Date: Wed, 22 Dec 93 04:30:24 PST From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V93 #154 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Wed, 22 Dec 93 Volume 93 : Issue 154 Today's Topics: BBS 4-letter hierarchical codes Q's on e-mail to packet & MSYS v1.16 Radio Packeteer in the NorthWest Ramsey TNC kit for use with IBM PC, any Ramsey TNC kit for use with IBM PC, any good? Request info on Packet RTTY Listening TNC for CB Frequecies (3 msgs) Tuning SunOS 4.1 for packet Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 20 Dec 1993 06:49:27 GMT From:!! Subject: BBS 4-letter hierarchical codes To: This is the proposed list of 4-letter codes for the last position in the hierarchical address. I have posted this to the BBS authors and received only notes of agreement from those that replied. .EURO -- Europe .MEDR -- Mediterranean .INDI -- Indian Ocean including the Indian subcontinent .MDLE -- Middle East .SEAS -- South-East Asia .ASIA -- The Orient .NOAM -- North America (Canada, USA, Mexico) .CEAM -- Central America .CARB -- Caribbean .SOAM -- South America .AUNZ -- Australia/New Zealand .EPAC -- Eastern Pacific .NPAC -- Northern Pacific .SPAC -- Southern Pacific .WPAC -- Western Pacific .NAFR -- Northern Africa .CAFR -- Central Africa .SAFR -- Southern Africa .ANTR -- Antarctica Roy Engehausen, AA4RE ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1993 16:13:32 GMT From: Subject: Q's on e-mail to packet & MSYS v1.16 To: Hello all... I have a couple of questions about packet radio, ie. how can I send an e-mail message on the internet and have it reach my friends TNC? (hope thats the right term). I'm sorry for wasting bandwidth if this has been discussed before. I've looked high and low through all of the FAQ's that I've found in r.r.a.* with no luck. If anyone has any information/FAQ that would show me how to do this, could you please forward it on to me? Thanks. Next question - I was over at my friends place the other day and we were looking through some information on a packet bulletin board that he accesses. He found an entry that discussed the availability of MSYS v. 1.16. We noticed that it looked to be available via anonymous FTP from ??? (i can't remember what the first part was... :( ). I was able to telnet to that site, but was not able to log in to do the FTP. If anyone knows whether this really available via anonymous FTP, could you please provide me with the site and log-in requirements? Thanks again. Please e-mail, since I don't get the chance to read the net-news regularly. Tracy - KB7YAP ------------------------------ Date: 21 Dec 93 21:29:35 GMT From: Subject: Radio Packeteer in the NorthWest To: Hello all I am looking for tips on setting up a radio packet node. Is any one of us in Washington State, Oregon or Idaho ? Thanks Alex Khalil Grad EE U. of Washington ------------------------------ Date: 21 Dec 1993 00:07:39 GMT From: koriel!male.EBay.Sun.COM!uranium! Subject: Ramsey TNC kit for use with IBM PC, any To: In article, (Felton Mitchell) writes: .>Robert Casey ( wrote: .>: Saw the Ramsey TNC kit (the one that comes with the Baycom program) that .>: you connect to the serial com port of your IBM PC (or clone). It gets .>: its power from the PC. A small pc board, and a handful of parts. No .>: adjustments it claims, as all the frequency tones are crystal locked. .>: Halted in Silicon Valley wants $60 for it, seems a bit pricey considering .>: the amount of parts in it. .> .>: How good does this kit work? I've got one of the Ramsey TNC boards. It seems to work just fine for me. I'm presently using it with Baycom 1.5 connected to a 12MHz AT clone with no problems. It was basically a 'plug-n-play' operation. I built the kit and it worked the first time. Ray WB6TPU ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1993 02:15:33 GMT From: netcomsv!! Subject: Ramsey TNC kit for use with IBM PC, any good? To: Robert Casey ( wrote: : Saw the Ramsey TNC kit (the one that comes with the Baycom program) that : you connect to the serial com port of your IBM PC (or clone). It gets : its power from the PC. A small pc board, and a handful of parts. No : adjustments it claims, as all the frequency tones are crystal locked. : Halted in Silicon Valley wants $60 for it, seems a bit pricey considering : the amount of parts in it. : How good does this kit work? i don't know about the ramsey, but the A & A engineering kit works great... a nice kit... and, with the right software, you can also use it for rtty... marv, k4bvg and i also tried the a&a unit on amtor and pactor thru a local repeater, but the synthesized radios won't switch fast enough for those modes... but rtty through the repeater works great... mitch, wa4osr -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Felton "Mitch" Mitchell, WA4OSR in Mobile, Alabama USA 205-342-7259 home, 205-476-4100 work, 205-476-0465 FAX co-sysop for W4IAX bbs running fbb ... sysop for WA4OSR DXCluster in Mobile.