Date: Fri, 12 Nov 93 04:30:23 PST From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V93 #107 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Fri, 12 Nov 93 Volume 93 : Issue 107 Today's Topics: Beginner in HF packet BPQ - Ethernet Support? Internet to Packet gateway? KISS reset (more ques MAKE.MONEY.FAST NAFTA DEBATE PC Soundcard decoding? Wanted: Pinouts for Alinco HT for Packet (2 msgs) What is difference between KPC-3 and MFJ 1270? Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 10 Nov 1993 05:07:25 GMT From: swrinde!!usc!!!!! Subject: Beginner in HF packet To: I wo will appreciate some info from someone experienced in HF packet work. First, what are the "usual" frequencies where packet traffic is handled on the 40, 20, 10-meter bands? Second - How does s a a ham generally make contact.....does he call out a CQ with a "Connect CQ" on his computer...or is it done this way?? Third - Is there some pub or doc or infofile which "describes" the shot shorthand type of zb abbreviations that I see in the pcket messages ? Last - I assume that all I see on the screen are the msgs. between the stations, but most of the time I see only a "listing of say, one station to another, but little message content. Is this the usual situation ?? As one can see, I'm a mere beginner and would like to learn more. Any com- ments will be most welcome.................Dave -- ------------------------------ Date: 11 Nov 93 00:02:19 From:!mcsun!!!tut! Subject: BPQ - Ethernet Support? To: (Jack Snodgrass) writes: > know that I can set up JNOS, BPQ, and a BBS on the same machine, but I'd > like to know if I can eliminate the JNOS part and use just a BBS and the > BPQ code. Besides the Ethernet Support, the BPQ code has an IP router. > Does anyone know if you can route stuff to TCP/IP users on a lan or does it > work for radio ports only? Any info on using BPQ on an Ethernet Lan would > be appreciated. I just looked the jnos110x13's source and found out that in that versio there is a full BPQ support. But that's not the question that you asked... 73 de Vesa OH3NWQ -- --Disclaimer:--Tampere-a-place-in-Finland-where-everything-gets-tampered-with-- internet: packet: OH3NWQ@OH3RBR.#TRE.FIN.EU communicator # + 358 49 734 094 ------------------------------ Date: 11 Nov 93 06:33:56 GMT From: ogicse!!!!!opusc! Subject: Internet to Packet gateway? To: My brother (with no Internet link) has just gotten into packet. Is there any way for us to communicate through a gateway of some sort? I seem to remember reading about such a thing, but don't remember the details. Thanks for any info. 73 David, AD4HM ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Nov 93 12:33:00 -0400 From:!!portnoy!! Subject: KISS reset (more ques To: > The MFJ 1270 seems to periodically reset itself (actually, it RESTARTs with > default settings for persist, txdelay, etc., but stays in KISS mode). > > There has been some discussion in this group about WHY it does it. One stor > is that the lithium battery is bad; another story is that the software does > a restart after several (3?) minutes of inactivity. > I don't think it's either of those. My TNC's have done this right from the beginning so it's not a low battery. According to the advice I got from one TAPR fellow, a software restart was put in the code to keep KISS mode from locking up. Unfortunately that means that your NOS provided parameters get wiped out every 3 minutes. It was suggested to run a KISS only EEPROM or TAPR 1.1.7b/1.1.8a. Not too sure what I'll do with my 1278 though. Guess I'm stuck with the reset. Steve * JABBER v1.1 * Beam me up Scotty. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 Nov 93 16:34:01 GMT From:!amd!netcomsv!!netcomsv!bongo!skyld! Subject: MAKE.MONEY.FAST To: In article <> writes: > > Dear Friend, > > My name is Dave Rhodes. In September 1988 my car was repossessed and the [snip] > Hi. Now I'm number 10 and I sure hope this works, I'll be graduating in May > 1994 and I sure could use a little cash. I included my telephone number with > my address above -- when I reach #1 on your list, give me a call and I'll > honestly let you know how it's going. Good luck to everyone! > -- Kevin Trigger This worthless bag of excrement needs to be taken out behind the network and beat to death with a pile of printouts. Amateur: WA6FWI@WA6FWI.#SOCA.CA.USA.NA | "It is difficult to imagine our Internet: | universe run by a single omni- US Mail: PO Box 4425 Carson, CA 90749 | potent god. I see it more as a Phone: 1 (310) 324-6080 | badly run corporation." ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1993 20:01:47 GMT From:!! Subject: NAFTA DEBATE To: Do any readers of this group know where on the radio the NAFTA debate will be tonight? ------------------------------ Date: 12 Nov 93 07:49:42 GMT From: ogicse!emory!!!! Subject: PC Soundcard decoding? To: Hello all... I'm a PC user looking for some programs which will decode Morse/RTTY/ Slowscan/_____Fax/etc. using a Soundblaster (actually, I'm using a Gravis Ultra Sound) or other soundcard (one which doesnot have an onboard DSP). So far, I've found FFTMORSE (that sounds right...) which will do Morse Code decoding, but I haven't seen anything similar yet. Does anyone have anything of the sort, or maybe has experimented with the like? I'd think that buying a used soundblaster for $35 or so would be a great alternative to using the homebrew interfaces for HamComm/JVFax. If you've got info, please either post here or mail to Thanks! Jeff Dubin (PS- don't reply to this post... it WILL bounce. Thanks!) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 09:40:34 -0700 From:!!! Subject: Wanted: Pinouts for Alinco HT for Packet To: I just purchased a TNC last night and was trying to find out how to hook it to my DJ-180T Alinco HT. My two other rigs have the required data in their manuals, but the Alinco HT does not. Does anyone have the data/circuit necessary for the external mic connections to hook up to packet? I will publish any replies plus my successful connection diagram when it gets done. Thanks in advance Milt -- ========================================================================= Opinions, thoughts, &cetera are my own (when I can remember them). "He flies the sky KB7MSF/AG Like an Eagle in the eye of a hurricane that's abandoned." "Sandman" Utah America ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 11:41:03 -0700 From:!!! Subject: Wanted: Pinouts for Alinco HT for Packet To: In article , (Milt Sanders) wrote: > I just purchased a TNC last night and was trying to find out how to hook it > to my DJ-180T Alinco HT. My two other rigs have the required data in their > manuals, but the Alinco HT does not. Does anyone have the data/circuit > necessary for the external mic connections to hook up to packet? I will > publish any replies plus my successful connection diagram when it gets > done. > > Thanks in advance > Just got FAX back from Alinco: nice service: about 1 hour and in hard copy! Alinco DJ-180T Packet Connection 2.5mm stereo plug <----------0xooxoo[[[[]]]]]]] . | | | to mic | | | jack | | |___________________________._______ground (TNC) | | sleeve | |__________o Ring - open | 0.1-1.0 uF capacitor |________________.______| |__________audio output TNC | | | | |--------/\/\/\/\--------PTT TNC . 4.7-33K ohm resistor 3.5mm mono plug <-----------0xoooooo[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]] | | | |______________________________ground TNC | sleeve . | (same as other plug ground) | | tip |__________________________________audio input TNC 2.5mm stereo plug into mic jack Tip to TNC audio output through 0.1 to 1.o microfarad capacitor with parallel resistor 4.7 to 33K ohm to PTT switch Ring open Sleeve to TNC ground 3.5mm mono plug tip to TNC audio input sleeve to TNC ground (same ground as other plug) Data received as FAX from Alinco this morning (11 NOv 93) Sorry about the graphics, so much for ASCII Milt ------------------------------ Date: 11 Nov 93 16:30:01 GMT From:!gvls1! Subject: What is difference between KPC-3 and MFJ 1270? To: I am looking for a cheap VHF packet TNC. Several people recommended the MFJ 1270. I decided to get one but it seems that the current "B" version has sold out and MFJ will not be shipping the newer "C" version that they are advertising until mid-December. Best I can tell the Kantronics KPC-3 seems to be similar in features and price, however, do not have as detailed information about the KPC-3. I am looking for more detailed information on what the differences are between these two TNCs. Is the KPC-3 fully TAPR TNC-2 compatible? None of the KPC-3 info says anything about this, however the MFJ adds seem to emphasize this. Trying to decide if I should just wait 5-6 weeks for the MFJ 1270C to come out or get a KPC-3 now. I plan to use the TNC with a dumb terminal at first and eventually develop some custom interface software. ================================================================= Pete Rossi - WA3NNA rossi@vfl.paramax.COM Unisys Corporation - Government Systems Group Valley Forge Engineering Center - Paoli, Pennsylvania ================================================================= ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1993 22:35:45 GMT From: mcsun!sun4nl!hacktic!!! To: References <>, <>, l Subject : Re: Kiss AX25 driver for Unix ??? (Michael Meifert) writes: >what is the "HAM channel on the Linux mailing list" ? Ever heard of linux-activists? It's a mailing list that exists only slightly less long as Linux is publicly available (almost 2 years now). The mailing list software used allows different subjects to coexist on the same mailing list in the form of channels. The HAM channel is one of them, devoted to the combination of Linux and HAM stuff. Originally some messages concerning running KA9Q on Linux were "posted" there. The message to which Fred replied was the first message in many months (and you can also see it in Fred's reaction :). So you don't miss much if you don't have it. Groetjes, Peter Busser -- Linux, the choice of a GNU generation. ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V93 #107 ****************************** ******************************