LDP Author Guide Mark F. Komarinski markk@linuxdoc.org Jorge Godoy [1]Conectiva S.A. Publishing Department godoy@conectiva.com godoy@metalab.unc.edu List the tools, procedures, and hints to get LDP authors up to speed and writing. _________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents 1. [2]About this Guide 1.1. [3]Purpose / Scope of this Guide 1.2. [4]About the LDP 1.3. [5]Feedback 1.4. [6]Copyrights and Trademarks 1.5. [7]Acknowledgments and Thanks 1.6. [8]Documents 2. [9]Introduction to the LDP and SGML 2.1. [10]The LDP 2.2. [11]SGML 2.3. [12]Why SGML instead of HTML or other formats? 2.4. [13]SGML is not XML 2.5. [14]For New Authors 2.6. [15]Mailing Lists 3. [16]The tools 3.1. [17]DSSSL 3.2. [18]DocBook DTD (version 3.1) 3.3. [19]Jade 3.4. [20]Jade wrappers 3.5. [21]Editing tools 3.6. [22]CVS 3.7. [23]Other/Reference 4. [24]Using DocBook Tags 4.1. [25]Introduction 4.2. [26]Configuration needed 4.3. [27]Creating and modifying catalogues 4.4. [28]Writing with DocBook elements 4.5. [29]Encoding Indexes 4.6. [30]Inserting Pictures 4.7. [31]Tables 4.8. [32]Listings and program codes 4.9. [33]Tools & Hints 4.10. [34]Document samples 5. [35]Style guides 5.1. [36]Date formats 5.2. [37]Graphics formats 5.3. [38]DocBook Versions 5.4. [39]Depreciated Tags 5.5. [40]Tag Minimization 5.6. [41]Conventions 6. [42]Tips and Tricks with DocBook 6.1. [43]Including Images 6.2. [44]Naming separate HTML files 6.3. [45]Using ldp.dsl 7. [46]Distributing your documentation 7.1. [47]Before you distribute 7.2. [48]Copyright and Licensing issues 7.3. [49]Submission to LDP 7.4. [50]HOWTO maintenance 8. [51]FAQs about the LDP [52]Glossary _________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1. About this Guide 1.1. Purpose / Scope of this Guide This document was started on Aug 26, 1999 by Mark F. Komarinski after two day's worth of frustration getting tools to work. If even one LDP author is helped by this, then I did my job. The newest version of this can be found on my homepage [53]http://www.cgipc.com/~markk in its SGML source. Other versions may be found in different formats at the LDP homepage [54]http://www.linuxdoc.org. There are many ways to contribute to the Linux movement without actually writing code. One of the most important is writing documentation, allowing each person to share their knowledge with thousands of others around the world. This Guide is designed to help you get familiar with how the LDP works, and what tools you'll need to write your own HOWTO. _________________________________________________________________ 1.2. About the LDP The Linux Documentation Project (LDP) is working on developing free, high-quality documentation for the GNU/Linux operating system. The overall goal of the LDP is to collaborate in all of the issues of Linux documentation. This includes the creation of "HOWTOs" and "Guides". We hope to establish a system of documentation for Linux that will be easy to use and search. This includes the integration of the manual pages, info docs, HOWTOs, and other documents. --LDP Manifesto located at [55]http://www.linuxdoc.org/manifesto.html You can find out more about the Linux Documentation Project at [56]http://www.linuxdoc.org _________________________________________________________________ 1.3. Feedback Comments on this Guide may be directed to the author (<[57]markk@linuxdoc.org>). _________________________________________________________________ 1.4. Copyrights and Trademarks (c) 1999-2000 Mark F. Komarinski This manual may be reproduced in whole or in part, without fee, subject to the following restrictions: * The copyright notice above and this permission notice must be preserved complete on all complete or partial copies * Any translation or derived work must be approved by the author in writing before distribution. * If you distribute this work in part, instructions for obtaining the complete version of this manual must be included, and a means for obtaining a complete version provided. * Small portions may be reproduced as illustrations for reviews or quotes in other works without this permission notice if proper citation is given. Exceptions to these rules may be granted for academic purposes: Write to the author and ask. These restrictions are here to protect us as authors, not to restrict you as learners and educators. Any source code (aside from the SGML this document was written in) in this document is placed under the GNU General Public License, available via anonymous FTP from the GNU archive. _________________________________________________________________ 1.5. Acknowledgments and Thanks Thanks to everyone that gave comments as I was writing this. This includes David Lawyer, Deb Richardson, Daniel Barlow, Greg Ferguson, Mark Craig and other members of the <[58]ldp-discuss@lists.linuxdoc.org> list. Some sections I got from the [59]HOWTO Index and the sgmltools documentation. The sections on network access to CVS was partially written by Serek (<[60]ser@serek.arch.pwr.wroc.pl>). Sections on DocBook were written by Jorge Godoy (<[61]godoy@conectiva.com>). A great deal of thanks to both of them for their help. _________________________________________________________________ 1.6. Documents This document uses the following conventions[62][1]: Descriptions Appearance Warnings Caution Warnings. Hint Tip: Hint. Notes Note: Note. Information requiring special attention Warning Warning. File Names file.extension Directory Names directory Commands to be typed command Applications Names application Prompt of users command under bash shell bash$ Prompt of root users command under bash shell bash# Prompt of user command under tcsh shell tcsh$ Environment Variables VARIABLE Emphasized work word Code Example Beginning and end of paragraph _________________________________________________________________ Chapter 2. Introduction to the LDP and SGML 2.1. The LDP The Linux Documentation Project (LDP) was started to provide new users a way of getting information quickly about a particular subject. It not only contains a series of books on administration, networking, and programming, but has a large number of smaller works on individual subjects, written by those who have used it. If you want to find out about printing, you get the [63]Printing HOWTO. If you want to do find out if your Ethernet card works with Linux, grab the [64]Ethernet HOWTO, and so on. At first, many of these works were in text or HTML. As time went on, there had to be a better way of managing these documents. One that would let you read it from a web page, a text file on a CD-ROM, or even your hand-held PDA. The answer, as it turns out, is SGML. _________________________________________________________________ 2.2. SGML The Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) is a language that is based on embedding codes within a document. In this way, it is similar to HTML, but there is where any similarities end. The power of SGML is that unlike WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), you don't define things like colors, or font sizes, or even some kinds of formatting. Instead, you define elements (paragraph, section, numbered list) and let the SGML processor and the end program worry about placement, colors, fonts, and so on. HTML does the same thing, and is actually a subset of SGML. SGML has really three parts that make it up. First is the Structure, which is what is commonly called the DTD, or Document Type Definition. The DTD defines the relationship between each of the elements (or tags). The DocBook DTD, used to create this document, is an example of this. The DTD lists the rules that the content must follow. Second is the DSSSL or Document Style Semantics and Specification Language. The DSSSL tells the program doing the rendering how to convert the SGML into something that a human can read. It tells the renderer to convert a tag into 14 point bold if it is going to RTF format, or to turn it into a <h1> tag if you're going to HTML. Finally there is the Content, which is what gets rendered by the SGML processor and is eventually seen by the user. This paragraph is content, but so would a graphic image, table, numbered list, and so on. Content is surrounded by tags to separate out each element. _________________________________________________________________ 2.3. Why SGML instead of HTML or other formats? SGML provides for more than just formatting. You can automatically build indexes, table of contents, and links within the document or to outside. The Jade and OpenJade packages also let you export (I'll call it render from here on) SGML to LaTeX, info, text, HTML, and RTF. From these basic formats, you can then create other formats such as MS Word, PostScript, PDF and so on. Programs like LyX allow you to write in TeX format, then export it as SGML and render from SGML to whatever you chose. In the end, SGML is more concerned about the way elements work instead of the way they look. A big distinction,and one that will let you write faster, since you don't have to worry about placement of paragraphs, font sizes, font types, and so on. _________________________________________________________________ 2.4. SGML is not XML There has been a lot of press recently about XML, and DocBook support for XML. DocBook is a collection of markup tags that follow a specified hierarchy. XML tools for authors are not quite as far advanced as their SGML counterparts, so the LDP is refraining from using XML markups. At this time, only SGML is accepted by the LDP. _________________________________________________________________ 2.5. For New Authors If you are a new to the LDP and want to pick up an unmaintained HOWTO or write a new HOWTO document, contact the HOWTO coordinator at <[65]ldp-discuss@lists.linuxdoc.org>. This is to make sure the HOWTO coordinator can know who is working on what documentation. Once that part is complete, you may write your documentation in the format of your choice and submit a draft to <[66]ldp-submit@lists.linuxdoc.org> and the draft will be reviewed by an LDP volunteer. In a few short days you will get the draft and comments from the volunteer. After applying the comments, you may send this version to the ldp-submit list again for final submission into the LDP. At this point, another LDP volunteer will translate your document into DocBook and send you the finished DocBook document. From here on, all submissions to the LDP has to be in DocBook format. If you have markup questions, you may ask the volunteer who assisted you, or ask the LDP DocBook list. If you choose to start your document off in DocBook, there are plenty of templates to get you started: * [67]http://www.nyx.net/~sgjoen/template.sgml - This template is written by Stein Gojen and is based off the LinuxDoc template. * [68]http://www.linuxdoc.org/authors/template/big-howto-template.sg ml - This template is based on Stein's work, but is much larger and complicated than the above. It uses more features of DocBook. _________________________________________________________________ 2.6. Mailing Lists There are a few mailing lists to subscribe to so you can take part in how the LDP works. First is <[69]ldp-discuss@lists.linuxdoc.org>, which is the main discussion group of the LDP. To subscribe, send a message with the subject reading "subscribe" to <[70]ldp-discuss-request@lists.linuxdoc.org>. To unsubscribe, send an e-mail with the subject of "unsubscribe" to <[71]ldp-discuss-request@lists.linuxdoc.org>. Another list is the <[72]ldp-docbook@lists.linuxdoc.org> list, which is for markup or other questions about DocBook itself. If you run into trouble with a particular markup tag, you can send your question here for answers. You can subscribe to the DocBook list by sending a "subscribe"message to <[73]ldp-docbook-request@lists.linuxdoc.org>. _________________________________________________________________ Chapter 3. The tools In this section, we will cover some of the tools that you'll need or want to use to create your own LDP documentation. I'll describe them here, and better define them later on, along with how to install them. If you use some other tool to assist in writing LDP, please let me know and I'll add a blurb here for it. _________________________________________________________________ 3.1. DSSSL The Normal Walsh version is required, the LDP is optional. _________________________________________________________________ 3.1.1. Norman Walsh DSSSL [74]http://nwalsh.com/docbook/dsssl/ The Document Style Semantics and Specification Language tells jade how to render a SGML document into print or online form. The DSSSL is what converts a title tag into an <H1> tag in HTML, or bold, 14 point Times Roman for RTF, for example. Documentation for DSSSL is located at the same site. Note that modifying the DSSSL doesn't modify DocBook itself. It merely changes the way the rendered text looks. The LDP uses a modified DSSSL (see below). _________________________________________________________________ 3.1.2. LDP DSSSL [75]http://metalab.unc.edu/gferg/ldp/ldp.dsl The LDP DSSSL requires the Norman Walsh version (see above) but is a slightly modified DSSSL to provide things like a table of contents. _________________________________________________________________ 3.2. DocBook DTD (version 3.1) Required - [76]http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/sgml/3.1/docbk31.zip The DocBook DTD defines the tags and structure of a DocBook SGML document. Modifying the DTD, such as adding a new tag, doesn't make it DocBook anymore. _________________________________________________________________ 3.3. Jade Jade and OpenJade are two of the programs that do most of the rendering and validation of code based off the DTD and DSSSL. One of the following is required and should be installed after the DTD and DSSSL have been installed. _________________________________________________________________ 3.3.1. Jade [77]ftp://ftp.jclark.com/pub/jade/jade-1.2.1.tar.gz Jade is the front-end processor for SGML. It uses the DSSSL and DocBook DTD to perform the verification and rendering from SGML into the target format. _________________________________________________________________ Using Jade This is the quick and dirty way that should work for all distributions, no matter what distribution you're using. 1. Create a base directory to store everything such as /usr/local/sgml/. We'll call this $_toolroot from here on. 2. Install Jade, DocBook DTD, and DSSSL such that the base of each is under $_toolroot, creating: + $_toolroot/jade-1.2.1 + $_toolroot/dtd + $_toolroot/dsssl 3. You'll need to set the SGML_CATALOG_FILES environment variable to the catalogs that you have under$_toolroot. You can do this with the command: bash$ export SGML_CATALOG_FILES=$_toolroot/dtd/docbook.cat:\ $_toolroot/dsssl/docbook/catalog:$_toolroot/jade-1.2.1/dsssl/catalog 4. Now you can start using Jade. To create individual HTML files: $_toolroot/jade-1.2.1/jade/jade -t sgml -i html \ -d $_toolroot/dsssl/docbook/html/docbook.dsl howto.sgml 5. To create one large HTML file, add -V nochunks to the jade command. _________________________________________________________________ 3.3.2. OpenJade [78]http://openjade.sourceforge.net/ An extension of Jade written by the DSSSL community. Some applications require jade, but are being updated to support either software package. _________________________________________________________________ 3.4. Jade wrappers These tools are optional and may be installed after Jade, the DSSSL, and DTD have been installed. _________________________________________________________________ 3.4.1. sgmltools-lite [79]http://sgmltools-lite.sourceforge.net/ This is the successor to the sgmltools project, which has officially been disbanded for over a year. Since then, Cees de Groot has created a slightly different project, which acts as a wrapper to the jade SGML processor. It hides much of the ugliness of syntax. This author was able to install the old sgmltools package followed by the sgmltools-lite and could format this document quite easily. There's even a man page for sgmltools showing syntax. _________________________________________________________________ 3.4.2. Cygnus DocBook Tools May be Red Hat specific - [80]http://www.redhat.com/ Red Hat distributes three packages, starting with the 6.2 release, that include DocBook support and some tools. The tools are easily installed, allowing you to focus more on writing than wrestling with the tools. TeTex, Jade, and JadeTeX must be installed first. All three of these packages are available on the installation CD. _________________________________________________________________ Using the Cygnus Tools These tools are provided with Red Hat 6.2. Make sure the following packages are installed: * sgml-common-0.1-8.noarch * docbook-3.1-4.noarch * stylesheets-1.54.13rh-1.noarch Red Hat has the latest version on their web site: [81]http://www.redhat.com/support/errata/RHBA-2000022-01.html. Download/get/sneaker-net the RPMs to your machine and install in the usual manner (become root, then rpm -Uvh filename). Once the RPMs are installed, you can use the following commands to render DocBook: bash$ db2html filename Renders DocBook into HTML. A subdirectory with the filename (minus the .sgml extension) is created and the HTML files are placed there. bash$ db2pdf filename Renders DocBook into a PDF file. Note that there is currently a problem with db2pdf, and pd2ps caused by JadeTeX. This has been [82]registered as a bug with RedHat. _________________________________________________________________ 3.5. Editing tools The following tools may be used to create, edit, or validate your HOWTO. _________________________________________________________________ 3.5.1. Emacs (PSGML) Optional - [83]http://www.lysator.liu.se/~lenst/about_psgml/ Emacs has an SGML writing mode called psgml that is a major mode designed for editing SGML and XML documents. It provides "syntax highlighting" or "pretty printing" features that make SGML tags stand out, a way to insert tags other than typing them by hand, and the ability to validate your document while writing. For users of Emacs, it's a great way to go, and many believe it to allow more versatility than any other SGML documentation tool. It works with DocBook,LinuxDoc and other DTDs equally well. _________________________________________________________________ Writing SGML using PSGML Introduction If you have installed a recent distribution, you may already have PSGML installed for use with Emacs. To check, start Emacs and look for the PSGML documentation (C-himpsgml). From here on, we assume you have PSGML installed for use with a recent version of GNU Emacs. If that all went by too fast for you, see the free chapter from Bob Ducharme's SGML CD book: [84]http://www.snee.com/bob/sgmlfree/. _________________________________________________________________ Updating your .emacs to use PSGML If you want GNU Emacs to enter PSGML mode when you open a .sgml file and be ready for SGML editing, make sure PSGML can find the DocBook DTD. If your distribution already had PSGML set up for use with GNU Emacs, you probably do not have to do anything to get this to work. Otherwise, you may need to set an environment variable that tells PSGML where to look for the SGML catalog (the list of DTDs). For example: bash$ export SGML_CATALOG_FILES=/usr/lib/sgml/catalog Then add something like the following to your .emacs file: ;; ******************************************************************* ;; set up psgml mode... ;; use psgml-mode instead of emacs native sgml-mode ;; (autoload 'sgml-mode "psgml" "Major mode to edit SGML files." t ) (setq auto-mode-alist (append (list '("\\.sgm$" . sgml-mode) '("\\.sgml$" . sgml-mode) ) auto-mode-alist)) ;; set some psgml variables (setq sgml-auto-activate-dtd t) (setq sgml-omittag-transparent t) (setq sgml-balanced-tag-edit t) (setq sgml-auto-insert-required-elements t) (setq sgml-live-element-indicator t) (setq sgml-indent-step nil) ;; create faces to assign to markup categories (make-face 'sgml-comment-face) (make-face 'sgml-start-tag-face) (make-face 'sgml-end-tag-face) (make-face 'sgml-entity-face) (make-face 'sgml-doctype-face) ; DOCTYPE data (make-face 'sgml-ignored-face) ; data ignored by PSGML (make-face 'sgml-ms-start-face) ; marked sections start (make-face 'sgml-ms-end-face) ; end of marked section (make-face 'sgml-pi-face) ; processing instructions (make-face 'sgml-sgml-face) ; the SGML declaration (make-face 'sgml-shortref-face) ; short references ;; view a list of available colors with the emacs-lisp command: ;; ;; list-colors-display ;; ;; please assign your own groovy colors, because these are pretty bad (set-face-foreground 'sgml-comment-face "coral" ;(set-face-background 'sgml-comment-face "cornflowerblue") (set-face-foreground 'sgml-start-tag-face "slateblue") ;(set-face-background 'sgml-start-tag-face "cornflowerblue") (set-face-foreground 'sgml-end-tag-face "slateblue") ;(set-face-background 'sgml-end-tag-face "cornflowerblue") (set-face-foreground 'sgml-entity-face "lavender") ;(set-face-background 'sgml-entity-face "cornflowerblue") (set-face-foreground 'sgml-doctype-face "lavender") ;(set-face-background 'sgml-doctype-face "cornflowerblue") (set-face-foreground 'sgml-ignored-face "cornflowerblue") ;(set-face-background 'sgml-ignored-face "cornflowerblue") (set-face-foreground 'sgml-ms-start-face "coral") ;(set-face-background 'sgml-ms-start-face "cornflowerblue") (set-face-foreground 'sgml-ms-end-face "coral") ;(set-face-background 'sgml-ms-end-face "cornflowerblue") (set-face-foreground 'sgml-pi-face "coral") ;(set-face-background 'sgml-pi-face "cornflowerblue") (set-face-foreground 'sgml-sgml-face "coral") ;(set-face-background 'sgml-sgml-face "cornflowerblue") (set-face-foreground 'sgml-shortref-face "coral") ;(set-face-background 'sgml-shortref-face "cornflowerblue") ;; assign faces to markup categories (setq sgml-markup-faces ' ( (comment . sgml-comment-face) (start-tag . sgml-start-tag-face) (end-tag . sgml-end-tag-face) (entity . sgml-entity-face) (doctype . sgml-doctype-face) (ignored . sgml-ignored-face) (ms-start . sgml-ms-start-face) (ms-end . sgml-ms-end-face) (pi . sgml-pi-face) (sgml . sgml-sgml-face) (shortref . sgml-shortref-face) )) ;; tell PSGML to pay attention to face settings (setq sgml-set-face t) ;; ...done setting up psgml-mode. ;; ******************************************************************* Then restart Emacs _________________________________________________________________ SGML Smoke Test Try the following smoke test. Start a new file, /tmp/test.sgml for example, and enter the following: <!DOCTYPE test [ <!ELEMENT test - - (#PCDATA)> ]> Enter C-cC-p. If Emacs manages to parse your DTD, you will see Parsing prolog...done in the minibuffer. Try C-c C-e RETURN to insert a <test> element. If things are working correctly, you should see the following in Emacs: <!DOCTYPE test [ <!ELEMENT test - - (#PCDATA)> ]> <test></test> _________________________________________________________________ Writing a New HOWTO in DocBook Start a new file for your HOWTO and enter the following: <!DOCTYPE ARTICLE PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"> Enter C-cC-p and hold your breath. If everything goes as planned, you will see Emacs chewing for a few seconds and then Parsing prolog...done in the minibuffer. At this point, enter C-cC-eRETURN to insert an <article> element and proceed to write your HOWTO. _________________________________________________________________ Quick Reference for Emacs with PSGML See Nik Clayton's primer for FreeBSD documentation: [85]http://www.freebsd.org/tutorials/docproj-primer/psgml-mode.html _________________________________________________________________ 3.5.2. VIM [86]http://www.vim.org No mention of Emacs is complete without talking about vi. The VIM (Vi IMproved)editor has the functionality of regular vi, but also has an SGML mode that will color-coordinate your screen to show where tags are. _________________________________________________________________ Getting Started The vim program comes really in multiple parts. There is first the plain vim program, which has compatability with the vi program and its commands. Red Hat users will want the vim-common and vim-minimal packages. Next is the enhanced vim, which includes the highlighting and other features of vim over regular vi. Red Hat users will want vim-enhanced. Last, but certainly not least, is the X interface, which gives a graphical interface, menus, and mouse control. To separate this from vim or vi, the command for graphical access is called gvim. _________________________________________________________________ Loading or starting new documents In both vim and gvim modes, .sgml files will be automatically recognized and enter into "sgml mode". A series of known DocBook tags have been entered into vim and will he highlighed in brown if a tag is known. If it isn't, it will appear in light blue. attributes to known tags are in light blue, and values for the attributes are in pink. From here on, you can use regular vi commands to navigate and edit. _________________________________________________________________ 3.5.3. WordPerfect 9 (Corel Office 2000) [87]http://www.corel.com/ WordPerfect 9 for the MS Windows platform has support for SGML and DocBook 3.0. WordPerfect 9 for Linux has no SGML capabilities. This is the least expensive of the commercial applications that support SGML. _________________________________________________________________ 3.5.4. sgedit [88]http://www.tksgml.de/ The sgedit program allows you to visually edit SGML files. It has the advantages of not needing to know Emacs or VI before starting, and is cross-platform, working in both Windows and Linux. It's a commercial application, but pricing has not been set. There will be free licenses for private and academic use. Along with visual editing, sgedit will also validate documents on loading, and on demand by using the Document->Validate command. Figure 3-1. sgedit screen shot The screen shot of the sgedit program shows a tree on the left side that has the SGML document in a hierarchy, while the right side shows the document. Tags are shown with a grey background. _________________________________________________________________ 3.5.5. nedit [89]http://nedit.org To be fair, nedit is more for programmers, so it might seem a bit of overkill for new users and especially non-programmers. All that aside, it's extremely powerful, allowing for color coding of tags. Unlike sgedit, nedit doesn't allow you to automatically insert tags or automatically validate your code. However, it does allow for shell commands to be run against the contents of the window (as opposed to saving the file, then checking). In a few minutes, I was able to set up nsgmls to validate the SGML and aspell to do my spell checking. Figure 3-2. nedit screen shot The nedit program can provide line numbers across the left side of the screen, handy for when nsgmls complains of errors _________________________________________________________________ Using nedit For writing new documentation, it is recommended that you download and use the LDP DocBook template. Once you have the file, you can start up nedit and start editing. If the file is saved with a .sgml extension, nedit will load the file up with SGML/HTML tags enabled. You can turn this on explicitly using the Preferences->Language Mode->SGML HTML command. _________________________________________________________________ Tips and tricks with nedit Since you can feed the contents of your window to outside programs, you can easily extend nedit to perform repetitive functions. The example you'll see here is to validate the SGML code using nsgmls. Select Preferences->Default Settings->Customize Menus->Shell Menu.... This will bring up the Shell Command dialog box, with all the shell commands nedit has listed under the Shell menu. Under Menu Entry, enter "SGML Validate". This will be the entry you'll see on the screen. Under Accelerator, press Alt-S. Once this menu item is set up, you can press Alt-S to have the SGML Validate automatically run. Under Command Input, select window, and under Command Output, select dialog. Under Command to Execute, enter nsgmls -sv. Note that nsgmls has to be in your PATH for this to work properly. Figure 3-3. Adding shell commands to nedit [neditshellcommand.jpg] Click OK and you'll now be back at the main nedit screen. Load up an SGML file, and select Shell->SGML Validate or press Alt-S. The nedit program will fire up and check the contents of the window. The reason for using -sv is that the -v tells nsgmls to output the version of the program, so you'll always get ouput and know that nsgmls has run. If all you get is a version number, then there are no errors with the document. If there are errors, then they'll be listed in the separate window for you to see. If you have line numbers turned on (using Preferences->Show Line Numbers) then finding the errors is much simpler, as nsgmls will list errors by their line number. Figure 3-4. nsgmls output on success If nsgmls reports success, it merely reports the version of nsgmls _________________________________________________________________ 3.6. CVS The LDP is in the process of providing CVS access to authors. There are a few good reasons for this: 1. CVS will keep an off-site backup of your documents. In the event that you hand over a document to another author, they can just retrieve the document from CVS and continue on. In the event you need to go back to a previous version of a document, you can retrieve it as well. 2. It's great if you have many people working on the same document. You can have CVS tell you what changes were made while you were editing your copy by another author, and integrate those changes in. 3. Keeps a log of what changes were made. These logs (and a date stamp) can be placed automatically inside the document when you use some special tags that get processed before the SGML processor. 4. Can provide for a way for a program to automatically update the LDP web site with new documentation as it's written and submitted. This is not in place yet, but is a potential goal. Currently, CVS updates signal the HOWTO coordinator to update the LDP web page, meaning that if you use CVS, you're not required to e-mail your SGML code. If you're completely new to CVS, there are a few web pages you may want to look at which can help you out: * [90]http://www.sourcegear.com/CVS/Docs/blandy * [91]https://wroclaw.art.pl/~ser/docs/cvs.html _________________________________________________________________ 3.6.1. Getting a CVS account First you'll need to get an account at the LDP's CVS Repository. This is pretty much the root directory that is used by CVS, with various projects (HOWTOs, mini HOWTOs, etc.) created as subdirectories of that. You will need to create a hashed password and userid for your account. The hashed password allows you to send an encrypted password to the CVS group without them needing to know your password. You can do this with the following command, from bash (or sh): bash$ echo your_password | perl -e "print crypt(<>,\ join '',('.', '/', 0..9, 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z')[rand 64, rand 64]),\"\n\"" Take the output of this command, and send it with your proposed userid to <[92]cvsadmin@cvslist.linuxdoc.org>. Your unique CVSROOT directory will be created and you'll get an e-mail with a response. When you get your response, log into your CVSROOT and make sure everything is set up properly: bash$ export CVSROOT=:pserver:your_userid@cvs.linuxdoc.org:/cvsroot bash$ cvs -d $CVSROOT login (Replace the your_userid with what you were sent in the response e-mail). You will be asked for your password, and then given access to the CVS Repository in read-write mode. Once you've used cvs login once and have been given access to the system, your password is stored in .cvspass and you will not have to use cvs login again. Just set the CVSROOT and continue on. You can get the entire LinuxDoc repository with this command: bash$ cvs get LDP Or you can get the SGML source for your own document with