BOSTON AMATEUR RADIO CLUB The Boston Amateur Radio Club is a non-commercial association of persons interested in Amateur Radio, organized for the promotion of interest in Amateur Radio communication and experimentation and education, for the establishment of emergency communications in the event of disasters or other emergencies, for the advancement of the radio art and the public welfare, for the representation of the radio amateur in legislative matters, and for the maintenance of collegiality and a high standard of conduct. The Boston Amateur Radio Club ("The Club") is an ARRL-affiliated Special Service Club and is a member of the council of Eastern Massachusetts Amateur Radio Clubs (CEMARC) and the New England Spectrum Management Council (NESMC). The Club is a participant in "Partnerships Advancing Technical Hobbies Which Attract Youth to Science" (PATHWAYS). The Club is also an associate member of the Courage HANDI-HAM System, and cooperates with the American Red Cross of Massachusetts Bay (ARCMB) under a Memorandum of Understanding. The Club is open to all persons interested in Amateur Radio, without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, handicap, or sexual preference. Our general meeting location is handicap-accessible. Other meetings and activities are handicap accessible by arrangement. The Boston Amateur Radio Club is a relatively new club. It was founded in 1989 by a few hams in the Red Cross and has grown to a membership of approximately 225. The club meets on the third Wednesday of every month at the Lotus Corporation on First St. in Cambridge. Each monthly meeting features a guest speaker who presents a different aspect of the hobby or a topic of interest to the membership. At every meeting members are available to answer any question you might have about amateur radio. The club also maintains a resource list of hams who are willing to help hams interested a particular aspect of the hobby such as satellites, digital mode, Morse Code, computers and much more. Dues for membership is $20.00 per year. Dues for family members not receiving club mailings are $10.00 per year. The club also publishes a monthly newsletter currently known as "The SPARC" which every member receives. Any questions regarding the B.A.R.C., membership, becoming a ham can be directed to any of the club officers or to: Sandy Brooks, N1IWR BARC Membership or via E-Mail or home phone PO Box 15585 Kenmore Station 617-825-9168 Boston, MA 02215