Subject: Novice License Exam Questions *************************************************************************** *** Note: A graphics sheet must be used with this question pool. *** *** It can be obtained from the ARRL/VEC (225 Main St, *** *** Newington CT 06111) for an SASE. *** *************************************************************************** QUESTION POOL Amateur Radio Examination Element 2 (Novice Class) Final Version as released by Question Pool Committee National Conference of Volunteer Examiner Coordinators December 1, 1992 Subelement N1 - Commission's Rules - [10 exam questions - 10 groups] N1A Basis and purpose of amateur service and definitions. N1A01 (A) [97] What document contains the rules and regulations for the amateur service in the US? A. Part 97 of Title 47 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) B. The Communications Act of 1934 (as amended) C. The Radio Amateur's Handbook D. The minutes of the International Telecommunication Union meetings N1A02 (B) [97] Who makes and enforces the rules and regulations of the amateur service in the US? A. The Congress of the United States B. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) C. The Volunteer Examiner Coordinators (VECs) D. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) N1A03 (A) [97] Which three topics are part of the rules and regulations of the amateur service? A. Station operation standards, technical standards, emergency communications B. Notice of Violation, common operating procedures, antenna lengths C. Frequency band plans, repeater locations, Ohm's Law D. Station construction standards, FCC approved radios, FCC approved antennas N1A04 (D) [97] Which of these topics is NOT part of the rules and regulations of the amateur service? A. Qualifying examination systems B. Technical standards C. Providing emergency communications D. Station construction standards N1A05 (A) [97.1] What are three reasons that the amateur service exists? A. To recognize the value of emergency communications, advance the radio art, and improve communication and technical skills B. To learn about business communications, increase testing by trained technicians, and improve amateur communications C. To preserve old radio techniques, maintain a pool of people familiar with early tube-type equipment, and improve tube radios D. To improve patriotism, preserve nationalism, and promote world peace N1A06 (D) [97.1] What are two of the five purposes for the amateur service? A. To protect historical radio data, and help the public understand radio history B. To help foreign countries improve communication and technical skills, and encourage visits from foreign hams C. To modernize radio schematic drawings, and increase the pool of electrical drafting people D. To increase the number of trained radio operators and electronics experts, and improve international goodwill N1A07 (B) [97.3a1] What is the definition of an amateur operator? A. A person who has not received any training in radio operations B. A person who has a written authorization to be the control operator of an amateur station C. A person who has very little practice operating a radio station D. A person who is in training to become the control operator of a radio station N1A08 (C) [97.3a4] What is the definition of the amateur service? A. A private radio service used for profit and public benefit B. A public radio service for US citizens which requires no exam C. A personal radio service used for self-training, communication, and technical studies D. A private radio service used for self-training of radio announcers and technicians N1A09 (D) [97.3a5] What is the definition of an amateur station? A. A station in a public radio service used for radiocommunications B. A station using radiocommunications for a commercial purpose C. A station using equipment for training new radiocommunications operators D. A station in an Amateur Radio service used for radiocommunications N1A10 (C) [97.3a11] What is the definition of a control operator of an amateur station? A. Anyone who operates the controls of the station B. Anyone who is responsible for the station's equipment C. Any licensed amateur operator who is responsible for the station's transmissions D. The amateur operator with the highest class of license who is near the controls of the station N1A11 (C) [97.513a] What is a Volunteer Examiner (VE)? A. An amateur who volunteers to check amateur teaching manuals B. An amateur who volunteers to teach amateur classes C. An amateur who volunteers to test others for amateur licenses D. An amateur who volunteers to examine amateur station equipment N1B Station/Operator license. N1B01 (D) [97.5a] Which one of these must you have an amateur license to do? A. Transmit on public-service frequencies B. Retransmit shortwave broadcasts C. Repair broadcast station equipment D. Transmit on amateur service frequencies N1B02 (B) [97.5a] What does an amateur license allow you to control? A. A shortwave-broadcast station's transmissions B. An amateur station's transmissions C. Non-commercial FM broadcast transmissions D. Any type of transmitter, as long as it is used for non- commercial transmissions N1B03 (C) [97.5a] What allows someone to operate an amateur station in the US? A. An FCC operator's training permit for a licensed radio station B. An FCC Form 610 together with a license examination fee C. An FCC amateur operator/primary station license D. An FCC Certificate of Successful Completion of Amateur Training N1B04 (B) [97.5d] Where does a US amateur license allow you to operate? A. Anywhere in the world B. Wherever the amateur service is regulated by the FCC C. Within 50 km of your primary station location D. Only at your primary station location N1B05 (C) [97.5e] If you have a Novice license, how many transmitters may you control in your station at the same time? A. Only one at a time B. Only one at a time, except for emergency communications C. Any number D. Any number, as long as they are transmitting on different bands N1B06 (A) [97.5e] What document must you keep at your amateur station? A. A copy of your written authorization for an amateur station B. A copy of the Rules and Regulations of the Amateur Service (Part 97) C. A copy of the Amateur Radio Handbook for instant reference D. A chart of the frequencies allowed for your class of license N1B07 (C) [97.7] Which one of the following does not allow a person to control a US amateur station? A. An operator/primary station license from the FCC B. A reciprocal permit for alien amateur licensee from the FCC C. An amateur service license from any government which is a member of the European Community (EC) D. An amateur service license from the Government of Canada, if it is held by a Canadian citizen N1B08 (D) [97.9a] What are the five US amateur operator license classes? A. Novice, Communicator, General, Advanced, Amateur Extra B. Novice, Technician, General, Advanced, Expert C. Novice, Communicator, General, Amateur, Extra D. Novice, Technician, General, Advanced, Amateur Extra N1B09 (A) [97.9] What does the FCC consider to be the first two classes of US amateur operator licenses (one of which most new amateurs initially hold)? A. Novice and Technician B. CB and Communicator C. Novice and General D. CB and Novice N1B10 (B) [97.9] What must you have with you when you are the control operator of an amateur station? A. A copy of the Rules and Regulations of the Amateur Service (Part 97) B. The original or a photocopy of your amateur license C. A list of countries which allow third-party communications from the US D. A chart of the frequencies allowed for your class of license N1B11 (D) [97.501d] Which US amateur license has no Morse code requirements? A. Amateur Extra B. Advanced C. General D. Technician N1C Novice control operator frequency privileges. N1C01 (B) [97.301e] What are the frequency limits of the 80-meter Novice band? A. 3500 - 4000 kHz B. 3675 - 3725 kHz C. 7100 - 7150 kHz D. 7000 - 7300 kHz N1C02 (C) [97.301e] What are the frequency limits of the 40-meter Novice band (ITU Region 2)? A. 3500 - 4000 kHz B. 3700 - 3750 kHz C. 7100 - 7150 kHz D. 7000 - 7300 kHz N1C03 (A) [97.301e] What are the frequency limits of the 15-meter Novice band? A. 21.100 - 21.200 MHz B. 21.000 - 21.450 MHz C. 28.000 - 29.700 MHz D. 28.100 - 28.200 MHz N1C04 (C) [97.301e] What are the frequency limits of the 10-meter Novice band? A. 28.000 - 28.500 MHz B. 28.100 - 29.500 MHz C. 28.100 - 28.500 MHz D. 29.100 - 29.500 MHz N1C05 (B) [97.301f] What are the frequency limits of the 1.25-meter Novice band (ITU Region 2)? A. 225.0 - 230.5 MHz B. 222.1 - 223.91 MHz C. 224.1 - 225.1 MHz D. 222 - 225 MHz N1C06 (C) [97.301f] What are the frequency limits of the 23-centimeter Novice band? A. 1260 - 1270 MHz B. 1240 - 1300 MHz C. 1270 - 1295 MHz D. 1240 - 1246 MHz N1C07 (A) [97.301e] If you are operating on 3700 kHz, in what amateur band are you operating? A. 80 meters B. 40 meters C. 15 meters D. 10 meters N1C08 (B) [97.301e] If you are operating on 7125 kHz, in what amateur band are you operating? A. 80 meters B. 40 meters C. 15 meters D. 10 meters N1C09 (C) [97.301e] If you are operating on 21.150 MHz, in what amateur band are you operating? A. 80 meters B. 40 meters C. 15 meters D. 10 meters N1C10 (D) [97.301e] If you are operating on 28.150 MHz, in what amateur band are you operating? A. 80 meters B. 40 meters C. 15 meters D. 10 meters N1C11 (D) [97.301f] If you are operating on 223 MHz, in what amateur band are you operating? A. 15 meters B. 10 meters C. 2 meters D. 1.25 meters N1D Novice eligibility, exam elements, mailing addresses, US call sign assignment and life of license. N1D01 (A) [97.5d1] Who can become an amateur licensee in the US? A. Anyone except a representative of a foreign government B. Only a citizen of the United States C. Anyone except an employee of the US government D. Anyone N1D02 (D) [no ref] What age must you be to hold an amateur license? A. 14 years or older B. 18 years or older C. 70 years or younger D. There are no age limits N1D03 (C) [97.501e] What minimum examinations must you pass for a Novice amateur license? A. A written exam, Element 1(A); and a 5 WPM code exam, Element 2(A) B. A 5 WPM code exam, Element 1(A); and a written exam, Element 3(A) C. A 5 WPM code exam, Element 1(A); and a written exam, Element 2 D. A written exam, Element 2; and a 5 WPM code exam, Element 4 N1D04 (B) [97.21] Why must an amateur operator have a current US Postal mailing address? A. So the FCC has a record of the location of each amateur station B. To follow the FCC rules and so the licensee can receive mail from the FCC C. So the FCC can send license-renewal notices D. So the FCC can publish a call-sign directory N1D05 (D) [97.27] What must you do to replace your license if it is lost, mutilated or destroyed? A. Nothing; no replacement is needed B. Send a change of address to the FCC using a current