LATEST VERSIONS: Novice v3.3, Technician v3.5, General v2.3, Advanced v2.3, Extra v2.3 This is another announcement about the MacIntosh HamStacks which I have created. If you are not interested, press 'n' now. I have created five HyperCard stacks to help people practice for the written Amateur Radio tests. There is one stack for each of Novice, Technician, General, Advanced and Extra questions. Each stack is an interactive multiple-choice test, created from the entire question pool for that class of license. The test is randomly generated, using the algorithms provided for each of the tests from ARRL, so this is a real- live simulation of the tests you will get in front of a VE. There are some print capabilities (you can print a test with a separate answer key, but it's slow. you can also print your results of how well you did, along with the accompanying correct answer key) and at the end of each test, it will tell you how well you did, allow you to review the missed questions, and allow you to take another randomly generated test. If you can consistently score over 90 on the tests, it's almost a sure guarantee that you will be able to take and pass the VE proctored test. Note that these stacks will only work on a MacIntosh computer. HyperCard version 1.2 or later is required; they were generated with HyperCard version 1.2. Because HyperCard data is NOT stored in any ASCII form, there is no way that this data can be used on other computers, including IBM PCs, so please don't ask for the impossible. Also, I do NOT have access to email these stacks over the computerwaves, nor do I have ftp capability. There are a couple of sites which are supporting these stacks via ftp, as follows: These stacks are supported by ftp by Charley Kline, To access the files, type "ftp", log in as "anonymous", with your email address as the password. Type "binary" at the prompt, then type "cd pub/ham-radio". The five hamstacks are (eg): novice- v3.2.hqx.Z, technician-v3.3.hqx.Z, general-v2.2.hqx.Z, advanced- v2.2.hqx.Z, and extra-v2.2.hqx.Z (or similar names). To retrieve one of the files, (for example, the Novice one), type "get novice-v3.2.hqx.Z". When you're finished retrieving all the files you want, type "quit" to exit ftp. Each file must be uncompressed before moving it to the Mac: "uncompress novice-v3.2.hqx.Z". You need to use Kermit to transfer the files to the Macintosh. The files must then be un-binhexed by UnStuffit, then unstuffed by UnStuffit. The latest versions of the stacks are shown below, and are compressed with Stuffit Classic. UnStuffit is included on the diskette. These versions include modifications for NoCode (very minor changes from v3.0 or v2.0). Novice version 3.3 Technician version 3.5 General version 2.3 Advanced version 2.3 Extra version 2.3 If you wish to receive these PUBLIC DOMAIN stacks from me, please send me a SASE (self addressed STAMPED envelope - 2 ounces postage = .52) and 800K diskette. I will no longer send out the stacks unless the envelope has sufficient postage for return mail (in general, that means .52-.98, depending on size of envelope) and for those who send a standard business envelope, I take no responsibility for the condition of the diskette through USnail. Thank you for your attention. Diana L. Carlson 3 Spruce Street Hudson, NH 03051 Internet: