Date: Mon, 8 Nov 93 04:30:18 PST From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V93 #103 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Mon, 8 Nov 93 Volume 93 : Issue 103 Today's Topics: Archimedes Packet Software needed ftp access by packet G.P. DOCS again !!! Help on KISS mode Kiss AX25 driver for Unix ??? KISS V7 binary Need chip numbers NEW PACKET - TNC QUESTIONS (2 msgs) packet FAQ's? Packet Program Recommendations for ATT UNIX 3B2/400 PACKET TX "RECIEVER READY" TCP/IP and Linux Viruses and Packet radio Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 05 Nov 1993 12:09 From: ukma!!!!!!! Subject: Archimedes Packet Software needed To: HI OUT THERE I HAVE A TNC2S AND AN ARCHIMEDES AND NO PACKET SOFTWARE AT THE MOMENT I USE TAPR IN CONJUNCTION WITH A VT100 EMU NOT VERY COMFORTABLE. PLEASE MAIL ME UNDER UJ89@IBM3090.RZ.UNI-KARLSRUHE.D400 73 DE DG5IAE ------------------------------ Date: 5 Nov 93 18:09:33 GMT From:!caen!!!!!!gatech!!!! Subject: ftp access by packet To: In article, (Roger-Daniel Laberge) writes: > Is there any way to get access to Internet and FTP sites thru packet radio? Technically yes, but it's illegal (3rd party stuff) --- 73 de Andy SP5WCA /-------------------+--------+-------------------+-------------------------\ I Andrzej K. Brandt I SP5WCA I I I \-------------------+--------+-------------------+-------------------------/ ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Nov 93 09:02:12 GMT From: ukma!widener!!usc!!!pipex!uknet!uos-ee!! Subject: G.P. DOCS again !!! To: English documentation is shipped routinely with GP version 1.5. Perhaps you have a later version and no translation has been done yet. You should have got a complete set of files, not just the program on the distribution disk. Most stuff is available for GP via FTP from I seem to remember. There is also a German BBS . But this is quite slow to access. It has all sorts of stuff on it. Mike ------------------------------ Date: 05 Nov 93 01:38:17 GMT From:!!agate!!pipex!sunic!!!! Subject: Help on KISS mode To: In article <> (Steve Jones) writes: >The 2 commands you need are persistance and slottime. If using NOS the >persistance command is 'param 2 255'. This sets your TNC to >the highest persistance (very unfriendly to other users). Consult your >manual for a discussion of persistance and slottime. _Very unfriendly!_ Persistence of about 64 would be more appropriate. >things are dead slow. I've noticed on the MFJ's that the sta and con >led's flash every so often like the tnc has been reset. Looks like the >tnc is resetting itself and wiping out my parameters. All the MFJ's I've >have do the same thing. Any ideas?? I've seen this. My TNC is a DK9SJ TNC-2S (tnc-2 clone) with TAPR 1.1.8a (or was it 1.1.8) firmware and it did just what you explained. I finally changed the eprom to JKISS (binaries come with BPQ-node software) and since then it has worked just fine. Since I only use NOS, I don't need any other modes than KISS. -- ---Tomi Manninen / / OH2BNS @ OH2RBI.FIN.EU--- ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1993 20:29:28 GMT From:!mcsun!sun4nl!hacktic!!! Subject: Kiss AX25 driver for Unix ??? To: writes: >Has anyone added a ax25 driver (or kiss) to the kernel of a Unix box? Fred van Kempen, is writing AX.25 drivers for the Linux kernel. This is what he wrote in the HAMS channel on the Linux mailing list: --- cut here --- Hi All, Hey, I didn't even know about the very existence of this channel... Anyway. Christophe said: >Hi, i guess the subject says it all. I heard some rumours about KISS being >supported, but could not find info anywhere. Correct. I indeed added a KISS driver (it talked to every TNC-2 I could find, including my KAM on both ports), and am slowly im- plementing an AX.25 socket layer. I already wrote some simple clients and servers for this (AXterm, AXbeacon, AXtermd, ...) and they react fine to incoming AX frames. Of course, the layer will also run on loopback only (AXterm mycall :-) for testing and gateway looping. I am considering porting the F6FBB BBS program to Linux, thus giving us a nice, wellknown BBS as well. >Is there any support for AX25 connected mode? I guess UI would be enough >to get current TCPIP (44.x.y.z) going, but a "complete" implementation >would be much nicer. Yes, connmode is supported. I got the A->B SABM B->A UA .... A->B DISC || B->A DISC B->A UA || A->B UA sequence running now, but I am still waiting for the AX.25 2.0 specs to arrive here (they were delivered to my US home address yesterday, it'll take another couple of days before they arrive here in NL) so I can check out which kind of exceptions I should be able to handle in the receiver state is not what the sender thinks it is. Currently, I simply send a DM for any packet not being an SABM if we are not in CONN state... UI frames are done, but I want all protocol stacking to be in an external process (i.e. the IP-over-AX bridge, the AX-over-IP bridge, etc.) so the kernel layer is as small as possible. Fred -- Fred N. van Kempen Certified Linux/PRO Engineer :-) MicroWalt Corporation Software Development Hoefbladhof 27, 2215DV VOORHOUT, The Netherlands Tel (+31) 2522-30205 "...I Wanna Lay You Down , In A Bed Of