copied from packet: From: KC6VLG@WA6HAM To: MODS@ALLUSA Subject: FT 530 mods add on info As you all know the mod for the Yeasu FT-530 is to remove the jumper #13. The next step is very important and a few mod plans does not mention. The CPU needs to be reset by holding the UP and DOWN keys while turning the radio on. Before you do the reset, remember to remove all power sources to this radio and wait for the rig to completely discharged prior to the reset. If the rig is not totally discharged, the mod will not work. Good luck 73 de John KC6VLG @ WA6HAM.#NOCAL.CA.USA ================================================================================ Note: I haven't tried or verified this, proceed at your own risk. WA2ISE Note: I haven't tried or verified this, proceed at your own risk. WA2ISE