Date: Wed, 27 Oct 93 04:30:18 PDT From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V93 #88 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Wed, 27 Oct 93 Volume 93 : Issue 88 Today's Topics: Ham radio antennas How good is KAM all-mode for RTTY/AMTOR?? (2 msgs) How To Start up a TCP/IP Station Kantronic TPC-3 SOFTWARE (ver 1.03-5.0)?? MacTCP radio driver? MFJ 1270 Upgrade NOS problems (3 msgs) Various flavors of TCP/IP Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 26 Oct 93 14:48:04 GMT From:! Subject: Ham radio antennas To: Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art Path:!!!news.y=!!!!torn!news2=!!amd!netcomsv!!wa2ise =46rom: (Robert Casey) Subject: Ham radio antennas Message-ID: Organization: Netcom Online Communications Services (408-241-9760 log= in: guest) Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1993 06:38:26 GMT Lines: 30 =20 artists unknown... /-/-/-/-/ | /-/-/-/-/ /---/---/ | x | /--/--/ x /---/---/ x . x x x | x x x | __x x x_______|_______||x x / ||x\ / \ =20 /-----------------/||x \ /___ ___\ =20 | [ ] [ ] ## [ ]| ||x | || | | || =20 | ## | ||x | || | | ||=20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------= -----------=20 ( ( ( =BA ) ) ) =BAX=BA /=BAX=BA\ / =BAX=BA \ ____ / =BAX=BA \ =BA =BA ( ( ( ( (( -o- )) ) ) ) )=20 _|_ =20 / \ =20 =20 ------------------------------ Date: 26 Oct 1993 16:15:37 GMT From:!agate!!!!!!! Subject: How good is KAM all-mode for RTTY/AMTOR?? To: How good is KAM All-mode for RTTY. I find its dual-connect feature an attraction as I can monitor the PacketCluster while having a RTTY qso. Any thoughts and software recommendations? Rajiv aa9ch ------------------------------ Date: 26 Oct 93 20:06:33 GMT From:!!!pipex!sunic!!!! Subject: How good is KAM all-mode for RTTY/AMTOR?? To: In <2ajif9$> (Rajiv Dewan) writes: >How good is KAM All-mode for RTTY. I find its dual-connect feature >an attraction as I can monitor the PacketCluster while having a RTTY >qso. Any thoughts and software recommendations? Well, how can a modem be 'better' on RTTY than another modem? At least I'm very satisfied with KAM. 'Dual-connect feature', what's that? Of course you can have dual packet connects on the VHF-channel and even on VHF- and HF-channels at the same time, but basically you can NOT work RTTY at the same time! Whenever you have a packet QSO and try to enter RTTY, AMTOR, or any other HF non-packet mode, you'll get the message "Not while connected". My KAM EPROM version is 4.0, but I doubt it has changed in never versions. Might be, though. The above is the case when you work the KAM with a dumb terminal (or a terminal emulator). You have to use special software, which uses KAM's host- mode, to be able to work RTTY while being connected on packet. If this is not a problem for you, all's well. HostMaster (sold by Kantronics Company) is a good (? - I suppose) program to do this. There are probably some shareware programs available as well (sorry, I don't know of any), but remember the program must be specifically made for just KAM! Even I have programmed a little "KAMTERM", but it's somewhat buggy and options must be set by modifying the source. :-) I like my KAM and am sure you won't regret buying one. My decision between PK232 and KAM was based the physically small size of KAM - I don't happen to have any 'extra' room in my shack! -- Mikko Noromaa -- Amateur radio callsign: OH3LIM email: -- Pkt addr: OH3LIM@OH3RBA.#HML.FIN.EU ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 26 Oct 93 08:40:58 GMT From:!agate!!uknet!uos-ee!! Subject: How To Start up a TCP/IP Station To: I am considering setting up a TCP/IP station using a Baycom modem. I have an MFJ1278 as well but would like the thing to be portable. Is there somwhere a piece of software to make it easy to install the node? I am familiar with programming etc but not networks. I want to learn about networks, via TCP/IP rather than learn about networks to start with TCP/IP. TFPCX can simulate a host mode TNC with the baycom modem. I have got this software and use it with Graphics Packet without problems. I have downloded a few net packages, KA9Q (old) JNOS and some other one I forget the name of. Can anyone tell me my IP address? I used to be G6VDO (now G0MJW) and ran TCP/IP back in the early days with KA9Qs NET and a TNC2 (in Kiss mode?) on an old 8086. The machine I want to run it on now is either a 486sx25 or a 486DLC25, both with 4 Mb of ram. Can anyone help please. 