ARRL Technical Information Service Handouts List - rev. 2-28-94 Thank you for requesting the following information from the ARRL Technical Information Service or the ARRL Automated Mail Server ( ARRL HQ is glad to provide this information free of charge as a service to League members and affiliated clubs. For your convenience, you may reproduce this information, electronically or on paper, and distribute it to anyone who needs it, provided that you reproduce it in its entirety and do so free of charge. If you have any questions concerning the reproduction or distribution of this material, please contact Michael Tracy, American Radio Relay League, 225 Main St., Newington, CT 06111 (email: These are paper copies. They are available by sending a 9X12 SASE with two units of postage (or postage as noted) to the ARRL Technical Department Secretary. Please include your postal address for all correspondence to ARRL HQ. Most of these handouts are free. In the one or two instances where we have a $3.00 charge it is indicated. These are from items reprinted from our publications. We do not charge for reprints from our QST Lab Notes column. There is no charge for items relating to safety or EMI. Some of these handouts are available electronically on our ARRL Information Mail Server. Send email to The text of the message should contain the single word help to get the help file. TITLE DESCRIPTION ATV Information about Fast-Scan Amateur Television Bioeffects Bioeffects of RF Energy (Reprint from ARRL Antenna Book) BIBS-List Listing of bibliographies available from the ARRL CX-857 Data Sheets AM Stereo Decoding IC Data (for September 1992 QEX article) DSP General information on Digital Signal Processing Electrical Safety Reprint from ARRL Antenna Book (pgs. 1-8 to 1-16) Emergency Power Reference to QST, April 1993 Lab Notes EMI/RFI Pckg. General information about EMI (see note 2) EMI - Automotive GM and Champion Pamphlets (see note 2) EMI - Bibliography List of QST articles about interference EMI - CATVI Interference to Cable Television Systems (Reprints from Communications Technology) EMI - CB Interference from Non-Amateur Transmitters EMI - Computer Brief suggestions (see note 2) EMI - Consumer Consumer Pamphlet on RFI EMI - Electrical Brief suggestions (see note 2) EMI - Intercom Nutone RFI service bulletins (see notes 2 and 4) EMI - Pacemaker Susceptibility of Cardiac Pacemakers to interference EMI - RF Bulbs Information about RF-driven lamps EMI - Smoke Detector Interference to Smoke Detectors (Reprints from QST, November 1980 and February 1981) EMI - Telephone/FCC FCC Information Bulletin on Telephone Interference EMI - Telephones Reprint from QST, October 1992 Lab Notes (see note 2) EMI - Television Reprint from QST, March 1994 Lab Notes (see note 2) EMI - Touch Lamp Various QST Hints & Kinks reprints (see note 2) EMI - VCR Brief suggestions (see note 2) TIS Handouts List - Page 2 TITLE DESCRIPTION Frequency Counter Reprint of 93 Hbk (pgs. 25-13 to 25-19) - Frequency Counter article (see note 1) G5RV Bibliography of G5RV articles, and reprint from Antenna Compendium I Grid Squares How to Locate them (Reprint from January 1988 QST, pg. 49) Indoor Antennas Select an Indoor Antenna (Reprint from QST, December 1992 Lab Notes) Kits ARRL Kit Mfg. List LCF Calculator Copy of an old out-of-print LCF Calculator Manuals How to Locate Manuals and Documentation Mobile - Marine Maritime Mobile Installation suggestions Moonbounce/EME Information about moonbounce (Reprint from QST, July 1985, pgs. 18-21) Oscar locator Map for the old ARRL Oscar locator Packet Beginner Packet, TCPIP, address coordinators Parts List Ch. 35 of Hbk. & QST, August 1992 Lab Notes (see note 3) PCB's Poly-Chloride Biphenols - General Information Printed Circuit Boards Sources for PCB prototypes and supplies Propagation Introduction Propagation Basics and Terms explained RDF Radio Direction Finding Receiver Tests Technical Descriptions RIG What Rig Should I Buy?? (Reprint from QST, February 1993 Lab Notes) RTTY/AMTOR Getting Started with HF Digital Communications Satellites Information about amateur satellite operation Software Reference to QST, April 1992 Lab Notes SSTV Reprint from QST, January 1993, pg. 20 Stores US stores that sell amateur radio equipment Synchronous Detection Reprint from QEX, September 1992, pg. 9 SWL Tips General information about short-wave listening TCP/IP Getting Started with Amateur TCP/IP TV Channels - CATV General Information Vacuum Tube Data General Information WEFAX Reprint from QST, February 1993, pgs. 31-36 Notes: 1. There is a $3 charge for this package. Those who have purchased the ARRL Handbook from 1988-1991 can obtain this package at no charge. 2. Ask for the EMI/RFI Package plus any of the others. Most of the others assume that you have read the EMI/RFI Package. 3. We will send this along, but we prefer that you buy the Handbook. 4. 98 cents postage is appreciated.