BOSTON AMATEUR RADIO CLUB (BARC) The Boston Amateur Radio Club ("the Club") is a non-profit organization of individuals with a genuine interest in the Amateur Radio hobby. We serve the greater Boston, Massachusetts area and number approximately 200 members. The Club promotes interest in the Amateur Radio hobby through an aggressive public relations program. We also provide communications for public service activities and for agencies such as the American Red Cross in times of emergency. Club Meetings The Club holds its General meeting each third Wednesday of the month in the auditorium of Lotus Development Corporation, One Rogers Street, Cambridge at 7:30 p.m. Meeting attendees may park free of charge in the Lotus employees parking garage, located on First Street, just one block north of Rogers Street. For more information, contact Sandy Brooks, N1IWR at 617 825-9168. Volunteer Exams The Club sponsors "walk-in" examination sessions each first Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the same location as its General meetings (see above). For more information, contact Bob Wondolowski, N1KDA at 617 593-1955. Newsletter and E-mail list All club members receive the Club's monthly newsletter, "The SPARC." The SPARC can also be found on KD1NU's DOSGATE/packet radio BBS on 145.03 (accessible via MBOS3). For further information about The SPARC, contact Doug Johnson, KD1NU at 617 245-8075. The Club maintains an electronic mail distribution list that carries bulletins on club activities and other issues of interest to members. For further information, contact the Club president, Phil Temples, K9HI at 617 327-5986 or at: Membership Services Code and Theory Classes: the Club conducts year-round classes and training courses for individuals who wish to obtain their FCC Amateur Radio licenses. The courses last eight- to ten-weeks; some include instruction in the International Morse Code. For more information, contact Membership Services Chair Sandy Brooks, N1IWR at 617 825-9168. Handicapped Services The Club conducts training, especially for blind and physically impaired individuals. It is an associate member of the Courage Center/Handi-hams System in Golden Valley, Minnesota. The Club works with agencies in the greater Boston area, such as the Carroll Center for the Blind, to introduce its clients to ham radio. Our General meetings are handicap-accessible; our activities are planned for handicap-accessibility whenever possible. For further information, contact Bob Gildea, W1ZFI at 617 646-8528. Operating Services Ham Demonstrations: the BARC conducts weekly demonstrations of Amateur Radio in conjunction with the Harvard Wireless Club in Cambridge. The "Ham Radio 101" informal sessions are held Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. at 6 Linden Street. Contests: the Club sponsors special operating activities during on-air contests and other events, such as Sweepstakes and Field Day. From time to time, the Club sponsors field trips to visit other clubs to participate in on-air contests. For further information, contact Dr. Lajos Gergely, AA1BW at 617 983-9033. Public Relations Publicity: the Club has been highly successful in publicizing its events and activities in The Boston Globe and other newspapers. In addition, we participate in an annual "Amateur Radio Awareness Day" by promoting the hobby at a local Radio Shack store. The Club periodically demonstrates ham radio to other agencies and organizations, such as the recent annual meeting of the Boston Chapter of the Appalachian Mountain Club in Petersham, Massachusetts. For futher information, contact Phil Temples, K9HI at 617 327-5986. Public Service The Club has a Memorandum of Understanding with the American Red Cross of Massachusetts Bay to provide communications in the event of disaster or emergency. In addition, the BARC was instrumental in providing backup communications for Boston EMS and the National Disaster Medical Service during the recent "Sail Boston" event. Club members assist in numerous public service events throughout the year, notably the BAA Marathon in which hams provide communications for the Red Cross' emergency aid stations. For more information, contact Bob Salow, WA1IDA at 508 650-9440. Technical Services The BARC offers members the opportunity to learn and grow technically. We offer a number of workshops throughout the year. Past workshops offered include: Amateur television, radio direction-finding, and hands-on participation in preparing coaxial cable connectors. The Club also offers help and advice on antennas, both for the high- frequency bands as well as VHF. For information or assistance, contact Mike Ardai, N1IST at 617 254-3420. Software Library The Club also offers a Software Library. The library contains hundreds of ham-radio-related software programs and informational files for any type of computer and operating system. Files are available to members upon request both by Internet file transfer and by floppy disk. For more information, contact Scott Ehrlich, WY1Z, the Club's software librarian. His number is: 617-566-8155.