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ Date: 21 Dec 1993 19:08:17 GMT From:!! Subject: Request info on Packet To: In article (Milt Sanders) writes: \In article <2eo7hn$>, wrote: \> Hello, \> I live in Portland, OR. I was wondering if there is anyone in my area \> that is using packet radio and might be able to give me a few pointers \> on how to get started and what is required. .. some deleted..... \> Rob Mohr \Rob: \Suggest you pick up one of the books on packet. ARRL has one, "Your Packet \Companion", and there are 4-5 more. That one is only about $8 and will be \something you can reference as you go along. \Milt You could also pick up the NAPRA Notebook at Portland Radio Supply. Or Mail info requests to NAPRA PO Box 70405 Bellevue, WA Take care, John "Tjp" - N0NDO ------------------------------ Date: 20 Dec 1993 17:39:04 GMT From: agate!!!!! Subject: RTTY Listening To: Does anyone have a few good RTTY listening frequencies to share. I was looking for english langauge news broadcasts. Many books are avaialible on this subject, but they are usually obselete long before they are published. Thanks for any help. Merry Xmas George (KE8YX) ------------------------------ Date: 20 Dec 1993 10:58:58 -0600 From:!sgiblab!swrinde!gatech!concert!corpgate!! Subject: TNC for CB Frequecies To: In article <>, andrew@andy.PRoxima.alt.ZA writes: |> I would like to know if it is possible to use a TNC on a CB Radio. In |> our country we have access to channels 19-27 on CB Sets. I would like |> to know if there are TNC'S Available that would work on these |> frequencies using KISS mode with KA9Q. If so where could I obtain one |> Perhaps a schematic or kit, And what would that cost me. |> |> Thanks In Anticipation. |> |> Please reply to : |> |> |> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |> Andrew Cameron |> Internet: |> X.400: /G=Andrew/S=Cameron/A=Telkom400/C=ZA |> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- While, technically it is feasible to use a tnc on CB freqs, you might want to check the legality of it. I'm not certain about South Africa, but at least in North America, the only legal mode of operation on CB freqs is voice. I imagine the same holds true where you live. _ken/n1pvb ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1993 16:15:06 GMT From: Subject: TNC for CB Frequecies To: In the CB frequency allocation there are some frequencies that are skipped in the channel designations. If you have a synthesized rig you could program the PLL to use one of those frequencies which would put you off the "voice channels". Note that such a modification is illegal, though. Steve Holland ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Dec 93 23:54:04 GMT From: netcon!bongo!skyld! Subject: TNC for CB Frequecies To: In article <> writes: > I would like to know if it is possible to use a TNC on a CB Radio. In > our country we have access to channels 19-27 on CB Sets. I would like > to know if there are TNC'S Available that would work on these > frequencies using KISS mode with KA9Q. If so where could I obtain one > Perhaps a schematic or kit, And what would that cost me. > Use an MFJ 1270b TNC. They are reasonably priced $135 US (here anyways) and accept a range of third party EPROMs for networking purposes. MFJ Enterprises, Inc. Box 494 Mississippi, MS 39762 USA Judging on what Packet in the US looks like, running it on CB doesn't seem like any major affront. Have fun! Amateur: WA6FWI@WA6FWI.#SOCA.CA.USA.NA | "It is difficult to imagine our Internet: | universe run by a single omni- US Mail: PO Box 4425 Carson, CA 90749 | potent god. I see it more as a Phone: 1 (310) 324-6080 | badly run corporation." ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1993 18:36:08 GMT From: netcomsv!! Subject: Tuning SunOS 4.1 for packet To: Greetings! I'm having some efficiency trouble using my Sun on the AMPR network around here. All of SunOSes kernel routines are optimized for ethernet. So, some things really fall apart when used at 1200 bps half-duplex (yes, I know that 1.2k is the silliest thing in the world ... explain that to thousands of hams with bitty boxes) Some things, I've recompiled (I happen to have Sun sources when I bought the machine) to be more friendly (e.g. ping -- now it only sends an ICMP ECHO every three seconds ... seeing as a single packet takes very nearly a second -- the regular ping will fill 100% of the channel) How do I go about changing some of the other tools? For example, my SMTP will tend to send mail with many many very small packets, and if I should try a "talk" across the net -- well -- I ended up turning off the radio, ifconfig ax0 down, killed the ax25 process, and STILL had to wait 'til a number of pending packets finished. Any advice, etc. Scott -- (preferred) (if you like things to go slowly) ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V93 #154 ****************************** ******************************