Date: Tue, 9 Nov 93 04:30:26 PST From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V93 #104 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Tue, 9 Nov 93 Volume 93 : Issue 104 Today's Topics: 9k6 (2 msgs) ??using KPC-3 for CW with DC-program Are there multi-*CHANNEL* TNC's ??? (2 msgs) ftp access by packet Kenwood TM331: 9600 baud mods?? KISS reset KPC-3 vs. PK-232?????????HELP! Need chip numbers Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 5 Nov 93 18:13:38 GMT From:!csn!!!!!!dsinc!!!! Subject: 9k6 To: Hello! Is there anyone actually using 9600 (or more) packet, especially not for lame satelites but for normal ground network. I'm especially interested in how to make a xtal radio work on 9k6... --- 73 de Andy SP5WCA /-------------------+--------+-------------------+-------------------------\ I Andrzej K. Brandt I SP5WCA I I I \-------------------+--------+-------------------+-------------------------/ ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1993 19:03:23 GMT From:!swrinde!gatech!!!!! Subject: 9k6 To: In article, (Felton Mitchell) writes: > SP5WCA ( wrote: > : Is there anyone actually using 9600 (or more) packet, especially not for > : lame satelites but for normal ground network. I'm especially interested > : in how to make a xtal radio work on 9k6... > hi andy... mitch here in mobile... In mobile? And typing while driving? > we are using 9600 baud on our dx cluster backbone on 145.600 Mhz. and our > bbs 446.100 Mhz. backbone along the gulf coast here... we have a variety > of modems and radios in use... the xmit mod for 9600 usually is trivial > if the radio was true fm and used a variactor diode to fm the crystal... > just feed 9600 baud out of the modem to the variactor diode... but > receiving is a little more complicated... post what kind of modems > and radios you are considering using... our group has experience with > almost all of the 9600 modems and several radios... We are considering G3RUH/DF9IC compatibile modems from BayCom Team - we don't care about that compatibility, but it seems that there are no others in the market. And we will probably use BayCom KS-900 data radios, because we considered some ex-proffessional polish xtal radios, but after some research I was sure that we won't be able to get them for 432 MHz... We want to set up a fast TCP/IP network, with some Linux hosts - no lame BBSes or other such stuff allowed hi. --- 73 de Andy SP5WCA /-------------------+--------+-------------------+-------------------------\ I Andrzej K. Brandt I SP5WCA I I I \-------------------+--------+-------------------+-------------------------/ ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1993 17:30:38 GMT From:!!!!!!!!! Subject: ??using KPC-3 for CW with DC-program To: I am new at this packett and I have a question..I am using a Kantronics KPC-3 with DC-PROGRAM software and I noticed I can do cw with the set up..Any tryed it? If so I have a couple questions...tnx..Jeff ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1993 09:31:58 GMT From: mcsun!sun4nl!!HNYKUN11.URC.KUN.NL! Subject: Are there multi-*CHANNEL* TNC's ??? To: Hello, I'm thinking of experimenting with digital connections on CB. Since CB-channels are notably very dirty, I was wondering if the AX.25 or some other protocol provided for CHANNEL-info in the packets. I imagine that if you got a CB-transceiver as well as a -receiver, the latter could constantly scan for relatively clean channels, approximate the cleanest one, pass this on to the transceiver, which will incorporate this info in the last packet sent (and acknowledged) on the current channel (the receiving station would acknowledge and switch to the channel specified, as will the sender) or some similar protocol extension. My query is: has there already been thoughts in this direction, practical implementations, or even TNC's and adapted CB-equipment ? Many thanks, Bob u211321@hnykun11.BITNET u211321@hnykun11.urc.kun.NL +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------------ Date: 8 Nov 93 17:11:27 GMT From: ogicse!emory!kd4nc!ke4zv! Subject: Are there multi-*CHANNEL* TNC's ??? To: In article <16C80941E.U211321@HNYKUN11.URC.KUN.NL> U211321@HNYKUN11.URC.KUN.NL (Bob) writes: >Hello, >I'm thinking of experimenting with digital connections on CB. >Since CB-channels are notably very dirty, I was wondering if the >AX.25 or some other protocol provided for CHANNEL-info in the packets. > >I imagine that if you got a CB-transceiver as well as a -receiver, >the latter could constantly scan for relatively clean channels, >approximate the cleanest one, pass this on to the transceiver, >which will incorporate this info in the last packet sent (and >acknowledged) on the current channel (the receiving station >would acknowledge and switch to the channel specified, as will >the sender) or some similar protocol extension. >My query is: has there already been thoughts in this direction, >practical implementations, or even TNC's and adapted CB-equipment ? >Many thanks, There's no provision in the