 2372A.ZIP, 2372B.ZIP and 2372C.ZIP. Each of these needs to be unpacked onto a separate floppy. HIGH DENSITY VOLUMES If the program you want to extract has a catalogue number beginning H, eg H001" this means that it requires a high density disk 1.2mb 5.25" or 1.4mb 3.5" to accommodate it. Again, any blank formatted disks you use should NOT be DOS system disks as the space used by the system may not leave enough room for the programs. INSTALLING PROGRAMS If all went well, you should now have a disk or disks containing your selected programs. Unfortunately, there is no standard procedure for installing programs, and the exact things you have to type in will be different for each one. The procedure to install any particular program will be in the author's documentation for that program. Your first step is therefore to locate and read this. Check each disk for document files. Use the DIR command to do this. You will be looking for files with names like: README READ ME MANUAL DOC INFO TXT PDSL TXT Usually the files you are looking for will be fairly obvious by their names. Notice the end part of the file name (the file extension); this is usually the giveaway. DOC (document) and TXT (text) are the most commonly used for program documentation. To view one of these files on the screen type: T (return) The screen will clear and you will be prompted for a filename. Enter the name of the file you want to view, for example if your DIR search had shown the files above you would check them out one at a time: README (return) or READ.ME (return) Notice here that with READ.ME we have replaced the space between the two parts of the file name as shown in the CD-ROM ISO FILES - Free Download -Download gratis with a period (full stop). This is a DOS convention because spaces are not allowed in filenames. You will now be able to view the file on screen and scroll through it using your arrow keys. You can also search for text and do a lot of other things with T.COM; pressing ? will display a list of available commands. If you get a message File not found it means that you have made an error typing the file name, or you are not logged into the disk or directory where the text file is. Since this was writen, we have added another program to the disc. This is also a viewer, but especially designed for the PDSL disc. The name of the program is view. You can copy the view.exe program to a directory on your path as you did above for the other programs. You can also use the view program to view text files if you type a file name as a parameter to the view command like this: view readme The view program walks you through the CD-ROM ISO FILES - Free Download -Download gratis classicistranieri.coms of each directory. You select the directory or file you want to examine by typing . If you select a directory, you will see all the file and directory entries for that directory. If you select a file, the view program will ask you in which directory you want to unzip the files. View will give you a default which is the same path as is on the CDROM. If you don't like that one you can enter another path. (View will create directories that don't exist.) View then unzips the file you selected and leaves you at the dos prompt in the directory with the file you unzipped. PRINTING DOCUMENTATION Many people prefer printed documentation and certainly it is a great help, particularly when learning a complicated program. In general printing a text file can be done by the command- COPY FILENAME PRN This will send FILENAME to the printer. However, a warning here; some authors are not very good at keeping their documents compact, with lots of white space, huge margins and pages with just a few lines on them. This is fine for readability but can produce annoyingly large piles of paper. Check out volume 2855 under PRINTING utilities for ways to reduce this paper pile. An alternative way to print these files is to load them into your normal word processor or desktop publishing program and print them as you would your own work. MORE ON T.COM. T.COM is a renamed early version of LIST COM by Vernon Berg. A later, much better and more versatile version can be found on disk 3313 under TEXT TOOLS. We have supplied this early version because of ease of use for beginners, but we strongly recommend you investigate the later version which is well worth the registration fee. MORE ON PKZIP/UNZIP The full version of these utilities with documentation will be found on disk(s) 2051 under ARCHIVING UTILITIES; again, well worth registering these excellent programs. ARCHIVES IN ARCHIVES As mentioned earlier, some disks contain collections of programs each of which may be in a separate archive. Also, some authors provide their programs in two or three separate archives. With these types of disk, when you unpack the main ZIP file, you end up with a disk full of smaller archives. Basically the way of handling these is just the same as for single archive files (as above), but you will have to repeat the procedure for each archive. If you have two floppy disk drives, you could unpack your secondary archives onto the second floppy, or if not, you could unpack to a temporary subdirectory on your hard disk. OTHER ARCHIVE TYPES Most of the archive files in the Library are of the ZIP type but there are a few other types. Like ZIP archives they can be identified by their filename extension; you will find ARC, LZH, ARJ and a few ZOO archives. Unpackers for all of these will be found in the utilitie\archive directory and their command line syntax is similar to that for PKUNZIP. SELF EXTRACTING ARCHIVES You cannot tell a self-extracting archive from the filename; they have an EXE extension just like a normal executable program. It is not until you try running one that you find out, as you will start to get unpacking messages on the screen. Self-extracting archives can be slightly more