* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Announcing the QRZ 'Best of DX' QSL Card Collection * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * From the desk of AA7BQ, June 1994 In the 12 short months that the QRZ! Ham Radio CDROM has been been around, it has become a valuable addition to tens of thousands of ham shacks around the world. As the editor of QRZ, I'm often very envious of the exciting places that my CDROM has seen. Recently, I completed another CDROM called SENTIMENTAL WINGS in which I took a large number of color airplane photographs and made them available along with a custom image viewing program. This led me to wonder what it would be like to take some of the world's best color QSL cards and place them on the QRZ CD! Since I've already got a decent high resolution color scanner it seems that now is the time to make an announcement. Starting with the next edition (Volume 4, December 1994) of the QRZ Ham Radio CDROM, we will begin including a worldwide collection of the best, rarest and most interesting QSL cards from the users of QRZ around the world. Whether you're in the US or the South Pacific, Europe, Africa or anywhere, and you've got a unique QSL card that you'd like to share with your friends around the globe, then please send us a copy right away! If your QSL card is selected to be a part of the collection, it will be digitized on a high resolution color scanner and made available as .GIF file along with the QRZ QSL CardBook image viewing program. We will distribute as many of the QSL card images as space permits. If your card is chosen for the collection, you will automatically be entered into the "QRZ Top Ten QSL" contest where if you make it you will receive a free copy of the next edition of QRZ! and your card will be featured in a special display section on the disc. To enter your QSL card, please send it to the following address: QRZ! Best of DX 8215 E. Wood Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85260 USA QRZ Best of DX QSL Contest Rules The QSL card must be your own and must be addressed to the QRZ address shown above. We cannot use a card which you received from someone else. By entering your card into the contest, you give QRZ the right to scan, publish and use the image of your card in any way that we see fit. Your card will not be returned. You will not be notified of your card's acceptance to the collection prior to the publication of the next QRZ CDROM. In other words, if you see your card on the next CD, then you were accepted. Winners of the "QRZ Top Ten QSL" contest will be notified when they receive their free copy of the CD. QRZ reserves the sole right to accept or reject any QSL card and may withdraw the contest offer at any time without prior notification. If you would like a copy of AA7BQ's own QSL card, please include a self addressed, stamped envelope along with your submission. Good Luck and 73, -fred, AA7BQ