these commands: bash$ cvs get howto/YOUR-HOWTO.sgml bash$ cvs get minihowto/YOURDOC.sgml _________________________________________________________________ 3.6.2. Other CVS repository notes Anonymous CVS access Anonymous CVS access is available for those who do not require an account (such as those wishing to publish LDP documents). This repository is read-only: bash$ cvs -d :pserver:cvs@anoncvs.linuxdoc.org:/cvsroot login As a password, use cvs. You can then get LinuxDoc modules as above. Note that changes to the anoncvs site may be a half an hour behind the main site. _________________________________________________________________ CVS Files via web You can access the CVS repository via the web at [93]http://cvsweb.linuxdoc.org/index.cgi/linuxdoc. _________________________________________________________________ Graphical access to CVS There are graphical interfaces to CVS, and you can get a list of them at [94]http://freshmeat.net/appindex. Search for CVS. _________________________________________________________________ 3.6.3. Updating files and CVS CVS has a special tag, $Id, that you can use to automatically insert the date and version directly into the document. After committing, CVS will turn this tag into $Id: HOWTO-HOWTO.sgml,v 1.4 2000/06/12 20:49:54 markk Exp $. By including this tag in your document, you can have that automatically change each time you change the file, allowing the revision mark to increment each time. When you're ready to upload changes to the CVS server, use the command cvs ci -m "comment" YOUR-HOWTO.sgml. The -m "comment" isn't necessary, but if you don't include it, you'll be brought into the editor (usually vi, or whatever your EDITOR environment variable is) and be given the chance to add a comment about the changes. You can follow more of the CVS discussion on the ldp-discuss list. For the time being, LDP submissions should still be sent to <[95]ldp-submit@lists.linuxdoc.org>. _________________________________________________________________ 3.7. Other/Reference The items in this section are reference books or other utilities that can't quite be categorized (yet). _________________________________________________________________ 3.7.1. DocBook: The Definitive Guide [96]http://www.docbook.org/ This book was released by O'Reilly in October 1999, and is a great reference to DocBook. I have not found it to be a great practical book, and much of the emphasis is on XML, but the DocBook tags for version 3.1 are all listed in a handy format. You can pick it up at the book vendor of choice. The entire book is also available online (in HTML and SGML formats) at the above URL. _________________________________________________________________ 3.7.2. SGML templates Optional - [97]http://www.linuxdoc.org/authors/index.html#resources Contains links to SGML templates and their resulting HTML output to help you see what your document will look like. Many of the tags just need to be replaced with information unique to your HOWTO. _________________________________________________________________ 3.7.3. Aspell Optional - [98]http://aspell.sourceforge.net/ This spell checking application can work around SGML tags, and only spell check the content within the tags. Default spell checkers like ispell will try to spell check the tags, causing errors at every new tag. _________________________________________________________________ 3.7.4. ispell Optional - [99]http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~geoff/ispell.html The ispell program is distributed with RedHat (and possibly other distros) and also ignores markup tags. _________________________________________________________________ Chapter 4. Using DocBook Tags 4.1. Introduction DocBook defines a set of markup elements useful for marking up text so that the text can then be transformed into several different formats. It's possible to create documents in different formats HTML, XML, RTF, TeX, and others. The idea is to write just once and reach the largest possible number of people with the information. Digital information not stored properly tends to get lost. Due to the fact that not containing uncommon characters (such as binary formats) it's possible to index and search directly on the documents written on SGML and consequently on DocBook. The SGML systems use markups to make their description. DocBook holds over 300 markup elements each one with several attributes which can assume several values, these can be fixed or defined by the document / style that the author has used. Just to remind if any changes are made on the DocBook's definitions DTD, it's no longer DocBook. _________________________________________________________________ 4.2. Configuration needed The identifier systems used by the SGML and by some tools are based on catalogues which perform the translation of these identifiers over to files holding the necessary definitions. The section on tailoring a catalogue (see [100]Section 4.3) will give more details about these files. For such tools to be able to find the necessary catalogue(s) the value of the environment variable SGML_CATALOG_FILES should be configured, as shown in the following example: $ export SGML_CATALOG_FILES="/usr/lib/sgml/catalog" This is the only necessary additional configuration for the DocBook, tools and the like to work correctly on your platform. _________________________________________________________________ 4.3. Creating and modifying catalogues A catalogue is a text file containing the translation rules of the public identifier to system's files. They make easy to use the DocBook, for they allow each user to have their files installed in a different place (e.g. your home directory, /usr/local/sgml or in any other place) though no other change on the document is necessary to be processed and "compiled". Example 4-1. Example of catalogue -- Catalogue for the Conectiva Styles -- (1) OVERRIDE YES PUBLIC "-//Conectiva SA//DTD DocBook Conectiva variant V1.0//EN" (2) "/home/ldp/styles/books.dtd" DELEGATE "-//OASIS" "/home/ldp/SGML/dtds/catalog.dtd" DOCTYPE BOOK /home/ldp/SGML/dtds/docbook/db31/docbook.dtd (3) -- EOF -- [101](1) Comment. Comments start with "--" and follow to the end of the line. [102](2) The public type association "-//Conectiva SA//DTD books V1.0//EN" with the file books.dtd on the directory /home/ldp/styles. [103](3) Comment informing the end of the file. As in the example above, to associate an identifier to a file just follow the sequence shown: 1. Copy the identifier PUBLIC 2. Type the identifying text 3. Indicate the path to the associated file _________________________________________________________________ 4.3.1. Explaining the terminology system Notice the identifier "-//Conectiva SA//DTD books V1.0//EN" Its formation is not random and follows some pre-defined conditions. The token "-" indicates that the used identfier isn't a registered type. Only a few identifiers are registered and those usualy belong to entities like ISO, IEEE, and others. The second part of the identfier defines the name of the organization that created it. On the example above, Conectiva S.A. The one before the last defines the contents (in this case a DTD[104][2]) and the name of the identified text. The last element indicates the language in which the document was written. Since DocBook is a DTD written in English, the language is EN. The two letter code recommended is the ISO identification of the language. More information can be obtained at [105]OASIS Technical Resolution 9401:1997 (Amendment 2 to TR 9401). _________________________________________________________________ 4.3.2. Useful command for catalogues The most common commands to be used on catalogues are: PUBLIC The keyword PUBLIC maps public identifiers for identifiers on the system. SYSTEM The keywordSYSTEM maps system identifiers for files on the system. SYSTEM "http://nexus.conectiva/utilidades/publicacoes/livros.dtd" "publicacoes/livros.dtd" SGMLDECL The keyword SGMLDECL designates the system identifier of the SGML statement that should be used. SGMLDECL "publishings/books.dcl" DTDDECL Similar to the SGMLDECL the keyword DTDDECL identifies the SGML statement that should be used. DTDDECL makes the association of the statement with a public identifier to a DTD. Unfortunately this association isn't supported by the charge free tools available. The benefits of this statement can be achieved somehow with multiple catalogue files. DTDDECL "-//Conectiva SA//DTD livros V1.0//EN" "publicacoes/livros.dcl" CATALOG The keyword CATALOG allows a catalogue to be included inside another. This is a way to make use of several different catalogues without the need to alter them. OVERRIDE The keyword OVERRIDE informs whether an identifier has priority over a system identifier. The standard on most systems is that the system identifier has priority over the public one. DELEGATE The keyword DELEGATE allows the association of a catalogue to a specific type of public identifier. The clause DELEGATE is very similar to the CATALOG, except by the fact that it doesn't do anything until a specific pattern is specified. DOCTYPE In case of a document starts with a type of document, but has no public identifier and no system identifier the clause DOCTYPE makes the association of this document with an specific DTD. _________________________________________________________________ 4.4. Writing with DocBook elements An editor capable of inserting an element according with DTD analisys helps a lot since it can allow or not the element to be used at the position where the cursor is in. This way you can be sure that no invalid element was added anywhere in your document. In order to ensure future changes are as easy as possible, authors should try to keep as much compatibility as possible with theXML version of the DocBook DTD. This means keeping element names in upper case, using double quotes in all attributes, not using "markup minimizations" (explained below), and not omitting end tags. Most tools that automatically insert elements (like psgml+emacs) follow these rules automatically or with some fine tuning. There are several forms of markup minimization. These include empty tags. One example of tag minimization is that instead of typing the end tag you simply type </>. Another example, as said before, is ommiting tags. You can see both examples below: <para>I'm using <emphasis>here</>, normal text here, and <>here</> I emphasized the text again, with empty tags.