awkward because many of them will not take a drive and path argument to tell them where to put the extracted files. For example, if our self-extracting archive was called PROG.EXE and was on drive A: then typing: A>>PROG C:\TEST may not, as you might expect, put the extracted files on drive C: in our TEST subdirectory where we want them. However, if we first log into C:\TEST directory and then call the archive, the files will go to the correct place. C:\TEST>> A:PROG (This line will work correctly.) INSTALLATION PROGRAMS Often you will find that installing a program consists of nothing more than copying the program and its files into a subdirectory, and it is then ready to run. Some programs come with a special INSTALL program. Often these install programs are very good and cater for almost any imaginable hardware configuration and any circumstance the user may run into. However, there are some which can cause problems. Ones to watch out for: insist that you install from drive A:; insist on unpacking archives into the same directory and may run out of disk space if this is a floppy; insist that the disk has a certain volume label DISK 1, DISK 2 etc; assume that all hard disks are C: ; Insist on creating a new AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS file so messing up your system configuration. Most of these are easily handled. The DOS ASSIGN command can route calls to drive A: to drive B: or wherever, and the volume label can be changed with the DOS 5 LABEL command or a suitable disk utility. Always keep backup copies of your AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS Windows INI files and any other configuration files that may get disturbed when installing new programs. EXPERIENCED USERS Probably the best way to handle all the archive files on the CD is to use one of the archive management systems like SHEZ or ARCMASTER from the ARCHIVE UTILITIES section. Using one of these programs you can view, selectively extract, convert, test and do all kinds of fancy things with archives of all kinds. What's more, they can also work with archives within archives, which saves a lot of hassle. Once you have installed and gotten used to one of these archive management systems, you should find it very easy and fast to extract programs from the CD. COMMON PROBLEMS Over the years, we have distributed vast numbers of Shareware and PD disks to all kinds of users from the super expert to the complete beginner. This has lead to us getting quite a lot of feedback about problems people have with programs. Listed here are some of the most common and how to solve them. KNOWING DOS Long experience has shown that nearly all problems with library disks are due to not knowing DOS or not reading the program documentation. If you have problems with DOS, check out the COMPUTER EDUCATION section where you will find many excellent programs to help you. ATTITUDE We live in an age where we have come to expect instant everything. Marketing men reinforce this with things like Do your Accounts in Ten Minutes with Money Mangler Plus or Desktop Publishing in Three Minutes with Grotworks Publisher. Lacking experience in the subject, the new computer user can get fooled by all this - into thinking that if they can't get the program working in 30 seconds there is something wrong with it. Another variation on this is the person who demands that he be told the Key he has to press. He does not want to expend any effort or bother to read about or understand anything. He thinks he is just going to press some magic button and his accounts will be done. Well, sorry to disabuse you of these ideas, but the fact of the matter is that you are going to have to do some work - fiddle around a bit, curse a few times and read a few manuals. Even an experienced user could take days or even weeks to get vaguely productive with a complicated program. SCREEN GRAPHICS This is an area that causes a lot of problems. The main display types are HERCULES (mono), CGA (low resolution colour), EGA (higher resolution colour), VGA (high resolution colour) and SVGA (highest resolution colour). Mostly these are downward compatible, ie. SVGA will run programs requiring SVGA, VGA, EGA, CGA or HERC. VGA would run programs requiring VGA, EGA, CGA or HERC. However, there are exceptions; certain programs, mainly arcade games, have used programming tricks to obtain better performance on CGA monitors. These types of program often give an effect like a TV with the horizontal hold wrongly adjusted when run on EGA or VGA. Some programs requiring CGA or better will cause a complete system crash or lockup when run on a HERC system. It is possible to get round some HERC problems by using a CGA emulator program. You will find a variety of these on disk 0730. The higher resolutions of SVGA have not been standardised, and you will occasionally find programs which only support certain SVGA chipsets such as TRIDENT or TSENG LABS. However, such programs often also have an option to use lower resolution graphics, and choosing one of these lower resolution options will probably allow the program to work. Some programs require use of the ANSI screen driver. For example, NETHACK and GNU CHESS, if run without it will produce a screen full of brackets and arrows. ANSI.SYS is a file normally provided with DOS. To install it put a line in your CONFIG.SYS file which says: DEVICE=ANSI.SYS The file ANSI.SYS must be in the root directory of the disk where the system boots from. MICE Increasingly programs are provided with graphical user interfaces incorporating mouse control. This occasionally causes problems if your mouse or its driver software is not Microsoft compatible. Cursors disappearing or cursor tracks left on the screen may be an indicator or this. Just because your mouse works with Windows does not mean it will work with other programs. Windows has its own built-in