Date: Fri, 5 Nov 93 04:30:20 PST From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V93 #100 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Fri, 5 Nov 93 Volume 93 : Issue 100 Today's Topics: ECPA text ftp access by packet G.P. DOCS again !!! Getting Started TCP/IP Help on KISS mode MFJ 1224 RTTY/CW interface help. PC ham station software, info RTTY v. AMTOR v. PACTOR -- dumb question What the hell is this group? Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 4 Nov 93 17:51:19 GMT From: Subject: ECPA text To: I received an ASCII version of ECPA. I assume by his post, its available to others. "From Mike Godwin "In response to a number of requests from different sources, I've compiled and edited an ASCII version of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, including all amendments to the original Wiretap Ace (18 USC 2510 et seq), the complete chapter on stored communications (18 USC 2701 et seq), and the amendments to pen-register and trap-and trace procedures (18 USC 3121 et seq). "--Mike Godwin Online Counsel Electronic Frontier Foundation" Paul Marsh N0ZAU Omaha ------------------------------ Date: 2 Nov 93 14:59:41 GMT From: swrinde!dptspd!TAMUTS.TAMU.EDU!!!caen!!!!!!!dsinc Subject: ftp access by packet To: Is there any way to get access to Internet and FTP sites thru packet radio? ------------------------------ Date: 4 Nov 93 13:52:00 GMT From:!! Subject: G.P. DOCS again !!! To: I better re-post ... Ignore the previous post that was caused by a vax burp! I'm still in search of English Documentation for Graphic Packet. I cannot read German so I'm having a hell of time trying to figure this out ... Thanks in advance for any help & 73 de Denis. ------------------------------ Date: 3 Nov 1993 15:04:04 GMT From: koriel!! Subject: Getting Started TCP/IP To: I'am trying to get started using TCP/IP for packet and having hard time. Maybe someone could help. I have a Mac LC II, Tnc KPC-3, RS HTX-202,software is NET-Mac 2.3.30. I live in the Stockton CA area. What frequency should I be using or any other set up should I be doing???? Thanks Pete ------------------------------ Date: 4 Nov 93 20:40:51 GMT From: ogicse!emory!!rouge! Subject: Help on KISS mode To: In article <> (Steve Jones) writes: >I've noticed with my 1270's and 1278's that the persistance and slottime >settings seem to disappear over time. If I set my persistance to 255 >(there's only 3 of us on the freq. and we're never on at the same time) >things go out lickety-split. If I come back in a 1/2 hour and try again, >things are dead slow. I've noticed on the MFJ's that the sta and con >led's flash every so often like the tnc has been reset. Looks like the >tnc is resetting itself and wiping out my parameters. All the MFJ's I've >have do the same thing. Any ideas?? 100% correct diagnosis. After the spontaneous reset, the KISS params are reset to defaults. It might be possible to patch in new defaults, but I've never seen an addr table for the 1278. For the 1270, I'd recommend replacing the firmware with TAPR 1.1.7b (or 1.1.8a, which has the same KISS as 1.1.7b). Eproms are available from, or you could ftp the f/w and burn your own eprom. Look on PC.USL.EDU in pub/ham. 73, -- -- James Dugal, N5KNX Internet: Associate Director Ham packet: n5knx @k5arh (land), UO-22 (sat.) Computing Center US Mail: PO Box 42770 Lafayette, LA 70504 University of Southwestern LA. Tel. 318-231-6417 U.S.A. ------------------------------ Date: 4 Nov 93 13:09:59 GMT From: ulowell!! Subject: MFJ 1224 RTTY/CW interface help. To: Both my father (N1CDC) and I are perplexed and hope that the brains on this group can help us out... We have an MFJ 1224 rtty/cw interface. We can get the unit to work on cw, but not on rtty. The unit will tune but nothing comes up on our computer screen. We are using the cable supplied with the IBM software from MFJ, but it does not work... Any help would be appreciated... Ed... -- ===== Ed Murphy (The University disclaims everything!) --- | / ---- | Internet Mail :: /|\ |/ \ ===== "Warning, Phi Kap's May Be Habit Forming!!!" \|/ |\ / | Groundmail (The Slow Way) 1 University Ave. Box 1136 --- | \ ---- === Lowell, Ma. 01854 U.S.A. Phi Kappa Sigma Gamma Upsilon Chapter Ham Radio -- N1OQF From ------------------------------ Date: 4 Nov 93 23:18:22 GMT From: ogicse!emory!!!!! Subject: PC ham station software, info To: Hello all! I'm looking for a computer program (DOS, I guess, or Windows) called "Ham Windows" (?) by Kenwood. One of my friends in India, VU2IJ, wants to have this for his shack. It seems to be some kind of all- singing, all-dancing log + rotor control + keyer software. What does it really do? And, how much does it cost? Most importantly, is there any good public-domain equivalent for DOS/Windows available from any ftp site? Please help; reply directly to Thanks. Phiroze Dastoor (ex-VU2SAS; soon to have a W/K call...) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1993 23:54:10 GMT From: world! Subject: RTTY v. AMTOR v. PACTOR -- dumb question To: In article <2b6jgq$> (Mike Stansberry) writes: >William=E.=Newkirk%Pubs%GenAv.Mlb@ns14.cca.CR.rockwell.COM wrote: >: (many lines deleted) > >: >AMTOR uses the Baudot code, which is a 5 bit code. That's another >: >advantage that Pactor has: it DOES use the ASCII code. >: >Mike, K0TER > >: [enter shoot from hip mode...] > >: amtor uses a 7 bit code with a known ratio of on to off bits (i think it's >: 3:4). it's not baudot. it's not ascii. the limits set by forcing a set >: ratio of on to off bits is what restricts the number of possible characters >: that can be represented (of course you could send hex and there are other >: approachs to send any data through an amtor link....) > >: it may have it's history in baudot and have similar alphabet for that reason. > >: bill wb9ivr > >Maybe I'm wrong about it being Baudot, but you still get UPPER CASE only, >not upper/lower as in ASCII. So the advantage of having a full character >set with Pactor still holds. > >Mike, K0TER > The Aplink systems, and the PK232 and KAM have implemented a method for lower case on AMTOR. I believe it is done by sending a shift character to get between the character sets. It works QUITE well and covers all needed characters for written language (I.e. no IBMPC character graphics). Dan N1JEB -- --------------------------------------------------------------- Daniel Senie Internet: Daniel Senie Consulting 508-365-5352 Compuserve: 74176,1347 ------------------------------ Date: 4 Nov 93 03:58:24 GMT From: mulvey! Subject: What the hell is this group? To: Daniel Woodard ( wrote: : What is this? Are you guys connecting to Internet via the radio : waves somehow? If so, it sounds interesting. Yes, just like your subject. - Rich -- Rich Mulvey Amateur Radio: N2VDS Rochester, NY "Ignorance should be painful." ------------------------------ Date: 3 Nov 1993 09:32:22 -0600 From: swrinde!!!!corpgate!! To: References <>, <2b6jgq$>, rchh Subject : Re: RTTY v. AMTOR v. PACTOR -- dumb question In article , (Daniel T Senie) writes: |> In article <2b6jgq$> (Mike Stansberry) writes: |> >William=E.=Newkirk%Pubs%GenAv.Mlb@ns14.cca.CR.rockwell.COM wrote: |> >: (many lines deleted) |> > |> >Maybe I'm wrong about it being Baudot, but you still get UPPER CASE only, |> >not upper/lower as in ASCII. So the advantage of having a full character |> >set with Pactor still holds. |> > |> >Mike, K0TER |> > |> |> The Aplink systems, and the PK232 and KAM have implemented a method |> for lower case on AMTOR. I believe it is done by sending a shift character |> to get between the character sets. It works QUITE well and covers all |> needed characters for written language (I.e. no IBMPC character graphics). |> |> Dan N1JEB You mean written, roman-character-set-based language, right? Until unicode comes into common use, sending text written in languages like Chinese or Uygur or Serbo-Croatian, etc... is really not terribly practical. -- ====================================================================== Kenneth E. Harker BNR "Any opinions expressed Richardson, Texas, USA are solely mine and do N1PVB (214) 684-5115 not represent BNR" ====================================================================== ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1993 23:50:50 GMT From: world! To: References , , <> Subject : Re: How good is KAM all-mode for RTTY/AMTOR?? In article <> (Alexander Kurpiers) writes: >The filters in the KAM are bad compared to i.e. the PTC Pactor/Amtor >controller or old DJ6HP filter converter designs. Several friends of >mine complain about very bad performance of the KAM in Amtor compared >to other hard- and software. The main problem are the filters used in >the KAM. They are optimized for 300 Baud PR and thus are too wide >for Amtor. (I don't know if the MFJ or PK232 is better, but I doubt it...) > >73' Alexander DL8AAU Actually, the KAM filters SHOULD be better than some of the others, notably the PK232. The KAM uses switched capacitive filters, and they appear to change bandwidths (and filter chips) when switching modes. The software also allows for selection of passband frequencies. The PK232 uses opamp-based filters, and the settings are adjustable by replacing sets of 4 resistors at a time... Neither of these produces a very good display on an attached monitor scope. I think the filters in both are poor. I'd like to see a scope output from a DSP-based terminal unit. Use of an outboard DSP unit appears to be a questionable practice for Amtor and possibly pactor due to the propagation delay. I hope I'm wrong about this (Bob M.?). Dan N1JEB -- --------------------------------------------------------------- Daniel Senie Internet: Daniel Senie Consulting 508-365-5352 Compuserve: 74176,1347 ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V93 #100 ****************************** ******************************