</para> Each type of document created has a specific structure and example of documents can found afterwards on this document. (see [106]Section 4.10). Considering the explanation above we can proceed to instructions on how to write a document using DocBook. _________________________________________________________________ 4.4.1. Useful commands The [107]Table 4-1 shows some commands which are useful to generate generic documents. Remember that some elements are valide only on some contexts. Tip: Sometimes the appearance of a particular tag changes from one format to another. As a beginner in DocBook writing, you ay wish to see how your document looks in several formats before you publish them. Note: Since the formatting depends on the output style chosen, it's recommended to use as much markup as possible. Even if the appearance of the output doesn't seem to change with the standard output style, there may be specific output formats that will make these tags stand out. Table 4-1. Useful commands Description Command Result E-mail address <email>address@domain</email> <[108]address@domain> About the author <author>...</author> (see example below) Author's name <firstname>First_Name</firstname> <othername>Middle_Name</othername> <surname>Surname</surname> First Name Middle Name Surname Keys' name (printings on the keyboard) <keycap>F1</keycap> F1 Symbol represented by the keys <keysym>KEY_F1</keysym> KEY_F1 Key's code <keycode>0x3B</keycode> 0x3B Combinations or sequences of keys <keycombo> <keycap>Ctrl</keycap> <keycap>S</keycap> </keycombo> Ctrl-S Programs Menu <guimenu>File</guimenu> File Menu Items <guimenuitem>Salvar</guimenuitem> Save Menu Sequences <menuchoice> <shortcut> <keycombo> <keycap>Ctrl</keycap> <keycap>S</keycap> </keycombo> </shortcut> <guimenu>Arquivo</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Salvar</guimenuitem> </menuchoice> File->Save (Ctrl-S) Mouse Button <mousebutton>left</mousebutton> left Command Names <command>comando</command> command Application Names <application>application</application> application Text Bibliographical Reference <citation>reference</citation> [reference] Quote <blockquote> <attribution>Text Author</attribution> <para>Quote Text.</para> </blockquote> Quote Text. --Text Author Index (NA) See [109]Section 4.5. File Names <filename>file</filename> file Directories <filename id="directory">directory</filename> directory/ Emphasize Text[110][a] <emphasis>text</emphasis> text Footnotes <footnote> <to>Footnote text</to> </footnote> (See note at the end of this table) URLs <ulink url="http://www.conectiva.com>Conectiva S.A.</> [111]Conectiva S.A. Markups List <itemizedlist> <listitem> <to>item</to> </listitem> <listitem> <to>item</to> </listitem> </itemizedlist> * item * item Numbered List <orderedlist> <listitem> <to>item</to> </listitem> <listitem> <to>item</to> </listitem> </orderedlist> 1. item 2. item Segmented List <segmentedlist> <title>Binary to decimal conversion Binary Decimal 000 011 102 Binary to Decimal Conversion Binary: 00 Decimal: 0 Binary: 01 Decimal: 1 Binary: 10 Decimal: 2 Variable List Entry 1 Description Entry 2 Description Entry 1 Description Entry 2 Description Simple Lists 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 5 6 A, B, C, D, E, F Pictures (NA) See [112]Section 4.6 Table (NA) See [113]Section 4.7 Programs List (NA) See [114]Section 4.8 Glossary Term Definition (See the glossary at the end of this document) Crossed References
... Please, see for more information. (NA) Notes: a. The text can be enphasized in a few ways. The most common ways are italics and bold. DocBook, however, supports only italics. The use of bold requires additional settings on the stylesheet used. _________________________________________________________________ 4.5. Encoding Indexes The generation of indexes depends on the markups inserted in the text. Such markups will be processed afterwards by an external tool and will generate the index. An example of such a tool is the collateindex.pl script (see [115]Section 4.9.1). Details about the process used to generate these indexes are shown in [116]Section 4.9.3. The indexes have nesting levels. The markup of an index is done by the code [117]Example 4-2. Example 4-2. Code for the generation of an index Main level Second level Third level It's possible to refer to chapters, sections and other parts of the document using the attribute zone. Example 4-3. Use of the attributte zone
Encoding Indexes edition index The generation of indexes depend on the inserted markups on the text. The [118]Example 4-3 has the code used to generate the entry of this edition on the index. In fact, since the attribute zone is used, the index statement could be located anywhere in the document or even in a separate file. However, to facilitate maintenance the entries for the index were all placed after the text to which it refers. Example 4-4. Usage of values startofrangeand endofrange on the attributeclass Typing the text normally sometimes there's the need of examples index mark large amounts of text. Keep inserting the paragraphs normally. Until the end of the section intended to be indexed. . _________________________________________________________________ 4.6. Inserting Pictures It's necessary to insert pictures for all types of media on which the document will be published. If you use the TeX format you'll need the images as a PostScript file. For online publishing you can use any kind of common image file, such as JPG, GIF or PNG. The easiest way to insert pictures is the use of the attribute fileref. Usually pictures are generated in JPG and in PostScript (PS or EPS). Example 4-5. Inserting a picture
Picture's Title
by eliminates the need to insert a title for the picture. There's still the float attribute on which the value 0 indicates that the picture should be placed exactly where the text flux appears. The value 1 allows the picture to be moved to a more convenient location (this location can be described on the style sheet used or even can be controlled by the application being used). _________________________________________________________________ 4.6.1. Alternative Methods The first alternative to [119]Example 4-5 is the elimination of elements
or . Another interesting alternative when it's the decision to publish the text on media and pictures aren't accepted, is the use of a wrapper . Example 4-6. Using
Title Here there's an image of this example Image Description. Optional.
Files on the following formats are available BMP, CGM-BINARY, CGM-CHAR, CGM-CLEAR, DITROFF, DVI, EPS, EQN, FAX, GIF, GIF87A, GIF89A, IGES, JPEG, JPG, LINESPECIFIC, PCX, PIC, PS, SGML, TBL, TEX, TIFF, WMF, WPG. This method presents an advantage: a better control of the application. The elements are consecutively tested until one of them is accepted. In case of the output format doesn't support images the element will be used. However, the biggest advantage in usage of the format [120]Example 4-6 is that on the release 5.0 of the DocBook the element will cease to exist. As a disadvantage there's the need for more than one representation code of the same information. It's up to the author to decide which method he will implement illustrations and pictures on his or hers document, but for compatibility reasons with future versions I recommend the use of this method for pictures and graphics. _________________________________________________________________ 4.7. Tables Many information are best represented when formatted as tables. A primitive way to create tables was already presented on the [121]Table 4-1 with the use of , however, the DocBook has more sophisticated methods to deal with this information. Example 4-7. Inserting tables Sample Table Span horizontal Heading 2 Heading 3 Heading 4 Footing 1 Footing 2 Footing 3 Footing 4 Footing 5 Data11 Data12 Data13 Data14 Data15 Data21 Data22 Data23 Data24 Span vertical Data31 Span duplo Data34 Data41 Data44 Data45
Table 4-2. Example Table Horizontal Span Heading 2 Heading 3 Heading 4 Data11 Data12 Data13 Data14 Data15 Data21 Data22 Data23 Data24 Vertical Span Data31 Double Span Data34 Data41 Data44 Data45 Footing 1 Footing 2 Footing 3 Footing 4 Footing 5 _________________________________________________________________ 4.8. Listings and program codes An interesting feature is to show parts of code and the possibility to comment on them. The DocBook allows the insertion of the program code and also callouts to specific lines of this code. Such a feature was used, for example, to demonstrate how a catalogue file is configured (see [122]Section 4.3). The used code was demonstrated below. In case the callout feature isn't desired, it's possible to eliminate the areas between and . Catalog Sample -- Catalogues for the Conectiva S.A. Style -- OVERRIDE YES PUBLIC "-//Conectiva SA//DTD books V1.0//EN" "/home/ldp/estilos/livros.dtd" DELEGATE "-//OASIS" "/home/ldp/SGML/dtds/catalog.dtd" DOCTYPE BOOK /home/ldp/SGML/dtds/docbook/db31/docbook.dtd -- EOF -- Comment. Comments begin with -- and follows to the end of the line. The public type association "-//Conectiva SA//DTD books V1.0//EN" with the file books.dtd on the directory /home/ldp/estilos. Comment informing the end of the file. The listings can be directly inserted on the document's body without the need of the element or . The calling coordinates specifications are done with reference to the code line which will be commented. _________________________________________________________________ 4.9. Tools & Hints The process of producing output and generating indexes is repetitive and error prone. To make things easier some scripts are included here to facilitate this work. Customize and use them at will. _________________________________________________________________ 4.9.1. Compiling the sources The script compiles-sgml is a set of grouped commands. As parameters the name of the document should be passed SGML and the output format expected. The script version included below supports the formats XML, HTML, TeX, RTF, PS, DVI and mirrored PS, ideal for the creation of photolithographs. The generation of the indices is made automatically by the script collateindex.pl[123][4], which should be installed in your system. Besides the commands below which generate the outputs in different formats, there are other tools fromCygnus(TM) making the direct conversion. Such tools can be obtained in [124]here. The list below is available [125]here. Here is also available a version of [126]collateindex.pl. Example 4-8. Script compiles-sgml #!