From: (Luck Hurder KY1T) Newsgroups: Subject: Emergency Coordinator appointment guidelines Summary: The ARRL Emergency Coordinator guidelines Keywords: ARRL Field Organization volunteer Message-ID: <340@arrlhq.UUCP> Date: 4 Dec 91 15:58:48 GMT Sender:!arrlhq!lhurder (Luck Hurder KY1T) Organization: American Radio Relay League Lines: 64 EMERGENCY COORDINATOR The ARRL Emergency Coordinator is a key team player in ARES on the local emergency communications scene. Working with the Section Emergency Coordinator, the DEC and Official Emergency Stations, the EC prepares for, and engages in management of communications needs in disasters. EC duties include: 1. Promote and enhance the activities of the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) for the benefit of the public as a voluntary, non-commercial communications service. 2. Manage and coordinate the training, organization and emergency participation of interested amateurs working in support of the communities, agencies or functions designated by the Section Emergency Coordinator/Section Manager. 3. Establish an emergency communications plan for the communities and agencies that will effectively utilize ARES members to cover the needs for tactical and formal Welfare message traffic. 4. Establish a viable working relationship with all federal, state, county, city governmental and private agencies in the ARES jurisdictional area which might need the services of ARES in emergencies. 5. Establish local communications networks run on a regular basis and periodically test those networks by conducting realistic drills. 6. Establish an emergency traffic plan, with Welfare traffic inclusive, utilizing the National Traffic System as one active component for traffic handling. Establish an operational liaison with local and section nets, particularly for handling Welfare traffic in an emergency situation. 7. In times of disaster, evaluate the communications needs of the juris-diction and respond quickly to those needs. The EC will assume authority and responsibility for emergency response and performance by ARES personnel under his jurisdiction. 8. Do all that is possible to further the favorable image of Amateur Radio by dedication to purpose and a thorough understanding of the mission of Amateur Radio. Requirements: Technician or higher class license; Full ARRL membership. Recruitment of new hams and League members is an integral part of the job of every League appointee. Appointees should take advantage of every opportunity to recruit a new ham or member to foster growth of Field Organization programs, and our abilities to serve the public. FSD-46 (1288) | | | Deputy Manager, Field Services, ARRL. | |___| The ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Service, the ARRL | uck | |urder National Traffic System, The Amateur Auxiliary to ------ | | the FCC's Field Operations Bureau, the ARRL KY1T Field Organization and the ARRL Monitoring System. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prodigy - MGTS39A BIX - ARRL. Prodigy - MGTS39A BIX - ARRL.