AX25 protocol for such link management. There is, however, a new standard called ALE, Automatic Link Establishment, that hunts for the best channel at the moment and signals the radios in the network to switch to it. It's a rather complex protocol designed for the US Federal government and is a general method for linking radios regardless of the type of modulation content they are attempting to transmit. This has been outlined recently in QEX. It's likely overkill for your application. In general, I'd say that packet and voice use don't coexist very well in an uncontrolled environment. The packet annoys the voice users and may lead to jamming problems. And of course the sporadic nature of voice signals means that a channel that seems clear at one instant likely won't be at the next. The best bet is to gain local cooperation among your CB users to reserve one channel for packet work. You'll still be bothered with skywave signals at times, but this is the best and simplest solution. This all assumes of course that packet is legal on your country's CB band which I believe it is. Some places allow it, others like the US, do not. Gary -- Gary Coffman KE4ZV |"If 10% is good enough | gatech!wa4mei!ke4zv!gary Destructive Testing Systems | for Jesus, it's good | uunet!rsiatl!ke4zv!gary 534 Shannon Way | enough for Uncle Sam."| emory!kd4nc!ke4zv!gary Lawrenceville, GA 30244 | -Ray Stevens | ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1993 15:33:49 GMT From:!swrinde!!!!!!wang! Subject: ftp access by packet To: (SP5WCA) writes: > (Roger-Daniel Laberge) writes: >> Is there any way to get access to Internet and FTP sites thru packet radio? >Technically yes, but it's illegal (3rd party stuff) Why would that be illegal?!?!? How is that any different than my using an autopatch? In both cases I am using remotely located ham equipment to access a non-ham realm. As long as the content of the transmissions are Part 97 compliant then no harm no foul. With TCP/IP where individual packets are passed in real time (rather than in store and forward mode like AX25) it is unclear (to me) how the FCC's recent rulings on holding the originating and first forwarding stations jointly accountable for content would apply, but that is still only goes to the question of content. Let's Followup-To: 73, N1MXV (For those who actually care, that's WITH code.) ------------------------------ Date: 8 Nov 93 10:51:00 GMT From: usc!!!ub!!! Subject: Kenwood TM331: 9600 baud mods?? To: How does anyone go about modifying a Kenwood TM441 or 331 radio to run 9600 baud packet? People tell me you can tap off the circuit board. Has anyone done this? Plan to use Tiny-2 TNCs. 73, Dave. ------------------------------ Date: 8 Nov 93 15:38:15 GMT From: Subject: KISS reset To: >I've noticed with my 1270's and 1278's that the persistance and >slottime settings seem to disappear over time. If I set my >persistance to 255 (there's only 3 of us on the freq. and we're >never on at the same time) things go out lickety-split. If I >come back in a 1/2 hour and try again, things are dead slow. I've >noticed on the MFJ's that the sta and con led's flash every so >often like the tnc has been reset. Looks like the tnc is >resetting itself and wiping out myu parameters. All the MFJ's >I've have do the same thing. Any ideas?? The later versions of MFJ firmware (and TAPR 1.1.7 and 1.1.8) have a reset timer which will reset the KISS parameters to the defaults after 3 minutes of inactivity. This is an even larger problem for satellite users who use full duplex. TAPR 1.1.8a has the older version of KISS without the reset patched into the code. Also, I believe all versions of KISS-only proms do not do this. The timer was put in to get around an obscure problem with KISS hanging up. (IMHO, the cure was worse than the original problem, which I've never experienced). There are a few folks working on the KISS code trying to come up with a solution. Bob ------------------ Bob Nielsen, W6SWE Internet: Tucson, AZ AX.25: Amateur IP: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1993 08:26:11 GMT From: agate!!!!!! Subject: KPC-3 vs. PK-232?????????HELP! To: Hello!!!!!! I'm quite new and was wondering what the difference is between the KPC-3 and the PK-232...Judging from price there must be some. What modes do these support? Please email me with info!!!!!!!!!! --------------------------------------THANKS---------------------- Roger Asbury WL7NT FSRLA@AURORA.ALASKA.EDU ------------------------------ Date: 8 Nov 93 15:44:43 GMT From: Subject: Need chip numbers To: In Ham-Digital Digest #101, writes: > Need some chip numbers to do some repairs. The chips are U7, >U8, U9, and U10 on a DRSI PCPA-2 (two vhf port) card and U9 and >U10 on a TAPR TNC-2. I can't help you on the DRSI, but on the TNC-2, U9 is a 74HC14 and U10 is a 74HCT04. Bob ------------------ Bob Nielsen, W6SWE Internet: Tucson, AZ AX.25: Amateur IP: ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V93 #104 ****************************** ******************************