MASSACHUSETTS QSO PARTY '93 I. OBJECT The object of the Party is to promote on-air competition among all radio amateurs, both within and outside of Massachusetts. II. TIME The second full week-end in May (May 8-9), from 1500Z Saturday to 2100Z on Sunday. Stations are only permitted to operate 24 hours within the 30 hour period. III. GENERAL RULES OF OPERATION 1. The use of spotting nets is allowed. 2. Operation will be on MF, HF, VHF and UHF except on 30 meters, 17 meters and 12 meters. All modes are permitted. Modes consist of digital (CW, RTTY, ASCII, AMTOR, Packet), video (SSTV and ATV) and phone (SSB, FM, AM). 3. The use of land-based voice repeaters for contest QSO is not permitted. 4. Digipeater, node, land based ATV repeater and amateur satellite transponder operation is allowed. 5. Work stations once per band per mode per Massachusetts county. 6. Work the same station on a different band for a new multiplier. 7. Mobile/portable operation is permitted and encouraged. 8. Massachusetts stations may work any stations, non-Massachusetts stations may work only Massachusetts stations. IV. CATEGORIES: Categories 1 to 4 are for Massachusetts stations only. 1. SINGLE OPERATOR / SINGLE TRANSMITTER: (SINGLE/SINGLE) A single operator who performs all transmitting, receiving and logging functions. 2. MULTI OPERATOR /SINGLE TRANSMITTER: (MULTI/SINGLE) A station using a single transmitter at a time and obtaining assistance including relief operators, loggers etc. 3. MULTI OPERATOR / MULTI TRANSMITTER: (MULTI/MULTI) A station operating multiple transmitters with multiple operators at the same time, when all transmitters are located within a 300 meter diameter circle. All "Bonus Point Club Stations" are encouraged to participate in this category. 4. NON-FIXED STATION: (MOBILE/PORTABLE) A station capable of being operated from more than one location. This is to encourage operation from more than one county. The log should clearly indicate which county the contacts were from. 5. NON-MASSACHUSETTS STATION: A station operating from outside the state of Massachusetts. V. SUGGESTED FREQUENCIES CW: 1810 KHz, 3550 KHz, 7050 KHz, 14050 KHz, 21050 KHz, 28050 KHz, 144.070 MHz, 432.090 MHz Novice: up 30 KHz from band edge SSB: 1850 KHz, 3890 KHz, 7290 KHz, 14270 KHz, 21390 KHz, 28390 KHz, 144.220 MHz (SSB) 146.550 MHz (FM), 432.150 MHz (SSB), 446.000 MHz (FM) VI. EXCHANGE 1. Massachusetts stations: Send signal report and county. example: "59/9 Middlesex" Bonus Point Club Station: Send signal report, county plus "club station" on phone, or "/c" on non-phone. example: "59 Middlesex club station" or "599 Middlesex /c" 2. Non-Massachusetts stations: Send to Massachusetts stations only whichever applies: US: Signal report and state CANADA: Signal report and province/territory DX: Signal report and DXCC country (excluding US, Canada, Alaska and Hawaii) VII. POINTS 1. Massachusetts stations: Count one (1) point per phone QSO. Count two (2) points per non-phone QSO. Count fifty (50) points for Bonus Point Club Station regardless of mode. 2. Non-Massachusetts stations: Count one (1) point per phone QSO with any Massachusetts station. Count two (2) points per non-phone QSO with any Massachusetts station. Count fifty (50) points for Bonus Point Club Station regardless of modes. VIII. MULTIPLIERS 1. Multipliers for Massachusetts stations: The total number of Massachusetts counties, states (excluding Massachusetts), VE province/territories and DXCC countries (excluding US, Canada, Alaska, Hawaii) worked on each band. 2. Multipliers for non-Massachusetts stations: The total number of Massachusetts counties work on each band. 3. Miscellaneous: Maritime mobile contacts shall be counted as a QSO, but not as a multiplier. Washington DC contacts shall be counted as a Maryland QSO. IX. FINAL SCORE Multiply the sum of QSO points by the sum of multipliers worked on each band. X. LOGS All logs must be postmarked no later than 30 days after the end of the contest. For purposes of clarification, logs must show the mode of operation and the county, state, province/territory or DXCC country. The rest periods should be clearly indicated in the logs. Novices and Technicians should clearly indicate their license class to be eligible for special awards. Dupe sheets are required for stations submitting more than 100 QSOs. Logs with more than five percent error will only be accepted as control logs. The logs should be sent in a printed form. Send logs to: Massachusetts QSO Party, Boston Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 15585, Kenmore Station Boston, MA 02215. XI. AWARDS 1. An award will be given to the highest scoring station in each of the five categories. 2. An award will be given to the highest single/single scorer in each Massachusetts county (except for the county of the single/single winner). 3. An award will be given to the highest scoring station in each state, Canadian province/territory, and DXCC country. 4. An award will be given to the highest scoring Massachusetts Bonus Point Club Station. 5. An award will be given to the highest scoring Novice or Technician class station in each category in the state of Massachusetts. 6. Certificates will be awarded for the second and third place winners in each category.