FCC Form 610 C. Retake all examination elements for your license D. Request a new one from the FCC, explaining what happened to the original N1D06 (B) [97.19] What must you do to notify the FCC if your mailing address changes? A. Fill out an FCC Form 610 using your new address, attach a copy of your license, and mail it to your local FCC Field Office B. Fill out an FCC Form 610 using your new address, attach a copy of your license, and mail it to the FCC office in Gettysburg, PA C. Call your local FCC Field Office and give them your new address over the phone D. Call the FCC office in Gettysburg, PA, and give them your new address over the phone N1D07 (C) [no ref] Which of the following call signs is a valid US amateur call? A. UA4HAK B. KBL7766 C. KA9OLS D. BY7HY N1D08 (B) [no ref] What letters must be used for the first letter in US amateur call signs? A. K, N, U and W B. A, K, N and W C. A, B, C and D D. A, N, V and W N1D09 (D) [no ref] What numbers are normally used in US amateur call signs? A. Any two-digit number, 10 through 99 B. Any two-digit number, 22 through 45 C. A single digit, 1 though 9 D. A single digit, 0 through 9 N1D10 (C) [97.23] For how many years is an amateur license normally issued? A. 2 B. 5 C. 10 D. 15 N1D11 (A) [97.19c] How soon before your license expires should you send the FCC a completed 610 for a renewal? A. 60 to 90 days B. Within 21 days of the expiration date C. 6 to 9 months D. 6 months to a year N1E Novice control operator emission privileges. N1E01 (A) [97.305/.307f9] What emission types are Novice control operators allowed to use in the 80-meter band? A. CW only B. Data only C. RTTY only D. Phone only N1E02 (A) [97.305/307f9] What emission types are Novice control operators allowed to use in the 40-meter band? A. CW only B. Data only C. RTTY only D. Phone only N1E03 (A) [97.305/307f9] What emission types are Novice control operators allowed to use in the 15-meter band? A. CW only B. Data only C. RTTY only D. Phone only N1E04 (D) [97.305/307f9] What emission types are Novice control operators allowed to use from 3675 to 3725 kHz? A. Phone only B. Image only C. Data only D. CW only N1E05 (D) [97.305/307f9] What emission types are Novice control operators allowed to use from 7100 to 7150 kHz in ITU Region 2? A. CW and data B. Phone C. Data only D. CW only N1E06 (D) [97.305/307f9] What emission types are Novice control operators allowed to use on frequencies from 21.1 to 21.2 MHz? A. CW and data B. CW and phone C. Data only D. CW only N1E07 (C) [97.305] What emission types are Novice control operators allowed to use on frequencies from 28.1 to 28.3 MHz? A. All authorized amateur emission privileges B. Data or phone C. CW, RTTY and data D. CW and phone N1E08 (C) [97.305/307f10] What emission types are Novice control operators allowed to use on frequencies from 28.3 to 28.5 MHz? A. All authorized amateur emission privileges B. CW and data C. CW and single-sideband phone D. Data and phone N1E09 (D) [97.305] What emission types are Novice control operators allowed to use on the amateur 1.25-meter band in ITU Region 2? A. CW and phone B. CW and data C. Data and phone D. All amateur emission privileges authorized for use on the band N1E10 (D) [97.305] What emission types are Novice control operators allowed to use on the amateur 23-centimeter band? A. Data and phone B. CW and data C. CW and phone D. All amateur emission privileges authorized for use on the band N1E11 (D) [97.305/.307f10] On what HF frequencies may Novice control operators use single- sideband (SSB) phone? A. 3700 - 3750 kHz B. 7100 - 7150 kHz C. 21100 - 21200 kHz D. 28300 - 28500 kHz N1E12 (C) [97.305] On what frequencies in ITU Region 2 may Novice control operators use FM phone? A. 28.3 - 28.5 MHz B. 144.0 - 148.0 MHz C. 222.1 - 223.91 MHz D. 1240 - 1270 MHz N1E13 (B) [97.301e/.305] On what frequencies in the 10-meter band may Novice control operators use RTTY? A. 28.0 - 28.3 MHz B. 28.1 - 28.3 MHz C. 28.0 - 29.3 MHz D. 29.1 - 29.3 MHz N1E14 (B) [97.301e/.305] On what frequencies in the 10-meter band may Novice control operators use data emissions? A. 28.0 - 28.3 MHz B. 28.1 - 28.3 MHz C. 28.0 - 29.3 MHz D. 29.1 - 29.3 MHz N1F Transmitter power on Novice sub-bands and digital communications (limited to concepts only). N1F01 (D) [97.313a] What amount of transmitter power must amateur stations use at all times? A. 25 watts PEP output B. 250 watts PEP output C. 1500 watts PEP output D. The minimum legal power necessary to communicate N1F02 (C) [97.313c1] What is the most transmitter power an amateur station may use on 3700 kHz? A. 5 watts PEP output B. 25 watts PEP output C. 200 watts PEP output D. 1500 watts PEP output N1F03 (C) [97.313c1] What is the most transmitter power an amateur station may use on 7125 kHz? A. 5 watts PEP output B. 25 watts PEP output C. 200 watts PEP output D. 1500 watts PEP output N1F04 (C) [97.313c1] What is the most transmitter power an amateur station may use on 21.125 MHz? A. 5 watts PEP output B. 25 watts PEP output C. 200 watts PEP output D. 1500 watts PEP output N1F05 (C) [97.313c2] What is the most transmitter power a Novice station may use on 28.125 MHz? A. 5 watts PEP output B. 25 watts PEP output C. 200 watts PEP output D. 1500 watts PEP output N1F06 (C) [97.313c2] What is the most transmitter power a Novice station may use on the 10-meter band? A. 5 watts PEP output B. 25 watts PEP output C. 200 watts PEP output D. 1500 watts PEP output N1F07 (B) [97.313d] What is the most transmitter power a Novice station may use on the 1.25-meter band? A. 5 watts PEP output B. 25 watts PEP output C. 200 watts PEP output D. 1500 watts PEP output N1F08 (A) [97.313e] What is the most transmitter power a Novice station may use on the 23-centimeter band? A. 5 watts PEP output B. 25 watts PEP output C. 200 watts PEP output D. 1500 watts PEP output N1F09 (A) [97.313c] On which bands may a Novice station use up to 200 watts PEP output power? A. 80, 40, 15, and 10 meters B. 80, 40, 20, and 10 meters C. 1.25 meters D. 23 centimeters N1F10 (C) [97.313d] On which band(s) must a Novice station use no more than 25 watts PEP output power? A. 80, 40, 15, and 10 meters B. 80, 40, 20, and 10 meters C. 1.25 meters D. 23 centimeters N1F11 (D) [97.313e] On which band(s) must a Novice station use no more than 5 watts PEP output power? A. 80, 40, 15, and 10 meters B. 80, 40, 20, and 10 meters C. 1.25 meters D. 23 centimeters N1G Responsibility of licensee, control operator requirements. N1G01 (D) [97.3a11] If you allow another amateur to be responsible for the transmissions from your station, what is the other operator called? A. An auxiliary operator B. The operations coordinator C. A third-party operator D. A control operator N1G02 (C) [97.103a] Who is responsible for the proper operation of an amateur station? A. Only the control operator B. Only the station licensee C. Both the control operator and the station licensee D. The person who owns the station equipment N1G03 (A) [97.103a] If you transmit from another amateur's station, who is responsible for its proper operation? A. Both of you B. The other amateur (the station licensee) C. You, the control operator D. The station licensee, unless the station records show that you were the control operator at the time N1G04 (D) [97.103a] What is your responsibility as a station licensee? A. You must allow another amateur to operate your station upon request B. You must be present whenever the station is operated C. You must notify the FCC if another amateur acts as the control operator D. You are responsible for the proper operation of the station in accordance with the FCC rules N1G05 (C) [97.103b] Who may be the control operator of an amateur station? A. Any person over 21 years of age B. Any person over 21 years of age with a General class license or higher C. Any licensed amateur chosen by the station licensee D. Any licensed amateur with a Technician class license or higher N1G06 (B) [97.103] If another amateur transmits from your station, which of these is NOT true? A. You must first give permission for the other amateur to use your station B. You must keep the call sign of the other amateur, together with the time and date of transmissions, in your station records C. The FCC will think that you are the station's control operator unless your station records show that you were not D. Both of you are equally responsible for the proper operation of the station N1G07 (A) [97.105b] If you let another amateur with a higher class license than yours control your station, what operating privileges are allowed? A. Any privileges allowed by the higher license B. Only the privileges allowed by your license C. All the emission privileges of the higher license, but only the frequency privileges of your license D. All the frequency privileges of the higher license, but only the emission privileges of your license N1G08 (B) [97.105b] If you are the control operator at the station of another amateur who has a higher class license than yours, what operating privileges are you allowed? A. Any privileges allowed by the higher license B. Only the privileges allowed by your license C. All the emission privileges of the higher license, but only the frequency privileges of your license D. All the frequency privileges of the higher license, but only the emission privileges of your license N1G09 (C) [97.7] When must an amateur station have a control operator? A. Only when training another amateur B. Whenever the station receiver is operated C. Whenever the station is transmitting D. A control operator is not needed N1G10 (A) [97.109b] When a Novice station is transmitting, where must its control operator be? A. At the station's control point B. Anywhere in the same building as the transmitter C. At the station's entrance, to control entry to the room D. Anywhere within 50 km of the station location N1G11 (B) [97.109b] Why can't unlicensed persons in your family transmit using your amateur station if they are alone with your equipment? A. They must not use your equipment without your permission B. They must be licensed before they are allowed to be control operators C. They must first know how to use the right abbreviations and Q signals D. They must first know the right frequencies and emissions for transmitting N1H Station identification, points of communication and operation, and business communications. N1H01 (D) [97.5a] When may you operate your amateur station somewhere in the US besides the location listed on your license? A. Only during times of emergency B. Only after giving proper notice to the FCC C. During an emergency or an FCC-approved emergency practice D. Whenever you want to N1H02 (C) [97.111] With which non-amateur stations is a US amateur station allowed to communicate? A. No non-amateur stations B. All non-amateur stations C. Only those authorized by the FCC D. Only those who use international Morse code N1H03 (A) [97.113a] When are communications for business allowed in the amateur service? A. Only if they are for the safety of human life or immediate protection of property B. There are no rules against business communications C. No business communications are ever allowed D. Business communications are allowed between the hours of 9 AM to 5 PM, weekdays N1H04 (A) [97.113a] Which of the following CANNOT be discussed on an amateur club net? A. Business planning B. Recreation planning C. Code practice planning D. Emergency planning N1H05 (B) [97.113a] If you wanted to join a radio club, would you be allowed to send a message to them via Amateur Radio requesting an application? A. Yes, if the club is a not-for-profit organization B. No. This would facilitate the commercial affairs of the club C. Yes, but only during normal business hours, between 9 AM and 5 PM, weekdays D. Yes, since there are no rules against business communications in the amateur service N1H06 (C) [97.119a] How often must an amateur station be identified? A. At the beginning of a contact and at least every ten minutes after that B. At least once during each transmission C. At least every ten minutes during and at the end of a contact D. At the beginning and end of each transmission N1H07 (B) [97.119a] What do you transmit to identify your amateur station? A. Your "handle" B. Your call sign C. Your first name and your location D. Your full name N1H08 (A) [97.119a] What identification, if any, is required when two amateur stations begin communications? A. No identification is required B. One of the stations must give both stations' call signs C. Each station must transmit its own call sign D. Both stations must transmit both call signs N1H09 (C) [97.119a] What identification, if any, is required when two amateur stations end communications? A. No identification is required B. One of the stations must transmit both stations' call signs C. Each station must transmit its own call sign D. Both stations must transmit both call signs N1H10 (B) [97.115c] Besides normal identification, what else must a US station do when sending third-party communications internationally? A. The US station must transmit its own call sign at the beginning of each communication, and at least every ten minutes after that B. The US station must transmit both call signs at the end of each communication C. The US station must transmit its own call sign at the beginning of each communication, and at least every five minutes after that D. Each station must transmit its own call sign at the end of each communication, and at least every five minutes after that N1H11 (B) [97.119a] What is the longest period of time an amateur station can operate without transmitting its call sign? A. 5 minutes B. 10 minutes C. 15 minutes D. 20 minutes N1I International and space communications, authorized and prohibited transmissions. N1I01 (A) [97.3a39] What is the definition of third-party communications? A. A message sent between two amateur stations for someone else B. Public service communications for a political party C. Any messages sent by amateur stations D. A three-minute transmission to another amateur N1I02 (D) [97.111a1] When are you allowed to communicate with an amateur in a foreign country? A. Only when the foreign amateur uses English B. Only when you have permission from the FCC C. Only when a third-party agreement exists between the US and the foreign country D. At any time, unless it is not allowed by either government N1I03 (C) [97.3a36] What is an amateur space station? A. An amateur station operated on an unused frequency B. An amateur station awaiting its new call letters from the FCC C. An amateur station located more than 50 kilometers above the Earth's surface D. An amateur station that communicates with Space Shuttles N1I04 (B) [New 97.207a per FCC 92-310] Who may be the licensee of an amateur space station? A. An amateur holding an Amateur Extra class operator license B. Any licensed amateur operator C. Anyone designated by the commander of the spacecraft D. No one unless specifically authorized by the government N1I05 (D) [97.113b] When may someone be paid to transmit messages from an amateur station? A. Only if he or she works for a public service agency such as the Red Cross B. Under no circumstances C. Only if he or she reports all such payments to the IRS D. Only if he or she works for a club station and special requirements are met N1I06 (A) [97.113c] When is an amateur allowed to broadcast information to the general public? A. Never B. Only when the operator is being paid C. Only when broadcasts last less than 1 hour D. Only when broadcasts last longer than 15 minutes N1I07 (A) [97.113d] When is an amateur station permitted to transmit music? A. Never B. Only if the music played produces no spurious emissions C. Only if it is used to jam an illegal transmission D. Only if it is above 1280 MHz N1I08 (C) [97.113d] When is the use of codes or ciphers allowed to hide the meaning of an amateur message? A. Only during contests B. Only during nationally declared emergencies C. Never, except when special requirements are met D. Only on frequencies above 1280 MHz N1I09 (B) [97.3a42] What is a "third-party" in amateur communications? A. An amateur station that breaks in to talk B. A person who is sent a message by amateur communications other than a control operator who handles the message C. A shortwave listener who monitors amateur communications D. An unlicensed control operator N1I10 (A) [97.115a2] If you are allowing a non-amateur friend to use your station to talk to someone in the US, and a foreign station breaks in to talk to your friend, what should you do? A. Have your friend wait until you find out if the US has a third-party agreement with the foreign station's government B. Stop all discussions and quickly sign off C. Since you can talk to any foreign amateurs, your friend may keep talking as long as you are the control operator D. Report the incident to the foreign amateur's government N1I11 (D) [97.115a2] When are you allowed to transmit a message to a station in a foreign country for a third party? A. Anytime B. Never C. Anytime, unless there is a third-party agreement between the US and the foreign government D. If there is a third-party agreement with the US government, or if the third party could be the control operator N1J False signals or unidentified communications and malicious interference. N1J01 (B) [97.3a21] What is a transmission called that disturbs other communications? A. Interrupted CW B. Harmful interference C. Transponder signals D. Unidentified transmissions N1J02 (B) [97.3a21] Why is transmitting on a police frequency as a "joke" called harmful interference that deserves a large penalty? A. It annoys everyone who listens B. It blocks police calls which might be an emergency and interrupts police communications C. It is in bad taste to communicate with non-amateurs, even as a joke D. It is poor amateur practice to transmit outside the amateur bands N1J03 (C) [97.101d] When may you deliberately interfere with another station's communications? A. Only if the station is operating illegally B. Only if the station begins transmitting on a frequency you are using C. Never D. You may expect, and cause, deliberate interference because it can't be helped during crowded band conditions N1J04 (A) [97.113d] When may false or deceptive amateur signals or communications be transmitted? A. Never B. When operating a beacon transmitter in a "fox hunt" exercise C. When playing a harmless "practical joke" D. When you need to hide the meaning of a message for secrecy N1J05 (C) [97.113d] If an amateur pretends there is an emergency and transmits the word "MAYDAY," what is this called? A. A traditional greeting in May B. An emergency test transmission C. False or deceptive signals D. Nothing special; "MAYDAY" has no meaning in an emergency N1J06 (C) [97.119a] When may an amateur transmit unidentified communications? A. Only for brief tests not meant as messages B. Only if it does not interfere with others C. Never, except to control a model craft D. Only for two-way or third-party communications N1J07 (A) [97.119a] What is an amateur communication called that does not have the required station identification? A. Unidentified communications or signals B. Reluctance modulation C. Test emission D. Tactical communication N1J08 (D) [97.405a] If you hear a voice distress signal on a frequency outside of your license privileges, what are you allowed to do to help the station in distress? A. You are NOT allowed to help because the frequency of the signal is outside your privileges B. You are allowed to help only if you keep your signals within the nearest frequency band of your privileges C. You are allowed to help on a frequency outside your privileges only if you use international Morse code D. You are allowed to help on a frequency outside your privileges in any way possible N1J09 (D) [97.119a] If you answer someone on the air without giving your call sign, what type of communication have you just conducted? A. Test transmission B. Tactical signal C. Packet communication D. Unidentified communication N1J10 (C) [97.403] When may you use your amateur station to transmit an "SOS" or "MAYDAY"? A. Never B. Only at specific times (at 15 and 30 minutes after the hour) C. In a life- or property-threatening emergency D. When the National Weather Service has announced a severe weather watch N1J11 (B) [97.405a] When may you send a distress signal on any frequency? A. Never B. In a life- or property-threatening emergency C. Only at specific times (at 15 and 30 minutes after the hour) D. When the National Weather Service has announced a severe weather watch SUBELEMENT N2 - OPERATING PROCEDURES [2 exam questions - 2 groups] N2A Choosing a frequency for tune-up, operating or emergencies; understanding the Morse code; RST signal reports; Q signals; voice communications and phonetics. N2A01 (A) What should you do before you transmit on any frequency? A. Listen to make sure others are not using the frequency B. Listen to make sure that someone will be able to hear you C. Check your antenna for resonance at the selected frequency D. Make sure the SWR on your antenna feed line is high enough N2A02 (D) If you make contact with another station and your signal is extremely strong and perfectly readable, what adjustment might you make to your transmitter? A. Turn on your speech processor B. Reduce your SWR C. Continue with your contact, making no changes D. Turn down your power output to the minimum necessary N2A03 (C) What is one way to shorten transmitter tune-up time on the air to cut down on interference? A. Use a random wire antenna B. Tune up on 40 meters first, then switch to the desired band C. Tune the transmitter into a dummy load D. Use twin lead instead of coaxial-cable feed lines N2A04 (D) If you are in contact with another station and you