From: (Luck Hurder KY1T) Newsgroups: Subject: ARRL State Government Liaison Summary: The ARRL State Government Liaison job description/guidlines Keywords: ARRL Volunteer SGL Message-ID: <343@arrlhq.UUCP> Date: 4 Dec 91 16:03:25 GMT Sender:!arrlhq!lhurder (Luck Hurder KY1T) Organization: American Radio Relay League Lines: 65 STATE GOVERNMENT LIAISON The State Government Liaison (SGL) is an Amateur Radio operator who is cognizant of state legislative proposals in the normal course of events and who can watch for those proposals having the potential to affect Amateur Radio without creating a conflict of interest. The SGL collects and promulgates information on state ordinances affecting Amateur Radio and works (with the assistance of other ARRL members) toward assuring that the ordinances work to the mutual benefit of society and the Amateur Radio Service. The SGL guides, encourages and supports ARRL members in representing the interests of the Amateur Radio Service at all levels. Accordingly, the SGL cooperates closely with other section-level officials, particularly the Section Emergency Coordinator and the Public Information Officer. The SGL must be an ARRL full member, and hold a Novice class or higher license. The SGL reports to the Section Manager (and keeps ARRL Hq. advised) of all appropriate activities and developments involving the interface of Amateur Radio and government regulatory matters, particularly those which have policy implications. When monitoring state legislative dockets, SGLs should watch for the following key words that could lead to potential items affecting Amateur Radio: Antennas (dish, microwave, towers, structures, satellite, television, lighting), Mobile radio, radio receivers, radio interference, television interference, scanners, license plates, cable television, ham radio, headphones in automobiles, lightning protection, antenna radiation, biological effects of radio signals. In those states where there is more than one section, the Section Managers whose territories do not encompass the state capital may simply defer to the Liaison appointed by their counterpart in the section where the state capital is located. In this case, the Liaison is expected to communicate equally with all Section Managers (and Section Emergency Coordinators and other section-level League officials). In sections where there is more than one government entity (i.e., Maryland-DC, West Indies, Pacific and Maritime-Nfld where the title, of course, would be Provincial Government Liaison), there may be a Liaison appointed for each entity. The job is an important and challenging one. Heading off potentially dangerous state government actions is critically important to all amateurs! Recruitment of new hams and League members is an integral part of the job of every League appointee. Appointees should take advantage of every opportunity to recruit a new ham or member to foster growth of Field Organization programs, and our abilities to serve the public. FSD-102 (1288) | | | Deputy Manager, Field Services, ARRL. | |___| The ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Service, the ARRL | uck | |urder National Traffic System, The Amateur Auxiliary to ------ | | the FCC's Field Operations Bureau, the ARRL KY1T Field Organization and the ARRL Monitoring System. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prodigy - MGTS39A BIX - ARRL. Prodigy - MGTS39A BIX - ARRL.