Roses ! (Jon Bon Jovi)" --- ereh tuc --- Groetjes, Peter Busser -- Linux, the choice of a GNU generation. ------------------------------ Date: 7 Nov 93 06:39:15 GMT From: Subject: KISS V7 binary To: Could somebody assemble the KISS V7 ROM and upload it to UCSD.EDU for us who don't have a Z-80 Cross Assembler? The *.MAC source code is in 73 Costas ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Dr. K. Krallis, SV1XV * Research Engineer | Metallurgy Lab., National Technical University of Athens | ------ | Internet: [] | Packet radio: | AMPRnet: [] | Snail Mail: P.O.BOX 3066, GR-10210 Athens, GREECE ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 05 Nov 93 16:12:14 GMT From:!agate!!!!!!!netcomsv!bongo!skyld! Subject: Need chip numbers To: In article <2bcdd1$> writes: > Need some chip numbers to do some repairs. The chips are U7, U8, U9, > and U10 on a DRSI PCPA-2 (two VHF port) card and U9 and U10 on a TAPR > TNC-2. As he walks over to the table and picks up some handy hardware laying about. DRSI Type 2 U7 MC74HC04AN U8 TCM3105JL U9 MC74HC14AN U10 MC74HC14AN TAPR TNC-2 (This is from the MFJ 1270b which claims to be a TNC-2 clone and the "portions of the artwork" etc...) U9 CD74HC14E U10 CD74HCT04AE As Brian would say, "Your milage may vary" Hope this helps Amateur: WA6FWI@WA6FWI.#SOCA.CA.USA.NA | "It is difficult to imagine our Internet: | universe run by a single omni- US Mail: PO Box 4425 Carson, CA 90749 | potent god. I see it more as a Phone: 1 (310) 324-6080 | badly run corporation." ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1993 14:29:23 GMT From:!agate!!gatech!udel!gvls1! Subject: NEW PACKET - TNC QUESTIONS To: I would like to try out packet this fall, however I have a few question... 1. How useful is most packet operation with a simple TNC and dumb terminal? All of the TNC ads seem to assume you will be using their TNC with a PC/MAC/etc and they emphasize all of the wonderful features you get. How much functionality is lost by just using a dumb terminal? I currently do *not* have a PC and I have no immediate plans to get one. My "dumb" terminal has some intelligence but would require some custom software to make use of it. 2. What would be a good TNC to use with a dumb terminal? These multi-mode jobs sound nice but it seems to me that most of the features would go to waste since they could not be used with a dumb terminal. 3. What should I be looking for in a TNC? I want to avoid buying something either used or new only to find a few weeks later that it is lacking some highly desired feature. This is especially true for an older, used TNC. I think (?) I am looking for something suitable for general 2 meter packet operation, and possibly some HF operation (RTTY, etc) and just take things from there. I recently received Kantronics, AEA, and MFJ catalogs, however, one problem I am running into is I see various used [older] TNCs for sale and I have no idea how these older models and/or models with older software, compare to the current models since the catalogs only describe the latest models. Actually I find the Kantronics catalog to be a joke. It contains very little technical information. Best I can tell, MFJ seems to have the best prices for similar featured models but I have never been all that impressed with stuff from MFJ. How are their TNCs? Please respond via e-mail. ================================================================= Pete Rossi - WA3NNA rossi@vfl.paramax.COM Unisys Corporation - Government Systems Group Valley Forge Engineering Center - Paoli, Pennsylvania ================================================================= ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1993 15:01:00 GMT From:!agate!!gatech!udel!gvls1! Subject: NEW PACKET - TNC QUESTIONS To: I would like to try out packet this fall, however I have a few question... 1. How useful is most packet operation with a simple TNC and dumb terminal? All of the TNC ads seem to assume you will be using their TNC with a PC/MAC/etc and they emphasize all of the wonderful features you get. How much functionality is lost by just using a dumb terminal? I currently do *not* have a PC and I have no immediate plans to get one. My "dumb" terminal has some intelligence which would require some custom software to make use of. 2. What would be a good TNC to use with a dumb terminal? These multi-mode jobs sound nice but it seems to me that most of the features would go to waste since they could not be used with a dumb terminal. 