/bin/bash # # Compile DocBook documents into several output formats. # # Godoy. # 19991230 - Initial release. # 20000117 - Placed the options using "case" and parameters passed # via command line. The pages on the Zope are already updated. # --- Removed to public version (/home/ldp). # 20000120 - Placed the call to use the books.dtd. # 20000126 - Placed the commands for the index generation. # # If the jade is already installed, disconsider the line bellow. JADE=/usr/bin/jade # If the jade package is already installed, disconsider the line bellow. # JADE=/usr/bin/openjade DOCUMENT=$1 shift 1 TYPE=$1 . ~/.bash_profile . ~/.bashrc case $TYPE in html) rm -f *.htm rm -f *.html perl /home/ldp/SGML/style/dsssl/docbook/bin/collateindex.pl -N -o index. sgml jade -t sgml -V html-index -d /home/ldp/SGML/style/dsssl/docbook/html/do cbook.dsl $DOCUMENT.sgml perl /home/ldp/SGML/style/dsssl/docbook/bin/collateindex.pl -o index.sgm l HTML.index $JADE -t sgml -i html -d /home/ldp/SGML/style/dsssl/docbook/html/docbook .dsl -d /home/ldp/SGML/conectiva/livros.dsl#html $DOCUMENT.sgml ;; rtf) rm -f $DOCUMENT.rtf perl /home/ldp/SGML/style/dsssl/docbook/bin/collateindex.pl -N -o index. sgml jade -t sgml -V html-index -d /home/ldp/SGML/style/dsssl/docbook/html/do cbook.dsl $DOCUMENT.sgml perl /home/ldp/SGML/style/dsssl/docbook/bin/collateindex.pl -o indice.sg ml HTML.index $JADE -t rtf -V rtf-backend -d /home/ldp/SGML/style/dsssl/docbook/print/ docbook.dsl -d /home/ldp/SGML/conectiva/books.dsl#print $DOCUMENT.sgml ;; xml) rm -f $DOCUMENT.xml perl /home/ldp/SGML/style/dsssl/docbook/bin/collateindex.pl -N -o index. sgml jade -t sgml -V html-index -d /home/ldp/SGML/style/dsssl/docbook/html/do cbook.dsl $DOCUMENT.sgml perl /home/ldp/SGML/style/dsssl/docbook/bin/collateindex.pl -o indice.sg ml HTML.index $JADE -t sgml -i xml -d /home/ldp/SGML/style/xsl/docbook/html/docbook.xs l $DOCUMENT.sgml ;; tex) rm -f $DOCUMENT.tex perl /home/ldp/SGML/style/dsssl/docbook/bin/collateindex.pl -N -o indice .sgml jade -t sgml -V html-index -d /home/ldp/SGML/style/dsssl/docbook/html/do cbook.dsl $DOCUMENT.sgml perl /home/ldp/SGML/style/dsssl/docbook/bin/collateindex.pl -o indice.sg ml HTML.index $JADE -t tex -V tex-backend -d /home/ldp/SGML/style/dsssl/docbook/print/ docbook.dsl -d /home/ldp/SGML/conectiva/livros.dsl#print $DOCUMENT.sgml ;; dvi) rm -f $DOCUMENT.tex rm -f $DOCUMENT.dvi perl /home/ldp/SGML/style/dsssl/docbook/bin/collateindex.pl -N -o indice .sgml jade -t sgml -V html-index -d /home/ldp/SGML/style/dsssl/docbook/html/do cbook.dsl $DOCUMENT.sgml perl /home/ldp/SGML/style/dsssl/docbook/bin/collateindex.pl -o indice.sg ml HTML.index $JADE -t tex -V tex-backend -d /home/ldp/SGML/style/dsssl/docbook/print/ docbook.dsl -d /home/ldp/SGML/conectiva/livros.dsl#print $DOCUMENT.sgml jadetex $DOCUMENT.tex ;; mirror) rm -f $DOCUMENT.tex rm -f $DOCUMENT.dvi rm -f $DOCUMENT.mirror.ps perl /home/ldp/SGML/style/dsssl/docbook/bin/collateindex.pl -N -o indice .sgml jade -t sgml -V html-index -d /home/ldp/SGML/style/dsssl/docbook/html/do cbook.dsl $DOCUMENT.sgml perl /home/ldp/SGML/style/dsssl/docbook/bin/collateindex.pl -o indice.sg ml HTML.index $JADE -t tex -V tex-backend -d /home/ldp/SGML/style/dsssl/docbook/print/ docbook.dsl -d /home/ldp/SGML/conectiva/livros.dsl#print $DOCUMENT.sgml jadetex $DOCUMENT.tex dvips -h /home/ldp/estilos/skel/mirr.hd -O 1.5cm,3cm -f $DOCUMENT.dvi -o $DOCUMENT.mirror.ps ;; ps) rm -f $DOCUMENT.tex rm -f $DOCUMENT.dvi rm -f $DOCUMENT.ps perl /home/ldp/SGML/style/dsssl/docbook/bin/collateindex.pl -N -o indice .sgml jade -t sgml -V html-index -d /home/ldp/SGML/style/dsssl/docbook/html/do cbook.dsl $DOCUMENT.sgml perl /home/ldp/SGML/style/dsssl/docbook/bin/collateindex.pl -o indice.sg ml HTML.index $JADE -t tex -V tex-backend -d /home/ldp/SGML/style/dsssl/docbook/print/ docbook.dsl -d /home/ldp/SGML/conectiva/livros.dsl#print $DOCUMENT.sgml jadetex $DOCUMENT.tex dvips -The 1.5cm,3cm -f $DOCUMENT.dvi -o $DOCUMENT.ps ;; *) echo "How to use: $0 file {html|tex|rtf|xml|ps|dvi|mirror}" exit 1 esac exit 0 Obviously such script can be modified forming a Makefile, optimizing some functions. _________________________________________________________________ 4.9.2. Inserting a summary on the initial articles page A feature that might be interesting in some cases is the insertion of a summary on the initial page of an article. The DocBook articles does not include it as a standard feature. To enable this it's necessary to make a modification on the stylesheet file used. The example below describes the process and it's use is shown in [127]Example 4-8. Example 4-9. Stylesheet to insert summaries in articles ]> ; Includes a summary at the beginning of an item. (define %generate-article-toc% #t) ; Includes a summary at the beginning of an item. (define %generate-article-toc% #t) _________________________________________________________________ 4.9.3. Inserting indexes automatically Although DocBook has markups for the composition of indexes, these are not generated automatically. The tool [128]collateindex.pl allows the indexes to be generated automatically. The way to use this script is described bellow and a practical example can be seen previously in this document (see [129]Example 4-8). 1. Process the document with jade using the style to HTML with the option -V html-index. $ jade -t sgml -d html/docbook.dsl -V html-index document.sgml 2. Generate the document index.sgml with [130]collateindex.pl. $ perl collateindex.pl -o index.sgml HTML.index For the above example to work, it's necessary to define an external entity by calling the file index.sgml. Example 4-10. Configuring an external entity to include the index ]> See also [131]Section 4.5 for information on how to insert necessary information on the text. Note: Remember that if you're trying to get Table of Contents or Indexes on PS or PDF output you'll need to run jadetex or pdfjadetex at least three times. This is a TeX requirement and not a DocBook or related application one. _________________________________________________________________ 4.9.4. Making notes on the text while it's being written An interesting feature while writing a text is to be able to check if such text will be presentable or not on the final draft. It's common to have several parts of the text marked as drafts, especially when we're updating an already existent document. DocBook allows along with an entity of parameters to include or not the insertions of specific parts of text in several places on the document based on the context. Sometimes for an upgrading we need to see how the document looks like or just have sketches of a new session or chapter, but we don't want this sketch to appear on the final draft. With the use of parameter entities we can include or eliminate these drafts altering only one line at the beginning of a document. Example 4-11. Use of parameter entities ... This paragrph will be included on the draft when the entity "review" is defined with the value "INCLUDE". ]]> The entity review might have several texts defined as in [132]Example 4-11. When the changes on the text are considered final, it's necessary just to remove parts of the text relative to the 3rd. and 6th. lines. To keep the draft definitions and don't show the text on the final draft, just alter de specification of the entity from INCLUDE to IGNORE. _________________________________________________________________ 4.9.5. Re-using parts of documents An important characteristic about the external entities is about the re-using issue of text and documents. With those characteristics it's possible to create files with text used several times (e.g. licenses and company policies) and simply include those files in the appropriate place. An example and application of this characteistic was found previously in [133]Example 4-10. Another example is the SGML code of this HOWTO. _________________________________________________________________ 4.10. Document samples As stated before each type of document has a particular heading and valid commands structure. The following sub-sections will provide heading and valid commands structures on articles and books. These examples do not cover all possibilities and they are available here only with the intention to serve as generic guides for what it's possible to do. _________________________________________________________________ 4.10.1. Article example
Como-Fazer DocBook Jorge Luiz Godoy Filho Conectiva S.A. Publishing Departmentt;/orgdiv>
1.0 27 de janeiro de 2000 godoy Versão inicial. This document can be freely translated and distributed. It's releas ed under the LDP License. SGML DocBook DTD XML catalogs documents Publishingdlt;/keyword> Conectiva configuration use tools HOWTO
_________________________________________________________________ 4.10.2. Book Example _________________________________________________________________ Chapter 5. Style guides This section contains notes on conventions that the LDP has agreed to in order to give all LDP documents a similar look and feel. You should keep these guides in mind when writing. _________________________________________________________________ 5.1. Date formats The tag in your header should be in the following format: v1.0, 21 April 2000 _________________________________________________________________ 5.2. Graphics formats When submitting graphics to the LDP, please submit one set of graphics in .eps, and another in either .gif or .jpg. Be aware of the patent issues with .gif, but it makes slightly better pictures than .jpg. _________________________________________________________________ 5.3. DocBook Versions Only DocBook 3.1 is supported by the LDP at this time. DocBook 4.0 is under consideration. Many 3.1 documents can be converted to 4.0 easily by avoiding the use of depreciated tags. When writing your DocBook header, it should look like this: _________________________________________________________________ 5.4. Depreciated Tags Tags listed in DocBook: The Definitive Guide as depreciated are discouraged for use in LDP documentation. Some ways to use newer tags are listed in the tip and tricks section. _________________________________________________________________ 5.5. Tag Minimization Tag minimization is using instead of the full end of a tag (such as . Since this makes the document more confusing for future authors and LDP members, and is not allowed in XML DocBook, please refrain from this practice. _________________________________________________________________ 5.6. Conventions Conventions for different kinds of text is as follows: If you're going to show the use of a command, format the command so it looks like a user's command line. The prompt must contain the shell type (bash, tcsh, zsh, etc) followed by a $ for commands to be run as a normal (non-root) user or a # for a root user. A command would then look like this: bash$ command "run as a normal user" bash# command "run as a root user" tcsh# setenv DISPLAY :0.0 _________________________________________________________________ Chapter 6. Tips and Tricks with DocBook This section covers a few quirks of DocBook that you may run into when writing your documents. _________________________________________________________________ 6.1. Including Images If you plan on including images in your HOWTOs, you can now do this, as LinuxDoc didn't support images. Here's a sample way of including an image in your HOWTOS:
LyX screen shot Screen shot of the LyX document processing program
