Sysops Notes: Thank you for the interest in these bulletins. The RACES Bulletins-By-Topic offers the Sysop a meaningful resource of long-term reference data on topics of national interest. They are in essence a manual of vital reference material for both the emergency management official and communications responder. As a manual it is different from typical BBS data, so a contents, introduction and address/phone list, has been included. Reviewing the Contents will quickly give the quickest overview. The bulletins begin with MGTAOVU1, has 28 files through TECTIDB. You may want to put this in its own file section on the BBS and list as something like RACES Bulletins-by-Topic: Manual. The bulletins are available in two formats: Disc Manual and Printed Manual. This is the Disc Manual version. It is single column, in ASCII. Initially we developed a number-coded version, on the idea that the codes would aid indexing the bulletins. The coding extended to each topic and sub-topic. But, as we worked with the results, it was concluded to be too rigid and not needed. The topic-by-topic numeric ID was dropped , while the rest of the coding was adopted in the Disc Manual and Printed Versions. A front piece, page 1 and 2, is included on the Disc Version for those who want to print out a cover page. However a better print version is available in two column, two-sided format with cover and backpiece, 3-ring hole for their own binder and indexing. The Printed Manual is NOT on ASCII nor DOS disc, as its extensive formating does not hold on conversion from the MacIntosh by which it was created. The Printed RACES Bulletins-By-Topic can be ordered by mail at cost, which includes printing and mailing. It has additional forms and materials, but Bulletin content is essentially the same; although some words were changed to fit a two-column, justified pagination of the print version. Please inquire as to current cost, which is based on cost of printing and mailing from the Office of Emergency Services, State of California, 2800 Meadowview Road, Sacramento, Ca 95832 (Attn RACES Coordinator.) Enjoy! Let me know of any suggestions that can improve the results. 73 from Cary Mangum, Chief State Radio Officer, Auxiliary Radio Service, OES, Sacramento. W6WWW @ KD6XZ.#NOCAL.CA.USA.NA KD6XZ.#NOCAL.CA.USA.NA