3. What should I be looking for in a TNC? I want to avoid buying something either used or new that I will find a few weeks later that it is lacking some highly desired feature. This is especially true for an older, used TNC. I think (?) I am looking for something suitable for general 2 meter packet operation, and possibly a little HF operation (RTTY, etc) and just take things from there. Eventually some satellite/Mir/Shuttle stuff. I recently received Kantronics, AEA, and MFJ catalogs, however, one problem I am running into is I see various used [older] TNCs for sale and I have no idea how these older models and/or models with older software, compare to the current models since the catalogs only describe the latest models. Actually I find the Kantronics catalog to be a joke. It contains very little technical information. Best I can tell, MFJ seems to have the best prices for similar featured models but I have never been all that impressed with stuff from MFJ. How are their TNCs? Please respond via e-mail. ================================================================= Pete Rossi - WA3NNA rossi@vfl.paramax.COM Unisys Corporation - Government Systems Group Valley Forge Engineering Center - Paoli, Pennsylvania ================================================================= ------------------------------ Date: 4 Nov 93 16:31:30 MDT From:!agate!!!!utah-morgan!!!! Subject: packet FAQ's? To: Does anyone out there have a Packet FAQ List? I need it for a packet presentation I'll be giving soon, Thanks. 73, N0PRQ ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 4 Nov 93 20:15:59 EST From:!!! Subject: Packet Program Recommendations for ATT UNIX 3B2/400 To: Does anyone have experience with Packet/Ham Radio in UNIX SYS V Specifically on the ATT 3B2/400. I have a NOS "netserv" but it core dumps and won't run and also have a version of k5jb but can't get it to receive with my PK-88 TNC (Sends ok). Any other C Software (Ported) Programs available??? TGOODIN @ DELPHI.COM Internet or KD4OFO @ W4NJA.#WKY.USA.NA PAcket Tim Goodin 73's ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1993 15:33:19 EST From:!!!! Subject: PACKET TX "RECIEVER READY" To: I am asking this question in an attempt to figure out what is going on at a local digipeater. This digipeater used to be used for packet work, ie: log on to board..get elements etc. But now this is nearly impossible due to the flood of reciever ready transmissions bombarding the digipeater. What is the purpose of this reciever ready stuff??? What ever it is has destroyed the use of the digipeater for packet. Is this something that could be resolved??? I am very ignorant of this sort of thing but it drives my father nuts and I thought maybe some of you out their could clue me in. Thanx Alan ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1993 00:14:00 GMT From: mulvey! Subject: TCP/IP and Linux To: Is there anyone out there running some version of NOS on a Linux machine? If so, I'd appreciate getting some info on what version you're using, where you got it, etc. Thanks, - Rich -- Rich Mulvey Amateur Radio: N2VDS Rochester, NY "Ignorance should be painful." ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 04 Nov 93 14:31:32 GMT From: netcon!bongo!skyld! Subject: Viruses and Packet radio To: In article writes: > If I use Baycom for Packet radio and I set "remote off" is there > any chance that anyone can install a virus on my PC from a remote > system? Would it be possible if I set "remote on" ? //remote off = no external control. //remote on = questionable access from "friends" Additionally, the "real" source of virus contamination is from uploaded software. (i.e., binary file transfers) but this assumes that the file your retrieve is contaminated. It doesn't pick anything up in transfer. 73 es GM from Jeff. PS, who many years ago would fall victim to "//color 0 0" on digicom. Amateur: WA6FWI@WA6FWI.#SOCA.CA.USA.NA | "It is difficult to imagine our Internet: | universe run by a single omni- US Mail: PO Box 4425 Carson, CA 90749 | potent god. I see it more as a Phone: 1 (310) 324-6080 | badly run corporation." ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1993 04:48:26 GMT From: ukma!!!!!!alberta!nebulus!ve6mgs! To: References , , <2b3mtl$hug@TAMUTS.TAMU.EDU>c Subject : Re: info on cellular mods - illegal? MAYBE! (Willis Marti) writes: >Correct (IMNSHO). All the references refer to *devices* or advertisements >for *devices*, not documents. True, but the courts (the interpreters of the law) may view a modification of a radio to receive Cellular as a form of advertising for a device (ie, the sale of a diode to institute the mod). But since Amateurs make no `profit', I guess the `commerce' angle they have in the act makes it impossible for them to prosecute a person for distributing information about modifications. >WHERE does it say that? >>> (c) places in any newspaper, magazine, handbill, or other publication >>>any advertisement of-- >>> (i) any electronic, mechanical, or other device ... >>> (ii) any other electronic, mechanical, or other device, ... > [which is advertised to intercept cellular] >No doubt this law is intending to be far reaching (instead of just fixing the >alleged problem by encryption), but nothing I've read says you can't provide >information or advertise information, as long as you don't advertise the >devices themselves. All mods I know of require `devices' to be used to alter the radio, minus the keyboard mod'ed radios. Maybe I may be stretching it by assuming that if you mention a `diode' in a mod description, you are advertising the diode required to make the radio receive Cellular ... I can see it now, `glass bead' = diode, just as `$' is often refered to as `resistors' or `capacitors' as in `this new radio cost me 305 capacitors' :-) Ciao -- Mark ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V93 #103 ****************************** ******************************