I've been chewing (OK, gnashing my teeth, perhaps) on the fact that a very few individuals have seen fit to pound on me for the quantity -- and quality -- of postings I was doing here a couple of weeks back. One fella (a coworker) stated that I'd "hurt us all" by presumably somehow failing to understand what constituted "enough." Fortunately, however, a LARGE number of you have seen fit to thank me in private mail, by telephone, and in person. I'm encouraged, and would like to thank you all in return. The overall emotion that's most often exhibited is "At last; ARRL HQ is finally providing us with something we need; with items of newsy interest, with a pat on the back for the work we amateur radio volunteers do all over the country, and some TOOLS with which to DO it. Fair enough. And we have a lot of those tools here. Glad to let you have every bit of it, if you'll only ask. Don't think for a second that any of us here at ARRL HQ could possibly guess what YOU need, what helps YOU perform your functions, what makes YOUR job as a volunteer that much easier. Think we might have it? Ask! Still, I'm sensitive to the fact that only a small percentage, perhaps, of the readers of this material are interested in actually DOING anything constructive with their amateur radio interests. There! That should tick off a fair number of the gang. But for those of you who DO manage to get out there and kick up a little dust, listen up! I'm just ONE of a hundred and some employees here at ARRL HQ. Little ole *me* has access to a TON of bits/bytes that just might help you. They include but are by no means limited to: 1. Complimentary ARRL Prospective Ham Packages. The PHP contains (based on the person's zip code) amateur radio clubs in his/her area, volunteer exam session opportunities, and a wealth of promotional material on the Amateur Radio Service. I should point out that my activity on Prodigy, alone, has resulted in over 200 PHPs being mailed out to newcomers in the past few months. There's no END to the number of interested folks out there who just need to know that info (and help) is available. TELL them! It's free. 2. Public Service Communications Manuals. These puppies are the "Bible" for Amateur Radio public service communicators, and completely and fully explain formal traffic handling procedures, the ARRL's National Traffic System, the Amateur Radio Emergency Service -- all that good stuff. One to a customer. No charge whatsoever for the book OR for the postage. 3. Brochures. Gawd, do we have brochures! We have slick little doo-dads that explain the Amateur Radio Emergency Service, the ARRL Field Organization, services of the ARRL, and not one or two, but THREE different brochures that appeal to youngsters, middle-aged, or "retiree-age" folks, who just might want to know what this here Hamateur radio stuff is really all about. 4. Interested in performing a variety of public service duties, by way of your Part 97 license? I can steer you in the right direction, by providing you (yes, even here on the net) guidelines -- job descriptions if you prefer -- for volunteer positions that just might pique your interest. They include guidelines for: 1. Section Managers, and Assistant SMs 2. Official Observers 3. Official Relay Stations 4. Technical Coordinators and Technical Specialists 5. Official Bulletin Stations 6. Public Information Coordinators 7. State and Local Government Liaisons 8. Emergency Coordinators and District/Section ECs 5. Special Events Communications Manuals. While the SECM carries a nominal five dollar charge (you can bet we make ZERO on THIS baby!), my point HERE is that the SECM is also available -- free of charge -- by simply downloading it from the ARRL BBS at 203 665 0090. In it you will find lots of practical reasons for providing amateur radio communications at events, methods of doing so, and Part 97 reasons why you should or -- in many cases -- should NOT. The list of freebies goes on. If you think we have something that would make your life (or your hobby) easier, you can sure ASK... And, again, thanks to all of you who've encouraged me to continue making these complimentary ARRL services available here on the net. Without your encouragement and support, I MIGHT've been persuaded to stop... | | | Deputy Manager, Field Services, ARRL. | |___| The ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Service, the ARRL | uck | |urder National Traffic System, The Amateur Auxiliary to ------ | | the FCC's Field Operations Bureau, the ARRL KY1T Field Organization and the ARRL Monitoring System. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- lhurder%arrlhq.UUCP@uhasun.hartford.edu Prodigy - MGTS39A BIX - ARRL.