Boston 145.23 Repeater The Boston Amateur Radio Club owns and operates a 2 meter repeater, located on the Federal Reserve Bank building in downtown Boston near South Station. The antenna is located 620 feet above ground, providing a very wide area of coverage. The repeater output frequency is 145.23 MHz and the input is 144.63 MHz. This repeater is open for all to use and does not require any tones to access it. There is a PL tone of 146.20 on the output for your convenience. The club strongly encourages all users of the repeater to speak in plain English. Lingo found on some radio bands will only add confusion to those not familiar with it and it may interfere with other stations trying to relay emergency traffic. Every day various groups of people gather on 145.23. These groups are commonly referred to as "nets". Each night at 8:00 p.m. the National Traffic System net meets to pass messages to and from all parts of the world. This net is very interesting to listen to and the net managers will invite you to check-in and send a message or pass one on to its destination. The Boston Amateur Radio Club net meets every Monday night at 9:00 p.m. The purpose of this net is to keep club members informed of what's happening in the club and to answer any questions about the club or ham radio in general for anyone who happens to be listening. Each Tuesday at 9:00 p.m. a group called the Eastern Mass. Public Safety net meets to discuss issues for those involved or interested in Public Safety. Thursday and Sunday nights at 9:00 p.m. you will hear the ATARA net which stands for the Aleppo Temple Amateur Radio Association. These are the guys with the funny hats. But seriously, the ATARA net is a group of hams who are also Shriners, well known for their Burn Centers that provide free medical care to seriously burned children all over the country.