copied from packet: Msg# TSF Size #Rd Date Time From MsgID To 1884 BH 4001 1 24-Dec 1410 W9ZGS 22870_WB9NET RAMSEY@ALLBBS (NONE) Sb: Ramsey FX146/FX220 diode program For you owners of the new Ramsey FX146 or FX220 transceivers, here is a Basic program that will print out a series of frequencies versus diode placement positions. It is a modification of the Basic program provided by Ramsey in the instruction book. To use this Basic program just load it into your favorite text (ASCII) editor, edit out this junk, save it as an ASCII file under the name "FXDIODES.BAS" and then load it into BASICA in your MSDOS machine. Verne/W9ZGS 1 CLS:PRINT TAB(33);"W9ZGS":PRINT 2 PRINT"Programming diode placement for the Ramsey FX146 and FX220 transceivers. 3 PRINT"This program requires that frequencies be entered in KHz with 6 digits & 4 PRINT"NO decimal points. A frequency of 145.050MHz would be entered as 145050 5 PRINT"Output is to printer.":PRINT 6 INPUT"Enter lowest receiver frequency";LF:LF=LF/5 7 INPUT"Enter highest receiver frequency";HF:HF=HF/5 8 INPUT"Enter spacing in KHz";SP:PRINT 9 LPRINT" For the Ramsey FX146 or FX220 Transceivers. By W9ZGS.":LPRINT 10 LPRINT" Place diodes where a 1 is shown.":LPRINT 11 LPRINT" FREQ 32768 16384 8192 4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 12 LPRINT" ------ ----- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- --- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 13 FOR N=LF TO HF STEP SP 14 AA=0:BB=0:CC=0:DD=0:EE=0:FF=0:GG=0:HH=0 15 II=0:JJ=0:KK=0:LL=0:MM=0:NN=0:OO=0:PP=0 16 IF N=>32768! THEN AA=1 17 IF N>32768! THEN NA=N-32768! 18 IF N<32768! THEN NA=N 19 IF NA=>16384 THEN BB=1 20 IF NA<16384 THEN NB=NA 21 IF NA>16384 THEN NB=NA-16384 22 IF NB=>8192 THEN CC=1 23 IF NB<8192 THEN NC=NB 24 IF NB>8192 THEN NC=NB-8192 25 IF NC=>4096 THEN DD=1 26 IF NC>4096 THEN ND=NC-4096 27 IF NC<4096 THEN ND=NC 28 IF ND=>2048 THEN EE=1 29 IF ND>2048 THEN NE=ND-2048 30 IF ND<2048 THEN NE=ND 31 IF NE=>1024 THEN FF=1 32 IF NE>1024 THEN NF=NE-1024 33 IF NE<1024 THEN NF=NE 34 IF NF=>512 THEN GG=1 35 IF NF>512 THEN NG=NF-512 36 IF NF<512 THEN NG=NF 37 IF NG=>256 THEN HH=1 38 IF NG>256 THEN NH=NG-256 39 IF NG<256 THEN NH=NG 40 IF NH=>128 THEN II=1 41 IF NH>128 THEN NI=NH-128 42 IF NH<128 THEN NI=NH 43 IF NI=>64 THEN JJ=1 44 IF NI>64 THEN NJ=NI-64 45 IF NI<64 THEN NJ=NI 46 IF NJ=>32 THEN KK=1 47 IF NJ>32 THEN NK=NJ-32 48 IF NJ<32 THEN NK=NJ 49 IF NK=>16 THEN LL=1 50 IF NK>16 THEN NL=NK-16 51 IF NK<16 THEN NL=NK 52 IF NL=>8 THEN MM=1 53 IF NL>8 THEN NM=NL-8 54 IF NL<8 THEN NM=NL 55 IF NM=>4 THEN NN=1 56 IF NM>4 THEN NX=NM-4 57 IF NM<4 THEN NX=NM 58 IF NX>2 THEN OO=1 59 IF NX=2 THEN OO=1 60 IF NX=3 THEN PP=1 61 IF NX=1 THEN PP=1 62 LPRINT N * 5; 63 LPRINT " ";AA;" "; BB;" "; CC;" "; DD;" "; EE;" "; FF;" "; GG;" "; HH ; 64 LPRINT " ";II;" "; JJ; KK; LL; MM; NN; OO; PP:NEXT:END ---------------------------- Note: I haven't tried or verified this, proceed at your own risk. Verify that you're in the band before you transmit. WA2ISE that you're in the band before you transmit. WA2ISE