Subject: Packet Software Versions 92-Aug-15 submitted by: ******************************* * Packet mail - sv1rd@sv2dxc * * Amprnet - * * Email SV1RD@GRATHUN1.BITNET * * also now azahar@leon * ******************************* =================================================================== A versions list copied from packet-radio : The following is the first draft of common packet software dates and versions. There are errors, oversights, and omissions. Comments and corrections are welcome. The dates and versions are accurate as of the date below. During the month it took to accumulate the list, half the packages were updated. The next release will include commercial tnc firmware revisions and commercial packet software revs. # @(#) Packet Software Versions. Fri Jun 12 00:45:53 PDT 1992 Official releases only, no Beta versions. Software is for MSDOS unless otherwise specified ** BBS'S and Nodes Name Vers Date Author/Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------ APLINK 6.04 920224 W5SMM Concurrent Amtor MBO/Packet BBS PAMS 2.03 920315 W5SMM Personal Amtor Mail-Box. AA4RE BBS 2.12 910306 AA4RE Multi-connect Full service BBS. Phone, server, callbook support. CBBS 6.6 900309 K3RLI & AG3F C-language source (orig by W0RLI) ROSERVER PRMBS 1.58 910731 KA2QBE BBS - phone modem support ROSE Swtich (date) 911130 W2VY Node. Routing by telephone prefix WA7MBL BBS 5.14 900211 WA7MBL Full service BBS W0RLI BBS 13.12 ? W0RLI Full service BBS. Requires DesqView and 286/386. Servers. Callbook w/G8BPQ node. AresData 1.5 910120 WN6I & N6KL Remote database. 5 fields per record, 4 searchable. 80 characters per record. G8BPQ NODE 4.05 920321 G8BPQ NET/ROM compatible software node. Supports W0RLI/AA4RE/AresData/etc servers. SV7AIZ BBS 3.24 900405 SV7AIZ Multi connect BBS. TexNet 1.6 910205 Texas Packet Radio Society Node and server support. For use in a central server network. pacKet BBS 5.1 920229 VK2DHU Personal BBS and enhanced terminal program. ASCII and Binary transfer. F6FBB BBS 5.14 920331 F6FBB Multi connect full service BBS. Supports ASCII and Binary (YAPP). Forwards in compressed mode. ** Communications Software (written specifically for packet) Name Vers Date Author/Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------ YAPP 2.0 861218 WA7MBL Tnc2/PK232 Terminal program. Text and binary (YAPP) modes. LAN-LINK 1.59 910327 G3ZCZ Also supports the KAM PK232 MFJ1278 non-packet modes. VIRTUOSO 1.3 ? KE0PH Mac Terminal program PktGOLD 5.5 ? ? Terminal program. Lots of Features. ** Software TNC's for modem only TNC's Name Vers Date Author/Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------ Baycom 1.5 ? PE1OPI TNC PAD emulator. Digicom 64 2.03 ? Commadore 64. TNC PAD emulator. Poor Mans Pkt 1.1 ? Software emulates TNC PAD. ** Firmware Name Vers Date Author/Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------ TAPR TNC-2 1.1.8 ? Tuscon Amateur Packet ** TCP/IP. KISS mode TNC reqd. Must be TAPR TNC-2 1.1.7b or above. Name Vers Date Author/Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------ KA9Q NET K5JB.K10 920318 K5BJ (orig by KA9Q) TCP/IP package with AX.25, ethernet, slip, etc... KA9Q NOS G1EMM 1.6 910119 G1EMM Enhanced KA9Q NOS. TCP/IP MSYS BBS 1.13 920211 WA8BXN Multi connect full service BBS node; tcp/ip support. Phone and servers supported. Reqires KISS mode TNC. WNOS 2b ? DB3FL AmigaNOS 2.8s ? G1YYH MacTCP 2.2 ? N6OYU Mac TCP/IP NET 910123 PE1CHL (orig by KA9Q) BM ? ? ? BDale's Mailer for NOS IM/Mac 1.0b20 ? ON1XK Mac BM Mailer My thanks to: Russ NW6U @ KI6EH.#NOCAL.CA.USA Send corrections to: # Jeff Liebermann Box 272 1540 Jackson Ave Ben Lomond CA 95005 # 408.336.2558 voice [] # 408.699.0483 digital_pager 73557,2074 cis [don't] # uunet!comix!jeffl