Date: Thu, 24 Feb 94 04:30:29 PST From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V94 #49 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Thu, 24 Feb 94 Volume 94 : Issue 49 Today's Topics: [] Re: How to RFD for new group? BPQ and Windows3.1 F.Y.I., DSP Feature Article f6fbb and nos software? KAM plus vs. PK-900 question Link between Sun and Mac, suggestion? Monitoring with Modem? MSK receiver? NOS availability??? Protocols used in commercial packet? Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 23 Feb 1994 04:37:54 GMT From:!usc!!!cwis! Subject: [] Re: How to RFD for new group? To: In <2kdi1v$bj2@sugar.NeoSoft.COM> sfarlow@sugar.NeoSoft.COM (Stephen Farlow) writes: >I am wanting to start an RFD and then CFV to establish a > for packet radio ONLY. >I have NEVER done an RFD or CFV and would need some guidance. >Can anyone help me ? > Hi Stephen, I believe we had this conversation before on the rra-wg mailing list. I referred you to "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup" on news.announce.newusers, and examples of RFD and CFV announcements on news.announce.newgroups. I encouraged you to come up with a draft RFD yourself, which I offered to review (Although I don't support your proposal, I generally support the RFD/CFV process in principle). Anyone can initiate this process, so even though the members of rra-wg (who initiated the last* newsgroup reorganization) decided not to pursue a re-examination of at this time, the matter is still very much open for a motivated (and qualified) person to pursue. Incidentally, the reasons that I and others decided not to call for a revote in 6 months (Jan. 94) like we announced we would were as follows: - and Ham-Digital have almost seamlessly taken over from and Packet-Radio without much fuss and have easily encompassed all packet discussion (vanilla X.25, TCP/IP, Clover, etc.). - The tension we previously noticed on TCP-Group with novices and their questions undermining it as an "expert" forum seem to have gone away (at least for the 6 months that I've been following the list). Possibly r.r.a.d.m has offloaded some of that demand, or perhaps the "threat" to make a Usenet newsgroup for radio TCP/IP has encouraged the users of that mailing list to manage it better. - There was strong support for the hierarchy at the last vote, but that was tempered with a desire to not create too many newsgroups under it for now. Barring a clear mandate for another newsgroup, we're going to hold off for the time being. But again, it's possibly that our viewpoint is slightly off, and there may be pent-up net demand for another newsgroup. I encourage those who want their voices heard to pursue the RFD/CFV process. One way to pursue this is to join the rra-wg mailing list ( Working Group), which is a forum of FAQ maintainers, net experts, and volunteers who would be happy to advise you. To subscribe, send E-mail to 73, Paul W. Schleck, KD3FU ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Feb 1994 03:35:53 GMT From: agate!!!!! Subject: BPQ and Windows3.1 To: M.R.Bailey ( wrote: : I am trying to set up a BPQ node and run it under windows 3.1. I can get : the software to run normally under dos, but when i load up windows things : start to go wrong!! At the moment i am using DEBUG to kill the com ports : and that seems to work, but i am not sure if this is the correct thing : to do. : Also when i load up more than one program, ie Chat4 or term4, or traffic, then : things start to crash, and i have had a few serious crashes in windows : which i don`t like!! : I would be grateful for any advice... : Many thanks inadvance, : Matthew : -- : (========== Matthew Bailey ==========) : 2nd Year, Electronics and Communications Engineering : Packet (Ax25) - G7KSG @ GB7ZAA #34.GBR.EU hi matthew... try setting maxcomport=x in your system.ini file, in the [386Enh] section of the file, where x is one less than the number of comports that you have... then put bpq on the last comport... for example, if you have 2 com ports, set maxcomport=1, then use com 2 for bpq... the maxcomport entry tells windoze how many comports to grab... and i had the post inquiring about baycom 2.0... please email me if you find a release i can grab via ftp... mitch, wa4osr -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Felton "Mitch" Mitchell, WA4OSR in Mobile, Alabama USA 205-342-7259 home, 205-476-4100 work, 205-476-0465 FAX co-sysop for W4IAX bbs running fbb ... sysop for WA4OSR DXCluster in Mobile.