hear an emergency call for help on your frequency, what should you do? A. Tell the calling station that the frequency is in use B. Direct the calling station to the nearest emergency net frequency C. Call your local Civil Preparedness Office and inform them of the emergency D. Stop your QSO immediately and take the emergency call N2A05 (B) What is the correct way to call CQ when using Morse code? A. Send the letters "CQ" three times, followed by "DE," followed by your call sign sent once B. Send the letters "CQ" three times, followed by "DE," followed by your call sign sent three times C. Send the letters "CQ" ten times, followed by "DE," followed by your call sign sent once D. Send the letters "CQ" over and over N2A06 (B) How should you answer a Morse code CQ call? A. Send your call sign four times B. Send the other station's call sign twice, followed by "DE," followed by your call sign twice C. Send the other station's call sign once, followed by "DE," followed by your call sign four times D. Send your call sign followed by your name, station location and a signal report N2A07 (C) At what speed should a Morse code CQ call be transmitted? A. Only speeds below five WPM B. The highest speed your keyer will operate C. Any speed at which you can reliably receive D. The highest speed at which you can control the keyer N2A08 (D) What is the meaning of the procedural signal "CQ"? A. "Call on the quarter hour" B. "New antenna is being tested" (no station should answer) C. "Only the called station should transmit" D. "Calling any station" N2A09 (A) What is the meaning of the procedural signal "DE"? A. "From" or "this is," as in "W9NGT DE N9BTT" B. "Directional Emissions" from your antenna C. "Received all correctly" D. "Calling any station" N2A10 (A) What is the meaning of the procedural signal "K"? A. "Any station transmit" B. "All received correctly" C. "End of message" D. "Called station only transmit" N2A11 (B) What is meant by the term "DX"? A. Best regards B. Distant station C. Calling any station D. Go ahead N2A12 (B) What is the meaning of the term "73"? A. Long distance B. Best regards C. Love and kisses D. Go ahead N2A13 (C) What are RST signal reports? A. A short way to describe ionospheric conditions B. A short way to describe transmitter power C. A short way to describe signal reception D. A short way to describe sunspot activity N2A14 (D) What does RST mean in a signal report? A. Recovery, signal strength, tempo B. Recovery, signal speed, tone C. Readability, signal speed, tempo D. Readability, signal strength, tone N2A15 (B) What is one meaning of the Q signal "QRS"? A. Interference from static B. Send more slowly C. Send RST report D. Radio station location is N2A16 (D) What is one meaning of the Q signal "QTH"? A. Time here is B. My name is C. Stop sending D. My location is N2A17 (C) What is a QSL card? A. A letter or postcard from an amateur pen pal B. A Notice of Violation from the FCC C. A written proof of communication between two amateurs D. A postcard reminding you when your license will expire N2A18 (C) What is the correct way to call CQ when using voice? A. Say "CQ" once, followed by "this is," followed by your call sign spoken three times B. Say "CQ" at least five times, followed by "this is," followed by your call sign spoken once C. Say "CQ" three times, followed by "this is," followed by your call sign spoken three times D. Say "CQ" at least ten times, followed by "this is," followed by your call sign spoken once N2A19 (D) How should you answer a voice CQ call? A. Say the other station's call sign at least ten times, followed by "this is," then your call sign at least twice B. Say the other station's call sign at least five times phonetically, followed by "this is," then your call sign at least once C. Say the other station's call sign at least three times, followed by "this is," then your call sign at least five times phonetically D. Say the other station's call sign once, followed by "this is," then your call sign given phonetically N2A20 (A) To make your call sign better understood when using voice transmissions, what should you do? A. Use Standard International Phonetics for each letter of your call B. Use any words which start with the same letters as your call sign for each letter of your call C. Talk louder D. Turn up your microphone gain N2B Radio teleprinting; packet; repeater operating procedures; special operations. N2B01 (B) What is the correct way to call CQ when using RTTY? A. Send the letters "CQ" three times, followed by "DE," followed by your call sign sent once B. Send the letters "CQ" three to six times, followed by "DE," followed by your call sign sent three times C. Send the letters "CQ" ten times, followed by the procedural signal "DE," followed by your call sent one time D. Send the letters "CQ" over and over N2B02 (B) What speed should you use when answering a CQ call using RTTY? A. Half the speed of the received signal B. The same speed as the received signal C. Twice the speed of the received signal D. Any speed, since RTTY systems adjust to any signal speed N2B03 (C) What does "connected" mean in a packet-radio link? A. A telephone link is working between two stations B. A message has reached an amateur station for local delivery C. A transmitting station is sending data to only one receiving station; it replies that the data is being received correctly D. A transmitting and receiving station are using a digipeater, so no other contacts can take place until they are finished N2B04 (D) What does "monitoring" mean on a packet-radio frequency? A. The FCC is copying all messages B. A member of the Amateur Auxiliary to the FCC's Field Operations Bureau is copying all messages C. A receiving station is displaying all messages sent to it, and replying that the messages are being received correctly D. A receiving station is displaying messages that may not be sent to it, and is not replying to any message N2B05 (A) What is a digipeater? A. A packet-radio station that retransmits only data that is marked to be retransmitted B. A packet-radio station that retransmits any data that it receives C. A repeater that changes audio signals to digital data D. A repeater built using only digital electronics parts N2B06 (B) What does "network" mean in packet radio? A. A way of connecting terminal-node controllers by telephone so data can be sent over long distances B. A way of connecting packet-radio stations so data can be sent over long distances C. The wiring connections on a terminal-node controller board D. The programming in a terminal-node controller that rejects other callers if a station is already connected N2B07 (A) What is simplex operation? A. Transmitting and receiving on the same frequency B. Transmitting and receiving over a wide area C. Transmitting on one frequency and receiving on another D. Transmitting one-way communications N2B08 (B) When should you use simplex operation instead of a repeater? A. When the most reliable communications are needed B. When a contact is possible without using a repeater C. When an emergency telephone call is needed D. When you are traveling and need some local information N2B09 (C) What is a good way to make contact on a repeater? A. Say the call sign of the station you want to contact three times B. Say the other operator's name, then your call sign three times C. Say the call sign of the station you want to contact, then your call sign D. Say, "Breaker, breaker," then your call sign N2B10 (A) When using a repeater to communicate, what do you need to know about the repeater besides its output frequency? A. Its input frequency B. Its call sign C. Its power level D. Whether or not it has a phone patch N2B11 (D) What is the main purpose of a repeater? A. To make local information available 24 hours a day B. To link amateur stations with the telephone system C. To retransmit NOAA weather information during severe storm warnings D. To increase the range of portable and mobile stations N2B12 (A) What does it mean to say that a repeater has an input and an output frequency? A. The repeater receives on one frequency and transmits on another B. The repeater offers a choice of operating frequency, in case one is busy C. One frequency is used to control the repeater and another is used to retransmit received signals D. The repeater must receive an access code on one frequency before retransmitting received signals N2B13 (C) What is an autopatch? A. Something that automatically selects the strongest signal to be repeated B. A device which connects a mobile station to the next repeater if it moves out of range of the first C. A device that allows repeater users to make telephone calls from their stations D. A device which locks other stations out of a repeater when there is an important conversation in progress N2B14 (D) What is the purpose of a repeater time-out timer? A. It lets a repeater have a rest period after heavy use B. It logs repeater transmit time to predict when a repeater will fail C. It tells how long someone has been using a repeater D. It limits the amount of time someone can transmit on a repeater N2B15 (B) What is a CTCSS (or PL) tone? A. A special signal used for telecommand control of model craft B. A sub-audible tone added to a carrier which may cause a receiver to accept a signal C. A tone used by repeaters to mark the end of a transmission D. A special signal used for telemetry between amateur space stations and Earth stations SUBELEMENT N3 - RADIO WAVE PROPAGATION [1 exam question - 1 group] N3A Radio wave propagation, line of sight, ground wave, sky wave, sunspots and the sunspot cycle, reflection of VHF/UHF signals. N3A01 (A) When a signal travels in a straight line from one antenna to another, what is this called? A. Line-of-sight propagation B. Straight-line propagation C. Knife-edge diffraction D. Tunnel propagation N3A02 (C) What type of propagation usually occurs from one hand-held VHF transceiver to another nearby? A. Tunnel propagation B. Sky-wave propagation C. Line-of-sight propagation D. Auroral propagation N3A03 (B) How do VHF and UHF radio waves usually travel from a transmitting antenna to a receiving antenna? A. They bend through the ionosphere B. They go in a straight line C. They wander in any direction D. They move in a circle going either east or west from the transmitter N3A04 (C) What can happen to VHF or UHF signals going towards a metal- framed building? A. They will go around the building B. They can be bent by the ionosphere C. They can be easily reflected by the building D. They are sometimes scattered in the ectosphere N3A05 (D) When a signal travels along the surface of the Earth, what is this called? A. Sky-wave propagation B. Knife-edge diffraction C. E-region propagation D. Ground-wave propagation N3A06 (B) How does the range of sky-wave propagation compare to ground-wave propagation? A. It is much shorter B. It is much longer C. It is about