From: (Luck Hurder KY1T) Newsgroups: Subject: The ARRL Official Observer job description/guidlines Summary: ARRL Official Observer FCC Amateur Auxiliary job description Keywords: ARRL Volunteer OO guidelines Message-ID: <341@arrlhq.UUCP> Date: 4 Dec 91 16:00:11 GMT Sender:!arrlhq!lhurder (Luck Hurder KY1T) Organization: American Radio Relay League Lines: 58 OFFICIAL OBSERVER The Official Observer program has been sponsored by the League for over 50 years to help amateurs help each other. Official Observer appointees have aided thousands of amateurs to maintain their transmitting equipment and operating procedures in compliance with the regulations. The object of the OO program is to notify amateurs by mail of operating/technical irregularities before they come to the attention of the FCC. The OO is also the backbone of the Amateur Auxiliary to the FCC's Field Operations Bureau. OOs are certified in the Auxiliary by passing a mandatory written examination. The OO performs his function by listening rather than transmitting, keeping an ear out for such things as frequency instability, harmonics, hum, key clicks, broad signals, distorted audio, overdeviation, out-of-band operation, etc. The OO completes his task once the notification card is sent. In hard-core rules violations cases, OOs refer problems to higher echelons of the Amateur Auxiliary, and may be requested to gather evidence for possible FCC enforcement actions. Requirements follow: 1. Must take and pass examination to be certified as a member of the Amateur Auxiliary, an FCC requirement, based on study of the ARRL's Amateur Auxiliary Training Manual. 2. Must be an ARRL Full Member and have been a licensee of Technician Class or higher for at least four years. 3. Must report to the OO Coordinator regularly on FSD-23. 4. Maintain regular activity in sending out advisory notices as needed. The OO program is one of the most important functions of the League. A sincere dedication to helping our brother and sister amateurs is required for appointment. Recruitment of new hams and League members is an integral part of the job of every League appointee. Appointees should take advantage of every opportunity to recruit a new ham or member to foster growth of Field Organization programs, and our abilities to serve the public. FSD-110 (1288) | | | Deputy Manager, Field Services, ARRL. | |___| The ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Service, the ARRL | uck | |urder National Traffic System, The Amateur Auxiliary to ------ | | the FCC's Field Operations Bureau, the ARRL KY1T Field Organization and the ARRL Monitoring System. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prodigy - MGTS39A BIX - ARRL. Prodigy - MGTS39A BIX - ARRL.