How to replace the front panel lights on an Alinco rig, most likely the DR110 or 1200. STEP 1 - Remove top and bottom cover STEP 2 - Remove 3 knobs from front of radio STEP 3 - Remove nut from shaft of the channel selector STEP 4 - Remove nut from the microphone connector STEP 5 - Remove front plate from radio, This has snaps on top and bottom, SO BE CAREFUL !! STEP 6 - Remove 3 small philips screws that hold the PC board to the front of the radio. DO NOT CUT WIRES !!! STEP 7*- Locate tabs that are holding the display to the PC board and bend straight. BE CAREFUL DO NOT BREAK OFF !!! STEP 8*- Remove display from pc board and set aside. * Step 7 and 8 can be eliminated if you can find the 2 lites that light up the display from the back of the pc board STEP 9 - Locate lites (6). 1 lite under the off/on sw 3 above the row of small switches. These 4 lites have a blue rubber cover on them. 2 lites mounted where the lcd display was. STEP 10- Replace lite under power switch, remember to use the blue cover over the new lite as well as the yellows sleeves on wires. This lite you solder from the front. STEP 11- Replace 3 lites that are above the micro switches on the front of the pcboard. This will have to be un-solder from the back. Also replace the blue covers over the 3 lites. STEP 12- Replace 2 lites that stick through holes that go where the lcd display is, also replace the yellow sleeves. These lites solder from the back. STEP 13- Re-install the lcd display and be sure there is no contamination of the contacts on the board and lcd display. Be shure to re twist the tabs on the display that goes through the pc board. This display must be tight to the pc board or the display will not work either with missing lcd segments or no segments on. This lcd display shows the freq. signal strength, channel number, and other functions. STEP 14- Test the display by powering up the radio. If you are getting missing numbers, pull the lcd display and clean the contacts on the pc-board and the display. I did by scrapping the pc board with a screw driver as well as the lcd display contact ribbon. << Note: An eraser is less likely to damage the board>> STEP 15- assemble the radio and check the display at each major assembly point. STEP 16- Reset the cpu as shown in your owners manual. This is because that the cpu is located on the board you were working on and may have some bad data after working on the rig. You may have to reset the cpu when you test the rig in order to show the full lcd display FRANK N2JYG @ WA0PTV.#WNY.NY.USA.NOAM FRANK N2JYG @ WA0PTV.#WNY.NY.USA.NOAM FRANK N2JYG @ WA0PTV.#WNY.NY.USA.NOAM