the same D. It depends on the weather N3A07 (A) When a signal is returned to earth by the ionosphere, what is this called? A. Sky-wave propagation B. Earth-moon-earth propagation C. Ground-wave propagation D. Tropospheric propagation N3A08 (C) What is the usual cause of sky-wave propagation? A. Signals are reflected by a mountain B. Signals are reflected by the moon C. Signals are bent back to earth by the ionosphere D. Signals are repeated by a repeater N3A09 (C) What is a skip zone? A. An area covered by ground-wave propagation B. An area covered by sky-wave propagation C. An area which is too far away for ground-wave propagation, but too close for sky-wave propagation D. An area which is too far away for ground-wave or sky-wave propagation N3A10 (A) What are the regions of ionized gases high above the earth called? A. The ionosphere B. The troposphere C. The gas region D. The ion zone N3A11 (A) How do sunspots change the ionization of the atmosphere? A. The more sunspots there are, the greater the ionization B. The more sunspots there are, the less the ionization C. Unless there are sunspots, the ionization is zero D. They have no effect N3A12 (C) How long is an average sunspot cycle? A. 2 years B. 5 years C. 11 years D. 17 years SUBELEMENT N4 - AMATEUR RADIO PRACTICES [4 exam questions - 4 groups] N4A Unauthorized use prevention, lightning protection, and station grounding. N4A01 (B) How could you best keep unauthorized persons from using your amateur station at home? A. Use a carrier-operated relay in the main power line B. Use a key-operated on/off switch in the main power line C. Put a "Danger - High Voltage" sign in the station D. Put fuses in the main power line N4A02 (A) How could you best keep unauthorized persons from using a mobile amateur station in your car? A. Disconnect the microphone when you are not using it B. Put a "do not touch" sign on the radio C. Turn the radio off when you are not using it D. Tune the radio to an unused frequency when you are done using it N4A03 (A) Why would you use a key-operated on/off switch in the main power line of your station? A. To keep unauthorized persons from using your station B. For safety, in case the main fuses fail C. To keep the power company from turning off your electricity during an emergency D. For safety, to turn off the station in the event of an emergency N4A04 (D) Why should you ground all antenna and rotator cables when your amateur station is not in use? A. To lock the antenna system in one position B. To avoid radio frequency interference C. To save electricity D. To protect the station and building from lightning damage N4A05 (C) How can an antenna system best be protected from lightning damage? A. Install a balun at the antenna feed point B. Install an RF choke in the antenna feed line C. Ground all antennas when they are not in use D. Install a fuse in the antenna feed line N4A06 (D) How can amateur station equipment best be protected from lightning damage? A. Use heavy insulation on the wiring B. Never turn off the equipment C. Disconnect the ground system from all radios D. Disconnect all equipment from the power lines and antenna cables N4A07 (B) For best protection from electrical shock, what should be grounded in an amateur station? A. The power supply primary B. All station equipment C. The antenna feed line D. The AC power mains N4A08 (A) What is usually a good indoor grounding point for an amateur station? A. A metallic cold water pipe B. A plastic cold water pipe C. A window screen D. A metallic natural gas pipe N4A09 (C) Where should you connect the chassis of each piece of your station equipment to best protect against electrical shock? A. To insulated shock mounts B. To the antenna C. To a good ground connection D. To a circuit breaker N4A10 (B) Which of these materials is best for a ground rod driven into the earth? A. Hard plastic B. Copper or copper-clad steel C. Iron or steel D. Fiberglass N4A11 (C) If you ground your station equipment to a ground rod driven into the earth, what is the shortest length the rod should be? A. 4 feet B. 6 feet C. 8 feet D. 10 feet N4B Radio frequency safety precautions, safety interlocks, antenna installation safety procedures. N4B01 (B) What should you do for safety when operating at 1270 MHz? A. Make sure that an RF leakage filter is installed at the antenna feed point B. Keep antenna away from your eyes when RF is applied C. Make sure the standing wave ratio is low before you conduct a test D. Never use a shielded horizontally polarized antenna N4B02 (A) What should you do for safety if you put up a UHF transmitting antenna? A. Make sure the antenna will be in a place where no one can get near it when you are transmitting B. Make sure that RF field screens are in place C. Make sure the antenna is near the ground to keep its RF energy pointing in the correct direction D. Make sure you connect an RF leakage filter at the antenna feed point N4B03 (C) What should you do for safety before removing the shielding on a UHF power amplifier? A. Make sure all RF screens are in place at the antenna feed line B. Make sure the antenna feed line is properly grounded C. Make sure the amplifier cannot accidentally be turned on D. Make sure that RF leakage filters are connected N4B04 (A) Why should you use only good quality coaxial cable and connectors for a UHF antenna system? A. To keep RF loss low B. To keep television interference high C. To keep the power going to your antenna system from getting too high D. To keep the standing wave ratio of your antenna system high N4B05 (B) Why should you make sure the antenna of a hand-held transceiver is not close to your head when transmitting? A. To help the antenna radiate energy equally in all directions B. To reduce your exposure to the radio-frequency energy C. To use your body to reflect the signal in one direction D. To keep static charges from building up N4B06 (D) Microwave oven radiation is similar to what type of amateur station RF radiation? A. Signals in the 3.5 MHz range B. Signals in the 21 MHz range C. Signals in the 50 MHz range D. Signals in the 1270 MHz range N4B07 (D) Why would there be a switch in a high-voltage power supply to turn off the power if its cabinet is opened? A. To keep dangerous RF radiation from leaking out through an open cabinet B. To keep dangerous RF radiation from coming in through an open cabinet C. To turn the power supply off when it is not being used D. To keep anyone opening the cabinet from getting shocked by dangerous high voltages N4B08 (D) What kind of safety equipment should you wear if you are working on an antenna tower? A. A grounding chain B. A reflective vest of approved color C. A flashing red, yellow or white light D. A carefully inspected safety belt, hard hat and safety glasses N4B09 (D) Why should you wear a safety belt if you are working on an antenna tower? A. To safely hold your tools so they don't fall and injure someone on the ground B. To keep the tower from becoming unbalanced while you are working C. To safely bring any tools you might use up and down the tower D. To prevent you from accidentally falling N4B10 (A) For safety, how high should you place a horizontal wire antenna? A. High enough so that no one can touch any part of it from the ground B. As close to the ground as possible C. Just high enough so you can easily reach it for adjustments or repairs D. Above high-voltage electrical lines N4B11 (C) Why should you wear a hard hat if you are on the ground helping someone work on an antenna tower? A. So you won't be hurt if the tower should accidentally fall B. To keep RF energy away from your head during antenna testing C. To protect your head from something dropped from the tower D. So someone passing by will know that work is being done on the tower and will stay away N4C SWR meaning and measurements. N4C01 (C) What instrument is used to measure standing wave ratio? A. An ohmmeter B. An ammeter C. An SWR meter D. A current bridge N4C02 (D) What instrument is used to measure the relative impedance match between an antenna and its feed line? A. An ammeter B. An ohmmeter C. A voltmeter D. An SWR meter N4C03 (A) Where would you connect an SWR meter to measure standing wave ratio? A. Between the feed line and the antenna B. Between the transmitter and the power supply C. Between the transmitter and the receiver D. Between the transmitter and the ground N4C04 (B) What does an SWR reading of 1:1 mean? A. An antenna for another frequency band is probably connected B. The best impedance match has been attained C. No power is going to the antenna D. The SWR meter is broken N4C05 (C) What does an SWR reading of less than 1.5:1 mean? A. An impedance match which is too low B. An impedance mismatch; something may be wrong with the antenna system C. A fairly good impedance match D. An antenna gain of 1.5 N4C06 (D) What does an SWR reading of 4:1 mean? A. An impedance match which is too low B. An impedance match which is good, but not the best C. An antenna gain of 4 D. An impedance mismatch; something may be wrong with the antenna system N4C07 (A) What kind of SWR reading may mean poor electrical contact between parts of an antenna system? A. A jumpy reading B. A very low reading C. No reading at all D. A negative reading N4C08 (A) What does a very high SWR reading mean? A. The antenna is the wrong length, or there may be an open or shorted connection somewhere in the feed line B. The signals coming from the antenna are unusually strong, which means very good radio conditions C. The transmitter is putting out more power than normal, showing that it is about to go bad D. There is a large amount of solar radiation, which means very poor radio conditions N4C09 (B) If an SWR reading at the low frequency end of an amateur band is 2.5:1, and is 5:1 at the high frequency end of the same band, what does this tell you about your 1/2-wavelength dipole antenna? A. The antenna is broadbanded B. The antenna is too long for operation on the band C. The antenna is too short for operation on the band D. The antenna is just right for operation on the band N4C10 (C) If an SWR reading at the low frequency end of an amateur band is 5:1, and 2.5:1 at the high frequency end of the same band, what does this tell you about your 1/2-wavelength dipole antenna? A. The antenna is broadbanded B. The antenna is too long for operation on the band C. The antenna is too short for operation on the band D. The antenna is just right for operation on the band N4C11 (A) If you use a 3-30 MHz RF-power meter at UHF frequencies, how accurate will its readings be? A. They may not be accurate at all B. They will be accurate enough to get by C. They will be accurate but the readings must be divided by two D. They will be accurate but the readings must be multiplied by two N4D RFI and its complications. N4D01 (C) What is meant by receiver overload? A. Too much voltage from the power supply B. Too