mouse driver software. For non-Windows programs you will need the driver MOUSE.COM installed. PROCESSOR TYPES In general, processor types are not critical and most programs will work on anything from an old 8086 PC upwards. However, there are a few programs that require specific processor types. For example, to run GNU C++ you need a 386 or 486. DOS VERSIONS There are not too many problems caused by DOS versions, but the DOS versions which cause the LEAST problems are MSDOS version 3.3 and 5. Earlier versions than 3.3 may have problems with recent programs. DOS version 4 was a disaster, and we have many many reports of problems with it. If you are still using DOS 4 then upgrade as soon as you can. DR DOS 5 also has many reports of problems but version 6 seems much better. ERROR MESSAGES "Bad Command or file name" is the most common one that new users run into. All this means is that you have typed in something your computer did not recognise. When you have the DOS prompt (eg A) on the screen and type in something, your computer will first check if it is a built-in command like DIR or COPY. If not, it will look on the disk for a program of that name and, failing to find it, will give the error message as above. Error messages like: Access denied at line NN, Can't open file, Runtime error NN etc are most often caused by incorrect program installation. Some programs have to be installed in a subdirectory with a particular name, or may have to be set up so they know where their files are supposed to be. Check the authors documentation. To find out about subdirectories read your DOS manual. Too many files and similar messages can be caused if you don't have enough files set. This environment setting is done in your CONFIG.SYS file with the statement FILES=20. If this statement is missing then add it. If the number is less than 20 then increase it to at least 20. Note that some programs that use lots of open files at one time may need settings as high as 50 or 60. COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS This term is often used in program documentation but not defined anywhere. Here's an example of what it means. If we had a file on our disk called READ.ME and we wanted to view it on the screen with the TYPE command we would enter: A>>TYPE READ.ME The command is TYPE and the argument is READ.ME. Notice the space after the command, and the . (period) between READ and ME. This is not shown when you do a DIR of the disk but when using file names in an argument you must always add one. PROGRAM CONFLICTS Having memory resident programs loaded whilst trying to run another program can often cause problems. The general rule if a program won't run properly is to remove any memory resident programs and try again. This includes ANYTHING that leaves part of itself in memory, including KEYBOARD DRIVERS, MOUSE DRIVERS, DEVICE DRIVERS, POP-UPS of all kinds and ANY kind of DOS shell or menu system including WINDOWS. Start with a basic empty system, then you can add things one at a time until you hit the one causing trouble. BASIC PROGRAMS Disks containing BASIC language programs (with a .BAS file extension) will need BASICA, GWBASIC or equivalent to run them. In general, to run Basic programs you would type: A:>GWBASIC PROGRAM NAME Your Basic interpreter, GWBASIC or whatever it's called, must be in the same directory as the program. OTHER SOURCE CODE PROGRAMS In the Programming section you will find many items with source code, particularly for C language. Source code files are generally simple text files which you can view on the screen using T.COM. They cannot be run until compiled with a suitable compiler. TECHNICAL SUPPORT AND REGISTRATION Neither PDSL or Walnut Creek CDROM can provide any technical support for public domain or Shareware programs. In general technical support for programs is provided by program authors after you have paid them the required registration fee. The authors' name, address and requested registration fee will normally be found in one of the document files along with the program. Incentives for registration vary widely, ranging from nothing but a clear conscience to printed manuals, new versions and technical support. Most authors are helpful and are interested in ideas for improvements for their programs, but do not expect them to teach you DOS over the phone or provide you with any support until you register. If you write and expect a reply supply a self-addressed stamped envelope or a couple of IRCs (International Reply Coupons), available from post offices, for foreign authors. Registering programs can be a particular problem if the author is in a foreign country. Like anyone else, authors can move, so it may be wise to contact the author before sending money. This is especially important if the program is more than a year or so old. HOW TO PAY Probably the best way to pay is by credit card. If you order this way and have problems, the credit card company may intervene on your behalf, and some include mail order protection insurance as part of the card service. Credit card is also the best and cheapest way to pay for foreign registrations (if the author can handle them). Beware of authors who do not offer a voice telephone number; it can be a real pain trying to get technical support by letter, BBS or Fax. FOR SHAREWARE AUTHORS If you are a Shareware author and would like to get your program onto a future version of this CD or would like to update a version of your program already included, send a copy to P.D.S.L. (CD compilations), Winscombe House, Beacon Rd, Crowborough, Sussex, England, TN6 1UL, Tel +44 (0)1892 663298 FOR DISK VENDORS Licences to use our catalogue material and disk numbering system are available for a reasonable fee. We can also supply the disk description material as text files to use in your own publications. Contact PDSL as above. Copyright (C) PDSL 1992