This is a better way than using for two reasons. First, will be removed in DocBook 5.0 in favor of the tag. So you may as well get started with the right way now. Second, allows for different kinds of media based on what the output is. In this example, the first is an encapsulated PostScript(eps) file for use with formats derived from TeX such as DVI, PS, and PDF. The second is a JPEG image for visual display, mostly for HTML output. The is presented if the output doesn't support graphics (TXT). Think of it as an tag. _________________________________________________________________ 6.2. Naming separate HTML files By default, when separate HTML files are made, the SGML processor will assign arbitrary names to the resulting files. This can be confusing to readers who may bookmark a page only to have it change, or so you know what files are what. Whatever your reasoning, here's how to make separate files named the way you want: In your first
tag (which should be the only one) include an id parameter and call it index. This will make your tag look like this:
On the first tag, do not modify it, as it's usually an introduction and you want that on the first page. For each other
tag, include the id parameter and name it. Names should include only alphanumeric characters, and it should be short enough to understand what it is. _________________________________________________________________ 6.3. Using ldp.dsl The LDP uses its own DSSSL file, which adds things like a white background and automatic generation of the table of contents you see at the beginning of HOWTOs. You can find the latest copy of the file at [134]http://metalab.unc.edu/gferg/ldp/ldp.dsl. Once you have the file, you may need to do some editing of the first few lines based on the location of your DocBook DSSSL files. My example uses the Cygnus tool set. Place the ldp.dsl file in /usr/lib/sgml/stylesheets and bring it up under your favorite text editor.You should see something like this: ]]> ]]> ]> [135](1) Change the first "docbook.dsl" to read /usr/lib/sgml/stylesheets/nwalsh-modular/html/docbook.dsl [136](2) Change the second "docbook.dsl" to read /usr/lib/sgml/stylesheets/nwalsh-modular/print/docbook.dsl If you're using another DSSSL, point those two files to the location of the HTML and print DSSSL files. They're usually in directories called html and print. With that complete, you can now generate HTML files: bash$ mkdir HOWTO-HOWTO ; cd HOWTO-HOWTO bash$ jade -t sgml -i html -d /usr/lib/sgml/stylesheets/ldp.dsl\#html ../HOWTO -HOWTO.sgml The first command creates a new directory to put your files into. The second command (the jade one) generates individual HTML files for each section of your document. If you are going to something like RTF, you can do this: bash$ jade -t rtf -d /usr/lib/sgml/stylesheets/ldp.dsl ../HOWTO-HOWTO.sgml _________________________________________________________________ Chapter 7. Distributing your documentation 7.1. Before you distribute Before you distribute your code to millions of potential readers there are a few things you should do. First, be sure to spell-check your document. Most utilities that you would use to write SGML have plug-ins to perform a spell check. If not, there's always the aspell program. Second, get someone to review your documentation for comments and factual correctness. The documentation that is published by the LDP needs to be as factually correct as possible, as there are millions of Linux users that may be reading it. If you're part of a larger mailing list talking about the subject, ask others from the list to help you out. Third, create a web site where you can distribute your documentation. This isn't required, but is helpful for people to find the original location of your document. _________________________________________________________________ 7.1.1. Validate your SGML code Using jade, or really the nsgmls command, you can validate your .sgml code against the DTD to make sure there aren't any errors. bash$ nsgmls -s HOWTO-HOWTO.sgml If there are no issues, you'll just get your command prompt back. _________________________________________________________________ 7.2. Copyright and Licensing issues In order for an LDP document to be accepted by the LDP, it must be licensed to conform to the "LICENSE REQUIREMENTS" section of the LDP Manifesto located at [137]http://www.linuxdoc.org/manifesto.html. As an author, you may retain the copyright and add other restrictions (for example, you must approve any translations or derivative works). A sample license is available in the Manifesto or at [138]http://www.linuxdoc.org/COPYRIGHT.html. If you choose to use the boilerplate copyright, simply copy it into your source code under a section called "Copyright and Licenses" or similar. Also include a copyright statement of your own (since you still own it). If you are a new maintainer for an already-existing HOWTO, you must include the previous copyright statements of the previous author(s) and the dates they maintained that document. You'll note that the licensing for the LDP Authoring Guide requires notification to the author of any derivative works or translations. I also explicitly place any source code (aside from the SGML the Guide was written in) under the GPL. If your HOWTO includes bits of source code that you want others to use, you may do the same. _________________________________________________________________ 7.3. Submission to LDP Once your LDP document has been carefully reviewed, you can release your document to the LDP. Send an e-mail with the SGML source code as an attachment (you may gzip it if you like) to <[139]ldp-submit@lists.linuxdoc.org>. Be sure to include the name of your HOWTO in the subject line, and use the body to outline changes you've made and attach your HOWTO. This allows the maintainers to do their jobs faster, so you don't have to wait for your HOWTO to be updated on the LDP web site. If you don't hear anything in 7 calendar days, please follow up with an e-mail to make sure things are still in process. If your HOWTO contains extras, such as graphics or a special catalog, create a.tar.gz file with all the files in it including the .sgml source code and mail it as an attachment to the ldp-submit list. _________________________________________________________________ 7.4. HOWTO maintenance Now that you're a HOWTO author, you should maintain the document and update it when new versions of software are released. You should also respond to reasonable comments and questions from your readers. You don't have to help them all, especially if their question is already answered in your HOWTO. However, a good experience with the LDP from readers is one of our goals and a great way of increasing the popularity of Linux _________________________________________________________________ Chapter 8. FAQs about the LDP Q: [140]I want to help the LDP. How can I do this? Q: [141]I want to publish a collection of LDP documents in a book. How is the LDP content licensed? Q: [142]I found an error in an LDP document. Can I fix it? Q: [143]But I don't know SGML/Can't get the tools working/Don't like SGML Q: I want to help the LDP. How can I do this? A: The easiest way is to find something and document it. Also check the unmaintained HOWTOs and see if there is a subject there that you know about and can continue documenting. Q: I want to publish a collection of LDP documents in a book. How is the LDP content licensed? A: Please see [144]http://www.linuxdoc.org/COPYRIGHT.html. Note that this is only a guideline to authors. However, the licensing cannot be more restrictive than what is listed in that URL. Q: I found an error in an LDP document. Can I fix it? A: Contact the author of the document, or the LDP coordinator at <[145]ldp-discuss@lists.linuxdoc.org> and mention the problem and how you think it needs to be fixed. Q: But I don't know SGML/Can't get the tools working/Don't like SGML A: That's okay. You have the option of writing your first draft of the HOWTO in the format of your choice, then submit that to the LDP. An LDP volunteer will review the document, then convert it into DocBook for you. Once that's done,it will be easier for you to maintain the HOWTO. If you run into questions,you can always drop a line to the LDP volunteer or the LDP Docbook list at <[146]ldp-docbook@lists.linuxdoc.org>. Glossary attribute One attributte makes available extra information regarding the element on which it appears. The attributes always appear as a name-value pair on the initialization pointers. Example of an attribute is id="identification", which gives to the attribute id the value identification. Document Type Definition (DTD) Group of statements that define element names and their attributes specifying the rules for combinations and sequences. It's the DTD that define which elements can or cannot be inserted in the context on which the cursor is in. DSSSL DSSSL stands for Document Style Semantics and Specification Language. It's an ISO standard (ISO/IEC 10179:1996). The DSSSL standard is internationally used as a language for documents stylesheets pages for SGML. element The elements define the hierarchical structure of a document. The majority of elements have opening and closing pointers. Among these pointers, pieces of text or even the whole document being written can be found. There are empty elements which contains only opening pointers without any content. entity Entity is a name designated for some part of data so that it can be referenced by a name. These designations are made by a statement and the stored data might hold from simple characters to chapters or set of statements of a DTD. There are parameter entities generic, external, internal and of data on theSGML. external entity An external entity points to an external document. External entities are used to include texts on certain locations of a SGML document. Suggestions for its use includes sample screens, legal notes and chapters. generic entities An entity referenced by a name which starts with "&" and ends with semicolon is a generic entity. Most of the time these type of entities are used on the document and not on the DTD. There are two types of entities: external and internal which refers either to special characters or to text objects such as repeated sentences, names or chapters. internal entity An internal entity refers to part of the text and is often used as