much current from the power supply C. Interference caused by strong signals from a nearby transmitter D. Interference caused by turning the volume up too high N4D02 (B) What is one way to tell if radio-frequency interference to a receiver is caused by front-end overload? A. If connecting a low-pass filter to the transmitter greatly cuts down the interference B. If the interference is about the same no matter what frequency is used for the transmitter C. If connecting a low-pass filter to the receiver greatly cuts down the interference D. If grounding the receiver makes the problem worse N4D03 (C) If your neighbor reports television interference whenever you are transmitting from your amateur station, no matter what frequency band you use, what is probably the cause of the interference? A. Too little transmitter harmonic suppression B. Receiver VR tube discharge C. Receiver overload D. Incorrect antenna length N4D04 (D) If your neighbor reports television interference on one or two channels only when you are transmitting on the 15-meter band, what is probably the cause of the interference? A. Too much low-pass filtering on the transmitter B. De-ionization of the ionosphere near your neighbor's TV antenna C. TV receiver front-end overload D. Harmonic radiation from your transmitter N4D05 (B) What type of filter should be connected to a TV receiver as the first step in trying to prevent RF overload from an amateur HF station transmission? A. Low-pass B. High-pass C. Band pass D. Notch N4D06 (B) What type of filter might be connected to an amateur HF transmitter to cut down on harmonic radiation? A. A key-click filter B. A low-pass filter C. A high-pass filter D. A CW filter N4D07 (A) What is meant by harmonic radiation? A. Unwanted signals at frequencies which are multiples of the fundamental (chosen) frequency B. Unwanted signals that are combined with a 60-Hz hum C. Unwanted signals caused by sympathetic vibrations from a nearby transmitter D. Signals which cause skip propagation to occur N4D08 (A) Why is harmonic radiation from an amateur station not wanted? A. It may cause interference to other stations and may result in out-of-band signals B. It uses large amounts of electric power C. It may cause sympathetic vibrations in nearby transmitters D. It may cause auroras in the air N4D09 (A) What type of interference may come from a multi-band antenna connected to a poorly tuned transmitter? A. Harmonic radiation B. Auroral distortion C. Parasitic excitation D. Intermodulation N4D10 (C) What is the main purpose of shielding in a transmitter? A. It gives the low-pass filter a solid support B. It helps the sound quality of transmitters C. It prevents unwanted RF radiation D. It helps keep electronic parts warmer and more stable N4D11 (A) If you are told that your amateur station is causing television interference, what should you do? A. First make sure that your station is operating properly, and that it does not cause interference to your own television B. Immediately turn off your transmitter and contact the nearest FCC office for assistance C. Connect a high-pass filter to the transmitter output and a low-pass filter to the antenna-input terminals of the television D. Continue operating normally, because you have no reason to worry about the interference SUBELEMENT N5 - ELECTRICAL PRINCIPLES [4 exam questions - 4 groups] N5A Metric prefixes, ie pico, micro, milli, centi, kilo, mega, giga. N5A01 (B) If a dial marked in kilohertz shows a reading of 7125 kHz, what would it show if it were marked in megahertz? A. 0.007125 MHz B. 7.125 MHz C. 71.25 MHz D. 7,125,000 MHz N5A02 (C) If a dial marked in megahertz shows a reading of 3.525 MHz, what would it show if it were marked in kilohertz? A. 0.003525 kHz B. 35.25 kHz C. 3525 kHz D. 3,525,000 kHz N5A03 (D) If a dial marked in kilohertz shows a reading of 3725 kHz, what would it show if it were marked in hertz? A. 3,725 Hz B. 37.25 Hz C. 3,725 Hz D. 3,725,000 Hz N5A04 (B) How long is an antenna that is 400 centimeters long? A. 0.0004 meters B. 4 meters C. 40 meters D. 40,000 meters N5A05 (C) If an ammeter marked in amperes is used to measure a 3000- milliampere current, what reading would it show? A. 0.003 amperes B. 0.3 amperes C. 3 amperes D. 3,000,000 amperes N5A06 (B) If a voltmeter marked in volts is used to measure a 3500- millivolt potential, what reading would it show? A. 0.35 volts B. 3.5 volts C. 35 volts D. 350 volts N5A07 (B) How many farads is 500,000 microfarads? A. 0.0005 farads B. 0.5 farads C. 500 farads D. 500,000,000 farads N5A08 (B) How many microfarads is 1,000,000 picofarads? A. 0.001 microfarads B. 1 microfarad C. 1,000 microfarads D. 1,000,000,000 microfarads N5A09 (C) How many hertz are in a kilohertz? A. 10 B. 100 C. 1000 D. 1000000 N5A10 (C) How many kilohertz are in a megahertz? A. 10 B. 100 C. 1000 D. 1000000 N5A11 (B) If you have a hand-held transceiver which puts out 500 milliwatts, how many watts would this be? A. 0.02 B. 0.5 C. 5 D. 50 N5B Concepts of current, voltage, conductor, insulator, resistance, and the measurements thereof. N5B01 (D) What is the flow of electrons in an electric circuit called? A. Voltage B. Resistance C. Capacitance D. Current N5B02 (C) What is the basic unit of electric current? A. The volt B. The watt C. The ampere D. The ohm N5B03 (B) What is the pressure that forces electrons to flow through a circuit? A. Magnetomotive force, or inductance B. Electromotive force, or voltage C. Farad force, or capacitance D. Thermal force, or heat N5B04 (A) What is the basic unit of voltage? A. The volt B. The watt C. The ampere D. The ohm N5B05 (A) How much voltage does an automobile battery usually supply? A. About 12 volts B. About 30 volts C. About 120 volts D. About 240 volts N5B06 (C) How much voltage does a wall outlet usually supply (in the US)? A. About 12 volts B. About 30 volts C. About 120 volts D. About 480 volts N5B07 (C) What are three good electrical conductors? A. Copper, gold, mica B. Gold, silver, wood C. Gold, silver, aluminum D. Copper, aluminum, paper N5B08 (A) What are four good electrical insulators? A. Glass, air, plastic, porcelain B. Glass, wood, copper, porcelain C. Paper, glass, air, aluminum D. Plastic, rubber, wood, carbon N5B09 (B) What does an electrical insulator do? A. It lets electricity flow through it in one direction B. It does not let electricity flow through it C. It lets electricity flow through it when light shines on it D. It lets electricity flow through it N5B10 (D) What limits the amount of current that flows through a circuit if the voltage stays the same? A. Reliance B. Reactance C. Saturation D. Resistance N5B11 (D) What is the basic unit of resistance? A. The volt B. The watt C. The ampere D. The ohm N5C Ohm's Law (any calculations will be kept to a very low level - no fractions or decimals) and the concepts of energy and power, and open and short circuits. N5C01 (A) What formula shows how voltage, current and resistance relate to each other in an electric circuit? A. Ohm's Law B. Kirchhoff's Law C. Ampere's Law D. Tesla's Law N5C02 (C) If a current of 2 amperes flows through a 50-ohm resistor, what is the voltage across the resistor? A. 25 volts B. 52 volts C. 100 volts D. 200 volts N5C03 (B) If a 100-ohm resistor is connected to 200 volts, what is the current through the resistor? A. 1/2 ampere B. 2 amperes C. 300 amperes D. 20000 amperes N5C04 (A) If a current of 3 amperes flows through a resistor connected to 90 volts, what is the resistance? A. 30 ohms B. 93 ohms C. 270 ohms D. 1/30 ohm N5C05 (C) What is the word used to describe how fast electrical energy is used? A. Resistance B. Current C. Power D. Voltage N5C06 (C) If you have light bulbs marked 60 watts, 75 watts and 100 watts, which one will use electrical energy the fastest? A. The 60 watt bulb B. The 75 watt bulb C. The 100 watt bulb D. They will all be the same N5C07 (B) What is the basic unit of electrical power? A. The ohm B. The watt C. The volt D. The ampere N5C08 (C) Which electrical circuit can have no current? A. A closed circuit B. A short circuit C. An open circuit D. A complete circuit N5C09 (D) Which electrical circuit uses too much current? A. An open circuit B. A dead circuit C. A closed circuit D. A short circuit N5C10 (B) What is the name of a current that flows only in one direction? A. An alternating current B. A direct current C. A normal current D. A smooth current N5C11 (A) What is the name of a current that flows back and forth, first in one direction, then in the opposite direction? A. An alternating current B. A direct current C. A rough current D. A reversing current N5D Concepts of frequency, including AC vs DC, frequency units, AF vs RF and wavelength. N5D01 (D) What term means the number of times per second that an alternating current flows back and forth? A. Pulse rate B. Speed C. Wavelength D. Frequency N5D02 (A) What is the basic unit of frequency? A. The hertz B. The watt C. The ampere D. The ohm N5D03 (B) What frequency can humans hear? A. 0 - 20 Hz B. 20 - 20,000 Hz C. 200 - 200,000 Hz D. 10,000 - 30,000 Hz N5D04 (B) Why do we call signals in the range 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz audio frequencies? A. Because the human ear cannot sense anything in this range B. Because the human ear can sense sounds in this range C. Because this range is too low for radio energy D. Because the human ear can sense radio waves in this range N5D05 (C) What is the lowest frequency of electrical energy that is usually known as a radio frequency? A. 20 Hz B. 2,000 Hz C. 20,000 Hz D. 1,000,000 Hz N5D06 (B) Electrical energy at a frequency of 7125 kHz is in what frequency range? A. Audio B. Radio C. Hyper D. Super-high N5D07 (C) If a radio wave makes 3,725,000 cycles in one second, what does this mean? A. The radio wave's voltage is 3,725 kilovolts B. The radio wave's wavelength is 3,725 kilometers C. The radio wave's frequency is 3,725 kilohertz D. The radio wave's speed is 3,725 kilometers per second N5D08 (C) What is the name for the distance an AC signal travels during one complete cycle? A. Wave speed B. Waveform C. Wavelength D. Wave spread N5D09 (A) What happens to a signal's wavelength as its frequency increases? A. It gets shorter B. It gets longer C. It stays the same D. It disappears N5D10 (A) What happens to a signal's frequency as its wavelength gets longer? A. It goes down B. It goes up C. It stays the same D. It disappears N5D11 (B) What does 60 hertz (Hz) mean? A. 6000 cycles per second B. 60 cycles per second C. 6000 meters per second D. 60 meters per second SUBELEMENT N6 - CIRCUIT COMPONENTS [2 exam questions - 2 groups] N6A Electrical function and/or schematic representation of resistor, switch, fuse, or battery. N6A01 (B) What can a single-pole, double-throw switch do? A. It can switch one input to one output B. It can switch one input to either of two outputs C. It can switch two inputs at the same time, one