From Fri Jan 8 12:55:52 1993 Return-Path: Received: from by (5.65c/Spike-2.0) id AA22277; Fri, 8 Jan 1993 12:55:51 -0500 Received: by; id AA07774; Fri, 8 Jan 93 09:55:48 -0800 Received: by; id AA20543; Fri, 8 Jan 93 12:53:21 -0500 Message-Id: <> Received: from leds.enet; by us1rmc.enet; Fri, 8 Jan 93 12:53:21 EST Date: Fri, 8 Jan 93 12:53:21 EST From: 08-Jan-1993 1255 To: Apparently-To: Subject: Russian CW info Status: RO Phil, I got this from the hamradio notes file and thought you might be interested. WRT contract agencies I am not sure how you would go about'interviewing' one. I asked around to a few people that had used the agencies, both hiring contractors and being farmed out by them, and the two that were most recommended were: The System Group in Wakefield 246-4110 (Jay Bradley) and The Registry in Wellesley I don't know the number (Merideth - Cohen (first name is for sure, not so sure on the last name) I signed on with both of them. They found a few interviews for me but the contracts never came through. THe companies fell on hard times and shut down all contract openings. Well, I hope that helps. dan <<< CVG::WORK3:[NOTES$LIBRARY]HAMRADIO.NOTE;2 >>> -< Amateur Radio >- ================================================================================ Note 5288.0 RUSSIAN CW WORDS/PHRASES No replies AIMHI::BOWLES 41 lines 8-JAN-1993 07:49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Through a somewhat strange set of circumstances I have had a young Russian ham staying at my house for the past week. Andy, UA3PIP, arrived in the U.S. on 22 December on an extended trip. Obviously, he has very little money, so has been staying with hams around the country. So far he has stayed with folks in PA, NJ, and now NH. Warren and Al Shuman, N1FIK, our new NH Section Manager, needed to go to Newington, so I arranged for them to take Andy to his next "home" in CT. Tennessee is the next stop on the tour. Well, in the course of conversation, Andy and I were talking about CW contacts with Russian hams. Most of them do pretty well using English terms. But I asked Andy to share some common Russian phrases that I might use rather than depending on the other person's English all the time. I thought you might find them interesting. NOTE: The Russian alphabet contains 33 characters -- obviously more than our 26. One of those characters is a "backwards R" -- looks like the R in "Toys R Us" -- and is used in several of these phrases. It is sent . _ . _ Since my terminal can't do the backwards R, I have substituted an asterik where appropriate. Word/Phrase Sent As Hello ZDR Good-bye DSW I'm sorry my Russian is vy poor IZWINITE * PLOHO GOWOR PO RUSSKI I've been a ham for ____ yrs * UVE NA RADIO _____ LET My age is ______ yrs MNE ___ LET I have ____ sons U MEN* ____ SYNA Wind WETER Sun SOLNCE Hot VARKO Cold HOLODNO Rain DOVDX Snow SNEG Enjoy, Chet KD1AP