a schortcut for portions of a text frequently repeated. paremeter entity An entity often used on the DTD. The entity's name starts with a percent sign (%) and it ends with a semicolon. float Objects such as side bars, pictures, tables and charts are called floats when they don't have a fixed placement on the text. For a printed text, the chart can appear either at the top or at the bottom of the page. It can also be placed on the next page if that's too large. processing instruction A processing instruction is a command passed to the document formatting tool. It starts with " SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language. It's also an international standard (ISO8879) which specifies rules for the creation of electronic documents in markup systems regardless the work platform used. tag An SGML element bounded by the marks "<" and ">". Tags are used to mark the semantic or the structure of a document. A sample is the tag to mark the beginning of a title. XML eXtensible Markup Language. A subproduct of SGML created specifically for Internet use. XSL XML Style Language. XSL is to a XML document what a DSSSL style is for a SGML document. In fact, the style is a document XML. Notes [147][1] Please, take a look at the [148]source to see how to get similar results on your documents. You should also remember that the way this appears to you depends on the format you're reading this document: online appearance is slightly different from the PostScript or PDF ones. [149][2] Here are valid: DTD, DOCUMENT, ELEMENTS, ENTITIES and NONSGML. [150][4] More information about indexes are available at [151]the page about index of Norman Walsh. References 1. http://www.conectiva.com/ 2. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#ABOUTTHISGUIDE 3. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#PURPOSE 4. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#ABOUTLDP 5. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#FEEDBACK 6. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#COPYRIGHTS 7. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 8. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#CONVENTIONS 9. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#INTRODUCTION 10. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#THELDP 11. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#SGML 12. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#WHYSGML 13. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#SGMLISNOTXML 14. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#NEWAUTHORS 15. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#MAILINGLISTS 16. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#TOOLS 17. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#DSSSL 18. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#DTD 19. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#JADE 20. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#JADEWRAPPERS 21. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#EDITING 22. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#CVS 23. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#OTHER 24. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#AEN614 25. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#DOCBOOKINTRO 26. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#CONFIGURATIONS 27. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#MAKING-CATALOGUES 28. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#WRITING-DOCBOOK 29. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#ENCODING-INDEX 30. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#INSERTING-PICTURES 31. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#TABLES 32. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#LISTINGS 33. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#TOOLS-HINTS 34. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#EXAMPLES-DOCUMENTS 35. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#STYLE 36. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#ACCEPTEDDATES 37. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#ACCEPTEDGFX 38. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#ACCEPTEDVERSION 39. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#NODEPTAGS 40. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#NOTAGMIN 41. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#USINGCONVENTIONS 42. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#TIPS 43. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#IMAGES 44. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#NAMEDFILES 45. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#USINGLDPDSSSL 46. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#DISTRIBUTION 47. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#BEFOREYOUDISTRIBUTE 48. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#MAKINGCOPYRIGHT 49. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#SUBMISSION 50. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#MAINTENTANCE 51. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#FAQ 52. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#GLOSSARY 53. http://www.cgipc.com/~markk 54. http://www.linuxdoc.org/ 55. http://www.linuxdoc.org/manifesto.html 56. http://www.linuxdoc.org/ 57. mailto:markk@linuxdoc.org 58. mailto:ldp-discuss@lists.linuxdoc.org 59. http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/ 60. mailto:ser@serek.arch.pwr.wroc.pl 61. mailto:godoy@conectiva.com 62. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#FTN.AEN92 63. http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/Printing-HOWTO.html 64. http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/Ethernet-HOWTO.html 65. mailto:ldp-discuss@lists.linuxdoc.org 66. mailto:ldp-submit@lists.linuxdoc.org 67. http://www.nyx.net/~sgjoen/template.sgml 68. http://www.linuxdoc.org/authors/template/big-howto-template.sgml 69. mailto:ldp-discuss@lists.linuxdoc.org 70. mailto:ldp-discuss-request@lists.linuxdoc.org 71. mailto:ldp-discuss-request@lists.linuxdoc.org 72. mailto:ldp-docbook@lists.linuxdoc.org 73. mailto:ldp-docbook-request@lists.linuxdoc.org 74. http://nwalsh.com/docbook/dsssl/ 75. http://metalab.unc.edu/gferg/ldp/ldp.dsl 76. http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/sgml/3.1/docbk31.zip 77. ftp://ftp.jclark.com/pub/jade/jade-1.2.1.tar.gz 78. http://openjade.sourceforge.net/ 79. http://sgmltools-lite.sourceforge.net/ 80. http://www.redhat.com/ 81. http://www.redhat.com/support/errata/RHBA-2000022-01.html 82. http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=9670 83. http://www.lysator.liu.se/~lenst/about_psgml/ 84. http://www.snee.com/bob/sgmlfree/ 85. http://www.freebsd.org/tutorials/docproj-primer/psgml-mode.html 86. http://www.vim.org/ 87. http://www.corel.com/ 88. http://www.tksgml.de/ 89. http://nedit.org/ 90. http://www.sourcegear.com/CVS/Docs/blandy 91. https://wroclaw.art.pl/~ser/docs/cvs.html 92. mailto:cvsadmin@cvslist.linuxdoc.org 93. http://cvsweb.linuxdoc.org/index.cgi/linuxdoc 94. http://freshmeat.net/appindex 95. mailto:ldp-submit@lists.linuxdoc.org 96. http://www.docbook.org/ 97. http://www.linuxdoc.org/authors/index.html#resources 98. http://aspell.sourceforge.net/ 99. http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~geoff/ispell.html 100. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#MAKING-CATALOGUES 101. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#EX.CATALOGUE.COMMENT 102. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#EX.CATALOGUE.DEFINITION 103. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#EX.CATALOGUE.EOF 104. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#FTN.AEN718 105. http://www.oasis-open.org/html/a401.htm 106. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#EXAMPLES-DOCUMENTS 107. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#TABLE-USEFUL-COMMANDS 108. mailto:address@domain 109. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#ENCODING-INDEX 110. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#FTN.AEN1002 111. http://www.conectiva.com/ 112. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#INSERTING-PICTURES 113. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#TABLES 114. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#LISTINGS 115. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#TOOLS-COMPILE 116. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#AUTOMATIC-INDEXES 117. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#EXAMPLE-CODE-INDEX 118. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#INDEX-ZONE 119. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#EX-PICTURE-FILEREF 120. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#FORMER-FIGURE-IMAGEOBJECT 121. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#TABLE-USEFUL-COMMANDS 122. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#MAKING-CATALOGUES 123. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#FTN.AEN1505 124. http://sourceware.cygnus.com/docbook-tools/ 125. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/compiles-sgml 126. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/collateindex.pl 127. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#LISTING-COMPILE-SGML 128. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/collateindex.pl 129. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#LISTING-COMPILE-SGML 130. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/collateindex.pl 131. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#ENCODING-INDEX 132. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#EX-ENTITY-PARAMETERS 133. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#EX-ENTITY-EXTERNAL-INDEX 134. http://metalab.unc.edu/gferg/ldp/ldp.dsl 135. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#HTML 136. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#PRINT 137. http://www.linuxdoc.org/manifesto.html 138. http://www.linuxdoc.org/COPYRIGHT.html 139. mailto:ldp-submit@lists.linuxdoc.org 140. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#AEN2107 141. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#AEN2112 142. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#AEN2118 143. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#AEN2124 144. http://www.linuxdoc.org/COPYRIGHT.html 145. mailto:ldp-discuss@lists.linuxdoc.org 146. mailto:ldp-docbook@lists.linuxdoc.org 147. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#AEN92 148. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/sgml/conventions.sgml 149. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#AEN718 150. file://localhost/export/sunsite/users/gferg/guides/LAG/LDP-Author-Guide.html#AEN1505 151. http://nwalsh.com/docbook/dsssl/doc/indexing.html