input to either of two outputs, and the other input to either of two outputs D. It can switch two inputs at the same time, one input to one output, and the other input to another output N6A02 (D) What can a double-pole, single-throw switch do? A. It can switch one input to one output B. It can switch one input to either of two outputs C. It can switch two inputs at the same time, one input to either of two outputs, and the other input to either of two outputs D. It can switch two inputs at the same time, one input to one output, and the other input to the other output N6A03 (A) Which component has a positive and a negative side? A. A battery B. A potentiometer C. A fuse D. A resistor N6A04 (B) Which component has a value that can be changed? A. A single-cell battery B. A potentiometer C. A fuse D. A resistor N6A05 (B) In Figure N6-1 which symbol represents a variable resistor or potentiometer? A. Symbol 1 B. Symbol 2 C. Symbol 3 D. Symbol 4 N6A06 (C) In Figure N6-1 which symbol represents a fixed resistor? A. Symbol 1 B. Symbol 2 C. Symbol 3 D. Symbol 4 N6A07 (A) In Figure N6-1 which symbol represents a fuse? A. Symbol 1 B. Symbol 2 C. Symbol 3 D. Symbol 4 N6A08 (D) In Figure N6-1 which symbol represents a single-cell battery? A. Symbol 1 B. Symbol 2 C. Symbol 3 D. Symbol 4 N6A09 (A) In Figure N6-2 which symbol represents a single-pole, single- throw switch? A. Symbol 1 B. Symbol 2 C. Symbol 3 D. Symbol 4 N6A10 (D) In Figure N6-2 which symbol represents a single-pole, double- throw switch? A. Symbol 1 B. Symbol 2 C. Symbol 3 D. Symbol 4 N6A11 (C) In Figure N6-2 which symbol represents a double-pole, single- throw switch? A. Symbol 1 B. Symbol 2 C. Symbol 3 D. Symbol 4 N6A12 (B) In Figure N6-2 which symbol represents a double-pole, double- throw switch? A. Symbol 1 B. Symbol 2 C. Symbol 3 D. Symbol 4 N6B Electrical function and/or schematic representation of a ground, antenna, transistor, or a triode vacuum tube. N6B01 (A) Which component can amplify a small signal using low voltages? A. A PNP transistor B. A variable resistor C. An electrolytic capacitor D. A multiple-cell battery N6B02 (B) Which component conducts electricity from a negative emitter to a positive collector when its base voltage is made positive? A. A variable resistor B. An NPN transistor C. A triode vacuum tube D. A multiple-cell battery N6B03 (A) Which component is used to radiate radio energy? A. An antenna B. An earth ground C. A chassis ground D. A potentiometer N6B04 (D) In Figure N6-3 which symbol represents an earth ground? A. Symbol 1 B. Symbol 2 C. Symbol 3 D. Symbol 4 N6B05 (A) In Figure N6-3 which symbol represents a chassis ground? A. Symbol 1 B. Symbol 2 C. Symbol 3 D. Symbol 4 N6B06 (C) In Figure N6-3 which symbol represents an antenna? A. Symbol 1 B. Symbol 2 C. Symbol 3 D. Symbol 4 N6B07 (D) In Figure N6-4 which symbol represents an NPN transistor? A. Symbol 1 B. Symbol 2 C. Symbol 3 D. Symbol 4 N6B08 (A) In Figure N6-4 which symbol represents a PNP transistor? A. Symbol 1 B. Symbol 2 C. Symbol 3 D. Symbol 4 N6B09 (B) In Figure N6-4 which symbol represents a triode vacuum tube? A. Symbol 1 B. Symbol 2 C. Symbol 3 D. Symbol 4 N6B10 (A) What is one reason a triode vacuum tube might be used instead of a transistor in a circuit? A. It handles higher power B. It uses lower voltages C. It uses less current D. It is much smaller N6B11 (C) Which component can amplify a small signal but must use high voltages? A. A transistor B. An electrolytic capacitor C. A vacuum tube D. A multiple-cell battery SUBELEMENT N7 - PRACTICAL CIRCUITS [2 exam questions - 2 groups] N7A Functional layout of transmitter, transceiver, receiver, power supply, antenna, antenna switch, antenna feed line, impedance-matching device, SWR meter. N7A01 (B) What would you connect to your transceiver if you wanted to switch it between more than one type of antenna? A. A terminal-node switch B. An antenna switch C. A telegraph key switch D. A high-pass filter N7A02 (C) What device might allow use of an antenna on a band it was not designed for? A. An SWR meter B. A low-pass filter C. An antenna tuner D. A high-pass filter N7A03 (D) What connects your transceiver to your antenna? A. A dummy load B. A ground wire C. The power cord D. A feed line N7A04 (B) What might you connect between your transceiver and an antenna switch connected to several types of antennas? A. A high-pass filter B. An SWR meter C. A key-click filter D. A mixer N7A05 (D) If your SWR meter is connected to an antenna tuner on one side, what would you connect to the other side of it? A. A power supply B. An antenna C. An antenna switch D. A transceiver N7A06 (D) Which of these should never be connected to the output of a transceiver? A. An antenna switch B. An SWR meter C. An antenna D. A receiver N7A07 (A) If your mobile transceiver works in your car but not in your home, what should you check first? A. The power supply B. The speaker C. The microphone D. The SWR meter N7A08 (A) What does an antenna tuner do? A. It matches a transceiver to a mismatched antenna system B. It helps a receiver automatically tune in stations that are far away C. It switches an antenna system to a transceiver when sending, and to a receiver when listening D. It switches a transceiver between different kinds of antennas connected to one feed line N7A09 (B) In Figure N7-1, if block 1 is a transceiver and block 3 is a dummy antenna what is block 2? A. A terminal-node switch B. An antenna switch C. A telegraph key switch D. A high-pass filter N7A10 (A) In Figure N7-2, if block 2 is an SWR meter and block 3 is an antenna switch, what is block 1? A. A transceiver B. A high-pass filter C. An antenna tuner D. A modem N7A11 (B) In Figure N7-3, if block 1 is a transceiver and block 2 is an SWR meter, what is block 3? A. An antenna switch B. An antenna tuner C. A key-click filter D. A terminal-node controller N7A12 (C) What device converts household current to 12 VDC? A. A catalytic converter B. A low-pass filter C. A power supply D. An RS-232 interface N7A13 (C) Which of these usually needs a heavy-duty power supply? A. An SWR meter B. A receiver C. A transceiver D. An antenna switch N7B Station layout and accessories for telegraphy, radiotelephone, radioteleprinter or packet N7B01 (B) What would you connect to a transceiver to send Morse code? A. A terminal-node controller B. A telegraph key C. An SWR meter D. An antenna switch N7B02 (C) Where would you connect a telegraph key to send Morse code? A. To a power supply B. To an antenna switch C. To a transceiver D. To an antenna N7B03 (B) What do many amateurs use to help form good Morse code characters? A. A key-operated on/off switch B. An electronic keyer C. A key-click filter D. A DTMF keypad N7B04 (C) Where would you connect a microphone for voice operation? A. To a power supply B. To an antenna switch C. To a transceiver D. To an antenna N7B05 (D) What would you connect to a transceiver for voice operation? A. A splatter filter B. A terminal-voice controller C. A receiver audio filter D. A microphone N7B06 (A) What would you connect to a transceiver for RTTY operation? A. A modem and a teleprinter or computer system B. A computer, a printer and a RTTY refresh unit C. A terminal voice controller D. A modem, a monitor and a DTMF keypad N7B07 (C) What would you connect between a transceiver and a computer system or teleprinter for RTTY operation? A. An RS-232 interface B. A DTMF keypad C. A modem D. A terminal-network controller N7B08 (A) What would you connect between a computer system and a transceiver for packet-radio operation? A. A terminal-node controller B. A DTMF keypad C. An SWR bridge D. An antenna tuner N7B09 (C) Where would you connect a terminal-node controller for packet- radio operation? A. Between your antenna and transceiver B. Between your computer and monitor C. Between your computer and transceiver D. Between your keyboard and computer N7B10 (D) In RTTY operation, what equipment connects to a modem? A. A DTMF keypad, a monitor and a transceiver B. A DTMF microphone, a monitor and a transceiver C. A transceiver and a terminal-network controller D. A transceiver and a teleprinter or computer system N7B11 (B) In packet-radio operation, what equipment connects to a terminal- node controller? A. A transceiver and a modem B. A transceiver and a terminal or computer system C. A DTMF keypad, a monitor and a transceiver D. A DTMF microphone, a monitor and a transceiver SUBELEMENT N8 - SIGNALS AND EMISSIONS [2 exam questions - 2 groups] N8A Emission types, key clicks, chirps or superimposed hum. N8A01 (B) How is CW usually transmitted? A. By frequency-shift keying an RF signal B. By on/off keying an RF signal C. By audio-frequency-shift keying an oscillator tone D. By on/off keying an audio-frequency signal N8A02 (A) How is RTTY usually transmitted? A. By frequency-shift keying an RF signal B. By on/off keying an RF signal C. By digital pulse-code keying of an unmodulated carrier D. By on/off keying an audio-frequency signal N8A03 (C) What is the name for international Morse code emissions? A. RTTY B. Data C. CW D. Phone N8A04 (A) What is the name for narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy emissions? A. RTTY B. Data C. CW D. Phone N8A05 (B) What is the name for packet-radio emissions? A. RTTY B. Data C. CW D. Phone N8A06 (D) What is the name for voice emissions? A. RTTY B. Data C. CW D. Phone N8A07 (D) How can you prevent key clicks? A. By sending CW more slowly B. By increasing power C. By using a better power supply D. By using a key-click filter N8A08 (C) What does chirp mean? A. An overload in a receiver's audio circuit whenever CW is received B. A high-pitched tone which is received along with a CW signal C. A small change in a transmitter's frequency each time it is keyed D. A slow change in transmitter frequency as the circuit warms up N8A09 (D) What can be done to keep a CW transmitter from chirping? A. Add a low-pass filter B. Use an RF amplifier C. Keep the power supply current very steady D. Keep the power supply voltages very steady N8A10 (D) What may cause a buzzing or hum in the signal of an HF transmitter? A. Using an antenna which is the wrong length B. Energy from another transmitter C. Bad design of the transmitter's RF power output circuit D. A bad filter capacitor in the transmitter's power supply N8A11 (A) Which sideband is commonly used for 10-meter phone operation? A. Upper-sideband B. Lower-sideband C. Amplitude-compandored sideband D. Double-sideband N8B Harmonics and unwanted signals, equipment and adjustments to help reduce interference to others. N8B01 (C) How does the frequency of a harmonic compare to the desired transmitting frequency? A. It is slightly more than the desired frequency B. It is slightly less than the desired frequency C. It is exactly two, or three, or more times the desired frequency D. It is much less than the desired frequency N8B02 (A) What is the fourth