W E L C O M E to NASA SPACELINK A Space-Related Informational Database Provided by the NASA Educational Affairs Division Operated by the Marshall Space Flight Center On a Data General ECLIPSE MV7800 Minicomputer Internet callers may try our new FTP capability (in development). Username is anonymous and Password is guest. Address is READ README! Spacelink's phone number is 205-895-0028. NOTICE: We're delighted you called NASA Spacelink. This service is free. But, you need to understand that you will be charged by your phone service if you're calling long distance to our computer in Huntsville, Alabama. So use it all you like, but remember, it's your nickel. This system is designed for 80 column text display. On computers that display fewer than 80 columns, some text may be distorted. NASA SPACELINK BACKGROUND NASA Spacelink runs on a Data General ECLIPSE MV-7800 minicomputer at the NASA George C. Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. NASA Spacelink software was developed and donated to NASA by the Data General Corporation. The system has a main memory of 14 megabytes (14 million characters), and disk storage space for 2 gigabytes. It runs at 300, 1200, 2400 or 9600 baud. Data word format is 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit. The system was made public in February, 1988. While NASA understands that people from a wide variety of backgrounds will use NASA Spacelink, the system is specifically designed for teachers. Unlike bulletin board systems, NASA Spacelink does not provide for interaction between callers. However, it allows teachers and other callers to leave questions and comments for NASA. NASA Spacelink Main Menu 1. Log Off NASA Spacelink 2. NASA Spacelink Overview 3. Current NASA News 4. Aeronautics 5. Space Exploration: Before the Shuttle 6. Space Exploration: The Shuttle and Beyond 7. NASA and its Centers 8. NASA Educational Services 9. Classroom Materials 10. Space Program Spinoffs/Technology Transfer 10. Space Program Spinoffs/Technology Transfer