73 Mike ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1993 15:23:30 GMT From:!!agate!!! Subject: Kantronic TPC-3 SOFTWARE (ver 1.03-5.0)?? To: I just bought a Kantronics TPC-3 TNC and the software I got with it was verison 1.02 and the manual talks about verison 5.0..Has anyone else ran across this?..Tnx..Jeff ------------------------------ Date: 26 Oct 1993 14:03:53 GMT From:!!! Subject: MacTCP radio driver? To: In article <>, Carl Makin wrote: > > I've installed the MacPPP LAP for MacTCP on my LCIII and use it to > talk to a JNOS 107b box that handles the radios, has a pop3 server > etc. It works *very* well. I use Eudora 1.4 for POP3 mail and NCSA > Telnet for terminal sessions. Fetch 2.1.1 for FTP and they all handle > being sent over the radio reasonably well. Is there an FTP site for this driver? Thanks! Tom Landmann N9UDL ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1993 03:16:37 GMT From:!agate!!torn!nott!cunews!!! Subject: MFJ 1270 Upgrade To: In a previous article, (Emery Weber) says: > >I am trying to upgrade the firmware on an MFJ 1270 from version 1.1.3 >to 1.1.8. I have already upgraded the memory to 32k but am having >trouble getting the EPROM to work. > >Thanks, > >Emery, KB7TER > Believe you'll have to do as I did, make a change on the cct board by cutting one cct based on what the instructions tell you. Come to think of it, I did that mod then had to put it back to its original cct to work. The instructions aren't 100% correct. -- '86 Virago 1100 ---- My Amazon ... DoD # - 814 | Lloyd Carr --- Munster ON ------------------------------ Date: 26 Oct 93 08:40:09 GMT From: agate!!pipex!sunic!!!! Subject: NOS problems To: In article <> (Brian Battles WS1O) writes: >>> And if I log onto the BBS (as SysOp, anonymous, whatever, I get "permission >>>denied" when I try to do a dir, etc. I've stared at FTPUSERS for hours, and >>>draw a blank. I believe my NOS.CFG is okay. Urghhh! > I've tried making "palindrome-shaped" FTPUSERS files (ie, same >"anonymous" stuff on top and bottom, special permissions in the middle, >but to Noah Vale. > Cheesh--you'd think this stuff was written by a bunch of talented >amateurs or something! If my memory serves me correct you are using JNOS 1.10x10. These X-versions are eXperimental (=beta) versions! They are almost supposed to have bugs in them. This 'permission denied' -problem is one and is corrected in later versions. If you absolutely want to use beta versions and don't know how to debug them your self, you should at least attend to the nos-bbs mailing list (subscriptions to nos-bbs-request). Thats what I do... :-) -- ---Tomi Manninen / / OH2BNS @ OH2RBI.FIN.EU--- ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1993 13:36:36 GMT From:!agate!!!!!! Subject: NOS problems To: In <>, (Brian Battles WS1O) writes: >Anyone have any odea why I'd suddenly start seeing "phantom" SMTP connects >on my station (after a couple of years of no problem)? There keep being >connections from 44.xx.xx.xx stations I've never heard of, and I've >scrubbed my DOMAIN.TXT, ALIAS, FTPUSERS, etc, files clean of anything >odd. > It started happening maybe 2 weeks after I'd started fooling with JNOS >110x10. 110x9 had been fine. Now even JNOS 109, 108, 107, etc, all do it, >too! Start capturing traces to a file so you can look and see what is happening. Use 'trace portname 0111 trace.fil'. I bet that someone has put up an IP router or gateway and people are tyring to send you mail. I tried to send you mail and was unsuccessful. If someone has put up a router and you haven't changed your routes to go back through it when needed, people will be able to connect to you via the router and you'll reply to them direct which won't work. > And if I log onto the BBS (as SysOp, anonymous, whatever, I get "permission >denied" when I try to do a dir, etc. I've stared at FTPUSERS for hours, and >draw a blank. I believe my NOS.CFG is okay. Urghhh! The permcheck() routine ( in the FTPSERV.C code ) calls the dosfnchr() routine. The dosfnchr() routine is severly broken. I've commented it out all together. It's saying that the \/* chars are invalid. Sort of makes it hard to set up a valid path or directory. > Also, howcum when you start PMNOS for OS/2 2.1 by Walt Corey, KZ1F, it >looks like it's going to start normaly, then just doesn' error >messages or anything. (Things that make ya go "Hmmmm....") Don't know. I don't use it because it doesn't support any lan cards. Does it hang? Maybe you haven't specified the correct attach command. Can you use a OS/2 comm program to talk to your TNC? 73's de Jack - kf5mg AX25net - - (817) 962-4409 Internet - - Worknet - ------------------------------ Date: 26 Oct 93 11:22:53 EDT From: psinntp! Subject: NOS problems To: In, (Tomi Manninen) writes: >In article <> (Brian Battles WS1O) writes: >>>>And if I log onto the BBS (as SysOp, anonymous, whatever, I get "permission >>>>denied" when I try to do a dir, etc. I've stared at FTPUSERS for hours, and >>>>draw a blank. I believe my NOS.CFG is okay. Urghhh! >> I've tried making "palindrome-shaped" FTPUSERS files (ie, same >>"anonymous" stuff on top and bottom, special permissions in the middle, >>but to Noah Vale. >If my memory serves me correct you are using JNOS 1.10x10... Actually, now I'm on JNOS 110x11. >...These X-versions are eXperimental (=beta) versions! I know. But they're not *too* bad. >They are almost supposed to have bugs in them. This 'permission denied' >problem is one and is corrected in later versions. I'll see if it's okay in 110x11...not sure if that was the one it was "fixed" in. >If you want to use beta versions, you should at least attend to the > mailing list (subscriptions to nos-bbs-request). >Thats what I do... :-) Yeah, I tred to request nos-bbs, but nuthin' happened. Maybe I goofed in the format of my subscription request. Thanks! CUL es 73 de BB """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Brian Battles, WS1O I Tel 203-666-1541, ext 222 I "Radio amateurs QST Features Editor I Fax 203-665-7531 I do it with high ARRL HQ I Internet I frequency" Newington, CT USA I Amprnet [] """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" COMMENTS EXPRESSED HEREIN ARE MY OWN PERSONAL REMARKS AND ARE NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL ARRL VIEWS OR POLICY.. ------------------------------ Date: 26 Oct 93 11:13:33 EDT From: psinntp! Subject: Various flavors of TCP/IP To: In, CELLIS%BROCKVMA.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU writes: >What is the difference in the various flavors of TCP/IP? >I have no interest in being a PBBS, Digipeater, Internet Gateway, etc, >I would just like to run as a TCP/IP node. What is the difference >between JNOS, NOS, NET, PA0GRI, KA9Q, etc? Well, here's how I've always seen it: KA9Q wrote NET, then he and others evolved it into NOS, which has since been added to/modified by PA0GRI, and subsequently changed (partly to add the capability to also function as a full-service, forwarding PBBS) by WG7J (JNOS). There are plenty of "flavors" of NOS floating around, depending on who took the C source code and compiled it--and what features they happened to include in their compile. The full JNOS may be a bit much if you don't care about a PBBS, but you may wish to try SHORTNOS.EXE, a version of PA0GRI's code, compiled by KA1JY, which has less features and gizmos, but was made to run with a minimal amount of RAM on IBM-compatible PCs. It's available for download from the ARRL HQ multiline BBS (203-665-0578, up to 14.4 k/bps). GL, OM! CUL es 73 de BB """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Brian Battles, WS1O I Tel 203-666-1541, ext 222 I "Radio amateurs QST Features Editor I Fax 203-665-7531 I do it with high ARRL HQ I Internet I frequency" Newington, CT USA I Amprnet [] """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" COMMENTS EXPRESSED HEREIN ARE MY OWN PERSONAL REMARKS AND ARE NOT TO BE CONSIDERED OFFICIAL ARRL VIEWS OR POLICY.. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1993 06:47:25 GMT From:!!!!destroyer!!!!alberta!nebulus!ve6mgs! To: References <>, Subject : Re: info on cellular mods - illegal? YES! (Jim Hollenback) writes: >I really don't think publishing the mods or owning the equipment is illegal. >Just listening to the conversations is illegal. Many old tv sets tune the >cell phone band just fine. Nothing stops me from BUILDING my own box. But >I can't listen to the conversations. I indicated the section in the ECPA to read, as posted to various radio groups. As a marginally interested party (I am Canadian, this act is repugnant to my sense of physics, and happily does not affect me ... yet), I read it twice and was amazed at how far reaching it was ... I was hoping that my post would trigger people to read the act more carefully, and thus denounce my claim based on other statements in the act. Denial is not what I expected ... Building a Wire Tap is illegal ..., just add cellular interception to that definition, and you have the ECPA! Distributing information on how to do a wiretap is illegal, add in mods to radios to listen on 875MHz, and you have the ECPA ... Ciao -- Mark The sky is falling! the sky is unggggggghhh ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V93 #88 ****************************** ******************************