Date: Sun, 7 Nov 93 04:30:19 PST From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V93 #102 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Sun, 7 Nov 93 Volume 93 : Issue 102 Today's Topics: 9k6 Help on KISS mode List of area codes (which is used for RATS addresses) sstv? on 14.230 kHz Telephone info (area codes ++++) Unicode Adoption (Re: RTTY v. AMTOR v. PACTOR -- dumb question) Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1993 12:31:48 GMT From:!!!!agate!!!!! Subject: 9k6 To: SP5WCA ( wrote: : Hello! : Is there anyone actually using 9600 (or more) packet, especially not for : lame satelites but for normal ground network. I'm especially interested : in how to make a xtal radio work on 9k6... : --- : 73 de Andy SP5WCA : /-------------------+--------+-------------------+-------------------------\ : I Andrzej K. Brandt I SP5WCA I I I : \-------------------+--------+-------------------+-------------------------/ hi andy... mitch here in mobile... we are using 9600 baud on our dx cluster backbone on 145.600 Mhz. and our bbs 446.100 Mhz. backbone along the gulf coast here... we have a variety of modems and radios in use... the xmit mod for 9600 usually is trivial if the radio was true fm and used a variactor diode to fm the crystal... just feed 9600 baud out of the modem to the variactor diode... but receiving is a little more complicated... post what kind of modems and radios you are considering using... our group has experience with almost all of the 9600 modems and several radios... mitch, wa4osr -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Felton "Mitch" Mitchell, WA4OSR in Mobile, Alabama USA 205-342-7259 home, 205-476-4100 work, 205-476-0465 FAX co-sysop for W4IAX bbs running fbb ... sysop for WA4OSR DXCluster in Mobile.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ Date: 6 Nov 93 22:39:02 GMT From: ogicse!!!!!! Subject: Help on KISS mode To: Sounds like the battery in your TNC is bad, causinmg it to reset itself. ------------------------------ Date: 5 Nov 93 15:21:29 GMT From: usc!!widener!dsinc!!!! Subject: List of area codes (which is used for RATS addresses) To: In article <>, (Brian Battles WS1O) writes: |> |> >900 |> |> I always wondered WHERE this area code was and why so many people who live |> there seem to be women who want to talk dirty or people who can tell my |> future. Hmm... |> Maybe that's the Area Code for The Twilight Zone?? bill KB3YV ------------------------------ Date: 6 Nov 93 19:40:17 GMT From: world! Subject: sstv? on 14.230 kHz To: This afternoon, Nov. 7, I heard a group of hams on 14.230 kHz sending sstv to each other. I tried to decode it with jvfax60's sstv mode. But, I had no luck. The jvfax60 program has modes like b/w 8, 16, 32 and "Scottie" and "Martin." The hams were using modes like "Robot 72." Can the jvfax60 program recieve the "Robot" modes? Is there a program that will? Thanks in advance for your help, Tom Gosse, N1PHG -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Tom Gosse N1PHG ------------------------------ Date: 6 Nov 93 22:32:21 GMT From: Subject: Telephone info (area codes ++++) To: Comments from Robert Casey (followed by Brian Battles) about phone company area codes reminds me to tell y'all: Check out by ftp: /telecom-archive This has all kinds of stuff about telephone system operations, areacode history, dialups to internet, FCC rulings, stories & remeniscenses, etc - - 4 pages of file listings. Paul Marsh N0ZAU Omaha: no ding-a-ling himself Opinions expressed are unlikely to even be UNDERSTOOD by my employer. ------------------------------ Date: 6 Nov 93 19:17:08 GMT From: Subject: Unicode Adoption (Re: RTTY v. AMTOR v. PACTOR -- dumb question) To: > You mean written, roman-character-set-based language, right? Until >unicode comes into common use, sending text written in languages like >Chinese or Uygur or Serbo-Croatian, etc... is really not terribly practical. >Kenneth E. Harker, N1PVB maybe here's a chance to start something. i know of unicode but i don't know enough. has it become standardized enough to be able to be something we can start using in amateur radio (as in we could write software or build hardware for it for now and when the PC guys catch up we'll be ready for them)? hate to see another long delay like there was with ASCII. sounds like a project to me (maybe even a mag article). ARRL to coordinate or should TAPR or AMRAD be the "in charge" group? could drag the whole computer industry along for the ride....tee hee. bill wb9ivr ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 6 Nov 93 03:02:04 EST From: ukma!!eff!!!!!! To: References , , <>i Subject : Re: ECPA is untested law. Cellular mods may well be legal. Seems to me that the easy way to state this is that (A) the courts must assume that the Constitution is valid and that laws can only be enforced if they do not conflict with the Constitution, BUT (B) the cops -- and everyone else -- must assume that a new law is valid unless and until the courts say otherwise. ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V93 #102 ****************************** ******************************