harmonic of a 7160-kHz signal? A. 28,640 kHz B. 35,800 kHz C. 28,160 kHz D. 1790 kHz N8B03 (C) If you are told your station was heard on 21,375 kHz, but at the time you were operating on 7125 kHz, what is one reason this could happen? A. Your transmitter's power-supply filter capacitor was bad B. You were sending CW too fast C. Your transmitter was radiating harmonic signals D. Your transmitter's power-supply filter choke was bad N8B04 (D) If someone tells you that signals from your hand-held transceiver are interfering with other signals on a frequency near yours, what may be the cause? A. You may need a power amplifier for your hand-held B. Your hand-held may have chirp from weak batteries C. You may need to turn the volume up on your hand-held D. Your hand-held may be transmitting spurious emissions N8B05 (D) If your transmitter sends signals outside the band where it is transmitting, what is this called? A. Off-frequency emissions B. Transmitter chirping C. Side tones D. Spurious emissions N8B06 (A) What problem may occur if your transmitter is operated without the cover and other shielding in place? A. It may transmit spurious emissions B. It may transmit a chirpy signal C. It may transmit a weak signal D. It may interfere with other stations operating near its frequency N8B07 (B) What may happen if an SSB transmitter is operated with the microphone gain set too high? A. It may cause digital interference to computer equipment B. It may cause splatter interference to other stations operating near its frequency C. It may cause atmospheric interference in the air around the antenna D. It may cause interference to other stations operating on a higher frequency band N8B08 (B) What may happen if an SSB transmitter is operated with too much speech processing? A. It may cause digital interference to computer equipment B. It may cause splatter interference to other stations operating near its frequency C. It may cause atmospheric interference in the air around the antenna D. It may cause interference to other stations operating on a higher frequency band N8B09 (B) What may happen if an FM transmitter is operated with the microphone gain or deviation control set too high? A. It may cause digital interference to computer equipment B. It may cause interference to other stations operating near its frequency C. It may cause atmospheric interference in the air around the antenna D. It may cause interference to other stations operating on a higher frequency band N8B10 (B) What may your FM hand-held or mobile transceiver do if you shout into its microphone? A. It may cause digital interference to computer equipment B. It may cause interference to other stations operating near its frequency C. It may cause atmospheric interference in the air around the antenna D. It may cause interference to other stations operating on a higher frequency band N8B11 (D) What can you do if you are told your FM hand-held or mobile transceiver is over deviating? A. Talk louder into the microphone B. Let the transceiver cool off C. Change to a higher power level D. Talk farther away from the microphone SUBELEMENT N9 - ANTENNAS AND FEED LINES [3 exam questions - 3 groups] N9A Wavelength vs antenna length. N9A01 (D) How do you calculate the length (in feet) of a half-wavelength dipole antenna? A. Divide 150 by the antenna's operating frequency (in MHz) [150/f(in MHz)] B. Divide 234 by the antenna's operating frequency (in MHz) [234/f (in MHz)] C. Divide 300 by the antenna's operating frequency (in MHz) [300/f (in MHz)] D. Divide 468 by the antenna's operating frequency (in MHz) [468/f (in MHz)] N9A02 (B) How do you calculate the length (in feet) of a quarter-wavelength vertical antenna? A. Divide 150 by the antenna's operating frequency (in MHz) [150/f (in MHz)] B. Divide 234 by the antenna's operating frequency (in MHz) [234/f (in MHz)] C. Divide 300 by the antenna's operating frequency (in MHz) [300/f (in MHz)] D. Divide 468 by the antenna's operating frequency (in MHz) [468/f (in MHz)] N9A03 (A) If you made a half-wavelength dipole antenna for 3725 kHz, how long would it be (to the nearest foot)? A. 126 ft B. 81 ft C. 63 ft D. 40 ft N9A04 (C) If you made a half-wavelength dipole antenna for 28.150 MHz, how long would it be (to the nearest foot)? A. 22 ft B. 11 ft C. 17 ft D. 34 ft N9A05 (D) If you made a quarter-wavelength vertical antenna for 7125 kHz, how long would it be (to the nearest foot)? A. 11 ft B. 16 ft C. 21 ft D. 33 ft N9A06 (B) If you made a quarter-wavelength vertical antenna for 21.125 MHz, how long would it be (to the nearest foot)? A. 7 ft B. 11 ft C. 14 ft D. 22 ft N9A07 (C) If you made a half-wavelength vertical antenna for 223 MHz, how long would it be (to the nearest inch)? A. 112 inches B. 50 inches C. 25 inches D. 12 inches N9A08 (A) If an antenna is made longer, what happens to its resonant frequency? A. It decreases B. It increases C. It stays the same D. It disappears N9A09 (B) If an antenna is made shorter, what happens to its resonant frequency? A. It decreases B. It increases C. It stays the same D. It disappears N9A10 (A) How could you lower the resonant frequency of a dipole antenna? A. Lengthen the antenna B. Shorten the antenna C. Use less feed line D. Use a smaller size feed line N9A11 (B) How could you raise the resonant frequency of a dipole antenna? A. Lengthen the antenna B. Shorten the antenna C. Use more feed line D. Use a larger size feed line N9B Yagi parts, concept of directional antennas, and safety near antennas. N9B01 (B) In what direction does a Yagi antenna send out radio energy? A. It goes out equally in all directions B. Most of it goes in one direction C. Most of it goes equally in two opposite directions D. Most of it is aimed high into the air N9B02 (C) About how long is the driven element of a Yagi antenna? A. 1/4 wavelength B. 1/3 wavelength C. 1/2 wavelength D. 1 wavelength N9B03 (D) In Diagram N9-1, what is the name of element 2 of the Yagi antenna? A. Director B. Reflector C. Boom D. Driven element N9B04 (A) In Diagram N9-1, what is the name of element 3 of the Yagi antenna? A. Director B. Reflector C. Boom D. Driven element N9B05 (B) In Diagram N9-1, what is the name of element 1 of the Yagi antenna? A. Director B. Reflector C. Boom D. Driven element N9B06 (B) Looking at the Yagi antenna in Diagram N9-1, in which direction on the page would it send most of its radio energy? A. Left B. Right C. Top D. Bottom N9B07 (B) Why is a 5/8-wavelength vertical antenna better than a 1/4- wavelength vertical antenna for VHF or UHF mobile operations? A. A 5/8-wavelength antenna can handle more power B. A 5/8-wavelength antenna has more gain C. A 5/8-wavelength antenna has less corona loss D. A 5/8-wavelength antenna is easier to install on a car N9B08 (C) In what direction does a vertical antenna send out radio energy? A. Most of it goes in two opposite directions B. Most of it goes high into the air C. Most of it goes equally in all horizontal directions D. Most of it goes in one direction N9B09 (C) If the ends of a half-wave dipole antenna point east and west, which way would the antenna send out radio energy? A. Equally in all directions B. Mostly up and down C. Mostly north and south D. Mostly east and west N9B10 (A) How should you hold the antenna of a hand-held transceiver while you are transmitting? A. Away from your head and away from others B. Pointed towards the station you are contacting C. Pointed away from the station you are contacting D. Pointed down to bounce the signal off the ground N9B11 (B) Why should your outside antennas be high enough so that no one can touch them while you are transmitting? A. Touching the antenna might cause television interference B. Touching the antenna might cause RF burns C. Touching the antenna might radiate harmonics D. Touching the antenna might reflect the signal back to the transmitter and cause damage N9C Feed lines, baluns and polarization via element orientation. N9C01 (D) What is a coaxial cable? A. Two wires side-by-side in a plastic ribbon B. Two wires side-by-side held apart by insulating rods C. Two wires twisted around each other in a spiral D. A center wire inside an insulating material covered by a metal sleeve or shield N9C02 (B) Why does coaxial cable make a good antenna feed line? A. You can make it at home, and its impedance matches most amateur antennas B. It is weatherproof, and its impedance matches most amateur antennas C. It is weatherproof, and its impedance is higher than that of most amateur antennas D. It can be used near metal objects, and its impedance is higher than that of most amateur antennas N9C03 (B) Which kind of antenna feed line can carry radio energy very well even if it is buried in the ground? A. Twin lead B. Coaxial cable C. Parallel conductor D. Twisted pair N9C04 (A) What is the best antenna feed line to use if it must be put near grounded metal objects? A. Coaxial cable B. Twin lead C. Twisted pair D. Ladder-line N9C05 (B) What is parallel-conductor feed line? A. Two wires twisted around each other in a spiral B. Two wires side-by-side held apart by insulating rods C. A center wire inside an insulating material which is covered by a metal sleeve or shield D. A metal pipe which is as wide or slightly wider than a wavelength of the signal it carries N9C06 (D) What are some reasons to use parallel-conductor feed line? A. It has low impedance, and will operate with a high SWR B. It will operate with a high SWR, and it works well when tied down to metal objects C. It has a low impedance, and has less loss than coaxial cable D. It will operate with a high SWR, and has less loss than coaxial cable N9C07 (A) What are some reasons not to use parallel-conductor feed line? A. It does not work well when tied down to metal objects, and you must use an impedance-matching device with your transceiver B. It is difficult to make at home, and it does not work very well with a high SWR C. It does not work well when tied down to metal objects, and it cannot operate under high power D. You must use an impedance-matching device with your transceiver, and it does not work very well with a high SWR N9C08 (B) What kind of antenna feed line is made of two conductors held apart by insulated rods? A. Coaxial cable B. Open-conductor ladder line C. Twin lead in a plastic ribbon D. Twisted pair N9C09 (C) What would you use to connect a coaxial cable of 50-ohms impedance to an antenna of 35-ohms impedance? A. A terminating resistor B. An SWR meter C. An impedance-matching device D. A low-pass filter N9C10 (D) What does balun mean? A. Balanced antenna network B. Balanced unloader C. Balanced unmodulator D. Balanced to unbalanced N9C11 (A) Where would you install a balun to feed a dipole antenna with 50- ohm coaxial cable? A. Between the coaxial cable and the antenna B. Between the transmitter and the coaxial cable C. Between the antenna and the ground D. Between the coaxial cable and the ground