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ Date: 23 Feb 94 14:40:48 GMT From: nprdc!!swrinde!gatech!!!uchinews!kimbark! Subject: F.Y.I., DSP Feature Article To: There is a feature article (9 pages) covering DSP for PC's in the March 1994 issue of PC Computing. Cover highlights Chicago (Win 4.0). Pages 188-200 gives overview of DSP for Modems, Photoship Accelerators, Shound Cards, Notebook apps, and three resource pages. ___________ Ken Hopper, | ___ | November 9 Vivid Video |o o \_/ o o| HF - PacTOR,RTTY,SSTV,CW |o o @ o o| |___________| ------------------------------ Date: 23 Feb 94 16:14:49 GMT From: Subject: f6fbb and nos software? To: Hi, I am looking for a site on the Internet either FTP or GOPHER where I can get the latest copies of the F6FBB and WG7J NOS software?? I am going to be starting a bbs and I want to use F6FBB and have a NOS station also hooked into the network. I have a very old version of nos (wg7j). I will be running the nos station on an XT with 640k.. Can anyone help? Either reply directly or via the list! thanks! ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Feb 1994 02:50:38 GMT From:!swrinde!!convex!!wupost!udel!!direct! Subject: KAM plus vs. PK-900 question To: In article <>, says: > >I am looking at purchasing a good multi-mode controller. It appears that the >two that fit the bill are the Kantronics KAM plus and the AEA PK-900. They >both appear to support simultaneous operation on HF plus VHF packet. However, >the PK-900 specifically states that it is possible to add 9600 baud packet to >the box but the KAM plus does not. Does anyone out there know if the KAM plus >can be modified or upgraded to support 9600 baud packet on VHF? > >Thanks for your help. > >Bryan Peterson, ki7td > I currently have both the PK900 and the KAM with version 6.0 firmware. I find that both units are very good. I prefer the PK900 over the KAM however due to its more advanced host interface. As far as the 9600 baud operation, I do not think that the KAM is capable of this operation. I scanned the users guide for the KAM and did not see any mention of 9600 baud packet or the standard modem disconnect header. 73 Gary KF7XP Author of XPCOM and XPDUAL. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Feb 1994 15:38:21 GMT From:!swrinde!gatech!!!news!! Subject: Link between Sun and Mac, suggestion? To: Hi, I'm considering to set up a link between the Sun workstation and a Macintosh running MacTCP. Via ham radio, of course. I'm totally NEW to the world of ham radio, but have some experience in networking. Any suggestion (hardware, software, policy..) is appreciated. Thanks a lot! Joseph ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Feb 1994 07:26:57 GMT From:!swrinde!gatech!!nscf!lakes! Subject: Monitoring with Modem? To: We are trying to set up a local area packet network and are monitoring several freqs looking for a clear one. There are several candidate freqs that have 2400 baud activity on them, and I need to find out if they're local or just due to band openings. Trouble is, I don't have a 2400 baud packet modem. I have a 2400 baud telephone modem in the packet computer. Is it possible to set up the telephone modem to monitor the raw data? All I'm hoping to find is some callsigns, and that might be discernible in the data stream. Any thoughts or Hayes modem commands for setup? Thanks, John WD4PKZ ------------------------------ Date: 23 Feb 94 12:34:02 GMT From: nprdc!!agate!!!!!!! Subject: MSK receiver? To: Does anyone know where to find or how to build a radio receiver that picks up MSK (minimium shift keying) modulated 100 bits/sec data transmitted on aprox 300 kHz carrier signal? This would be used to receive differential GPS-corrections from a reference station. Any pointers? -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tatu Mannisto Tampere Univ. of TeXnology +358 31 434 456 home Internet: +358 31 162 951 work (HB230) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 23 Feb 94 20:39:59 GMT From: nprdc!!agate!!torn!govonca! Subject: NOS availability??? To: Thank you for reading this note. I am looking for an internet source for the latest revision of NOS v1.10 for either/or the Mac and PC. If you have any information that might be of use to me, please send an e-mail to me at: or a packet message to me at: VA3BUS@VE3WNM.#NE.ON.CA.NOAM Thanks and 73. de John -- John E. Rumball Internet: Sudbury, ON Ham Call: VA3BUS (and VE3OTH) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Feb 1994 12:24:55 From:!swrinde!gatech!!ukma!! Subject: Protocols used in commercial packet? To: AX.25 is used and was developed specifically for the amateur community. However, in our area there are several _business band_ users using a type of packet that amateur TNCs can not decode. The signals sound VERY similar to amateur packet (seems like 1200 baud FSK). Is/are there any commercial radio standards equivilent to AX.25? Proprietary? --- Harold ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V94 #49 ****************************** ******************************